Sunday Announcement Bulletin


Sunday Announcement Bulletin
January 31, 2016
The Fourth Sunday after
To be a church of Disciples Making Disciples for Jesus.
To be a church that Loves Like God Loves.
525 Lake Concord Rd NE ~ Concord, NC 28025
704-782-2024 ~
Thank you for worshiping with us today. If this is your first visit or you are
looking for a church home, a Greeter is available in the Welcome Center before
and after worship services to provide information and a welcome gift.
Being an active, inclusive community of faith;
Worshiping God in the Episcopal tradition;
Nurturing individuals to grow in Christ;
Seeking and serving Jesus in unexpected places.
10:00 AM
Chalice Bearers: Wayne Fowler and Debby Smith
Bread Bearer: Doug Spreen
Lector: Mary Jasmine
Acolytes: Emily Badgett, Christopher Berg, Stephen Carroll, and Eli Helms,
Greeters: Ericka Southworth and Ruth Bratton
Altar Guild: Team 5 - Captain: Becky Hoyser
Ushers: Team 5
For those interested in contributing Altar Flowers: The flower chart is
available in the Welcome Center.
Submission Deadline for Sunday Announcements is Monday, Noon.
Announcements received after that time will appear the following week.
Please address to:
COFFEE HOUR HOSTS are needed. If you or your ministry is interested in
hosting coffee hour, please sign up in the welcome center.
TODAY at All Saints’:
Christian Formation: will resume on the 7th of February.
Reception honoring Virginia Ridenhour: 12:30pm following the 10am service
(Welcome Center).
Serenity Group: 2:00pm (Multi-purpose Room)
Youth Group/EYC: Will not meet this week due to the Bishop’s Ball Retreat
TODAY at 10 AM
One Worship Service, Annual Meeting & Vestry Elections
Join us today at 12:30 in the Welcome Center as we honor and thank Virginia Ridenhour
for her faithful service. Virginia has served six rectors and interims and over a thousand
parishioners. We will certainly miss her in the office, and we’re delighted she will continue
to worship with us in her retirement.
Bishop Peter Lee’s visit has been postponed until the 21st of February.
From the Senior Warden: Many of you have asked about a purse for Virginia for her retirement. She prefers that any of your financial gifts would instead go to support the vital
work of CVAN (Cabarrus Victims Assistance Network). Please see Tammy Matula in the
office to give your donation in Virginia’s name to CVAN.
First annual After Dark at All Saints': Light up your mind! Come learn something new, or
explore an old interest, at our series of fun classes. There will be classes on a variety of
topics, from astronomy to cooking to crafting. On the evenings of February 1 through February 4, we will offer classes from 6:30 until 8:00. Plan to join others as we light up the
dark winter nights with fun and learning! Each class is $20, and proceeds will go to Outreach. See Debby Smith or Nancy Hunter for more information.
All Saints’ Annual Pancake Supper & Mardi Gras Party: Tuesday February 9th, from 6:00 7:30 PM. Once again this event is a fundraiser to support our Youth in Ministry, so please
plan on joining us and Feast before the Fast. There will be good old fashioned pancakes,
sausage, and gluten free pancakes as well. We will also have activities for the children.
Please bring your family and invite your friends to join us and ENJOY the evening!
Ash Wednesday Services with imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist will be held at
noon and 7 pm on February 10, 2016.
An Ash Wednesday Service geared toward children will take place at 5 pm with imposition
of ashes only.
Sue Gelarden
I have been a member of All Saints’ for seventeen
years. I grew up in the Lutheran Church and became
an Episcopalian in my mid-twenties. Over the years I
have always been active in the church and involved
with a wide variety of activities, including Pastoral
Care, Personnel Committee, Small Group, Foyer
Groups, and Olde Countrie Faire. I was a Mentor for
an Education for Ministry group for four years and
we continue to meet regularly. I am currently a
Chalice Bearer, a Bread Bearer, and a Eucharist
Visitor. I would like to be on the Vestry. I am now
retired and have plenty of time to help in any way
possible at All Saints’.
Bruce Heckert
As a new member of All Saints’ I feel I can provide a fresh
look, based on my experience with ministry in other
After moving back to the Charlotte area last January from
Pasadena CA, where I attended All Saints’, I started
attending here. One Saturday Workday last spring, I
helped Susan Yelton and the Haiti Mission group in the
kitchen for an event, and that did it for me. I have been
involved with those events ever since. After completing
the 3 Colors of Ministry book, Nancy encouraged me to
work with the acolytes and I began recruiting new servers
and training the existing members on new skills. During
the summer I began to help with the Sunday Night EYC group. I am having so much fun
working with the young adults at All Saints’. I plan on expanding the outreach of this
group as we get to know one another better. I have great plans for our EYC. I also serve
as a Chalice bearer and as a Lay Eucharistic Minister taking communion to our shut-ins
and members in nursing homes.
Chris Charest
I am a lifelong Episcopalian and have been attending All
Saints’ for a year with my wife Carrie and two boys
William (6) and Cooper (2). Prior to All Saints’ we
attended St. Luke’s in Salisbury for seven years, where
Carrie was confirmed and the boys were baptized. St.
Luke’s was a wonderful place for our family to worship
and holds a lot of special memories for us. So when we
decided to try All Saints’ we knew it would have to be a
special place for us to leave St. Luke’s. We were
immediately drawn to the community and the
commitment to children. All Saints’ has been nothing
but a blessing for our family and we already have many
wonderful memories that you all have provided for us.
In my professional life, I am Procurement Forester for H.W. Culp Lumber Company in
New London, NC. Since I have been at All Saints’ I have been amazed at the number of
and diversity of opportunities to get involved. I have participated with the Men’s Group
and the young families adult education class. I feel very honored and humbled that I
was asked to be a candidate for vestry and would love the opportunity to use the gifts
and blessings that God has given me to serve All Saints’.
Bob Simpson
I am 55 years old and work for BLueLinx Corporation as a
market manager for engineered wood products. I married
Beth Simpson here at All Saints thirty-two years ago. I have
served two terms on our Vestry, the last term as Junior
Warden. I have served six years on Cooperative Christian
Ministry Board of Directors and on its Governance
I have three children [Rebecca - twenty-eight, Bo - twentyfour, and Jack - twenty-one] who were brought up here at
All Saints’. I am currently serving on the All Saints Early
Childhood Foundation. I like helping the church by serving in
a leadership capacity and feel called to serve.
Prayer is the foundation of the ministry of this parish. Prayer requests & praise reports can be added or
removed by going to the All Saints’ website and clicking on Prayer Requests, or by calling the church
office at 704-782-2024. You may choose to have your request sent to the Prayer Chain (a small group of
faithful intercessors who pray daily for the requests) and/or to be included in the announcement
bulletin. Please note that names will remain on the list for three weeks; unless otherwise requested.
We pray for Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Anne, our Bishop Pro-Tem; Peter, our Assisting
Bishop; our clergy, Nancy and Tricia; our staff and vestry, and for the people of All Saints’ and
their families.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Anglican Church of Burundi.
Diocese Cycle: Church of the Holy Comforter, St. John’s, and St. Martin’s in Charlotte.
Parish Cycle of Prayer: Dana & James Malone, Mollie Manolakis, Eric & Cheryl Marsh, Hilda
Marshall, Janie Mather, and Stephen & Tammy Matula and their families.
Prayers have been requested for: Jane, Deryck, Helen, Margaret, Joyce, and Guy.
In nursing homes or homebound: Alene Williams, Ben Burton, Uldrick Branford, Sarah
MacRae, Anne Slaughter, James E. Swann Jr.
Living with ongoing special needs: Annabelle, Bob and Brenda, Dalton, Dayna and Jason,
Devyn, Ericka, Fred , George, Jennie, Kendall, Lydia, Marjorie, Marshall, Mary G., Michael, Mike,
Paul, Rhonda, Stephanie, Sue, Tom, Yasmin and Maddox.
Serving in the military: Bo Simpson, Becca Simpson, Charles (Chuck) Williams, Dylan Falcone,
Dustin Turner, Jack Simpson, James Trollan, Jennifer Ahart Barkley, Justin Fisher, Justin Smith,
Martin Hall, Jr., Michael Malone, Owen Bullard, Peter Barkley, Zac Childers, Nathan Rodgers, and
Jacob Rodgers.
Our Stephen Ministers: Barbara Lewis, Charles Simmons, Dorothy Teeter, Doug Spreen, Gina
Simmons, Mickey Hayes, Valerie Devine, Wayne Fowler.
Our Stephen Ministers in Training: Debbie Lewallen, Garen Livingston, Don Foskey, and Nancy
Our College Students: Samantha Badgett, Brendan Byrne, Lauren Byrne, Parrish Caney, Anna
Catherine Carroll, Caroline Coggins, Julia Connelly, Jim Cox, Tom Cox, Margaret Ericson, Savannah
Everhardt, Kelly Hynek, Gabrielle Hollopeter, Suzanne Jasmine, Tina Luckey, Sophia McFarlane,
Molly Moser, Patrick Moser, Will Moyes, Zach Moyes, LiDan Noreen, Zara Noreen, Renzo
Quevedo, Alexandra Ramdin, Jacquelyn Ramdin, Alison Russell, Kayla Russell, Jack Simpson,
Nathan Shorter, Hilary Smith, Jerrod Smith, James Swann, Jr., Jameson Williams and Sydney
Have you been receiving the All Saints’ Weekly Word via email? If you have not but
would like to, please email
Sharing the news of our community!
Have a grape for the vine? Contact church office at 704-782-2024
or email
Thank you for your prayers. Nancy’s recovery from her concussion is marked by
continued improvement. Nancy is especially grateful for your prayers.
Many thanks to Robbo Williams for volunteering to be our treasurer
Congratulations to Joe and Simone Plummer on the birth of their son, Harrison Rafael
Gasparini Plummer on the 5th of January 2016.
We were saddened to learn of the passing of Mary Mikhail, who went on to God’s Greater Glory
this past week. We pray for Mary and her family.
We Pray for Jackie Whitfield as she moves through the discernment process for the vocational
diaconate. We pray for her on-going formation and well-being as an aspirant. Almighty and
eternal God, draw Jackie’s heart to you; guide her mind, fill her imagination and control her will
so that she may be wholly yours, utterly dedicated to you, and then use her, we pray, as you will,
always to your glory and the welfare of your people; through Jesus Christ or Lord, Amen.
Chuck Collier-Senior Warden
Len Witke-Junior Warden
Emily Badgett-Communications/
Mission Expansion
Kay Boland-Outreach
Roxanne Friday-Women’s Ministry
Woodson Hair-Adult Christian
Ragan Kearns-Stewardship
Scott Russell-Parish Life
Debby Smith-Pastoral Care
Hilary Smith-Parish Life
Jerrod Smith-Children & Youth
Amy Spunich-Newcomers
The Reverend Nancy L. J. Cox, Rector
The Reverend Tricia de Beer
Interim Assistant Rector
Virginia Ridenhour
Parish Business Manager
Tammy Matula
Hannah Crone
Parish Administrator
Brian Sapp, MM
Director of Music/Organist
Office Hours
M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm
10:00 AM
12:30 PM
2:00 AM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
5:30 AM
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
12:00 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 PM
5:30 AM
11:00 AM
6:30 PM
Worship Service & Annual Meeting - PH
Retirement Reception - Welcome Center
Serenity Group - Multi-purpose room
Education for Ministry - Multi-purpose Room
All Saints' After Dark - Welcome Center
Financial Peace University - Parlor
F3 - Outdoors
Golden Needles - PH 1
Staff Meeting - Workroom
All Saints' After Dark - Welcome Center
Worship Meeting - Workroom
Holy Eucharist Rite II
All Saints' After Dark - Welcome Center
Serenity Group - Multi-purpose Room
F3 - Outdoors
Contemplative Prayer - Prayer Room
All Saints' After Dark - Welcome Center
8:00 PM
Serenity Group - Multi-Purpose Room
7:00 AM
F3 - Outdoors
7:30 AM
Men’s Bible Study - Parlor
9:00 AM
Vestry Retreat
Upcoming Events:
February 1-4th After Dark at All Saints'
February 9th Annual Pancake Supper
& Mardi Gras Party
Starting 10th February - Lenten Common Morning Common Prayer
Starbucks (Country Club and Concord Parkway)
Dilworth Coffee (5151 Poplar Tent Road, #140)
Ellie’s Coffee Shoppe (37 Union St. South)
Libby’s Pit Stop (1801 North Cannon Boulevard)
Panera Bread (1485 Concord Parkway North)