April 2014 - Whangarei Boys` High School
April 2014 - Whangarei Boys` High School
ISSUE #2 15 April 2014 school news W HANGAREI B OYS ’ H IGH S CHOOL Contents Headmaster’s desk From the A. F. Kirk BA Dip SM He mihi nui ki a koutou 02 Good Boys’ High News O7 Congratulations Greetings to all parents and caregivers This is the second newsletter of the year and it comes at the end of one of the longest school terms in recent memory. It has been an excellent term - with so much going on - hence the size of this publication. I hope you enjoy reading it!! All the best for a great holiday with your wonderful son(s), and we look forward to seeing them - all set for a full on term 2, on Monday 5 May. 10 Notices 22 Important Dates 2014 23 Sports News New International Students meet the Mayor Issue #2 also published on our website www.wbhs.school.nz L to R: Front row: Paul KRUGER, Sheryl MAI (Mayor), Simon GASS, Cornelius BAYER. Back Row: Tomas ULLA, Tan ALTUNDAG, Michael HODEL (see full story, p16) Issue #3 is due Wednesday 2 July PO Box 5034, Whangarei 0140 ■ Telephone 09 430 4170 ■ Fax 09 430 4172 Email: a.kirk@wbhs.school.nz ■ Website: www.wbhs.school.nz 2 school news Good Boys’ High News Scholarship Assembly On Tuesday 25 March the school held its annual Scholarship Assembly acknowledging our winners from last year. The parents of the two scholarship winners attended and were presented with dictionaries (donated by our wonderful PTA) in recognition of their son’s success. Parents may wonder why we issue dictionaries—they are simply a token that represents academic excellence. Most boys do not have a dictionary on their book shelf but these boys will—and this dictionary will remind them of their time, and their successes, at WBHS. behalf of their son Jack in recognition of his NCEA Level 3 endorsed with Excellence, as well as Scholarship success in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. This was jointly presented by his teachers Mrs Thornton, (Biology) Mr Khambete (Chemistry) and Mr Kumar (Physics) (with the acknowledgement of the considerable input of Mrs Hill who ran the scholarship classes for Physics). The first presentation was to Mr Neil & Mrs Tania Brown; accepting the dictionary on behalf of their son Matthew – in recognition of his NCEA Level 3 endorsed with Excellence as well as scholarship success in Statistics and Modelling and Calculus. The presentation was to have been jointly presented by his teachers - Mr Chand (Statistics and Modelling), and Mr Smith (Calculus) but both staff, regrettably, were absent (illness, and 1st XI Cricket). As a result of boys getting their NCEA results reassessed, 4 boys qualified for Academic Colours (being Endorsed with Excellence). The next presentation was to Mr Todd Hamilton and Helen Moodie; accepting the dictionary on Extra Academic Colours Level 2 Academic Colours (for NCEA Level 1 Endorsement of Excellence Kim Jinwoo L1), and Level 2 Academic Colours (for NCEA L2) and Level 2 Endorsement of Excellence Ryan Houba; Luke Wynne; James Edwards Excellences Assembly On Tuesday 1 April we held our first Excellences assembly for the year when those boys (taking NCEA (2) (3) courses) who have received Excellence in internals they have already passed, get recognised. For this assembly the following boys came across the stage: NCEA Level 2 Year 11: Vanamali Joseph Year 12: Oscar Alsop, Troy Amanono, Gayan Athapatthu, Parth Behere, John Blasingame, Max Causley, Peter Choi, Jeremy Crawford, Jack Ding, Wiilliam Dorahy, Chad Eichler, Jack Gwillim, Thomas Hamm, Dinidu Hapugaskumbura, Sam Hart, Tom Harvey , Mitchell Hendrikse, Callum Howett, Jack Jones, Jinwoo Kim, Ben Krinkel, Tony Lim, Matthew Lobb, Morgan Lovelace, Shayne Maxwell, Peter Meyer, Austyn Mills , Daniel Morgan, Liam Murray, Nicholas Nowlan, Malcolm Patterson , Nico Ritmeester, Finn Smith, Ryan Smith, Sam SmithBell, Lyle Swainson, NCEA Level 3 Year 13: Braden Ellis, Te Amorangi Simeon, Scott Still ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 3 Good Boys’ High News cont.. Sir Peter Blake Youth EnviroLeaders’ Forum Te Kaurinui Parata was one of the 50 successful delegates (from 200 applications) selected to attend this year’s Sir Peter Blake Youth EnviroLeaders’ Forum in Wellington from 27 April - 1 May. The selected delegates will join the Sir Peter Blake Trust and the Ministry for the Environment for an ‘urban expedition’ through the greater Wellington region, experiencing and learning about climate change and ocean health. Delegates will also have opportunities to meet and engage with like-minded contemporaries, inspiring and informative speakers and experts - including Sir Peter Blake Trust alumni, and other leaders. Congratulations Te Kaurinui!! National Bank RSA Cyril Bassett VC Speech Contest On Saturday 8 March Andrew Simpkin (Yr 13) once again, represented the school at the Cyril Bassett VC Speech contest. The topic that Andrew spoke to was “Boys’ High and War” and while he was unplaced, his performance was simply outstanding. Northland Athletic Championships Euan Sapwell (Yr 11) competed in the Northland Athletics Champs on the weekend of 22 March and broke both the 100m and 200m 14 year old sprint records for Northland with 11.28 sec for 100m and 23.40 sec for the 200m. He will now compete at the NISS in Masterton and we wish him every success. This is the fifth year this competition has been going and each year the calibre of speeches gets better and better. Andrew follows in the footsteps of two previous winners Yathendra Jayaweera (2010) and Micheal McCabe (2011) and our Head Boy Kauri Harema (who was our representative in 2012). Such was the calibre of Andrew’s speech, he has been invited to present it at the school’s ANZAC Service on Thursday 17 April. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 4 school news School Athletic Sports With perfect weather, the Athletics Sports Day held on Friday 7 March was a marvellous and colourful event. Our new Announcer, Mr Kearney did a sterling job, so too did all our officials. Senior Champion 1st = Liam Hales 1st = Alex Barnsley 3rd James Edwards Two long-standing records were broken and many were challenged. Scott Gregory broke the Intermediate Discus record with a throw of 46.56m, and Carruth broke the Whanau 4x100m Relay record 48.90 sec. Intermediate Champion Well done to these athletes and also to all the others who performed outstandingly well on a hot New Zealand day. Inter-whanau Competition 1 Carruth 2 Hobson 3 Grey 4 Bledisloe 5 Marsden 518 499 398 387 308 1st 2nd 3rd Scott Robinson Callum Hill Scott Gregory C C G 21 21 17 C H H 24 19 16 B H C 38 33 28 Junior Champion 1st 2nd 3rd Kyril McCarthy D’Lane Martin Brandon Wyatt ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 2014 Northland Secondary Schools Athletics EVENT Senior 100 Senior 200 Senior 400 Junior 100 Junior 200 Junior 300 NSSSA placing 3 3 2 2 2 1 time / distance 0.11.94 0.24.03 0.55.00 0.12.66 25.81 0.41.35 Callum Hill Steeple chase 2 8.21.12 D'lane Martin Junior 1500 Junior TJ 3 2 4.47.35 9.48 Euan Sapwell Inter 100 Inter 200 2 2 0.11.73 23.62 Glen Day Senior SP 2 12.33 James Edwards Steeple chase 3000m Senior 1500 1 2 2 7.47.55 9.33.90 4.38.30 Jamie Tooke Senior LJ 2 5.8m Jayden Maxwell Senior Dis 3 25.3 Joseph Squires Junior LJ 2 5.08m Josh Donker Inter HJ 3 1.68 Joshua Crawford Senior 800 1 2.09.85 Kyril McCarthy Junior 1500 Junior 300 2 2 4.41.89 0.42.41 Liam Hailes Senior 200 Senior 400 2 1 0.23.40 0.54.57 Matthew Lobb Inter 800 Inter 400 2 3 2.14.63 0.56.77 Ricky Goodwin Inter Dis 2 34.65 Scott Gregory Inter SP 2 Hammer Inter Dis Inter Jv 1 1 3 12.54 53.25 (42.89) 43.39 36.4 Inter 200 1 23.46 Inter 400 1 54.28 Inter HJ 1 1.71 Senior Jv Senior SP 1 1 50.74 12.53 William Dorahy Senior HJ 3 1.64 J Squires, P Kim, D Martin, W Shelford Jun 4x100 relay 1 0.52.91 E Sapwell, T Makara, S Robinson, C Wirihana Inter 4x100 relay 2 0.49.48 NAME Alex Barnsley Brandon Wyatt Scott Robinson Takakino Makara Te Amorangi Simeon On Wednesday 19 March the following boys (see list on the left) competed at the Northland Secondary Schools Athletics meeting. The boys performed well, were very competitive and well mannered and placed either 1st 2nd or 3rd in their respective events. The events highlighted mean that those students were selected to represent Northland at the North Island competition in Masterton on the 5th and 6th April. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 5 6 school news Cross Placing Ceremonies On Saturday 30 March, 14 Prefect representatives of WBHS assisted students from other schools in the placing of crosses in the ‘field of remembrance’ at Laurie Hall Park. These crosses will remain until after ANZAC day - representing those who have died in past conflicts. Each cross will have the name of a fallen soldier, and it is a privilege to have our boys acknowledge those who have passed on in such a poignant way. This is the fifth year that this ceremony has taken place and without a doubt Archie Dixon (Whangarei RSA) and his team need to be applauded for continuing this incredible initiative. I am sure that Whangarei and the Northland community will continue to be fully supportive of not only the WBHS students who have assisted, but also all the others who took part in this very special commemorative ceremony. Interim Reports ERO Visit The school is delighted to welcome the Education Review Office back for a visit from 23 - 26 June. It has been 3 years since the last visit, and so many positive things have happened, it is a wonderful opportunity for an external audit that confirms we are on the right track and making progress with your son(s). Interim reports were introduced at WBHS in 2008 and get issued late in Term 1 – this year on Monday 31 March. There are no comments on the reports – they simply give a very brief indication as to how your son is going in all his classes and whether he is on track. If you did not receive your son’s report ,please get in touch with Mr Atul Khambete a.khambete@wbhs.school.nz and he will arrange a copy for you. These reports were of benefit for the parent interviews, which occurred on Tuesday 8 April and Wednesday 9 April. This year we used our PC School student management system booking system and we hope that all parents of boys who wished to speak to their son’s subject teachers managed to do so. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 7 Congratulations ….. NZ Weightlifting Representative Div II Swimming Nationals Congratulations to our new NZ Weightlifting representative Taiao Kawiti-Cordtz (Y13). Congratulations to our two quality junior swimmers Simon Delong and Euan Sapwell, on their recent success at the Div II Swimming Nationals that were held recently in Hamilton. These two young men earned a number of medals in the 14 year old age group. Taiao has been selected to represent NZ in the upcoming Oceania Weightlifting Championships in New Caledonia on May 24th - Jun 1st. Taiao is ecstatic with his achievement as this has been a goal of his for some time. AFL Congratulations to Te Rei Clark and Liam Caldwell who have been named in the NZ U16 AFL squad of 30. 6 players will be cut from the squad that goes to Coff's Harbour next month for the South Pacific Cup. Both of these fine young men were in the top team at last weekend's tournament in Wellington – please take the time to check out AFL NZ website – as Te Rei features in main photo Simon Delong: Gold 200m Breast; Gold 50m Breast; Silver 100m Breast; 5th 50m Back Also entered in 200m Individual Medley and 50m Free but did not make the final. Euan Sapwell: Gold 100m Breast U15 Rugby 7s Champions The Whangarei Boys’ High School under 15’s Rugby 7s team have now been crowned the Northland Secondary Schools under 15’s Rugby 7s Champions for 2014. They competed against the top 4 North zone teams and top 4 South zone teams at Hikurangi Rugby Club. They have now qualified to represent Northland at the national championships to be held at Kelston Boys’ High School on Friday the 28 th of November. This team was truly outstanding and the team members of the Whangarei Boys’ High School under 15s Rugby 7s team 2014 are: Takakino Makara; Dylan Brown; Keedon Bruce; Jayden Laupepe; Euan Sapwell; Dion Hinge; Judah Andrews; Ranapiri Tau; Bill Hamilton; Paul Turner; Logan Himeona; Dylan Olsen The boys played some exceptional rugby and conducted themselves in a very professional manner, and we look forward to their continued success (on the national stage) in November. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 8 school news Senior Boys Rugby 7s Champions The senior boys Rugby 7s team competed in the Northland championships on Tuesday 11 March which was held at Hikurangi Rugby Club, and continued the excellent success of past 7s teams. We are now officially the Northland champions after successfully defeating Kerikeri High school 28 – 7 in the championship final and now will compete at the BNZ Condor National Secondary School Rugby 7s tournament ( the top 16 teams in the country) which will be held at Kelston Boys’ High School in Auckland on the 29th and 30th of November. The tournament will be televised live on SKY Sport 1 and the Rugby Channel. Whangarei Boys’ High School and Kelston Boys’ High School are the only two schools so far in the country to have both their under 15’s and senior teams qualify from the same school. We have had the following boys selected for a Northland high performance Rugby 7s training camp to be held over the coming weeks: Alex Barnsley; Luke Wynne; Caleb Aikens; Angus McKinnon; Ali Pou-Ruka; Tipara Job; Ricky Goodwin The boys were simply OUTSTANDING!!! and were a very dedicated, well presented, professional team of fine young men! As with the Juniors, we are looking forward to success in November. Cricket - Gillette Cup Qualifying Tournament, Hamilton ~ Russell Smith (Manager) As one of the top eight schools in the Northern Districts’ region, the Zest Insurance Whangarei Boys’ High School 1st XI played four games in the Gillette Cup Qualifiers during Tournament Week in Hamilton. The Northern Districts’ champion goes on to contest the Gillette Cup Finals in December, as our team did last year. With two pools of four, each team played the other three in theirpool before cross-pool finals on the last day determined the finishing order. Losing the toss on the first morning, we were sent in to bat on a very difficult pitch by Gisborne BHS and soon found ourselves five wickets down for just 29 runs. Fletcher Coutts then played a fine captain’s innings of 61 and with solid support from Dante Mitchell, who contributed 26 to their partnership of 94, he enabled us to reach 144, which proved more than enough in the conditions. Gisborne were bowled out for 108, with Coutts and Matt Lobb each taking two early wickets before left-arm spinner Josh Crawford took over with four wickets for 26. Zest Insurance WBHS 144 (Fletcher Coutts 61, Dante Mitchell 26) beat Gisborne BHS 108 (Josh Crawford 4/26, Matt Lobb 2/12, Fletcher Coutts 2/21). Whangarei BHS batted first against Bethlehem College on the second day and totalled 218 for nine wickets in their 50 overs. Opener Chamodh Peiris led the way with 47 but there were handy contributions too from his opening partner, Crawford, and also Lobb, Coutts, Mitchell and Caleb Boswell-Smith. Bethlehem College never threatened the total as they were bowled out for 108, with the medium-pacers, Boswell-Smith, Lobb and Matt Kingi claiming eight wickets among them. Zest Insurance WBHS 218 for nine wkts. (Chamodh Peiris 47, Caleb Boswell-Smith 35, Fletcher Coutts 27, Dante Mitchell 26, Josh Crawford 25, Matt Lobb 23) beat Bethlehem College 109 (Caleb Boswell-Smith 3/15, Matt Kingi 3/18, Matt Lobb 2/17). ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 9 Cricket - Gillette Cup cont... On Day Three, we squared off against the other unbeaten team in our pool, St Paul’s Collegiate of Hamilton. The home team struggled to score in the face of tight bowling and committed fielding and had reached just 94 runs by the time of the second drinks break at 34 overs. However, with wickets in hand, they hit out well to reach a total of 215 for eight wickets in their 50 overs. We lost our first wicket to a run out and were soon three down for 31. A good partnership then developed between Coutts and Lobb before another run out derailed the innings. Max Trimble hit out boldly to keep hopes alive until he was caught on the boundary, at which point the chase was virtually over. St Paul’s won by 58 runs. St. Paul’s Collegiate 215 for eight wkts. (Matt Lobb 2/36, Fletcher Coutts 2/46) beat Zest Insurance WBHS 157 (Matt Lobb 31, Fletcher Coutts 30, Max Trimble 20). On the last day, St Paul’s comfortably beat Hamilton BHS in the final, while we played St Peter’s School, Cambridge, for third place. Our total of 203 for six wickets was based on two good partnerships, 91 between Peiris and Lobb, and then 76 between Peiris and Tim Osbaldiston. Both Peiris, 82, and Osbaldiston, 58 not out, posted their first half-centuries for the team. St Peter’s appeared to be struggling in reply at 161 for seven wickets but a combination of tired bowling, untidy fielding and reckless but ultimately successful running by the batsmen saw them through to a win with two overs to spare. Zest Insurance WBHS 203 for six wkts. (Chamodh Peiris 82, Tim Osbaldiston 58 n.o., Matt Lobb 25) lost to St Peter’s School, Cambridge 204 for seven wkts. (Caleb Boswell-Smith 2/33). Final Placings: 1: St Paul’s Collegiate; 2: Hamilton BHS; 3: St Peter’s School; 4: Whangarei BHS; 5:Tauranga Boys’ College; 6: Gisborne BHS; 7: Bethlehem College; 8: Strathallan ACG. While we didn’t win, this was a pleasing effort from an inexperienced side. The captain, Fletcher Coutts, deserves special mention for the way he handled his role and responsibilities. The team did themselves and our school proud on and off the field and give plenty of cause for optimism for next year’s tournament. Congratulations Congratulations to our Year 1 teacher Mr Trottier on submitting PhD for assessment - starting a process that will hopefully validate his research and see him awarded the title of Dr Trottier. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 10 school news Student of the Month - February Max Boustead —Year 9 JJ Paratene —Year 10 The following students stand out in displaying consistent effort, a healthy work ethic and a positive attitude toward school and school work. Proudly supported by WBHS Old Boys’ Association & Event Cinemas Scott Robinson - Year 11 James Laurie —Year 12 Brad Olsen - Year 13 ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 11 Rotary Youth Driver Awareness Te Tai Tokerau Festival / Kapahaka RYDA (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness) safety promotion day took place on Tuesday 25 March at Kensington Park. All year 12 students took part and certainly benefitted greatly from the activities that were presented. The youth of Whangarei are indeed lucky to have Rotary to promote such a positive safety message – a message that was not lost on our boys. Ki te whei ao, ki te ao marama The school also received some very favourable publicity (from the local Rotary Clubs) as a result of being in attendance at the driver awareness course, and we strongly believe that RYDA, and other such activities, are well worthwhile and very beneficial in promoting safety awareness with young students from all schools. Interwhanau Competition As is normal, the Interwhanau Competition has begun with a huge burst of enthusiasm with the two biggies Swimming Event Bledisloe Carruth Grey Hobson Marsden 2 5 1 4 3 Swimming T1 W3 Athletics 2 2 T1 W5 Touch T1 W8 5 5 4 3 3 10 1 7 1 4 4 5 11 4 1 8 3 9 3 4 3 11 7 and Athletics out of the way early in Term 1, as well as Touch. In term 2, the competition is just as vigorous, and includes singing, which continues to keep a high profile. As well as Interwhanau singing, we also have three choirs preparing to participate in the Big Sing later in Term 2: the Black Jackets (Prefects, Captains and Champions Choir), the Carruth Choir (all boarders) and the Testostertones. Assembly Book Review Open by Andre Agassi – reviewed by Max Trimble Unwind by Neil Shusterman – reviewed by Glenn Dey Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown – reviewed by Tim Hoksbergen Yeager: an autobiography by General Chuck Yeager and Leo Janos – reviewed by Tim Gordon Tihei mauri ora! Our boys have once again combined with WGHS to perform as ‘Te Kapa Rau Aroha’ in 2014. We are fortunate to have tutors Dave Tapene and his Hatea kapahaka group on our tutor team this year. They bring a wealth of nationals experience and knowledge to our kauapapa. We begin our performances by participating at the Tai Tokerau Festival in Wellsford on the 15th of April and then we begin our preparations for the national competition which will be held in Gisborne in July. There is still time for your son to join for the national competition so come and see us in the whare. We have 30 boys and 40 girls from WGHS training each Tuesday and Thursday. Nau mai, haere mai. Willie Cooper HoD Maori Word of the Week winners Word of the Week winners at our assemblies held this term were: Exordium Morgan Rogers (Yr 10) Birl Lachlan Kennedy (Yr 10) Filch Cam Kennedy Ngākau Thomas Edwards (Yr 12) Tangible Rio Tuson (Yr 10) Wairua Austyn Mills (Yr 12) ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ (Yr 13) 12 school news Library ~ Dee Brooker (Library Manager) Visitors to the Library will have noticed that the Library environment is improving all the time. We have more and more face out books in the Fiction and Non-fiction sections. We have some exciting new Graphic Novels. We have a great collection of photos of students reading for our photo competition displayed in the Library and the front entrance. Miss Briggs has made a lovely autumn display of books with covers in yellow/red/and orange. Thanks to the Oxford Sports Trust we have eleven new sled chairs in the IT Suite. These chairs are tough and ergonomically designed and also look really good. We are hoping to get some more chairs at a later date. Our literacy promotion for Term 2 is the Dads ‘n’ Lads evening, scheduled for Tuesday 20 May 2014. It will be an evening of books, prizes and pizza and is aimed at year 9 students and their fathers (or other adult males) to come and hear Bob Docherty, Ex-National Library and now book blogger http:// bobsbooksnz.wordpress.com/. Put this date in your diary now! Plans are also underway with the NZ Book Council/Writers in Schools to have poet, Apirana Taylor perform in the Library in Term 3. Photo of entries in the photo competition. Miss Briggs has worked as my assistant for two years now and has made a big contribution to the Library, particularly in her fast processing of new books and improving the Library environment. Unfortunately her contract finishes at the end of this term. We thank her sincerely for her considerable support - both with the Library, and in the office; and certainly wish her well in her new endeavours. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news Student of the Month - March Trent Eacock —Year 9 Shyheim Paul —Year 10 The following students stand out in displaying consistent effort, a healthy work ethic and a positive attitude toward school and school work. Proudly supported by WBHS Old Boys’ Association & Event Cinemas Awaroa Wehi-Jack - Year 11 Sam Alison —Year 12 Joshua Kiwikiwi - Year 13 ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 13 14 school news Staff Profiles Tomika Whiu (Social Studies, English, Tikanga and Maori Performing Arts teacher) Tomika claims his bones to Tautoro on his father’s side and Tauranga, King Country on his mother’s side. A graduate of Waikato University and Auckland Teachers College he comes to WBHS with broad teaching experience having taught in full-immersion Maori kura, mainstream Secondary Schools and the tertiary sector at Waikato University. Tomika is a proud old boy of St. Stephen’s College, Bombay, Auckland and enjoys very much the strong culture of tradition, discipline and striving for excellence that exists here at WBHS . He once worked for a government department in Wellington in policy and travelled with then Prime Minister Helen Clark to Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. He even met the Presidents of Mexico and Brazil! Tomika is a keen outdoorsman and enjoys camping, diving, surfing and sailing and he is heavily involved with kapa haka nationally and internationally. Tomika is in his second year at PTA AGM On Wednesday 26 March the PTA held its annual general meeting and elected the officers for the 2014 year. competing at the Gillette Cup Qualifying knock out competition (Hamilton). Both boys will meet the PTA at their 16 April meeting. Sarah Garner Chair Dianna Bradshaw Secretary Frances Hill Treasurer The next PTA meeting will be on Wednesday 16 April (a week earlier then usual - due to school holidays). The guest speakers will be James Edwards and Fletcher Coutts. Denise Limby Uniform Coordinator Thanks also to Denise Limby for her work with uniforms!! Long may it continue!! The guest speakers at the March meeting were the four Whanau Captains, along with the Head Boarder (Angus McKinnon). As always, it was an excellent meeting and all present enjoyed hearing from the boys, their year so far, and their aspirations for the future. The Head Boy James Edwards, and Bledisloe Whanau Captain Fletcher Coutts were unable to attend - as James was competing in the NZ Secondary School National Triathlon Championships (Gisborne) and Fletcher (1st XI Captain) was The PTA is still interested in selling uniforms in good condition, and if you have any items you would like to donate to the school please do not hesitate to contact Denise Limby ph 021 213 2568; miller@igrin.co.nz WBHS PTA Fundraiser Movie Night Wednesday 28th May Capitaine Bougainville Theatre Forum North Movie at 6pm gather for pre show refreshments from 5pm Tickets $20 ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news Year 13 15 ~ Davina Cooper (Yr 13 Dean) 2014 welcomes 170 Year 13 students. As a cohort it is exciting to see so many students return to school for various reasons. The changes to the senior contributions to the school community, has come with teething problems highlighted by both parents and students. We are working collectively including a student voice drop box and problem solving meetings with students as a means of making recognition for all contributions worthwhile. When highlighting new movements within our Year 13 student body, people have been very proactive in having ideas, implementing the actions resulting in successful events. The students contribute to school committees including: Tikanga Social Well-being Fideliter Music Library International Science Extracurricular Careers The photo above was taken and depicts students having their hair shaved to support the SHAVE FOR A CURE campaign. A great initiative organised by committee members from the Extracurricular and Well-being committee. The sponsorship money will be paid into the BNZ account next week. The final deadline is Friday 11 April 2014. As the Year 13 Dean, I have been impressed with the way by which the Prefects and the general body of Year 13 have settled into subjects and subsequent classes. A great start to the year – Year 13s! Year 13 Interviews These interviews were held on the 27 & 28 February, 3 & 4 March. Every year I interview virtually all the Year 13 boys (twice). Boys who are academically able should certainly be focussing on Scholarship and NCEA Level 3 with Excellence, and it is important they understand that there is support for them in these areas as well. Basically, the first interview makes sure that they are organised, know what is happening this year, and know what needs to be done in order to have a successful transition into 2015. A followup interview takes place in Term 3, at which time I check that the things they say they are going to do in the interim have, in fact, been done. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 16 school news All Boys with Merit and Excellence—the follow up Pasifika Interviews As a way of promoting academic success in the school Mr Khambete GATE (Gifted And Talented Extension) Coordinator and I met (on 21 March) with all of the boys who received Merit and Excellence in NCEA Level 1 and 2 last year. These boys were interviewed in two groups— NCEA Level 1, 2 Excellence and all boys who achieved NCEA Level 1, 2 Merit. WBHS has 37 designated Pasifika boys and they are, indeed, a special group. The purpose of the exercise is to ensure these boys stay focussed on achieving at least that level of achievement or better in this year’s examinations and not slip with their academic prowess. The boys are expected to know exactly how many Excellence credits they have, how many they need to achieve Excellence, and how many they will be able to achieve in the November examinations. Similarly, those boys with Merit must be focussing on achieving NCEA with Merit (at a minimum and hopefully lift their game to achieve Excellence. This year the Headmaster is extending his practice of interviewing Yr 13 boys - and is working closely with the Pasifika group - having already interviewed them all once on 25 & 26 March, and again on 9 & 10 April. Further interviews (checking on progress) will continue in term 2 and term 3. International Students meeting with the Mayor On Monday 24 March, our international students attended a Mayoral welcome at Forum North. This has been a regular feature on the international (and Mayor’s) calendar for the last eight years and it was, once again, a highlight. The boys were welcomed and were all presented (along with the new International students to the city from other Whangarei secondary schools) with a Certificate acknowledging the importance of the occasion. The Mayor, Mrs Sheryl Mai, welcomed all the students, and a student representative from Pompallier Catholic College as well as one from Tauraroa Area School spoke to those assembled—giving an indication of how their stay is going thus far and thanking the Mayor for welcoming them in such a way. All the students then sung a waiata (E hara) and the ceremony concluded with refreshments. It is an amazing cultural gathering enjoyed by all and one that is a definite highlight of my calendar. Later in the year, when the new group of students arrive from the Northern Hemisphere, there will be a second international welcome. L to R: Sheryl MAI, Tomas ULLA, Paul KRUGER, Cornelius BAYER, Michael HODEL, Tan ALTUNDAG and Simon GASS. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 17 BYOD Safe School A reminder to all parents and students that last year there was a change in school policy in relation to the use of phones at school. School phones and other IT devices e.g. laptops, ipads etc can now be used at school in lessons – but only at the teacher’s direction. All schools like to consider themselves as being a safe school and WBHS is no exception. All staff work particularly hard to promote the school as being a safe workplace— for teachers and support staff and, of course, for the boys. We all take our responsibilities very seriously and the EOTC procedures the school utilises (for Education Outside the Classroom) are very detailed and are closely monitored by not only Sports Coordinator Rod Cunliffe, and EOTC Coordinator Guy Fuller; but also the Management of the school and the Executive Officer Yvonne Nees. Our procedures are impressive. All parents and the school community will know that the school is now fully WI FI compatible—throughout our whole campus, and also has the luxury of ultra fast broadband. It makes no sense to have such excellent technology available and not to utilise it. For this reason we are strongly encouraging teachers – particularly of Year 12, 13 boys, to utilise the technology that is on offer, and boys are encouraged to use their own devices to that end. The boys have been told in assemblies that they can use BYODs in classes, but only at the teacher’s direction. Boys who abuse the opportunities on offer or use their phones for texting at inappropriate times will continue to have them confiscated (as has been the current practice for many years). We are delighted that we can provide this opportunity for our students, and the staff are working to upskill so they can also provide maximum benefit for the students that they teach. As mentioned, this year we are focussing on Year 12, 13 classes utilising BYOD technology; next year Years 11, 12 and 13. For those parents who have queries about what device is appropriate, please contact the school office ph 430 4170. Cyber Bullying Along with the modern technology that now exists, there are always issues in relation to the abuse of that technology. Cyber bullying has been in the media recently and has been discussed in Parliament; and, as a result of some high profile and vicious cases, new laws are now being introduced to deal with cyber bullying. We are delighted, as a school that this matter is being taken seriously by the law makers of the country – however, it is a real frustration for all schools that such issues have to be dealt with in this way. Thankfully, cyber bullying, is not a huge issue at WBHS but that does not mean to say that it could not become one if we are not careful about how our boys behave and use the technology that is available. We treat all bullying seriously at WBHS and should you, as a parent, or student, be aware of this type of bullying taking place, please ensure you get in touch with the school so that we can address the concerns in a fair, open and meaningful way. However, no matter how good our procedures are, and how vigilant duty staff and Prefects are, there will always be occasions—in a school our size, that the safety of boys is compromised. This is where we need your help, as parents. Please contact the school if you have any concerns relating to your son, so we can follow up. We take safety issues very seriously and will certainly follow up on any concerns you raise. School Social On Friday 28 March the school held its first social for the year (from 7pm to 10pm) and this was a huge success. In past years, some socials have been poorly attended, but this year, the great organisation continued on from 2013 and the numbers were excellent. The signs are very positive - we look forward to an excellent set of events during the year. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 18 school news Sponsors and Supporters Geography trip Y13 Geography Field Trip to Bream Bay On the 16th of April a group of 22 students, parents and teachers will depart on a Geography trip to Singapore and Vietnam. The students range from Year 10 to 13, and they will be experiencing the culture of these countries as well as learning about human rights, land forms, sustainability, development, tourism and coastal processes. On Monday 17 March the Y13 Geography class travelled out to Bream Bay to conduct field research on interacting coastal processes. Twenty three students spent the day at two locations, Ruakaka Beach near the Surf Life Saving Club, and Waipu Cove just north of the holiday park. The field work involved getting wet, as students working in groups, went out into the near shore zone to measure wave heights, long shore drift and wave length. Onshore they measured beach gradients and made field sketches of the human modifications to the coastal environment. It was a beautiful day, hot and sunny; this was rather fortuitous given the weather bomb over the weekend as the remnants of Cyclone Lusi visited. Some of the waves at Waipu were quite large and a couple of groups had to abandon their wave data collection for safety. Adding to that, there was a huge section of beach at Waipu which was covered with the remains of an algal bloom and storm debris. The field data will be used to compile research reports for an internal assessment worth 5 credits. It will also provide significant case study material for the external examination at the end of the year. My thanks to Ms Ross and Mrs Murphy for driving two vans out to the study areas and providing support throughout the day. The students and parents have been busy fundraising since last year with cake stalls, sausage sizzles, raffles and a fashion parade. There have been many businesses supporting us in our activities and we would like to take the time to acknowledge them now: ANZ ASB Northland Vet Group New World Pak n Save People Potential Whitcoulls Hot Printz Whangarei District Council Gen-i Wild HaRe and Beauty Buchanan Pharmacy Stihl shop – Whangarei and Upper Hutt Donovans Engineering Supplies Kensington Pharmacy Northland Hospitality Special thanks to: Ben Smith, (Head Boy 2012) for allowing us to print his Boys’ Highway poem from his closing address as Head Boy (2012) on tea towels as a fundraiser. The parents for their support and involvement. The office staff at WBHS for all of their hard work in supporting us with this trip. Dr M Elliot Y13 Geography Rotary Exchange One year away, leaving January 2015. If you are in Year 11 – 13 this year and you are interested in finding out more about this exchange programme, please contact Mrs Van Rooyen b.vanrooyen@wbhs.school.nz or email PC Smith at pcsmith.rotary@gmail.com. Entries close the end of April 2014. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 19 Cultural Opportunities at WBHS WBHS is well known as a school that provides numerous opportunities for all of the boys who attend, but in particular, cultural opportunities. We have a specialist Arts Coordinator (Ms Pope (TiC of Drama). Ms Pope is new to the school with experience in Senior Drama productions and in winning the Tai Tokerau Sheila Winn Shakespeare Festival 2009, teacher directed 15 minute entry. She has competed with a group of 18 students at the National Festival in Wellington and is hoping to repeat the experience with WBHS students this year. Ms Pope is passionate about the opportunity for students to experience competing nationally in Wellington and gaining invitation to perform at the Globe Theatre in London. There will be two senior Drama productions open to the public this year. Year 11 students will perform a reworked version of, ‘Utopia High’, at the end of Term 2. Year 12 and 13 students will be performing, ‘Bare’, by Toa Fraser in Term 3. Opportunities for students to view professional performances throughout the year are provided by both visiting artists performing here at WBHS and trips to outside venues. In June we will be attending a performance by Ensemble Impact Theatre called Asian Invasion, at WGHS. What does the largest immigrant group to New Zealand have to say about Aotearoa? Stage Challenge at Forum North is to be held on 20th June with enthusiastic students already well on their way towards another strong entry from WBHS. Each year we have a Festival of Performing Arts, this year it is on the 18th June, here in WBHS Hall. We also have Inter-Whanau singing. Our 3 choirs take part in the Big Sing, and all boys are involved in the Inter-Whanau Haka competition. The school has a Jazz Band and a number of Chamber Music groups who regularly perform. Rock bands are also strong in the Music Department, with groups gaining distinction at Rock Quest. There are numerous boys learning various musical instruments through our Itinerant Music teachers. We also have quality debating and public speaking competitions and are always well represented at the Cyril Basset VC Speech contest. Performances to date are: • Fideliter Jazz band - at WGHS on 10th April • ‘Testostertones’ performed at the RSA on 11th April • A number of music groups performed in the Epic Music Jam at Butter Factory on 13th April • Fideliter Jazz Band played at the Youth Summit at Kensington Stadium on 16th April. • Itinerant music concert in the Drama room on 16th April. We are a school with a very strong and proud Performing Arts Department and we strongly encourage all boys to get involved. Ms Hill v.hill@wbhs.school.nz phone 430 4170 xtn 749 & Ms Pope f.pope@wbhs.school.nz xtn 764 will be only too happy to answer any queries you may have. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 20 school news NSSSA Teens Fitness Challenge - Far North CrossFit On Wednesday 2nd April the first ever NSSSA Teens Fitness Challenge through Far North CrossFit was held. A fairly new sport that is fast becoming popular throughout the world, CrossFit was the foundation for this event. There were teams from around the North who had been training at various CrossFit gyms. WBHS had five competitors and after 3 intense workouts throughout the day incorporating cardio fitness, gymnastics skills and some weightlifting, we had the following pleasing results: Daniel Halton Ioane Job Issac Lawgun Issac Lawgun 3rd Novice Boys Jamie Somers 1st Novice Boys Daniel Halton 2nd Junior Varsity Boys Dre’ Saili Jacobson 1st Junior Varsity Boys Ioane Job 2nd Varsity Boys We would like to pay thanks to Ness and Jake at Far North CrossFit for the training they had been providing our students throughout this term and hope that the students continue with this throughout the year and into the next. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 21 WBHS International Department WANTED: Homestay Families for International Students We are looking for warm, caring families that have a spare room and a son attending Whangarei Boys’ High School. If you are able to provide the above and are interested in homestaying an International Student, long or short-term please contact our Homestay Co-ordinator Paula Kearney on 022 369 2571 or email: p.kearney@wbhs.school.nz We are currently looking for families to homestay Japanese students that will visit us July / August for 2014. You will be paid for providing homestay. School’s ANZAC Service The school’s ANZAC Service will take place on Thursday 17 April. If you are keen to attend please ensure you are seated in the hall by 2.15pm. The guest speaker this year is Andrew Simpkin, Year 13 Student Prefect. Andrew is very keen on public speaking, and has represented WBHS over the last two years in the Cyril Bassett VC Speech competition. He is also a member of the Whangarei District Council Youth Advisory Group and helped write the Youth Policy and also organised the first ever youth survey (over 700 responses). He is currently involved in organising a Youth Awards Programme for the youth of Whangarei. All Prefects will march with the Board Chairperson, the Head Boy and myself, at the Civic Anzac Dawn Parade at 6.00am on the 25 April. Boys are to be assembled outside the RSA in Rust Avenue at 5.30am in full dress uniform, including blazer (ready to march off at 5.45am sharp). WBHS Old Boys’ Association Fundraising Idea Have you got a project that needs some funds to help it on its way? How about selling digital advertising and earn rewards for the ads you sell? The WBHS Old Boys' Association and iSee Digital are proud to offer this opportunity to WBHS staff, students and parents. Some significant cash and incentive rewards to be earned. To find out more please contact the WBHS Old Boys' Association Secretary Greg Weaver – Ph 4700196 or email g.weaver@wbhs.school.nz. Classical Studies Fundraiser Pinecones for sale – Fundraiser for 2015 Classical Studies Athens and Rome Trip $8 a bag or two for $15 – contact Nico Ritmeester on 0279473547 or at nicoritmeester@gmail.com Again - as can be seen from this detailed and very full newsletter; we have had a wonderful term as it should be!! We look forward to an equally busy and successful term 2 culminating in the visit by the Education Review Office. As I mentioned at the beginning of this letter - have a great holiday with your son(s); we look forward to seeing them all back at school on MONDAY 5 MAY. A F Kirk HEADMASTER ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 22 school news Important Dates 2014 MAY 7 May 9 May 10 May 12 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 May JUNE 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 7 June 10 June 11 June 12 June Football Qualifying Tournament – Tikipunga CTS 2 - KAITAIA Y12 Trip Auckland Careers Day Hillary Challenge Leaves (returns 17 May) GOLF – NATIONAL SS QUALIFIER MW FOOTBALL 1 MUNA – Auckland Waikato + Auckland Uni Trip Waikato + Auckland Uni Trip MATHEX – WBHS Hall Hillary Challenge MUNA – Auckland U/15 RUGBY 1 Y12 Health Trip Music Trip – APO – (Auckland) MW FOOTBALL 2 Y12 OED - Climbing Y12 OED - Climbing NSSSA-INDIVIDUAL SQUASH U/15 RUGBY 2 Y12 OED – Climbing MW FOOTBALL 3 Special Olympics – Football PTA Movie Night Y11 ENG/SCI Blood Service – Donation in Hall WBHS Cross Country Hostel Exeat Weekend 13 June Y10 Te Reo Trip Manu Korero – Kaitaia 16 June Y12 Physics Ass- all day 17 June U/15 RUGBY 5 18 June MW FOOTBALL 6 Festival of Performing Arts-7pm-Hall 19 June NSSSA-ROCK CLIMBING NSSSA Novice Table Tennis 20 June InterWhanau Badminton 1.30 – 3.10 Stage Challenge 23 June Y12 Geo Trip – Tongariro Y13 Physics Ass – all day 24 June Y11 Sci Assessment – all day Y12 Geo Trip – Tongariro Y11 Sci Assessment – all day 25 June MW FOOTBALL 7 Y12 Geo Trip – Tongariro PTA Hui 7pm (Staffroom) 26 June Y13 Health Trip 27 June NSSSA-COLLEGE DAY – Kaikohe NSSSA-TEAMS SQUASH Combined WBHS/WGHS Dance 30 June Junior Reports issued JULY 1 July 2 July 3 July QUEENS BIRTHDAY WEEKEND 4 July U/15 RUGBY 3 ICAS Science Law at Otago – Lib – 1.35-2.30pm MW FOOTBALL 4 Big Sing Smoke Free Rock Quest – Northland Heat Dad n’ Lads Car Rally U/15 RUGBY 4 5 July Y12 OED - Climbing CTS 3 - KAIKOHE MW FOOTBALL 5 Y11 Alt Sci Assessment NSSSA-CROSS COUNTRY NSSSA-OPEN TABLE TENNIS – Whg MW FOOTBALL 8 Senior School Reports issued Y11 Health Trip Newsletter #3 issued 3 Way Conferencing (Parent/Student/ Whanau Teacher meetings) - No Classes taught today Chamber Music Competition 3 Way Conferencing (Parent/Student/ Whanau Teacher meetings) - No Classes taught today Smokefree Rock Quest Regional Final – Forum North End of term 2 NI Clay Target - Hamilton ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 23 Sports News & Results RUGBY LEAGUE: The League team has had an excellent start to the year securing first place in the south zone pool for the Adam Blair Trophy. They have consistently beaten their opposition with convincing scores such as beating Bream Bay 52-5, Ruawai College 53-0, Rodney College 47-5. Dargaville have "worn it" twice being beaten 40-10 and 66-6 on two separate occasions. WBHS also beat Kamo High 38-16. RUGBY: The 1st XV played Manurewa 1st XV last Saturday beating them 15-5. NISS MOUNTAIN BIKING: WBHS again put in a strong showing at the North Island Secondary School MTB Champs producing the following results: Liam Keatley placed 1st overall (OA), 1st in the down hill (DH) and 2nd in the Cross Country (CC). Blake Vinson placed 2nd OA, 3rd DH and 1st CC, Dion Luiten placed 4= OA, 2nd DH and 12 CC and Christian Herbert placed 4= OA, 4th DH and 10 CC. NSSSA TOUCH: WBHS competed at the Regional Qualifying Tournament at Massey last Saturday. It was a hot day, and the boys played game on, game off with warm ups starting half way through their down time. They were focussed the whole day and although they took a couple of games to warm up, they played out of their skins. It was an awesome day producing the following results: MOUNTAIN BIKING: Liam Keatley placed 4th in the U15 North Island Downhill Series at Dome Valley. INTER WHANAU TOUCH: Grey 9 Points Hobson 8 points Bledisloe 8 points Marsden 8 points Carruth 7 points 1st place =2nd place =2nd place =2nd place 5th place RUGBY LEAGUE: WBHS played Tikipunga on Wednesday 26 March beating them 24 to 4. NSSSA INDIVIDUAL TRIATHLON: WBHS performed well at the Individual Triathlon producing the following results: Jayde Maugham placed 1st in the U14, Josh Young placed 2nd in the U16, and the seniors cleaned up with 1st going to James Edwards, 2nd to William Dorahy and 3rd place to Darcy Goodison in the U19. Rnd 1 vs Westlake lost 1-4. Rnd 2 vs Rosmini drew 4 all. Rnd 3 vs Rodney won 10-3. Rnd 4 vs Massey won 5-0 Rnd 5 vs Kelston drew 4 all. 2013 MOTORCROSS: Tait Mehrtens, Cameron Duckmanton and Matthew McKenzie represented WBHS at the 2013 Secondary Schools MX championship in Ardmore last year. Cameron placed 1st in the 1518 125cc class with the WBHS team placing 3rd overall. SAILING: The WBHS Sailing Team consisting of Jackson Yovich (Captain), Sean Crook, Ben Topping, Reagan Barnett, Dylan Roxburgh, Horima Neville, Matthew Jack Smith and Joseph Parr competed in the Upper North Island Team Sailing Regatta at Parua Bay on 27 & 28 March. The Team finished the regatta in 5th place, a very creditable performance for a team still in its rebuilding ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 24 school news Sports News & Results cont.. phase. Given that the teams who finished in the top 4 were also in the top 4 nationally last year, it was an outstanding effort. Jackson Yovich lead the team superbly and the boys were excellent ambassadors for the school. WAKA AMA: "It has been an amazing week (24 - 28 March) here on the shores of Lake Tikitapu. Rotorua has turned on the sunshine and great weather for us throughout the week. We managed to get our under 19-man waka into the 2nd tier Plate final where they finished a commendable 6th place. That is in the top 15 waka in New Zealand! Not bad for only being together since February this year! Other results also saw our 12 man waka under 16s with WGHS paddle in the tier 2 Plate final earlier in the week. They finished a commendable 5th place! These boys only managed to sneak in 1 practice with the girls before coming down! Daniel Morales Teacher in Charge RESULTS FROM WEEK 10 2014 RUGBY: WBHS played Saint Kentigern College in a pre season match at home last week. We were beaten by the World champions 80 -15. CRICKET: The Cricket season is finished. Congratulations to the 3rd Grade Gold team who won their competition. "Baggy-cap-winning" performances went to Caleb Boswell-Smith 6 for 23, Chamodh Peiris 82 vs St Peter's and Tim Osbaldiston 58 not out in the same match. Also find attached a detailed report for the Gillette Cup from the TIC. SURFING: Zane Hicks stormed to victory in the U18 division at the first round of the Northland Scholastic Surfing Series held at Sandy Bay in solid surf last Friday. Kye Bedford also placed 4th in the U18 event with Zane whilst Josh Adams-Robson placed 3rd and Jacob Hayes placed 4th in the U14 boys division. ADVENTURE RACING: Several Boys’ High students attended the NZSS Adventure Racing Champs in Napier where Ryan Houba, James Edwards, Shaan Hill and Darcy Goodison placed 2nd overall in the event. WBHS PTA Fundraiser Movie Night Wednesday 28th May Capitaine Bougainville Theatre Forum North Movie at 6pm gather for pre show refreshments from 5pm Tickets $20 ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news 25 Sports News & Results cont.. Cricket ~ Russell Smith (Cricket Co-ordinator) Another successful season ended last week with our 1st XI’s participation in the Gillette Cup Qualifiers in Hamilton during Tournament Week. A report on that tournament appeared on pages 8 & 9. (Our cricketers’ efforts throughout the season confirmed our reputation as the leading cricket school in Northland and one of the top schools in Northern Districts. Some of the season’s highlights were: The 1st XI competed in the Gillette Cup Finals in Christchurch in December. While not playing to potential, they still proved a worthy match for the five other top teams in the country. From this team, Nick Stobart, David Armitt and Kurtley Watson went on to be leading performers for the Northern Districts Under 19 team. Kurtley also represented New Zealand in the Under 19 World Cup. The 1st XI, despite the loss of a number of key players after Christmas, still managed to beat the eventual champions Maungakaramea, as well as City, Kamo and Onerahi-Central at some stage of the season. It was not until the penultimate game that we lost our proud unbeaten run on our home pitch, which lasted for 12 Saturdays. The 3rd Grade Gold team went unbeaten after Christmas to win the 3rd Grade title, while the 3rd Grade Blue and Black teams also competed strongly. The 2nd XI too showed much improvement in the new year and proved tough opposition for its Reserve Grade opponents. Thank You We are grateful to the many coaches, managers and parents who helped with our teams and players in a number of ways. In particular, our thanks go to the NCA coaches, Stephen Cunis and Neal Parlane, and Dave Lobb, Clint Dyke, Darron Goodwin and Warren Litchfield (1st and 2nd XI); Dean McGonagle and Trevor Osbaldiston (3rd Grade Gold); Matt Hudson (3rd Grade Blue ); and Daniel Morales (3rd Grade Black). Fees All parents have been invoiced for cricket fees for 2014. Thanks to those who have already paid. Please note that to make the accounting easier, fees are paid by the calendar year, NOT by the season. The fees are: $160 (1st XI), $130 (2nd XI), and $70 (3rd Grade Blue, Black and Gold). These fees cover the Term 1 part of the season just finished and the Term 4 part of the 2014-15 season. Please pay as soon as possible if you have not already done so, as the school’s “No pay, no play” policy will operate when the new season begins in October. In the event that your son is not intending to play in the new season, please e-mail me, r.smith@wbhs.school.nz and I will organise for the account to be halved. Uniform Players should retain their Whangarei BHS playing shirts and caps (and, where applicable, 1 st XI uniform) over the winter. Any boy who has outgrown his shirt when the new season begins should swap it for a larger size from Mr Smith in L12 or L14. Congratulations go to those who won their 1st XI “baggy cap” with a half-century or five wickets in an innings during the season - Matt Lobb, Caleb Boswell-Smith, Chamodh Peiris and Tim Osbaldiston. Honours Boards The outstanding individual efforts over the last season are recorded in the two Honours Boards (over page), one for the 1st XI and one for our other teams. Thanks again to all players and supporters – enjoy your winter and winter sport and we’ll see you again as we begin practising for the new season. ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 26 school news ZEST Insurance WBHS 1st XI Honours Board 2013 - 14 BATTING (Qualification: 40 runs) Matthew Lobb Chamodh Peiris Max Davis Sam Clotworthy David Armitt Sam Clotworthy Nick Stobart Fletcher Coutts Tim Osbaldiston Sam Clotworthy Nick Stobart Fletcher Coutts Jack Murphy Matthew Lobb Chamodh Peiris 96 v City Premier 82 v St Peter's School 1st XI 77* v Lindisfarne College 1st XI 74 v Otago BHS 1st XI 73 v Maungakaramea Premier 65 v Mt Albert Grammar 1st XI 62 v Christchurch BHS 1st XI 61 v Gisborne BHS 1st XI 58* v St Peter's School 1st XI 56 v Kamo Premier 51* v Kamo Premier 49 v Maungakaramea Premier 49 v Onerahi-Central Premier 48 v Otago BHS 1st XI 47 v Bethlehem College 1st XI BOWLING (Qualification: 4 wickets) Caleb Boswell-Smith Nick Stobart Fletcher Coutts Josh Crawford Fletcher Coutts Jack Murphy Nick Stobart 6 for 23 6 for 39 5 for 51 4 for 26 4 for 28 4 for 32 4 for 36 v City Premier v Kamo Premier v Onerahi-Central Premier v Gisborne BHS 1st XI v Maungakaramea Premier v Maungakaramea Premier v City Premier ZEST Insurance WBHS 2nd XI /3rd Grade Honours Board 2013 - 14 BATTING (Qualification: 40 runs) Lewis Miller Dion Hinge Caleb Boswell-Smith Zach Litchfield Austyn Mills Minsu Kim Tim Osbaldiston Aidan Pascoe Ryan Jacobson Ben Pepperell Bradley Vuletich Finn Trimble Matt Kingi Cullen Lowe Zach Litchfield Jnr. 1st XI Black Jnr. 1st XI Black Black Gold Gold Blue Black Black Gold 2nd XI 2nd XI Gold Black 131 v Waiuku College Jnr. 1st XI 115 v Kamo HS 2nd XI 113* v Waiuku College Jnr. 1st XI 110* v Kamo HS 2nd XI 103 v Kamo HS 2nd XI 100 v Kamo HS 2nd XI 84* v Northern Wairoa 3rd Grade 76 v WBHS Gold 68 v Kamo HS 2nd XI 65* v Kamo HS 2nd XI 61* v WBHS Black 64 v Bream Bay Reserves 59 v Northern Wairoa Reserves 58 v Carters WBHS Blue 57 v WBHS Gold ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ school news ZEST Insurance WBHS 2nd XI /3rd Grade Honours Board 2013 - 14 cont…. Cullen Lowe Bradley Vuletich Minsu Kim Isaac Osbaldiston Zach Litchfield Quinn Pooley Austyn Mills Angus McKinnon Bradley Vuletich Austin Ryburn Austin Ryburn Ryan Jacobson Lewis Miller Austyn Mills Minsu Kim Black Gold Gold Gold 2nd XI 2nd XI Gold Blue Gold Jnr. 1st XI Black Black Jnr. 1st XI Black Gold BOWLING (Qualification: 4 wickets) Ben Pepperell Black Minsu Kim Gold Jacques de Beer Gold Jacob Wood Jnr. 1st XI Ned Saunders Blue Ben Pepperell Blue Jonathan Leftley Blue Joshua Mitchell Blue Matt Kingi 2nd XI Austyn Mills Black Ned Saunders Blue Jacob Wood Black 54 v Kerikeri HS 2nd XI 53* v Kamo HS 2nd XI 53 v Northern Wairoa 3rd Grade 52* v Kamo HS 2nd XI 51 v Kamo Reserves 51 v Kerikeri HS 1st XI 49 v Carters WBHS Blue 44 v WBHS Gold 44 v Kerikeri HS 2nd XI 44 v Waiuku College Jnr. 1st XI 43 v Kamo HS 2nd XI 42* v Kerikeri HS 2nd XI 42 v Hamilton BHS Jnr. 1st XI 41* v Kerikeri HS 2nd XI 41 v WBHS Black 6 for 1 incl. hat-trick v Kamo HS 2nd XI 5 for 14 v Northern Wairoa 3rd Grade 5 for 15 v WBHS Black 4 for 9 v Waiuku College Jnr. 1st XI 4 for 15 v Northern Wairoa 3rd Grade 4 for 17 v WBHS Gold 4 for 18 v WBHS Black 4 for 22 v Northern Wairoa 3rd Grade 4 for 25 v Kamo Reserves 4 for 25 v Kerikeri HS 2nd XI 4 for 29 v Kamo HS 2nd XI 4 for 33 v WBHS Gold Sports shots ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■ 27 28 school news Whangarei Boys’ High School acknowledges the generous support from the following businesses XXXX Together with the Oxford Sports Trust, Pub Charity, Postie Plus, Tower, the PTA and Old Boys’ Association ■ WHANGAREI BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL ■ DEVELOPING BOYS INTO FINE MEN ■