Healing and Hope
Healing and Hope
DECEMBER 31, 2006 T H E N E W S L E T T E R O F A L L S A I N T S E P I S CO PA L C H U R C H VOLUME XIV N U M B E R 4 8 Healing and Hope FROM WILMA JAKOBSEN, SENIOR ASSOCIATE, PEACE & JUSTICE AND PARISH LIFE T New Year’s Eve Eucharist All are invited to attend a New Year’s Eve Eucharist, Sunday, Dec. 31 at 7:30 p.m. in the Church. Canterbury Choir soloists Elizabeth Tatum-Harris, Ruth Ballenger, Stephen McDonough and Jim Campbell and rhythm section offer music of Halley and James Walker. This special service is a wonderful way to prepare for the New Year. Ed Bacon offers a meditation. Labyrinth Ministry Need a moment of quiet reflection as the old year winds down? Searching for direction for the new year? Revive your soul and refresh your spirit! Walk the Labyrinth, Sunday, Dec. 31 in Sweetland Hall between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. There are no ‘requirements’ or ‘rules,’ just place one foot in front of the other, and listen. Encounter this ancient meditative tool for feeling the Spirit’s presence reaching out to you. Questions? Call Susan Adkins at 626.440.1812 here was a time when I prayed with typical optimism at the beginning of each year that God would give me a quiet year. That heartfelt prayer arose out of the many rich, exciting, challenging experiences that seemed to constantly over-fill the cup of my life. Then there came the time when I reluctantly yet consciously decided to give up praying that prayer because I came to believe that there is no such thing as a quiet year! And certainly not at All Saints Church! That is because God is always wonderfully at work, doing so much in us and through us and among us that brings great joy and gratitude. There is certainly much for which to be grateful and joyful. In this Christmas season, we still want to celebrate the joy and wonder that we feel from God coming among us, being born anew into our lives and our world, and giving us hope. As the year ends, there is also much cause for pondering and reflection. For what can I give thanks in this past year? Where have I experienced God’s grace? Where have I resisted God’s grace, or God’s call to maturity and growth? How have I made a difference in the world, and how has the world made a difference in me? How have I welcomed God’s love and others’ love — and how have I been able to show God’s love to others? Is there anything I need to let go of in order to start the new year in a fresh way? Do I have any regrets? This quote by Brother Roger of Taize may help us ponder on letting go the past year: “On days when we look back, filled with regrets, our energies are depleted. In all things peace of heart, serene joy. The Holy Spirit has buried our past in the heart of Christ. The Holy Spirit will take care of our future.” On this last Sunday of the year, we hold our annual service of healing. In the context of God’s grace experienced in the eucharist, we are all invited to come and kneel at the altar rail and experience the laying on of hands for healing, with prayers for ourselves or others for whom we are burdened. It is God’s invitation to us, another way to let go of the past and embrace the future. And as another new year begins, we continue to ponder. How do I feel as the New Year begins? What are my hopes and dreams for this year? What are my fears and anxieties? Ellen Ott Marshall recently challenged us to purposefully cultivate hope as a part of our spiritual practice. That is something I have included in my goals for next year. At the beginning of this year I found a prayer by Joyce Rupp that spoke deeply to me. I found myself praying through it many times, and as the year went by I often saw my life correspond to a line in the prayer — and knew that God was at work. May this prayer speak to all of us as we enter 2007, with healing and hope in our hearts: God, Faithful Companion, in this new year I pray: to live deeply, with purpose to live freely, with detachment to live wisely, with humility to live justly, with compassion to live lovingly, with fidelity to live mindfully, with awareness to live gratefully, with generosity to live fully, with enthusiasm Help me to hold this vision and to daily renew it in my heart, becoming ever more one with you, my truest Self. Amen. Sunday DECEMBER 31, 2006 SUNDAY MORNING ADVENT 4 EUCHARIST The Rev. Zelda Kennedy preaches on Knowing the Intensity of God’s Love at 7:30, 9 and 11:15 a.m. The Rev. Abel Lopez preaches at the 1 p.m. Spanish-English service. F I R S T S U N D AY A F T E R C H R I S T M A S A D U LT S AT 1 0 : 1 5 FOR CHILDREN –New Year’s Eve– No Adult Education. Please greet each other on the lawn Preschool (ages 2–4), SCOTT HALL 9:00 10:15 Infant and Child Care with Bible Stories Room 3, 4, 5: New Year’s Eve, No Sunday School Grade School (K–5), LEARNING CENTER 9:00 10:15 Children’s Chapel: Children go to church with their parents, leave after the Gospel, and return at the offering Grades K—5: New Year’s Eve, No Sunday School FOR YOUTH, JR. HIGH AND HIGH SCHOOL 10:15–11:00 No Junior High & High School Journeys At 9 and 11:15 a.m. Coventry Choir offers The Blessed Son of God by Ralph Vaughan WIlliams and Lord, Lead Us Still by Johannes Brahms. SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURES Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Galatians 3:23-25; 4:4-7 John 1:1-18 Psalm 147 or 147:13-21 The 5 p.m. Saturday Celebration Eucharist returns January 6 Vestry Slate of Candidates for 2007 T he Vestry Nominating Committee (Lorna Carry, Cathy Clement, Rick Davis, Miles Deamer, Gerti Reagan Garner, Terry Gock, Lydia Lopez, Barbara McNear, Grace Miller, Jon Neff, Jim White, Bob Long, Maria DiMassa) thanks you for your participation in the nominating process! Following a series of prayerful deliberations, the committee is proud to announce this slate for election at the Annual Meeting, Part I, Sunday, February 4, 2007. Will Baldwin— has grown up at All Saints; Wednesday Night Youth Program, Youth Bible Study Group, volunteer at Union Station; 11th grader at La Canada High School. Susan Caldwell— has been a member since the early 70s; former Vestry member, chaired Program Review and the Leadership Project, Road Map committee; former English teacher, currently an activist in the arts community. Trula Worthy Clayton— 10 years a member; co-chair Foster Care Project, Transformational Journeys steering committee; retired probation bureau chief. Ed Johnson— member of All Saints for five years; Coventry Choir member, steering committee for new building, stewardship, business development consultant in technology and entertainment production. Juan Mejia— at All Saints for six years; member Peace & Justice steering committee; community involvement in Sanctuary Movement; attorney. Toby Pugh— All Saints member since 1990; previous Vestry member; founder of Max Valor, new ministry supporting currently member of military, veterans & families; architect. Laura Vossler— grew up at All Saints; choir, Wednesday Night Youth Group, Seekers class of ’06, acolyte; 10th grader at Arcadia High School. Gwen Whitson—Five years at All Saints; Forum Greeter, Newcomer Coffee host; chair of trustees for Camp Fire USA; attorney. It is also possible to nominate an individual by petition by submitting a statement of 75 words or less describing the person’s qualifications for Vestry service. Have this signed by five other members of the parish as well as by the person being nominated. Bring it and a photo of the proposed candidate to the church office no later than noon on Tuesday, January 9, 2007. Photos and information on all candidates will appear in the February 4 issue of Saints Alive. For more information, contact Anne Peterson 626.583.2713. Festival of Life Keynote Speaker to be Sister Helen Prejean W e are pleased to announce that Sister Helen Prejean will be the Keynote Speaker for the 2007 Festival of Life, All Saints’ Lenten educational experience. Sister Helen was vaulted into popular culture when her book Dead Man Walking made the New York Times Bestsellers List in 1993 and then made into a motion picture in 1996. Sister Helen began her prison ministry in 1981 when she dedicated her life to the poor of New Orleans. While living in the St. Thomas housing project, she became pen pals with Patrick Sonnier, the convicted killer of two teenagers, sentenced to die in the electric chair of Louisiana’s Angola State Prison. Upon Sonnier’s request, Sister Helen repeatedly visited him as his spiritual advisor. In doing so, her eyes were opened to the Louisiana execution process. The subject for the Festival of Life this year is “Humanity Imprisoned, Humanity Transformed.” Join us as we explore themes of reconciliation, justice, dignity and redemption. Sister Helen will speak from her personal experience in prison ministry and many years of reflection on justice in America. Save the dates February 23 through February 25, 2007 to attend the Festival of Life. More information will follow. Save The Date And Change Your Life O n Sunday, Feb. 11, from 12:30 till 2:30 pm., join us at an allparish luncheon meeting in Sweetland Hall to launch a new ministry: Transformational Journeys. You could travel with other All Saints members to visit immigrants crossing the border from Mexico to the U.S., learn about AIDS in Malawi, economic development in South Africa, or protest the slaughter in Darfur at the Sudanese Embassy in Washington, D.C. Take your part in “transforming the human race into the human family.” Save the date, come to the luncheon and change your life. 2007 Operating Budget Update: Breaking Through! W e are deeply grateful to all who have made a pledge to the 2007 Breaking Through Stewardship Campaign. To date, we have received a total of 1223 pledges totaling $4,125,397.00. The vision we believe that God has given us for ministries in 2007 will cost $4,707,000.00. In order reach our budget goal, we are calling on all members and friends of this parish to make a pledge toward the 2007 Operating Fund Budget. Please call the Stewardship office at 626.583.2736 or e-mail irogers@allsaints-pas.org to make your 2007 pledge. Year-End Budget Notice It is year-end, and we would like to remind all parishioners to verify that pledges have been completed by December 31. Only payments postmarked by this date will be counted as contributions for the 2006 tax year. There are a significant number of parish households with balances still remaining. We are counting on the completion of all pledges in order to be able to fulfill our commitment to ministries that provide for those within our parish and in the community at large. Harville Hendrix in the Forum, Jan 7 Harville Hendrix, Ph.D.,author of the best seller, “Getting The Love You Want: A Guide for Couples” will be in the Rector’s Forum on Sunday, Jan. 7, 2007 at 10:15 a.m. to kick off the new Tuesday evening class called, “Couplehood As A Spiritual Path.” He and his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., developed this course for churches as an adaptation from his popular book. This eight-week program will be offered every other Tuesday evening from 7-9 p.m. from January to May. Covenant II Begins January 7 Covenant II – Deepening Our Faith, Living Into Our Baptism – continues the exploration of the Baptismal Covenant begun in Covenant I. Covenant I invites class members to look at the Covenant through the lens of personal stories of faith. In Covenant II, the focus is theological. Staff members present the core teachings of the Anglican Church concerning major themes of the Baptismal Covenant. Scripture, history and ethics are all vital topics in the program. Covenant II, offered once a year, meets on selected Sunday afternoons for lecture and discussion, from January to May. The class culminates with Confirmation on Saturday, May 12, 2007. Covenant I is a way into All Saints Church; Covenant II is the way into Confirmation or Reception in the Episcopal Church and to the Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows. The first Covenant II session meets on Sunday, Jan. 7 at 1:00 p.m. in Sweetland Hall. To register, please stop by our table on the lawn. For more information, contact Rusty Harding at 626.583.2735 or rharding@allsaints-pas.org. Lectio Local Reads Salvador Plascencia’s The People of Paper Lectio Local, All Saints’ discussion group focused on life in Southern California, resumes after a break for the holidays on Friday, January 19. This month the conversation will center on Salvador Plascencia’s The People of Paper. Daniel Hernandez in The Los Angeles Times wrote that Plascencia’s wildly inventive novel gives “Southern California and its mythology a borderless treatment that our literary heritage, until now, has seemed to lack.” The discussion will be held in the Guild Room starting at 7:30 and continuing until 9:00. All are welcome. Call Rusty Harding at 626.583.2735 for more information. Volunteer to be an Angel on Call Angels on Call is a Pastoral Care & Spiritual Growth ministry, providing a host of services to those parishioners who have suffered the loss of a loved one or who are faced with serious or life threatening illnesses. Your hands could be those that bring food to a parishioner in crisis or connect them to services they need. For more information contact the volunteer coordinators - Tom Drino, 626.852.6954, tomd319@aol.com, or Joe Gonzales, 626.442.2192, joglovesgod@yahoo.com. Fiction Fun! Reads March by Geraldine Brooks Fiction Fun! begins the New Year on Friday, January 26 with a discussion of March by Geraldine Brooks. The New Yorker wrote that “the true strength,” of Brooks’ Civil War novel, “is a deep imaginative engagement with how people are changed by catastrophe.” Please join us in the Guild Room for the discussion beginning at 7:30 p.m. and continuing until 9:00. All are welcome. Call Rusty Harding at 626.583.2735 for more information. Save the Date! Chris Hedges is Coming to Town! Chris Hedges returns to All Saints on Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the Forum. He will promote his new book American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America, and talk about the showdown with Iran. shorts Harding at 626.583.2735 for more information. Movies and Meaning on the Immigrant Experience Do You Want to Be Called by Call To Community? Religion and the movies “share an interest” in values, according to theologian Margaret Miles, but those values now are often most powerfully represented, not in the church, but in the theater. Please join us for a time of sharing film, our lives and our values as we bring those worlds together to see what they say about our journeys of faith. The final film scheduled for viewing and discussion in this film series on the immigrant experience is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Wednesday, Dec. 27). Please contact Rusty If you want to get connected at All Saints, meet people, or just talk with someone, simply contact either of the following people and express your desire to be placed on the Call list. Susan Long at 626.564.0141 or susanjlong@sbcglobal.net, or Maria DiMassa at 626.796.8765 or mjdimassa@earthlink.net. Computer Savvy Volunteers! If you have computer skills - especially a familiarity with Excel - the Pastoral Care & Spiritual Growth office needs your help. Contact Chris MackeyMason, 626.583.2752 or cmackeymason@allsaints-pas.org. prayers F O R T H E PA R I S H C O M M U N I T Y Remember those for whom prayers have been requested: Devon Williams Bishop; George Bolanos; Steve Carlburg; Lanell Copeland; Jean Doyle; James Galvan; the Gallion and LaCour Families; Frank Guevera; Darlene Guzman; Lucas Kelly; Betty Kunz; Abby McCarrel and the McCarrel Family; Mary McColl; Mike Menchaca; Julie Minson; Linda and Aidan Miranda; John Monaco; Hideo Munkakami; Fumie Murata; Shirley Pascal and Family; the Presser Family; Dianne Pounds; Louise and Terry Pisenti; Lois Russell; Charles Sterrett; the Toth Family; Matthew Velasco; Nastassja and Kenya; Don and Carolyn; Courtney; Jason, Meredith and Ethan In thanksgiving for: The marriage of Robert Rui Otani and Alicia Reid Langford, daughter of Janet and Hugh Langford; the birth of Joshua Ellias Maxwell Beaver, son of Katherine Carlburg and Elliot Beaver and grandson of Carolyn Carlburg and Dave and Cindy Carlburg; the birth of Stella Norene Carlson daughter of David and Shandy Carlson; the birth of Dylan Christopher Eng, son of Mary Christ and Phil Eng, grandson of Dorothy Christ; and the birth of Sebastian Lopez, son of May Ling and Abel Lopez For those who have died: Don Caldwell, Jane Frame, Severine Gallion, Daniel Nathan Magana and Rae Mason, Louise, Andor, and Andor Toth, Jr. saints alive Volume 14 Number 48 Sunday, December 31, 2006 Deadline for January 7, 2007 issue is Tuesday, December 12, 2006 USPS 553-760 Published weekly except biweekly in July and August Postmaster: Send address changes to Saints Alive, 132 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101-1796 Telephone 626.796.1172 Fax 626.796.4749 Online www.allsaints-pas.org J. Edwin Bacon, Jr., Rector Printed on recycled paper. Attention Postmaster: Dated Material 1 3 2 N O R T H E U C L I D A V E N U E PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91101 ALL SAINTS CHURCH Pasadena CA P A I D Periodicals Postage
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