Fiscal Year 2007 Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2007 Annual Report
Aquidneck Land Trust Our Mission: “Preserving the Island’s open spaces and natural character for the lasting benefit of our community”. Our Values: Founded around 1990 by a dedicated group of Aquidneck Island residents, ALT focused its inaugural efforts on building community awareness of the imperative to conserve and protect open space on this island. Maintaining robust land acquisition activities is the most powerful, tangible and long-term way for ALT to fight environmental threats. Land conservation directly helps conserve water resources, island habitat and biodiversity, local agricultural resources, outdoor recreational and educational opportunities and scenic vistas while also helping mitigate global warming. The Aquidneck Land Trust is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization located on Aquidneck Island in the State of Rhode Island. A Letter from the Board Chair One. Have you heard the one about the Land Trust? It goes like this– How many people does it take to save open space on Aquidneck Island? One. One Peter Merritt. One Louis Escobar. One Portsmouth Town Council. One Newport City Council. One Middletown Town Council. One Ted Clement, David Thalmann, Carolyn du Pont, Andy Arkway, Diana Britton, Jessica Pohl, Courtney Ferreira. One Nunes Family, One van Beuren Family, One Thurston Family. One Michele Foster, Kathy Irving, Steve Haire, Bob Victor, Peter Damon One of you. Land Conservation occurs one unique parcel at a time. One generous land donor, plus one generous supporter, plus one unique parcel… is adding up – and helping us to save the character and spirit of our island… in perpetuity. Together we are safe-guarding our islands’ drinking supplies, natural habitats for indigenous species, spectacular vistas and the space for our childrens’ children to run free and play. So - the answer is one. It takes one of you to save open space on Aquidneck Island. One… Every one. Everyone who will join our ranks, contribute to our program, defend and perpetuate our mission. Every one. Every one on Aquidneck Island. In this report we celebrate the many accomplishments of 2007. But we must also remember that for every acre we saved, one was lost forever to development. I sometimes come across Island residents who tell me the Land Trust doesn’t need their support. They think our coffers are full and our successes guaranteed. Alas, that couldn’t be further from the reality of our situation. We will never raise enough money to save all of the priority properties on this island – not even close. Our success will come from solid strategy – diligent work– amazing generosity – good will – public understanding and support - and a healthy heaping of good luck. But it’s one acre, one parcel, one donor, one landowner at a time. There are approximately 20,000 households on Aquidneck Island. I believe every one of the households should care about the mission of the Aquidneck Land Trust. If you are a resident then the work of the Land Trust has an affect on your quality of life, or your future property value or even your backyard. If you live here, you should be a member! Currently the membership of the Land Trust is about 900 households. That’s 4%. We need to do better. We need more Sheila Reillys. More John McCollochs. More Alison Vareikas and Steve MacGillivrays. More of you. Invite your friends, neighbors, and relatives to join the Aquidneck Land Trust this year. We need every ONE! Thank you for your support! Stuart MacNaught ALT 18th Annual Report A Letter from the Executive Director Dear ALT Supporter: Thanks to your support, ALT was especially successful in Fiscal Year 2007 at conserving and creating outdoor public recreation areas and opportunities. Those efforts will benefit the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual well-being of countless people by providing free natural areas for people to explore. These projects have also created and protected living classrooms where people can go to experience and bond with nature which will promote better stewardship of the Earth as love is the foundation for good stewardship. Consider some of the outdoor public recreation successes of ALT in Fiscal Year 2007. ALT partnered with the City of Newport and the Newport Housing Authority to permanently conserve the 5.47 +/- acre Sunset Hill parcel in the north end of Newport. This property, which will be managed as park land, abuts ALT’s previously conserved Miantonomi Park. ALT has now conserved over 35 contiguous and green acres in the densely developed north end of Newport, a healthy green heart and foundation for that area. By working with the Town of Middletown, ALT put a permanent Conservation Easement on 20.95 +/- acres that include Paradise Valley Park and abutting land. Placing permanent Conservation Easements on municipal parks is important because locally and nationally, many municipal parks that lacked adequate protections have been lost to development. ALT also conserved the 4.53 +/- acre Sweet Flag property with Middletown and Sweet Flag Partners. This previously private owned property will be turned into a public park. ALT made great strides with its Sakonnet Greenway Trail as well. The 1.5 mile segment of the trail beginning at the Town of Portsmouth’s Glen Farm was built and is now open. Middletown also granted an important Trail Easement to ALT on its Wyatt Road recreational complex, thus allowing the Sakonnet Greenway Trail to connect these two municipal public recreation areas. When completed, the Sakonnet Greenway Trail will be over seven miles long making it the longest public trail on Aquidneck Island. ALT presented four free tours to important open space properties as part of its Land Matters Walk & Talk series. We also had a number of other outdoor public recreation successes in Fiscal Year 2007 such as the conservation agreement struck with Newport regarding the Gooseneck Cove area and Morton Park. These successes are especially important considering the message in Richard Louv’s recent book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. That book details the many ways in which modern children are disconnected from the natural world and contends that experiences in nature are essential for both the good of children and the future of the planet. In a recent interview, Richard Louv was quoted as saying, “Studies show that people who care deeply about the future of the environment almost always enjoyed transcendent experiences in nature when they were children. If nature experiences for children continue to fade, where will future stewards of the earth come from?” That statement resonates with me because by the time I was in high school I had decided that I wanted to go into the environmental field based on early experiences I had camping with my family in Vermont, outdoor experiences that I had at my high school which was surrounded by woods, etc. In a November letter to the editor about ALT’s Sakonnet Greenway Trail, published in The Newport Daily News, Mrs. Deb Gedney wrote, “In the age of energy-draining electronics such as computers, cell phones and televisions which keep us indoors and under-exercised, I want to applaud the Aquidneck Land Trust for the countless energy-giving sunrises, sunsets and wildlife sightings that my dog and I have enjoyed walking around Newport National Golf Club and now behind the Glen soccer fields in Portsmouth. A happy Thanksgiving and a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to this group for making so many moments this year priceless for my family and my dog.” Thank you to Mrs. Gedney and all of ALT’s supporters who helped us complete these important outdoor public recreation projects that will pay dividends to the community for years and years to come. Edward Sortwell Clement, Jr. Executive Director ALT 18th Annual Report Map & Protected Properties Common Fence Point pe Ho Mt. idge Br 34 E UT RO Protected Properties 24 The Cove SEE HOW WE ARE GROWING ACRE BY ACRE Arnold Point WIL - Protected Properties LO W LN 2 HE DL Melville EY 37 ST 45 V AN A 16 15 BELLEVUE AVE 1 46 28 OCE Brenton Point State Park Black Point 29 21 Maldford SA River KO N NE TG REE NWA Y IN MA ST 11 12 12 3 39 10 Bird Sanctuary 14 d Gardiner Pond 27 MEMO RIAL BLVD NEWPORT 17 26 47 20 6 n Pon NEWPORT NECK GREENWAY Sandy Point 32 43 4 MIDDLETOWN 22 48 GREEN END AVE 36 33 31 44 Norman Easto Fort Adams State Park ROA nd ’s Po ry St. Ma nd Sisson Po CENTER ISLAND 18 19 41 8 9 13 nd ston Po North Ea OA D ge The Glen 7 40 38 EA MA WE ST Bailey Bro ok WA Y Brid 24 BR port N ST G RD 35 New 30 UNIO WAPPIN 42 AY W N 23 Newport State 5 Airport IN ROAD GR EE wt La Re 25 McCorrie Point D o se n V rv all oir ey PORTSMOUTH Lands End Easton Point Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 The John J. Slocum Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 The Pierce-Anthony Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.50 Middletown Soccer Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.98 Sweet Berry Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77.57 Perry Farm (Including Newport Vineyards) . . . . 82.07 Tibbetts Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.25 Oakland Forest, Meadow and Trail . . . . . . . . . . 30.10 Hodges/ Pennfield School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.88 3S / Portsmouth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.28 Peters Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 Farmlands, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.17 Newport National Golf Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299.42 Nunes Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.00 Braman / Olaynack Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.60 Almy Pond Conservation Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.66 The Whitehouse Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12 Newport Country Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Cousens Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.97 Bally Machree Farm, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.16 Greenscape, LLC / Braman’s Meadow . . . . . . . 10.55 Webster Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.22 Sweet Berry Farm, Inc. / Borges . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.38 Almy-Thurston Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.34 Crystal Spring Water Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.66 Alvarnas / Lacerda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.48 Greenscape, LLC / North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.21 Norman Bird Sanctuary / Third Beach . . . . . . . . 23.87 Joe and Kristal Dockery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.57 Commonwealth Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 Kempanaar Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.80 Clubhouse Partners, LP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.18 Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.62 Sullivan / 3S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.90 State of RI / Town Pond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.55 City of Newport / Miantonomi Park . . . . . . . . . . 29.78 Silvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.30 Escobar’s Highland Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74.98 Elshant Preserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.45 Vaucluse East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128.79 Water Reservoir Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404.21 Brown Preserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.76 Sunset Hills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.47 Sweet Flag Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.53 Paradise Valley Park/Diocese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.95 City of Newport / Gooseneck Cove . . . . . . . . . . 58.00 City of Newport / Morton Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.10 Town of Middletown / Albro Woods . . . . . . . . . . . 8.65 Town of Middletown / Demery Memorial Park . . . 6.24 Total Conserved Acres = 1,971.67 Map Produced by the Aquidneck Land Trust 1/23/2008 Data Provided by Mapping and Planning Services and RIGIS ALT 18th Annual Report Land Preservation Partners Founded in 1990, ALT’s first conservation easement was placed on the historic Slocum estate on Bellevue Avenue. Since that time ALT has conserved almost 2,000 acres. We gratefully thank the very special individuals, families, businesses, neighborhood associations, municipalities, and government agencies who have partnered with us to preserve and steward their land in perpetuity. Their vision of the future, and appreciation of the past, leaves a legacy for us all to enjoy. Anonymous Anonymous Friends of Almy Pond Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Alvarnas Edythe Anthony Muriel Anthony Armory Revival Company Manuel J. Borges Mrs. Jean I. Braman Carolann Brown James F. Carlin James Chadwick Clubhouse Partners, LP Denys and Margery Cousens Crystal Spring Water Company, The Scott Family Joe and Kristal Dockery Jan and Michelle Eckhart, Sweet Berry Farm The Elshant Family Louis Escobar Farmlands, LLC Greenscape, LLC Mrs. Samuel M.V. Hamilton Diana Harrison Mr. and Mrs. F. James Hodges, Jr. Joe Lacerda, Jr. Town of Middletown Middletown Main, LLC Katherine M. Murphy The Nature Conservancy City of Newport Attendees of the Land Matters Walk and Talk return from their tour of Swan Farm on Wapping Road in Portsmouth. Newport Country Club Newport National Golf Club/Realty Financial Partners John and Paul Nunes, Newport Vineyards & Winery Norman Bird Sanctuary Larry and Mary Nunes, Anna Flaherty and Edna North Peter Olaynack Bill and Barbara O’Reilly, Bally Machree Farm, LLC The Pennfield School The Perry Family Partnership Manuel Peters, George Peters, and Marie Ney Middletown Open Space and Fields Committee Town of Portsmouth Portsmouth Open Space Committee RI Agricultural Land Preservation Commission RI Department of Environmental Management RI Water Resources Board Carol Rodrigues and Nancy Cleasby The Silvia Family Mr. and Mrs. John J. Slocum F.M. Sullivan Sweet Flag Partners George Thurston David R. Tibbetts The van Beuren Family US Dept. of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Katherine and Michael Waters Mr. and Mrs. James Webster Charles R. Whitehouse Supporters at the Sakonnet Greenway Trail Phase 1-A Grand Opening. ALT 18th Annual Report Aquidneck Land Trust Milestones 2006-2007 Aquidneck Land Trust Milestones Fiscal Year 2006-2007 October 2006 • Partnered with the City of Newport to conserve the 5.47 +/- acre Sunset Hill parcel next to Miantonomi Memorial Park. • Received a $100,000 grant award from the Gewirz family for the Swan Farm conservation effort. • Staff members attended the national Land Trust Alliance Rally in Nashville, Tennessee. • Presented a free Land Matters Walk & Talk tour for the public at the ALT conserved Newport Vineyards. November 2006 • Received $300,000 from the Prince Charitable Trusts after successfully meeting a visionary challenge from the foundation. • Presented a free Conservation Speaker Series event for the public with Peter Forbes at Newport City Hall. December 2006 • Conserved 27.07 +/- acres of the former Perry Farm in Middletown with Newport Vineyards/Sulky Rhode. • Collaborated with Sweet Flag Partners and the Town of Middletown to successfully conserve the 4.53 +/- acre Sweet Flag parcel next to Bailey’s Brook in Middletown. • Partnered with the Town of Middletown to conserve a 20.95 +/- acre area including Paradise Valley Park and the Diocese parcel. • Received $300,000 from the Alletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust after successfully meeting a visionary challenge from the foundation. • Received $300,000 from the van Beuren Charitable Foundation after successfully meeting a visionary challenge from the foundation. • Completed fall monitoring of select ALT conserved properties. February 2007 • Hosted ALT’s 17th Annual Meeting at the Atlantic Beach Club in Middletown. • Presented a free Conservation Speaker Series event for the public with Darby Bradley at the Atlantic Beach Club in Middletown. • Hired Carolyn du Pont as ALT’s new Development Director. March 2007 • Received a wetland permit from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management allowing for the construction of Phase 1A of the Sakonnet Greenway Trail. • Executive Director, Ted Clement, presented two workshops at the Annual Rhode Island Land & Water Conservation Summit: Conservation Easement Basics; and Securing Permanent Protection for Government Owned Conservation Lands with Conservation Easements. April 2007 • Executive Director, Ted Clement, selected to present a workshop at the 2007 national Land Trust Alliance Rally: Conversion of Municipal Conservation Lands - The Development Threat. • Launched a new membership card providing ALT members with discounts at local farms. May 2007 • Presented a free Conservation Speaker Series event for the public with Bill McKibben at the Newport Public Library. • Presented a free Land Matters Walk & Talk tour for the public at Swan Farm in Portsmouth. • Successfully concluded ALT’s largest Annual Appeal to date. • Hosted our annual landowner appreciation party at Newport Vineyards. • Held a Swan Farm cultivation event at the home of Carolann Brown. ALT 18th Annual Report June 2007 • Worked for and secured the right from the Portsmouth Town Council to put a $4 million Open Space and Recreational Development Bond referendum before Portsmouth voters on November 6, 2007. • Received a $250,000 grant award from the Town of Portsmouth for the Swan Farm conservation effort. • Completed construction RFP process and hired the DaPonte company to construct Phase 1A of the Sakonnet Greenway Trail. July 2007 • Hired Jessica Pohl as ALT’s new Development Assistant. • Hosted our 5th annual golf tournament at Newport National Golf Club. • Presented a free Land Matters Walk & Talk tour for the public at ALT conserved Miantonomi Memorial Park and Sunset Hill in Newport. • Created placemats from artwork done by 4th graders at Elmhurst Elementary School and distributed them to more than a dozen restaurants and other establishments to generate awareness of our Swan Farm conservation effort. • Assisted the Kirby family to hold the first ever Aquidneck Island Paddle to benefit ALT and Lucy’s Hearth. • ALT’s Merritt Neighborhood Fund awarded 9 grants to local conservation projects totaling $9,050 bringing the total grant awards since 2000 to $24,376 to 31 recipients on Aquidneck Island. August 2007 • Finalized the donation of a Trail Easement for the Sakonnet Greenway Trail from the Town of Middletown. • Fiesta Verde summer gala was for the first time held at an ALT conserved property – Sweet Berry Farm – and was the most successful in ALT history. • Received a $100,000 grant award from Patricia and Philip Bilden for the Swan Farm conservation effort. • Received a $100,000 grant award from Cornnelius Bond and Ann Blackwell for the Swan Farm conservation effort. • Board Chair, Stuart MacNaught, received and attended a fellowship at the Center for Whole Communities in Vermont. September 2007 • Partnered with the City of Newport and signed an innovative agreement whereby ALT to provide $50,000 to help Newport and other partners restore the Gooseneck Cove salt marsh in return for ALT receiving Conservation Easements on the 58 +/- acre Gooseneck Cove area and the 12.1 +/- acre Morton Park in Newport. • Presented a free Land Matters Walk & Talk tour for the public at the ALT conserved Town Pond in Portsmouth. • Presented a free Conservation Speaker Series event for the public with musician Erica Wheeler at Escobar’s Highland Farm in Portsmouth. • ALT Board of Trustees adopted a three-year Strategic Plan. • Completed our annual summer monitoring of all ALT conserved properties. • Hosted annual ALT Board of Advisors meeting at Escobar’s Highland Farm. • Held a Swan Farm cultivation event at the home of John and Brookie McColloch. Paradise Valley Park in Middletown. Fiesta Verde 2007 overlooking Sweet Berry Farm in Middletown. ALT 18th Annual Report Philanthropic Support 2006 – 2007 The Board of Trustees is deeply grateful to the hundreds of individuals, families, businesses, organizations, foundations, government entities, and landowners who generously support our work each year. The Aquidneck Land Trust strives to offer creative, flexible, respectful and convenient methods to enlist lasting philanthropic support. Membership dues, targeted appeals and campaigns, special events, planned gifts and bequests, in-kind goods and services, and donations of land and conservation easements all enable those who treasure Aquidneck Island to participate in the work of ALT. Our heartfelt thanks to all those who contributed to the Aquidneck Land Trust during this fiscal year, which concluded on September 30, 2007. Three foundations have once again provided extraordinary leadership and support. Their solid commitment enables the Aquidneck Land Trust to be an increasingly strategic and vital leader in land preservation on Aquidneck Island. The Aletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust Prince Charitable Trusts The van Beuren Charitable Foundation $50,000+ Alletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust Loebs Family Foundation The Hope Goddard Iselin Foundation Town of Middletown Prince Charitable Trust van Beuren Charitable Foundation Patricia and Philip Bilden Cornnelius Bond and Ann Blackwell Bernard and Sarah Gewirz $25,000 – $49,999 Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund City of Newport Jonathan and Rita Gewirz $5,000 – $24,999 Edwards, Angell, Palmer & Dodge, LLP Foster Associates The Hilton Group at Citigroup Jane M. Timken Foundation LandVest, Inc. Newport Harbor Corporation Realty Financial Partners Sweet Water Trust The Townscape Institute William Vareika Fine Arts The William P. Wharton Trust Hugh Auchincloss A. Leslie and Carol Ballard Denae Bayer and Steve Ovren Lyn and Peggy Comfort Glenn and Kim Darden Stephen and Julie DeLeo Ronald and Lillian Dick Lawrence and Betty Fagan Michael and Cleo Gewirz Steven and Katrina Gewirz Kathleen Glassie George and Nannette Herrick Samuel and Anne Howell Holly Janney and Daniel Keirns ALT 18th Annual Report Roger Kass and Andrea van Beuren Kathryn and Howard Kilguss James and Susan Klau Elizabeth Meyer and Michael McCaffrey Paul and Nicole O’Reilly Jay and Suzie Schochet Aaron Schwarz Jeffrey and Cathy Siegal Virginia Treherne-Thomas William and Sharon Wood Prince $2,500 – $4,999 The Betty Bryne de Zahara Charitable Trust Dick Family Foundation Gustave J.S. White Real Estate Hinckley, Allen & Snyder, LLP Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Residential Properties Helen Buchanan David and Mary Bush-Brown William and Gail Crimmins Anne and Peter Damon Regis and Laura de Ramel Joseph and Kristal Dockery David and Beth Drubner David and Kimberly Dunn John Egan Lawrence and Betty Fagan Brian and Julie Fisher Robert and Jane Grace Edward and Wendy Harvey Pierre and Kathy Irving Daniel Kinder Richard Loebs Robert and Heidi Manice John and Brookie McColloch Richard Palmer James and Virginia Purviance Sheila Reilly and Peter Cosel Denise Roberts Brady Schofield and Sarah Bullock J. Laurence and Betty Lou Sheerin Stephen and Mary Joan Seiter John and Hope van Beuren Michael and Roberta Warren $1,000 – $2,499 America House Communications Breyer Family Fund Citigroup Matching Gifts Program Gilbane Building Co. Gower and Company Real Estate Hamilton Family Foundation John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc. Kahn, Litwin, Renza & Co., Ltd. Katherine Field & Associates, Inc. Arthur C. & Martha O. Milot Charitable Trust Newport Collaborative Architects Newport Daily News NewportFed Northeast Engineers & Consultants Sasco Foundation Silgan Holdings, Inc. United General Title Insurance Company Richard and Nancy Adams Andrew Arkway Theodora Aspegren and Robert Bailey Victoria Avery Joana Battaglia Henry and Andrea Breyer A.J. and Angela Brosco Carolann Doherty Brown Richard and Fanchon Burnham Michael Corcoran Grenville and Sandra Craig John and Katherine Damon Murray and Judith Danforth Elizabeth de Ramel William and Allison Dessel David and Michelle Donatelli Maureen and John Donnell John and Jackie Drexel David and Christy Elwell Timothy Ely Michael and Patricia Fernandez Thomas and Kim Fleming David Ford Beatriz Ford D. Gordon Gibson and Catherine Norton James and Cynthia Gibson Thomas and Kate Gilbane Robert H.I. Goddard Mark and Leslie Godridge Gary and Elizabeth Goldberg Peter and Diana Gonzalez N. Peter and Alta Hamilton S. Matthews V. and Anne Hamilton Helen Harris Mary Hulitar Stefani Hulitar Robert and Alison Kiely James Lewis and Pauline Trahan-Lewis Bartlett Dunbar and Lisa Lewis Colin and Shirley MacGillivray Daniel Meyers James and Jane Moore David and Gail Nelson Andrew and Lynn Nicoletta Nancy O’Brien J. Timothy and Dorothy O’Reilly James Orr Claiborne and Nuala Pell George and Sue Petrovas Steven and Brooke Richter David Roosa Bayard and Pamela Russell Albert Schofield and Sandy Henry Jonathan Shattuck Richard and Gay Sheffield Eulah Sheffield Albert Sherman Derek and Ellen Smith Rockwell and Patricia Stensrud Ineko Stephan Robert Swift Gladys Szapary Charles and Kerry Townsend Barbara van Beuren and Stephen Glascock William and Alison Vareika Kenneth and Paula Washburn Livingston Webb William and Nancy Parker Wilson Richard Saul Wurman and Gloria Nagy $500 – $999 Bardorf & Bardorf Paul and Mary Boghossian Memorial Fund Chapman Enstone Estate Agents LOSAM FUND Mason & Associates, Inc. Moore, Virgadamo & Lynch, LTD Morris Transparent Box Co. Narragansett Engineering Newport Garden Club Newport Gas Light Company Newport Insurance Agency Inc. Roger King Fine Arts Charles Allott Richard and Mary Frances Bauchspies Paul and Hedy Bennett Alan Bishop and Emily Zurlnick Paul and Susan Bohan Hebert and Elizabeth Bolles Daniel Brenton John and Elizabeth Brooks Gary and Catherine Brophy Nicholas and Diane Brown William and Mary Buell Michael and Lisa Cecchi Philanthropic Support 2006 – 2007 Gerald and Linda Cerce Duncan and Barbara Chapman Marion Charles Anne Corbin Beverley Corbin William and Karen Corcoran Carole Corriveau Trudy Coxe and James Gaffney Stuart and Monica Craig William and Genevieve Croll Henry and Andrea Crump Brittain Cudlip Guillaume and Molly de Ramel George and Terry DeVine Stephen and Harriet DiCicco Christine Dolen Emlen Liz Drayton Carolyn du Pont William and Jacalyn Egan Kristin Emory and Jamie Schapiro Richard and Ann Ernst Louis and Jane Escobar Thomas and Ellen Ewens Jeffrey and Lorraine Farrar John and Donna Flynn Lynn and Frank Freeland Joseph and Elizabeth Gallagher Annelisa Alden Gee Peter and Melinda Gerard J. Giacalong James and Patricia Giblin Cyrus Gibson and Barbara Shamblin Louis and Sophia Girard Stanley and Ellen Goldberg John and Sherri Grace Richard and Margot Grosvenor Connie Harding Esmond Harmsworth and James Richardson Diana Harrison G. Mason Hawes and Laura Hart Darryl Hazel and Sheila McEntee Mark and Katherine Hellendrung David Holley Chris and Lisa Housel Joshua Janson Roger and Sandra King Matthew and Michelle Kirby Samuel Lambert and Marie Sheffield Robert and Lisa Lasky Anthony Leach and Jane Corcoran Robert and Jean Lehane David E.P. and Linda Lindh Kenneth and Elaine Lindh R. Schuyler Lippincott Katherine Macchiarola Stephen and Elizabeth MacGillivray Ronald and Kati Machtley Eugene and Maureen McCabe Juliette McLennan John and Bobbi Mercier Leland and Lynne Merrill David and Annegret Miller Mark Muetterties Jacqueline Colbert Arthur and Ellen Murphy Kimberly Palmer Thomas and Agatha Perkins Florence Perry Brooke Pinkerton and Ches Johnson Frank and Betsy Ray Paul and Amy Rice Charles and Julia Richardson Lloyd Rives Thomas Rodgers Laura Love Rose Bill Hall Heidi Rosecrans Richard Sardella Peter and Sally Schott John and Valorie Sheehan Albert and Jocelyn Sherman Fran and Dennis Slutsky Julie Shelton Smith Charles and Victoria Stengel Stephen and Gayle Strom Earle and Lisa Stubbs Keith Tavares Victor and Virginia Trautwein Samuel Treherne-Thomas Robert and Barbara Victor Portsmouth Veterinary Clinic Sea Whale Motel, Inc. Seascope Systems Inc. T. J. Brown Landscaping Jeffrey Earl and Stasia Anthony Thomas and Ella Auchincloss John Begg Brian and Heather Bell Richard and Dorothy Bohan Richard and Barbara Bohan Pamela Bradford John and Winifred Broughan Diane Brown William and Anne Burns Robert and Louise Carawan James and Brenda Carlin Jonna Chewning Edward and Boonsuay Clement Andrew and Judy Colman Robert and Ann Conner Thomas and Janet Cook Executive Director Ted Clement with Joan Sousa, Chairperson of the Portsmouth Open Space Committee, after the passing of a $4 million open space bond. Thomas and Trina Weschler Eris White Sharon Wilson $250 – $499 Bay View Estates Chestnut Hill Realty Corp. Robert A. Carrellas Family Practice Coach House Condo Association Cricket & Riley D. Wilsey Properties Co. Farmscapes Llc Glen Ridge Farm Jeremiah L. Harrington, Inc. Houlihan, Managhan, & Kyle, LLP James L. Paradise Cleaning Service, Inc. JT’s Lumber Knapp Chiropractic Newport County Chamber of Commerce Newport Tent Company, Inc. Olympic Physical Therapy And Sports Medicine, Inc. Phoenix Bulk Carriers US Corp Susan Cooper Mary Jane Cox Richard Crisson Paul and Roberta Croce Richard and Jane Curry Minot Davis and Jane Weidman Paul and Valerie Debrule Thomas Derecktor C. Mathews Dick Clayton and Catherine Dillon William and Sara Donaldson Michael Dougherty Robert and Margaret Duprey Martin and Linda Dutra Paul Clark and Nancy Eddy Jane Burgess Epstein Mark and Laura Fernandez Richard and Rita Finn Donald and Joan Fletcher Thomas and Ingrid Flynn John and Jae French Robert and Winnie Galkin June Gibbs David and Linda Gordon Jeffrey and Janis Gordon Leonard Grace Christopher and Kathleen Greenman Heather Gregg Earl Renee Harrington James Hilton Frederick Hodges Brian and Lori Hogan James and Anne Hogg, USN (Ret.) Elisabeth Holmes Joya Hoyt William Jacklin and Janet Russo-Jacklin Donald and Jana Jagoe Mary Jennings Ana Johnson Jennifer Jones Brendan and Pamela Kelley Michael Kenfield Mary Kesson David and Susan Killebrew Mil Kinsella Steven and Jane Kirkpatrick Keith and Laura Kyle Mary Ann Lamont Stephen Lawton William and Marlene Leatherbee William and Elizabeth Leatherman Charles and Roxanne Leighton H. Henry and Tiina Liiv John Holt and Karin Liiv Philip and Wendy Lotz Coles and Marcia Mallory Dennis and Susan McCoy Grace Medeiros Robert Menson and Margo Waite Deborah and Peter Merritt Robert Milligan Mark and Linda Narbey Paul Norbury Eric and Cristina Offenberg Mary Clare O’Grady Joseph and Lisa Olaynack Elise O’Shaughnessy Gregory and Catherine Ostheimer Sandra Ourusoff James and Betty Jane Owen John Primiano Peter and Judith Rector David and Leslie Reed John and Kelly Reey Sydney Resendez and David Goldberg Alister and Mary Reynolds Craig Richardson and Sarah Beinecke Richardson Cathy Robertson John Robitaille Pieter and Barbara Roos Carol Ryan J. Mark Ryan and Linda Ujifusa Cora Saccucci Nicholas Scheetz Howard and Betty Schlesinger Karl and Deborah Schwiegershausen Turner Scott and Kathleen Pratt Edwin and Dorothy Sheffield Herrick and Barbara Shinn Robert and Robyn Spagnolo Thomas Speare and Reinette Fournier ALT 18th Annual Report Philanthropic Support 2006 – 2007 David and Lynn Tenney David and Loren Thill S. Emmet and Veronica Thomas James Thompson Ellen Thurmond Michael Tollefson Frank Uhlig Alfred and Frances VanLiew Marc Verga Stephen and Laura Warner George Warren Tarleton Watkins and Janet Atkins Elizabeth and Frances J. West Helen and John Winslow Frank and Mary Wojciechowski Eve and William Woodhull Heather Wotton Dallas Pell Yates Frederick and Geraldine Zilian $100 – $249 Aquidneck Employment Services B. R. Arnold Construction Behan Bros., Inc. Bellevue Shopping Center Associates Brick Alley Pub & Restaurant BRM Company Brownstone, Inc. Carey, Richmond, & Viking Insurance CATIC Chase Farms Commette Yacht Consultants, Inc. The Cookie Jar Cotran Corporation D.H.R. Inc. Flanders Consulting Flynn Financial Group Fox Hill Realty Trust LLC F. W. Environmental Services, Inc. Green Valley Country Club Grenon’s of Newport Jean C. Hayes Consulting IBM Matching Grants Program Island Sports Island Tree Service The John Stevens Shop MacLean Consulting, Inc. Marine Rescue Products, Inc. Media Pro International, LTD. Michael Hayes Company John Milnes Co., Inc Moonlite Limousine Service Inc. Newport Playhouse Normandie Oldport Homes Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems Rhode Island Foundation Shoreline Electrical Services Sound Building Corporation St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church Sweet Berry Farm Thomas H. Casey Builders, Inc. Peter and Blair Alexander George and Sandra Allen Bernadette Almeida John Armor Vincent Arnold 10 ALT 18th Annual Report Eduardo Arrieta and Barbara Schloff Arrieta Richard and Christine Bagley George and Kathleen Baker Richard Baker and Barbara Lloyd Baker Mark and Lynda Barnes Irving Barrett Bruce and Deb Barton Peter and Patricia Baylor Christopher and Jeannie Bean Robert and Diane Beaver John and Mary Louise Begg Susan Behan Gay Ben Tre John and Karen Benson James Beresford Packham Peter and Gretchen Bloom Alan and Janice Branco Leilani Brenner Richard and Nancy Brickley David and Carolyn Brodsky Eric and Daisy Broudy David and Jean Brown Ruth Buchanan Walter Bundy John Burgess Thomas and Monique Burgess William and Virginia Burgin John and Mary Burney Timothy and Lorrie Burns Louis and Sheila Burns James and Elaine Burress Charlotte Buttrick John Byrne Maureen Cain Raymond and Sharon Caine Jerome Callaghan Edward Capuano Joseph Carey Richard Carmichael and Margaret Jones Robert Carrellas Jean Carrillo Brian and Nancy Carroll James and Judy Carroll Joseph and Marie Casale Richard and Marybeth Casey John and Kimberly Ceglarski Joan Ceglarski Robert and Margot Ceres Elisabeth Chafee Emory Kathleen Charbonneau Dean and Anne Chase Linda Clukies Margaretta Clulow Donald Cochran Natalie Cocroft Susan Cohick and Jeffrey Dill Mary Colaneri Edward and Julia Coll William Cooney and Margaret Palmer Edward and Ruth Corcoran William and Mary Corcoran August and Carolyn Cordeiro Daniel and Celine Corrigan Michael Cottrell Paul Crabb William and Jean Crawford Michael and Judith Crowley John Croy and Erica Buchanan Mike and Beth Cullen William and Lisa Culton Marilyn Curtis Frederick and Barbara Dallinger Rex Dame Kathleen Davis Joseph Day Karen Deibert John Del Negro David and Debra Demming Peter and Diana DiBari Lurleen Dillman Lou and Mary DiRienzo Richard and Jane Driscoll Myra Horgan Duvally Francis and Jane Dwyer William and Nancy Easman Hugh and Irene Ebbitt Michele Eccles Jonathan and Murry Edwards John and Shirley Ellis William and Patricia Emmet Benjamin and Dianna Emory Jim Estes and Peter Twombly Walter Everett Sadie Faerber Keith Fagan Brenda Farrell O. Mario and Corina Favorito Louis Fazzano Doris and Alan Feinberg Robert and Janice Fiedler Robert and Linda Fischer Edwin and Angela Fischer James and Carol Fitzsimonds Jeffrey and Charlene Fletcher Henry and Edith Fletcher Sandra Flowers Benjamin and Helen Furriel Francis and Barbara Furtado Warren Galkin John and Laura Galvin James and Dorothy Ann Garman James and Deborah Gedney Thomas and Mary Gilbane Ray Gilchrest Lynne Glickman and Mark Kanter John and Eleanor Gobis Sidney and Jean Gorham Robert and Gail Gormally John and Joanne Gorman Wallace Gorski Alicia Grace Patrick Greeven George Grove Michael and Cynthia Grzechowiak Gary and Janice Gump J. Thomas and Janice Gunzelman Matthew Gurl Harold and Kathleen Hale William and Judith Hall Byron and Nancy Hall Donald and Sylvia Hampton Paul and Amy Harden John and Suzanne Hardy Peter and Harriet Harris Janice Hart Philip Harter and Barbara Jones William and Susie Hatfield Richard and Janet Hatfield Michael and Susan Hayes Kevin and Sally Ann Healy Wilbur and Sharon Heller Timothy and Dianne Hetland Timothy Hetland and Karen Jones Hetland Sara Hiebner R. Marcus Holloway Frederick and Susan Hood John Horton Paul and M. Delores Houston Jeffrey and Karen Houston John Eric Hovermale and Mary Clare O’Grady John and Donna Hoyt Peter Hussey and Claire Stieff Peter Iascone Duncan and Jean Ingraham Nigel Ingram Washington Irving Gerald and Jo-Anne Isenberg Richard S. C. Jacobs George Mumford Jacobs R. Campbell James Kathleen Jenkins Philip Jenks Richard C. Loebs, Honorary Chair Barbara van Beuren, Executive Director Ted Clement and Boonsuay Clement at Fiesta Verde. Philanthropic Support 2006 – 2007 William and Judith Jennings Mary Johnson and Charles Beltz Robert and Charlene Karns George and Nicki Kates Donald and Caroline Kaull Steven and Cynthia Kay William and Irene Keary Sharron Kenney and Jeffreys Johnson Patrick Kerins and Terry Morgenthaler Stuart Kielly David Kilroy Jerome and Helen Kirby Ann Kirby Eric and Melissa Kirton David and Ann Marie Koohy M.S. Krakoff Sanne Kure-Jensen James and Ethel Kyle James Langston Daniel Lanneville Edward and Dana Lapekas Gary and Ramona Lapidas Micheline and Fernando Larrey Reynold and Marlene Larsen Edward and Sharon Lavallee Gladys and David Lavine Eric and Aini Lee Leslie Stephen and Diana Lewinstein Shannon Lewis Lorna Lewis Paul and Mardie Leys Dunbar and Mary Livingston Werner and Sally Loell Bruce Long Ruth Lowndes Deborah Luhrs L.P. and Helga Lustig Cynthia Macarchuk David and Mary MacBain George Mackay David MacLean and Rosalind Vaz-MacLean Curtis and Dana Magee James and Tracy Mallinson Betty Maloof Michele Mancini Bernard and Denise Mansheim Willard and Nancy Marcley Jeffrey Marshall and Katharine Dodge Paul and Dale Martellino Peter and Patricia Martin Bonnie Matheson Thomas and Marcella McCormack Susan McCoy Michael and Florence McDonough Paul McGreevy Stephanie McLennan Earl and Elizabeth McMillen Frank and Karen McNeilly William McQueen and Carla Bosch-McQueen Richard and Elizabeth McStay Jack and Barbara Mercier Russell and Beth Milham Marc and Nicole Milici Paul and Deborah Miller Virginia Miller Charles and Phoebe Milligan Charles and Catherine Moore Richard and Sharon Morgera Michael and Beverly Muessel Deborah Mulcare Cornelius and Christine Murphy Christopher and Lisa Murray Douglas and Laura Murray Edward Murtaugh Richard and Irene Needham Michael and Martha Nesbitt Howard and Mary Newman Katherine Newman Natalie Nicholson Edna Nunes North Frank and Mary Nunes Paul and Linda Nunes Patricia O’Connell and John Wilson Patricia O’Donnell Roderick O’Hanley and Richard Grisson Paul O’Hearn Bob and Joan O’Leary Eugene and Eileen O’Reilly Joanne Occaso Richard Oppel and Pat Blakeley Jane Owen Joanne Packer Thomas Palmer and Dominique Alfandre Jonathan and Bettie Pardee Stephen and Liz Parker Andrew Parsons John and Joan Peabody Mark and Margaret Peppercorn Clara Perlingiero Wayne and Alice Perras Thomas and Cynthia Perrotti Caroline Phillips Michael and Elizabeth Pinto Garry and Virginia Plunkett R. Daniel Prentiss Dennis Quelch Guy and Lisa Railey James Raiola David Ray Bradford and Cara Read G. Peter and Shannon Reed Stanley Reed Raymond and Krista Reid Jack and Barbara Renner Thomas and Corrine Rich John Richards Mark and Clotilde Rinfret Annamarie Ringheim Richard and Suebelle Robbins R. Brooke and Barbara Roberts Janet Robinson Marie Robinson Joseph and Ann Rosa Harald and Barbara Rosengren Amory and Kathleen Ross Ernst and Nancy Rothe Susan Ruf and Michael Walsh Glenn Russell Mary Pat Ryan Sally Sadler Jennifer Salm Arthur and Mrs. Sampson John and Jessie Sargent Ben Sargent Christian Schlebach Lianne Scura Morrie and Maureen Seiple F. Stephen Serzan Edwin Sheffield Ruth Shor Leonard and Prudence Silvia Cynthia Simmons and Bob Hurley Robert and Cynthia Sinclair George and Pat Sisson Michael and Lucille Soares Timothy and Linda Somes Christopher and Anne Spaight Ted and Kathy Spargo William H. F. Spencer Stephen and Marjorie Spencer Denice Spero and Christopher Pargellis Wendy Stapleton Andrew Staroscik and Kerri Staroscik-Warren Gordon and Barbara Stenning Everett C. A. and Kristine Stuart Thomas Sturtevant Silvia Styles Vanessa Symmons Redfern Lawrence and Mary Louise Taft Richard Talipsky Anna Templeton-Cotill Gail Thacher Lynn Thurston Robert and Elizabeth Trainor Linda Ujifusa Martha Ullman and Daniel Snydacker Lorraine Vermillion Benjamin and Susan Walker John and Susan Wallace Joseph and Charlene Walsh Roger and Eileen Warburton Gail Ward Paul and Patricia Watters Thomas and Margaret Waugh Lawrence and Rachel Webman Brien and Helen Welch Christina West Malcolm and Dorothy Wheeler William and Lynn White Jeffrey and Dianne Williams Eric and Elaine Williams Christopher and Jennifer Williams Leon Wood John and Kimberly Woodhouse Judith Woodward Edward Young Sam Young $1 – $99 A Shade Above Coastal Vision Foot & Ankle Institute of New England Jessica Hagen Fine Art & Design JM Painting Maplewood Farm Mapping and Planning Services Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Potter League for Animals Preservation Society of Newport County Rose Island Lighthouse Foundation Silva, Thomas, Martland & Offenberg St. Spyridon’s Church Choir Viking Tours of Newport Anonymous Jose Aguon A. Lawrence and Dawn Ahearn Andre Ajemian Richard and Pamela Alexander William and Sharon Alger Cyril and Sandra Allen Janet Allen Jean Alvanas Robert Amarantes and Dennis Stark Megan Anderson and Josh Fogg Martha Anderson Jean Anderson Richard and Diane Anderson Glenna Andrade Edythe L. P. Anthony John and Deborah Anthony George and Allen Louise Antone Joseph Applegate Merritt Ashmead Robinson Steven Aten and Catharine Linville Colleen Aull Klaus and Dorothea Baernthaler Walter and Bevin Baetjer Michael Barclay de Tolly M. Joseph and Donna Barone Paul Barrow James and Kathryn Barry Robert Bartlett Joan Bartram Bruce and Dorsey Beard John and Ellen Beck Anne Becker George Behan Michael and Mary Behan Harold and Janet Belson Anthony and Karen Benvenuto Albion Bergstrom and A.J. Feyerabend Alan and Susan Bernard Bruce and Jane Berriman Eleanor Bettle Elizabeth Bickford Kenneth Bitting Jonathan and Nancy Bixby Sarah Blackett John and Fran Blaess Bruce and Corinne Blank William and Ellen Bliss Inez Bliven Dickson and Emily Boenning Donald and Tiiu Booth Steven Bordonaro Barry Botelho Linda Boudewyns John and Margaret Brady William and Nancy Bredbeck George Brenner Daniel and Antoinette Bridges Mario and Constance Briosi Diana Britton Thomas and Mary Ellen Bronson Eileen Brown Robert and Elaine Bucci Bonnie Buchanan Matheson ALT 18th Annual Report 11 Philanthropic Support 2006 – 2007 Ilse Buchert Nesbitt Maggie Bulmer Kevin Burke Mary Burke Neil and Patricia Burlingame Helen Burnham Peter and Anita Butler Linda Butterworth John and Colleen Byrne Tristan and Lisa Cafferty Francesca Campo Ross Sinclair and Leah Cann Claire Canning Christopher and Katherine Carbone Lester Carpenter James and Pauline Carreira Anthony and Mary Lou Carrellas Maria Carroll Rosemary Carroll Edith Casey Thomas and Linda Casey Claywell and Ethel Chafton Archie and Elizabeth Chambers Beverly Champlin David Chandler Todd and Mary Chaplin Mary Alice Chase and Mary Hall Erik and Meryl Chaum Patrick and Ellen Chilabato Mersina Christopher Charles and Toni Ciany Alan Clark Laura Clark Jennine Clark Dunlap Sean Clarkson Clinton and Kelly Clemens J. Stephen and Carol Clifford Athol and Lori Cochrane Edna Cohane Martin and Elizabeth Cohen John and Sue Coletti Charles Collins Michael and Marie Collins William and Anne Collins Phillip and Rosalie Connell William and Rachael Connerton Timothy Coutis and Donnamaria Bruton-Coutis Alexander and Mildred Cozzens Margaret Craig Will Cronin and Christina Raimondo Cronin Gary and Judy Crosby William and Linda Culhane Martha Cummings George Cushman Raymond and Joan Custy Joan Cutter Susan Daly Christopher and Cari Darminio Rosemary Davidson Joan Davis Robert and Rosemary Day Betsy de Leiris Raymond and Adeline De Pyper John and Constance Dealy James and Carol DeCosta H. Davis and Hollie Delaney 12 ALT 18th Annual Report Debra Deleo Joel and Dorothy Delessio Mark and Helen DelGiudice Irene Deloura Joseph and Anna Demayo Michael Devine and Laura Goldstein Christopher and Bethany Di Napoli Jean DiBona Lois Dickison John and Carol Dietz Carl and Helen Digregorio Lou and Margaret DiPalma Jo-Anne Divalentino James and Lori Dobbin Marjorie Dodge John and Caroline Doherty Paul and Elizabeth Doucette Joyce Douglas William Douglas Edward and Aldona Dowski John and Alexandra Driscoll Thomas and Deborah Duffy Richard and Joanne Dunlap Peter and Gloria Dunn Thomas Dutra Katherine Dyer Richard and Lois Eberhard Charles Edenbach Stanley Ehrlich Bruce Elleman and Sarah Paine Mary Stuart Emerson Manuel Escobar Donna Essery Peter and Rosemary Fagan Stephen and Christine Fagan Richard and Margaret Falb Lisa Farley Ted and Katherine Farnham Gregory Fater Brenda Finn and Tara Barlow Roy Fithebert and Rose Lee Anna Flaherty Roger and Jane Fontaine Francis and Doria Forgue Kenneth and Mary Louise Forsythe Bruce and Kathleen Foulke Steven and Linn Freedman Benjamin and Traci Galpen Thomas and Joan Galvin Charles Gardner and Alice Bridge Richard Garland Kenneth and Maureen Garthee Terrence and Christine Gavan Ralph and Barbara Gaze Joseph and Lucille Giarratano Elizabeth Gibbs Cora Lee Gibbs Denise Gibson John Gilpatric Pamela Gilpin Benjamin and Sarah Gilson Robert and Marjorie Goff Jason Goldfarb Po Wah and C. Gong Thomas and Claudia Gorman Vernon Gorton, Jr. Suzanne Goulart John Gower Walter and Carol Gray Thurston and Mary Gray Elizabeth Greenman Emma Greenman Sean and Valerie Griffiths Boris and Christa Grigorov Matthew Grimes Robert Gross Stanley and Helen Grossman John and Mary Guerrera Francis and Lisa Gutierrez Alice Guzewicz Jane Hale John and Janet Hall Joseph and Jane Hall Phillips and Cindy Hallowell Donald and Ann Linda Hammer John and Mary Anne Hand Anne Hanscom Kim Hapgood James and Lenice Harrington Anthony and Eileen Harris Catherine Harvey Vernon Harvey Stephen and Cindy Haslam Doris Hasting Paul and Margaret Haywood Robert and Angela Healey Andrew and Leslie Heany Joseph and Patricia Heller Blake and Melanie Henderson Marilyn Hennessey James and Katherine Henning Bushnell Pearce Henry Alice Henry Edward and Kim Edward Hilliard George and Emilie Hinman Peter Hirschler William and Joan Hitchcock Allan and Carol Hodges Jan and Katherine Hoftun Teresa Hook Joan and Charles Hopper Patrick and Margaret Horgan Beth Horton Victor Howard William and Mary Hughes Jane and Albert Iandolo Rebecca Inman William and Katherine Jacaruso Mary Jackson Edward and Alexandra Jackson Annette Jarvis Margaret Jefferys Samuel and Ruth Jernigan Florence Job Natalie Johnson Robert and Denise Johnson Victoria Johnson Carlton and Jacqueline Johnson George F.B. and Terry Johnson Russell and Karen Johnson Michael and Heidi Jones John Joseph Sandra Kafka David and Amy Kalif Christopher and Theresa Kalil Mark Katzman Etta Kaufman Sharon Keeley and Scott Vidinha John and Susan Kelchner Barbara Keller Kevin and Deborah Kelley Winifred Kelley Robert and Lourdes Kelly Paul and Beverly Kelly Mark Kenney Joseph and Beverly Keohane Robert and Susan Kieronski Gary and Pamela Kilroy Peter Kimball Jessica Kirby Laurie Kirby Michael Case and Elena Kissel Andrew and Kelly Kittel William and Lavonne Kleven Donald and Dianne Koch Catherine Koulouvardis S Kremer William and Kathryn Labbe Theresa Lacerda Richard and Karen Lacey J. Scott and Patricia Ladd Peter Lafreniere Wendy Lambert Wendy Lamont-Woolbright Trish Lang and Jeff O’Regan Paul and Linda Lapointe Kenneth and Karen Lauricella Judy Lawson Marlene Leatherbee Karen Lechner Kathryn Leonard Louis and Susan Letendre David and Judy Leys Richard and Mary Longman Fred Lopiano Christopher Lord and Gretel Holsten Robert Loughlin James and Patricia Lucarelli Norman and Karen Lucas Peter and Janice Ludwig William Lund and Carolyn Barrett Marshall and Mary Kay Lundberg R. Chandler and Marilyn Lyell Henry Lynn Kristen Lyon Angus Macaulay Donald and Jayne MacDougall John MacGowan Maria Mack Ian and Jenny MacKechnie Gertraude Mackin Virginia Macomber Edwin and Dorothy Madden Donald Magee and Mary Donohue Shelley Mahood Marilyn Mainelli Philip and Allison Maltese John and Natalie Manning Paul and Linda Manning Michael and Martha Marchetti Ronald Marsh James Marshall Terence and Cynthia Martin Philanthropic Support 2006 – 2007 John and Linda Martin Francis and June Martin John and Elaine Mayer Edward and Janet McCarthy Kevin and Denise McCarthy John McDaid John McDonald Suzanne McDonald Paul and Elizabeth McEnroe Peter McGeogh Charles and Joann McGeown Jane McGivney Mary Beth and Thomas McSparren Michael and Elizabeth Mello Mary Lou Mello Marianne Menas and Gilbert Soares George and Irene Menas Ronald and Karen Menezes Florence Micarelli Paul and Linda Michaud Jay Miller Skyler and Ray Ann Mills Maureen Mills Edith Milnes Jay and Pauline Minkin Shane Mitchell Mark and Marillyn Moffett Ronald Molleur Thomas and Nancy Moore Robert and Edith Morin Stephen and Cheryl Morin Peter and Elizabeth Morley Dennis and Sylvia Morral Peter V.C. and Carlotta Marie Morris Peter and Martine Moscovita Harry and Cheryl Mrozowski Marion Munch Barry and Beverly Murphy William and Susan Murphy Lynee Murray Richard Myers Bernard and Doris Nemtzow Naomi Neville J. Peter and Suzanne Newbauer Larry Newsom Beverly Nolan Robert and Mafalda Nula Fred and Ina-Marie Nussbaum Robert and Patricia Obara Sean O’Brien and Cheryl Le Vasseur O’Brien Christopher and Kelly O’Connell Paul and Deborah Odell William and Elizabeth Ogden Michael and Marilyn Oglo Laurie O’Keefe Paul and Debra Oliveira Gerard O’Malley Cynthia O’Malley Barry and Jane O’Neill Paul and Patricia Onofrio Glen Ormiston Arthur and Clara O’Sullivan Judith Owens and Addison Closson Austin and Rosemary Page Francis Palmer John Palmieri Marc and Sabrina Paradis William and Edna Parker Steven and Sandy Parks William and Janice Parvo Roger and Ann Paschoal Jed Pearsall and William Doyle Michael Peixoto Ann Pelletier Emily Perkins Wayne and Sue Perry John and Sonya Perry Jay Peters and Patricia O’Brien Peters Paul and Suzanne Petronello Audrey Pfeiffer Linda Phillips Joseph and Kelly Pianka Stanley and Aleksandra Pianka John and Meghan Picotte Barbara Pierce Thomas and Catherine Pietraszek Omer and Anne Marie Plourde Barbara Hamilton Porter Sarah Powel J. Christopher and Candace Powell Susan Bowen Powers Richard and Cynthia Price Mary Purcell and Juan Diaz-Barrera A. Russell Pytko Craig Rachupka William and Pamela Rakip Donald and Rohalt Ramsbottom Inez Reamer Lisa Reamer Walter G.D. and Cynthia Reed Barbara Reed Edmond and Lisa Rego Dennis Reid William and Patricia Reilly John and Carol Reise David and Christa Reise Barbara Reiser Michael Remillard Denise Reniere Tony and Lynne Rey Jane Rhein Anthony and Karen Ricci David Rice William and Donna Richards C. William Riesmeyer Shirley Riess Douglas Riggs and Mary Mills Riggs Jeffrey and Janet Ringuest Sebastian Ripa Edward and Leonore Rizy Jane Roach Penelope Roberts Mary Jane Rodman Paul Rodrigues Arthur and Janet Rogers William and Marcia Rogers John and Kathryn Rok Patrick Rooney Virginia Ross Theodore and Gloria Rosser Kraig Ruth Laurie Ruttenberg Timothy and Nancy Ryan Susan Ryan George and Cindy Sabato Robert Sabel Joanna Salvo Herbert and Francoise Sandberg Harold and Joan Sands John and Margaret Rose Sandstrom M. Theresa Santos A.J. Sardella Albert and Anton Sardella Andrew Schapiro John and Jean Schlesinger Richard and Janet Schlosky Richard and Gloria Schmidt Charles and Audrey Schwarz Kenneth and Tia Scigulinsky Mark and Sandra Seaman James and Valerie Seveney Marjorie Seyster Brian Shanley and Susan Walsh David and Vivian Shaull Eric and Adrienne Shaw Donnell and Barbara Shea Malinda Shea Daniel and Karen Shea Mary Shepard Jacqueline Sherman William and Rosanne Siegler Francis and Dorothy Silvia Edward and Kate Sisk Janet Skinner Marshall and Lucy Slayton Jan and Caroline Slee Michael Slein Regina Slezak Raymond and Kathleen Smedberg Jasper and Anna Smith Thomas Smith Christine Smith Philip and Mary Beth Smith Jean Smith Marie Smith Kathryn Smyth Marsha Snider Wilder and Enedina Snodgrass Ann Souder William and Elaine Souza William Souza William Souza Patricia Spear Douglas and Jill Spear Cathleen Speer Caesar and M. Rita Spero Mary Spotts Peter and Susan Spring Stuart Springer Jeffrey Staats Katherine Stack Zachary and Elissa Staples Margaret Stapleton Peter and Kathy Stark Katherine Stark David and Jane Steele Patricia Stevenson John and Alloe Stokes E. MacGregor and Luise Strauss Arthur and Irine Suddaby A. Michael Sullivan Kathleen Sullivan Dennis and Eileen Sullivan Joanne Surgeon Daniel Sweeney Walter and Helen Swistak Patricia Sylvester Paul and Renee Talewsky William and Jean Tallman Joseph and Cynthia Tavares Judy and David Terry David Thalmann Marc and Wirt Thayer Arthur and Alice Thomas Tim and Lisa Tobin Julia Rush Toland Christopher Tompsett Brian and Patricia Toracinta Charles and Patricia Toracinta Ted and Bridget Torrey Lynne Torrey Kimberly Trabucchi Brian Trapp Carol Lynn Trocki and Brian Buck John and Judy Tucker Tom and Han Turner Mary Jo Valdes and Dave Davis Rufus and Janette Van Gruisen Elizabeth Van Liew Perry Jim and Sally Vanicek Richard and Barbara Vars Desiree Ventura Robert and Jennifer Vergnani Attila and Elizabeth Voda Robert and Bonnie Waddicor George and Phyllis Walker Alfred Walker Robert Walling Donald and Pauline Walsh George and Sherrill Warch George and Louise Warren Robert and Linda Watts Michael and Susan Weiss Scott and Lynda West F. Bruce and Eileen Westgate James Wharton Catherine Whipple Glenn and Elizabeth Whisler Robert and Julie White Evamaria Williams Shawen Wiliams and Andrew MacKeith John and Frances Wilson Richard and Priscilla Wimpress Christopher Withers Diane Witter David and Mary Wixted John and Linnea Wolfe Ronald and Mary Woods Rosalie Wotton Peter and Betty Wright Henry Wrobel and Donna McCarthy Elizabeth Wylie Barbara Pisaro Young Erica Zap If your name is listed incorrectly or has been omitted, please notify the Land Trust’s Development Office and accept our sincere apologies. ALT 18th Annual Report 13 Aquidneck Land Trust Financial Summary For the Twelve Months Ended September 30, 2007 PUBLIC SUPPORT & REVENUE Public Support: Grants 172,000 Contributions of Donated Easements 0 Donations and Appeals 171,389 Membership Dues 89,020 Special Events 305,523 Less: Direct benefit cost to participants (128,676) Net special event revenue $ 176,847 Total Public Support $ 609,256 Revenue: Investment Income $ 104,376 Gain on sale of property25,860 Rental and Other Income 863 Total Revenue $ 131,099 Trustees Mike Warren and Mary Bush-Brown admire the bench celebrating Trail Easement Donors at the Sakonnet Greenway Trail opening ceremonies. Net Assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of program restrictions $ 421,079 TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT & REVENUE $ 1,161,434 EXPENSES Program Services: Land Acquisition and Stewardship $ 271,079 Conservation Easements 150,000 Conservation Easements – donated 0 Membership and Education 118,856 Total Program Services $ 539,935 Support Services: Management and General Operations Fundraising Total Support Services View of the Swan Farm Property from Wapping Road in Portsmouth. If you would like a copy of the Aquidneck Land Trust’s Audited Financial Statements for the twelve months ended September 30, 2007, prepared by Kahn, Litwin, Renza & Co., Ltd. please contact David A. Thalmann, Director of Finance and Administration at (401) 849-2799 x 17 or email For information about the ways you can support the Aquidneck Land Trust please contact Carolyn du Pont, Development Director at (401) 849-2799 x 13. 14 ALT 18th Annual Report $ 291,319 110,834 $ 402,153 TOTAL EXPENSES TOTAL CHANGES IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS CHANGES IN TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS: Investment Income Grants Donations and appeals Net assets released from restrictions Total changes in temporarily restricted net assets $ 942,088 $396,650 300,000 1,539,279 (421,079) $ 1,814,850 TOTAL CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $ 2,034,196 NET ASSETS, beginning of the fiscal year $ 7,308,323 NET ASSETS, end of the fiscal year $ 9,342,519 $ 219,346 Land Preservation Fund $3,469,591 Merritt Neighborhood Endowment Fund 75,582 Legal Defense Fund270,504 Stewardship Endowment Fund 1,941,195 General Operating Fund 3,585,647 TOTAL NET ASSETS $ 9,342,519 Aquidneck Land Trust Boards & Staff These annotated lists reflect the composition of the Board of Trustees and Board of Advisors and their place of local residence as of December 31, 2007. The Board of Trustees thanks retiring Board Members for their outstanding dedication and support. Board Of Trustees CHAIR D. Stuart MacNaught Newport, Rhode Island Louis Escobar Portsmouth, Rhode Island Board Of Advisors CHAIR Michele Foster Portsmouth, Rhode Island Eleanor H. Kinney Breman, Maine Jonathan K. Gewirz Providence, Rhode Island Randall Arendt, FRTPI Narragansett, Rhode Island Mil Kinsella Portsmouth, Rhode Island Kathleen Glassie Middletown, Rhode Island Hugh D. Auchincloss III Newport, Rhode Island Sanne Kure-Jensen Portsmouth, Rhode Island Mark D. Hellendrung Middletown, Rhode Island David E. P. Lindh Newport, Rhode Island SECRETARY Katherine S. Damon Portsmouth, Rhode Island Robert A. Carrellas, M.D. Middletown, Rhode Island Nannette Herrick Newport, Rhode Island Ann Conner Newport, Rhode Island Richard C. Loebs, Jr. Middletown, Rhode Island Charles B. Allott, Esq. Portsmouth, Rhode Island Frederick J. Hodges III Jamestown, Rhode Island Steven Cotta Portsmouth, Rhode Island Deborah L. Merritt Middletown, Rhode Island Denae Bayer Newport, Rhode Island Katherine E. Irving Newport, Rhode Island Trudy Coxe Jamestown, Rhode Island Nuala Pell Newport, Rhode Island Mary Bush-Brown Boston, Massachusetts Holly Janney, Esq. Portsmouth, Rhode Island Anne S. Damon Middletown, Rhode Island Sheila M. Reilly Middletown, Rhode Island Lyn Comfort Newport, Rhode Island Matthew O. Kirby Middletown, Rhode Island Ronald Lee Fleming Newport, Rhode Island Denise L. Roberts, CFP Newport, Rhode Island William J. Corcoran, Esq. Newport, Rhode Island Paul F. O’Reilly Middletown, Rhode Island Anne W. Garnett Jamestown, Rhode Island Jocelyn C. Sherman Middletown, Rhode Island Regis A. de Ramel Wilmington, Delaware Michael Warren Newport, Rhode Island Stephen A. Haire, Esq. Middletown, Rhode Island Keith W. Stokes Newport, Rhode Island Stephen A. DeLeo, Esq. Middletown, Rhode Island Nancy Parker Wilson Portsmouth, Rhode Island George Gardner Herrick Newport, Rhode Island Larry Taft Foster, Rhode Island Samuel H. Howell Middletown, Rhode Island Alison S. Vareika Newport, Rhode Island VICE CHAIR Stephen J. MacGillivray, Esq. Middletown, Rhode Island TREASURER John McColloch Portsmouth, Rhode Island Ronald F. Dick Newport, Rhode Island Robert E. Victor, CPA Portsmouth, Rhode Island Sandra T. Whitehouse Providence, Rhode Island Staff Edward S. Clement, Jr., Executive Director David A. Thalmann, Director of Finance & Administration Larry Sheerin, Nannette Herrick, Anne Corbin & David Thalmann at the 5th Annual Golf Tournament. A paddle boarder enthusiastically completes his lap at the Aquidneck Island Paddle Fundraiser. Carolyn du Pont, Development Director Andrew Arkway, Stewardship Director Jessica Pohl, Assistant Development Director Diana Britton, Office Manager Courtney Ferreira, Development Coordinator ALT 18th Annual Report 15 The Aquidneck Land Trust preserves the Island’s open spaces and natural character for the lasting benefit of our community. 790 Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown, Rhode Island 02842 401.849.2799 Printed on recycled paper using soy ink. PDQ Printing & Copying, Inc., Newport, Rhode Island
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