news - Santa Margarita Catholic High School


news - Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Non-Profit Org.
Mission Viejo, CA
Permit #581
22062 Antonio Parkway
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Address Service Requested
School Office Hours
Monday ~ Friday
7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Co-chair couples
Tricia & Dan Donahue
Linda & David Birck
Wishing you and your
family a happy and safe
Holiday Season!
For more information
please call the
Development Office
at 949-766-6080.
Save the Date
Saturday, February 12, 2005
The Balboa Bay Club
The Eagle Newsletter published by Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Winter 2004
A Message from Our Principal...
Inside this Issue:
From the Diocese.............2
Around Campus............3-7
Academic News..........8-10
Counseling News.............8
Campus Ministry............10
Christian Service............11
General News...........12-14
Mothers Club.................15
Development News........16
School Calendars......17-19
Alumni Section.........20-39
Dear Parents,
Is it not amazing how fast the school year
passes? We have already celebrated the
Thanksgiving holiday and have had that
wonderful opportunity to take stock of all the
good things in our lives and the many
blessings bestowed on our families. Our
second annual Open House for prospective
students and their families was again a huge
success. I am so thankful for a faculty and
staff so full of enthusiasm and creativity. Just
recently, we were notified that our school has
been chosen by an independent national group
as one of the top 50 Catholic high schools in
America. We certainly take pride in accepting
that accolade. I have been very pleased with
our recent successful Freshmen Retreat day.
Over 150 seniors donated their day off to
serve in Campus Ministry as peer leaders and
facilitators for this, one of the more important
events in the compendium of our religious
I think that this is certainly the appropriate
time to say thank you and well done to all
who have participated in the fall sports
program. We have been very successful in our
team efforts due to the dedication and hard
work of so many. Similar work ethics are
demonstrated by many other student
activity groups, too. Of special note, is the
success of the marching band and tall flags.
The sound has been superb and so has the
garnering of prestigious awards at various
Staircase" for its winter production on
December 7th to the 11th. Christmas vacation
will commence on December 17th following a
minimum day schedule and will last until
January 2nd.
The month of January is jam packed with
more activities. The winter sports begin. To
initiate this season, the Winter Sports Rally is
scheduled for January 7th. An Incoming
Freshmen Information Night occurs on
January 6th. To bring some closure to the first
semester, January 14th is the date for the
Spirit Dance. The students will need this in
order to limber up for Semester Exams from
January 18th to the 21st. M.U.N., an activity
that has been going strong all year, is
sponsoring the annual M.U.N. International
Dinner on the 29th of January.
February will provide our campus with
several religious events: a senior Kairos
retreat on the 2nd to the 4th, Ash Wednesday
on February 9th, and the Sophomore retreat
on the 24th and 25th. On the social scene, our
highly important fundraiser, Valentasia, is
scheduled for February 12th at the Balboa
Bay Club. It would be so helpful to our school
if all of the parents and alumni who can do so,
put this event on their to-do list.
With most sincere wishes for a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year, I remain,
Sincerely in Christ,
22062 Antonio Parkway
Rancho Santa Margarita
California, 92688
Now, as we move into December and beyond,
there are some items of current interest. The
Performing Arts Christmas Production,
December 2nd, was the usual extravaganza…
kudos to those students who performed so
masterfully. Not to be upstaged, the drama
department presents "Up the Down
Brother Lawrence Monroe, FSC
A Message from the Diocese
Office of Faith Formation
Marywood Center
P.O. Box 14195
2811 E. Villa Real Drive
Orange, California 92863-1595
Phone (714) 282-3060
FAX (714) 283-5059
Dear Principals, Teachers and School Staff Members,
Welcome to the 2004-05 School Year! May the year ahead bring academic, physical and spiritual progress to each of you and
to the students in your school. Thank you for your commitment to Catholic education and your many sacrifices to make it a
feasible ministry for the Church. Your investment and hard work is a true gift of love! I pray that this year will be an exciting
and growth-filled experience in every school of the diocese.
It was wonderful to join with so many of you in our recent "Back-to-School" Convocation at Saint Callistus Church. The
insights, experiences and humor shared by Sister Carol Cimino SSJ were down to earth and true-to-life. It was especially
powerful to experience the solidarity and unity of our diocese-wide community of educators joined in Eucharist with Bishop
Brown. The moment of commissioning and blessing was particularly meaningful and enriching. I hope that this day gave you
an encouraging and affirming start...and I hope that the memory of our day together will be a support to you in days to come.
"Faith in Every Student" is the theme that the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) has established for the
2004-05 School Year. Those words point to the essence and purpose of every Catholic school. We seek to achieve excellence
in our academic curriculum and athletic achievements, but our primary purpose is to enrich the lives of our students by
teaching them the ways of faith. Our deepest desire is that every student who attends one of our Catholic schools will know,
believe and treasure the tradition of faith which is so dear to all of us.
Of course, faith doesn't happen on its own. When students observe strong and committed models of faith in their teachers and
parents, they are more receptive to the message we teach. Our gospel instruction is made more credible when there is a strong
partnership of trusting faith between home and school. I hope that this year provides you the opportunity to get to know your
students' parents in order to develop a strong and mutually supportive relationship, which will support the educational
This year our office has a new name, "The Office of Faith Formation." This new title expresses the priority that Bishop
Brown seeks to give to the lifelong spiritual development of every Catholic Christian. In addition to providing guidance,
direction and support to the forty-four Catholic schools within the Diocese of Orange, our office is now working with the
Youth and Young Adult Ministries throughout the diocese, Schools of Religious Education in each parish, Safe
Environment/Charter Implementation and Schools Development. All of these various activities have the common purpose of
guiding young people in the ways of faith.
May the inspiration, energy and enthusiasm with which we began this school year sustain us through the months ahead! May
God bless each of you, your classrooms and your students!
Alumni news
Paul Ambrose, 1991
Shannon Brennan, 1991
Adam Brown, 1991
Patrick Butler, 1991
Angela Califano, 1991
Leana Cavazos, 1991
Michael Ciabattoni, 1991
Robert Clark, 1991
Christopher Duffy, 1991
Christine Elliott, 1991
Amy Fabricatore, 1991
Carlos Forster, 1991
Richard Hagmann, 1991
Kevin Henricks, 1991
Laurie Jackson, 1991
Jennifer Jacobs, 1991
Helena Johnson, 1991
Harry Kim, 1991
Sarah Kordus, 1991
Jeff Layne, 1991
Damian Mathis, 1991
Jennifer Mino, 1991
Charles Pereida, 1991
David Perry, 1991
Jennifer Phillips, 1991
Edward Rock, 1991
Nicole Simms, 1991
Christian Stone, 1991
Michael Teichmann, 1991
Sean Williams, 1991
Alison Wilson, 1991
Lorena Young, 1991
Lisa Cabrera, 1992
Pete Fabricatore, 1992
Tammy Foster, 1992
Sara Kelley, 1992
Kristian Kerekes, 1992
Scott Lewis, 1992
Allison Lucas, 1992
Matthew Miller, 1992
Thomas Murphy, 1992
James Pacelli, 1992
Jon-Paul Praisler, 1992
Kelly Siegfried, 1992
Shannyn Taylor, 1992
Gina Villasenor, 1992
Eric Cardenas, 1993
Thomas Dickson, 1993
Chad Dueker, 1993
Jon Gingrich, 1993
Gina Halliday, 1993
Rita Miller, 1993
Peter Schwartz, 1993
Justin Short, 1993
Charleen York, 1993
Jackie L. Barrera, 1994
Michael Bedrick, 1994
Jamie Berman, 1994
Kellee Booth, 1994
Alyssa Cardenas, 1994
Amy Carter, 1994
Steven Clements, 1994
Matthew Ericson, 1994
Jodie Gordon, 1994
Michael Greco, 1994
James Harless, 1994
Jennifer Jones, 1994
Darren Kane, 1994
George Maristela, 1994
Tara Mc Dowell, 1994
Erika Moore, 1994
Karin Moran, 1994
Alexandra Morrall, 1994
Michael Raths, 1994
Samuel Robertson, 1994
Krystal Snow, 1994
John Vallas, 1994
Joey Villasenor, 1994
Louis Warner, 1994
Barbara Abbriano, 1995
Matthew Ahmer, 1995
Michael Allred, 1995
Alejandro Arreguin, 1995
Leslie Bruinsma, 1995
Vicki Crookshanks, 1995
Byron Dale, 1995
Alissa Diederich, 1995
Brian Dugan, 1995
S. Curt Fiore, 1995
Benjamin Fischel, 1995
Alicia Forster, 1995
Suzanne Forstrom, 1995
Leah Futterman, 1995
Francis Gonzalez, 1995
Steven Haag, 1995
Jason Hartman, 1995
Ian Haskins, 1995
Carl Hendrickson, 1995
Erika Jaeger, 1995
Marina Jurica, 1995
Elizabeth Kozlowicz, 1995
Jacqueline Lanning, 1995
Louis Manera, 1995
Amber Mays, 1995
Ryan Mc Brayer, 1995
Stuart Miller, 1995
Brendan Mulligan, 1995
West Munz, 1995
Veronique Paquet, 1995
Shannon Pedrick, 1995
Mark Pepping, 1995
Varavarai Phromyothi, 1995
Regan Pierce, 1995
Timothy Pringle, 1995
Ryan Reightley, 1995
David Reskey, 1995
Julie Schumacher, 1995
Katherine Smissen, 1995
Carol Wheat, 1995
Christina Woodward, 1995
Kelley Box, 1996
Daniel Clark, 1996
Brett Cook, 1996
Darren Cunningham, 1996
Anthony D'Amato, 1996
Jennifer Douglas, 1996
Mazen Faysal, 1996
Lindsay Gladwell, 1996
Hank Harrington, 1996
Mike Kureh, 1996
Meagan Lingo, 1996
Megan Mc Lean, 1996
Thomas Mc Shane, 1996
Dustin Navarro, 1996
Paul Niemeyer, 1996
Brian Piesner, 1996
Randy Reyes, 1996
Teresa Spyra, 1996
Miguel Tello, 1996
David Tosti, 1996
Robert Waldron, 1996
David Watson, 1996
Kim Abbriano, 1997
John Archuleta, 1997
Troy Brogdon, 1997
Cassydy Capra-Gavin, 1997
Tiffany Chiu, 1997
Lindsey Cornell, 1997
Daniel Deen, 1997
Alefa Gomez, 1997
Lauren Haag, 1997
Chris Huber, 1997
Bryce Jackson, 1997
Brandon Joffe, 1997
Michael Jones, 1997
Robert King, 1997
William Mc Guire, 1997
Heather Morales, 1997
Christopher Pasley, 1997
Kelley Pedrick, 1997
Christopher Powell, 1997
Kyle Rainey, 1997
Kristen Rowe, 1997
Valerie Shepherd, 1997
Summer Spinks, 1997
Jonathan Watson, 1997
Milad Azadi, 1998
Kerri Becker, 1998
Jordan Beckner, 1998
Ryan Benedict, 1998
Erica Blodgett, 1998
Michelle Caico, 1998
Meghan Clarke, 1998
Jon Clements, 1998
Ryan Coiner, 1998
Kayse Cushing, 1998
Joshua Davis, 1998
Joshua Dunlap, 1998
James Dunn, 1998
Norman Giroux, 1998
Hazel Gonzalez, 1998
William Hageman, 1998
Elizabeth Han, 1998
Ryan Hay, 1998
Stephanie Hayes, 1998
John Hinds, 1998
Christina Koutras, 1998
Hillary Lamp, 1998
John Lanning, 1998
Matt Lingo, 1998
Paul Lisek, 1998
Thomas Mackrell, 1998
Matthew Madden, 1998
Zachary Martinez, 1998
Jill Mc Conica, 1998
Heather Mc Donald, 1998
Trevor Mc Intosh, 1998
Eric Mc Lean, 1998
Parker Mc Manes, 1998
Jessica Nahas, 1998
Jeff Ojile, 1998
Brandon Owens, 1998
Eric Paine, 1998
Nicole Piscititelli, 1998
James Pittenger, 1998
Melissa Pleckham, 1998
Veronica Rivera, 1998
Natalie San Roman, 1998
Ralph San Roman, 1998
Michael Sawdon, 1998
David Simon, 1998
Brian Walton, 1998
William Wheat, 1998
Kari Williams, 1998
Curtis Wright, 1998
Trisha Wynn, 1998
Christian Agudelo, 1999
Tiffany Anderson, 1999
Nicole Bennett, 1999
Gillian Bracken, 1999
Andrew Breunig, 1999
Francis Bruno, 1999
Michael Catalanotto, 1999
Alexis Davies, 1999
Valerie De Paul, 1999
Parris Fallgatter, 1999
Lauren Gick, 1999
Mary Girgis, 1999
Spencer Gloger, 1999
Ashley Hales, 1999
Erin Hampton, 1999
Stephanie Henrick, 1999
Jonah Hoskins, 1999
Andrew Humphreys, 1999
Shawn Johnson, 1999
Cameron Laugharn, 1999
Kristen Leduc, 1999
Lindsay Martin, 1999
Christian Masini, 1999
Sean Mc Bride, 1999
Brad Muhlhauser, 1999
Lauren Nelson, 1999
Daniel O'Connell, 1999
Dustin Patterson, 1999
Sarah Proffitt, 1999
Michael Raley, 1999
Claire Rouleau, 1999
Cory Simmons, 1999
Suzanne Steeves, 1999
Serlena Teatum, 1999
Patrice Vice, 1999
Ashley Webb, 1999
Melanie Whittington, 1999
Erika Williams, 1999
Clint Worley, 1999
Jeffrey Wroblewski, 1999
Christopher Baggio, 2000
John Blue, 2000
John Paul Bravo, 2000
Kelsey Breunig, 2000
Casey Brogdon, 2000
Phillip Carr, 2000
Steven Conway, 2000
Nicole Curtis, 2000
M. Greg Cutler, 2000
Rebecca Davis, 2000
Carl De Carlo, 2000
Christopher Hageman, 2000
Jennifer Hock, 2000
Karly Jalowiec, 2000
Tiffany Kashima, 2000
Ronald King, 2000
Sara Mahamedi, 2000
Brian Rayburn, 2000
Wesley Riechmann, 2000
Rachelle Routsong, 2000
Bahman Safari, 2000
Lindsey Schueler, 2000
David Schweitzer, 2000
Christopher Trudeau, 2000
Laura Bonser, 2001
Timothy Clark, 2001
Meghan Donahue, 2001
Donovan Dorsey, 2001
Justin Frye, 2001
Kevin Harty, 2001
Margaret Harty, 2001
Jeremy Hilborn, 2001
Scott Marston, 2001
Erica Mc Peck, 2001
Colin Mulligan, 2001
Jason Stevens, 2001
Robert Webb, 2001
Devin Courtney, 2002
Lucille Francois, 2002
Christopher Marston, 2002
If your name appears
on this list it means
we have attempted to
mail you something
and it was returned to
us, therefore, we have
no current address
information. If you
or someone you know
appears on this list,
please contact the
Alumni Office by
e-mail at
and provide current
mailing information.
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Class Updates
Kevin Papay '03 is enjoying his second year at Harvard
University where he is majoring in Government with a
minor in Spanish. Kevin participates in several intramural
sports and is on the Undergraduate Advisory Committee for
Government. Kevin also tutors sixth graders twice a week
as part of a volunteer organization called Tenacity.
Christopher Steele '03 is currently attending UC Berkeley.
Recently, his family auditioned for the show, "Who Wants
to Marry My Dad," and was one of the two finalists, but
lost it due to similarities to the family from the first season.
Otherwise, things continue as normal.
Kim Wallace '03 is a sophomore at the University of
Colorado, Boulder where she is majoring in Business
Administration. At UC Boulder, Kim is an active
member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. (See family
photo on page 37.)
Class of 2004
Alicia Fujii '04 is a freshman at Yale currently
majoring in Economics. Alicia is
also playing on the nationally
ranked Varsity Women's Soccer
team as a forward and
mid-fielder where she has had an
assist against Manhattan (9/5/04)
and a goal against Central
Connecticut (9/10/04).
Michelle Hull '04 is a freshman at
Harvard and majoring in Government.
She is the starting left fullback for the
nationally ranked Crimson Varsity
Women's Soccer team. Michelle was
one of two Harvard players named to
the All-Tournament Team at the
UConn Adidas Classic by the
participating coaches. Michelle also
earned an assist in Harvard's 4-1
victory over Cornell with a
through-pass to Brittany Meeks '03, for an all-Santa
Margarita goal. Michelle is the 4th in the line of SMCHS
Women's Soccer players to join the Crimson including
Lauren Cozzolino '00, Becca Mildrew '02 and Brittany
Meeks '03.
Kelyn Mainwaring '04 is attending Loyola Marymount
University in Los Angeles and is majoring in History.
Alek Ramoska '04 is a freshman at the University of
Colorado, Boulder and is currently an Applied Physiology
major. He recently pledged Phi
Kappa Tau fraternity, is active in
intramurals and also volunteers in
the physical therapy clinic at the
health center on campus. Alek
enjoys running for enjoyment on
the mountain trails nearby
campus and working out at the
rec center. Alek absolutely loves life at college and the
outdoor life of Colorado!
Doug Reinhardt '04 signed a professional baseball contract
with the Anaheim Angels. He was
assigned to the Mesa Angels in the
Arizona League where he led the team
in hitting for the second half of the
season. Doug finished his rookie season strong earning him an invitation to
participate in the prestigious 2004
Angels Arizona Instructional League.
Thomas Sabin '04 is currently a freshman attending New
York University's Tisch School of the Arts. Thomas is a
drama student at the Lee Strasberg Institute.
* Many alumni mention that they would like to hear
from other SM alums. Due to privacy laws, we do
not publish contact information in Wings. To
contact any alumni, please email the Alumni Office
at or call 949-766-6000 ext. 1511.
Around Campus news
Peer Court
Senior Class News
Graduation cap and gown costs
are included in the graduation fee
paid by senior parents prior to
graduation. Please be aware that
some outside groups obtain
mailing lists from the Department
of Motor Vehicles and send
notices regarding caps and gowns.
Don't be fooled into paying twice
for your student's cap and gown.
For assistance in answering any graduation related
questions, please feel free to contact the Activities
Office at 949-766-6050.
Peer Court will take place in the Science Lecture
Hall after school on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at
2:45 p.m. Any student who is able to attend is
encouraged to volunteer to participate as a juror in
this real life courtroom event. This is a great
opportunity to see what the sentencing phase of a
real juvenile court proceeding is
like. Make it a point to attend this
session of Peer Court!
Seniors, check out the Senior Booklet on the SM
website for upcoming events and activities.
The Valentine Store will be open February
1-11, 2005. The Valentine Store helps you
remember all of those special people in your lives
by offering a wide selection of gifts, cards, candy
and flowers. Valentines will be delivered in the
morning on Valentine's Day. If you would like to
send a Valentine to your student or let a special
Santa Margarita employee know
you appreciate them, call the
Activities Office at 949-766-6050
for more information.
Freshman Class News
Freshman Class officer elections
are scheduled for February 16,
2005. Class officer applications will
be available in the Activities Office
in late January 2005.
The Valentine Store
SMCHS Magazine Drive
The annual Magazine Drive is February 3-22, 2005. Please spread the word to all of your family and friends. Lots of great
prizes will be given away including a trip to Hawaii! Information will be forthcoming in the mail and also given to students.
This year there will be one (1) turn-in day on Tuesday, February 22, 2005.
Volunteers Needed: In order for the Magazine Drive to be successful, we need parent volunteers to help record magazine
orders. We are looking for 15 helpers on February 22-25, 2005. If you are available to volunteer from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. on one
of those days, please call Carolyn Stromberg at 949-589-2170 or the Activities Office at 949-766-6050.
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Around Campus news
Talon Theatre is getting deeper into its season. A few weeks ago, Rumors, by Neil Simon, closed to
great reviews. But in just a few short days, “Up the Down Staircase,” by Bel Kaufman, will open in
the Eagle Dome. This is the story of a first year teacher and her attempts to reach the students that
she teaches. It is an inspiring story of dedication and is filled with humor and love. You don't want
to miss this production. It was the first production that was directed under the name of "Talon
Theatre" by Mr. Mark Till and Mr. Jeff Nowlin. It will be performed December 7-11, 2004 at 7:30
p.m. Tickets will be on sale in early December.
Shortly after “Up the Down Staircase” closes, auditions for the Spring Musical will be held. This
year we will be reviving the production of “Godspell,” by Steven Schwartz and John Michael Tebelak. Details on the auditions
will be available in early December. “Godspell” will open in the Spring of 2005.
In January, the Theatre Production class will be performing R. T. Robinson's “The Cover of Life.” This production will be
directed by current senior, Ryan MacKenzie and will take place in the Drama Room January 12-15, 2005. Don't miss this
drama about three wives whose husbands are off fighting in World War II.
z z z z z z z z
Beginning Theatre Arts Students Get Dramatic!z
z z z z z z z
Several students from Beginning Theatre Arts classes have begun training this year. Mr.
Stube and Mrs. Hauser are pleased with the number of beginning actors and hope they will
be able to continue their training at SMCHS with the Drama Department and Talon Theatre.
This year the senior students will expand their ability to appreciate this art form by
developing and creating their own original scripts and style. This is an invaluable tool for the
patron they will soon become as they go on from this campus to their future. In-class
training includes acting, directing and design projects. Students are also encouraged to
become part of the major productions on campus. Beginning Theatre Arts (BTA) classes are
open to all level students. Be sure to catch a show at the Talon Theatre in the 2004-2005
BTA students working on their first original script
Model United
Students at the Tower of London
Ten students from Santa Margarita Catholic High School recently returned from the
Royal Russell Model United Nations Conference held in East Croydon, England.
The students represented the countries of Brazil and Argentina in a mock meeting of
the Untied Nations. In addition to attending the conference, the students got a chance
to tour London and visit Paris. Students visited landmarks such as the Tower of
London, St. Paul's Cathedral, the Tate Modern Art Museum, the Cabinet War Rooms,
and Westminster Abbey. The students were given a special tour of Big Ben and had
the opportunity to climb the clock tower. The highlight of the week was a trip across
the channel for a tour of Paris. Students took a guided tour of the city that was
followed by a cruise down the Seine River and a visit to the Louvre.
Students at the Eiffel Tower
The Model UN program will attend two conferences in December and January. The
first conference will be the Mira Costa Conference on December 4, 2004. Over one
hundred novice MUN delegates will attend the conference. On January 15th and
16th over two hundred delegates will attend the Mission Viejo Conference. On
January 29, 2005 Model UN will host the annual International Dinner and Silent
Auction in the Moiso Pavilion (gym). The dinner will raise money to help offset the
costs of conferences in London, Washington DC, and Boston. The rest of the funds
will go towards senior scholarships.
Class Updates
Natalie Fujii '02 is attending USC
with a major in Business and a
minor in Communications. Natalie
is an active member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority and is also
a USC Song Leader. Through Song
Leading she has participated on the
Super Bowl '03 float and also
traveled to Hong Kong to be a part
of the Chinese New Year parade.
Recently Natalie's picture was put
on the cover of the USC Saturday Night publication.
Rory O'Neill '02 is currently a junior at Columbia
University and is majoring in History. He is spending this
school year abroad in Madrid, Spain. In February 2005, he
will be working as an intern at the American Embassy.
Jack Pichard '02 is a junior at
Princeton where he is a History major.
Jack is also the starting setter for the
Princeton Tigers Men's Volleyball
Team. He spent part of last summer in
New York City as an intern with
Merrill Lynch and is now
having the time of his life on a fall
semester abroad in Brisbane,
Kristen Wallace '02
is currently a junior
at the University of
Colorado at Boulder
where she is a
major with a
Wallace Family Photo
Business minor.
Kristen is also active as the Vice President of the Chi
Omega sorority and plans to study abroad spring semester
Class of 2003
Nic DiLoretta '03 attends USD and loves it there! He is a
founding father of Beta Theta Pi fraternity and is involved
in intramural sports as well as various other USD activities.
Amanda Dolan '03 is currently studying theatre at San
Francisco State University. She is very excited to not only be
performing college theatre, but playing acting roles
different than "the mother" as she did in several SMCHS
Nathan Imperiale '03 is a sophomore at George
Washington University where he is majoring in Electronic
Media. Nathan had the
privilege of being a finalist in
the "Stand Up and Holla"
essay contest sponsored by the
Republican National
Convention and MTV's
"Choose or Lose" campaign to
get out the youth vote.
Nathan's essay was one of 10
chosen from over 1,000
students who submitted essays which answered the question
"Why is the President's call for community service important
and how have you demonstrated it?" As one of the runner
ups, Nathan was invited to attend the Republican National
Convention in New York City to participate in the "Page
Program" along with the winner and the other finalists. They
enjoyed a whirlwind itinerary which included a Yankees
game, 42nd Street on Broadway, lunch and tour of the New
York Stock Exchange and a tour of the Old Post Office
Building which housed the thousands of media covering the
convention. He attended the hottest ticket party in town,
"THE R," hosted by the Bush twins, spent time with Ted
Koppel and Peter Jennings (see photo), met Vice President
Dick Cheney and was interviewed by numerous news
Marcus Lovingood '03 is a cast member at the Disneyland
Resort. He has currently joined the closing cast of
"Disneyland's 45 Years of Magic Parade: The Parade of the
Stars" and hopes to open "Disneyland's 50th Anniversary
Parade: The Parade of Dreams" in the spring of 2005, and
still graduate with a B.A. in Dance and Communications by
Andrew Nieves '03 is currently in his sophomore year at
Villanova and is majoring in Finance. He is active in
intramural sports and is also working on campus.
Caitlin O'Neill '03 is a sophomore at St. Mary's in Moraga
and is currently majoring in Communications.
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Class Updates
Lauren (Heri) Fawcett '00 married Aaron Fawcett of
Mission Viejo and they just had a baby boy. Gavin Markus
Fawcett was born on August 6, 2004. Once Gavin is a little
older, Lauren has plans to continue with cosmetology school.
Christina Fujii '00 graduated from the University of Notre
Dame with her degree in Industrial and Graphics Design.
She is currently taking classes at the Art Institute in Pasadena
and hopes to eventually move into package design. Christina
is also working in communications and customer relations in
the executive offices of The Montage.
Katie (Wagner) Heisel '00 went to Missouri for
college and received her BS in
Parks, Recreation, and
Tourism. After graduation she
married her best friend and
partner in craziness in May
2004. Katie and her husband,
Jason, spent the summer doing
an internship in Rocky
Mountain National Park as
back country rangers. They
took some time to travel and visit family and friends in
California before heading back to Missouri. After that - job
hunting in Missouri.
Brian Sabin '00 is currently living in Japan. Upon
graduating from the University of San Francisco with a
degree in Computer Science, Brian moved to Japan to be an
assistant English Teacher with Japan's JET program for a few
years. He is in the Kyushu (Southern Japan) in Ushibuka, a
small fishing village.
Lauren (DiCianni) Servino '00 graduated from the
University of San Diego with a BA in both Psychology and
Communication Studies. She worked part time in the public
relations department of a local biotech company while
planning her wedding to the love of her life, Kevin Servino.
They were married on October 16, 2004 in the Immaculata
Parish on USD campus.
Class of 2001
Jarrett Keegan ‘01 is currently a senior at Embry Riddle
Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. He is majoring
in Aerospace Studies and will graduate with minors in
Aviation Safety, Aviation Business Administration and
Defense Studies. He is scheduled for commission through
AFROTC as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air
Force in 2005 and is shooting to become a fighter pilot. He
is a founding father of the Sigma Chi fraternity on campus
and is heavily involved in securing a permanent charter for
the organization. Jarrett enjoys flying, working out, running,
skiing and participating as both a player and a referee in
intramural sports. Jarrett's most memorable experience thus
far in Prescott has been mentoring a 10-year-old in a
neighboring town as a Big Brother of Yavapai County.
Matthew Nieves '01 is in his final year at the University of
Notre Dame and is majoring in Finance and Government. He
spent his junior spring semester studying abroad in London.
While at Notre Dame he has participated in intramural sports,
the Business Club, campus ministry activities and has been a
Teacher's Assistant in the computer department since his
sophomore year.
Class of 2002
Jessica Armijo '02 was one of ten students from California
to be chosen to participate in the "Page Program" at the
Republican National Convention in New York City in August
2004. As part of this program Jessica distributed materials,
acted as support staff and helped to pump up the crowd. She
will be participating in two political internships in the coming
year, one at the White House and one with NASA. Jessica is
currently a junior attending American University in
Washington, DC.
Allison Case '02 is currently at UCI where she is studying
Drama and Musical Theatre. At UCI, she has been a dancer
in the opera “Dido and Aeneas” and also in the musical
“Hair.” She dances in the parades at Disneyland and was
offered a contract to perform in Tokyo at Tokyo Disneyland,
but declined to stay in school.
Cameron Hunnel '01 spent his first two years of
college at UC Santa Cruz and his junior year at UC
Riverside. He is completing his final year at UC Riverside
and is majoring in Business.
Around Campus news
Several Tournaments Slotted for
Competitive Debate Team
This fall the Eagle Competitive Forensic Team has
completed tournaments at Cal State University Long
Beach, Cal State University Fullerton and Cypress. In
December they will travel to San Diego for the Christmas
Classic. Both the CSU Long Beach and Christmas Classic
tournaments host high school debaters and competitive
speakers from the western states. Eagle team members
will have an opportunity to compete with debaters from
Washington, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico and Hawaii.
The novice team members are working on policy cases to
begin tournaments after the first of the year. Several
varsity members are working on individual entries in
Dramatic/Humorous Interpretation and
National/International Extemporaneous. This is a full
season for the 2004-2005 Debate Team. The second half
of the season begins in January 2005 at Cal State
Fullerton and team members are looking forward to a
February slot at UC Berkeley. On we go!
Two students preparing for their debate competition
Eagle Dance Team
The Eagle Dance Team is busy working toward their upcoming
competition season. The girls have a history of success,
including being named National Champions at the Walt Disney
World Competition three years in a row. This year the dancers
plan to reclaim that title as they travel to Orlando in early
March to compete in the Contest of Champions. In addition,
the Eagle Dancers will compete locally against teams from all
over California with a total of six competitions for the season.
In the past few years, the team has accumulated hundreds of
first place trophies and they look forward to adding more
trophies to the walls in the Eagle Dome.
During the season, the Eagle Dancers will compete with seven
different routines and six solos. These routines encompass
many styles of dance including jazz, ballet, hip-hop, modern
and lyrical. The Santa Margarita Dance Team works with
numerous professional choreographers. This year's
choreographers include Mike Esperanza, Sara Sanders, Danny
Batimana, and Karen Ayres. Each of these choreographers
offers a unique and different style that contributes to the
dancers' wide vocabulary of movement. The Dance Team is
blessed to have these talented individuals working with the
The first competition is January 29, 2005. If you are interested
in supporting the Eagle Dance Team, come out and cheer them
on. If you would like more information about their
competition schedule, please contact the Dance Office or check
the Dance Team web site:
Red Cross news
The 2004-2005 Eagle Dance Team
The second Blood Drive of the school year will take place
on Thursday, January 27, 2005 from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. in
the Moiso Pavilion (gym). Students who are at least 17
years of age, weigh 110 lbs. and are in good health can
donate blood. Parents, friends and neighbors are also
welcome and do not need an appointment. There is almost
always a critical shortage of blood in Southern California
and 20% of the blood supply comes from high school
students! Please help our community and save lives by
donating blood. More information can be obtained by
emailing Mrs. Keane, the Faculty Advisor, at
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Around Campus news
ASICS Competition
The Pep Squad is proud to be hosting the ASICS Cheer and Song Competition on
Saturday, January 22, 2005. This will be an exciting, all day affair for highly rated
teams from around the Southland. For information, contact Sue and Ted Johnson
at 949-858-0796 or Liz and Gerhard Jurinek at 949-443-2344.
9th Annual Baseball & Pep Squad
Golf Classic
The 2005 Baseball & Pep Squad Golf Classic will be
co-hosted on Monday, January 10, 2005. Scheduled
activities include a day of golf at Coto de Caza Golf and
Racquet Club, the post-tournament dinner, a no-host
cocktail reception, and silent and live auctions. Green
fees are $250 per person and include breakfast, lunch,
dinner, and other festivities. Those interested in
participating may call Lisa and Gerald Reed at
949-766-0525 or Stephanie and Steve Smith at
Winter Formal
Mark your calendars for Winter Formal! The dance
will be hosted by the Pep Squad. The Winter Formal
will be "An Evening in Paris." Great music is
promised for sophomores, juniors and seniors to
dance the night away on Saturday, February 26,
2005. For more information, contact Kristen and
Jeff Laakso at 949-830-6076.
SMCHS Crowned a Queen...
Monica Bennett was named 2004 Homecoming
Queen. Monica was escorted by her father, Marc
Bennett, at the Homecoming Game. Monica is
ranked in the top 4% of her class and is a member of
the National Honor Society. She was a member of
the Pep Squad for two years and she is a four year
participant of the Talon Theatre. She is also
President of the Drama Club, Lieutenant Governor of
Kiwins and a member of the Campus Ministry Club.
In addition, she is the Vice President of the Senior
Class. The 2004 Homecoming King was Julian
Monica at the
Homecoming Game on
October 8, 2004.
The 2004 Homecoming Court.
Adrienne Wright and Bridgette Hertel were Senior
Princesses while Tahnee McKelligan and Jessica
Russell were Junior and Sophomore Class
Princesses, respectively. Kurt Rommel and James
Sublette were Senior Princes.
Monica and her father, Marc Bennett.
Class Updates
He is currently working at The Orphanage, a visual effects
house located in San Francisco. He is an assistant technical
director and writes software tools and provides technical
assistance for artists. He has worked on feature films such
as “Hellboy,” “The Day After Tomorrow,” “Sky Captain,”
“The World of Tomorrow” and other movies and
Angelee (Persons) Willis '98 is living in Luton, England
with her husband, Keith. She completed an AA at Franklin
College in Lugano, Switzerland and also did two years at
George Washington University in Washington, DC.
Angelee is currently working as a dental nurse and will be
finishing her double degree in International Affairs and
World Religions while in England.
Class of 1999
Ashley (Toch) Maas '99. (See Dan Maas '98.)
Brandon Meeks '99 married Jennifer Dentt on
June 19, 2004. The garden
ceremony was held in San Diego
in front of approximately 250
friends and family members.
Fellow classmates Corey Collins
'99, Chris "Moose" Zavouris '99
and Andy Lurker '99 as well as
Brittany Meeks '03 were part of
the wedding party. Brandon and
Jenny met while attending U.C.
Santa Barbara. Brandon graduated
in June 2003 with a degree in Computer Science and is a
Systems Analyst for a mortgage lending company in San
Diego. Jenny graduated in 2002 and is a travel agent and
accounting assistant for Kahala Travel in San Diego. They
are living in La Jolla, just a short commute to work during
the week and near the beach where they can surf on the
Brian Papay '99 graduated from Santa Clara University in
2003 and is working for KMPG as part of their Contract
Compliance Group. He was recently jump promoted at his
one year review to Senior Associate. Brian is based out of
KPMG's Mountain View, CA office but travels throughout
the US for his job so he is able to visit with family and old
friends. Brian is currently living in the Mountain View
James P. Rankin '99 attended Cal State Hayward
pursuing his four year degree in Physical Education while
also attempting to play for the men's soccer team. He has
been working for Home Depot for the past year and enjoying
Megan (McMillan) Stube '99 graduated from UCLA's
School of Theatre Film and Television Class of 2003 with a
B.A. in Theater and an emphasis in Lighting Design. A few
months after graduating she married the love of her life, Jeff
Stube '92 on August 9, 2003. Her desire to work normal
hours and make a regular decent salary led her to her current
job as Office Manager for a General Contractor - Casco
Contractors, Inc. She still gets her theater & lighting fill by
designing the lighting for several of SM's Talon Theatre
Jonathan Toomey '99 graduated from California Institute of
Technology in spring of 2003 in Aerospace Engineering.
Currently, he is a graduate student at UCLA working in the
SOFIA Laboratory investigating the flight properties of
insects. He plans to finish at UCLA in the spring of 2008 with
his PhD in fluid dynamics. Jonathan says, "so basically, I am
still in school."
Class of 2000
Dani DiLoretta '00 graduated from USC in May 2004 with a
BS in General Studies and a California Preliminary
Credential. During her career at USC Dani was a member of
Alpha Chi Omega sorority and served as President,
Centennial Scholarship Recipient, USC Dean's List, and
member of Gamma Sigma Alpha Honor Society. Dani is
currently teaching second grade at Our Lady of Fatima in San
Clemente and enjoys her students tremendously! She will be
pursuing her Masters in Education in January 2005. Dani
sends a fond hello to the class of 2000!
Carly Draudt '00 continues to work
hard at rehabilitation after her critical
accident on a jet ski in October 2003
during her senior year in college in
South Carolina. To find out more
about Carly's progress and to leave
her a personal message and obtain
donation information visit her
website at
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Class Updates
Karly (Farris) Foster '98
married Mark Foster '93
on July 5, 2003. They have a
beautiful daughter, Molly
Margaret, who was born on
August 3, 2004.
Conor Friedersdorf '98 is a Pomona College
graduate with a degree in Journalism. He is currently
preparing to move to Prague until beginning grad school.
Kyndell Gaglio '98 just returned
back to the states after working for a
French firm specializing in event
planning. While abroad, Tiffany
Brown '98 came to visit her in Paris.
Kyndell recently purchased a LSAT
prep book, but she says she has “yet
to crack it open...”
Lieutenant Derek Heath '98 graduated from the Air Force
Academy and recently received his "wings" at Vance Air
Force Base in Oklahoma where he graduated at the top of his
class from the rigorous pilot
training program. For the past
year he has been training on the
T-37 fighter jet and Beech Jet T-1
aircraft. After his completion of
training, he was given the choice
to fly either fighter jets or the
larger transport planes, and he
chose the Boeing C-17
Globemaster III, as it is the
newest and most sophisticated
transport jet in the Air Force. He will be spending a few
months in Altus, Oklahoma which is the training base for the
C-17. After he has completed that training, he will go to
McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey. He will be flying all
over the world and his commitment to the Air Force is for
another 10 years.
Lisa Kahle '98 graduated from Boston College and is
currently living in San Diego while finishing her final year of
law school at USD.
Gwynne Langley '98 received her MA in History and
Museum Studies from Tufts. She then got a job working as a
researcher at a digital library called the Perseus Project,
which is also run through Tufts. Gwynne also does volunteer
working with homeless kids and is involved in a
neighborhood social group. She loves living in the Boston
area and if any other alumni are there, she would like to be in
touch with them!
Dan Maas '98 and Ashley (Toch) Maas
'99 were married on March 13, 2004.
Dan graduated from USC in 2002.
Ashley also graduated from USC from
the Marshall School of Business in 2003.
Sally Nall '98 is doing well! She is attending graduate
school at Columbia University in New York City and
loving it.
Brian O'Neill '98 graduated from Princeton University in
2002 and is attending his final year of Law School at the
University of Michigan. He became engaged to his girlfriend
of four years, Kathy, in June 2004 with a
summer of 2005 wedding planned.
Tiffany Pizzi '98 is a graduate of San Diego State and is
working for Sea World and the United Spirit Association.
Courtenay (Lauer) Taylor 98' (See photo on page 31.)
Randy Vanderplow '98 graduated from the University of
Washington in December 2003 with a degree in Business
Management and a minor in Communication. After playing
four years of college baseball he played two years of
professional baseball in the Independent League playing for
the Springfield-Ozark Ducks in Missouri and was named to
the Frontier League All-Star team. Randy is now playing
professional baseball with the New York Yankees
organization. In the very short off season, he continues training and works for the family business -V&M Restoration.
Brent Villalobos '98 graduated from Stanford University
with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Drama.
After having spent some time in Boise, ID working as a
software developer for Hewlett-Packard, Brent decided to
move back to California to pursue a career in visual effects.
Around Campus news
SMCHS Regiment Marching Band and Color Guard
Enjoy a Record Season
The Santa Margarita Catholic High School Eagle Regiment Marching Band and Color
Guard enjoy a record season with three Grand Champion Sweepstakes Awards in three
consecutive weekends.
On Saturday, October 23, 2004 Irvine High School hosted its annual field show
tournament in the Irvine High School Stadium. The SMCHS Eagle Regiment Marching
Band and Color Guard won the Grand Sweepstakes Award besting 13 other schools from
all over Southern California, including some very large bands from the Anaheim area.
Besides taking home the Grand Champion Sweepstakes Award, the Eagle Regiment also
won the following awards: Most Outstanding Woodwind Section, High General Effect,
High Visual, Sweepstakes Percussion and 1st place Color Guard.
On Saturday, October 30, 2004 the SMCHS Eagle Regiment Marching Band and Color
Guard won another Grand Sweepstakes at the Loara HS Field Show Contest. They
bested 12 other schools in the 3A Division and took home five Sweepstakes trophies.
And once again, on Saturday, November 6, 2004, the SMCHS Eagle Regiment Marching
Band and Color Guard won the Grand Sweepstakes (for the 4th year in a row) at the Chino
HS Invitational Field Show Contest. The Eagle Regiment competed in the 3A division, but
they out scored many of the 4A and 5A bands at the tournament. At this tournament, the
students had the privilege to watch both the Fresno State Marching Band and the amazing
UCLA Marching Bruins!
Band Director, Mr. David Weinberg exclaimed, “We are the talk of town!” Congratulations
to Mr. David Weinberg, his staff, students and parents for an incredible achievement.
Boys Track & Field News
Attention Parents of Boys Track & Field
The pre-season Parent Information Meeting will be held
on Tuesday evening, January 25, 2005 in the Science
Lecture Hall. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. and will go
until the last question has been answered which is usually
around 8:30 p.m. All parents, whether you are new to the
program or a veteran, are encouraged to attend. This is
your opportunity to meet the coaches, get your questions
answered and find out about the program. Please come
prepared with your calendar/schedule so you can get
involved with your son's team by volunteering.
GirlsTrack & Field News
Any girls who were unable to attend the December 1, 2004
meeting for the Girls Track & Field Team need to pick up an
information packet from Coach Ferry. Girls currently
involved in a winter sport also need to pick up a packet.
Coach Ferry can be found on the third floor of the G-building
in rooms G301 or G302 during periods 1, 2, 6, and 7.
There will be a parent meeting on Wednesday, January 12,
2005 at 6:45 p.m. in the Science Lecture Hall. This will be
the only parent meeting of the year. It is recommended that
new families including those whose daughters are currently
involved in a winter sport attend this meeting.
All of the paperwork (including physicals and blue cards) and
the track fees are due Friday, January 14, 2005. Packets and
fees can be turned in to Coach Ferry or the Athletic Office.
Girls who have not turned in their paperwork and fees or
spoken to Coach Ferry by January 14, 2005 will not be able to
join the team.
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Counseling/Academic news
A Reminder fr om the
Counseling Of fice
School Maestr o
You should have received a letter in October
Did you know that School Maestro is the official
informing you of the change in the Counseling
grading program for SMCHS? The official grade is
Office "alpha" breakdown. Listed below is
recorded by teachers and kept in School Maestro. Quarter
another reminder in case your student's
grades and semester grades can be viewed by students and
counselor changed:
parents by using "In Touch" which can be accessed
Julie McClure - A-D
Kris Jondle - E-Ll
Mary Falk - Lm-Rh
Cathie Calderon - Ri-Z
through the school website Should you
have any questions about a grade, please contact the
individual teacher.
Congratulations to the following students from the
Class of 2005 for their recent selection into National Merit Scholarship Corporation:
Hollie Boivin
Paul Brutoco
Alex Choperena
Carl Di Marzio
Mike Naddor
Steven Shaffer
Scott Stromberg
Thomas Weiler
Adrienne Wright
Dance Department News...
The SMCHS Dance program is gearing up for another exciting year, with over 130
dancers currently enrolled in the program. The IB Dance Program continues on with
amazing growth. As of June 2004, 34 SMCHS dancers have successfully completed the
IB Dance curriculum, earning either a Certificate or Full Diploma as a result of their
participation and hard work. Sixteen dancers are currently preparing for the spring
exams conducted by a visiting examiner who will evaluate the composition and
performance components of the course work. Santa Margarita continues to be at the
forefront in the development of this prestigious program.
The annual Spring Dance Concert will again be the big event of the year for all dancers. This year's dates are April 28-30,
2005. Call Ms. Wooley at 949-766-6000 x 4101 for more information and ticket availability. As always, this will be a sold
out event.
Class Updates
Nora Mautner '97 is currently living on Capitol Hill in
Washington, DC and enjoyed working on the
victorious Bush-Cheney '04 campaign.
Damien Minna '97 suffered a
tragic accident this summer
while vacationing on a
houseboat with his family at
Lake Mead. Damien is
paralyzed from the neck down
but has an incredible attitude and
is fighting hard each day to
become stronger. He is currently
in a hospital in Colorado that
specializes in spinal injuries. You can follow Damien's
progress and also leave a message at his website where there is also detailed
information about fundraising events and making
Kelley O'Halloran '97 is
currently living in Encinitas, CA.
She obtained a degree in Interior
Architecture and Design at the
Interior Designers Institute in
Newport Beach. She is currently
one of the lead designers at
Design Line Interiors in San
Diego, which is one of the top
model home design firms in the
country. She has enjoyed being in
two weddings of fellow Eagle
alums, Megan (Strader) Meihaus '97 as the Maid of
Honor, and Matt Martin '97 as a reader. She and her
boyfriend, Paul Stratton, recently vacationed in Hawaii.
Matt Shipstead '97 is a First Lieutenant in the Air Force
as a C-130E pilot and is
stationed at Ramstein Air
Base in Germany. The
C-130E flies tactical airlift
and airdrops throughout
Europe, Africa, and the
Middle East which means,
"the big planes take the
cargo to the bases and then
moves it forward and either
drops the cargo or lands the C130-E where other aircraft
can't go." Matt has flown combat missions in Bosnia,
Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa. Matt left Iraq and
returned back to Germany in August and then had some time
off and visited Berlin for a few days. Matt can't believe how
green everything is back in Germany which is so weird after
seeing nothing but sand for so long. He will most likely be
back in the Middle East for Thanksgiving, Christmas and
New Year's.
Noah Toomey '97 graduated from USC's School of
Architecture in 2002 (Fight On!) and is working at a great
architecture firm, LPA, in Irvine. You can check out some of
their work on the website Noah has been
busy studying for the ARE (Architectural Registration
Exams), but in the meantime recently became a LEED
(Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Accredited
Professional. His after hours activities include leading the
high school youth group, HAVEN, at Corpus Christi Parish
in Aliso Viejo, starting a Christian rock band, going to
concerts, designing a new home for his parents, going to the
beach, working on his condo and going out with friends.
Class of 1998
Tiffany Brown '98 just moved to San Francisco to
pursue a graduate degree in Psychology at Golden Gate
Danielle Deblieux '98 graduated from USD and is working
for Disney in the Human Resources Department and will be
doing business for them in Hong Kong later this year.
Marissa (Finn) Evans '98 was married on January 17, 2004
to Zachary Evans of Spokane, WA.
Marissa and Zach were married at
the Immaculata Catholic Church at
her alma mater, the University of
San Diego. The couple is now
residing in Hanford, CA where they
purchased their first home. Marissa
is currently working as a manager of
housing rentals for Housing and
Urban Development. Zach is a
Lieutenant in the US Navy and is
currently an instructor pilot for the FA-18 Hornet in
Lemoore, CA. Former SMCHS classmates in attendance at
the wedding included Stacy Blankenship '98, Jeff Goold
'98, Michelle Kallen '98, Kia (Davis) Wronka '98,
Brannan Hersh '98, Landon Klug '98, Michelle Stewart
'98, Mike Doyle '98, Cody Shedd '98, Conor Friedersdorf
'98, and Alison Gilchrist '98.
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Class Updates
Jolene (Shurlock) Vartanian '96 and Marco Vartanian '96
were married on August 14, 2004 at St. Nicholas Catholic
Church in Laguna Woods. Both having graduated from USC
in 2000, the highlight
of the reception was
a performance by the
Trojan Marching
Band and the USC
Song Leaders. A
number of the guests
and members of the
wedding party were
SMCHS grads including best man Brian Meihaus '96,
groomsmen Greg Storm '96 and Brad Byszewski '96 and
bridesmaid Talia Serra '96. Marco and Jolene
honeymooned in Bora Bora and now live in Mission Viejo.
Class of 1997
Elizabeth Barry ‘97 is currently
in Los Angeles completing her
last semester of rotations at
Children’s Hospital. Elizabeth
attends the University of Chicago
Medical School where she met
her fiance. Both Kirk and
Elizabeth are looking forward to
March when they will learn their
residency assignments. They are
also looking forward to a May 2005 wedding.
Lauren (Owens) Bordages '97 has recently returned to her
alma mater, SMCHS, to work in the Office of Development,
Alumni and Public Relations. Since July 2004 she holds the
position of Community Relations Coordinator. One of her
responsibilities is designing and producing Wings. Lauren
and Drew Bordages '97 moved back to the area from San
Diego in May 2004 and are currently living in Ladera Ranch
with their new puppy, Thatcher.
Ami (Aylor) Brown '97 was married to Curtis Brown in
February 2000 and lived in Buffalo, NY for four and half
years. They recently moved to Chicago and just bought a
house in Lakeview. They have two children Gage Dean and
Garrett Boyd who are 22 months and five months.
Washington, DC and work in politics. Erin is currently
working for a Republican Congressman from New Jersey and
loving every second of it! She loves the east coast and doesn't
think she will ever leave. Erin has been with her boyfriend
David Burns, (a TEXAN) for almost two years and has never
been happier!
Jill Cooper '97 graduated from USC in 2001 and is now
living in West LA. She is working at Guess?, Inc. in
Advertising as the International Media Planner and Marketing
Coordinator which means she works with all international
licensees and distributors (currently 39 countries) to plan their
print and outdoor advertising and some special events. Jill
says that her job is fun and it has been a great learning
Sara Heri '97 attended University of South Carolina where
she studied Sport and Entertainment Management and was
captain of the Gamecocks Women's Volleyball Team. She
received her degree in Sport and Entertainment Management
in 2001. After graduation, Sara completed a year long
internship with the Anaheim Angels and the Mighty Ducks of
Anaheim. At the end of the internship she was hired by the
Mighty Ducks of Anaheim and is currently the Marketing
Representative for the team. An interesting note for alumni is
that there are currently four SMCHS graduates working for
the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim. They are Alex Gilchrist '93,
Director of Communications, Matt Savant '95, Marketing
Manager, Dennis Keane '96, Premium Ticket Representative
and Sara!
Jacqueline (Wescombe) Hoppe '97 attended USC where she
majored in Broadcast Journalism. She was a member of the
Pi Beta Phi sorority with fellow SMCHS alumnae: Ami
(Aylor) Brown '97, Jill Cooper '97, Nicole McKeehan '97
and Brooke Smith '97. Jacqueline met Blair Hoppe her
freshman year at USC and they were married in July of 2003.
Matt Martin '97 graduated from Purdue University in 2002
with a BS in Biology and minor
in Management. Matt is
currently a third year medical
student at Georgetown
University School of Medicine,
Class of 2006. He married
Jaclynn in July of 2003 and they
currently reside in the
Washington, DC area.
Erin Connolly '97 graduated from Boston College in 2001
and moved to Chicago and worked at News America
Marketing for a year and a half. She loved Chicago and met
the most amazing people but had an itch to move to
Academic news
All 9th and 10th Grade
Students & Parents
SMCHS is proud to announce that it will be offering its 8th Annual
For additional information contact the
SMCHS IB Office at 949-766-6034
Wednesday, January 5, 2005
7:30 p.m. in the Eagle Dome
SIGN-UPS FOR EXTENDED TIME FINALS: December 13-17, 2004 and January 3-7, 2005 in the ASP Trailer
Students cannot assume they will receive accommodations just because they received it in the past. Students must sign-up prior to the
deadline; documentation must have been previously reviewed and approved by ASP, testing should be three years current and on file in
the ASP office to take exams with extended time.
EXTENDED TIME/SPECIAL FORMATS AP TESTING: Deadline for SSD Eligibility Form to ASP - February 9, 2005
Students who qualify for special accommodations and are in AP courses may take their AP exams with extended time and other
available special formats. You must indicate this on your SSD Student Eligibility Form to be qualified by the College Board. Forms are
available in ASP. Please see ASP or your counselor for more details.
For first time eligibility applicants, please remember to submit all completed forms and payment to Mary Manese or Michelle Stout in
the ASP Trailer. If you have been previously approved by SAT and you have your SSD code, you may apply directly to SAT with your
code number or code letter either by mail, phone or online. SAT and College Board have made significant refinements to the student
eligibility requirements to receive special accommodations on the SAT and AP examinations. For more detailed information, please
contact ASP, your counselor, refer to the July/August SMCHS Wings Newsletter or visit the College Board website at Extended time SAT and ACT test dates and registration deadlines are subject to change. For more
information, please contact Mary Manese at 949-766-6085, or visit the college board website at and ACT
website (ACT Special Testing applications are available online) at
Your student may choose to take both an SAT and the ACT test within one period, however, he/she may take only one of the available
SAT tests (standard, non-standard/Extended time, or the SAT IIs/Achievements), within one period. We suggest that the student discuss
with his/her counselor which test should be taken. It is not recommended that students take any of these tests prior to the spring of their
junior year.
Fees due to SAT and ACT will be stated on the test applications. The additional fee for special testing services at SMCHS is $40.00 per
test (ASP students are exempt from this fee) payable to SMCHS and is due when you submit application forms.
Call 949-766-6085, email or visit the ASP website at
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Academic/Campus Ministry news
SMCHS Earns Catholic Honor Roll Award
The Catholic High School Honor Roll named Santa Margarita Catholic High School as one of the 50 best
secondary Catholic schools in America.
The first annual honor roll recognizes the nation's top 50 high schools based on their demonstrated commitment to
academic excellence, Catholic identity and civic education.
One other California school made the list; Notre Dame High School in Los Angeles. The primary goal of the
honor roll is to encourage schools to educate their students as effectively as possible, in a way that integrates
Catholic faith and prepares students for the world.
In addition to the top 50 list, the honor roll also published the top 20 finalists in three categories that are important
to overall excellence: academics, Catholic identity and civic education. SMCHS was within the top 20 finalists in
the Civic Education category. The honor roll is an independent project of the Acton Institute for the Study of
Religion & Liberty, an international research and educational organization based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
The honor roll was produced in consultation with a national advisory board
comprised of Catholic college presidents and noted Catholic scholars.
Congratulations to all Students, Faculty, Staff and Administrators for achieving such a
prestigious award!
Campus Ministry News...upcoming retreats
Seniors, if you have not already signed up for Kairos,
Kairos 59
please consider doing so. You will not want to miss out
on the amazing retreat! The dates for upcoming Kairos
are February 1-4, 2005 and March 8-11, 2005.
Kairos 61
Kairos 60
Juniors, mark your calendars for the Junior Class
Retreat on April 12-14, 2005.
Sophomores, mark your calendars for the Sophomore
Class Retreat on February 24-25, 2005.
Kairos 61
Class Updates
They just gathered in San Francisco/Napa Valley for a
mini-reunion. The alums in the photos are: Jenni Nall '96,
Erin Lavin '96 & Kris Vallas '96 and the Eagles who
went to Napa include from top: Erin Lavin '96, Grant
Brown '98, Kris Vallas '96, Allen Krist '96, Sean
Redfern '96, Eric Brown '96, Jenni Nall '96, Russ
Schwartz '96, Kevin McNeil '96, Matt Nickels '96, Josh
Farra '96, Dennis Keane '96 & Matt Pholson '96.
Sarah Maureen (Walker) Ollenburger '96 graduated
from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in June 2000 with a degree
in Psychology. She was married on October 27, 2001 to
Loren Ollenburger. The couple lives in Ladera Ranch and
is expecting their first child, Jackson Walker Ollenburger
on December 1, 2004. Sarah is currently the Savvy
Manager at Nordstrom, South Coast Plaza and Loren is an
Account Associate at PIMCO in Newport Beach.
Mary Kathleen (Sabin) Person '96 received her Masters
in Educational Administration at St. Mary's Moraga in May
2004. Mary is now an Admissions Counselor at Boston
University while her husband, Kerry, is getting an MBA
and MEng at MIT Sloan. The couple is currently living in
Matt Pohlson '96 recently had a part in the hit show
Everwood. He had several scenes where he was playing
one of the local townspeople.
Cynthia (Close) Pool '96 graduated magna cum laude
from the College of Santa Fe, NM
in 2000 with a degree in Studio
Art and a minor in Psychology.
After working for the Art Institute
in LA, Cynthia returned to
Concordia University and earned
her teaching credential in spring
2002 and will be earning her
Masters in Education. This fall
she began teaching art in the
Rialto Unified School District at Kolbe Middle School.
Cynthia married Matthew Pool of Foothill Ranch in July
2003 and Liz Clogg '96 was her maid of honor. Cynthia and
Matthew are very happy living in Redlands with Spencer,
their recently acquired Chihuahua mix dog, and love the
small town feel of the community.
Tracy (Mc Croskey) Stiegler '96 and Justin Stiegler '96 are
doing well living in San Gabriel! Justin is the Sales Manager
for the Los Angeles Regional Office
for Pacific Life and Tracy is the
Marketing Executive for her new
in-home business of helping
families remove the toxic products in
their households and improving
families overall wellness.
( Their daughter, Katelyn,
was 18 months in November and
she's walking and talking up a storm.
Robert Taylor 96' and Courtenay (Lauer) Taylor 98' wed,
or should we say eloped, on June 17, 2004. The nuptials took
place in Valdosta, GA, home of the Moody Air Force Base.
The two met randomly on
Memorial Day weekend in 2003
at a beach party in San Diego.
After some small talk, the two
discovered one of the fun things
they had in common was
SMCHS. The rest is history.
Currently, the couple resides in
Georgia. Rob is serving as a
Captain in the US Air Force and
is eagerly pursuing a career in combat rescue. Courtenay is
in school, yet again, marching towards a second degree in
nursing. The couple plans to move to Anchorage, Alaska
within the next 12 months.
Jennifer Turner '96 attended the University of Notre Dame
and graduated in 2000 with a Bachelors Degree in Pre-med
and Anthropology. She then went on to Georgetown
University in Washington, DC for Medical School and
graduated this past May. She is now doing her medical
internship in Pediatrics and Internal Medicine at Brown
University in Providence, RI and is absolutely loving her
work and living in New England.
Jason Varvas '96 is active duty Navy working at the
National Security Agency and currently living in Maryland.
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Class Updates
Tiffany (Blackburn) King '95 graduated from USC with a
degree in Accounting. Tiffany will be the SMCHS Ten Year
Reunion Committee Chair for the Class of 1995 and hopes
to see all of her fellow classmates at the Reunion on
July 23, 2005. Tiffany and her husband Stephen currently
live in Irvine.
Lisa Waggoner '95 graduated as Valedictorian in 2000
with a BFA in Animation from the Art Institute of Southern
California. She was hired by Twentieth Century FOX
network as a color artist for the animated Television show
“The Simpson's.” She is currently in her fourth season with
the show and has won an Emmy Award for her work. You
can see her name in the credits every Sunday night at 8
p.m. on FOX. Lisa has also worked on many other
upcoming animated features. She currently lives in Los
Angeles with her two cats Maximus and Cesar, and she
looks forward to her ten year reunion to see all her friends.
Brooke Martin '95 graduated from USC with a degree in
History. She was on the Trojan swim team (NCAA
Division I Champs!) and retired her senior year after two
shoulder surgeries. Brooke spent her last semester abroad
in Australia and then moved to San Diego where she has
been teaching special education for four years. She
recently completed her Masters Degree in Special
Education and has plans to either attend law school or
teach abroad, possibly in New Zealand or Australia.
Oakley (Phromyothi) Boren '95 attended USC ("Fight
on" Trojans) and graduated a semester early with a BA in
Communications and a minor in Cinema & Television.
Oakley considers herself a SciFi junkie and a tech geek.
She worked for the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) and
then returned to USC for her MA in Communication
Management. In January 2002, Oakley married Brandon
Boren, a coworker from HSX, and moved to Long Beach.
Nowadays, she "slaves" for a political PR firm in Long
Beach and runs a part-time IT business with her husband.
Mary Beth Salomone '95 graduated from American
University in Washington, DC in 1999 and remained in
Washington to work for three years. She moved to New
York in the fall of 2002 to seek fame and fortune…or to
put her policy and advocacy experience to work and join
the staff of a small nonprofit organization working on early
childhood education issues. What it lacks in fame and
fortune it makes up for in other ways and New York is a
daily adventure. Mary Beth is currently living in Brooklyn.
Class of 1996
Brian Patrick Berg '96 married Roxanne Lee Ringold at a
wonderful ceremony on the North Shore of O'ahu, Hawai'i at
the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel and
Resort. They attended the Pro-Bowl
two days later and then honeymooned
on the island of Lana'i at the Manele
Bay Hotel. Roxanne and Brian
welcomed their lovely daughter,
Cassidy Kellee Berg, into the world
on July 12, 2004 born in the Mission
Viejo Medical Center. She was 8 lbs 4
oz and 21 inches long and is absolutely beautiful. Brian has
been an insurance agent for the past four years. He has also
been playing Arena Football for the past three years and
might be facing retirement due to injury and his growing
family. The couple is living in Ladera Ranch where they
bought a townhouse last year.
Jessica (Nahas) Foley '96 earned a Bachelors Degree in
Psychology from Harvard University in 2002. She is enrolled
in a dual doctorate program at Nova Southeastern University
in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, working towards a PhD and
PsyD in Clinical Neuro-psychology. Jessica and her husband
John dance as partners in a swing/lindy hop performance
troupe in the Miami area called "Explore the Floor."
Brian Meihaus '96 and Megan (Strader) Meihaus '97 are
excited to be new homeowners! They recently moved into
their first home in Quail Hill in Irvine on their one year
wedding anniversary. Brian and Megan are having fun
reconnecting with many other SM alums!
Jennifer Nall '96 currently lives in Chicago and has been
since graduating from Saint Mary's
College. Recently, she bought a
condo and now works at an
investment firm in The Loop. All of
her SMCHS friends still keep in
touch. (continued on page 31)
Christian Service news
Make A Wish Foundation Thanks
Eagles for CHOC at CHOC Walk 2004
Wish Grantors Laurie VanderMey and Allie Pashley of the Make A Wish
Foundation would like to thank the members of SMCHS football team,
Eagle Regiment and Pep Squad for their participation in Sean O'Donoghue's
Wish Party on Sunday, October 3, 2004. SMCHS sibling, Sean
O’Donoghue, was granted a wish after undergoing a heart transplant. The
following students provided entertainment at Sean’s football themed party.
Football players:
Eagle Regiment:
Pep Squad:
Sean Aldridge
Mason Frakes
Colby Rodgers
Mike Rusert
Bryan Redsun
Matt Steinbach
Kevin De Wert
Omar Villamar
Russell Hoeflich
Jason Payne
Corey Plamondon
Kiersten Cogswell
Andrew King
Charlie Vogelheim
Kirstin Thorn
Rebecca Lowe
Rebecca Nichols
Nikki Moss
Richard Shaw
Matt Taylor
Taylor Bradford
Dayne Plamondon
Mike Wright
Kirsten Parpana
Collin Nelson
Elisa Arthur
Briana Wolfsmith
Jessica De Filippo
Brittany Campbell
Nicole Jurinek
Jessica Newman
Danielle Johnson
Christina Baca
Noelle Bellow
Sara Van de Velde
Sean was granted his wish to fly to Green Bay, Wisconsin to meet his hero,
Packers’ Quarterback, Brett Favre. Sean and his family were treated as VIP
guests during their visit and at the Green Bay Packers’ game.
Make A Wish Foundation would also like to give a big thank you to the
following parents and SMCHS staff who helped make this party a success:
Andrea Aldridge, Lauren Bordages, Tom David, Karen De Filippo, Megan
Meihaus, Gail Nichols, Melanie Peterson, and Mr. Dave Weinberg. We
couldn't have done it without you!
Eagles For
CHOC Disneyland Community Walk
Our team of almost 150 walkers raised over $10,000!
Thanks to our families and generous sponsors for
helping the kids at CHOC!
Toy Drive:
Eagles For CHOC, along with the Red Cross Club
will be organizing a school-wide drive to collect
Christmas toys for hospitalized kids and needy
families. Toys will be collected at school beginning
December 1-14, 2004. Please send an unwrapped toy
to school and help these families who are going
through a difficult time.
Next Club Meeting:
Wednesday, December 1, 2004, 8:30 a.m. in the
Development Office. Bring your Christmas toy for
the Toy Drive.
Hospital Volunteering:
New training classes will be held in February 2005 for
members interested in working in a hospital
environment. All volunteers are required to work at
least one four-hour shift each month.
Football players, Eagle Regiment and
the Pep Squad with Sean.
Check out the club’s new website for the calendar and
latest information: Go to Choose
Campus Life, Christian Service, Opportunities, and
December 2004, January - February, 2005
General news
Business Office News
Westway Uniform Company
The Business Office would like to wish all of our families a
blessed Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year! It's
hard to believe that we are nearly half way through the school
year! At this time we would like to thank all of you who are
making your tuition payments in a timely manner. Those of
you who may have encountered some difficulty in making
your tuition payments when they are due are asked to please
contact the business office so that a payment plan can be
worked out.
The Westway Uniform Company store will be closed
during the December holidays from December 16, 2004 January 3, 2005. The store will reopen January 4, 2005.
During this period (and any other time) orders can be taken
by phone, fax, e-mail or by website and will be shipped or
delivered to you promptly. The Westway Uniform
Company website will be available for processing
orders on December 1, 2004.
Please be reminded that your monthly payments are due on
the first of every month and are considered late after 4 p.m.
on the 10th of the month. Monthly tuition began July 1, 2004
and will conclude on April 1, 2005. If you are on the
semi-annual payment plan, your second half yearly payment
is due on January 1, 2005 and will be considered late after 4
p.m. on the 10th of January. There is a $10.00 late fee that
will automatically be charged to your tuition account if your
payment is not received in the Business Office by 4 p.m. on
the 10th of the month. There are no exceptions. Also, it is
very important that you tear off the top portion of your
statement to return to the Business Office with your payment.
Thank you for your cooperation!
FAX: 949-388-3669
Store Phone (for inquiries during hours): 949-716-5330
Home Office (for inquiries after hours): 949-496-3968
Store Hours: Tuesday & Thursday from 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
and Saturday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Closed Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Holidays
The store is located on the corner of Bake & Rockfield
at 15540 Rockfield Blvd., Suite A-2, Irvine, CA 92618.
Attention Parents
A number of websites have recently developed that allow young people to post
information and pictures about themselves. An example of such a website is The information on this website often includes personal
information such as a picture, the school the student attends, where he/she lives,
names of their friends and email or instant message contacts.
Please take a few minutes to talk to your son or daughter about the potential
dangers in posting personal information on the web. In this day and age, we all
need to protect our identity:
Never share a photo online.
Never post your own personal information online.
Never allow friends to put private information or photos of you on a website.
Never agree to meet someone who contacted you from a website.
Remind your child that the internet is open to everyone. There is no way to be sure the person
accessing the information isn't a child molester, burglar or kidnapper.
Class Updates
Class of 1994
Kate (Elftman) Rader '94 is
currently living in Quail Hill in
Irvine with her husband, Jeff
Rader. They moved back to
California last July after living
in Chicago, Seattle and Dallas.
They both work for the family
business, Noelle Corporate
Communications, and are
enjoying being back in Orange
County. Kate is a member of
Junior League and recently
chaired a fundraiser event for the Pacific Symphony
Orchestra. They are pictured here with their dog, Holly.
Patrick Strader '94 married Dana Brady on May 15, 2004.
The wedding took place at the Santa Clara Mission Church on
the campus of Santa Clara
University, where they met during
Law School. The reception was at
Capital Club Athletics in San Jose.
Brian Meihaus '96 and Aaron
Maldonado '94 were groomsmen
and Megan (Strader) Meihaus
'97 was a bridesmaid. Eric
Krumplitsch '94 was an usher
and Kelley Moohr '94 and Julia
(Cronin) Holt '94 did readings.
Also in attendance were Mike
Jones '94, Wes Holmes '94, Scott Lanni '93, Meghan
(Meihaus) Van Aarde '93, Britt (Farwick) Strottman '93,
Renee McKay '95 and Caroline (Kelley) Gray '95. They
honeymooned in Maui. Patrick and Dana now live in Irvine
where Patrick formed the Law Offices of Patrick B. Strader
dealing in all aspects of business law from start-up to the legal
issues of an operating entity. He is also the Vice President of
Starpointe Ventures, a real estate development and consulting
Class of 1995
Theresa (DeHerder) Langhaar '95 graduated from Loyola
Marymount University in 1999 with a degree in Theatre and
continued to study theatre in London and Los Angeles. After
working as a TV producer for five years in LA, she decided
she had enough and headed to the Midwest. She currently
lives with her husband, Victor, and dog, Ringo, in a town
outside of Chicago.
Kristopher Kelly '95 graduated from NYU with a BFA in
Musical Theatre. Kristopher made his TV debut in 2004,
appearing on the Soap Opera, “Guiding Light.” He is a
member of Actors Equity Association and has appeared both
off-Broadway and he says, "so far off Broadway it's not
worth mentioning." While Kristopher has never studied the
art of photography, his deep interest made him decide, just
over a year ago, to set up a small studio and begin
photographing people.
Fritz Maskrey '95 married Keleigh Michelle Lilian
Peterson on December 13, 2003 and the couple lives in
Huntington Beach. Fritz is the Director of Corporate
Partnerships and Sales at California Speedway in Fontana
and Keleigh is an RN at Seacliff Healthcare in Huntington
Meghan (McNulty) Bottomley '95 was married on May 1,
2004 to her husband, Brandon, just outside of Washington,
DC on Kent Island, MD. The couple met at the University
of Arkansas in 1998. Megan is currently working as an
Employee Relations Specialist for a Government Contractor
in Washington, DC.
Danielle (Burd) Bennett '95 was
married on August 7, 2004 to
Timothy Bennett at St. Edward
Catholic Church in Dana Point. Her
bridesmaids were SMCHS
classmates Alicia Forster '95,
Katie Flynn '95, and Lisa Anstead
'95 with Mike Braun '95 serving
as one of the groomsmen. Many
other SMCHS alumni attended the
wedding including Scott Cody '95,
Jay Soto '95, Brandon Blackinton
'95, Kenny Stevenson '95, Kevin
Stevenson '95, Katie Kearins '95,
Tim Padayachee '95, Erich Pryor
'95, Sean Stevenson '91 and
Jamee York '93. Danielle
graduated from Law School in
2002 and is currently an attorney
working in New York.
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Class Updates
Class of 1991
Heather Lynn (Petrash) Stockton '91 and her
husband Joe, who have been
married seven years this past
October, have two beautiful
children; Evan born 10/31/01
and Katie born 4/2/04. She
works part time as a front desk
clerk at the Aspen Hotel in
Soldotna, Alaska. They have an
exciting life of fishing, hunting,
hiking and enjoying the outdoors while living in Alaska.
Class of 1992
Jennifer (Morrell) Crowell '92 regrettably missed both her
five year and 10 year SM reunions. She married Michael
Crowell on March 29, 2003 in Hawaii and they had a home
in Irvine until recently when they moved to Portland,
Oregon due to a job transfer. Jennifer had been working in
the apparel industry since 1995 at St. John Knits in Irvine
and Paul Frank Industries in Costa Mesa until the move
when she made a career change. She now works at a small
wealth management firm in downtown Portland. Jennifer
and Michael have no children yet, but hope to in the future.
She would love to know if there are any SM alumni living
in the Portland area.
Suzanne (Clegern) Siler '92 is a practicing
Speech-Language Pathologist in Silicon Valley. She is
currently working with children who are deaf or hard of
hearing. She received her MA from San Jose State
University in 2003, and her BA in Linguistics from UC
Irvine in 1996. She is still very active in dance and is part of
a local touring group. She married her boyfriend of seven
years, Matthew Siler, in 2000 at the Mission San Juan
Capistrano. Suzanne's brother Michael Clegern '97 was one
of the groomsmen.
Wes Sankey '92 graduated in December 1997 from
Northern Arizona University with a degree in
Communications with an emphasis in Broadcast Production
and a minor in Technical Theater. Currently living and
working in Colorado, he interned in the video department
for the World Champion Denver Broncos during their first
championship. Wes works as an operations technician for
the ABC affiliate in Denver, Colorado, KMGH-TV.
has his Bachelors Degree in Drama and his emphasis was in
Scenic Design and Construction. He graduated in the spring of
1996 and is currently the Director of Theatre Arts for Santa
Margarita Catholic High School. He is going into his 8th year
of full time teaching and will also be continuing work on his
California Teaching Credential. On August 9, 2003 he married
Megan (McMillan) Stube '99 and they are living in Rancho
Santa Margarita.
Class of 1993
Mark Foster '93 married Karly (Farris) Foster '98 on July
5, 2003. They have a beautiful daughter, Molly Margaret,
who was born on August 3, 2004. (See photo on page 34.)
Alex Gilchrist '93 graduated from Loyola Marymount
University in 1997 with a degree in Marketing. He worked
with the Anaheim Angels & Mighty Ducks starting in 1996
and was named PR Manager for the Ducks in May of 2000.
This past summer he became the Director of Communications
for the Ducks.
Jill (Heneghan) Mulato ‘93 is
married to Greg Mulato '94. Jill
and SM classmate, Page Bowman
‘93 completed their first marathon
running 26.2 miles through San
Diego. Together the two raised
$5,000 for the Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society to help aid in the
fight against cancer. They would
like to thank their families and
friends for their generous support!
Ron Hubers '93 has recently passed the nine year mark of
serving in the US Navy, having joined in May of 1995. He is
currently an Information Systems Technician 1st Class in
Surface Warfare/Aviation Warfare. He and his wife, Sarah,
have a daughter, Anja, and are living in Virginia.
Jeff Stube '92 attended the University of California in
Irvine's School of the Arts where he majored in Drama. He
General news
Scrip News...
Important eScrip Information
You may now register your Macy's credit card with eScrip and
receive credit for Macy's purchases!
Help Lower Your Tuition - BUY SCRIP!!!
The Scrip Program costs you nothing extra!! Dollar-for-Dollar Value
There isno cost to you. Simply by using the
Scrip Program, SMCHS benefits and so do
you. This is one fundraiser that gives backyou.
to We will share th
e discount percentage
50/50 with you which can lower
your student’s school tuition
or be donated to a school
When you receive a replacement credit card that you have
registered with eScrip - replacing an expired card or a lost/stolen
card - you must notify eScrip with the new credit card number
and/or expiration date. If you do not register the card, eScrip will
not be able to track the contributions to give you credit.
You may update your account information online at Click on "My eScrip" or through eScrip
Customer Service at 1-800-592-0942 by following the prompts on
the recorded message.
**Sign up your family & friends -- just let us know their names so we can credit you!
If you have any questions, please stop by
the Front Office or call the Office of
Administration at 766-6003.
Thank You!
If you or any friends/relatives who have signed up for eScrip have
a different last name than the student who is to receive the eScrip
credit, please contact Catherine Hassen at (949)766-6004 or with the supporter's name and student
name. Otherwise, it is impossible to match the student with the
supporter in order to receive credit.
eScrip members need to renew their commitment to Safeway, and
Safeway stores, Vons and Pavilions, annually. There are two
ways to renew:
1. Call (800) 801-4973
2. Visit and click on "Yes! Renew"
Albertson's, Sav-On and Ralph's Grocery stores have discontinued their
paper scrip program, however, they have replaced it with another program
that is easier and more convenient!
Go online to click on "In the Community," then
click on the Community Partners logo link. Once you log in, click on
"Sign Me Up" and designate SMCHS (Community Partner ID
#49001001689) to receive credit. Albertsons will donate back to the
school quarterly a percentage (up to $250/month = 1%; $250-$450/month
= 2%; $400-$500 = 3% and over $500/month = 4%) of your purchases at
Albertsons and Sav-On which SMCHS will split with you 50/50.
You may register your Ralph's Club Card at the front desk of SMCHS to
also receive credit for your student's tuition, sport or club. Your Ralphs
purchases will be tracked by your club card usage and a percentage of
your purchases ($0-$500/month = 4% and over $500/month = 5%) will
be donated back to the school quarterly which SMCHS will split with you
Obtain even more credit by registering family and friends' club cards too!
Please remember to notify us of their name(s) so we can give the credit to
your student. Call Catherine Hassen at (949) 766-6004 or e-mail with any questions.
For those of you who registered your Albertsons card in the
Community Partners Program and designated SMCHS to
receive your credit, please check your card number to see if
the following card number belongs to you or
someone you registered:
Also, we are not able to match the following supporter to a
SMCHS student:
Aaran E Haase 42569953205
This name and number is listed on the quarterly report dated
July 31, 2004; however, we are not able to apply the credit to
any SMCHS student's tuition account, sport or club. If this
name or number belongs to you, please e-mail Catherine
Hassen immediately at or call
December 2004, January - February, 2005
General news
Dear Santa Margarita Family:
We hope all of you enjoyed a festive Thanksgiving and are transitioning into the
Christmas season. We had a wonderful opportunity to show prospective new
students and the community our beautiful campus and wonderful school at the
Open House on November 21, 2004. This year's event was as, if not more,
successful than last year. Shortly after you receive this issue of Wings, the faculty and staff will be presented with their Christmas bonuses courtesy of last
spring's Golf Marathon and the generosity of the many who supported that
event. Please keep checking the SMCHS web site for updates on this year's Golf
Marathon on June 7, 2005.
The Welcome Parent BBQ provided an opportunity for 230 new parents to
acquaint themselves with our campus and establish new friendships with other
families. The SMCHS Steel Drum Band provided entertainment and performed
We welcome Dr. George & Jennifer Lasezkay and Jim & Cathy Roby as our
newest members of the Guild Executive Board. They have already provided us
with new insights and fresh ideas to help us serve the school and you. A huge
thank you to Patty Brand for leading the Gift Wrap program! Her tireless
dedication and boundless energy helps make this program successful.
We strongly encourage you to become active and participate in any of the school
events and programs. Parent support and participation is an integral part of the
success of SMCHS and your student. One of those events is the annual
Christmas Production on December 2, 2004 presented by the Performing Arts
Department. A few of the other ways to participate is the Mothers Club and
Moms In Touch.
SAFE HOMES is an ongoing Guild sponsored and administered program to
promote safe and drug/alcohol free places for our students to gather. Each year
all parents are mailed a SAFE HOMES brochure and commitment card. A list
of all parents who have made this commitment for this school year has been
mailed to all SMCHS families. If you did not receive a pledge card and would
like to be included in this program, please contact Delene and Jim Hoff at
Let SMCHS help you
Christmas Shop!
Scrip makes wonderful Christmas and
corporate gifts. We now have Staples cards in
$25.00 denominations. Remember, Scrip
certificates and cards make perfect stocking
stuffers! Please visit the front desk to
purchase Scrip certificates and cards.
The SMCHS Coverlet, designed by Mill Street
Designs, makes a perfect holiday gift. The
coverlet captures the beauty of our campus and
depicts Our Lady of Joy, the statue of the
Blessed Virgin Mary that resides in our Strader
Grotto and many of our school’s most
significant buildings. A coverlet is on display
in the front office. At $45.00 each, the 100%
cotton, two-layer jacquard coverlet is
preshrunk, colorfast and machine washable. It
makes the perfect gift for family members near
and far. Proceeds benefit the Academic
Booster and the Teacher Classroom
Enhancement Grant Program. Please visit the
front desk to purchase a coverlet or call
May God bless all of you during this holiday season and on into 2005. As
always, please contact any one of us if we can help you in any way.
Vaya Con Dios and In Eagle Spirit,
Isabel & Mark Bloom
2004-2005 SMCHS Guild Co-Presidents
Alumni news
Alumni Parent Auxiliary
SM Moms Book Clubs…Still Together
Halloween Hoot
After All These Years!
Two Santa Margarita Moms Book Clubs were formed several
years ago for Mothers Club when Sally Gorelick and Missy
Stalcup were the Activities Co-Chairs. These Book Clubs are
still thriving, even after all these years. These moms get
together once a month socially, to enjoy breakfast, lunch or
dinner and to discuss the current book selection. They have
read a "ton of books" and also had the opportunity to meet
with a few authors over the years. Mostly, they just enjoy
each other's company and it is a great way to keep in touch!
The bonds of the SMCHS experience extends far beyond just
our children's four years here. It creates lifelong friends, not
only for our children but also for our parents. Eagle Spirit
spreads far and wide!
We'd love to hear of any special activities in which you have
participated as a result of your sons’ or daughters’ Santa
Margarita high school years! Email Michele Papay at Also, the Alumni Parent Auxiliary is a fun
way to stay connected with Santa Margarita, so be sure to
become a member.
The golf on October 27, 2004 may have been rained out for
the annual Mothers Club Halloween Hoot Golf Tournament
but the festivities still continued with great costumes, lunch
and a silent auction featuring wonderful prizes. About 25
Alumni Moms came out to join in this traditional event
which is named appropriately, as it is always truly a "hoot"
to see the moms dressed up and having so much fun. This
year the group was joined by four Snow Whites, Sister Mary
Julie and her students, "Michael Jackson" and fans, a special
group of inmates and many, many more. This is just one
more way our alumni moms stay involved even after their
students have left the eagle nest!
~ The Lion King ~
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 6, 2005
and join us for a fun evening with new and old friends of SMCHS!
All APA Members & Guests are Invited!
Disney's The Lion King at the Orange County Performing Arts Center
Best Seats in the House - Box Seats & Up Front Seating - Tier 1
Only 40 seats available
Orange County Performing Arts Center - Performance at 8 p.m.
Reception prior to performance ~ More Information in Invitation to follow
Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - Ticket Price $75.00 per person
Invitations will be mailed in early 2005!
Call the Alumni Office at (949) 766-6000, ext. 1511 or email
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Alumni news
EAA Scholarship Enters Fifth Year
Jennifer Abalos and
Heather Casey
Tai Baird and
Megan Moen
Brad Mielke and
Nathan Imperiale
Thomas Sabin and
Ashley Kalimada
The Eagle Alumni Association has been very proud to present two $1,000 scholarships for the past four years during the
annual Senior Awards Night in May. The scholarship winners are selected from an impressive field of applicants based on
academics, extra-curricular activities, service and a personal interview. Also, each winner must possess the extra
quality of "Eagle Spirit" and a special pride and attitude about being an active alumni who will give back to Santa Margarita
in the future.
In addition to the $1,000 each, the winners are also given lifetime memberships in the EAA, an eagle cross pen,
individual eagle plaques and their names are added to the perpetual scholarship plaque in the Alumni Office at SMCHS.
The Scholarships are funded completely through donations and we hope that this tradition can continue. If you are
planning on making an alumni or alumni parent donation and would like to designate it for our Eagle Alumni Association
Scholarship, please indicate so in the memo section on your check. Also, watch for future editions of Wings to see what our
previous EAA Scholarship winners have been doing since high school graduation. We love to see our Eagles Soar!
Class of 2001:
Class of 2002:
Class of 2003:
Class of 2004:
Past EAA Winners:
Jennifer Abalos and Heather Casey
Tai Baird and Megan Moen
Nathan Imperiale and Brad Mielke
Ashley Kalimada and Thomas Sabin
FUTURE REUNIONS: SAVE THE DATES.....All Five Year Reunions are currently being planned
for the 2nd Saturday in July and the Ten Year Reunions are the 4th Saturday in July.
Class of 2000 Five Year Reunion is scheduled for July 9, 2005
Class of 1995 Ten Year will be July 23, 2005!
If you belong to the Class of 2000 or 1995, please be sure we have your current address on
file so you can be sure to receive an invitation in Spring 2005.
Check out the webpage for more information as the dates approach!
Mothers Club news
A Message from the Co-Presidents
Thank you to Syd Riccio for presenting our October meeting on College Information! She put together a
fabulous and funny panel of experts to help us get ready for the college experience. She is busy putting our
next speaker together and I'm sure it will be as informative and entertaining as the last. A big thank you to
Marla Arthur and Marcia Feucht for a fabulous Halloween Hoot! Despite the rain, there was lots of laughter,
spectacular costumes and delicious food. What a fun day! Christie Graniere deserves a bunch of thanks for
organizing the Mothers Club booth at the Christmas Boutique. We are blessed to have such great moms who
volunteered to work the booth in between shopping the boutique. Thank you all for donating your time. If you missed any
of the products that Mothers Club had to offer at the boutique, please come to one of our meetings and check out the items.
We have SMCHS flags, tote bags, license plate holders and a brand new cookbook available. They make great gifts or
necessity items! Vicki Ramoska and Linda Magarro put together several Thanksgiving Baskets for some of our families for
the holidays. We would like to extend a heartfelt "Thank You" to all who were able to donate. We are looking forward to
the Christmas holiday season as well with our High Tea at the Four Seasons. Thank you to Leslie Vancho and Nancy Moss
for organizing a festive day.
Please remember that you are always invited to any of our meetings, functions and social events. All board members are
eager to help you in any way that you need assistance. We love to have fun and share our experiences with all of our
mothers at Santa Margarita. There is so much more to
come for the rest of the year. Our meetings will be on
Thursdays at St Kilian Parish beginning in January
2005. One other change is that the Fashion Show will
be on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at the Sutton Hotel. Please
make note of the change and keep an eye out for more
information in the spring!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Gail Nichols & Carol O'Neill
Mothers Club Co-Presidents
Mothers Club Annual Halloween Hoot
December 2, 2004
SMCHS Mothers Club Membership 2004-2005
Holiday High Tea
Four Seasons 11:00 a.m.
(Please Check)
New Member___
January 13, 2005
General Meeting- 8:30 a.m.
St. Kilian Church Hall
February 17, 2005
Returning Member___
Alumni Member___
Permission to print your name and address etc. in our directory?
General Meeting- 8:30 a.m.
St. Kilian Church Hall
March 15, 2005
Lenten Retreat
Location TBA- 9:00 a.m.
Please make your $25.00 check payable to: SMCHS Mothers Club
Send form and check to:
Mothers Club
c/o Santa Margarita Catholic High School
22026 Antonio Parkway
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. 92688
April 21, 2005
General Meeting- 8:30 a.m.
St. Kilian Church Hall
May 1, 2005
Remember to renew your membership each year!
SMCHS Mothers Club
Fashion Show Luncheon
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Development news
Valentasia 2005 Underwriting Party
Santa Margarita Catholic High School current
parents, alumni parents and other supporters
gathered at the beautiful Coto de Caza home of
Ed and Susan Gotschall on Saturday, November
6, 2004 to raise money to underwrite Santa
Margarita Catholic High School's Annual Benefit
Gala Valentasia 2005.
Ed and Susan Gotschall
Chair Couple,
Tricia and Dan Donahue
Approximately 100 guests gathered in the
Gotschall's backyard, transformed into a Napa
Valley vineyard to enjoy a "divine evening" of
wine tasting and exquisite cuisine by Restaurant
Pascal. In attendance were school Principal,
Brother Lawrence Monroe and Assistant
Principals, Dr. Mary Beth Dougherty and Tom
Smith and current teacher, Greg Rhodes. Many
members of the Valentasia Committee were in
attendance including this year's Co-Chair couples,
Tricia and Daniel Donahue and Linda and David
Birck. Valentasia 2004 Co-Chairs Ann and Craig
Rommel and Ginni and Kent Valley also attended.
SM Alumni Family Receives
Philanthropist Award
Roger and Gail Kirwan, alumni parents of
Nicole ‘92 and Sean ‘93, were honored on
November 10, 2004 with the National
Philanthropy Day “Outstanding
Philanthropist” award.
The Kirwans played a major role in the
founding of SMCHS and they have made
many significant contributions to our school,
such as funding our language lab and also
funding a continuous memorial scholarship
in honor of Richard Voelkel for an
outstanding MUN senior each year.
The Kirwans have been incredible leaders in
the community. Not only were they
nominated by SMCHS, but also by Boys
Hope Girls Hope, the Hoag Hospital
Foundation, Our Lady Queen of Angels
Parish, Casa Teresa, and the Philharmonic
Society of Orange County.
Congratulations to the Kirwans on such an
outstanding and deserving award!
Party-goers dined on delicious gourmet food paired with exclusive
Napa Valley wines selected by winemaker, Kent Fortner. Along
with Kent Fortner, owners of Amazing Grapes, a new wine store in
Rancho Santa Margarita, were on hand to educate attendees about
the wines and the wine making process. The evening concluded
with dancing under the stars.
Margaret and Carl Apfelbach
Chair Couple,
David and Linda Birck
The event was a success, raising $44,000. Guests had the
opportunity to underwrite specific items for the Valentasia Gala
Benefit. Underwriters enjoyed signing "giant checks" to show their
support of SMCHS. Valentasia 2005 will be held on February 12,
2005 at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach. Valentasia is the
only SMCHS fundraiser that benefits the entire
school. For more information on Valentasia,
please contact the SMCHS Office of
Development at (949) 766-6080 or via e-mail at, or visit our website at
Bob Curran showing
his support
Valentasia Committee Members and
guests enjoy the festivities
Donna and Joe Petrilli
Alumni news
Interesting Alumni Data
Former Eagles have been spotted all over campus! Many Eagles have come back to the nest to work at SMCHS. These
dedicated employees help keep the Eagle spirit alive. See any familiar names?
Alumni Currently Working as Year Round Faculty or Staff:
Lauren (Owens) Bordages '97, Community Relations Coordinator
Nick Braun '99, Religion Teacher
John Byszewski '91, Security/Football Coach
Brandon Cosenza '92, Spanish Teacher/Surf Coach/Baseball Coach
Hayes Ferry '91, Spanish Teacher/Girls Track and Field Coach/Girls Cross Country Coach
Lisa Gantz '00, Religion Teacher
Bryan Kretzmer '00, Religion Teacher
Corey Lindabury '93, Visual Arts Chairperson
Scott McIntosh '94, Social Studies Teacher/Football Coach
Megan (Strader) Meihaus '97, Development Manager
Blake Oldfield '99, ASP Program Assistant
Michelle Sarkees '96, Health Teacher/Girls Volleyball Coach
Nick Braun ‘99 began teaching Religion at
SMCHS this school year.
Jeff Stube '92, Director of Theatre Arts
We also have several alumni who help out as coaches for all sports during the year and we are so appreciative that our
alumni are so willing to give back to their Alma Mater with their time, talents & treasures!
Wedding Bells are Ringing among SMCHS Alumni
If you are a SMCHS alum and you married another SMCHS alum, we want to hear your story!
Please send an email to and tell us about how you met and when you got married. Please
send a current photo too. As this seems to be a growing trend among alumni, we'd like to feature these couples
in an upcoming edition of Wings!
Alumni Data as of November 1, 2004
Alumni: 5,072
Eagle Alumni Association: 1,453
Alumni Parent Auxiliary: 377
Class of 1991
Class of 1992
Class of 1993
Class of 1994
Class of 1995
Class of 1996
Class of 1997
Class of 1998
Class of 1999
Class of 2000
Class of 2001
Class of 2002
Class of 2003
Class of 2004
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Alumni news
Alumni Events...Past & Future
Talon Theatre Anniversary Celebration
“Talon Theatre” is celebrating its 15th year this season with special events for our alumni. As listed in the parent section
of this issue of Wings, Talon Theatre is reprising three of our past productions. During these reprises, we have been
inviting alumni via email and announcements on our website to come back to see these wonderful productions. We are
reserving seats for our alums, as well as hosting a reception before the Friday evening performances. You are also
invited to join the cast and crew of the production after the Friday performances at Ball Park Pizza in RSM. We always
enjoy hearing from and seeing our Talon Theatre alums and hope to see you at our productions. For more information
contact Jeff Stube @ or visit our website at
Calling all Alumni Girls Waterpolo Players...
On Thursday, December 30, 2004, the Girls Water Polo team will be playing a game against Los Alamitos beginning at
11 a.m. The Varsity game will begin at noon and the JV game will be immediately following. The really exciting news
is we will be running an Alumni Game beginning at 2 p.m. Any female water polo players who have participated in the
program at SMCHS are invited to participate! The alumni will be playing against our current Varsity and against each
other in a fun afternoon of water polo. Come out and enjoy! For more information, please contact Kevin Ricks at
Save the Date for Valentasia 2005
Did you know that SMCHS Alumni can attend our Annual Benefit Gala, Valentasia, for a 50% reduced ticket price?
This year Valentasia will be held at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach on February 12, 2005. The ticket price for
alumni and their guests is $75 per person. This year’s theme is "and the beat goes on…" celebrating the music of
the 60s and 70s! There will be a live and silent auction, as well as dinner and dancing. Come join us for a fun evening
in support of SMCHS! Please call the development office at 949-766-6080 if you'd like to be on the mailing list.
SMCHS Alums Cheered the Eagles onto Victory...
Homecoming 2004
From left: Drew Bordages'97, Lauren (Owens) Bordages
'97, Megan (Strader) Meihaus '97, Brian Meihaus '96,
Elizabeth Barry '97, Jennifer Turner '96, &
Kevin Meihaus '99
School Spirit and Alumni was the theme of the night and it was a great
evening for all at the exciting 2004 Homecoming Football Game. On
October 8th Santa Margarita emerged victorious over the Foothill
Knights 38-12 before a crowd of about 4,000 fans! Among those fans
were a great showing of alumni who got into the Eagle spirit and
enjoyed "going back in time" and cheering for the team with former
classmates! Blue & Gold pom-poms were everywhere throughout the
stands as the Alumni Office distributed them to help rally enthusiasm for
the Eagles. The energy was apparent and we are always happy to see
our Alumni return home!
Keeping in Touch with Graduates
Kevin Papay, Julia Pederson, and Meghan Grizzle
with Mrs. Lyn Alexander and
Dr. Mary Beth Dougherty.
While attending the "Learning and the Brain" Conference in Boston, Dr.
Mary Beth Dougherty and Mrs. Lyn Alexander had an opportunity to have
dinner and receive a tour of the campus with Harvard students Meghan
Grizzle, Kevin Papay, and Julia Pederson, SM graduates from the Class of
Send us your photos of reconnecting with SM grads or teachers and we
would love to share the news! We are so proud of all our Eagle Alumni.
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Regular Day 1
Debate Christmas
Classic La Costa
G V Bball University
Christmas Break
B Fr Blue Bball @ MD Tourn
B Fr Gold Bball @
Saddleback Tourn
B So Bball @ Laguna
B V Bball @ Orange Tourn
G FS Bball Tustin Tourn
G V Bball Marina Tourn
B Fr Blue Bball @ MD Tourn
B Fr Gold Bball @
Saddleback Tourn
B So Bball @ Laguna
B V Bball @ Orange Tourn
G FS Bball Tustin Tourn
G V Bball Marina Tourn
Christmas Break
B Fr Blue Bball @ MD
B So Bball @ Laguna
B V Bball @ Orange Tourn
G FS Bball Tustin Tourn
G V Bball Marina Tourn
B V Bball @ Orange Tourn
G FS Bball Tustin Tourn
G V Bball Marina Tourn
B Fr Gold Bball @
Saddleback Tourn
B JV Bball @ Los Al
G FS Bball Tustin Tourn
G V Bball Santa Barbara
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
Faculty/Staff Christmas Lunch, Gym
B V Bball @ Irvine World Tourn
G JV Bball Marina Tourn
B V Bball @ Irvine World Tourn
B Fr Blue Bball @ La
Habra Tourn
B JV Bball @ Ocean View
B So Bball @ Edison
Minimum Day 3
B Fr Blue Bball @ La Habra
B FS Soccer vs Brea 3:15
B JV Bball @ Ocean View
B So Bball @ Edison Tourn
Parent Volunteer Christmas
Brunch, Gym 9:00
Possible Fball CIF Finals
Regular Day 4
B Fr Blue Bball @ La Habra
B JV Bball @ Ocean View
B So Bball @ Edison Tourn
B V Bball @ Irvine World
Possible Fball CIF Finals
B Fr Gold Bball @ Santa Ana Tourn
G JV Bball Artesia Tourn
G V Bball University Tourn
G FS Bball Trabuco Tourn
Possible V Fball CIF
Championship 7:30
Winter Drama Production,
Dome 2:30/7:30
B FS/JV/V Soccer @ FV 3:15
Corazon Christmas Fundraiser Ends
Elem Band Concert 7:30
Winter Drama Production, Dome 7:30
B Fr Gold Bball @ Santa Ana Tourn
G JV Bball Artesia Tourn
G V Bball University Tourn
Regular Day 2
B FS/JV/V Bball @
Possible G Vball State Finals
Possible G Tennis G Ind
G JV Bball Woodbridge Tourn
Possible V Fball CIF Semi Finals
V Wrestling Tourn, Gym 9:30
Debate Christmas Classic La Costa
MUN Mira Costa HS
B Fr Blue Bball @ Estancia Tourn
B JV Bball @ Tustin Tourn
B So Bball @ Ocean View Tourn
B V Bball @ SLO Tourn
G V Bball University Tourn
Possible Fball CIF
Special Sched Day 3
Christmas Assembly
Debate Christmas Classic La Costa
Advent Services
B Fr Blue Bball @ Estancia Tourn
B FS Soccer @ Brea Olinda 3:15
B JV Bball @ Tustin Tourn
B So Bball @ Ocean View Tourn
B V Bball @ SLO Tourn
Mothers Club Tea, Ritz Carlton 11:00
Possible Fball CIF
Winter Drama Production,
Dome 7:30
Christmas Break
B Fr Blue Bball @ MD
B So Bball @ Laguna
B Fr Gold Bball @
Saddleback Tourn
B JV Bball @ Los Al
G JV Bball Marina Tourn
G V Bball Santa Barbara
B FS/V Bball vs Cal High
B JV Bball @ Los Al
G JV Bball Marina Tourn
G V Bball Santa Barbara
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
G V Bball Santa Barbara
Christmas Break
B JV Bball @ Los Al
G JV Bball Marina
Tues Night @ the Movies, B210 7:00
G FS Bball Trabuco Tourn
B V Bball @ Irvine World
G FS/JV/V Bball vs FV 4:00/5:00/7:00
B FS/JV/V Soccer vs MV
B JV Bball @ Ocean View
B So Bball @ Edison Tourn
G JV Bball Marina
Regular Day 5
B Fr Blue Bball @ La Habra
B JV Bball @ Ocean View
B JV/V Soccer @ Santiago
B So Bball @ Edison Tourn
Regular Day 6
B Fr Blue Bball @ La Habra
B JV Bball @ Ocean View
B So Bball @ Edison Tourn
B V Bball @ Irvine World
Regular Day 7
B Fr Blue Bball @ La
Habra Tourn
Winter Drama Production, Dome 7:30
G V Bball University
Winter Drama Production,
Dome 7:30
G V Bball University Tourn
Tues Night @ the Movies,
B210 7:00
B Fr Gold Bball @ Santa Ana
G JV Bball Artesia Tourn
G V Bball University Tourn
Regular Day 3
G FS Bball Trabuco
Mass Day 6
Immaculate Conception of
Curriculum Mtg 2:45
B Fr Gold Bball @ Santa Ana Tourn
B FS Bball vs Jordan 4:00
B JV/V Bball @ Jordan 5:30/7:00
B JV/V Soccer vs Century 3:15
G JV Bball Artesia Tourn
G V Bball University Tourn
Regular Day 7
B Fr Gold Bball @ Santa
Ana Tourn
G JV Bball Artesia Tourn
Possible G Tennis G Ind
IB G4 Presentations, SFS 7:00
B JV Bball @ Tustin Tourn
B So Bball @ Ocean View Tourn
B V Bball @ SLO Tourn
Christmas Production, Gym 7:00
Mothers Club Tea, Ritz Carlton 11:00
Regular Day 4
G JV Bball Woodbridge Tourn
Advent Services
B Fr Blue Bball @ Estancia
(Fac Mtg 7:45-8:30)
(Dept Mtg 8:30-9:30)
(Classes 9:49-2:27)
Advent Services
10 Month Plan Tuition Payment Due
B FS/JV/V Soccer vs Estancia
B JV Bball @ Tustin Tourn
B So Bball @ Ocean View Tourn
G FS Bball Marina Tourn
Fac & Dept Mtg Day 7
G FS Bball Trabuco
B Fr Gold Bball @ Santa
Ana Tourn
G JV Bball Artesia Tourn
G V Bball University
3 4 5 6 7 8
10 11 12 13 14 15
17 18 19 20 21 22
24 25 26 27 28 29
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
January 05
November 04
December 2004
Regular Day 5
Distribution Day 3
3rd Qtr Begins
G Soccer vs
Montgomery 3:15
Semester Break
Regular Day 2
Dept Mtg Day 2
B Soccer vs
Montgomery 3:15
Semester Exams
Martin Luther King Day
Full School Holiday
B Fr Gold/Fr Blue/So/JV
Bball @ Ocean View
B V Bball @ MLK
Games Riverside
MUN Mission Viejo
Tues Night @ the Movies,
B210 7:00
Special Schedule
Period 4 & 5 Exams
G Soccer @ MD 3:15
Tues Night @ the
Movies, B210 7:00
1 2 3
5 6 7 8 9 10
12 13 14 15 16 17
19 20 21 22 23 24
26 27 28 29 30 31
December 04
B Soccer @ MD 3:15
Wrestling vs Amat 6:00
Semester Exams
Special Schedule
Period 6 & 7 Exams
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28
B Fr Blue/JV/V Bball @
Servite 4:30/6:00/7:30
B Fr Gold/So vs Servite
Blood Drive
G FS/JV/V Bball @
Rosary 4:00/5:00/7:00
G WP @ MD 4:00
Wrestling @ Bosco 6:00
February 05
Early Day 5
MUN International
Dinner, Gym 6:00
Asics Competition,
Entire Campus 8:00
G V Bball @ Ayala
B Soccer @ Bosco, 3:15
Semester Exams
Special Schedule
Period 3 Exam
B Fr Blue/JV/V Bball vs MD
B Fr Gold/So Bball @ MD
Drama Workshop I,
Drama Rm 7:30
MUN Mission Viejo
B Fr Blue/So/JV Bball @
Los Al 1:00/2:30/4:00
Fr/So Wrestling Tourn,
Gym 9:30
Debate CSUF Invitational
Semi-Annual Plan Tuition
Payment Due
10 Month Plan Tuition
Payment Due
New Years Day
Spirit Dance, Gym 10:00-12:00
Drama Workshop I, Drama Rm 7:30
Regular Day 6
B Fr Blue/JV/V Bball vs Bosco
B Fr Gold/So Bball @ Bosco
B Soccer vs Servite 3:15
Debate CSUF Invitational
Rally Day 1
Winter Sports Rally,
Gym 1:30
B Soccer @
Montgomery 3:15
Regular Day 6
Special Schedule
Period 1 & 2 Exams
G FS/JV/V Bball vs MD
G Soccer @ St Joe 3:15
Semester Exams
Mothers Club, St Kilian 8:30
Curriculum Mtg 2:45
Regular Day 7
Drama Workshop I, Drama
Rm 7:30
G FS/JV/V Bball vs St Joe
G Soccer vs Rosary 3:15
Wrestling @ MD 6:00
Faculty Mtg Day 3
B Fr Blue/JV/V Bball vs
Servite 4:30/6:00/7:30
B Fr Gold/So Bball @ Servite
Drama Workshop I, Drama
Rm 7:30
Tues Night @ the Movies,
B210 7:00
Regular Day 4
College Financial Aid
Mtg, SLH 7:00
G FS/JV/V Bball vs
Rosary 4:00/5:00/7:00
Regular Day 5
Writers Lecture
Series, Gym 7:30
Bball/Pep Squad
Golf Tourn
Incoming Frosh Night, Gym
Peer Court, SLH 2:45
B JV/V Soccer @ Irvine 3:15
IB Information Night, Dome
Early Day 3
G FS/JV/V Bball @ Peninsula
G Soccer @ Montgomery 3:15
Regular Day 4
B Fr Blue/JV/V Bball vs
Whittier 4:00/5:30/7:00
Debate CSUF
G FS/JV/V Bball @
Burroughs 4:00/5:00/
Tues Night @ the
Movies, B210 7:00
Regular Day 6
School Resumes
January 2005
Alumni news
Class of 1994 Celebrated their 10-Y
Year Reunion
The Class of 1994 celebrated their Ten Year Reunion on Saturday, July 24, 2004 at The Clubhouse Restaurant in South Coast Plaza. This
was a new venue idea with the reunion held at a restaurant instead of a hotel. The atmosphere was fun and the students and their guests
were ready to party. The dinner buffet was outstanding and everyone seemed genuinely excited to see each other with lots of hugs and
screams of excitement when they found old friends! The memory table was filled with fun prom pictures, candid photos, sport and
school publications and a great "clothesline" with sports uniforms, t-shirts and sweatshirts from their high school days. Prizes were given
to those students who were married the longest, traveled the furthest, the most recently engaged couple and those who changed the least
and the most! Each classmate received a Memory Book filled with updates and pictures provided by the students and also a CD filled
with music from their Santa Margarita years! Many thanks to the Reunion Committee of Jodie (Julian) Cerruti, Jaime Donnelly and
Electra Poag who worked hard to help make the night a great success!
Class of 1999 Celebrated their 5-Y
Year Reunion
The Class of 1999 Five Year Reunion was held on Saturday, July 10, 2004 at Dave & Buster's in the Irvine Spectrum. It was an amazing
evening with The Class of 1999 setting an all time record for attendance with about 150 students and guests attending the fun event! The
students had a great night laughing and catching up with old friends. The Memory Table, filled with high school publications, t-shirts,
sweatshirts and photos sparked fond and funny memories. The students enjoyed a Mexican Buffet Dinner, danced the night away to a DJ
and played pool in the game room. One of the highlights was watching their senior video which had been played at Grad Night after
their graduation. It was a great night to renew old friendships, reconnect and make new ones!
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Alumni news
Donor Benefits and Recognition Levels
FRESHMAN $1 - $99
Name Recognition in the SMCHS Annual
Report, in Wings and on our website.
Invitations to SMCHS special events.
SOPHOMORE $100 - $249
Free admission to the SMCHS
homecoming game* and benefits listed above.
JUNIOR $250 - $499
Free admission to SMCHS' Benefit Gala,
Valentasia* and benefits listed above.
SENIOR $500 - $999
Recognition on the Honor Roll of Donors in
Lyon Hall and benefits listed above.
BACHELORS $1,000 - $2,499
Invitation to Principal's Eagle Court Dinner*
and benefits listed above.
MASTERS $2,500 - $4,999
Special thank you gift and benefits listed
DOCTORATE $5,000 and above
Permanent recognition on campus and
benefits listed above.
*This benefit is awarded only during the fiscal year
(July 1-June 30) in which the level is achieved.
To make a gift to the Santa Margarita Catholic High
School Alumni Fund, please send a check made
payable to SMCHS in the donation envelope enclosed
in this issue of Wings.
Thank you for your support!
Alumni Support
Two of our SMCHS alums are in need of support and
prayers. Carly Draudt (Class of 2000) was in a jet
skiing accident while she was away at college in
October of 2003 and suffered a
brain injury. Damien Minna
(Class of 1997) dove off a pontoon
boat in August of 2004 while on
vacation with his family and
suffered a spinal cord injury. They are both
undergoing major rehabilitation and are fighting every
day against difficult odds. We invite you to visit each
of their websites and for more
information, to offer your support and learn how to make a donation.
SMCHS Alumni
in the Military
In spring of 2004, the Alumni Office in conjunction with Mothers
Club sponsored "Operation Military Alumni" for the second
consecutive year. About 24 packages were mailed to SM alumni
who are serving in the Military throughout the US and the world. The
"goodie baskets" were filled with a personal note from the sender
and various items to help them remember a little bit of home.
The Alumni Office is constantly trying to find our alums who are
serving their country and we would love to hear from you. We honor
all our service men and women and recognize the sacrifices they
make to serve our country and apologize if you are missing from our
list. Please e-mail Michele Papay at with any
forgotten names. What an incredible way of sharing that special
"Eagle spirit!"
We salute you ~
Eric Brown '91-USMC
Christian Corry '91-USMC
Kathryn Dullack Burns '91-USAFR
Greg Warrington '91-USMC
Roburt Yale '91-USA
Jason Ortiz, '91-USAF
Thad Zak '91-USA
Brennan McKernan '92-USN
Ryan Hart '93-USMC
Ron Hubers '93-USN
Brad Laule ‘93-USNR
Stacy McClain '93-USAFR
Mike Nesbitt '93- USMC
Dave Reinhard '93-USCG
Tim Sulick '93-USN
Paul Ferguson '94-USAF
Tony Bierenkoven '95-USAF
Court Holland '95-USAF
Amy Nesbitt '95-USAF
Charlie Vice '95-USCG
Casey Weiner '95-USMC
Alex King '96 -USA
Mike Roths '96-USMC
Robert Taylor '96-USAF
Jason Varvas '96-USN
Brian Estes '97-USA
Elind Garcia ‘97-USAF
Matt Shipstead '97-USAF
Stephanie Soltis '97-USAF
Matt Brooks '98-USN
Stacy Dempsey '98-USAF
Andrew McKee '98-USN
Derek Heath '98-USAF
Stacie Persons ‘98-USAF
Nicholas Suhr ‘98-USA
Chris Vice ‘98-USAF
Mike Coppock '99-USN
Sean Crawford '99-USMCR
Will Watson '99-USAF
Craig Coppock '00-USA
Patrick Laughlin '01-USN
Bradley Smith ‘02-USMC
Bryan Csik ‘03-USAF
Gabriel Medeiros '03-USMCR
December 2004, January - February, 2005
Regular Day 5
Possible G WP CIF
Dept Mtg Day 5
Possible B Soccer
Possible G Bball CIF
Regular Day 6
Magazine Drive Turn-In
Possible B Bball CIF
Presidents Day
Full School Holiday
B Track Jog-a-thon
Tues Night @ the Movies,
B210 7:00
Spring CSF Drive Ends
Possible G Soccer CIF
Possible G WP CIF
3 4 5 6 7 8
10 11 12 13 14 15
17 18 19 20 21 22
24 25 26 27 28 29
Spring CSF Drive
Regular Day 2
Soph Retreat
Possible G Soccer
Possible G WP CIF
Regular Day 3
LA Religious Ed
Congress Youth Day
Mothers Club, St Kilian
Possible G Bball CIF
Possible G WP CIF
Spring CSF Drive
(So/Jr/Sr 8:42-2:27)
Fr Class Officer Elections
Curriculum Mtg 2:45
Possible B Bball CIF
Possible B Soccer CIF
Possible G Soccer CIF
Regular Day 3
B Fr Blue/JV/V Bball @
MD 4:30/6:00/7:30
B Fr Gold/So Bball vs
MD 4:30/6:00
G WP @ St Joe 4:00
AP Exam Registration
Spring CSF Drive
Magazine Drive Kick-Off
G Soccer vs MD 3:15
G WP vs Rosary 4:00
Kairos Retreat
Special Sched Day 5
(Fr 7:40-2:27)
Split Assembly
Day 5
Regular Day 6
Possible B Bball CIF
Spring CSF Drive
Tues Night @ the
Movies, B210 7:00
Regular Day 7
Spring CSF Drive
Valentines Day
Debate UC Berkley
Tues Night @ the Movies,
B210 7:00
Mass Day 6
Ash Wednesday
Regular Day 7
B Fr Blue/JV/V Bball @ Bosco
B Fr Gold/So Bball vs Bosco
G Soccer vs St Joe 3:15
AP Exam Registration
Spring CSF Drive
AP Exam Registration
B Soccer vs Bosco 3:15
G FS/JV/V Bball @ MD
Spring CSF Drive
B Soccer @ Servite 3:15
Kairos Retreat
Regular Day 1
Spring CSF Drive
AP Exam
Tues Night @ the Movies,
B210 7:00
G Soccer @ Rosary 3:15
10 Month Plan Tuition
Payment Due
Kairos Retreat
Mtg Day 7
(Faculty Mtg 7:458:30)
Regular Day 1
G FS/JV/V Bball @ St
Joe 4:00/5:00/7:00
February 2005
6 7
13 14
20 21
27 28
1 2 3 4
8 9 10 11
15 16 17 18
22 23 24 25
29 30 31
Possible B Soccer CIF
Possible Wrestling
Early Day 1
Possible B Bball CIF
Soph Retreat
Spring CSF Drive
MUN Los Alamitos HS
Practice SAT/ACT
Exams 8:00
Winter Formal, Gym 8:00
Possible G Bball CIF
Possible Wrestling
Possible B Soccer
Possible G Bball CIF
Possible Wrestling
Ind Div
Possible Wrestling Ind Div
Early Day 2
Possible B Bball CIF
LA Religious Ed
Possible G Soccer CIF
Possible G WP CIF
Valentasia, Balboa Bay
Club 6:00
Debate UC Berkley
Possible Wrestling
B V Bball @ Nike
Frosh Entrance Exam
G FS/JV/V Bball @
Pacifica 1:00/2:30/
Regular Day 2
Debate UC Berkley
AP Exam
Spring CSF Drive
Regular Day 3
B Soccer vs MD
Color Guard
Contest, Gym 6:00
Kairos Retreat
Alumni news
Welcome to Our Exciting, First Ever,
All-AAlumni Issue of Wings!
For the first time ever, we are reaching out to all of
our more than 5,000 Santa Margarita Alumni
The following pages include:
More than 100 Class Updates & Photos
Alumni Events
Reunion News
Alumni Serving in the Military
Eagle Alumni Association Scholarship Tradition
Alumni Giving Program
Lost Alumni List
Fun Alumni Mom Get-Togethers
Alumni Parent Auxiliary "Lion King" Event
And more...
The Alumni Office is excited to be able to reach out
to all of you ~ We have great ideas about future
events including informal class get-togethers,
alumni career day for current students, getting our
alumni council up and running and so much more!
We are proud of our former Eagles and want to hear
from you! Send us your comments,
suggestions and updates. Contact Michele Papay in
the Alumni Office at 949-766-6000 ext. 1511 or We hope you enjoy this very
special edition of Wings!
Alumni news
Fellow SMCHS Alums,
My name is Megan (Strader) Meihaus and I am the Development Manager at SMCHS…and a proud graduate of the Class of 1997! This
is my second school year back on campus in the Office of Development, Alumni and Public Relations and it has
been wonderful to get back in touch with many of you, as well as meet our current Eagle families. Allow me to
take a few moments to tell you about the SMCHS of today.
A lot has changed in the seven years since I graduated, and our beautiful campus looks better than ever. We now
have a state-of-the-art FieldTurf football field, a high-tech production truck for our daily Eagle Television
program, an impressive track scoreboard and record monument and a brand new electronic marquee in the front of
school. It's exciting to note that all of these new additions have been fully or partially funded by the generosity of
our Eagle Family! While there are many new sites on campus, the things I remember
Track Monument
most fondly have remained the same. The cheerleaders still do the "8-clap," they still
have the same chocolate chip cookies at lunch, they still pray twice a day over the loudspeaker and many of our
beloved teachers are still here, as enthusiastic as ever.
Many of you have been receiving this alumni Wings publication twice a year because you signed up for the
Eagle Alumni Association upon graduating and paid a $25 lifetime membership fee. However, most of you
have not received Wings prior to this issue and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all back to
the Eagle community. We have missed you! To date, we have only had the funding to mail this publication to those alumni who have
paid the Eagle Alumni Association dues. However, this Christmas we are able to send this issue, our BIGGEST
and BEST alumni issue ever, to each and every SMCHS alum! But, we can only continue to do this with your
help. Our goal is to receive enough financial support from our alumni to be able to include every alum in the
Eagle Alumni Association…for free! This means all alums would receive Wings twice a year, as well as
invitations to special alumni events.
FieldTurf Field
As we are approaching our 20th anniversary in 2007, we feel we are now at the exciting time when many
Electronic Marquee
of our alumni are in the position to give back to SMCHS through their time, talent and treasure. We have
already received some significant charitable contributions from our alumni and we'd like to thank those of you who have been generous
with your support! It is wonderful to see you giving back to your alma mater. There will be many benefits associated with giving to
SMCHS, including recognition on the website and in our Annual Report, as well as invitations to exclusive
donor events, free admission to the homecoming game and special thank you gifts! Please see the following
pages for more information.
ETV Production Truck
We hope that you enjoy reading this publication as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Thanks to all of
you who provided updates for this record-breaking edition of Wings. We are happy to say that every SMCHS
graduating class is represented in this issue in over 100 updates! To those Eagles who we haven't heard
from, please continue to keep us updated on your lives. It’s great to see how high our Eagles have soared!
In Eagle Spirit,
Megan (Strader) Meihaus
Development Manager
SMCHS Office of Development, Alumni and Public Relations
*For those of you who already paid the EAA fee,
we will include your $25 in your lifetime giving
history to SMCHS and will be sending you a small
token of our appreciation.
Michele Papay
Lauren Bordages
Megan Meihaus
Claudia Nieves
December 2004, January - February, 2005