January 31, 2016 - Saint Andrew the Apostle
January 31, 2016 - Saint Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Community 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 31, 2016 St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic School Open House Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:30am - 1:30pm (10:30am Mass) We would like to invite you to visit St. Andrew the Apostle School. Come tour our school, meet the principal and teachers, visit our classrooms, and learn about our curriculum and exciting after school programs. Faith Based Learning Cathiolic faith is incorporated into our students’ daily activities, including weekly school Mass. Full Day Programs Full day Preschool and Kindergarten programs available. Before and After School Care Before and after school care available for full-day students from 7am until 6pm. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm (English) Sunday 7:30 am (English) 8:45 am En Español - Iglesia 9:00 am (English) - Hall 10:30 am (English) - Church 10:30 am (po Polsku) - Hall 12:00 noon (po Polsku) - Church 12:00 noon (English) - Hall Weekdays 7:30 am (Mon. Tue. Thur. Fri.) 7:00 am & 8:00am (Wed.) 8:00 am (Saturday) Reconciliation Saturdays 3:00 — 3:50 pm Wednesdays 5:45 — 6:45 pm with Adoration Seasonal Services and by appointment. Website: www.andrewcc.org PARISH OFFICES 530 Glen, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-4165, Fax (815) 886-6119 Email: office@andrewcc.org Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm St. Andrew School 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5953, Fax (815) 293-2016 St. Andrew Faith Formation 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5962, Fax (815) 886-6624 January 31 2016 Page Two Mass Intentions SATURDAY, January 30 8:00 AM—Virginia Voncille (Campbell) Montgomery by Angela Venegas 4:00 PM—Theresa Barrowman by Jerry & Lori Offerman 5:30 PM—Linda Weston by Sedlacek Family SUNDAY, January 31 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6,15,17; 1Cor 12:31-13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30 7:30 AM—Martha L. Socha by Robert Socha 8:45 AM—(S-Ch) Sr. Felipe Sanchez by Veronica Avila Sra. Sylvia Gomez by Daniel Torres and Family Sra Margarita Lopez Mendoza by Sus Hijos Sra. Slyvia Tagle by Deacon Jesse & Mona Tagle 9:00 AM—(E-Hall) Penny Weaver by Considine Family 10:30 AM—(E-Ch) Tom Surinak by Deacon Rich & Phyllis Ford 10:30 AM—(P-Hall) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(P-Ch) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(E-Hall) Parish Family MONDAY, February 1 7:30 AM—Martha L. Socha by Robert F. Socha TUESDAY, February 2 7:30 AM—Josephine Chirumbala by Rhein & Pauline Warkenthien 7:00 PM - (P-Ch) Intentions of Celebrant WEDNESDAY, February 3 7:00 AM—Rose Simonelli by Sheryl A. Payne 8:00 AM—Marty Zander by Cabrera & Meyer Families THURSDAY, February 4 7:30 AM—Nancy LaRue by Mary LaRue & Family FRIDAY, February 5 7:30 AM—Millicent Myslwiec & Her Deceased Family Members by Bob and Mary Ann Skinkis SATURDAY, February 6 8:00 AM—CCW Intentions - Margaret Luckett, Stella Raynor, Jean Serafiniak, Violet Hyla, Veronica Harper 4:00 PM—Deceased Members of the Walsh & Ruffin Families by Gloria Walsh 5:30 PM—Joseph Loboda by Audrey & Ken Wiaranowski SUNDAY, February 7 Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11 7:30 AM—Parish Family 8:45 AM—(S-Ch) Sr. Felipe Sanchez by Veronica Avila Sra. Sylvia Gomez by Daniel Torres and Family Sra Margarita Lopez Mendoza by Sus Hijos Sra. Slyvia Tagle by Deacon Jesse & Mona Tagle 9:00 AM—(E-Hall) Tony & Helen Vodar & Sharon Grutza by Ron & Judy 10:30 AM—(E-Ch) Chuck Todd by Jean Zawacki 10:30 AM—(P-Hall) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(P-Ch) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(E-Hall) Carol Kozak by Bernice Fitzpatrick THIS WEEK Monday, February 1 Prayer Vigil Charismatic Group - 6:30pm - St. Mary Center (B) Legion of Mary - 7:00pm - Francis Room Tuesday, February 2 Scheduled Event - 2:30pm to 3:30pm - Hall RCIA - 6:45 pm - Conference Room Rosary - 7:00pm - Francis Room Hispanic Prayer Group Choir - 7:00pm - St. Mary Center (F) Polish Mass - 7:00pm - Church Wednesday, February 3 Blessing of Throats - 7:00am - 8:00am - Church Food Pantry - 10:00am to 12:30pm Adoration - 5:30pm to 7:00pm - Church PTO Meeting - 6:30pm - Room 110 Voces Para Dios Rehearsal - 7:00pm - Room 105 Charismatic Group (Jesus es la Roca) - 7:00pm - Church Spanish Ultreya - 7:00pm - Room 113 Baptism Preparation Class (English) - 7:30pm - Hall AA Meeting - 7:30pm - St. Mary Center (B) Thursday, February 4 Children’s Parish Choir Rehearsal - 4:30pm - Church Charismatic Class - 6:30pm - St. Mary Center (B) Adult English Choir Rehearsal - 7:00pm - Church Friday, February 5 First Friday Adoration - 8:30am to 2:00pm - Church Baptism Preparation Class (Hispanic) - 7:00pm - Room 105 Reconciliation (Polish) - 6:30pm - Church First Friday Mass (Polish) - 7:00pm - Church Saturday, February 6 10th Annual Spaghetti Dinner - 4:30pm to 7:30pm - Hall Sunday, February 7 RCIA - 11:00am - Conference Room First Sunday Prayer Group - After 10:30 Mass - Room 105 Hispanic Baptisms - 1:30pm - Church Faith Formation - Family Catechesis - 4:00pm - Enter Door 1 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11 January 31, 2016 Page Three Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor (815) 886-4165 ext. 317 My dear family of St. Andrew the Apostle! Prayer for Catholic Schools Week Lord Jesus, Son of God, Thank you for the gift of Catholic education. Day after day, week after week, you call us to follow you, and you give us many opportunities to grow and learn. Help us respond to the gift of faith so that we may be recognized as your disciples. Amen. St. Andrew the Apostle, pray for us! This Sunday begins National Catholic Schools Week, whose theme is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” Yes, schools are communities—small families in their own right, but also members of the larger community of home, parish, church, city and nation. As they always have and will continue to do so, across the country and here at St. Andrew, Catholic Schools evangelize — they are evangelizing communities, since faith, knowledge and service are three measures by which any Catholic school can and should be judged. Our School Advisory Council, or School Board, under the guidance of our Catholic Schools Office, has been developing a BEST plan this year: a Business Executive Summary for Transformation Plan, which consists of three sequential steps, namely (1) Vision, Value and Mission; (2) Strategic Objective, Goals and Activities; and (3) Culture and Norms. We are seeking to bring Transformation to five particular areas: Communication, Marketing, Enrollment, Parent/Parish Involvement, and Third Source Funding in the School Budget. I am grateful and happy to report steady and consistent progress in these areas with specific objectives within each of these five categories. Along with myself and our principal, our School Advisory Council embraces these values as the foundation for a flourishing school: “We believe quality Catholic education calls us to integrate Gospel teachings and values with everyday life; while believing that all secular subjects need to be taught in the light of these values. These values are deeply rooted in the belief that Jesus Christ is the reason for our school and our community lives out our faith expressing the virtues of prudence, fortitude, charity, generosity, temperance, humility, and brotherly love. All, in communion with a strong sense of hospitality and belonging in everything we do.” St. Andrew the Apostle School is one of over 6,500 Catholic schools across the United States. Catholic Schools demonstrate a remarkable success story in the history of America. Over 400 years after the first known Catholic school opened in St. Augustine, Florida, our Catholic schools continue to be a gift to the church and a gift to the nation and to us! St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Patroness of Catholic Schools in the U.S., pray for us! St. Andrew the Apostle, pray for us! In the loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Fr. Gregor $67,329 60,000 50,000 7000 $6,840 6000 40,000 30,000 $2,960 5000 4000 2,000 20,000 3000 $1,630 2000 10,000 0 Section 1 Church/School 1,000 1000 0 Section 2 We Care/ Rectory Garage 0 Section 3 Parish Office Garage Good News! The roof projects are now all paid in full!!! This past week, we received some final generous donations from parishioners for the Roof Project. Thank You!!! Then we received a letter from Michael Bava, Chief Financial Officer of the Diocese. Let me share with you a portion of this letter: “I am delighted to inform you that St. Andrew Parish has surpassed its 2015 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal goal… For the 2015 campaign, I am happy to say that each Parish received a rebate equal to 65% of the funds in excess of their Parish goal! Enclosed please find a check in the amount $2,951.92” (the total donation for 2015 CMAA was $78,853). From this CMAA rebate check, we finished paying off the last $1,330! Alleluia! And Thank YOU ALL for your wonderful generosity to the Diocesan CMAA last year and to our Roof Projects!! God’s blessings upon you all! Thank you for your support!!! Roof Project Paid In Full!!! Page Four January 31, 2016 The Society of St. Vincent DePaul St. Andrew the Apostle Conference …neighbor helping neighbor... Our helpline 815-886-4165 ext. 304 All calls are confidential with callbacks within 24 hours. In the Gospel today, Jesus shows us that our living the gospel is what must shape our everyday choices. The St. Vincent de Paul Joliet Diocesan Council and ART VAN FURNITURE are partnering on OPERATION COAT CHECK, to collect coats for our neighbors in need. The program runs until Thursday, February 11. ART VAN locations near us are: Woodridge 900 E. Boughton Rd., and Naperville 404 Highway 59. COULD YOU NOT WATCH ONE HOUR WITH ME? FIRST FRIDAY February 5, 2016 SUNDAY COLLECTION January 23 & 24 Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A 245 N Weber Rd, Bolingbrook, IL Thursday, February 4, 2016 3:00pm - 10:00pm Simply bring Spirit Night forms to Chick-fil-A Restaurant on Thursday, February 4, 2016, and St. Andrews School will share the profits from that evening’s sales. $18,272.74 Eucharistic Adoration on Friday, February 5 will begin after the 7:30am Mass and end with Benediction at 2:00pm. If you are able to commit to one hour a month to adore our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, please call Mary Ann at 815-372-0223 to choose a time (between 8:30am and 2:00pm) and insure that our Lord will not be left alone at any time. SUPPORT THE TROOPS CARE PACKAGE DRIVE The Knights of Columbus have organized a collection drive. The Knights will be collecting items to be sent to our troops overseas. Items can be dropped off from January 4 through January 31 at Romeoville Village Hall, Romeoville Recreation Center, White Oak Library and starting January 16 through January 31 at St. Andrew the Apostle Church in the collection boxes in the Administration wing. Items our troops need are: General hygiene items, insect repellent, eye drops, men’s and women’s deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, razors, lip balm, wet wipes, Also needed are: Canned food items like soup, tuna, chili, ravioli, stew, dried fruits and nuts, ground coffee, pre-sweetened powdered drink mixes, beef jerky, beef sticks, batteries (AA and AAA), cookies, granola bars, protein bars, gloves, hand warmers, stamps, work socks, tube socks, white or tan t-shirts. Hand made items are welcome: scarves, no-sew fleece blankets, quilts. Each box costs $12.35 just for shipping of a single care package. Donations for postage are needed as well. Please make checks payable to Bishop Kaffer Knights of Columbus. If you have a family member or friend in the Military stationed overseas that you would like to send a Care Package to or would like to make a donation for shipping costs, please contact: Dan Pratscher at 815-886-6623 or Bob Martin 815-302-4898. All donations are tax deductable. Let No Hero Be Forgotten January 31, 2016 Page Five 2016 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL APPEAL Please Participate! Your Gift Makes a Difference! This week, you are asked to review the 2016 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA) tabloid that you received with your bulletin today. The CMAA is much different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can make a one-time gift or pledge your gift over 10 months to support the good works of the diocese. A gift to the CMAA will touch the lives of many in our diocese in a positive way. Each gift makes a difference! Together, the gifts of many enable our diocese to deliver needed education, ministry and services to those who need it most. As you take the time to review the tabloid and see all the work enabled by the CMAA, please reflect on God’s gifts to you. He has given you all that you have. We were “Chosen by God’s Grace” and together we can give thanks to Him for our blessings through a gift to the CMAA. As you review the work enabled by your contribution to the CMAA, please reflect on God’s gifts to you. He has given you all that you have. Your gifts to our parish, to the diocese, and to the work of the church throughout the world should be given in gratitude for the continuing gifts that God gives you. God extends His mercy to us each day, and you can be a part of “Extending God’s Mercy” to others through the CMAA. If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it or bring it to Mass next weekend. For those of you who have not received the mailing, we will conduct our Commitment/In-Pew Weekend process at all Masses next weekend. After our parish exceeds its CMAA goal of $72,995 in paid pledges, 65% of any additional funds are returned for use in our parish. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response. Worldwide Marriage Encounter When: Saturday, February 20, 2016 DOORS OPEN at 5pm FIRST GAME starts at 5:30PM Where: St. Andrew the Apostle Hall What: BINGO---50/50 Raffle---Snacks/ Drinks will be available for purchase BONUS: Child Care available $5.00/Child For more details contact the school: 815-886-5953 or Email: brisa68@yahoo.com ALL ARE WELCOME!!! SEE YOU THERE!!! CPR / AED TRAINING (An AHA HS CPR/AED Provider Course) The next training session for learning adult/child CPR/AED is being offered on Monday, February 15, 2016. The session will run from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm in room 110. Ken Searcy, RN, a St. Andrew parishioner, will be the trainer for this session. Reservations are required. If anyone is interested, please contact the office at 815-886-4165, ext. 301 to reserve a space. Class requires a minimum of 3 participants. There is no cost for this nonhealthcare provider class. “…but the greatest of these is love.” Spouses, nurture your spiritual gift by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on February 12-14, 2016 or April 8-10, 2016 or June 10-12, 2016, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through http://wwme-chicagoland.org. Profundicen su comunicación, reavivan su romance y reavivan su sacramento atendiendo a un Fin de Semana de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. Inscríbase hoy para asistir al próximo fin de semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. Para más información de los Fines de Semana en español, si vive en los suburbios o pertenece a la Diócesis de Joliet, comuníquese con Javier y Gaby Vargas (630) 621-8984 gabyjaviervgs@gmail.com , en el área de Chicago llamar a Oscar y Luz Delgado (847) 826-9525, odelro@aol.com, para los que vivan en el área del sur de Chicago y el Noroeste de Indiana llamar a Juan y Elia Zambrano (708) 825-4099 eliaza4726@sbcglobal.net. Se recomienda registrarse con anticipación ya que el cupo es limitado. Page Six January January31, 3, 2016 Ks. Michał Twarużek Wikariusz Parafialny (815) 886-4165 ext. 311 email: assocpastor@andrewcc.org email: michaltwardy24@gmail.com sprawy urzędowe po wcześniejszym ustaleniu spotkania Marta Wysocki Koordynator Polskiego Duszpasterstwa (815) 886-4165 ext. 307 email: polish@andrewcc.org Godziny pracy: Wtorki i Środy od 8:30 a.m do 2:30 p.m. IV NIEDZIELA ZWYKŁA Ks. Michał Twarużek Marta Wysocki KOMENTARZ LITURGICZNY NA CZWARTĄ NIEDZIELE ZWYKŁĄ Gromadzimy się przy ołtarzu Jezusa Chrystusa, aby zrozumieć podstawową prawdę, że jedynym Panem naszego życia, naszych nocy i dni, naszych powstań i zaśnięć jest Ten, który ukształtował człowieka już w łonie matki. Często człowiek planuje swoją przyszłość na własny „rachunek”, bez Boga, uzurpując sobie w ten sposób prawo do własnej reżyserii życia. Chrześcijanin odrzuca dzisiaj Boga, Bóg nie jest mile widziany w życiu człowieka: w szkole, szpitalu, zakładach pracy. „Bóg jest tam nie potrzebny” - tak uważa wielu ludzi, ponieważ Jego miejsce jest w Kościele. Również i my często ulegamy takim poglądom. Zrzucamy Boga na margines ludzkiej egzystencji, lekceważymy Jego naukę i Jego wolę, a liczą się tylko nasze interesy, które nie zawsze są zgodne z chrześcijańskimi wartościami. Za to, że tak często Bóg nie jest na pierwszym miejscu w naszym życiu, przepraszajmy Go teraz licząc na Jego Miłość, która „nie pamięta złego”. Wiara.pl ZAZNACZ KALENDARZ LUTY 2– Msza o godzinie 7 wieczorem Ofiarowanie Pańskie (Matki Boskiej Gromnicznej). LUTY 5– Pierwszy piątek spowiedź od 6:30 do 7:30 Z adoracją najświętszego sakramentu. Msza święta o godzinie 7:30 wieczorem. LUTY 10– Środa Popielcowa. Msza Święta polska o godzinie 7:30 wieczorem w holu parafialnym. LUTY 12– droga Krzyżowa w języku polskim o godzinie 7 wieczorem w kościele. Pierwszy Fish Fry od 4:30 do 7:30 wieczorem. LUTY 19- Fish Fry od 4:30 do 7:30 wieczorem. LUTY 26- Fish Fry od 4:30 do 7:30 wieczorem Prowadzony przez duszpasterstwo polskie. Prosimy o osoby chętne do pomocy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym, numer wewnętrzny 307. Grafik na Luty ______ _ 2.7 Peregrynacji obrazu Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej ROZKŁAD NA STYCZEŃ I LUTY– Przypominamy że obraz M.B zabieramy i oddajemy na mszy świętej o dwunastej. LUTY 7, 2016 MARIA & EUGENUSZ SZAREK LUTY 14, 2016 ANNA & KRZYSZTOF BARSZCZEWSKI LUTY 21, 2016 KATARZYNA & PIOTR GORZ LUTY 28, 2016 ZOFIA MAREK Z RODZINĄ 2.14 2.21 2.28 Lektor Andrzej Gucwa Stanisław Ryndak Darek Pikul Stanisława Mniszak Szafarz I Stanisław Ryndak Darek Pikul Stanisław Ryndak Stanisław Ryndak Lektor I Krzysztof Tomaszek Marian Łukaszczyk Ewa Małek Mirosław Gaik Lektor II Anna Dziedzic Marek Rzeszotko Ania Bzdyk Krzysztof Tomaszek Szafarz I Grace Gacek Maria Szarek Grace Gacek Eugeniusz Szarek 10.30 12.00 Szafarz II Eugeniusz Szarek Maria Szarek January 31, 2016 Page Seven St. Andrew the Apostle Faith Formation Note from the Faith Formation Office “The future of humanity passes by way of the family” Pope John Paul II Faith Formation is looking for Catechists! Catechist for 1st/2nd Graders on Mondays Catechist for 1st/2nd Graders on Thursday Sessions are twice a month from 6-8pm and YOUTH MASS material is provided for lesson planning Every Third Sunday of the Month! Contact Mary Kerwin for more information at 815-886-5962 ext. 501 Mary Kerwin, Faith Formation Secretary (815) 886-5962 extension 501 ffoffice@andrewcc.org St. Andrew the Apostle Faith Formation Office Hours Elena Marquez, Coordinator of Faith Formation Se Habla Español (815) 886-5962 extension 503 faithformation@andrewcc.org Office will be closed Sunday, January 31 Remember these men and women in your daily prayers . . . Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and Women & Men Religious of the Diocese of Joliet February 1 Srs. Faith Szambelanczyk, Elaine Teders, Janet Tucci, Therese Tusek, Juanita Regine Ujcik OSF 2 Anthony Lenard (Deacon Candidate) 3 Frs. Dindo Billote & Steven Bondi 4 Srs. Helen Vahling, Rita Vahling, Clare Van Vooren, Loretta Vetter, Anthony Wagner, Loretta Wagner OSF 5 Dcns. Jim Janousek, Julio Jimenez, Joseph Johnson, Frank Juricic, Robert Kaminski, Lawrence Kearney, James Kelly, Darrell Kelsey, Paul Kim, Ronald Knecht 6 Srs. Patricia Ann Wagner, M. Ann Wayrowski, M. Yvonne Weidner, Peter Julian Wener, Vivian Whitehead OSF 7 Srs. Larian Williams, Georgene Wilson, M. Joan Clare Wisner, Kim Marie Wolf, Mary Jo Young, M. Karla Zdenek, Dolores Zemont OSF Office is opened during Faith Formation Sessions SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION For Adults (18 years and older) If you have never received the Sacrament of Confirmation and desire to receive this Sacrament, please contact Barb at the Adult Faith Formation Office (815-886-4165, ext. 308). Sessions for preparation of this Sacrament will be held on the following five Tuesdays: February 9, 2016, February 16, 2016, February 23, 2016, March 1, 2016 and March 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM at St. Andrew the Apostle. Reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Sunday, May 15, 2016 at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. These five sessions preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation are open to all adults (18 years or older) who desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Prayers of the Parish Michael Cavoto, HN James M. Chavez, Matthew Domek, Christopher Durkovic, James Dean Johnson, Jacob Kikta, Bill Nelson, 2nd Lt. Alexander Nuxoll, Sgt. Kevin Parker, Joshua Plucinski, Andrew Price, Mstr. Sgt. Jose Sanchez, Kyle Tranchitello, Kurt Warkenthien, Humberto Zermeño, and all our men and women in the military. January 31, 2016 Page Eight Ramona Tagle Coordinadora del Ministerio Hispano 815-886-4165 Ext. 305 Hispanic@andrewcc.org 31 de Enero del 2016 12 PONTOS CLAVE PARA ENTENDER EL ANO DE LA MISERICORDIA. #2. Reconocer a Dios como un Padre que jamás se da por vencido hasta que no haya disuelto el pecado y superado el rechazo con la compasión y la misericordia: “Porque la misericordia se muestra como la fuerza que todo vence, que lleno de amor el corazón q que consuela con el perdón”. AGUNOS AVISIOS 1. NO vamos a tener Vía Cursis Viviente este Año de 2016. Pero Si vamos a tener servicio en español a las 4:30 pm en el salón de gimnasio, Las Siete Palabras de Jesús Cristo. 2. Si gusten una misa por favor llame la oficina o habla con Ramona Tagle 815-886-4165 Ext. 305. 3. Vamos a tener un Retiro de Cuaresma el 5 de Marzo reservar su fecha su calendario. 4. Vamos a tener Pre-Cana el 6 de Febrero y el 13 de Febrero de 8:00 am—1:00 PM para parejas gusten casarse por la Iglesia. Llame la oficina 815-886-4165 Ext. 305. 5. El 23 de Abril vamos a tener una cena de agradecimiento, para todo los Voluntarios que son adultos de San Andrés y an dado su tiempo de servir en su ministerio o actividades de San Andrés, la fecha cambio de Febrero 9, 2016 Y los jóvenes vamos a dar un pequeño regalo en misa del Domingo. Intención de Misa + Sr. Felipe Sánchez. + Sra. Sylvia Gómez, + Sra. Margarita López Mendoza. Sagrada Familia Sra. Lupe Carillo ¡Favor de Participar! ¡ Su donación hace la diferencia! Esta semana, se le pide revisar el tabloide de La Campaña Anual para los Ministerios Catolicos de 2016 (CAMC) que recibió con su boletín de hoy. La CAMC es mucho diferente de una colección especial de una sola vez. Es un compromiso de campaña donde puedes hacer una donación una sola vez o comprometer un regalo durante 10 meses para apoyar las buenas obras de la diócesis. Un regalo para la CAMC tocará la vida de muchos en nuestra diócesis de una manera positiva. ¡Cada regalo hace una deferencia! Juntos, los regalos de muchos permiten a nuestra diócesis entregar servicios necesitados de educación, Ministerio y a quienes lo necesitan más. Mientras que tomas el tiempo para revisar el tabloide y ver todo el trabajo de la CAMC, por favor reflexiona sobre el regalo de Dios. Él te ha dado todo lo que tienes. Fuimos "Elegidos por la Gracia de Dios" y juntos podemos dar gracias a El por nuestras bendiciones a través de un regalo a la CAMC. Mientras revisa el trabajo permitido por su contribución a la CAMC, por favor reflexiona sobre los dones de Dios a ti. Él te ha dado todo lo que tienes. Los regalos a nuestra parroquia a la diócesis y al trabajo de la iglesia en todo el mundo se deben dar en agradecimiento por los continuos regalos que Dios te da. Dios extiende su misericordia para nosotros cada día, y tu puede ser una parte de la "misericordia de Dios" a los demás a través de la CAMC. Si usted recibió el formulario de compromiso en el correo, favor de completarla y enviarla por correo o traer a la Misa del próximo fin de semana. Para aquellos de ustedes que no han recibido el envio, llevaremos a cabo nuestro Fin de Semana de Compromiso/Solicitud en las Bancas en todas las Misas el próximo fin de semana. Después que nuestra parroquia exceda su meta de CAMC $72,995 en promesas pagadas, el 65% de los fondos adicionales son devueltos para uso en nuestra parroquia. Gracias por su consideración orante y su respuesta generosa. January 31, 2016 Page Nine We are now accepting registrations for Co-Ed Volleyball, for grades 5-8. All students who belong to the St. Andrew School or attend Faith Formation can join. The registration form is on the display case by the school office. The registration form and fee must be turned in by 2/19. If you have any questions, please call Moe Strader at athletics@andrewcc.org. It was a very good week for the fighting Crusaders. They won 2 championships! First, the 7/8 grade team defeated St. Francis 36-27 to win the championship in the consolation bracket for the 8th grade boys silver division at St. Mary Mokena tournament. That's not all. The 5/6 grade team also won the St. Joseph- Lockport Winter Classic tournament championship after defeating Holy Family 35-32 in a very exciting finale. Congratulations to all players and coaches! You represented St. Andrew with dignity and humility. You made your school very proud! St. Andrew the Apostle School - 10th Annual Spaghetti Dinner You are invited to attend the 10th Annual Spaghetti Dinner!! When: Saturday February 6, 2016 - 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Where: St. Andrew the Apostle Parish Hall - 505 Kingston, Romeoville Cost: $7.00 Adult/$4.00 Child (All you can eat Spaghetti Only) Children 4 and under are free. $1.00 for a side order of meatballs or sausage Dinner includes all you can eat spaghetti with sauce, salad, bread, and beverage (coffee, iced tea, lemonade). Beer, wine, soda and dessert available for purchase. CARRY OUT IS AVAILABLE!! If you have any questions, or if you would like to volunteer at this event, please contact Susan Brown at 708-516- 3549. Page Ten January 31, 2016 A COMMUNITY OF WORD AND SACRAMENT SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION CATECHUMENATE The Catechumenate is a community which gathers those adults who have not been baptized, and seek deeper insight into the Christian faith. BAPTISM OF CHILDREN We joyfully celebrate the baptism of children of Christian households which are joined to our weekly worship, and have active registration in our parish community for at least 3 months. After registration in the parish, please attend an Evening of Awareness, if you have not attended a class in the past two years, to register for Baptism and select a date. Classes are presented on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Baptism is celebrated on the third Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. EUCHARIST AND CONFIRMATION Formation for those coming first to the table of the Lord as children is infused into the efforts of our school and Faith Formation Office. Confirmation formation is a two year process completed in eighth grade. Please call the Faith Formation Office for more information. SACRAMENTS OF COMMITMENT Please Pray For Frances Ison, Carole Ann Banks, Joe Mauricio, Jr., George Lambert, Karen Langan, Jr., Kathy Borowski, Sharon Dempsey, Bearnie Lee, Kathy Broski, Denny Czyzewicz, Mildred Drdak, Tiffany Lannin, Roger Gulden, Rose Ison, Bea Russell, Janet Phad, Phyllis DeFrank, Dolores Halagiera, Jean Sinderson, Virginia Fondakowski, Carol McGreehin, Valerie McCann, Sandy Nelson, Barbara Linsner, Violet Sinkula, Katie Churulo, Marie Lynch, Mary LaRue, Dorothy Maloney, Carrie Klocek, Joan Koester, Alejandra Hernandez, Alex Estrada, Marcia Kizior, Keith Dehmer, Aldona Murphy, Andrew Wisniewski, Carrie Klocek, Jack Frazier, Gene Nowak, Marcia Kizior, Mary Melaniphy, Pete Carrara, Gretchen Patez, Paula Sedlacek, Loretta Lenz, Władysław Pazgan, Evelyn Metoyer, Mia Dooley, June Cygan Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill, in the midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to wellness and wholeness. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen. GRANT ETERNAL REST, LIGHT AND PEACE TO ALL FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Frank Martensen, Veronica Harper Please call the parish office by Monday at (815) 886-4165 for the name of your loved one to be placed for 3 weeks on our short term prayer list. Also, please call the parish office, if you are hospitalized and would like a visit from our hospital ministry team or homebound and in need of communion. MARRIAGE Marriage preparation is a six month process of prayer, reflection and study. Couples work with both the presider and a sponsor couple through this process. Please note that this six month period of preparation is essential. Hospital Visitation of Parishioners Please remember that if you or any family members find yourselves in a hospital, be sure to let them know you are a Those seeking assistance in discerning a call to ordained parishioner at St. Andrew’s — it doesn’t hurt to say it a few ministry are encouraged to call the parish offices. times, either! Whenever we priests, deacons or Eucharistic Ministers come to visit, we check the hospital list of parishioners printed under “St. Andrew.” But if you’re not SACRAMENTS OF HEALING listed as a parishioner of St. Andrew, we won’t know you’re RECONCILIATION even there! We do not want to miss you! You can always call Reconciliation is available each Saturday afternoon, us, too, at the office, ext. 301. Thank you. May the Lord Jesus 3:00pm, Wednesday evening, 5:45-6:45pm, through be with you all your days, to love and be loved by Him, to seasonal communal services, and by appointment. honor and serve Him, as He honors and serves us! ORDERS ANOINTING Anointing of the Sick is offered through seasonal services, and always by request. If hospitalized, please immediately seek anointing from the Catholic chaplain. Call St. Vincent DePaul Truck to Pick Up Donations Clothing, household items, small appliances or furniture. Bag or box donations and call 630-231-4658 for St. Vincent de Paul truck pickup service. A truck will come right to your door. I would like to have my house blessed. Please contact me to make arrangements. Name _________________________________ Address _______________________________ _______________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________ Work Phone ____________________________ Page Eleven January 31, 2016 Parish Staff St. Andrew the Apostle We Care Food Pantry The St. Andrew We Care Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 10:00 am. until 12:30 p.m. for any eligible family in Romeoville in need of food assistance. (815) 886-4165 Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor, ext. 317 Rev. Michał Twaruzek, Associate Pastor, ext. 311 Rev. Jacob Kolawole, Priest in Residence, ext. 301 Darlene Searcy, Communications Secretary, ext. 301 Bernadette Sedlacek, Manna, ext. 303 Deacon Ron Searls, Business Manager, ext. 302 Marta Wysocki, Coordinator of Polish Ministry, ext. 307 Ramona Tagle, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry, ext. 305 Sue Psenicka, Director of Music & Worship Coordinator, ext. 314 Barb Sanders, Contact for Adult Faith Formation, ext. 308 Russell McNab, Facility Manager, ext. 316 The requirements to receive food commodities from the Pantry is that a valid State of Illinois Driver's License or State of Illinois ID and a current utility bill with your Romeoville address must be presented at the time of sign-in. Due to the poor economy, loss of employment or housing, and if you are currently residing with a Romeoville family, you may bring your valid Illinois Driver’s License or State ID AND a current utility bill from the Romeoville residents you are living with. Some proof of residency must be established. This must be St Andrew School (815) 886-5953 Kathy Lifka, Principal, ext. 421 brought to the Pantry each time you come for food assistance. Jill Briceno, Secretary, ext. 420 The Pantry is located at 219 Arlington. For further St. Andrew Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 information, please contact Jack or Pat Frazier at Elena Marquez, Coordinator of Faith Formation, ext. 503 (815) 919-3233. Deacons: Deacon Jesse Tagle Deacon Jerry Clark Deacon Ricardo Marquez Crisis Pregnancy Deacon Herb Waldron Deacon Felix Dominguez Women’s Choice Services 1-888-4-HOPE-4-1 Deacon Rich Ford Deacon Rigoberto Padilla Birthright 1-800-550-4900 Post Abortion Healing for Women & Men 1-866-99-4-GIVE (4483) Natural Family Planning 815-838-5334 Victor Alvarez (815) 886-4165 ext. 315 LASSAK “Quality Care Your Loved One Deserves!” • Senior Care Staffing • Experienced Caregivers Available 24/7 • Live-In, Hourly, Come-and-Go • Call Us For a Free Assessment! Family Owned Licensed • Insured • Bonded Over 20 Years Experience 24/7 RNs on Call PARISHIONER St. Vincent de Paul Society (815) 886-4165 ext. 304 Knights of Columbus (815) 651-4585 Independent Counseling Services Market & Deli $ 5 OFF any purchase of $50 or more w/ad Hot Foods • Deli • Dessert Catering Platters • Delicious Meats Delicious Cheeses • Produce & Groceries Polish and Lithuanian Family Owned Business 7145 S. Kingery Hwy. Route 83 Willowbrook, IL 630.655.2200 Little Bears Home Daycare PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Into Our Care We Are Trusted Theresa Ruggiero 6 Weeks to 12 Years Old C.P.R. Certified • Hot Nutritious Meals Loving and Caring Environment Special Needs Children Welcomed 815-524-5216 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months iPaint & Design Interior & Exterior Painting Services for Residential & Businesses 815-886-8966 REPOS BODY SHOP LOCATED NEXT TO TARGET OPTICAL ........... 1859 Lake Shore Court • Romeoville Need an Eye Exam? www.byyoursidehc.com ........... 24/7 HELP thruggiero@comcast.net www.ipaintanddesign.com 630.717.9118 TALK Licensed Daycare Operator www.LassakDeli.com INDEPENDENT DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY PUSH Collision Center & HERITAGE CREMATORY 4th Generation Family Owned Lockport's only On-Site Crematory Dan Repetowski 1105 E. 9th St. (159th St.), Lockport 630-378-9900 Just 5 miles east of Carillon Lakes and Grand Haven 1277 Naperville Dr., Romeoville KATHLEEN M. KASMER, O.D. ALVIN CHOI, O.D. MARGARET SLOWIK, O.D. Mowie Po Polsku 13460 S.Archer Ave. Lemont www.LemontEyeDoctor.com 815-838-5010 ~ www.oneilfuneralhome.com 630.243.1492 ANCHOR INSURANCE Serving Romeoville & Bolingbrook 000568 St Andrew Church (B) 630.343.1200 • Homeowners • Auto • Condo • Renters $49 Special for New Patients - Includes exam and 2 x-rays In Home Samples • Design Service Kitchens • Baths • Basements Specializing in Large Porcelain Tile Design and Installation Ask for Amy 708-551-6055 • www.mstiledesign.com www.anchorinsinc.com Parishioner Discount 10% OFF w/ad www.jspaluch.com • Dental Implants for Missing Teeth • Orthodontics (braces) • Cleanings and Checkup • Teeth Whitening • Dentures 630-739-5500 www.bolingbrookdentalweb.com • Teeth Extractions Rani Seeth D.D.S. Alina Huff D.D.S. Meghan Dubois Condit D.D.S. (Location: On Rt. 53 near Walmart) Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Polish For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 JODI’S BARBER SHOP Men, Women & Children’s Haircuts WALK-INS ONLY HOT LATHER NECK SHAVES WITH HOT TOWELS All World Storage 8’x20’ Container (Appx. SZ) $75/Month 815-886-1888 • Lunch • Dinner • Catering 315 N. Independence Blvd. Route 53 • Romeoville 201 W. Romeo Rd., Romeoville, IL 60446 815-886-9816 132 South Cass Avenue Westmont, Illinois 60559 www.unclebubs.com WE CATER FOR ALL OCCASIONS! MIROSLAW PIOTROWSKI, M.D. Wysylka paczek i pieniedzy do Polski. Wednesday Senior Day - Must mention this ad BOARD CERTIFIED IN FAMILY MEDICINE • Internal Medicine • Pediatrics • Dermatology • Gynecology • Immigration & School Physicals • Physical Therapy • Ultrasound 456 A Weber Rd. Romeoville, IL 60446 Tel. (815) 524-5712 WHENEVER AND WHEREVER YOU NEED US, WE’RE HERE FOR YOU. LEMONT CHICAGO 15345 127TH STREET 630.484.8868 5912 S. ARCHER AVE. 773.735.5544 For MRI, CAT Scan, Stress Test Sleep Study Call 708.423.9982 THE ANDERSON FAMILY AND STAFF WILL BE SERVING YOU FROM OUR SECOND, STATE OF THE ART FACILITY LOCATED ON RENWICK ROAD. Carillons Leading Provider • Pre-Arrangement Plans Available • Traditional Services & Cremations • Shipping Services • Privately Owned Crematory Dr. Niazi & Dr. Torres Beauty & Relax Facials by Basia LICENSED ESTHETICIAN 215 Remington Blvd. Ste. K • Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Monday- Friday 10:00AM-5:30PM Saturdays 10:00AM-1:00PM Se Habla Español • Walk-ins Welcome Call now to make an appointment 10% OFF Mowie Po Polsku We accept most major insurance, All Kids/Public Aid. K. R. Zale, DDS M. B. Foster, DDS A.A. Ruginis, DDS Broker “For All Your Real Estate Needs” General Dentistry (815) 600-3536 215 W. Romeo Rd., Romeoville scanlon@ymail.com Eve. & Sat. Hrs. 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