2011 Annual Report - Kidspace Children`s Museum


2011 Annual Report - Kidspace Children`s Museum
kidspace children’s museum
Annual Report
p. 03 | Message to the Community
p. 10 | Year in Review
p. 04 | Vision for the Future
p. 12 | Meet Eileen McFadden
p. 05 | New at Kidspace?
p. 13 | Meet Hanna Lim
p. 06 | On the Horizon
p. 14 | You Make a Difference
p. 08 | Partnering with
p. 16 | Board of Directors
the Community
p. 09 | Building a Stronger Kidspace
Our mission at Kidspace
Children’s Museum is to
promote education and
enrich the lives of children,
families, and the community
through interactive
experiences in science, art,
and the humanities.
p. 17 | Circle of Friends
p. 18 | Donor List
Message to the Community
Dear Friends,
I first want to thank each of you for your unwavering
support of Kidspace Children’s Museum. I am pleased
to say that 2011 was a year of growth and of progress,
none of which would be possible without the support
offered by the friends and advocates of the Museum.
the executive director at The Discovery Science Center in
Tyler, Texas, and has a wealth of experience in both the
education and non-profit sectors. Under the guidance of
this strong new leadership, Kidspace achieved the best
October the Museum has experienced to date, followed
by a promising Winter Quarter, and culminated in the
most successful Snow Days the Museum has ever seen.
The annual Kidspace Benefit held
by the Circle of Friends in February
was an immense success and a
great way to kick off the year.
The event - themed “The Winner’s
Circle” - drew in a sellout crowd
and garnered tremendous support
for the Museum. For the first time
the Grand Butterfly Release in
April spanned an entire weekend.
It has become an increasingly
popular event that simply cannot be
contained in just one day. Nearly
3,000 visitors participated in
caterpillar and butterfly themed art
and science activities as well as the
release of over 1,000 butterflies into
the Kidspace Gardens.
As I reflect on 2011, it is evident that this last year was
a success not only in terms of events and programming,
but in laying the foundation for future plans as well. In
preparation for the opening of the new Galvin Physics
Forest, Kidspace finalized the plans for exhibit design and
fabrication, began developing new educational curricula,
and prepared the 30,000 square foot space where the
expansion will be located. Without our community minded
partners, Kidspace Children’s Museum would be unable
to achieve so many milestones while providing engaging
hands-on learning experiences for the children, families,
and educators we serve.
Then in August, after a thoughtful
search process, Kidspace
welcomed a new CEO, Michael
Shanklin. Originally a native of the
Los Angeles area, Michael came to
Kidspace following three years as
Warm personal regards,
This past year invigorated Kidspace, and provided the
momentum needed to increase our success in 2012 and
the years to come. I am encouraged and excited by
the passion that I see all around the Museum, and look
forward to the continued progress of Kidspace.
J. Kristoffer Popovich
Vision for the Future
Dear Kidspace Family,
I am deeply gratified to have become a part of the Kidspace team, and am so excited for what
the future holds for Kidspace. In the short time that I have been here, I have been encouraged and
inspired by the amount of growth and progress that has occurred.
In the very near future, we will see the completion and opening of the
Galvin Physics Forest, a 30,000 square foot expansion with 13 new handson exhibits planted in a forest setting to unite the natural and man-made
worlds. I cannot wait to see the impact the Physics Forest will have on children
and adults alike. The excitement does not end with the Physics Forest, it is
only the beginning. It is my goal, and the goal of the entire Museum staff,
to constantly and consistently be able to provide our guests with a new and
exciting experience. Whether it be refreshing the current exhibits, adding new
exhibits, or creating and implementing new programming, we want each visit
to Kidspace to carry with it a new adventure.
Of course, all of the successes we have, we
share with you, our friends, neighbors, and
family. We are truly grateful to you, and
look forward to an exhilarating year.
Michael Shanklin
Chief Executive Officer
The Water Vortex
What is a vortex? A vortex is a mass of whirling
fluid or air, such as a whirlpool. From conception
to final product, the new Water Vortex exhibit, now
located in the Robert’s Pavilion Exhibit Gallery, was entirely
the creation of Kidspace Facilities Manager, James Fryer. James put
his construction and fabrication background in the forefront when he
volunteered to build the new exhibit which would be the beginning of the
larger scale plan to refresh and refurbish the whole of the Kidspace exhibitory.
Standing 8 feet tall, the water vortex explores the science behind whirlpools,
tornadoes, and even galaxies! Guests can watch the whirlpool grow larger or smaller
as they turn the wheel. Depending on the direction the wheel is turned, the water
pressure changes, this in turn changes the size of the funnel. At full power the Vortex can
move 58 gallons of water in one minute! Since the Water Vortex opened, it has proven
to be a very popular exhibit. Children and caregivers alike enjoy taking turns interacting
with this new exhibit. Kidspace is proud to be able to offer new exhibits such as the
Water Vortex and equally proud that it was conceived and built by one of our own.
New at Kidspace
On the Horizon
Galvin Physics Forest
July 12th, 2012, will mark a very important day for Kidspace.
It will be the Grand Opening of The Robert & Mary Galvin
Physics Forest. The Galvin Physics Forest has been years in the
making, and will open to the excitement of Museum staff and
guests alike. This new 30,000 square foot expansion will boast
13 new hands-on physics based exhibits and will be set among a
forest of newly planted trees indigenous to the Arroyo Seco area.
Kidspace will bring the natural and man-made worlds together
providing a completely unique learning environment that is sure
to ignite curiosity and inspire innovation.
Mark Leasor, the Museum’s Science Education Specialist has
been busy developing numerous physics based educational
programs to complement and enhance the inherent concepts of
the exhibits. “I could not be more excited for the Galvin Physics
Forest to open,” Mark states, “While physics is an interesting
science, books and literature often are not the ways in which people, children
and adults, learn best. What Physics Forest will offer is a chance for people of all ages to
become immersed and engaged in the science of physics in a way that speaks to
them personally.”
From the most basic concepts like movement for our younger guests, to the advanced theory and
application for the older guests, from giant leavers to ball drop launchers, The Galvin Physics
Forest promises to teach and ignite a love of science within.
1 3 New Hands-on Exhibits
Partnering with
the Community
Kidspace is dedicated to providing well
rounded, comprehensive learning opportunities
in a variety of subjects to all children. Each
year the Museum serves approximately
220,000 children, their families, and schools.
Kidspace Children’s Museum provides learning
opportunities that have become a necessity
rather than an enhancement as our local
public school districts struggle with funding,
time, and resources for science, art, and the
humanities. Nearly 30,000 children from 300
different schools throughout Los Angeles and
neighboring counties visited Kidspace in 2011
as part of educational field trips. Many of the
schools that visited brought with them multiple
classrooms and grade levels as the Museum facilitates programming
for students in preschool through fourth grade. The desire for school
visits to Kidspace has increased tremendously because educators
are realizing that our young visitors have a unique opportunity to
participate in hands-on interactive learning experiences not available
in the classroom. To experience subject matter first hand, to be up
close and personal is one of the most effective methods to help a
child to understand, retain, and increase interest in the information
being presented.
In addition to our general museum guests and traditional school
group field trips, Kidspace is proud to offer myriad opportunities
for underserved populations. In 2011, approximately 22,000
guests, or 10% of total admissions, attended at no charge. Kidspace
presents monthly events with extended hours at no cost to allow
for as many children and families as possible to be able to have
access to the variety of programs and exhibits we develop. In 2011,
approximately 8,000 guests took part in these monthly Free Family
Nights. Kidspace also worked hard to revive our School Outreach
Program by fostering relationships with Title I schools in Los Angeles
County. Through the School Outreach Program, Kidspace sends staff
and educational programs to the schools whose limited budgets
are unable to provide transportation for a traditional onsite field
trip. In 2012, Kidspace plans on growing the Museum’s Field Trip
Scholarship Program, another means for schools faced with severe
budget cuts to visit the Museum by funding the schools’ buses and
admissions. In a continued effort to provide the same prospects
for as many children as possible, Kidspace has developed and
continues to cultivate tailored programming for a variety of special
needs groups.
Building a Stronger Kidspace
Reinvesting in Our Guests
To better serve the community, and keep at the forefront of early childhood education, the Museum
is putting into action an “Exhibit Master Plan”. You might be thinking, “What is an Exhibit Master
Plan?” Well, we’ll tell you. What is being put in place is a systematic plan to renovate, refresh,
refurbish, or replace all of our exhibits and programs throughout the Museum. By doing this,
Kidspace hopes to be able to elevate the educational value of the Museum and thereby deliver
an always better guest experience. We want to make sure that we as a museum continue to offer
the very best and that means offering our members and returning guests a new experience every
time they come. We want each visit to be unique and exciting; no two visits to Kidspace should
be the same. We take great pride in the Museum and this plan seeks to continuously raise the bar
for our staff, exhibits, and programs. The entire Kidspace staff wants to provide nothing less than a
fantastic experience to everyone on every visit.
Year in Review
Total Income $3,417,153
Earned Revenue
Contributed Revenue
Kidspace welcomed a total of 199,834 guests to the Museum in 2011; 28,043 of which were school children visiting on field trips.
7,831 guests attended Free Family Nights the first Tuesday of each month.
Year in Review
Total Expense $3,221,199
Kidspace ended the year with the best October and SNOW Days in Museum history.
December was also the highest in terms of total revenue in Kidspace history.
Throughout the three days of SNOW Days more than 7,800 guests visited the Museum and took part in the winter festivities.
Meet Eileen McFadden: Kidspace Educator
Eileen McFadden is a Pasadena resident, has a B.A. in Fine Arts, and has been a Kidspace Educator since 1998. In her 14 years
with Kidspace Children’s Museum, Eileen has seen the Museum grow from its small, humble beginnings in an old middle school
gym on El Molino, to the more than 3 acre expanse in Brookside Park. “I have seen so much growth, from the space itself, the
number of staff, to the number and quality of the programs and exhibits... it’s just…wow!” Eileen exclaimed when asked how she
has seen the Museum develop over time. Her time with Kidspace begs a few questions like what keeps her coming back, what’s
her favorite part, and what is she looking forward to for the Museum’s future?
“As for why I continue to work here,” she starts, “Just having the opportunity
to better the community I was raised in, the community I love living in. It’s
something special, the people, the sense of community; I develop relationships
with everyone who walks through those front gates.” Eileen illustrates a true
passion for enriching the lives of the children, and families of Pasadena and
the surrounding neighborhoods that comprise Los Angeles County that it
makes perfect sense why she would enjoy working at Kidspace.
In the immediate future, Eileen is looking forward to the opening of the Galvin
Physics Forest at Kidspace because it offers still more chances and ways that
the Museum can engage a child in learning in a fun and unique way. “I love
that we have created an environment where kids and their families can have
fun with learning. The Galvin Physics Forest is just going to open so many
more opportunities, and we are going to have the ability now to continue
reaching the slightly older children. I think the parents will really have fun with
it, too.” She states that the Galvin Physics Forest also shows her that Kidspace
will always grow and have something new to bring to the community and she
is so excited to see what comes next. “If I could express one thing to someone
who may not have been to Kidspace before, it would simply be to be open to
the experience. We’re not a conventional museum, but that is what is so great
about Kidspace. Everything is meant to interact with, ask questions about,
and most importantly experience… for kids and adults.” With her story, Eileen
is able to portray a quality that is at the heart of the mission of Kidspace, an
undying dedication to excite and engage children in their education, igniting
a lifelong spark for learning.
Meet Hanna Lim: Kidspace Guest/Circle Member
As her daughter Sophia finds a toy insect and begins to examine it, Hanna Lim, an avid visitor of Kidspace explains, “Kidspace is
such a great place to come. There is so much to do and every time we come it’s a different experience.” Hanna and her husband
Mark have two young daughters, Story who is four years old, and Sophia, who is three. The Lims have placed their girls in a playbased preschool and love that Kidspace offers a similar atmosphere. “It is so important to have outdoor play and the Museum has so
much outdoor space, we love it.” When asked why she believes in Kidspace and why she thinks it is so important to the community,
Hanna explained that it’s about letting kids be kids, about playing outside, getting dirty and exploring the world around them. She
continues to say that there is so much that can be learned at Kidspace and not just in the traditional sense, “The kids are able to push
their own boundaries, and build confidence and self-esteem. When we first started coming here, the girls were afraid to even go near
the climbing towers, then after a few visits they started going up. First they probably made it to the second or third step, then higher
and higher.” The Lims discovered Kidspace through a local
parent group and have been coming weekly ever since.
By frequenting Kidspace, Hanna was able to connect with other
mothers from the parent group and learned about the Circle of
Friends, a community-based group of philanthropic women who
believe in and support the mission of Kidspace. Each year the
Circle of Friends works very hard to contribute to the success
of Kidspace through amazing community fund raisers like the
Pumpkin Festival and the Annual Kidspace Benefit. Hanna is
now a very proud member of the Circle of Friends saying, “The
Circle is such an amazing group of women. It runs so well,
accomplishes so much, and every year I believe we achieve
more than in the year before.” Hanna’s commitment to Kidspace
is clear, and it is evident that her daughters love Kidspace just
as much as she does, “Can we ride the bikes now? I want to
go in the ant hole. Let’s go play!”
You Make a Difference
Dear Neighbor,
We are so grateful for the support Kidspace has received throughout the years, and want to begin by saying
thank you. It is because of this support we have been able to achieve our mission to enrich the lives of children
and families in our community for over 30 years. As a privately funded non-profit children’s organization, Kidspace
Children’s Museum relies on the generosity of community minded individuals, foundations, and corporations like
you who share in the Museum’s mission. By supporting the essential and innovative science, art and humanities
programming offered at Kidspace, you continue to extend the reach and ability of the Museum to help our guests
develop the critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity skills necessary to thrive in formal learning environments
and become the innovators of tomorrow.
A contribution of any size makes an impact on the Museum and the lives of the children and families we serve.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best Regards,
The Kidspace Children’s
Museum Team
How to Contribute to the Museum
To make a contribution to Kidspace you can contact
the Development Department by phone: 626.449.9144,
by email: development@kidspacemuseum.org, or you can
visit our website and click on the “make a gift” button.
Thank You to the 2011 Kidspace Board of Directors
Richard Baptie
Walter J. Mix
William Baribault
Alison Moller
Michael Brown
Bob O’Rourke
Virginia Dalbeck
Catherine Partridge
Mike Bryant,
Amit Desai
Jane Popovich
Steven J. Olson,
Gail Ellis
Kimberly Shepherd
James Ellis
Orrin Shively
Shiraz Fagan
Jeffrey Smith
Jonathan Jaffrey
Phelps Wood
J. Kristoffer
Mark McKinley,
Vice President
Welcome to Samantha Jessner and Laura Moyles-LaBarge. They joined the
Kidspace Board at the end of 2011 and the Museum is excited to benefit from
their expertise and passion for our mission.
A special thanks to Virginia Dalbeck, James Ellis, Shiraz Fagan, Jonathan Jaffrey,
Walter Mix, and Phelps Wood for their many contributions to Kidspace during
their time on the Board. We are grateful for their guidance and generosity.
Kidspace would also like to honor Bob O’Rourke who served on the Kidspace
Board from October 2009 until his passing.
Board Highlight: The Museum would like
to acknowledge all of the hard work and
dedication of Board Member Mike Brown.
Mike is a Professor of Planetary Astronomy at
the California Institute of Technology. He joined
the Kidspace Board in 2008 and has played an
active role in bringing the new expansion, the
Galvin Physics Forest, to life. He has guided the
Museum through the exhibit selection process,
developing educational content for signage,
exhibit testing in Florida, and even assisted
with landscape design. His passion for this
project is inspiring to us all and we can’t wait
to show his vision off when the Galvin Physics
Forest opens in July.
Thank you, Mike!
The Circle of Friends
The Circle of Friends is a philanthropic group of more than 100 women who
are dedicated to supporting the operations of Kidspace Children’s Museum.
What started in 1991 as a small group of active community volunteers with a
mission of creating an environment for children to receive enhanced access to
the arts, humanities, and sciences led to today’s Circle of Friends. Now, in its
21st year, the Circle of Friends remains a volunteer organization whose sole
mission is to raise funds and awareness for Kidspace.
Circle members organize two annual fundraisers to support Kidspace: an
invitation-only benefit in February and a family-friendly carnival in October.
Circle President Shiraz Fagan (2010-2011) concluded her year of leadership
with “The Winner’s Circle: Jockeys, Jewels, and Juleps” on Saturday, February
5, 2011, with a Kentucky Derby theme and was hugely successful, hosting
400 guests. With
President Alison Moller
(2011-2012) at the
helm, the 17th Annual
Pumpkin Festival had
record attendance with
more than 20,000
children and families
enjoying the bouncers,
games, pumpkin patch,
and entertainment on
October 22 and 23,
2011. These two
events alone netted
$300,000 for
Kidspace in 2011!
The Museum truly cherishes the
partnership with the Circle of
Friends. We are grateful for their
unwavering support and look
forward to another successful year
with this group of talented and
dedicated women.
Kidspace Children’s Museum thanks the following donors for their generous support in 2011.
Catherine and Casey Adams
Catherine and Scott Alexander
Jennifer and Chris Allen
Noelle and Ed Aloe
Kristen and Stephen Anderson
Judith Din and Dimitrios Antsos
Janine and Kevin Arai
Teri and John Attanasio
Laura and John Babcock
Tina and Phil Baker
Sue and Brad Ball
Kittie and William Ballard
Barbara and Dick Baptie
Jennifer and Corey Barberie
Susan and Bill Baribault
Ann and Olin Barrett
Ruth and Robertson Barrett
Lisa Gallaway and Geoffrey Baum
Dianna Lau and Kevin Beggs
Julietta and Jeffrey Bennett
Chantal and Stephen Bennett
Christine Benter
Stacy and Michael Berger
Wendy and Beaumont Bianchi
Eleni and Chris Bicos
Susan and Geoffrey Blaisdell
Holly and Peter Breckheimer
Jennifer and Ryan Brist
Tempe and John Brooks
Diane Binney and Mike Brown
Jennifer Thibault and Mike Bryant
Emily and James Burke
Lanny C. Callahan
Maria and Rick Campagna
Michele and Brett Canon
Dan Capen
Cindy and James Carroll
Holly and D.J. Caruso
Lulu and Joseph Cates
Bernardo Cervantes
Becky and Eric Chadwick
Susan and Stephen Chandler
Sharie and Sam Chandra
Linda and Hollis Chang
Kristin and Greg Chapman
Tink Cheney and Barry Jones
Ceinwyn and Steve Clark
Lisa and John Cloud
Gina and Timothy Cockriel
Natasha and Mike Comer
Meredith and Peter Coors
Pablo Cora
Karen and Ted Coyne
May Ann Cunningham and Lary Mielke
Allison Dalbeck
Olga Danilova
Minoo Dastoor
Mary and Justin Dedeaux
Rosette V. Delug
Jennifer and Hap Deneen
Dawn and Tom Denison
Jill and Brian Dennis
Leslie B. Dennis
Elisabeth Seitz and Joseph DeRobertis
Priya and Amit Desai
Sherry Dewayne
Lisa and Jay Dick
Talin and Armen Dikranian
Laura and Robert Dolan
Kathy and Michael Dooling
Megan and Marshall Dostal
Kelin and Loren Dotts
Cheryl and Bill Doyle
Heather and Josh Drake
Nancy and John Edmundson
Gail and Jim Ellis
Amy and Ron Ellis
Jennifer and Marcus Errico
Michelle and Andrew Esbenshade
Nancy and Richard Esbenshade
Alexander Escalante
Jane and Robert Ettinger
Courtney and Berne Evans
Shiraz and Brian Fagan
Jill and Jake Farrel
Nicolette and Thomas Felgner
Tricia and Michael Fink
Megan and Rick Foker
Masako Kikekawa and Simon Fraser
Jennifer and Jimmy Garcia
Brooke and Edward Garlock
Amy and Tim Garrity
Laurie and Joe Gazzam
Pana-Louise and Brian Gelt
Kidspace Children’s Museum thanks the following donors for their generous support in 2011.
Susi and Dennis Gertmenian
Catherine and Daniel Giddings
Annie and Tom Giedraitis
Jennifer and Mark Giles
Francesca and Brandon Gill
Julie and Peter Giulioni
Carol and Dan Goldthwait
Gloria and Andres Gonzalez
Jennifer and Thomas Gowen
Anneke and Christopher Greco
Laura and Jason Grinnell
Anna-Marie and Tim Grizzell
Jennifer and Mark Gunn
Juli Khoe and Steve Haegelin
Kim and Brad Hall
Karen and Ted Hammond
Kristen and Berkeley Harrison
Amy Hasquet
Rebecca Haussling
Corrine and Jerry Hawk
Lindsay and Bill Hayden
Michele Hughes and Eliot Hayes
Mary and Randy Heartfield
Dietmar Hell
Paige and Charlie Hobey
Christina and Paul Hoffman
Meshell and Nelson Holdo
Amanda and Mark Holdsworth
Lindsay and Elliott Hollingsworth
Deborah and Schuyler Hollingsworth
Molly and Schuyler Hollingsworth
Carolyn and Bob Holmes
Virginia and Benjamin Holt
Amanda and Winter Horton
Jackie and Chris Hoshek
Robert Hoyt
Katie and Kjell Hult
Bob Huston
Cynthia F. Ingham
Lucy and Shant Jaburian
Kandis and Jonathan Jaffrey
Julie and Michael James
Earlene and Chris Jennings
Heather and Matt Jiggins
Guylene and Kris Johnson
Marie and Allen Kang
Nancy Keating
Amy and John Kelly
Laura Kelso
Carolyn and J. Patrick Kezele
Sarah Kim
Hilary and Peter Kingston
Nina and Todd Kirkendall
Elizabeth Nesbitt and Dimitris Klapsis
Stanley Kong
Jessica and Thomas Korzenecki
Laura and Jim LaBarge
Katie LaBarge
Han Lee and Victor Lam
Amy and David Lamb
Debbie and Terry Lanni
Emilie and Allen Lanstra
Kathleen and Michael LeRoy
Jacqueline Liao
Christiane Lienhard
Ingrid Lienhard
Heather and Matthew Lillard
Hanna and Mark Lim
Christiana and Paul Liu
Jennifer Quan and Jon Livingston
Jill and Patrick Longo
Melissa and Mac Lowry
Cynthia Luczyski
Marianne and Peter Lynch
Lindsey and Mark MacFarlane
Janet MacLean
Lois and Christopher Madison
Constance and Donovan Main
Andrea Mandella
Mary and Murray Marsh
Shawna and John Martin
Judy and Nicholas Martin
Pam and J.C. Massar
Carlin and David McCarthy
Carol and Marc McClure
Susan and Kevin McDonnell
John McGhee
Lindsay and Bruce McGregor
Shannon and Doug McGuire
Laurie and Mark McKinley
Emma and Robert McKinley
Alicia and Bradley Meyer
Margot and Mitch Milias
Susan and Andy Miller
Caroline Sayers and Brian Miller
Lynne and Tom Miller
Kidspace Children’s Museum thanks the following donors for their generous support in 2011.
Debbie and Tom Mitchell
Heather and Walt Mix
Cynthia and James Moffatt
Alison and Erik Moller
Tori and Al Mordecai
Whitney and Donald Morgan
Casey Mork
Paola and Rustin Mork
Suzy and Stuart Mork
Jerrie Whitfield and Richard Motika
Jennifer and Sean Murphy
Aman Thind and Adam Murray
Charles Nail
Kelly and Bob Nakasone
Denise and James Nash
Ashley and David Neglia
Muriel and George Newell
Juliette and Jamie Norman
Renee and Chad Norton
Tricia and Adel Nur
Sandy and Bob O’Rourke
Gina Olivares
Liz and Steve Olson
Kay and Stephen Onderdonk
Suzy and Christopher Oppenborn
Katie and Dan Oriskovich
Greg Ortman
Bridget and J.P. Paciorek
Jeanette and Francis Park
Jennifer and Steven Park
Suzanne and Jaime Parker
Cathie and David Partridge
Julie Soma and Leonard Pena
Lourdes Perez
Mary and Braxton Perkins
Jane and Gregory Peutet
Erica and Derek Phillips
Jane and Kris Popovich
Jennifer and Philip Prassas
Beth and Bill Price
Cissy and Doug Raymond
Shelly and Robert Reisch
Laura and Mark Repstad
Nicole and Michael Rizzo
Marilyn and Jud Roberts
Shawn and Andrew Robins
Masami and David Robson
Caroline and Tom Rose
Bettina and Michael Rosenfeld
Susan and Byron Roth
Julie Byrne and Michael Rweyemamu
Anne and Sean Ryan
Nancy and David Salisbury
Carin and Andrew Salter
Lauren and Brian Savarese
Joan and Ralph Savarese
Mary and Richard Schammel
Shelly and Allan Schroth
Marc Schultz
Jasmine Scott
Linda and John Seiter
Susan and Mike Seley
Stephanie and Robert Sepulveda
Andrea and Mark Shaffer
Lori and Michael Shanklin
Kerry and Eric Shantz
Nicole and Aalok Sharma
Stephanie and Michael Shaw
Kimberly and Rob Shepherd
Marina Chang and Orrin Shively
Melissa and Matthew Short
Cheryl Cox and Michael Sim
Eva and John Simpson
Sonia and Neil Singla
Dorinda Marticorena and Steve Slater
Emily Smith
Laurie and Jeff Smith
Mary Ann and Mike Smith
Kristin and Tim Smith
Shannon and Kevin Snaer
Ann Elizabeth and Jamie Sobieski
Lynette and Frederic Sohl
Meredith and Steve Sommers
Patty and Ken Steelman
Karen Beuerlein and Paul Steinberg
Gretel and George Stephens
Eileen Neuwirth and Ned Stephens
Kelly and Dana Studer
Asele Suavez
Erin and Stender Sweeney
Tate Taylor
Amanda and Charles Teal
Laney and Tom Techentin
Annie and Allen Teng
Brenda and James Thomason
Ellia Thompson and Mark Price
Laura and Rupert Thompson
Shari and Bob Thorell
Jessica and Rahul Thumati
Heather and Daniel Timmons
Charisse and Robert Tolleson
Melissa and Michael Udell
Margaret Duckhorn and
James Ukropina
Brandee Tilman and Ali Vahdat
Lisa and Jon Vandergriff
Sara and Mark Vanis
Mary and Richard Vanis
Charlene and Paul Vert
Torang Jahan and Michel Vincent
Emily and Joseph Viola
Nicole and Bernhard von Thaden
Danielle and John Walker
Carrie and Scott Walker
Becky and Bryan Walley
Monica and David Walsh
Cary and Tom Warner
Julianne and Phlip Webb
Amanda and Jeffrey Welch
Eleanor and Patrick Welch
Christine and Jeff Weller
CeCe and Norman Williamson
Khanh Le and David Willingham
Allison and Joe Winter
Pam and Charles Wood
Beverly and Phelps Wood
Maricruz Prado and James Woodruff
Brooke and Mark Yohalem
Maggie and Thomas Young
Jean and Joe Zenas
Eileen and Bill Zimmerman
3M Unitek
Andy’s Transfer and Storage
Austrian-American Council West
Bank of America
Bank of America Foundation
Bella Adorna
The Capital Group Companies, Inc.
Confidence Foundation
Day-Ray Products, Inc.
Edmund A. and
Marguerite Burke Foundation
Gaewood Foundation
GGE Foundation
H. Leslie and Elaine S.
Hoffman Foundation
The Habit Restaurants, LLC
Kenneth T. and Eileen L..
Norris Foundation
The Marty and Bruce
Coffey Family Foundation
Mattel Children’s Foundation
Michael J. Connell Foundation
Milias Foundation
National Charity League
San Marino Chapter
Pasadena Entertainment, LLC
The Rose Hills Foundation
Time Warner
W.M. Keck Foundation
Warner Bros.
Warren and Katherine
Coopersmith Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
California Cultural and
Historical Endowment
City of Pasadena
Cultural Affairs Division
Pasadena Arts and
Cultural Affairs Division
Kidspace works diligently to ensure appropriate recognition of contributions and donors supporting the Museum. We are
truly sorry if your name was inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed. If so, please contact us at (626) 449-9144 x. 5228
Kidspace Staff