2012 Annual - Kidspace Children`s Museum


2012 Annual - Kidspace Children`s Museum
kidspace children’s museum
Annual Report
p. 03 | Message to the Community
p. 14 | Meet the Team
p. 04 | New at Kidspace!
p. 15 | Giving Back
p. 06 | On the Horizon
p. 16 | Board of Directors
p. 08 | Coming Soon to Kidspace
p. 17 | Circle of Friends
p. 10 | Partnering with
p. 18 | Donor List
the Community
Our mission at Kidspace
Children’s Museum is to
promote education and
enrich the lives of children,
families, and the community
through interactive
experiences in science, art,
and the humanities.
p. 12 | Year in Review
p. 22 | You Make a Difference
p. 23 | How to Contribute
Message to the Community
Dear Friends,
We are so thankful to you, our neighbors, friends, and
families for the tremendous outpouring of support that
Kidspace received in 2012. With you as our champions we
had one of the best years that the Museum has ever seen.
We began 2012 by breaking ground on the site for the
Robert and Mary Galvin Physics Forest, and over the
next few months watched years of vision come to life,
culminating in the Grand Opening of this impressive new
exhibit in July. The entire community was out in full force
and it was gratifying to see that you
all were just as excited for this new
educational space as we were.
The Galvin Physics Forest gave the
Kidspace Team a strong forward
push of momentum and paved the
way for the second highest year
of attendance in Kidspace History,
second only to the Grand Opening
of the current Museum site in 2004!
Favorite Kidspace events such as
Free Family Nights, Butterfly Festival,
and Snow Days saw a significant
growth in attendance, making
each the most successful it has ever
been. The successes of new and
existing Museum events and exhibits
invigorated the Kidspace Team and
pushed us to continue our efforts to
become a well-rounded resource for
the community. In November, Kidspace piloted a Teacher
Training Program in partnership with the Pasadena
Unified School District and La Canada’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratories, as well as joined forces with the Children’s
Hospital of Los Angeles to bring science programming to
the youth patients and their families at the hospital.
We would be remiss when telling you about the exciting
and successful year Kidspace had in 2012, if we did not
mention the launching of the Campaign for the Future of
Kidspace. The Campaign was announced by the Board
of Directors in April and has since received a tremendous
amount of support. The Campaign will serve to ensure our
financial stability and enable us to revitalize and improve
current Museum exhibits and guest amenities, as well as to
create several new additions, helping us to continue to be
able to provide the best possible experience to all of you.
Thank you again for your support, it is because of you that
Kidspace is able to continue to grow and thrive, and we
are so fortunate to have our community behind us. We
look back on 2012 with great pride and cannot wait to
share with you the great success we are sure to have in
the future!
Warm personal regards,
Michael Shanklin
Chief Executive Officer
J. Kristoffer Popovich
Board President
New at Kidspace!
The Robert and Mary Galvin Physics Forest
This past year marked the largest expansion Kidspace
Children’s Museum has seen since moving to the
Brookside Park location in 2004. The Robert and
Mary Galvin Physics Forest added 30,000 square
feet to the Museum grounds, 13 new large scale
physics exhibits, and countless opportunities for
guests of all ages to interact with and engage in
the science in a completely unique, larger than life
outdoor setting. Since opening on July 12, 2012,
the Galvin Physics Forest has garnered rave reviews
from museum professionals, educators, and guests of
all ages as well as multiple awards for the Museum.
Kidspace has received the Green City Award from
the City of Pasadena and the Community Award from
the Child Educational Center for the Galvin Physics
Forest’s remarkable outdoor environment which honors
the local landscape while introducing and presenting
science concepts in a fun and interactive way. The
Did You Know?
Did you know that the
InterAntics Climber in the
Roberts Pavilion is the only
exhibit that was transferred
from the old site on El Molino
to the Museum’s current site?
It was completely
disassembled, brought over
in pieces, and then rebuilt
where it stands today.
Galvin Physics Forest has exceeded our hopes for the
new expansion, helped us to achieve several days of
record setting attendance, increased our target age
ranges, and given Museum staff the opportunity to
create new programming including a physics themed
day camp, and 3 new physics themed Discovery
Programs for school and community groups.
“I love the Galvin Physics Forest! It has been essential
in allowing us here at Kidspace to really express
science and physics in a fun and applicable way that
traditional classroom lessons cannot,” Louise Leborgne
the Museum’s Science Specialist says. “It really opens
doors for us to expand the teaching capacity of the
The Robert and Mary Galvin Physics Forest continues
to excite guests and staff alike, and we are so grateful
to everyone who contributed to building the Galvin
Physics Forest for giving us this incredible opportunity.
On the Horizon
In April 2012, the Board of Directors announced the public phase of the Campaign for the Future
of Kidspace, a $13 million dollar effort focused on capital improvements and ensuring financial
sustainability that would be anchored by the new Galvin Physics Forest. The Campaign was
energized by a $2.5 million challenge grant from the Galvin family. And by the end of the year
the members of the Board of Directors alone had pledged $1.2 million to the effort and inspired
gifts from other long-time supporters of the Museum and new friends.
The Campaign will create new exhibits and experiences that will help Kidspace meet its full
potential as a leader in informal education and help children to build the love
of learning and self-esteem it will take to be successful critical and
creative thinkers in the 21st century. Plans were laid out for
the opening of a new exhibit in the fall of 2013 and the
continued development of exhibits and upgrades over
the next several years.
Exhibit master planning with Board, staff and
other stakeholders has led to a vision of a
Kidspace that is:
• More Kid-Driven
• More Community Oriented
• More Participatory
• More Collaborative
• More Innovative
• More Multi-generational
Honorary Campaign Committee
The Board of Directors invited a
Laura and Jim LaBarge,
dynamic and dedicated group of
friends of the Museum to serve
Cathy and Scott Alexander
on an Honorary Committee for
Barbara and Dick Baptie
the Campaign. Their support and
Clare and Bill Bogaard
counsel has proved invaluable so
MaryLou Boone
far, and we know that they will
Paulette and Terry S. Chapman
continue to challenge and inspire
James G. Ellis
us to exceed our goals. We hope
Patricia and Tom Ellison
that one of the outcomes of the
Jane and Jim Fox
Campaign will be a stronger
Jodi Fung and Meng King
• The Galvin Physics Forest
community of friends who know
Susi and Dennis Gertmenian
what it means to be a Kidspace
Corinne and Jerry Hawk
kid, who know how valuable the
Marvel Kirby
• Upgrades to facilities and amenities to
improve the guest experience
Kidspace experience can be for
Shelley Allen and Robert Kohorst
a family, and who know how
Ana and Hank Maarse
• New exhibits and updates to current museum
important it is that Kidspace reach
Margot and Mitch Milias
its potential as a trendsetter in
Winnie and Lynn Reitnouer
• Retirement of Phase 1 construction costs
informal, hands-on learning. We
Marilyn and Jud Roberts
are so grateful that the following
Kathy and Walt Rose
community leaders have endorsed
Linda and John Seiter
our efforts and agreed to offer us
Philip V. Swan
their wise counsel:
Laney and Tom Techentin
Carrie and Scott Walker
Beverly and Phelps Wood
Elements of the Campaign
• Improvements to our Early Childhood
Learning Center
• New educational curricula and programs to
expand our impact
• Technology upgrades
• New outreach and after-school programs
Coming Soon to Kidspace
concept drawings
The new maker space exhibit will offer visitors a dedicated area in which they can create, invent, experiment
and explore what they want to, at their own pace. The facilitated space will serve as a workshop for all
visitors where they can build with everyday objects, special tools and unique materials as well as display their
work for others to use as inspiration. The activity within will be individually engaging, allowing visitors to focus
on a project, however, collaboration with others, from caregivers to kids, will be welcomed and encouraged.
concept drawings
The exhibit will give visitors a place to practice their creativity and critical thinking skills by working out
problems while making things that are only limited by their imaginations. Sharing work with others is fostered
by mobile technology integrated within the space as well as a display system that allows visitors to exhibit
their work, becoming co-curators of the Museum!
Partnering with
the Community
In an ongoing effort to strengthen the
community that we at Kidspace Children’s
Museum are so proud to be a part of,
Kidspace, in partnership with the Pasadena
Unified School District (PUSD) and La Canada’s
Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL), piloted an
elementary school teacher training program in
2012 designed to equip local educators with
the tools, understanding of, and confidence
in teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
education in their classrooms. Museum staff conducted classroom
observations and conversations with district staff to better understand
how we as an educational facility could help them better meet the
goals they have for their students, and for themselves as educators.
The program began at the JPL campus in the morning with a tour
of the facility. After the tour, JPL staff spoke with teachers about
how to use scientific resources in the classroom as well as how a
science education benefits students and what careers can come
out of an early interest in the sciences. The second half of the day
took place at Kidspace where teachers participated in hands-on
science programs designed for K-6 students, led by the museum
staff. Teachers were able to see and participate in different science
programs and tour the Museum to see how we incorporate STEM
concepts throughout the facility.
Kidspace approaches teacher training using the same methodologies
it approaches teaching children through hands-on, open ended
activities that address multiple learning intelligence styles such
as; linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, naturalistic, musical,
interpersonal, visual, and interpersonal. Teachers are taught to make
relevant connections between the science being learned and daily
life of the teacher/student. The initial teacher training program
received positive feedback from PUSD, JPL, and Museum staff, and
moving forward Kidspace plans to offer quarterly sessions on a
variety of topics that are relevant but lacking in the current landscape
of professional development for early learner, elementary and
middle school educators. Kidspace strives to be an active community
resource, and hopes to in part achieve this goal through the new
teacher training program.
Year in Review
Statement of Activities
Year Ended December 31, 2012
Revenue and Support
Admissions and Memberships
(Includes Capital Campaign Contributions)
Program Revenue
Facility Rental Revenue
Gift Store Revenue
Café Revenue
Investment Income/Loss Disposal of Assets
Total Revenue and Support
Program Services
Management and General
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Kidspace ended the year
with the most successful
Snow Days in the
Museum’s History.
It achieved record
setting revenue and
attendance, and due
to the event’s growing
popularity was five days
long for the first time. A total
of 11,574 guests took part
in the winter fun!
Year in Review
Total Income $6,546,933
17% Admissions
5% Earned Revenue
8% Membership
Earned Rev
Contributed Rev
70% Contributed Revenue
*Includes Capital
Campaign Contributions
Kidspace welcomed a total of 235,522 guests to the Museum this year, the SECOND MOST guests in the Museum’s history.
Of those guests, 31,801 were children on school or community group field trips.
Meet Alan Bruni:
Kidspace Education Specialist
keeping the programs fresh and current
is really important to him, as is program
development, “I’m already in the process
of creating 5 or 6 new programs, all
of which will be outdoor programming.
I really like teaching formal things in
an informal setting and informal way,
and that’s why I think Kidspace is really
special, because that is what we do
“Being from Colorado definitely impacts
my perspective,” says Alan Bruni,
Education Specialist at Kidspace, “I
remember being asked once to pinpoint
my happiest memories as a child, and
every single one was me being outdoors,
playing outdoors, discovering outdoors…
that’s why I would say that the Kidspace
Gardens have always been my favorite
exhibit.” Alan, who was a public school
teacher and has his Master’s Degree in
Education, began working at Kidspace
in 2008 as a part time educator and has
recently become the Museum’s full time
Education Specialist. Alan explains that
When asked about a moment he’s had
at Kidspace that stands out, Alan thinks
for a moment and says that there are so
many, and how each day is different, but
then confidently states that working with
the Blind Children’s Center of Los Angeles
was really special for him.
“We normally think of art and a lot of
times science as highly visual fields, and
thinking of an art and science curriculum
for visually impaired children pushed me
to think about my definitions of art, and
to reach beyond the boundaries of what I
knew. Teaching them taught me, and that
is something that I find happens all the
time here.” Alan’s passion for teaching
shines through when he talks about how
he hopes just like working with the Blind
Children’s Center made him think about
things a different way, that Kidspace
programs and exhibits can make children
and family connect with learning in a
way that they hadn’t before, that science,
art, and culture become a new language
for our guests. “Discovering doesn’t just
happen in the facility, when presented in
real world contexts and in a fun way, it
continues outside, when they go home. I
hope they leave asking ‘why?’ to clouds,
to seeds, to rocks, to new people,
cultures, and experiences.”
Alan says that in his 5 years at Kidspace
he has really come to value the handson, fun element that Kidspace puts at
the very center of all of its educational
programs, and hopes that in his new role
he can continue the Kidspace tradition
of creating fun learning environments
and opportunities for all members of our
“We’re a space that invigorates ideas
and engages everyone, child or adult,
once they open up to the idea that
learning can and should be fun!”
Giving Back
Kidspace has received significant support and encouragement from so many, and the staff at the Museum feels a strong determination
to share the Kidspace experience with as many children throughout the area as we can. As part of this effort, Kidspace initiated
a relationship with the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles in 2012, wherein members of the Kidspace Education Team visited the
hospital on a weekly basis and provided science programming for the youth patients and their families at the hospital. Programs were
designed for and facilitated in waiting rooms, in a group setting in one of the hospital’s multi-purpose rooms, as well as bedside for
children unable to leave their rooms. “It was one of the best experiences I have ever had,” said Kidspace Educator LaQuan Hayes,
“The kids would light up and be so excited about science. Parents would come up to us practically crying, thanking us for bringing
something new and fun, but really I wanted to thank them for allowing us into their lives if only for a few hours once a week. It was a
humbling and rewarding experience.”
This program is just one of many ways that we
are trying to expand access to the Museum
and impact the lives of children who can really
benefit fromour unique approach to making
learning fun. Outreach programs like these are
at the heart of the mission of the Museum to
enrich the lives of the children and families in our
community, and we are grateful to be able to
provide these opportunities.
Thank You to the 2012
Kidspace Board of Directors
J. Kristoffer Popovich - Chair
CEO, Hoffman & Associates
Mark McKinley - Vice
Chairman, Equator
Mike Bryant - Treasurer
Partner, Ernst & Young
Steven J. Olson - Secretary
Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Richard Baptie,
Vice President, Hathaway
Dinwiddie Construction
William Baribault,
CEO, Belverdere SoCal
Michael Brown, Professor of
Planetary Science, Caltech
Amit Desai, Vice President,
Warner Bros.
Gail Ellis, Psychologist, PCC
Samantha Jessner, Los Angeles
Superior Court Judge
Emilie Lanstra, Attorney/
Community Volunteer
Alison Moller, Attorney/
Community Volunteer
Laura Moyles-LaBarge,
Marketing, Marge Carson, Inc.
Catherine Partridge, Community
Jane Popovich, Philanthropist
Kimberly Shepherd, Community
Orrin Shively, Disney Online
Jeffrey Smith, Vice President,
Wells Fargo
A special thanks to Richard Baptie and Alison Moller for their many contributions
to Kidspace during their time on the Board. We are grateful for their guidance
and generosity.
Board Highlight:
The Museum would like to
acknowledge all of the hard
work and dedication of Board
Member Gail Galvin Ellis.
Gail is a Licensed Psychologist
at Pasadena City College. She
joined the Kidspace Board in
2007 and she and her family
have played a crucial role in
the Campaign for the Future
of Kidspace. In April 2012,
Kidspace announced the Campaign and a matching challenge
grant of $2.5 million from the Galvin’s family foundations if the
Museum could raise $2 million. This challenge motivated the
Museum’s community of supporters, and just more than a year
later, the challenge was met. To recognize this tremendously
generous gift, Kidspace named the newest addition to its facility
“The Robert and Mary Galvin Physics Forest” in honor of Gail’s
parents who helped bring this gift to the Museum. The late
Robert Galvin was the long time CEO of Motorola, Inc. He was
keenly interested in supporting education efforts to advance the
fields of math and science through his philanthropic endeavors.
The family continues to follow his mandate which is one of the
reasons they chose to support Kidspace and the new Physics
Forest expansion. In addition, Gail’s husband, Jim Ellis, and
daughter, Carrie Walker, have both served on the Board and
have been active with the Campaign Honorary Committee and
the Circle of Friends. We are grateful for the many contributions
from the whole family.
Thank you, Gail.
The Circle of Friends
The Circle of Friends is a philanthropic group of more than 100 women who
are dedicated to supporting the operations of Kidspace Children’s Museum.
What started in 1991 as a small group of active community volunteers with a
mission of creating an environment for children to receive enhanced access to
the arts, humanities, and sciences led to today’s Circle of Friends. Now, in its
22nd year, the Circle of Friends remains a volunteer organization whose sole
mission is to raise funds and awareness for Kidspace.
Circle members organize two annual fundraisers to support Kidspace: an
invitation-only benefit in February and a family-friendly carnival in October.
Circle President Alison Moller (2011-2012) concluded her year of leadership
with “Rockin’ the Boat: Making Waves for Kidspace” on Saturday, February 4,
2012 with a nautical theme and was hugely successful, hosting 400 guests.
With President Emilie
Lanstra (2012-2013)
at the helm, the 18th
Annual Pumpkin Festival
had nearly 20,000
children and families
enjoying the bouncers,
games, pumpkin patch,
and entertainment
on October 27 and
28, 2012. These
two events alone
netted $250,000 for
Kidspace in 2012!
The Museum truly cherishes the
partnership with the Circle of
Friends. We are grateful for their
unwavering support and look
forward to another successful year
with this group of talented and
dedicated women.
Kidspace Children’s Museum thanks the following donors for their generous support in 2012.
Annual Fund
Andrea Abeleda
Catherine* and Casey Adams
Elias Aguilar-Olvera
Cathy and Scott Alexander
Jennifer and Chris Allen
Noelle and Ed Aloe
Charis Alzona-Hsu
Kristie* and Onnora Amobi
Frances K. Anderson
Kristen* and Stephen Anderson
Dan V. Angeloff
Nicole* and Vince Anido
Judith Din* and Dimitrios Antsos
Brooke Applegate
Janine and Kevin Arai
Dan Armel
Cynthia and Vincent Ary
Teri* and John Attanasio
Kristen and Jorg Babakhanian
Laura and John Babcock
Tina and Phil Baker
Sue and Brad Ball
Katherine Ballard
Alexandra Ballensweig
◊ Denotes Visionairies. These
are donors who have supported
the Museum with gifts totaling
$100,000 or more.
* Denotes Circle of Friends member.
Jennifer* and Corey Barberie
Ruth* and Robertson Barrett
Lisa Gallaway and Geoffrey Baum
Michael J. Beck
Julietta and Jeffrey Bennett
Chantal and Stephen Bennett
Diane and John Bercaw
Keiki and David Bianchi
Eleni* and Chris Bicos
Allison* and John Bicos
Erica Blodgett
Paul Blodgett
Bill Bogaard
Holly* and Peter Breckheimer
Lynn and Doug Brengel
Jennifer* and Ryan Brist
Kendra* and Brian Britton
Ryan Marie and Craig Brooks
Tempe and John Brooks
Jane and Roger Brunnello
Jennifer Thibault and Mike Bryant
Emily and James Burke
Elanne C. Callahan
Maria* and Rick Campagna
Michele and Brett Canon
Susan Cardosi-Albert
Cindy and James Carroll
Holly and D.J. Caruso
Lulu* and Joseph Cates
Ivan Chacon
Becky* and Eric Chadwick
Susan and Stephen Chandler◊
Sharie* and Sam Chandra
Yvonne Chavez-Lombardi
Heather* and Weber Chen
Li Pai Chia Kuo
Lori Christopher
Patrick Church
Michael Churukian
Ceinwyn* and Steve Clark
Lisa* and John Cloud
Gina and Timothy Cockriel
Bill Cockrum
Mary and Bruce Coffey
Christa Cole
Natasha and Mike Comer
Marilyn and Corky Conzonire
Greg Coolidge
Dannie and Michael Cooney
Maureen Padilla and James Covert
Christine and Austin Coxhill
Madeline Cripe
Andre J. Cronthall
Anita and Dan Cunningham
James Cutts
Allison Dalbeck*
Migdalia del Castillo
Rosette V. Delug
Jennifer and Hap Deneen
Dawn* and Tom Denison
Jill* and Brian Dennis
Elisabeth Seitz* and Joseph DeRobertis
Priya and Amit Desai
Joan and Bill Dietrick
Lori and Kirk Dillman
Lisa and Robert Dissman
Majella Lue Sue* and Nhien Doan
Laura and Robert Dolan
Megan and Marshall Dostal
Kelin* and Loren Dotts
Victoria and Mark Eaton
Nancy and John Edmundson
Georgia and Breck Eisner
Neil W. Elliott
Gail and Jim Ellis ◊
Jill* and Michael Ellison
Patricia and Thomas Ellison
Jennifer* and Marcus Errico
Michelle and Andrew Esbenshade
Nancy and Richard Esbenshade
Jane and Robert Ettinger
Clotilde Fournier-Facory*
and Omar Facory
Shiraz and Brian Fagan
Nicolette* and Thomas Felgner
Cassie and John Filippone
Tricia and Michael Fink
Melissa Wu* and Andrew Firchau
Yessica Flores
Jane and James Fox
Helen L. Franke
Leslie Fraser
Masako Kikekawa* and Simon Fraser
James Fryer
Shanee Garcia
Anita and Anton Garnier
Sara* and Scott Gaspard
Laurie and Joe Gazzam
Pana-Louise and Brian Gelt
Irma and Scott George
Susi and Dennis Gertmenian
Jamie and Peter Gertmenian
Catherine and Daniel Giddings
Annie* and Tom Giedraitis
Jennifer and Mark Giles
Francesca* and Brandon Gill
Margaret Gilmour
Ann Gluck
Carol and Dan Goldthwait
Gerard Gonzales
Jennifer and Thomas Gowen
Tania and Tom Grafos
Anneke* and Christopher Greco
Anna-Marie and Tim Grizzell
Joelle and Ben Grossi
Katie and Nick Grosvenor
Jennifer Gurewitz
Larry Guyer
Heather and Paul Haaga
Juli Khoe* and Steve Haegelin
Kim* and Brad Hall
P. Theodore Hammond
Kristin and Berkeley Harrison
Amy Hasquet
Corrine and James Hawk
Lindsay* and Bill Hayden
Michele* and Elliot Hayes
Mary and Randy Heartfield
Marina and Wesley Heartfield
Paige* and Charles Hobey
Christina and Paul Hoffman
Meshell and Nelson Holdo
Amanda and Mark Holdsworth
Lindsay and Elliott Hollingsworth
Molly and Schuyler Hollingsworth III
Carolyn* and Bob Holmes
Virginia and Benjamin Holt
Amanda and Winter Horton
Jackie* and Chris Hoshek
Caroline and Nicholas Howell
Katie and Kjell Hult
Lucy* and Shant Jaburian
Kandis and Jonathan Jaffrey◊
Julie and Michael James
Noelle Jefferson
Samantha and Gregory Jessner
Heather* and Matt Jiggins
Hanne Johnson
April Danz and Kelly Johnson
Simone and Thomas Johnston
Marie and Louis Jones
Marie* and Allen Kang
Margaret Kaufman
Lauren Kaye
Emily and Nicholas Keezer
Amy* and John Kelly
Laura Kelso
Jennifer* and Monty Kennedy
Sarah and Bernard Kim
Hilary* and Peter Kingston
Samantha and Peter Knight
Jessica and Thomas Korzenecki
Ashleigh* and Philip Koss
Lauren and Matthew Krieger
Caroline and Matt Kunitz
Laura and Jim LaBarge◊
Han Lee* and Victor Lam
Amy and David Lamb
Emilie* and Allen Lanstra
Stephen Leach
Wendy B. LeRoy
Jacqueline Liao*
Heather and Matthew Lillard
Hanna* and Mark Lim
Christina and Paul Liu
Jennifer Quan* and Jon Livingston
Jill* and Patrick Longo
Ann Longyear
Shannon* and Mark Loughrin
Melissa* and Mac Lowry
Peter Lozano
Marianne and Peter Lynch
Lindsey* and Mark MacFarlane
Constance and Donovan Main
Judy and Stanley Majcher
Joy* and Tom Majich
Shawna* and John Martin
Ruth Martin
Teri Martin
Liliana Martinez Blinder
Annette and Enoch Martinez
Ben Massey
Susan Matloff
Karen Mayeda
Lesley and Richard Mayne
Susan and Kevin McDonnell
Lindsay* and Bruce McGregor
Colleen* and Liam McGuinness
Shannon* and Doug McGuire
Laurie and Mark McKinley◊
Debbie and Bryan Merryman
Alicia and Bradley Meyer
Sarah Meza
Mary Ann Cunningham and Lary Mielke
Margot and Mitch Milias◊
Susan* and Andrew Miller
Heather and Walt Mix
Cynthia and James Moffatt
Alison* and Erik Moller
Emily and Abel Montanez
Meredith Moran
Pat and Don Moreland
Whitney and Donald Morgan
Casey Mork
Paola* and Rustin Mork
Selma and Herbert Moskowitz
Dori* and Matthew Mukherjee
Carol and Michael Mullen
Gay Lynn Moore* and Barry Murphy
Jennifer* and Sean Murphy
Kelly* and Caylan Myronowicz
Kelly* and Bob Nakasone
Ashley* and David Neglia
Renee and Chad Norton
Jonathan Nugent
Tricia* and Adel Nur
Heather and Robert Nye
Sandy O’Rourke
Nan and Ron Okum
Dora and Manuel Olaiz
Gina L. Olivares
Liz and Steven Olson
Kay and Stephen Onderdonk
Suzy Hazel Oppenborn*
and Chris Oppenborn
Bridget* and J.P. Paciorek
Christine and Ralph Pando
Jeanette and Francis Park
Jennifer* and Steven Park
Cathie and David Partridge◊
Maren and Gary Pellant
Julie Soma* and Leonardo Pena
Sandy Phan
Erica* and Derek Phillips
Charlie Plowman
Robert S. Pollock
Jane and Kris Popovich◊
Leah Porter
Amy and Stuart Powell
Jennifer* and Philip Prassas
Beth and William Price
Marie and John Queen
Evette and John Ramsay
Cissy* and Doug Raymond
Toni and David Reed
Shelly and Robert Reisch
Leigh and John Repstad
Laura* and Mark Repstad
Karen and John Reynolds
Kidspace Children’s Museum thanks the following donors for their generous support in 2012.
Carol and Gary Richards
Stephanie* and Mike Richards
Nicole* and Mike Rizzo
Jill and Rick Roberts
Masami and David Robson
Jennifer Rogers
Jonathan Rollo
Caroline* and Tom Rose
Bettina* and Michael Rosenfeld
Susan and Byron Roth
Sarah* and Dan Rothenberg
Terry Rust
Julie Byrne* and Michael Rweyemamu
Anne and Sean Ryan
Maggie and Ken Sabbag
Kate* and Stephen Sachs
Lindsey* and Steven Salas
Melissa Parra* and Alejandro Sanchez
Catherine* and Teague Sanders
Kathy Milne and Mike Sanfratello
Lauren* and Brian Savarese
Joan and Ralph Savarese
Mary and Richard Schammel
Tim Scheidler
Wayne Schmus
Bruce Seidel
Linda and John Seiter ◊
Susan* and Mike Seley
Stephanie* and Robert Sepulveda
Andrea* and Mark Shaffer
Ruth Shaffer
Lori and Michael Shanklin
Arianne* and Brandon Shapiro
Stephanie* and Michael Shaw
Theresa and Kashif Sheikh
Kimberly and Robert Sheperd
Laura and Brian Shin
Marina Chang and Orrin Shively
Melissa and Matthew Short
Sonia and Neil Singla
Marie Christine and Richard Slater
Kerry* and Scott Slater
Joannah and David Smith
Laurie and Jeffrey Smith
Kristin and Tim Smith
Sharick L. Smyser*
Tracy and Daniel Soiseth
Meredith* and Steve Sommers
Gretel and George Stephens
Eric Stockman
Anita Stoneman
Kelly* and Dana Studer
Christina* and Glen Sutter
Nancy and Eldon Swanson
Paul Tacorian
Leslee and Steve Talt
Lanny and Thomas Techentin
Mimi and Warren Techentin
Annie* and Allen Teng
Margaret* and William S. Thomas
Brenda and James Thomason
Laura* and Rupert Thompson
Kristin and Keith Thorell
Jessica and Rahul Thumati
Heather* and Daniel Timmons
Charisse and Rob Tolleson
Regina Tsu
Robin Turner
Melissa* and Michael Udell
Margaret and James Ukropina
Donella Sotelo* and Alex Uriarte
Lisa Vandergriff
Sara* and Mark Vanis
Charlene and Paul Vert
Diane* and John Vidalakis
Linda Vidov-Elkaim
Emily* and Joseph Viola
MaryAnn Viviano
Amy and John Vonderahe
Victoria and Corey Waite
Danielle* and John Walker
Carrie and Scott Walker ◊
Becky* and Bryan Walley
Monica* and David Walsh
Christa Scarpelli and Craig Warden
Cary* and Tom Warner
Janet and John Webb
Julianne* and Philip Webb
Erin and Kevin Wehrenberg
Amanda* and Jeffrey Welch
Catherine and Justin Welch
Eleanor and Patrick Welch
Gail and Chris Wellington
Elise and Rick Wetzel
Allison and Mark Withers
Pamela* and Charles Wood
Beverly and Phelps Wood ◊
Cynthia Yamauchi
Brooke* and Mark Yohalem
Grace Zee
Jackie* and Rion Zimmerman
Eileen and Bill Zimmerman
3M Monrovia Unitek
AFJ Consulting Group
Andy’s Transfer & Storage
Avery Dennison
Banfield Pet Hospital
BCM Foundation
Build-a-Bear Workshop Foundation
Bulletin Displays, LLC
Califia Farms
California Community Foundation
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
The Capital Group Companies
Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Chapman & Associates
Community Foundation of the Verdugos
Confidence Foundation
Corporate Executive Board
The Counter Custom Built Burgers
Crescenta Valley Insurance
Day-Ray Products, Inc.
Edmund A. and Marguerite
Burke Foundation
The Eisner Foundation
El Portal
Ernst & Young LLP
The Fishbein Family Foundation
GGE Foundation
Children’s Foundation
H. Leslie and Elaine S.
Hoffman Foundation
International Longshore and
Warehouse Union Local 13
JPMorgan Chase
KCRW, Inc.
Kelly, Jiggins and Associates
Kenneth T. and Eileen L.
Norris Foundation
Lifesource Water Systems
The Marty and Bruce Coffey
Family Foundation
Mattel Children’s Foundation
The Milias Foundation
National Charity LeagueSan Marino Chapter
Nestle, USA
O’Melveny & Myers
Paradise Cookies and Ice Cream
Pasadena Civic Ballet Center, LLC
Pasadena Community Foundation
Ralphs Community Contribution Program
Robin’s BBQ
The Rose Hills Foundation
Shakey’s Pizza
Teri & Yaki
Time Warner
Toyota of Pasadena
Trader Joe’s
Vroman’s Bookstore
W.M. Keck Foundation
The Walt Disney Company Foundation
Warner Bros.
Wells Fargo Bank
City of Pasadena
City of Pasadena Cultural Affairs Division
Pasadena Arts and Cultural Commission
Metropolitan Water District
of Southern California
Donors to the
Campaign for the
Future of Kidspace
Christine C. Benter
Karen and Steven Bristing ◊
Diane Binney and Michael Brown
Jennifer Thibault and Mike Bryant
Andre J. Cronthall
Priya and Amit Desai
Gail and James Ellis ◊
Mary and Bob Galvin ◊
Susi and Dennis Gertmenian
Marcia Goodstein and Bill Gross
Debbie and Schuyler Hollingsworth Jr.
Samantha and Gregory Jessner
Laura and Jim LaBarge ◊
Emilie* and Allen Lanstra
Weta and Allen Mathies
Laurie and Mark McKinley ◊
Cathie and David Partridge ◊
Jane and Kris Popovich ◊
Marilyn and Jud Roberts ◊
Lori and Michael Shanklin
Marina Chang and Orrin Shively
Laurie and Jeffrey Smith
Shari and Bob Thorell
Rita J. Whitney
Ann Peppers Foundation
Gaewood Foundation
GGE Foundation
H. Leslie and Elaine S.
Hoffman Foundation
Paul Galvin Memorial Foundation Trust
Robert Galvin Foundation
California Cultural and
Historical Endowment
Kidspace works diligently to ensure appropriate recognition of contributions and donors supporting the Museum. We are
truly sorry if your name was inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed. If so, please contact us at (626) 449-9144 x. 5228
You Make a Difference
We cannot begin to fully express to you, our friends, families, and
supporters, how truly grateful we are for the support that you have given
to Kidspace throughout the years, and want to begin by saying thank you.
It is because of you and your support that we have been able to achieve
our mission to enrich the lives of the children and families in our community
for nearly 35 years, and it is because of you that we are able to grow
our exhibits and programming in order to continue serving the needs
of our guests to the very best of our abilities. As a privately funded nonprofit children’s organization, Kidspace Children’s Museum relies on the
generosity of community minded individuals, foundations, and corporations
like you, who believe in, and
share in the Museum’s mission.
By supporting the essential,
innovative, and unique science,
art and humanities programming
offered at Kidspace, you continue
to extend the reach and ability
of the Museum to help our guests
develop the critical thinking,
problem solving, and creativity
skills necessary to thrive in formal
learning environments and become
the innovators of tomorrow.
A contribution of any size makes
an impact on the Museum and the
lives of the children and families
we serve. We thank you for your
continued support.
2,689 Guests!
The Free Family Night program in 2012 was
THE MOST SUCCESSFUL to date with 11,748
guests attending these free monthly events
throughout the year.
With 2,689 guests, August’s Free Family Night
which featured the new Galvin Physics Forest
was the highest attended free family night
How to Contribute to the Museum
To make a contribution to Kidspace you can contact
the Development Department by phone: 626.449.9144,
by email: development@kidspacemuseum.org, or you can
visit our website and click on the “make a gift” button.
Kidspace Staff