2012 annual report
2012 annual report
2012 annual report our mission Save The Bay protects, restores, and improves the ecological health of the Narragansett Bay region, including its watershed and adjacent coastal waters, through an ecosystem-based approach to environmental action; defends the right of the public to use and enjoy the Bay and its surrounding waters; and fosters an ethic of environmental stewardship among people who live in or visit the Narragansett Bay region. director & president’s message Save The Bay’s formidable record of achievement has always been derived from its deep roots in the community. Community support was never more evident than in fiscal 2012, in two striking ways. With it we achieved major advocacy and education milestones and weathered the storm of federal funding cutbacks. Our quiet persistent approach yields results. On Election Day last year voters overwhelmingly approved two environmental bonds that Save The Bay championed behind the scenes and before the public for more than two years. One of these will be leveraged with federal and private capital to provide more than $200 million in low-cost financing to municipalities for long overdue investments in wastewater treatment plant upgrades. Last summer, RI’s coastal agency embraced a new coastal adaptation planning process, dubbed the “Beach” SAMP, after 18 months of dogged work by Save The Bay. Super Storm Sandy brought home the need for a new approach. Thanks to our advocacy, the debate over how to adapt to rising seas, coastal erosion, and flooding will now play out in a transparent process that protects the environmental resources and public access we all hold dear. Polluted stormwater remains a serious problem for Narragansett Bay and is one of the most complex and costly environmental challenges we face. Save The Bay has been working quietly to build a shared commitment to addressing the problem. Our efforts produced major progress last year when the Narragansett Bay Commission, the City of Providence, the Department of Environmental Management, and the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program came together to explore new stormwater management solutions. Fiscal 2012 was also a year of milestones for our Explore The Bay marine science education program. We set records for attendance at our Exploration Center in Newport and participation in our summer camps and other public programs. In our school programs, more than 90% of our teaching partners renew their participation each year. This commitment speaks volumes about the strength of our Explore The Bay program. Two years ago federal funding cutbacks threatened to undermine our ability to sustain our advocacy, restoration, and education programs. This year our members, Save The Bay’s Executive Director Jonathan Stone and Board President F. Paul Mooney, Jr. donors and funders stepped up again to provide critical financial resources. As we look ahead, we dedicate ourselves to inspiring future generations of Bay stewards and press on with quiet determination to protect and restore Rhode Island’s most beautiful natural resource. 1 Our annual Bay Agenda event on February 4, 2013 featured a panel discussion on stormwater management with a focus on impacts and the need for funding. The event was attended by nearly 100 people, including Governor Chafee, state legislators, environmental agency directors and the press. f rom grassroot advocacy campaigns to testimonials at legislative hearings, Save The Bay has served as a leader in environmental advocacy to protect, restore, and improve the ecological health of the Narragansett Bay region, including its watershed, and adjacent coastal waters. Through our ecosystem-based approach to environmental action, we continue to defend the right of the public to use and enjoy the Bay and to foster an ethic of environmental stewardship among people who live in or visit the Narragansett Bay region. protect Save The Bay led a successful, multi-lingual campaign for passage of Questions 5 and 6 on the November 2012 ballot. The environmental bonds included $2.1 million for stormwater projects and were approved by nearly 70% of Rhode Island voters. (Providence voter approval was 86% for Question 5 and 82% for Question 6.) Coastal Resources Management Council embraced Save The Bay’s policy recommendation by developing plans for a Shoreline Change Special Area Management Plan (aka the “Beach” SAMP). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency invited Save The Bay to play a key role in determining the scope of a program to establish a geographical focus on restoring water quality and coastal habitats in Southeastern New England as directed by Congress. 3 s Volunteers contributed over 1,000 hours to help us establish a bay scallop spawner sanctuary at Point Judith Pond. Project participants counted over 800 juvenile scallops through monitoring spat lines. ave The Bay has protected, restored and improved the ecological health of the Narragansett Bay region, including its watershed and adjacent coastal waters, for 42 years. Coastal habitat restoration efforts began at Save The Bay in 1996. Since that time, we have served as a leader in the restoration of the Bay’s salt marshes, anadromous fish runs, scallops, eelgrass beds and coastal buffers. restore Save The Bay Restoration team members played a major role in the Hopewell Mill dam removal on the Mill River in Taunton. Hopewell is the first of three dams to be removed along the river. The project will ultimately open up 37 miles of free-flowing habitat for anadromous fish. In collaboration with state and federal partners, Save The Bay conducted an aerial eelgrass mapping project, mapping 1,342 acres of eelgrass statewide. The Restoration team developed and conducted a peer-reviewed regional assessment of salt marshes to determine the effects of sea level rise on plant communities. 5 t Save The Bay’s Explore The Bay education program conducted 766 highly successful school-based programs, reaching over 22,000 students in 2012. While the majority of programming served elementary and middle schools, we also provided educational services to pre-school, high school, and college students. oday’s youth are the future stewards of Narragansett Bay. For over 20 years, Save The Bay has invested in innovative partnerships with schools to offer academically rigorous, experiential, hands-on marine science learning opportunities that inspire thousands of youth across three states. Our unique Explore The Bay programming is designed in collaboration with teachers and administrators to provide highly effective science curriculums delivered in and out of the classroom. Our dedicated education team takes pride in inspiring young minds for future academic success. explore Explore The Bay’s outreach extended to Massachusetts (7 schools) and Connecticut (1 school), comprising 972 education programs across three states. Of the total number of schools served, 71% are public schools, 23% are private schools and 6% are community organizations. We also welcomed 17 new educational partnerships. Explore The Bay conducted a total of 241 public programs, serving 14,315 guests. Despite Super Storm Sandy and a harsh winter, 2,897 individuals participated in our seal tours and 11,418 guests visited our Exploration Center in Newport. “Thank you for opening my eyes to a whole new world other than the four walls of my classroom.” — Central Falls High School student 7 donor support the bay swim t The Swim is Save The Bay’s largest annual fundraiser, serving as critical support in our efforts to protect and restore the Narragansett Bay region. In 2012, the event raised a record-setting $362,000 and brought together 447 swimmers, 221 kayakers, 200 volunteers, 2,000 spectators, and more than 4,000 donors. The Swim was featured across toptier media and social outlets with an impression value of over 4.5 million and was top trending on Facebook with 3,000+ likes! 8 Salt Pond Society $10,000 - $24,999 O OUR DONORS: individuals Save The Bay is deeply grateful to the thousands of individuals, businesses, foundations and other organizations who generously support our work to protect and restore Narragansett Bay. In this report, we are pleased to recognize all those who gave $100 or more during calendar year 2012. Save The Bay Giving Societies We appreciate the generosity and leadership of the members of our Giving Societies. Without their strong support and commitment, our accomplishments would not be possible. Please notify Frank Maher at 401-272-3540, x126 and accept our sincere apology if you are omitted or incorrectly listed. Thank you. Anonymous Mr. Dayton T. Carr Mr. and Mrs. John S. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Gib Conover, Jr. Almon and Suzanne Hall Mr. Esmond V. Harmsworth Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Hassenfeld Kate and Howard Kilguss Ms. Devin McShane Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Sharpe, III Deborah and Robert Slotpole Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. C. Smith Brenton Reef Society $5,000 - $9,999 Ninnigret Society $75,000 and up Ms. Diana E. Oehrli Prudence Society $50,000 - $74,999 Ms. Lisette Prince Sakonnet Society $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Barbara and Duncan Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Creamer Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Edgerley David and Suzanne Morris Anonymous (2) Joan and Richard Abrams Jane Garnett and David Booth Mr. and Mrs. Ruud H. Bosman Mr. Richard L. Bready Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Brewer, Jr. Johnnie and Arnold Chace Denise and Robert Dangremond Clover M. Drinkwater Mrs. Anne G. Earle Jonathan and Ruth Fain Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Force Mr. David B. Ford Mark J. Formica and Linda A. Brunini-Formica Mr. and Mrs. S. Matthews V. Hamilton, Jr. Mrs. Samuel M. V. Hamilton Drs. Jennifer Hosmer and Brad Miller Mr. Paul LaViolette and Ms. Lucille Rossignol Ms. Edith S. McBean Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Moody, III Mr. and Mrs. Alister W. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Paul Salem Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Siegal Dennis and Fran Slutsky Ms. Myrth York Cecily and Karl Ziegler Sachuest Society $2,500 - $4,999 Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Austin Peter and Lucia Gill Case Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Darden Mr. John W. Elder Mr. Jonathan K. Gewirz Gail A. Ginnetty Mr. David Haffenreffer Mr. Joseph F. Herbert Mr. Peter M. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Mancini Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Manning F. Paul Mooney, Jr. and Nancy E. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Ward K. Mooney 9 Mr. and Mrs. Joop Nagtegaal Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Rasmussen Craig and Sarah Beinecke Richardson Julia and Curt Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Sharpe, Jr. Mr. Douglas Sharpe Ms. Sarah Angell Sharpe Mr. Donald J. Steiner Mr. Andrew Wallerstein and Ms. Mary C. Sloane Mr. Bruce Waterson Mr. Chris Waterson Mrs. Leslie Weeden Mr. and Mrs. Blue Wheeler Mary and Tot Wright Beacon Society $1,000 - $2,499 Alden and Emily Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Barden Mr. James Berwind Ms. April Bodman Mr. Nicholas S. Bowen Captain Nicholas Brown Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burnham Mr. Nathan W. Chace and Mrs. Mary E. Chace Mr. Wayne Charness and Mrs. Jeanie S. Charness Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. John P. Collins Ms. Wendy H. Crandall and Mr. Chris A. D'Aguanno Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Craven 10 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cummings Ms. Nancy Cushing Mrs. Judith P. Danforth and Mr. Murray S. Danforth Mr. William DeAngelus, III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiBattista Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Dimeo Mr. John J. Fauth Suzanne and Tom Ferrio Ms. Pam Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Steve Frary Mr. Bernard F. Gewirz and Mrs. Sarah Gewirz Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Gewirz Mr. and Mrs. Kent Gladding Mr. and Mrs. Clifford F. Griffith Mr. Bryce Hall and Mrs. Gloria D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hall Dr. Steven P. Hamburg and Ms. Sarah A. Barker Ms. Kate Hamilton Mr. and Ms. Edward Handy, III David and Susan Hibbitt Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Higginbotham Mrs. Anne B. Jencks Mrs. Eleanor Jewett Ms. Annice H. Kenan and Mr. Jesse W. Smith Mr. Morten Kielland and Mrs. Belinda B. Kielland Ms. Mary Ann Hamilton Lamont Mrs. Julie Latham Brooke and Eugene Lee Mr. and Mrs. William L. Leatherman Miss Bay Mackall Mrs. Suzanne M. Magaziner and Mr. Ira C. Magaziner Dr. Louis J. Mariorenzi and Ms. Priscilla Szneke Drs. Charles and Lory McCoy Eugene and Bronwyn McDermott Mr. Donald McGovern Lucy Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Moran Mr. Michael Moss Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Murphy, Jr. Gloria Nagy and Richard Saul Wurman Dr. Robert P. Naparstek Virginia and Alan Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Doug Newhouse Alice and Jack Nichols Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Pease, Jr. Mr. John M. Peixinho Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. H. Pell Mrs. Nuala Pell Aidan and Kate Petrie Ms. Patricia Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Warren L. Prell Catherine and Seth Price Dr. and Mrs. John J. Przygoda Mr. Daniel E. Rothenberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce Ms. Nancy D. Safer Mr. and Ms. Andrew Salem Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schwartz Mr. Timothy Scudder Ms. Judith Sernatinger Ms. Anne Sage Sgro Scott Sipprelle Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan F. Stone Mr. John S. Struck and Mrs. Beatriz Struck Ms. Mildred H. Struck Mr. and Mrs. Shivan S. Subramaniam Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Szostak Ms. Anna W. Templeton-Cotill Mr. and Mrs. John B. Torgan Alison and Charles Townsend The Uptegrove Family Mr. Robert Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Washburn Mr. and Mrs. Be rnard M. Wharton Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wright John and Christine Zitzmann Hope Society $500 - $999 Mr. John J. Aiello Ms. Margaret Alldredge Mr. Robert Allio Mrs. Anne D. Archibald Mrs. Victoria Arrigoni Hugh and Susan Balloch Christopher Bartle Mr. William Beinecke Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Black Mr. Thomas Blake Carolyn and Christopher Book Mr. and Mrs. George T. Boyer Mr. Jacob F. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Brown Ms. Cindy J. Butler Mrs. Wendy Cahill and Mr. Jim Cahill Mr. Ron Caniglia Mr. Bill Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Cherwinski Mrs. Judith Clark and Dr. David Clark Donald and Nancy Cloud Ms. Lyn Comfort Ms. Cynthia Cook Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Cook Stacy Couto and Brendan Dee Mr. David J. Cranmer Mr. Robert K. Duby Dr. and Mrs. Lee E. Edstrom Ms. Carrie Elston Mrs. Amelia L. Entin Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Falk Ms. Ann M. False Mr. James Farrar and Mrs. Joseph Finley Lee Fixel Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Fogarty, Jr. Mr. Donald Frahm Mr. Andrew M. Gabor Leslie and Thomas Gardner Mrs. Katrina Hamilton Gewirz Ms. Kiley Gosselin Mr. Steven M. Grieve Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Grumbach Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gumbley Mrs. Alexis Hafken Mr. Peter Hallock Mrs. Jocelin Hamblett Ms. Teresa Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Harvey, Jr. Mr. Mark B. Heffner Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hooper, Sr. Mr. Howard Huntoon, Jr. Mr. Mark Jennings and Mrs. Deborah Jennings Dr. David R. Katzen and Barbara R. Binder Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kingsley Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Kirk Ms. Jill J. Langley Mr. Aidan Latham Peggy and Rob Leeson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Livingston, Jr. The Ludwig-Leone Family Mr. James Lynch Mr. Stephen J. MacQuarrie and Ms. Kathryn P. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mauran, IV Ms. Holly McAllister Mrs. Carlene Messinger Dr. Patrice Milos-Spalding and Mr. H. Curtis Spalding William and Pamela Morgan Ruth Mullen Deb Nelson Mr. John Newcomb Paul and Donna Nicholson Mr. Dennis W. Nixon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Orth Brendan Owen Mr. David Pelkey and Mrs. Judy Pelkey Mr. George R. Pelletier Mr. Richard Powers Samiyeh Price Mr. Charles Rardin and Ms. Jane Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Ray Mr. Richard Robb Ms. Jennifer N. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Rocchio Mr. Herman H. Rose Vincent and Alberta Rose Mr. Peter B. Scoliard and Ms. Sarah E. Sinclair Ruth Shapiro Mr. William K. Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. William A. Shawcross, Jr. Mr. Bennett E. Singer and Mrs. Lissa Singer Dwight Sipprelle Ms. Susan Sipprelle Tracy Sipprelle Jennifer Smith Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Soloff Mr. Kevin P. Stiles Mr. Burton Strom Dr. Elizabeth M. Sutton Ms. Suzanne Thoms Mr. Brinkley Thorne Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Torgan Mr. Peter A. Travisono and Ms. Nancy J. Pottish Natalie and James S. Venetos Mr. Troy West Ms. Sarah Whittemore Ms. Deborah Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Willard Mr. and Mrs. Dudley A. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Wright Mr. Michael Zani Margaret and Andy Zuccotti Salt Marsh Society $250 - $499 Anonymous Mr. George E. Alexandre, Jr. Ms. Rosamaria Amoros Mr. Berndt W. Anderson Mr. Gregory Angel Mr. Henri Arts Dr. Russ Auclair Dr. Robert A. Ave' Lallemant Nancy Badia Dr. Kevin Baill Drs. W. Lloyd Barnard, Jr. and Lucinda B. Barnard Mr. Henry T. Barney Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Beinecke Karen Augeri Benson and John Benson Warren Bischoff Cynthia Blanthorne Dr. and Mrs. Beverly S. Blazar Mr. Danny Bliss Mr. Paul Bourgoin Courtney Bourns Ms. Olga Bravo Patricia Brennan Melissa and James Bride Mr. Bill T. Brosnan Mr. and Mrs. James Bunn Mrs. Deborah W. Cameron Suzanne Caron Mr. Kevin Carr and Mrs. Karen Carr Ms. Patrice A. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carter Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carton Mr. Stephen Ceglarski Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Choquette, Jr. Ms. Mary Clark Ms. Erin E. Clement Mrs. Eleanor S. Cochran Mr. Timothy Coffey Mr. Chris G. Colby Mrs. Kathryn Conway Mrs. Mary W. Copp Dr. Donald Coustan Lu Cribari and Dave Reid Mrs. Jacqueline T. Crosby Ms. Barbara Crouchley Leanne and Thomas Danielsen Frank and Hope Darigan Ms. Michelle B. Denault Mr. Tom E. Derecktor Mr. and Mrs. Normand P. Desmarais Mr. Dom J. Dinardo Mr. Ted R. Dintersmith and Ms. Elizabeth S. Hazard Mr. Richard L. DiPietro Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Donilon Mr. Joe Dowling Dr. Andrea Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Drew, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. William Drinkwater Mr. Kaan Duru Mr. Ken Easley Mrs. Helen E. Ederer Mr. and Mrs. Dave E. Egan Mr. Fred Ehrsam Paul Elston Todd Estabrook David and Tricia Evangelista Peter and Jayne Evangelista Elizabeth Eyres Ms. Patricia Fairchild and Mr. John Sessions Mrs. Allison A. Falkenberry Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Faulkner Dr. Lloyd R. Feit and Dr. Linda Nici Ms. Wenley S. Ferguson and Mr. John Wolf Anne and Hugh Fiore Mr. Arthur F. Fiorenzano Nicole and David FitzGerald Mr. and Mrs. David Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fitzpatrick Mr. Bruce Fleming Ms. Michelle Forcier Dr. Matt Forster Ryan Foscaldo Ms. Sara C. Foster Ms. Danielle Fournier Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Frary Michael V. Frazier and Nancy LaPosta-Frazier Mr. Greg and Heather Fronczek Ms. Cynthia E. Frost Ms. Sarah Frost Mrs. Lisa Gaddes Allison and Patrick Gauthier Mr. James F. Gendron 11 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glacken Mr. and Mrs. Brian Goad Mr. Robert Godfrey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Godley, III Arthur Goldberg Mr. Bill Goldberg and Mrs. Nancy Goldberg Ms. Kathleen Gorman Mary Gorman Mr. W. Cabell Grayson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Greco Ms. Josie Greene Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Greenspan Mr. Jeff Gregston Mr. Marc Greichen Mr. John C. Grzebien Mr. Paul J. S. Haigney Mr. Jonathan Haisman Christopher and Martha Hamblett Mr. Joseph W. Hammer Mr. Tim Hando Ms. Cynthia R. Hanssen Mr. John Harrington Mr. and Mrs. David R. Harrison Mrs. Ellen Harrison Mr. Philip C. Harter and Ms. Barbara S. Jones Ms. Charlotte Harvey Mr. Michael Haslam Ms. Claudia Hearn Mr. Jeff Heimiller Helen Heineman Mr. and Mrs. Don Henderson 12 Mr. Peter J. Hendricks Ms. Stephanie Hevenor and Mr. Brennan John Mr. Bradley Hittle James Hoey Mrs. Frances M. Holmes Mr. Bill Holt Kim and Paul Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Horne Mr. Mike Huang Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Hughes Mrs. Suzanne Jachinowski Mr. Joseph Janson Mr. Michael Jilling Dr. Christopher Jones Ms. Lori A. Keenan Trevor Kelly-Bissonnette Mr. Dan Kemp and Susan Kemp Betty Kenan Karen Kent Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kenyon Nick and Amie Kershaw Cheryl A. King and Bernard Zimmermann Mr. Philip Kinsley Jerry Kirby Ms. Andra Kirsteins Ms. Janet Kmetz Mr. James Knowles Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Koch Mr. Daniel Kortick Mrs. Anna A. Kozlik Mr. Justin Kreter Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lambe Miss Marie J. Langlois Mr. John LaRiviere Mrs. Robert E. Larson Mr Jonathan Lathrop Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lee Mrs. Deborah L. Leenutaphong Ms. Betsy S. Leerssen Ms. Roslyn Leibensperger and Mr. Ronald Pitt Sanford Leslie Mr. Eduardo Lessa Mr. Paul Leveillee Ms. Kathy Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Limbird Ethan Liss-Roy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Little Mrs. Karen Livsey Christine Logan Mr. Patrick Mahoney Cowles and Marcia Mallory Mr. Keith Manville Dr. and Mrs. A. Louis Mariorenzi Mrs. Jean M. Marsella Mr. and Mrs. John L. Marshall, III Mr. Eric B. Martin Spencer and Caroline Martin Mr. E. Javier Martinez Tony McAuliffe Miss Annie McCarthy Sherrie McCarthy Mr. Michael A. McGourty David McIntosh Christina and Jerry McIntyre Jack and Hugh McLaughlin Mrs. Juliette McLennan Mrs. Sherril J. McMahon Bruce McNair Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. McVicker Ms. Debra A. Medeiros Mrs. Kathleen Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C. Merriman Mr. Donald J. Meyer Mr. Christian Miles E. Adams and Janey Miller Mr. Steve Miranda Dr. Franklin Mirrer Mr. James J. Mitchell Mr. Richard Mitchell Ms. Sharon L. Mooney Ms. Terry H. Morgenthaler and Mr. Patrick J. Kerins Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morse Mr. Walter B. Moskwa Mr. Brian A. Mulford Mr. John Austin A. Murphy Patricia Murphy and Ronald Routhier Dr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Nace Ms. Cheryl Nathanson Mr. David L. Nelson Mrs. Jane S. Nelson Mrs. Donna Neuendorf Ms. Suzanne Newbauer Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Nicholson, Jr. Renee Noto Karen O'Brien Martin O'Connell Kathleen Odean Mr. Peter O'Neill Mr. Kreg Palko Ms. Kimberly Palmer Mr. Richard S. Palmer Mr. Gary Patalano E. Pembroke and Fritz Attaway Sandra Pereira Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perkins Mr. John Peters Dr. Robert A. Petersen and Dr. Veronica Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Phalen Dr. Bruce A. Phillips and Ms. Judith M. Kaye Colleen Powers Bridget Kubis Prescott and David Prescott Mr. Kenneth D. Quaranto Dennis Quelch Mr. Mark B. Rafferty Dr. and Mrs. Peter Randall Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Records, Jr. Mr Dave Reid Mr. Charles F. Reilly Mr. John Reposa Rebecca Richard Ms. Martha K. Richardson Mr. Donald K. Richer and Mrs. Karen J. Richer Mr. Frederick J. Rickey, III Mr. Michael Riley Mrs. Lisa Roberts Mrs. Marilyn C. Roberts Mrs. Maura H. Rogers Richard and Ann Marie Rosa Mr. Alex Ross Mrs. Karen C. Ross Perry Ross James Russell Mr. Michael Russell Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ryan Mrs. Glenna J. Ryan Ms. Mary Pat Ryan Mrs. Lila M. Sapinsley Mr. Louis A. Sardelli Stephanie Sarvia The Sarvia Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmults Mr. and Ms. Jeff Schneider Mr. and Mrs. George M. Seidel Ms. Carolyn Sheehan Mr. Patrick T. Sheerin Mr. Irving C. Sheldon, Jr. and Mrs. Katherine M. Sheldon Dr. Douglas Shemin Ms. Noelle Shiland Ms. Erin M. Shippee Mrs. Frances Shippee Mark Sipprelle Brian Skeels Mr. and Mrs. John M. Skenyon Mr. and Mrs. John Slusarski Mr. Jesse W. Smith and Ms. Annice H. Kenan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Soutter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Spalding Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Sprague Sandy Stamoulis Ms. Susan Stautberg Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart Mr. FJ St. Germain Abbot Stranahan Sally Strasser Laurie and Ed Strong Dr. Stanley Stutz Diane and Stephen Sullivan Mr. Ed Sullivan Ms. Hadley P. Sullivan Mr. James F. Sullivan Mr. and Ms. Liam Sullivan Dr. Phyllis A. Syres Mr. Manabu Takasawa Mr. Christopher Tam David Tapscott and Gail Epstein Mr. Jeffrey Tarnoff Joan and John Taylor Mr. Roger Theroux Mrs. Pamela Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomas Dr. and Mrs. John F. Thompson Mr. Marc Tompkins Merin and Matt Troutman Mr. Steven Turilli Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Turowski Ms. Martha A. Ullman Mr. George M. Vetter and Mrs. Muriel P. Vetter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vieira Mr. John Vitha Mr. Roland T. Volker Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wall Ms. Sharon B. Wallace Mr. Michael Walsh Ms. Wendy Walters Dr. Ann B. Ward Mr. Alan Wardyga Mark Weber Ms. Judith Westrick Mr. Jim Wetzel Mr. Austin Whitman Ms. Robyn Wicks Honorable Ellen Winsor and David Coppe Mr. Ira N. Wolfe Cindi Wood Leighton Wood Mrs. Tara Wood Mr. Christopher Wright Curtis and Jo Ann Wright Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wright Kenton Zimmerman Bay Club $100 - $249 Anonymous (4) Ms. Deborah Abney CDR and Mrs. Richard P. Adams Debbie Adams Jo Adams Lenore Adams Mr. and Mrs. John F. Adkins Dr. Alyn Adrain Mr. Lorne A. Adrain and Ann Hood Ms. Lynne R. Agar Mr. Michael Ahearn The Ahearn Family Honorable Edith H. Ajello Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Alberg Aitor Aldazabal Mr. Stephen Alepa Mr. David Alexander The Algiere Family Mrs. MaryAnne M. Allan Mr. Thomas Allan Mr. Alfred L. Allen Mrs. Joan L. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G. Alperin Pamela Amenta Oliver Ames Mr. Andrew Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Andreozzi Ms. Eloise Angiola John Arnold Ms. Mary B. Arnold, MD Bonnie Arpin Brian Arthur Emily Arts Zach Arts Dr. Roger W. Ashley Robert Atwood Mr. Ronald Aubin Ed and Teresa Audet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Augello Ms. Babette Augustin Joanne Austerlitz Mrs. Victoria J. Avery Mr. Manuel Avila Nancy Babino Mr. Eric Backman Mr. and Mrs. David Z. Bailey Debbie Baker Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Baker Ms. Jan Baker Norman and Ann Baker Joseph Baptista Brittain Bardes John and Rita M. Barker Mr. and Mrs. John D. Barlow Dick Barnard Ms. Aimee Barnes Dr. and Mrs. Rowland P. Barrett Mr. Kenneth Barron Ms. Maria Barry Senator and Mrs. David E. Bates Mr. Victor J. Baxt and Mrs. Gussie Baxt Briggs Beach Charles and Anne S. Beal Elizabeth Beall Dr. Daniel I. Becker and Ms. Samantha Coit Becker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beeber Candace Beinecke Ms. Gaily Beinecke Mayor Jake Beinecke Mr. John B. Beinecke Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Beitchman Mr. Don Bell Kelsey Bell Peter Bell Ms. April B. Bellafiore Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Bence Ben Benevides Ms. Robbie Benjamin David Bentley Victor Beraja Mr. and Mrs. David Berardinelli and Shelly Peckham-Berardinelli Ryan Bernard Mike Bernert Mr. Lawrence Bernhardt and Mrs. Carolyn Bernhardt James Berns Dr. Edward Bernstein David Berube Mr. Dimitri Betses Sandra Bidlack 13 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Bilden Mr. David N. Binkley Ms. Cynthia K. Birmingham Mr. and Mrs. Mars J. Bishop Mrs. Rachel Bishop Mr. Norman Bitsoli Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Blacher Jean E. Black Andrew Blair Ms. Susannah Blair Ms. Dawna Blake Diana and Fraser Blakely Tim Blanchard Dr. Thomas Bliss Ms. Susan Bock William E. Boden, MD and Judy S. Hurstak Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Boger Ms. Joan T. Boghossian Mr. Gary Bolla and Mrs. Dawn Bolla Lynan and Quinn Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Bontecou Nancy Bossi Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bouchard Ms. Lisa Bowe Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Bowen Mr. Stephen Bowley Mr. John S. Boyce Michael Boyer Mr. Richard Boyer Pam Braden 14 Dr. and Mrs. William Braden Samantha Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Ed M. Brady Ms. Natalie A. Branchini Ms. Leslie Branger Bryna Brennan Mr. Robert H. Breslin, Jr. Michael Brewer Julia Brickford Dr. Steven C. Brin and Dr. Rita S. Nenonen Edward T. Broderick Mr. Richard Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Browder Mr. Craig T. Brown Mr. James P. Brown, III Mr. Jeffrey Brown Kristin and Robert Browne Mr. Mark Brugeman Ms. Palmira Brummett Mr. David Bryan and Mrs. Joyce Bryan Mr. Thomas Bryson Maggie and Gunther Buerman Mr. Jim S. Burden Mr. and Mrs. William L. Burgin Mr. Tom Burnett Ms. Susan Burns Tim and Lorrie Burns Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Burroughs, III Ms. Rhonda R. Byrd and Ms. Janet E. Bausch Mr. Russ J C Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Califano Ms. Terri Cameron Ms. Phyllis I. Campbell Mr. Ronald B. Campbell, Jr. Mr. Robert Cannity Mr. John J. Cappelli Ms. Jennifer Caracappa Mr. Joseph Cardello Paul and Nancy L. Cardoza Mr. Stephen Carll Ms. Karen Carlson Mr. Andrew Carmody Ms. Anne Carr Mr. William G. Carr Ms. Tracy Carson Dr. E. Jane Carter Ms. Christa Casey Mr. and Mrs. John Castellucci Mr. Robert A. Celio Mr. Benedetto Cerilli Kelly and Justin Cerilli Wiley and Allison Cerilli Mrs. Harriet M. Chafee Honorable Lincoln D. Chafee Ms. Patricia E. Chalmers Miss Anne Chapin Mr. John A. Chapin Mr. Samuel Chase and Family Ms. Mary Chatel Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Chatterton, III Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chaves Ms. Sara Chieco Dr. and Mrs. David R. Chipman Mr. Dukhea Choi Ms. Younsung Choi 2012 Top Citizens Bank / Save The Bay Swim Fundraisers, $1,000 and up Thomas Allan Stephanie Avila Rachel Balaban Jeff Boesch Bradford Cerilli Brad Crowell Michele Davidson Michael Davis Elizabeth Dietz Jerry Dorfman Clayton Finley Kiki Finn Deb Foppert Daniel Force Mark Formica Steven Gewirz Miriam Giles Kathleen Gorman Jonathan Gross Maura Harrington Jana Hesser Martha Hoey Thor Johnson David Karoff Annice Kenan Trice Kilroy Steven Kirkpatrick Philip Lee Richard Limbird Patrick Mahoney Frank Mauran Elizabeth Minifie Ruth Mullen Edwin Nicholson Agatha Perkins David Polatty Jay Prassl Stephen Resnick Michael Rosenberg Anne Rosenthal John S. Long Clare Sipprelle Robert Smith David Splaine Sarah Staats David Staples David Stephenson Jonathan Stone Louisa Swain Matthew Tsimikas Joy Twelves Matthew Vieira Philip Weinstein Lilly Wolfgang Christopher Zacharda Mike Zani Top Team Fundraisers East Side YMCA Navy Newport Newport Athletic Club RAMS Surfside Masters The Mummichogs Mr. Peter Christakis Honorable Maria E. Cimini Dr. Craig Clark Mr. Malcolm D. Clarke, Jr. Ms. Cynthia K. Clay Mr. Kevin E. Clegg Mr. Brent Cliveden Ms. Molly Clyborne Ms. Teresa Coffman Dr. Thomas Coghlin Dr. Anne B. Cohen Mr. Stuart A. Cohen Dr. and Mrs. John R. Coleman Edward and Julia Coll Elizabeth Rhein Collins Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Colvin Ms. Caitlin Comer Ms. Pauline Compos Mr. Charles Compton Ms. Georgiana Comsa Mr. Jonathan R. Conklin Mr. Stephen H. Connett, Jr. Ms. Nancy Constantino Carla and Barry Cook Mr. Steven Coon Mr. and Mrs. John Cooney Mrs. Patricia Cooney Mr. Jonathan Cooper Mr. Steve Cooper Mr. Alan S. Corcoran Ms. Beth A. Cotter and Mr. Stephen DeWitt Ms. Claire Cournoyer Mr. Thomas Craig Ms. Cassandra Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Crawford Mr. Mark Crook and Joanne Crook Mr. James T. Crowshaw Ms. Ann Cullimore Mr. James Cullimore Kim and Jeffrey Culpan Mr. Robert Cummings Ms. Cozette Cuppett Mr. Marty Curran Mr. Francis H. Curren, Jr. Mr. Thomas Curren Mrs. Laura S. Cutler Mr. and Mrs. John Cyr Mr. Albert A. Dahlberg Mrs. Mary Daly and Mr. Robert Daly Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dana Mr. David Daniel Mr. Selden Daniel Mr. Merle Daniels Mr. Gregory M. Dantas Mr. Joseph Darrigo Mrs. Amy Daubert Mr. Jerry Dauterive Mrs. Caleb Davis Helen and Marc Davis Mr. Steven Davis Ms. Beth de Camara Mr. David A. De Vecchis Mr. Bob DeAngelis Ms. Jennifer DeAngelis Mr. Steven DeAngelis Mr. Paul Debrule and Mrs. Valerie Debrule Ms. Teddy deCaro-Copley Mr. and Mrs. Merlin A. DeConti, Jr. Mr. Joe DeFusco Mr. Karl DeGraide Mr. Thomas Dejordy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Delekta Ms. Deb DelGiudice Mr. John Delmonico Ms. Abigail M. Demopulos Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Denison Mr. David Der Hagopian Mr. Seth Derderian Mary Dermody Ms. Jane A. Desforges Mr. Anthony DeSpirito Ms. Kathleen Devault Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Devine Mr. Thomas Devine Ms. Linda Dewey Dinusha and John Dietrich Mike and Chris DiGiano Mr. and Mrs. G. and M.J. Dill Mr. Steven DiNobile Ms. Marie Dion Ms. Susan DiPaolo Ms. Jean DiPippo Dr. and Mrs. Paul DiSilvestro Mr. Peter D. DiSpigno Ms. Kimberly Dodd Ms. Jill Dolce Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Rebecca Doran Donna and Jeffrey Doris Mr. Michael Dorn Mr. Jim Dorsey Mr. Peter and Mrs. Nancy M. Dorsey Denise and Harry Dowling Ms. Carmen L. Duarte and Mr. Edward von Gerichten Mr. Joseph Duenas and Mrs. Anne K. Duenas Ms. Pamela T. Dumas Mr. Bartlett S. Dunbar and Ms. Lisa S. Lewis Mr. Ronald H. DuVall Ms. Darlene V. Dymsza Ms Sharon Eckart Ms. Christine Eckert Mr. Will Eckhardt Mr. Roy A. Eckloff, Jr. and Mrs. Eileen Eckloff Captain and Mrs. Richard Edie Ms. Christine L. Egan Ms. Joyce Elden Hank and Debbie Ellis Miss Mary Elston Ms. Mary Emerson Ms. Jean Endryck Mr. John Eng-Wong and Ms. Priscilla Angelo Ms. Carol Epstein Mr. Michael Erickson Mrs. Karin D. Estes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Evangelista Mr. Tom Evans Ms. Lisa Evora and Mr. Todd M. Sharon Ms. Jennifer L. Faber Mrs. Rosalie B. Fain Ms. Lynn Fairweather Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Falcone Mr. and Mrs. William Falk Dr. Stephen S. Falkenberry Mr. Joe Famiglietti Ms. Mary E. Farnham Mr. and Mrs. James Farrell Mr. Jeffrey E. Fear Mr. Frank Fede Mr. Neil Feeley Ms. Jennifer Feeney Mr. John Feeney Mr. Daniel Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ferreira Mr. Joseph J. Ferreira, Jr. Ms. Ann G. Ferri Ms. Linda Ferruzzi Ms. Janice Ferry Mr. and Mrs. Alan Field Dr. Clayton Finley Ms. Ann L. Finn Ms. Sheila A Finnegan Susan and Damon Finneran Ms. Claudia Fischer Mr. Kenneth Fish Mr. John Fisherman Mr. Daniel G. Fitch Mr. Charles P. Fitzgerald Ms. Harollyn Roe Fitzpatrick Ms. Lesley A. Fitzpatrick Mr. Joseph Flanagan Ms. Molly Flanagan Mr. Patrick Flanagan Mr. Robert Flanagan Mr. Daniel Flatley Ms. Maureen Flatley 15 Mr. Braden D. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Wendell H. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Flood, Jr. Ms. Pam Flowers Ms. Stephanie Flowers Ms. Jennifer Flynn Mr. Robert Flynn Ms. Shirley Ann Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Chris Foster The Foster Family Marc and Katie Fournier Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fournier Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox, Jr. Mr. Michael Frazzetta Ms. Dorothy Frechette Mr. Marc Frechette Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Frizzle Dr. John Froehlich Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Frost Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Frueh Dr. John Fulton Mr. Joshua Furtado Ms. Linda Gagne Ms. Mary Gaiser Ms. Andrea Gaiteri Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Galbraith Mr. Ben Galego Mr. Warren Galkin Dr. Richard C. Gallagher Mr. Joseph Galli Mr. Forrest Gander Lisa Whisler Garavanta Mr. Donald Gardner, Jr. 16 Mr. Bradford Gardner and Mrs. Pamela Gardner Reverend F. Richard Garland and Ms. Katherine Sprigg Mr. and Mrs. Dick N. Garland Jane Garnett and David Booth Dr. and Mrs. Michael Garr Mr. Charles R. Garrett Ms. Paula Gaskin David and Dawn Gautreaux Mr. John Gautreaux Ms. Kim Gehring Ms. Barbara B. Genga Dr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Geremia, Jr. Capt. and Mrs. James F. Giblin Jr., USN (Ret.) Ms. Katherine M. Gibson Jim and Fraser Gilbane Mr. John Gilbane Mr. Robert V. Gilbane and Mrs. Sally Gilbane Mr. Keith Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gillooly Ms. Barbara Gleason Ms. Sousa Glen Ms. Lynne F. Glickman and Mr. Mark Kanter Dr. Stephen E. Glinick and Dr. Elizabeth A. Welch Ms. Deborah Glupczynski Barbara and Brian Goad Dr. Moses K. Goddard and Dr. Joan Goddard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. I. Goddard Ms. Sarah H. Godfrey Bruce and Amy Goldstein Mr. Chris Good Mr. Colin Gordon Ms. Elizabeth P. Gordon Mr. James Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gorra Ms. Jane Goshen Ms. Colleen Gouveia Mr. David Gove Mr. Richard Gove Ms. Mollie Grace Mr. Richard F. Graefe and Mrs. Susan W. Graefe Dr. and Mrs. John D. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Grandchamp Mrs. Elizabeth Granoff Bob and Mimi Grant Ms. Eileen Gray Ms. Anna Greco Ms. Penelope Green Ms. Joan Greenfield Mr. Lyle Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. Greenfield Mr. Christopher Greenman Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Greenspan, Esq. Mr. Kenneth G. Greenwell Ms. Virginia Greenwood Mr. Michael Gregson Mrs. Sarah Gretczko Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grieb Ms. Kelly Griffin Mr. Isaiah Grigos Ms. Eunice Groark Ms. Mary E. Grogan Mr. Jonathan Gross Mr. Richard Gross Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grosvenor Mr. Wayne Grover Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Groves Mr. William Clay Grubb Ms. Jessica Guerin Diana and Butch Guevremont Mr. Umberto J. Guido, Jr. Mr. Akhil Gupta Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Guralnik Ms. Rebecca Gutierrez Mr. Michael Hacker Ms. Teresa Hacunda and Mr. Peter Hacunda Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hall Ms. Lois Hamel Mr. and Mrs. Katie Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Handy, Jr. Margaret Hanoian Ms. Rebecca A. Hanos Mr. John Hansen Mr. Laurence Hapgood Mr. Alan Harbitter Ms. Carolyn A. Hardie and Mr. Robert J. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hardie Ms. Mary Harding Mr. Todd A. Hargraves Miss Jillian Harig Mr. Leslie M. Harnish and Mrs. Joan A. Harnish Mr. J Harrington Ms. Joan Harrington Mr. John Harrington Ms. Mary Harrington Mr. Benjamin P. Harris, III Ms. Jessie Harris Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hartman Matilda Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Hartwell, Jr. Mrs. Diana T. Harvey Mr. Paul Haughton Mr. Samuel H. Havens Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Hawkinson Mr. Robert S. Hawthorne Ms. Sue Hazard Mr. Thomas Hazard Ms. Kimberley Hebert Ms. Colleen Hedden Capt. Neale Hegarty Ms. Carolyn Hegeler Ms. Diann R. Helsabeck Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hertel Dr. Jana E. Hesser Miss Katie Hewitt Mr. John B. Higgins Mrs. Huong Higgins Mrs. Janet Hillenbrand Mr. Benjamin Hinckley Mr. P. Thomas Hirsch and Ms. Cindy Hirsch Ms. Martha Hoey Ms. Marcia Hoffer Mr. Brian Hogan Martha Hogan Ms. Elizabeth L. Hollander and Mr. Carl F. Kaestle Mr. Vernon Holleman Marianne and James Honohan Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Hornig Mr. John Hoskinson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Houlihan Mr. and Mrs. John T. Howe Mr. John I. Howell, Jr. Dr. David Howell Captain Carl I. Hoyer, USNR (Ret.) Mr. Mike Huang Mr. Robert Huber Hope Freeman Hudner and Michael Hudner Ms. Nancy E. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Hughes Mrs. Sheila Hughes The Hughes Family Miss Martha Hugo Ms. Polly Hutcheson Ms. Camille Hyatt Diane and Ed Iannuccilli Mr. David Imbusch Mrs. and Mr. Amanda and Jeremy Isenberg Mr. David Jachym Ms. Maryanne Jackson Ms. Mary T. Jackson Mr. Bruce Jacobs Mr. Daren Jaffe Mr. Hossain Jahansouz Ms. Thea James Ms. Helen A. Jankoski Mr. Michael Jarbeau Ms. Roberta Jenkins Ms. Sharon Jenkins Mr. Irving C. Jennings Ms. Mary M. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Brennan John Mr. and Mrs. Keith N. Johnson Mrs. Linda A. Johnson Mr. Mark C. Johnson Ms. Pamela and Steve Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson Mr. Thor S. Johnson Mr. Lauren Jones and Mrs. Vivien Jones Ms. Maggie Jones Ms. Cynthia Jorgensen Ray and Tabitha Jorgensen Ms. Deidre Julian Mr. Carl F. Kaestle and Ms. Elizabeth L. Hollander Ms. Caisey Kakascik Mrs. Beatrice C. Kampmann Ms. Margaret E. Kane Mr. John Kaplin Mr. David A. Karoff and Mrs. Barbara Karoff Mr. Richard M. Karoff Sharon Kassakian The Kates Family Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Katz Dr. and Mrs. Steven Kay Mrs. Melissa J. Kearns and Mr. Tim Kearns Mr. Joseph Kelly Friends of Ken Ms. Heather Kendra Dr. Michael H. Kenfield and Ms. Mary Cappy Mr. Mark Kern and Ms. Janet Billane Mr. Wayne Kezirian Ms. Tracy Killmer Mr. Thomas Kimbrel Ms. April R. Kinder Mr. Peter King Dr. Carolyn Kinney Mr. Roger I. Kirby The Kirk Family Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Linda Kirkpatrick Mr. Steven Kirkpatrick Ms. Libby Kirwin Ms. Linna Kite Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Knight Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knowles Mr. Christopher F. Koller and Ms. Colette C. Cook Mr. Marty Kontyko Mr. and Mrs. Clinton D. Kornegay Mr. Adam Kovarsky Mr. Derek Kraus Mr. Richard J. Kugele Ms. Linda J. and Harold Kushner Mr. Thomas E. Kutcher Mr. Richard Kyte Mr. Michael Laferriere Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lagasse Dr. and Mrs. Edward V. Lally Mr. Jarvis W. Lambert and Mrs. Abigail R. Lambert Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Lambert Mr. Richard Lan Mr. and Mrs. Jeff R. Land Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Lang Ms. Sally E. Lapides Mrs. Judith E. Lappin and Mr. Richard Lappin Ms. Wendy Laranjo Ms. Barbara T. Laura Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Diane Laura Mr. William Laurie Mr. Donald Lavigne Ms. Paula R. Lavigne Ms. Priscilla Lavin Mrs. Sarah K. Lee Barbara and Thomas Leggat Carol and Doug Leith Ms. Diane Leith-Doucett Mr. John A. Lema Mr. James Leonard Mrs. Katherine E. Leonard Mr. Ted Levandowski Ms. Asriel Levin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levine Ms. Sandra K. Levine Mr. Marc A. Lewinstein Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Lietar Capt. and Mrs. Steven Lighty Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Liiv Ms. Joann M. Lindenmayer Mr. and Mrs. David E. P. Lindh Mr. Peter Lipman Mr. James R. Lippincott and Ms. Catherine Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Lister Jay and Jill Litman Mrs. Judith Little Ms. Elizabeth Littlefield John and Susan Littlefield Col. and Mrs. G.M. Bruce Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Chi-man Lo Mr. Joe Loberti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Logan Mr. Kevin Logan Mr. E. Andrew Lohmeier and Ms. Naoko Shibusawa Wallace Long Wayne Long Ms. Alison Looney Ms. Stephanie Upham Lord Mrs. Rose A. Loser Mrs. Betsy Loucks and Mr. Eric Loucks Mr. Michael P. Lucas Mrs. Patricia Lund Mr. William R. Lund Ms. Deb Lusignan Ms. Joan E. Lusk Mr. David A. Lussier Mr. William Luther Ms. Maija Lutz Ms. Alice T. Lynch Mr. John D. Lynch, Jr. and Mrs. Patricia Lynch Mr. Peter Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. MacDonald Ms. Joline Macfarlan Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce MacLeod Mrs. Joan C. Macomber 17 Mr. Frederick J. Macri Mr. and Mrs. David Magill Ms. Darcy E. Magratten Mr. John Mahoney and Mrs. Danielle Mahoney Mr. Paul M. Mahoney and Mrs. Virginia Mahoney Ms. Anne Maletta Mr. Geoff Maletta Ms. Joanne Mancuso Jeff and Thomasine A. Manickas Mr. Peter Marcionetti and Ms. Cynthia Brown Mr. Carl Marinacci Mr. Paul B. Marion Mr. Todd A. Marion Ms. Tylee B. Marion Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Marnane Mr. and Mrs. Pasco L. Marro, Jr. Ms. Herci Marsden Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Marsello Mr. Peter Marsh and Ms. Denise S. Marsh Ms. Jacqueline Marshall Dr. Edward W. Martin Ms. Kathleen Martin Mr. Brandon Martins Mr. and Mrs. Edward Massoud Mrs. Theresa E. Mathiesen Ms. Esther Mauran Ms. Hope Mauran Ms. Joyce B. May Mr. and Mrs. John Mayers 18 Ms. Susan McCabe Mr. and Mrs. William K. McCaffrey Mr. Joseph McCarthy Ms. Joy E. McClintock Ms. DeLise McCorkle Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. McCulloch, Jr. Ms. Joanne McDermott Mr. Florance McDonough Ms. Hazel McEntee Ms. Mary McGeough Ms. Carolyn A. McGillivray Mrs. Ann Marie McGowan Mr. Ryan McGowan Ms. Colleen McGrath Ms. Elizabeth McIntyre Mr. Jerry McIntyre Ms. Nicole McIntyre Mr. Greg McKelvey Mrs. Mary E. McKenney Mr. Francis McLean Mr. Gregory McNab, Jr. Mr. Michael T. T. McVicker Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. McWhirter Ms. Mary Meagher Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Puffy Meikle Ms. Jean Mello Kathleen and Robert Menard Mr. Douglas Merrick Bunny and Peter Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Merriman, Jr. Susan and Bill Merten Mr. Jesse Metcalf Ms. Pauline Metcalf Reverend and Mrs. Peter R. Michaelson Martha and Ed Michalak Ms. Maureen Miconi-Ross Nicolas Milani Carol and Fred Millar Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Millard Ms. Ellen D. Miller and Mr. George A. Haduch Nancy and Josh Miller Mr. Thomas Miller and Mrs. Deborah Miller Mr. David Millet Mr. George Milner Mr. Neal Minahan Ms. Madeleine Mineau Ms. Elizabeth H. Minifie Mr. Chris Minutoli Kiel Walter Mitchell Mrs. Marilyn Roberts Moller Mr. David Monaghan Mr. Gene L. Moncrief Ms. Elaine Montgomery Peter and Sylvia Monti Ms. Betsy S. Moody Mr. William Mooney and Mrs. Ann Mooney Cliff and Mary Moore Mr. Paul Moran Ann C. and Kenneth W. Morrill Mrs. Susan W. Morrison Mr. Thomas A. Mort Ms. Patricia Moss Ms. Carolyn and James Moy Mr. Perry Moylan Mr. William Mullins and Mrs. Leslie Banker Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulvena Mr. and Mrs. William S. Munger Dr. Adrienne Munich Mr. and Mrs. James M. Murdock Miss Cecilia Murgo Ms. Jessica Murgo Mr. Ira E. Murphy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Murphy Mr. William H. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Tom Muzyka Ms. Donna Nadeau Mr. Eric R. Nadeau Mr. Joseph Nadeau Mr. John Neel Mr. Michael Nelson Mr. Robert Nelson Ms. Ann Neumann Ms. Laoh Newport Mr. Ductri Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Nicholson, Jr. Mr. Stephen E. Nightingale and Mrs. Sally L. Nightingale Mr. and Mrs. Pete and Lianne Nikitas Ms. Marisa Nixon Miss Sarah Nixon Bogdan and Rita Nowak Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Nula Ms. Katie Oakes Ms. Ellen O'Brien Dr. and Mrs. Kevin D. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. O'Brien Mr. William O’Brien Ms. Gwendolynne O’Connell Ms. Janet O'Connell and Mr. Robert C. Smith Mr. Cameron O'Connor Ms. Helen O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. James C. O'Day, Jr. Mr. Ed O'Donnell Ms. Maureen O'Donnell and Mr. Edward J. Turner Mrs. Eleanor W. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. James L. O'Hara Ms. Kathleen M. O'Leary Mr. Edward Olinger Mr. James Oliver Mrs. Darlene Olson Mr. Robert Olson Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Olso Ms. Helen O'Malley Mr. Steve J. O’Neil and Ms. Kristine Trocki Mr. Tim O'Neill Ms. Sally Orme Ms. Elise O'Shaughnessy Mr. Thomas Osmond Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Oswald Mr. Kevin Ouderkirk Ms. Marie Ouellette Mr. Jerry Pacheco Mr. Donald E. Paiva Ms. Marie Palladino Dr. Adam Pallant Mr. David Paller Dr. Mark Palumbo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Papa Ms. Cindy A. Paquin Mrs. Sabrina Paradis CDR Jim Parham and Mrs. Marsha C. Parham Ms. Elizabeth Parker Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Parker, Jr. Mr. A. Hilton Parmentier and Family Mr. Dick Pastore Mr. Peter Paton and Mrs. Suzanne Hoover Paton Mr. Cranston Paull Mr. Michael Pawlowski Ms. Kathleen Peach Mr. and Mrs. David Pearson Ms. Meredith Pearson Mrs. Sigrid Pearson Ms. Joan M. Peckham Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Pedenski Ms. Janet Peebles Mr. John Peebles Mr. Roland Pepin Mr. Jose Perez Mrs. Agatha K. Perkins Ms. Eleanor T. Perkins and Mr. Walter Podbelski Mrs. Deborah F. Perlman Mr. Daniel Perry Marvin and Phyllis Perry Mr. Calvin Peters Ms. Heidi Peterson Dr. Robert Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petrarca Ms. Susan Petrovas Mr. Richard C. Philbrick Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Picard Helga and Victor Piccoli Jane and Doug M. Pickard Mr. Kirk Pickell Mr. Ron Pilotte Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Q. Pilson Mrs. Lois Pink Ms. Anne Marie Plasse and Family Ms. Carol Pledger David and Isabel Pollack Dr. David Pomfret and Dr. Anna Pomfret Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ponto Mr. Frank Poole and Mrs. Margaret Poole Mr. and Mrs. Felix A. Porcaro, III Ms. Jill Porter Ms. Stacie Porter Mr. and Mrs. Alfred K. Potter, II Ms. Cornelia Potter Mrs. Darya Prassl Mr. Jay Prassl and Miss Cheryl McBay Mr. Bruce Prescott Mr. David Prescott Ms. Merry A. Preston Col. Richard Price USAF (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. William C. Prichett Mr. and Mrs. Cedric J. Priebe Dr. Fortunato Procopio Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Prosser Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Prunk Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pryor Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Puerini Mrs. Dorothy Pugh Mr. Michael Pugliese Mr. Bob Puleo Ms. Christine Puleo Mr. Michael Puleo Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Pytka Ms. Judith Queen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Quevedo Mr. A. Peter Quinn Mr. Michael Raciti and Ms. Barbara A. Farnsworth Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Radel Mr. John R. Rader and Ms. Catherine W. Wilkinson Ms. Christiana Raether Mrs. Johanna C. Rakauskas Ms. Pamela Rand-Barzakov Mr. Tim Ranzetta Mr. Carmine Rao Mr. Thomas Rao Mr. and Ms. Tom E. Ratcliffe Mr. Alan Raul Mr. John Ready Mr. Brian Reh Ms. Vida Reklaitis Mr. Paul Rekoff Jack and Barbara Renner Mr. and Mrs. David J. Reynolds Ms. Patricia Ricci Mr. Christopher S. Richardson Mr. and Ms. Dave Richardson Ms. Ellen Richardson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Richmond, Jr. Ms. Brooke Richter Mrs. Amy Riedel Mrs. Anne L. Rieger Mr. Tom Rietano Mr. Paul Riley Mr. Robert Ring and Mrs. Marriam C. Ring Mr. Steven R. Ripa Mr. Timothy Rivinus Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Roberts Ms. Prudence Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Romeo A. Robitaille Mr. Andrew Rodehorst Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rodgers, III Mr. Ito Rodi Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rodrigues Mr. Anthony J. Rose, Jr. Ms. Eileen Rose Mrs. Lillian C. Rose and Mr. Raymond F. Rose Mr. and Mrs. William M. Rosen Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Rosenberg Mrs. Barbara J. Rosengren Mr. Ben Rosenthal Mr. William Ross Ms. Elizabeth Rossiter Ms. Kathleen E. Rourke Mr. and Mrs. E. Alexander Rubel Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Rubenstein Barbara and Allen P. Rubine Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Rubinow Mr. Rick Rude Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rugg Honorable Deborah L. Ruggiero Mr. and Mrs. Rory and Sharon Russell Mr. Michael J. Russo and Ms. Catherine Cressy Mr. S. Paul Ryan Beth Ann Ryder, MD and David Cloutier, MD Ms. Jane Sackheim Mrs. Eve Sadd and Mr. Martin Sadd Ms. Paula Sager Mr. Richard Sages Mr. and Mrs. Bill M. Salmons Ms. Denise Saltojanes Mr. Andres Sambrano Ms. Joanna Sammartino Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Sanborn Ms. Lex Sant Mr. Alfred J. Santos, Jr. Mrs. Linda Sartinsky Mr. and Mrs. Felix Sarubbi Ms. Sandra Saunders Ms. Jacqueline M. Savoie and Mr. Dennis McCool Mr. Douglas Sayles 19 Ms. Elizabeth Sayles Mr. Jamie Scanlon Ms. Jeanne Scarella Mr. Dave Schaad Mr. PJ Schaffer Mr. Jamie Schapiro Mr. Nicholas Schaus Bryce Schintzius Mr. and Ms. Deken Schmidt Ms. Marguerite S. Schnepel and Mr. Paul R. Evans Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Schoenbaum Ms. Kerrie L. Schoenbucher Ms. Kimberly Scholle Mr. Jeffrey C. Schreck and Ms. Nancy K. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Juergen Schulz Mr. Bert Schweizer, III Mr. and Mrs. K. John Scott Lenka and Reed Scott Mr. Fred Sculco and Mrs. Anne Sculco Ms. Patricia A. Scully Mr. Paul Scura and Mrs. Nancy Cerbus Ms. Linda Sedgewick Mr. Michael Semenza Ms. Kris Senecal Mr. Ken Sepe Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Seyster Mr. David Shanker Mr. Harold Sharon Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Shaw Mr. Jocelyn T. Shaw 20 Ms. Maureen Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shea Ms. Kathleen Shea Mr. Kevin Shea Mr. Thomas Sheeran Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sheff Mr. Phil Sher Mrs. Martha P. Sherman Mrs. Elena Shleifer George W. Shuster, Jr. and Stephanie L. Van Patten Mr. and Mrs. David J. Sicard Mr. Rodie Siegler Mary Kay Sigaty Mr. Jim Silke Mr. Jim Silke, Jr. Dr. Rebecca A. Silliman Mr. Fredric Silverblatt Ms. Emma Simmons Mr. Hardwick Simmons Ms. Clare Sipprelle Mr. David J. Sisson Ms. Christine Skog Mrs. Rosemary Slocum Mr. Donn P. Slonim Mr. Brennan Smith Mrs. Dorothy Smith Mr. Evan Smith and Mrs. Amy Smith Mr. Kenneth Smith Mr. Kenneth R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Smith Richard and Charlotte Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wesley C. Smith Ms. Yvonne Smith Ms. Elizabeth Snellings Claire and Joseph Soboda Mr. Scott Soehl Mr. and Mrs. David M. Soucy Ms. Catherine Sousa Mr. and Mrs. John A. Souto, Jr. Mrs. and Mr. Cheryl and Will Space Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Anne Spaight Ms. Deborah Spaight Mr. John Spear Ms. Mary C. Speare Mr. James Spears and Ms. Alita Marks Mr. and Mrs. David R. Spencer Ms. Linda Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spies Mr. Choice Spine Mr. and Mrs. David Splaine Mr. Charles Stamm Mr. Norman Stein Mr. Paul Stein Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stephan Mr. David Stephenson and Mrs. Holly Stephenson Mr. Sean Stephenson Ms. Barbara Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Stillings Ms. Rebecca Stockdill Capt. Benjamin B. Stone Mrs. Cheryl Stone Mr. Deric Stone Ms. Galen Stone Ms. Jennifer Stone Ms. Margot D. Stone Mr. Robert B. Stone Mr. David Stott Ms. Ruth M. Strach Ms. Eileen Straughn Mr. Daniel Stupar Mr. Ronald Subourne Mr. Louis Sugarman and Mr. Paul Maraghy Bill and Diane Sullivan Martha Sullivan Ms. Patricia A. Sullivan Renie and Bob Sullivan Mr. Terry Sullivan Ms. Joanna Susin Ms. Hannah M. Swett and Mr. Mark D. Brookes Joan and Thomas Swift Ms. Priscilla Szneke and Dr. Louis J. Mariorenzi Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Szymanski Mrs. Royal C. Taft Mr. Mark Talbert Mr. Nate and Hayley Talbert Capt. Richard Talipsky, USN (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. George Tamaro Ms. Papatya Tankut Ms. Ann E. Taylor William and Donna Templeton Mr. Rick M. Terek Mr. Richard B. Tetelbaum Ms. Jeanne-Marie Teves and Ms. Ann K. Thacher Mr. Francis T. Thacker and Ms. Karen I. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Thomas Ms. Marilyn G. Thomas Ms. Dorothy J. Thornley Mr. Richard Thorpe Mrs. Norma Tiefel Ms. Susan E. Tietze Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tillett Ms. Helen H. Tjader Mr. Terry Tobias Ms. Mariana Toland-Hankow Mr. Patrick F. Toohey Ms. Elise A. Torello Mr. Gabriel Toro Ms. Caroline Tortolani Ms. Christine Townsend Mr. Curt Townshend Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles and Charlotte Tracy Ms. Jacquelyn H. Tracy, CPA Ms. Jessica Tracy Robin and Perry Traquina Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Tripp Mr. Terry Trumbull Mrs. Kim N. Trupiano Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Tuff Ms. Linda L. Turner Sarah Turner Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Twelves Ms. Karen L. Ufer Henk and Vicki Uiterwyk Dr. Sean Uiterwyk Mr. John R. Uppgren Mr. Kenneth Urban Mike Uretsky Mrs. Claire Valente and Mr. Jim Valente Ms. Marjorie Van Dercook Ms. Susan Van Ness Mr. and Mrs. Mark Van Noppen Ms. Stephanie L. Van Patten Ms. Michelle Vandeguo Mr. Clemens Vanderwerf Ms. Donnell Vannoppen Mrs. Kathleen Vanrijn Mr. Daniel Varin Mr. Stephen Varrichio Dr. Lynne Vaudry and Dr. Karyn W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John F. Verespy Dr. Armand Versaci and Family Mrs. Marie Vieira Mr. Matthew Vieira Mr. Arnold Vosloo Mr. Michael Waite Mr. Marc Wakeman Mr. Thomas A. Walden Miss Edie Waldman Mr. Ralph L. Wales and Mrs. Martha D. Wales Dr. Polly Walker Ms. Alisson Walsh Mr. Christopher M. Walsh Ms. Erin Walsh Ms. Jo-Ann M. Walsh Mr. Robert A. Walsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walsh Ms. Julie Warburton Ms. Francis Ward Ms. Rachel Watanabe Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Watson Mr. and Mrs. M. Locke Webster Ms. Patricia Westcott Mrs. Nancy Westfeldt Mr. Weems Westfeldt Mr. James D. Wharton and Ms. Mary Hutchinson Dr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Wheelock Mrs. Perry Wheelock David Whelan and Hazel Temple Ms. Lisa Whitaker Mr. Mark Whitcher Mr. Gregory White Mr. William White Dr. Sandra T. Whitehouse Mr. Bradford Whitman Mr. Gordon W. Whitten Mr. and Mrs. Maurice G. Wilkins, Jr. Mr. Donald C. Williams Shawen Williams and Andrew MacKeith Ms. Jean P. Wilson Ms. Judy Wilson Ms. Nancy Wilson Ms. Sarah Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wing Mr. Cooper D. Winn Ms. Christine Winslow Ms. Margaret E. Winters Karen Wishner Mr. Jim Wohlgemuth Martha Wood Mr. Tim Wood Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Woodhouse Mr. David Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Spofford Woodruff Amanda Woodward and Rory Coniglione Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Woolford, III Priscilla and Jim Worrall Ms. Alyce Wright Mrs. Barrett Wright Mr. David Wright Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wright Ms. Sandra S. Wyatt Mr. John M. Yashar Mr. and Mrs. Don Yousif Dr. Christopher Zacharda Mrs. Jacqueline Zahm Mr. and Mrs. F. John Zarlengo Eli and Logan Ziegler Mrs. Joanna Ziegler foundations, government grants & gifts We are grateful to the following private and community foundations and government agencies for their outstanding support of Save The Bay. $150,000 and up Island Foundation, Inc. McBean Charitable Trust Rhode Island Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 Diana Oehrli Charitable Trust c/o Goulston & Storrs FishAmerica Foundation Forrest C. and Frances H. Lattner Foundation Munzer Family Trust NOAA Restoration Center Prince Charitable Trusts Restore America's Estuaries NOAA RI CRMC - Coastal Resources Management Council $25,000 - $49,999 EJMP Fund for Philanthropy Prospect Hill Foundation van Beuren Charitable Foundation, Inc. $10,000 - $24,999 Carter Family Charitable Trust Hazard Family Foundation Irvin E. Houck Charitable Trust Textron Charitable Trust The Hassenfeld Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Hodge Memorial Fund National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Otto H. York Foundation The Rocky Point Foundation, Inc. The Salem Foundation $2,500 - $4,999 Haffenreffer Family Fund Jane M. Timken Foundation Laird Norton Family Fund Mancini Family Foundation Sharpe Family Foundation Silver Tie Fund The Providence Journal Charitable Foundation United Way of Rhode Island Philanthropy Account Wilmot Wheeler Foundation, Inc. $1,000 - $2,400 Brauchler-Collins Charitable Foundation 21 Fish Family Foundation Frederick C. Tanner Memorial Fund, Inc. Hartford Foundation, Inc. Janey Fund Charitable Trust Meehan Foundation Rodgers Family Foundation Stearns Charitable Trust The John B. and Nelly Llanos Kilroy Foundation University Medicine Foundation Winstra Foundation Foundation GE Foundation Hope Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Foundation The Annie E. Casey Foundation Verizon Foundation businesses & organizations $500 - $999 Amica Companies Foundation Citizens Bank Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund National Charitable Services Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Jewish Communal Fund Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Ralph and Clara Shuster Foundation The Arthur H. Carr Fund The Lotz Family Foundation The Robertson Foundation $499 and under Aetna Foundation, Inc. Amgen Foundation Barrington Land Conservation Trust Boston Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas 22 Save The Bay thanks the following businesses, workplace giving campaigns and other organizations for their support and generosity. $5,000 and up Dominion Energy New England, Inc. Dupont - International Dioxcide, Inc. Kohl's South County Hospital Healthcare System Tug Hollow Corporation United Water University Urological Associates, Inc. $2,500 and up Amica Ashaway Line and Twine Manufacturing FM Global The Frost Family Charitable Fund United Way of Massachusetts Bay $1,000 and up $30,000 and up Citizens Financial Group, Inc. $20,000 - $29,999 Ahold Financial Services American Power Conversion CVS Caremark Charity Classic, Inc. $10,000 - $19,999 Cox Charities of New England EarthShare REI B & T Association, Inc. Bank of America Bank of America United Way Campaign Barking Crab Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Rhode Island CB Richard Ellis New England Centreville Bank Constitution Surgery Centers, LLC Crystal Financial, LLC DeSisto Law Edwards Wildman Palmer, LLP F.L. Putnam Investment Management Company Gilbane, Inc. Heartbreak, LLC IBM Infilco Degremont, Inc. Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Johnson & Wales University Lefkowitz, Garfinkel, Champi and Derienzo, P.C. Liberty Mutual MediWeightLoss Clinics Network for Good Newport Mini Storage Center Newport Run and Chug Nortek, Inc. Open Solutions, Inc. Parsons Capital Management, Inc. Rhode Island Natural History Survey, Inc. SAGE Environmental Select Equity Group Shaw's Supermarkets/Star Markets Starbucks Partner Giving Programs Starkweather and Shepley Insurance Brokerage Team One Newport, Inc. The Providence Journal Company University Orthopedics, Inc. Waterson Terminal Services Whitesurf Developments LTD $250 - $499 BNY Mellon Community Partnership Bridge Technical Solutions Chemtex, Inc. City of Newport Cleantech Services, Inc. Covidien Dell Embolden Design, Inc. Guild Media, LLC Hunt Yachts, Inc. John Hancock Financial Services Katrina's Bakery Lane Construction Corporation Lane Design, Inc. Moses Brown School Purvis Systems Incorporated Quandis, Inc. State of Rhode Island Taylor, Duane, Barton & Gilman, LLP Tillotson Corporation Turner Sales, Inc. Waters Corporation $100 and up AAA Southern New England Acton Medical Associates, PC Ameriprise Financial Aries Dream Services, LLC Barrington Congregational Church, UCC Belmont Market Blaeser Insurance Agency Blount Seafood Corporation Brink and Associates Bristol Yacht Club Builders Surplus, Inc. Carbone Casey Charitable Matching Programs Cilantro Mexican Grill Cindy Wood Garden Club Clarke Cooke House, LLC Crestar MFG Down Under Jewelry Dryvit Fudgery, Inc. Glines and Rhodes, Inc. Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Group Dimensions International Hall Associates - Attorneys at Law Harmony Hill School Hewlett-Packard Hillcrest Properties Hodgson Pratt Pratt and Saunders Jamestown Boat Yard, Inc. Jennings Car Care Center, Inc. Kelley Metals Corp. Kendra Phillip L.L. Bean Laidback Fitness, LLC MassDevelopment MFAC, LLC Narragansett Lions Club New England Boatworks Northrod and Johnson Oaklawn Dressdown School O'Brien's Pub Pelletier and Clark Operating Account People's Credit Union Quitos on The Waterfront Rhode Island Blood Center Rhode Island Credit Union Roger Williams Park Zoo Rolf C. Hagen Corp. Rustpoint Advisory, LLC Scales and Shells Restaurant Schwab Charitable Fund South County Pulmonary Medicine, Inc. St. Andrew's School Stanley Black and Decker, Inc. State Street Matching Gift Program Taylor Box Company The Miriam Hospital Thompson Reuster Truist Uncas Manufacturing Company Vartan Gregorian School at Fox Sunshine Club Warwick Mall Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign matching gifts We are grateful to the following companies and foundations for matching gifts to Save The Bay made by their employees, directors and trustees. Your personal gift to Save The Bay may also be matched by your employer. Please check with your Human Resources Department. American Express Charitable Fund Ameriprise Financial Amica Companies Foundation Bank of America Bank of America United Way Campaign BNY Mellon Community Partnership Casey Charitable Matching Programs Citizens Bank Foundation Covidien Dell Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation FM Global Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Lane Construction Corporation Microsoft Matching Gifts Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Prospect Hill Foundation Select Equity Group Stanley Black & Decker Inc. Thompson Reuster Verizon Foundation Waters Corporation in-kind donations 1149 Restaurant A.T. Cross Company A+ Inflatables Academy Bus Line Bear Naked Granola Ben & Jerry's Newport Blackstone Bicycles Blount Fine Foods Cabot Cheese Carol Miller Designs Carrabba's Italian Grill Joshua Cherwinski Clarion Providence - Seekonk Core Strength and Conditioning, LLC Crystal Spring Water Company Del's Lemonade & Refreshments, Inc. Stan Dimock Edgewood Sailing School Michael Egan Escape Studio Jonathan Gewirz Granny Squibbs Iced Tea GU Energy Harbor Bath & Body Jack@belmontmarket.com Laidback Fitness LLC Larabar - Cascadian Farm Legal Seafood Foods, LLC Light Hawk Linden Place Museum Suzanne Magaziner Paul Mooney Ruth Mullen Muscle Milk Neo Sport New England Tent Newport Hospitality, Inc. People's Power & Light Pranzi Catering Pruitt Chiropractic Quitos on The Waterfront Rayo-X, Inc. Green River Silver Co. II REI Rock Spot Climbing S.S. Dion Jonathan Stone Thai Cuisine Traafford Restaurant Valutrack Corporation Whole Foods Market 23 World Trophies Zip 2 Water gifts in honor of or in memoriam The Save The Bay Endowment Fund was established in 1989 by Peter Lisle in memory of Elizabeth S. Lisle. As a lasting tribute to the work of Save The Bay, all In Memoriam gifts and bequests, upon the permission of the estate executor, are placed into the endowment fund. A small portion of the interest earned annually is used to support Save The Bay programs, and the rest is used to reinvest in the endowment. In 2012, gifts were received in loving memory of: Jim Belt Jean Blakey Christopher Brown Constance G. Byrnes Stephen Daylor Jason DeFreitas Bradford L. Dewolf Daniel and Brenton D. Doucette Henry Dymsza Knight Edwards James P. Elder Sarah L. Ellcome Richard Fairweather Don and June Gibbs Arthur Hardman Sheila Hobson Karen Kemp Richard Macomber Steve Melidossian Frank Menke Edward Olchowski Harry E. Pass Trevor Ramella Niels Rorholm Joan Schmock Georgia Shuster Alfred Silvia Jan S. Stone Amy Van Keuren Norma W. Vashon Barbara Ward Alan Wilson Sandra S. Wyatt special recognition Special thanks to those listed below for their significant contributions to Save Th Bay. Stephen H. Clark Island Foundation Estate of Rita R. Munzer Estate of Jane Akers Ridgeway staff Executive Director Jonathan Stone Jane Austin Rachel Calabro Josh Cherwinski Leanne Danielsen Rupa Datta Stan Dimock Susan Donoghue Denise Dowling Marci Cole Ekberg Wenley Ferguson Maureen Fogarty Topher Hamblett Peter Hanney Rob Hudson Jenn Kelly Adam Kovarsky Tom Kutcher Gráinne Lanigan Isaac Lavoie July Lewis Patricia Macchioni Katie Maginel Frank Maher Joe Mariani Leslie Munson Capt. Eric Pfirrmann Bridget Kubis Prescott David Prescott Mike Russo Paul Ryan Emily Stanley Liem Tran Matt Vieira Joan Warren the seagrass society investing in the Bay’s future *deceased The Seagrass Society honors people who remember Save The Bay in their will or establish an endowed fund. A bequest is a simple and meaningful way to ensure the long-term health of the Bay. Call Frank Maher at 401-272-3540, x126 or visit WWW.SAVEBAY.ORG/PLANNED_GIVING Save The Bay is affiliated with the Leave a Legacy ® program of Rhode Island and is a member of the Planned Giving Council of Rhode Island. 24 Save The Bay is grateful to the following members who have remembered Save The Bay in their estate plans and are devoted to the health of the Bay for generations to come: Joan Abrams Hugh Auchincloss Christy Blanchard Frances Bodell Ellen Borden Tim Burns Robert Chase* Lawrence Delhagen* Stan Dimock Adrian Diorio Laura Freid Gail Ginnetty Linda Kelly Sanne Kure-Jensen Alan Nathan Jean Timmons* LEAVE A LEGACY ® p Save The Bay hosts over 22 Rhode Island artists annually at the Bay Center's Providence Journal Charitable Foundation Gallery in a year-round rotating exhibit. A public artists’ reception presents local painters and photographers during each two-month show and sale. Forty percent of the proceeds benefit Save The Bay’s programs. eople committed to the health of Narragansett Bay come to Save The Bay with the desire to take action. They donate their time and energy to hands-on projects from cleaning up the coastline to monitoring wildlife and water quality. Our interns become the next generation of environmental leaders in the fields of education and habitat restoration. Save The Bay’s Volunteer and Internship Program remains a powerful and essential tool for engaging the community. connect At our annual Beach Slam, families enjoy a day of free beach activities, arts and crafts, field games, live entertainment, and local foods. The event is sponsored by some of Rhode Island’s most recognizable brands and network media outlets. In 2012, Save The Bay’s Beach Slam raised $30,000 in support of Save The Bay’s education program, which puts more than 17,000 children on the water each year. In its inaugural year, the Golf Tournament (generously sponsored by some of Rhode Island’s leading companies and academic institutions) hosted more than 120 guests and raised $48,000 to support Save The Bay programs. In FY 2012, 1,833 volunteers contributed 13,195 hours of their time to Save The Bay, an approximate value of $280,000. 27 financial report From a financial perspective, our fiscal 2012 was a year of transitions and challenges. Before the start of the fiscal year it was evident that federal support for our environmental education program was being curtailed. We experienced significant damage to the roof of the Bay Center at Fields Point from tropical storm Irene. At the same time we faced capital fundraising challenges. We met these challenges and continued to manage our financial affairs in a prudent and responsible fashion. Operating revenues declined 13% or $462k, reflecting a 53% ($647k) decrease in federal grants for our environmental education and habitat restoration programs. This decrease was partially offset by a 10% ($209k) increase in non-governmental revenues. This growth in non-governmental 28 revenues was driven by fundraising and expanded public programming. Anticipating the decline in federal support, we reduced our operating expenses by 12% or $495k through reductions in payroll costs and program expenses. Between these expense reductions and growth in non-governmental revenues, our operating deficit decreased by 11%. The increasing diversification of Save The Bay’s revenues has reduced the organization’s vulnerability to unanticipated future revenue shortfalls. In Fiscal 2011 a handful of government contracts accounted for 33% of total revenues. In Fiscal 2012 government contracts fell to 18% of total revenues. The largest single source of revenues declined to 3% of total income. In Fiscal 2012 we completed two major capital fundraising challenges. The first was meeting a matching grant challenge from the McBean Charitable Trust for the purchase and outfitting of a new educational vessel, to be christened the Elizabeth Morris, which will provide much needed capacity during our busy shoulder and summer seasons. We also completed the financing of a floating breakwater necessary to protect our dock at Fields Point in Providence. We thank our donors for helping us move forward on both projects. Last but not least, the weather threw us a curve ball during Fiscal 2012, when tropical storm Irene slammed into Rhode Island and damaged the roof of the Bay Center. This damage caused us to record a property loss of $83k. As always, we extend our gratitude to the many volunteers, members, donors, supporters, businesses, foundations, and other partners who underwrite our mission. And we recognize the dedication and diligence of the staff in weathering recent fiscal headwinds. They have been excellent stewards of your financial commitments to Save The Bay. ENDOWMENT FUNDS ENDOWMENT FUNDS, AS DIRECTED BY THE DONOR, are an investment in the future of Narragansett Bay. Gifts remain in perpetuity to fund our important work in advocacy, habitat restoration, education, and stewardship. The Julia Sands Chase Fund honors the memory of Mrs. Chase and supports Save The Bay’s important mission. Donor-Designated Endowments* The Alison Walsh Fund supports a yearly community award for outstanding environmental advocacy. Board-Designated for Operating Support In fiscal year 2007, Save The Bay’s Board of Directors designated additional funds for General Operating Support to provide the greatest flexibility in managing organizational resources in response to changing circumstances. As an endowment donor, you may decide to designate your gift as General Operating Support. This flexibility will help maintain the significance of your gift for future generations. The Roosa Family Fund for Marine Education supports marine environmental education for schoolchildren. The Leeds Mitchell East Bay Marsh Restoration Fund supports East Bay marsh restoration. The following fund may be utilized to designate funds below the threshold for individual endowments: The John H. Chafee Memorial Fund honors the Senator’s lifelong commitment to the environment and supports Explore The Bay education programs. Akhil Gupta Treasurer The financial statements of Save The Bay, Inc. are audited by CCR, LLP of Providence. Copies of the complete audited financial statements are available upon request. Donor-Designated for Operating Support Our investment and endowment policies are available for review upon request. To discuss your endowment options, contact Frank Maher at 401-272-3540, x126. *Save The Bay endowment policy requires a minimum of $50,000 initial funding for named endowments. 29 FY12 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION FY12 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES ASSETS SUPPORT AND REVENUE Cash and cash equivalents Receivables (pledges and grants) Prepaid expenses and inventory Property and equipment, net Investments at fair value $ 1,344,725 246,904 157,905 7,001,543 942,969 Contributions, gifts and grants Government contracts Program revenue Other income Investment income $ 2,228,795 569,274 330,819 96,669 1,774 Total Assets $ 9,694,046 Total Support and Revenue $ 3,227,331 LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued expense Deferred revenue Capital lease and long-term debt Total Liabilities EXPENSES $ 317,132 289,003 1,612,511 $ 2,218,646 NET ASSETS Total unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted $ 6,084,367 909,074 481,959 Total Net Assets $ 7,475,400 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $9,694,046 Protect and Restore Explore Connect Community site access General and administrative Fundraising $ Total Expenses $ 3,491,293 Change in Restricted Net Assets Extraordinary Loss (property and equipment) Total Change in Net Assets 929,958 1,456,194 61,211 149,166 377,687 517,077 543,282 (82,577) $ 196,743 15% Save The Bay’s management practices ensure that operating funds raised in the current year, as well as donor-designated contributions for special projects and programs, are put to appropriate use in support of Save The Bay’s mission. Fundraising 11% Administrative 74% Program For a copy of Save The Bay’s IRS Form 990, visit WWW.SAVEBAY.ORG/MISSION 0% 3% 10% Other income Investment income Program revenue PROGRAM EXPENSE 11% 15% General and Administrative Fundraising 26% PROTECT and RESTORE 18% 4% Government contracts 69% Contributions, gifts and grants SUPPORT AND REVENUE Community site access 2% 42% EXPLORE CONNECT EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 31 w Board Members E DEEPLY APPRECIATE THE LEADERSHIP provided to Save The Bay by our Board of Directors, Trustees and President’s Leadership Council. They are essential in carrying our mission forward. Save The Bay’s Board of Directors lends strategic vision and fiduciary governance for the organization. Wayne Charness Stephen Clark Gib Conover Gail Ginnetty Steven Hamburg Howard Kilguss Suzanne Magaziner Eugene McDermott Alan Nathan Dick Pastore Warren Prell Fran Slutsky Board Committees F. Paul Mooney, Jr. President Thomas E. Rogers Past President Alden M. Anderson, Jr. Vice President Johnnie Chace Vice President Cindy Butler Vice President Aidan Petrie Vice President Lynn Manning Secretary Akhil Gupta Treasurer Joan Abrams Jeff Allain Angela Ankoma Paul Beaudette Karen Benson Laura Bottaro Lorrie Burns Jennifer Cervenka Zechariah Chafee Wayne Charness Stephen Clark Christina Connett Gib Conover Lu Cribari Barbara Crouchley Michael Daly Jeffrey Danielian Joseph DiBattista Mohamad Farzan Suzanne Ferrio leadership Geoff Tuff Stephanie Van Patten Allison Walsh Alisson Walsh Leslie Weeden Alyssa Wood Chip Young Mike Zani John Zitzmann The Board of Trustees is comprised of trusted advisors with a longtime commitment to the organization. Board of Trustees Joan Abrams Trudy Coxe Kate Kilguss Sarah Beinecke Richardson Curt Spalding Tot Wright The President’s Leadership Council (PLC) assists Save The Bay by providing expertise, perspective, contacts and resources to further our mission. President’s Leadership Council Joan Abrams Hugh Auchincloss Ruud Bosman John Bowen Nicholas Bowen Helen Buchanan Tim Burns Duncan Chapman Jemma Craig Denise Dangremond Elizabeth Delude-Dix Joseph DiBattista Bradford Dimeo Patrick Driscoll Anne Earle Jonathan Fain Michael Foley Mark Formica Leslie Gardner Hope Goddard Thomas P. Goddard Robert Hall Robin Hall Peter Hallock Alan Hassenfeld C. Michael Hazard David Hibbitt Richard Higginbotham Jennifer Hosmer Hope Hudner Michael Keyworth Kathryn Kilguss John Laramee Brooke Lee Raymond Mancini Raymond Murphy Joop Nagtegaal Alice Nichols Nuala Pell Elizabeth Prince de Ramel Jeffrey Rasmussen Michael Rauh Sarah Richardson Martha Roberts Nancy Safer Robert Savoie Laura Seydel George Shuster Jeffrey Siegal Eric R. Smith Harry Staley O. Rogeriee Thompson Philip Torgan Fred Tripp William Vareika Kenneth Washburn Ellicott Wright Design: www.DonnaDeForbesCreates.com Board of Directors Tom Ferrio Stephen Geremia Gail Ginnetty Thomas P. Goddard Miriam Gordon Mary Grady Steven Hamburg Anita Horrigan John Kaplin Cynthia Kelly Howard Kilguss Kathryn Kilguss Ralph Kinder Joshua Laplante Christopher Lee Eugene McDermott Alex Molina Betsy Moody Albin Moser Ruth Mullen Robert Naparstek Alan Nathan Cheryl Nathanson Aidan Petrie Matt Piccerelli Christopher Placco Warren Prell Donald Pryor Thomas Rogers Vincent Rose Andrew Shapiro Fran Slutsky H. Curtis Spalding Meredith Stone Melissa Studzinski 33 Join Save The Bay You can help save Narragansett Bay! Your Membership: • Works toward clean, accessible waters and beaches. • Invests in educating future generations. • Makes a difference in your community. • Ensures the health of Narragansett Bay — PLEASE JOIN US! • Support marine science education programs for more than 17,000 students and teachers throughout Rhode Island each year. • Help to protect and restore over 124,000 acres of wetlands in Rhode Island. • Help support our cleanup efforts of over 30,000 pounds of trash collected from our coastline. www.savebay.org/membership
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