Monday Daily Newspaper - 2016 AGU Fall Meeting


Monday Daily Newspaper - 2016 AGU Fall Meeting
San Francisco | 15-19 December 2014
Session & Page Numbering
Paper Numbers - A paper number designates
the section, or other sponsoring group, and
chronology of the presentation.
Example: A21A-01 = Atmospheric Sciences,
Tuesday, AM, concurrent session A, first paper in
that session.
2 1
- 01
Sequence in Session
1 = Monday
1 = AM 0800–1000
2 = Tuesday
2 = AM 1020–1220
3 = Wednesday
3 = PM 1340–1540
4 = Thursday
4 = PM 1600–1800
5 = Friday
5 = PM 1830–1930
Session Information
Oral Sessions
Sessions are being held in the following venues:
Marriott Marquis (located diagonally
across from Moscone West)
Moscone West, Levels 2 and 3
Moscone South, Esplanade Level and
Lower Level (Gateway Ballroom)
Poster Sessions
Posters are on display in the following venues
throughout the week:
Moscone South, Lower Level, Poster Hall
Moscone West, Level 1, Poster Hall
Moscone West 2022-2024
AGU-EGU Union Session 1: Global
Freshwater Use (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Denis-Didier Rousseau,
CNRS - ENS; Gerrit de Rooij, Helmholtz
Environ. Res. - UFZ
0800h Panelists: Michael Carlin from San Francisco
Water Power Sewer, Daniel Homsey from San
Francisco Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services,
James Syvitski from the University of Colorado at
Boulder, and Lex van Geen from Lamont Doherty
Earth Observatory:
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advances in Precipitation
Observations and Analysis Posters
(joint with H)
Presiding: Mekonnen Gebremichael,
University of California; Firat Testik,
Clemson Univ.
0800h A11A-3001 POSTER Three Years of CountryWide Rainfall Maps from Cellular Communication
Networks: R Uijlenhoet, A Overeem, H Leijnse, M
F Rios Gaona
0800h A11A-3002 POSTER Two-Component
Extreme Value Distributions for Convective and
Stratiform Precipitation: Z Rulfova, A Buishand, J
Kysely, M Roth
The program is current as of 14 November 2014. An omitted abstract ID number in the presentation order indicates that the
abstract has been withdrawn by the presenter from the session. Please refer to the online program for updates:
0800h A11A-3003 POSTER Spatial Statistical Model
for the Optimal Combination of Direct and Indirect
Precipitation Measurements: A Bardossy, G G S
0800h A11B-3020 POSTER Application of Selforganizing Maps to Observed and Simulated Daily
Precipitation over the Tropical and Southern Pacific
Ocean: M Pike, A D Ward, B R Lintner, M J Niznik
0800h A11C-3027 POSTER Determining the
Hydrological Importance of Coastal Fog in Northern
California Using Stable Isotopes of Water: M A
Scholl, A Torregrosa, T B Coplen
0800h A11A-3004 POSTER Observed Gamma Ray
Radiation Variations Associated with Tropical
Zone Rainfall Events: W N Spjeldvik, I M Martin,
A A Gusev
0800h A11B-3021 POSTER Influence of Anomalous
Heat Sources on the South Atlantic Convergence
Zone Low-Frequency Variability: F Andrade, J
0800h A11A-3005 POSTER GIS Based Stereoscopic
Visualization Technique for Weather Radar Data : S
Lim, B J Jang, K H Lee, C Lee, W Kim
0800h A11B-3022 POSTER Eastern Tropical Pacific
Precipitation Response to Zonal SPCZ events: A M
Durán-Quesada, B R Lintner
0800h A11C-3028 POSTER Urbanization reduces
fogginess in coastal Southern California, possibly
counteracting global-warming induced increases in
foggines: P Williams, R E Schwartz, S Iacobellis, B
Cook, R Seager, C J Still, G J Husak, J Michaelsen
0800h A11A-3006 POSTER Investigating the
Dependence of Fractal Dimension on Raindrop Size
for Drop Arrival Times As Measured By a TwoDimensional Video Disdrometer: R D Lemasters,
M Larsen
0800h A11B-3023 POSTER Varied Spatial Response
of the SPCZ on Multi-decadal Timescales over the
past 500 Years: J W Partin, T M Quinn, J EmileGeay, K Thirumalai, Y Okumura
0800h A11A-3007 POSTER Long-Term LargeScale Bias-Adjusted Precipitation Estimates at High
Spatial and Temporal Resolution Derived from the
National Mosaic and Multi-Sensor QPE (NMQ/Q2)
Precipitation Reanalysis over CONUS: O P Prat, B
R Nelson, S E Stevens, D J Seo, B Kim
0800h A11A-3008 POSTER Merging GOES-R ABI
and TRMM/GPM Observations with MRMS
Ground-Based Radar for Real-Time QPE in
Complex Terrain: H Grams, J J Gourley, R Rabin,
P Kirstetter
0800h A11A-3009 POSTER A New Optical
Disdrometer for Monitoring Precipitation
Microphysics: F Y Testik, M K Rahman
0800h A11A-3010 POSTER Self-Consistency of Rain
Event Definitions: J B Teves, M Larsen
0800h A11A-3011 POSTER Architectures for Rainfall
Property Estimation From Polarimetric Radar: S M
Collis, S E Giangrande, J Helmus, S Troemel
0800h A11A-3012 POSTER A Gaussian Random
Field Approach for Merging Radar and GroundBased Rainfall Data on Small Spatial and Temporal
Scales: K Krebsbach, P Friederichs
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h A11B-3024 POSTER Breaking Rossby Waves,
Moisture Streamers, and the Southern Hemisphere
Diagonal Convergence Zones: R L Panetta, M
Moscone South Poster Hall
Fog: Atmosphere, Biosphere, Land,
and Ocean Interactions I Posters (joint
with B, GC, H, IN)
Presiding: Alicia Torregrosa, U S
Geological Survey; Travis O’Brien,
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab;
Christopher Still, Oregon State
University; Ian Faloona, Univ California,
0800h A11C-3025 POSTER When the Fog Clears:
Long-Term Monitoring of Fog and Fog-Dependent
Biota in the Namib Desert: J R Logan V
0800h A11C-3026 POSTER Methylmercury and
other chemical constituents in Pacific coastal
fog water from seven sites in Central/Northern
California (FogNet) during the summer of 2014: P
S Weiss-Penzias, W A Heim, D Fernandez, K H
Coale, A J Oliphant, D Dann, M Porter, D Hoskins,
C Dodge
Diagonal Convection Zones I Posters
(cosponsored by AMS) (joint with GC, OS,
Presiding: Benjamin Lintner, Rutgers;
Matthew Niznik, Rutgers University;
Adrian Matthews, Univ East Anglia;
Matthew Widlansky, University of
Hawaii at Manoa
0800h A11B-3013 POSTER Modulation of Spcz
Convection By Equatorial and Extratropical Wave
Activity: G N Kiladis
0800h A11B-3014 POSTER Variability of the SPCZ
as detected by a statistical model using thirty years
of 3-hrly geostationary IR images in Nov-Apr: G
Magnusdottir, C M Haffke
0800h A11B-3016 POSTER A Framework for the
Origin of the Diagonally Oriented South Atlantic
and South Pacific Convergence Zones: K van der
Wiel, A J Matthews, D P Stevens, M M Joshi
0800h A11B-3017 POSTER South Pacific Decadal
Variability Since the 1790s and Changes in Earth
Surface Temperature: B K Linsley, H C Wu, E P
Dassie, D P Schrag
0800h A11C-3029 POSTER A Comparison of
the Efficiency Between Fog Collecting Meshes:
C M Eljenholm, E M Coffey, D Fernandez, C
Hernandez, A A Mairs
0800h A11C-3030 POSTER Observation of coastal
fogs using a suite of ground based remote sensing
instruments: J I Song, S S Yum, K H Kim, Y H Kim,
C H Cho, S B Oh
0800h A11C-3031 POSTER Evaluation of
Fog Simulation Capability by Several Cloud
Microphysical Schemes in the WRF Model: I C
Tsai, W T Chen, Z Y Yang, J P Chen
A11C-3032 POSTER
characteristics of fog occurrences around the
Nakdong River in the Korean Peninsula: a case
study at Gangjeong-Goryeong Weir: P J Sang, K
Kyu Rang, L Yun Kyu, C Chang Bum, C Byoung
0800h A11C-3033 POSTER Fog Water Use in
Coastal California Shrub Species: N Emery, C M
0800h A11C-3034 POSTER Passive Fog Water
Measurements Along the Northern California
Coast During the Summer of 2014: D Fernandez,
A Torregrosa, P S Weiss-Penzias, C M Eljenholm, E
M Coffey, C Hernandez, A A Mairs
0800h A11C-3035 POSTER Applying GOES-derived
fog frequency indices to water balance modeling
for the Russian River Watershed, California: A
Torregrosa, L E Flint, A L Flint, J Peters, C Combs
0800h A11C-3036 POSTER Drivers of Intra-Summer
Seasonality and Daily Variability of Coastal Low
Cloudiness in California Subregions: R E Schwartz,
S Iacobellis, A Gershunov, P Williams, D R Cayan
Union Frontiers of
Geophysics Lecture
Jeffrey Sachs
Monday, 15 December
12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.
Moscone South
Gateway Ballroom
Rooms 103-104
0800h A11B-3018 POSTER Decadal Variability in the
South Atlantic Convergence Zone and Changes in
Precipitation over Southeastern Brazil: M T Zilli,
L V Carvalho
0800h A11B-3019 POSTER Response of the South
Pacific Convergence Zone to imposed circulation
and moisture perturbations in an intermediate level
complexity model: M J Niznik, B R Lintner
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 1
11/28/2014 10:46:47 AM
Moscone South Poster Hall
Integrating Airborne Dust Forecasting
and Remote Sensing into Air Quality
and Public Health Services Posters
(cosponsored by AMS) (joint with GC,
Presiding: Hesham El-Askary, Chapman
Univ; Slobodan Nickovic, University of
Arizona; Jeffrey Luvall, NASA/NSSTC
0800h A11D-3038 POSTER Multi-Spectral Satellite
Imagery and Land Surface Modeling Supporting
Dust Detection and Forecasting: A Molthan, J
Case, B Zavodsky, A R Naeger, F LaFontaine, M R
0800h A11D-3040 POSTER Dust emission analysis of
multi-year dust events by inverse model: T Maki, T
Y Tanaka, K Yumimoto, T T Sekiyama, M Mikami
0800h A11E-3060 POSTER Influence of SSTs over
Nino-3.4 Region on the Indian Summer Monsoon
Rainfall: S S Wilson, S Gleixner, M K
0800h A11E-3061 POSTER Temperature Changes
in Equatorial Indian Ocean in Association with El
Nino: S Roose, J P V, C B, M K
0800h A11E-3062 POSTER Winter Cold tongue in
the South China Sea: B Thompson, P Tkalich, P M
0800h A11E-3063 POSTER Observational Study Of
The Pacific Western Boundary Currents And The
Indonesian Throughflow by the CAS Strategic
Priority Project: D Yuan, J Wang
0800h A11D-3043 POSTER Integrating Windblown
Dust Forecasts with Public Safety and Health
Systems: W A Sprigg
Presiding: Benjamin Johnson,
University of Maryland Baltimore County
/ JCET; Holly Nowell, Florida State
Presiding: Chidong Zhang, Univ
Miami-RSMAS/MPO; Janet Sprintall,
Univ California San Diego; Steven
Woolnough, University of Reading; Tong
Lee, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
0800h A11E-3046 POSTER Weather types across
the Maritime Continent: From the diurnal cycle to
interannual variations: A W Robertson, V Moron,
J H Qian, M Ghil
0800h A11E-3047 POSTER Wet and Dry Season
Precipitation over the Maritime Continent:
Variations and Prediction: S Yang, T Zhang, X
0800h A11F-3068 POSTER Determining in-Cloud
Ice Particle Canting Distributions Using Radar: R E
Honeyager, G Liu
0800h A11F-3069 POSTER Categorizing Ice Crystals
Using Airborne APR-2 and HVPS Observations
during GCPEx: M Martinez III, R Bennartz, F J
Turk, S Tanelli, O O Sy, A Bansemer, K S Kuo
0800h A11F-3070 POSTER Identifying Ice
Hydrometeor Signatures Above Summit, Greenland
Using a Multi-Instrument Approach: C Pettersen,
R Bennartz, M Kulie, A J Merrelli, M Shupe, D D
0800h A11F-3071 POSTER Spaceborne precipitation
radar simulation from a global cloud resolving
model: J S Leinonen, M D Lebsock, K Suzuki, H
Yashiro, Y Miyamoto
0800h A11F-3072 POSTER Evaluations of Particle
Scattering Models for Falling Snow: G Duffy, S W
Nesbitt, G M McFarquhar
0800h A11F-3073 POSTER Numerical study on
influence of turbulent droplet clustering on radar
reflectivity factor under cumulus cloud conditions:
K Matsuda, R Onishi, K Takahashi, R Kurose, S
Moscone South Poster Hall
Renewable Energy: Wind Energy Wake
Effects Posters (cosponsored by AMS)
0800h A11E-3048 POSTER Study of Atmospheric
Processes over the Maritime Continent with Radio
Occultation Technique: Y H Kuo, W S Schreiner,
Z Zeng
Presiding: Jessica Lundin, 3TIER,
Vaisala; James McCaa, 3TIER, Vaisala;
Elizabeth Weatherhead, University of
Colorado at Boulder; Andrew Clifton,
National Renewable Energy Lab
0800h A11E-3049 POSTER Water Vapor Budget
of the MJO over the Maritime Continent in
Comparison to Those over the Indian and Pacific
Oceans: C Zhang, T P Mitchell, M A Janiga
0800h A11G-3075 POSTER Impacts of Wind Farms
on Cumulus Cloud Development in the Central
Great Plains: L C Mahoney, T J Wagner, T S
L’Ecuyer, M Kulie
0800h A11E-3051 POSTER Year of the Maritime
Continent - Scientific Bases for the Campaign: K
Yoneyama, C Zhang, N Hayati
0800h A11G-3076 POSTER Wind Turbine Wake
Variability in a Large Wind Farm, Observed by
Scanning Lidar: J K Lundquist, G Xiaoxia, M
Aitken, P T Quelet, J Rana, M E Rhodes, C M St
Martin, K Tay, R Worsnop, S Irvin, D A Rajewski,
E S Takle
0800h A11E-3052 POSTER Borneo Vortex and
Meso-scale Convective Rainfall: T Y Koh, S Koseki,
C K Teo
0800h A11E-3053 POSTER A modeling study on
Sumatra squall lines using WRF: C F LO
0800h A11E-3054 POSTER Idealized Simulations of
Precipitation Regimes over Small Tropical Islands:
S Wang, A H Sobel
0800h A11E-3055 POSTER Effects of the Maritime
Continent on Large-Scale Convection Associated
with the Madden-Julian Oscillation: A Savarin, S
S Chen
0800h A11E-3057 POSTER Diurnal Variability and
Kelvin Wave Propagation Through Maritime
Continent: M K Flatau, D B Baranowski, P J Flatau,
A J Matthews
0800h A11E-3058 POSTER A satellite-based
perspective of convective systems over the
Maritime Continent: A Rowe, R Houze, K Virts,
M D Zuluaga
0800h A11E-3059 POSTER Asymmetric Responses
of Precipitation over the Maritime Continent in the
ENSO events: W Lin, J T Randerson, M H Lo
AGU2014News.indb 2
0800h A11G-3086 POSTER Wind turbine
parameterizations implemented in WRF mesoscaleLES nested simulations: N Marjanovic, J D
Mirocha, F K Chow
Moscone South Poster Hall
Sources of Planetary Boundary
Layer and Lower Free Troposphere
Ozone and Variability: From Urban to
Remote Regions of the United States I
Posters (cosponsored by AMS)
Precipitation Particle Simulations and
Observations for Microwave Remote
Sensing Applications Posters (joint with
Maritime Continent: Atmospheric
and Oceanic Processes and Their
Interaction I Posters (cosponsored by
AMS) (joint with OS)
0800h A11H-3102 POSTER Ozone and Trace Gas
Trends in the UK and Links to Changing Air Mass
Pathways: Z Fleming, P S Monks, C Reeves, S
0800h A11E-3066 POSTER Influence of the MaddenJulian Oscillation on the Indonesian Throughflow
and Upper Ocean Variability in the Indonesian Seas:
T Shinoda, W Han, T G Jensen, L Zamudio
0800h A11D-3042 POSTER Geomorphic and
Chemical Characteristics of Dust and Soil in
the Eastern Great Basin of Utah, U.S.A: M
Hahnenberger, K Nicoll, K D Perry
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h A11G-3085 POSTER Large-Eddy Simulations
of Wind Turbine Wakes Subject to Different
Atmospheric Stabilities: M Churchfield, J K
Lundquist, S Lee, A Clifton
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h A11D-3045 POSTER Informing Reactive
Meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa using Dust and
Climate Predictors: C Pérez García-Pando, M C
Thomson, M C Stanton, P J Diggle, R L Miller, J P
Perlwitz, P Ceccato
0800h A11H-3101 POSTER Long Term Analysis of
Ozone Night Peaks in the Portuguese Air Quality
Station Network: J M Castanheira, A C Parracho,
N Barros, T Fontes, M P Silva, A M Ramos, A C
0800h A11E-3065 POSTER Overview of Recent and
Future Indonesian Throughflow Tasks: J Sprintall
0800h A11D-3041 POSTER Middle East Desert Dust
Exposure: Health Risks from Metals and Microbial
Pathogens: M B Lyles
0800h A11D-3044 POSTER The Dust at Altitude
Recovery Technology (DART) System was
Developed to Recover Plant, Human, and Animal
Pathogens in Asian and African Dust Storms over
North America: A C Schuerger, B Tench, A Nehr,
T Emmons, F Valbuena, J Palaia, C Sugars
0800h A11G-3084 POSTER Characterization of
the Boundary Layer Wind and Turbulence in the
Gulf of Mexico: Y L Pichugina, R M Banta, A
Choukulkar, A Brewer, R M Hardesty, B McCarty,
R Marchbanks
0800h A11G-3077 POSTER Wind Turbine Wake
Experiment - Wieringermeer (WINTWEX-W): V
M Kumer, J Reuder, B Svardal, P Eecen
0800h A11G-3078 POSTER Quantifying error
of remote sensing observations of wind turbine
wakes using computational fluid dynamics: J K
Lundquist, M Churchfield, S Lee, A Clifton
0800h A11G-3079 POSTER Atmospheric stability
effects on wind farm performance using large-eddy
simulation: C L Archer, N Ghaisas, S Xie
0800h A11G-3080 POSTER Examples of the
Influence of Turbine Wakes on Downwind Power
Output, Surface Wind Speed, Turbulence and Flow
Convergence in Large Wind Farms: E S Takle, D A
Rajewski, J K Lundquist, R K Doorenbos
0800h A11G-3082 POSTER Regional Offshore Wind
Farm Optimization Using Wind Climatology and
the Weather Research and Forecasting Model: D E
Veron, J F Brodie, C L Archer, F Veron
Presiding: Mae Gustin, University of
Nevada-Reno; Daniel Jaffe, University
of Washington Bothell Campus; Gary
Morris, Valparaiso University; Mike
Newchurch, Univ of Alabama Huntsville
0800h A11H-3087 POSTER Source Attribution of
Surface Ozone in the Western United States Using
an Adjoint Method: M Gao, Q Li, L Zhang, E V
0800h A11H-3088 POSTER Evaluating the Vertical
Distribution of Ozone and its Relationship to
Pollution Events in Air Quality Models using
Satellite Data: G B Osterman, J L Neu, A Eldering,
R W Pinder, Y Tang, J McQueen
0800h A11H-3089 POSTER An Analysis of Seacions
Ozonesonde Measurements from St. Louis MO:
Providing Insight into How Cross Country
Wildfires and Descending Stratospheric Air over
the Great Plains Impact Regional Air Quality: J L
Wilkins, G Morris, B de Foy, J Fishman
0800h A11H-3090 POSTER Evaluation of
Intercontinental Transport of Ozone Using Fulltagged, Tagged-N and Sensitivity Methods: Y Guo,
J Liu, D L Mauzerall, L K Emmons, L W Horowitz,
S Fan, X Li, S Tao
0800h A11H-3091 POSTER Sources of Ozone in the
Free Troposphere in Houston During DISCOVERAQ 2013: A Kotsakis, B L Lefer, G A Morris, A
M Thompson, D K Martins, A J Weinheimer, R E
0800h A11H-3092 POSTER A case study of mixedlayer ozone diurnal variation by ozone DIAL and
Large-eddy simulation coupled a chemical module:
G Huang, M Newchurch, S Kuang, L Wang, O H G
0800h A11H-3093 POSTER Variability of O3 and NO2
Profile Shapes during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011: C
Flynn, K E Pickering, L N Lamsal, J R Herman, A
J Weinheimer, G Chen, X Liu, C Loughner, A M
0800h A11H-3094 POSTER Evaluating NO2
Variability of In-Situ and Remote Sensing
Observations from Aircraft and Ground Sites
During DISCOVER-AQ: M L Silverman, J
Szykman, G Chen, J H Crawford, S J Janz, M G
Kowalewski, L N Lamsal, R Long, M R Beaver
0800h A11H-3095 POSTER Urban-Scale Boundary
Layer and Lower Free Tropospheric Ozone
Variability in Houston During DISCOVER-AQ
(September 2013): G A Morris, B L Lefer, A M
Thompson, A J Weinheimer, H B Selkirk, D K
Martins, A Kotsakis
0800h A11H-3096 POSTER Response of the
Summertime Ground-level Ozone Trend in
the Chicago Area to Emission Controls and
Temperature Changes 2005–2013: P Jing, Z Lu, J
Xing, D G Streets, Q Tan, T O’Brien, J Kamberos
0800h A11H-3097 POSTER Ozone Production
Efficiency in the Baltimore-Washington Urban
Plume: L Hembeck, T Vinciguerra, S F Carpenter,
C Loughner, T P Canty, A J Weinheimer, R C
Cohen, A Wisthaler, A Fried, K E Pickering, J H
Crawford, R R Dickerson, R J Salawitch
0800h A11H-3098 POSTER Sensitivity of regional
meteorology and atmospheric composition during
the DISCOVER-AQ period to subgrid-scale cloudradiation interactions: X Huang, D J Allen, J A
Herwehe, K V Alapaty, C Loughner, K E Pickering
0800h A11H-3099 POSTER Using Source
Apportionment to Evaluate the Cross State
Transport of Ozone in the Eastern United States: D
L Goldberg, T P Canty, L Hembeck, T Vinciguerra,
S F Carpenter, D C Anderson, R J Salawitch, R R
0800h A11H-3100 POSTER Urban, Suburban, and
Rural Ozone Trends Across the United States over
a Period of Decreasing NOx Emissions: H A Simon,
A Reff, B Wells, N H Frank
Suomi NPP VIIRS Aerosol Products
and Their Applications Posters
Presiding: Istvan Laszlo, Univ Maryland;
Shobha Kondragunta, NOAA College
Park; Yang Liu, Emory Univ-CNR Bldg
0800h A11I-3103 POSTER Towards a Seamless
Global Aerosol Dataset for Generating a LongTerm Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Record:
D Fillmore, N G Loeb, R C Levy, S Kato, F G Rose
0800h A11I-3105 POSTER Comparison of AOD Data
from VIIRS and MODIS over Ocean Using a Data
Assimilation System: E J Hyer, P Lynch, M M Oo
0800h A11I-3106 POSTER VIIRS Aerosol Products
During the SEAC4RS Field Experiment: L A
Remer, L A Munchak, J Huang, J V Martins, R
Espinosa, D Orozco
0800h A11I-3107 POSTER VIIRS Aerosol Optical
Depth (AOD) Products for Air Quality Applications:
A K Huff, H Zhang, S Kondragunta, I Laszlo
0800h A11I-3108 POSTER Characterization of the
Difference between Aerosol Retrievals from MultiSensors and AERONET: J Huang, H Liu, I Laszlo,
S Kondragunta, L A Remer, H C Huang, H Zhang, S
Superczynski, M Petrenko, B N Holben, R C Levy,
R A Kahn, C M Ichoku
0800h A11I-3109 POSTER Evaluation of VIIRS,
GOCI, and MODIS Collection 6 AOD retrievals
against ground sunphotometer measurements over
East Asia: Q Xiao, Y Liu, S Kondragunta, H Zhang
0800h A11I-3110 POSTER Evaluation of VIIRS AOD
over North China Plain: biases from aerosol models:
J Zhu, X Xia, J Wang, H Chen, J Zhang, M M Oo,
R Holz
0800h A11I-3111 POSTER Linking AOD from
Satellites to Surface PM2.5 over the Eastern US
Using Aircraft Observations: D C Anderson, X
Ren, J Stehr, R R Dickerson, C Xu, S Kondragunta
0800h A11I-3112 POSTER Algorithm to Detect Dust
and Smoke in Suomi-NPP VIIRS Imagery: P Ciren,
S Kondragunta
0800h A11I-3113 POSTER An Automated Smoke
Detection Algorithm for Application to Suomi NPP
VIIRS Observations: C Xu, S Kondragunta
0800h A11I-3114 POSTER Potential Updates to
VIIRS Aerosol Optical Thickness Algorithm: H
Liu, I Laszlo, S Kondragunta
0800h A11I-3115 POSTER Improving Surface
Reflectance Estimation for VIIRS AOT Retrieval
over Land: H Zhang, H Liu, S Kondragunta, I
Laszlo, L A Remer, J Huang, H C Huang
Moscone South Poster Hall
Toward a Better Understanding of
Moist Process Feedbacks and Their
Role in the Climate System I Posters
Presiding: Hsi-Yen Ma, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory; Ingo
Richter, JAMSTEC Japan Agency for
Marine-Earth Science and Technology;
Min-Hui Lo, NTU; Jin-Yi Yu, Univ
California Irvine
0800h A11J-3116 POSTER Local and Remote
Controls on Forced Sahelian Rainfall: S A Hill, Y
0800h A11J-3117 POSTER How Do the Parameter
Changes in the Moist Processes Affect the
Temperature and Circulation Simulations in the
Lower-Troposphere?: F Xie
0800h A11J-3118 POSTER Free-Tropospheric
Moisture Convergence and Tropical Convective
Regimes: H Masunaga
0800h A11J-3119 POSTER Understanding the
mechanisms that control the diurnal phase of
tropical convection using a hierarchy of models: C
O Mbengue, T Schneider, J Teixeira, K Pressel, Z
Tan, C M Kaul
0800h A11J-3120 POSTER Summertime central U.S.
warm bias examined in the short-term hindcasts: H
Y Ma, S A Klein, S Xie, M H Lo, Y Zhang, Y Zhang
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:48 AM
0800h A11J-3122 POSTER Impacts of model
resolution and physics on the diurnal rainfall cycle
over tropical lands: Y C Wang
0800h A11J-3123 POSTER Impacts of Vertical
Structure of Convection on Tropical Circulation in
a Warmer Climate: C A Chen, C Chou
0800h A11J-3124 POSTER The Influence of a Single
Northern Hemisphere Continent on Tropical
Precipitation and Climate in Idealized GCM
Experiments: E Maroon, D M Frierson, S M Kang,
J Scheff
0800h A11J-3125 POSTER Increasing Skewness of
the Vertical Velocity Distribution Shifts Rainfall to
Heavier Rates: A G Pendergrass
0800h A11J-3126 POSTER NU-WRF Simulations
of Heavy Rain Events Over Mid-West US in the
Spring 2011: Y Zhou, W K M Lau, D Wu, W K
0800h A11J-3127 POSTER The atmospheric heat
engine response to climate change: O M Pauluis
0800h A11J-3128 POSTER Quantifying the
relationships between precipitation and atmospheric
radiative cooling on a range of scales: A C Naegele,
D A Randall
0800h A11J-3129 POSTER CESM cloud feedback:
connections to the storm tracks and tropical
circulation: B M Wagman, C S Jackson
Moscone West 3004
Advances in Spectral and Polarimetric
Remote Sensing and Retrieval
Techniques for the Characterization
of the Atmosphere I
Presiding: Kirk Knobelspiesse, NASA
Ames Research Center; Wenbo Sun,
Science Systems and Applications, Inc.
Hampton; Olga Kalashnikova, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory; Bastiaan van
Diedenhoven, Columbia University of
New York
0800h A11K-01 Field test of a new instrument to
measure UV/Vis (300-700 nm) ambient aerosol
extinction spectra in Colorado during DISCOVERAQ: C E Jordan, B E Anderson, A J Beyersdorf, J
E Dibb, M E Greenslade, R Martin, E M Scheuer,
M Shook, K L Thornhill II, D Troop, E Winstead,
L D Ziemba
0815h A11K-02 A new aerosol remote sensing by
moderate resolution imagers with near ultra-violet
channels: T Nakajima, M Hashimoto, S Fukuda, S
Morimoto, H Takenaka
0830h A11K-03 A New Satellite Aerosol Retrieval
Using High Spectral Resolution Oxygen A-Band
Measurements: D M Winker, P Zhai
0845h A11K-04 Polarimetric Remote Sensing of
Atmospheric Aerosols: O P Hasekamp, A Stap, A
di Noia, J Rietjens, M Smit, G van Harten, F Snik
0900h A11K-05 All-Sky Imaging of Skylight
Polarization With Wildfire Smoke: J A Shaw, N
Pust, E Forbes, L Dahl
0915h A11K-06 AERONET Version 3 processing:
B N Holben, I Slutsker, D M Giles, T F Eck, A
Smirnov, A Sinyuk, J Schafer, J Rodriguez
0930h A11K-07 Understanding the absorption
Angstrom exponent provided in the AERONET
database: G L Schuster, O Dubovik, A T Arola
0945h A11K-08 Aerosol properties derived from
airborne sky radiance and direct beam measurements
in recent NASA and DoE field campaigns: J
Redemann, C J Flynn, Y Shinozuka, P B Russell,
M S Kacenelenbogen, M Segal-Rosenhaimer, J M
Livingston, B Schmid, S E Dunagan, R R Johnson, S
E LeBlanc, S Schmidt, P Pilewskie, S Song
Moscone West 3010
Atmospheric Impacts of Oil and Gas
Development I (Virtual Session) (joint
with GC, SI)
Presiding: Randal Martin, Utah
State Univ; Carsten Warneke, NOAA
Chemical Sciences Div.; Shao-Meng Li,
Environment Canada; Peter DeCarlo,
Drexel University
0800h A11L-01 Airborne Measurements of
Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in the Oil
Sands Region of Alberta: J Liggio, K Hayden, P Liu,
A Leithead, S G Moussa, R M Staebler, M Gordon,
J O’brien, S M Li
0815h A11L-02 Using Co-Emitted Species to Identify
Natural Gas Emission Vectors: S C Herndon, T
I Yacovitch, J R Roscioli, C R Floerchinger, W
B Knighton, J D Goetz, P F DeCarlo, A Mitchell,
D S Tkacik, R Subramanian, A L Robinson, D M
Martinez, L Williams, D Zimmerle, A Marchese
0830h A11L-03 Reconciling Airborne Basin Scale
Methane Flux Estimates with Ground Based
Quantification of Methane and VOC Emissions
from Well Pads: S M Murphy, R A Field, J Soltis,
D Snare, R Edie
0845h A11L-04 Emissions from Natural Gas
Operations in the Marcellus Scale Formation: In
Situ and and Remote Sensing: R R Dickerson, X
Ren, A M Thompson, R J Salawitch, P B Shepson, J
P Burrows, S Sahu, D E Kollonige
0900h A11L-05 Primary emissions and secondary
formation of volatile organic compounds from
natural gas production in five major U.S. shale plays:
J Gilman, B M Lerner, C Warneke, M Graus, R
Lui, A Koss, B Yuan, S M Murphy, S L Alvarez,
B L Lefer, K E Min, S S Brown, J M Roberts, H D
Osthoff, C D Hatch, J Peischl, T B Ryerson, J A De
0915h A11L-06 Air Quality Impacts of Oil and Gas
Operations in the Northern Colorado Front Range:
D Helmig, C R Thompson, H Jacques, K R Smith,
R M Terrell
0930h A11L-07 Airborne Ethane Observations
over the Barnett and Bakken Shale Formations:
Quantification of Ethane Fluxes and Attribution
of Methane Emissions: M L Smith, E A Kort, A
Karion, C Sweeney, J Peischl, T B Ryerson
0945h A11L-08 Black Carbon Emissions from
Associated Natural Gas Flaring: C Weyant, P B
Shepson, R Subramanian, M O L Cambaliza, D C
Mccabe, E K Baum, D Caulton, A M F Heimburger,
T C Bond
Moscone West 3001
Multiphase Chemical Processes on
Atmospheric Aerosol (Natural and
Anthropogenic) and/or Environmental
Surfaces I
Presiding: Sasho Gligorovski, Aix
Marseille University; Daniel Knopf,
Stony Brook University; Cornelius
Zetzsch, University of Bayreuth; Hugo
Destaillats, Lawrence Berkeley National
0800h A11M-01 Gas-Surface Interactions of
Importance to Particle Formation and Growth
in Air: B J Finlayson-Pitts, M C Fairhurst, C
Waring-Kidd, K D Arquero, M J Ezell, V M Perraud
0818h A11M-02 Heterogeneous photo-oxidation of
pesticides and its implication to their environmental
fate: Y Dubowski
0836h A11M-03 Molecular corridors and kinetic
regimes in the multiphase chemical evolution
of secondary organic aerosol: M Shiraiwa, T
Berkemeier, K Schilling-Fahnestock, J Seinfeld, U
0854h A11M-04 Atmospheric Photochemistry at
Aqueous and “Wet” Surfaces: D J Donaldson
0912h A11M-05 Cloud Formation Potential of
Biomass Burning Aerosol Surrogate-Particles
Chemically Aged by OH: J H Slade, R M Thalman,
J Wang, Z Q Li, D A Knopf
0924h A11M-06 OH- Initiated Heterogeneous
Oxidation of Saturated Organic Aerosols in the
Presence of SO2: Uptake Kinetics and Product
Identification: N K Richards-Henderson, M
Ward, A H Goldstein, K R Wilson
0948h A11M-08 Multiphase Chemistry of Pyruvic
Acid Under Atmospherically Relevant Conditions:
V Vaida, A Monod, J F Doussin, A E Reed Harris, E
C Griffith, J A Kroll, R Rapf
Moscone West 3012
Physics of Climate Models I
(joint with GC, OS)
Presiding: Joao Teixeira, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Steven Krueger, Univ
of Utah-Meteorology; Yangang Liu,
Brookhaven Natl Lab; Baylor FoxKemper, Brown University
0800h A11N-01 Understanding Land-SurfaceAtmosphere Coupling in the Warm Season: A K
0815h A11N-02 Promise and Limitations of PDF
Based Parameterizations: D A Randall, G J Firl
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 3
0830h A11N-03 Climate Simulations Using the
Community Atmosphere Model Coupled with
a Multi-Variate PDF-Based Cloud Scheme: P
Bogenschutz, A Gettelman, V E Larson, H
Morrison, C C Chen, K Thayer-Calder, C Craig
0915h A11P-06 Uncertainties in United States
agricultural N2O emissions: comparing forward
model simulations to atmospheric N2O data: C
D Nevison, E Saikawa, E J Dlugokencky, A E
Andrews, C Sweeney
0845h A11N-04 Building an Explicit Representation
of Sub-Grid Variability with Subcolumns in CAM:
K Thayer-Calder, V E Larson, A Gettelman, P
Bogenschutz, C Craig, S Goldhaber, D Schanen, E
0930h A11P-07 Global Budgets of Atmospheric
Carbonyl Sulfide: J E Campbell, M Whelan, U H
Seibt, S Smith, J A Berry, S A Montzka, T W Hilton
0900h A11N-05 A New Stochastic MultiplePlume Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux model: A Step
Towards a Unified Parameterization: K Suselj, K
Suzuki, J Teixeira
0915h A11N-06 ED(MF)n: Humidity-Convection
Feedbacks in a Mass Flux Scheme Based on Resolved
Size Densities: R Neggers
0930h A11N-07 On the Synergy Between SpaceBorne Remote Sensing and Large-Eddy Simulation:
Structure of Shallow Marine Convection: G
Matheou, B H Kahn, J Teixeira
0945h A11N-08 A Study of Detrainment from Deep
Convection: I B Glenn, S K Krueger
Moscone West 3008
Tropical Cyclones: Observations,
Modeling, and Predictability I
(cosponsored by AMS) (joint with NH, OS)
Presiding: Zhuo Wang, University
of Illinois; Scott Braun, NASA/GSFC;
Patrick Harr, Naval Postgraduate
School; Fuqing Zhang, Penn State
0800h A11O-01 Why Do Some Tropical Cyclones
Fail to Intensify Rapidly Despite the Existence of All
Necessary Environmental Conditions?: E J Zipser
0945h A11P-08 Constraining CO Emissions Using
MOPITT, TES, and OMI Satellite Retrievals: M
Keller, D B A Jones, Z Jiang, D K Henze, H M
Moscone West Poster Hall
Forests and Drought: Vulnerability
and Resilience, Past, Present and,
Future II Posters (joint with GC)
Presiding: Michael Palace, Complex
System Research Center; Michael
Keller, Usda Forest Service C/o Gisel
0800h B11A-0001 POSTER Characterizing water use
strategies of Acer saccharum, Liriodendron tulipifera,
and Quercus spp. during a severe drought: K Yi, K A
Novick, D Dragoni, W Moore, D T Roman
0800h B11A-0002 POSTER Multi-sensor remote
sensing of the extent and persistence of the 2005
Amazon drought: S E Frolking, B H Braswell Jr, T
E Milliman, M Alonzo, S Peterson, S C Hagen, D A
Roberts, M W Palace
Contributions for Discriminate Seasonal Structural
Changes in the Amazon Rainforest Using MODIS
MAIAC Data: Y M Moura, T Hilker, L S Galvão, J
R Santos, A Lyapustin, C H R D Sousa, E McAdam
0815h A11O-02 Hurricane and Severe Storm
Sentinel (HS3): Mission Summary and Initial Result:
S A Braun, P A Newman
0800h B11A-0004 POSTER The response of pinon
and juniper leaf respiration to drought and warming:
A Collins, N G McDowell, M G Ryan, W Pockman
0830h A11O-03 Tropical Cyclone Outflow Structure
Observed during the Hurricane and Severe Storms
Sentinel (HS3) and Tropical Cyclone Intensity
(TCI) Experiments (2012-2014): P G Black, E A
Hendricks, J D Doyle, J Moskaitis, C Velden
0800h B11A-0006 POSTER Who Died, Where?
Quantification of Drought-Induced Tree Mortality
in Texas: A Schwantes, J J Swenson, D M Johnson,
J C Domec, R B Jackson
0845h A11O-04 A Conundrum of Tropical Cyclone
Formation: C A Davis
0900h A11O-05 CloudSat & A-Train Observations
of Tropical Cyclones: Examining Effects of Wind
Shear on Storm Structure: N D Tourville, J A
Knaff, M Demaria, G L Stephens, D Vane
0930h A11O-07 Evolution of the Upper-Ocean
Thermal Structure beneath Hurricanes Iselle and
Julio (2014): E Sanabia, S R Jayne
0945h A11O-08 Air-sea enthalpy fluxes and
evidence of spray effects within tropical cyclones: D
H Richter, D P Stern
Moscone West 3006
Using Atmospheric Measurements
and Remote Sensing Data to
Constrain Biosphere-Atmosphere
Exchange Processes I (joint with B, GC)
Presiding: Andrew Schuh, Colorado
State University; Abhishek Chatterjee,
National Center for Atmospheric
Research; Mathias Goeckede, MPI
0800h A11P-01 Inference of GHG Emissions at
Regional Scales: A Critical Review of Progress
to Date: K J Davis, M P Butler, A R Desai, T W
Hilton, T Lauvaux, K Naithani, J Xiao
0815h A11P-02 Evaluation of Land-Surface Models
with GOSAT Carbon Dioxide Measurements: C
O’Dell, H Lindqvist, M Cheeseman, A E Schuh, D
F Baker, I T Baker, K D Haynes, A S Denning, G J
Collatz, F Chevallier, C Frankenberg
0830h A11P-03 Quantification of Transport Model
Error Impacts on CO2 Inversions Using NASA’s
GEOS-5 GCM: L Ott, S Pawson, B Weir
0845h A11P-04 Assessing regional anthropogenic
emissions from observations of atmospheric CO2:
A M Michalak, J Ray, Y P Shiga, V Yadav
0900h A11P-05 Inverse Analysis of North American
Methane Emissions Using the CarbonTrackerLagrange Modeling Framework: J S Benmergui,
A E Andrews, K W Thoning, M Trudeau, A M
Michalak, V Yadav, S M Miller, E J Dlugokencky, L
Bruhwiler, K A Masarie, D E J Worthy, C Sweeney,
M L Fischer, T Nehrkorn, M E Mountain, S C
0800h B11A-0007 POSTER Influence of Lateral Flow
on the Predisposition of Aspen Mortality during
Drought: X Tai, D S Mackay, W Anderegg, J S
0800h B11A-0008 POSTER Controls On Water Use
Efficiency For Different Forest Ecosystems Across
North America: From The Leaf To Landscape: R
Guerrieri, L C Lepine, H Asbjornsen, J Xiao, S V
0800h B11A-0009 POSTER Trends and Tipping
Points of Drought-induced Tree Mortality: K
Huang, C Yi, D Wu, T Zhou, X Zhao, W J Blanford,
S Wei, H Wu, L Du
0800h B11A-0010 POSTER Resilience of a thinned
Eucalyptus regnans forest to long-term drought: S N
Hawthorne, P N J Lane, R G Benyon
Moscone West Poster Hall
Hydrate-Bearing Soils:
Characterization, Modeling, and
Geomechanical Implications I Posters
(joint with GC, MR, NH)
Presiding: Jeen-Shang Lin, University of
Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Campus; Marcelo
Sanchez, Texas A & M University;
Timothy Kneafsey, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory; Yongkoo Seol,
National Energy Technology Laboratory
0800h B11B-0011 POSTER Impacts of Hydrate Pore
Habit on Physical Properties of Hydrate Bearing
Sediments: Y Seol, S Dai, J H Choi
0800h B11B-0012 POSTER A New Critical State
Model for Geomechanical Behavior of Methane
Hydrate-Bearing Sands: J S Lin, P Xing, J Rutqvist,
Y Seol, J H Choi
0800h B11B-0013 POSTER Characterization of GasHydrate Sediment: In Situ Evaluation of Hydrate
Saturation in Pores of Pressured Sedimental
Samples: Y Jin, Y Konno, M Kida, J Nagao
0800h B11B-0014 POSTER Instrumented Pressure
Testing Chamber (IPTC) Characterization of
Methane Gas Hydrate-Bearing Pressure Cores
Collected from the Methane Production Test Site
in the Eastern Nankai Trough, Offshore Japan: W
F Waite, J C Santamarina, S Dai, W J Winters, J
Yoneda, Y Konno, J Nagao, K Suzuki, T Fujii, D H
Mason, E Bergeron
11/28/2014 10:46:48 AM
measurement for thermal conductivity, diffusivity,
and specific heat of methane hydrate bearing
sediments recovered from Nankai-Trough wells: M
Muraoka, M Ohtake, N Susuki, Y Yamamoto, K
Suzuki, T Tsuji
0800h B11B-0016 POSTER Molecular and isotopic
compositions of hydrate-bound gases collected
from the Eastern Nankai Trough: M Kida, Y Jin, M
Watanabe, Y Konno, J Yoneda, K Suzuki, T Fujii,
J Nagao
0800h B11B-0018 POSTER Vertical migration of gas
through fractures due to salinity-buffered hydrate
formation within the hydrate stability zone: D
Meyer, P B Flemings
0800h B11B-0019 POSTER Water Retention Curve
and Relative Permeability for Gas Production from
Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: N Mahabadi, S Dai, Y
Seol, J Jang
0800h B11B-0020 POSTER Coupled THCM
Modeling of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments: M J
Sanchez, X Gai Sr, A Shastri, J C Santamarina
0800h B11B-0021 POSTER Pore-scale Numerical
Simulation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method for
Mud Erosion in Methane Hydrate Bearing Layers:
T Yoshida, T Sato, H Oyama
0800h B11B-0022 POSTER Geomechanical Behavior
of Hydrate-Bearing Sediments in the Ulleung Basin
during Methane Production: G C Cho, A R Kim, S
0800h B11B-0023 POSTER Experimental Study of
Sand Production and Mud Erosion Phenomena for
Sand Mud Alternate Layer: H Oyama, T Sato
0800h B11B-0024 POSTER Pore Effect on the
Occurrence and Formation of Gas Hydrate in
Permafrost of Qilian Mountain, Qinghai-Tibet
Plateau, China: H Gao, H Lu, Z Lu
0800h B11B-0025 POSTER The effect of natural sand
grains and associated mineral changes on methane
hydrate formation: K U Heeschen, J M Schicks
0800h B11B-0026 POSTER Depressurization and
electrical heating of hydrate sediment for gas
production: H Minagawa, T Ito, S Kimura, H
Kaneko, S Noda, H Narita
0800h B11B-0027 POSTER Density structure of
submarine slump and normal sediments of the first
gas production test site at Daini-Atsumi Knoll near
Nankai Trough, estimated by LWD logging data: K
Suzuki, T Takayama, T Fujii, K Yamamoto
0800h B11B-0028 POSTER Hydraulic and Mechanical
Effects from Gas Hydrate Conversion and Secondary
Gas Hydrate Formation during Injection of CO2
into CH4-Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: C Deusner,
E Kossel, N Bigalke, J M Schicks, E Spangenberg,
M Priegnitz, K U Heeschen, S Abendroth, J Thaler,
M Haeckel
Moscone West Poster Hall
Impacts of Natural Gas Extraction
and Production on the Microbiology
and Biogeochemistry of Shale
Formation Posters
Presiding: Paula Mouser, The Ohio
State Univ; Michael Wilkins, The Ohio
State Univ; Shikha Sharma, West
Virginia University; Kelly Wrighton, Ohio
State University Main Campus
0800h B11C-0029 POSTER Thermodynamic
Methanogenesis in a Coalbed Methane Reservoir:
M F Kirk, K A Marquart, B H Wilson, T M Flynn,
D S Vinson
0800h B11C-0030 POSTER Organic Substances from
Unconventional Oil and Gas Production in Shale:
W H Orem, M Varonka, L Crosby, T Schell, A
Bates, M Engle
0800h B11C-0032 POSTER Assessing Microbial
Activity in Marcellus Shale Hydraulic Fracturing
Fluids: J R Wishart, Y Morono, M Ito, A Ijiri,
T Hoshino, F Inagaki, C Verba, M E Torres, F S
0800h B11C-0033 POSTER Temporal Changes
in Microbial Metagenomic Signatures and Lipid
Profiles After Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale: R
Trexler, K C Wrighton, S M Pfiffner, M Wilkins,
R A Daly, P J Mouser
0800h B11C-0035 POSTER Strontium Isotopes
as Tracers for Contamination from Potential
Marcellus Shale Waters: Z Cai, L Li, A Hakala
0800h B11C-0036 POSTER Investigating Rare Earth
Element Systematics in the Marcellus Shale: J Yang,
M E Torres, J H Kim, C Verba
0800h B11C-0037 POSTER Speciation and
Distribution of Trace Metals Associated with Iron
Sulfides in the Marcellus Shale: D M Singer, M
AGU2014News.indb 4
Moscone West Poster Hall
Integrating Latest Advances of
Biogeochemical Processes into Earth
System Models I Posters
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Xiaofeng Xu, University of
Texas at El Paso; Gangsheng Wang,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Melanie
Mayes, ORNL; Ying Sun, University of
Texas at Austin
0800h B11D-0039 POSTER Exploring a microbial
ecosystem approach to modeling deep ocean
biogeochemical cycles: E Zakem, M J Follows
0800h B11D-0040 POSTER Importance of
modelling microbial dynamics in soil: evaluation of
conventional and microbial soil models informed by
observations across various plant functional types:
O Hararuk, M J Smith
0800h B11D-0042 POSTER Measures of Microbial
Biomass for Soil Carbon Decomposition Models: M
A Mayes, J Dabbs, J M Steinweg, C W Schadt, L A
Kluber, G Wang, S Jagadamma
0800h B11D-0043 POSTER A GUI-based Tool for
Bridging the Gap between Models and ProcessOriented Studies: A Kornfeld, C Van der Tol, J A
0800h B11D-0044 POSTER Upscaling plot-scale
methane flux to a eddy covariance tower domain
in Barrow, AK: integrating in-situ data with a
microbial functional group-based model: X Xu, M
S Hahn, J Kumar, F Yuan, G Tang, P E Thornton, M
S Torn, S D Wullschleger
0800h B11D-0045 POSTER Biofilm Complexity
Controls Fine Particle Dynamics in Streams: K R
Roche, W R Hunter, J D Drummond, T J Battin, F
Boano, A I Packman
0800h B11D-0046 POSTER Combining Microbial
Enzyme Kinetics Models with Light Use Efficiency
Models to Predict CO2 and CH4 Ecosystem Exchange
from Flooded and Drained Peatland Systems: P Y
Oikawa, D Jenerette, S H Knox, C S Sturtevant, J G
Verfaillie, D D Baldocchi
0800h B11D-0047 POSTER Impact of Mesophyll
Diffusion on Estimated Global Land CO2
Fertilization: Y Sun, L Gu, R E Dickinson
0800h B11D-0048 POSTER Evaluation of a
Decomposition Model Based on a 13c Tracer Study
in Arctic Tundra Soils: X Zhu, J Tang, W J Riley,
M D Wallenstein, M F Cotrufo, M B Machmuller,
L Lynch
0800h B11D-0049 POSTER Representing Microbial
Dormancy in Soil Decomposition Models Improves
Model Performance and Reveals Key Ecosystem
Controls on Microbial Activity: Y He, J Yang, Q
Zhuang, G Wang, Y Liu
0800h B11D-0050 POSTER Drought Impacts on the
Mortality of Tree Species of Different Hydraulic
Adaptation Strategies Revealed in a Decade-Long
Study of a Central US Temperate Forest: L Gu
Moscone West Poster Hall
The Thermodynamics of Life Posters
(joint with P)
Presiding: Lindsay Hays, NASA
Headquarters; Michael New, NASA
0800h B11F-0087 POSTER Maximum Entropy
Production As a Framework for Understanding
How Living Systems Evolve, Organize and
Function: J J Vallino, C K Algar, J A Huber, N
0800h B11F-0089 POSTER Sunlight-Driven, WaterMediated Generation of Prebiotic Complexity: R
Rapf, E C Griffith, R J Perkins, V Vaida
0800h B11F-0090 POSTER The Temperature
Dependence of Biological Rates from Enzymes to
Ecosystems: V L Arcus, L A Schipper
0800h B11F-0091 POSTER Bioenergetic and
Geobiological Possibilities of Methanotrophy on
Mars: J J Marlow, D LaRowe, B L Ehlmann, J
Amend, V J Orphan
0800h B11F-0092 POSTER Geobiochemistry: Placing
Biochemistry in Its Geochemical Context: E Shock,
G M Boyer, P A Canovas III, A Prasad, J M Dick
0800h B11F-0093 POSTER Environmental and
bioenergetic constraints on the synthesis of biomass:
D LaRowe, J Amend
0800h B11F-0094 POSTER Nonequilibrium Steady
States in Models of Prebiotic Evolution: J W
Halley, A Wynveen
0800h B11F-0095 POSTER Isolation and
Thermodynamically Favorable Coupling of
Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane and Metal
Reduction: J B Glass, B C Reed, N D Sarode, C B
Kretz, M S Bray, T J DiChristina, F J Stewart, D A
Fowle, S A Crowe
0800h B11G-0115 POSTER Simulating drought
impacts on energy balance in an Amazonian
rainforest: H A Imbuzeiro, M H Costa, D Galbraith,
B O Christoffersen, T Powell, A B Harper, N M
Levine, L Rowland, P R Moorcroft, V H Benezoli,
P Meir, A C L da Costa, P M Brando, Y Malhi, S R
Saleska, M D Williams
0800h B11F-0096 POSTER Volumetric Properties
of Dilute Aqueous Solutions of 1- and 2-propanol
to 50 MPa and 373.15 K: J Seitz, J Bahramian, R
Blackwell, T Inaki, D York, M D Schulte
0800h B11G-0116 POSTER Linking Tropical Forest
Function to Hydraulic Traits in a Size-Structured
and Trait-Based Model: B O Christoffersen, E U
Gloor, S Fauset, N Fyllas, D Galbraith, T R Baker,
L Rowland, R Fisher, O Binks, M Mencuccini, Y
Malhi, C Stahl, F H Wagner, D Bonal, A C L da
Costa, L Ferreira, P Meir
0800h B11F-0098 POSTER Power and Biological
Potential: T M Hoehler, S M Som, C Kempes, B
B Jørgensen
0800h B11F-0099 POSTER The Thermodynamics of
Life on a Planetary Scale: S D Domagal-Goldman,
S M Som, T M Hoehler, J F Kasting, V S Meadows
0800h B11F-0101 POSTER Biological activity at the
limits of life: Microbial cycling of C, S and N in cold,
permanently stratified, hypersaline Lake Vanda,
Antarctica: S B Joye, C Schutte, V Samarkin, K L
Casciotti, M Madigan, M Saxton
0800h B11F-0102 POSTER Energetic Constraints of
Subseafloor Life: S D’Hondt, A J Spivack, G Wang
Moscone West Poster Hall
0800h B11G-0117 POSTER The carbon cycle response
of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in
dynamic global vegetation models: A B Harper, P
Friedlingstein, S Sitch, P M Cox, C Jones, A Arneth,
A Arvanitis, P Ciais, C Frankenberg, A K Jain, E
Kato, S Levis, N Parazoo, B Poulter, B D Stocker, A
Wiltshire, S Zaehle
0800h B11G-0118 POSTER The Sensitivity of Wet
and Dry Tropical Forests to Climate Change in
Bolivia: C Seiler, R W A Hutjes, B Kruijt, T Hickler
0800h B11G-0119 POSTER Effects of Amazon
Drought on Eastern Pacific SST: L A Lindsey, D
A Randall
Understanding Present and Future
Amazonian Rainforests I Posters (joint
with A, H)
0800h B11G-0120 POSTER Assessing the Future
Climate Change in Amazon Basin as Derived from
the PRECIS Regional Climate Modeling System: L
M Alves, J A Marengo, R Fu
Presiding: David Galbraith, University
of Leeds; Marcos Costa, UFV Federal
University of Vicosa; Bart Kruijt, Alterra;
Paul Moorcroft, Harvard Univ
0800h B11G-0121 POSTER A Space-Time Unified
Data Set of General Circulation Model Outputs for
Land Surface Modeling over Amazonia: S Moghim,
S L McKnight, K Zhang, A M Ebtehaj, R G Knox, R
L Bras, P R Moorcroft, J Wang
0800h B11G-0103 POSTER Using empirical
measurements of tree branching architecture to scale
whole-tree metabolism along a 4000 m elevation
transect in the Peruvian Andes and Amazon: L P
Bentley, A Shenkin, B Enquist, Y Malhi
0800h B11G-0122 POSTER Effects of CO2
Physiological Forcing on Amazon Climate: K
Halladay, P Good, G Kay, R Betts
0800h B11G-0104 POSTER Tree Diametric
Increment and Litterfall Production in an Eastern
Amazonian Forest: the Role of Functional Groups:
P B D Camargo, M L Ferreira, R C Oliveira Junior,
S R Saleska
0800h B11G-0105 POSTER Implication of ForestSavanna Dynamics on Biomass and Carbon Stock:
Effectiveness of an Amazonian Ecological Station: F
R Couto-Santos, F J Luizao
0800h B11G-0106 POSTER Partitioning the climatic
and biological controls on photosynthetic fluxes
in Amazonian tropical evergreen forests: J Wu,
K Guan, L Albert, M Hayek, N Restrepo-Coupe,
N Prohaska, K T Wiedemann, S F Marostica, S C
Stark, M Smith, R D Silva, D G Dye, B W Nelson, A
R Huete, S R Saleska
0800h B11G-0107 POSTER Seasonality of Central
Amazon Forest Leaf Flush Using Tower-Mounted
RGB Camera: J Wu, B W Nelson, J V Tavares, D
M Valeriano, A P Lopes, S F Marostica, G Martins,
N Prohaska, L Albert, A C De Araujo, A O Manzi, S
R Saleska, A R Huete
0800h B11G-0108 POSTER Leaf demography and
physiology of the Tapajós National Forest: could
phenology cause a forest-level increase in gross
primary productivity during the dry season?: L
Albert, J Wu, N Prohaska, P B D Camargo, R
Cosme Jr, T E Huxman, S R Saleska
0800h B11G-0109 POSTER For everything there is a
season, including Amazonian tropical forests: S R
Saleska, J Wu, B W Nelson, J V Tavares, L Albert,
N Prohaska, K Guan, R da Silva, A C De Araujo, A
D Nobre, N Restrepo-Coupe, A R Huete
0800h B11G-0110 POSTER Spatial Patterns of Carbon
Exchange Seasonality in Amazonian Forest: L Xu,
S S Saatchi, Y Yang, R Myneni, C Frankenberg, D
0800h B11G-0111 POSTER Satellite lidar data do not
show static greenness in wet equatorial Amazonian
rainforests: S CHOI, T Park, J Bi, Y Knyazikhin, R
B Myneni
0800h B11G-0112 POSTER Conjoint Seasonal and
Intraseasonal Dynamics of Precipitation and NDVI
Over The Amazon And The Congo Rainforests: L J
Yepes, G Poveda
0800h B11G-0123 POSTER Light in Tropical Forest
Models: What Detail Matters?: A Shenkin, L P
Bentley, G P Asner, Y Malhi
0800h B11G-0125 POSTER New estimates of
temperature response of leaf photosynthesis in
Amazon forest trees, its acclimation to mean
temperature change and consequences for modelling
climate response to rain forests: B Kruijt, W Jans,
S Vasconcelos, E S Tribuzy, C Felsemburgh, M
Eliane, L Rowland, A C L da Costa, P Meir
0800h B11G-0126 POSTER Biomass Change of the
Landless Peasants’ Settlements in Lower Amazon: S
Yoshikawa, K Ishimaru
0800h B11G-0127 POSTER Exploring different
scenarios of land use policy and their impacts on
provision of ecosystem services in Amazonia: C von
Randow, A P D Aguiar, K Thonicke, H Verbeeck,
M Guimberteau, F Langerwisch, A Rammig, D
Galbraith, J Maksic, B Kruijt
0800h B11G-0128 POSTER Public policies and
communication affecting forest cover in the
Amazon: E Kawakami Savaget, M Batistella, A P
D Aguiar
0800h B11G-0129 POSTER New Reasons to Preserve
the Amazon Rainforest : M H Costa
0800h B11G-0130 POSTER Early warning for global
change-induced critical degradation of Amazonia:
science and a blue-print for implementation
from the AMAZALERT project: B Kruijt, C von
Randow, P Good, G Kay, J A Elbers, G S de Oliveira,
A Meesters, C A Nobre
Moscone West Poster Hall
Wanted, Dead or Alive: Microbes in
the Subsurface I Posters (joint with OS)
Presiding: Jennifer Biddle, University
of Delaware; Beth Orcutt, Bigelow
Laboratory for Ocean Science
0800h B11H-0131 POSTER Genetic legacy of the
deep subsurface recorded in the outflow channel
of a terrestrial serpentinizing seep (Luzon, the
Philippines): K M Woycheese, D R MeyerDombard, D Cardace, C A Arcilla
0800h B11G-0113 POSTER Hydrogeochemistry of
the Overland Flow in Soil at Agroecosystems in
Eastern Amazon: C F G D Costa, R O Figueiredo,
F D A Oliveira
0800h B11H-0132 POSTER Microbial Community
Dynamics from Permafrost Across the PleistoceneHolocene Boundary and Response to Abrupt
Climate Change: A Hammad, M Mahony, D G
Froese, B D Lanoil
0800h B11G-0114 POSTER Forest response to
increased disturbance in the Central Amazon and
comparison to Western Amazonian forests: J A
Holm, J Q Chambers, W Collins, N Higuchi
0800h B11H-0133 POSTER Higher Temperature and
Hydrogen Availability Stimulated the Methanogenic
Activity in East Antarctic Subglacial Sediment: H
ENVIRONMENT: E A Walsh, J B Kirkpatrick, R A
Pockalny, J Sauvage, M L Sogin, S D’Hondt
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:48 AM
0800h B11H-0135 POSTER Mineralogical Signatures
in Electrically Coupled Marine Sediments: A
Bauermeister, Y A Gorby, J Schramm
0845h B11I-04 GLEON: An Example of Next
Generation Network Biogeoscience: K C
Weathers, P C Hanson
0900h B11K-05 Estimating Soil Carbon Pools in
the Northern Permafrost Region: Challenges in
Adapting Datasets to Models: G Hugelius
0800h B11H-0136 POSTER Subseafloor nitrogen
redox processes at Loihi Seamount, Hawai: S D
Wankel, J B Sylvan, D LaRowe, J A Huber, C L
Moyer, K J Edwards
0900h B11I-05 Flux Observations of Carbon from
an Airborne Laboratory (FOCAL): Using Advances
in Spectroscopy, Turbulent Wind Measurements,
and Small, Commercial Aircraft to Create Eddy
Covariance Flux Maps from the Air: D S Sayres,
N Allen, C E Healy, J B Munster, M Rivero, C
Tuozzolo, J Wilkerson, R Dobosy, E J Dumas, M
Heuer, J Kochendorfer, T P Meyers, B Baker, J
Langford, J G Anderson
0915h B11K-06 The Unified North American
Soil Map and Its Implication on the Soil Organic
Carbon Stock in North America: Y Wei, S Liu, D N
Huntzinger, A M Michalak, W M Post, R B Cook,
K M Schaefer, M Thornton
0800h B11H-0137 POSTER Organic Phosphorus in
the Deep Subseafloor Environment: D Defforey,
A Paytan
0800h B11H-0138 POSTER Isolation and
Characterization of Gram-Positive Piezophilic
Bacteria from Deep Marine Subsurface Sediment: G
M Runko, J Fang, C Kato
0800h B11H-0139 POSTER Another one bites the
rust: Microbes weathering subsurface oceanic crust:
B Orcutt
0800h B11H-0141 POSTER Community Structure of
Methane-Cycling Archaea in Different Geochemical
Zones in Aarhus Bay, Denmark: X Chen, M A
Lever, A M Saunders, B B Jørgensen
0800h B11H-0142 POSTER Microbial Communities
of the Okinawa Backarc Basin Subvent Biosphere: L
D Brandt, C H House
0800h B11H-0143 POSTER High-resolution temporal
analysis of deep subseafloor microbial communities
inhabiting basement fluids: S Jungbluth, H T Lin,
C C Hsieh, M S Rappe
0800h B11H-0144 POSTER Long Live Rock!
Exploring Active Microbial Populations in North
Pond Subsurface Basalt: H J Mills, J Lehne
0800h B11H-0145 POSTER Extracellular Enzymatic
Hydrolysis of High Molecular Weight Organic
Carbon in Eastern Mediterranean Sapropelic
and Non-Sapropelic Subsurface Sediments: A
Hoarfrost, L Couper, C Arnosti
0800h B11H-0146 POSTER Where the Wild
Microbes Are: Education and Outreach on SubSeafloor Microbes: S K Cooper, K Kurtz, B Orcutt,
L Strong, J Collins, A Feagan
0800h B11H-0147 POSTER Boosting subsurface
life: is subseafloor sediment a natural catalyst for
radiolytic hydrogen production?: J Sauvage, D
Graham, A J Spivack, A G Dunlea, R W Murray,
S D’Hondt
Metabolic Reaction Modeling: a New Approach to
Geomicrobial Kinetics: S E McKernan, B Shapiro,
Q Jin
0800h B11H-0149 POSTER Drilling effect on
subsurface microbial community structure in
groundwater from the -250 m gallery at the
Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory,
Japan: K Ise, Y Amano, Y Sasaki, H Yoshikawa
0800h B11H-0150 POSTER Microbially-Enhanced
Coal Bed Methane: Strategies for Increased Biogenic
Production: K Davis, E P Barhart, H D Schweitzer,
A B Cunningham, R Gerlach, R Hiebert, M W
0800h B11H-0151 POSTER Effects of Sulfate
and Sulfide on Dehalococcoides Strain 195 and
Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough Ability to
Biodegrade Trichloroethene: A L Polasko, X Mao,
L Alvarez-Cohen
0915h B11I-06 Addressing critical environmental
data gaps via low-cost, real-time, cellular-based
environmental monitoring: K K Caylor, A Wolf,
B Siegfried
0930h B11I-07 A new multi-angle remote sensing
framework for scaling vegetation properties from
tower-based spectro-radiometers to next generation
“CubeSat”-satellites: T Hilker, F G Hall, L P Dyrud,
S Slagowski
Moscone West 2004
Presiding: Emily Elliott, University of
Pittsburgh; Stuart Weiss, Creekside
Center for Earth Observation
Molecular Biomarkers: From
Source to Sink to Environmental
Reconstruction I
(joint with PP)
Presiding: Peter Douglas, California
Institute of Technology; Camilo Ponton,
University of Southern California;
Srinath Krishnan, Yale University
0800h B11J-01 The Fate of Molecular Markers
in Soils and Their Implications for Soil Carbon
Cycling: G L Wiesenberg
0815h B11J-02 Paleo-Reconstruction of Carbon
Cycling in Large-River Delta-Front Estuaries: Use
of Molecular Biomarkers: T S Bianchi
0830h B11J-03 Characterization of terrestrial
organic matter transported through the Lena
River Delta (NE Siberia) to its adjacent nearshore
zone using lignin phenols, δ13C and ∆14C: M
Winterfeld, M A Goni, J Just, J Hefter, P Han, G
0845h B11J-04 Basin-wide investigation of
terrestrial biomarker source to sink transport along
a major modern fluvial system: C Freymond, F
Peterse, F Filip, T I Eglinton
0900h B11J-05 Exploring the Use of Branched
Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs)
as a Lacustrine Paleotemperature Proxy: S E
Loomis, J M Russell, J Sinninghe Damsté,
0915h B11J-06 Climate forcing of the terrestrial
organic carbon cycle during the last deglaciation:
the Himalaya-Bengal fan example: V Galy, C J Hein,
H R Kudrass, B Peucker-Ehrenbrink, T I Eglinton
0930h B11J-07 Comparing Terrestrial Organic
Carbon Cycle Dynamics in Interglacial and Glacial
Climates in the South American Tropics: K L
Fornace, V Galy, K A Hughen
0800h B11H-0153 POSTER Metatranscriptomic
Analysis of Groundwater Reveals an Active
Anammox Bacterial Population: T N M Jewell, U
Karaoz, B C Thomas, J F Banfield, E Brodie, K H
Williams, H R Beller
Moscone West 2002
Presiding: Stan Wullschleger, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory; Yarom
Polsky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory;
Melanie Mayes, ORNL
0800h B11I-01 Getting the science right for the right
reasons: the environmental sensing revolution that
just happened: J S Selker
0815h B11I-02 Treehuggers: Wireless Sensor
Networks for Automated Measurement and
Reporting of Changes in Tree Diameter: E H
DeLucia, T A Mies, K J Anderson-Teixeira, A P
Bohleber, V Herrmann
0830h B11I-03 Integrating Automated Data into
Ecosystem Models: How Can We Drink from a
Firehose?: M F Allen, T C Harmon
Soil Organic Matter Dynamics: Novel
Techniques, Big Data, and Functional
Models I
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Lucas Nave, University of
Michigan; Christopher Swanston, USDA
Forest Service; Margaret Torn, Berkeley
Lab/UC Berkeley; Nancy Hess, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
0800h B11K-01 Global-Scale Patterns Of Soil Carbon
And Nitrogen Content With Depth: What Are The
Underlying Mechanisms?: M G Kramer
0815h B11K-02 Estimating National Trends in Soil
Organic Carbon Stocks for US Agricultural Lands
Using Large Datasets: S M Ogle, K Paustian, K
Killian, M Easter, S Williams, R Gurung, E Marx, S
Spencer, S Del Grosso, W J Parton
0830h B11K-03 Understanding the Dynamics of Soil
Carbon in CMIP5 Models: K E Todd-Brown, Y
Luo, J T Randerson, S D Allison, M J Smith
0845h B11K-04 What Does Data Tell Us about
Decomposition Model of Soil Organic Matter?: Y
Luo, X Xu, K E Todd-Brown, J Liang
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 5
Moscone West 2006
The Bio-Atmospheric N Cycle:
N Emissions, Transformations,
Deposition, and Terrestrial and
Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts I (joint with
A, GC, H, OS)
0945h B11J-08 Alkane distribution and carbon
isotope composition in fossil leaves: An
interpretation of plant physiology in the geologic
past : H V Graham, K H Freeman
Developing the Next Generation
of Sensors and Instruments for
Application in the Biogeosciences I
(joint with C, GC, NS)
0945h B11K-08 Zero-D to One-D: Challenges and
implications of considering vertical soil C profiles in
Earth System Models: C D Koven, D M Lawrence,
W J Riley, M S Torn
0945h B11I-08 CentNet—A deployable 100-station
network for surface exchange research: S Oncley,
T W Horst, S Semmer, J Militzer, G Maclean, K
0800h B11H-0152 POSTER Is Bioaugmentation in
Combination with Biostimulation Effective for
in Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents
in Groundwater?: L LaPat-Polasko, L Conlan, S
Moscone West 2003
0930h B11K-07 Deep Soil Carbon and Its
Vulnerability to Global Environmental Change:
Process Understanding and Representation in Earth
System Models: M S Torn, C D Koven, W J Riley,
B Zhu, C Hicks Pries, C L Phillips
0800h B11L-01 The Global Nitrogen Cycle;
Emissions, Transformations and Deposition of
Reactive Nitrogen and Effects on Terrestrial
Ecosystems in the 21st Century: D Fowler
0815h B11L-02 Laboratory and Field Measurements
of the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of NOx: D L
Fibiger, D J Miller, B R Dahal, A F Lew, R Peltier,
M G Hastings
0830h B11L-03 Patterns in atmospheric circulation
affect emission sources contributing to nitrogen
deposition in the Columbia River Gorge, Pacific
Northwest USA: S M Anderson, S H Chung, J M
Welker, B Harlow, R D Evans
0845h B11L-04 Modelling the Contribution of
Long-range Transport of Ammonium Nitrates to
Urban Air Pollution and Human Exposure in the
United Kingdom: S Reis, M Vieno, R Beck, R Ots,
A Moring, S Steinle, M R Heal, R M Doherty
0900h B11L-05 Assessing the Fate of Nitrogen
Deposition on the Colorado Plateau: C Roybal, J
Belnap, L Floyd-Hanna, T Crews, S Reed
0915h B11L-06 Atmospheric and Microbial Nitrate
Contributions to Streams across a Regional
Nitrogen Deposition Gradient: L Rose, E M Elliott
0930h B11L-07 Community-specific biogeochemical
responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition
in subalpine meadow ecosystems of the Cascade
Range: J P Poinsatte, R Rochefort, R D Evans
0945h B11L-08 Fresh Insights into the Sources
and Distribution of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN)
from New In Situ and Satellite Observations: E
V Fischer, V Payne, J Zaragoza, L Zhu, Z Jiang,
J Worden, B C Sive, Y Zhou, M J Alvarado, A
Abeleira, S L Callahan, D K Farmer
Moscone West Poster Hall
Marginal Ice Zone Processes I Posters
(joint with A, OS)
Presiding: Craig Lee, Univ Washington;
Jeremy Wilkinson, British Antarctic
Survey; Luc Rainville, University of
Washington; Sung-Ho Kang, KOPRI
Korea Polar Research Institute
0800h C11A-0333 POSTER Effects of Wind and
Sea Ice Drift on the Seasonal Variation of Warm
Circumpolar Deep Water in the Amundsen Sea: T
W Kim, A Wahlin, H K Ha, S Lee, J H Lee
0800h C11A-0335 POSTER Distribution of
Phytoplankton and Particulate Organic Carbon in
the Beaufort Sea during the 2014 Marginal Ice Zone
Experiment: M J Perry, C Lee, E J Yang, I Cetinic,
S H Kang
0800h C11A-0336 POSTER Observations and
Modeling of Atmospheric Profiles in the Arctic
Seasonal Ice Zone: Z Liu, A J B Schweiger, R W
0800h C11A-0337 POSTER Observations of WindInduced Motion in the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone:
A C Bradley, S E Palo, C J Zappa, G LoDolce, D
Weibel, D Lawrence
0800h C11A-0338 POSTER Phytoplankton Bloom
in Iron Limitation Environment of the Amundsen
Polynya, Southern Ocean: J Park, M Y Gorbunov,
S Y Ha, H C Kim, S Lee
0800h C11A-0339 POSTER Monitoring Springto-Summer Sea Ice Floe Breakup Using High
Resolution SAR and Autonomous Observing
Platforms: P B Hwang, J Ren
0800h C11A-0340 POSTER Vertical heat transfer
based on direct microstructure measurements
in the ice-free Pacific-side Arctic Ocean: the
role and impact of the Pacific water intrusion: Y
Kawaguchi, T Kikuchi, R Inoue
0800h C11A-0341 POSTER Effects of the Sea Ice Floe
Size Distribution on Polar Ocean Properties and
Air-Sea Exchange: C Horvat, E Tziperman
0800h C11A-0342 POSTER Seasonal Ice loss in the
Beaufort Sea: Toward Synchronicity and Prediction:
M Steele, S Dickinson, J Zhang, R W Lindsay
0800h C11A-0343 POSTER Trend and Inter-Annual
Variability in Southeast Greenland Sea Ice: Impacts
on Coastal Greenland Climate Variability : K
Moore, F Straneo, M Oltmanns
0800h C11A-0344 POSTER Aerial Surveys of the
Beaufort Sea Seasonal Ice Zone in 2012-2014: S
Dewey, J Morison, R Andersen, J Zhang
0800h C11A-0345 POSTER Large-Scale Patterns of
Waves in Partial Ice Cover in the Arctic Ocean: M
Smith, J M Thomson, W Rogers
0800h C11A-0346 POSTER Upper Ocean
Temperature, Salinity, and Turbulence Across the
Marginal Ice Zone from Autonomous Seaglider
Surveys: L Rainville, C Lee
0800h C11A-0347 POSTER Small-Scale Modeling
of Waves and Floes in the Marginal Ice Zone:
M Orzech, F Shi, J Calantoni, S P Bateman, J
0800h C11A-0349 POSTER The Floe Size
Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone of the
Beaufort and Chukchi Seas: A J B Schweiger, H L
Stern III, M Stark, J Zhang, M Steele, P B Hwang
0800h C11A-0350 POSTER The seasonal evolution
of sea ice motion in the Beaufort Sea and the ice
packs response to atmospheric forcing: D Babb, J
V Lukovich, R K Scharien, R J Galley, D G Barber
0800h C11A-0351 POSTER Laboratory Experiment
of Wave Propagation Through Different Ice Covers:
H H Shen, X Zhao, C J Callinan, J Wilkinson, K U
0800h C11A-0352 POSTER Radon and radium in
the ice-covered Arctic Ocean, and what they reveal
about gas exchange in the sea ice zone: B Loose, R P
Kelly, A Bigdeli, S B Moran
0800h C11A-0353 POSTER Direct Observations of
Heat and Salt Entrainment Fluxes Across the Base
of the Ocean Mixing Layer Under Marginal Ice
Conditions in the Beaufort Sea: S Gallaher, T P
Stanton, W J Shaw
0800h C11A-0354 POSTER MIZMAS Forecast of
Sea Ice Thickness and Drift in the Beaufort Sea
Marginal Ice Zone: J Zhang, A J B Schweiger, M
Steele, H L Stern III
0800h C11A-0355 POSTER Measurement and
parameterization of wave attenuation and scattering
in the Marginal Ice Zone using Sentinel-1 SAR data:
F Collard, F Ardhuin, G Guitton, D Dumont, P
Nicot, M Accenti, F Girard-Ardhuin
0800h C11A-0356 POSTER Jet formation at the sea
ice edge: D L Feltham, H D Heorton
Moscone West Poster Hall
Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
Properties and Processes I Posters
Presiding: Chris Polashenski, USACECRREL; Andrew Mahoney, University of
Alaska Fairbanks; Donald Perovich, USA
0800h C11B-0357 POSTER A New Parameterisation
of Frazil and Grease Ice Formation in a Climate
Sea Ice Model: D L Feltham, H D Heorton, A V
0800h C11B-0358 POSTER Siku: A Sea Ice Discrete
Element Method Model on a Spherical Earth: A V
Kulchitsky, J K Hutchings, J Johnson
0800h C11B-0359 POSTER Arctic Sea Ice Extent and
Concentrations are Overpredicted by a Regional
Coupled Ocean – Sea Ice Model as Compared to
Satellite Data: T Reddy
0800h C11B-0360 POSTER High Resolution
Estimates of Sea Ice Melt-Freeze Transitions in
the Northern Canadian Arctic Archipelago from
Radarsat: M S Mahmud, J Yackel, S Howell
0800h C11B-0361 POSTER Seasonal sea ice melt
pond fraction and pond freezing estimation using
dual-polarisation C-band synthetic aperture radar:
R K Scharien, J Landy, S Howell, K Warner, D G
11/28/2014 10:46:49 AM
0800h C11B-0362 POSTER Sub-Regional Sea Ice
Preferences of Pacific Walrus in the Bering Sea
Using SAR Data: A Sacco, A R Mahoney, H Eicken,
M A Johnson, C Ray
0800h C11B-0363 POSTER Temporal and Spatial
Variability of Ross polynya using Multi-Satellite
Observations: J Park, Y H Jo
0800h C11B-0364 POSTER The variability of sea ice
motion in Antarctic: C S Kim, T W Kim, H C Kim,
S Lee
0800h C11B-0365 POSTER Future Projections of
Trans-Arctic Shipping Potential and Variability: S
R Stephenson, L C Smith
0800h C21E-05 POSTER The Impact of Refreezing
of Melt Ponds on Arctic Sea Ice Thinning: D L
Feltham, D Flocco, D Schroeder, M Tsamados
0800h C11B-0367 POSTER The influence of spatial
and seasonal variability on the stability of the sea ice
cover: T J W Wagner, I Eisenman
0800h C11B-0368 POSTER Arctic and Antarctic sea
ice and climate: S Barreira
0800h C11B-0369 POSTER Issues with Moisture
Flux Estimation in the Arctic and Changes in the
Flux Between 2003-2014: L N Boisvert, D L Wu,
T P Vihma, J Susskind
0800h C11B-0370 POSTER Formative Processes
Governing Ross Sea Polynya Areal Variability: J M
0800h C11C-0384 POSTER Integrating Carbon
Flux Measurements with Hydrologic and Thermal
Responses in a Low Centered Ice-Wedge Polygon
near Prudhoe Bay, AK: T Larson, M Young, T G
Caldwell, C Abolt
0800h C11C-0385 POSTER Variations in
evapotranspiration fluxes across geomorphological
units and plant functional types in a polygonalstructure Tundra in Barrow, Alaska: N Raz Yaseef,
J M Young, T A Rahn, B D Newman, M S Torn
0800h C11C-0386 POSTER Changes in travel times
in thawing permafrost systems: A Frampton, G
Destouni, R Pannetier
0800h C11C-0387 POSTER Simulating Interactive
Effects of Frozen Soil Hydrological Dynamics in
the Caribou-Poker Creek Research Watershed,
Alaska: N R Pradhan, C W Downer, M Wahl, S S
Marchenko, A Liljedahl
0800h C11C-0388 POSTER Modeling Permafrost’s
Distribution and Prospective Development with
Coupled Heat and Groundwater Flow Equation. : R
0800h C11C-0389 POSTER Surface-Atmosphere
Moisture Coupling in Eurasian Frozen Ground
Regions: O W Frauenfeld, T Ford
0800h C11C-0390 POSTER Two-source energy
balance model implementation in the Alaska Arctic
tundra: J Cristóbal-Rosselló, A Prakash, M C
Anderson, W P Kustas, D L Kane
0800h C11B-0371 POSTER A Wind-Driven, Hybrid
Latent and Sensible Heat Coastal Polynya at Barrow,
Alaska: D Hirano, Y Fukamachi, E Watanabe, K
Iwamoto, A R Mahoney, H Eicken, D Shimizu, K I
Ohshima, T Tamura
0800h C11C-0391 POSTER Permafrost degradation
after the 2002 wildfire in Kougarok, Seward
Peninsula, Alaska: G Iwahana, K Harada, M
Uchida, M Kondo, K Saito, K Narita, K Kushida, L
D Hinzman, M Fukuda, S Tsuyuzaki
0800h C11B-0372 POSTER Optical Measurements
and Analysis of Sea Ice in the Chukchi Sea during
the Onset of 2014 Melt: A E Arntsen, C Stwertka,
C Polashenski, D K Perovich
0800h C11C-0392 POSTER Third-Year Results
from the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network
(CALON) Project: K M Hinkel, C D Arp, R A Beck,
W R Eisner, K E Frey, G Grosse, B M Jones, C Kim,
J D Lenters, H Liu, A Townsend-Small
0800h C11B-0373 POSTER Interannual and seasonal
variability in landfast sea ice growth and properties
at Barrow, Alaska: A comparison between
observations and CICE model simulations: M
Oggier, M Jin, H Eicken
0800h C11B-0374 POSTER Pressure Ridge Keel
Shapes in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas: V A
Valenti, A R Mahoney, A Metzger, H Eicken
0800h C11B-0376 POSTER A Possible Correlation
between the Surface Temperature and Thickness of
Arctic Sea Ice: C Roadcap, R B Herman, J L Eagle,
S B Montgomery, C Baumgardner, M C Brett, D
0800h C11B-0377 POSTER The melting sea ice of
Arctic polar cap in the summer solstice month and
the role of ocean: S Lee, Y Yi
0800h C11B-0378 POSTER Sea Ice Changes in the
Adelie Depression during the Ice-Trapping Period
of the Chinese Ice-Breaker RV Xuelong in January
2014: F Hui, M Zhai, X Li, X Cheng, P Heil, T Zhao
Moscone West Poster Hall
Arctic Hydrology in a Changing
Climate I Posters
(joint with GC, H)
Presiding: Cathy Wilson, Los Alamos
National Lab; Stan Wullschleger,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Larry
Hinzman, University of Alaska Fairbanks
0800h C11C-0379 POSTER Estimating Arctic Tundra
Soil Water Content Variability and Relationship to
Landscape Properties Using Above- and BelowGround Imaging: B Dafflon, S S Hubbard, J
Peterson, C Ulrich, R Oktem, J B Curtis, A P Tran,
Y Wu, W Cable, V E Romanovsky
0800h C11C-0380 POSTER Cryostratigraphy and
Main Physical Properties of Active Layer Soils
and Upper Horizon of Permafrost at the Barrow
Environmental Observatory Research Site: A L
Kholodov, A Liljedahl, V E Romanovsky, W Cable
0800h C11C-0381 POSTER Using Observational Data
to Inform Physically Based Models of Subsurface
Thermal Hydrology Properties and Active
Layer Thickness at the Barrow Environmental
Observatory, Alaska: A L Atchley, D R Harp, S L
Painter, E Coon, C J Wilson, V E Romanovsky, A
0800h C11C-0382 POSTER Effects of Soil Property
Uncertainty on Projected Active Layer Thickness:
D R Harp, A L Atchley, E Coon, S L Painter, C J
Wilson, V E Romanovsky, A Liljedahl
0800h C11C-0383 POSTER Measured Hydrologic
Storage Characteristics of Three Major Ice Wedge
Polygon Types, Barrow, Alaska: A J Chamberlain,
A Liljedahl, C J Wilson, W Cable, V E Romanovsky
AGU2014News.indb 6
0800h C11C-0393 POSTER Northern Peatland Shifts
Under Changing Climate and Their Impact on
Permafrost: Y Shur, T Jorgenson, M Z Kanevskiy
0800h C11C-0394 POSTER Meso-Scale Hydrological
Modeling Using Small Scale Parameterizations in a
Discontinuous Permafrost Watershed in the Boreal
Forest Ecosystem: A M Endalamaw, W R Bolton,
L D Hinzman, D Morton, J M Young
0800h C11C-0395 POSTER Understanding future
projected changes and historical trends in extreme
climate and streamflow events in warm boreal
permafrost basins of Interior Alaska: K E Bennett,
J E Cherry, J E Walsh, L D Hinzman
0800h C11C-0396 POSTER Air Temperature
Evolution for the Last 10 Years in the National
Petroleum Reserve Alaska: D A Vas, H A Toniolo,
R Kemnitz, J P Bailey
0800h C11C-0397 POSTER Changes in the Length
of the Snow-free Season in Barrow, Alaska: D
Stanitski, R S Stone
0800h C11C-0398 POSTER Variability of ice sheet
thickness and water temperature in Arctic major
rivers: H PARK, Y Yoshikawa, K Oshima
0800h C11C-0399 POSTER Epoch Difference in the
Water Cycle in Siberia: Long-term Variations of the
Siberian River Discharge: K Oshima, K Ogata, H
PARK, Y Tachibana
0800h C11C-0400 POSTER Heat flux analyses for
the Mackenzie, Yukon, and Lena rivers: D Yang, P
Marsh, S Ge
Moscone West 3007
Advances in Altimetry of the Polar
Regions I (joint with G)
Presiding: Andrew Shepherd, University
of Leeds; Helen Fricker, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography; Sinead
Farrell, University of Maryland College
Park; Walter Smith, NOAA Lab Satellite
0800h C11D-01 Recent Improvements in Arctic and
Antarctic Marine Gravity: Unique Contributions
from CryoSat-2, Jason-1, Envisat, Geosat, and ERS1/2: D T Sandwell, E S M Garcia, W H F Smith
0815h C11D-02 Sea Level Change in the Arctic
Ocean from Ers, Envisat and Cryosat-2 Radar
Altimetry: T Armitage, D Wingham, A Ridout
0830h C11D-03 CryoSat-2 observes Arctic sea ice
volume recovery, after anomalously low melting in
summer 2013: R Tilling, A Ridout, A Shepherd, D
0845h C11D-04 Recent Advances in Satellite and
Airborne Altimetry over Arctic Sea Ice: S L Farrell,
T Newman, J Richter-Menge, C Haas, A Petty, D C
McAdoo, L N Connor
0900h C11D-05 CryoSat-2 Arctic Sea-Ice Thickness:
Uncertainties and Outlook: R Ricker, S Hendricks,
V Helm, C Haas, M Davidson
0800h DI11A-4247 POSTER Optimization of Model
Parameters and Experimental Designs for a Global
Marine Biogeochemical Model: J Reimer
0915h C11D-06 Advances in Airborne Altimetric
Techniques for the Measurement of Snow on Arctic
Sea Ice: T Newman, S L Farrell, J Richter-Menge,
B C Elder, J Ruth, L N Connor
0800h DI11A-4248 POSTER Coupling Stokes
and Darcy Flow in Melt Migration Modeling: R
Lehmann, B Kaus, M Lukáčová-Medvid’ová
0930h C11D-07 Complex Antarctic Ice-Shelf Height
Changes Revealed By Eighteen Years of Satellite
Radar Altimetry: F S Paolo, H A Fricker, L Padman
0800h DI11A-4249 POSTER Brittle Solvers: Lessons
and insights into effective solvers for visco-plasticity
in geodynamics: M W Spiegelman, D May, C R
0945h C11D-08 Investigating the Utility of Swath
Mode CryoSat Data for Determining Ice Sheet
Grounding Line Locations: A E Hogg, A Shepherd,
N Gourmelen, L Foresta
0800h DI11A-4252 POSTER Composite solvers
for linear saddle point problems arising from
the incompressible Stokes equations with highly
heterogeneous viscosity structure : P Sanan, S M
Schnepp, D May, O Schenk
Moscone West 3005
0800h DI11A-4253 POSTER LaMEM: a Massively
Parallel Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Code
for Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Lithospheric
Deformation with Visco-Elasto-Plastic Rheologies:
B Kaus, A Popov
Global Climate Change and
Cryospheric Systems I (joint with EP, GC,
H, PP)
Presiding: Jasper Knight, University
of Witwatersrand; Neil Glasser,
Aberystwyth University; Jason Briner,
University at Buffalo; Laura Levy,
Aarhus University
0800h C11E-01 Global glacier mass balance modeling
– Where to go from here?: R Hock, A Bliss, M
Huss, V Radic
0815h C11E-02 Fingerprints of the Greenland Ice
Sheet: S Nowicki
0830h C11E-03 New Insights from 10-Be on the
Deglaciation of Greenland: Comparison of a
Continent-Wide Database with Climatic Forcings
and Model Results: G Sinclair, A E Carlson, B
Lecavalier, G A Milne, A Mathias
0845h C11E-04 Modest response of the southern
Greenland ice sheet to the Holocene Thermal
Maximum: N K Larsen, K H Kjaer, B Lecavalier, A
A Bjork, P Huybrechts, K K Kjeldsen, K L Knudsen,
J Olsen, B Odggard
0900h C11E-05 On the Influence of the NAO on
Outlet Glacier Stability in SE Greenland during the
Past 100 Years: C S Andresen
0915h C11E-06 Seasonal and Interannual Glacier
Terminus Fluctuations in Northwest Greenland
and Links to Sea Ice and Velocity Trends during the
21st Century: T A Moon, I R Joughin, B E Smith
0930h C11E-07 Global Climate Change: Valuable
Insights from Concordant and Discordant Ice Core
Histories: E Mosley-Thompson, L G Thompson, S
E Porter, B P Goodwin, A B Wilson
0945h C11E-08 Himalayan glaciers: understanding
contrasting patterns of glacier behavior using multitemporal satellite imagery: A Racoviteanu
0800h DI11A-4255 POSTER Parallelization of the
Legendre Transform for a Geodynamics Code: H V
Lokavarapu, H Matsui, E M Heien
0800h DI11A-4256 POSTER Tau-adaptivity for
nonsmooth processes in heterogeneous media: J
Brown, M Adams, M Knepley
0800h DI11A-4257 POSTER Investigation on
Accelerating Dust Storm Simulation via Domain
Decomposition Methods: M Yu, Z Gui, C P Yang,
J Xia, S Chen
0800h DI11A-4258 POSTER A New MonotonicityPreserving Numerical Method for Approximating
Solutions to the Rayleigh-Benard Equations: J A
Russo, E H Studley, H V Lokavarapu, I Cherkashin,
E G Puckett
0800h DI11A-4259 POSTER Fully nonlinear dataassimilation in climate models: P J van Leeuwen,
P Browne
Moscone South Poster Hall
Education General Contributions I
Presiding: Tamara Ledley, TERC;
Stephen Macko, Univ Virginia
0800h ED11A-3378 POSTER Putting the Deep
Biosphere on the Map for Oceanography Courses:
Gas Hydrates As a Case Study for the Deep
Biosphere: J J Sikorski, B R Briggs
0800h ED11A-3379 POSTER A Century of GeologyCurriculum Response to Society: A Case Study at
Oregon State University: A Grunder, J A Johnson
0800h ED11A-3380 POSTER An Inexpensive Way
of Teaching Uncertainty and Mineral Exploration
Drilling in the Classroom: J S Aquino
Moscone South Poster Hall
State of the Art in Computational
Geoscience Posters
(joint with C, H, IN, NG, T)
Presiding: Jed Brown, Argonne National
Laboratory; Dave May, ETH Zurich;
Boris Kaus, University Mainz; Richard
Mills, Oak Ridge National Lab
0800h DI11A-4240 POSTER Fictitious Domain
Methods for Fracture Models in Elasticity: S Court,
O Bodart, V Cayol, J Koko
0800h DI11A-4241 POSTER Numerical Simulation
of the Mechanical Properties of Anninghe - Zemuhe
- Xiaojiang Faults in Southwestern China: A Zhu
0800h DI11A-4242 POSTER Computational
Approaches to Improving Storm Surge Forecasting:
K T Mandli
0800h DI11A-4243 POSTER Climate Modeling:
What to Do While We Wait for Exascale: D A
0800h DI11A-4244 POSTER 3D numerical modelling
of the steady-state thermal regime constrained by
surface heat flow data: a Monte Carlo approach: B
Mather, L N Moresi, A R Cruden
0800h DI11A-4245 POSTER Robust computational
techniques for studying Stokes flow within
deformable domains: Applications to global scale
planetary formation processes: M Furuichi, D May
0800h DI11A-4246 POSTER Dynamic earthquake
rupture simulation on nonplanar faults embedded
in 3D geometrically complex, heterogeneous Earth
models: K Duru, E M Dunham, S A Bydlon, H
0800h ED11A-3381 POSTER Enhancing Parent
Involvement in NC-CCSS for K-2 Mathematics: D
0800h ED11A-3382 POSTER Improved student
engagement, satisfaction, and learning outcomes
in a “flipped” large-lecture setting: A S Ward, E A
Bettis III, J E Russell, S Van Horne, M K Rocheford,
M Sipola, M R Colombo
0800h ED11A-3383 POSTER Importance of field
scientific learning at the time of elementary and
junior high school. - Introduction of geological
field learning in Shimane Prefecture, Japan -: I
0800h ED11A-3384 POSTER Frontiers in Ecosystem
Science: Energizing the Research Agenda: K C
Weathers, P M Groffman, E VanDolah
0800h ED11A-3385 POSTER Development of the
effective teaching material of the science unit “the
Moon and the Sun” of the elementary school of
Japan. - Method for understanding of the movement
of the celestial sphere -: I Taketa, I Matsumoto
0800h ED11A-3386 POSTER Development of the
teaching materials of the elementary school science
related to a Volcano, an Earthquake, and a Life: R
Sasaki, I Matsumoto, S Norimoto, E Kanagi, E
0800h ED11A-3387 POSTER Online Planetary
Science Courses at Athabasca University: M G
Connors, C Bredeson, K Munyikwa
0800h ED11A-3389 POSTER Rocks, Landforms, and
Landscapes vs. Words, Sentences, and Paragraphs:
An Interdisciplinary Team Approach to Teaching
the Tie Between Scientific Literacy and Inquirybased Writing in a Community College’s Geoscience
Program and a University’s’ Geoscience Program: A
M Thweatt, J R Giardino, C Schroeder
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:49 AM
0800h ED11A-3390 POSTER Development of
Workshops on Biodiversity and Evaluation of the
Educational Effect by Text Mining Analysis: R
Baba, A Iijima
0800h ED11B-3413 POSTER A Hybrid Approach to
Online and Traditional Learning during a Boundary
Layer Meteorology Course: E P Kelsey, M B
Yarker, M D S Mesquita
0800h ED11A-3391 POSTER From Classrooms
to Geosciences Careers: Developing and Testing
a Curriculum Module and Web Application for
Modeling Water in Urban Environments: J M
Cervenec, M T Durand
0800h ED11B-3414 POSTER Small Bodies, Big
Discoveries: NASA’s Small Bodies Education
Program: L Mayo, K J Erickson
Experimental investigation of Morphology, Mixing
States and Columnar Optical Properties of Aerosols
over a Desert location in India: S Mishra, T Kumar,
C Sharma, M V S N Prasad, S Singh, R Agnihotri,
B C Arya, B Gupta, T Naaraayanan, S Gautam, D
Kumar, K N Sood, J S Tawale, A K Sharma, A K
0800h ED11A-3393 POSTER Implementing
Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) in a Large-lecture
Science Course: A S Ward, E A Bettis III, J E
Russell, S Van Horne, M Sipola, M K Rocheford,
M R Colombo
0800h ED11A-3394 POSTER Interactive Online
Modules and Videos for Learning Geological
Concepts at the University of Toronto Department
of Earth Sciences: E Veglio, L W Graves, C G Bank
0800h ED11A-3395 POSTER Chaotic....!! Active and
Engaged. Effects of an active learning classroom on
student retention and engagement: S Palsole, L F
Moscone South Poster Hall
Education General Contributions II
Presiding: Tamara Ledley, TERC;
Stephen Macko, Univ Virginia
0800h ED11B-3396 POSTER Traditional Practicing
with Arsenic Rich Water in Fish Industries Leads to
Health Hazards in West Bengal and North-Eastern
States of India: C A Kashyap
0800h ED11B-3415 POSTER Going beyond the
NASA Earthdata website: Reaching out to new
audiences via social media and webinars: M M
Wong, J Brennan, R Bagwell, K J Murphy, J Behnke
0800h ED11B-3416 POSTER VISL: A Virtual Ice
Sheet Laboratory For Outreach and K-12 Education:
D J Halkides, E Y Larour, D L Cheng, G Perez, V
Romero, O Saks
0800h ED11B-3417 POSTER Teaching Astronomy
through e-learning in Poland: Astronomical
Education in teacher training conducted by the
Regional Teacher Training Center in Skierniewice:
A E Dabrowska
0800h ED11B-3418 POSTER UCLA’s Institute for
Planets and Exoplanets: Structuring an Education
and Public Outreach Program from the Ground Up:
I S Curren, D C Jewitt
0800h ED11B-3419 POSTER A Hydrogeologic Field
Area Encourages Learning of Isotope Hydrology,
Geologic Imprint on Water Quality, and Trace
Element Hydrochemistry: B J Hibbs
0800h ED11B-3420 POSTER Connecting global
change science with communities: About the
conformation of a social network for early warnings
in Colombia: P A Arias, L M Vidal, A M Serna, C
Vieira, J Machado, C A Cadavid
0800h ED11B-3421 POSTER Writing Assignments
that Promote Active Learning: M Narayanan
0800h ED11B-3422 POSTER Life After the Tsunami,
a Motivation to Learn about Earth Hazards: I
Kerlow, K Sieh, C M Rubin
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h ED11B-3397 POSTER The high energetic
particles released during the decline phases of last
five solar cycles: A A Hady II
Pioneering Innovative Approaches
for Remote Science, Education, and
Outreach Posters (joint with OS, P, PA)
0800h ED11B-3398 POSTER Isotope Tracers as
Tools for Identifying Water Sources in Developing
Regions: Case of Study in Southern Ecuador: G
Mosquera, P Lazo, P Crespo, R Célleri
Presiding: Allison Fundis, Ocean
Exploration Trust; Katherine Croff Bell,
Ocean Exploration Trust; Catherine
Coleman, NASA Johnson Space Center;
Liz Warren, Barrios Technology
0800h ED11B-3399 POSTER Habitat Suitability
analysis of Koklass (Pucrasia macrolopha) Pheasant in
Churdhar Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh,
India using Geospatial Technology: K Eliza, K
0800h ED11B-3401 POSTER Preserving Our
Homeland: A Collaboration to Connect Science
and Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Mashpee
Wampanoag Youth: B Gutierrez, M Fordham, R
Lopes-Pocknett, K Wyman, C Stringer, G Green, Q
Tobey, J Rassman, E Mills Jr
0800h ED11B-3402 POSTER On the New Concept
of the Available Water Climatology and Its
Application: H R Byun, D W Kim, K S Choi, R C
Deo, S M Lee, C K Park, S H Kwon, G B Kim, H N
BOOKS: G F Vasconcelos
0800h ED11B-3404 POSTER A Microbiological
Water Quality Evaluation of Ganges River Deltaic
Aquifers: C J Yerby, S E Gragg, J Page, J Leavens, P
Bhattacharya, J Harrington, S Datta
0800h ED11B-3406 POSTER Rainwater harvesting
in the South American Dry Chaco: P N Magliano,
G Baldi, F Murray, S Aurand, R A Paez, E G Jobbagy
0800h ED11B-3407 POSTER The Topography Tub
Learning Activity: G B Glesener
0800h ED11B-3408 POSTER NASA Opportunities
in Visualization, Art, and Science (NOVAS): M O
Fillingim, D Zevin, S Croft, L Thrall, C L Raftery,
R L Shackelford III
0800h ED11B-3409 POSTER Groundwater isotope
survey in the Southern Gobi Region, Mongolia: B B
Bayanzul, B Nemer, V Kaland, K Groen, J Naidan,
W V D Linden
0800h ED11B-3410 POSTER The Hidden Watershed’s
Journals: the Informational Characteristics of
Biomarkers in Sedimentary Deposits: F J Guerrero,
J A Hatten
0800h ED11B-3411 POSTER Translating the Science
of Measuring Ecosystems at a National Scale:
Developing NEON’s Online Learning Portal: L A
Wasser, W Gram, L Goehring
0800h ED11C-3423 POSTER Transforming Research
in Oceanography through Education, Ethnography
and Rapidly Evolving Technologies: An NSFINSPIRE project: C R German, K L Croff Bell, A
Pallant, Z Mirmalek, S Jasanoff, K Rajan
0800h ED11C-3424 POSTER Expanding the
Telepresence Paradigm to the UNOLS Fleet: D
Coleman, G Scowcroft
Climate Literacy: Approaches to
Multidisciplinary Climate Education in
Higher Education Institutions I
(joint with GC, PA, SI)
Presiding: James Byrne, University of
Lethbridge; Stephen Hale, The Joan and
James Leitzel Center for Mathematics,
Science, and Engineering Education,
University of New Hampshire; Leanne
Little, University of Lethbridge; Monica
Bruckner, Carleton College
0800h ED11D-01 Paper 8542 - Climate Change
across Campus--ALL of Campus: S Campbell, J
0815h ED11D-02 Professional Ethics for Climate
Scientists: K Peacock, M E Mann
0830h ED11D-03 Participatory Games: Experiential
learning to bridge disciplines: E Coughlan, P
Suarez, J Mendler de Suarez, C Bachofen
0845h ED11D-04 Wagging ETOM’s Long Tail:
MOOCs, Hangouts on Air, and Formal and
Informal Undergraduate Experiences with Climate
Change Science and Clean Energy Solutions: G
Haines-Stiles, R B Alley, E Akuginow, K McNeal,
D Blockstein
0900h ED11D-05 The PICS Climate Insights 101
Courses: A Visual Approach to Learning About
Climate Science, Mitigation and Adaptation: T F
Pedersen, F W Zwiers, C Breen, T Q Murdock
0915h ED11D-06 Engaging Students in Climate
Change Science and Communication through a
Multi-disciplinary Study Abroad Program: L A
North, J Polk, B Strenecky
0800h ED11C-3430 POSTER Local Observations,
Global Connections: An Educational Program
Using Ocean Networks Canada’s Community-Based
Observatories: M Pelz, M Hoeberechts, N Ewing, E
Davidson, D J Riddell
0800h ED11C-3431 POSTER NASA Mission Tools
Suite for Education: E L Schaller, A R Duley
0800h ED11C-3432 POSTER A New MOOC on
Natural Disasters: J Stix, J R Gyakum, K Caissy, A
Guadagno, F Roop, P A Vungoc, C Walker
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
Hydraulic Reconstructions of
Sedimentary Deposits and Landforms:
Modern and Ancient I (joint with H, OS,
P, PP)
Presiding: Bruce Jaffe, USGS Pacific
Science Ctr; David Mohrig, Univ
of Texas at Austin; Michael Lamb,
California Institute of Technology; Ryan
Ewing, Texas A&M University
0800h EP11B-01 Using experimental tsunami
deposits to evaluate and reduce uncertainty in
hydraulic reconstructions : J P Johnson, K L
Delbecq, W Kim, D C Mohrig
0815h EP11B-02 Polydispersed Gravity Currents
Along a V-Shaped Valley: Experiments and Box
Model: C A M D Meriaux, C K Besson
0830h EP11B-03 Reconstructing ancient river
dynamics from the stratigraphic record: can lessons
from the past inform our future?: E A Hajek, E
Chamberlin, T Baisden
0845h EP11B-04 Hydraulic Reconstructions of
Outburst Floods on Earth and Mars: M G A
Lapotre, M P Lamb
0915h EP11B-06 The threshold between storm
overwash and inundation and the implication to
paleo-storm records and climate signatures: C
G Smith, J Long, L E Osterman, N G Plant, M E
Marot, J Bernier, J G Flocks, C S Adams
Moscone South Poster Hall
From Ridge to Reef: Terrestrial
Sediment Impacts to Coral Reef
Ecosystems I Posters (joint with B, H, OS)
Presiding: Carlos Ramos-Scharron,
Univ. of Texas; Jonathan Stock, US
Geological Survey; Curt Storlazzi, USGS
Pacific Science Ctr; Trent Biggs, San
Diego State University
0800h EP11A-3484 POSTER Fringing coral reef
condition decline: assembling the puzzle of human
impact associated to coastal development: J R
Garza-Perez, A Lopez-Patoni, M J Naranjo-Garcia
0800h ED11C-3429 POSTER The Acid Horizon
Cruise: Expanding scientific outreach by crowdfunding a film project: E E Cordes
Moscone West 2007
0945h ED11D-08 Our Changing Climate: A Brand
New Way to Study Climate Science: J A Brey, C
Kauffman, I Geer, K A Nugnes, E W Mills
0800h ED11C-3426 POSTER In the Footsteps of
Roger Revelle: A STEM Partnership Between
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Office of
Naval Research and Middle School Science Students
Bringing Next Generation Science Standards into
the Classroom through Ocean Science: D Brice, B
Appelgate Jr, P Mauricio
0800h ED11C-3428 POSTER Okeanos Explorer
2014 Gulf of Mexico Expedition: engaging and
connecting with diverse and geographically
dispersed audiences: C W Russell, K Elliott, E
Lobecker, L McKenna, S Haynes, E Crum, F Gorell
0800h EP11A-3493 POSTER Evaluation of
Hydrologic Models to Predict Sediment Export
With Changing Land Use in Leeward Hawaiian
Watersheds: K A Falinski, K Oleson, J Nielson
0900h EP11B-05 Surface-based aeolian stratigraphy:
T Swanson, D C Mohrig, G Kocurek, M A
Wolinsky, C Hern
0800h EP11A-3483 POSTER Eulerian and Lagrangian
Measurements of Water Flow and Residence Time
in a Fringing Coral Reef Embayment: C D Storlazzi,
A M Messina, O M Cheriton, T W Biggs
0800h ED11C-3427 POSTER Live Ship-toshore Video Events from the JOIDES Resolution
during International Ocean Discovery Program
Expeditions: D K Kulhanek, S K Cooper, K A
Dadd, F S Colwell, A S Mote, E A Christiansen
0800h EP11A-3492 POSTER Monitoring Approaches
to Assess the Impact of Watershed Development
and Restoration on Land-based Sedimentation in
the US Virgin Islands: Lessons Learned: S C Gray,
W Sears, S Campbell, C E Ramos-Scharron, H
Hirsh, T Barnes
0930h ED11D-07 Climate Curriculum Modules on
Volcanic Eruptions, Geoengineering, and Nuclear
Winter: A Robock
0800h ED11C-3425 POSTER NOAA Ship Okeanos
Explorer: Evolving Models Enabling Remote Science
Participation via Telepresence: K Elliott, J Potter,
C Martinez, W Pinner, C W Russell, N Verplanck
Environmental Modeling Research in the
Undergraduate Classroom: K A Whittinghill
AGU2014News.indb 7
Moscone South 102
0800h EP11A-3485 POSTER Coral Reef Habitat
Change Detection Using Landsats 5, 7 and 8: A Case
Study in the Red Sea (Hurghada, Egypt): J Li, H M
El-Askary, S H A El-Mawla, M M El-Hattab, M ElRaey
0800h EP11A-3486 POSTER Monitoring Watershed
Water Quality Impacts on Near-Shore Coral Reef
Ecosystems in American Samoa using NASA Earth
Observations : A Teaby, J Price, D Minovitz, L
Makely, J L Torres-Perez, C Schmidt, L S Guild, S
L Palacios
0800h EP11A-3487 POSTER Contributions of human
activities to suspended-sediment yield during storm
events from a steep, small, tropical watershed,
American Samoa: A T Messina, T W Biggs
0800h EP11A-3488 POSTER Assessing the short- and
long-term effects of land development on watershed
erosion and sediment delivery to marine ecosystems
of the U.S. Virgin Islands: C E Ramos-Scharron, S
C Gray, W Sears, G Brooks, R A Larson
0800h EP11A-3489 POSTER Human Impacts to
Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): A
Long-Term Remote Sensing, Hydrologic, Ecologic,
and Socio-Economic Assessment with Management
Implications: J L Torres-Perez, M Barreto-Orta,
J Ortiz, L Santiago, S G Setegn, L S Guild, C E
Ramos-Scharron, R Armstrong, Y Detres
0800h EP11A-3490 POSTER Streambank-Derived
Sediment Delivery to the Great Barrier Reef from
the Burnett River over Multiple Time Scales:
Implications for Sediment Management: A Simon,
N Bankhead, P Wilson
0930h EP11B-07 A new meso-scale discrete element
model to study deposit differences in tsunamis and
storms: W Cheng, R Weiss
0945h EP11B-08 Reconstructing the Catastrophic
Flood History of Eastern Valles Marineris, Mars: N
H Warner, M Sowe, S Gupta, A Dumke
Moscone West 2005
To See the World in a Grain of Sand:
Novel Applications and Important
Limitations of Detrital Analyses
in Sedimentology, Tectonics, and
Geomorphology I (joint with T, V)
Presiding: Karl Lang, University of
Washington; Andrew Laskowski,
University of Arizona; Adam Forte,
Arizona State University
0800h EP11C-01 Unraveling burial heating and
sediment recycling in retroarc foreland basins:
Detrital thermochronologic insights from the
northern Magallanes Basin, Patagonian Andes: J C
Fosdick, M J Grove, S A Graham, J K Hourigan, O
M Lovera, B Romans
0815h EP11C-02 A Widespread Grain Size Bias in
Detrital Cosmogenic Nuclide Studies: Implications
for Sampling in Steep Terrain: C E Lukens, C S
Riebe, L S Sklar, D L Shuster
0830h EP11C-03 Locally Derived Sediment,
Yet Chemically and Chronologically Unique –
Overcoming the “Stepladder Effect” in Provenance
Studies: M B Bonich, S D Samson, C Fedo
0845h EP11C-04 Influence of Rock Strength on
Landscape Evolution and Sediment Provenance
Records: A M Forte, K X Whipple, B Yanites
0900h EP11C-05 The influence of sediment supply
on arroyo cut-fill dynamics: a preliminary dataset of
catchment averaged erosion rates calculated from
in-situ 10Be: K E Riley, T M Rittenour
0915h EP11C-06 Towards sediment residence time
in a Himalayan catchment? Insights from paired insitu 14C and 10Be measurements in river sands: M
Lupker, K Hippe, L Wacker, R Wieler
0930h EP11C-07 The Applicability of Detrital
Zircon in Determining Depositional Ages and
Sedimentation Rates in a Retroarc Foreland Basin,
Upper Cretaceous Magallanes-Austral Basin,
Patagonia : T Schwartz, M Leppe, S A Graham, T
11/28/2014 10:46:49 AM
0945h EP11C-08 Detrital shocked minerals:
microstructural provenance indicators of impact
craters: A J Cavosie
Moscone West Poster Hall
Plate Motion, Continental
Deformation, Interseismic Strain
Accumulation I Posters (joint with NH,
S, T)
Presiding: Donald Argus, JPL; Jeffrey
Freymueller, University of Alaska
Fairbanks; Rui Fernandes, University of
Beira Interior
0800h G11A-0462 POSTER Crustal deformation
in the Western Solomon Islands revealed by GPS
observation and D_InSAR during 2009 - 2013: Y T
Kuo, C S Ku, Y Wang, Y N N Lin, Y G Chen, K C
Lin, B S Huang, Y J Hsu, F W Taylor
0800h G11A-0463 POSTER Characterizing seismic
and aseismic deformation along the Chaman fault
system with InSAR: H Fattahi, F Amelung, E
Chaussard, S Wdowinski, T H Dixon
0800h G11A-0464 POSTER Comparing Geodetic
Data Quality from PBO and non-PBO GPS Stations
at Decadal and Continental Scales: C M Puskas, T
Herring, T I Melbourne, M H Murray, D A Phillips,
C M Meertens, G Blewitt, C P Walls
Deformation in Northeastern California, Northwest
Nevada and Southern Oregon: W R Thatcher, J L
Svarc, M Lisowski
0800h G11A-0466 POSTER Deformation Along
the Rio Grande Rift: Investigating the Spatial and
Temporal Distribution of Strain Using GPS: K D
Murray, M H Murray, A F Sheehan, R S Nerem
0800h G11A-0467 POSTER Spatial scale of
deformation constrained by combinations of InSAR
and GPS observations in Southern California: R B
Lohman, C P Scott
0800h G11A-0468 POSTER Strain partitioning and
timing of strike-slip faulting in the central Mojave
Desert, CA, indicated by newly dated Pliocene and
lower Pleistocene deposits : D M Miller, P Nuriel,
J L Oster, K M Schmidt, M C Reheis, B F Cox, K
0800h G11A-0469 POSTER Variability of rock uplift
rates in space and time along the Mendocino Coast,
CA, as determined from channel profile analysis
and catchment denudation rates: S B DeLong, G E
Hilley, C S Prentice
0800h G11A-0470 POSTER Synthetic velocity
gradient map of the San Francisco Bay region,
California, supports use of average block velocities
to estimate fault slip rate where effective locking
depth is small relative to inter-fault distance: R W
Graymer, R W Simpson
0800h G11A-0471 POSTER Crustal Deformation
Analysis at CGPS Sites Spanning Mexico: G E
Vazquez, R A Bennett, J C Spinler, D A GrejnerBrzezinska
0800h G11A-0472 POSTER Fault Evolution and
Strain Partitioning in Southern California: Insights
from Geodynamic Modeling: J Ye, M Liu
0800h G11A-0473 POSTER Investigating Coseismic
vs. Interseismic Uplift of Marine Terraces at the
Southern Terminus of the Cascadia Subduction
Zone: Cape Mendocino to Punta Gorda, Petrolia,
CA: B Crawford, J Vermeer, M A Hemphill-Haley,
M Michalak
Lithospheric Response of the Southern End of the
Cascadia Subduction Zone Following the 1992
Cape Mendocino Earthquake: J Vermeer, M A
0800h G11A-0475 POSTER Strain Rate by Geodetic
Observations Associated with Seismic Events in the
SIRGAS-CON Network Region: G S Marotta, G
Franca, J F Galera Monico, R A Fuck
0800h G11A-0476 POSTER Analysis of Stress
and Strain in the Central Coast, California: N S
Lewandowski, J R Unruh, M K McLaren
0800h G11A-0477 POSTER Kinematics of the
Southwestern Caribbean from New Geodetic
Observations: G Ruiz, P C La Femina, A Tapia, E
Camacho, E Chichaco, H Mora-Paez, H Geirsson
0800h G11A-0478 POSTER Present-day Block
Motions and Strain Accumulation on Active Faults
in the Caribbean: S J Symithe, E Calais, A M Freed
0800h G11A-0479 POSTER Fault slip rates in
southern California predicted by geodetically
constrained non-block viscoelastic model: R Y
Chuang, K M Johnson
AGU2014News.indb 8
0800h G11A-0480 POSTER Localized Slip and
Distributed Deformation in Oblique Settings: The
Example of the Denali Fault System, Alaska: A
Vallage, M Deves, Y Klinger, G C P King, N A
Moscone West Poster Hall
Plate Motion, Continental
Deformation, Interseismic Strain
Accumulation II Posters (joint with NH,
S, T)
Presiding: Donald Argus, JPL; Jeffrey
Freymueller, University of Alaska
Fairbanks; Rui Fernandes, University of
Beira Interior
0800h G11B-0481 POSTER Geodetic Evidence of
Post-2011 Acceleration of the Pacific Plate: K Heki,
Y Mitsui
0800h G11B-0482 POSTER Revisiting the Interplate
Coupling Beneath Northeast Japan Before the 2011
Tohoku Earthquake (M9.0) Based on Terrestrial
and Seafloor Geodetic Observations: T Iinuma, R
Hino, M Kido, Y Ohta, S Miura
0800h G11B-0483 POSTER Application of Satellite
Geodesy in Analyzing the Accelerated Movement of
the Back-arc Rifting in the Izu Bonin Islands, Japan:
D Arisa, K Heki
0800h G11B-0484 POSTER Monitoring of seafloor
crustal deformation using GPS/Acoustic technique
along the Nankai Trough, Japan: K Yasuda,
K Tadokoro, R Ikuta, T Watanabe, C Fujii, K
Matsuhiro, K Sayanagi
0800h G11B-0485 POSTER Elastic and Inelastic
Strain Accumulation Along the Northern and
Central Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, Central
Japan: N Teratani, T Sagiya, T Nishimura, H Yarai,
H Suito
0800h G11B-0486 POSTER Numerical simulation
of crustal deformation near the trench axis: T
Watanabe, K Tadokoro, K Yasuda, C Fujii, K
0800h G11B-0487 POSTER Multi buoy system
observation for GPS/A seafloor positioning: H
Mukaiyama, R Ikuta, K Tadokoro, K Yasuda, T
Watanabe, H Chiba, K Sayanagi
0800h G11B-0488 POSTER Similar Seismic Ruptures
and Interseismic Strain Rate Variations on the
Nias–Simeulue Patch of the Sunda Megathrust: A
J Meltzner, K Sieh, H W Chiang, C C WU, C C
Shen, L L Tsang, E M Hill, B W Suwargadi, D H
Natawidjaja, B Philibosian, R W Briggs
0800h G11B-0489 POSTER Modeling temporal
variations in interseismic subsidence rates recorded
by corals in the Simeulue-Nias region, Sumatra:
How can we explain them?: L L Tsang, A J Meltzner,
E M Hill, J T Freymueller, D H Natawidjaja, B W
Suwargadi, K Sieh
0800h G11B-0490 POSTER Active Fault Mapping
of Naga-Disang Thrust (Belt of Schuppen) for
Assessing Future Earthquake Hazards in NE India:
A Kumar
0800h G11B-0491 POSTER Analysis of Crustal
Deformation in Central Taiwan Using Block
Modeling with GPS Observations: C F Lee, W L
0800h G11B-0492 POSTER Contemporary localized
orogenic process along the central segment of Altyn
Tagh Fault using continuous GPS observation in
Northern Tibetan Plateau: W Ge, Z Shen, D Yuan,
M Wang, Y Shao, P He, B Zhang
0800h G11B-0493 POSTER On- and off-fault
coseismic surface deformation associated with
the September 2013 M7.7 Balochistan, Pakistan
earthquake measured from mapping and automated
pixel correlation: R D Gold, N G Reitman, R W
Briggs, W D Barnhart, G P Hayes
0800h G11B-0494 POSTER Current regional stress
field and the resultant crustal deformation in SE
Korea and their tectonic implication : M C Kim, H
Cho, M Son
0800h G11B-0495 POSTER Near-fault Strain Rates
Along Western North Anatolian Fault by GPS: H
Ozener, A Dogru, B Aktug, S Ergintav, B Turgut, O
Yilmaz, K Halicioglu, A Sabuncu
0800h G11B-0497 POSTER New geodetic
measurements in central Afar constraining the
Arabia-Somalia-Nubia triple junction kinematics: C
Doubre, A Deprez, F Masson, A Socquet, E Lewi,
R Grandin, E Calais, T J Wright, R O Bendick, C
Pagli, G Peltzer, J B de Chabalier, S Ibrahim Ahmed
0800h G11B-0498 POSTER Evaluation of the
Interplate and Intraplate Deformations of the
African Continent Using cGNSS Data: J P
Apolinário, R M S Fernandes, M S Bos, M
Meghraoui, J M A Miranda
0800h G11B-0499 POSTER A long-term rock uplift
rate for eastern Crete and geodynamic implications
for the Hellenic subduction zone: M Strobl, R
Hetzel, C Fassoulas, P Kubik
0800h GC11A-0539 POSTER Atmospheric Blocking
and Sub-Arctic Climate: Insights from CMIP5: Y
Ding, J Carton, S M A Hakkinen, G A Chepurin,
M Steele
Moscone West 3024
0800h GC11A-0540 POSTER Impacts of Organic
Macromolecules, Chlorophyll and Soot on Arctic
Sea Ice: O O Ogunro, O W Wingenter, S Elliott, M
Flanner, M K Dubey
Reference Frames: Determination,
Usage, and Application I
Presiding: Zuheir Altamimi, IGN Institut
National de l’Information Géographique
et Forestière; Frank Lemoine, NASA
Goddard SFC; Jake Griffiths, NOAA
Washington DC
0800h G11C-01 Atmospheric, Non-Tidal Oceanic
and Hydrological Loading Effects Observed with
GPS Measurements: J P Boy, A MEMIN, C
Watson, P Tregoning
0815h G11C-02 Physical and Electrical Stabilty of
GNSS Monumentation: T Herring
0830h G11C-03 The Scale of the Terrestrial
Reference Frame from SLR and VLBI: J C Ries
0845h G11C-04 Assessments of the Accuracy
of Global Geodetic Satellite Laser Ranging
Observations During the Last Decade and Potential
Impact on ITRF Scale: G M Appleby, J C Rodriguez,
Z Altamimi
0900h G11C-05 Ids and ITRF2013: Contribution and
Evaluation: G Moreaux, F G Lemoine, P Willis, H
Capdeville, P Stepanek, M Otten, S Kuzin, P Ferrage
0915h G11C-06 The ILRS Contribution to
ITRF2013 and the Status of Future ILRS Products:
E C Pavlis, V Luceri, B Pace, M Kuzmicz-Cieslak,
D König, G Bianco, K D Evans
0930h G11C-07 The IGS contribution to ITRF2013:
P Rebischung, B Garayt, X Collilieux, Z Altamimi
0945h G11C-08 Results and Analysis of ITRF2013: Z
Altamimi, X Collilieux, L Metivier, P Rebischung,
D Lercier
Moscone West Poster Hall
Arctic Change: Integrating LongTerm Perspectives and Current
Observations for Understanding
Future Impacts and Responses I
(joint with A, C, OS, SI)
0800h GC11A-0541 POSTER A new approach to
quantitatively describe permafrost core using multienergy CT scanning: composition fraction and
morphological analysis: C Chang, C McKnight, T
J Kneafsey
0800h GC11A-0542 POSTER HyLab: Building InState Capabilities for Imaging Spectroscopy in
Alaska: A Prakash, D L Hampton, M Buchhorn, J
Cristóbal-Rosselló, C F Waigl
0800h GC11A-0543 POSTER Decreased Surface
Albedo Driven By Denser Vegetation On the
Tibetan Plateau Yangjian Zhang*, Li Tian: Y
Zhang, L Tian
0800h GC11A-0544 POSTER Responding to Change
in NW Alaska: Ethnographic Film and the Voices of
the People: S R Betcher, S C Gerlach, D E Atkinson,
P A Loring
0800h GC11A-0545 POSTER Medieval Warm Period
and Little Ice Age Impacts on Prehistoric Human
Migrations in the Eastern North American Arctic:
M Friesen, S A Finkelstein
0800h GC11A-0546 POSTER Polynya Formation,
Location, Sea Level History and Human
Settlement in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: P
Schledermann, M S Murray, C G Hannah
0800h GC11A-0547 POSTER Tracking the
Footprints of the People without History - Insect
Assemblages and Environmental Change in
Northern Scandinavia : E Panagiotakopulu
0800h GC11A-0548 POSTER Climate and Culture
Change in North and Northwest Alaska: A M
0800h GC11A-0549 POSTER Cultural Implications
of Out-of-Phase Weather across northern Alaska
after 500 CE: Regional Variability during the
Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age: O K
Mason, C M Alix, N H Bigelow, J F Hoffecker
Moscone West Poster Hall
Carbon in the Arctic: Influence of
Climate Change in Aquatic and
Terrestrial Ecosystems I Posters
(joint with B)
Presiding: Peter Schlosser, Columbia
University; Maribeth Murray, University
of Calgary; Peter Jordan, Arctic Centre,
University of Groningen; Mary-Louise
Timmermans, Yale University
0800h GC11A-0529 POSTER Projected Duration
of the Sea-Ice-Free Season in the Future Alaskan
Arctic: M Wang, J E Overland
0800h GC11A-0530 POSTER Extreme Weather
Events on the Last Frontier: Meteorological
Analyses and Societal Impacts: L Zuromski, J E
Walsh, R Thoman
0800h GC11A-0531 POSTER Characterization of
Recent Greenland Melt Events in Atmospheric
Analyses and Satellite Data: R I Cullather, S
Nowicki, B Zhao, L Koenig, S Moustafa
0800h GC11A-0532 POSTER Transport Pathways of
Pollution Plumes into the Canadian Arctic during
RACEPAC and NETCARE 2014: P M Hoor, H
Bozem, F Koellner, J Schneider, C Schulz, J Burkart,
M D Willis, A B Herber, S Borrmann, M Wendisch,
A Ehrlich, W R Leaitch, J Abbatt
0800h GC11A-0533 POSTER Future increases in
Arctic precipitation linked to local evaporation and
sea-ice retreat: F Selten, R Bintanja
0800h GC11A-0534 POSTER Will Arctic ground
squirrels impede or accelerate climate-induced
vegetation changes to the Arctic tundra?: J Dalton,
C E Flower, J Brown, M A Gonzalez-Meler, C
0800h GC11A-0535 POSTER Foliar Expression of
Parent Lithologic Composition in the Sub-Arctic:
Examples from Heath Ecosystems of Abisko,
Sweden: E W Heim, N Tomczyk, K Remiszewski, J
G Bryce, S D Frey, M F Prado, R K Varner
0800h GC11A-0536 POSTER Mercury Content of
Vegetation across a Subarctic Mire Thaw Gradient:
A L Mayedo, K Remiszewski, M F Prado, C K
McCalley, J G Bryce, R K Varner
0800h GC11A-0538 POSTER What Influences
Activity of Zonal Circulation over Eurasia in
Periods of Arctic Amplification?: E Jung, B M Kim,
G H Lim
Presiding: Robert Northington,
University of Maine; Jeffrey Welker,
University of Alaska Anchorage;
Christopher Osburn, N Carolina St
Univ--MEAS; N Anderson, University of
0800h GC11B-0550 POSTER UV-screening Organic
Matter (CDOM and MAA) as indicators for
monitoring changes of the polar marine ecosystem:
M O PARK, S H Kang, S Y Ha
0800h GC11B-0551 POSTER Chromophoric
Dissolved Organic Matter in Southwestern
Greenland Lakes: C L Osburn, M E Giles, G J C
0800h GC11B-0552 POSTER Dissolved Organic
Carbon Degradation in Response to Nutrient
Amendments in Southwest Greenland Lakes: B T
Burpee, R Northington, K S Simon, J E Saros
0800h GC11B-0553 POSTER Soil carbon storage and
temperature sensitivity associated with shrub and
graminoid vegetation in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland:
J I Bradley-Cook, C L Petrenko, A J Friedland, R
A Virginia
0800h GC11B-0554 POSTER Geochemical drivers
of organic matter decomposition in the active layer
of Arctic tundra: E Herndon, T Roy Chowdhury,
B Mann, D E Graham, S D Wullschleger, B Gu, L
0800h GC11B-0555 POSTER Net Ecosystem
Production of Polar Desert and Wetland Landscapes
in the Rapidly Changing Canadian High Arctic: C A
Emmerton, V L StLouis, E Humphreys, J D Barker,
J A Gamon, G Pastorello
0800h GC11B-0556 POSTER What is driving the
change in vegetation productivity in northern
Eurasia? : P Dass, M A Rawlins, B Smith, J S
Kimball, Y Kim
0800h GC11B-0557 POSTER Investigating the Effects
of Climatic Change and Fire Dynamics on Peatland
C Accumulation in Coastal Labrador, Canada:
A Hall, D Lesser, A Bourakovsky, C Hamley, C
Adams, A Westervelt, P Camill, C E Umbanhowar
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:49 AM
0800h GC11B-0558 POSTER Changing Boreal
Fire Regimes: Impacts on Permafrost Soils and
Forest Succession in Siberian Larch Forests: H D
Alexander, M C Mack, S Natali, M M Loranty, S
Davydov, N Zimov
of Singapore; Qiuhong Tang, IGSNRR
Institute of Geographic Sciences and
Natural Resources Research, CAS;
Hyungjun KIM, University of Tokyo
0800h GC11E-0596 POSTER Organic matter and
water management strategies to reduce methane
and nitrous oxide emissions from rice fields in
Vietnam: A Pandey
0930h GC11F-07 Permafrost Disturbance Impacts
on Dissolved Ion Loads and Nitrogen Dynamics: M
J Lafreniere, N L Louiseize, S F Lamoureux, M G
0800h GC11B-0559 POSTER High Arctic tundra
greenhouse gas fluxes: new insights from
Adventdalen, Svalbard: N Pirk, F J W Parmentier,
M Mastepanov, H H Christiansen, T R Christensen
0800h GC11D-0577 POSTER Estimation of
Groundwater Budget Components Based on 30year (1984-2013) Direct Observations in Illinois: P
J F Yeh
0800h GC11E-0597 POSTER Creating rigorous
pathways to monetize methane and nitrous oxide
emission reductions at small scale rice farms in
three states of semi-arid peninsular India: K Kritee,
R Tiwari, D Nair, T K Adhya, J Rudek
0945h GC11F-08 Phosphorus as a Colimiting
Nutrient with Nitrogen of Birch Plant Growth
Across the Arctic: P Grogan, T Zamin, J P Tremblay
0800h GC11B-0560 POSTER Late-Summer Tundra
Methane Concentrations and Fluxes on the North
Slope of Alaska: J P Smith, R S Suriben, R B Coffin,
T J Boyd, P S Rose, T A Douglas, L C Millholland
IV, E R Boudart, J E Woods
0800h GC11D-0578 POSTER An Analysis of the
Two-Way Interactions Between Soil Moisture
and Precipitation Based on Observed Daily Data in
Illinois from 2003-2014: F A G Gironella, P J F Yeh
0800h GC11B-0561 POSTER Effect of Thaw Depth
on Fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in Manipulated Arctic
Coastal Tundra of Barrow, Alaska: Y Kim
0800h GC11B-0562 POSTER Quantifying the
magnitude, spatiotemporal variation and age of
aquatic CO2 fluxes in western Greenland: H E Long,
S Waldron, T Hoey, M Garnett, J Newton
0800h GC14A-06 POSTER Surface-Atmosphere
Carbon Exchange from an Arctic Wetland: M
Heuer, J Kochendorfer, E J Dumas, T P Meyers,
R Dobosy, B Baker, C E Healy, J B Munster, D S
Sayres, J G Anderson
0800h GC11B-0564 POSTER Low-Altitude CH4 and
δ13CH4 spatial Heterogeneity over the Northern
Slope of Alaska: C E Healy, D S Sayres, J B Munster,
E J Dumas, R Dobosy, J Kochendorfer, J Wilkerson,
B Baker, M Heuer, T P Meyers, M K Dubey, J G
0800h GC11B-0565 POSTER Detection of LongTerm Change in Methane Emissions Using
Atmospheric Network Observations: L Bruhwiler
Moscone West Poster Hall
Future Water Services Developed
Using a Cloud-Based Infrastructure
and Other Interoperability and
Integration Tools for Observations,
Models, Data Products, and Analysis
Capabilities Posters (joint with A, H, IN,
Presiding: Richard Lawford, Morgan
State University; Bradley Doorn, NASA
Headquarters; Toshio Koike, The
University of Tokyo; Douglas Cripe, GEO
Group on Earth Observations
0800h GC11C-0566 POSTER NASA Remote Sensing
Technologies for Improved Integrated Water
Resources Management: D L Toll, B Doorn, N D
Searby, J K Entin, C M Lee
0800h GC11C-0567 POSTER An Overview of the
NASA Energy and Water cycle Study (NEWS) and
the North American Water Program (NAWP): P R
0800h GC11C-0568 POSTER Federating Regional
and National Water Data, Maps and Services
through GEOSS: D K Arctur, D R Maidment
0800h GC11C-0569 POSTER Enhancement of
Mutual Discovery, Search, and Access of Data
for Users of NASA and GEOSS-Cataloged Data
Systems: W L Teng, D R Maidment, M Rodell, R
Strub, D K Arctur, D P Ames, B Vollmer, E Seiler
0800h GC11C-0570 POSTER Towards the
Implementation of the GEOSS Water Strategy: R G
Lawford, D Cripe
0800h GC11C-0571 POSTER A global, 30-m
resolution land-surface water body dataset for 2000:
M Feng, J O Sexton, C Huang, D X Song, X P Song,
S Channan, J R Townshend
0800h GC11C-0573 POSTER Proto-Examples of
Data Access and Visualization Components of a
Potential Cloud-Based GEOSS-AI System: W L
Teng, C Lynnes
0800h GC11C-0574 POSTER Implementing a WebBased Decision Support System to Spatially and
Statistically Analyze Ecological Conditions of the
Sierra Nevada: A Nguyen, C Mueller, A N Brooks,
E A Kislik, O N Baney, C Ramirez, C Schmidt, J L
0800h GC11C-0575 POSTER Modern Estimates
of Global Water Cycle Fluxes: M Rodell, H K
Beaudoing, T S L’Ecuyer, W S Olson
0800h GC11C-0576 POSTER National Flood
Interoperability Experiment: D R Maidment
Moscone West Poster Hall
Natural- and Human-Induced
Changes and the Role of Groundwater
in Terrestrial Water Cycle I Posters
Presiding: Min-Hui Lo, National Taiwan
University; Pat Yeh, National University
0800h GC11D-0579 POSTER Grace-Derived
Groundwater Depletion from Both Shallow and
Deep Aquifers within North China Plain: Y Pan, Z
Huang, P J F Yeh, H Gong
0800h GC11D-0580 POSTER Assessing the potential
impacts of climate change on return periods
of hydrological extremes in the Illinois River
watershed of the Midwestern United States: H
Chien, P J F Yeh, J Knouft
0800h GC11D-0581 POSTER Impact of Rice Paddy
Areas Decrease on Local Climate over Taiwan: M H
Lo, W H Wen, C C Chen
0800h GC11D-0582 POSTER Potential Negative
Effects of Groundwater Dynamics on Dry Season
Convection in the Amazon River Basin: Y H Lin,
M H Lo, C Chou
0800h GC11D-0583 POSTER Modeling Renewable
Water Resources under Climate Change: X Liu, Q
0800h GC11D-0584 POSTER Impacts of Change in
Irrigation Water Availability on Food Production
in the Yellow River Basin under Climate Change :
Y Y Yin, Q Tang
0800h GC11D-0585 POSTER Potential Impacts
of Projected Mid-twenty-first Century Climate
Change on the Hydrology of the Nasia Catchment,
West Africa: C A Alo, F M Oteng, M M Bitew, K F
Ahmed, G Wang
0800h GC11D-0586 POSTER Effects of anthropogenic
groundwater exploitation on land surface processes:
A case study of the Haihe River Basin, Northern
China: Z Xie, J Zou, P Qin, Q Sun
0800h GC11D-0587 POSTER Potential Hydrologic
Changes in the Amazon By the End of the 21st
Century and the Groundwater Buffer: Y N
Pokhrel, Y Fan, G Miguez-Macho
0800h GC11D-0588 POSTER Evaluation of Regional
Storage-Discharge Parameters from Recession
Analysis: B F Thomas, J S Famiglietti
0800h GC11D-0589 POSTER Asymmetry in
hydrologic response to climate change in Western
North America – A Land-Atmosphere Interactions
Perspective: S Kumar, M R Najafi, M Schnorbus, R
Shrestha, A T Werner
0800h GC11D-0590 POSTER Using diurnal variation
in water vapor HDO from satellite observations to
trace evapotranspiration dynamics: J S RandolphFlagg, P Link, I Y Fung
0800h GC11D-0591 POSTER Groundwater Storage
Depletion in the Northwest India Aquifer using
Forward Modeling and GRACE Satellites : D Long,
B R Scanlon, J Chen
0800h GC11D-0592 POSTER Time series analysis
of hydrological drought under climate change with
anthropogenic water management: Y Satoh, K
Yoshimura, Y N Pokhrel, H KIM, T Oki
0800h GC11D-0593 POSTER Groundwater level
response in U.S. Principal Aquifers to natural
climate variability on interannual to multidecadal
timescales: E Velasco, J J Gurdak, J Dickinson, R T
Hanson, T P A Ferré, E P Maurer
0800h GC11D-0594 POSTER Adapting a Global
Flood Model for Regional Simulations: the
CaMa-Flood Model as Applied to New England
Catchments: D S Grogan, H KIM, D Yamazaki, R
B Lammers, S E Frolking, T Oki
0800h GC11D-0595 POSTER Changes in Soil Water
Storage under Global Warming in CMIP5 models:
W Y Wu, C W Lan, M H Lo, J T Reager, J S
Moscone West Poster Hall
The Influence of Changes in Farming
Practices, Vegetation, and Land Use
on Climate Adaptation, Mitigation,
and Ecosystem and Socioeconomic
Services I Posters
(joint with B, PA)
Presiding: K. Kritee, Environmental
Defense Fund; David Lutz, Dartmouth
College; Thomas O’Halloran, Sweet
Briar College
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 9
0800h GC11E-0599 POSTER Calibration of Daycent
biogeochemical model for rice paddies in three agroecological zones in Peninsular India to optimize
cropping practices and predict GHG emissions: S
Rajan, K Kritee, C Keough, W J Parton, S M Ogle
0800h GC11E-0600 POSTER Low Carbon Rice
Farming Practices in the Mekong Delta Yield
Significantly Higher Profits and Lower Greenhouse
Gas Emissions: J Rudek, N Van Sanh, T K Tinh, H
Q Tin, T Thu Ha, D N Pha, T Q Cui, N H Tin, N N
Son, H H Thanh, H T Kien, K Kritee, R Ahuja
0800h GC11E-0601 POSTER Greenhouse Gas
Reductions From Rice Cultivation And The
California Cap-and-Trade Market: R Parkhurst,
W Salas, L Nichols
0800h GC11E-0602 POSTER Identification of
greenhouse gas hot-spots and predicting districtwise GHG Intensities in rice based crop rotations
in India using DNDC model: J B Yeluripati, S E
Frolking, C Li, D R Nayak, T K Adhya
0800h GC11E-0603 POSTER Radiative Forcings from
Albedo and Carbon Dynamics after Disturbance
in Massachusetts Forests: R G MacLean, C A
Adaptations to Climate Changes in West Africa: K
Guan, B Sultan, D B Lobell, M Biasutti, C Piani, G
L Hammer, G McLean
0800h GC11E-0605 POSTER Reflective “Cool” Roofs
Under Aerosol-Burdened Skies: Radiative Benefits
Across Selected Indian Cities: D Millstein, M L
0800h GC11E-0606 POSTER Smallholder agriculture
in India and adaptation to current and future
climate variability and climate change: K K Murari,
T Jayaraman
0800h GC11E-0607 POSTER Apcocynum Pictum and
Sustainable Agriculture Along the Tarim River In
Arid Northwest, China: R Aihemaitijiang
0800h GC11E-0608 POSTER High Contribution of
Gallery Forests to Local Evaporation in Semi-Arid
Burkina Faso: N C Ceperley, T Mande, S W Tyler,
N Van De Giesen, A Rinaldo, M B Parlange
0800h GC11E-0610 POSTER Tradeoffs between
Three Forest Ecosystem Services across the State
of New Hampshire, USA: Timber, Carbon, and
Albedo: D A Lutz, E A Burakowski, M B Murphy,
M E Borsuk, R M Niemiec, R B Howarth
0800h GC11E-0611 POSTER The Costs of Climate
Change: Impact of Future Snow Cover Projections
on Valuation of Albedo in Forest Management: E A
Burakowski, D A Lutz
Moscone West 3002
Decadal-to-Multidecadal Climate
Variability, Climate Change, and
Nutrient Cycling at High Latitudes I
(joint with A)
Presiding: Michael Previdi, Columbia
University; Kyle Whittinghill, Saint Olaf
College; Karen Smith, Lamont -Doherty
Earth Observatory; Kevin Grise,
University of Virginia Main Campus
0800h GC11F-01 Wind increase over cooling
Southern Ocean driven by tropical warming and
polar ozone hole: D P Schneider, T Fan, C Deser
0815h GC11F-02 The Global Influence of Southern
Ocean Shortwave Radiation Biases: J E Kay, V
Yettella, B Medeiros, A Gettelman
Moscone West 3003
From Glacierized Watersheds to
Global River Basins: Advances in
Water Resources Management,
Modeling, and Monitoring I (joint with
Presiding: Nathalie Voisin, PNNL;
Katalyn Voss, University of California
Santa Barbara; Huilin Gao, Texas A&M
University; Daene McKinney, University
of Texas at Austin
0800h GC11G-01 Optimizing Land and Water Use
at the Local Level to Enhance Global Food Security
through Virtual Resources Trade in the World: X
Cai, X Zhang, T Zhu
0815h GC11G-02 Assessing Climate Change Impacts
on the Performance of Major Water Projects over
China: Q Tang, X Liu, Y Y Yin, C Zhang, X Zhang
0830h GC11G-03 Assessing the impacts of climate
change on agricultural production in the Columbia
River basin: incorporating water management: J C
Adam, K Rajagopalan, C O Stockle, G Yorgey, C E
Kruger, K Chinnayakanahalli, R Nelson
0845h GC11G-04 A spatial assessment of hydrologic
alteration caused by dams in the Northeastern United
States using a Neural Network based daily reservoir
operation scheme: N Ehsani, C J Vorosmarty, B M
Fekete, B Rosenzweig, Z D Tessler
0900h GC11G-05 A Multi-satellite Remote Sensing
Product of Reservoir Storage, Elevation, and Surface
Area in South Asia: S Zhang, H Gao, B S Naz
0915h GC11G-06 Forecasting the Depletion of
Transboundary Groundwater Resources in HyperArid Environments: A Mazzoni, E Heggy
0930h GC11G-07 Water Resources and
Groundwater in a Glaciated Andean Watershed
(Cordillera Blanca, Peru): J M McKenzie, R
Gordon, M Baraer, L Lautz, B G Mark, O Wigmore,
D Chavez, C Aubry-Wake
0945h GC11G-08 Modelling Glacial Lake Outburst
Floods: Key Considerations and Challenges Posed
By Climatic Change: M Westoby
Moscone South Poster Hall
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
General Contributions I Posters
Presiding: Michael Purucker, American
Geophysical Union; Richard Gordon,
Rice Univ
0800h GP11A-3556 POSTER Electric lithosphereastenosphere boundary in the north-west
Fennoscandia as revealed from magnetotelluric data
(MaSca project): M Cherevatova, M Smirnov
0800h GP11A-3557 POSTER Comparison of NonHeating Paleointensity Methods Using Synthetic
and Natural Magnetite-Bearing Samples: G A
Lerner, E J Piispa, A V Smirnov
0800h GP11A-3558 POSTER Influence of Electrical
Conductivity Heterogeneity in the D” Layer on the
Flow and Magnetic Field at the Surface of the Core:
H Shimizu
0800h GP11A-3559 POSTER Reversal Transition
Records from Intrusions: Implications for the
Reversal Process: M D Fuller, I S Williams
0830h GC11F-03 Trends and Variability of Southern
Ocean Temperature and Salinity in Models and
Observations: K Armour, C M Bitz, J Marshall, J
R Scott
0800h GP11A-3561 POSTER Jurassic Paleolatitudes,
Paleogeography, and Climate Transitions In the
Mexican Subcontinen: R S Molina-Garza, J W
Geissman, T F Lawton
0845h GC11F-04 A Spurious Jump in the Satellite
Record: Has Antarctic Sea Ice Expansion Been
Overestimated?: I Eisenman, W Meier, J R Norris
0800h GP11A-3563 POSTER Emplacement of
Zebín Hill, Jičín Volcanic Field, Bohemian
Paradise, Czech Republic: Anisotropy of Magnetic
Susceptibility, Ground Magnetometry, Electric
Resistivity Tomography, and Paleomagnetic Data :
M S Petronis, V Rapprich,, J Valenta, J Leman, A R
Brister, B van Wyk de Vries
0900h GC11F-05 Century-scale perspectives on
observed and simulated Southern Ocean sea ice
trends from 20th century ice core proxies: W R
0915h GC11F-06 The Effects of Interactive
Stratospheric Chemistry on Antarctic and Southern
Ocean Climate Change in a Coupled AtmosphereOcean General Circulation Model: F Li, P A
Newman, S Pawson, D W Waugh
0800h GP11A-3564 POSTER Geothermal Modeling
of the Karoo Basin, South Africa, using Rock
Magnetic Methods: L Maré, M de Kock, B
Cairncross, H Mouri, E C Ferre, M J Jackson
11/28/2014 10:46:49 AM
0800h GP11A-3566 POSTER Rock-magnetic
property of deep-sea sediments in the NE equatorial
Pacific: a stratigraphic correlation tool: J Y Shin, W
Kim, K Hyeong, C K Park, J W Moon
0800h H11A-0837 POSTER Prediction of Water
Quality Parameters Using Statistical Methods: A
Case Study in a Specially Protected Area, Ankara,
Turkey: Ö Yücel, Z Özcan, E Alp
0800h GP11A-3567 POSTER Geomagnetic variation
related to Sakurajima volcano eruption: K Kim, C
W Lee
0800h H11A-0838 POSTER Adjoint Simulation
of Solute Age to Evaluate the Persistence of
Groundwater Well Contamination : R Neupauer,
W Larbkich
0800h GP11A-3568 POSTER Rescuing 100 Years of
Data from the Toronto and Agincourt Magnetic
Observatories: A Springford, D J Thomson, D
0800h GP11A-3569 POSTER Test of the New True
Polar Wander Path Using Recent Paleolatitude Data
of Louisville Hotspot: Y Harada, P Wessel
Marriott Marquis Salons
Environmental Magnetism and
the Fundamentals of Sediment
Magnetism I (joint with EP, GC, PP)
Presiding: Fabio Florindo, INGV-ROME;
France Lagroix, Institut de Physique
du Globe de Paris; Joshua Feinberg,
University of Minnesota; Alexandra
Abrajevitch, Institute of Tectonics and
Geophysics FEB RAS
0800h GP11B-01 Changes in Seasonal Precipitation
Recorded by Speleothem Rock Magnetism: M D
Bourne, J M Feinberg, B E Strauss, B F Hardt, H D
Rowe, H Cheng, R L Edwards
0815h GP11B-02 The Curious Case of Iron Oxide
Nanoparticles in Nature: Determining confidence
estimates in sediment records of environmental
change: S K Banerjee, Y J B Guyodo
0830h GP11B-03 Source of the Magnetic
Susceptibility Variations in Southern Ocean
Sediments Over the Last Glacial Cycle: B Maher,
R Thompson
0845h GP11B-04 Rock-magnetic signatures of
aeolian activity, precipitation and extreme runoff
events from the sediments of Laguna Potrok
Aike (southern Patagonia) since 51,200 cal BP: G
St-Onge, A Lise-Pronovost, C S G Gogorza, T
Haberzettl, G Jouve, P Francus, C Ohlendorf, C
Gebhardt, B Zolitschka
0900h GP11B-05 Insight of dust provenance in
Antarctic ice cores prior to M.I.S. 6 from ice
magnetization: L Lanci, B Delmonte
GP11B-06 Understanding
remanence acquisition through combined synthetic
sediment deposition experiments and numerical
simulations: D Bilardello
0930h GP11B-07 The Role of Authigenic (pigment)
Hematite in Controlling the Remanence, Rock
Magnetic, and Magnetic Fabric Properties of Red
Beds--If You Have Seen One Red Bed, You Certainly
Have Not Seen Them All!: J W Geissman
0945h GP11B-08 Geology of the Wilkes Land Subbasin and Stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet:
Insights from rock magnetism at IODP Site U1361:
L Tauxe, S Sugisaki, F J Jimenez-Espejo, C P Cook,
T van de Flierdt, M Iwai, C Escutia
Moscone West Poster Hall
Water Quality of Hydrologic Systems
Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: Michael Gooseff, Colorado
State University; Stephen Sebestyen,
USDA Forest Service; Tim Covino,
Colorado State University
0800h H11A-0832 POSTER Effect of Water
Conveyance to Impove Water Quality in the Barato
River: K Sugihara, M Nakatsugawa
0800h H11A-0833 POSTER Copula-Based FirstOrder Markov Process for Forecasting and
Analyzing Risk of Water Quality: F Khalil Arya,
L Zhang
0800h H11A-0834 POSTER Long-Term Variations
of TN and TP in Four Typical Chinese Lakes: J
Huang, Q Xu, B Xi, X Wang, W Li
0800h H11A-0835 POSTER Pavement Subsidence
in the Cumberland Gap Tunnel, USA: A Story of
Groundwater Chemistry: J Zhu, J C Currens, S E
Webb, B W Rister
0800h H11A-0839 POSTER Numerical Study of
Fractional Ensemble Average Transport Equations:
S Kim, Y Park, B Choe, O Lee
0800h H11A-0840 POSTER Spatial and seasonal
variation of surface water pCO2 in the Ganges,
Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers in Bangladesh:
implications for its impact on the local and global
carbon cycle: T Manaka, H Ushie, D Araoka, O
Souya, A Inamura, A Suzuki, H M Z Hossain, H
0800h H11A-0841 POSTER Radium Adsorption to
Iron Bearing Minerals in Variable Salinity Waters:
M Chen, B D Kocar
0800h H11A-0842 POSTER Trace Metal
Characterization and Ion Exchange Capacity of
Devonian to Pennsylvanian Age Bedrock in New
York and Pennsylvania in Relation to Drinking
Water Quality: J Spradlin, A J Fiorentino II, D I
0800h H11A-0843 POSTER Vertical variation of
potential mobility of heavy metal in sediment to
groundwater of the Kanto plain, Japan: S Hossain, S
Hachinohe, T Ishiyama, H Hamamoto, C T Oguchi
0800h H11A-0844 POSTER Assessing the Effects
of Water Rights Purchases on Dissolved Oxygen,
Stream Temperatures, and Fish Habitat: N R
Mouzon, S E Null
0800h H11A-0845 POSTER Rural Land Use Impacts
on Floodplain Shallow Groundwater Temperature :
R E Kellner, J A Hubbart
0800h H11A-0846 POSTER Quantifying Walker
River stream temperature variability using
distributed temperature sensing data: A J Beck, S
E Null
0800h H11A-0847 POSTER A Linear Mixed Effect
Model to Estimate Chla Concentration in Lake Erie
from Satellite Data: K Zolfaghari, C R Duguay
0800h H11A-0848 POSTER Probabilistic forecasting
of harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie: D R
Obenour, A Gronewold, C Stow, I Bertani, C E
Steger, S A Ruberg, D Scavia
0800h H11A-0849 POSTER Enhancing the natural
removal of As in a reactive fluvial confluence
receiving acid drainage: M I Abarca, G Arce, M
Montecinos, P A Guerra, P Pasten
0800h H11A-0850 POSTER Sources of Errors
in Developing Monthly to Seasonal Nutrient
Forecasts: D Libera, S Arumugam
0800h H11A-0851 POSTER Contaminant Sources in
Stream Water of a Missouri Claypan Watershed: G
R Peters, F Liu, R N Lerch, H Lee
0800h H11A-0852 POSTER Multivariate Statistical
Analysis: a tool for groundwater quality assessment
in the hidrogeologic region of the Ring of Cenotes,
Yucatan, Mexico: R B Pacheco Castro, J Pacheco
Avila, M Ye, A Cabrera Sansores
0800h H11A-0853 POSTER Using Halogens (Cl, Br,
F, I) and Stable Isotopes of Water (δ18O, δ2H) to
Trace Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes
in Prairie Wetlands: Z F Levy, Z Lu, C T Mills, M B
Goldhaber, D O Rosenberry, D Mushet, D I Siegel,
A J Fiorentino II, M Gade, J Spradlin
0800h H11A-0854 POSTER Meltwater Temperature
in Rivers Draining from Alpine Glaciers: R J
Williamson, D N Collins
0800h H11A-0855 POSTER Variation of Fraser
Valley, British Columbia, Tributary Streams Water
Chemistry, 2010 to 2014: S J Marsh, S L Gillies,
B Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B Voss, E Bulygina, G J
Fiske, S Birdwhistell, A Janmaat, A Yakemchuk, S
Smith, A Faber, R Luymes, A Epp, M C Bennett, J
Fanslau, B Downey, B Wiebe, H VanKoughnett, G
Macklam-Harron, J Herbert
0800h H11A-0856 POSTER Assessment of pathogen
levels in stream water column and bed sediment
of Merced River Watershed in California: V K
Vaddella, P Pandey, S Biswas, D J Lewis
0800h H11A-0857 POSTER Soil and Water
Assessment Tool (SWAT) Applicability on
Nutrients Loadings Prediction in Mountainous
Lower Bear Malad River (LBMR) Watershed, Utah:
A A Salha, D K Stevens
0800h H11A-0836 POSTER Observations and
Modelling of Hillslope Throughflow Temperature
and Its Influence on Headwater Stream Thermal
Regimes in the Rain-on-Snow Zone: J A Leach, D
0800h H11A-0858 POSTER Bayesian Nitrate Source
Apportionment to Individual Groundwater Wells
in the Central Valley by use of Nitrogen, Oxygen,
and Boron Isotopic Tracers: K Lockhart, T Harter,
M Grote, M B Young, G Eppich, A Deinhart, J
Wimpenny, Q Z Yin
AGU2014News.indb 10
0800h H11A-0859 POSTER Hydroclimatic and
landscape controls on phosphorus loads to
hypereutrophic Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon,
United States: R Records, S R Fassnacht, M Arabi,
W G Duffy
Moscone West Poster Hall
The Ongoing Sensor Revolution in the
Hydrologic Sciences: Quantifying Hot
Spot and Hot Moment Controls on
Water Quality Across Scales I Posters
(joint with B)
Presiding: Matthew Cohen, Univ
0800h H11B-0861 POSTER Quantifying the
Source and in-Stream Gain/Loss of Nitrate Using
Continuously-Collected Water Quality Data : M P
Miller, A J Tesoriero, P Capel
0800h H11B-0862 POSTER High-Speed Limnology:
A Sensor Platform for Investigating Processes
and Spatial Variability in Hydrology and
Biogeochemistry: J T Crawford, L C Loken, N J
Casson, E H Stanley, R G Striegl, L Winslow
0800h H11B-0863 POSTER Real-Time Monitoring
to Assess Temporal Changes in Groundwater
Quality: J T Kulongoski, K Belitz, T M Mathany,
C Muheim
0800h H11B-0864 POSTER Use of HighFrequency, In-Stream, Ultraviolet-Visual (UVvis) Spectroscopy to Characterize Organic Carbon
and Nitrogen Species in Watershed Runoff : C G
Winters, R D Rowland, S P Inamdar
0800h H11B-0865 POSTER North East Water
Resources Network (NEWRnet): A real-time
water quality sensor network to study impacts of
climate variability for Delaware, Rhode Island and
Vermont: A Gold, A W Schroth, S P Inamdar,
K Addy, W B Bowden, S Andres, D F Levia Jr,
V Andrew, D J Leathers, M Garfield, J Chace, A
Jerram, M Vaughan, J B Shanley
0800h H11B-0866 POSTER Adaptively Monitoring
Hydrologic Systems Using Web-enabled Sensor
Nodes: B P Wong, B Kerkez
0800h H11B-0867 POSTER Observing Nutrient
Dynamics in Streams Draining Varied Land Uses
Using In Situ Optical Sensors: M Vaughan, A W
Schroth, W B Bowden, A Jerram, J B Shanley, A
0800h H11B-0868 POSTER Soil moisture spatial and
temporal patterns from a wireless sensor network
test bed : G Villalba, T W Davis, X Liang
0800h H11B-0869 POSTER CoWS: Continuous
Water Sampler for CRDS-based, real-time
measurements of water isotopes: J Carter, K
Huang, K J Dennis
0800h H11B-0870 POSTER Multi-site Field
Verification of Laboratory Derived FDOM Sensor
Corrections: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: J
Saraceno, J B Shanley, B T Aulenbach
0800h H11B-0871 POSTER Evaluation of HighTemporal-Resolution Bedload Sensors for Tracking
Channel Bed Movement and Transport Thresholds
in Forested Mountain Headwater Catchments: S
Martin, M H Conklin, R C Bales
0800h H11B-0872 POSTER High frequency water
quality and flow observations of a hypereutrophic
Coastal Plain millpond: S Andres, W J Ullman, Y
G Voynova
0800h H11B-0873 POSTER Using Distributed
Continuous Turbidity Monitoring to Inform
Sediment and Sediment-bound Nutrient Budgets:
D Rizzo, S D Hamshaw, K L Underwood, B C
Wemple, M Dewoolkar
0800h H11B-0874 POSTER Coal-Tar-Sealcoated
Parking Lots: “Hot spots” of PAHs and
N-heterocycles to Urban Streams and Lakes Result
in “Hot Moments” of Toxicity: B J Mahler, P C Van
Metre, C Ingersoll, J L Kunz
0800h H11B-0876 POSTER Heterogeneity of aquatic
sediment significantly increases nitrogen removal:
A H Sawyer
0800h H11B-0877 POSTER In-stream Nitrogen
Processing and Dilution in an Agricultural Stream
Network: K Prior, A S Ward, C A Davis, A J
Burgin, T Loecke, D A Riveros-Iregui, S A Thomas,
M A St Clair
0800h H11B-0878 POSTER Spatial and Temporal
Variability in Dominant Heat Fluxes in Arctic
Rivers: T King, B T Neilson, L D Overbeck, M T
Rasmussen, D L Kane
0800h H11B-0880 POSTER Denitrification Rates,
Nitrous Oxide, and Methane Fluxes Along Soil
Moisture Gradients In Stormwater Control
Structures: N D Bettez, J L Morse, P M Groffman
0800h H11B-0881 POSTER Assessing Stream
Ecosystem Metabolism and Nitrate Utilization
at Reduced Nitrate Levels Using a ChamberBased Approach: Looking Below, Scaling Up, and
Thinking Inside the Box: C J Reijo, M J Cohen
0800h H11B-0882 POSTER Effects of Ranchland
Water Retention on Water and Nutrient Discharges
in the Lake Okeechobee basin: N K Shrestha, S
Shukla, G Hendricks
0800h H11B-0883 POSTER Water Quality
Monitoring of the Upper St Lawrence River Using
Remote Sensor Arrays Placed in a Hydropower
Dam Combined with Hydrodynamic Modeling: F
Neff, H M Sprague, J D Skufca, M R Twiss
Moscone West Poster Hall
Salinization of Freshwater and
Terrestrial Environments: Fate,
Transport, Trends, and Impacts
on Biota and Biogeochemistry and
Solutions Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: Lauren McPhillips, Cornell
University; Michael Walter, Cornell
University; Sujay Kaushal, University of
Maryland; Nicole Hill, Cornell University
0800h H11C-0884 POSTER Cultural Meromixis:
the Influence of Road Salt Deicers on Two Urban
Kettle Lakes: C Koretsky, R Sibert, D A Wyman,
D Griffey, R V Krishnamurthy
0800h H11C-0886 POSTER Dissolved Solids in
Streams of the Conterminous United States: D W
Anning, M Flynn
0800h H11C-0887 POSTER Raingarden Soil Bacteria
Community Response to Lab Simulated SaltEnriched Artificial Stormwater: T A Endreny
0800h H11C-0888 POSTER Numerical Modeling of
Water Flow and Salt Transport in Bare Saline Soil
Subjected to Transient Evaporation: X Geng, M
Boufadel, F S Saleh
0800h H11C-0889 POSTER Road Salt Accumulation
and Wash-out in Stormwater Detention Basins:
Patterns and Implications for Biogeochemical
Cycling: L E McPhillips, M T Walter
0800h H11C-0890 POSTER Hydrogeochemical,
multiple isotopic approaches to investigate seawater
mixing of groundwater in volcanic Jeju Island,
Korea: E H Koh, D Kaown, S H Lee, K K Lee
0800h H11C-0891 POSTER Modeling streamgroundwater
groundwater salinization in an urban floodplain: S
H Ledford, L Lautz
0800h H11C-0892 POSTER Relationships between
groundwater, surface water, and soil salinity in
Polder 32, Southwest Bangladesh: D C Fry, J C
0800h H11C-0893 POSTER Response of Stream
Biodiversity to Increasing Salinization: C P
Hawkins, J J Vander Laan, J R Olson
0800h H11C-0894 POSTER Tracking evolution
of urban biogeochemical cycles: salinization of
fresh water: S Kaushal, W H McDowell, W M
Wollheim, S Duan, J K Gorman, S Haq, S Hohman,
R M Smith, P M Mayer
0800h H11C-0895 POSTER Road salt in the
environment: loads, lags and consequences: S
Findlay, V Kelly, L Martin
0800h H11C-0896 POSTER Regional Analysis of
River Conductivity Maps Salinity Driven Aquatic
Habitat Degradation Potential Throughout New
England: S Zuidema, W M Wollheim, M Green,
M Mineau, R J Stewart, E Volitis
0800h H11C-0897 POSTER Mobilization of Roadside
Soil Cation Pools by Exchange with Road Deicers: R
Rossi, D Bain
0800h H11C-0898 POSTER Nonpoint Source
Road Salt Pollution from Urban Stormwater: S
DeGaetano, M T Walter
0800h H11C-0899 POSTER Partitioning of Total
Dissolved Salts, Boron and Selenium in Pariette
Wetland Water, Sediments and Benthic Organisms:
A R Jacobson, C P Jones, P Vasudeva, D Powelson,
P Grossl
0800h H11B-0879 POSTER Heterogeneity in a
Suburban River Network: Understanding the
Impact of Fluvial Wetlands on Dissolved Oxygen
and Metabolism in Headwater Streams: J S Cain,
W M Wollheim, K Sheehan, A Lightbody
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:50 AM
Moscone West Poster Hall
Nontraditional Water Resources:
Scientific and Technical Challenges to
Their Assessment and Use Posters
Presiding: Kevin Dennehy, USGS;
John Bohlke, USGS; Yuliana Porras
Mendoza, US Bureau of Reclamation
0800h H11D-0900 POSTER Treatment Technology
and Alternative Water Resources: M J Chapman
0800h H11D-0901 POSTER Assessing the Nation’s
Brackish Groundwater Resources: J Stanton, D W
Anning, R B Moore, P B McMahon, J K Bohlke, V
L McGuire
0800h H11D-0902 POSTER Geochemical Variability
and the Potential for Beneficial Use of Waste Water
Coproduced with Oil from Permian Basin of the
Southwest USA: N A Khan, F O Holguin, P Xu, M
Engle, B Dungan, B Hunter, K C Carroll
0800h H11D-0903 POSTER Offshore Brackish
Water Resources in Hong Kong: A Case Study on
Lantau Island South: H T Kwong, J J Jiao, L S Chan
0800h H11D-0904 POSTER Advancing Methods for
Hydrogeological Characterization of Deep Aquifers
in Sedimentary Basins: A Singh, D Palombi
Moscone West Poster Hall
Long-Term Changes in Inland Water
Temperature: Global Patterns,
Physical Mechanisms, and Ecological
Interactions I Posters (joint with A, B, C,
Presiding: John Lenters, LimnoTech;
Claude Duguay, University of Waterloo;
Simon Hook, NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Catherine O’Reilly, Illinois
State University
0800h H11E-0906 POSTER Surface heat flux
variability of a large lake: Lake Geneva, Switzerland:
A Irani Rahaghi, U Lemmin, D Bouffard, M
Riffler, S Wunderle, D A Barry
0800h H11E-0908 POSTER Assessing Climate
Change Effect on the World’s Largest Lakes Using
Satellite Observation: C Wang, R Gabriel, H
0800h H11E-0910 POSTER Rapid warming of the
world’s lakes: Interdecadal variability and long-term
trends from 1910-2009 using in situ and remotely
sensed data: J D Lenters, J S Read, S Sharma, C
O’Reilly, S E Hampton, D Gray, P B McIntyre, S
J Hook, P Schneider, M E Soylu, N Barabás, D D
0800h H11E-0911 POSTER Diagnosing the Drivers of
the Recent Rapid Warming of the Great Lakes: S J
Vavrus, Y Zhong, M Notaro
0800h H11E-0912 POSTER The Summertime
Warming Trends in Surface Water Temperature
of the Great Lakes: N Sugiyama, S Kravtsov, P
0800h H11E-0913 POSTER Evaluating the
Contribution of Nearshore Offshore Exchange
to Lake Superior Warming: P J McKinney, K
0800h H11E-0914 POSTER River Inflows into Lakes:
Basin Temperature Profiles Driven By Peeling
Detrainment from Dense Underflows: C A R Hogg,
H E Huppert, J Imberger, S B Dalziel
Moscone West Poster Hall
Using Seasonal Forecasts to Improve
Water System Operations Posters
(joint with IN, SI)
Presiding: Paul Block, University of
Wisconsin - Madison; Robert Corby,
National Weather Service, West Gulf
River Forecast Center
0800h H11F-0915 POSTER Improved Water
and Energy Management Utilizing Seasonal
to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts: S
Arumugam, U Lall
0800h H11F-0916 POSTER Streamflow forecasts on
seasonal and interannual time scales for reservoir
management: A W Robertson, M Lu, U Lall
0800h H11F-0917 POSTER A Robust Multimodel
Framework for Ensemble Seasonal Hydroclimatic
Forecasts: P A Mendoza, B Rajagopalan, M P Clark,
G Cortés, J P McPhee
0800h H11F-0918 POSTER An improved Multimodel
Approach for Global Sea Surface Temperature
Forecasts: M Z K Khan, R Mehrotra, A Sharma
0800h H11F-0919 POSTER Reducing the Need for
Accurate Stream Flow Forecasting for Water Supply
Planning by Augmenting Reservoir Operations
with Seawater Desalination and Wastewater
Recycling: R Bhushan, T L Ng
0800h H11F-0920A POSTER Assessing the skill of
seasonal forecasting of streamflow and drought in
the Limpopo basin, Southern Africa: M Werner, P
Trambauer, H Winsemius, S Maskey, E N Dutra, F
0800h H11F-0921 POSTER On the performance of
updating Stochastic Dynamic Programming policy
using Ensemble Streamflow Prediction in a snowcovered region: A Martin, C Pascal, R Leconte
0800h H11F-0922 POSTER Assessing the Value of
Improved Hydrologic Forecasting for Hydropower
in the Sierra Nevada at Multiple Spatial Scales: D E
Rheinheimer, R C Bales, J R Lund, J H Viers
H11F-0923 POSTER
of Sources of Errors in Seasonal Streamflow
Forecasting over the US Sunbelt: A Mazrooei, T
Sinha, S Kumar, C D Peters-Lidard, S Arumugam
0800h H11F-0924 POSTER Assessing the Value
of Post-processed State-of-the-art Long-term
Weather Forecast Ensembles within An Integrated
Agronomic Modelling Framework: Y LI, A
Castelletti, M Giuliani
0800h H11F-0925 POSTER Informing Water
Management by Direct Use of Snow Information as
Surrogate of Medium-to-Long Range Streamflow
Forecast: S Denaro, M Giuliani, A Castelletti
0800h H11F-0926 POSTER Improved Regional
Water Management Utilizing Climate Forecasts:
An Inter-basin Transfer Model with a Risk
Management Framework : W Li, S Arumugam, R
S Ranjithan, E D Brill Jr
0800h H11F-0927 POSTER Season-ahead Drought
Forecast Models for the Lower Colorado River
Authority in Texas: P J Block, B Zimmerman, M
Grzegorzewski, D W Watkins Jr, R Anderson
0800h H11F-0928 POSTER Evaluating National
Weather Service Seasonal Forecast Products in
Reservoir Operation Case Studies: A Nielson, R
Guihan, A Polebistki, R N Palmer, K Werner, A W
0800h H11G-0954 POSTER Waving Vegetation
Facilitates Gas Transfer in Wetland Surface Water:
M R Foster, E A Variano
0800h H11G-0942 POSTER Evaluating the perennial
stream using logistic regression in central Taiwan:
T Ruljigaljig, Y S Cheng, H I Lin, C H Lee, T T Yu
0800h H11G-0955 POSTER Preliminary Optimization
for Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Environmental
Flows in Lassen Foothill Watersheds: J Ta, R
Kelsey, J Howard, M Hall, J R Lund, J H Viers
0800h H11G-0943 POSTER Hydrologic Classification
of Bristol Bay, Alaska Using Hydrologic Landscapes:
J Todd, P J Wigington Jr, E A Sproles
S Basso, M Schirmer, G Botter
0800h H11G-0945 POSTER SonTek IQ Plus Velocity
Index Discharge Compared to Historical Stage
Discharge Curve: I Jones
0800h H11G-0946 POSTER SonTek SL3G SideLooking Doppler Current Meter application in
Complex Flow Conditions : D Wagenaar
0800h H11G-0947 POSTER Discharge Estimation
Using Satellite Gravity During Flood Seasons at the
Óbidos Gauge Station, Amazon River: J Eom, K W
Seo, Y K Lee
0800h H11G-0956 POSTER A Water Budget
Approach to Study the Hydrologic Response of
Mountain Meadow Restoration Following Conifer
Removal : G F Van Oosbree, C G Surfleet, J J
0800h H11G-0957 POSTER Relating Snowpack and
Snowmelt in Weather Modified Watersheds: G A
Tootle, A Pelle, A Oubeidillah, G Kerr
0800h H11G-0958 POSTER Dual Heuristics for
Assessment of Hydrologic Sensitivities to Climate
Change in Watersheds of the Lower Colorado
Basin: K W Murphy, B S Murphy, A W Ellis
Downscaling of Decadal Climate Change Projections
over the Sunbelt: R DAS Bhowmik, S Arumugam,
T Sinha, K Mahinthakumar
0800h H11G-0948 POSTER Sewage Contamination
under Different Storm and Hydrologic Conditions
in Three Urban Waterways: H Templar, S Corsi,
S L McLellan
0800h H11G-0960 POSTER Impacts of Near-term
Climate Change on Surface Water - Groundwater
Availability in the Nueces River basin, TX: T Sinha,
M Kumar
0800h H11G-0949 POSTER Application of The
Stochastic Particle Tracking Model To Evaluate
Particle Movement Uncertainty in Extreme Flows:
C Tsai, E Lin
0800h H11G-0961 POSTER Error Decomposition
of Streamflow and Groundwater Projection Under
Climate Change Information: S B Seo, T Sinha, K
Mahinthakumar, S Arumugam
0800h H11G-0951 POSTER Hyporheic Zone
Management: Nitrate Removal from Treated
Wastewater Effluent using an Engineered
Hyporheic Zone as a Bioreactor: M Esteban, S
Herzog, Z Jones, J Sharp
0800h H11G-0962 POSTER Improving the Prediction
of Baseflows in the Driftless Area of the Upper
Midwestern United States: Z Schuster, K W Potter
0800h H11G-0952 POSTER River reach classification
for the Greater Mekong Region at high spatial
resolution: C Ouellet Dallaire, B Lehner
0800h H11G-0953 POSTER Reconciling Streamflow
Uncertainty Estimation and River Bed Morphology
Dynamics. Insights from a Probabilistic Assessment
of Streamflow Uncertainties Using a Reliability
Diagram: T Morlot, T Mathevet, C Perret, A C
Moscone West Poster Hall
0800h H11G-0963 POSTER Shallow Groundwater
and Stream Water Interactions during High
Intensity Rain Events: M Z Iqbal
0800h H11G-0965 POSTER Effects of Groundwater
Dynamics on Hydrometeorological Conditions
over South America: Analysis of Offline NoahMP
and Fully-coupled WRF-NoahMP Simulations: J
A Martinez-Agudelo, F Dominguez, G MiguezMacho
Calibration of River System Models: Opportunities
and Challenges: S S H Kim, J D Hughes, D Dutta,
J Vaze
Surface Hydrology Posters
Presiding: Alicia Kinoshita, San Diego
State University; William Miller, NOAA
0800h H11G-0929 POSTER Increasing Northern
Hemisphere Water Deficit: G J McCabe Jr, D
0800h H11G-0930 POSTER An assessment of longterm water budget closures for large drainage basins
in Canada: S Wang
0800h H11G-0931 POSTER How Reliable is the Pacific
Decadal Oscillation for Predicting Precipitation in
Texas? Comparing the Precipitation Record for
Two Stations in Texas between 1900 and 2013: J
C Cepeda
0800h H11G-0932 POSTER Estimation of spatial
distribution of t-year precipitation with 5 km
resolution : Y Kuzuha
0800h H11G-0933 POSTER Evaluating the Potential
of Radar-based Rainfall Estimates for Stream
Flow Simulation in the Philippines: C C Abon, D
Kneis, A Bronstert, I Crisologo, C P C David, M
0800h H11G-0934 POSTER Trend Analysis of
Rainfall and Streamflow in “Alto Teles Pires
Watershed”, Northern Brazil: J D Groppo, G Q
0800h H11G-0935 POSTER GIS based spatial and
temporal modeling of surface runoff for considering
manner of surface and underground stormwater
infrastructure: H Yi, Y Choi, W R Go, H D Park,
S M Kim
0800h H11G-0936 POSTER Critical Rainfall and
Groundwater Level Regulating Runoff Generation
in a Small Forested Catchment, Western Japan: H
Haga, M Katsuyama, K Osaka
0800h H11G-0937 POSTER Impact of Years of
Enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program
on Depth of Rain Infiltration: T Goebel, R J
Lascano, V Acosta-Martinez
to Upload
Your ePoster
by Friday, 19 December
6:00 P.M. PST
0800h H11G-0938 POSTER A Study for Application
of Vertical Infiltration in Runoff Analysis Model to
Long- and Short- Term Evaluation: K Yoshimi, C
W Wang, T Yamada
0800h H11G-0939 POSTER SMAP Science Data
Products: D Cuddy
0800h H11G-0940 POSTER Soil Moisture Active
Passive (SMAP) Data and Services at the NASA
DAACs: A Leon, A R Allen, S R Leslie
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 11
0800h H11G-0941 POSTER Turbulence of nonuniform open channel flows and mean velocity
scaling: R Stewart, J Fox
11/28/2014 10:46:50 AM
0800h H11G-0968 POSTER The Study of System
Response Parameter Calibration Method for
Xinanjiang Model Parameters: W Si, W Bao, Z
Wang, S Qu
0800h H11H-0990 POSTER Estimating The
CO2 Sequestration Capacity of Fractured Shale
Formations Using Methane Production Rates: The
Case of the Utica Shale: Z Tao, A F Clarens
0800h H11G-0969 POSTER Evaluation of streamflow
trends in the Pacific Northwest using Wavelet
Analysis: S Puri, A Kalra, S Ahmad
0800h H11H-0991 POSTER Image Analysis of
Proppant Performance in Pressurized Fractures: D
Crandall, M M Smith, S Carroll, S D Walsh, M
Gill, J Moore, B Tennant, R D Aines
0800h H11G-0971 POSTER Multi-Model LongRange Ensemble Forecast for Decision Support
in Hydroelectric Operations: M L Kunkel, S
Parkinson, D Blestrud, V P Holbrook
0800h H11G-0972 POSTER Hydrologic Analysis for
Kankakee River Watershed Streamflow Accounting
Model: Z Zhang, H V Knapp
0800h H11G-0973 POSTER Application of the Vic
Model to Predict Streamflow in the Como Creek
Watershed, Colorado Front Range: Q Zhang, M
W Williams, R M Cowie
0800h H11G-0974 POSTER Evaluation of the water
balance of Southeast Asia with a land surface model
and era interim reanalysis: M Y Sonessa, J E Richey,
C Zhao, L Y Leung, B Nijssen, D P Lettenmaier
0800h H11G-0975 POSTER Understanding and
Modeling Rainfall and Temperature Variability in
Ciliwung Watershed, Jakarta, Indonesia: M Yanto,
B Rajagopalan, E A Zagona
0800h H11G-0976 POSTER Numerical Modelling of
Freshwater Flux and Temperature on the Northern
British Columbia Coast in support of Marine Oil
Spill Response: D R Bourdin, S W Fleming, V
Fortin, D A Durnford
0800h H11G-0977 POSTER Assessing the Effect
of Climate Change in Two Snow-Dominated
Mountainous Basins in the California Sierra
Nevada Using CMIP5 data and the Soil and Water
Assessment Tool (SWAT): M Choi, R Sultana
0800h H11G-0978 POSTER Impact of Spatial Scale
on Calibration and Model Output for a Grid-based
SWAT Model: G Pignotti, V K Vema, H Rathjens,
C Raj, Y Her, I Chaubey, M M Crawford
0800h H11G-0979 POSTER Event-Based Hydrologic
Model Calibration using NEXRAD Data in a
Southern New Jersey Watershed: C Seigel, J A
0800h H11G-0980 POSTER Climate change impacts
on reservoir inflow in the United States: B S Naz,
S C Kao, M Ashfaq, S Gangrade, R Mei, D Ratogi
0800h H11H-0992 POSTER Investigation of
Wyoming Bentonite Hydration in Dry to WaterSaturated Supercritical CH4 and CH4/CO2 Mixtures:
Implications for CO2-Enhanced Gas Production: J
Loring, C Thompson, E S Ilton, B P McGrail, T
0800h H11H-0993 POSTER Laboratory study of
mechanical and petrophysical properties of both
intact and naturally fractured shale samples from the
Tournemire Underground Research Laboratory:
C David, A Bonnelye, A Schubnel, P Henry, Y
Guglielmi, C Gout, P Dick
0800h H11H-0994 POSTER Idealized Shale Sorption
Isotherm Measurements to Determine Pore
Volume, Pore Size Distribution, and Surface Area:
R Holmes, B Wang, H Aljama, E Rupp, J Wilcox
0800h H11H-0995 POSTER Mechanistic Processes
Controlling Gas Sorption in Shale Reservoirs: T
Schaef, J Loring, E S Ilton, C L Davidson, T Owen,
D Hoyt, V A Glezakou, B P McGrail, C Thompson
0800h H11H-0996 POSTER Shale Fracture Analysis
using the Combined Finite-Discrete Element
Method: J W Carey, Z Lei, E Rougier, E E Knight,
H Viswanathan
0800h H11H-0997 POSTER Transport properties
of faulted clay-rich caprock: implications for CO2
storage: E Bakker, S Hangx, C J Spiers
0800h H11H-0998 POSTER Slip-flow in complex
porous media as determined by a multi-relaxationtime lattice Boltzmann model: C J Landry, M
Prodanovic, P Eichhubl
0800h H11H-0999 POSTER Workflow Integrating
Fracture Permeability Characterization and
Multiphase Flow Modeling for CO2 Storage and
Risk Assessments in Fractured Reservoirs: G Jin, J
C Pashin
0800h H11H-1000 POSTER Coupled Fracture and
Flow in Shale in Hydraulic Fracturing: J W Carey,
H Mori, H Viswanathan
0800h H11G-0981 POSTER An Inverse Methodology
to Estimate the Flow Released from a Levee Breach:
M D’Oria, P Mignosa, M G Tanda
0800h H11H-1001 POSTER Shale Micromodel
Experiments: Fluid Flow and Mobilization using
Supercritical CO2: M L Porter, J W Carey, H
0800h H11G-0982 POSTER Hydrometeorological
and climatological conditions associated with flash
flooding in the Catskill Mountains, NY: N G Teale,
S M Quiring
0800h H11H-1002 POSTER Creep and Hysteresis
Effects on the Marcellus Shale Matrix Permeability
Behavior: A R Bhandari, P J Polito, P B Flemings,
S L Bryant
0800h H11G-0983 POSTER Comparison Of
Quantitative Precipitation Estimates Derived From
Rain Gauge And Radar Derived Algorithms For
Operational Flash Flood Support: D P Streubel, K
0800h H11H-1003 POSTER Veining Failure and
Hydraulic Fracturing in Shales: S Mighani, C H
Sondergeld, C S Rai
0800h H11G-0984 POSTER Predicting Flood Hazards
in Systems with Multiple Flooding Mechanisms: A
Luke, J Schubert, L Cheng, A AghaKouchak, B F
0800h H11G-0986 POSTER The Automated
Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool (AGWA):
Developing Post-Fire Model Parameters Using
Precipitation and Runoff Records from Gauged
Watersheds: B S Sheppard, D C Goodrich, D P
Guertin, I S Burns, E Canfield, G Sidman
Moscone West Poster Hall
Shale Science: Coupled Processes
in Hydraulic Fracturing and CO2
Sequestration I Posters
(joint with MR)
Presiding: James Carey, Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Stephanie Vialle,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;
Qinhong Hu, University of Texas at
Arlington; Thomas Dewers, Sandia
National Laboratories
0800h H11H-0987 POSTER Lessons Learned from 20
Years of Production in the Barnett Shale: R Gupta,
R S Middleton, J W Carey, R Currier, S Karra, H
0800h H11H-0988 POSTER Steep Decline and Low
Hydrocarbon Recovery in Fractured Shale: What
and Why?: Q Hu, T Barber, Z Gao, X Gao, R P
0800h H11H-1004 POSTER Characterization of
Hydraulically Induced Fractures from Monitoring
and Production Data Using Ensemble Kalman
Filtering: S Hakim Elahi, B Jafarpour
0800h H11H-1005 POSTER Integrated Experimental
and Computational Study of Hydraulic Fracturing
and the Use of Alternative Fracking Fluids: H
Viswanathan, J W Carey, S Karra, M L Porter, E
Rougier, D Zhang, N Makedonska, R S Middleton,
R Currier, R Gupta, Z Lei, Q Kang, D O’Malley, J
0800h H11H-1006 POSTER Quantification of
Viscosity and Capillary Pressure Anomalies for Polar
Liquids in 2D Hydrophilic Nano-Confinements: S A
Kelly, C Torres-Verdin, M Balhoff
0800h H11H-1007 POSTER Physical Properties
of Granulates Used in Analogue Experiments of
Caprock Failure and Sediment Remobilisation: N
Kukowski, M Warsitzka, F May
0800h H11H-1008 POSTER An efficient numerical
simulation of coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical
process in CO2 leakage through fractured caprocks:
Y S Wu, Z Huang, P H Winterfeld
0800h H11H-1009 POSTER Harnessing mineral
carbonation reactions to seal fractured shales and
sequester carbon: A F Clarens, Z Tao
0800h H11H-1010 POSTER Alteration of bentonite
when contacted with supercritical CO2: K Jinseok
0800h H11H-1011 POSTER Fluid-rock interactions
in unconventional reservoirs during hydraulic
fracturing: a geochemical investigation from the
Powder River Basin, WY: R Herz-Thyhsen, J P
0800h H11H-0989 POSTER Interpreting Gas
Production Decline Curves By Combining
Geometry and Topology: R P Ewing, Q Hu
0800h H11H-1012 POSTER Direct Numerical
Simulation of Pore Scale Flow and Reactive
Transport of CO2 in Porous Media: M Alizadeh
AGU2014News.indb 12
0800h H11H-1013 POSTER Oedometric Small
Angle Neutron Scattering: In-Situ Observation of
Deformation Partitioning in Clay-rich Samples: C
R Bryan, J E Heath, R Hjelm, M Taylor, D Olds,
T A Dewers
0845h H11K-04 Long-Term Effect of FaultControlled CO2 Alteration on the Weakening and
Strengthening of Reservoir and Seal Lithologies at
Crystal Geyser, Green River, Utah: J R Major, P
Eichhubl, T A Dewers
Moscone West Poster Hall
0900h H11K-05 ­3D modeling of fault reactivation
during CO2 injection: A P Rinaldi, V Vilarrasa, J
Rutqvist, F Cappa
China-U.S.-Europe Collaborative
Research on Emerging Subsurface
Flow and Transport: From Molecular
to Regional Scales Posters
0915h H11K-06 A Computational Model of Coupled
Multiphase Flow and Geomechanics to Study Fault
Slip and Induced Seismicity: R Juanes, B Jha
Presiding: Hongbin Zhan, Texas A&M
Univ; Guanhua Huang, CAU China
Agricultural University; Zhang Wen,
China University of Geosciences
0800h H11I-1014 POSTER Effects of Heterogeneity
and Uncertainties in Sources and Initial and
Boundary Conditions on Spatiotemporal Variations
of Groundwater Levels: Y K Zhang, X Liang
0800h H11I-1015 POSTER Adaptive Fusion of
Information for Seeing into Ordos Basin, China: A
China-Germany-US Joint Venture: T C J Yeh, L
Yin, M Sauter, R Hu, T Ptak, G C Hou
0800h H11I-1016 POSTER Field monitoring and
numerical simulation of seawater and brine water
intrusion to groundwater in the coastal area of
Laizhou bay, China: B X Hu, J Miao, X Li, Z Ma,
H Liu
0800h H11I-1017 POSTER Unstable Pore-Water
Flow in Intertidal Wetlands: D A Barry, C Shen,
L Li
0800h H11I-1018 POSTER Calculation of Steady-state
Evaporation for an Arbitrary Matrix Potential at
Ground Surface: X Liu, H Zhan
0800h H11I-1019 POSTER An Analytical Solution of
Hydraulic Head due to an Oscillatory Pumping Test
in a Confined, Unconfined or Leaky Aquifer: C S
Huang, H D Yeh
0800h H11I-1020 POSTER Non-Darcian flow to a
partially penetrating well in a confined aquifer: Z
Wen, K Liu, X Chen
0930h H11K-07 Investigations in Reducing the
Computational Expense of Transient 3D MultiPhase CO2 Wellbore Leakage Simulations: TimeSeries Matching versus Multivariate Adaptive
Regression Splines: D R Harp, R Pawar
0945h H11K-08 Understanding of the carbon dioxide
sequestration in extremely low-permeability saline
aquifers in the Ordos Basin: K Zhang, J Xie, L Hu,
Y Wang, M Chen
Moscone West 3016
Global Precipitation Measurement,
Validation, and Applications I (joint
with A, GC, IN, NH)
Presiding: Yang Hong, University of
Oklahoma; Ramesh Kakar, NASA
Headquarters; Gail Skofronick Jackson,
NASA-GSFC; Walter Petersen, NASA
GSFC/WFF Code 610.W
0800h H11L-01 Initial Gprof Results Using a GPM
Derived Database: C D Kummerow, S Ringerud,
D Randel, P Kirstetter
0815h H11L-02 Initial Evaluation of Dual Frequency
Radar (DPR) on Global Precipitation Measurement
(GPM) Core Observatory and Global Precipitation
Map (GSMaP): R Oki, M Kachi, T Kubota, T
Masaki, Y Kaneko, Y N Takayabu, T Iguchi, K
0830h H11L-03 The Megha-Tropiques Mission:
Review and Status after 3 Years in Orbit: R Roca
0845h H11L-04 Precipitation Estimation Using
Combined Radar and Microwave Radiometer
Observations from GPM- Initial Studies: W S
Olson, M Grecu, S J Munchak, S F McLaughlin, Z S
Haddad, K S Kuo, L Tian, B T Johnson, H Masunaga
Moscone West 3018
Advances in Understanding LandAtmosphere Interactions I
(joint with A)
Presiding: Steven Quiring, Texas A&M
University; Trent Ford, Texas A&M
University; Joseph Santanello, NASA;
0800h H11J-01 Land-Atmosphere interaction over
North America in the current and future climates
using Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5):
G T Diro, L Sushama
0820h H11J-02 Local coupling (LoCo) vs. large-scale
coupled (LsCo) land-atmosphere interactions in
idealized experiments: P Gentine, B R Lintner, K L
Findell, N Rochetin, A H Sobel, U M Anber
0840h H11J-03 Using WRF with Water Vapor
Tracers to Study the Moisture Sources for the North
American Monsoon: F Dominguez, G MiguezMacho, H Hu
0900h H11J-04 Land-Atmosphere Coupling
Investigated Across Scales: K E Logan, N A Brunsell
0920h H11J-05 Evolution of Soil MoistureConvection Interactions against the Backdrop of
Global Oscillations: A B Tawfik, P Dirmeyer
0940h H11J-06 A Mechanism for Land-Atmosphere
Feedback Involving Planetary Wave Structures: R
D Koster, Y Chang, S D Schubert
Moscone West 3014
Coupled Hydraulic, Geochemical, and
Geomechanical Processes in Carbon
Storage I
Presiding: Stuart Walsh, LLNL; Susan
Carroll, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
0800h H11K-01 Superposition well-test method
for reservoir characterization and pressure
management during CO2 injection: J A White
0815h H11K-02 Advective, Diffusive and Eruptive
Leakage of CO2 and Brine within Fault Zone: N H
Jung, W S Han
0830h H11K-03 Vertically Integrated Models for
CO2 Storage with Coupled Thermal Processes: S E
Gasda, W G Gray, H K Dahle
0900h H11L-05 Towards a Consistent Treatment
of Surface Characteristics in the GPM DPR-GMI
Combined Algorithm: S J Munchak, W S Olson,
M Grecu, R Meneghini
0915h H11L-06 Measuring Snowfall From Satellite
Microwave Observations: G Liu
0930h H11L-07 NOAA/MiRS: A 1-Dimensional
Variational Retrieval Approach for the GPM
Microwave Imager: T Islam, C Grassotti, X Zhan,
S A Boukabara, K Garrett, C K Smith, P Liang, W
Chen, R R Ferraro, L Zhao, F Weng
0945h H11L-08 A New Framework for Robust
Retrieval and Fusion of Active/Passive MultiSensor Precipitation: M Ebtehaj, E FoufoulaGeorgiou, R L Bras
Moscone West 3022
Large-Scale Field Experiments and
Long-Term Observing Networks I (joint
with A, B, GC, S)
Presiding: Michael Cosh, U. S. Dept. of
Agriculture; Paul Brooks, Univ Arizona;
Stephen Sebestyen, USDA Forest
Service; Nobuhito Ohte, University of
0800h H11M-01 Multi-Scale Soil Moisture
Monitoring and Modeling at ARS Watersheds
for NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP)
Calibration/Validation Mission: E J Coopersmith,
M H Cosh
0815h H11M-02 Recent advances in downscaling
soil moisture from satellite to field scale: V Lakshmi
0830h H11M-03 Processes influencing rainfall
features in the Amazonian region: T Gerken, M
Chamecki, J D Fuentes, G G Katul, D R Fitzjarrald,
A O Manzi, R M Nascimento dos Santos, C von
Randow, P C Stoy, J Tota, A Trowbridge, C
Schumacher, L Machado
0845h H11M-04 The GPM GV Integrated
Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) in
the Southern Appalachians- Focus on Water Cycle
Processes: A P Barros, J Tao, D Wu, M Nogueira,
C D Peters-Lidard, J J Gourley, E N Anagnostou, D
P Genereux, L Lowman, E J Kim
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:50 AM
0900h H11M-05 Utilizing LiDAR Datasets
From Experimental Watersheds to Advance
Ecohydrological Understanding in Seasonally
Snow-Covered Forests: A A Harpold, P D Broxton,
Q Guo, M J Barlage, D J Gochis
0915h H11M-06 Long-Term Network Experiments
and Interdisciplinary Campaigns Conducted by
the USDA-Agricultural Research Service: D C
Goodrich, W P Kustas, M H Cosh, S M Moran,
D G Marks, T J Jackson, D D Bosch, A Rango, M
S Seyfried, R L Scott, J H Prueger, P J Starks, M R
0930h H11M-07 Enabling cross-site and multinetwork research through community services: R P
Hooper, M Seul, A Couch
Moscone West 3011
Understanding the Interface Between
Models and Data I
Presiding: Grey Nearing, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center; Benjamin Ruddell,
Arizona State University; Jasper Vrugt,
UC-Irvine; Kenneth Harrison, UMD
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advanced Concepts and Disruptive
Technologies to Enhance Satellite
Data Exploitation I Posters
Presiding: Karen Moe, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center; Charles Norton,
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Jeff
0800h IN11A-3587 POSTER NASA Earth Observing
System Simulator Suite (NEOS3): A Forward
Simulation Framework for Observing System
Simulation Experiments: N Niamsuwan, S
Tanelli, M P Johnson, J C Jacob, S Jaruwatanadilok,
S Oveisgharan, D Dao, M Simard, F J Turk, L
Tsang, T H Liao, Q Chau
0800h IN11A-3588 POSTER Landsat-ABI (L-ABI)
Enables 8-day Revisits and Increased Science
Content with a Single Instrument: L M Woody, P
C Griffith, S M Wirth
quantification of large complex dynamical system
models: Q Duan, W Gong, Z Di, C Wang, J Quan,
Y Gan, J Li
0800h IN11A-3589 POSTER The JPL Tropical
Cyclone Information System – a new paradigm for
integration of models and observations to enhance
the use of remote sensing data for hurricane research
and forecast improvements: S M Hristova-Veleva,
M Boothe, S Gopalakrishnan, Z S Haddad, B
Knosp, B Lambrigtsen, P Li, M T Montgomery, N
Niamsuwan, T P J Shen, V Tallapragada, S Tanelli,
J Turk
0845h H11N-04 Model-free data analysis for
source separation based on Non-Negative Matrix
Factorization and k-means clustering (NMFk): V V
Vesselinov, B Alexandrov
0800h IN11A-3590 POSTER Science and
applications-driven OSSE platform for terrestrial
hydrology using NASA Land Information System:
S Kumar, C D Peters-Lidard, K Harrison, J A
Santanello, D Bach Kirschbaum
0815h H11N-02 Analysing the Information Content
of Point Measurements of the Vadose Zone
State Variables for the Inverse Estimation of Soil
Hydraulic Parameters: S Werisch, F Lennartz
0900h H11N-05 Density Estimation Framework
for Model Error Assessment: K Sargsyan, Z Liu,
H N Najm, C Safta, B VanBloemenWaanders, H A
Michelsen, R Bambha
0915h H11N-06 The Interface Between Data
and Predictions through Machine Learning and
Bayesian Networks : M N Fienen, B T Nolan
0930h H11N-07 Comparing Linear and Nonlinear
Methods for More Reliable Predictive Uncertainty
Quantification and Optimal Design of Experiments:
T Wöhling, A Geiges, M Gosses, W Nowak
0945h H11N-08 Application of the Discrimination
Inference to Reduce Expected Cost Technique
(DIRECT) to a Contaminant Transport Problem: T
W Bayley, T P A Ferré
Moscone West 3020
Water Resources Management
and Policy in a Changing World
I Understanding Trade-offs,
Uncertainty, and Robustness (joint
with GC, PA)
Presiding: Kaveh Madani, Imperial
College London; Patrick Reed, Cornell
University; Casey Brown, University
of Massachusetts Amherst; Greogory
Characklis, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
0800h H11O-01 Decision Support in a Changing and
Contentious World--Successfully Supporting the
Development of a 50-year Comprehensive Coastal
Master Plan in Louisiana: D Groves
0820h H11O-02 Can Horizontal Hydraulic
Fracturing Lead to Less Expensive Achievement
of More Natural River Flows?: J Kern, G W
0800h IN11A-3592 POSTER Data Assimilation on
a Quantum Annealing Computer: Feasibility and
Scalability: G S Nearing, M Halem, D R Chapman,
C S Pelissier
0800h IN11A-3593 POSTER Integrating a
Collaborative Infrastructure with a Big Data
Technology to Boost Data-analysis Productivity:
K S Kuo, T Clune, R Ramachandran, J Rushing, M
Maskey, G Fekete, A Oloso, A Lin, K Doan
0800h IN11A-3594 POSTER Improving NASA GPM
Data Exploitation through NASA Cloud-Resolving
Model Empowered with Parallel AsyncIO
Management: S Zhou, D Kokron, X Li, T Clune, T
Matsui, X Zeng, W K Tao
0800h IN11A-3595 POSTER An Overview of
Plume Tracker: Mapping Volcanic Emissions
with Interactive Radiative Transfer Modeling: V J
Realmuto, A Berk, C Guiang
0800h IN11A-3596 POSTER Organizing Data to
Support Diverse Access Patterns: A Jelenak, T
Habermann, L Knox, E Pourmal
0800h IN11A-3597 POSTER Using Enabling
Technologies to Facilitate the Comparison of
Satellite Observations with the Model Forecasts
for Hurricane Study: P Li, B Knosp, S M HristovaVeleva, N Niamsuwan, M P Johnson, T P J Shen, S
Tanelli, J Turk, Q A Vu
0800h IN11A-3598 POSTER Handling the Diversity
in the Coming Flood of InSAR Data with the InSAR
Scientific Computing Environment: P A Rosen, E
M Gurrola, G F Sacco, P S Agram, M Lavalle, H A
0800h IN11A-3599 POSTER The SoilSCAPE
Network Multiscale In-situ Soil Moisture
Measurements: Innovations in Network Design and
Approaches to Upscaling in Support of SMAP: M
Moghaddam, D Clewley, A Silva, R Akbar
0840h H11O-03 When the ‘soft-path’ gets hard:
demand management and financial instability for
water utilities: H B Zeff, G W Characklis
0800h IN11A-3600 POSTER Radiometric Calibration
of Earth-Observing Sensors Using the Radiometric
Calibration Test Site (RadCaTS): J Czapla-Myers,
N J Anderson, K J Thome, S F Biggar
0855h H11O-04 Managing the financial risk of
low water levels in Great Lakes with index-based
contracts: E Meyer, G W Characklis, C M Brown,
P Moody
0800h IN11A-3601 POSTER Calibration of the
National Ecological Observatory Network’s
Airborne Imaging Spectrometers: N Leisso, T U
Kampe, B M Karpowicz
0910h H11O-05 What Is Robustness?: Problem
Framing Challenges for Water Systems Planning
Under Change: J D Herman, P M Reed, H B Zeff,
G W Characklis
0800h IN11A-3602 POSTER Observations of
Energetic Particles from FY-3 Satellites and Data
Cross-Calibration: C Wang, X Zhang, J Li
0925h H11O-06 New approaches to screening
infrastructure investments in multi-reservoir
systems– Evaluating proposed dams in Ethiopia and
Kenya: J J Harou, R T Geressu, A P Hurford
0940h H11O-07 Integrated and Sustainable Water
Management of Red–Thai Binh Rivers System
Under Change: M Giuliani, D Anghileri, A
Castelletti, E Mason, M Micotti, R Soncini-Sessa,
E Weber
0800h IN11A-3603 POSTER Low Cost Missions
Operations on NASA Deep Space Missions: R J
Barnes, D J Kusnierkiewicz, A Bowman, R Harvey,
D Ossing, J Eichstedt
0800h IN11A-3604 POSTER High Data Rate Satellite
Communications for Environmental Remote
Sensing: J M Jackson, J Munger, P G Emch, B Sen,
D Gu
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 13
0800h IN11A-3605 POSTER Detection of Satellite
Attitude Jitter Based on Image Processing: S Liu, X
Tong, Z Ye, X Tang, Y Xu, L Li, F Wang, H Xie, J
Xie, T Li
Moscone South Poster Hall
Assessment of Satellite-Derived
Essential Climate Variables in the
Terrestrial Domain I Posters (joint with
Presiding: Miguel Roman, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center; Gabriela
Schaepman-Strub, University of Zurich
0800h IN11B-3606 POSTER A Strategy for the
Assessment of a Dynamic Surface Water Extent
Essential Climate Variable derived from Landsat: J
W Jones
0800h IN11B-3607 POSTER Validation of the
2008 Landsat Burned Area Ecv Product for North
America Using Stratified Random Sampling: N M
Brunner, C S Mladinich, M K Caldwell, Y J G Beal
0800h IN11B-3608 POSTER Validation of MODIS
Terra and Aqua Ice Surface Temperatures at
Summit, Greenland: D K Hall, C A Shuman, X
Xiong, B N Wenny, N E DiGirolamo
0800h IN11B-3609 POSTER Protocol for Validation
of the Land Surface Reflectance Fundamental
Climate Data Record using AERONET: Application
to the Global MODIS and VIIRS Data Records: J C
Roger, E Vermote, B N Holben
0800h IN11B-3610 POSTER Validation of the Extend
Suite of MOD09 and SMAC Processed Reflectance
Products for Australian Terrestrial Supersites: A
Case Study: M A Broomhall, H C Chedzey, B
McAtee, P Fearns, M J Lynch
0800h IN11B-3611 POSTER Global Land Surface
Albedo Climatologies Derived from Eight Satellite
Products and Three Decadal Albedo Trend Analysis:
T He, S Liang, D X Song
0800h IN11B-3613 POSTER Mapping of land cover
in Northern California with simulated HyspIRI
images: M L Clark, N E Kilham
Hyperspectral Mapping of Land Cover in Northern
California using Multiple-Endmember Spectral
Mixture Analysis: N E Kilham, M L Clark
0800h IN11B-3615 POSTER Toward Aboveground
Biomass Estimation with RADAR, Lidar and
Optical Remote Sensing Data in Southern Mexico:
M Urbazaev, C J Thiel, C Schmullius
Moscone South Poster Hall
Earth and Space Science Data
Facilities in a Big Data World I Posters
Presiding: Kenneth Casey, NOAA/
NESDIS/NODC; Veronica Guidetti,
European Space Agency; Danie
Kinkade, Woods Hole Oceanographic
0800h IN11C-3616 POSTER Process Architecture for
Managing Digital Object Identifiers: L Wanchoo,
N James, E Stolte
0800h IN11C-3617 POSTER The Planetary Data
System—An Accumulating Archive developed
by Scientists for Scientists: T H Morgan, S
McLaughlin, E J Grayzeck, W Knopf, D J Crichton
0800h IN11C-3618 POSTER The MAVEN Science
Data Center: A W De Wolfe, M Dorey, K W
Larsen, R Christofferson, D M Lindholm
0800h IN11C-3619 POSTER Alaska Satellite Facility:
The Quest to Stay Ahead of the Big Data Wave: A L
Labelle-Hamer, J Nicoll, S Munk
0800h IN11C-3620 POSTER Repository Profiles for
Atmospheric and Climate Sciences: Capabilities and
Trends in Data Services: C A Thompson, C Y Hou,
C L Palmer
0800h IN11C-3621 POSTER Big Data for a Big Ocean
at the NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center:
K S Casey
0800h IN11C-3622 POSTER Navigating a Sea of Big
Data: D Kinkade, C L Chandler, R C Groman, A
Shepherd, M D Allison, S Rauch, P H Wiebe, D M
0800h IN11C-3623 POSTER Recent Developments
in Space Geodesy Data Discovery at the CDDIS: C E
Noll, B P Michael, N Pollack
0800h IN11C-3624 POSTER The NASA Community
Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) Next
Generation Space Weather Data Warehouse: M
M Maddox, M M Kuznetsova, A A Pulkkinen, Y
Zheng, L Rastaetter, A Chulaki, A D Pembroke, C
Wiegand, R Mullinix, J Boblitt, A M M Mendoza,
M J Swindell IV, S S Bakshi, M L Mays, J S Shim,
M Hesse, Y M Collado-Vega, A Taktakishvili, P J
0800h IN11C-3625 POSTER Partnerships: One
Strategy for Meeting Big Data Challenges: C L
Chandler, R C Groman, D Kinkade, A Shepherd,
M D Allison, S Rauch, P H Wiebe, D M Glover
0800h IN11C-3626 POSTER Rolling Deck to
Repository (R2R): Big Data and Standard Services
for the Fleet Community: R A Arko, S M Carbotte,
C L Chandler, S R Smith, K I Stocks
0800h IN11C-3627 POSTER NOAA Big Data
Partnership RFI: J de la Beaujardiere
0800h IN11C-3628 POSTER NCAR’s Research Data
Archive: OPeNDAP Access for Complex Datasets:
R Dattore, S J Worley
0800h IN11C-3629 POSTER Big Data Challenges
with ICESat-2: R L S Weaver, S Tanner, D K
Fowler, M Stowe, A Veale
0800h IN11C-3630 POSTER Linking Big and Small
Data Across the Social, Engineering, and Earth
Sciences: R S Chen, A de Sherbinin, M A Levy, R
R Downs
0800h IN11C-3631 POSTER Agricultural Census
2012: Publishing Mashable GIS Big Data Services:
R Mueller
0800h IN11C-3632 POSTER Big Data Challenges in a
Data Center Workflow: E A Kihn, D Kowal
0800h IN11C-3633 POSTER CCHDO: Almost As
Good As They Think They Are: S C Diggs, J H
Swift, C Berys, J Kappa
0800h IN11C-3634 POSTER OpenTopography:
Addressing Big Data Challenges Using Cloud
Computing, HPC, and Data Analytics: C J
Crosby, V Nandigam, M Phan, C Youn, C Baru, R
Moscone West 2020
Space-Based, Operational Global
Earth Observations from S-NPP and
JPSS I (joint with A, B, OS)
Presiding: John Furgerson, Joint Polar
Satellite System; Gary McWilliams, Joint
Polar Satellite System
0800h IN11D-01 Joint Polar Satellite System’s
Operational and Research Applications from Suomi
NPP: M Goldberg
0815h IN11D-02 Potential for Increased Assimilation
of Snpp Data Via Direct Readout to Hourly-Updated
Global/Regional Numerical Weather Prediction
Models for Situational Awareness: S Benjamin, H
Lin, S Weygandt, M Hu, C Alexander
0830h IN11D-03 Evolving Synergy between
UV and VIS instruments for Aerosol Remote
Sensing- Implications for Suomi NPP and Future
Instruments: P K Bhartia, O Torres
IN11D-04 CrIS
Hyperspectral Radiances: C L Hepplewhite, L L
Strow, H Motteler, S G Desouza-Machado, D C
Tobin, G Martin, L Gumley
0900h IN11D-05 Volcanic Ash and SO2 Monitoring
Using Suomi NPP Direct Broadcast OMPS Data: C
J Seftor, N A Krotkov, R D McPeters, J Y Li, K W
Brentzel, S Habib, S Hassinen, T A Heinrichs, D J
0915h IN11D-06 NOAA GCOM-W1/AMSR2
Oceanic Environmental Products: Phase-2: Z
Jelenak, S Alsweiss, P Chang, J Y Park
0930h IN11D-07 Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS)
Common Ground System (CGS) Multimission
Support: M L Jamilkowski, S W Miller, K D
0945h IN11D-08 JPSS Science Data Services for the
Direct Readout Community: G Chander, R J Lutz
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advances in Analytical Methods for
Mineral and Rock Physics I Posters
(joint with DI, T, V)
Presiding: Haozhe Liu, HIT Harbin
Institute of Technology; Oliver
Tschauner, Univ Nevada; Wenge
Yang, Carnegie Inst-HPSynC; Sebastien
Merkel, Université de Lille
11/28/2014 10:46:51 AM
0800h MR11A-4286 POSTER Neutron Diffraction of
Aqueous Tetramethylammonium Chloride (TMA)
Solutions and TMA Intercalated Swelling Clays
Under Burial Conditions: R Patel, C A Howard, C
Greenwell, T Youngs, A K Soper, N T Skipper
0800h MR11A-4313 POSTER Local Structure of
Sb in Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Clays from
Stevns Klint By the XAFS Method : H Hongu, A
Yoshiasa, T Tobase, T Hiratoko, H Isobe, H Arima,
K Sugiyama, M Okube
0800h MR11A-4288 POSTER Reservoir hydraulic
properties from oscillating pore pressure method: A
Hasanov, M L Batzle
0800h MR11A-4314 POSTER Experimental Study
of the System Forsterite-Anorthite-Nepheline in
Presence of Excess water under 20 kb and Variable
Temperatures, a Preliminary Report: Priyanka
Mukherjee, Soumitradas Gupta and Alok K. Gupta,
University of Allahabad: A K Gupta
0800h MR11A-4289 POSTER Resonant Ultrasound
Spectroscopy of Anisotropic Shale Samples: L M
Watson, K van Wijk
0800h MR11A-4290 POSTER The Effect of
Micrite on Velocity, Its Sensitivity to Pressure,
and Dissolution of Carbonates: A El Husseiny, T
0800h MR11A-4291 POSTER Correlation Detection
Based on the Reconstructed Excitation Signal of
Electromagnetic Seismic Vibrator: Z Yang, T Jiang,
X Xu, H Jia
0800h MR11A-4292 POSTER The Frequencydependent Seismic Properties of Cracked and Fluid
Saturated Glass-bead Media: E C David, Y Li, I
Jackson, D R Schmitt
Ekinci, N Sabbağ, O Uyanik, Z Öncü, S Akdemir,
E Türker
0800h MR11A-4295 POSTER Hardrock Elastic
Physical Properties: Birch’s Seismic Parameter
Revisited: M Wu, B Milkereit
0800h MR11A-4296 POSTER Geophysical Properties
of Hard Rock for Investigation of Stress Fields in
Deep Mines: M Tibbo, R P Young, D R Schmitt,
B Milkereit
0800h MR11A-4297 POSTER Thermal behavior of
water confined in micro porous of clay mineral at
additional pressure: Y Ito, T Takemura, H Fujimori,
A Nagoe, T Sugimoto
0800h MR11A-4298 POSTER Aeromagnetic Study
of Buenavista de Cuellar, Mining Region, Guerrero,
Mexico: T Gonzalez, J C Marin Sr
0800h MR11A-4300 POSTER Investigating
α-particle radiation damage in phyllosilicates using
synchrotron microfocus-XRD/XAS: implications
for geological disposal of nuclear waste: W R
Bower, C I Pearce, S M Pimblott, S J Haigh, J F W
Mosselmans, R A D Pattrick
0800h MR11A-4301 POSTER Experimental studies
on compaction of quartz – smectite mixtures and
the response of porosity, density, P-wave velocity:
X Yang, Y Yang, J Chen
0800h MR11A-4302 POSTER Compaction of
quartzite at low pressure using synchrotron X-ray
diffraction multi-anvil apparatus: C S N Cheung, D
J Weidner, L Li, H Chen, M L Whitaker, X Chen
0800h MR11A-4303 POSTER Novel Techniques for
High Pressure Falling Sphere Viscosimetry under
Simulated Earth’s Mantle Conditions: H J Mueller,
F Beckmann, D P Dobson, S A Hunt, R Secco, J
Lauterjung, C Lathe
0800h MR11A-4304 POSTER Pressure-Induced
Amorphisation in San Carlos Olivine: a XANES
Study: I Kantor, R Torchio
0800h MR11A-4305 POSTER Synchrotron X-Ray
Tomography and PDF Studies for Non-Crystalline
Materials Under High-Pressure Conditions: H Liu,
L L Liu, R Li, L Li
0800h MR11A-4306 POSTER The Use of 13c
Diamond As Pressure Sensor for Hydrothermal
Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments: P Munsch, H
Bureau, M El Yakoubi, H Khodja, A Zaitsev
0800h MR11A-4307 POSTER Liebermannite,
KAlSi3O8-Hollandite, a New High-Pressure Mineral
Formed By Impact on Mars: An Integrated SEMEPMA-Synchrotron Diffraction Investigation : C
Ma, O D Tschauner, J R Beckett
0800h MR11A-4308 POSTER Natural bridgmanitepericlase aggregates in Martian meteorites: O D
Tschauner, C Ma, C Prescher, V Prakapenka
0800h MR11A-4309 POSTER Micrometerresolution mapping of minerals in carbonaceous
chondrite: N B DiPalma, O D Tschauner
0800h MR11A-4310 POSTER Density Variations in
Quartz As a Key for Deciphering Impact-Related
Ultrasonic Sounding (Rajlich’s Hypothesis)?: J
Mestan, E I Alvarez Polanco
0800h MR11A-4311 POSTER The Color
Quantitatively Expression, Rehabilitation and Color
origin study of gray-purple nephrite from Qinghai,
China: Z Luo, A H Shen, R Lu, M Yang
0800h MR11A-4312 POSTER Topaz and Kyanite
Luminescence Under High Pressure: E F O’Bannon
III, Q C Williams
AGU2014News.indb 14
Moscone South Poster Hall
Digital Rock Physics, 3D Printing, and
More I Posters (joint with H, T)
Presiding: Hongkyu Yoon, Sandia
National Lab; WaiChing Sun, Columbia
University; Thomas Dewers, Sandia
National Laboratories; Moo Lee, Sandia
National Laboratories
0800h MR11B-4315 POSTER Results and Discussion
on Physical Property Calculation from Pore
Microstructures of Carbonate Rocks: M Lee, Y
0800h MR11B-4316 POSTER Two-Phase Flow
Simulation and Physical Property Changes at
Partial Saturations Using Pore Microstructures of
Carbonate Rocks: M Lee, J Han, Y Keehm
0915h MR11C-06 P - ρ - T data for H2O up to 260
GPa under laser-driven shock loading: T Kimura, N
Ozaki, T Sano, T Okuchi, K Shimizu, K Miyanishi,
T Terai, T Kakeshita, Y Sakawa, R Kodama
0930h MR11C-07 Superionic water-ammonia
mixtures: M Bethkenhagen, D Cebulla, R Redmer,
S Hamel
0945h MR11C-08 Exotic behavior of matter in
the deep interiors of exoplanets: G W Collins, M
A Millot, J Eggert, R Smith, J R Rygg, A Lazicki,
F Coppari, D Fratanduoo, Y Ping, D Swift, P M
Celliers, R G Kraus, D Braun, A Fernandez Panella,
S Hamel, T Doeppner, A Kritcher, L Benedict, R
Rudd, R Jeanloz, C Bolme, A E Gleason, P Loubeyre,
S Brygoo, M McMahon, S J Ali
Moscone South Poster Hall
Remote Sensing and New
Technologies in Monitoring, Modeling,
and Early Warning of Natural Hazards
I Posters
Presiding: Ping Lu, Tongji University;
Yang Hong, University of Oklahoma;
Chun Liu, Tongji University; Qiang Xu,
Chengdu University of Technology
0800h MR11B-4317 POSTER Digital Rock Physics:
Mechanical Properties of Carbonate Core Plug at
Different Resolutions: M S Jouini, T F Faisal, A
Islam, S Chevalier, M Jouiad, M Sassi
0800h NH11A-3668 POSTER Landslide Investigations
at Salmon Falls Creek Canyon in Idaho Using
Satellite-Based Multitemporal Interferometric
Synthetic Aperture Radar Techniques: M Necsoiu,
D M Hooper, R N Mcginnis
0800h MR11B-4318 POSTER Electrical conductivity
and permeability of partially molten mantle rocks:
results from digital rock physics experiments: K
Miller, L Montesi, W Zhu
0800h NH11A-3669 POSTER An investigation of
pre-eruptive deformation for the 2004 eruption
of Mount St. Helens using persistent scatterer
interferometry: M Welch, D A Schmidt
0800h MR11B-4319 POSTER Integration of
Petrophysical Methods and 3D Printing Technology
to Replicate Reservoir Pore Systems: S Ishutov, F
Hasiuk, J Gray, C Harding
0800h MR11B-4320 POSTER Elastic Properties
of 3D-Printed Rock Models: Dry and Saturated
Cracks: L Huang, R Stewart, N Dyaur
0800h MR11B-4321 POSTER Microporoelastic
Modeling of Organic-Rich Shales: S Khosh Sokhan
Monfared, S Abedi, F J Ulm
0800h MR11B-4322 POSTER Understanding Flow
in Unconventional Reservoirs Fractures: Influence
of Compaction and Cementation: A Tokan-Lawal,
M Prodanovic, C J Landry, P Eichhubl
0800h MR11B-4323 POSTER Structure, Mechanics
and Flow Properties of Fractured Shale: CoreScale Experimentation and In-situ Imaging: B F
Abdelmalek, Z Karpyn, S Liu
0800h MR11B-4324 POSTER Digital image analysis
of stress-dependent granular compaction and its
impact on multiphase fluid distributions: H Yoon,
K A Klise, V Torrealba, Z Karpyn
0800h MR11B-4325 POSTER Quantitative analysis
of nano-pore geomaterials and representative
sampling for digital rock physics: H Yoon, T A
0800h MR11B-4326 POSTER Natural and laboratory
compaction bands in porous carbonates: a threedimensional characterization using synchrotron
X-ray computed microtomography: A Cilona, F
Arzilli, L Mancini, E Tondi
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate C1-C2
Planetary Materials I Icy and Gas
Giants (Virtual Session) (joint with DI, P)
Presiding: Marius Millot, UC Berkeley;
Sebastien Merkel, Université de
Lille; Zhu Mao, University Science
& Technology of China; Francois
Soubiran, University of California
0800h MR11C-01 High Pressure Hydrogen from
First Principles: M A Morales
0815h MR11C-02 Hydrogen-Helium Solubility in
Gas Giant Interiors: L P Stixrude, A Martins, D
0830h MR11C-03 Using Jupiter’s Volatile Inventory
to Trace the History Of Ices During Planet
Formation: F Ciesla
0845h MR11C-04 Potassium-Rich Ices at High
Pressures and Temperatures: M R Frank, H P
Scott, E Aarestad, V Prakapenka
Measurements of H2O-Methanol Mixtures at High
Pressure Using Time Domain Thermoreflectance:
W P Hsieh
0800h NH11A-3671 POSTER Oil Spill Detection and
Tracking Using Lipschitz Regularity and Multiscale
Techniques in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery: O
A Ajadi, F J Meyer
0800h NH11A-3672 POSTER Revised and Improved
Fault Maps of Washoe County, Nevada using Light
Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) Imagery: C Brailo,
G Kent, S G Wesnousky, A M Kell, I Pierce, C J
Ruhl, K D Smith
0800h NH11A-3673 POSTER Robust Sparse Sensing
Using Weather Radar: K V Mishra, A Kruger, W F
Krajewski, W Xu
0800h NH11A-3674 POSTER Using Advanced
Remote Sensing Data Fusion Techniques for
Studying Earth Surface Processes and Hazards: A
Landslide Detection Case Study: D Hulslander
0800h NH11A-3675 POSTER Using Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery to Investigate
Surface Displacements and Surface Features of the
Super-Sauze Earthflow (France): M R James, S
Tizzard, U Niethammer
0800h NH11A-3676 POSTER A Landslide
Monitoring Network based on Multi-source Spatial
Sensors in Li County, Sichuan Province, China: P
0800h NH11A-3678 POSTER Monitoring of
precursor landslide surface deformation using
InSAR image in Kuchi-Sakamoto, Shizuoka
Prefecture, Japan: H P Sato, H Nakajima, T Nakano,
H Daimaru
0800h NH11A-3679 POSTER Forecasting Rainfall
Induced Landslide using High Resolution DEM and
Simple Water Budget Model: P K D Luzon, A M F
A Lagmay
of Structurally Controlled Landslide Hazard
Simulation to the Co-seismic Landslides Caused by
the M 7.2 2013 Bohol Earthquake: J A M B Galang,
R C Eco, A M A Lagmay
0800h NH11A-3681 POSTER Soil erosion assessment
using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) in a
GIS framework: A case study of Zacatecas, México:
L I Betanzos Arroyo, R M Prol Ledesma, F J P da
Silva Pinto da Rocha
0800h NH11A-3682 POSTER GPS and Satellite
InSAR Observations of Landslide Activity at the
Sinking Canyon in South Central Idaho: M H Aly,
N F Glenn, G D Thackray
0800h NH11A-3683 POSTER Probability hazard
map for future vent opening at Etna volcano (Sicily,
Italy): D Scandura, P Montalto, A Brancato, F
Cannavo, M Coltelli, M Mattia, D Patanè, C Proietti
0800h NH11A-3684 POSTER The Federal Oil Spill
Team for Emergency Response Remote Sensing
(FOSTERRS): T Stough, C E Jones, I Leifer, F E
Lindsay, J J Murray, E M Ramirez, A Salemi, D
0800h NH11A-3685 POSTER Detection of eruptionrelated microwave signals using a satellite-borne
microwave radiometer AMSR2: T Maeda
Moscone South Poster Hall
Satellite Remote Sensing and
Management of Natural Disasters I
Posters (joint with A, H, S, T)
Presiding: Ramesh Singh, Chapman
University; Amir AghaKouchak,
University of California Irvine; Cathleen
Jones, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory;
David Tratt, The Aerospace Corporation
0800h NH11B-3686 POSTER UAVSAR for the
Management of Natural Disasters: Y Lou, S
Hensley, C E Jones
0800h NH11B-3687 POSTER Radar remote sensing
for levee health assessment in the Sacramento-San
Joaquin Delta: P Sharma, C E Jones, J Dudas, G W
Bawden, S J Deverel
0800h NH11B-3688 POSTER Localized landslide risk
assessments with multi pass X, L band DInSAR and
pixel tracing analyses: H Yun, J Kim, Y Choi, K Kim
0800h NH11B-3689 POSTER Combined Analysis
of InSAR Observations and Empirical Models to
Assess Soil Erosion Susceptibility: M Motagh, S
Ebrahimzadeh, M Haghshenas-Haghighi
0800h NH11B-3690 POSTER Influence of the
external DEM on PS-InSAR processing and results
on Northern Appennine slopes: B Bayer, D A
Schmidt, A Simoni
0800h NH11B-3691 POSTER Use of Radarsat-2
Polarimetric SAR Images for Fuel Moisture
Mapping in Alaska Boreal Forests and South Africa
Savannahs: B Leblon, L L Bourgeau-Chavez, M
Kong, J R Buckley, R M Mathieu, F Charbonneau,
C P Gross, L Naidoo
0800h NH11B-3692 POSTER Volunteered Cloud
Computing for Disaster Management: J D Evans,
W Hao, S R Chettri
0800h NH11B-3693 POSTER Satellite and groundbased analysis of the effects on vegetation of
continuous SO2 degassing at Turrialba volcano
(Costa Rica) and its application to hazard
management: R Tortini, S M van Manen, B
Burson, S A Carn
0800h NH11B-3694 POSTER Utilizing NASA Earth
Observations to Model Volcanic Hazard Risk Levels
in Areas Surrounding the Copahue Volcano in the
Andes Mountains: A M Keith, A M Weigel, J Rivas
0800h NH11B-3695 POSTER An FP7 “Space” project:
Aphorism “Advanced PRocedures for volcanic and
Seismic Monitoring” : A Di Iorio Sr, S Stramondo,
C Bignami, S Corradini, L Merucci
0800h NH11B-3696 POSTER Mapping and
Measuring Thermal Areas in Yellowstone using
ASTER and Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Data:
R G Vaughan, J B Lowenstern, H Heasler, C
Jaworowski, L P Keszthelyi
0800h NH11B-3697 POSTER A Warning System
for Rainfall-Induced Debris Flows: A Integrated
Remote Sensing and Data Mining Approach: R
Elkadiri, M Sultan, I Nurmemet, H Al Harbi, A
Youssef, T Elbayoumi, Y Zabramwi, S Alzahrani, A
0800h NH11B-3698 POSTER WIFIRE Data Model
and Catalog for Wildfire Data and Tools: I Altintas,
D Crawl, C Cowart, A Gupta, J Block, R de Callafon
0800h NH11B-3699 POSTER Remotely Sensed
Images for Flood Monitoring: Lessons Learned from
the 2011 Midwestern US Floods: R Sivanpillai
0800h NH11B-3700 POSTER RF-CLASS: A Remotesensing-based Interoperable Web service system for
Flood Crop Loss Assessment: L Di, G Yu, L Kang
0800h NH11B-3701 POSTER On the Role of Urban
and Vegetative Land Cover in the Identification
of Tornado Damage Using Dual-Resolution
Multispectral Satellite Imagery: D Kingfield, K de
0800h NH11B-3702 POSTER Integrated Mapping
of Drought-Impacted Areas in the Sierra-Nevada
Foothills Region of California Using Landsat
Imagery: M Rao
0800h NH11B-3703 POSTER Exploiting COSMOSkymed Data and Multi-Temporal Interferometry
for Early Detection of Landslide Hazard: A Case of
Slope Failure and Train Derailment Near Marina
Di Andora, Italy: J Wasowski, M Chiaradia, F
Bovenga, R Nutricato, D O Nitti, G Milillo, L
0800h NH11B-3704 POSTER A study of the
landslide potential along the mountain road using
environmental indices: C Y Lin, C Y Lin
0800h NH11B-3705 POSTER Characterizing the
danger of in-channel river hazards using LIDAR
and a 2D hydrodynamic model: M A Strom, G B
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:51 AM
0800h NH11B-3706 POSTER Integrating emerging
earth science technologies into disaster risk
management: an enterprise architecture approach:
J D Evans, W Hao, S R Chettri
0800h NH11B-3707 POSTER Event-Driven
Cyberinfrastructure Technologies Supporting the
Disaster Life Cycle: S J Graves, M Maskey, K Keiser
0800h NH11B-3708 POSTER An Information
Architect’s View of Earth Observations for
Disaster Risk Management: K Moe, J D Evans, P G
Cappelaere, S W Frye, D Mandl, K E Dobbs
0800h NH11B-3710 POSTER The NASA Applied
Science Program Disasters Area: Disaster
Applications Research and Response: J J Murray,
F E Lindsay, T Stough, C E Jones
DATA: D Haber, P C Burnley, K Marsac, R
Marriott Marquis Salon 7
Advances in Tsunami Hazard
Mitigation and Response I (Virtual
Session) (joint with S)
Presiding: Paul Whitmore, Alaska
Tsunami Warning Ctr; Rick Wilson,
California Geological Survey; Kevin
Miller, California Office of Emergency
Services; Aimee Devaris, NOAA
0800h NH11C-01 Public Policy Issues Associated
with Tsunami Hazard Mitigation, Response and
Recovery: Transferable Lessons from Recent Global
Disasters: L Johnson
0815h NH11C-02 Analysis of Tsunami Evacuation
Issues Using Agent Based Modeling. A Case Study
of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami in Yuriage, Natori: E
Mas, H Takagi, B Adriano, S Hayashi, S Koshimura
0830h NH11C-03 Assessment of Nearshore Hazard
due to Tsunami-Induced Currents: P J Lynett, A
Ayca, J C Borrero, M Eskijian, K Miller, R I Wilson
0845h NH11C-04 The FASTER Approach: A New
Tool for Calculating Real-Time Tsunami Flood
Hazards : R I Wilson, A Cross, L Johnson, K Miller,
T Nicolini, P Whitmore
0915h NH11C-06 Earth Girl 2: Learning and
Perfecting Tsunami Preparedness with a Casual
Strategy Game: I Kerlow, B Taisne, A Switzer, A J
Meltzner, J Hubbard, K Sieh
0930h NH11C-07 The First Real-Time Tsunami
Animation: N C Becker, D Wang, C McCreery, S
Weinstein, B Ward
0945h NH11C-08 Evidence-Based Support for the
Characteristics of Tsunami Warning Messages for
Local, Regional and Distant Sources: C E Gregg,
D M Johnston, J H Sorensen, B Vogt Sorensen, P
Moscone West Poster Hall
Nearshore Processes I Posters (joint
with EP)
Presiding: Julia Mullarney, Dept.
Earth and Ocean Sciences; Cheryl Ann
Blain, Naval Research Laboratory; Alec
Torres-Freyermuth, UNAM National
Autonomous University of Mexico;
Hansong Tang, CCNY
0800h OS11A-1243 POSTER Swell-generated Setup and Infragravity Wave Propagation Over a
Fringing Coral Reef: Implications for Wave-driven
Inundation of Atoll Islands: O M Cheriton, C
D Storlazzi, K J Rosenberger, E Quataert, A van
0800h OS11A-1244 POSTER Application of a Phaseresolving, Directional Nonlinear Spectral Wave
Model: J R Davis, A Sheremet, M Tian, J L Hanson
0800h OS11A-1245 POSTER Improving coastal wave
hindcasts by combining offshore buoy observations
with global wave models: S C Crosby, W C O’Reilly,
R T Guza
0800h OS11A-1246 POSTER Approximations of the
Wave Action Equation in Strongly Sheared Mean
Flows: S Banihashemi, J T Kirby Jr
0800h OS11A-1247 POSTER How the Wave-Current
Interactions Are Modulated By the Horizontal
Mixing inside a Rip System ?: A C Bennis, F Dumas,
F Ardhuin, B Blanke
0800h OS11A-1248 POSTER Non-Hydrostatic
Modelling of Waves and Currents over Subtle
Bathymetric Features: E Gomes, R P Mulligan, J
0800h OS11A-1249 POSTER Modeled and Observed
Transitions Between Rip Currents and Alongshore
Flows: M Moulton, S Elgar, J C Warner, B
0800h OS11A-1250 POSTER Current Measurements
and Overwash Monitoring Using Tilt Current
Meters in Three Coastal Environments: N S
Lowell, C R Sherwood, T M Decarlo, J R Grant
0800h OS11A-1253 POSTER Quantifying transient
rip current-driven exchange between the surfzone
and inner shelf: S H Suanda, F Feddersen
0800h OS11A-1254 POSTER Remote and In Situ
Observations of Surfzone and Inner-Shelf Tracer
Dispersion: K Hally-Rosendahl, F Feddersen, D
Clark, R T Guza
0800h OS11A-1255 POSTER Modeling surf zoneinner shelf exchange: Interaction of rip currents and
stratification: N Kumar, F Feddersen
0800h OS11A-1256 POSTER Surfzone alongshore
advective accelerations: observations and modeling:
J Hansen, B Raubenheimer, S Elgar
Interaction under Surf Zone Breaking Waves: M
Derakhti, J T Kirby Jr
0800h OS11A-1258 POSTER Surf zone, infragravity
wave energy flux, and runup in extreme conditions:
J W Fiedler, K L Brodie, J McNinch, R T Guza
0800h OS11A-1259 POSTER Relating Surfzone
Eddy Scales to the Eddy Diffusivity Using a Waveresolving Model: M S Spydell
0800h OS11A-1260 POSTER Surfzone vorticity in
the presence of extreme bathymetric variability: D
Clark, S Elgar, B Raubenheimer
0800h OS11A-1261 POSTER Drones at the Beach
- Surf Zone Monitoring Using Rotary Wing
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: P Rynne, R Brouwer,
M A de Schipper, F Graham, A Reniers, J H
ZONE: J C Pintado-Patino, A Torres-Freyermuth,
J A Puleo
0800h OS11A-1264 POSTER Numerical simulation
of two-phase flow for wave propagation/breaking
near submerged and vertical breakwaters: R
Bakhtyar, C E Kees, M W Farthing, C T Miller
0800h OS11A-1265 POSTER Climatic Signals in
Beach Volume Measurements from 19 Intermediate
Embayed Beaches: K R Bryan, G Coco, B Blossier,
R K Smith, A Wood
0800h OS11A-1239 POSTER On the Shoaling of
Solitary Waves in the Presence of Short Random
Waves: M Tian, A Sheremet, J M Kaihatu, G Ma
0800h OS11A-1266 POSTER Nearshore Coastal
Dynamics on a Sea-Breeze Dominated MicroTidal Beach (NCSAL): A Torres-Freyermuth,
J A Puleo, A Ruiz de Alegría-Arzaburu, J Figlus,
T Mendoza, J C Pintado-Patino, A Pieterse, P
Chardon-Maldonado, N R DiCosmo, N Wellman,
H Garcia-Nava, L Palemón-Arcos, T Roberts, J
López-González, M Bravo, E Ojeda, G Medellín,
C M Appendini, B Figueroa, M González-Leija, C
Enriquez, A Pedrozo-Acuña, P Salles
0800h OS11A-1240 POSTER Evolution of Random
Nonlinear Infragravity Waves in Coastal Waters:
M Tian, A Sheremet, V I Shrira
Moscone West Poster Hall
0800h OS11A-1238 POSTER A Numerical Study of
Nonlinear Wave Interactions: A de Bakker, M
Tissier, G Ruessink
0800h OS11A-1241 POSTER Experimental and
Numerical Analysis of Infragravity Waves in a
Dissipative Beach: M A Conde, L Otero Diaz, J C
Restrepo L, J C Ortiz R, A Osorio Arías, J K Ruiz
Merchan, J K Montaño Muñoz
0800h OS11A-1242 POSTER The spatial crosscorrelation structure induced by wave refraction
near Scripps Canyon: P B Smit, T T Janssen, T H
C Herbers
Nearshore Processes II Poster (joint
with EP)
Presiding: Julia Mullarney, Dept. Earth
and Ocean Sciences; Alec TorresFreyermuth, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México; Hansong Tang,
CCNY; Cheryl Ann Blain, Naval Research
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 15
0800h OS11B-1267 POSTER Effects of surface waves
on three-dimensional hydrodynamics of a tidal inlet:
Energy transfer from waves to ocean: S Moghimi,
H T Ozkan-Haller, J M Thomson, S Zippel
0800h OS11B-1268 POSTER Effects of Wave
Nonlinearity on Wave Attenuation by Vegetation:
W C Wu, D T Cox
0800h OS11B-1269 POSTER The unexpected
response of kelp to wave motion: J C Mullarney,
C A Pilditch
0800h OS11B-1270 POSTER Rapid Assessment of
Wave Height Transformation through a Tidal Inlet
via Radar Remote Sensing: G Díaz Méndez, M C
Haller, B Raubenheimer, S Elgar, D Honegger
0800h OS11B-1271 POSTER Bathymetry Estimates
on Open Beaches and in Tidal Inlets via Remote
Sensing: D Honegger, M C Haller, R A Holman
0800h OS11B-1272 POSTER Data Assimilation and
Bathymetry Inversion at Tidal and Navigational
Inlets: H T Ozkan-Haller, S Moghimi, C Akan, A L
Kurapov, D Honegger, M C Haller, G Farquharson
0800h OS11B-1273 POSTER Investigations into Ebb
Tidal Fronts Using in Situ Acoustic Backscatter and
Optical Satellite Imagery: D Sun, D G Ortiz-Suslow,
B K Haus, N Laxague, H C Graber, J Hargrove, N J
0800h OS11B-1274 POSTER Advanced Concepts for
Underwater Acoustic Channel Modeling: P C Etter,
C H Haas, D V Ramani
Characterization of the Columbia River Estuary: D
B Reeder
0800h OS11B-1276 POSTER Hydrographic Study of
a Highly Stratified River Mouth Estuary. Alvarado
Coastal Lagoon, México: H Perales-Valdivia, R
0800h OS11B-1277 POSTER Wind Forcing,
Stratification, and Along-channel Vertical Velocity
Structure in Penobscot Bay, Maine, at Synoptic to
Interannual Timescales: S Knapp, B Dzwonkowski,
N R Pettigrew
0800h OS11B-1278 POSTER Wind Stress Variability
Directly Measured at a Tidal Inlet from a Mobile
Vessel: D G Ortiz-Suslow, B K Haus, N Laxague, N
J Williams, H C Graber
0800h OS11B-1279 POSTER Modeling of the Water
Surface Variation Driven By Local Winds at an
Shallow Estuary: J Lee, S L Yun, H C Oh, S K Kim,
J Lee
0800h OS11B-1280 POSTER Wind effect on diurnal
thermally driven flow in vegetated nearshore of a
lake: Y T Lin
0800h OS11B-1281 POSTER Observation and
simulation of wind-driven lateral circulation in
Chesapeake Bay: X Xie, M Li, W C Boicourt
0800h OS11B-1282 POSTER Observed and Modeled
Sediment Transport Around Katama Inlet, Martha’s
Vineyard: J Hopkins, S Elgar, B Raubenheimer
0800h OS11B-1283 POSTER The Effects on Bay
Circulation of Changing Geometry and Location
of Katama Inlet, Martha’s Vineyard, MA: M M
Orescanin, S Elgar, B Raubenheimer
0800h OS11B-1293 POSTER Hysteresis of the Annual
Exchange Circulation in the Tampa Bay Estuary: S
D Meyers, M Wilson, M E Luther
0800h OS11B-1294 POSTER Temporal Variation
of Water and Salt Exchange at Xiaoqinghe River
Mouth, North of China: T Zou, H Zhang
0800h OS11B-1295 POSTER Implementation of a
1D k-ε model for studying the vertical mixing in
Comau fjord, Chile: O Sepulveda, A De La Fuente,
D Bouffard, C Meruane
Moscone West 3009
New Perspectives on Fluid Flow and
Gas Hydrates in Sedimentary Basins I
(joint with B, H, NH, V)
Presiding: Christian Berndt, GEOMAR;
Sverre Planke, Volcanic Basin
Petroleum Rsch; Seth Haines, US
Geological Survey; Warren Wood, Naval
Research Laboratory
0800h OS11C-01 Methane Hydrate Dissociation
and Gas Seepage on Global Upper Continental
Slopes Driven by Intermediate Ocean Warming: C
D Ruppel, T Weber, J D Kessler, J Pohlman, A D
0815h OS11C-02 Physical Conditions Associated
with Widespread Seafloor Methane Discharge on
the Northern US Atlantic Margin: A D Skarke, C
D Ruppel, D S Brothers
0830h OS11C-03 Atmospheric methane emissions
along the western Svalbard margin: J Pohlman,
J Greinert, A Silyakova, M Casso, C D Ruppel, J
Mienert, C Lund Myhre, S Bunz
0845h OS11C-04 Natural Oil Seepages : Detection,
Monitoring and Relationships with Submarine
Morphologies: D Dhont, R Jatiault, D Dubucq, N
Longépé, B Nhunfat, M Lucas
0900h OS11C-05 Short- and Long-Term Dynamics
of Gas Hydrate at GC600: A Gulf of Mexico
Hydrocarbon Seep: I R MacDonald, C Johansen,
M Silva, S Daneshgar, O G Garcia-Pineda, W W
0915h OS11C-06 Ultra-Slow Tectonics, Sediment
Drifts, and Gas Hydrates in the Arctic Fram Strait:
J E Johnson, J Mienert, A A Plaza-Faverola,
S Vadakkepuliyambatta, J Knies, S Bunz, K
Andreassen, B Ferre
0930h OS11C-07 Submarine hydrocarbon seepage
in the wake of the 2010 Maule earthquake, Central
Chile: J Geersen, P Steeb, D Völker, F Scholz, D
Lange, J H Behrmann, P Linke, T Treude, C Hensen
0945h OS11C-08 Constraints on the timing and
duration of methane derived authigenic carbonate
formation in the North Sea and the Barents Sea from
U-Th dating: D J Condon, D Sahy, A Crémière, A
Lepland, S R Noble, S Chand, H Brunstad
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h OS11B-1284 POSTER The Effect of Tidal
Exchange on Residence Time: P Rynne, A Reniers,
J Van De Kreeke, J H MacMahan
Cross-Cutting In Situ Earth and
Planetary Science Instruments
Posters (joint with DI, EP, MR, V)
0800h OS11B-1285 POSTER High-Resolution Nested
Circulation Modeling in Near-Shore Regions Using
Delft3D: A L Reath, T G Almeida, D T Walker, A
M Warnock
Presiding: Max Coleman, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory; Andrew Aubrey,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
0800h OS11B-1286 POSTER Modeling the Flushing
Response to the Construction of a Low Crested
Weir in the Banana River: A Saberi, R J Weaver
0800h OS11B-1287 POSTER Impact of Shoreline
Stabilization Structures on Chesapeake Bay
Nearshore Habitats: C M Palinkas, L P Sanford, E
Koch, J C Stevenson, R Ortt, S Lorie, D Booth
0800h OS11B-1288 POSTER Low Frequency Seiche
in a Large Bay: J H MacMahan, E B Thornton, E L
Gallagher, A Reniers
0800h OS11B-1289 POSTER Dynamics Governing
the Response of Tidal Current in Jiaozhou Bay
Mouth to Land Reclamation: L Lin, Z Liu, L Xie
0800h P11A-3736 POSTER Earthbound Unmanned
Autonomous Vehicles (UAVS) As Planetary
Science Testbeds: D C Pieri, G Bland, J A Diaz, M
M Fladeland
0800h P11A-3737 POSTER The Chemcam LIBS and
Imaging Instrument Suite on the Curiosity Mars
Rover, and Terrestrial Field Testing of LIBS: R C
Wiens, S M Clegg, J Barefield, S Maurice
0800h P11A-3738 POSTER Improvement of the
Planetary Gravitational Potentiel Field Knwoledge
with Accurate Electrostatic Accelerometer /
Gradiometer: B Christophe, V Lebat, B Foulon, F
Liorzou, E Perrot, D Boulanger, E Hardy
0800h OS11B-1290 POSTER Propagation of Tidal
and Subtidal Free Surface Oscillations into River
Channels from the South Atlantic Bight: S K Iyer,
M Cloarec, A E Yankovsky
0800h P11A-3739 POSTER Tunable Laser
Spectrometers- from Earth Polar Ozone and
Climate Studies to Mars Evolution and Planetary
Chemistry: C R Webster, L E Christensen, G
Flesch, S Forouhar
0800h OS11B-1291 POSTER Response of the Length
and Stratification of the North River Estuary to
Changes in Forcing: E A Yankovsky, J A Lerczak,
W R Geyer
0800h P11A-3740 POSTER The Large Mars
Atmosphere Simulation Chamber at the University
of Winnipeg: S B Cole, E Cloutis, M Cuddy, M R
Izawa, P Mann, M A Craig, V Pietrasz, S W Squyres
0800h OS11B-1292 POSTER A Numerical Modeling
Study of Turbulence and Sediment Resuspension in
the Near Field of River Plumes: J L Chen, T J Hsu,
W R Geyer, S Chen
0800h P11A-3741 POSTER A Multi-Wavelength
Grain-by-Grain Survey of Lunar Soils in Search of
Rare Materials: S Crites, P G Lucey, T Viti
11/28/2014 10:46:51 AM
0800h P11A-3742 POSTER Adaptive Controller for
Compact Fourier Transform Spectrometer with
Space Applications: P Yiu, D Keymeulen, D F
Berisford, K P Hand, R W Carlson, M Conroy
0800h P11A-3743 POSTER Identification of
Alteration Features in Basalts by Atomic Force
Microscopy: New Approach for Understanding
the Climate History of Mars: M Skiścim, J
Gurgurewicz, D Mège
0800h P11A-3744 POSTER Mars Organic Molecule
Analyzer (MOMA) Mass Spectrometer Status and
Science Operations on the ExoMars Rover: W B
Brinckerhoff, F H W van Amerom, R Danell, V
T Pinnick, R D Arevalo Jr, X Li, L Hovmand, P R
Mahaffy, W Goetz, F Goesmann, H Steininger
0800h P11A-3745 POSTER M-DLS multichannel
diode laser spectrometer for ExoMars landing
platform: A Rodin, I Vinogradov, A Klimchuk Sr
0800h P11A-3746 POSTER The RIMFAX Ground
Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Rover: S E
Hamran, H E F Amundsen, L M Carter, R R Ghent,
J Kohler, M T Mellon, D A Paige
0800h P11A-3747 POSTER An RF-Powered MicroReactor for Efficient Extraction and Hydrolysis: V
0800h P11A-3748 POSTER Performances of the
Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) GC-MS
suite aboard ExoMars Mission: A Buch, N Grand,
V T Pinnick, C Szopa, O Humeau, R Danell, F H W
van Amerom, C Freissinet, D P Glavin, I Belmahdi,
P J Coll, B Lustrement, W B Brinckerhoff, R D
Arevalo Jr, F Stalport, H Steininger, F Goesmann, F
Raulin, P R Mahaffy
0800h P11A-3749 POSTER A quadrupole ion trap
mass spectrometer for in-situ UHV analyses on
Earth and other planetary environments: S E Cox,
S M Madzunkov, J Simcic, K A Farley
P11A-3750 POSTER
Thermodynamic Model for Cryogenic Chemical
Systems: Solid-Vapor and Solid-Liquid-Vapor
Phase Equilibria Toward Applications on Titan
and Pluto: S P Tan, J S Kargel, H Adidharma, G M
0800h P11A-3751 POSTER Innovative Seismological
Techniques for Investigating the Interior Structure
of Venus: D J Stevenson, J A Cutts, D Mimoun
0800h P11A-3752 POSTER Qualification and
Testing of Quantum Cascade Lasers for Harsh
Environments: C S Brauer, T L Myers, B D
Cannon, C G Anderson, B G Crowther, S Hansen
0800h P11A-3753 POSTER Remote Geochemical and
Mineralogical Analysis with SuperCam on the Mars
2020 Rover and on Earth: S M Clegg, R C Wiens,
S Maurice, O Gasnault, O Forni, S K Sharma, A K
Misra, F Rull, J R Johnson
Moscone South Poster Hall
Planetary Rings: Theory and
Observation Posters
Presiding: Larry Esposito, Univ of
Colorado; Juergen Schmidt, University
of Oulu; Linda Spilker, Jet Propulsion
0800h P11B-3754 POSTER Sub-centimeter particles
in Saturn’s A ring: T M Becker, J E Colwell, L W
0800h P11B-3755 POSTER A New Pattern in Saturn’s
D Ring: M M Hedman, J A Burns, M Showalter
0800h P11B-3756 POSTER Particle Size Distribution
in Saturn’s C Ring and Cassini Division from VIMS
and UVIS Stellar Occultations: R G Jerousek, J
E Colwell, P D Nicholson, M M Hedman, L W
Esposito, R A Harbison
0800h P11B-3757 POSTER Wisps in the outer edge
of the Keeler Gap: M S Tiscareno, E G Arnault
0800h P11B-3758 POSTER Pallene dust torus: M
Seiss, R Srama, S Kempf, K L Sun, M Seiler, M
Sachse, G Moragas-Klostermeyer, F Spahn
0800h P11B-3759 POSTER The Collisional Cascade
Model For Saturn’s Ring Spokes: D P Hamilton, D
0800h P11B-3760 POSTER Thermal transport
in Saturn’s B Ring inferred from Cassini CIRS
observations: S Pilorz, N Altobelli, J E Colwell, M
0800h P11B-3761 POSTER Clumping in the Cassini
Division and C Ring: Constraints from Stellar
Occultations: J E Colwell, R G Jerousek, L W
0800h P11B-3762 POSTER The size distribution of
Saturn ring particles using N-body simulations: E
AGU2014News.indb 16
P11B-3763 POSTER
Understanding of Thermal Throughput across
Saturn’s Rings with Cassini CIRS: S M Brooks, L J
Spilker, S Pilorz, M Showalter
0848h P11D-05 First results from the Mojave
Volatiles Prospector (MVP) Field Campaign, a
Lunar Polar Rover Mission Analog: J L Heldmann,
A Colaprete, A Cook, M C Deans, R C Elphic, D S
S Lim, J R Skok
Moscone South Poster Hall
0900h P11D-06 Oxygen Isotopic Analyses of Water
Extracted from Lunar Samples: M Nunn Martinez,
M H Thiemens
Rapid Environmental Change and the
Fate of Planetary Habitability Posters
(joint with B)
Presiding: Franck Marchis, Carl Sagan
Center, SETI institute; Cynthia Phillips,
SETI Institute Mountain View; Nathalie
Cabrol, NASA Ames Research Center
0800h P11C-3766 POSTER The survival of life
through Snowball Earth events: D S Abbot
0800h P11C-3769 POSTER Drastic Environmental
Change on Mars: Applying the Lessons Learned on
Earth: A Fairen, D Schulze-Makuch, L N Irwin
0800h P11C-3770 POSTER From the Exoplanetary
Bestiary to the Exoplanetary Zoo: C T Unterborn,
W R Panero, L P Stixrude, L H Kellogg, C R
Lithgow-Bertelloni, M R Diamond
0800h P11C-3771 POSTER the Deep Biosphere
Archaeal Microbial Community in Igneous Ocean
Crust: K J Edwards
0800h P11C-3772 POSTER Birth place of life on
the Hadean Earth and early evolution of life on a
tightrope : S Maruyama
0800h P11C-3775 POSTER Habitability for Complex
Life and the Development and Self-Limitations
of the Biotic Enhancement of Weathering: D W
Schwartzman, T Volk
0800h P11C-3776 POSTER Obliquity Evolution of an
Early Venus: B Quarles, J W Barnes, J J Lissauer
0800h P11C-3777 POSTER Environmental Change
in Icy Moons: R T Pappalardo, S Vance
0800h P11C-3778 POSTER Modeling Europa’s IceOcean Interface: A Elsenousy, S Vance, B G Bills
0800h P11C-3779 POSTER A Thermal Evolution
Model of the Earth Including the Biosphere,
Continental Growth and Mantle Hydration: D
Höning, T Spohn
0800h P11C-3780 POSTER Alternative model for the
Great Oxidation Event: A Bekker
0800h P11C-3781 POSTER Rapid change of
atmosphere on the Hadean Earth: Beyond Habitable
Trinity on a tightrope : T Arai, S Maruyama
0800h P11C-3783 POSTER Planetary Stoichiometry,
Mineral Ecology, and the Rise of Habitability: R M
Hazen, R T Downs, J Golden, G Hystad, E S Grew
0800h P11C-3784 POSTER Constraining Archean
Earth’s Atmosphere with the Geological Record: A
M Horan, S D Domagal-Goldman, M Claire
0800h P11C-3785 POSTER Investigating Potential
Causes for An Abrupt Change of Thermal
State in Earth’s Upper Mantle During the Great
Oxygenation Event: M Li, A K McNamara
0800h P11C-3786 POSTER A highly oxidized
atmosphere–ocean system and oceanic molybdenum
drawdown during the Paleoproterozoic: K T Goto,
T Ito, K Suzuki, A D Anbar, G W Gordon, T
Kashiwabara, Y Takaya, G Shimoda, T Nozaki, S
Kiyokawa, G M Tetteh, F K Nyame
0800h P11C-3787 POSTER A Quantitative
Characterization and Classification of Martian
Valley Networks: New Constraints on Mars’ Early
Climate and Its Variability in Space and Time: A
Grau Galofre, M Jellinek
Moscone West 2008
The Science of Exploration As Enabled
By the Moon, Near-Earth Asteroids,
and the Moons of Mars I (joint with EP,
Presiding: Brad Bailey, NASA Ames
Research Center; Yvonne Pendleton,
NASA Lunar Science Institute; David
Morrison, NASA; Gregory Schmidt,
NASA Lunar Science Institute
0800h P11D-01 PlanetVac: Sample Return with a
Puff of Gas: K Zacny, R Mueller, B H Betts
0812h P11D-02 Arne - Exploring the Mare Tranquillitatis Pit: M S Robinson, J Thangavelautham,
R Wagner, V A Hernandez, J Finch
0824h P11D-03 Analysis of the Topographic and
Morphological Characteristics of Chang’e 3 Landing
Site: H Li, C Li, L Mu, X Zou, J Liu, X Ren, X Zeng
0836h P11D-04 Resource Prospector: A lunar
volatiles prospecting and ISRU demonstration
mission: A Colaprete, R C Elphic, D R Andrews, J
Trimble, J Sanders, J Quinn
0912h P11D-07 Can Solar Wind Volatiles
Survive the Daily Heat Cycle of a Lunar Pit?: M I
Zimmerman, D Hurley, B Bussey
0924h P11D-08 Deep dielectric and surface charging
of regolith in the Moon’s permanently shadowed
regions: A Jordan, T J Stubbs, J K Wilson, N
Schwadron, H E Spence
0936h P11D-09 Solar wind interation with magnetic
anomalies at the Moon and signatures from spectral
imaging: E M Harnett, G Y Kramer
0948h P11D-10 Magnetic Sorting of the Regolith on
the Moon: Lunar Swirls: C M Pieters, I GarrickBethell, D Hemingway
Moscone South Poster Hall
Connecting Geoscience with the Arts I
Posters (joint with ED)
Presiding: Katherine Ellins, Univ of
Texas-Inst for Geophys; Susan Eriksson,
Eriksson Associates
0800h PA11A-3866 POSTER Building a Community
for Art and Geoscience: S C Eriksson, K K Ellins
0800h PA11A-3867 POSTER The Keeling Curve
and The Coral Reef Mosaic Project - Introducing
the Realities of Climate Change to Educators and
Scholars using Mosaic Arts: T Lueker, P W U
0800h PA11A-3868 POSTER Use of Digital Image
Technology to ‘Clearly’ Depict Global Change: B F
Molnia, C L Carbo
0800h PA11A-3869 POSTER “small problems,
Big Trouble”: An Art and Science Collaborative
Exhibition Reflecting Seemingly small problems
Leading to Big Threats: J L Waller, J A Brey
0800h PA11A-3870 POSTER Reading The Sun: A
Three Dimensional Visual Model of The Solar
Environment During Solar Cycle 24: T L Carranzafulmer, M Moldwin
0800h PA11A-3871 POSTER The Artist’s Lens:
Capturing the World in the Visible and Infrared: J
S Shipman, P Webley, J Dehn
0800h PA11C-3878 POSTER Exploring How to Walk
the Talk: Examining the Practical Application of
Models of Science Communication in Long-Term
Ecological Research Sites: L Bartock, L N Rickard
0800h PA11C-3879 POSTER Knowledge Brokers in
the Making: Opportunities to Connect Researchers
and Stakeholders: K G Pennell, M C Pennell
0800h PA11C-3880 POSTER Getting the Public
Excited about Science through News Stories about
Global Sporting Events: A Dufoe
Engagement Methods for the Mining Social
Responsibility Practice: Determination of Local
Issues and Concerns Related to the Mines
Operations in Northwest of the US: A Masaitis
0800h PA11C-3882 POSTER The Reflexive Scientist:
enabling more effective science communication and
public engagement through deeper reflection and
engagement between physical and social scientists:
R A Salmon, R K Priestley, J F Goven
Environmental Communication and Products
Through Qualitative Research: D DeLorme, S C
0800h PA11C-3884 POSTER Scientists as
communicators: A randomized experiment to
assess public reactions to scientists’ social media
communication along the science-advocacy
continuum: J Kotcher, E Vraga, T Myers, N
Stenhouse, C Roser-Renouf, E Maibach
0800h PA11C-3888 POSTER The science between
tsunami science and evacuation decisions: J
McCaughey, P R Dewi, I Mundzir, R Rosemary, L
Safrina, P Daly, A Patt
0800h PA11C-3889 POSTER Uncertainty As
a Trigger for a Paradigm Change in Science
Communication: S Schneider
Marriott Marquis Salon 1315
Urban Ecosystem Services:
Monitoring, Modeling, and
Management I
Presiding: Charles Kroll, SUNY College
of Environmental Science and Forestry;
Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University;
Glenn Guntenspergen, USGS;
Theodore Endreny, SUNY ESF
0800h Introductory Remarks
0820h PA11D-02 Are Urban Ecosystem Services
Useful for a Sustainable City?: D Jenerette
0900h PA11D-04 Mapping Stormwater Retention
in the Cities: A Flexible Model for Data-Scarce
Environments: P Hamel, B Keeler
Moscone South Poster Hall
0915h PA11D-05 Assessing Coupled Social
Ecological Flood Vulnerability from Uttarakhand,
India, to the State of New York with Google Earth
Engine: B Tellman, B Schwarz
0800h PA11A-3872 POSTER
Discussion 10am to 11 am:
Frontiers in Geoscience Funding and
Innovation I Posters (joint with DI, SI)
Presiding: Erik Hankin, American
Geophysical Union; Elizabeth Landau,
American Geophysical Union; Kasey
White, Geological Society of America;
Maeve Boland, American Geosciences
0800h PA11B-3873 POSTER Can We Build an OpenScience Model to Fund Young, Risky, Blue-Sky
Research? First Insights into Funding Geoscientists
Via Thinkable.Org: B McNeil
Oceanographic Research Opportunities with
Schmidt Ocean Institute: V Zykov
0800h PA11B-3875 POSTER’s first
$1M - case studies and trends in online scientific
crowdfunding: D Luan
0800h PA11B-3876 POSTER Coordinated carbon
cycle research: achievements and opportunities for
innovation: G Shrestha
Moscone South Poster Hall
Science Communication: Defining a
Profession at the Crossroads Posters
(joint with ED)
Presiding: Karen Akerlof, George
Mason University Fairfax; Kristin Timm,
Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic
Planning (SNAP); Liz Neeley, COMPASS
Seattle; John Kotcher, George Mason
University Fairfax
0800h PA11C-3877 POSTER Poster
Presentations & Discussion 2:30-3:30pm:
0930h PA11D-06 From Sewers to Salix and Tailpipes
to Typha: Riparian Plants Reflect Anthropogenic
Nitrogen Sources Across Montane to Urban
Gradients: S J Hall, R L Hale, M A Baker, D R
Bowling, J R Ehleringer
0945h PA11D-07 Short Sediment Cores as Archives
of Urban Pollution: J C Latimer, D A McLennan,
J Stone, E D Memmer, J A Foster, K J Hardin, Z
Nickerson, C A Portwood, T M Williams
Moscone West Poster Hall
A Living Planet: Biotic Responses to
Past Changes in Earth’s Climate and
Geology I Posters (joint with B, GC, OS)
Presiding: Elizabeth Sibert, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography;
Richard Norris, Scripps Institution
of Oceanography; Paul Baker, Duke
University; Sherilyn Fritz, University of
Nebraska - Lincoln
0800h PP11A-1314 POSTER Betula Pollen Influx
as an Indicator of Holocene Climate Change in
Northwest Iceland: S D Eddudóttir, E Erlendsson,
G Gísladóttir
0800h PP11A-1316 POSTER Identifying and
Interpreting the Imprint of the Little Ice Age over
the Balkan Landscape: A Combined Palynological
and Geochemical Approach: C Kulkarni, D M
Peteet, R A Boger
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:51 AM
0800h PP11A-1317 POSTER An 8000-yr Record of
Vegetation and Sedimentation Change from Kaau
Crater, Hawaii Shows Mid-Holocene Climate
Variability in the Pacific: O Schubert, D Beilman
0800h PP11A-1338 POSTER Two Years of Plankton
Tows in a Seasonal Upwelling Region: Foraminiferal
Abundances and Implications for the Fossil Record:
C V Davis, T M Hill, J Jahncke
0800h PP11A-1318 POSTER Macrofossil and Leaf
Wax Biomarkers Reveal Vegetational and Climate
History of Tamarack Pond, Black Rock Forest,
Southeastern New York: M Alt, D M Peteet, J E
0800h PP11A-1339 POSTER Middle Miocene closure
of the Central American Seaway: C Montes, A
0800h PP11A-1319 POSTER Reconstruction of full
glacial environments and summer air temperatures
from Lago della Costa, a refugial site in northeastern
Italy: S V Samartin, O Heiri, P BoltshauserKaltenrieder, W Tinner
0800h PP11A-1320 POSTER Alder Expansion as a
Coastal Warming Signal – Linking Coastal Alaskan
Carbon to Vegetation Change with Climate: D M
Peteet, J E Nichols, C M Moy, A McGeachy
0800h PP11A-1321 POSTER Diverse Responses of
Global Vegetation to Climate Changes: Spatial
Patterns and Time-lag Effects: D Wu, X Zhao, T
Zhou, K Huang, W Xu
0800h PP11A-1322 POSTER Molluscan and
Foraminiferan Paleoecological Reconstructions of
Extreme Post-Glacial Seafloor Environments of the
California Borderland: S E Moffitt, T M Hill, K
Kroeker, P D Roopnarine, J Kennett
0800h PP11A-1323 POSTER Adding a New
Dimension to the Study of Calcareous Plankton
Response to Ocean Acidification: R L Oakes, J M
Urbanski, T J Bralower
0800h PP11A-1324 POSTER Influence of Past
Changes in Atmospheric CO2 on Boron/Calcium of
Planktic Fossil Foraminifera: R A Domeyko, K A
Allen, P B deMenocal
0800h PP11A-1325 POSTER Benthic Redox
Conditions and Oceanographic Variability in
the Upper Central Peruvian Margin since the
Nineteenth Century Depicted from Benthic
Foraminifera: J Cardich, A Sifeddine, R Salvatecci,
F J Briceño Sr, C Almeida, D Romero, D Gutierrez
0800h PP11A-1326 POSTER Using Nitrogen Isotope
Records to Constrain Changes to the Global Oceanic
Fixed Nitrogen Budget during the Last Glacial
Maximum in an Earth System Climate Model: A
Schmittner, C J Somes, A Oschlies
0800h PP11A-1327 POSTER Caribbean Reef
Response to Plio-Pleistocene Climate Change:
Results of the Dominican Republic Drilling Project
(DRDP): J Klaus, D F McNeill, V Diaz, P K Swart,
A Pourmand
0800h PP11A-1328 POSTER Faunal transition of
benthic foraminifera at the middle Eocene carbonate
accumulation events in the eastern equatorial Pacific
Ocean (ODP Site 1218 and IODP Site U1333): H
Takata, R Nomura, A Tsujimoto, B K Khim
TemperatureMetabolism Linkage and the Effects on Marine
Biota: Evidence Across the Middle Eocene Climatic
Optimum in the South-East Atlantic: F Boscolo
Galazzo, E Thomas, M Pagani, C Warren, V
Luciani, L Giusberti
0800h PP11A-1330 POSTER Paleolatitudinal
Gradients in Marine Phytoplankton Composition
and Cell Size: J Henderiks, M Bordiga, M Bartol,
L Šupraha
0800h PP11A-1331 POSTER Pollen and palynofacies
analyses of Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
sediments from the North American continental
shelf: D A Willard, M M Robinson, J M Self-Trail,
G A Wandless, A Sluijs
0800h PP11A-1332 POSTER Carbon Burn-Down in a
Greenhouse World: Wildfires and Soil Carbon Loss
across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
(PETM): E H Denis, B Foreman, B Maibauer, G J
Bowen, M E Collinson, C Belcher, K H Freeman
0800h PP11A-1333 POSTER Fish production
and diversity in the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal
Maximum—Increased production but no novel
faunas during a “Future Earth” analog: D W
Tomczik, R D Norris, D E Gaskell
0800h PP11A-1334 POSTER An Early Cenozoic
Ichthyolith Record from Demerara Rise (ODP Site
1258: Equatorial Atlantic Ocean): R M Bryant, E C
Sibert, R D Norris
0800h PP11A-1335 POSTER The Dynamic Response
of Marine Life to Extreme Temperature and Low
Oxygen Events Following the End-Permian Mass
Extinction: C Pietsch, D J Bottjer
0800h PP11A-1336 POSTER Climate processes shape
the evolution of populations and species leading to
the assembly of modern biotas - examples along a
continuum from shallow to deep time: D K Jacobs
DIVERSITY: M M Rufino, E Salgueiro, A H L
Voelker, F F G Abrantes
0800h PP11A-1340 POSTER Ecological Resilience
and Resistance in the Hyper Diverse Forests on the
Eastern Andean Flank (Mera, Ecuador): H F Keen,
W D Gosling, E Montoya, S Sherlock, P A Mothes
Moscone West Poster Hall
Past Ocean Dynamics I Posters
Presiding: Joerg Lippold, University
of Bern; Luke Skinner, University of
0800h PP11B-1342 POSTER Radiocarbon Evidence
of Ocean Circulation Change over the Last
Deglaciation: E Freeman, L C Skinner
0800h PP11B-1343 POSTER North Atlantic Bottom
Water Temperature and Ice Volume Records
during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition: H L Ford,
M E Raymo
0800h PP11B-1344 POSTER Spatio-Temporal
Variability in Benthic δ13c Across the Last
Deglaciation: C D Peterson, L E Lisiecki
Moscone West Poster Hall
Past Ocean’s Mode and Intermediate
Water Variability I Posters
0800h PP11C-1362 POSTER The Unusal Presence
of Diatoms in Western North Atlantic Sediments
during the Deglaciation: I M Gil, L D Keigwin, F
F G Abrantes
0915h PP11D-06 The Paleocene – Eocene Thermal
Maximum: Temperature and Ecology in the
Tropics: J Frieling, H Gebhardt, O A Adekeye,
S O Akande, G J Reichart, J J B M Middelburg, S
Schouten, M Huber, A Sluijs
0800h PP11C-1363 POSTER Holocene subsurface
transport between subpolar and subtropical gyre
in the North Atlantic: J Repschläger, C D GarbeSchoenberg, M Weinelt, R R Schneider
0800h PP11C-1364 POSTER Variability in
Intermediate Water Mass Geometry in the
Tropical W-Atlantic from LGM to Holocene: D W
Poggemann, D Nuernberg, E C Hathorne, I Bruhn,
S Reißig, M Frank
0800h PP11B-1346 POSTER Circum-Antarctic Nd
isotope variability during the last 30 kyrs: T Struve,
T van de Flierdt, S K Hines, A Burke, J F Adkins, L
F Robinson, K C Crocket, M E Auro
0800h PP11C-1366 POSTER Multiple ‘Stable’ States
of Antarctic Intermediate Water: A Study from the
Subantarctic South-West Atlantic: J Roberts, D A
Hodell, V L Peck, S Kender
0800h PP11B-1347 POSTER Carbon Isotopes in
the Ocean Model of the Community Earth System
Model (CESM): A Jahn, K T Lindsay, B L OttoBliesner, E C Brady, Z Liu
0800h PP11C-1367 POSTER Fluctuations in Anoxia
and the Depth of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Thermocline Inferred from a 2000 Year Sediment
Record of Water-Column Denitrification Off Baja
California: A van Geen, J L Mey IV, R Thunell, W
Berelson, C A Deutsch
0800h PP11B-1349 POSTER Spatial and vertical
gradients in the stable carbon isotope composition
of Lower Circumpolar Deep Water over the last
900 thousand years: T Williams, C D Hillenbrand,
A M Piotrowski, J Smith, D A Hodell, T Frederichs,
C S Allen
0800h PP11B-1350 POSTER Late Glacial and
Holocene Flow Dynamics of the Denmark Strait
Overflow Water: M Williams, D N Schmidt, M B
Andersen, S Barker, I N N McCave
0800h PP11B-1351 POSTER A 1.5 Ma history of
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation from
Nd isotopes: J N W Howe, A M Piotrowski
0800h PP11B-1352 POSTER Deep Equatorial Atlantic
Ocean Circulation over the Last 25,000 Years –
Insights from 231Pa/230Th, 14C and Sortable Silt
Grain Size: H C Ng, L F Robinson, J F McManus, K
J Mohamed Falcon, A W Jacobel
0800h PP11B-1353 POSTER What Can Radiocarbon
Depth Profiles Tell Us About The LGM
Circulation?: A Burke, A Stewart, J F Adkins, R M
Ferrari, A F Thompson, M F Jansen
0800h PP11B-1354 POSTER Constraints on the
Circulation of the Interior South Atlantic During
the Last Glacial Maximum Inferred from a HighlyResolved Sedimentary Depth Transect: A D
Foreman, C D Charles, J W B Rae, N C Slowey,
J F Adkins
0800h PP11B-1355 POSTER Inferring Surface Water
Equilibrium Calcite δ18O during the Last Deglacial
Period from Benthic Foraminiferal δ18O Records:
Implications for Ocean Circulation: D E Amrhein,
G Gebbie, O Marchal, C I Wunsch
0800h PP11B-1356 POSTER A Comparison of
Methods for Ocean Reconstruction from Sparse
Observations: G J Streletz, M Kronenberger, C
Weber, G Gebbie, H Hagen, C Garth, B Hamann, O
Kreylos, L H Kellogg, H J Spero
0800h PP11B-1357 POSTER AMOC Variability
During the Last 400 ka from Nd Isotopes in a
Southern Ocean Core: R Lupien, L Pena, S L
0800h PP11B-1358 POSTER Climate Evolution
Across the Mid-Brunhes Transition: A M Barth, P
U Clark, N G Pisias
0800h PP11B-1359 POSTER A Transient Simulation
of the Last 800 Thousand Years: T Friedrich, A
Timmermann, A Ganopolski, O Elison Timm
0800h PP11B-1360 POSTER The Influence of Glacial
Ice Sheets on Atlantic Meridional Overturning
Circulation Through Atmospheric Circulation
Change under Glacial Climate: S Sherriff-Tadano,
A Abe-Ouchi, M Yoshimori, A Oka, W L Chan
0830h PP11D-03 Glacial bottom water oxygen
concentrations inferred from benthic foraminiferal
interspecies carbon isotope gradients: B
Hoogakker, H Elderfield, G H Schmiedl, I N N
McCave, R E M Rickaby
0845h PP11D-04 A New Approach to Reconstruct
Ancient Bottom Water Oxygen Levels: A E
Rathburn, J Willingham, B H Corliss, A M
Burkett, W Ziebis
0800h PP11C-1365 POSTER Imprints of AMOC
Perturbation in the Intermediate water of Equatorial
Atlantic during the Last Interglacial Improved: S
0800h PP11B-1348 POSTER Enhanced deep ocean
ventilation and oxygenation with global warming:
T L Froelicher, S Jaccard, J P Dunne, D Paynter,
N Gruber
0800h PP11D-01 Oceanic oxygen in a warming
climate: mechanisms, patterns, and timescales: C A
Deutsch, A van Geen, W Berelson, T Ito, T Weber
Presiding: Dirk Nuernberg, GEOMAR
Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research
Kiel; Leopoldo Pena, Lamont Doherty
Earth Observatory of Columbia
Univeristy; Matthew Schmidt, Texas
A&M University; Andrew Parker, Texas
A&M University
0800h PP11B-1345 POSTER The timing of
termination I in benthic δ18O of the Atlantic, Pacific,
and Mediterranean basins: T Konijnendijk
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 17
0800h PP11B-1361 POSTER How relevant are Tidal
Effects on Past Ocean Circulation?: T Weber, M
0800h PP11C-1368 POSTER A Record of Deglacial
Ventilation from Foraminiferal Radiocarbon at
Intermediate Depths in the Eastern Equatorial
Pacific: N E Umling, R Thunell
0800h PP11C-1369 POSTER Southern High
Latitude Climate and Internal Variability Influence
on Eastern Equatorial Pacific Thermostad
Temperatures during the Holocene: J Kalansky, Y
Rosenthal, T Herbert
Temperature Variability Reveals Shifts in the
Tropical Pacific Mean State across Marine Isotope
Stage 3: J E Hertzberg, M W Schmidt
0800h PP11C-1371 POSTER Searching for the conduit
waters of old glacial carbon: deglacial intermediate to
deep water records from the western sub-equatorial
Pacific: G Martinez-Mendez, M Y Awaluddin, S
Steinke, J R Southon, M Mohtadi
0800h PP11C-1372 POSTER Radiocarbon Content of
Intermediate Waters off West Sumatra During the
Last 45,000 Years: R De Pol-Holz, M Mohtadi, J R
0800h PP11C-1373 POSTER Glacial disparities in
Intermediate Mode Water advection in the South
Pacific Gyre: R Tapia, D Nuernberg, T Ronge, R
0800h PP11C-1374 POSTER Did shifting winds drive
shallow ventilation of the Southwest Pacific Ocean
across the last glacial termination?: E L Sikes, A
Elmore, M S Cook, K A Allen
0800h PP13D-07 POSTER Pleistocene dynamics
of the Pacific South Equatorial Countercurrent: D
Nuernberg, J Raddatz, N Rippert, R Tiedemann
0800h PP11C-1376 POSTER Millennial-Scale
North Pacific Intermediate Water Ventilation
Changes during Dansgaard-Oeschger Events of
the Last 60,000 Years: L Max, L Lembke-Jene, R
Tiedemann, D Nuernberg
0800h PP11C-1377 POSTER A new paradigm relating
global climate and North Pacific Intermediate
Water circulation: K P Knudson, A C Ravelo
Moscone West 2010
Ocean Climate Dynamics: Carbon
Cycle and Oxygenation Perturbations
Presiding: Christopher Lowery,
University of Massachusetts; Jeremy
Owens, Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institute; Zunli Lu, Syracuse University;
Noah Planavsky, Yale University
0900h PP11D-05 Global Perturbation of the
Carbon Cycle at the Onset of the Miocene Climatic
Optimum: A E Holbourn, W Kuhnt, K G D
Kochhann, N Andersen
0930h PP11D-07 Detrital sources and water mass
circulation in the tropical North Atlantic during the
Late Cretaceous to Paleogene: E E Martin, E Pugh,
G D Kamenov, K G MacLeod
0945h PP11D-08 Impact of Cretaceous Climate on
Upwelling and Erosive Capacity of Transequatorial
Current in the Tethys Seaway - Tales from DeepSea Sediments: H Weissert, S Wohlwend
Moscone West 2009
To Hose or Not to Hose: Mechanisms
of Abrupt Climate Variability I (Virtual
Session) (joint with GC)
Presiding: Stephen Barker, Cardiff
University; Lukas Jonkers, Cardiff
University; Jenna Hill, Coastal Carolina
University; Jeremy Hoffman, Oregon
State University
0800h PP11E-01 A review of millennial-scale climate
variability over the past 1.5-million year from
marine sediment cores in the North Atlantic: D A
0815h PP11E-02 Ice-Ocean
Heinrich Events: R B Alley
0830h PP11E-03 On the Mechanisms Producing
Iceberg Discharges During Last Glacial Period,
Including Heinrich Events: J Alvarez-Solas, A
Robinson, R Banderas, M Montoya
0845h PP11E-04 A Freshwater Starvation
Mechanism for Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles: E W
Wolff, I Hewitt, A Fowler, C Clark, G W Evatt, D
R Munday, C Stokes
0900h PP11E-05 Precise Interhemispheric Phasing
of the Bipolar Seesaw during Abrupt DansgaardOeschger Events: C Buizert, D Baggenstos, E
Brook, K M Cuffey, T J Fudge, B R Markle, J R
McConnell, R Rhodes, J P Severinghaus, T A
Sowers, E J Steig, K Taylor
0915h PP11E-06 Atmosphere-ice-ocean Interactions
and Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles: C Li
0930h PP11E-07 The role of sea-ice in millennialscale climate variability: B D Naafs
0945h PP11E-08 Unstable Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation during Glacial Intervals
and Millennial Variability: The Role of Mean Sea
Ice Extent: A V Fedorov, F Sevellec
Moscone South Poster Hall
Citizen Seismology: Applications,
Technologies, and Benefits Posters
Presiding: Remy Bossu, CSEM c/o CEA,
Bat. Sable; Susan Hough, USGS; Paul
Earle, USGS
0800h S11A-4327 POSTER Towards the Future
“Earthquake” School in the Cloud: Near-real Time
Earthquake Games Competition in Taiwan: K H
Chen, W T Liang, Y F Wu, E Yen
0800h S11A-4328 POSTER Australian Seismometers
in Schools – eyes on seismology: M Salmon, N
Balfour, M Sambridge
0800h S11A-4329 POSTER Crowd-Sourced Global
Earthquake Early Warning: S E Minson, B A
Brooks, C L Glennie, J R Murray, J O Langbein, S E
Owen, B A Iannucci, D L Hauser
0800h S11A-4330 POSTER A Historic and Citizen
Science Observation-Based Seismic Hazard Map
of the United States (1900—2012): R T Mah, D J
Wald, C S Mueller, J W Dewey
11/28/2014 10:46:51 AM
0800h S11A-4331 POSTER Citizen Seismology
Provides Insights into Ground Motions and Hazard
from Injection-Induced Earthquakes: S E Hough
0800h S11A-4332 POSTER Joint Determination
of Event Location and Magnitude from Historical
Seismic Damage Records: S Park, T K Hong
0800h S11A-4333 POSTER The Key Role of
Eyewitnesses in Rapid Impact Assessment of Global
Earthquake: R Bossu, R Steed, G Mazet-Roux, F
Roussel, C Etivant, L Frobert, S Godey
0800h S11A-4334 POSTER MyShake: Building a
smartphone seismic network: Q Kong, R M Allen,
L Schreier
Moscone South Poster Hall
Influence of Smaller-Scale Processes
on Larger-Scale Fault Zone Behavior
and Evolution: Toward Development
of Physically Sound Models of the
Seismic Cycle Posters (joint with T)
Presiding: Ahmed Elbanna, University
of Illinois at Urbana Champaign;
Hiroyuki Noda, JAMSTEC Japan
Agency for Marine-Earth Science and
0800h S11A-4336 POSTER Community Seismic
Network: R W Clayton, M D Kohler, A Massari,
T H Heaton, R Guy, M Chandy, J Bunn, L Strand
0800h S11C-4351 POSTER Cohesive Zone Length
of Gabbro at Supershear Rupture Velocity: E
Fukuyama, S Xu, K Mizoguchi, F Yamashita
0800h S11A-4337 POSTER Feasibility of Twitter
Based Earthquake Characterization From Analysis
of 32 Million Tweets: There’s Got to be a Pony
in Here Somewhere!: P S Earle, M R Guy, G M
Smoczyk, S R Horvath, T S Jessica, D B Bausch
0800h S11C-4352 POSTER Late Pleistocene to
Holocene river terrace deformation within the
Little Salmon Fault Zone: insights to tectonic
transition from Cascadia Subduction to San
Andreas transform stress regimes, Van Duzen river,
Northern California: S Nicovich, M A HemphillHaley, T H Leroy
0800h S11A-4338 POSTER Social Media as Seismic
Networks for the Earthquake Damage Assessment:
C Meletti, S Cresci, M N La Polla, A Marchetti, M
0800h S11C-4353 POSTER Fault Roughness Records
Strength: E E Brodsky, T Candela, J D Kirkpatrick
0800h S11A-4339 POSTER @INGVterremoti:
Tweeting the Automatic Detection of Earthquakes:
E Casarotti, A Amato, F Comunello, V Lauciani, C
Nostro, P Polidoro
0800h S11C-4354 POSTER The Friction Evolution
of Siliceous Rocks during High-Velocity Slip
By Thermal Activated Transition from Powder
Lubrication and Rolling to Gouge Melting: X
Chen, A S Madden, Z Reches
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h S11C-4355 POSTER A Multiscale Model of
Shear flow of Granular Materials with Breakable
Particles: Role of Force Chain Instabilities and
Implications for Strain Localization and Stability of
Sliding: A E Elbanna, C Lieou, P Karimi, J Carlson,
R Li
Fault Mechanics at the Brittle-Ductile
Transition of Subduction Zones
Posters (joint with G, T)
Presiding: Marine Denolle, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography; Justin
Brown, James Madison University;
Noel Bartlow, Scripps Institution
of Oceanography; Nicolas Brantut,
University College London
0800h S11B-4340 POSTER Along-Fault Fluid
Migration Involved in Strong Slow-Slip Events
in Guerrero, Mexico: W Frank, N Shapiro, A L
Husker, V Kostoglodov, H Bhat Suresh, M Campillo
0800h S11B-4341 POSTER Investigations & Analysis
of Reverse Polarity Repeating Earthquakes at
intermediate-depth in the Bucaramanga nest,
Colombia: S A Barrett, G A Prieto
0800h S11B-4342 POSTER Deformation Experiments
on Blueschist and Greenschist: Implications for the
Rheology of Subducted Oceanic Crust: K Okazaki,
G Hirth
0800h S11B-4343 POSTER Intraslab Fluid Migration
During Slow Slip Earthquakes and Nonvolcanic
Tremors in Guerrero, Mexico: C D Villafuerte, V
M Cruz-Atienza
0800h S11B-4344 POSTER Viscoelastic Postseismic
Deformation Following the 2012 Mw8.6 East
Indian Ocean Earthquake: Y Hu, R Burgmann, P
Banerjee, K Wang
0800h S11B-4345 POSTER Source Scaling Relations
and Along-Strike Segmentation of Slow Slip Events
in a 3-D Subduction Fault Model: Y Liu
0800h S11B-4346 POSTER Universality of Slow
Earthquakes in the Very Low Frequency Band: S
Ide, S Yabe
0800h S11B-4347 POSTER Relationships between
Slow Slip and Earthquakes at the Brittle-Ductile
Transition of Subduction Zones: M R Brudzinski,
H Colella, R Skoumal, E Cabral-Cano, A ArciniegaCeballos, S E Graham, C DeMets, S M Sit, S G
0800h S11B-4348 POSTER Friction of Megathrust
Gouges at in-Situ Subduction Zone Conditions:
Strength, Rate Dependence, and Microphysical
Mechanisms: S A M Den Hartog, C Marone, A R
Niemeijer, D M Saffer
0800h S11B-4349 POSTER Reaction Weakening of
Dunite in Friction Experiments at Hydrothermal
Conditions and Its Relevance to Subduction Zones:
D E Moore, D A Lockner
0800h S11B-4350 POSTER Helium As a Tracer for
Fluids Released from Juan De Fuca Lithosphere
Beneath the Cascadia Forearc: P A McCrory, J E
Constantz, A G Hunt, J L Blair
0800h S11C-4356 POSTER The effect of mineralogy
and grain breakage on shear-induced noise and
auto-acoustic compaction: S Taylor, E E Brodsky
0800h S11C-4357 POSTER Experimental Studies of
Dynamic Fault Weakening Due to Thermal PoreFluid Pressurization: D L Goldsby, T E Tullis, K
Okazaka, J D Platt, T M Mitchell
0800h S11C-4358 POSTER Frictional properties of
Alpine Fault rocks of DFDP-1 under hydrothermal
conditions and high shear strain: A R Niemeijer, C
J Boulton, V G Toy, J Townend, R Sutherland
0800h S11C-4359 POSTER Shock Waves Trigger
Fault Weakening in Calcite-bearing Rocks During
Earthquakes: E Spagnuolo, O Plumper, M Violay,
A Cavallo, G Di Toro
0800h S11C-4360 POSTER The role of gouge and
temperature on flash heating and its hysteresis:
J D Platt, B Proctor, T M Mitchell, G Hirth, D L
Goldsby, G Di Toro, N M Beeler, T E Tullis
0800h S11C-4361 POSTER Destabilization of
a Heterogeneous Rate-and-State Interface: P
0800h S11C-4362 POSTER Numerical friction
experiments of heterogeneous fault with controlling
shear stress by means of earthquake sequence
simulations: Preliminary results on the relation
between cm-scale and km-scale friction laws: H
Noda, T Hori
0800h S11C-4363 POSTER New Insights About PreStress and Fault Interaction at Fault Step-Overs
from 3D Numerical Simulations: K Kroll, D D
Oglesby, K B Richards-Dinger, J H Dieterich
0800h S11C-4364 POSTER Mechanical and
Microphysical Constraints on Co-seismic Rupture
into the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas
Fault: M E French, F M Chester, J S Chester
0800h S11C-4365 POSTER Long-Term Fault Slip in
Models With Coseismic Weakening: Depth Extent
and Spatio-Temporal Complexity of Earthquake
Ruptures: N Lapusta, J Jiang
Moscone South Poster Hall
Multi-array Probing of the Earth’s
Interior I Posters (joint with DI)
Presiding: Josip Stipcevic, Australian
National University; Hrvoje Tkalcic,
Australian National University; Keith
Koper, University of Utah; Sebastian
Rost, The University of Leeds
0800h S11D-4366 POSTER Development of a
Single Station 6C-Approach for Array Analysis
and Microzonation: Using Vertical Rotation Rate
to Estimate Love-Wave Disperion Curves and
Direction Finding: J M Wassermann, A Wietek,
C Hadziioannou, H Igel
0800h S11D-4368 POSTER A Large-N Mixed Sensor
Active + Passive Seismic Array near Sweetwater,
TX: M Barklage, D Hollis, J M Gridley, R
Woodward, N Spriggs
AGU2014News.indb 18
0800h S11D-4369 POSTER IRIS Arrays: Observing
Wavefields at Multiple Scales and Frequencies: D F
Sumy, R Woodward, A Frassetto
0800h S11D-4370 POSTER Analysis of Surface Wave
Phase Velocity and Azimuth Anomalies using Wave
Gradiometry for USArray: Y Yang, C A Langston
0800h S11D-4371 POSTER Rayleigh Wave and Shear
Wave Tomography of Northeastern China: Results
Coconstrained by Multiple Datasets: T Zhou, J
Chen, J Han, Y Tian, M Wu, Y Yang, J Ning
0800h S11D-4372 POSTER Wave Gradiometry and
its Link with Helmholtz Tomography Applied to
USArray Data: Y Liu, W E Holt
0800h S11D-4373 POSTER Estimating Earth’s modal
Q with epicentral stacking method: X Chen, J J Park
0800h S11D-4374 POSTER Multi-Array Probing of
Lower Mantle Structure: J Stipcevic, H Tkalcic, B
L N Kennett
0800h S11D-4375 POSTER D” Discontinuity
Structure Beneath the North Atlantic Based
on Observations from the Deep 2010 Spanish
Earthquake: Y Yao, S Whittaker, M S Thorne
0800h S11D-4376 POSTER Constraining Short
Scale Core-Mantle Boundary Topography with
Amplitudes of Core-Reflected ScP Wave: Z Shen,
S Ni
0800h S11D-4377 POSTER Research on Earthquake
Precursor in E-TEC: A Study on Land Surface
Thermal Anomalies Using MODIS LST Product in
Taiwan: W Y Chang, M C Wu
Moscone South Poster Hall
Outstanding Challenges in the
Seismological Study of Volcanic
Processes I (joint with V)
Presiding: Diana Roman, Carnegie
Institution of Washington; Matthew
Haney, Alaska Volcano Observatory
Anchorage; Stephanie Prejean, Alaska
Volcano Observatory Anchorage;
Richard Aster, Colorado State
0800h S11E-4378 POSTER Forward modeling of
stress fields around Mt. Fuji and its implication
for seismic anisotropy: K Araragi, M K Savage, T
Ohminato, Y Aoki
0800h S11E-4379 POSTER Applications of Subspace
Seismicity Detection in Antarctica: E K Myers, R C
Aster, H Benz, N D McMahon, D E McNamara, A C
Lough, D A Wiens, T J Wilson
0800h S11E-4380 POSTER Towards temporal
monitoring using coda correlations of icequakes
on Erebus volcano, Antarctica: J A Chaput, M
Campillo, P Roux, H A Knox, R C Aster
0800h S11E-4381 POSTER Spatially Locating TimeLapsed Relative Velocity Changes in Yellowstone:
K Seats, J F Lawrence
0800h S11E-4382 POSTER Shear-wave velocity
structure beneath the Ngauruhoe Volcano, New
Zealand using receiver function inversion with the
genetic algorithm: I Park, K Y Kim, A D Jolly
0800h S11E-4383 POSTER Shallow velocity imaging
of an active volcano: B Fry, L Chardot, A D Jolly
0800h S11E-4384 POSTER New constraints on the
magmatic system beneath Newberry Volcano from
the analysis of active and passive source seismic
data, and ambient noise: B Heath, D R Toomey, E
E E Hooft
0800h S11E-4385 POSTER Full waveform ambient
noise tomography of Mount Rainer: A F Flinders,
Y Shen
0800h S11E-4386 POSTER Attenuation and
Scattering Tomography of the Deep Plumbing
System of Mount St. Helens: L De Siena, C Thomas,
G P Waite, S C Moran, S Klemme
0800h S11E-4387 POSTER Imaging Magma Under
St. Helens (iMUSH): Details of passive-source
seismic deployment and preliminary 3-D velocity
structure: C W Ulberg, K C Creager, S C Moran,
G A Abers, R P Denlinger, A J Hotovec-Ellis, J E
Vidale, E Kiser, A Levander, A Schultz
0800h S11E-4388 POSTER Seismometer Orientation
of iMUSH Array Using Rayleigh Wave Polarization:
G M Belair, C W Ulberg, K C Creager
0800h S11E-4389 POSTER Small quasi-static
displacements associated with shallow LP seismic
sources : J Thun, C J Bean, I Lokmer
0800h S11E-4390 POSTER Strong S-wave
attenuation and actively degassing magma beneath
Taal volcano, Philippines, inferred from source
location analysis using high-frequency seismic
amplitudes: H Kumagai, R Lacson Jr, Y Maeda, M
S Figueroa II, T Yamashina
0800h S11E-4391 POSTER A Phreatic Explosion
Model Inferred from a Very Long Period Seismic
Event at Mayon Volcano, Philippines: Y Maeda,
H Kumagai, R Lacson Jr, M S Figueroa II, T
Yamashina, T Ohkura, A V Baloloy
0800h S11E-4392 POSTER Volcanic Source
Mechanisms from the Low Frequency End of
Broadband Recordings: Examples from Fuego
Volcano: G P Waite, K A Brill
0800h S11E-4393 POSTER Dependence of Momenttensor Solutions on Source Location Observed at
Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala: F Lanza, G P Waite
0800h S11E-4394 POSTER Double-difference
relocations and spectral ratio analysis of volcanic
seismic events in the Mount St. Helens crater using
a 3D velocity model suggest slip events under the
new dome with constant stress-drop scaling: R M
Harrington, G Kwiatek, S C Moran
0800h S11E-4395 POSTER Linking Seismicity at
Depth to the Mechanics of a Lava Dome Failure - a
Forecasting Approach: R O Salvage, J W Neuberg,
W Murphy
0800h S11E-4396 POSTER Heterogeneity: The key
to forecasting material failure?: J Vasseur, F B
Wadsworth, Y Lavallée, D B Dingwell
0800h S11E-4397 POSTER Seismic Tremor
Generated by Multiple Processes, Vatnajökull
Glacier, Iceland: E P S Eibl, C J Bean, K S Vogfjord
0800h S11E-4398 POSTER A Possible Origin of
Volcanic Tremor: A Sakuraba
0800h S11E-4399 POSTER Volcanic Activities
of Hakkoda Volcano after the 2011 Tohoku
Earthquake: M Yamamoto, S Miura
0800h S11E-4400 POSTER The Mw4.8 Norris
Geyser Basin Earthquake of 30 March, 2014 and its
Relationship to Crustal Deformation and Seismic
Activity of the Yellowstone Volcanic System: J
Farrell, D R Shelly, R B Smith, C M Puskas, W L
0800h S11E-4401 POSTER Seismicity of La Soufrière
Volcano (Guadeloupe Lesser Antillles): Evidence
for Shallow Fluid Sources and Tectonic influence :
G Ucciani, F Beauducel, A Nercessian, M P Bouin
Comprehensive Catalog of Volcanic Seismicity: G
0800h S11E-4403 POSTER Probabilistic reasoning
over seismic RMS time series: volcano monitoring
through HMMs and SAX technique: M A Aliotta,
C Cassisi, M Prestifilippo, A Cannata, P Montalto,
D Patanè
Moscone South Poster Hall
Strong Motion Data, Networks, and
Seismological Studies I Posters (joint
with NH)
Presiding: Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman,
Institute of Engineering-UNAM; Aysegul
Askan, Middle East Technical Univ;
Lucia Luzi, INGV National Institute of
Geophysics and Volcanology; Citlali
Perez, Institute of Engineering-UNAM
0800h S11F-4404 POSTER Puerto Rico Strong
Motion Seismic Network: C I Huerta-Lopez, J A
Martínez-Cruzado, J Martínez-Pagan, E X SantanaTorres, D M Torres-O
0800h S11F-4405 POSTER The Mexican Seismic
Network (Red Sísmica Mexicana): C M ValdesGonzales, J Arreola-Manzano, G Castelan-Pescina,
P Alonso-Rivera, M A Saldivar-Rangel, O O
Rodriguez-Arteaga, R Lopez-Lena-Villasana
0800h S11F-4406 POSTER Development of real time
monitor system displaying seismic waveform data
observed at seafloor seismic network, DONET, for
disaster management information: H Horikawa,
M Takaesu, K Sueki, N Takahashi, A Sonoda, S
Miura, S Tsuboi
0800h S11F-4407 POSTER Development of an event
search and download system for analyzing waveform
data observed at seafloor seismic network, DONET:
M Takaesu, H Horikawa, K Sueki, S Kamiya, T
Nakamura, M Nakano, N Takahashi, A Sonoda, S
0800h S11F-4408 POSTER Rrsm: The European
Rapid Raw Strong-Motion Database: C Cauzzi, J F
Clinton, R Sleeman, J Domingo Ballesta, P Kaestli,
O Galanis
0800h S11F-4410 POSTER Neural Models: An Option
to Estimate Seismic Parameters of Accelerograms :
L Alcántara, S García, E Ovando-Shelley, M A
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:52 AM
0800h S11F-4411 POSTER A Comparison Between
Seismogeodetic and Baseline Corrected Estimates of
Ground Motion: Example Applications for the 2011
Mw9.0 Tohoku-oki Earthquake: J K Saunders, D
Melgar, Y Bock, D Sanchez, B W Crowell, J S Haase,
J Geng, D Goldberg
0800h S11F-4412 POSTER An Overview and
Parametric Evaluation of the CGS ShakeMap
Automated System in CISN: L Z Hagos, H R
Haddadi, A F Shakal
0800h S11F-4413 POSTER Seismic Intensity Maps
for North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey) using
Local Felt Intensity and Strong Motion Datasets: A
0800h S11F-4414 POSTER New GMP Models for
Caucasus Region: N Jorjiashvili, T Godoladze, N
Tvaradze, N Tumanova
0800h S11F-4415 POSTER The Engineering
Strong Ground Motion Network of the National
Autonomous University of Mexico: J M Velasco
Miranda, L Ramirez-Guzman, L A Aguilar
Calderon, D Almora Mata, M Ayala Hernandez,
G Castro Parra, I Molina Avila, A Mora, M Torres
Noguez, R Vazquez Larquet
0800h S11F-4416 POSTER Separation of Intrinsic
and Scattering Attenuation Using Single Event Data
in South Korea: A N Rachman, T W Chung, K
GRAVITY DAMS: Y Arici, M B Duygu
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate B1
From NARS to Mariscope: Three
Decades of Seismological Networks
on Land and in the Oceans I (joint with
Presiding: Frederik Simons, Princeton
University; Suzan van der Lee,
Northwestern Univ; Jeroen Ritsema,
Univ Michigan; Karin Sigloch, University
of Oxford
0800h S11G-01 Nars: Over 30 Years of Seismology:
H Paulssen
0815h S11G-02 Partitioned Waveform Inversion,
From Tens to Millions of Seismograms: A Journey
of Discovery: S Lebedev, A J Schaeffer
0830h S11G-03 Observation and Modeling of the
SVdiff-SHdiff splitting induced by elastic anisotropy
and finite-frequency effects in D”: S H Hung, T Y
Liao, E Sales de Andrade, Q Liu
0900h S11H-05 Teleseismic Peak Ground
Accelerations from the 24 May 2013 Sea of Okhotsk
Deep Earthquake : K Kuge
0915h S11H-06 The 10 April 2014 Earthquake in
Central Nicaragua: Evidence of Complex Crustal
Deformation in Central America: G Suarez, A
Muñoz, E Talavera, V Tenorio, I Farraz, D A
Novelo-Casanova, A Sánchez
0930h S11H-07 The Philippine Sea slab is in contact
with the crust at the source region of M 8.0 Nobi
earthquake, central Japan : T Iidaka, T Igarashi, A
Kato, T Iwasaki
0945h S11H-08 The 10 June 2012 Fethiye Mw 6.0
Aftershock Sequence and Its Relation to the 24-25
April 1957 Ms 6.9-7.1 Earthquakes in SW Anatolia,
Turkey: E Gorgun, A Zang, D Kalafat, K Kekovali
Moscone South Poster Hall
Active Experiments in Ionospheric
Modification and Probing I Posters
(joint with AE, SM)
Presiding: Mark Golkowski, University
of Colorado Denver; James Sheerin,
Eastern Michigan Univ; Mark
Golkowski, University of Colorado
0800h SA11A-3918 POSTER Artificial Excitation of
Schumann Resonance with HAARP: A V Streltsov,
C L Chang
0800h SA11A-3919 POSTER Multi-angle Spectra
Evolution of Ionospheric Turbulence Excited by
RF Interactions at HAARP: J P Sheerin, N Rayyan,
B J Watkins, N Watanabe, M Golkowski, W A
Bristow, P A Bernhardt, S J Briczinski Jr
0800h SA11A-3920 POSTER Electrostatic and
Electromagnetic Fluctuation in the Boundary Layer
of Laboratory-Created Ionospheric Depletion: Y
Liu, J Cao, L Xu, X Zhang
0800h SA11A-3921 POSTER Medium Resolution
Spectra of Solar Illuminated Sounding Rocket
Samarium Vapor Releases: J M Holmes, T R
Pedersen, D Miller, R Caton, P A Bernhardt
0800h SA11A-3922 POSTER HF Propagation
Effects Caused by an Artificial Plasma Cloud in the
Ionosphere: D R Joshi, K M Groves, W J McNeil,
R G Caton, R T Parris, T R Pedersen, P S Cannon,
M J Angling, N K Jackson-Booth
0800h SA11A-3923 POSTER A Laboratory
Approximation of Whistler Mode Antenna Arrays:
J M M Urrutia, R Stenzel
0845h S11G-04 Global Adjoint Tomography:
Combining Big Data with HPC Simulations: E
Bozdag, M P Lefebvre, W Lei, D B Peter, J A Smith,
D Komatitsch, J Tromp
0800h SA11A-3924 POSTER Parametric Very Low
Frequency (VLF) Antenna: Analytical and Particlein-Cell Simulation Results : T C Kim, V I Sotnikov,
E V Mishin, D S Main, T C Genoni, D V Rose
0900h S11G-05 Mariscope: Observing P Waves (and
much more) Everywhere in the Oceans: G Nolet, Y
Hello, S Bonnieux, A Sukhovich, F J Simons
0800h SA11A-3925 POSTER Effects of a Relativistic
Electron Beam Interaction with the Upper
Atmosphere: Ionization, X-Rays, and Optical
Emissions: R A Marshall, M J Nicolls, E R Sanchez,
N G Lehtinen, J Neilson
0915h S11G-06 Evolving uses of passive seismic
arrays from continental to local scales: B Schmandt
0930h S11G-07 Pacific Array: H Kawakatsu, A
Takeo, T Isse, K Nishida, H Shiobara, D Suetsugu
0945h S11G-08 OBSIP: An Evolving Facility for the
Future of Geoscience: B Evers, J A Lodewyk
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate A1
Seismology Contributions:
Earthquakes I (joint with G, NH, T)
0800h SA11A-3926 POSTER Lower Hybrid Drift
in Simulations of Hypersonic Plasma: D Niehoff,
M Ashour-Abdalla, C Niemann, D Schriver, V I
Sotnikov, G Lapenta
0800h SA11A-3927 POSTER Vlasov Simulations of
Ionospheric Heating Near Upper HybridResonance:
A C Najmi, B E Eliasson, X Shao, G M Milikh, K
0800h SA11A-3928 POSTER Power-Stepped HF
Cross-Modulation Experiments: Simulations and
Experimental Observations: S Greene, R C Moore
Presiding: Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab; Carl Tape, University
of Alaska Fairbanks
0800h SA11A-3929 POSTER High Frequency
Resolution TOA Analysis for ELF/VLFWave
Generation Experiments at HAARP: J D Ruddle,
R C Moore
0800h S11H-01 Rupture Process of the Tonga
Earthquakes of 3 May 2006 (Mw 8.0) and 19 March
2009 (Mw 7.6): Intraslab Thrust Deformation
Below the Megathrust: Q Meng, L Ye, T Lay, P R
0800h SA11A-3930 POSTER Multiple-Station
Observation of Frequency Dependence and
Polarization Characteristics of ELF/VLF waves
generated via Ionospheric Modification: A S
Maxworth, M Golkowski, M Cohen, R C Moore
0815h S11H-02 Numerical Earthquake Model of
the 31 October 2013 Ruisui, Taiwan, Earthquake:
Source Rupture Process and Seismic Wave
Propagation: S J Lee, H H Huang, J B H Shyu, T C
Lin, T Y Yeh
0800h SA11A-3931 POSTER Low Frequency Waves
During RF Heating of the Ionosphere: A S Sharma,
X Shao, B E Eliasson, D Papadopoulos
0830h S11H-03 Resolving Earthquake Directivity
with Relative Centroid Location : A Case Study for
the 18 April 2008 Illinois Earthquake: X He, S Ni
0845h S11H-04 Assessing the Uncertainties on
Seismic Source Parameters: Towards Realistic
Estimates of Moment Tensor Determinations: F
Magnoni, L Scognamiglio, E Tinti, E Casarotti
Anomalies and Disturbances in the
Midlatitude Ionosphere I Posters
0800h SA11B-3945 POSTER Variations of the
electron density in the low and middle latitude
ionosphere due to high-speed solar wind streams
observed by the DEMETER satellite: H E Kim, E
Lee, K H Kim, D H Lee, K Ryu, J Chae, M Parrot
Presiding: Hyosub Kil, Johns Hopkins
Univ; Young-Sil Kwak, KASI; Yuichi
Otsuka, Nagoya Univ; Naomi
Maruyama, University of Colorado
0800h SA11B-3946 POSTER Statistical characteristics
of nighttime mid-latitude F-region field-aligned
irregularities observed by Daejeon VHF coherent
scattering radar in South Korea: T Y Yang, Y S
Kwak, H Kil, Y Lee, W K Lee, Y D Park
0800h SA11B-3933 POSTER Statistical Analysis
of TEC Enhancements during Geomagnetic
Disturbances in Extreme Solar Conditions: F Su
0800h SA11B-3947 POSTER Characteristics of the
Afternoon E-region Plasma Density Irregularities
in Middle Latitudes: Y S Kwak, T Y Yang, H Kil,
Y Otsuka
0800h SA11B-3934 POSTER High Density
Observation of Tids at White Sands, New Mexico:
E V Dao, J J Colman, L F McNamara, D J Emmons
0800h SA11B-3935 POSTER SCION: CubeSat
Mission Concept to Observe Midlatitude SmallScale Irregularities and Scintillation: T Heine, M
0800h SA11B-3936 POSTER Spatial Structions of
TEC Climatology and Variability in North America:
S Zhang, A J Coster, Z Chen
0800h SA11B-3937 POSTER The study of zonal
dynamo electric fields observed by the IPEI on
board ROCSAT-1: C M Huang, T C Lin
0800h SA11B-3938 POSTER GPS Observations of
Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
over New Zealand: Y Otsuka, C Lee, K Shiokawa,
T Tsugawa, M Nishioka
Ionospheric Disturbances Due to Geomagnetic
Storms at ISS Altitudes: J I Minow, E M Willis, L
N Parker
Disturbances Observed with the VLA Ionospheric
and Transient Experiment (VLITE): J Helmboldt
0800h SA11B-3941 POSTER Climatological Studies
of the Midlatitude and Equatorial Ionosphere Using
DMSP and CINDI-C/NOFS Observations: M R
Hairston, W R Coley, R Stoneback, R A Heelis
0800h SA11B-3942 POSTER Anomalous Doppler
Shift in the Storm-time Midlatitude Red-line
Emission: B J Harding, J J Makela, G Bust, J W
Meriwether, R Mesquita, S Sanders, A J Ridley, M
Castelaz, M Ciocca, G D Earle, N A Frissell
0800h SA11B-3943 POSTER Measurement of
DC Electric Field in the Midlatitude Ionosphere
by S-520-23 Sounding Rocket Experiments: K
Ishisaka, M Yamamoto, T Yokoyama, S Watanabe,
T Okada, T Abe, A Kumamoto
characteristics of subauroral westward plasma flows
and lowest speed threshold of SAPS observed by
the SuperDARN Hokkaido HF radar: H Nagano, N
Nishitani, T Hori
0800h SA11B-3948 POSTER Multi-instrumental
Analysis of the Ionospheric Density Response to
Geomagnetic Disturbances: I Zakharenkova, E
0800h SA11B-3949 POSTER Evaluating Midlatitude
Fall-off Dependencies of the High Latitude
Convection Pattern: J V Jenniges, J J Sojka, R A
Moscone South Poster Hall
The Bottomside Equatorial
Ionosphere: Dynamics and Impacts I
Presiding: David Hysell, Cornell
University; Kent Miller, Air Force Office
of Scientific Research; Todd Pedersen,
Air Force Research Laboratory
0800h SA11C-3950 POSTER Unified Model of Type
I and Type II Turbulence in the Equitorial E-Layer
Plasma: W Horton Jr, E Hassan, A Smolyakov, S
Litt, D R Hatch
0800h SA11C-3952 POSTER Peculiar Features of
Ionospheric F3-Layer during Prolonged Solar
Minimum (2007-2009): C Nayak, V Yadav, B
A Kakad, S Sripathi, K Emperumal, T K Pant, A
Bhattacharyya, S Jin
0800h SA11C-3953 POSTER Parameterizing the F3
Layer in the Low and Equatorial Ionosphere from
the Occultation Data: B Zhao
0800h SA11C-3954 POSTER A Numerical simulation
study of the collisional-interchange-instability
seeded by the pre-reversal vertical drift: J S Santos,
E A Kherani, J H A Sobral
0800h SA11C-3955 POSTER What controls RayleighTaylor instability growth rate and the formation
of bubbles?: E Yizengaw, M Moldwin, E Zesta, B
Damtie, B Rabiu, C E Valladares, R Stoneback
0800h SA11C-3956 POSTER Evidence for Gravity
Wave Seeding of Convective Ionosphere Storms
Initiated by Deep Troposphere Convection: M C
Kelley, R F Pfaff Jr, E V Dao, R H Holzworth II
Experts will be on hand to answer
questions and share best practices and advice
about science communication.
Stop by the AGU Marketplace to speak
with one of our experts!
16 - 18 December
10:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
AGU Booth, Moscone South, Exhibit Hall
0800h SA11A-3932 POSTER Radiotomographic
imaging and GNSS remote sensing of the
midlatitude ionosphere modified by powerful HF
radiowaves: V Kunitsyn, E S Andreeva, A M
Padokhin, A Vorontsov, V L Frolov, G Komrakov,
P A Bernhardt, C L Siefring
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 19
Moscone South Poster Hall
11/28/2014 10:46:52 AM
0800h SA11C-3957 POSTER The role of the
postsunset vortex in the creation of turbulence
in the bottomside F region: W K Lee, H Kil, Y S
Kwak, L J Paxton
0800h SA11C-3958 POSTER Design and Evaluation
of Compact Antennae for Ionospheric Sounding: T
J Erjavec, J Vierinen
Moscone West 2016
Understanding and Forecasting
Equatorial Spread F and Scintillation I
Presiding: Chaosong Huang, Air Force
Research Laboratory; Cesar Valladares,
Boston College; J Eccles, Space
Environment Corporation
0800h SA11D-01 Forcasting Equatorial Spread-F on
a Night to Night Basis in 5 Longitude Sectors: D N
Anderson, R J Redmon, T W Bullett
0815h SA11D-02 Complex plasma structuring in the
equatorial ionosphere: J D Huba
0830h SA11D-03 Observations of TEC Depletions
in South and Central America: C E Valladares, R
E Sheehan, R Pradipta
0845h SA11D-04 A New 50 MHz Phased-Array
Radar on Pohnpei: A Fresh Perspective on
Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: R T Tsunoda
0900h SA11D-05 The Postsunset Vertical Plasma
Drift and Its Effects on the Generation of Equatorial
Plasma Bubbles Observed by the C/NOFS Satellite:
C Huang, M R Hairston
0915h SA11D-06 Multi-Probe Observations of
Equatorial F Region Plassma Irregularities: B G
Fejer, D Hui, C Y Huang, P A Roddy, C Stolle, C
Xiong, J Park, H Luhr, M A Milla, M A Abdu
0930h SA11D-07 Radar investigations of June
solstice F-region irregularities: F S Rodrigues, G K
Zewdie, R Stoneback, E R Paula
0945h SA11D-08 On Seasonal/Longitudinal
Distributions of Post-Midnight Quiettime
Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities : S Y Su, C H
Liu, C L Wu
Moscone South Poster Hall
Ionizing Radiation Environments
throughout the Solar System I Posters
(joint with A, P, SA, SM)
Presiding: Guillaume Gronoff, NASA
Langley Research Center; Ryan
Norman, NASA Langley Research Center
0800h SH11A-4024 POSTER Comparison of Martian
Surface Radiation Predictions to the Measurements
of Mars Science Laboratory Radiation Assessment
Detector (MSL/RAD): M H Y Kim, F Cucinotta, C
J Zeitlin, D Hassler, B Ehresmann, S C Rafkin, R F
Wimmer-Schweingruber, S I Böttcher, E Boehm, J
Guo, J Kohler, C Martin-Garcia, G Reitz, A Posner
0800h SH11A-4025 POSTER Analysis of Dose Rate
Variations Observed By MSL/RAD: J Guo, C J
Zeitlin, R F Wimmer-Schweingruber, S C Rafkin,
B Ehresmann, J Kohler, J K Appel, D Hassler, E
Boehm, S I Böttcher, C Martin-Garcia, D E Brinza,
H Lohf, S Burmeister, B Heber, A Posner, G Reitz, J
Martín-Torres, M P Zorzano, H Kahanpää
0800h SH11A-4026 POSTER Charged Particle
Measurements with the Mars Science Laboratory’s
Radiation Assessment Detector (MSL/RAD): B
Ehresmann, D Hassler, C J Zeitlin, J Kohler, R F
Wimmer-Schweingruber, J K Appel, E Boehm, S I
Böttcher, D E Brinza, S Burmeister, J Guo, H Lohf,
C Martin-Garcia, D Matthiae, A Posner, S C Rafkin,
G Reitz
0800h SH11A-4027 POSTER Ionization in Earth’s
atmosphere following the solar storm on January
20, 2005: A Seripienlert, W Mitthumsiri, A Saiz,
D J Ruffolo, P S Mangeard, U Tortermpun
0800h SH11A-4028 POSTER In-situ Measurements
of the Cosmic Radiation on the Aircraft Altitude
over Korean Peninsula: J Lee, I Park, J Lee, S Oh,
Y C Kim
0800h SH11A-4029 POSTER The precipitation
of keV energetic oxygen ions at Mars and their
effects during the comet Siding Spring approach:
G Gronoff, A Rahmati, C Simon Wedlund, C J
Mertens, T Cravens, E J Kallio, D J Pawlowski, J M
0800h SH11A-4031 POSTER Determining Charged
Particle Flux Direction in MSL/RAD: J K Appel,
J Kohler, J Guo, B Ehresmann, C J Zeitlin, R F
Wimmer-Schweingruber, D Hassler, S C Rafkin,
E Boehm, S I Böttcher, C Martin-Garcia, D E
Brinza, E Weigle, H Lohf, S Burmeister, G Reitz, D
Matthiae, A Posner, J Martín-Torres, M P Zorzano
0800h SH11A-4032 POSTER Cosmic ray ionization
and dose at Mars: Benchmarking deterministic and
Monte Carlo methods: R B Norman, G Gronoff,
C J Mertens
0800h SH11A-4033 POSTER Episodes of Solar
Energetic Proton Flux Since 1973: Z D Robinson, J
H Adams Jr, M Xapsos, C Stauffer
0800h SH11A-4034 POSTER Forbush Decreases
on the Martian Surface during the 2014 Mars
Oppositio: A Posner, B Heber, R F WimmerSchweingruber, H Lohf, J Guo, C J Zeitlin, J MartínTorres, M P Zorzano, C T Steigies, Y Zheng, L
Berger, N Dresing, C Drews, K Herbst, P Kühl, P
J MacNeice, D Odstrcil, L Rastaetter, R Beaujean, S
Burmeister, F Cucinotta, B Ehresmann, D Hassler,
J Kohler, C Martin-Garcia, R Müller-Mellin, S C
Rafkin, M H Y Kim, M Bullock
Moscone South Poster Hall
Physical Processes at the Heliospheric
Interface I Posters
Presiding: Nikolai Pogorelov, University
of Alabama in Huntsville; Robert
Decker, Johns Hopkins Univ., Applied
Physics Lab.; Harald Kucharek, Univ
New Hampshire; John Richardson, MIT
0800h SH11B-4035 POSTER Anomalous Cosmic
Rays Acceleration By the Termination Shock: G
Qin, L Zhang
0800h SH11B-4036 POSTER Solar Activity
Associated with Electron Plasma Oscillations in the
Interstellar Medium Observed By Voyager 1 : W S
Kurth, D A Gurnett, D J McComas, H A Elliott
0800h SH11B-4037 POSTER Spectral Evolution
of Anomalous Cosmic Rays at Voyager 1 Beyond
the Termination Shock: U K Senanayake, V A
Florinski, A C Cummings, E C Stone
0800h SH11B-4038 POSTER Investigating Pickup
Ions with New Horizons, Ulysses and Voyager and
Their Diagnostics By Fluxes of Energetic Neutral
Atoms: Y Wu, V A Florinski
0800h SH11B-4039 POSTER Microphysics of a
multidimensional high beta low Mach number
shock: S Matsukiyo, Y Matsumoto
0800h SH11B-4040 POSTER Solar Wind Simulations
Based on Ooty IPS Data: S C Muehe, T K Kim, N
V Pogorelov
0800h SH11B-4041 POSTER Magnetic Dissipation
Effects on the Flows within the Heliosheath: A
Michael, M Opher, E Provornikova, G Toth
0800h SH11B-4052 POSTER Multi-Scale FluidKinetic Simulations Suite – A Tool for the
Investigation of Physical Processes at the Boundary
of the Heliosphere: I Kryukov, N V Pogorelov, M
C Bedford, S Borovikov, J Heerikhuisen, T K Kim,
G P Zank
0845h SH11D-04 First High-resolution Spectroscopic
Observations by IRIS of a Fast, Helical Prominence
Eruption Associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection:
W Liu, B De Pontieu, T J Okamoto, J C Vial, A M
Title, P Antolin, T E Berger, H Uitenbroek
0800h SH11B-4053 POSTER UVS – Voyager
1 measurements in the outer heliosphere: E
Quemerais, B R Sandel, R Lallement, J L Bertaux
0800h SH11B-4054 POSTER A Multi-ion Model of
the Heliosphere with Secondary Charge Exchange:
M C Bedford, I Kryukov, N V Pogorelov
0800h SH11B-4055 POSTER Parallel and
Perpendicular Diffusion of Cosmic Rays in
Turbulent Plasmas: Analytical Theory and
Simulation: M H Hussein, A Shalchi
Moscone South Poster Hall
Riddles of the Ribbon: Revealing
Signatures of the Outer Heliosphere
Embedded in Time, Space, and Energy
by IBEX and IMAP I Posters
Presiding: Herbert Funsten, Los Alamos
Natl Laboratory; Eric Christian, NASA
0800h SH11C-4056 POSTER Interstellar He
Parameters in Front of the Heliosphere: View
from Ibex and Ulysses: P Swaczyna, M Bzowski,
M A Kubiak, J M Sokol, E Moebius, T Leonard, D
Heirtzler, M Hlond, M Banaszkiewicz, M Witte, P
Wurz, D Rodriguez, N Schwadron, S Fuselier, D J
McComas, H Kucharek
0800h SH11C-4057 POSTER Testing the Interstellar
Wind Helium Flow Direction with Galileo Euvs
Data: W R Pryor, K E Simmons, J M Ajello, W K
Tobiska, K D Retherford, S A Stern, P D Feldman,
P C Frisch, M Bzowski, C Grava
0800h SH11C-4058 POSTER Observing the
Interstellar Medium Flow over the Past 6 Years
with IBEX-Lo: T Leonard, E Moebius, M Bzowski,
S Fuselier, D Heirtzler, M A Kubiak, H Kucharek, M
A Lee, D J McComas, N Schwadron, P Wurz
0800h SH11C-4059 POSTER Tracking the direction
of the interstellar wind over a full solar cycle using
pickup ions detected by ACE SWICS: J A Gilbert,
D J Gershman, G Gloeckler, P Shearer, M Stakhiv,
R von Steiger, T Zurbuchen
0800h SH11C-4060 POSTER Local Interstellar Cloud
Temperatures as Observed with IBEX: E Moebius,
M Bzowski, P C Frisch, S Fuselier, D Heirtzler, M
A Kubiak, H Kucharek, M A Lee, T Leonard, D J
McComas, N Schwadron, J M Sokol, P Swaczyna,
P Wurz
0900h SH13B-4105 Harnessing AIA Diffraction
Patterns to Determine Flare Footpoint
Temperatures: H M Bain, R A Schwartz, G Torre,
S Krucker, C L Raftery
0915h SH11D-06 Research in Support of Operational
Space Weather Forecasting: R A Viereck
0930h SH11D-07 The 2015 Revision of the Sunspot
Number: L Svalgaard
0945h SH11D-08 Fe XIV Synoptic Observations as a
Predictor for the Time of Solar Maximum in Cycle
24: R C Altrock, PhD
Moscone West 2018
Magnetospheric Response to
Transient Solar Wind Phonomena I
Presiding: Qiugang Zong, Peking
University; Hui Zhang, Physics
Department & Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
0800h SM11A-01 TWINS and IBEX Observations
of shock-associated Storms and Substorms: P W
Valek, D J McComas, M A Dayeh, J Goldstein, K
0815h SM11A-02 Van Allen Probes Observations
of the Magnetospheric Response to Transient Solar
Wind Features: S G Claudepierre, I R Mann, T P
O’Brien III, J Fennell
0830h SM11A-03 Spatiotemporal Behavior of
Ulf Waves Excited By Interplanetary Shock and
Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Impulses in the
Magnetosphere: Q Zong
0845h SM11A-04 Solar wind dynamic pressure
pulse - driven magnetospheric vortices and waves:
Q Shi, A Tian, Q G Zong, S Fu, M Hartinger, V
Angelopoulos, X Shen, H Zhao, Z Pu, J M Weygand,
J Raeder, X Zhou, H Zhang, M W Dunlop
0900h SM11A-05 The Effects of Abrupt Wind Shears
in the Solar Wind on the Earth’s Magnetosphere: J
E Borovsky, A Boudouridis, J Birn, M Denton
0915h SM11A-06 Response of High Latitude
Birkeland Currents and Ionospheric Convection to
Transitions in Solar Wind Forcing: B J Anderson,
H Korth, V G Merkin, R J Barnes, J M Ruohoniemi
0930h SM11A-07 Drift Phase Structure As a
Diagnostic of Outer Belt Radial Transport: T P
O’Brien III, T L Mulligan, S G Claudepierre, J L
Roeder, J C Green, J Fennell
0800h SH11C-4062 POSTER Simulating a Dynamic
Solar Cycle and Its Effects on the Interstellar Boundary
Explorer Ribbon: E J Zirnstein, J Heerikhuisen, N
V Pogorelov, D J McComas, M A Dayeh
0945h SM11A-08 On the Generation Mechanism of
Externally Driven EMIC Waves: D H Lee, E H Kim,
J Johnson, H Kim, K H Kim, E Lee
0800h SH11B-4044 POSTER Observation of the
distribution of heavy neutral atoms in the IBEX-Lo
all-sky maps: J Park, H Kucharek, E Moebius
0800h SH11C-4063 POSTER Parallax Measurements
of the Ribbon of ENA Emission, Current Results
and Future Prospects: E R Christian, H O Funsten,
D J McComas, N Schwadron
Moscone West 2012
0800h SH11B-4045 POSTER The Analysis of Data
from Voyager’s Ultraviolet Spectrometers: The
Trend of Observed Interplanetary Lyman-alpha
Intensity with Increasing Heliocentric Distance
for Multiple Viewing Directions: C R Gilbert, B
Fayock, J Heerikhuisen, G P Zank
0800h SH11C-4064 POSTER Profiles of the Ribbon:
Systematic ENA Flux Features Within and Beyond
the Central Ribbon: H O Funsten, R Demajistre,
P C Frisch, S Fuselier, P H Janzen, G Livadiotis,
D J McComas, K T Pittman, D B Reisenfeld, N
0800h SH11B-4046 POSTER Effects of shock-drift
acceleration at the termination shock and electron
thermal conductivity on the global structure of the
heliospheric interface: V Izmodenov, D Alexashov
Moscone West 2011
0800h SH11B-4042 POSTER Constructing Phase
Space Distributions within the Heliosheath: E C
0800h SH11B-4043 POSTER Global Field Orientation
Across the Heliopause As a Result of Regions of
Reconnection: M Opher, J F Drake, B Zieger, T I
0800h SH11B-4047 POSTER Voyager 1 and 2
Measurements of Galactic and Anomalous Cosmic
Ray Intensities and Anisotropies in and Beyond the
Heliosheath: M E Hill, R B Decker, D C Hamilton,
S M Krimigis
0800h SH11B-4048 POSTER Magnetic Reconnection
in the Heliospheric Current Sheet: The Implications
of the Different Environments Seen by the
VoyagerSpacecraft: M M Swisdak, J F Drake, M
0800h SH11B-4049 POSTER GPGPU Approach:
Simulation of the Interaction of Heavy Interstellar
Atoms with the Heliosphere: A DeStefano
0800h SH11B-4050 POSTER Instabilities and
Magnetic Reconnection near the Heliopause: N V
Pogorelov, I Kryukov, S Borovikov, J Heerikhuisen
AGU2014News.indb 20
0830h SH11D-03 Statistical Study of Coronal Hard
X-ray Source Heights and Fluxes: L Glesener, M
Oka, S Krucker, H S Hudson
0800h SH11C-4061 POSTER Magnetic turbulence in
the outer heliosheath: implications for pickup ions
and the ribbon: V A Florinski, J Heerikhuisen, L
F Burlaga, X Guo
0800h SH11A-4030 POSTER Development and
Testing of the Positron Identification By Coincident
Annihilation Photons (PICAP) System: D Tran, J J
Connell, C Lopate, B Bickford
0800h SH11B-4051 POSTER Helium and Hydrogen
Abundances in the Heliosphere and the Local
Interstellar Medium: L B Ben-Jaffel, F E Vincent
Solar and Heliospheric Physics
General Contributions I Prominences,
Flares, Eruptions, Sunspots, and
Space Weather
Presiding: Ian Richardson, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center; Robyn
Millan, Dartmouth College; Larry
Paxton, The Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
0800h SH11D-01 Characterizing Turbulent Flow in
Quiescent Prominences: M Freed, M Wilburn, D
E McKenzie
0815h SH11D-02 Does There Exist a Relationship
Between Acoustic and White-Light Emission in
Hard-X ray Solar Flares?: J C Buitrago-Casas, J C
Martinez Oliveros, L Glesener, S Krucker, B CalvoMozo
Understanding Multiscale Processes
with Multipoint Magnetospheric
Observations and Simulations I
Presiding: C Philippe Escoubet, ESA/
ESTEC; David Sibeck, NASA/GSFC;
Arnaud Masson, European Space
0800h SM11B-01 Swarm: from Earth to
Magnetosphere One Year after Launch: R
Haagmans, R Floberghagen
0815h SM11B-02 Magnetospheric Multiscale
(MMS) Mission Status : T E Moore, R Black, J L
Burch, M Hesse, B P Robertson, P D Spidaliere, S
Pope, C R Tooley, R B Torbert
0830h SM11B-03 Dawn-dusk asymmetries in the
magnetopause and ring current: S Haaland
0845h SM11B-04 Structure and Origin of Magnetic
Flux Transport Bursts in the Magnetotail: A Runov
0900h SM11B-05 Acceleration of Electrons in the
Earth’s Magnetotail during Substorms Using MultiScale Simulations : M Ashour-Abdalla, G Lapenta,
R J Walker, M El-Alaoui
0915h SM11B-06 Thick Bifurcated Current Sheet in
the Near-Earth Tail Plasma Sheet: M Saito
0930h SM11B-07 Cluster Multi-Point Studies of the
Auroral Acceleration Region: G T Marklund
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:52 AM
0945h SM11B-08 The Alfvén mission concept: M
Berthomier, A N Fazakerley
Moscone South Poster Hall
Active Tectonics and Magmatism of
Alaska, the Aleutians, and Northwest
Canada Posters (joint with G, NH, S, V)
Presiding: Sean Gulick, University of
Texas at Austin; Robert Stern, Univ
Texas Dallas; John Jaeger, Univ Florida;
Jeffrey Freymueller, University of
Alaska Fairbanks
0800h T11A-4524 POSTER Crustal And Lithospheric
Thickness Variation Across Alaska In Advance Of
Earthscope Transportable Array: L O’Driscoll, M
S Miller
0800h T11A-4525 POSTER EarthScope’s Plate
Boundary Observatory in Alaska: Building on
Existing Infrastructure to Provide a Platform
for Integrated Research and Hazard-monitoring
Efforts: E S Boyce, R M Bierma, H Willoughby, K
Feaux, G S Mattioli, M Enders, R W Busby
0800h T11A-4526 POSTER Earthquake Hazard and
Risk in Alaska: N Black Porto, M Nyst
0800h T11A-4527 POSTER Seismic Velocity and
Thickness of Sediments Beneath the Aleutian Basin,
Bering Sea: D S Scheirer, G A Barth, R W Sliter, P
E Hart, J R Childs
0800h T11A-4528 POSTER In Situ Stress Variations
Associated with Regional Changes in Tectonic
Setting, northeastern Brooks Range and eastern
North Slope of Alaska: C L Hanks, N C Dixit, W
K Wallace
0800h T11A-4529 POSTER Tectono-thermal History
of the Southern Nenana Basin, Interior Alaska:
Implications for Conventional and Unconventional
Hydrocarbon Exploration: N C Dixit, C L Hanks
0800h T11A-4543 POSTER Present-Day Strain
Transfer Across the Yakutat Collision in SW
Yukon – SE Alaska: The Death of the Southern
Denali Fault?: A Marechal, S Mazzotti, J F Ritz, M
A Ferry, J T Freymueller
0800h T11B-4562 POSTER 3D Microstructural
Investigation of Experimentally Deformed Smectiterich San Andreas Fault Gouge from the Southern
Deforming Zone (SAFOD): J Wojatschke, M
Scuderi, L N Warr, D M Saffer, C Marone
0800h T11A-4544 POSTER Updated mapping and
seismic reflection data processing along the Queen
Charlotte fault system, southeast Alaska: M A L
Walton, S P S Gulick, P J Haeussler, K Rohr, E C
Roland, A M Trehu
0800h T11B-4563 POSTER Improved Data Set for the
Frequency of Gaps and Steps in Ground Ruptures:
G P Biasi, S G Wesnousky, A E Morelan III
0800h T11A-4545 POSTER Aftershock source
properties of events following the 2013 Craig
Earthquake: new evidence for structural
heterogeneity on the northern Queen Charlotte
Fault: E C Roland, M A L Walton, N A Ruppert, S
P S Gulick, G L Christeson, P J Haeussler
Moscone South Poster Hall
Fault Zone Properties and Processes
during Dynamic Rupture I Posters
(joint with MR, S)
Presiding: Marion Thomas, Institut de
Physique du Globe de Paris; Harsha
Bhat Suresh, Institut de Physique du
Globe de Paris; Alice-Agnes Gabriel,
Ludwig Maximilians Universitat
0800h T11B-4546 POSTER Nanometer quartz
grains and rapid cooling melt in fault gouge during
earthquake process - observed from the WFSD-1
drilling core sample: H Wang, H Li, C Janssen, R
0800h T11B-4547 POSTER Frictional and
Poromechanical Properties of Serpentinite:
Implications for Deep Fault Slip Behavior: M M
Scuderi, B M Carpenter, C Marone, D M Saffer
0800h T11B-4548 POSTER The Role of Stiffness
in the Dynamics of Frictional Stick-Slip Failure:
Insights from Laboratory Experiments: J Leeman,
M Scuderi, C Marone, D M Saffer
0800h T11B-4564 POSTER Microroughness
Variation with Inferred Changes in Fault-Normal
Stress Along a Pseudotachylyte-Bearing Fault: P G
Resor, K Shervais, G Di Toro, W A Griffith
Moscone South Poster Hall
Geodynamics of the Pacific Margin of
the Americas I Posters (joint with GP, S)
Presiding: William Bandy, Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; William
Bandy, Universidad Nacional Autonoma
de Mexico; Juanjo Danobeitia, CMIMACSIC
0800h T11C-4565 POSTER Tsujal Marine Survey:
Crustal Characterization of the Rivera Plate-Jalisco
Block Boundary and its Implications for Seismic
and Tsunami Hazard Assessment: R Bartolome, J
Danobeitia, D C Barba Sr, F J Nunez-Cornu, A L
Cameselle, F Estrada, M Prada, W L Bandy
0800h T11C-4566 POSTER Tsujal Project: New
Geophysical Studies about Rivera PLATE and
Jalisco Block (MEXICO): D C Barba Sr, F J NunezCornu, J Danobeitia, R Bartolome, W L Bandy, C R
Escudero, A L Cameselle, J M Espindola de Castro
Sr, M Prada, D Nunez, A Zamora Camacho, A
Gomez, M Ortiz
0800h T11C-4567 POSTER Imaging the Rivera and
Cocos Plates below Jalisco and Michoacan Blocks
from Seismicity Data: F J Nunez-Cornu, Q J
Gutierrez Pena, C R Escudero, D C Barba Sr
0800h T11B-4549 POSTER An Integrated Analysis of
Seismic and InSAR data from the June 2012 Koa‘e
Fault System Earthquake Sequence, Hawai‘i: S Ge,
G Lin, F Amelung, P Okubo, M P Poland
0800h T11C-4568 POSTER Seismic Images of the
Crust across D-E Seismic Profile (TS04-Tsujal
Project): Results of Reflection and Wide-Angle
Seismic Study: D Nunez, J Y Lopez Ortiz, R
Bartolome, D C Barba Sr, F J Nunez-Cornu, J
Danobeitia, A Zamora-Camacho, C R Escudero
0800h T11A-4532 POSTER Geochemistry and Age
of Magmatic Rocks on Rat Island in the Aleutian
Forearc at the Junction of the Aleutian Arc with the
Bowers Ridge: S M Kay, A K Tibbetts, B R Jicha,
W M White
0800h T11B-4550 POSTER Fault Gouge Velocity
Characteristics During Slow-Slip and Stick-Slip
Under Laboratory Conditions: P A Johnson,
M Scuderi, J Leeman, J V Riviere, B Ferdowsi, J
Carmeliet, C Marone
0800h T11C-4569 POSTER Seamount subduction
and related deformation and seismicity of the
continental slope off Manzanillo, Mexico, as
evidenced by multibeam data: W L Bandy, M
Castillo Maldonado, C A Mortera-Gutierrez
0800h T11A-4533 POSTER Petrogenesis of Mafic and
Ultramafic Enclaves from the Central Aleutian Arc,
and Implications for the Formation of New Crust: E
S Nadin, A E Kentner, C J Nye, P E Izbekov
0800h T11B-4551 POSTER Effects of Temperature
on the Frictional Behavior of Material from the
Alpine Fault Zone, New Zealand: R D Valdez, II, H
Kitajima, D M Saffer
0800h T11C-4570 POSTER Seafloor morphology
of the continental slope in front the Petacalco Bay
and its tsunamigenic relationship at the Mexican
sector of the Middle American subduction zone:
C A Mortera-Gutierrez, W L Bandy, C MillanMotolinia, F Ponce-Nuñez, J Ortega-Ramirez
0800h T11A-4531 POSTER Roles of magmatic oxygen
fugacity and water content in generating signatures
of continental crust in the Alaska-Aleutian arc: K A
Kelley, E Cottrell, M N Brounce, Z Gentes
0800h T11A-4534 POSTER The Rupture Process of
the 2014 Rat Island Intermediate-Depth Earthquake
with Relation to the Geodynamical Context of the
Western Aleutian Arc: T Cedric, C Ji, R J Archuleta
0800h T11A-4535 POSTER Downdip and alongstrike variations in the properties of the Alaska
megathrust from active-source seismic imaging: D
J Shillington, A Becel, M R Nedimovic, J Li, H
Kuehn, S C Webb, G A Abers, K M Keranen, D M
0800h T11A-4536 POSTER Seismic imaging
constraints on megathrust fault zone properties:
G A Abers, H A Janiszewski, K M Keranen, D M
Saffer, D J Shillington
0800h T11A-4537 POSTER Shallow velocity
structure of the Alaska Peninsula subduction zone
and implications for controls on seismic behavior :
J Li, D J Shillington, A Becel, M R Nedimovic, H
Kuehn, S C Webb, G A Abers, K M Keranen, D M
0800h T11A-4538 POSTER Diverse Approaches
USED to Characterize the Earthquake and Tsunami
Hazards Along the Southern Alaska Continental
Margin: P J Haeussler, R C Witter, L M Liberty,
D S Brothers, R W Briggs, P A Armstrong, J T
Freymueller, T Parsons, H F Ryan, H J Lee, E C
0800h T11A-4539 POSTER Tidal Triggering of
Earthquakes in the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction
Zone: Y J Tan, M Tolstoy
0800h T11A-4540 POSTER Deciphering the
Transitional Tectonics of the Southern Alaska
Margin Through Gulf Sedimentology and
Geophysics: IODP Expedition 341: R Reece, S P S
Gulick, J M Jaeger
0800h T11A-4541 POSTER Physical properties of
southern Alaska margin sediments in the context
of global convergent margins: H Daigle, O Piña, E
Screaton, S James
0800h T11A-4542 POSTER The Current Tectonics
of the Yukon and Adjacent Area: R D Hyndman,
L J Leonard
0800h T11B-4552 POSTER Magnetic Fabric Analysis
of Chelungpu Fault Gouge in Taiwan and its
Implications: Y M Chou, S R Song, T Q Lee, C T
Aubourg, E C Yeh
0800h T11B-4553 POSTER Assessment of the
efficiency of thermal pressurisation using natural
pseudotachylyte-bearing rocks: T M Mitchell, N
0800h T11B-4554 POSTER Microstructural
Character and Strain Localization at Initiation of a
Low-Angle Normal Fault in Crystalline Basement
(Chemehuevi Mountains, SE California): J
LaForge, B E John, C B Grimes, C MacDonald
0800h T11C-4572 POSTER Transition on the
Geometry of the Cocos Plate in Central-Southern
Mexico: M Á Rodríguez-Domínguez, X PerezCampos, D Valencia-Cabrera, R W Clayton, F
Cordoba-Montiel, C M Valdes-Gonzales, M R
Brudzinski, E Cabral-Cano, A Arciniega-Ceballos
0800h T11B-4555 POSTER The role of clay content
during earthquake propagation in carbonate-hosted
faults: N De Paola, R J Bullock, R Holdsworth
0800h T11C-4573 POSTER Rayleigh wave
tomography beneath the oceanic and continental
margin of the North-America and Pacific plate
boundary: S Rathnayaka, L Escobar Sr, D S
Weeraratne, M D Kohler
0800h T11B-4556 POSTER Earthquake Parameters
Inferred from the Hoping River Pseudotachylyte,
Taiwan: C Korren, E C Ferre, E C Yeh, Y M Chou
0800h T11C-4574 POSTER Deformation of Forearcs
during Aseismic Ridge Subduction: S Zeumann, A
0800h T11B-4557 POSTER The role of stressing
rate in state evolution under rate-state friction:
P Bhattacharya, A M Rubin, M M Scuderi, J
Leeman, K Ryan, C Marone
0800h T11C-4575 POSTER Slab Roll-Back and
Trench Retreat As Controlling Factor for IslandArc Related Basin Evolution: A Case Study
from Southern Central America: C Brandes, J
0800h T11B-4558 POSTER Microstructure and
influence of slickenside on faulting behavior
developed in limestone: T Sato, J I Ando, T
Nishiwaki, T Hirose, H Kagi, H Ohfuji
0800h T11B-4559 POSTER Velocity Weakening to
Velocity Strengthening Transition Controlled by
Temperature, Effective Normal Stress and Sliding
Rate in Frictional Sliding of a Phyllosilicate-Rich
Mylonite from Longmenshan Fault Zone: C He, L
Identification and Analysis of Sub-Seismic
Extensional Structure System: Technique Schemes
and Processes: C Ou, W Chen
0800h T11B-4561 POSTER Fault-Zone Maturity
Defines Maximum Earthquake Magnitude: M
Bohnhoff, F Bulut, E Stierle, Y Ben-Zion
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 21
0800h T11C-4571 POSTER Tectonoestratigraphic
and Thermal Models of the Tiburon and Wagner
Basins, northern Gulf of California Rift System: J
Contreras, N A Ramirez Zerpa, R Negrete-Aranda
0800h T11C-4576 POSTER Geodetic Slip Solution for
the Mw=7.4 Champerico (Guatemala) Earthquake of
07 November 2012: A P Ellis, C DeMets, P Briole,
E Molina, O Flores, J Rivera, C Lasserre, H LyonCaen, N E Lord
0800h T11C-4577 POSTER Joint Inversion of
Seismic and Gravity Data for Velocity Structure
and Hypocentral Locations of the Colombian
Subduction Zone: E M Syracuse, M Maceira, G A
Prieto, H Zhang, C J Ammon
0800h T11C-4578 POSTER The Neogene Forearc
Basins of the Ecuadorian Shelf (1°N-2°20’S):
Preliminary Interpretation of a Dense Grid of
Mcs Data: J Y Collot, M J Hernández Salazar, F
Michaud, J N Proust, R Ortega, A M Aleman
0800h T11C-4582 POSTER Dynamics of Caribbean
and Nazca Plate Subduction Beneath Colombia
from Receiver Function Analysis: R C Porter, L M
0800h T11C-4585 POSTER Mid-Cretaceous
compressive deformation in Central Chile: The
beginning of the Andean building: D I Boyce, R
Charrier, F Tapia, M Farías
Moscone South Poster Hall
Insights on Fault Motion and Its
Relation to Fault Properties and
Loading Conditions: From the Lab to
the Field I Posters (joint with G, MR, S)
Presiding: Shiqing Xu, National
Research Institute for Earth Science
and Disaster Prevention; François
Passelègue, Ecole Normale Supérieure;
Eiichi Fukuyama, NIED
0800h T11D-4586 POSTER A Spectral Estimate of
Average Slip in Earthquakes: J Boatwright, T C
0800h T11D-4587 POSTER Variability of seismic
source spectra derived from cohesive-zone models
of symmetrical and asymmetrical ruptures: Y
Kaneko, P M Shearer
0800h T11D-4588 POSTER A Trial Estimation of
Frictional Properties and Propagation Process By
Focusing on Temporal Aperiodicity Off Kamaishi
Just after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake: K Ariyoshi,
N Uchida, T Matsuzawa, R Hino, A Hasegawa, T
Hori, Y Kaneda
0800h T11D-4589 POSTER Simulations of
Earthquake Cycles in Heterogeneous Media: the
Effects of Sedimentary Basins on Rupture Mode: K
L Allison, E M Dunham
0800h T11D-4590 POSTER Dynamic Rupture
Models of Earthquakes on the Bartlett Springs
Fault, Northern California: J Lozos, R Harris, J R
Murray, J J Lienkaemper, N A Abrahamson
0800h T11D-4592 POSTER Limiting Behavior of the
Function Governing the Dynamic Earthquake Slip
Process with the Interaction Among Heat, Fluid
Pressure and Dilatancy: T Suzuki, T Yamashita
0800h T11D-4593 POSTER Why Do Slow
Earthquakes Occur Favorably in Hot Subduction
Zones? : 2D Numerical Analysis: T Yamashita, A
0800h T11D-4594 POSTER Investigating the Role of
Fluid Flow Within Gouge-filled Fault Zones Using
Numerical Simulations of Earthquakes: K Higby,
D W Sparks, R M Payne, E Aharonov, L Goren, R
0800h T11D-4595 POSTER Dynamic Evolution
of Microscopic Hybrid Events: H Ghaffari, P M
0800h T11D-4596 POSTER Feasibility of Acoustic
Monitoring of Strength Drop Precursory to
Earthquake Occurrence: N Kame, K Nagata, M
Nakatani, T Kusakabe
0800h T11D-4597 POSTER Active Monitoring
of a Fault with Seismogenic Potential Using an
Ultrasonic Transmission at 1 km Deep in the
Ezulwini Mine, South Africa: H Kawakata, N
Yoshimitsu, M Nakatani, J Philipp, M Naoi, A
Ward, I Doi, T Masakale, R J Durrheim, L Ribeiro,
S Morema, H Ogasawara
0800h T11D-4598 POSTER Fault strength evolution
during high velocity friction experiments with slippulse and constant-velocity loading: Z Liao, J C
Chang, Z Reches
0800h T11D-4599 POSTER Strength of CalciteBearing Faults in Fluid Pressure-Controlled
Experiments: E Spagnuolo, G Di Toro, M Violay,
S B Nielsen
0800h T11D-4600 POSTER Foreshocks and
Premonitory Slip during Large Scale Friction
Experiments: E Fukuyama, F Yamashita, S Xu, H
Kawakata, K Mizoguchi
0800h T11D-4601 POSTER Unpredictable Main
Rupture Initiation after Premonitory Slow Slip: K
Mizoguchi, E Fukuyama, F Yamashita, S Takizawa,
H Kawakata
0800h T11D-4602 POSTER Spatial Heterogeneity
Induces Scale Dependent Rock Friction: F
Yamashita, E Fukuyama, S Xu, S Takizawa, K
Mizoguchi, H Kawakata, F X Passelègue, A Schubnel
0800h T11D-4603 POSTER Characteristics of 2-D
Rupture Propagation of Stick-slip Events during
Meter-sized Biaxial Friction Experiments: K
Tsuchida, H Kawakata, E Fukuyama, F Yamashita,
K Mizoguchi
0800h T11C-4581 POSTER Deformation of the
Paleozoic metamorphic basement in TanuméPichilemu (34°30’ S), Central Chile: C Palape, F
Herve, N Heredia, F Martín-González
11/28/2014 10:46:53 AM
0800h T11D-4604 POSTER Resetting of Quartz
OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) Signals
by Frictional Heating in Experimentally Sheared
Gouges at Seismic Slip Rates: J H Kim, J H Choi, N
Chauhan, S Lee, T Hirose, J H Ree
0900h T11F-05 Two Decades of Seismic Monitoring
by WEBNET: Disclosing a Lifecycle of an
Earthquake Swarm Zone: T Fischer, J Horalek, H
Cermakova, J Michalek, J Doubravova, A Bouskova,
M Bachura
0800h V11B-4698 POSTER High Resolution Dating
of Louisville Guyots from IODP Sites U1372,
U1375, U1376 and U1377: Implications for posterosional hotspot ocean island processes and
volcanism: D E Heaton, A A P Koppers
0800h T11D-4605 POSTER Late Paleogene
reactivation of the Sinnyeong Fault in the
Gyeongsang Basin, SE Korea and its tectonic
implications : Y Cheon, C W Song, J S Kim, S K
Lee, M Son
0915h T11F-06 Slow and Go: Pulsing Slip Rates on
the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault: R
C Turner, M Shirzaei, R M Nadeau, R Burgmann
0800h V11B-4699 POSTER Geomorphological
characteristics of the onshore/offshore volcanic
edifices with respect to their evolutionary stage in
the South Aegean Sea, Greece: S Carey, P Nomikou,
D Papanikolaou, M Alexandri
0800h T11D-4606 POSTER Investigation of Slip
Behavior Variation in the Shallow Part of Subduction
Zone on the Basis of Vitrinite Reflectance: Y
Hamada, M Kitamura, Y Yamamoto, J Kameda, A
Yamaguchi, G Kimura
0800h T11D-4607 POSTER Uemachi flexure zone
investigated by borehole database and numeical
simulation: N Inoue, N Kitada, K Takemura
Marriott Marquis Salon 9
India-Asia Collision from Head-on
Continent-Continent Collision to
Highly Oblique Oceanic Subduction:
Processes, Products, and Progress I
(joint with DI, GP)
Presiding: Jonathan Aitchison,
University of Sydney; Geoffrey Clarke,
University of Sydney; Talat Ahmad,
University of Kashmir; Trevor Ireland,
Australian Natl Univ
0930h T11F-07 Near-surface properties using
seismograms from the GONAF-Tuzla vertical
array, SE Istanbul: C Raub, P E Malin, M Bohnhoff,
F Bulut, G H Dresen, T Kilic, R F Kartal, F T
Kadirioglu, M Nurlu
0945h T11F-08 Observations at a San Jacinto Fault
Zone site (Sage Brush Flat) Using a Nodal Seismic
High Frequency Array: F Vernon, J C Reyes, M C
A White, G A Davis, J C Meyer, V J Sahakian, N J
Mancinelli, Y Ben-Zion, D Zigone, C Harris, X Liu,
H Qiu, P E Share, Y Ozakin, D Hollis, M Barklage
Moscone South Poster Hall
Between a Cold Outcrop and a Hot
Place: Validation of Clumped Isotopes
and Other Novel Geochemical Proxies
to Shallow Crustal Geothermometry
Posters (joint with PP)
0800h V11B-4700 POSTER Geomorphology and
sedimentary features, and temporal componentchange of lahar deposits at the northern foot of
Chokai volcano, NE Japan: Y Minami, T Ohba, K
Kataoka, S Hayashi
0800h V11B-4701 POSTER Sediment wave-forms
and modes of construction on Mariana (and other)
intra-oceanic arc volcanoes: R W Embley, R J
Stern, B Chadwick, Y Tamura, S G Merle
Tomography of Sierra Negra Volcano of the
Galapagos Archipelago: R Rodd, J M Lees
0800h V11B-4703 POSTER Jointing around
Magmatic Dikes as a Precursor to Conduit
Geometry Evolution: M Townsend, C Culha, K
Johnson, D D Pollard
0800h V11B-4704 POSTER Comparison of numerical
approaches for modeling gravitationally-induced
horizontal deviatoric stresses within a Hawaiian
basaltic shield volcano: E C Klein, N Le Corvec, G
0800h T11E-01 West-East Variability in Indian
Subduction Geometry: New Seismic Receiver
Function Profile Across the Himalaya and Lhasa
Terrane Along 92°E: S L Klemperer, D Shi, Z Wu,
W Zhao, G Xue, H Xu
Presiding: Gregory Henkes, Johns
Hopkins University; Tobias Kluge,
University Heidelberg; Gregory Henkes,
Johns Hopkins University
0800h V11B-4705 POSTER Sheared sheet intrusions
as a mechanism for lateral flank displacement on
basaltic volcanoes: Applications to Réunion Island
volcanoes: V Cayol, T Catry, L Michon, M Chaput,
V Famin, O Bodart, J L Froger, C Romagnoli
0815h T11E-02 Forearc Basin Structure in the
Andaman-Nicobar Segment of the SumatraAndaman Subduction Zone: Insight from
High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Data: R E
Moeremans, S C Singh
0800h V11A-4685 POSTER The kinetics of clumpedisotope reactions in calcite and apatite from natural
and experimental samples: D A Stolper, J M Eiler
0800h V11B-4706 POSTER Debris avalanche
triggered by sill intrusions in basaltic volcanoes
(Piton des Neiges, La Réunion Island): C Berthod,
V Famin, J Bascou, L Michon, B Ildefonse
0830h T11E-03 Seismicity and Seismotectonics
in the Himalaya of Bhutan: Insights from the
GANSSER Seismic Network: T Diehl, J Singer, G
Hetényi, E H Kissling, J F Clinton
0845h T11E-04 Source process of the Sikkim
earthquake 18th September, 2011, inferred from
teleseismic body-wave inversion: A Earnest, S T C
0900h T11E-05 Long Indian Slab in the Mantle
Transition Zone Under Eastern Tibet: Evidence
from Teleseismic Tomography: J Lei, D Zhao, X
0915h T11E-06 Deep structures beneath Karakoram
Fault revealed by deep seismic reflection profile: Z
Lu, R Gao, S L Klemperer, C Kelly
0930h T11E-07 New Constraints on the Geometry
and Kinematics of Active Faults in the Hinterland of
the Northwest Himalaya: K D Morell, M Sandiford,
C C P Rajendran, D Fink, B P Kohn
TIBET: K V Hodges, K X Whipple, E Kirby, R
Arrowsmith, M Shirzaei
0800h V11A-4686 POSTER The Puzzle of Septarian
Concretions: C M John, A Dale, P Mozley, P C
Smalley, A H Muggeridge
0800h V11A-4687 POSTER The Robustness
of Clumped Isotope Temperatures to Bond
Reordering: Evidence from Deeply Buried
Carbonate Reservoirs: J MacDonald, C M John, J
P Girard
0800h V11A-4688 POSTER Potential of Conodont
(U-Th)/He Thermochronometry to Resolve
Shallow Crustal Thermal Histories in Carbonates
and Shales: R Landman, R M Flowers, N A
0800h V11A-4689 POSTER Clumped isotope
thermometry and catagenesis: J M Eiler, M D Clog,
B Dallas, P M Douglas, A Piasecki, A L Sessions, D
A Stolper
0800h V11A-4690 POSTER Clumped-Isotope
Thermometry of Carbonate Veins from the SAFOD
Borehole: P B Luetkemeyer, D L Kirschner, K W
0800h V11A-4691 POSTER High resolution δ17Oδ18O as a single mineral thermometer: Z D Sharp, S
Sengupta, A Pack
0800h V11A-4692 POSTER U-Pb Dating of
Carbonates: A Complement to Clumped Isotope
Analyses: T Rasbury, M B Suarez
Near Fault Observatories to
Understand Faulting and Earthquake
Mechanics I (joint with G, H, NG, S)
0800h V11A-4693 POSTER Clumped isotope
thermometry in deeply buried sedimentary
carbonates: The effects of C-O bond reordering
and recrystallization: B H Passey, B Shenton, E L
Grossman, G A Henkes, J C Laya, A Perez-Huerta
Marriott Marquis Nob Hill
Presiding: Lauro Chiaraluce, INGV
National Institute of Geophysics and
Volcanology; William Ellsworth, USGS;
Marco Bohnhoff, Helmholtz Centre
Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre
for Geosciences; Pascal Bernard,
Institut de Physique du Globe
0800h T11F-01 Multi-Scale Structure and
Earthquake Properties in the San Jacinto Fault Zone
Area: Y Ben-Zion
0815h T11F-02 Real-time monitoring of finescale changes in fault and earthquake properties: F
Waldhauser, D P Schaff
0830h T11F-03 Seismic Activity Along a Low-Angle
Normal Fault: The Case Study of the Alto Tiberina
Fault (Northern Apennines, Italy): L Valoroso, L
Chiaraluce, R Di Stefano
0845h T11F-04 The Servita Fault, Colombian
Eastern Cordillera: Origin, Geotectonics, and
Seismicity: G Chicangana, A Kammer, C A Vargas
Jiménez, A Caneva, P Pedraza, E Salcedo, A Gomez,
F Muñoz
AGU2014News.indb 22
0800h V11A-4694 POSTER Laboratory and
Natural Constraints on the Temperature Limit for
Preservation of the Dolomite Clumped Isotope
Thermometer: M K Lloyd, J M Eiler
Moscone South Poster Hall
Physical Volcanology and Volcano
Development in Aqueous and
Terrestrial Environments Posters (joint
with S)
Presiding: Jackie Caplan-Auerbach,
Western Washington University;
Rebecca Carey, University of Tasmania;
Robert Dziak, Oregon State University;
Samuel Soule, WHOI
0800h V11B-4695 POSTER Axial, Brownbear and
Cobb Seamounts: Examples of Growth and Demise
of the Submarine Volcanic Edifice through Time. :
R P Dziak, S G Merle
0800h V11B-4697 POSTER The emergence and
evolution of Santa Maria Island (Azores) - the
conundrum of uplifting islands revisited: R S
Ramalho, G R Helffrich, J Madeira, M A Cosca, R
Quartau, C Thomas, A Hipólito, S P Ávila
0800h V11B-4707 POSTER Thin-skinned Masswasting Responsible for Rapid, Edifice-wide
Deformation at Arenal Volcano: S K Ebmeier, J
Biggs, C Muller, G Avard
0800h V11B-4708 POSTER Analysis of Submarine
Landslides at West Mata Volcano, NE Lau Basin,
Using Hydroacoustic Data: J Caplan-Auerbach, R
P Dziak, B Chadwick, T K A Lau, D R Bohnenstiehl
0800h V11B-4709 POSTER Paleo-tsunami and
Tephrochronologic Investigations into the Late
Holocene Volcanic History of Augustine Volcano
on the Southwest Coast of the Kenai Peninsula,
Lower Cook Inlet Alaska: J Z Maharrey, J E Beget,
K Wallace
0800h V11B-4710 POSTER Apparent Eruptive
Response of Cascades and Alaska–Aleutian Arc
Volcanoes to Major Deglaciations: A T Calvert, T
W Sisson, C R Bacon, D J Ferguson
0800h V11B-4711 POSTER Glacial cycles and the
growth and destruction of Alaska volcanoes: M L
Coombs, A T Calvert, C R Bacon
0800h V11B-4712 POSTER Geology and Volcanology
of Kima’Kho Mountain, Northern British Columbia:
A Pleistocene Glaciovolcanic Edifice: M Turnbull,
L A Porritt, B R Edwards, K Russell
0800h V11B-4713 POSTER A Descriptive Genetic
Classification for Glaciovolcanoes: B R Edwards, K
Russell, L A Porritt
0800h V11B-4714 POSTER Steam-driven explosions
at Gengissig lake (Kverkfjöll volcano, Iceland):
constraints from field and experimental data: C
Montanaro, B Scheu, M T Gudmundsson, H
I Reynolds, T Dürig, K Strelhow, S Rott, D B
0800h V11B-4715 POSTER An Experimental
Investigation of Ice Melting and Heat Transfer
Characteristics from Submerged Jets of Hot Water,
Implications for Subglacial Volcanic Eruptions: H
Jamshidnia, M T Gudmundsson
0800h V11B-4716 POSTER Insights into ProximalMedial Pyroclastic Density Current Deposits at a
High-Risk Glaciated Volcano: Mt Ruapehu, New
Zealand: J Cowlyn, B Kennedy, D M Gravley,
S J Cronin, N Pardo, T M Wilson, G Leonard, D
Townsend, J Dufek
0800h V11B-4717 POSTER Phreatomagmatic
eruptions under the West Antarctic Ice Sheet:
potential hazard for ice sheet stability : N A Iverson,
N W Dunbar, R Lieb-Lappen, E J Kim, E J Golden,
R W Obbard
0800h V11B-4718 POSTER Water/magma mass
fractions in phreatomagmatic eruption plumes –
constraints from the Grímsvötn 2011 eruption:
M T Gudmundsson, F Pálsson, T Thordarson, A
Hoskuldsson, G Larsen, T Hognadottir, B Oddsson,
B A Oladottir, J Gudnason
0800h V11B-4719 POSTER Near Surface Controls on
Magma Fragmentation and Ash Generation during
Contemporaneous Magmatic and Phreatomagmatic
Activity: Insights from the 2500BC Hverfjall
Fires, Iceland: E J Liu, K V Cashman, A Rust, A
0800h V11B-4720 POSTER Alberca De Guadalupe
Maar Crater, Zacapu Basin : A Rare Type of Volcano
within the Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field,
México: P V Kshirsagar, C Siebe, M N Guilbaud,
S Salinas
0800h V11B-4721 POSTER Investigating the
Formation and Subsurface Structure of a Large
Water-Filled Basaltic Maar Volcano Using
Constrained Potential Field Modelling, Lake
Purrumbete Maar, Newer Volcanics Province: J C
van den Hove, L Ailleres, P G Betts, R A F Cas
0800h V11B-4722 POSTER Reconstructing Magma
Degassing in the Katla 1918 Eruption through
Vesicle Textures and Dissolved Volatile Contents:
J Owen, H Tuffen, B Coats
0800h V11B-4723 POSTER H2O Contents of
Submarine and Subaerial Silicic Pyroclasts from
Oomurodashi Volcano, Northern Izu-Bonin Arc: I
M McIntosh, K Tani, A R Nichols
0800h V11B-4724 POSTER Open-System Magma
Reservoir Affects Gas Segregation, Vesiculation,
Fragmentation and Lava/Pyroclast Dispersal
During the 1.2 km-deep 2007-2010 Submarine
Eruption at West Mata Volcano: K H Rubin, D
A Clague, R W Embley, E Hellebrand, S A Soule,
J Resing
0800h V11B-4725 POSTER Submarine Silicic
Explosive Eruptions: what can submarine pyroclasts
tell us?: R Carey, S Allen, J McPhie, R S Fiske, K
0800h V11B-4726 POSTER New Insights into
Basaltic Balloon Formation during Submarine
Eruptions: S Carey, J Kelly, M Rosi, M Pistolesi, M
Marani, C Roman, K L Croff Bell
0800h V11B-4727 POSTER The 2014 Submarine
Eruption of Ahyi Volcano, Northern Mariana
Islands: M M Haney, W Chadwick, S G Merle, N
J Buck, D A Butterfield, M L Coombs, L G Evers,
K D Heaney, J J Lyons, C K Searcy, S L Walker, C
Young, R W Embley
0800h V11B-4728 POSTER Compositional variation
through the Surtsey eruption, 1963-1967: J D L
White, S P Jakobsson, C I Schipper
Moscone South Poster Hall
Volatile Elements and the Oceanic
Crust Posters (joint with OS)
Presiding: Samuel Soule, WHOI;
V. Dorsey Wanless, WHOI; John
Maclennan, University of Cambridge;
Margaret Hartley, University of
0800h V11C-4729 POSTER Undegassed Carbon
Content from a Highly Depleted Segment of the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge (1-5°S): Evidence from Melt
Inclusions: M Le Voyer, K A Kelley, E Cottrell, E
H Hauri
0800h V11C-4730 POSTER Magmatic Degassing in
the Crust Is Mantle Source Dependent: P Burnard
0800h V11C-4731 POSTER Modeling PostEntrapment Modification of Volatile Contents in
Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Mid-Ocean
Ridges: C E Bucholz, G A Gaetani, M D Behn
0800h V11C-4732 POSTER Reconstructing mantle
volatile contents through the veil of degassing: J
Tucker, S Mukhopadhyay, H M Gonnermann
0800h V11C-4733 POSTER Volatile Systematics
of the Icelandic Mantle from Olivine-Hosted
Melt Inclusions: W G R Miller, J Maclennan, T
0800h V11C-4734 POSTER High H2O/Ce of K-rich
MORB from Lena Trough and Gakkel Ridge, Arctic
Ocean: J E Snow, S T Feig
0800h V11C-4735 POSTER Comparison of Volatile
and Major Element Concentrations in Melt
Inclusions from Juan de Fuca Ridge Seamounts and
the Adjacent Ridge Axis: V D Wanless, M D Behn,
M R Perfit, D A Clague
0800h V11C-4736 POSTER Variations in Magmatic
He, CO2 and δ13 C during the 2005-06 Seafloor
Eruption Near 9°50’N on the East Pacific Rise: D W
Graham, P J Michael, K H Rubin
0800h V11C-4737 POSTER A Global Compilation
of MORB CO2 and H2O: Implications for Magma
Ascent and Eruption Dynamics: S A Soule, M
Jones, V D Wanless
0800h V11C-4738 POSTER Degassing of Mid-Ocean
Ridge Basalts during Magma Ascent and Lava
Emplacement: J E Gardner, B A Jackson, T W
Clow, S A Soule
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:53 AM
0800h V11C-4739 POSTER Degassing history of a
mid-ocean ridge rhyolite dome on the Alarcon Rise,
Gulf of California: R A Portner, B M Dreyer, D A
Clague, J B Lowenstern, J W Head III, A E Saal
0915h V11E-06 Experimental serpentinization of
intact dunite cores: A J Luhmann, B M Tutolo, X
Z Kong, B C Bagley, A T Schaen, M O Saar, W E
Seyfried Jr
0800h V11C-4740 POSTER Reconstruction of
seawater chemistry from deeply subducted oceanic
crust; hydrogen and oxygen isotope of lawsonite
eclogites preserving pillow structure: D Hamabata
VI, Y Masuyama, F Tomiyasu, Y Ueno, T F Yui, K
0930h V11E-07 Permeability Reduction in
Passively Degassing Seawater-dominated Volcanichydrothermal systems: Processes and Perils on
Raoul Island, Kermadecs (NZ): B W Christenson,
A G Reyes
0800h V11C-4741 POSTER Chlorine isotope
variability in subglacial glasses from Iceland: S A
Halldorsson, J Barnes, A Stefansson, D R Hilton,
E H Hauri
0800h V11C-4742 POSTER Noble gas transport
during devolatilization of oceanic crust: C Jackson,
A Smye, D L Shuster, S W Parman, S P Kelley, M A
Hesse, R F Cooper
Marriott Marquis Salon 1012
Carbon: Storage, Migration, and
Outgassing within Earth and Other
Planetary Bodies I (cosponsored by
EGU-GMPV) (joint with DI, MR, P)
0945h V11E-08 Fracture sealing in geothermal
systems: A combined EBSD and chemical approach:
D D Mcnamara, A Lister, D J Prior, M Brenna
Marriott Marquis Salons
Insight into Earth’s Mantle and
Deep Subduction Processes
through Accessory Minerals and
Microinclusions I (cosponsored by EGUGMPV) (joint with DI, MR, T)
Presiding: Larissa Dobrzhinetskaya,
Univ California Riverside; Harry Green,
Univ California; Yoshihide Ogasawara,
Waseda University
Presiding: Vincenzo Stagno,
Geophysical Laboratory; Taryn Lopez,
University of Alaska Fairbanks; Sami
Mikhail, Carnegie Inst of Washington;
Anja Rosenthal, Bayerisches
Geoinstitut, Universitaet Bayreuth
0800h Welcoming Remarks:
0800h V11D-01 The effects of sulfur, silicon, water,
and oxygen fugacity on solubility and metal-silicate
partitioning of carbon at 3 GPa and 1600 °C Implications for core-mantle differentiation and
degassing of magma oceans and reduced planetary
mantles: Y Li, R Dasgupta, K Tsuno
0825h V11F-02 Mantle Recycling of Crustal
Materials through Study of Ultrahigh-Pressure
Minerals in Collisional Orogens, Ophiolites, and
Xenoliths: J G Liou, T Tsujimori, J Yang, R Y
Zhang, W G Ernst
0815h V11D-02 Carbon storage in the deep reducing
mantle: A Rohrbach, S Ghosh, M W Schmidt, C H
Wijbrans, S Klemme
0830h V11D-03 Carbon Storage in the Mid- to DeepUpper Mantle Constrained by Phase Relations in
the Fe-Ni-Cu-C-S system: K Tsuno, R Dasgupta
0845h V11D-04 Temporal distribution of mantlederived potassic rocks and carbonatites linked to
stabilization of mantle lithosphere and redox states
during subduction: S F Foley
0900h V13A-4748 X-Ray Tomography of the Most
Diamondiferous Peridotite: A Unique Xenolith
from Udachnaya, Siberia: L A Taylor, G H
Howarth, A M Logvinova, V Reustsy, E Fedorova,
R A Ketcham, R Wirth, N V Sobolev
0915h V11D-06 Speciation of High-Pressure
Carbon-Saturated COH Fluids at Buffered fO2
Conditions: An Experimental Approach: S
Tumiati, C Tiraboschi, S Recchia, S Poli
0930h V11D-07 Diamond Growth in the Subduction
Factory: H Bureau, D J Frost, N Bolfan-Casanova,
C Leroy, I Estève
0945h V11D-08 Upper mantle fluids involved in
diamond formation and mantle metasomatism: D A
Marriott Marquis Salon 8
Dynamics of Continental and
Submarine Hydrothermal Systems I
(joint with H, OS, S, T)
Presiding: Thibaut Barreyre, WHOI;
Jean Vandemeulebrouck, ISTerre
Institute of Earth Sciences; Nicholas
Pester, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory; Shaul Hurwitz, USGS
California Water Science Center Menlo
0800h V11E-01 Submarine Hydrothermal Systems –
No Two Fields Are Alike: D S Kelley
0815h V11E-02 Seawater Circulation and Thermal
Sink at OCEAN Ridges – FIELD Evidence in Oman
Ophiolite: A A Nicolas, F I Boudier, L M Cathles,
W R Buck, B P Celerier
0830h V11E-03 Hydrothermal Venting at Kick’Em
Jenny Submarine Volcano (West Indies): S Carey,
K L Croff Bell, F J Y Dondin, C Roman, C Smart, M
D Lilley, J E Lupton, R D Ballard
0845h V11E-04 Global synthesis and analysis of
deep-sea hydrothermal time-series data: Toward
a characterization of the outflow dynamics: T
Barreyre, R A Sohn, T J Crone
0900h V11E-05 Transient Hydrothermal Alteration
In Fault Zones Cutting The Lower Oceanic Crust,
Hess Deep Rift: A M McCaig, S Titarenko, R A
Cliff, I P Savov, A Boyce, R Dutt
0805h V11F-01 Unusual tiny inclusions and
accessory minerals: evidence of ultra-deep origin
and low-pressure modification of the Luobusa
podiform chromitites: S Yamamoto, T Komiya, S
0840h V11F-03 Hydrogen Incorporation in
Bridgmanite and Water in Earth’s Lower Mantle: J
R Smyth
0900h V11F-04 The Importance of Redox Reactions
in Fluid Transport Systems in the Earth’s Deep
Mantle: Evidence from Nano-Inclusions: D E
Jacob, R Wirth, L Dobrzhinetskaya
0920h V11F-05 Microdiamonds from the European
Variscan Orogenic Belt: J Kotkova, P Jakubova, M
Whitehouse, Y Fedortchouk
0940h V11F-06 Maruyamaite, a new K-dominant
tourmaline coexisting with diamond –an important
accessory mineral in UHP rocks: R Shimizu, Y
Moscone West 2022-2024
AGU-EGU Union Session 2: Open Data
Policies (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Denis-Didier Rousseau,
CNRS - ENS; Gerrit de Rooij, Helmholtz
Environ. Res. - UFZ
1020h Panelists: Jeff de la Beaujardiere from
NOAA, Lee Allison from Arizona Geological
Survey, Carly Strasser from California Digital
Library, and Kerstin Lehnert from Lamont Doherty
Earth Observatory
Moscone West 3004
Advances in Spectral and Polarimetric
Remote Sensing and Retrieval
Techniques for the Characterization
of the Atmosphere II
Presiding: Kirk Knobelspiesse, NASA
Ames Research Center; Bastiaan
van Diedenhoven, Columbia
University in the City of New York;
Olga Kalashnikova, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Wenbo Sun, Science
Systems and Applications, Inc. Hampton
1020h A12A-01 Information Content Analysis
for the Multi-Viewing, Multi-Channel, MultiPolarization Imaging (3MI) Instrument : Toward
Retrieval of Vertically Resolved Cloud Properties
from Passive Only Measurements: J Riedi, G
Merlin, L Labonnote, C Cornet, N Ferlay, M
Desmons, P Dubuisson, F Parol, A B Davis, T
1105h A12A-04 Investigation of Marine
Stratocumulus Cloud-top Droplet Size Retrievals
from Observations of Supernumerary Bows and
Glories in Polarized Light: D J Diner, F Xu, M J
1120h A12A-05 Initial Results from Observations
Made by the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP)
During the Ship-Aircraft Bio-Optical Research
(SABOR) Experiment: B Cairns, J Chowdhary, C A
Hostetler, J W Hair, Y Hu, C F Butler, K A Powell, R
A Ferrare, S P Burton, A Gilerson, I Cetinic
1135h A12A-06 Validating Above-cloud Aerosol
Optical Depth Retrieved from MODIS using NASA
Ames Airborne Sun-Tracking Photometric and
Spectrometric (AATS and 4STAR) Measurements:
H T Jethva, O Torres, L A Remer, J Redemann,
S E Dunagan, J M Livingston, Y Shinozuka, M S
Kacenelenbogen, M Segal-Rosenhaimer
1150h A12A-07 An imager-based multispectral
retrieval of above-cloud absorbing aerosol optical
depth and the optical and microphysical properties
of underlying marine stratocumulus clouds: K
Meyer, S E Platnick, Z Zhang
1205h A12A-08 Inter-comparison of Above-Cloud
Aerosol Observation from OMI and CALIOP: R
Alfaro-Contreras, J Zhang, J S Reid, J R Campbell
Moscone West 3006
Anthropogenic-Biogenic Interactions
Affecting the Atmospheric Chemistry
and Physics over Tropical Rainforests
1020h A12B-01 Response of Amazonian tropical
forests to short- and long-term climatic variations:
S C Wofsy, M Hayek, S R Saleska, M Longo, P R
Moorcroft, J W Munger, N Restrepo-Coupe, K T
Wiedemann, R da Silva, P B D Camargo, R Cosme
Jr, L F Alves
1040h A12B-02 Long-Term Measurements
of Volatile Organic Compound Fluxes and
Concentrations By Proton Transfer ReactionMass Spectrometry from an Amazonian Terra
Firme Ecosystem (CLAIRE-UK): A C Valach, E R
House, B Davison, M Shaw, B Langford, E Nemitz,
A R MacKenzie, P Artaxo, A M Yanez-Serrano, K
Jardine, C N Hewitt
1055h A12B-03 Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions
from the Amazon Forest: K Jardine, J Q Chambers,
N Higuchi, A B Jardine, S T Martin, A O Manzi
1110h A12B-04 The CHUVA Project Contributions
to the Understanding of Anthropogenic Interactions
Affecting the Atmospheric Physics over Amazonas:
L Machado, M A Cecchini, W Gonçalves
1130h A12B-05 Turbulence and chemistry in the
atmosphere of a central Amazonian forest: J D
Fuentes, M Chamecki, T Gerken, R M Nascimento
dos Santos, P C Stoy, A Trowbridge, J Tota, G
G Katul, A O Manzi, A Jardine, K Jardine, J Q
1145h A12B-06 Natural and Anthropogenically
Perturbed Biogenic Aerosol over Tropical South
East Asia: H Coe, N Robinson, J D Allan, C N Hewitt
1205h A12B-07 Aerosol Physical and Chemical
Properties Before and After the Manaus Plume in
the GoAmazon2014 Experiment: P Artaxo, H M
Barbosa, J Ferreira De Brito, F Wurm, B A Holanda,
S Carbone, A Arana, G G Cirino, R A F D Souza, L
V Rizzo, S T Martin, M O Andreae, B N Holben, J
Moscone West 3010
Atmospheric Impacts of Oil and Gas
Development II (Virtual Session) (joint
with GC, SI)
Presiding: Randal Martin, Utah
State Univ; Carsten Warneke, NOAA
Chemical Sciences Div.; Shao-Meng Li,
Environment Canada; Peter DeCarlo,
Drexel University
1020h A12C-01 Understanding High Wintertime
Ozone Events over an Oil and Natural Gas
Production Region from Air Quality Model
Perspective: R Ahmadov, S A McKeen, M Trainer,
R M Banta, S S Brown, P M Edwards, G J Frost, J
Gilman, D Helmig, B Johnson, A Karion, A Koss, B
M Lerner, S J Oltmans, J M Roberts, R C Schnell,
P R Veres, C Warneke, E J Williams, R J Wild, B
Yuan, R J Zamora, G Petron, J A De Gouw, J Peischl
1035h A12C-02 Winter Photochemistry Underlying
High Ozone in an Oil and Gas Producing Region: S
S Brown, P M Edwards, J M Roberts, R Ahmadov,
R M Banta, J A De Gouw, W P Dube, R A Field,
J Gilman, M Graus, D Helmig, A Koss, A O
Langford, B L Lefer, B M Lerner, S A McKeen, S
M Li, S M Murphy, D D Parrish, C J Senff, J Stutz,
C R Thompson, M Trainer, P R Veres, C Warneke,
R J Wild, C Young, B Yuan, R J Zamora, R A
1050h A12C-03 Derived Emission Rates and
Photochemical Production Rates of Volatile
Organic Compounds (VOCs) Associated with Oil
and Natural Gas Operations in the Uintah Basin,
UT During a Wintertime Ozone Formation Event:
A Koss, J A De Gouw, C Warneke, J Gilman, B M
Lerner, M Graus, B Yuan, P M Edwards, S S Brown,
R J Wild, J M Roberts, T S Bates, P Quinn
1105h A12C-04 The Importance of Ammonia
for Winter Haze Formation in Two Oil and Gas
Production Regions: J L Collett Jr, Y Li, A R
Evanoski-Cole, A Sullivan, D Day, C Archuleta, M
Tigges, H J Sewell, A J Prenni, B A Schichtel
1120h A12C-05 Harmonization of Initial Estimates
of Shale Gas Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions
for Electric Power Generation: G Heath, P
O’Donoughue, D Arent, M Bazilian
1135h A12C-06 Characterization of Early Stage
Marcellus Shale Development Atmospheric
Emissions and Regional Air Quality Impacts
using Fast Mobile Measurements: J D Goetz, C R
Floerchinger, E Fortner, J Wormhoult, P Massoli, S
C Herndon, C E Kolb Jr, W B Knighton, S L Shaw,
E M Knipping, P F DeCarlo
1150h A12C-07 Quantifying Activity Counts,
Emission Profiles and Emission Factors for Natural
Gas Production on a Component- to Site-Level
Scale Using Detailed Emissions Inventory Data
from the Barnett Shale: D J Roda-Stuart, J G
Englander, A R Brandt
1205h A12C-08 Satellite Observations of Trace Gases
and Their Application for Studying Air Quality
Near Oil and Gas Operations: D E Kollonige, A M
Thompson, M Nichols, Z Fasnacht, D K Martins, R
R Dickerson
Moscone West 3001
Intraseasonal-to-Decadal Prediction
and Predictability Associated with
Terrestrial Surface Processes and
Drought I (joint with B, C, GC, H)
Presiding: Yongkang Xue, Univ
California Los Angeles; Randal Koster,
NASA Goddard SFC; Siegfried Schubert,
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office;
Juergen Vogt, European Commission
1020h A12D-01 Global Drought Services:
Collaborations Toward an Information System
for Early Warning: M J Hayes, R S Pulwarty, M
1032h A12D-02 Implications of hydrologic
predictability for the development of a global
drought information system: D P Lettenmaier
1044h A12D-03 Application of Assimilated GRACE
Data for Drought Monitoring: M Rodell, B Li, H K
Beaudoing, B F Zaitchik, J S Famiglietti
1056h A12D-04 The Global Drought Information
System - A Decision Support Tool with Global
Applications: D S Arndt, M Brewer, R R Heim Jr
1108h A12D-05 Land-surface
monsoon climate system: Y Xue
1120h A12D-06 Landscape Coupling Between
Climate, Clouds, Precipitation, Snow and the
Surface Radiation Budget: A K Betts
1132h A12D-07 Impact of Vegetation Feedback
on Climate Predictions at the Seasonal and MultiDecadal Time Scales: G Wang, M Yu, J S Pal, R
1144h A12D-08 Characterization of the impact of
land degradation in the Sahel on the West African
monsoon using an ensemble of climate models from
the WAMME project: A A Boone, Y Xue, C Ruth,
F De Sales, S M Hagos, S P P Mahanama, K Schiro,
G Song, G Wang, R D Koster, C R Mechoso
1156h A12D-09 The Impact of Land Use Change
and Carbon Fertilization on Land-Atmosphere
Coupling: K L Findell, J P Krasting, E Shevliakova,
B R Lintner, P Gentine
Moscone West 3012
Physics of Climate Models II
(joint with GC, OS)
1035h A12A-02 New Cirrus Retrieval Algorithms
and Results from eMAS during SEAC4RS: R Holz,
S E Platnick, K Meyer, C Wang, G Wind, T Arnold,
M D King, J E Yorks, M J McGill
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 23
1050h A12A-03 Satellite Retrieving CCN(S) By
Using Clouds As CCN Chambers : D Rosenfeld
Presiding: Joao Teixeira, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Steven Krueger, Univ
11/28/2014 10:46:53 AM
of Utah-Meteorology; Yangang Liu,
Brookhaven Natl Lab; Baylor FoxKemper, Brown University
1125h B12A-05 Reactivity of Tc at the GroundwaterSurface Water Interface: J M Zachara, J
Fredrickson, J McKinley
1020h A12E-01 Air-Sea interactions:Observations
and models: C A Clayson
1145h B12A-06 Mycogenic Mn(II) oxidation
promotes remediation of acid mine drainage and
other anthropogenically impacted environments: C
M Santelli, D Chaput, C M Hansel, W D Burgos
1035h A12E-02 The Vertical Profile of Ocean
Mixing: R M Ferrari, M Nikurashin, T J
McDougall, A Mashayek
1050h A12E-03 Anisotropic Mesoscale Eddy
Transport in Ocean General Circulation Models: S
J Reckinger, B Fox-Kemper, S Bachman, F Bryan,
J Dennis, G Danabasoglu
1105h A12E-04 A new framework for
convection: M Ilicak, A Adcroft, S Legg
1120h A12E-05 Accurate and Robust Quantification
of Energy Pathways in the Ocean: M W Hecht, H
Aluie, G K Vallis
1135h A12E-06 Marine Boundary Layer
Heights over the Eastern North Pacific Based on
Measurements from the MAGIC Field Campaign:
E R Lewis
1150h A12E-07 An Analysis of Interannual
Variabilities in High Cloud Cover from AIRS Data:
Imprints of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and
Comparison to Models: Y L Yung, K Antilla, S N
Mak, T M Chang, K F Li, H Su, S Wong, J H Jiang
1205h A12E-08 Scale dependence of entrainmentmixing processes and microphysical properties:
facts from observations, insights from theory, and
implications for related parameterizations: Y Liu, C
Lu, S Endo, W Lin, S Niu
Moscone West 3008
Tropical Cyclones: Observations,
Modeling, and Predictability II
(cosponsored by AMS) (joint with NH, OS)
Presiding: Zhuo Wang, University
of Illinois; Scott Braun, NASA/GSFC;
Patrick Harr, Naval Postgraduate
School; Fuqing Zhang, Penn State
1020h A12F-01 Tropical Cyclones: Forecasting
Advances, Science Opportunities and Operational
Challenges: L F Bosart
1050h A12F-03 Suppression of Atlantic Tropical
Cyclone Activity by Extratropical Rossby Wave
Breaking: G Zhang, Z Wang
1105h A12F-04 Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone
Spinup Time to the Initial Entropy Deficit: B Tang,
K L Corbosiero, R Rios-Berrios, J Alland, J Berman
1120h A12F-05 Dynamics of Resolved Turbulence
in Large Eddy Simulations of Hurricanes: G H
Bryan, R Rotunno, D P Stern
1135h A12F-06 The Structure and Dynamics of
Coherent Vortices in the Eyewall Boundary Layer
of Tropical Cyclones: D P Stern, G H Bryan
1150h A12F-07 Sensitivity of hurricane intensity
and structure to horizontal diffusion in idealized
HWRF simulations: J Zhang, F Marks
1205h A12F-08 Boundary Layer Dynamical
Structure During Secondary Eyewall Formation: S
F Abarca, M T Montgomery, J C McWilliams
Moscone West 2004
Contaminant Biogeochemical
Cycles and Elemental Speciation:
Implications for Remediation of
Subsurface Environments I
Presiding: Valerie Stucker, GNS Science;
James Ranville, Colorado School of
Mines; Kenneth Williams, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory
1020h B12A-01 Cd Mobility in Anoxic FeMineral-Rich Environments – Potential Use of
Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria in Soil Remediation: E
M Muehe, I J Adaktylou, M Obst, C Schröder, S
Behrens, A P Hitchcock, T Tylsizczak, F M Michel,
U Krämer, A Kappler
1035h B12A-02 Metal Ion Speciation and Dissolved
Organic Matter Composition in Soil Solutions: M F
Benedetti, Z L Ren, M Bravin, M Tella, J Dai
1050h B12A-03 Effects of Coupled Biogeochemical
and Transport Processes on Soil Aggregate-Scale
Selenium Speciation: C E Pallud, M F Kausch
1110h B12A-04 Uranium(IV) Complexation by
Natural Organic Matter Controls Speciation in
the Subsurface: S Bone, J Dynes, S E Fendorf, M E
Jones, J Bargar
AGU2014News.indb 24
1200h B12A-07 Fate of Uranium in Wetlands:
Impact of Drought Followed by Re-flooding: E
Gilson, S Huang, P G Koster van Groos, K Scheckel,
A D Peacock, D I Kaplan, P R Jaffe
1135h B12C-06 Ammonia Surface-Atmosphere
Exchange in the Arctic Marine Boundary Layer: J G
Murphy, G Wentworth, J E Tremblay, J Gagnon, J
S Côté, I Courchesne
1150h B12C-07 Soil nitrogen gas fluxes during
woody legume encroachment: Does encroachment
increase gaseous losses?: F Soper, P M Groffman,
J P Sparks
1205h B12C-08 Global Patterns of the Isotopic
Composition of Soil and Plant Nitrogen: R
Amundson, K Yoo
1215h Discussion
Moscone West 2002
Soil Organic Matter Dynamics: Novel
Techniques, Big Data, and Functional
Models II
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Lucas Nave, University of
Michigan; Christopher Swanston, USDA
Forest Service; Margaret Torn, Berkeley
Lab/UC Berkeley; Nancy Hess, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
1020h B12B-01 Above-Ground Litter-Derived C and
N Stabilization in SOM: The Key Role of Dissolved
Organic Matter Leaching and Litter Fragmentation:
M F Cotrufo, J Soong, A J Horton, E E Campbell,
W J Parton
1035h B12B-02 Composition and mean residence
time of soil organic matter eroded from temperate,
forested catchments: implications for erosioninduced carbon sequestration: A A Berhe, E P
McCorkle, E Stacy, S C Hart, C T Hunsaker, D W
1050h B12B-03 Linking soil DOC production rates
and transport processes from landscapes to subbasin scales: Y Q Tian, Q Yu, J Li, C Ye
1105h B12B-04 Sources and Reactivity of Terrestrial
Organic Carbon to the Colville River Delta,
Beaufort Sea, Alaska: K M Schreiner, T S Bianchi,
B E Rosenheim
1120h B12B-05 How does land use link terrestrial
and aquatic carbon in western North America?:
Implications from an agricultural case study in
central Montana: S A Ewing, W A Sigler
1135h B12B-06 Linking SOM Content, Chemistry,
and Decomposition: Complex Responses to
Input Manipulation and Long-term Incubation:
L L Reynolds, M Tfaily, K Roscioli, K Lajtha, R
Bowden, B R Johnson, S D Bridgham
1150h B12B-07 Emergent SOM Dynamics
Considering Interactions Between Microbial
Physiology, Microbial Competition, Mineral
Interactions, Vertical Transport, and Temperature:
W J Riley, J Tang, D Dwivedi, M S Torn, F Maggi,
M Kleber
S Halterman, B L Turner, E Tanner, S J Wright
Moscone West 2006
Advances in Altimetry of the Polar
Regions II (joint with G)
Presiding: Andrew Shepherd, University
of Leeds; Helen Fricker, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography; Walter
Smith, NOAA Lab Satellite Altimetry;
Sinead Farrell, University of Maryland
College Park
1020h C12A-01 Deriving Time Series of IceSheet Accumulation Variations from Altimeter
Measurements of Surface-Elevation Changes: H J
Zwally, J Li
1035h C12A-02 Altimetry Waveform Inversion
over Antarctica: D Blumstein, F Nino, E Berthier,
F Remy, S Fleury, N Steunou, N Picot
1050h C12A-03 Fine Ice Sheet margins topography
from swath processing of CryoSat SARIn mode
data: N Gourmelen, M J Escorihuela, A Shepherd,
L Foresta, A Muir, K Briggs, A E Hogg, M Roca, S
Baker, M R Drinkwater
1105h C12A-04 A new Approach to Combine
GRACE and ICESat Observations to Estimate
Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in East Antarctic: B
Kallenberg, P Tregoning, A Purcell
1120h C12A-05 Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet Mass
Balance from Satellite and Airborne Altimetry:
K Briggs, A Shepherd, M McMillan, L Gilbert, A
Muir, T Flament
1135h C12A-06 Twelve years of Amundsen and
Bellingshausen Coast Thinning Observed with
Altimetry and Photogrammetry: B E Smith, D E
Shean, A Huth, P J Morin, I R Joughin
1150h C12A-07 A 20-year time series of surface
elevation changes of the Greenland Ice Sheet derived
from radar altimetry as part of ESA’s Climate
Change Initiative: R Meister, K Khvorostovsky, L
Sandberg Sørensen, R Forsberg
1205h C12A-08 Cryosat Delivers Monthly and
Inter-Annual Height Change for Some Arctic Ice
Caps: L Gray, D O Burgess, T Dunse, K Langley,
L Copland
Moscone West 3005
Global Climate Change and
Cryospheric Systems II (joint with EP,
GC, H, PP)
Presiding: Emily Elliott, University of
Pittsburgh; Stuart Weiss, Creekside
Center for Earth Observation
1020h C12B-01 110 years of local glacier and ice cap
changes in Central- and North East Greenland: A A
Bjork, S Aagaard, K H Kjaer, S A Khan, J Box
1020h B12C-01 Reviewing Landmark Nitrogen
Cap and Trade Legislation in New Zealand’s Taupo
Catchment: What Have We Learned after 5+
Years?: W T Baisden, D P Hamilton
1035h C12B-02 Distinct Seasonal Velocity Patterns
Based on Ice-Sheet-Wide Analysis of Greenland
Outlet Glaciers: T A Moon, I R Joughin, B E Smith,
M R van den Broeke, M Usher
1105h B12C-04 Teasing Apart the Effects of
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition from Grazing
and Drought in Vernal Pool Wetlands and Adjacent
Grassland: M L Fogel, D N Araiza, B J Nakamoto,
M C Vega, C J Bradley, C W Swarth
1120h B12C-05 Mining Environmental Data
from a Coupled Modelling System to Examine
the Impact of Agricultural Management Practices
on Groundwater and Air Quality: V Garcia, E J
Cooter, B Hayes, M S Murphy, J O Bash
Climate Literacy: Approaches to
Multidisciplinary Climate Education in
Higher Education Institutions II (joint
with GC, PA, SI)
Moscone West 3007
Presiding: Jasper Knight, University
of Witwatersrand; Neil Glasser,
Aberystwyth University; Jason Briner,
University at Buffalo; Laura Levy,
Aarhus University
1050h B12C-03 Reactive Nitrogen Fluxes over
Peatland in Response to the Atmospheric Burden of
Intensive Agriculture: C Brummer, U Richter, M
Hurkuck, J P Delorme, J J Smith, W L Kutsch
1205h C12B-08 Divergent trajectories of Antarctic
ice shelf surface melt under 21st century climate
scenarios: L D Trusel, K E Frey, S B Das, P Kuipers
Munneke, E van Meijgaard
Moscone South 102
The Bio-Atmospheric N Cycle:
N Emissions, Transformations,
Deposition, and Terrestrial and
Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts II (joint
with A, GC, H, OS)
1035h B12C-02 NH3 Emission from Fertilizer
Application: A Collaborative Study in the
Midwestern U.S: L Myles, S Koloutsou-Vakakis,
C Bernacchi, C Lehmann, R D Saylor, M Heuer, D
Sibble, J A Caldwell, S Balasubramanian, A J Nelson,
M J Rood
1150h C12B-07 Mineral dust archive in Taylor
Dome ice core as evidence for shifting coastal
east Antarctic climate during the LGM-Holocene
transition: S M Aarons, S Aciego, P Gabrielli, B
Delmonte, J Koornneef, C Bouman, A Wegner
1050h C12B-03 Investigating Greenland Outlet
Glacier Annual Motion in Response to Varying
Subglacial Hydraulic Structure: P W Nienow, A J
Tedstone, N Gourmelen, A J Sole
1105h C12B-04 Glacier Length Sensitivity to
Climate Change in Different Climate Regimes: A
Malone, R Pierrehumbert
1120h C12B-05 MIS3 to late Holocene Palaeo-ice
Thickness Constraints of Glacier Viedma, Hielo
Patagonico Sur, Southern South America: A
Geiger, D Fabel, N F Glasser
1135h C12B-06 Paleo-Ice Sheet/Stream Flow
Directions of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Ice
Sheet Based Upon New Synthesis of Multibeam
Seabed Imagery: E W Domack, C Lavoie, T A
Scambos, E C Pettit, H W Schenke, K C Yoo, R D
Larter, J Gutt, J Wellner, M Canals, J B Anderson,
D Amblas
Presiding: Monica Bruckner, Carleton
College; James Byrne, University of
Lethbridge; Stephen Hale, The Joan and
James Leitzel Center for Mathematics,
Science, and Engineering Education,
University of New Hampshire; Leanne
Little, University of Lethbridge
1020h ED12A-01 Development, Implementation,
and Assessment of Climate Curricular Materials
for Introductory Undergraduates: Lessons Learned
from the InTeGrate Project’s Climate of Change
Module: B Walker, C M Fadem, L J Shellito
1035h ED12A-02 Teaching Climate Change in the
Undergraduate and Graduate Classroom Using
Multiple Representations and a Variety of Teaching
Modalities: K McNeal
to Prepare Pre-service STEM Teachers to Teach
Climate Science: W C Dorsey
1105h ED12A-04 Enhancing Diversity in
Component of Our Response to a Changing Planet:
R Loft
1135h ED12A-06 Teaching the Intersection of
Climate and Society: C Thomson, M Ting, B S
1150h ED12A-07 Collaborative Education in
Climate Change Sciences and Adaptation through
Interactive Learning : G Ozbay, S Sriharan, C Fan
1205h ED12A-08 A University-Level Curriculum in
Climate Change for SE Asia and the Asian Pacific:
M J Furniss, D S Saah, S J Hines, C A Radel, M E
McGroddy, D J Ganz
Moscone West 2003
Signal Propagation and Preservation:
Routing Information from the
Geomorphic Engine to the
Stratigraphic Record I
(cosponsored by SEPM) (joint with OS)
Presiding: Kyle Straub, Tulane
University; Nicole Gasparini, Tulane
University; Andrea Fildani, Statoil Gulf
ASA; Daniel Stockli, University of Texas
1020h EP12A-01 Dynamic base level and
deterministic climate forcing as a possible
explanation for transience in bedrock river incision
rates: S F Gallen, F J Pazzaglia, K W Wegmann, J L
Pederson, T W Gardner
1035h EP12A-02 Neogene Tectonics and
Sedimentation in the Adana Basin (Southern
Turkey): a Record of the Central Anatolian Plateau
SE Margin Uplift: G Radeff, T F Schildgen, D
Cosentino, M R Strecker, P Cipollari, G Darba?, K
1050h EP12A-03 Upstream and downstream
controls on sediment routing and deposition in
a complete “source-to-sink” system: T Sun, R L
Caldwell, J A Covault, A Harris, K T Milliken, K E
1105h EP12A-04 Environmental Signal Propagation
in the Transfer Zone: Implications for Sequence
Stratigraphy: S Castelltort, G Simpson
1120h EP12A-05 Preservation and Shredding of
Relative Sea-level Signals in Stratigraphy: Q Li, K
M Straub
1135h EP12A-06 Using U-Pb Detrital Zircon to
Identify Evolution of Sediment Drainage in the
South Central Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain: J
D Clark, D F Stockli, M P McKay, K Thomson, C
Puigdefabregas, S Castelltort, M Dykstra, A Fildani
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:53 AM
1150h EP12A-07 Early Cretaceous to Paleocene
North American Drainage Reorganization
and Sediment Routing from Detrital Zircons:
Significance to the Alberta Oil Sands and Gulf of
Mexico Petroleum Provinces: M D Blum
1205h EP12A-08 Sediment Flux from Stratigraphy:
Insights from <1 Ma to >300 Ma Sedimentary
Archives: B Romans, C C Mason, K A Eriksson
Moscone West 2005
To See the World in a Grain of Sand:
Novel Applications and Important
Limitations of Detrital Analyses
in Sedimentology, Tectonics, and
Geomorphology II (joint with T, V)
Presiding: Karl Lang, University of
Washington; Andrew Laskowski,
University of Arizona; Adam Forte,
Arizona State University
1020h EP12B-01 What collided with India at ~50
Ma? Constraints from the sedimentary record in
the NW Himalaya, Ladakh: Y Najman, D Jenks,
L Godin, M K BouDagher-Fadel, P R Bown, M S
Horstwood, E Garzanti, L Bracciali, I Millar
1035h EP12B-02 Using Detrital Geochronologic and
Thermochronologic “Double-Dating” to Constrain
Depositional Age, Provenance, and Exhumation
Signals in Ancient Forearc Basins: D A Orme
1050h EP12B-03 Temporal and spatial variations in
erosion rate in the Sikkim Himalaya as a function
of climate and tectonics: R Abrahami, P Van Der
Beek, P Huyghe, J Carcaillet
1105h EP12B-04 New Techniques of LASS-ICPMS
Depth Profiling Applied to Detrital Zircon from the
Central Alps-Apennines System: O A Anfinson, A
Smye, D F Stockli
1120h EP12B-05 Sediment input pathways from
North American highlands to the Gulf of Mexico
based on detrital zircon U-Pb and U-Th/He dating:
J Xu, J Snedden, D F Stockli, C Fulthorpe
1135h EP12B-06 Detrital thermochronology of
the Alaska Range: Exhumation during Cenozoic
subduction and translation: R O Lease, P J
Haeussler, P B O Sullivan
1150h EP12B-07 Provenance of glacial tills in
Ong Valley, Antarctica, inferred from quartz
cathodoluminescence imaging, zircon U/Pb dating,
and trace element geochemistry: K L Edwards, A J
Padilla, A Evans, D J Morgan, G Balco, J Putkonen,
T Bibby
1205h EP12B-08 Multi-dating single detrital
mineral grains (U-Pb, (U-Th)/He, and fission
track): a key to reconstructing East Antarctic
subglacial landscape evolution: S N Thomson, P W
Reiners, G E Gehrels
Moscone West 3024
The Global Geodetic Observing
System and Earth Rotation:
Monitoring the Dynamic Earth I
Presiding: Richard Gross, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Chopo Ma, NASA Goddard
SFC; Erricos Pavlis, Goddard Earth
Sciences and Technology Center; ChengLi Huang, Shanghai Astronomical
Observatory, Chinese Academy of
1020h G12A-01 Point Positioning Service for
Natural Hazard Monitoring: Y E Bar-Sever
1035h G12A-02 Real-Time Earthquake Analysis for
Disaster Mitigation (READI) Network: Y Bock
1050h G12A-03 How GNSS Earth Observation
Network System (GEONET) in Japan Contributes
to Geohazards Mitigation: S Kawamoto, H
Munekane, Y Hatanaka, H Tsuji, K Miyagawa, T
Furuya, Y Sato
1105h G12A-04 Seafloor Geodesy for Approaching
Great Earthquakes Around Japan : M Fujita, M
Sato, T Ishikawa, S I Watanabe, Y Yokota
1120h G12A-05 Diurnal and Semi-Diurnal
Earth Rotation Derived from 35 years of VLBI
measurements: J M Gipson
Moscone West 3002
Advancing Science of the Arctic
System: Observing, Modeling, and
Prediction of Critical Processes,
Feedbacks, and Their Role in Climate
Change I
(joint with A, C, OS)
Presiding: Wieslaw Maslowski, Naval
Postgraduate School; Scott Harper,
Office of Naval Research; Phillip Jones,
Los Alamos National Laboratory; Renu
Joseph, US Department of Energy
1020h GC12A-01 Towards Improving Sea Ice
Predictabiity: Evaluating Climate Models Against
Satellite Sea Ice Observations: J C Stroeve
1035h GC12A-02 Autonomous Investigations of
Marginal Ice Zone Processes- Changing Feedbacks
and Observational Challenges: C Lee
1050h GC12A-03 Boundary layer stability acts to
ballast the mass of the Greenland Ice Sheet: M B
Berkelhammer, D C Noone, H C Steen-Larsen, M
O’Neill, A Raudzens Bailey, C Cox, D P Schneider
1105h GC12A-04 Investigating the Influence of
Anomalous Heating Related to Arctic Amplification
on Wintertime Stationary Wave Activity: An
Idealized Approach: S Sobolowski, R Sellevold, C
1120h GC12A-05 The Importance of Model Physics
to Simulation of Arctic Sea Ice: D L Feltham, M
Tsamados, D Flocco, D Schroeder, H D Heorton, A
1135h GC12A-06 Non-linear feedbacks affecting
sea ice deformation in the Regional Arctic System
Model (RASM): A Roberts, W Maslowski, T
Mills, E C Hunke, A Craig, R Osinski, J J Cassano,
A Duvivier, M Hughes, X Zeng, M Brunke, W J
Gutowski Jr, B J Fisel
1150h GC12A-07 Interactions Between Arctic Sea
Ice, Clouds, and the Circulation: P C Taylor, S
Kato, K M Xu, N C Baker
1205h GC12A-08 Large-Eddy Simulations of the
Sensitivity of Polar Clouds to Climate Change and
Sea Ice: X Zhang, T Schneider, K Pressel, Z Tan, C
M Kaul, J Teixeira
Moscone West 3003
Observed and Projected Climate
Change Impacts on Water Resources
and Agriculture I (joint with A, H)
Presiding: Chris Funk, UC Santa
Barbara; Vimal Mishra, Indian
Institute of Technology Gandhinagar;
Shraddhanand Shukla, University of
California Santa Barbara
1020h GC12B-01 Quantifying the crucial role of
snow in supplying human water demand: J S
Mankin, D Viviroli, M M Mekonnen, A Y Y
Hoekstra, N S Diffenbaugh
1032h GC12B-02 Challenges in Large-Scale Water
Availability Changes: K E Trenberth
1050h GC12B-03 Projections of agricultural
droughts in the Southeast Asia: V Mishra
1102h GC12B-04 AgMIP: New Results from SubSaharan Africa and South Asia Regional Integrated
Assessments: C Rosenzweig
1120h GC12B-05 Changes in the explanation of
global crop yields due to climate variability: D K
Ray, J S Gerber, G K MacDonald, P C West
Marriott Marquis Salons
Environmental Magnetism and
the Fundamentals of Sediment
Magnetism II (joint with EP, GC, PP)
Presiding: Fabio Florindo, INGV-ROME;
France Lagroix, Institut de Physique
du Globe de Paris; Joshua Feinberg,
University of Minnesota
1020h GP12A-01 Quantification of Biogenic
Magnetite by Synchrotron X-ray Microscopy
During the PETM: H Wang, J Wang, D V Kent, Y
C K Chen-Wiegart
1035h GP12A-02 Ferromagnetic resonance spectra
of magnetofossils in theory and practice: M
1050h GP12A-03 Characterizing Magnetofossils
from FORC Central Ridges: D Heslop, A P Roberts,
L Chang
1105h GP12A-04 Abiotic Alteration of Goethite
Nanoparticles: Y J B Guyodo, J L Till, F Lagroix, G
Ona-Nguema, G Morin
1120h GP12A-05 The Origin of White Beds below
the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Revisited: A
Abrajevitch, E Font, F Florindo, A P Roberts
1150h GP12A-07 Magnetic Approaches to
Measuring and Mitigating Airborne Particulate
Pollution: B Maher
1205h GP12A-08 Iron in the Fire: Searching for
Fire’s Magnetic Fingerprint using Controlled
Heating Experiments, High-Resolution FORCs,
IRM Coercivity Spectra, and Low-Temperature
Remanence Experiments: P C Lippert, P W Reiners
Moscone West 3018
Advances in Understanding LandAtmosphere Interactions II
(joint with A)
Presiding: Steven Quiring, Texas A&M
University; Trent Ford, Texas A&M
University; Joseph Santanello, NASA;
1020h H12A-01 Strengthening of Mega-Heatwaves
Driven By Soil Desiccation and Atmospheric
Heat Build-up: D G Miralles, R Teuling, C Van
Heerwaarden, J Vila-Guerau Arellano
1040h H12A-02 Observational Evidence for
Coupling Between Soil Moisture and Temperature
Extremes Across Climate Regimes from the U.S. Soil
Climate Analysis Network (SCAN): J Sheffield, R
1100h H12A-03 Physical Processes Shaping Sahelian
Heat Waves: Analysis Of Selected Case Studies: F
Guichard, J Barbier, D Bouniol, F Couvreux, O
Geoffroy, R Roehrig, M Tomasini, C Leauthaud, L
1120h H12A-04 On the ability of surface model to
reproduce Soil moisture dependencies over West
Africa: The ALMIP experiments: J M Cohard,
A A Boone, B Cappelaere, J Demarty, S Galle,
G Manuela, F Guichard, L Kergoat, F Lohou, O
Mamadou, C Peugeot, L Séguis, J Seghieri
1140h H12A-05 Empirical evidence of contrasting
feedbacks between remotely sensed soil moisture
and gauge-based precipitation in arid vs. humid
areas of the United States: S E Tuttle, G Salvucci
1150h GC12B-07 A Framework for Evaluation of
CORDEX Using Dam Operation Policies for the
East African Hydroelectric Power Industry: K A
Smith, F H M Semazzi
1200h H12A-06 Land-atmosphere interactions in
a changing climate: An overview of the GLACECMIP5 experiment: S I Seneviratne, M Wilhelm,
T Stanelle, B V D Hurk, S Hagemann, A M Berg, F
Cheruy, M Higgins, R Lorenz, A Meier, V Brovkin,
M Claussen, A Ducharne, J L Dufresne, K L Findell,
J Ghattas, D M Lawrence, S Malyshev, A J Pitman,
M Rummukainen, B Smith
1202h GC12B-08 Trends in Systemic Risks to Food
Security: J S Gerber, D K Ray, I Garcia de CortazarAtauri, G K MacDonald, P C West
Moscone West 3014
1132h GC12B-06 Adapting the US Food System to
Climate Change Goes Beyond the Farm Gate: W E
1135h G12A-06 Development of a New Model
for Short Period Ocean Tidal Variations of Earth
Rotation: H Schuh, J M Hagedoorn, M Madzak, W
1150h G12A-07 Excitation of nutation by the global
radiational S1 tide: M Schindelegger, D A Salstein,
D Einspigel, J Boehm
Coupled Hydraulic, Geochemical, and
Geomechanical Processes in Carbon
Storage II
Presiding: Stuart Walsh, LLNL; Susan
Carroll, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab;
Megan Smith, Lawrence Livermore Nat’l
1205h G12A-08 A new spectral method to compute
FCN: M Zhang, C L Huang
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 25
1020h H12B-01 Experimental Evaluation of the
Change in Fracture Geometry and Permeability
Due to Shearing: D Crandall, M Gill, J Moore, B
Tennant, G S Bromhal
1035h H12B-02 CO2 Sequestration in Feldspar-Rich
Sandstone: The Importance of Saturation State and
Fluid Composition: B M Tutolo, A J Luhmann, X Z
Kong, W E Seyfried Jr, M O Saar
1105h H12B-04 Response of Heterogeneous
and Fractured Carbonate Samples to CO2-Brine
Exposure: M M Smith, H E Mason, Y Hao, S Carroll
1120h H12B-05 Integrated geochemical and
geophysical monitoring of CO2-rich fluids in
carbonate samples: S Vialle, S Contraires, B
Zinzsner, J B Clavaud, K Mahiouz, P Zuddas, M C
1135h H12B-06 New insights from velocity field
measurements in multiphase flow of water and
liquid CO2 in 2D porous micromodels for: F
Kazemifar, G Blois, D C Kyritsis, K T Christensen
1150h H12B-07 Small-Scale Mechanical Behavior
of Evaporite Caprocks and Implications for CO2
Sealing Capacity: A Paluszny, P S Lang, S S Abbott,
C M John, A Fraser, R W Zimmerman
1205h H12B-08 Determining CO2-brine relative
permeability and capillary pressure simultaneously:
an insight to capillary entrance and end effects: X
Chen, A Kianinejad, D A DiCarlo
Moscone West 3016
Global Precipitation Measurement,
Validation, and Applications II (joint
with A, GC, IN, NH)
Presiding: Yang Hong, University of
Oklahoma; Ramesh Kakar, NASA
Headquarters; Gail Skofronick Jackson,
NASA-GSFC; Walter Petersen, NASA
GSFC/WFF Code 610.W
1020h H12C-01 Use of TRMM/GPM Rainfall in
Real-Time Global Flood Calculations: R F Adler,
H Wu
1035h H12C-02 Long-Term Historical RainfallRunoff Modeling Using High-Resolution Satellitebased Precipitation Products: H Ashouri, P
Nguyen, A R Thorstensen, K L Hsu, S Sorooshian
1050h H12C-03 Efficient Assimilation of
Precipitation: Results with TRMM/TMPA and
Plans for GPM: E Kalnay, G Y Lien, T C Chen, T
1105h H12C-04 Assimilating All-Sky GPM
Microwave Imager(GMI) Radiance Data in NASA
GEOS-5 System for Global Cloud and Precipitation
Analyses: M J Kim, J Jin, W McCarty, R Todling,
D R Holdaway, R Gelaro
1120h H12C-05 Assimilation of GMI level-1C
radiance and DPR level-2A reflectivity in the
Goddard WRF Ensemble Data Assimilation System:
S Q Zhang, M Zupanski, S Cheung
1135h H12C-06 Are Recent Satellite-Based
Precipitation Products Useful for Flood
Identification at Humid Basins?: O C Saavedra
Valeriano, M Ryo, K Takido, T Ushio
1150h H12C-07 Impacts of Light Precipitation
Detection with Dual Frequency Radar on Global
Precipitation Measurement Core Observatory
(GPM/DPR) : Y N Takayabu, A Hamada, R Oki,
M Kachi, T Kubota, T Iguchi, S Shige, K Nakamura
1205h H12C-08 Shallow Orographic Heavy Rainfall
in the Asian Monsoon Region Observed by TRMM
PR: S Shige, C D Kummerow
Moscone West 3022
Large-Scale Field Experiments and
Long-Term Observing Networks II
(joint with A, B, GC, S)
Presiding: Michael Cosh, U. S. Dept. of
Agriculture; Christina (Naomi) Tague,
UC Santa Barbara; Paul Brooks, Univ
Arizona; Nathaniel Brunsell, University
of Kansas
1020h H12D-01 Links between N Deposition and
Export from a High-Elevation Watershed in the
Colorado Front Range: J Baron, A Mast, D W
Clow, G A Wetherbee
1035h H12D-02 A Reanalysis of Forest Disturbance
Impacts on Streamflow: M Weiler, K J McGuire,
K Stahl
1050h H12D-03 Computer Modeling of Hydrology,
Weathering, and Isotopic Fractionation in Andrews
Creek, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
for Water Years 1992 through 2012: R M T Webb,
D L Parkhurst, A Mast, D W Clow
11/28/2014 10:46:53 AM
1105h H12D-04 Spatio-temporal Trends in
Hydrology at the Turkey Lakes Watershed: Insights
from 35 Years of Monitoring: K L Webster, F
Beall, R Semkin
1120h H12D-05 Long-Term Soil Experiments: A
Key to Managing Earth’s Rapidly Changing Critical
Zones: D Richter Jr
1135h H12D-06 Long-Term Trends in Stream
Biogeochemistry and Hydrology in Watersheds
Underlain with Discontinuous Permafrost in the
Boreal Forest of Alaska: J Jones, T Harms
1150h H12D-07 Understanding Ecosystem Response
to Perturbation: The Need to Combine Long-Term
Monitoring with Process-Based Research Across
Spatial and Temporal Scales: H Laudon
1205h H12D-08 Long-Term Water Quality Studies
in a Eutrophic Lake Catchment: Slapton Ley, SW
England: T P Burt, F Worrall, N J K Howden
Moscone West 3011
Understanding the Interface Between
Models and Data II
Presiding: Grey Nearing, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center; Benjamin Ruddell,
Arizona State University; Jasper Vrugt,
UC-Irvine; Kenneth Harrison, UMD
1020h H12E-01 Towards Fully Integrated Natural
and Virtual Hydrologic Laboratories: E R Vivoni
1035h H12E-02 Remote sensing of vegetation
ecophysiological function for improved hydrologic
prediction: D Drewry, B L Ruddell
1050h H12E-03 Benchmarking the Performance of
a Land Data Assimilation System for Agricultural
Drought Monitoring: W T Crow, E Han
1105h H12E-04 Progressive evaluation of
incorporating information into a model building
process: from scratch to FLEX-TOPO: S Gharari,
M Hrachowitz, F Fenicia, H Gao, H V Gupta, H
1120h H12E-05 Model Selection on Solid Ground:
Comparison of Techniques to Evaluate Bayesian
Evidence: W Nowak, A Schöniger, L E Samaniego,
T Wöhling
1135h H12E-06 How physical process knowledge
adds information to predictions; an Algorithmic
Information Theory perspective: S V Weijs, M B
1150h H12E-07 Joint bias correction of temperature
and precipitation in climate model simulations:
C Li, A M Michalak, E Sinha, D E Horton, N S
1205h H12E-08 Use of Bayesian Networks to
Combine USGS Surface Water Observations with
Hydraulic Geometry Models towards Riverine
Discharge Estimation: K T Holland, M L Palmsten
Moscone West 3020
Water Resources Management
and Policy in a Changing World II
Improving Management Institutions
(joint with GC, PA)
Presiding: Kaveh Madani, Imperial
College London; Patrick Reed, Cornell
University; Casey Brown, University
of Massachusetts Amherst; Greogory
Characklis, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
1020h H12F-01 Planning and Design of Water
Resources Systems Under Climate Change and
Variability: K M Strzepek
1040h H12F-02 Managing water with better
institutions: Building flexibility, innovation and
lessons of best practices: S Msangi
1115h H12F-04 Identifying Effective Policy and
Technologic Reforms for Sustainable Groundwater
Management in Oman: K Madani, S Zekri, A
1130h H12F-05 Economic Value of Groundwater
Protection: Implications for Drought Mitigation: F
A Ward
1145h H12F-06 Optimal urban water conservation
strategies considering embedded energy: coupling
end-use and utility water-energy models: A
Escriva-Bou, J R Lund, M Pulido-Velazquez, E S
Spang, F J Loge
Moscone West 2020
Space-Based, Operational Global
Earth Observations from S-NPP and
JPSS II (joint with A, B, OS)
Presiding: John Furgerson, Joint Polar
Satellite System; Gary McWilliams, Joint
Polar Satellite System
1020h IN12A-01 The Operational Use of Suomi
National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP)
Satellite Information in Alaska: C A Scott, M
1035h IN12A-02 The Role of Suomi NPP VIIRS
Data in Land Science and Applications: C O Justice,
I A Csiszar, M O Roman, E Vermote
1050h IN12A-03 Validation and Refinement of a
Lunar Irradiance Model for Suomi NPP VIIRS DayNight Band Quantitative Nighttime Applications:
S D Miller, C Combs, S Wagner, B Viticchiè, A
Walther, J Solbrig
1105h IN12A-04 A Simplified Approach to Cloud
Masking with VIIRS in the S-NPP / JPSS Era: G
Jedlovec, F LaFontaine
1120h IN12A-05 Extending the Satellite Derived
Climate DATA Record of Sea Surface Temperature
with VIIRS: K A Kilpatrick, E Williams, S Walsh,
R Evans, M Szczodrak, M Izaguirre, P J Minnett
1135h IN12A-06 SUOMI
AGU2014News.indb 26
1150h IN12A-07 Demonstrating S-NPP VIIRS
Products with the Naval Research Laboratory R&D
Websites: A P Kuciauskas, J Hawkins, J Solbrig,
R Bankert, K Richardson, M Surratt, S D Miller, J
1205h IN12A-08 MetEd Resources for Embracing
Advances with S-NPP and JPSS: W E Abshire, P N
Dills, M Weingroff
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate C1-C2
“Iron Workers” United: Integrating
the Elastic, Thermal, and Transport
Properties of Earth’s Core I (Virtual
Session) (joint with DI, P, S, T, V)
Presiding: Caitlin Murphy, Geophysical
Laboratory; Eiji Ohtani, Tohoku Univ;
Daniele Antonangeli, CNRS; Jung-Fu
Lin, University of Texas at Austin
1020h MR12A-01 Multiple Experimental Efforts
to Understand the Structure and Dynamics of
Earth’s Core: Y Fei, L Han, N Bennett, M Hou, Y
Kuwayama, H Huang
1035h MR12A-02 Intrinsic Aniostropic Anelasticity
of Hcp Iron Due to Light Element Solute Atoms: S
A T Redfern
1050h MR12A-03 Sound Velocity and Density
of Hcp-Fe Under Earth’s Core Conditions: T
Sakamaki, E Ohtani, H Fukui, S Kamada, S
Takahashi, T Sakairi, A Takahata, T Sakai, S
Tsutsui, A Q R Baron
1105h MR12A-04 Sound velocities and melting
of Fe-Ni-Si system at high pressures under shock
loading: Y Zhang, T Sekine, H He, Y Yu, F Liu, M
1120h MR12A-05 Sound velocity measurements of
liquid Fe–light-element alloys under high pressure
based on inelastic X-ray scattering measurements:
Y Nakajima, S Imada, T Komabayashi, H Ozawa,
S Tateno, Y Kuwayama, S Tsutsui, H Uchiyama, D
Ishikawa, A Q R Baron, K Hirose
1135h MR12A-06 Sound velocity and density of
liquid Fe-Ni-Si under pressure: Application to
the composition of planetary molten core: H G
Terasaki, S Kuwabara, Y Shimoyama, Y Takubo,
S Urakawa, K Nishida, A Takeuchi, Y Suzuki, K
Uesugi, T Watanuki, Y Katayama, T Kondo, Y Higo
1150h MR12A-07 Liquid iron alloys at outer
core conditions by first-principles calculation: K
Umemoto, K Hirose
1205h MR12A-08 Thermal evolution of the core
with a high thermal conductivity: S Labrosse
1200h H12F-07 Adaptive Regulation of the Northern
California Reservoir System for Water, Energy, and
Environmental Management : A P Georgakakos,
M Kistenmacher, H Yao, K P Georgakakos
Marriott Marquis Salon 7
Moscone West 2007
Advances in Tsunami Hazard
Mitigation and Response II (Virtual
Session) (joint with S)
Cassini at Saturn: Science Today and
in the Final Three Years I (joint with A,
Presiding: Paul Whitmore, Alaska
Tsunami Warning Ctr; Rick Wilson,
California Geological Survey; Kevin
Miller, California Office of Emergency
Services; Aimee Devaris, NOAA
Presiding: Linda Spilker, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory; Scott Edgington,
Jet Propulsion Lab; Nicolas Altobelli,
European Space Agency
1020h NH12A-01 Evaluation and Application of
Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis in California:
H K Thio, R I Wilson, K Miller
1035h NH12A-02 Develop Probabilistic Tsunami
Design Maps for ASCE 7: Y Wei, H K Thio, G
Chock, V V Titov
1050h NH12A-03 Nationwide tsunami hazard
assessment project in Japan: K Hirata, H Fujiwara,
H Nakamura, M Osada, T Ohsumi, N Morikawa,
S Kawai, S Aoi, N Yamamoto, H Matsuyama,
N Toyama, T Kito, Y Murashima, Y Murata, T
Inoue, R Saito, S Akiyama, M Korenaga, Y Abe, N
1105h NH12A-04 Tsunami Inundation Mapping
for the Upper East Coast of the United States:
B Tehranirad, J T Kirby Jr, J A Callahan, F Shi,
S Banihashemi, S T Grilli, A R Grilli, T S Tajalli
Bakhsh, C O’Reilly
1120h NH12A-05 Assessment of LandslideTsunami Hazard for the Gulf of Mexico Using a
Probabilistic Approach: A Pampell, J J Horrillo, L
Parambath, Y Shigihara
1135h NH12A-06 Tsunamis generated by 3D
deformable landslides in various scenarios:
laboratory experiments and numerical modeling: B
C McFall, H M Fritz, J J Horrillo, F Mohammed
1150h NH12A-07 A New Proposal for Tsunami
Hazard Map Explicitly Indicating Uncertainty of
Tsunami Hazard Assessment: Y Fukutani, A
Suppasri, F Imamura
1205h NH12A-08 Development of algorithms
for tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar
based on modeling tsunami case studies in the
Mediterranean Sea: S T Grilli, C A Guérin, S
Moscone West 3009
New Perspectives on Fluid Flow and
Gas Hydrates Sedimentary Basins II
(joint with B, H, NH, V)
1020h P12A-01 Surprises in the Saturn System: 10
Years of Cassini Discoveries and More Excitement
to Come: L J Spilker, N Altobelli, S G Edgington
1035h P12A-02 Cassini at Saturn: The planet as we
know it now and what we hope to discover in the
final three years: A P Ingersoll
1050h P12A-03 Saturn’s Rings: J N Cuzzi
1105h P12A-04 Cassini at Saturn: Science Today
and in the Final Three Years: T I Gombosi
1120h P12A-05 Icy Satellite Science Today and in
Cassini’s Final Three Years: B J Buratti
1135h P12A-06 A Decade of Cassini Radio Science
so Far, and Three Spectacular Years Ahead: R G
French, J W Armstrong, F M Flasar, L Iess, A J
Kliore, E A Marouf, C McGhee-French, A F Nagy,
N J Rappaport, P J Schinder, P Tortora, A Anabtawi,
S W Asmar, E Barbinis, D Fleischmann, D S Kahan
1150h P12A-07 Science highlights from the Cassini
magnetometer instrument and focus for the end of
mission proximal orbits : M K Dougherty
1205h P12A-08 Cda Science Today and in Cassini’s
Final Three Years: R Srama
Moscone West 2008
The Science of Exploration As Enabled
By the Moon, Near-Earth Asteroids,
and the Moons of Mars II (joint with EP,
Presiding: Brad Bailey, NASA Ames
Research Center; Yvonne Pendleton,
NASA Lunar Science Institute; David
Morrison, NASA; Gregory Schmidt,
NASA Lunar Science Institute
1020h P12B-01 Redox State of Iron in Lunar
Glasses using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and
Multivariate Analysis: M D Dyar, M C McCanta,
A Lanzirotti, S R Sutton, C J Carey, S Mahadevan,
M J Rutherford
1032h P12B-02 Mapping the Vertical Structure
of the Lunar Regolith in Volcanic Regions and at
Constellation Sites: L M Carter, R R Ghent, J L
Bandfield, B A Campbell
Presiding: Christian Berndt, GEOMAR
Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research
Kiel; Sverre Planke, Volcanic Basin
Petroleum Research; Warren Wood,
Naval Research Laboratory; Seth
Haines, US Geological Survey
1044h P12B-03 Impact melts of the Orientale and
Imbrium basins: P Spudis
1020h OS12A-01 Crustal-scale fluid migration and
dewatering of the Costa Rica subduction zone: N
L Bangs, K D McIntosh, J W Kluesner, E A Silver
1108h P12B-05 Ancient Lunar Volcanism:
Distribution and Mineralogy of Cryptomaria: J
Whitten, J W Head III
1035h OS12A-02 Hydrocarbon Seepage during
the Boreal Base Cretaceous Hot Shale Event: Ø
Hammer, K Hryniewicz, H A Nakrem, C Little
1050h OS12A-03 Fluid Origins, Thermal Regimes,
and Fluid and Solute Fluxes in the Forearc of
Subduction Zones: M Kastner, E A Solomon, R N
Harris, M E Torres
1105h OS12A-04 Discovery of Widespread Biogenic
Methane Emissions and Authigenic Carbonate
Mound-like Structures at the Aquitaine Shelf (Bay
of Biscay): S Dupré, B Loubrieu, C Scalabrin, A
Ehrhold, E Gautier, L Ruffine, C Pierre, A Battani,
N Le Bouffant, L Berger
1120h OS12A-05 Violent Gas Venting on the
Heng-Chun Mud Volcano, South China Sea Active
Continental Margin offshore SW Taiwan: S Lin, W
Y Cheng, Y T Tseng, N C Chen, I C Hsieh, T F Yang
1135h OS12A-06 Distinctive Sources of Fluids
in Different Environments of the Beaufort Sea
Seafloor: R Gwiazda, C K Paull, S Dallimore, H
Melling, Y K Jin
1056h P12B-04 Lunar Impact ejecta: The View from
Radar and Thermal Infrared Observations: R R
Ghent, L M Carter, C J Tai Udovicic, J L Bandfield,
B A Campbell
1120h P12B-06 Transitional Lava Flows As Potential
Analogues for Lunar Impact Melts: C Neish
1132h P12B-07 Evolution of Intrusions in Lunar
Floor-Fractured Craters: Degassing, Solidification
and Relationship to Tectonic and Volcanic Features:
L Jozwiak, J W Head III
1144h P12B-08 A review of Phobos surface features:
H D Smith
1156h P12B-09 A New and Improved Model of the
Near-Earth Object Population: W F Bottke Jr,
M Granvik, A Morbidelli, R Jedicke, B Bolin, E C
Beshore, D Vokrouhlicky, D Nesvorny, P Michel
1208h P12B-10 Exploration of the Moon to Enable
Lunar and Planetary Science: C R Neal
Moscone West 2010
1150h OS12A-07 Long-term ocean oxygen
depletion due to decomposition of methane hydrate:
A Yamamoto, Y Yamanaka, A Oka, A Abe-Ouchi
Ocean Climate Dynamics: Carbon
Cycle and Oxygenation Perturbations
1205h OS12A-08 Effect of Submarine Groundwater
Discharge on Relict Arctic Submarine Permafrost
and Gas Hydrate: J M Frederick, B A Buffett
Presiding: Christopher Lowery,
University of Massachusetts; Jeremy
Owens, Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institute; Zunli Lu, Syracuse University;
Noah Planavsky, Yale University
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:54 AM
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All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 27
11/28/2014 10:46:54 AM
1020h PP12A-01 Dynamics of the Cretaceous
Oceans: A Numerical Recipe: A J Ridgwell
1035h PP12A-02 Why so low? Making sense of
nitrogen isotope values in the Late
Cretaceous: C K Junium, S R Meyers, M A Arthur
1050h PP12A-03 Paleoenvironmental responses
to Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 on the
Kerguelen Plateau: A Dickson, M Saker-Clark,
H C Jenkyns, E Erba, C Bottini, M J Murphy, O
Gorbanenko, E Idiz, S van den Boorn
MacLeod, S Haynes, C A Kelley, J D Owens, G E
1120h PP12A-05 Burial of Authigenic Carbonate
in Reducing Sediments of the Cenomanian/
Turonian Western Interior Seaway: M M Tice, Z
Zeng, M Wehner, G Xu, I Maulana, R Conte, J C
Laya, B Miller, M C Pope, A Mattson, B Osborn,
D Gillespie, P Albert, R Bartlett, H Berry, E
Colmenares, M D Herman, P Knott, J N Koerth,
E Levitt, R Palachek, M Patrolia, D Phillips, A K
Shalia, C Tran, R Wilcoxson, E Wood, V Wood, D
Worley, R Zapalac
1135h PP12A-06 No support for widespread surface
ocean acidification during Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a:
B D Naafs, J M Castro, G A De Gea, M L Quijano, D
N Schmidt, R D Pancost
1150h PP12A-07 Climate Variability and
Relationship with Ocean Fertility during the
Aptian: C Bottini, E Erba
1205h PP12A-08 Oxygen Oases Before and After
the GOE: Insights From Metals and Models: S L
Olson, C T Reinhard, N J Planavsky, T W Lyons,
M Roy, A D Anbar
Moscone West 2009
1040h S12A-02 Strong Effects of Vs30 Heterogeneity
on Physics-Based Scenario Ground-Shaking
Computations: J N Louie, S K Pullammanappallil
1100h S12A-03 Ground Motion Site Effects
from Multi-Method Shear-Wave Velocity
Characterization at Seismograph Stations Deployed
for Aftershocks of the August 2011 Mineral,
Virginia, Earthquake: W J Stephenson, J K Odum,
D E McNamara, R A Williams
1120h S12A-04 Nonlinear Site Response Validation
Studies Using KIK-net Strong Motion Data: D
Asimaki, J Shi
1135h S12A-05 Frequency-Scaled Curvature as a
Proxy for Topographic Site-Effect Amplification
and Ground-Motion Variability: F Cotton, E
Maufroy, V M Cruz-Atienza, S Gaffet
1150h S12A-06 Site Amplification, Polarity and
Topographic Effects in the Port Hills During the
2010 - 2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence,
New Zealand: A E Kaiser, C Francois-Holden, C I
Massey, R A Benites
1205h S12A-07 Inversion of H/V ratio in layered
systems: J Pina Flores, A García-Jerez, F Luzon, M
Perton, F J Sanchez-Sesma
Presiding: Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab; Carl Tape, University
of Alaska Fairbanks
1020h S12B-01 Observations of Repeated Seafloor
Tilt Events atop the Inward Steep Slope of the
Japan Trench Using New High-Resolution
Accelerometers : Y Fukao, H Sugioka, A Ito, H
Shiobara, J M Paros
1020h PP12B-01 Can dust drive abrupt climate
change?: A C Clement, L Murphy, M P Goes
1105h S12B-04 “An Analysis of Tradeoffs Between
Seismometer Performance and Convenience”: A O
Moores, N Spriggs, D W Greig, N J Ackerley
1135h PP12B-06 Timing of Cordilleran Ice
Rafting, Freshwater Discharge, and Implications
for Subsurface Ventilation in the Northeast Pacific
During the Last Deglaciation: S Praetorius, A C
Mix, F G Prahl, M D Wolhowe, M H Davies
1205h S12C-08 Characteristic wavefield in an
experimental rock sample inferred from a 3D FDM
simulation: N Yoshimitsu, T Furumura, T Maeda
Moscone West 2016
Presiding: Dastgeer Shaikh, Northrop
Grumman Corporation Bellevue; James
Jones, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Bellevue; Rodney Viereck, NOAA/NWS/
1050h S12B-03 Seismic Observations on Greenland
Ice Sheet By a Joint USA and Japanese Glisn Team
(2011-2014): G Toyokuni, M Kanao, Y Tono, T
Himeno, S Tsuboi, D Childs, T Dahl-Jensen, K R
1120h PP12B-05 Persistent teleconnection of North
Atlantic and sub-Antarctic climate anomalies during
the last glacial period: J Gottschalk, L C Skinner, S
Misra, C Waelbroeck, L Menviel, A Timmermann
1150h S12C-07 Improving spatial resolution of
the moment rate function in regions of high slip
determined from finite fault inversions: M Adams,
C Ji, R J Archuleta
Seismology Contributions: Advances
in Instrumentation and Installation I
Presiding: Stephen Barker, Cardiff
University; Lukas Jonkers, Cardiff
University; Jenna Hill, Coastal Carolina
University; Jeremy Hoffman, Oregon
State University
1105h PP12B-04 Antarctic contribution to
meltwater pulse 1A from reduced Southern Ocean
overturning: C J Fogwill, N R Golledge, L Menviel,
L Carter, M H England, G Cortese, R H Levy
1135h S13D-4491 Constraining Earthquake Source
Properties Based on Array Waveform Coherency:
A Zhang, L Meng
Advances in Ionospheric Forecasting:
Modeling, Observations, and
Validation I (joint with NG, SM)
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate B1
To Hose or Not to Hose: Mechanisms
of Abrupt Climate Variability II
(Virtual Session) (joint with GC)
1050h PP12B-03 A New εNd Record Covering
Termination II: E L Deaney, D J Thornalley, T van
de Flierdt, K Kreissig, S Barker
1120h S12C-05 Exploring fault geometry
uncertainties in finite-slip inversion with multiple
moment tensor inversion: W Fan, P M Shearer, G
Masters, C Ji
1035h S12B-02 Posthole Sensor Performance in
the USArray Transportable Array – Results from
Testing and Initial Deployments in Alaska and
Canada: A Frassetto, R W Busby, K Hafner, A
Sauter, R Woodward
1035h PP12B-02 The Role of the Tropics in Last
Glacial Abrupt Climate Change from a West
Antarctic Ice Core: T R Jones, J W C White, E
J Steig, K M Cuffey, B H Vaughn, V A Morris, G
Vasileios, B R Markle, S W Schoenemann
1105h S12C-04 Full Waveform Inversion Using
the Adjoint Method for Earthquake Kinematics
Inversion: J Tago Pacheco, L Metivier, R Brossier,
J Virieux
1120h S12B-05 Evidence for slow slip events
preceeding the M8, April 1rst, 2014 Pisagua
Earthquake (Chile), from an underground, long
base hydrostatic tiltmeter: F Boudin, P Bernard,
M F Esnoult, M Olcay, C Tassera, E M Aissaoui, A
Nercessian, J P Vilotte
1135h S12B-06 Earth Analog Seismic Deployment
for InSight’s Mars seismic installation: S Kedar, S
C Bradford, R W Clayton, P M Davis, J Ervin, T
Kawamura, P H Lognonne, R D Lorenz, D Mimoun,
N Murdoch, T Roberson, I Stubailo, D Van Buren
INTERFEROMETRY: E Kalkan, J B Fletcher, H S
Ulusoy, L A Baker
1020h SA12A-01 Ionospheric Data Assimilation
from a Data Provider’s Perspective: R K Schaefer, L
J Paxton, G Bust, Y Zhang, G Romeo, J Comberiate,
L J Gelinas
1035h SA12A-02 Global Real-Time Nowcasting of
Ionosphere with Giro-Driven Assimilative IRI: I A
Galkin, B W Reinisch, X A Huang, A Vesnin, D
Bilitza, P Song
1050h SA12A-03 Forecasting the Ionosphere Driven
by Solar, Geomagnetic, and Lower Atmosphere
Disturbances: T J Fuller-Rowell, M Codrescu, T
W Fang, H Wang, R A Akmaev, F Wu, M Fedrizzi,
J M Fontenla, J M Retterer
1105h SA12A-04 The USU-GAIM Data
Assimilation Models for Ionospheric Specifications
and Forecasts: L Scherliess, R W Schunk, L C
Gardner, L Zhu, J J Sojka
1120h SA12A-05 Sun-Burned: Space Weather’s
Impact on United States National Security: B
1130h SA12A-06 FUSION++: A New Data
Assimilative Model for Electron Density
Forecasting: G S Bust, J Comberiate, L J Paxton, M
Kelly, S Datta-Barua
1140h SA12A-07 Forecasting Solar UV & F10.7 with
ADAPT: C J Henney, R A Hock, W A Toussaint, A
K Schooley, C N Arge, S M White
1150h SA12A-08 Forecasting Ionospheric Space
Weather Due To High Speed Streams: A J
Mannucci, O P Verkhoglyadova, X Meng, B T
Tsurutani, X Pi, E M Lynch, S Sharma, A J Ridley,
W Manchester, C Wang, G Rosen
1200h SA12A-09 A Statistical Comparison of
Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere Models: L R
1205h S12B-08 A self-levelling nano-g silicon
seismometer : W T Pike, A Delahunty, G Dou, A
Mukherjee, H Liu, S B Calcutt, I M Standley
1210h SA12A-10 Validation of High Frequency (HF)
Propagation Prediction Models in the Arctic region:
R Athieno, P T Jayachandran
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate A1
Seismology Contributions:
Earthquakes II (joint with G, NH, T)
Moscone West 2011
Marriott Marquis Salons
Presiding: Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab; Carl Tape, University
of Alaska Fairbanks
Status and Challenges in Coronal
Heating: Theory, Observations, and
Simulation of Physical Processes I
Advances in Site Response I (joint with
1020h S12C-01 A High-Resolution View of Global
Seismicity: F Waldhauser, D P Schaff
1150h PP12B-07 Deglacial floods in the Beaufort
Sea: L D Keigwin, N W Driscoll
Presiding: Marta Pischiutta, INGV; Jan
Burjanek, ETH Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology Zurich; Sebastiano
D’Amico, University of Malta; Francesco
Panzera, Icelandic Meteorological Office
1020h S12A-01 On the Accuracy of Vs30-Based
Site Response Amplifications in California: E
Thompson, D J Wald
AGU2014News.indb 28
1035h S12C-02 Improving Constraints on Centroid
Depth from Joint Inversion of Teleseismic BodyWave and Spectral Amplitude of Rayleigh Waves:
Z Jia, S Ni
1050h S12C-03 Wave-equation Based Earthquake
Location: P Tong, D Yang, X Yang, J Chen, J Harris
Presiding: William Matthaeus,
University of Delaware; Jonathan
Cirtain, University of Delaware; Steven
Cranmer, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA;
Bart De Pontieu, Lockheed Martin Solar
and Astrophysics Laboratory
1020h SH12A-01 A Personal View of Coronal
Heating: Progress and Rabbit Holes: E E DeLuca
1037h SH13C-4139 A New Class of Weak Radio
Bursts: Nanoflares and Coronal Heating?: C
Lonsdale, D Oberoi, A S, B Timar, V Pankratius
1054h SH12A-03 Dissipation and Reconnection in
Current Sheets in Turbulence of a Coronal Loop
Model: M Wan, A F Rappazzo, W H Matthaeus, S
Servidio, S Oughton
1107h SH12A-04 NuSTAR’s first solar observations:
Search for a high energy X-ray component to
the “non-flaring” Sun: A Marsh, I G Hannah, L
Glesener, D M Smith, B Grefenstette, S Krucker, H
S Hudson, G J Hurford, S White, A Caspi, S Christe,
A Shih, R A Mewaldt, M Pivovaroff, J Vogel
1120h SH12A-05 Observational Evidence of
Resonant Absorption in Oscillating Prominence: J
Okamoto, P Antolin, B De Pontieu, H Uitenbroek,
T Van Doorsselaere, T Yokoyama
1137h SH12A-06 Turbulence and Heating in the
Side and Wake Regions of Coronal Mass Ejection
in the Low Corona: S Fan, J He, L Yan, L Zhang,
S Tomczyk
1150h SH12A-07 Elucidating Coronal Microkinetics
through In-Situ Observations of Solar-Wind Ions:
B Maruca
1207h SH12A-08 A Correlation Between the Solar
Wind’s Alfvén Point and the Coronal Heating
Boundary: T D Weber, J C Kasper
Moscone West 2018
Impact of the Substorm Concept on
Space Plasma Research I (joint with SA,
Presiding: Anthony Lui, The Johns
Hopkins Univ; Zuyin Pu, Peking
University; Michael Henderson, Los
Alamos National Laboratory; Weichao
Tu, Los Alamos National Laboratory
1020h SM12A-01 Why Does the Aurora Flare up?:
S I Akasofu
1032h SM12A-02 A New Paradigm for MultiScale Geospace Dynamics Inspired by Recent
Observations of the Substorm: E Donovan
1044h SM12A-03 Substorm Onset and the Possible
Role of O+ IONS Flowing out during PseudoBreakup Auroras: G K Parks, E Lee, M O Fillingim,
S Fu, Y Cui, J Hong
1056h SM12A-04 Dynamic Particle Injections in the
Magnetospheres of the Solar System: B Mauk
1108h SM12A-05 Complexity and Turbulence at
the Substorm Onset: G Consolini, R De Marco, E
1120h SM12A-06 The Role of Substorms in
Radiation Belt Particle Enhancements: D N Baker
1132h SM12A-07 Numerical experiments on
possible impact of substorms on energetic electrons
in the inner magnetosphere: Y Ebihara, M C H
Fok, T Tanaka
1144h SM12A-08 Prompt Energization of
Relativistic and Highly Relativistic Electrons during
a Substorm Interval: J C Foster, D N Baker, P J
Erickson, H E Spence, J R Wygant, C Kletzing, W
S Kurth, Y Shprits, S G Claudepierre, G D Reeves,
S A Thaller
1156h SM12A-09 Van Allen Probe Observations:
Near-Earth injections of Mev Electrons Associated
with Intense Substorm Electric Fields: L Dai, J R
Wygant, J W Bonnell, C A Cattell, C Kletzing, D
N Baker, X Li, D Malaspina, J B Blake, J Fennell,
S G Claudepierre, K Takahashi, H O Funsten,
G D Reeves, H E Spence, V Angelopoulos, K
H Glassmeier, D L Turner, S A Thaller, A W
Breneman, K Kersten, X Tang, X Tao
1208h SM12A-10 Modeling Loss and Rebuilding of
the Earth’s Outer Zone Electrons and Comparison
with Van Allen Probes Measurements: M K
Hudson, B T Kress, Z Li, J Paral, M J Wiltberger
Moscone West 2012
Physics of the Diffusion Region in
Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection I
(joint with SH)
Presiding: Li-Jen Chen, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center; William Daughton,
MS-F699, Plasma Theory and App
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:54 AM
1020h SM12B-01 Local Diagnosis of Reconnection
in 3D: J D Scudder, H Karimabadi, W S Daughton,
V Roytershteyn
1035h SM12B-02 Electron Scale Signatures of
Asymmetric Collisionless Reconnection Obtained
from Particle-in-Cel Models: N Aunai, M Hesse, M
M Kuznetsova, B Lavraud
1050h SM12B-03 Asymmetric Reconnection With a
Guide Field: the Saga Continues: M Hesse, N Aunai,
Y H Liu, M M Kuznetsova, J Birn
1105h SM12B-04 Electron Dynamics and WaveParticle Interactions in the Reconnection Diffusion
Region: Y V Khotyaintsev, D B Graham, H
Viberg, A Vaivads, A V Divin, M Andre
1120h SM12B-05 “Smoking-Gun” Observables
of Magnetic Reconnection: Spatiotemporal
Evolution of Electron Characteristics Throughout
the Diffusion Region: J R Shuster, L J Chen, N
Bessho, G Li, R B Torbert, S Wang, M R Argall,
W S Daughton
1035h T12B-02 Topographic stresses and slip
heterogeneity in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake:
Constraints on regional stress, fault friction, and
pore pressure: E A Hetland, R H Styron, L Medina
1050h T12B-03 Seismicity in Eastern North
America: What Is the Source of Intraplate Strain
and Stress?: A Ghosh, W E Holt, S A Stein
1105h T12B-04 Intraplate Seismicity and
Lithospheric Strength as Inferred from 3D Seismic
Models: W D Mooney, F F Pollitz, J Ritsema
1120h T12B-05 2D Ball-and-Socket Tectonic
Rotation in a Heterogeneous Strain Field: The 2013
Mw7.7 Balochistan, Pakistan Earthquake: W D
Barnhart, G P Hayes, R W Briggs, R D Gold, R
G Bilham
1135h T12B-06 Roaming Earthquakes in North
China and Central-Eastern US: How and Why?: M
Liu, S A Stein, H Wang
1135h SM12B-06 Geotail observation of low
frequency wave activity in a 3D structure of
magnetotail reconnection site: I Shinohara, H
Kojima, T Nagai, S Zenitani, M Fujimoto
1150h T12B-07 Recent Fault Activity in the 1886
Charleston, South Carolina Earthquake Epicentral
Area and its Relation to Buried Structures: T L
Pratt, A K Shah, J W Horton Jr, M C Chapman,
J Beale
1150h SM12B-07 High-Frequency Fluctuations
During Magnetic Reconnection: J Jara-Almonte,
H Ji, W S Daughton, V Roytershteyn, M Yamada, J
Yoo, W R Fox II
1205h T12B-08 Impact of glaciations and
denudation on geodetic uplift and seismicity in the
Alps: A rheological control?: J Chery, M Genti, P
Vernant, R Cattin
1205h SM12B-08 A Statistical View of the Effect
of Density Asymmetry and Guide Field on the
Structure of the Reconnection Layer Poleward of
the Cusp: F M Muzamil, C J Farrugia, R B Torbert,
P L Pritchett, F Mozer, J D Scudder, C T Russell, P
E Sandholt, W F Denig, L B Wilson III
Marriott Marquis Salon 9
India-Asia Collision from Head-on
Continent-Continent Collision to
Highly Oblique Oceanic Subduction:
Processes, Products, and Progress II
(joint with DI, GP)
Presiding: Jonathan Aitchison,
University of Sydney; Geoffrey Clarke,
University of Sydney; Talat Ahmad,
University of Kashmir; Trevor Ireland,
Australian Natl Univ
1020h T12A-01 What geological data can be used to
define the timing of plate collision?: L T White, G
S Lister, R Hall
1035h T12A-02 It Takes Two to Tango: The Timing
of the India –Eurasia Collision and the Origin of the
Super-Fast India-Eurasia Convergence Rates: O E
Jagoutz, L Royden, A Holt, T W Becker
1050h T12A-03 New paleomagnetic results from
Ladakh, Western Himalaya support multi-stage
collision scenario between India and Eurasia: E
Bailey, S M Tikoo, O E Jagoutz, L Royden, B P
1120h T12A-05 Youngest marine fossil evidence in
Tibet for disappearance of the Tethyan Ocean: T
Jiang, J C Aitchison, S Kachovich, A T Baxter, L
Hui, T Harvey, J R Ali, X Wan
1135h T12A-06 Evolution and Dynamics of a FoldThrust Belt: The Sulaiman Range of Pakistan: K
Reynolds, A Copley, E Hussain
1150h T12A-07 Magnetochronology of the Siwaliks:
revision, uncertainties and new data: J Charreau, J
Lave, R Pik, C France-Lanord
1205h T12A-08 Detrital Mineral Record of the
Central Myanmar Basin and implications for the
evolution of the eastern Himalayan margin: C A
Brezina, R A J Robinson, D N Barfod, A Carter,
R R Parrish, M S Horstwood, M Thein, N Win Oo
Marriott Marquis Salon 1315
Intraplate Seismicity in a Geodynamic
and Tectonic Context: Do
Unconventional Stresses Generate
Unconventional Seismicity? I (joint with
NH, S)
Marriott Marquis Nob Hill
Near Fault Observatories to
Understand Faulting and Earthquake
Mechanics II (joint with G, H, NG, S)
Presiding: Lauro Chiaraluce, INGV
National Institute of Geophysics and
Volcanology; William Ellsworth, USGS;
Marco Bohnhoff, Helmholtz Centre
Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre
for Geosciences; Pascal Bernard,
Institut de Physique du Globe
1020h T12C-01 Seismological Characterization of
Micro- and Macrofracturing Processes in a Fault
Zone: Experiences from Laboratory Stick-Slip
Friction Experiments and Close-By Monitoring of
MW 1.9 Fault in a Deep South African Gold Mine: G
Kwiatek, K Plenkers, T Goebel, G H Dresen
1035h T12C-02 “Probing Reservoir Triggered
Earthquakes at Koyna, India through Scientific
Deep Drilling”: H K Gupta, S Nayak, B Bansal, P
Rao, S Roy, K Arora
1050h T12C-03 Seismological Characterization of
the DFDP-2 Drill-Site and Surroundings, Whataroa
Valley, Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand: J
Townend, A Benson, C M Boese, S Bourguignon,
C J Chamberlain, C Dyer, J D Eccles, A Gulley, B
Guo, K M Jacobs, C Rawles, S W Roecker, M K
Savage, R Sutherland, C H Thurber, K van Wijk
Marriott Marquis Salon 1012
Moscone South 103-104
Union Frontiers of Geophysics Lecture
Presiding: Vincenzo Stagno,
Geophysical Laboratory; Taryn Lopez,
University of Alaska Fairbanks; Sami
Mikhail, Carnegie Inst of Washington;
Anja Rosenthal, Bayerisches
Geoinstitut, Universitaet Bayreuth
1230h Union Frontiers of Geophysics Lecture:
Jeffrey D. Sachs
1020h V12A-01 Ascent Dynamics of Low Degree
Mantle Partial Melts, Constrained from CO2
Solubility Experiments: Y Moussallam, Y Morizet,
M Massuyeau, F Gaillard
1035h V12A-02 Apatite as a Tool for Tracking
Magmatic CO2 Contents: J Riker, M Humphreys,
R A Brooker
1050h V12A-03 Constraining Sources of Subducted
and Recycled Carbon Along the Sunda Arc: B M
House, G E Bebout, D R Hilton, B Rodriguez, T A
1105h V12A-04 Volcanic Carbon: Global Variations
in Gas Emissions: T P Fischer, M J de Moor
1120h V12A-05 Constraining the Fore-Arc Flux
Along the Central America Margin: D R Hilton, P
H Barry, C J Ramirez, J T Kulongoski, B S Patel, K
Presiding: Denis-Didier Rousseau,
Moscone West 2002
ARM Next Generation Town Hall
Moscone West 2004
Future of Undergraduate Geoscience
Education (joint with ED)
Moscone West 2006
Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions
(joint with C, GC, PP, T)
Moscone West 2008
Publishing and Sharing Earth Surface
Process Data (joint with EP, IN)
1135h V12A-06 Open-Vent Degassing of CO2
from Typical Andesitic Volcanoes in the Central
American Volcanic Arc: P Robidoux, A Aiuppa, S
Rotolo, G Giudice, R Moretti, V Conde, B Galle, G
Moscone West 2003
Marriott Marquis Salon 8
Moscone West 2005
Dynamics of Continental and
Submarine Hydrothermal Systems II
(joint with H, OS, S, T)
Presiding: Thibaut Barreyre, WHOI;
Jean Vandemeulebrouck, ISTerre
Institute of Earth Sciences; Nicholas
Pester, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory; Shaul Hurwitz, USGS
California Water Science Center Menlo
1020h V12B-01 Experimental Constraints on
the Ejection of Ballistics During the 6 August
2012 Hydrothermal Eruption of Upper Te Maari
(Tongariro), New Zealand: B Scheu, C Montanaro,
S J Cronin, E C Breard, G Lube, D B Dingwell
1035h V12B-02 How and Why Do Geysers Erupt?:
M Manga
1120h T12C-05 In-Situ Observations of EarthquakeDriven Fluid Pulses within the Japan Trench Plate
Boundary Fault Zone: P M Fulton, E E Brodsky
1120h V12B-05 Time-dependent source model of
the Lusi mud volcano: M Shirzaei, M L Rudolph,
M Manga
1135h T12C-06 Seismicity within the Irpinia Fault
System As Monitored By Isnet (Irpinia Seismic
Network) and Its Possible Relation with Fluid
Storage: G Festa, A Zollo, O Amoroso, A Ascione, S
Colombelli, L Elia, A Emolo, C Martino, S Mazzoli,
A Orefice, G Russo
1135h V12B-06 A coupled hydrothermal and
mechanical model for estimating thermo-poroelastic
deformation, gravity and magnetic changes in
calderas: A Coco, J Gottsmann, F Whitaker, A Rust,
G Currenti, A Jasim
1205h T12C-08 PBO Strainmeters: Extending the
Spectrum of Fault Deformation Observations: K M
Hodgkinson, D Mencin, D Phillips, M H Gottlieb,
W W Gallaher, D B Henderson, W Johnson, C
Pyatt, E Van Boskirk, O Fox, G S Mattioli, C M
Carbon: Storage, Migration, and
Outgassing within Earth and Other
Planetary Bodies II (cosponsored by
EGU-GMPV) (joint with DI, MR, P)
1105h T12C-04 The Corinth Rift Laboratory,
Greece (CRL) : A Multidisciplinary Near Fault
Observatory (NFO) on a Fast Rifting System: P
Bernard, H Lyon-Caen, A Deschamps, P Briole,
S Lambotte, M Ford, O Scotti, C Beck, A HubertFerrari, A Boiselet, M Godano, E Matrullo, N Meyer,
P Albini, P Elias, A Nercessian, D Katsonopoulou,
P Papadimitriou, N Voulgaris, V Kapetanidis, E
Sokos, A Serpetsidaki, S el Arem, P Dublanchet, C
Duverger, K Makropoulos, A Tselentis
Deformation Observations near Active Faults in
California: D C Agnew, F K Wyatt
1050h V12B-03 Imaging Seismic Source Variations
Using Back-Projection Methods at El Tatio Geyser
Field, Northern Chile: C L Kelly, J F Lawrence
1105h V21A-4703 Bimodal Distribution of Geyser
Preplay Eruptions: Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone
National Park: A Namiki, S Hurwitz, F Murphy,
M Manga
1150h V12B-07 Using the VentCam and Optical
Plume Velocimetry to Measure High-Temperature
Hydrothermal Fluid Flow Rates in the ASHES Vent
Field on Axial Volcano: T J Crone, E L Mittelstaedt,
D J Fornari
1205h V12B-08 Using a New Deep-Sea Camera
System to Measure Temporal Variations of the
Volume and Heat Flux of Diffuse Hydrothermal
Fluids at the ASHES Vent Field: E L Mittelstaedt,
T J Crone, D J Fornari
Presiding: Will Levandowski, USGS;
William Holt, Stony Brook University;
Attreyee Ghosh, Indian Institute of
Standing up to Scrutiny: How Do You
Know Your Results Are Reproducible?
(joint with IN)
Study of Environmental Arctic Change
(SEARCH) Town Hall (joint with C)
Moscone West 2007
NASA Operation IceBridge Open Town
Hall Meeting (joint with C)
Moscone West 2022-2024
Climate Literacy: The National
Climate Assessment as a Resource
for Decision Making and Education at
Multiple Scales
(Virtual Session)
Presiding: Tamara Ledley, TERC; Fred
Lipschultz, US Global Change Research
Prog; Emily Cloyd, National Climate
Assessment / USGCRP; Frank Niepold,
NOAA Washington DC
1340h Introductory Remarks
1350h U13A-01 Risky Business and the American
Climate Prospectus: Economic Risks of Climate
Change in the United States”: K Gordon, T Houser,
R E Kopp III, S M Hsiang, K Larsen, A Jina, M
Delgado, R Muir-Wood, D Rasmussen, J Rising, M
Mastrandrea, P S Wilson
1408h U13A-02 Making the connection: Federal
efforts on climate change and health: J M Balbus
1426h U13A-03 The U.S. EPA’s Climate Change
Adaptation Plans and the Nation Climate
Assessment: S Marr, J Kemmerer
1444h U13A-04 The National Climate Assessment:
A Treasure Trove for Education, Communications
and Outreach: M McCaffrey, M Berbeco, R
Connolly, F Niepold III, K L I Poppleton, E Cloyd,
T S Ledley
1502h U13A-05 NASA and the National Climate
Assessment: Promoting awareness of NASA Earth
science: A K Leidner
1520h Panel Discussion
1020h T12B-01 Critically Stressed Crust in Southern
California: A Model of Crustal Stress from Plate
Driving, Topography, and Fault Loading, with
Geodetic and Seismic Constraints: K M Luttrell, B
R Smith-Konter, D T Sandwell
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 29
11/28/2014 10:46:54 AM
Moscone South Poster Hall
Aerosols, Pollutants, and Greenhouse
Gases from Asia: From Emissions to
Impacts I Posters
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Veerabhadra Kotamarthi,
Argonne Natl Lab; Gregory Carmichael,
Univ Iowa; Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua
University; Jintai Lin, Peking University
1340h A13A-3130 POSTER Transport and
scavenging of biomass burning aerosols in the
maritime continent: H H Lee, C Wang
1340h A13A-3131 POSTER New Particle Formation
Events During 2013 in Hada Al Sham, SaudiArabia: K Neitola, A Hyvärinen, H Lihavainen, M
Alghamdi, T Hussein, M Khodeir, A Shehata, A J
Laaksonen, M T Kulmala
1340h A13A-3132 POSTER Calculation of
Polydispersed Aerosol Optical Properties with
Multicomponent Size Distribution and Different
Mixture Type during Smog and Asian Dust Events
in Korea : C H Jung, J Lee, Y P Kim
1340h A13A-3133 POSTER Observations of Upward
Propagating Gravity Waves in the Vertical
Transport of Aerosols during Daytime Boundary
Layer Evolution over Central Himalayan Region: K
K Shukla, D V Phani Kumar, N K Kondapalli, V R
Kotamarthi, R K Newsom
Moscone South Poster Hall
Aerosols, Pollutants, and Greenhouse
Gases from Asia: From Emissions to
Impacts II Posters
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Veerabhadra Kotamarthi,
Argonne Natl Lab; Gregory Carmichael,
Univ Iowa; Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua
University; Jintai Lin, Peking University
1340h A13B-3148 POSTER Effects of pollution on
temperature trends over mountains and cities in
China: L Liu
1340h A13B-3149 POSTER Potential impacts of the
wintertime Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic
Oscillation on spring dust activity over northern
China: comparing and contrasting: Y G Lee, Y Choi
Measurements on Aerosol First Indirect Effects
over a Site in Southeastern China: J Liu, Z Li
1340h A13B-3151 POSTER Vertical transport and
removal of black carbon over East Asia in spring
during the A-FORCE aircraft campaign: N Oshima,
M Koike, Y Kondo, H Nakamura, N Moteki, H
Matsui, N Takegawa, K Kita
1340h A13B-3152 POSTER Laboratory and Field
Investigations of Gas/Aerosol Partitioning of
Amine Aerosols Using FIGAERO/HRToF-CIMS:
J Zheng, Y Ma, M Chen, F Cui, D R Worsnop, D
1340h A13A-3134 POSTER Evaluation on Asian
Dust Aerosol and Simulated Processes in CanAM4.2
Using Satellite Measurements and Station Data: P
Yiran, J Li, K von Salzen, T Dai, D Liu
1340h A13B-3153 POSTER Anthropogenic aerosol
effect on the regional climate in terms of urban to
regional scale in Northeast Asia : B G Kim, S H Eun,
R Park, S W Kim
1340h A13A-3135 POSTER The Role of
Anthropogenic-Induced Surface Temperature
Change on Regional Enhanced Warming over East
Asia: X Guan, J Huang, R Guo
1340h A13B-3154 POSTER The impacts of Middle
East dust on Indian summer rainfall: Q Jin, Z L
Yang, J Wei
1340h A13A-3136 POSTER Direct Impacts of
Aerosols on Two Successive Contrasting Indian
Summer Monsoon Seasons Using a Regional
Climate Model: S Das, S Dey, S K Dash
1340h A13A-3137 POSTER Wet Deposition of Black
Carbon at a Remote Site in the East China Sea: T
Mori, Y Kondo, N Moteki, S Ohata, H Matsui, N
Oshima, A Iwasaki
1340h A13A-3138 POSTER Dust Event of April
23-24, 2014 in the Northwest China and Changes
in Air Quality, Atmospheric and Meteorological
Parameters: S Zheng, C Cao, R P Singh
1340h A13A-3139 POSTER Aerosol hygroscopicity
and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity under
clean conditions and polluted events during the
Aerosol-CCN-Cloud Closure Experiment (AC3Exp)
campaign: F Zhang, Z Li, L Sun, C Zhao, P Wang,
Y Sun, Y Li, J Li, P Li
1340h A13A-3140 POSTER Sensitivity of Aerosol
Radiative Forcing to Mixing State and NonSphericity: P Srivastava, S Dey, A Srivastava, S
Singh, P Agarwal
1340h A13A-3141 POSTER Effect of anthropogenic
aerosol forcing on climate change in the North
Pacific Ocean during the 20th Century: M Abe, S
Watanabe, M Kawamiya, T Nozawa
1340h A13A-3142 POSTER Relationship of regional
PM2.5 variations in east Asia and climate variability
in the North Pacific : J So, S W Yeh, M Kim, R Park
1340h A13A-3143 POSTER Carbonaceous aerosols
observed at Ieodo Ocean Research Station and
implication for the role of secondary aerosols in fog
formation: J Han, B Shin, G Hwang, J Kim, M Lee,
J Shim
1340h A13A-3144 POSTER Analysis of Aerosols
Climatology over Saudi Provinces Based on
Satellites and Ground Stations Data: A Farahat, H
M El-Askary, A Al-Shaibani
1340h A13A-3145 POSTER Cloud Radiative Forcing
in East Asia Simulated from IAP/LASG GCM
with a Physics-Based, Two-Moment StatisticalNumerical Cloud Scheme: Y Song, W C Wang, L
Zhou, Q Bao, J Li
1340h A13A-3146 POSTER Wintertime temperature
response to anthropogenic aerosols emissions over
East Asia in the 20th century: N La, K O Boo, S
Shim, J Lee
1340h A13A-3147 POSTER Contribution of HUmicLIke Substances Carbon (HULIS-C) in WSOC and
their characteristics in aerosol : J Lee, S Lee, J Y
Kim, Y P Kim, C H Jung
1340h A13B-3155 POSTER Elemental and ionic
composition of atmospheric aerosols in the dust
storm season in Mongolian Gobi Desert: T O SoyolErdene, D Shagjjamba, S Hong, E Sarangerel, K
1340h A13B-3156 POSTER Pomino: An Improved
Satellite NO2 Product for the Ozone Monitoring
Instrument: J Lin, R Martin, K F Boersma, M
Sneep, P Stammes, R J D Spurr, P Wang, M Van
Roozendael, K Clemer, H Irie
1340h A13B-3157 POSTER Improving the Cityscale Emission Inventory of Anthropogenic Air
Pollutants: A Case Study of Nanjing: L Qiu, Y Zhao,
R Xu, F Xie, H Wang, H Qin, X Wu, J Zhang
AGU2014News.indb 30
1340h A13D-3193 POSTER Process Analysis of
Typhoon Related Ozone Pollution over the Pearl
River Delta during the PRIDE-PRD2006: Y Li, X
Wang, Y Zhang
1340h A13C-3171 POSTER Potential Impact of the
National Plan for Future Electric Power Supply on
Air Quality in Korea: C Shim, J Hong
1340h A13D-3194 POSTER The Characteristics of
Long-range Transboundary Inorganic Secondary
Aerosols in Northeast Asia: Y J Kim, G R
Carmichael, J H Woo, Z Qiang
1340h A13C-3173 POSTER Characterization of
Nonmethane Hydrocarbons at Three Urban Sites
in Western Saudi Arabia, in Lahore (Pakistan), and
in Singapore: B Barletta, I J Simpson, N J Blake, S
Meinardi, O S Aburizaiza, A Siddique, J Zeb, L E Yu,
H A Khwaja, M A Farrukh, D R Blake
1340h A13C-3174 POSTER Field Observation of
Heterogeneous Formation of Secondary Organic
Aerosols on Asian Mineral Dust Surfaces: G Wang
1340h A13C-3175 POSTER Investigation of
anthropogenic-origin-metals in the atmospheric
aerosols collected at Cape Hedo, Okinawa, Japan:
H Murayama, S Azechi, A Tsuhako, Y Miyagi, T
Kasaba, T Arakaki
1340h A13C-3176 POSTER Inter-annual changes of
Biomass Burning and Desert Dust and their impact
over East Asia: X DONG, J S Fu, K Huang
1340h A13C-3177 POSTER Seasonal Variations of
Quantified Organic Compounds in PM10 over
Seoul: N Choi, J Lee, Y P Kim
1340h A13C-3178 POSTER Sensitivity of PBL
schemes of WRF-ARW Model in Simulating
Boundary Layer Flow Parameters and coupling with
AERMOD in the Dispersion of NOX over a Tropical
Station: R Boadh, A N V Satyanarayana, T V B P S
Rama Krishna, S Madala
1340h A13C-3179 POSTER An Improved Emission
Inventory of Crop Residue Burning in Fields in
China Based on Statistics and MODIS Fire Products:
L Jing
simultaneous measurement and model analysis of
fine- and coarse-mode sulfateand nitrate over East
Asia: S Itahashi, I Uno, X PAN, M Kuribayashi, Y
Hara, S Yamamoto, T Shimohara
1340h A13B-3161 POSTER Various Perspectives
of Mitigating Fossil Fuel Use and Air Pollutant
Emissions in China’s Megacity: H Wang
1340h A13C-3185 POSTER Field calibration of
multi-scattering correction factor for aethalometer
aerosol absorption coefficient during CAPMEX
Campaign, 2008: J H Kim, S W Kim, S C Yoon, R
Park, J A Ogren
1340h A13B-3166 POSTER Assessment of a Megacity
Air Quality Management Policy using the GAINSKorea : Seoul metropolitan area Air Quality
Management Plan(SAQMP): Y Kim, J H Woo, Y
H Ahn, K C Choi, H K Kim, Y M Lee, M Amann, F
Wagner, J B Lee, C K Song, J S Han
Moscone South Poster Hall
Air Quality in Asia I Posters
Presiding: Steven Brown, NOAA Earth
System Research Lab; Tao Wang, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University; Tong Zhu,
Peking University
1340h A13C-3168 POSTER Air Quality Forecasting
through Different Statistical and Artificial
Intelligence Techniques: D Mishra, P Goyal
1340h A13D-3198 POSTER Effects of analysis
nudging in the meteorological model for air quality
modeling: J Yoo, H Lee, W B Jeon
1340h A13D-3199 POSTER The Evaluation of Total
Column Ozone Measurements from Pandora
relatvie to Brewer and OMI: K H Baek, J H Kim, J
R Herman, D P Haffner
1340h A13D-3202 POSTER Improvement of
forecasting system with optimal interpolation
focusing on korea: J Kang, Y S Koo
1340h A13D-3203 POSTER Evaluating NOx
emission fluxes over East Asia by comparison
between CMAQ-estimated and OMI-retrieved NO2
columns: K M Han, S Lee, I S Chang, H S Kim, C
H Song
1340h A13D-3204 POSTER An Improvement of
Fine Scale Wind Field Prediction using WRF/
MMIF Models for CALPUFF Application: A L
Kim, Y S Koo
1340h A13D-3206 POSTER Comparison of
composition of PM2.5 between haze and non-haze
periods from 2012.3 to 2013.2 in Beijing: Y Fang,
T Zhu, J Wang
1340h A13C-3184 POSTER Inverse Modeling to
Improve Emission Inventory for PM10 Forecasting
in East Asia Region Focusing on Korea: Y S Koo, D
Choi, H Y Kwon, J Han
1340h A13B-3165 POSTER Impacts of Apparent
Uncertainties in Energy Statistics on China’s
Emission Estimates: C Hong, Q Zhang, K He, Z Liu,
D Guan
1340h A13D-3197 POSTER The physical and
chemical characteristics of long-lasting transboundary mixed pollutants over East Asia: Y Hara, I
Uno, H Kobayashi, S Itahashi, X PAN, T Nishizawa,
A Shimizu, I Matsui, N Sugimoto
1340h A13C-3182 POSTER Decadal increase
of organic compounds in winter and spring
atmospheric aerosols in East Asia: S Kundu, K
Kawamura, M Kobayashi, E Tachibana, M Lee, J
1340h A13B-3159 POSTER On-Road Diesel
Truck Emissions Measurement and Inventory
Development in Chengdu City of China: J Chen,
H Ye
1340h A13B-3164 POSTER The Uncertain Carbon
Emissions in China: Z Liu, D Guan, Q Zhang
1340h A13D-3196 POSTER Inter-annual variability
of air pollutants over East Asia: an integrated
analysis using satellite, lidar and numerical model:
K Yumimoto, I Uno, M Kuribayashi, K Miyazaki,
T Nishizawa
1340h A13D-3205 POSTER Source Apportionment
of PM2.5 using PMF and CMB: Comparison of the
Effects of Transboundary and Local Pollutions in
the Western Japan: A Iijima, S Sugata
1340h A13B-3158 POSTER Research on the Emission
Inventory of Major Air Pollutants in 2012 for the
Sichuan City Cluster in China: J Qian, Q He
1340h A13B-3163 POSTER Modeling Spatial and
Temporal Variability in Ammonia Emissions from
Agricultural Fertilization in China: C Chen, Q
1340h A13D-3195 POSTER Field Studies for
Secondary Organic Aerosol in the Transboundary
Air: S Irei, A Takami, Y Sadanaga, S Nozoe, M
Hayashi, K Hara, T Arakaki, S Hatakeyama, T
Miyoshi, Y Yokouchi, H Bandow
1340h A13C-3181 POSTER The Estimation and
Validation of Isoprene Emission Inventory in
China, based on the Most Detailed Vegetation
Investigation and Observation: L Li, S Xie
1340h A13C-3183 POSTER Influence of transboundary air pollution from China on multi-day
high PM10 episodes in Seoul, Korea: H R Oh, C H
Ho, J Kim, D Chen, S Lee, Y S Choi, L S Chang, C
K Song
1340h A13C-3169 POSTER Research on
Meteorological Features of PBL during Heavy Haze
Episodes in the City of Chengdu, Sichuan Basin,
China: X Lu, L Han
1340h A13C-3170 POSTER Physical and Chemical
Characterization of Carbonaceous Aerosols in
Korea: S Choung, J S Jin, G S Hwang, K S Jang, W
S Han, J OH, Y Kwon
1340h A13C-3187 POSTER WRF-Chem Simulation
of Air Quality in China: Sensitivity Analyses of
PM Concentrations to Emissions, Atmospheric
Transport, and Secondary Organic Aerosol
Formation: M Zhong, E Saikawa, V Naik, L W
Horowitz, M Takigawa, Y Zhao
1340h A13C-3188 POSTER The State of Ambient Air
Quality of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: M M Hussain, O S
Aburizaiza, H A Khwaja, A Siddique, S R Nayebare,
J Zeb, D R Blake
1340h A13C-3189 POSTER An Assessment of Air
Quality in the Surrounding Holy Places of Mecca,
Saudi Arabia during Hajj: H A Khwaja, O S
Aburizaiza, A Siddique, M M Hussain, F Khatib, J
Zeb, D R Blake
1340h A13D-3207 POSTER Characteristics of
carbonaceous aerosols at a pair of suburban and
downtown sites in Nanjing, China: H Cui, J Zhang,
Y Zhao
1340h A13D-3208 POSTER Sources and Chemical
Composition of Atmospheric Fine Particles
in Rabigh, Saudi Arabia: S R Nayebare, O S
Aburizaiza, A Siddique, M M Hussain, J Zeb, H A
1340h A13D-3209 POSTER Nighttime Chemistry at a
High Elevation Site above Hong Kong: Implications
for Regional Air Quality: W P Dube, S S Brown, D
D Parrish, Y J Tham, T Wang, Q Zha, Z Xu, L Xue,
S Poon, Z Wang, X Wang, W Tsui
1340h A13D-3210 POSTER Comparison of trend
between aerosol optical depth and PM in East Asia :
S H KIM, J Kim, M Choi, M KIM, U Jeong
1340h A13D-3211 POSTER An Integrative Study
of Photochemical Air Pollution in Hong Kong: an
Overview: T Wang
1340h A13D-3212 POSTER Development of SourceReceptor matrix over South Korea in support of
GAINS-Korea model: K C Choi, J H Woo, H K
Kim, Y M Lee, Y Kim, C Heyes, J B Lee, C K Song,
J Han
1340h A13D-3213 POSTER Analysis of Ozone
Transportation in Tlaxcala-Puebla Mexico Air
Basin: H Barrera-Huertas, R Torres, L G RuizSuárez, J Garcia, W Gutierrez, A Torres
1340h A13C-3190 POSTER What Causes the
Atmospheric H2O2 Profile Difference between
Urban Beijing and Rural Hebei Province?: Z Chen,
H Liang, D Huang, L Huang
1340h A13D-3214 POSTER A study of the
management strategies for river aeolian dust
inhibition at the estuary of Zhuo-shui River: S F
Tsai, C Y Lin
1340h A13C-3191 POSTER Variation of Site Specific
Pollutants with Vehicular Traffic in New Delhi: A
Case Study: S Aggarwal, A Shukla
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone South Poster Hall
Air Quality in Asia II Posters
Presiding: Steven Brown, NOAA Earth
System Research Lab; Tao Wang, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University; Tong Zhu,
Peking University
Atmospheric Impacts of Oil and Gas
Development III Posters (joint with GC,
Presiding: Randal Martin, Utah
State Univ; Carsten Warneke, NOAA
Chemical Sciences Div.; Shao-Meng Li,
Environment Canada; Peter DeCarlo,
Drexel University
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:54 AM
1340h A13E-3215 POSTER Mapping methane
concentrations from a controlled release experiment
using the next generation Airborne Visible/Infrared
Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRISng): A K Thorpe, C
Frankenberg, D A Roberts, A D Aubrey, R O Green,
G C Hulley, S J Hook
1340h A13E-3233 POSTER Survey of Emissions
Associated with Enclosed Combustor Emission
Control Devices in the Denver-Julesburg Basin: W
B Knighton, C R Floerchinger, J Wormhoult, P
Massoli, E Fortner, B Brooks, J R Roscioli, D Bon,
S C Herndon
A13E-3216 POSTER
of Methane Emissions and Volatile Organic
Compounds from Shale Gas Operations in the
Marcellus Shale: M Omara, R Subramanian, M
Sullivan, A L Robinson, A A Presto
1340h A13E-3234 POSTER Secondary formation of
nitrophenols in an oil and gas production region:
insights from observations during the Uintah Basin
Winter Ozone Study (UBWOS) 2014: B Yuan,
J Liggio, J J B Wentzell, S M Li, H Stark, H D
Osthoff, J M Roberts, J Gilman, B M Lerner, R Li,
A Leithead, P R Veres, C Warneke, R J Wild, S S
Brown, J A De Gouw
1340h A13E-3217 POSTER Analysis of fifty year Gas
Flaring Emissions from oil/gas companies in Africa:
E H T Doumbia, C Liousse, L Granier, C Granier,
R Rosset, T Oda, F C Hsu
1340h A13E-3218 POSTER Formation and Growth
of Sulfate Aerosols in the Presence of Hydrocarbons:
Results from the 2013 Summer Oil Sands FOSSILs
Field Campaign, Alberta, Canada: N Amiri, R
Ghahremaninezhad, O T Rempillo, A L Norman
1340h A13E-3219 POSTER PAN Among the Peaks:
A preliminary analysis of new peroxyacetyl nitrate
(PAN) measurements in Rocky Mountain National
Park: S L Callahan, E V Fischer, Y Zhou, B C Sive
A13E-3220 POSTER
the Relationship Between Soil Processes and
Atmospheric Methane Concentrations: W D
Laybolt, E O’Connell, D A Risk
1340h A13E-3221 POSTER An Explanation of
the Varied Measurements of Gas Field Methane
Leakage: W F Evans, M J McHugh
1340h A13E-3222 POSTER Identifying Hydrocarbon
Source Region Emission Signatures for Oil and Gas
Facilities and Beyond Using Ambient Concentration
Measurements: B Nathan, D J Lary
1340h A13E-3223 POSTER Regional Air Quality
Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing and Natural
Gas Activity: Evidence from Ambient VOC
Observations: T Vinciguerra, S Ehrman, S Yao, J
Dadzie, A Chittams, R R Dickerson
1340h A13E-3224 POSTER Meteorological Modeling
of Wintertime Cold Air Pool Stagnation Episodes
in the Uintah and Salt Lake Basins: E Crosman, J
Horel, B K Blaylock, C Foster
1340h A13E-3225 POSTER Characterization of
Atmospheric Volatile Organic Compounds in the
North Dakota Bakken Formation: B C Sive, Y
Zhou, D Day, Y Desyaterik, A R Evanoski-Cole, K
Gebhart, A Hecobian, Y Li, W C Malm, A J Prenni,
B A Schichtel, M I Schurman, A Sullivan, J Vimont,
J L Collett Jr
1340h A13E-3226 POSTER Quantification of
Biogenic and Anthropogenic Hydrocarbons using a
Commercial Gas Chromatograph - Ion Trap Mass
Spectrometer at a Ground Site near Fort McKay,
AB: T W Tokarek, H D Osthoff
1340h A13E-3227 POSTER Observations of nitrous
acid (HONO) and peroxynitric acid (HO2NO2) made
during the 2013 and 2014 Uintah Basin Winter
Ozone Study (UBWOS): P R Veres, J M Roberts, S
L Alvarez, S S Brown, J B Burkholder, J A De Gouw,
P M Edwards, B L Lefer, J Liggio, K E Min, J Stutz,
J Y Tsai, S F Colosimo, J J B Wentzell, R J Wild, B
Yuan, J H Flynn III
1340h A13E-3228 POSTER First Environmental
Impact Statement for an Oil and Gas Project to
use the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with
Extensions (CAMx) for the Far-Field Assessment
including Ozone Impacts: L K Parker, T Shah, J
Johnson, J Grant, A Bar-Ilan, S R Kemball-Cook, J
Zapert, R Morris
1340h A13E-3229 POSTER PTR-MS Measurements
of Oil and Gas Related VOCs in the DenverJulesburg Basin as Part of NASA’s DISCOVER-AQ
Campaign: H Halliday, A Wisthaler, T Mikoviny,
M Müller, P Eichler, A M Thompson
1340h A13E-3230 POSTER Modeling of Crude Oil
Evaporation: A Bottom-Up Approach to Prediction
of Potential Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
Following Oil Spills: G Drozd, D R Worton, E A
Variano, A H Goldstein
1340h A13E-3231 POSTER Differential Absorption
Lidar (DIAL) in Alberta: A New Remote Sensing
Tool for Wide Area Measurement of Particulates,
CO2, and CH4 Emissions from Energy Extraction
and Production Sites: M Wojcik, R Lemon, B G
Crowther, P Valupadas, L Fu, Z Yang, Q Huda, B
Leung, A Chambers
1340h A13E-3232 POSTER Ethane: A Key to
Evaluating Natural Gas Industrial Emissions: T I
Yacovitch, S C Herndon, M Agnese, J R Roscioli,
C R Floerchinger, W B Knighton, S E Pusede, G
S Diskin, J P DiGangi, G W Sachse, P Eichler, T
Mikoviny, M Müller, A Wisthaler, S A Conley, G
1340h A13E-3235 POSTER Measurements of
ambient volatile organic carbons in rural, urban and
areas with oil and gas activity in North Dakota: A
Hecobian, A J Prenni, D Day, Y Zhou, B C Sive, B
A Schichtel, J L Collett Jr
1340h A13E-3236 POSTER Influence of Oil and
Gas Emissions on Ambient Atmospheric Volatile
Organic Compounds in Residential Areas of
Northeastern Colorado: C R Thompson, J M
Evans, W Wang, H Jacques, K R Smith, R Terrell,
D Helmig
Moscone South Poster Hall
Atmospheric Impacts of Oil and Gas
Development IV Posters (joint with GC,
Presiding: Randal Martin, Utah
State Univ; Carsten Warneke, NOAA
Chemical Sciences Div.; Shao-Meng Li,
Environment Canada; Peter DeCarlo,
Drexel University
1340h A13F-3237 POSTER A new MODIS based
approach for gas flared volumes estimation: the
case of the Val d’Agri Oil Center (Southern Italy):
T Lacava, M Faruolo, I Coviello, C Filizzola, N
Pergola, V Tramutoli
Hashisho, L Fu, J C Gille
1340h A13F-3239 POSTER An Overview of the
Summer 2014 Airborne Study of Oil Sands Air
Pollutants in Support of the Joint Oil Sands
Monitoring Plan: S M Li, K L Hayden, S Cober, M
Wolde, J Liggio, P Liu, A Leithead, J O’brien, D K
Wang, S G Moussa, M Gordon, A L Darlington,
R McLaren, P Makar, C Stroud, J J B Wentzell, J
Brook, J Narayan, A Elford, K Sung, A Sheppard
1340h A13F-3240 POSTER Measurements of
oxygenated volatile organic compounds in the oil
sands region of Alberta: S G Moussa, A Leithead,
S M Li, M Gordon, K L Hayden, D K Wang, R M
Staebler, P Liu, J O’Brien, R Mittermeier, J Liggio
1340h A13F-3241 POSTER Evaluation and
Application of a Solid Adsorbent Method for
Monitoring Exposure to Volatile Organic
Compounds from Oil and Gas Operations: K R
Smith, D Helmig, C R Thompson, W Wang, R M
Terrell, A C Lewis
1340h A13F-3242 POSTER Ground based mobile
isotopic methane measurements in the Front
Range, Colorado: B H Vaughn, C Rella, G Petron,
O Sherwood, I Mielke-Maday, S Schwietzke
1340h A13F-3243 POSTER Remote sensing of large
scale methane emission sources with the Methane
Airborne MAPper (MAMAP) instrument over
the Kern River and Kern Front Oil fields and
validation through airborne in-situ measurements
- Initial results from COMEX: K Gerilowski,
S Krautwurst, R Koyler, H Jonsson, T Krings,
M Horstjann, I Leifer, D Schuettemeyer, M M
Fladeland, J P Burrows, H Bovensmann
1340h A13F-3244 POSTER Modeled Oil and
Gas Atmospheric Impacts in National Parks
and Wilderness Areas in the Western US: T M
Thompson, M G Barna, B A Schichtel, J Vimont,
C T Moore
1340h A13F-3245 POSTER Modeling and
Measurements of Atmospheric Methane at Four
Corners, NM: K R Costigan, R Lindenmaier, M K
1340h A13F-3246 POSTER Influence of Emissions
from Oil and Gas Development on Elevated Ozone
in the Northern Colorado Front Range: J M Evans,
D Helmig, C R Thompson
1340h A13F-3247 POSTER A quantification of
methane emissions from the Bakken shale play
region of North Dakota: J Peischl, T B Ryerson,
A Karion, K C Aikin, E A Kort, T Newberger, M L
Smith, C Sweeney, M Trainer, S Wolter
1340h A13F-3248 POSTER Surface formation of
HONO over soil and snow during UBWS 2012,
2014: J Y Tsai, S F Colosimo, M Spolaor, R Cheung,
O Pikelnaya, R J Zamora, E J Williams, J Stutz
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 31
1340h A13F-3249 POSTER Sensor Transition
Failure in the Hi-Flow Sampler™: Implications for
Methane Emissions Estimates from Natural Gas
Infrastructure: T Howard, T Ferrara
1340h A13G-3267 POSTER Climate-Vegetation
Interactions over Arid and Semi-Arid Regions:
A Multi-Scale Causality Analysis: A Molini, E
1340h A13F-3250 POSTER Quantifying Emissions
from the Eagle Ford Shale Using Ethane
Enhancement: G S Roest, G W Schade
1340h A13G-3268 POSTER Decadal prediction of
European soil moisture from 1961 to 2010 using a
regional climate model: S Mieruch-Schnuelle, G
Schädler, H Feldmann
1340h A13F-3251 POSTER Peroxycarboxylic Nitric
Anhydrides as Markers of Anthropogenic and
Biogenic VOC Photo-oxidation in the Alberta Oil
Sands: H D Osthoff, J A Huo, T W Tokarek, C A
Odame-Ankrah, M T Saowapon, X Chen
1340h A13F-3252 POSTER Characterizing Air
Toxics from Oil Field Operations in Los Angeles:
M C McCarthy, S G Brown, J L DeWinter, S Bai, T
O’Brien, D Vaughn, R Peltier, J Soltis, R A Field, S
M Murphy, P T Roberts
1340h A13F-3253 POSTER Volatile organic
compound (VOC) emissions characterization
during the flow-back phase of a hydraulically
refractured well in the Uintah Basin, Utah using
mobile PTR-MS measurements: F Geiger, C
Warneke, S S Brown, J A De Gouw, W P Dube, P
Edwards, J Gilman, M Graus, F Helleis, J Kofler, B
M Lerner, J Orphal, G Petron, J M Roberts, A Zahn
1340h A13F-3254 POSTER Hydrocarbon emissions
in the Bakken oil field in North Dakota: I MielkeMaday, G Petron, B Miller, G J Frost, J Peischl, E
A Kort, M L Smith, A Karion, E J Dlugokencky, S
A Montzka, C Sweeney, T B Ryerson, P P Tans, R
C Schnell
Relationships Between NOx, NOy, and O3 in the
Denver-Julesburg Basin: E E McDuffie, S S Brown,
W P Dube, D E Wolfe, J Zaragoza, E V Fischer, P
Brophy, J R Kirkland, M F Link, A Abeleira, D K
Farmer, A Tevlin
1340h A13F-3256 POSTER Hydrocarbon emissions
and characterization of methane sources in the
Barnett Shale: J E Marrero, A Townsend-Small, S
Meinardi, D R Blake
1340h A13F-3257 POSTER Airborne LIDAR
Measurements of Aerosol and Ozone Above the
Alberta Oil Sands Region: M Aggarwal, J A
Whiteway, J Seabrook, L Gray
Moscone South Poster Hall
Intraseasonal-to-Decadal Prediction
and Predictability Associated with
Terrestrial Surface Processes and
Drought II Posters (joint with B, C, GC, H)
Presiding: Yongkang Xue, Univ
California Los Angeles; Randal Koster,
NASA Goddard SFC; Siegfried Schubert,
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office;
Juergen Vogt, European Commission
1340h A13G-3258 POSTER Effects of Land Use
on the Predictability of Land-Atmosphere Fluxes
and Moisture Transport in the North American
Monsoon Region: T J Bohn, G Mascaro, D D
White, E R Vivoni
1340h A13G-3259 POSTER Dynamic Phenology
and Seasonal Forecast Systems: R D Koster, G K
1340h A13G-3260 POSTER Validation of Mpi-Esm
Decadal Hindcast Experiments with Terrestrial
Water Storage Variations As Observed By the
Grace Satellite Mission: H Dobslaw, L Zhang
1340h A13G-3269 POSTER The Importance of
Winter for Controlling the Growing Season Net
Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) of Boreal Forests: M
G Oquist, M Peichl, M Ottosson Lofvenius, M B
1340h A13G-3270 POSTER Understanding the
Influence of Terrestrial Water Anomalies on
Summer Surface Air Temperature Variability over
North America: A Merrifield, N C Johnson, Y
Kosaka, S P Xie
1340h A13G-3271 POSTER AOD, land-cover, and
meteorology over Southeastern Asia: a 13-year
analysis: E Lecoeur, J B Cohen
1340h A13G-3272 POSTER Numerical Study
of Urbanization Effect on 2012 Heavy Storm
Precipitation in Beijing: Z Liu, S Liu, Y Xue, K W
Moscone South Poster Hall
Intraseasonal-to-Decadal Prediction
and Predictability Associated with
Terrestrial Surface Processes and
Drought III Posters (joint with B, C, GC,
Presiding: Yongkang Xue, Univ
California Los Angeles; Randal Koster,
NASA Goddard SFC; Siegfried Schubert,
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office;
Juergen Vogt, European Commission
1340h A13H-3274 POSTER Progress and Plans
for an Experimental Global Drought Information
System: S D Schubert
1340h A13H-3275 POSTER An Updated Decision
Support Interface: A Tool for Remote Monitoring
of Crop Growing Conditions: G J Husak, M
E Budde, J Rowland, J P Verdin, C C Funk, M F
1340h A13H-3276 POSTER Implementing the
Remotely Sensed Evaporative Stress Index
Globally Using MODIS Day/Night Land-surface
Temperatures: M C Anderson, C Hain, J Otkin
1340h A13H-3277 POSTER Modeling Drought
Impact Occurrence Based on Climatological
Drought Indices for Europe: J H Stagge, I Kohn, L
M Tallaksen, K Stahl
1340h A13H-3278 POSTER Global Drought
Information System: Influence of Differences
in Land Surface Model Dynamics on Drought
Monitoring: B Nijssen, S Shukla, K C Mo, D P
1340h A13H-3279 POSTER Reseach of Soil Moisture
Measurement in Arid Areas by Using Groundpenetrating Radar: Q Zhang, X Yin, Q Zhao, Y Wu
1340h A13H-3280 POSTER Mapping the Duration
and Severity of Drought Impacts on Grasslands in
the Southern Great Plains through a Water-related
Vegetation Index Derived from MODIS Imagery :
Y Zhou, X Xiao, G Zhang, P Wagle, R Bajgain, J
B Basara
1340h A13G-3261 POSTER The Attribution of
Land-Atmosphere Interactions on the Seasonal
Predictability of Drought: J K Roundy, J A
Santanello, R D Koster, E F Wood
1340h A13H-3281 POSTER Potential of Using
Microwave Emission in Global Analysis of Land
Cover and Drought State: M Bhambri, Y Chen, H
Norouzi, A AghaKouchak
1340h A13G-3262 POSTER Linking Siberian Snow
Cover to Precursors of Stratospheric Variability and
Intraseasonal Predictability: J L Cohen, J C Furtado,
M A Barlow, D P Whittleston, D Entekhabi
1340h A13H-3282 POSTER A introduction of a
Scientific Research Program on Chinese Drought:
Y Li
1340h A13G-3263 POSTER Decadal Potential
Predictability of Soil Water, Vegetation, and
Wildfire Frequency over North America: Y
Chikamoto, A Timmermann, S L Stevenson, P N
Di Nezio, S Langford
1340h A13G-3264 POSTER Investigation of North
American vegetation variability under recent
climate – A study using the SSiB4/TRIFFID
biophysical/dynamic vegetation model: Z Zhang, Y
Xue, G M MacDonald, P M Cox, G J Collatz
1340h A13G-3265 POSTER Mapping Fuel Load and
Its Dynamics in Shrubland and Grassland Using
eMODIS Data: H Shi, J E Vogelmann, X Zhang, T J
Hawbaker, M C Reeves, Z Li
1340h A13G-3266 POSTER Impact of burned areas
on the northern African seasonal climate from the
perspective of regional modeling: F De Sales, Y
Xue, G S Okin
1340h A13H-3283 POSTER NOAA Drought Task
Force: A Coordinated Research Initiative to
Advance Drought Understanding, Monitoring and
Prediction: A Mariotti, D Barrie
Moscone South Poster Hall
Multiphase Chemical Processes on
Atmospheric Aerosol (Natural and
Anthropogenic) and/or Environmental
Surfaces II Posters
Presiding: Sasho Gligorovski, Aix
Marseille University; Daniel Knopf,
Stony Brook University; Cornelius
Zetzsch, University of Bayreuth; Hugo
Destaillats, Lawrence Berkeley National
1340h A13I-3285 POSTER Importance of Particle
Morphology on the Heterogeneous Oxidation of
Organic Aerosol: E C Browne, C Y Lim, J H Kroll
11/28/2014 10:46:54 AM
1340h A13I-3286 POSTER Evaporation Kinetics of
Organic Aerosols: Species-wise Measurements and
Estimates: H Zhang, D R Worton, S Shen, T Nah,
K R Wilson, A H Goldstein
1340h A13I-3287 POSTER Investigating the
chemical mechanisms of the functionalization and
fragmentation of hydrocarbons in the heterogeneous
oxidation by OH using a stochastic kinetics model:
A A Wiegel, K R Wilson, B Hinsberg, F A Houle
1340h A13I-3288 POSTER Field and Laboratory
Investigations of Organic Photochemistry on Urban
Surfaces: S A Styler, A Baergen, D van Pinxteren, D
J Donaldson, H Herrmann
1340h A13I-3289 POSTER Heterogeneous Reaction
of SO2 on Authentic Mineral Dusts: Effects of
Relative Humidity and H2O2: L Huang, H Li, Y
Zhao, Z Chen
1340h A13I-3290 POSTER Measurement of new
particle formation at several altitudes on a 300 m
meteorological observation tower: M Park, S S
Yum, N Kim
OH Oxidation of Two Structure Isomers of
Dimethylsuccinic Acid Aerosol: Reactivity and
Oxidation Products: M N Chan, C T Cheng, K R
1340h A13I-3293 POSTER Uncertainty in the uptake
coefficient for HONO formation on soot and its
impacts on concentrations of major chemical
components in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region: Y
Tang, J An, Y Li, F Wang
1340h A13I-3294 POSTER Factors Affecting the
Uptake and Reactivity of OH with Organic Aerosol:
F A Houle, K R Wilson, B Hinsberg
1340h A13I-3295 POSTER New Photosensitized
Processes at Aerosol and Ocean Surfaces: S
Rossignol, K Z Aregahegn, R Ciuraru, F Bernard,
L Tinel, L Fine, C George
1340h A13I-3296 POSTER Heterogeneous Reactivity
of NO2 with Photocatalytic Paints: A Possible
Source of Nitrous Acid (HONO) in the Indoor
Environment: S Gligorovski, V Bartolomei,
A Gandolfo, E Gomez Alvarez, J Kleffmann, H
1340h A13I-3297 POSTER Light Induced
Degradation of Eight Commonly Used Pesticides
Adsorbed on Atmospheric Particles: Kinetics and
Product Study: J Socorro, A Durand, S Gligorovski,
H Wortham, E Quivet
Moscone South Poster Hall
Physics of Climate Models III Posters
(joint with GC, OS)
Presiding: Joao Teixeira, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Steven Krueger, Univ
of Utah-Meteorology; Yangang Liu,
Brookhaven Natl Lab; Baylor FoxKemper, Brown University
1340h A13J-3298 POSTER An Eddy-Diffusivity/
Application to Dust Convection on Mars: M L
Witek, J Teixeira, M I Richardson, M A Mischna
1340h A13J-3299 POSTER MAGIC Assessment of a
Stochastic Edmf Boundary Layer Parameterization:
P Kalmus, K Suselj, M D Lebsock, J Teixeira
1340h A13J-3300 POSTER Langmuir Mixing Effects
on Global Climate: Wavewatch III in CESM: Q Li,
B Fox-Kemper, A Webb, T E Arbetter
1340h A13J-3301 POSTER Impacts of Regional
Mixing on the Temperature Structure of the
Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Part 2: Depth-Dependent
Vertical Diffusion: R Furue, Y Jia, J P McCreary Jr
1340h A13J-3302 POSTER Indirect and Direct
Parameterizations of Subgrid-scale Turbulent
Orographic Form Drag and Implementations in
CESM: Y Liang, L Wang, G J Zhang
1340h A13J-3303 POSTER Comparison With InSitu Observations and Model Improvements of
Ice Cloud Properties Simulated by the Community
Atmosphere Model (CAM5): T Eidhammer, H
Morrison, A Bansemer, A Gettelman, D L Mitchell,
A Heymsfield, E Erfani
1340h A13J-3304 POSTER Double-moment cloud
microphysics scheme for the deep convection
parameterization in the GFDL AM3: A Belochitski,
L Donner
1340h A13J-3305 POSTER Stochastic and scaleadaptive shallow cumulus parameterization
(EDMF-DualM-S in ICON): M Sakradzija, A
Seifert, T Heus, A Dipankar
1340h A13J-3307 POSTER Examining the Sensitivity
of Regional Scale Cloud Properties to Convective
Microphysics: R L Storer, G J Zhang, X Song
1340h A13J-3308 POSTER A Global Model
Simulation for 3-D Radiative Transfer Impact on
Surface Hydrology over Sierra Nevada and Rocky
Mountains: W L Lee, Y Gu, K N Liou, L R Leung,
H H Hsu
1340h A13J-3309 POSTER An Eddy-Diffusivity
Mass-flux (EDMF) closure for the unified
representation of cloud and convective processes: Z
Tan, T Schneider, J Teixeira, R Lam, K G Pressel
1340h A13J-3310 POSTER Aquaplanet Tropical
Variability in an Icosahedral Model with a
Multiscale Modeling Framework: D A Dazlich, M
Branson, C A DeMott, R Heikes, D A Randall
1340h A13J-3311 POSTER Tests
Microphysics in GFS: R Sun, J Han
Moscone South Poster Hall
Physics of Climate Models IV Posters
(joint with GC, OS)
Presiding: Joao Teixeira, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Steven Krueger, Univ
of Utah-Meteorology; Yangang Liu,
Brookhaven Natl Lab; Baylor FoxKemper, Brown University
1340h A13K-3312 POSTER Effect of Scale Coupling
Frequency on Simulated Climatology in the
Atmosphere Model v. 3.0: S Yu, M S Pritchard
1340h A13K-3313 POSTER Parametric Behaviors
of CLUBB in Simulation of Low Clouds in the
Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5): Z Guo,
M Wang, Y Qian, V E Larson, M Ovchinnikov, S J
Ghan, P Bogenschutz, C Zhao, G Lin, T Zhou
1340h A13K-3314 POSTER Observational Study and
Parameterization of Aerosol-fog Interactions: J
Duan, X Guo, Y Liu, C Fang, Z Su, Y Chen
1340h A13K-3315 POSTER Evaluation of SubgridScale Transport of Hydrometeors in a PDF-based
Scheme using High-Resolution CRM Simulations:
M Wong, M Ovchinnikov, M Wang, V E Larson
1340h A13K-3318 POSTER A Two-habit Ice cloud
Optical Property Parameterization for GCM
Application: B Yi, P Yang, P Minnis, N G Loeb, S
1340h A13K-3319 POSTER An LES study of
continental boundary layer cumulus clouds during
the RACORO field campaign at the ARM SGP site:
S Endo, A M Fridlind, W Lin, A M Vogelmann, T
Toto, A S Ackerman, Y Liu
1340h A13K-3320 POSTER Optimizing EDMF
boundary layer: C R Jones, C S Bretherton, M L
Witek, K Suselj
1340h A13K-3321 POSTER What is the Planetary
Boundary Layer Height in a Global Perspective?: F
Xie, S Syndergaard, A von Engeln
1340h A13K-3322 POSTER Coastal Downscaling
Experiments: Can CESM Fields Successfully Force
Regional Coastal Ocean Simulations with Strong
Freshwater Forcing?: P MacCready, F Bryan, Y H
Tseng, M M Whitney
1340h A13K-3323 POSTER Simulating an Evolving
Mixed-Phase Cloud-topped Boundary Layer with
SHOC (Simplified Higher-Order Closure): S K
Krueger, A T Lesage, P Bogenschutz
1340h A13K-3324 POSTER Towards a more
consistent picture of isopycnal mixing in climate
models: A Gnanadesikan, M A S Pradal, I
Koszalka, R P Abernathey
1340h A13K-3325 POSTER Tuning a climate model
using nudging to reanalysis: S K Cheedela, B E
Moscone South Poster Hall
Using Atmospheric Measurements
and Remote Sensing Data to
Constrain Biosphere-Atmosphere
Exchange Processes II Posters (joint
with B, GC)
Presiding: Andrew Schuh, Colorado
State University; Abhishek Chatterjee,
National Center for Atmospheric
Research; Mathias Goeckede, MPI
1340h A13J-3306 POSTER Evaluation of WarmRain Microphysical Parameterizations in Cloudy
Boundary Layer Transitions: K Nelson, D B
1340h A13L-3326 POSTER A 4D-Var CO2 inversion
system with NICAM-TM: development and
sensitivity analyses: Y Niwa, Y Fujii, Y Sawa, A Ito,
Y Iida, H Tomita, S Masaki, R Imasu, H Matsuda, T
Machida, N Saigusa
AGU2014News.indb 32
1340h A13L-3327 POSTER Model Analysis of
the Factors Regulating Trends and Variability
of Methane, Carbon Monoxide and OH: Y F
Elshorbany, S A Strode, J S Wang, B N Duncan
Photosynthetic and Respiratory Parameters Based
on the Seasonal Variation Pattern in Regional
Net Ecosystem Productivity Obtained from
Atmospheric Inversion: Z Chen, J Chen, X Zheng,
F Jiang, S Zhang, W Ju, W Yuan, G Mo
1340h A13L-3329 POSTER Carbon Flux Estimation
By Using AGCM-Based Chemistry Transport
Model for the Period 1990–2011: T Saeki, P K Patra
1340h A13L-3330 POSTER Using Carbonyl Sulfide
Column Measurements and a Chemical Transport
Model to Investigate Variability in Biospheric
CO2 Fluxes: Y Wang, M Palm, N M Deutscher,
T Warneke, J Notholt, I T Baker, J A Berry, P
Suntharalingam, J E Campbell, A Wolf
1340h A13L-3331 POSTER Sensitivity of Estimated
Surface CO2 Flux on Parameters Used in a Carbon
Data Assimilation System: H KIM, H M Kim, J Kim,
C H Cho
1340h A13L-3332 POSTER Uncertainty in CO2 Gross
Primary Productivity (GPP) Explains Discrepancies
in a Critical Parameter for Quantifying GPP with
Carbonyl Sulfide: T W Hilton, A L Zumkehr, S
Kulkarni, J A Berry, M Whelan, J E Campbell
1340h A13L-3333 POSTER The Anthropogenic
Influence on Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide:
Implications for Inverse Analysis of Process-Level
Carbon Cycle Fluxes: A L Zumkehr, T W Hilton,
M Whelan, S J Smith, J E Campbell
1340h A13L-3334 POSTER Optimal Estimation of
the Carbonyl Sulfide Surface Flux Through Inverse
Modeling of TES Observations: L Kuai, J Worden,
M Lee, J E Campbell, S S Kulawik, R J Weidner
1340h A13L-3335 POSTER Pigc - a Low Cost
Solution for Air Quality Monitoring and Methane
Detection: L L Gordley, D C Fritts, B T Marshall,
R Lachance
1340h A13L-3336 POSTER Direct Continuous
Measurements of Methane Emissions from a
Landfill: Method, Station and Latest Results: G
G Burba, L Xu, X Lin, J Amen, K Welding, D K
1340h A13L-3337 POSTER Investigation of methane
flux in South Asia using atmospheric measurements
at Nainital, India and global Eulerian-Lagrangian
coupled atmospheric model: Y Terao, M Ishizawa,
H Mukai, M K Naja, S Nomura, T Machida, R
Zhuravlev, A Ganshin, S S Maksyutov
Moscone West 3012
Advances in Numerical Methods for
Atmosphere and Ocean Modeling I
(joint with GC, OS)
Presiding: Paul Ullrich, Univ California
Davis; Peter Lauritzen, NCAR; James
Kent, University of Michigan
1340h A13M-01 Dynamico, an Icosahedral
Dynamical Core Designed for Consistency and
Versatility: T Dubos
1355h A13M-02 Variable-Resolution Global
Atmospheric Simulations Bridging the Hydrostatic
and Nonhydrostatic Regimes: W C Skamarock, J
Klemp, M Duda, L D Fowler, S H Park
1410h A13M-03 Status and Plan of Global NWP
Model at Kiaps: S Y Hong
1425h A13M-04 Improving Large-Eddy Simulation
of Neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow
on Nested Grids: L Goodfriend, F K Chow, M
Vanella, E Balaras
1440h A13M-05 The Three-Dimensional FiniteVolume Non-Hydrostatic Icosahedral Model
(NIM): J L Lee, A E MacDonald
1455h A13M-06 Assessing Grid Refinement
Strategies in the Chombo Adaptive Mesh
Refinement Model: J O Ferguson, C Jablonowski,
H Johansen, R E English, P McCorquodale, P
Colella, J J Benedict, W Collins, J N Johnson, P A
1510h A13M-07 Energy and Potential Enstrophy
Conserving Scheme for the Rotating Shallow
Water Equations on an Arbitrary Grid: C Eldred,
D A Randall
1525h A13M-08 A Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric
Dynamical Core in CAM-SE: D M Hall, H Tufo III,
R D Nair
Moscone West 3004
Advances in Spectral and Polarimetric
Remote Sensing and Retrieval
Techniques for the Characterization
of the Atmosphere III
Presiding: Kirk Knobelspiesse, NASA
Ames Research Center; Bastiaan
van Diedenhoven, Columbia
University in the City of New York;
Olga Kalashnikova, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Wenbo Sun, Science
Systems and Applications, Inc. Hampton
1340h A13L-3338 POSTER Assessing the
Complementary Constraints on North American
Methane Emissions Estimates Provided by Groundbased and Space-based Observations of Methane:
I Stanevich, D B A Jones, K Strong, W Lu, J C
Lin, A E Andrews, D E J Worthy, K Wecht, P O
Wennberg, D Wunch, C M Roehl, M K Dubey
1340h A13N-01 A new high spectral resolution lidar
technique for direct retrievals of cloud and aerosol
extinction: J E Yorks, M J McGill, D L Hlavka
1340h A13L-3339 POSTER
Stratospheric Chemistry and
Isotopic Compositions of
Measured at Earth’s Surface:
The Effects of
Transport on the
Long-Lived Gases
A M Kanu, K A
1355h A13N-02 Characterization of Cirrus Cloud
Properties by Airborne Differential Absorption
and High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements:
G Ehret, S Gross, A Schäfler, M Wirth, A Fix, C
1340h A13L-3340 POSTER A Global Synthesis
Inversion Analysis of Recent Variability in Natural
CO2 Fluxes Using Gosat and in Situ Observations: J
S Wang, S R Kawa, G J Collatz
1410h A13N-03 Climate Change Accuracy:
Requirements and Economic Value: B A Wielicki,
R Cooke, M G Mlynczak, C Lukashin, K J Thome,
R R Baize
1340h A13L-3341 POSTER Parameter estimation
and data assimilation with the Community Land
Model (CLM) to upscale net CO2 fluxes from plot to
catchment scale: H Post, T J Hoar, J A Vrugt, X Han,
R Baatz, K Pramod, H Vereecken, H J Hendricks
1425h A13N-04 Overview of the Progression
of NASA’s CLARREO Mission: R R Baize, B A
Wielicki, D F Young, C Lukashin
1340h A13L-3342 POSTER Characterization of a
Densely Placed Carbon Observation Network: B
J Oney, D Brunner, S Henne, M Leuenberger, I
Bamberger, N Gruber
1340h A13L-3343 POSTER Estimating correlations
of CO and CO2 surface fluxes: B Weir, S Pawson, L
E Ott, K Wargan, J Nielsen, R Todling
1440h A13N-05 Leveraging Oceanic and Surface
Intensive Field Campaign Data Sets for Validation
and Improvement of Recent Hyperspectral IR
Satellite Data Products: E Joseph, N R Nalli, M I
Oyola, V Morris, R Sakai
1455h A13N-06 An Analysis of Far-Infrared
Radiances Obtained By the First Instrument at
Table Mountain through the Use of Radiative
Transfer Calculations : D P Kratz, M G Mlynczak,
R Cageao, D G Johnson, J C Mast
1340h A13L-3344 POSTER A Multimodel Carbon
Assimilation System Using a Modified Ensemble
Kalman Filter and Bayesian Model Averaging
Scheme: S Zhang, X Zheng, Z Chen, J Chen, G Wu,
X Yi
1510h A13N-07 Climate Feedback Studies Using 4D
Distributions of Clouds and Aerosols: Y Hu
1340h A13L-3345 POSTER Effect of Atmospheric
CO2 Observations in Asia on the Optimization of
Surface CO2 Flux: J Kim, H M Kim, C H Cho, A
R Jacobson, M Sasakawa, T Machida, M Arshinov,
N Fedoseev
Moscone West 3006
1340h A13L-3346 POSTER Analysis of the
Potential Impact of Discrepancies in Stratospheretroposphere Exchange on Inferred Sources and
Sinks of CO2: D B A Jones, F Deng, T W Walker,
M Keller, K W Bowman, R Nassar
1525h A13N-08 Modeling Polarized Solar Radiation
for Correction of Satellite Data: W Sun
Anthropogenic-Biogenic Interactions
Affecting the Atmospheric Chemistry
and Physics over Tropical Rainforests
1340h A13O-01 Gas- and particle-phase chemical
composition measurements onboard the G-1
research aircraft during the GoAmazon campaign: J
Shilling, M Pekour, E Fortner, J Hubbe, K Longo,
S T Martin, F Mei, S R Springston, J M Tomlinson,
J Wang
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:55 AM
1355h A13O-02 Aircraft measurements of the
impacts of urban plume on cloud activation
properties during GoAmazon – preliminary results:
F Mei, J M Comstock, J Wang, J M Tomlinson, J
Hubbe, B Schmid, S T Martin, K Longo, C Kuang,
D Chand, M Pekour, J E Shilling
1410h A13O-03 Microphysics of Amazonian
aerosol under pristine condition and the impact
from the Manaus urban plume observed during the
GoAmazon campaign: J Wang, M L Alexander, G
P Almeida, P Artaxo, H M Barbosa, P Campuzano
Jost, J M Comstock, D A Day, S S de Sá, J Hubbe,
A Jefferson, J L Jimenez, C Kuang, K Longo, A O
Manzi, S T Martin, F Mei, B B Palm, M Pekour, A
J Sedlacek III, G Senum, J E Shilling, J N Smith, R
A F D Souza, S R Springston, R M Thalman, J M
1425h A13O-04 Comparison of CCN activity
measured in pristine and polluted sites during
the Intensive Operation Periods (IOP) of the
GoAmazon 2014 campaign: H M Barbosa, M L
Krüger, R M Thalman, J Wang, T Pauliquevis, J
Ferreira De Brito, G P Almeida, U Poeschl, M O
Andreae, S T Martin, P Artaxo, R A F D Souza, G G
Cirino, M D F Andrade
1440h A13O-05 Tracking anthropogenic influence
on isoprene chemistry over Amazonia: Y Liu, K A
McKinney, T B Watson, S R Springston, R Seco, J H
Park, S Kim, J E Shilling, A B Guenther, M R Dorris,
M Thayer, F N Keutsch, L Yee, G A Isaacman, A H
Goldstein, F Wurm, J Ferreira De Brito, P Artaxo,
M A F Silva Dias, K Longo, R A F D Souza, A O
Manzi, S T Martin
1455h A13O-06 Observational Constraints
on Terpene Oxidation with and without
Anthropogenic Influence in the Amazon using
Speciated Measurements from SV-TAG: L Yee, G
A Isaacman, N M Kreisberg, Y Liu, K A McKinney,
S S de Sá, S T Martin, M L Alexander, B B Palm,
W Hu, P Campuzano Jost, D A Day, J L Jimenez,
J Viegas, S R Springston, F Wurm, J Ferreira De
Brito, P Artaxo, A O Manzi, L Machado, K Longo,
M B Oliveira, R A F D Souza, S V Hering, A H
1510h A13O-07 A Comprehensive Evaluation of
H2SO4 formation from OH and sCI pathways in
high BVOC environments: S Kim, R Seco, J H Park,
A B Guenther, J N Smith, C Kuang, J O V Bustillos,
J Tota, R A F D Souza
1525h A13O-08 Mechanisms for the formation and
growth of nanometer-sized particles in the Amazon:
New insights from GoAmazon2014 and the Tapajos
Upwind Forest Flux Study (TUFFS): J N Smith, J H
Park, C Kuang, J O V Bustillos, R A F D Souza, K T
Wiedemann, J W Munger, S C Wofsy, L V Rizzo, P
Artaxo, S T Martin, R Seco, S Kim, A B Guenther, S
S A Batalha, E G Alves, J Tota
Moscone West 3016
Measurements, Modeling, and
Feedback of Cloud-Precipitation
Microphysics I
Presiding: Toshihisa Matsui, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center; Dong Wu,
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Cent; WeiKuo Tao, NASA/Goddard Space Flight
1340h A13P-01 The Information Available in
A-Train Data Regarding Precipitation Processes in
Warm Cumulus: G G Mace, D J Posselt, S Cooper
1355h A13P-02 Evaluation of Ice cloud retrievals
using CloudSat/CALIPSO/MODIS/AIRS and
EarthCARE: H Okamoto, K Sato, Y Hagihara, K
Tanaka, H Ishimoto, T Makino, T Nishizawa, N
1410h A13P-03 The Separation of Simple
and Complex Ice Particles Based on Aircraft
Observations: C G Schmitt, A Heymsfield, P
1425h A13P-04 Use of S-Band Profiling Radar
and in Situ Size Distribution Measurements to
Probabilistically Constrain Ice Sticking Efficiencies:
M van Lier-Walqui, A M Fridlind, A S Ackerman,
C R Williams, J Wang, X Dong, W Wu, G M
McFarquhar, A Grandin, F Dezitter, J W Strapp, A
1440h A13P-05 Observed Influence of Riming,
Temperature, and Turbulence on the Fallspeed of
Solid Precipitation: T J Garrett, S E Yuter
1510h A13P-07 Assessing global microphysics of
warm cloud and light precipitation from active
sensors: K Sato, H Okamoto, H Ishimoto
1525h A13P-08 On the Microphysics Equilibrium
of Tropical Convection Derived From Long-Term
TRMM Radiance-Based Statistics: T Matsui, W K
Moscone West 3001
Sources of Planetary Boundary
Layer and Lower Free Troposphere
Ozone and Variability: From Urban to
Remote Regions of the United States
III (cosponsored by AMS)
Moscone South Poster Hall
Presiding: Mae Gustin, University of
Nevada-Reno; Daniel Jaffe, University
of Washington Bothell Campus; Gary
Morris, Valparaiso University; Mike
Newchurch, Univ of Alabama Huntsville
Presiding: Joseph Dwyer, University of
New Hampshire Main Campus; XuanMin Shao, Los Alamos Natl Lab
1340h A13Q-01 An Overview of Ozone and
Precursor Temporal and Spatial Variability in
DISCOVER-AQ Study Regions: K E Pickering,
M B Follette-Cook, C Loughner, C Flynn, J H
Crawford, R D Clark, A Fried, J R Herman, S J Janz,
L N Lamsal, M L Silverman, D C Stein Zweers, J
Szykman, A J Weinheimer
1355h A13Q-02 The Essential Role of Tethered
Balloons in Characterizing Boundary Layer
Structure and Evolution during Discover-AQ: R D
1410h A13Q-03 Ozone Transport and Mixing
Processes in the Boundary Layer Observed with
Lidar during Discover-AQ: C J Senff, A O
Langford, R J Alvarez II, A Choukulkar, A Brewer,
A M Weickmann, G Kirgis, S Sandberg, M Hardesty,
R Delgado, R Long, S S Brown
1425h A13Q-04 The Spatial and Temporal
Variability of Ozone in the Houston Metropolitan
Area during DISCOVER-AQ and its’ Relation to
Meteorological Conditions: B L Lefer, J H Flynn
III, L Judd, X Ren, M J Estes, R J Griffin
1440h A13Q-05 The role of bay breezes and regional
transport on a high surface ozone episode during the
Houston, Texas DISCOVER-AQ field campaign: C
Loughner, M B Follette-Cook, K E Pickering, M
J Estes
1455h A13Q-06 The vertical distribution of volatile
organic compounds in the atmosphere as measured
during DISCOVER-AQ: A Wisthaler, M Müller,
T Mikoviny, P Eichler, J H Crawford
Atmospheric and Space Electricity
General Contributions I Posters
Breakdown: Physical Mechanisms and Potential for
Energetic Emissions: D Petersen, W H Beasley
1340h AE13A-3348 POSTER Quasi-Static Electric
Field Signatures of Intra-Cloud Stepped Leaders: V
P Pasko, W P Winn
1340h AE13A-3349 POSTER A Unified Model of
Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Stroke: A Nag, V A
1340h AE13A-3350 POSTER On the Optical
Emission of Intracloud Lightning Leaders: K N
Brunner, P M Bitzer, H J Christian Jr
1340h AE13A-3351 POSTER The Occurrence of
Continuing Current in Lightning: P M Bitzer
1340h AE13A-3352 POSTER Locating narrow
bipolar events with single-station measurement of
low-frequency magnetic fields: G Lu, H Zhang, Y
1340h AE13A-3353 POSTER Leader formation
during the Initial Breakdown stage of a
lightning flash: M Stolzenburg, T C Marshall, S
Karunarathne, N Karunarathna, R E Orville
1340h AE13A-3354 POSTER Properties of Trains of
Strong Preliminary Breakdown Pulses Which Are
Followed by Weak Return Stroke: I Kolmasova, O
Santolik, R Lan, L Uhlir
1340h AE13A-3355 POSTER Model Simulations of
the Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of the Global
Electric Circuit Using a Consistent 3D Model
Framework: G Lucas, V Bayona, N Flyer, A J G
Baumgaertner, J P Thayer
1510h A13Q-07 The influence of local circulations
on vertical profiles of NO2 and O3 at semi-rural sites
during DISCOVER-AQ campaigns in California,
Texas, and Colorado: D C Stein Zweers, K E
Pickering, R D Clark, A J Weinheimer, C Flynn, G
Mazzuca, E Spinei
1340h AE13A-3356 POSTER Anomalously Strong
Vertical Magnetic Fields from Distant Lightning: I
Silber, C G Price, E Galanti, A Shuval
1525h A13Q-08 Using aircraft and satellite
observations to improve regulatory air quality
models: T P Canty, T Vinciguerra, D C Anderson,
S F Carpenter, D L Goldberg, L Hembeck, L
Montgomery, X Liu, R J Salawitch, R R Dickerson
1340h AE13A-3358 POSTER Evaluation of Product
Algorithm Strategies for the Future Lightning
Imager on MTG: U Finke, J Grandell
Moscone West 3008
Tropical Cyclones: Observations,
Modeling, and Predictability III
(cosponsored by AMS) (joint with NH, OS)
1340h AE13A-3357 POSTER Detectable initial
breakdown pulses and the following discharges: Y
Zhang, Y Zhang, W Lu, D Zheng
1340h AE13A-3359 POSTER Thunderstorm Charge
Structures in South Dakota, Colorado, and New
Mexico: J Tilles, R J Thomas, W Rison, T A
Warner, J Helsdon, P R Krehbiel
1340h AE13A-3361 POSTER Compact Intracloud
Discharge Locations Compared To Thunderstorm
Radar Echo Structure: N Karunarathna, T C
Marshall, M Stolzenburg, S Karunarathne
Presiding: Zhuo Wang, University
of Illinois; Scott Braun, NASA/GSFC;
Patrick Harr, Naval Postgraduate
School; Fuqing Zhang, Penn State
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h A13R-01 Multi-Scale Aspects of Tropical
Cyclone Predictability: J D Doyle, J Moskaitis, P G
Black, E A Hendricks, A Reinecke, C M Amerault
Presiding: Joseph Dwyer, University of
New Hampshire Main Campus; XuanMin Shao, Los Alamos Natl Lab
1355h A13R-02 Coupled Air-Sea Observations
and Modeling for Better Understanding Tropical
Cyclone Prediction and Predictability: S S Chen
1410h A13R-03 Characteristics and environmental
properties of the intensification and evolution of
Typhoon Haiyan (2013): T Takemi
1425h A13R-04 A complete tropical cyclone
radial wind structure model and comprehensive
comparison with observations: D R Chavas, K
Emanuel, N Lin
1440h A13R-05 Tangent-linear and ensemblebased four-dimensional data assimilation strategies
applied for assimilating conventional data and field
observations for Hurricane Karl (2010): J Poterjoy,
F Zhang
1455h A13R-06 Improving Tropical Cyclone Track
and Intensity in a Global Model with Local Mesh
Refinement: C M Zarzycki, C Jablonowski
1510h A13R-07 Predicting Distribution and InterAnnual Variability of Tropical Cyclone Intensity
from a Stochastic, Multiple-Linear Regression
Model: C Y Lee, M K Tippett, A H Sobel, S J
1525h A13R-08 Impacts of assimilating various
remotely sensed atmospheric parameters on WRF’s
tropical cyclone prediction skill : D Ren, M J Lynch,
J Le Marshall, L M Leslie, F Yu, G Zhang
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 33
Atmospheric and Space Electricity
General Contributions II Posters
1340h AE13B-3362 POSTER A Time-Dependent
Fluid Model for the Study of the Electrical Properties
of GEC Sources: S A Mallios, J Jansky, V P Pasko
1340h AE13B-3363 POSTER A Comparison of
Satellite-Based Radar and Passive Microwave
Estimates of Global Wilson Current Source: M J
Peterson, W Deierling, C Liu, D M Mach, C P Kalb
1340h AE13B-3364 POSTER Acoustic properties
of triggered lightning: M A Dayeh, N Evans, J
Ramaekers, J Trevino, H Rassoul, R J Lucia, J R
Dwyer, M A Uman, D M Jordan
1340h AE13B-3365 POSTER Modeling Electrical
Structure of the Artificial Charged Aerosol Cloud: S
Davydenko, D Iudin, V Klimashov, A J Kostinskiy,
V Syssoev
1340h AE13B-3366 POSTER Estimation of Lightning
Return Stroke Speed Using Elve Observations: P
Blaes, R A Marshall, U Inan
1340h AE13B-3367 POSTER Acoustic Location of
Lightning with Dense Arrays: R O Arechiga, M
Stock, H Erives, R J Thomas, W Rison, H E Edens
1340h AE13B-3369 POSTER Flash Location, Size,
and Rates Relative to the Evolving Kinematics and
Microphysics of the 29 May 2012 DC3 Supercell
Storm: D R MacGorman, E DiGangi, C Ziegler, M
I Biggerstaff, D Betten, E C Bruning
1340h AE13B-3370 POSTER Comparison of
Modeled and Measured High-Resolution Optical
Spectra from Lightning: J D Edwards, P Dreike, M
W Smith, A Tanbakuchi, J D Zollweg, J Zinn
1340h AE13B-3371 POSTER Imaging and
spectrophotometric measurement of lightning
by JEM-GLIMS: T Adachi, M Sato, M Mihara,
T Ushio, A Yamazaki, M Suzuki, M Kikuchi, Y
Takahashi, U Inan, I Linscott, Y Hobara, S Hayashi,
K Kusunoki
1340h AE13B-3372 POSTER Can volcanic lightning
be observed in space?: J M Martinez Jr, R J Thomas
1340h AE13B-3373 POSTER Lightning and Sprite
Detection from Internationa Space Station:
T Ushio, M Sato, T Morimoto, M Suzuki, A
Yamazaki, Y Hobara, M Kikuchi, U Inan, I Linscott,
H Kikuchi, Y Takahashi, T Adachi
1340h AE13B-3374 POSTER Solar Flare Induced
Ionospheric Perturbations Observed by VLF Sferic
Propagation: J McCormick, M Cohen
1340h AE13B-3375 POSTER Location accuracy
evaluation of lightning location systems using
natural lightning flashes recorded by a network of
high-speed cameras: J Alves, A C V Saraiva, L Z D
S Campos, O Pinto Jr, L Antunes
1340h AE13B-3377 POSTER High precision
lightning measurements using coherent averaging
of long-distance magnetic fields: J L Weinert, S A
Moscone West Poster Hall
(Bio)geochemical Cycles in Extreme
Environments I Posters
Presiding: Brandon Briggs, Miami
University; Eric Boyd, Montana State
University; Mark Lever, Aarhus
University; Aude Picard, Harvard
1340h B13A-0154 POSTER Radiocarbon Evidence
for Active Turnover of Pore-Water Dissolved
Organic Carbon in the Methanogenic and SulfateMethane-Transition Zones of Santa Barbara Basin
Sediments: T Komada, H L Li, A K Cada, D
Burdige, C Magen, J Chanton, A M Grose
1340h B13A-0155 POSTER Seafloor Weathering As
a Long-Term Climate Regulation Mechanism: N X
Farahat, D S Abbot, D E Archer
1340h B13A-0156 POSTER Phototrophy in Mildly
Acidic Hot Spring Ecosystems: K Fecteau, E S
Boyd, E Shock
1340h B13A-0157 POSTER Subsurface Controls on
Habitability of Hydrothermal Waters: K E Fristad,
S M Som, T M Hoehler
1340h B13A-0158 POSTER Finding Signals for
Quiescence from the Dark Matter in Marine
Subsurface Metagenomics: J Biddle, A Marsh, I M
Rambo, A Pasqualone, G Christman
Carbonaceous Material: A Source of Electron
Donors for Anaerobic Microbial Metabolisms in
the Subsurface?: S L Nixon, W Montgomery, M A
Sephton, C S Cockell
1340h B13A-0160 POSTER Hypersaline Subsurface
Microbial Communities from the Dead Sea Viewed
from Their Metagenomes: C Thomas, D Ionescu,
D Ariztegui
1340h B13A-0161 POSTER Investigations on the
“Extreme” Microbial Arsenic Cycle within the
Sediments of an Acidic Impoundment of the Former
Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine: Herman Pit, Clear
Lake, California: J S Blum, S E Hoeft McCann, S
Bennett, L G Miller, B Stoneburner, C Saltikov, R
S Oremland
1340h B13A-0162 POSTER Investigations on the
“Extreme” Microbial Methane Cycle within the
Sediments of an Acidic Impoundment of the
Inactive Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine: Herman
Pit, Clear Lake, California: R S Oremland, S M
Baesman, L G Miller, J H C Wei, P V Welander
1340h B13A-0163 POSTER Methane in Crystalline
Bedrock: the Outokumpu Deep Drill Hole, Finland:
R Kietäväinen, L Ahonen, P Niinikoski, M
Itävaara, I T Kukkonen
1340h B13A-0165 POSTER Acetate and other
Volatile Fatty Acids – Key Intermediates in marine
sediment metabolism - Thermodynamic and kinetic
implications: C Glombitza, M Jaussi, H Røy, B B
1340h B13A-0166 POSTER Perspectives on Applying
Metabolomics to Understand Carbon Cycling and
Process Rates in Deep-Sea Microorganisms: C
Vidoudez, A Saghatelian, P R Girguis
11/28/2014 10:46:55 AM
1340h B13A-0167 POSTER Biological Chlorine
Cycling in Arctic Peat Soils: J E Zlamal, T K Raab,
D Lipson
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h B13A-0168 POSTER Characterization of
Whole Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by 1H
NMR: C Fox, J P Lewicki, H A Abdulla, D Burdige,
C Magen, J Chanton, T Komada
Constraining Ecosystem Carbon
Uptake and Long-Term Storage Using
Models and Data I Posters (joint with
GC, H, PP)
1340h B13A-0169 POSTER Geomicrobiology
of Meltwater From the Western Margin of the
Greenland Ice Sheet: B Hagedorn, M Dieser, K
Choquette, K A Cameron, R S Sletten, L Liu, K
Junge, B C Christner
Presiding: David Moore, University of
Arizona; Valerie Trouet, University of
Arizona; Ankur Desai, University of
Wisconsin Madison; Michael Dietze,
Boston University
1340h B13A-0170 POSTER Genomic Analysis of
Deeply-Branching Bacteria and Archaea from IODP
Leg 347: Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment: J T Bird, K
G Lloyd
1340h B13C-0188 POSTER A 100-Year Retrospective
Landscape-Level Carbon Budget for the Sooke
Lake Watershed, British Columbia: Constraining
Estimates of Terrestrial to Aquatic DOC Transfers:
J A Trofymow, B Smiley
1340h B13A-0171 POSTER Exploring life’s limits:
Deep geobiochemistry: A D Cox
1340h B13A-0172 POSTER Geochemical Tracers
and Rates of Short-Chain Alkane Production in
Gulf of Mexico Cold Seep Sediments: R Sibert, B B
Bernard, J M Brooks, K Hunter, S B Joye
1340h B13A-0173 POSTER The Automated Dynamic
Directed Evolution Chamber: A Tool for Studying
Extremophile-Environment Interactions in Real
Time: N Wong, J M Grace, J Liang, S Owyang, A
Storrs, J Zhou, L J Rothschild, D Gentry
1340h B13A-0174 POSTER Microbial Communities
in Terrestrial CO2 Springs: Insights into the
Long-Term Effects of Carbon Sequestration on
Subsurface Microorganisms: E F U Santillan, J R
Major, P Bennett
1340h B13A-0175 POSTER Spatial and temporal
diversity of microbial mats in the shallow-water
hydrothermal system of Milos Island (Greece):
D Giovannelli, D Foustoukos, N Le Bris, S M
Sievert, M Yucel, C Vetriani
1340h B13A-0176 POSTER Does seismic activity
control carbon exchanges between transform-faults
in old ocean crust and the deep sea? A hypothesis
examined by the EU COST network FLOWS: M A
1340h B13A-0177 POSTER Viral Predation and
Host Immunity Structure Microbial Communities
in a Terrestrial Deep Subsurface, Hydraulically
Fractured Shale System: R A Daly, P J Mouser, R
Trexler, K C Wrighton
1340h B13A-0178 POSTER Diurnal and Inter-day
Variation in Atmospheric Microbial Community
Diversity and Composition at Mt. Bachelor
Observatory: A M Womack, R M Bowers, D A
Jaffe, B J M Bohannan, J L Green
Moscone West Poster Hall
Abiotic Processes in Terrestrial
Greenhouse Gas Exchange Posters
(joint with A)
1340h B13C-0189 POSTER Optimizing Parameters
of Process-Based Terrestrial Ecosystem Model with
Particle Filter: A Ito
1340h B13C-0190 POSTER Reducing Uncertainty
in Terrestrial Biosphere Models with Satellite
Observations of Atmospheric CO2: Comparing
MsTMIP with GOSAT: J B Swetish, D N
Huntzinger, C R Schwalm, J B Fisher, J Liu, A M
Michalak, K W Bowman
1340h B13C-0191 POSTER Assessments of carbon and
water cycling in multiple agricultural ecosystems in
the Inland Pacific Northwest using eddy covariance
flux measurements and integrated basin-crop model
simulation: J Chi, F Maureira, S Waldo, P O’Keeffe,
S N Pressley, C O Stockle, B K Lamb
1340h B13C-0192 POSTER Constraining carbon
budgets at a regional scale: fusing forest inventory
data with a cohort-based biosphere model: T
Viskari, M Dietze, A R Desai
1340h B13C-0193 POSTER Assimilating Multiple
Data Types in the Community Land Model
(CLM) for Deciduous Forests in North America: F
Montane, A M Fox, T J Hoar, A F Arellano, Y Liu,
G Moreno, T L Quaife, A D Richardson, V Trouet,
M R Alexander, M Chen, D Y Hollinger, D J Moore
1340h B13C-0194 POSTER A method to trace rootrespired CO2 using a 13C label: S Cooperdock, D
Breecker, M E Litvak
1340h B13C-0195 POSTER Correspondence Between
Long Term Carbon Sequestration and Measurable
Variables in a Global Land Surface Model: S
Gerber, S J Muller
1340h B13C-0196 POSTER Assessing the long-term
performance of terrestrial ecosystem models in
northeastern United States: linking model structure
and output: Y Liu, J H Matthes, D J Moore, M
Dietze, A F Arellano, A Dawson, A M Fox, S J
Goring, J S McLachlan, F Montane, G Moreno, B
Poulter, T L Quaife, D M Ricciuto, K M Schaefer, J
Steinkamp, J W Williams, P Team
Presiding: Nicolas Brueggemann,
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH; Per
Ambus, Technical University of Denmark
1340h B13C-0197 POSTER Gross primary
production of a semiarid grassland is enhanced by
six years of exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2,
warming, and irrigation: E Ryan, K Ogle, D Peltier,
D G Williams, E Pendall
1340h B13B-0179 POSTER Redox Fluctuations
Increase the Contribution of Lignin to Soil
Respiration: S J Hall, W L Silver, V Timokhin, K
1340h B13C-0198 POSTER A Hierarchical Analysis
of Tree Growth and Environmental Drivers Across
Eastern US Temperate Forests: J Mantooth, M
1340h B13B-0180 POSTER Contribution of Soil
Carbonates to CO2 Emissions Following Land Use
Change: S Grand, D Rothstein
1340h B13C-0199 POSTER Sampling Vegetation for
Biomass, Productivity, and Leaf Area Index at the
Continental Scale: C L Meier, K D Jones, A Thorpe
1340h B13B-0181 POSTER Mass-dependent
Corrections and Atmospheric Invasion: Working
with the Radiocarbon Content of CO2 in the Soil
Gas Environment: J E Egan, D R Bowling, D A Risk
1340h B13B-0182 POSTER Using Strontium Isotopes
in Arid Agricultural Soils to Determine a Sink or
Source of CO2: A C Ortiz, L Jin
1340h B13B-0183 POSTER Response of Soil
Biogeochemistry to Freeze-thaw Cycles: Impacts
on Greenhouse Gas Emission and Nutrient Fluxes:
F Rezanezhad, C Parsons, C M Smeaton, P Van
1340h B13B-0185 POSTER Spatial distribution
of hydroxylamine and its role in aerobic N2O
formation in a Norway spruce forest soil: S Liu,
D Weymann, N Gottselig, I Wiekenkamp, H
Vereecken, N Brueggemann
1340h B13B-0186 POSTER Using δ15 N- and δ18
O-NO to Evaluate Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide
Production Following the Wetting of Dry Soil: P M
Homyak, J Schimel, J O Sickman
1340h B13B-0187 POSTER Effects of soil water
content, temperature and experimental nitrogen
deposition on nitric oxide (NO) efflux from semiarid shrubland soil: G L Vourlitis, C DeFotis, W
1340h B13C-0200 POSTER Impact of Forest
Management on Future Forest Carbon Storage in
Alaska Coastal Forests: X Zhou, S A Kushch
1340h B13C-0201 POSTER Can terrestrial biosphere
models capture the response of atmospheric CO2
growth rate to ENSO?: Y Fang, A M Michalak, C
R Schwalm, D N Huntzinger, Y Wei, R B Cook,
K M Schaefer, A R Jacobson, P Ciais, J B Fisher,
D J Hayes, M Huang, A Ito, A Jain, H Lei, C Lu, F
Maignan, J Mao, N Parazoo, S Peng, B Poulter, D M
Ricciuto, X Shi, H Tian, N Zeng, F Zhao, W Wang
1340h B13C-0202 POSTER The PEcAn Project:
Accessible Tools for On-demand Ecosystem
Modeling: E Cowdery, R Kooper, D LeBauer, A R
Desai, J Mantooth, M Dietze
1340h B13C-0204 POSTER Estimating variation
in rooting depth and belowground biomass at the
continental scale: J C Everhart, C L Meier, J J
Moscone West Poster Hall
Drivers and Variability of Greenhouse
Gas, Energy, and Water Cycling in
Inland Waters I Posters (joint with A,
GC, H)
Presiding: Heping Liu, Washington State
University; Peter Blanken, University
AGU2014News.indb 34
of Colorado, Boulder; Sally MacIntyre,
University of California Santa Barbara;
David Bastviken, Linköping University
1340h B13D-0232 POSTER Characteristics of
Atmosphere-Ocean CO2 Exchange due to Typhoon
Activities over the East Asian Region: G Lee, C H
Cho, D H Lim, M Sun, J Lee, Y H Byun, J Lee
1340h B13D-0205 POSTER Novel System for
Continuous Measurements of Dissolved Gases in
Liquids: D S Baer, J Liem, T G Owano, M Gupta
1340h B13D-0233 POSTER Evaluation of
Development of Process-Based Eco-Hydrological
and Biogeochemical Cycle Model to Incorporate
Terrestrial-Aquatic Continuum: T Nakayama, S S
1340h B13D-0206 POSTER A novel methodology
to measure methane bubble sizes in the water
column: H Hemond, K Delwiche, S Senft-Grupp,
T Manganello
1340h B13D-0207 POSTER Biased sampling of
methane release from lakes and ponds: A problem
for extrapolation: M Wik, B F Thornton, P M Crill,
D Bastviken
spatiotemporal characterization of methane venting
from lake sediments: B Scandella, L Pillsbury, T
Weber, C D Ruppel, H Hemond, R Juanes
1340h B13D-0209 POSTER Sediment-water gas
exchange in two Swedish lakes measured by Eddy
Correlation: J Kokic, E Sahlee, A Brand, S Sobek
1340h B13D-0210 POSTER Carbon dioxide and
methane fluxes from the transitional zone of a
Virginia ephemeral wetland: J W Atkins, H E
Epstein, D L Welsch
1340h B13D-0212 POSTER Reservoir water level
drawdown as a novel, substantial, and manageable
control on methane release to the atmosphere: J
Harrison, B R Deemer, M K Birchfield
1340h B13D-0213 POSTER Methane Emissions from
Small Lakes: Dynamics and Distribution Patterns: J
M Encinas Fernández, F Peeters, H Hofmann
1340h B13D-0214 POSTER Spatio-temporal
variability of lake CH4 fluxes and its influence on
annual estimates: S Natchimuthu, I Sundgren, M
Gålfalk, L Klemedtsson, P M Crill, Å Danielsson, D
1340h B13D-0215 POSTER Freshwater methane
emissions – what are the learnings from repeated
measurements on multiple boreal and subarctic
lakes?: D Bastviken, M Klaus, E J Lundin, S
Natchimuthu, A Enrich-Prast, P M Crill, J Karlsson
1340h B13D-0216 POSTER Air-water CO2 exchange
in five hypereutrophic lakes in Bangalore, India: G
Singh, P Ghosh, G Bala, D Bastviken
1340h B13D-0217 POSTER Eddy covariance flux
measurements over a man made lake during the
ALEX 2014 field campaign in South Portugal: R
Salgado, M Potes, A Albino, C M Rodrigues
1340h B13D-0218 POSTER The role of lake physical
characteristics in shaping the net surface energy
budget of a lake: from local to global: M R Hipsey, J
S Read, M Frassl, L C Bruce
1340h B13D-0219 POSTER Turbulence at the
Air-Water Interface in Lakes of Different Sizes:
Consequences for Gas Transfer Coefficients: S
MacIntyre, A T Crowe, J H Amaral, L Arneborg,
D Bastviken, B R Forsberg, J M Melack, J Tota, E
W Tedford, J Karlsson, E Podgrajsek, A Andersson,
A Rutgersson
1340h B13D-0220 POSTER CO2 flux spatial
variability in a tropical reservoir in the Central
Amazonia: R A S D Santana, R S do Vale, J Tota, S
D Miller, R B Ferreira Jr, E G Alves, S S A Batalha,
R A F D Souza
1340h B13D-0221 POSTER Diurnal Variation of
CO2 concentration above a tropical reservoir in the
central Amazonia: R S do Vale, R A S D Santana, J
Tota, R A F D Souza, S D Miller
1340h B13D-0222 POSTER Methane Dynamics
in Large Amazonian Rivers: H O Sawakuchi, D
Bastviken, A O Sawakuchi, C D Borges, S M Tsai,
N D Ward, J E Richey, M V Ballester, A V Krusche
1340h B13D-0225 POSTER Carbon Speciation
and Anthropogenic Influences in Haitian Rivers
and Inland Waters: M Markowitz, J Paine, W R
McGillis, D Y Hsueh
1340h B13D-0226 POSTER In-lake carbon dioxide
concentration patterns in four distinct phases in
relation to ice cover dynamics: B A Denfeld, M
Wallin, E Sahlee, S Sobek, J Kokic, H Chmiel, G A
1340h B13D-0227 POSTER Underice Circulation
and Greenhouse Gas Evasion in Arctic Lakes: S
MacIntyre, S Sadro
1340h B13D-0228 POSTER Quality Control and
Error Analysis of Eddy Covariance Measurements
Over a Small Lake Surrounded by Forest: I
Mammarella, U Rannik, A Ojala, J J Heiskanen, T
1340h B13D-0229 POSTER Surface Fluxes from
a Large Reservoir in Relation to Episodic and
Mesoscale Factors: L D White, C Johnson
1340h B13D-0230 POSTER Effect of atmospheric
stability on evaporation over a large reservoir: Y
Yusup, H Liu
1340h B13D-0234 POSTER Quantifying CO2
emissions from a newly created reservoir: FAQDNDC (v1.0) model development, testing, and
sensitivity analysis : W Wang, Y Kim, N T Roulet,
I B Strachan, A Tremblay
1340h B13D-0235 POSTER Process-based modelling
of greenhouse gases in lakes: ways to tackle spatial
heterogeneity: V Stepanenko, A Glazunov
Moscone West Poster Hall
Global Changes in the Fluxes and
Reactivity of Riverine Organic Carbon
from Channel to Coastal Margin
Posters (joint with GC, OS, PP)
Presiding: Brad Rosenheim, University
of South Florida St. Petersburg; Kathryn
Schreiner, Northwestern University;
Thomas Bianchi, University of Florida
1340h B13E-0236 POSTER Changing Export of
Dissolved Black Carbon from Arctic Rivers: A
Stubbins, R G Spencer, P J Mann, T Dittmar, J
Niggemann, R M Holmes, J W McClelland
1340h B13E-0237 POSTER The reactivity of plantderived organic matter in the Amazon River
and implications on aquatic carbon fluxes to the
atmosphere and ocean: N D Ward, H O Sawakuchi,
R G Keil, R da Silva, D C Brito, A C Cunha, W
Gagne-Maynard, A de Matos, V Neu, T S Bianchi,
A V Krusche, J E Richey
1340h B13E-0238 POSTER A global perspective on
riverine export of terrestrial organic carbon to the
ocean: V Galy, B Peucker-Ehrenbrink, T I Eglinton
1340h B13E-0239 POSTER Salt Marsh and
Phytoplankton Bloom Influences on the
Composition and Metabolism of Organic Matter
in a Temperate Estuary, Delaware, USA: R T
Barnes, Y G Voynova, W J Ullman, E L Sikes, A
K Aufdenkampe
1340h B13E-0240 POSTER Typhoon-Mediated
Organic Carbon Export in the Western Pacific:
The Role of Steep Mountainous Rivers: J D
Hemingway, V Galy, R G Hilton, N Hovius
1340h B13E-0241 POSTER Dispersal and Fate of
Sedimentary Organic Matter in the Yellow and East
China Seas: A Source to Sink View with the Role of
Depositional Hydrodynamic Forcing: L Hu, X Shi,
Z Guo, Z Yang
1340h B13E-0242 POSTER Historical Reconstruction
of Organic Carbon Inputs to Sediments in the
Colville River Delta, Alaska: The Application of
Biomarker Proxies: X Zhang, T S Bianchi, M A
1340h B13E-0243 POSTER The Fate of Soil OC
in the Marine Environment: Examples from the
Rapidly Eroding Landscapes of Two New Zealand
North Island Rivers: N E Blair, E L Leithold, C E
Thompson, L B Childress, K M Fournillier
1340h B13E-0244 POSTER Spatial Patterns of InSitu Production and Respiration within a Turbid
Tropical River: Implications for Amazonian
Carbon Cycling: W Gagne-Maynard, N D Ward,
H O Sawakuchi, V Neu, A C Cunha, R da Silva, D
C Brito, A de Matos, R G Keil, A V Krusche, J E
1340h B13E-0245 POSTER Spatial and temporal
variations in core- and polar- isoprenoid tetraether
lipids along a salinity gradient from the lower Pearl
River to its estuary: C Jia, S Gao, J X Wang, C L
1340h B13E-0246 POSTER Ramped pyrolysis
C age spectra of riverine particulate organic
matter through a record hydrograph – the Great
Atchafalaya Flood of 2011: B E Rosenheim, B J
Roberts, E K Williams
Moscone West Poster Hall
Integrating State-of-the-Art
Knowledge of Microbiological
Processes into Tributary and
Nearshore Water Quality Models
Posters (joint with H, OS)
Presiding: Eric Anderson, NOAA/GLERL;
Lauren Fry, University of Michigan;
Rachel Noble, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:46:55 AM
1340h B13F-0247 POSTER Exchange of E. coli from
the foreshore reservoir to surface waters during
intensified wave conditions: S S Malott, L J Vogel,
T Edge, D M O’Carroll, C E Robinson
1340h B13G-0268 POSTER Linkage among
Vegetation, Microbes and Methanogenic Pathways
in Alaskan Peatlands: L Zhang, W Sidelinger, H
Shu, R K Varner, M E Hines
1340h B13H-0288 POSTER Coastal wetland
response to sea level rise in a marine and fluvial
estuarine system: K Alizad, S C Hagen, J T Morris,
M V Bilskie, D L Passeri, S C Medeiros
1340h B13I-0301 POSTER Automatic mapping of
urban areas from Landsat data using impervious
surface fraction algorithm: S T Nguyen, C F Chen,
C R Chen
1340h B13F-0248 POSTER Comparing Data Input
Requirements of Statistical vs. Process-based
Watershed Models Applied for Prediction of Fecal
Indicator and Pathogen Levels in Recreational
Beaches: M Molina, M Cyterski, G Whelan, R G
1340h B13G-0269 POSTER A mechanistic model
of microbial competition in the rhizosphere of
wetland plants: F Aslkhodapasand, K U Mayer, R
B Neumann
1340h B13H-0289 POSTER Ecosystem Productivity
Responses to Saltwater Intrusion and P Loading
As a Result of Future Sea Level Rise in the Coastal
Everglades: B Wilson, T Troxler, E Gaiser, J S
Kominoski, J Richards, S Servais, J Stachelek, S
Kelly, F Sklar, C Coronado-Molina, C Madden, S E
Davis III, V Mazzi, N Schulte, L Bauman
1340h B13I-0303 POSTER Impact of an Unusual
Dry Spell on the Energy Balance of a Residential
Neighbourhood in a Tropical City: E Velasco, S
Harshan, M Roth
1340h B13F-0249 POSTER Monitoring Bacterial
Water Quality for Application to Watershed and
Nearshore Fate and Transport Model Development:
L M Fry, A Ritzenthaler, E Kramer, E J Anderson
1340h B13F-0250 POSTER Linked HydrologicHydrodynamic Model Framework to Forecast
Impacts of Rivers on Beach Water Quality: E J
Anderson, L M Fry, E Kramer, A Ritzenthaler
1340h B13F-0251 POSTER Probabilistic multi-scale
modeling of pathogen dynamics in rivers: A I
Packman, J D Drummond, A F Aubeneau
Moscone West Poster Hall
Natural Wetlands and Open Waters in
the Global Methane Cycle I Posters
Presiding: Elaine Matthews, NASA;
Martin Wik, Stockholm University;
Torsten Sachs, GFZ German Research
Centre for Geosciences; Ruth Varner,
University of New Hampshire
1340h B13G-0252 POSTER Implications of
Vegetation Shifts on Greenhouse Gas Production
in a Coastal Salt Marsh: S Ouni, J E Corbett, D M
1340h B13G-0253 POSTER Modelling natural
wetlands from LGM to Anthropocene: T Kleinen,
V Brovkin
1340h B13G-0254 POSTER Greenhouse Gas Fluxes
in a Natural and Restored Wetland before and after
Hurricane Sandy: K V Schafer, P R Jaffe, G Bohrer
1340h B13G-0270 POSTER The Influence of
Vegetation on Methane Ebullition in a Temperate
Wetland: S Roddy, R K Varner, M W Palace
1340h B13G-0271 POSTER Methane Emissions from
Semi-natural, Drained and Re-wetted Peatlands
in Germany: B Tiemeyer, M Bechtold, E Albiac
Borraz, J Augustin, M Drösler, S Beetz, C Beyer,
T Eickenscheidt, S Fiedler, C Förster, M Giebels, S
Glatzel, J Heinichen, H Höper, K Leiber-Sauheitl,
M Peichl-Brak, N Rosskopf, M Sommer, J Zeitz, A
1340h B13G-0272 POSTER Quantifying the
Variability of CH4 Emissions from Pan-Arctic Lakes
with Lake Biogeochemical and Landscape Evolution
Models: Z Tan, Q Zhuang
1340h B13G-0273 POSTER An automatic remotely
web-based control equipment for investigating gas
flux at water – air interfaces: N T Duc, S Silverstein,
M Wik, P M Crill, D Bastviken, R K Varner
1340h B13G-0274 POSTER Lake Physical and
Geochemical Traits Impact CH4 and CO2
Concentrations: A L Perry, L A Logozzo, M Wik,
B F Thornton, P M Crill, J E Johnson, R K Varner
1340h B13G-0275 POSTER Linking Sediment
Characteristics to Methane Emission Potential in
Subarctic Lakes: L A Logozzo, A L Perry, M Wik,
B F Thornton, P M Crill, J E Johnson, R K Varner
1340h B13G-0276 POSTER Correlating the presence
of Sparganium angustifolium with methane ebullition
in a subarctic Swedish lake: K Stilson, J M Sampson,
M Wik, P M Crill, R K Varner, M Crawford
1340h B13G-0277 POSTER Ebullition of CO2
and CH4 from an Upland Stream Network in
Northeastern Siberia: S Spawn, S Dunn, G J Fiske,
J D Schade, N Zimov
1340h B13G-0255 POSTER Controls for ecosystem
methane exchange are time-scale specifc and
shift during the growing season of a temperate
fen: T Sachs, F Koebsch, G Jurasinski, M Koch, J
Hofmann, S Glatzel
1340h B13G-0278 POSTER Higher Methane
Emissions in Regions of Sea Ice Retreat: F J W
Parmentier, W Zhang, Y Mi, X Zhu, P A Miller,
K J van Huissteden, D J Hayes, Q Zhuang, A D
McGuire, T R Christensen
1340h B13G-0256 POSTER Low Permafrost
Methane Emissions from Arctic Airborne Flux
Measurements : T Sachs, A Serafimovich, S
Metzger, K Kohnert, J Hartmann
1340h B13G-0279 POSTER Distribution and
Emission of Methane in Nakdong Estuary: J Ryu,
S An
1340h B13G-0257 POSTER Controls of Spatial and
Temporal Variability in CH4 Flux in a High Arctic
Fen over Three Years: L Strom, J M Falk, K Skov,
M Jackowicz-Korczynski, M Mastepanov, M Lund,
T R Christensen, N M Schmidt
1340h B13G-0258 POSTER Quantifying the Microbial
Utilization of Methanogenesis and Methane Loss
from Northern Wetlands: J E Corbett, M Tfaily, D
Burdige, P H Glaser, J Chanton
1340h B13G-0259 POSTER Modeling CH4 and
CO2 cycling using porewater stable isotopes in a
thermokarst bog, interior Alaska: R B Neumann,
S Blazewicz, M P Waldrop
1340h B13G-0260 POSTER A modeling perspective
on wetland methane production and emission: X
Xu, W J Riley, C D Koven
1340h B13G-0261 POSTER High-resolution
Methane Isotope Data Improves Model of Wetland
Methane Dynamics: C K McCalley, C Li, J Deng, J
H Shorter, M S Zahniser, J Chanton, P M Crill, S R
Saleska, R K Varner
1340h B13G-0262 POSTER Interannual Variation
in Methane Production Across a Permafrost Thaw
Gradient: B A Verbeke, P E Clarizia, C K McCalley,
S L Werner, A Malhotra, S A Burke, P M Crill, J
Chanton, R K Varner
1340h B13G-0263 POSTER Comparison of CH4
Emission and CO2 Exchange Between 2013 and
2014 in a Subarctic Peatland: P E Clarizia, B A
Verbeke, C K McCalley, S L Werner, A Malhotra,
S A Burke, P M Crill, R K Varner
Measurements of Methane Production, Oxidation,
and Efflux Across Geomorphic Gradients in Arctic
Polygon Tundra: L J Smith, M E Conrad, M S
Torn, M Bill, J B Curtis, O Chafe, M S Hahn
1340h B13G-0265 POSTER Key players of methane
dynamics in alpine fens: interaction of vascular
plants and microbial communities: S Cheema, J A
Zeyer, R Henneberger
1340h B13G-0267 POSTER Modeling the
Interaction of H2 on Root Exudate Degradation and
Methanogenesis in Wetland Sediments: D S Pal, P
R Jaffe
1340h B13G-0280 POSTER Efficient Collection of
Methane from Extremely Large Volumes of Water
for Natural Radiocarbon Analysis: K J Sparrow, J
D Kessler
1340h B13G-0281 POSTER Development of a
pre-concentration system and auto-analyzer for
dissolved methane, ethane, propane, and butane
concentration measurements with a GC-FID: A
Chepigin, M Leonte, F Colombo, J D Kessler
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h B13H-0291 POSTER A Methodology for the
Management of Estuarine Restoration Plans at the
Regional Scale based on Classification Techniques:
S Castanedo Bárcena, M Jiménez Tobío, R
Medina, P Camus
1340h B13H-0293 POSTER A meta-analysis of
vertical accretion data in North American Coastal
Marshes: J R Holmquist, L N Brown, G M
1340h B13H-0294 POSTER A Salt Marsh Erosion
Model: Interplay Between Biotic and Physical
Factors at the Seaward Edge: M E Weiner, L A
Gilbert, C L Alves, P A Poole, S Schleicher
Presiding: Susanna Theroux, Lawrence
Berkeley National Lab; Lisamarie
Windham-Myers, U.S. Geological
Survey; Susannah Tringe, DOE Joint
Genome Institute; Wyatt Hartman, DOE
Joint Genome Institute
Urban Areas and Global Change I
Posters (joint with A, GC)
Presiding: Galina Churkina, Institute
for Advanced Sustainability Studies; Tim
Butler, IASS potsdam; Kevin Gurney,
Arizona State University; Iryna Dronova,
University of California Berkeley
1340h B13I-0295 POSTER Multi-Scale Assessment
of Projected Urban Expansion in the United States:
M Georgescu
1340h B13I-0296 POSTER Monitoring UrbanizationRelated Land Cover Change on the U.S. Great
Plains and Impacts on Remotely Sensed Vegetation
Dynamics: C P Krehbiel, T Jackson, G M Henebry
1340h B13I-0297 POSTER Quantifying the modes of
urban growth and identifying its drivers in Treasure
Valley, Idaho: K R Dahal
1340h B13I-0299 POSTER Effects of Complexity in
Floor Reflectance on Carbon and Water Fluxes in
an Urban Park: H Kimm, Y Ryu, H Kobayashi, K
Lee, J W Hong, J Hong
1340h B13I-0300 POSTER Urban Extent Mapping
Using Object-Based Texture Classification and
Landsat Data: P Wang, C Huang, J C Tilton, B Tan,
E C Brown de Colstoun, R E Wolfe, J T Phillips, P
Y Ling
1340h B13I-0306 POSTER Different Patterns of the
Urban Heat Island Intensity from Cluster Analysis:
F B Silva, K Longo
1340h B13I-0307 POSTER Investigation of Urban
Heat Stress from Satellite Atmospheric Profiles: L
Hu, N A Brunsell
1340h B13I-0308 POSTER Urban Heat Island
Studies: Los Angeles Changing Climate: T Torres,
F Hsu, P Jarujareet, S LaDochy, P C Ramirez, W C
1340h B13I-0309 POSTER What land covers are
effective in mitigating a heat island in urban
building rooftop?: S Lee, Y Ryu
1340h B13I-0311 POSTER Improvement of land
surface - atmosphere interactions in a WRF/
Urban modeling system for Indianapolis, IN: D P
Sarmiento, K J Davis, T Lauvaux, N L Miles, S
1340h B13I-0312 POSTER Numerical experiments
on the formation of urban climate under various
geographical conditions: R Ito, T Satomura, T
1340h B13I-0313 POSTER Urban effects on regional
climate: A case study in the Phoenix-Tucson
Corridor: Z Yang, F Dominguez, H V Gupta
1340h B13I-0314 POSTER Impact of Urban Density
Type in a Global Climate Model: T Bogart
1340h B13I-0315 POSTER Seasonality of the urban
heat island effect: patterns and drivers: J Schatz, C
J Kucharik
1340h B13I-0318 POSTER Microclimate Patterns of
Residential Landscapes Across the US: J Learned,
S J Hall
D Souza, M G D Nascimento, R Alvalá
1340h B13I-0320 POSTER Characterizing the Urban
Heat Island with a Dense Sensor Network: P K
Snyder, T E Twine, B V Smoliak, P Mykleby, W
F Hertel
Download the Mobile App
1340h B13H-0283 POSTER Tidal marsh stability in
the face of human impacts and sea level rise: M L
1340h B13H-0284 POSTER Modeling Tidal Wetland
Resiliency in the Face of Predicted Accelerated SeaLevel Rise: L M Schile, J Callaway, J T Morris, M
1340h B13I-0305 POSTER Does the spatial
arrangement of vegetation and anthropogenic
land cover features matter? Case studies of urban
warming and cooling in Phoenix and Las Vegas: S
W Myint, B Zheng, C Fan, S Kaplan, A Brazel, A
Middel, M Smith
1340h B13I-0310 POSTER Parameter Estimation and
Sensitivity Analysis of an Urban Surface Energy
Balance Parameterization at a Tropical Suburban
Site: S Harshan, M Roth, E Velasco
Moscone West Poster Hall
Sea Level Rise +: Forecasting Coastal
Wetland Ecosystem Responses to
Multiple Stressors Posters (joint with
1340h B13H-0285 POSTER Vulnerability of
Northeastern U.S. Salt Marshes to Climatic
and Anthropogenic Stressors: E B Watson, A J
Oczkowski, A Hanson, E W Davey, S C Crosby, R
L Johnson
1340h B13H-0286 POSTER Influence of Sea-Level
Rise and Storms on Soil Accretion Rates in the
Mangrove Forests of Everglades National Park,
USA: J M Smoak, J Breithaupt, T Smith III, C J
Sanders, L C Peterson
1340h B13H-0287 POSTER The Resilience and
Recovery of Salt Marshes to Landfalling Storms
and Sea-Level Rise, New Jersey, USA: B Horton,
D Nikitina, A Kemp, C H Vane, S E Engelhart, N
S Khan
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 35
1340h B13H-0290 POSTER Remote Sensing of
Vegetation Parameters for Modeling Coastal Marsh
Response to Sea Level Rise: K B Byrd, L WindhamMyers, B Warzecha, R Crowe, M C Vasey, M Ferner
1340h B13I-0304 POSTER Effects of Green Space
and Land Use/Land Cover on Urban Heat Island in
a Subtropical Mega-city in China: G Y Qiu, X Li,
H Li, Q Guo
Browse, add, and sync sessions, events, and
presentations to your itinerary.
11/28/2014 10:47:05 AM
1340h B13I-0321 POSTER The NSF-RCN Urban
Heat Island Network: T E Twine, P K Snyder, P
Hamilton, M Shepherd, B Stone Jr
1340h B13I-0322 POSTER Seasonal variations in
δ13C and δ18O of atmospheric CO2 measured in
the urban boundary layer over Vancouver, Canada
in relation to fuel emissions: J Lee, A Christen, R
Ketler, Z Nesic, L Schwendenmann, C Semmens
1340h B13I-0323 POSTER Optimized spectroscopic
scheme for enhanced precision CO measurements
with applications to urban source attribution: A
Nottrott, J Hoffnagle, A Farinas, C Rella
1340h B13I-0324 POSTER Continuous measurement
of carbon black in a densely populated area of
Mexico City: O Peralta, A Ortinez, T Castro, M D
L L Espinoza, I Saavedra, G A Carabali-Sandoval Sr,
V H Páramo, A Gavilán, A Martínez-Arroyo
1340h B13I-0326 POSTER Air Quality and
Population Exposure in Urban Areas: Potential CoBenefits of Alternative Strategies: U Mikolajczyk,
P Suppan, R Forkel, M Williams
1340h B13I-0327 POSTER Mechanisms of Air
Pollution Transport in Urban Valleys as a Result of
the Interplay Between the Temperature Inversion
and the Urban Heat Island Effect: A Rendón, V
Wirth, J F Salazar, C A Palacio, B Brötz
1340h B13I-0328 POSTER Urban Heat Island Versus
Air Quality – a Numerical Modelling Study for a
European City: J Fallmann, R Forkel, S Emeis
1340h B13I-0329 POSTER Relationship between
Atmospheric Pollution Processes and Atmospheric
Circulation in Shanghai, China: Y Ma, J Zhang, J
Cong, J Wang
1340h B13I-0330 POSTER Consumption-based
Total Suspended Particulate Matter Emissions in
Jing-Jin-Ji Area of China: S Yang, S Chen, B Chen
Churkina, R Grote, T M Butler
1340h B13I-0332 POSTER Watershed scale chloride
storage across a gradient of urbanization: C C
Wellen, C J Oswald, S K Oni
Moscone West 2004
Exploring Microbial Mat
Communities: Functions, Interaction,
and Signatures I
Presiding: James Moran, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory; Jennifer
Pett-Ridge, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory; Mary Lipton,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
1340h B13J-01 Stromatolites, Metals, Statistics and
Microbial Mats: A Complex Interplay: J R Spear
1355h B13J-02 Studying Microbial Mat
Functioning Amidst “Unexpected Diversity”:
Methodological Approaches and Initial Results
from Metatranscriptomes of Mats Over Diel
cycles, iTags from Long Term Manipulations, and
Biogeochemical Cycling in Simplified Microbial
Mats Constructed from Cultures: B Bebout, L E
Bebout, A M Detweiler, R C Everroad, J Lee, J PettRidge, P K Weber
1410h B13J-03 Diel Metagenomics and
Metatranscriptomics of Elkhorn Slough Hypersaline
Microbial Mat: J Lee, A M Detweiler, R C Everroad,
L E Bebout, P K Weber, J Pett-Ridge, B Bebout
1425h B13J-04 The Extracellular Matrix in
Photosynthetic Mats: A Cyanobacterial Gingerbread
House: R Stuart, W Stannard, B Bebout, J PettRidge, X Mayali, P K Weber, M S Lipton, J Lee, R C
Everroad, M Thelen
1440h B13J-05 Linking Microbial Dynamics and
Physicochemical Processes in High-temperature
Acidic Fe(III)- Mineralizing Systems: W Inskeep
1455h B13J-06 Geochemical Constraints on the
Distribution and Function of Thermoproteales
Populations in Yellowstone National Park: Z Jay, D
Rusch, M Romine, J Beam, W Inskeep
1510h B13J-07 Formation of Microbial Streamers
by Flow-Induced Shear and Their Hydrodynamic
Effects: J Gong, K A Olsen, T Nguyen, M M Tice,
G C 2012 & 2013
1525h B13J-08 Investigation of Biological Soil
Crusts Metabolic Webs Using Exometabolomic
Analysis: T Northen, U Karaoz, S Jenkins, R Lau,
B Bowen, H Cadillo-Quiroz, F Garcia-Pichel, E
Brodie, B Richard
Moscone West 2006
Molecular, Genomic, and Isotopic
Approaches to Resolving Biotic and
Abiotic Pathways of Nitrous Oxide
Production in Terrestrial and Marine
Ecosystems I
(joint with A, GC, OS, V)
Presiding: Jennifer Glass, Georgia
Institute of Technology; Nathaniel
Ostrom, Michigan State Univ; Xia Zhu,
University of California Davis
1340h B13K-01 Understanding the sources and
mitigation potential of nitrous oxide in agriculture:
W R Horwath, X Zhu, T A Doane, M Burger
Denitrification: How far are we?: N WrageMönnig
1410h B13K-03 Fact and Fiction of Nitrous Oxide
Production By Nitrification: L Y Stein, J Kozlowski,
M Stieglmeier, M G Klotz, C Schleper
1425h B13K-04 Progress in Quantifying Rates and
Product Ratios of Microbial Denitrification Using
Stable Isotope Approaches: R Well, G Braker, C
Buchen, A Giesemann, D Lewicka-Szczebak, L
Rohe, H Flessa
1440h B13K-05 Characterizing nitrous oxide
sources by mass spectrometric analyses of several
isotopologues: P Magyar, V J Orphan, J M Eiler
1455h B13K-06 Disentangling the complexity of
nitrous oxide cycling in coastal sediments: Results
from a novel multi-isotope approach: S D Wankel,
C Buchwald, C Charoenpong, W Ziebis
1510h B13K-07 In-Stream Microbial Denitrification
Potential at Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge
Sites: N B Hill, B G Rahm, S B Shaw, S J Riha
1525h B13K-08 Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Eastern
Tropical South Pacific as Inferred from Isotopic and
Isotopomeric Data: J Vedamati, B X Chang, B D
Peters, M S Forbes, C Mordy, M J Warner, A Devol,
B B Ward, K L Casciotti
Moscone West 2003
Observing and Predicting Impacts
from Ecological and Climatological
Disturbances I (joint with GC, H)
Presiding: Jaclyn Matthes, Dartmouth
College; David Moore, University of
Arizona; Jingfeng Xiao, University of
New Hampshire; Shuguang Liu, USGS
1340h B13L-01 Impacts of Invasive Pests on Forest
Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics: G M Lovett, K F
1355h B13L-02 Observing and Quantifying
Ecological Disturbance Impacts on Semi-arid
Biomes in the Southwestern US: M E Litvak, D J
Krofcheck, L Morillas, A M Fox
1410h B13L-03 Carbon Accumulation and Nitrogen
Pool Recovery during Transitions from Savanna
to Forest in Central Brazil: A Pellegrini, W A
Hoffmann, A C Franco
1425h B13L-04 Landscape Disturbance History and
Belowground Carbon Dynamics: E Marin-Spiotta,
A P Smith, E E Atkinson, N T Chaopricha
1440h B13L-05 Natural and Human-induced
Disturbances and Their Impacts on Forest Carbon
Budgets in North America : Y Pan, R Birdsey, J M
Chen, K McCullough, F Zhang
1455h B13L-06 Forest Carbon Cycling Across
Gradients of Disturbance Severity: Patterns and
Underlying Mechanisms: C M Gough, G Bohrer,
L E Nave, K J Nadelhoffer, C S Vogel, B P BondLamberty, E J Goodrich-Stuart, P Curtis
1510h B13L-07 A Tale of Two Forests: Simulating
Contrasting Lodgepole Pine and Spruce Forest
Water and Carbon Fluxes Following Mortality
from Bark Beetles: B E Ewers, S D Peckham, D S
Mackay, E Pendall, J M Frank, W J Massman, D E
Reed, B Borkhuu
1525h B13L-08 Soil Respiration Declines Following
Beetle - Induced Forest Mortality in a Lodgepole
Pine Forest: B Borkhuu, S D Peckham, U Norton,
B E Ewers, E Pendall
Moscone West Poster Hall
Soil Organic Matter Dynamics:
Processes of Stabilization and
Decomposition I Posters
(joint with GC)
of Florida; Jennifer King, University of
California Santa Barbara; Katherine
Heckman, USDA Forest Service
1340h B13N-0051 POSTER Inclusion of Soil Carbon
Lateral Movement Alters Terrestrial Carbon
Budget in China: H Zhang
1340h B13N-0052 POSTER Improvement of
Expansive Soils Using Chemical Stabilizers: S B
Ikizler, A Senol, S K Khosrowshahi, M Hatipoğlu
1340h B13N-0053 POSTER Quantitative Attribution
of Major Driving Forces on Soil Organic Carbon
Dynamics: Y WU, S Liu, Z Tan
1340h B13N-0054 POSTER A Threshold of Substrate
Addition Rate Predicts the Direction of Soil Organic
Matter Priming in Different Ecosystems: X J A
Liu, J Sun, R L Mau, B K Finley, Z G Compson, P
Dijkstra, E Schwartz, B A Hungate
1340h B13N-0055 POSTER Changes in Carbon
Chemistry and Stability Along Deep Tropical Soil
Profiles at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory:
M Stone, W C Hockaday, A F Plante
1340h B13N-0056 POSTER Carbon mineralization
in surface and subsurface soils in a subtropical
mixed forest in central China: F Liu, Q Tian
1340h B13N-0057 POSTER Soil Organic Matter
Stability and Soil Carbon Storage with Changes in
Land Use Intensity in Uganda: L K Tiemann, S
Grandy, J Hartter
1340h B13N-0058 POSTER Litter Inputs and Soil
Aggregation in Midwestern Biofuel Crops: I B
Kantola, M D Masters, E M Smyth, E H DeLucia
1340h B13N-0059 POSTER Digging Deeper:
The Importance of Litter Quality and Rooting
Depth on Soil Organic Matter Stabilization in
Agroecosystems: S E Fulton-Smith, M F Cotrufo
1340h B13N-0060 POSTER Increase in Recalcitrant
Carbon: a Positive Balance between Stabilization
and Priming Effect: J Liang, C Huo, Z Shi, J Xia,
Y Luo
1340h B13N-0061 POSTER Temperature and
Microbial Activity Effects on Soil Carbon
Stabilization: C Fissore, L van Diepen, D Wixon, E
Marin-Spiotta, C P Giardina
1340h B13N-0062 POSTER An improved highthroughput method for p-nitrophenol based
enzyme assays to aid soil ecology studies: J A Penso,
J Moore-Kucera, V Acosta-Martinez
1340h B13N-0063 POSTER Microbial Mineralization
of Soil Organic Matter: Role of Chemical
Composition and Structural Organization: M M R
Khalaf, G Chilom, J A Rice
1340h B13N-0064 POSTER Quantitative inhibition
of soil C and N cycling by ectomycorrhizal fungi
under field condition: C Averill, C Hawkes
1340h B13N-0065 POSTER Quantifying Soil Organic
Carbon Redistribution after Forest Fire using
Thermal Analyses, Valles Caldera, New Mexico: K
B Kuklewicz, C Rasmussen
1340h B13N-0066 POSTER Frequent burning of
a tallgrass prairie increases soil C and N storage
as pyrogenic organic matter, while reducing N
availability: J Soong, M F Cotrufo
1340h B13N-0067 POSTER Effect of Combustion
Temperature on Soil and Soil Organic Matter
Properties: A Study of Soils from the Western
Elevation Transect in Central Sierra Nevada,
California: S N Araya, A A Berhe
1340h B13N-0068 POSTER The Effects of Simulated
Wildfire on Particle Size and Carbon Content in
Piedmont Soils: A Wynes, S P Werts
1340h B13N-0069 POSTER Mobilization of Carbon
and Organic Matter after the Rim Fire, Yosemite
National Park: R Lever, T J Kuhn, A A Berhe
1340h B13N-0070 POSTER Visualizing the Stability
of Char: Molecular- to Micron-scale Observations of
Char Incubated in a Tropical Soil : K A Heckman,
C Ramon, P K Weber, M S Torn, J Pett-Ridge, P
S Nico
1340h B13N-0071 POSTER Comparison of Piedmont
Clay Complexity and Carbon and Nitrogen Release
at Various Temperature Intensities through
Simulated Wildfires: T Davis, S P Werts
1340h B13N-0072 POSTER Pyrolysis-AMS Study of
Age Structure of SOC in Volcanic Soils on Kohala
Volcano, Hawaii: K E Grant, V Galy, L A Derry
1340h B13N-0075 POSTER Foundations of Soil
Organic Matter Stabilization: Tracing the Influence
of Mineralogy on the Initial Sorption of RootDerived Carbon: R Neurath, P S Nico, J PettRidge, M Firestone
1340h B13N-0076 POSTER The role of tree species
and soil moisture in soil organic matter stabilization
and destabilization: J A Hatten, J Dewey, S Roberts,
K McNeal, A Shaman
1340h B13N-0077 POSTER Anion Exchange
Capacity As a Mechanism for Deep Soil Carbon
Storage in Variable Charge Soils: C Dietzen, J N
James, M Ciol, R B Harrison
1340h B13N-0078 POSTER Characteristics of
environmental correlations between iron (oxyhydr)
oxide nanoparticles and microbial activity: T
Tamura, A Kyono, M Muratani
1340h B13N-0079 POSTER Persistence of MineralAssociated Soil Organic Carbon in European Soil
Profiles: A Mayer, M Schrumpf, S Trumbore
1340h B13N-0080 POSTER Disentangling controls
on mineral-stabilized soil organic matter using a
slurry incubation: J M Lavallee, M F Cotrufo, E A
Paul, R T Conant
1340h B13N-0081 POSTER Organo-mineral
interactions promote greater soil organic carbon
stability under aspen in semi-arid montane forests
in Utah: H Van Miegroet, M Roman Dobarco
1340h B13N-0082 POSTER Evolution of MineralOrganic Matter Associations in Sediments: From
(Bio)mineralization to Burial: E Estes, D Nordlund,
S D Wankel, C M Hansel
1340h B13N-0083 POSTER Assessing the Influence
of Mineral Surface Chemistry on Soil Organic
Matter Stability in the US in Response to Climate
Change: A Toledo, K Heckman, C Rasmussen, J W
Harden, M Johnson, C Swanston
1340h B13N-0085 POSTER Ultraviolet Radiation
Accelerates Litter Decomposition Mainly By
Increasing Its Biodegradability but Not Abiotic
Photomineralization: L Liu, J Wang, X Wang, Y
1340h B13N-0086 POSTER Precipitation pulse
size and frequency controls on dryland litter
decomposition rates: K L Kurupas, H Throop
Moscone West Poster Hall
Dust, Black Carbon, and Other
Aerosols in the Cryosphere I Posters
Presiding: McKenzie Skiles, University
of California Los Angeles; Thomas
Painter, NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; John Burkhart, University
of Oslo; Mark Flanner, University of
1340h C13A-0401 POSTER 20th Century Black
Carbon and Dust Deposition on South Cascade
Glacier, Washington Reconstructed from the South
Cascade Ice Core: D Pittenger, S Kaspari
1340h C13A-0402 POSTER Annual Patterns and
Sources of Light-Absorbing Aerosols over Central
Greenland: J Hu, M H Bergin, J E Dibb, P J
Sheridan, J A Ogren
1340h C13A-0403 POSTER SAGE 2014: Spatial
and Seasonal Variability in the Accumulation of
Black Carbon and Soluble Ions in the Snow Pack in
Northwest Greenland: J E Dibb, C Polashenski, Z
Courville, M C Stewart, L Farnsworth, C Stwertka
1340h C13A-0404 POSTER Changes in Snow
Albedo Resulting from Snow Darkening Caused by
Black Carbon: J Engels, S Kloster, Q Bourgeois
1340h C13A-0405 POSTER Atmospheric Black
Carbon Concentrations in the Finnish Arctic over
Five Decades: Comparisons between measurements
and model: L Husain, V A Dutkiewicz, A Dejulio,
J Laing, P K Hopke, R Skeie, Y Viisanen, J Paatero
1340h C13A-0406 POSTER The Properties of Black
Carbon and Mineral Dust Deposition in Snow
and Ice Cores and Their Source Attributions over
Northern China: X Wang, J Huang, Q Fu, W Pu,
X Zhang
1340h B13N-0073 POSTER A comparison of
predictive soil-carbon models across multiple
spatio-temporal catchment scales: G R Hancock, V
Kunkel, T Wells
1340h C13A-0407 POSTER Bimodal Albedo
Distributions in the Ablation Zone of the
Southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet: S Moustafa,
A K Rennermalm, L C Smith, M A Miller, J
Mioduszewski, L Koenig
1340h B13N-0074 POSTER The Distribution and
Controls of Deep Mineral Soil Carbon in Alaska: K
D Johnson
1340h C13A-0408 POSTER A 2800-year Siberian ice
core record of vanillic acid and p-hydroxybenzoic
acid: M M Grieman, E S Saltzman, J R McConnell,
D Fritzsche, T Opel
Presiding: Kate Lajtha, Oregon State
University; Marc Kramer, University
AGU2014News.indb 36
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:07 AM
1340h C13A-0409 POSTER Observations of
atmospheric and snowpack chemistry in the
summer on the Juneau Icefield: J Berry, C R
Thompson, K Pratt
1340h C13A-0410 POSTER Radiative Forcing Effects
Due to Black Carbon and Dust in the Atmosphere
and Snow in the Western United States: Y Mao, Q
Li, K N Liou, H Liao, Y Gu, C He, L Zhang
1340h C13A-0411 POSTER Contributions of Fossil
Fuel Combustion to Winter-time Arctic Aerosols:
T E Barrett, S Usenko, E Robinson, R J Sheesley
Moscone West Poster Hall
Global Climate Change and
Cryospheric Systems III Posters (joint
with EP, GC, H, PP)
Presiding: Jasper Knight, University
of Witwatersrand; Neil Glasser,
Aberystwyth University; Jason Briner,
University at Buffalo; Laura Levy,
Aarhus University
1340h C13A-0412 POSTER Evolution of Black
Carbon Optical Properties during Atmospheric
Calculations and Laboratory Experiments: C He, K
N Liou, Y Takano, Q Li, P Yang, R Zhang
1340h C13B-0432 POSTER Middle to late Holocene
fluctuations of the Vindue glacier, an outlet glacier
of the Greenland Ice Sheet, central East Greenland:
L Levy, S K Hammer, M A Kelly, T V Lowell, B L
Hall, J A Howley, P Wilcox, A Medford
1340h C13A-0413 POSTER Spatially and Temporally
Refined Sources of Black Carbon Aerosols in the
Arctic in spring: L Qi, Q Li, Y Mao, Y Chen, J T
Randerson, Q Wang, W M Hao
reconstruction of Holocene ice margins in
northwestern Greenland: S D Birkel, E C
Osterberg, M A Kelly, Y Axford
1340h C13A-0414 POSTER Parameterizations for
Narrowband and Broadband Albedo of Pure Snow,
and Snow Containing Mineral Dust and Black
Carbon: C Dang, R Brandt, S G Warren
1340h C13B-0434 POSTER Using Coastal Ice Cap
Records to Investigate Maritime Climate and Ice
Sheet Processes in West Greenland: S B Das, M
J Evans, K E Frey, M B Osman, B E Smith, L A
Stevens, L D Trusel, A York, M Bingham
1340h C13A-0415 POSTER Simulating black carbon
and dust in snow and their climatic impact over
Eurasia: C Zhao, Z Hu, J Huang, Y Qian, L R Leung,
M Huang, J Jin, M Flanner
1340h C13A-0416 POSTER Aromatic acids from
biomass burning in the WAIS Divide ice core: E S
Saltzman, M M Grieman, J McConnell, J Cole-Dai
1340h C13A-0417 POSTER Physical and Chemical
Properties of Seasonal Snow and the Impacts on
Albedo in New Hampshire, USA: A C Adolph, M
R Albert, J Amante, J E Dibb
1340h C13A-0418 POSTER Ice core sulfur and
methanesulfonic acid (MSA) records from
southern Greenland document North American
and European air pollution and suggest a decline in
regional biogenic sulfur emissions: D R Pasteris, J
R McConnell, J F Burkhart, E S Saltzman
1340h C13A-0419 POSTER Assessing mining
impacts from dust and black carbon on Arctic snow
in Svalbard, Norway: A L Khan, H M Dierssen,
J P Schwarz, Y Ding, R Jaffe, T H Painter, D M
McKnight, M H Hermanson
1340h C13A-0420 POSTER Concentration and
isotope ratio of sulfur species in snow along the
route to Dome Fuji, Antarctica: M Hirabayashi, H
1340h C13A-0421 POSTER Online Aerosol Size and
Composition Measurements in Coastal Antarctica:
P F DeCarlo, M Giordano, L Kalnajs, A Johnson, S
M Davis, T Deshler, D W Toohey
1340h C13A-0422 POSTER Spatial variability of
light-absorbing impurities in the seasonal snowpack
of the Nordic Arctic: J Svensson, D Brus, T
Raatikainen, K Neitola, E Asmi, A Korhola, H
1340h C13A-0423 POSTER A Method to Retrieve
the Complex Refractive Index and Single Scattering
Optical Properties of Dust Deposited in Mountain
Snow Cover: M Skiles, T H Painter, G S Okin
1340h C13A-0424 POSTER The distribution of
PM2.5 in the Arctic and the impacts of deposited
Black Carbon on snow albedo: N Sobhani, S
Kulkarni, G R Carmichael
1340h C13A-0425 POSTER Snow Impurities on
Central Asian Glaciers: Mineral Dust, Organic &
Elemental Carbon: J Schmale, S Kang, R Peltier, M
Sprenger, J Guo, Y Li, Q Zhang
1340h C13A-0426 POSTER Effects of dust-caused
early snowmelt on soil moisture, soil carbon and
nitrogen, and plant growth and reproductive output
in a snow manipulation experiment: L G Conner,
R A Gill
1340h C13A-0427 POSTER The impact of Saharan
dust events on long-term glacier mass balance in the
Alps: A Bauder, J Gabbi, M Huss, M Schwikowski
1340h C13A-0428 POSTER The Snow Darkening
Effect and the Simulation of Extremes over Eurasia:
T J Yasunari, W K M Lau, K M Kim, R D Koster
1340h C13A-0429 POSTER Color of Greenland:
Tracing the Dark Ice Exposed at the Ice Sheet
Margin: S E Starke, R E Bell, K J Tinto, I Das, G
1340h C13A-0430 POSTER Investigating the Effect
of Soot Emissions on Precipitation over Western
CONUS Using WRF-Chem: H L R Tseng, K N
Liou, Y Gu, L Wu, R G Fovell
1340h C13A-0431 POSTER Charred Forests Increase
Snow Albedo Decay: Watershed-Scale Implications
of the Postfire Snow Albedo Effect: K E Gleason,
A W Nolin
1340h C13B-0435 POSTER Climatic and
Topographic Controls on the Global Distribution
of Surge-type Glaciers: Implications for a Unifying
Model of Surging: H Sevestre, D Benn
1340h C13B-0436 POSTER A 300 Year Surge History
of the Drangajökull Ice Cap, Northwest Iceland:
Surge Frequency and Little Ice Age Maximum: S
Brynjolfsson, A Schomacker, O Ingolfsson, E R
1340h C13B-0437 POSTER Deglaciation of the
Drangajökull ice cap, NW Iceland: preliminary
results from 36Cl cosmogenic exposure dating: A
Schomacker, S Brynjolfsson, O Ingolfsson, J K
1340h C13B-0439 POSTER Salt Marshes as Monitors
of Late Holocene Outlet Glacier Retreat: L M
Wake, S Woodroffe, A J Long, G A Milne
1340h C13B-0440 POSTER Lacustrine Records of
Holocene Mountain Glacier Fluctuations from
Western Greenland: A Schweinsberg, J P Briner,
O Bennike
1340h C13B-0441 POSTER Last Glacial - Present
Glacial Activity in East Greenland Fjords Inferred
from Swath Bathymetry and High-Resolution
Seismic Data: M Forwick, J S Laberg, K Husum,
I L Olsen
1340h C13B-0442 POSTER Thermal Regime Change
of a Retreating Polythermal Glacier from Repeat
Ground Penetrating Radar: D M Rippin, I C Willis,
H Sevestre
1340h C13B-0443 POSTER Assessing the influence
of sea ice conditions on outlet glacier retreat in
Disko and Uummannaq Bays, West Greenland: A
York, K E Frey, S B Das, M J Evans, A S Gardner, B
E Smith, L D Trusel
1340h C13B-0444 POSTER 1,350,000 Year History
of Siberian Permafrost Based on U-Pb Chronology
of Speleothems: A Vaks, A J Mason, S F M
Breitenbach, A M Kononov, A V Osintcev, G M
1340h C13B-0445 POSTER Ice Elevation Changes
in the Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica Using
Multiple Cosmogenic Nuclides: S Marrero, A Hein,
D Sugden, J Woodward, S Dunning, K Reid
1340h C13B-0446 POSTER Several Firn Core
Records of Accumulation over the Past Two
Millennia in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica:
B Medley, T Neumann, J R McConnell, M Sigl, S
1340h C13B-0447 POSTER Observations on
Ventifacts and Wind-Polished Boulders in
Pleistocene Coversands, Ice-Marginal New Jersey:
M N Demitroff
1340h C13B-0448 POSTER The Southern Annular
Mode (SAM) in PMIP2 Simulations of the Last
Glacial Maximum: S J Kim, J Lu, B M Kim
1340h C13B-0449 POSTER Patterns in Polar Climate
Change: How Well Do GCMs Capture Melt-Season
Variability?: D B Reusch, D P Schneider, C C
Karmosky, D J Lampkin
1340h C13B-0450 POSTER Compromises between
Circumpolar Vortex and Cryospheric Extent: G
Choi, D A Robinson, J Kim
1340h C13B-0451 POSTER Are Glaciers and Ice
Sheets Carbon Sources or Carbon Sinks?: J A
Graly, J I Drever, N F Humphrey
1340h C13B-0452 POSTER Towards Better
Integration of Climate Models and Models for the
Terrestrial Cryosphere (Permafrost and Glaciers):
B Etzelmuller, S Westermann, K Gisnas, K S
Aas, T Schuler, T Dunse, T Ostby, T Berntsen, J E
Kristjansson, F Stordal
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 37
1340h C13B-0453 POSTER Antarctic Pumpdown--a New Geoengineering Concept for Capturing and
Storing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: J E Beget
1355h C13D-02 Microwave remote sensing of rainon-snow events in the subarctic with AMSR2 and
GPM observations: L Brucker, S J Munchak
Understanding Late Cenozoic Glaciation and Basin
Processes for the Development of Secure Large Scale
Offshore CO2 Storage (North Sea): H A Stewart,
M Barrio, M Akhurst, P Aagaard, J Alcalde, A
Bauer, T Bradwell, A Cavanagh, J I Faleide, A K
Furre, S Haszeldine, B O Hjelstuen, S Holloway, H
Johansen, G Johnson, W Kuerschner, N H Mondol,
E Querendez, P S Ringrose, H P Sejrup, M Stewart,
D Stoddart, M Wilkinson, H Zalmstra
1410h C13D-03 Monitoring of the Liquid Water
Content During Snowmelt Using C-Band SAR
Data and the Snow Model CROCUS: G RondeauGenesse, M Trudel, R Leconte
1340h C13B-0455 POSTER Future Global
Cryosphere: Impacts of Global Warming: T Y Gan,
R G Barry
1340h C13B-0456 POSTER Regional Climate Change
in the Northern Hemisphere: K Wang, T Zhang
1340h C13B-0457 POSTER Interannual and
Interseasonal Variability of Surface Energy and
Mass Fluxes on Shallap Glacier, Cordillera Blanca,
Retrieved from ERA-Interim Reanalysis Data: F
Maussion, W Gurgiser, B Marzeion
1340h C13B-0458 POSTER Assessing Antarctica’s Ice
Shelves for Vulnerability to Surface-Melt-Induced
Collapse Using Scatterometry: K E Alley, T A
Scambos, D G Long
1340h C13B-0459 POSTER Recent Snow
Accumulation Variability in Northwest Greenland
from a Compilation of Snow Pits, Ice Cores, and
Instrumental Records: G J Wong, E C Osterberg, R
L Hawley, Z Courville, D G Ferris, J A Howley, S K
Caughey, E Lutz, T B Overly
1340h C13B-0460 POSTER Regional scale climatic
trends derived from Younger Dryas glaciers in
the U.K: D Pearce, B R Rea, I Barr, D Small, D
1340h C13B-0461 POSTER Geomorphic and
Modeling Evidence for a Late Pleistocene Cirque
Glacier in Southwest England: J Knight, S
Harrison, A V Rowan
Moscone West 3005
Marginal Ice Zone Processes II (joint
with A, OS)
Presiding: Craig Lee, Univ Washington;
Jeremy Wilkinson, British Antarctic
Survey; Luc Rainville, University of
Washington; Sung-Ho Kang, KOPRI
Korea Polar Research Institute
1340h C13C-01 Waves and Fetch in the Marginal
Ice Zone: J M Thomson, W Rogers, S Zippel, M
Smith, J Gemmrich
1355h C13C-02 The Expansion of the Marginal
Ice Zone in the Pacific Arctic: J K Hutchings, K
I Martini, D K Perovich, I G Rigor, A Petty, S L
Farrell, R Gens, E Barker
1425h C13D-04 Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval
By Markov Chain Monte Carlo Based on Memls and
Hut Snow Emission Model: J Pan, M T Durand, B
J Vanderjagt
1440h C13D-05 Evaluation of Icebridge Snow Radar
Measurements over Sea Ice in the Canadian Arctic:
C Derksen, J M King, S Howell, P Toose, A Silis,
N Rutter
1455h C13D-06 Comparison of Antarctic Basin Scale
Mass Change from GRACE/GOCE and CryoSat-2:
J Bouman, M McMillan, E R Ivins, M Blossfeld, M
Fuchs, M Horwath
1510h C13D-07 Ice Sheet Thermomety Using
Wideband Radiometry: K C Jezek, J Johnson, M
T Durand, M Aksoy, L Tsang, T Wang, S Tan, G
Macelloni, M Brogioni, M R Drinkwater
1525h C13D-08 Investigation of SMOS Sea
Ice Thickness Retrieval with respect to the Ice
Temperature Gradient within an Ice Layer: X TianKunze, N Maass, L Kaleschke
Moscone South Poster Hall
Carbon Chemistry in the Deep Earth
Posters (joint with V)
Presiding: Daniel Hummer, Univ
California Los Angeles; Marius Millot,
UC Berkeley
1340h DI13A-4260 POSTER Carbon Dissolution in
Reduced Silicate and Alloy Melts – a Frontier for
Understanding Evolution of Terrestrial Planets: R
Dasgupta, H Chi, Y Li, M S Duncan, K Tsuno
1340h DI13A-4261 POSTER Calibration of Diamond
As a Raman Spectroscopy Pressure Sensor: S Ono
1340h DI13A-4262 POSTER Melting curve of
CaCO3 with implications for the presence of melt in
the transition zone: Z Li, J Li
1340h DI13A-4263 POSTER “Invar”-like behavior in
compressed Fe7C3 with implication for deep carbon
cycle: J Liu, J Li, D Ikuta
1340h DI13A-4264 POSTER The carbon-bearing
phases in the subducted slabs under the lower
mantle condition: F Maeda, E Ohtani, S Kamada, T
Sakamaki, Y Ohishi, N Hirao
1410h C13C-03 Forecasting Future Sea Ice
Conditions in the MIZ: a Lagrangian Approach:
B Tremblay, R Newton, P de Repentigny, S L
Pfirman, W Meier, G G Campbell
1340h DI13A-4265 POSTER Understanding
Structural Properties of Carbonate-Silicate Melts:
An EXAFS Study on Y and Sr in the System Na2OCaO-Al2O3-SiO2-CO2: J Pohlenz, S Pascarelli, O
Mathon, S Belin, A Shiryaev, O Safonov, V Murzin,
K Shablinskaya, T Irifune, M Wilke
1425h C13C-04 Investigating the summer evolution
of floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea : J
Richter-Menge, A E Arntsen, C Stwertka, D K
Perovich, C Polashenski, A Song
1340h DI13A-4266 POSTER Effect of variable Na/K
ratio on CO2 solubility in slab-derived rhyolitic
melts – An experimental study: M Muth, M S
Duncan, R Dasgupta
1440h C13C-05 Surface and basal sea ice melt from
autonomous buoy arrays during the 2014 sea ice
retreat in the Beaufort/Chukchi Seas: T L Maksym,
J Wilkinson, P B Hwang
1340h DI13A-4267 POSTER Structure and Stability
of High-Pressure Dolomite with Implications for
the Earth’s Deep Carbon Cycle: N V Solomatova,
P D Asimow
1455h C13C-06 Variations of the Pacific-Origin
Summer Waters in the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic
Ocean: K H Cho, T W Kim, C Y Kang, K Shimada,
S H Kang
1340h DI13A-4268 POSTER Viscosity of CarbonateSilicate Melts Using Ultra-High Resolution Falling
Sphere Viscometry: D R Hummer, A Kavner, C E
Manning, C Park, Y Kono, C Kenney-Benson
1510h C13C-07 Towards Resolving the Paradox of
Antarctic Sea Ice: A New Integrated Framework
for Observing the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone: G
D Williams
Moscone South Poster Hall
1525h C13C-08 Sinking Particle Flux in the Sea Ice
Zone of the Amundsen Shelf, Antarctica: M Kim, J
Hwang, H J Kim, D Kim, H W Ducklow, S H Lee,
E J Yang, S Lee
Moscone West 3007
Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere I
(joint with H)
Presiding: Melody Sandells, University
of Reading; Mary Brodzik, Univ
Colorado; Marco Tedesco, CUNY City
1340h C13D-01 Measuring Thermokarst Subsidence
Using InSAR: Potential and Pitfalls: L Liu, K M
Schaefer, A C Chen, A Gusmeroli, H A Zebker, T
Collaborative Studies on Mantle
Melting I Posters (joint with MR, P, S, T,
Presiding: Maxim Ballmer, University
of Hawaii; Esteban Gazel, Virginia
Tech; Catherine Rychert, University of
1340h DI13B-4269 POSTER Garnet Xenocryst in a
Petit Spot Lava: Recycling or Direct Formation in
Oceanic Lithosphere?: L Rochat, S Pilet, N Abe
Investigations of the Deep Earth’s Mantle Melting
Properties: G Pesce, D Andrault, G M Manthilake,
N Bolfan-Casanova, D Novella, J Chantel, N
1340h DI13B-4271 POSTER Lower Mantle melting
model and it’s geodynamical applications: I Fomin,
P J Tackley
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1340h DI13B-4272 POSTER Convective Mixing in
Porosity Waves during Melt Migration: J Jordan,
M A Hesse
1340h DI13B-4273 POSTER Viscosity Measurements
of Eclogite Melt up to 5.6 GPa and 2000 K: H Liu, Y
Fei, L Han, Y Kono, M Hou, Z Zhao, J Du
1340h DI13B-4274 POSTER Melting Behaviour
of Carbonated MORB: the transition zone carbon
filter: A R Thomson, M J Walter, S C Kohn
1340h DI13B-4275 POSTER Melting Relations
in the MgO-SiO2 and CaO-MgO-SiO2 Systems
at the Earth’s Lower Mantle Conditions: New
Methodological Approach and Preliminary Results:
M A Baron, O T Lord, M J Walter, R G Tronnes
heterogeneity in the Arctic mantle at Gakkel Ridge:
M E D’Errico, J M Warren, M Godard
1340h DI13B-4277 POSTER Seismic structure of the
Tonga Arc and Lau Backarc Spreading Center from
joint inversion of local and teleseismic body wave
arrivals: A N Adams, D A Wiens, D K Blackman, S
C Webb, R A Dunn, J A Conder, D Zhao
1340h DI13B-4278 POSTER Geometry Properties
of Porosity Waves during Magma Migration: The
Influence of Viscosities and Damage: Z Cai, D
Hydrothermal Cooling and Asymmetric Accretion
at Slow-spreading Ridges: H Bai, L Montesi
1340h DI13B-4280 POSTER The effect of shearing
on the formation and interactions of dunite
channels: C Baltzell, E M Parmentier, Y Liang, S
1340h DI13B-4281 POSTER Viscous fingering in
miscible fluids and the oceanic asthenosphere:
significance for the formation of intraplate
seamount chains: U S Nissanka, D S Weeraratne,
E M Parmentier
1340h DI13B-4282 POSTER Against the grain: The
physical properties of anisotropic partially molten
rocks: S Ghanbarzadeh, M A Hesse, M Prodanovic
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate C1-C2
The Structure, Dynamics,
and Evolution of Earth’s Core:
Observations, Models, and
Experiments I
(Virtual Session) (joint with GP, MR, S)
Presiding: Jessica Irving, Princeton
University; Alexandre Fournier, Institut
de Physique du Globe de Paris; Caitlin
Murphy, Geophysical Laboratory;
Jonathan Aurnou, University of
California Los Angeles
1340h DI13C-01 Pre-Melting in Iron and Iron Alloys
at Earth’s Core Conditions: Results from Ab Initio
Molecular Dynamics Calculations: L Vocadlo, B
Martorell, J P Brodholt, I G Wood
1355h DI13C-02 Attenuation Tomography of the
Inner Core: T Pejic, H Tkalcic
1410h DI13C-03 Metal-silicate Partitioning of
Uranium and Thorium up to 138 GPa and 5500 K
and Implications for Stratified Layer at the Top of
the Outer Core: R Nomura, K Hirose, J I Kimura,
Q Chang
1425h DI13C-04 Near-Melting Condition of the
Inner Core Boundary Revealed from Antipodal
Seismic Waves: V F Cormier, J Attanayake, S M S
de Silva, M S Miller, C Thomas
1440h DI13C-05 Partial Melting in the Inner Core:
J W Hernlund
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h ED13B-3454 POSTER Exploring Climate
Science with WV Educators: A Regional Model for
Teacher Professional Development: L F Ruberg, M
California State University San Marcos;
Ritayan Mitra, North Carolina State
University at Raleigh
Bridging the Gap Between Social
Justice and Scientific Environmental
Awareness through Coursework
Posters (joint with GC, PA, SI)
1340h ED13B-3455 POSTER Making the State of
the Art the Classroom Benchmark: A Climate
Change Curriculum Based on Synthesis Science: K
A Nicholas
1340h ED13D-3474 POSTER The Integrate Student
Portal: Online Resources to Prepare Students for the
Workforce of a Sustainable Future: M Z Bruckner,
C A Manduca, A E Egger, H Macdonald
Presiding: Nicole Bouvier-Brown,
Loyola Marymount University; Elizabeth
Dahl, Loyola University Maryland
1340h ED13B-3456 POSTER A Way Forward:
Cooperative Solutions to Our Climate Challenges:
L J Little, J M Byrne
1340h ED13A-3433 POSTER Human History and
Environmental Geology: A Match Made in Nature:
M M Selvans
1340h ED13B-3457 POSTER SEA Semester
Undergraduates Research the Ocean’s Role in
Climate Systems in the Pacific Ocean: A W Meyer,
M K Becker, K C Grabb
1340h ED13A-3435 POSTER Making Connections to
Students’ Lives and Careers Throughout a General
Education Science Course: D S LaDue
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h ED13A-3436 POSTER Social Justice and
Water Issues in the 21st Century: E W Boyer, L
1340h ED13A-3437 POSTER Social Justice Is
in the Air: Teaching Climate Change and Air
Pollution with Scientific and Social Inquiry: M
1340h ED13A-3438 POSTER Air Pollution and
Environmental Justice Awareness: N C BouvierBrown
1340h ED13A-3439 POSTER Facing the Future:
Sharing Habitats with Wildlife; A Civic Engagement
Partnership between St. Mary’s College and Lindsay
Wildlife Museum through SENCER-ISE: A M
Baldridge, S Bachofer, W Pan
1340h ED13A-3440 POSTER Practical Ideas to Get
Students to Think About Justice in Science Courses:
E E Dahl
1340h ED13A-3441 POSTER Social Justice and
Environmental Awareness Developed through a
Citizens’ Jury: J Knight
1340h ED13A-3442 POSTER Community-Based
Soil Quality Assessment As a Tool for Designing
an Urban Green Infrastructure Network to Manage
Runoff: C Klimas, J Montgomery
1340h ED13A-3443 POSTER A big picture look
at big coal: Teaching students to link societal and
environmental issues: S L Sojka
Moscone South Poster Hall
Climate Literacy: Strategies for
Talking About Controversial Issues
Outside of the Classroom / Preparing
Climate Literate K-12 Teachers and
Students I Posters
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Nick Haddad, TERC; Frank
Niepold, NOAA Washington DC;
Ingrid Zabel, Paleontological Research
Institution; Raluca Ellis, Franklin
1340h ED13C-3458 POSTER Walk the Talk:
Teachers as Leaders in Climate Change Education:
J Warburton, S Bartholow, A Larson
1340h ED13C-3459 POSTER Personal, Informal and
Relatable: Engaging Wide Audiences in Climate
Science with Nasa’s Earth Right Now Blog: L F
Tenenbaum, H Shaftel, R Jackson
1340h ED13C-3460 POSTER High School Teachers
and Students Knowledge and Views about Climate
Change, a Nice NASA Example: R E Bleicher, J L
1340h ED13C-3461 POSTER Sciencetogo.Org:
Using Humor to Engage a Public Audience with
the Serious Issue of Climate Change: D S Lustick, J
Lohmeier, R F Chen, D Rabkin, R Wilson
1340h ED13C-3462 POSTER Preparing Teachers
to Support the Development of Climate Literate
Students: N Haddad, T S Ledley, K K Ellins, E W
Bardar, E Youngman, C Dunlap, J Lockwood, A S
Mote, K McNeal, J C Libarkin, S E Lynds, A U Gold
Climate Literacy: Approaches to
Multidisciplinary Climate Education
in Higher Education Institutions III
Posters (joint with GC, PA, SI)
1340h ED13C-3463 POSTER Fight Swack, Adapt to
Climate Change or How to Use Humor to Engage
the Public in Climate Issues: R Ellis, K Elinich, R
Johnson, J Fink, J Crawford
Presiding: Monica Bruckner, Carleton
College; James Byrne, University of
Lethbridge; Stephen Hale, The Joan and
James Leitzel Center for Mathematics,
Science, and Engineering Education,
University of New Hampshire; Leanne
Little, University of Lethbridge
Controversies: Fracking and Climate Change: D
Duggan-Haas, I H H Zabel, R M Ross
1340h ED13B-3445 POSTER Utilizing the NASA
Data-enhanced Investigations for Climate Change
Education Resource for Elementary Pre-service
Teachers in a Technology Integration Education
Course: E M Howard, T Moore, S R Hale, L B
Hayden, D Johnson
1340h ED13B-3446 POSTER Utilizing Public Access
Data and Open Source Statistical Programs to Teach
Climate Science to Interdisciplinary Undergraduate
Students: L Collins
1340h ED13B-3447 POSTER Undergraduate Students
As Effective Climate Change Communicators: H O
Sharif, J Joseph, G L Mullendore
1340h ED13C-3466 POSTER Raising Climate
Literacy of K-12 Teachers with Datastreme Earth’s
Climate System: J A Brey, I Geer, R S Weinbeck, E
W Mills, K A Nugnes
1340h ED13C-3467 POSTER Climate And Sea Level:
It’s In Our Hands Now: M Turrin, R E Bell, W B
F Ryan
1340h ED13C-3468 POSTER There’s an Elephant
in the Room! How Talking Around Climate Can
Be More Effective Than Talking About Climate: M
Unger, A Rockwell
1340h ED13C-3469 POSTER Developing Climate
Literate, Pre-service, Middle- and High-school
Teachers: D E Veron, G Ad-Marbach, J Wolfson,
G Ozbay, H Mead, J Merrill, A Sezen, R Fox-Lykens
1340h ED13C-3470 POSTER Museums & Mermaids:
Bringing Climate Literacy to the Party: D Tillinger
1455h DI13C-06 Constraining the Velocity
Structure at the Top of the Earth’s Outer Core by
SKKS and S3KS Differential Traveltimes: L Zhao,
V C H Tang, S H Hung
1340h ED13B-3448 POSTER Virginia Union
University STEM Education for Pre Service
Educators: K Frink, A Rasheed, P Crawford, K
1340h ED13C-3471 POSTER Who Is Learning About
Climate Change in American Schools? An Analysis
of Climate Change in Curriculum Standards: B W
Golden, T K Francis
1510h DI13C-07 The Composition of Low-Velocity
Layers at the Top and Bottom of the Earth’s Core: J
Badro, J P Brodholt
1340h ED13B-3449 POSTER Pre-Service Teachers
Enhance Climate Literacy Through Writing
Children’s Books on Climate Literacy Concepts
and Implementing Related Activities in the PK-12
Classroom: L J Walton-Jaggers
1340h ED13C-3472 POSTER Climate Masters of
Nebraska: An Action Based Approach to Climate
Change Education: N Umphlett, T Bernadt, T
1525h DI13C-08 Evidence for Stable Stratification at
the Top of the Core from Core Surface Flows: B A
Buffett, R T Holme
1340h ED13B-3450 POSTER Fostering climate
dialogue by introducing students to uncertainty in
decision-making: T Ewen, N Addor, L Johnson, A
Coltekin, C Derungs, V Muccione
1340h ED13B-3451 POSTER Climate Science across
the Liberal Arts Curriculum at Gustavus Adolphus
College: J K Bartley, L Triplett, J Dontje, T
Huber, M Koomen, J Jeremiason, J La Frenierre, C
Niederriter, A Versluis
1340h ED13B-3452 POSTER Infusing Sustainability
Across Disciplines to Build Student Engagement: M
Z Bruckner, K O’Connell, J R McDaris, K B Kirk,
K Larsen, M Kent, C A Manduca, A E Egger, D
Blockstein, D W Mogk, J Taber
AGU2014News.indb 38
1340h ED13C-3473 POSTER Images of Polar Bears
and Penguins, Storms, Deforestation and More
- Middle School Students Perceptions of Climate
Change : S Gopal, E K Melaas, M Malmrose, A
Moscone South Poster Hall
Incorporating Environmental,
Societal, and Sustainability Issues
into Traditional Geoscience Curricula
Posters (joint with GC, PA, SI)
Presiding: Geoffrey Cook, U. of
California, San Diego; Heather Cook,
1340h ED13D-3475 POSTER Creating a ‘Born
Digital’ Introductory Online Geology Course with
a Community of Inquiry that Supports Discussion
of Societal Challenges: M A d’Alessio, J J Schwartz
1340h ED13D-3476 POSTER Teaching Physics to
Environmental Science Majors Using a Flipped
Course Approach: N B Hill, S J Riha, M W Wysocki
1340h ED13D-3477 POSTER Incorporating Systems
Thinking in Traditional Geoscience Curriculum: A
Laboratory Assignment: R Mitra, G W Cook, K
1340h ED13D-3478 POSTER Strategies for
increasing student knowledge and understanding
about conflict minerals in a mineralogy class: G W
1340h ED13D-3479 POSTER Committing to creating
time for integrating contemporary environmental
issues into a traditional introduction to Earth
Science course, one topic at a time: H M Cook
1340h ED13D-3480 POSTER Model Based Reasoning
by Introductory Students When Analyzing Earth
Systems and Societal Challenges: L N Holder, B E
1340h ED13D-3481 POSTER Incorporation of Socioscientific Content into Active Learning Activities:
D B King, J E Lewis, K Anderson, D Latch, S
Sutheimer, G Webster, R Moog
1340h ED13D-3482 POSTER Incorporation
of Student-Centered, Practical Applications
of Geographic Information Systems to Raise
Awareness and Generate Solutions for Local
Environmental Issues: N A Bilsley, C A Love, J B
H Minster
Moscone South 102
Experience-Based Learning:
Enhancing Understanding by
Expanding the Limits of the
Classroom I (joint with B, H)
Presiding: Stephen Macko, Univ
Virginia; Arthur Schwarzschild, Univ
1340h ED13E-01 Research Capacity Building
through Professional Development for K-12
Teachers: E B Sparrow, J Young, W R Bolton
1355h ED13E-02 A Transformative Undergraduate
Field Trip to the Grand Canyon and Death Valley:
J A Smith
1410h ED13E-03 Providing Students with
Foundational Field Instruction within a 50 Minute
Class Period: A Practical Example: M Percy
Connecting With K-12 Students Though Story
Telling-Learning About Climate Change Using
Web-Mapping Based Investigations: J H Wood, S
Natali, J D Schade, G J Fiske, C Linder, E Ramos, L
R Weber, M A Kuhn
1440h ED13E-05 Writing Intensive Undergraduate
Field Camp and Education: Expanding the
Classroom and Preparing Students for the
Workforce: M T Ford, T L McGehee
1455h ED13E-06 Andragogical Modeling and the
Success of the “EMPACTS” project-based learning
model in the STEM disciplines: A decade of growth
and learner success in the 2Y College Learning
Environment: C D Phillips, R Thomason, M
Galloway, N Sorey, L Stidham, M Torgerson
1510h ED13E-07 Adventures in STEM: Lessons
in Water Chemistry From Elementary School to
Graduate School: T M Dittrich
1525h ED13E-08 Expanding the Classroom: Benefits
of Field Classes for Interdisciplinary Courses. : A
Moscone South Poster Hall
Hydraulic Reconstructions of
Sedimentary Deposits and Landforms:
Modern and Ancient II Posters (joint
with H, OS, P, PP)
Presiding: Bruce Jaffe, USGS Pacific
Science Ctr; David Mohrig, Univ
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:07 AM
of Texas at Austin; Michael Lamb,
California Institute of Technology; Ryan
Ewing, Texas A&M University
1340h EP13A-3494 POSTER Numerical and
Experimental Study of Levee Breach: E Y Elalfy, L
LaRocque, C K Riahi-Nezhad, H Chaudhry
1340h EP13A-3496 POSTER The Lower Murray
River’s Mannum Muds: A Holocene Age Lacustrine
Deposit In A Bedrock Gorge: T Hubble, E De Carli,
S L Clarke, D Penny, R J Hamilton, D N Petley, P
1340h EP13A-3497 POSTER Reconstruction of a
Palaeo-Subglacial Lake Network in Alberta, Canada:
S J Livingstone, D Utting, C Clark, A Ruffell, S M
Pawley, N Atkinson, G Mallon
1340h EP13A-3498 POSTER The impact of evolving
current rheology on multi-scale heterogeneity in
submarine lobe strata: an example from the Upper
Cretaceous Point Loma Formation, San Diego,
California: A McGlown, D C Mohrig, M M Perillo
1340h EP13A-3499 POSTER Quantification of
Distinguishing Features of Tsunami versus
Hurricane Sediment Overwash Events: S
Smallegan, S T Keith, W Cheng, R Weiss, J L Irish
1340h EP13A-3500 POSTER Reconstructing
Tsunami Flow Speed from Sedimentary Deposits: B
E Jaffe, G R Gelfenbaum
1340h EP13A-3501 POSTER Estimation of capacity
of suspended load considering effects of preservation
of turbulent kinetic energy: H Naruse, D Sugawara,
K Goto
1340h EP13A-3502 POSTER Experiments on Mixing
in Gravity Currents : D Sher, A W Woods
1340h EP13A-3503 POSTER Evolution of FineGrained Channel Margin Deposits behind Large
Woody Debris in an Experimental Gravel-Bed
Flume: B ONeill, S Marks, K Skalak, J A Puleo, P R
Wilcock, J E Pizzuto
1340h EP13A-3504 POSTER Testing the limits of
the dune phase-stability diagram: the influence
of velocity profile shape on dune morphology:
C A Unsworth, D R Parsons, A J H Reesink, S
1340h EP13A-3505 POSTER Reconstruction of
Mega-Flood Hydraulics from Strath Terraces in the
Channeled Scablands, Eastern Washington, USA: I
J Larsen, E T Simon, R E McKeon, K A Farley, M
P Lamb
1340h EP13A-3506 POSTER Megaflood erosion
of the Tsangpo Gorge constrained by hydraulic
modeling, geochronology, and geochemical
fingerprinting: M D Turzewski, K W Huntington,
R J LeVeque, J K Feathers, I J Larsen, D R
1340h EP13A-3507 POSTER Modelling Martian
surface channel dynamics: T J Coulthard, C
Skinner, J Kim, G Schumann, J C Neal, P D Bates
Moscone South Poster Hall
architecture, bedload extraction, and mass balance
of Holocene fluvial sediments in a tectonically
subsiding basin within the Ganges-Brahmaputra
River delta, Bangladesh: R Sincavage, S L Goodbred
Jr, J Pickering, C Wilson, C Paola, S Hossain, M S
Steckler, L Seeber
1340h EP13B-3514 POSTER From incision to infill:
What a Late Quaternary valley system records?:
V Maselli, A Asioli, F Trincardi, A Ceregato, F
Rizzetto, M Taviani
1340h EP13B-3515 POSTER Unraveling the
Interactions between Tidal and Fluvial Flood
Wave Signals through the Fluvio-Tidal Transition,
Chehalis River, USA: E Prokocki, M M Perillo, J
Best, D R Parsons, C Simpson, G M Perillo
1340h EP13B-3516 POSTER Measuring the
Stratigraphic Filter in Ancient Deltaic Deposits: S
M Trampush, E A Hajek
1340h EP13B-3517 POSTER Propagation and effects
of monsoonal seasonally intense rainfall signal in
river strata: P Plink-Bjorklund
1340h EP13B-3518 POSTER Linking Grain Size and
Sedimentary Structure to Autogenic and Allogenic
Processes Associated with Holocene Valley Infill
and Evolution, Brazos River, TX: K E Moran, J
Nittrouer, J Lorenzo-Trueba, J B Anderson
1340h EP13B-3519 POSTER Are Catchment
Denudation Signals Stored in Alluvial-Fan
Stratigraphy? Measuring Paleodenudation Rates
Using Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Pleistocene
Pleasant Canyon Complex, Panamint Mountains,
California: C C Mason, T R Them II, B Romans
1340h EP13B-3520 POSTER Uplift and Erosion
Histories of Continents From Inversion of Drainage
Networks: G G Roberts, N White, J F Rudge, J D
Paul, K Czarnota
1340h EP13B-3521 POSTER An Automated System
of Knickpoint Definition and Extraction from
a Digital Elevation Model (DEM): Implications
for Efficient Large-Scale Mapping and Statistical
Analyses of Knickpoint Distributions in Fluvial
Networks : A B Neely, B Bookhagen, D W Burbank
1340h EP13B-3522 POSTER Modelling 50,000
Years of Landscape Evolution in the Upper Thames
Valley, UK: Preliminary Results from PARALLEM:
J Wainwright, D Maddy, S McGough, A
Trueman, R M Briant, C Stemerdink
1340h EP13B-3523 POSTER Landscape Response
to Changes in Dynamic Topography on the U.S.
Atlantic Passive Margin: G Ruetenik, R Moucha,
G D Hoke
1340h EP13B-3524 POSTER Lateritic LandformRegolith Mapping of Southwestern Burkina
Faso (West Africa): Implications for Long-term
Landscape Evolution Processes and Mineral
Exploration: J L Grimaud, D Chardon, A Beauvais,
V Metelka
1340h EP13B-3525 POSTER Nucleation of Waterfalls
at Fault Scarps Temporarily Shielded By Alluvial
Fan Aggradation: L C Malatesta, M P Lamb
Signal Propagation and Preservation:
Routing Information from the
Geomorphic Engine to the
Stratigraphic Record II Posters
(cosponsored by SEPM) (joint with OS)
1340h EP13B-3526 POSTER Sediment production
and transport in the New Zealand Southern Alps
– Canterbury sedimentary system during the Late
Pleistocene: the influence of alpine glacial erosion
on the marine stratigraphic record: T G Villaseñor,
J M Jaeger, D A Foster
Presiding: Kyle Straub, Tulane
University; Nicole Gasparini, Tulane
University; Andrea Fildani, Statoil Gulf
ASA; Daniel Stockli, University of Texas
1340h EP13B-3527 POSTER Implications from
vitrinite reflectance in the fore arc sequence of
Coastal Range, Eastern Taiwan: L K Chim, L Y
Tsai, J Y Yen, C P Chang, Y S Liou, Y Horng -Yen
1340h EP13B-3508 POSTER Signal Preservation in
Pulsing Turbidity Current Deposits: G M Keevil, R
M Dorrell, W D McCaffrey
1340h EP13B-3509 POSTER Relationships Between
Channel Hydraulics and Lobe Geometry on
Experimental Submarine Fans: P Hamilton, K
Strom, J Mendiola, D C J D Hoyal
1340h EP13B-3510 POSTER Autogenic limits on
allogenic controls of submarine landform evolution:
R M Dorrell, W D McCaffrey, A D Burns
1340h EP13B-3511 POSTER Potential Impacts
of Tsangpo Lake-Burst Megafloods and Their
Preservation in the Bengal Basin and Delta System:
M S Diamond, S L Goodbred Jr, L Palamenghi, S
Hossain, J Pickering, R Sincavage, V Spiess, L A
1340h EP13B-3512 POSTER Geomorphic Controls
on Aquifer Geometry in Northwestern India: W
M van Dijk, A L Densmore, R Sinha, S Gupta, P
J Mason, A Singh, S K Joshi, N Nayak, M Kumar,
S Shekhar
1340h EP13B-3528 POSTER Eolian Signal of the
Onset of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in North
America Re-Deposited and Preserved As PaleoCave Sediments, Southwestern Colorado, U.S.a: J E
Evans, M J Soreghan
Moscone South Poster Hall
Sinuous Channels in Subaerial and
Submarine Environments: Comparing
Flow, Form, and Fill Posters (joint with
H, NH, OS)
Presiding: Zane Jobe, Shell; Jacob
Covault, Chevron Corporation Houston
1340h EP13C-3529 POSTER Predicting Facies
Patterns within Fluvial Channel Belts: B J Willis,
R Sech, T Sun, M Pyrcz
1340h EP13C-3530 POSTER Driven around the bend:
Spatial evolution and controls on the orientation of
helical bend flow in a natural submarine gravity
current : E Sumner, J Peakall, R M Dorrell, D R
Parsons, S E Darby, R B Wynn
1340h EP13C-3532 POSTER Evolution of Submarine
Gullies on a Prograding Slope: Insights from 3D
Seismic Reflection Data: L Shumaker, Z R Jobe
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 39
1340h EP13C-3533 POSTER Multi-phase submarine
channel-fill history recorded by stratigraphic
architectures in outcropping slope-channel
deposits, Tres Pasos Formation, southern Chile: N
Auchter, B Romans, S M Hubbard, B G Daniels, A
P Reimchen, A A Jackson, L Stright
1340h EP13C-3534 POSTER Delivery of Terrigenous
Material to Submarine Fans: Biological Evidence of
Local, Staged, and Possibly Full Canyon Sediment
Transport Down the Ascension-Monterey Canyon
System Off Central California, USA: M McGann
1340h EP13C-3535 POSTER Turbulent Mixing
and Flow Resistance over Dunes and Scours: R M
Dorrell, A Arfaie, A D Burns, J T Eggenhuisen, D
B Ingham, W D McCaffrey
Moscone West 2007
Advances in Understanding Sediment
Production, Erosion, and Weathering
in the Critical Zone I
(joint with B, H)
Presiding: Claire Lukens, University
of Wyoming; Ashlee Dere, Penn State
University; Melissa Foster, University of
1340h EP13E-01 Weathering, Soil Production, and
Erosion Across Climatic and Tectonic Gradients: K
P Norton, I J Larsen
1340h EP13C-3536 POSTER Dynamics of an Array of
Hydraulic Jumps in an Active Submarine Channel:
R M Dorrell, J Peakall, E J Sumner, D R Parsons, S
E Darby, R B Wynn, E Ozsoy, D Tezcan
1355h EP13E-02 Landslides as weathering reactors;
links between physical erosion and weathering in
rapidly eroding mountain belts: R Emberson, N
Hovius, A Galy
1340h EP13C-3537 POSTER Seismic features and
evolution of a late Miocene submarine channel
system in the Yinggehai basin, northwestern South
China Sea: H Sun, T Jiang, Z Wang, Y Zhang
1410h EP13E-03 Climate control on soil age and
weathering thresholds in young, post-glacial soils of
New Zealand: J L Dixon, O Chadwick, P Vitousek
investigation of Mars meandering rivers: Chemical
precipitation process: W Kim, Y Lim, J Cleveland,
E Reid, C Jew
1340h EP13C-3539 POSTER New observations of
sinuous channels on the Amazon Fan: R D Flood
1340h EP13C-3540 POSTER Unidirectionally
migrating deep-water channels: Architectural styles
and flow processes: C Gong, R J Steel, Y Wang, Q
Moscone South Poster Hall
1425h EP13E-04 Testing for supply-limited
chemical erosion in field measurements of soil
production and chemical depletion: K Ferrier, C S
Riebe, W J Hahm, J W Kirchner
1440h EP13E-05 The Role of Diffusive Hillslopes
in Landscape Evolution: An Experimental
Investigation: K E Sweeney, J J Roering, C Ellis, A
1455h EP13E-06 Rates of tree throw in Appalachian
shale landscapes: T S White, A L D Dere
1510h EP13E-07 Weathering Rinds and Soil
Development on Basaltic Andesite, Guadeloupe:
P B Sak, M Murphy, L Ma, J Engel, Y Pereyra, J
Gaillardet, S L Brantley
Time in Strata: Challenges to
Interpreting Stratigraphic Records
Posters (cosponsored by SEPM) (joint
with PP, T)
1525h EP13E-08 Age and weathering rate of
sediments in small catchments: the role of hillslope
erosion: A Dosseto, H L Buss, F Chabaux
Presiding: Ashley Harris, Chevron
Corporation Houston; Andrew Madof,
Chevron Corporation Houston; Jacob
Covault, Chevron Corporation Houston
Moscone West 2005
1340h EP13D-3542 POSTER High Resolution,
Millennial-Scale Patterns of Bed Compensation on
a Sand-Rich Submarine Lobe, Western Niger Delta
Slope: Z R Jobe
1340h EP13D-3543 POSTER Leveraging 3D
Wheeler Diagrams and relative time mapping in
seismic data to improve stratigraphic interpretation:
Stratigraphic Revelations: L R Goggin
1340h EP13D-3544 POSTER Exploring Challenges
and Opportunities in Recognizing the Signature
of Sea Level, Tectonic Subsidence, and Sediment
Supply in the Stratigraphic Record: A Comparison
of Field-based and Model-generated Data from
Carbonate Sedimentary Records: M E Brady, D L
Oliver, C Bowie
1340h EP13D-3545 POSTER Integration of Seismic,
Log, and Core Data into a Sequence Stratigraphic
Framework for the Miocene of the New Jersey
Shallow Continental Shelf: K G Miller, G S
Mountain, J V Browning, M E Katz, D Monteverde
1340h EP13D-3546 POSTER More gaps than
shale: stratigraphic incompleteness of marine
shale successions using a Toarcian example: J P
1340h EP13D-3547 POSTER Journey of Time in
Stratigraphy: M R Gani
1340h EP13D-3548 POSTER What Are Stratigraphic
Surfaces?: C Paola, S Gupta, D C Mohrig
1340h EP13D-3549 POSTER Absolute age
constraints on rapid, axial progradation of a highrelief clinoform depositional system in the Colville
foreland basin, Arctic Alaska: R O Lease, D W
Houseknecht, A R Kylander-Clark
1340h EP13D-3550 POSTER Reconciling Changes
to the Geologic Time Scale, in the U.S. Geologic
Names Lexicon: D R Soller, N R Stamm
1340h EP13D-3551 POSTER Climate signals in
Middle Eocene deep-marine clastic systems,
Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees: K T Pickering, B
Cantalejo, J I Scotchman
1340h EP13D-3553 POSTER Analysis of Binary
Series to Evaluate Astronomical Forcing of a
Middle Permian Chert Sequence in South China: L
A Hinnov, X Yao, Y Zhou
1340h EP13D-3554 POSTER Investigating uplift in
the South-Western Barents Sea using sonic and
density well log measurements: Y Yang, M Ellis
1340h EP13D-3555 POSTER Time, Order, and
Stratigraphy: Exploring the Effects of Missing Time
in the Identification of Ordered Patterns in the
Stratigraphic Record: D L Oliver, M E Brady
From Ridge to Reef: Terrestrial
Sediment Impacts to Coral Reef
Ecosystems II (joint with B, H, OS)
Presiding: Carlos Ramos-Scharron,
Univ. of Texas; Jonathan Stock, US
Geological Survey; Curt Storlazzi, USGS
Pacific Science Ctr; Trent Biggs, San
Diego State University
C02 WORLD: J M Maina, H de Moel, C Mora, P
Ward, J Watson
1355h EP13F-02 Fine Sediment Erosion and
Transport to the Near Coastal Zone from
Watersheds of St. Thomas, USVI: G Benoit, Z
1410h EP13F-03 From Ridge to Reef, Quantifying
Sediment Pollution to Hawaiian Coral Reefs: J D
Stock, T Ericksen, G Tribble, J Jacobi
Bartley, Z Bainbridge, S Lewis, S Wilkinson, J
Croke, G Bastin, J Brodie
1440h EP13F-05 10Be constrains the sediment
sources and sediment yields to the Great Barrier
Reef from the tropical Barron River catchment,
Queensland, Australia: K K Nichols, P R Bierman,
D H Rood
1455h EP13F-06 Role of Sediments and Nutrients
in the Condition of a Coral Reef Under Tourist
Pressure: Akumal México: M J Naranjo-Garcia, D
S Vadés Lozano, E Real-De-Leon, K Lopez-Aguiar,
J R Garza-Perez
1510h EP13F-07 Settlement Effects on Favia fragum
(Scleractinia, Faviidae) Exposed to Different
Sediment Sources from Puerto Rico: C Hankins, C
Randall, M Barron
Moscone West Poster Hall
The Global Geodetic Observing
System and Earth Rotation:
Monitoring the Dynamic Earth II
Presiding: Richard Gross, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Chopo Ma, NASA Goddard
SFC; Erricos Pavlis, Goddard Earth
Sciences and Technology Center; Cheng2014
11/28/2014 10:47:07 AM
Li Huang, Shanghai Astronomical
Observatory, Chinese Academy of
1340h G13A-0500 POSTER Inventory of standards
and conventions used for the generation of IAG/
GGOS products: D Angermann, T Gruber, M
Gerstl, U Hugentobler, L Sanchez, R Heinkelmann,
P Steigenberger
1340h G13A-0501 POSTER Development of web
tools to disseminate space geodesy data-related
products: L Soudarin, P Ferrage, A Mezerette
1340h G13A-0502 POSTER Which Orbit for the
GRASP Mission?: A Pollet, D Coulot, M Zoulida,
F Deleflie, R Biancale, M Mandea
G13A-0503 POSTER
experiments between satellite laser ranging ground
stations via one-way laser ranging to the Lunar
Reconnaissance Orbiter: D Mao, X Sun, D R
Skillman, J Mcgarry, E Hoffman, G A Neumann, M
H Torrence, D E Smith, M T Zuber
1340h G13A-0504 POSTER On the potential of
multi-static SLR. Case study: orbit determination
and prediction of space debris objects: O Baur, H
Wirnsberger, G Kirchner, K U Schreiber, W Riede
1340h G13A-0505 POSTER Demonstrating Vertical
Stability Between Geodetic Techniques at SGF
Herstmonceux, UK: G M Appleby, J C Rodriguez,
R Sherwood, T Shoobridge, M J Wilkinson
1340h G13A-0506 POSTER The NASA-Haystack
VGOS Development Systems: A E Niell, C J
Beaudoin, R J Cappallo, B E Corey, S R McWhirter,
C A Ruszczyk, J G SooHoo, M A Titus, J M Gipson,
W E Himwich, S Bolotin
1340h G13A-0507 POSTER Current State of New
Vgos Antennas for the “Quasar” Network: A
Ipatov, D Ivanov, S Smolentsev, G Ilin, I Gayazov
1340h G13A-0508 POSTER Effects of the April 1st,
2014 GLONASS Outage on GNSS Receivers: F
Blume, H T Berglund, I Romero, E D’Anastasio
1340h G13A-0509 POSTER Impact of GNSS Clock
Instability on Radio Occultation Retrievals from the
COSMIC-2 Mission: W S Schreiner, T Vanhove, J
Braun, S V Sokolovskiy, D Hunt
1340h G13A-0510 POSTER A Stable Geodetic
Reference Frame within the COCONET Footprint
to Enable High-Accuracy Ground Deformation
Study: H Liu, G Wang, J Yu
1340h G13A-0511 POSTER GPS data analysis and
results from the Geodesy Advancing Geosciences
and EarthScope (GAGE) project: T Herring, M
Floyd, R W King, T I Melbourne, W M Szeliga, M
H Murray, D A Phillips, C M Puskas, F M Boler, C
M Meertens, G S Mattioli
1340h G13A-0512 POSTER Current Land Subsidence
in Tianjin, China Recorded by Three Continuous
GPS stations (2010-2014): X Jia, Q Jing, B Yan, J
Yu, W Gan, G Wang
1340h G13A-0513 POSTER A Seafloor Benchmark
for 3-dimensional Geodesy: C D Chadwell, S C
Webb, S L Nooner
1340h G13A-0514 POSTER An Autonomous, Low
Cost Platform for Seafloor Geodetic Observations:
T Ericksen, J H Foster, B S Bingham, J Oshiro
1340h G13A-0515 POSTER First Observations with
the New Dual Sphere Superconducting Gravimeter
Osg-073 at Metsähovi, Finland: H Virtanen, A
Raja-Halli, M Bilker-Koivula, J Naranen, H E O
1340h G13A-0516 POSTER Consistency problems
associated to the improvement of precessionnutation theories: J M Ferrandiz, A Escapa, T
Baenas, J Getino, J F Navarro, S Belda
1340h G13A-0517 POSTER A Numerical Experiment
to Test the Influence of the Uncertainty of Earth
Model on Nutation: C L Huang, M Zhang
1340h G13A-0518 POSTER Progress in Research on
Diurnal and Semidiurnal Earth Rotation Change: X
Xu, D Dong, Y Zhou
1340h G13A-0519 POSTER GPS-based Real-Time
and High-Rate Estimation of Earth Orientation
Parameters: W Bertiger, Y E Bar-Sever, R S Gross
1340h G13A-0520 POSTER Application of Empirical
Mode Decomposition in the Ultra Short-Term
Prediction of Polar Motion : Q Wang
1340h G13A-0521 POSTER New Atmospheric
and Oceanic Angular Momentum Datasets for
Predictions of Earth Rotation/Polar Motion: D A
Salstein, N Stamatakos
1340h G13A-0522 POSTER Atmospheric pressure
forced oceans and their effects on Earth’s Rotation:
a TOPEX data approach: N Dey, S R Dickman
1340h G13A-0523 POSTER Impact of self-attraction
and loading on Earth rotation: K J Quinn, R M
Ponte, M E Tamisiea
AGU2014News.indb 40
1340h G13A-0525 POSTER Estimating the Period
and Q of the Chandler Wobble from Observations
and Models of its Excitation: R S Gross, J Nastula
1340h GC13A-0615 POSTER Changing Aerosol
Transport to the Arctic from Present Day to the End
of 21st Century: C Jiao, M Flanner
1340h GC13B-0638 POSTER Development of new
impact functions for global risk caused by climate
change: C Miyazaki
1340h G13A-0526 POSTER Glacier Melting Effect
on the Earth’s Rotation - Revisited: S H Na, D L
Sahagian, T H Kim, B G Jo, K D Ahn, Y H Shin
1340h GC13A-0616 POSTER The Effect of Excess
Snow on Sea Ice in a Global Ice-Ocean Prediction
System: B Winter, S Bélair, J F Lemieux
1340h GC13B-0639 POSTER Assessing Vulnerability
of Electricity Generation Under Potential Future
Droughts : E Yan, V C Tidwell, M S Wigmosta
1340h G13A-0527 POSTER Topographic Coupling at
Core-Mantle Boundary in Rotation and Orientation
Changes of the Earth: V M A Dehant, M Puica, M
Folgueira López, A Trinh, T Van Hoolst
1340h GC13A-0617 POSTER Simulation of Arctic
Climate with the Regional Arctic System Model
(RASM): Sensitivity to Atmospheric Processes: J
J Cassano, A Duvivier, M Hughes, A Roberts, M
Brunke, A Craig, B J Fisel, W J Gutowski Jr, W
Maslowski, B Nijssen, R Osinski, X Zeng
1340h GC13B-0640 POSTER Modelling climate
change effects on spatial variability in subcatchment
flows in a mountain basin, New Zealand: D
Khadka, B S Caruso, C Zammit
1340h G13A-0528 POSTER Rotational modes of
a two layer stratified fluid core model: B SeyedMahmoud, H Naseri, M Zhang
Moscone West 3024
Plate Motion, Continental
Deformation, Interseismic Strain
Accumulation III (joint with NH, S, T)
Presiding: Donald Argus, JPL; Jeffrey
Freymueller, University of Alaska
Fairbanks; Rui Fernandes, University of
Beira Interior
1340h G13B-01 A New Arabia-Africa-Eurasia GPS
Velocity Field (1994-2014) and E Mediterranean
Block Model: Implications for Continental
Deformation in a Zone of Active Plate Interaction:
P Vernant, M Floyd, H Ozener, S Ergintav, A
Karakhanyan, F Kadirov, G Sokhadze, A ArRajehi,
H Nankali, I Georgiev, A Ganas, D Paradissis, S
McClusky, F G Gomez, R E Reilinger
1355h G13B-02 Deforming Balkans : Insights
on Continental Collisional Processes from GPS
Data: M Metois, N D’Agostino, A Avallone, N R
A Chamot-Rooke, A Rabaute, L Duni, N Kuka, R
Koci, I Georgiev
1410h G13B-03 Plate Coupling and Strain of the Far
Western Aleutian Arc Modeled from GPS Data: M
G Kogan, D I Frolov, N N Titkov, G M Steblov,
N F Vasilenko, J T Freymueller, A S Prytkov, G
Ekstrom, Y V Gabsatarov
1425h G13B-04 Kinematics and Dynamics of the
Pamir, Central Asia: C Jay, L M Flesch, R O Bendick
1440h G13B-05 Inter-seismic deformation and plate
coupling along the Andaman micro-plate margin:
geodetic constraints using 1996-2004 GPS data:
A Earnest, J Puchakayala, C C P Rajendran, K
1455h G13B-06 Continuum Deformation Explains
the Kinematics of Iranian Continental Convergence:
R J Walters, P C England, G A Houseman
1510h G13B-07 The Earthquake Loading Cycle and
the Deep Structure of the North Anatolian Fault: T
J Wright, D G Cornwell, K Farrell, J C Hawthorne,
G A Houseman, E Hussain, G E Lloyd, R J Phillips,
D A Thompson, S Rost, T Yamasaki, N Turkelli, L
1525h G13B-08 Large geodetic time series
constraining the spatial distribution and the time
evolution of the velocity field at the western tip of
the Aden Ridge in Afar: C Doubre, A Deprez, F
Masson, A Socquet, P Ulrich, S Ibrahim Ahmed, J
B de Chabalier, A Ahmadine Omar, C Vigny, J C
Moscone West Poster Hall
Advancing Science of the Arctic
System: Observing, Modeling, and
Prediction of Critical Processes,
Feedbacks, and Their Role in Climate
Change II Posters
(joint with A, C, OS)
Presiding: Wieslaw Maslowski, Naval
Postgraduate School; Scott Harper,
Office of Naval Research; Renu Joseph,
US Department of Energy
microphysics, and radiative properties of diamond
dust, fog, and blowing snow over the central
Greenland Ice Sheet: C J Cox, D C Noone, M
O’Neill, V P Walden, M Shupe, M B Berkelhammer,
N Miller, K Steffen
1340h GC13A-0613 POSTER The Impact of LargeScale Moisture Variability from Lower Latitudes on
Cloud Formation and the Surface Energy Budget at
Summit, Greenland: A Solomon, M Shupe, O P G
Persson, D D Turner, V P Walden
1340h GC13A-0614 POSTER Analysis of Arctic
Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Susceptibility to
Aerosols: Q Coopman, T J Garrett, J Riedi, S
Eckhardt, A Stohl
1340h GC13A-0618 POSTER Representation of
the Land Surface in the Regional Arctic System
Model (RASM): J Hamman, M Brunke, X Zeng, A
Roberts, W Maslowski, D P Lettenmaier, B Nijssen
1340h GC13A-0619 POSTER Estimation of heat
content and variability in the upper Arctic Ocean
from the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
and available observations: D DiMaggio, W
Maslowski, A Roberts, R Osinski, J L Clement
1340h GC13A-0621 POSTER Arctic Amplification
Feedback Analysis in CMIP5 Models: Land
Surfaces, Arctic Ocean and Seasonality: A Laine, M
Yoshimori, A Abe-Ouchi
1340h GC13A-0622 POSTER Turbulent Transport
Processes at the Rough Ice-ocean Interface: S
Toppaladoddi, S Succi, J S Wettlaufer
1340h GC13A-0623 POSTER Enhancing our
Understanding of the Arctic Atmospheric
Hydrological Cycle using Observations from an
International Arctic Water Vapor Isotope Network:
V Masson-Delmotte, H C Steen-Larsen, M
1340h GC13A-0624 POSTER Optimizing Algorithm
Choice for Metaproteomics: Comparing X!Tandem
and Proteome Discoverer for Soil Proteomes:
K S Diaz, E H Kim, R M Jones, K C de Leon, B J
Woodcroft, G W Tyson, V I Rich
Moscone West Poster Hall
Climate and the Intersects of Water,
Energy, and Land Use II Posters (joint
with A, B, H, PA)
Presiding: Kathy Hibbard, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory; Tom
Wilson, Electric Power Research
1340h GC13B-0625 POSTER Evaluating the Climate
Effects of Natural Gas Versus Coal Electricity
Generation: X Zhang, N P Myhrvold, K Caldeira
1340h GC13B-0626 POSTER Assessing Climate
Change Impacts on Electric Power Generation
in the Western Interconnection: M D Bartos, M
1340h GC13B-0627 POSTER A Pluridisciplinary
Study of the Impact of Future Ice Sheets Instability
on Sea Level Rise, Climate Changes, Migrations
and Energy Supply: G Ramstein, D Defrance, C
Dumas, S Charbit, F Gemenne, J P Vanderlinden, S
Bouneau, S David
1340h GC13B-0628 POSTER The Impact of Climate
Change on the Fraser River may Result in Increased
Algal Blooms in the Strait of Georgia: S L Gillies,
E Grant, H VanKoughnett, S J Marsh, B PeuckerEhrenbrink, J Fanslau, B Voss
1340h GC13B-0629 POSTER Assessing the Impacts
of Climate Change on the Water-Energy Nexus: W
Mo, J M Jacobs
1340h GC13B-0630 POSTER Drought Resilience
of Water Supplies for Shale Gas Extraction and
Related Power Generation in Texas: R C Reedy, B
R Scanlon, J P Nicot, K Uhlman
1340h GC13B-0633 POSTER Water Stress on U.S.
Power Production at Decadal Time Horizons: P
Ganguli, D Kumar, J Yun, G Short, J Klausner, A
R Ganguly
1340h GC13B-0634 POSTER Modeling Alpine
hydropower reservoirs management to study the
water-energy nexus under change: A Castelletti,
M Giuliani, E Fumagalli, E Weber
SCENARIOS: R Von Randow, J L Siqueira Jr, D A
Rodriguez, J Tomasella, L E Floriano
1340h GC13B-0636 POSTER Water-Urban Land
Use: Neglected Link in the Climate Change Triadic
Relationship among Water-Energy-Land Use in
California: H J Blanco
1340h GC13B-0637 POSTER Integrated Assessment
of Climate Change, Agricultural Land Use, and
Regional Carbon Changes: J MU
1340h GC13B-0641 POSTER The Uncertain Future
of the Water-Energy Nexus Under Climate Change:
D Pasqualini, R Boero, N M Urban
Moscone West Poster Hall
Decadal-to-Multidecadal Climate
Variability, Climate Change, and
Nutrient Cycling at High Latitudes II
(joint with A)
Presiding: Michael Previdi, Columbia
University; Kyle Whittinghill, Saint Olaf
College; Karen Smith, Lamont -Doherty
Earth Observatory; Kevin Grise,
University of Virginia Main Campus
1340h GC13C-0642 POSTER THE Antarctic
Atmospheric Energy Budget: Observations and
Model Simulations: M J Previdi, K L Smith, L M
1340h GC13C-0643 POSTER Southern Hemisphere
climate trends skewed by coarse temporal resolution
of specified stratospheric ozone: R R Neely III, D R
Marsh, K L Smith, S M Davis, L M Polvani
1340h GC13C-0644 POSTER Observed Changes
in Cloud Cover from MISR and MODIS over the
Southern Oceans: R Marchand
1340h GC13C-0645 POSTER Changes in the
Atmospheric Circulation Across the Amundsen
Sea Region in Relation to Changes in the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet: M W Seefeldt, M A Nigro, J
J Cassano
1340h GC13C-0646 POSTER The Global and Local
Climatic Response to the Collapse of the West
Antarctic Ice Sheet: K M Huybers, H Singh, N J
Steiger, D M Frierson, E J Steig, C M Bitz
1340h GC13C-0647 POSTER Antarctic and Southern
Ocean Mineral Dust Aerosol Transport Pathways:
Forward-Trajectory Modeling and Source
Constraints Derived from the RICE Ice Core: P D
Neff, A Tuohy, N A N Bertler, R Edwards
1340h GC13C-0648 POSTER 1000 Year Record of
Heavy Metal Contamination from the RICE Ice
Core, Roosevelt Island, Antarctica: A Tuohy, P D
Neff, N A N Bertler, R Edwards
1340h GC13C-0649 POSTER New ObservationallyBased Metrics for the Analysis of Coupled Climate
Model and Earth System Model Simulations of the
Southern Ocean: J L Russell
1340h GC13C-0650 POSTER Synchronized DipoleLike Oscillations’ Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions
and Their Centennial-Scale Persistence: E
Reischmann, J Oh, J A Rial
1340h GC13C-0651 POSTER Atmospheric and
Oceanic Response to Southern Ocean Deep
Convection Oscillations on Decadal to Centennial
Time Scales in Climate Models: T Martin, A
Reintges, W Park, M Latif
1340h GC13C-0652 POSTER Southern Ocean air-sea
heat flux, SST spatial anomalies, and implications
for multi-decadal upper ocean heat content trends:
V M Tamsitt, L D Talley, M R Mazloff
1340h GC13C-0653 POSTER Decadal Changes in
Hydrography of the Southern Pacific Ocean and
Ross Sea: L D Talley, B Carter, M J Warner, J H
Swift, A H Orsi, B Sloyan
1340h GC13C-0654 POSTER Decadal SST Variability
in the Southern Ocean in CMIP Simulations: G
Wang, D Dommenget
1340h GC13C-0655 POSTER Southern Ocean
Carbon Sink Constraints from Radiocarbon in
Drake Passage Air: C M Lindsay, S Lehman, J B
1340h GC13C-0656 POSTER Controls on air-sea
CO2 flux in the Southern Ocean east of Australia: J
Ayers, P G Strutton
1340h GC13C-0657 POSTER Phosphorus Cycling in
an Extreme Environment: Grain-scale Investigation
of Apatite Weathering in the McMurdo Dry
Valleys, Antarctica: R C Heindel, A M Spickard, R
A Virginia
1340h GC13C-0658 POSTER Isotopic Identification
of Nitrate Sources and Cycling in Arctic Tundra
Active Layer Soils and Permafrost: J M Heikoop, H
Throckmorton, B D Newman, G Perkins, M Gard,
C M Iversen, C J Wilson, S D Wullschleger
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:07 AM
1340h GC13C-0659 POSTER Rapid Recovery of a
Gully Thermokarst: 10 Years of Observation of the
Toolik River Thermokarst, North Slope, Alaska: W
B Bowden, M N Gooseff, J J Stuckey, R Fulweber,
J R Larouche
Moscone West Poster Hall
Ecosystem Services: Connecting
Climate Impacts to Cumulative
Carbon Emissions and Linking
Biophysical Functions to Human
Values I Posters
(joint with B, H)
Presiding: Kate Brauman, University
of Minnesota Twin Cities; Damon
Matthews, Concordia University;
Bonnie Keeler, University of Minnesota
Twin Cities
1340h GC13D-0660 POSTER Illustrating the
Interaction of Nature and People in Ecosystem
Services: The Case of Terroir in Wine: K A
1340h GC13D-0661 POSTER Linking ecosystem
services with state-and-transition models to
evaluate rangeland management decisions: S
Lohani, P Heilman, J E deSteiguer, D P Guertin, C
Wissler, M P McClaran
1340h GC13D-0662 POSTER Biodiversity in Organic
Farmland – How Does Landscape Context Influence
Species Diversity in Organic Vs. Conventional
Agricultural Fields?: V Seufert, S Wood, A Reid, A
Gonzalez, J Rhemtulla, N Ramankutty
1340h GC13D-0663 POSTER Economic Valuation of
Ecosystem Goods and Services in a Melting Arctic:
T O’Garra
1340h GC13D-0664 POSTER Assessing Dryland
Ecosystem Services in Xinjiang, Northwest China:
T F Siew, K A Brauman, L Zuo, P M Doll
1340h GC13D-0665 POSTER An Ecosystem
Service Evaluation Tool to Support Ridge-toReef Management and Conservation in Hawaii: K
Oleson, T Callender, J M S Delevaux, K A Falinski,
H Htun, G Jin
1340h GC13D-0668 POSTER Towards Integration of
Ecosystem and Human Health: A Novel Conceptual
Framework to Operationalise Ecological Public
Health and to Incorporate Distal and Proximal
Effects of Climate Change: S Reis, L E Fleming, S
Beck, M Austen, G Morris, M White, T J Taylor, N
Orr, N J Osborne, M Depledge
1340h GC13D-0669 POSTER Assessing Freshwater
Ecosystem Service Risk over Ecological,
Socioeconomic, and Cultural Gradients: Problem
Space Characterization and Methodology: T C
Harmon, S R Villamizar, D Conde, J Rusak, B Reid,
A Astorga, G M Perillo, M C Piccolo, M Zilio, S
London, M Velez, N Hoyos, J Escobar
1340h GC13D-0680 POSTER How Warming and
Steric Sea Level Rise Relate to Cumulative Carbon
Emissions After Many Centuries: R G Williams, P
Goodwin, A J Ridgwell
1340h GC13E-0699 POSTER Evaluation of an early
warning system for glacial lake outburst flood
(GLOF) events in Huaraz, Peru: D C McKinney, M
A Somos-Valenzuela
1340h GC13D-0681 POSTER Why carbon emission
rates matter for TCRE and oceanic heat and carbon
uptake: J P Krasting, J P Dunne, R Hallberg, R J
1340h GC13E-0700 POSTER Thermal, Chemical
and Physical Investigations into Lake Deepening
Processes on Spillway Lake, Ngozumpa Glacier,
Nepal: U N Horodyskyj
1340h GC13D-0682 POSTER Comparing the climate
response to cumulative CO2 emissions from fossil
fuels and land-use: C T Simmons, D Matthews, A
1340h GC13E-0701 POSTER Investigating the
Evolution of Imja Lake and Imja-Lhotse Shar
Glacier with a Debris-Covered Melt Model and
Lake Expansion Model: D Rounce, D C McKinney
1340h GC13D-0683 POSTER Exploring the Role of
Ocean Heat and Carbon Uptake in Determining the
Linear Relationship between Global Warming and
Cumulative CO2 Emissions: D Ehlert, K Zickfeld
1340h GC13E-0702 POSTER Classification of
Debris-Covered Glaciers and Rock Glaciers in the
Andes of Central Chile – An Approach Integrating
Field Measurements, High-Resolution Satellite
Imagery, and Coring Data to Estimate Water
Resources: J R Janke, A C Bellisario, F A Ferrando
Moscone West Poster Hall
From Glacierized Watersheds to
Global River Basins: Advances in
Water Resources Management,
Modeling, and Monitoring II Posters
(joint with H)
Presiding: Nathalie Voisin, PNNL;
Katalyn Voss, University of California
Santa Barbara; Huilin Gao, Texas A&M
University; Daene McKinney, University
of Texas at Austin
1340h GC13E-0684 POSTER Reservoir in Global
Water Cycle: Macro Scale Hydrologic Modeling
for Water Management: T Zhou, B Nijssen, I
Haddeland, H Gao, D P Lettenmaier
1340h GC13E-0685 POSTER Modeling Groundwater
and Return Flow in an Integrated Framework to
Investigate the Resilience of U.S. Water Resources
in the Future: N Voisin, L R Leung, M I Hejazi, L
Liu, M Huang, H Y Li, T K Tesfa
1340h GC13E-0686 POSTER A Comparative Study
of Spatial Aggregation Methodologies under the
BioEarth Framework: B Chandrasekharan, K
Rajagopalan, K Malek, C O Stockle, J C Adam, M
1340h GC13E-0687 POSTER An Empirical Analysis
of Farm Adaptation Response to Water Security
Using a Natural Policy Experiment: M Brady
1340h GC13E-0688 POSTER Informing sustainable
irrigation management strategies in response to
implementation of Washington State’s Yakima
Basin Integrated Plan (YBIP): K Malek, J C Adam, J
Yoder, M Brady, C O Stockle
1340h GC13E-0689 POSTER Impacts of changes in
flow in glacier fed river in Nepal on hydropower
production: S Khadka Mishra
1340h GC13E-0690 POSTER Towards the
Understanding of Recent Lake Decline in the
Yangtze Basin: J Wang, Y Sheng, Y Wada
1340h GC13D-0670 POSTER Manage Hydrologic
Fluxes Instead of Land Cover in Watershed Services
Projects: K A Brauman, A G Ponette-González,
E Marin-Spiotta, K A Farley, K C Weathers, K R
Young, L M Curran
1340h GC13E-0691 POSTER Evaluating Coupled
Human-Hydrologic Systems in High Altitude
Regions: A Case Study of the Arun Watershed,
Eastern Nepal: K Voss, B Bookhagen, C Tague, D
1340h GC13D-0671 POSTER Targeting and valuing
conservation investments in support of a water
fund: linking upstream land management with
downstream services in the Upper Tana catchment,
Kenya: B P Bryant, P Droogers, J Hunink, A Vogl,
S Wolny
RECYCLING: C K Hunter, D Bolster, J A Gironas
1340h GC13D-0672 POSTER A Framework for
Developing Indicators Linking Socio-Economic and
Ecological Impacts of Water Funds: L Bremer, E
Game, A Calvache, P Moreno, A Morales, B Rivera,
L M Rodriguez
1340h GC13D-0673 POSTER Spatial Distribution
of Hydrologic Ecosystem Service Estimates:
Comparing Two Models: P J Dennedy-Frank, Y
Ghile, S Gorelick, R A Logsdon, I Chaubey, G Ziv
1340h GC13D-0674 POSTER Estimating the social
costs of nitrogen pollution: J Gourevitch, B
Keeler, S Polasky
1340h GC13D-0675 POSTER Can We Make Use
of Abandoned Land for Carbon Management and
Ecosystem Restoration?: Y Yamagata, K Shoyama
1340h GC13D-0676 POSTER Biophysical and
Biogeochemical Tradeoffs of Extratropical
Afforestation: P Mykleby, P K Snyder
1340h GC13D-0677 POSTER Extending the
Cumulative Emissions Framework to Non-CO2
Gases: Can This Inform the Allocation of National
Emissions Allowances?: D Matthews
1340h GC13D-0678 POSTER Uncertainty As
Knowledge: Harnessing Ambiguity and Uncertainty
into Policy Constraints: S Lewandowsky, J Risbey
1340h GC13D-0679 POSTER Quantifying the Limits
of a Linear Temperature Response to Cumulative
CO2 Emissions: M Leduc, D Matthews, R D Elia
1340h GC13E-0693 POSTER Modeling and
Optimization for Management of Intermittent
Water Supply: A M Lieb, J Wilkening, C Rycroft
1340h GC13E-0694 POSTER Assessing the
Climate Change Impact on Snow-Glacier Melting
Dominated Basins in the Greater Himalaya Region
Using a Distributed Glacio-Hydrologic Model: S
Wi, Y C E Yang, A Khalil
1340h GC13E-0695 POSTER Evaluating glacier
volume changes since the Little Ice Age maximum
and consequences for stream flow by integrating
models of glacier flow and hydrology in the
Cordillera Blanca, Peru: K I Huh, B G Mark, M
Baraer, Y Ahn
Moscone West Poster Hall
Global Approaches to Advance
Interdisciplinary Earth Sciences at the
Intersection of Science, Policy, and
Society I Posters
Presiding: R Gurney, University of
Reading; Maria Uhle, National Science
Foundation; Gyami Shrestha, US
Carbon Cycle Science Program
1340h GC13F-0704 POSTER A Common Approach
to Atmospheric Radar Data from Eiscat and the
US Geospace Observatories within the Coopeus
Project: A Tjulin, P J Erickson, I Häggström, C
F T Enell, A P van Eyken, B Rideout, F D Lind, I
McCrea, C J Heinselman, I Mann
1340h GC13F-0705 POSTER CoopEUS EMSO-OOI
Case Study: Tsunami Modelling and Early Warning
Systems for Near Source Areas (Mediterranean,
Juan de Fuca): M Best, L Beranzoli, F Chierici, J R
Delaney, D Embriaco, N Galbraith, R Huber, J A
Orcutt, R A Weller
1340h GC13F-0706 POSTER Interconnecting
Multidiscilinary Data Infrastructures: From
Federation to Brokering Framework: S Nativi
1340h GC13F-0707 POSTER Trust Management Building Trust for International Cross Disciplinary
Collaboration on Climate Change: K V Oakley, R
J Gurney
1340h GC13F-0708 POSTER WDS Trusted Data
Services in Support of International Science: M
Mokrane, J B H Minster
1340h GC13F-0709 POSTER Quantifying the
Sources and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases: What Does
It Take to Satisfy Scientific and Decision-Making
Needs?: K J Davis, K Keller, S M Ogle, S Smith
1340h GC13F-0710 POSTER Past and Prospective
Carbon Stocks of United States Forests: Implications
for Research Priorities and Mitigation Policies: R
Birdsey, Y Pan, A D McGuire, F Zhang, J M Chen
1340h GC13F-0711 POSTER The ever-increasing
CO2 seasonal cycle amplitude: contributions from
high latitude warming, CO2 fertilization, and the
agricultural Green Revolution: N Zeng, C Martin,
F Zhao, G J Collatz, E Kalnay, R J Salawitch, T O
West, L Guanter
1340h GC13F-0712 POSTER How can research on
anthropogenic greenhouse gas flux quantification
be better aligned with US climate change policy
needs?: K R Gurney
1340h GC13F-0714 POSTER Formulation of an
Integrated Model for Freshwater Resources Policy
Evaluation in Jordan: S Gorelick, J Yoon, E Gawel,
B Klauer, C J A Klassert, K Sigel, A Tilmant, T
Lachaut, N Avisse, J J Harou, S Padula, D Mustafa
1340h GC13F-0715 POSTER OneGeology- A Global
Geoscience Data Platform: M Harrison, M Komac,
T Duffy, F Robida, M L Allison
1340h GC13E-0696 POSTER Impact Assessment of
Glacier Retreat on Catchment Water Resources
in the Tropical Andes, Bolivia: Y Asaoka, K
Yoshizawa, T Kinouchi, M Umeda
1340h GC13F-0716 POSTER Developing Federated
Services within Seismology: IRIS’ involvement in
the CoopEUS Project: T K Ahern, C M Trabant,
M Stults
1340h GC13E-0697 POSTER Three-Dimensional
Simulation of Avalanche-Generated Impulse Waves
and Evaluation of Lake-Lowering Scenarios at Lake
Palcacocha, Peru: R E Chisolm, D C McKinney
Requirements-driven User-scenario Development
Protocol for the Belmont Forum E-Infrastructure
and Data Management Cooperative Research
Agreement: B Wee, N Car, G Percivall, D Allen, P
G Fitch, P Baumann, H C Waldmann
1340h GC13E-0698 POSTER Climate Change
Adaptation Decision Making for Glacial Lake
Outburst Floods From Palcacocha Lake in Peru: A
D Cuellar, D C McKinney
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 41
1340h GC13E-0703 POSTER The Impact of
Disappearing Tropical Andean Glaciers on Pastoral
Agriculture: K Yager, D A Slayback, K I Mohr, R I
Meneses, D J Cooper
Collaborations Fostering Data Discovery and
Access of Geodetic Data for the Geosciences: C M
Meertens, F M Boler, M M Miller
1340h GC13F-0719 POSTER Enabling Extreme
Scale Earth Science Applications at the Oak Ridge
Leadership Computing Facility: V G Anantharaj,
G Mozdzynski, M Hamrud, W Deconinck, L Smith,
J Hack
1340h GC13F-0720 POSTER Practical Use of the
GEOSS Common Infrastructure by Environmental
Research Infrastructures – Lessons from a
COOPEUS-GEOSS Workshop: H C Waldmann,
K Koop-Jakobsen
1340h GC13F-0721 POSTER The International Data
Sharing Challenge: Realities and Lessons Learned
from International Field Projects and Data Analysis
Efforts: S F Williams, J A Moore
1340h GC13F-0722 POSTER Ocean Data
Interoperability Platform (ODIP): Developing a
Common Framework for Marine Data Management
on a Global Scale : H M Glaves, D Schaap
1340h GC13F-0723 POSTER Indiscriminate
Fisheries: Understanding the Foodweb of the Great
Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia: L Hannah, L Kaufman
1340h GC13F-0724 POSTER Building Resilience to
Drought Impacts on Water Supplies: a Comparison
of Approaches in Europe, the USA, and Australia:
K Stahl, J Hannaford, M Svoboda, C L Knutson,
S Bachmair, M C Acreman, N D Crossman, I C
Overton, M Colloff, K Collins
Fostering Cross-Scale Knowledge to Inform
Social-Environmental Decision Processes for
Building Drought Resilience in Highly Seasonal
Environments: T McDaniels, D G Steyn, M S
Johnson, M Small, G Leclerc, R Vignola, K Chan, I
Grossmann, G Wong-Parodi
1340h GC13F-0726 POSTER Xingu Project
- Integrating Land Use Planning and Water
Governance in Amazonia: Towards Improved
Freshwater Security in the Agricultural Frontier of
Mato Grosso: A V Krusche, M V Ballester, C Neill,
H Elsenbeer, M S Johnson, M T Coe, M Garavello,
S G Molina, V Empinotti, F Reichardt, L Deegan,
L Harris
perceptions of social-ecological systems and
the information they use in the management of
freshwater resources in Guanacaste, Costa Rica: G
Wong-Parodi, M Babcock, M Small, I Grossmann
1340h GC13F-0728 POSTER Eliciting climate
experts’ knowledge to address model uncertainties
in regional climate projections: a case study of
Guanacaste, Northwest Costa Rica: I Grossmann,
D G Steyn
Moscone West Poster Hall
Observed and Projected Climate
Change Impacts on Water Resources
and Agriculture II Posters (joint with A,
Presiding: Chris Funk, UC Santa
Barbara; Vimal Mishra, Indian
Institute of Technology Gandhinagar;
Shraddhanand Shukla, University of
California Santa Barbara
1340h GC13G-0729 POSTER Quantifying the
Stress Responses of Brassica Rapa Genotypes,
With Experimental Drought in Two Nitrogen
Treatments: J L Hickerson, J R Pleban, D S
Mackay, T Aston, B E Ewers, C Weinig
IN TURKEY: G Onursal Denli, H H Denli, D Z
Seker, E Bitik, S Cetin
1340h GC13G-0731 POSTER Modeling the Climate
Change Adaptation of Crop Production using
Irrigation over Water-Limited Region: M Okada,
T Iizumi, G Sakurai, T Sakai, M Yokozawa
1340h GC13G-0732 POSTER Assessing the
future change of precipitation and reference
evapotranspiration over Florida using ranked
CMIP5 model ensemble: S Hwang, S J Chang, W
D Graham
1340h GC13G-0733 POSTER Future Climate Change
Impacts on Surface Hydrology over Texas River
Basins: K Lee, H Gao, M Huang, J Sheffield
1340h GC13G-0734 POSTER Projected Changes
in Seasonal Mean Temperature and Rainfall
(2011-2040) in Cagayan Valley, Philippines: J Q
Basconcillo, A J R Lucero, A S Solis, H Kanamaru,
R S Sandoval, E U Bautista
Spatiotemporal Climate Change Impacts on San
Joaquin Basin Hydrology: J M Gilbert, R M
11/28/2014 10:47:08 AM
1340h GC13G-0736 POSTER Quantifying and
Reducing the Uncertainties in Future Projections of
Droughts and Heat Waves for North America that
Result from the Diversity of Models in CMIP5: J E
Herrera-Estrada, J Sheffield
1340h GC13G-0758 POSTER Vulnerability of the
Metropolitan District of Quito’s Water Resources
in the face of Climatic and Anthropogenic
Uncertainties: N J Depsky, F Flores-Lopez
1340h GC13G-0737 POSTER Empirically Estimating
the Existing Irrigation Adaptation to Future
Drought Impacts in Kansas Agriculture: T Zhang,
X Lin, X Yang
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h GC13G-0738 POSTER Implications of the
Projected Future Climate on Water Resources
in the Indian Sub-continent Basins: H L Shah, V
Presiding: Andrew Rhines, Harvard
University; Martin Tingley, Pennsylvania
State University Main Campus; Karen
McKinnon, Harvard University; Peter
Huybers, Harvard University
hydrometeorological trends in the Midwest region
based on a century long gridded hydrometeorological
dataset and simulations from a macro-scale
hydrology model: C M Chiu, A F Hamlet
Quantifying Changes in Temperature
Distributions I Posters (joint with A, NG)
1340h GC13H-0759 POSTER Recent Increases in
Extreme Temperature Occurrence over Land: S J
Weaver, A Kumar, M Chen
1340h GC13G-0740 POSTER Identifying Water
Insecurity Hotspots in the Lake Victoria Basin of
Eastern Africa: N G Pricope, S Shukla, C Linard,
A Gaughan
1340h GC13H-0760 POSTER Assessing the
Influence of Precipitation on Diurnal Temperature
Range Changes: Implications for Climate Change
Projection: C Van den Hoof, R Garreaud
1340h GC13G-0741 POSTER Towards a better
understanding of the impacts of climate change
on agricultural productivity and economics in the
Walker River Basin: C J Wilson, D P Boyle, C
Garner, S Bassett
1340h GC13H-0761 POSTER Persistent Cold Air
Outbreaks over North America Under Climate
Warming: Y Gao, L R Leung, J Lu
1340h GC13G-0742 POSTER Climate Change
Impacts on Water and Crop Yields in the Glacial
Dominated Beas River Basin in India: I Holman, R
Remesan, C S P S Ojha, A J Adeloye
1340h GC13G-0743 POSTER The Impact of
Changing Snowmelt Timing on Non-Irrigated Crop
Yield: A Parametric and Non-Parametric Approach:
E M Murray, K Cobourn, A N Flores, J L Pierce
1340h GC13G-0744 POSTER Freshwater Availability
in the Brahmaputra River Basin Under Projected
Climate and Land Use Land Cover Change
Scenarios: M S Pervez, G M Henebry
1340h GC13G-0745 POSTER Projected Climate
Change Impacts on a Mediterranean Catchment
under Different Irrigation Scenarios: D V Gunten,
T Wöhling, C P Haslauer, O A Cirpka
1340h GC13G-0746 POSTER Adaptability of
Irrigation to a Changing Monsoon in India: How
far can we go?: E Zaveri, D S Grogan, K FisherVanden, S E Frolking, D H Wrenn, R Nicholas
1340h GC13G-0747 POSTER Climate Change
Impacts on Water Resources in Mahanadi River
basin (India): R Lilhare, V Mishra
1340h GC13G-0748 POSTER Spatiotemporal
Variability of NDVI Over Indian Region and its
Relationship with Rainfall, Temperature, Soil
moisture, and Sea Surface Temperature: A A, V
1340h GC13G-0749 POSTER Irrigation as an
Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change: The
Relative Influence of Groundwater and Canal
Irrigation on Winter Crop Production and its
Sensitivity to Weather Variability in India: M Jain,
R Fishman, P Mondal, G L Galford, S Naeem, V
Modi, R S DeFries
1340h GC13G-0750 POSTER The Impact of Climate
and Its Variability on Crop Yield and Irrigation: X
Li, T Troy
1340h GC13H-0762 POSTER Analysis of Hourly
Ground Temperature Data on the Trinity College
Campus, Hartford, Connecticut, USA: L C Howard,
J R Gourley
1340h GC13G-0757 POSTER Vulnerability of
the Ecuador’s Agricultural Sector as part of an
Integrated Climate Change Vulnerability Study: F
Flores-Lopez, N J Depsky
AGU2014News.indb 42
1340h GC13I-0780 POSTER Where Next for Marine
Cloud Brightening Research?: A K L Jenkins, P
1340h GC13J-0806 POSTER Land Use Change
and Temperature Trends Over the Canadian
Agricultural Regions: L Raja Nayagam, R L
Desjardins, D L Worth, D Cerkowniak
1340h GC13I-0781 POSTER Comparing the
Responses of Stratospheric Dynamics to Volcanic
Eruptions and Sulfate Climate Engineering in
CMIP5 and Geomip Simulations: H Schmidt, M
1340h GC13I-0782 POSTER Factors determining
the most efficient spray size distribution for
marine cloud brightening: R Wood, P Connolly, G
1340h GC13I-0783 POSTER Re-examining the cost
of stratospheric aerosol injection: R Moriyama, M
Sugiyama, A Kurosawa, K Masuda, K Tsuzuki, Y
1340h GC13I-0784 POSTER Results from
Effervescent Spray Atomization for MCB and
a preliminary Proposal for Field Experiments:
A Neukermans, G F Cooper, J D Foster, L K
Galbraith, S Jain, R Ormond
1340h GC13J-0807 POSTER Climate Change Studies
over Bangalore using Multi-source Remote Sensing
Data and GIS: S B, K C Gouda, L B P, N Bhat
1340h GC13J-0808 POSTER Seasonally and diurnally
different response of surface air temperature to
historical urbanization in Sapporo, North Japan: T
Sato, S Sugimoto, T Sasaki
1340h GC13J-0810 POSTER Analyses of the
Observed and Simulated Major Summer Climate
Features of Northwestern China and Their
Sensitivity to Land Surface Processes: Q Li, Y Xue
1340h GC13J-0811 POSTER Impacts of Land Cover
Changes on Climate over China: L Chen, O W
1340h GC13J-0812 POSTER Assessing Climatic
Impacts due to Land Use Change over Southeast
Asian Maritime Continent base on Mesoscale
Model Simulations: N Feng, S A Christopher, U S
1340h GC13H-0764 POSTER An ObservationallyCentred Method to Quantify the Changing Shape of
Local Temperature Distributions: S C Chapman, D
A Stainforth, N W Watkins
1340h GC13I-0787 POSTER Sensitivity of Methane
Lifetime and Transport to Sulfate Geoengineering:
V Aquila, G Pitari, S Tilmes, I Cionni, N de Luca, G
Di Genova, D Iachetti
1340h GC13H-0765 POSTER Assessing surface air
temperature variability using quantile regression: A
A Timofeev, A M Sterin
1340h GC13I-0788 POSTER Arctic stratospheric
sulphur injections: radiative forcings and cloud
responses: U Lohmann, B Gasparini, K Miriam, B
Kravitz, P J Rasch
1340h GC13J-0814 POSTER Simulated changes in
precipitation intensity due to large-scale cropland
irrigation in the Great Plains: R E Alter, Y Fan, B R
Lintner, C P Weaver
1340h GC13I-0789 POSTER Solar radiation
management geoengineering and the Greenland Ice
Sheet: P J Applegate, K Keller
1340h GC13J-0815 POSTER Impacts of Irrigation
on Surface Temperature and Precipitation
Distributions in the United States: M J Puma, B
1340h GC13H-0766 POSTER Extraordinary longterm trends in daily temperature extremes in station
and reanalysis data: R V Donner, V Mettin, J
and predicting extremes in northeastern US
temperature: K A McKinnon, A N Rhines, M
Tingley, P J Huybers
1340h GC13H-0768 POSTER A quantile regression
analysis of daily North American temperatures,
1979--2013: M Tingley, K A McKinnon, A N
Rhines, P J Huybers
1340h GC13H-0769 POSTER Decoding the Surface
Temperature Record: A N Rhines, M Tingley, K A
McKinnon, P J Huybers
1340h GC13H-0770 POSTER Recent Declines in
Northern Hemisphere Winter Daily Temperature
Variability: Z Hausfather, S Mosher, R A Rohde
Moscone West Poster Hall
Strategies for Cooling Earth: Solar
Geoengineering and Carbon Dioxide
Removal I Posters
(joint with A)
1340h GC13I-0771 POSTER Climate Intervention:
Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from
the National Research Council: M K McNutt, W
Abdalati, K Caldeira, S C Doney, P G Falkowski,
S Fetter, J R Fleming, S Hamburg, J E Penner, G
Morgan, R Pierrehumbert, P J Rasch, L M Russell, J
T Snow, D Titley, J Wilcox
1340h GC13G-0756 POSTER An Overview
of Interdisciplinary Research at Notre Dame
Addressing “Grand Challenges” in the Midwest
and Great Lakes Region: A F Hamlet, D Bolster, J
L Tank, J Hellmann, S F Christopher, A Sharma, C
M Chiu
1340h GC13J-0805 POSTER Assessing Meso-Scale
Equivalent Temperature in Kentucky: K Younger,
R Mahmood, G B Goodrich, R Pielke Sr, X Fan
1340h GC13J-0813 POSTER Modeling and Satellite
Remote Sensing of the Meteorological Effects of
Irrigation during the 2012 Central Plains Drought:
C Aegerter, J Wang, C Ge, A L Kessner, A Sharma,
L Judd, B Wardlow, J You, M Shulski, S Irmak, A
1340h GC13G-0752 POSTER Generation of Gridded
Daily Weather Ensembles for Decision Support in
the Argentine Pampas: A Verdin, B Rajagopalan,
W Kleiber, R W Katz, G P Podesta
1340h GC13G-0755 POSTER Regional Climate and
Streamflow Projections in North America Under
IPCC CMIP5 Scenarios: H I Chang, C L Castro, P A
A Troch, R Mukherjee
1340h GC13I-0779 POSTER A comparison
of geoengineering methods: assessment of
precipitation side effects: L S Jackson, J A Crook,
S M Osprey, P Forster
1340h GC13I-0786 POSTER Efficacy and cloud
impacts of SO2 injections in the upper troposphere
and lower stratosphere: J M English, O B Toon, P
Yu, M J Mills, C Bardeen
Presiding: Piers Forster, Univ. of
Leeds; Edward Dunlea, The National
Academies; Jennifer Wilcox, Stanford
1340h GC13G-0754 POSTER Climate Change
across the United States Northern Great Plains
Influencing the Snowpack and the Energy Balance:
S R Fassnacht, M L Cherry
Institute for Space Studies; Andrew
Jones, Lawrence Berkeley National
1340h GC13H-0763 POSTER Spatial Patterns of
Record-Setting Temperatures: A B Kostinski, A L
1340h GC13G-0751 POSTER Global sensitivity
analysis of CMIP5 predictions of future changes
in precipitation, reference evapotranspiration and
drought index (SPEI) over the U.S: S J Chang, W
D Graham, S Hwang
1340h GC13G-0753 POSTER Evaluation of CMIP5
climate models for precipitation projections over
the upper Blue Nile basin: M T Taye, P J Block
1340h GC13I-0778 POSTER Geoengineering Using
Oceanic Microbubbles: P Forster, J A Crook, L S
Jackson, A K L Jenkins
1340h GC13I-0772 POSTER Considerations in
Starting Climate Change Research: J C S Long, G
Morgan, S Hamburg, D E Winickoff
1340h GC13I-0773 POSTER Cirrus Cloud Thinning
and the Energetics of the Hydrological Cycle: J E
Kristjansson, H Muri, H Schmidt
1340h GC13I-0774 POSTER Impacts on Global
Agriculture of Stratospheric Sulfate Injection: A
Robock, L Xia
1340h GC13I-0775 POSTER Idealized Ocean Albedo
Modification Simulations in the Geoengineering
Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP): B
1340h GC13I-0776 POSTER Overview of the
Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering Proposals
(IAGP), UK research project: P Forster
1340h GC13I-0777 POSTER Counteracting the
climate effects of volcanic eruptions using shortlived greenhouse gases: B H Samset, J Fuglestvedt,
K P Shine
1340h GC13I-0790 POSTER Regional Scale Analysis
of Extremes in an SRM Geoengineering Simulation:
R Muthyala, G Bala
1340h GC13I-0791 POSTER The El Niño Southern
Oscillation and Solar Geoengineering: C J Gabriel,
A Robock
1340h GC13I-0794 POSTER The Intergovernmental
Marine Bioenergy and Carbon Sequestration
Protocol: Environmental and Political Risk
Reduction of Global Carbon Management (The
IMBECS Protocol Draft): M Hayes
1340h GC13I-0796 POSTER BECCS capability of
dedicated bioenergy crops under a future land-use
scenario targeting net negative carbon emissions: E
Kato, Y Yamagata
1340h GC13I-0797 POSTER ICE911 RESEARCH:
ICE: L A Field, S Chetty, A Manzara, S Venkatesh
1340h GC13I-0799 POSTER Ocean-Based Alkalinity
Enhancement: Mitigation Potential, Side Effects
and the Fate of Added Alkalinity Assessed in an
Earth System Model: M F Gonzalez, T Ilyina
1340h GC13I-0800 POSTER Carbon Dioxide
Removal and Conversion to Ocean Alkalinity: Why
and How: G H Rau
1340h GC13I-0801 POSTER Ecological carbon
sequestration via wood harvest and storage:
Practical constraints and real-world possibilities: N
Zeng, A W King, B F Zaitchik, S D Wullschleger
1340h GC13I-0802 POSTER Rapid, Long-term
Monitoring of CO2 Concentration and δ13CO2
at CCUS Sites Allows Discrimination of Leakage
Patterns from Natural Background Values: B
Galfond, D D Riemer, P K Swart
1340h GC13I-0803 POSTER Atmospheric CO2
Removal by Enhancing Weathering: A F Koster
Van Groos, R D Schuiling
1340h GC13I-0804 POSTER Carbon Cycle Response
to Artificial Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal:
K Zickfeld, M Wong
Moscone West Poster Hall
The Effects of Anthropogenic LandUse and Land-Cover Change on
Local to Global Climate: Forcings
and Feedbacks from the Past to the
Future I Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: Alan Di Vittorio, Lawrence
Berkeley National Lab; Michael
Puma, Columbia University of New
York; Benjamin Cook, NASA Goddard
1340h GC13J-0816 POSTER Impact of potential
large-scale and medium-scale irrigation on the West
African Monsoon and its dependence on location of
irrigated area: E A B Eltahir, E S IM
1340h GC13J-0817 POSTER Potential Impacts
of Wintertime Agricultural Irrigation at Low
Latitudes on Global Climate: H W Wey, M H Lo,
S Y Lee, J Y Yu
1340h GC13J-0818 POSTER Irrigation As an
Historical Climate Forcing: B Cook, M J Puma, S P
McDermid, L Nazarenko
1340h GC13J-0819 POSTER Impacts of agricultural
intensification on extreme temperatures in the US
Midwest: N D Mueller, E E Butler, N M Holbrook,
P J Huybers
1340h GC13J-0820 POSTER Current and Future
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Global Crop
Intensification and Expansion: K M Carlson, J S
Gerber, N D Mueller, C O’Connell, P C West
1340h GC13J-0821 POSTER Greenhouse Gas
Emissions in the Brazilian Semiarid Region:
Environmental, Climate and Social Constraints: E
R Sousa Neto, J P Ometto, A P D Aguiar, M V Mata
1340h GC13J-0822 POSTER Surface Roughness
Variations control the Regional Atmospheric
Response to Contemporary Deforestation in
Rondônia, Brazil: J Khanna, D Medvigy
1340h GC13J-0823 POSTER Extratropical Respones
to Amazon Deforestation: A Badger, P Dirmeyer
1340h GC13J-0824 POSTER Increasing surface
albedo in the dry subtropical forests of South
America: the role of agriculture expansion and
management: J Houspanossian, S Kuppel, R
Gimenez, E G Jobbagy, M D Nosetto
1340h GC13J-0825 POSTER Persistent spread in
seasonal albedo change radiative forcings linked
to forest cover changes at northern latitudes: R M
Bright, G Myhre, R A Astrup, C Antón-Fernández,
A H Strømman
Differentiated Scenarios of Future Albedo Forcing
from Anthropogenic Land Cover Change: A D
Jones, K V Calvin, W Collins, J Edmonds
1340h GC13J-0827 POSTER The Potential Radiative
Forcing of Global Land Use and Land Cover Change
Activities: D S Ward, N M Mahowald, S Kloster
1340h GC13J-0828 POSTER Sub-biome variability
in the biophysical influence of forests on climate
using the Community Earth System Model: B
Ahlswede, R Q Thomas
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:08 AM
1340h GC13J-0829 POSTER Investigating the
biogeophysical impacts of land cover change on
future climate: X Shi, J Mao, P E Thornton, A V
Di Vittorio, B P Bond-Lamberty, J E Truesdale, L
P Chini, A M Thomson, W Collins, J Edmonds, G
C Hurtt
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h GC13J-0831 POSTER Future changes in
global terrestrial carbon cycle under RCP scenarios:
C Lee, K O Boo, J Hong, H Seong, T K Heo, K H
Seol, N La, S Shim, J H Lee
Environmental Magnetism and
the Fundamentals of Sediment
Magnetism III Posters (joint with EP, GC,
Moscone West 3002
Presiding: Fabio Florindo, INGV-ROME;
France Lagroix, Institut de Physique
du Globe de Paris; Joshua Feinberg,
University of Minnesota
Arctic Change: Integrating LongTerm Perspectives and Current
Observations for Understanding
Future Impacts and Responses II
(joint with A, C, OS, SI)
Presiding: Peter Schlosser, Columbia
University; Maribeth Murray, University
of Calgary; Peter Jordan, Arctic Centre,
University of Groningen; Mary-Louise
Timmermans, Yale University
1340h GC13K-01 Adapting Research Agendas and
Observing Programs for Responding to Arctic
Change: M S Murray, P Schlosser, L M van der
Watt, J Fahnestock, V Rajdev, G Ibarguchi, K Spiers
1355h GC13K-02 Hunter-Gatherer Responses to
the 8.2 Ka Cold Event in the Fennoscandian Arctic:
M A Manninen
1410h GC13K-03 Paleoeskimo Demographic
History in the Canadian Arctic (ca. 4800-800 B.P.)
and its Relationship to Mid-Late Holocene Climate
Variability: J M Savelle
1425h GC13K-04 Marine Records of Paleoclimate
and Paleoenvironments Vs Anthropological
Archives in Arctic-Subarctic Regions: Missing
Links: A de Vernal
1440h GC13K-05 Developing New Strategies
for Coping with Weather: Work in Alaskan and
Canadian Coastal Communities: D E Atkinson
1455h GC13K-06 Low order climate models as a tool
for cross-disciplinary collaboration: R Newton, S L
Pfirman, B Tremblay, P Schlosser
1510h GC13K-07 Impacts of Hydro-Climatic
Change, Permafrost Thaw and Industrial Pressures
in the Lake Baikal Drainage Basin (Mongolia and
Russia): J Jarsjo, R Törnqvist, A Bring, J Pietron,
P Rogberg, S M Asokan, G Destouni
1525h GC13K-08 Public Perceptions of Arctic
Change: L Hamilton
Moscone West 3003
Natural- and Human-Induced
Changes and the Role of Groundwater
in Terrestrial Water Cycle II
Presiding: Pat Yeh, National University
of Singapore; Min-Hui Lo, National
Taiwan University; Hyungjun KIM,
University of Tokyo; Qiuhong Tang,
IGSNRR Institute of Geographic Sciences
and Natural Resources Research, CAS
1340h GC13L-01 Variability and Trends in the
Global Water Cycle Based on Multi-Decadal Earth
Science Data Record: E F Wood, G Coccia, M Pan,
J Sheffield
1355h GC13L-02 Natural and human induced
changes in the water cycle: Relative magnitudes and
trends: D P Lettenmaier
1410h GC13L-03 Accelerated Drying of the MidLatitudes from Groundwater Depletion: J S
1425h GC13L-04 Impacts of Autonomous
Adaptations on the Hydrological Drought Under
Climate Change Condition: T Oki, Y Satoh, Y N
Pokhrel, H KIM, K Yoshimura
1440h GC13L-05 Use of GRACE Satellites to Assess
Trends in Groundwater Storage Globally: B R
Scanlon, D Long, L Longuevergne
1455h GC13L-06 Identifying the Relationship
Between Plant Transpiration and Groundwater
Table Depth: X Liang, X Luo, M Huang
1510h GC13L-07 Groundwater and surface
water scaling over the continental US using a
hyperresolution, integrated hydrologic model: R M
Maxwell, L E Condon, S J Kollet
1525h GC13L-08 Climate modeling and
Groundwater: the key role of the water table in the
terrestrial water cycle: G Miguez-Macho, Y Fan, A
Martínez de la Torre, B Gomez, Y N Pokhrel
1340h GP13A-3570 POSTER Precession Control
on Precipitation in the Western Pacific Warm
Pool Inferred from Environmental Magnetism: T
1340h GP13A-3571 POSTER Magnetic Properties of
the Rivers Feeding the South China Sea: a Critical
Step for Understanding the Paleo-Marine Records:
C Kissel, Z Liu, C Wandres
1340h GP13A-3572 POSTER Magnetic and
Geochemical Properties of Andic Soils from the
Massif Central, France: H Grison, E Petrovsky, S
Dlouha, A Kapicka
1340h GP13A-3573 POSTER Impact of Surficial
Weathering on the Magnetic Properties of
Paleosols: a Core to Outcrop Comparison from the
Bighorn Basin, WY: D Maxbauer, D L Fox, J M
Feinberg, W Clyde
1340h GP13A-3574 POSTER Evidence for Early
Pleistocene Glaciation obtained from borecores
collected in East-Central Alberta, Canada: R W
Barendregt, L D Andriashek, L E Jackson
1340h GP13A-3575 POSTER Post-Depositional
History of Western European Loess Deposits from
Magnetic Anisotropy: F Lagroix, S N Taylor
1340h GP13A-3576 POSTER Late Miocene to
Pleistocene Environmental Changes in the Western
Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) Revealed By
Magnetic Properties in Lacustrine Sediments: C
Herb, E Appel, W Zhang, A Koutsodendris, X
Fang, J Pross
1340h GP13A-3577 POSTER PSV records from
sediments of modern lakes (Aslikyl, Svir, Naroch):
D Kuzina, L Kosareva, D Nourgaliev, V Kosarev
1340h GP13A-3578 POSTER Paleomagnetic
Studies of Marine Sediments for Evaluation of
Sedimentation Rates on the Mendeleev Ridge,
Arctic Ocean: D Elkina
1340h GP13A-3579 POSTER Magnetic detection
and characterization of biogenic magnetic minerals:
A comparison of ferromagnetic resonance and
first-order reversal curve diagrams: L Chang, A P
Roberts, M Winklhofer, D Heslop, M J Dekkers, W
1340h GP13A-3580 POSTER Magnetotactic bacterial
production in response to Middle Eocene Climatic
Optimum (MECO) in the Neo-Tethys Ocean: J
F Savian, L Jovane, F Frontalini, R Trindade, R
Coccioni, S M Bohaty, P A Wilson, F Florindo, A P
Roberts, R Catanzariti, F Iacoviello
1340h GP13A-3581 POSTER Magnetotactic bacteria
in marine sediments: clues from recent cores from
Brazilian Coast: L Jovane, V H Pellizari, F P
Brandini, E D S Braga, G R Freitas, M Benites, D
Rodelli, M Giorgioni, F Iacoviello, D G Ruffato, U
1340h GP13A-3582 POSTER Control of organic
matter on the magnetic properties of surficial
marine sediments. A simple kinetic model: K J
Mohamed Falcon, A Andrade, D Rey, B Rubio
1340h GP13A-3583 POSTER Greigite as a marker of
paleo sulphate methane transition zone (SMTZ) in
cold seep environment of Krishna-Godavari (KG)
Basin, Bay of Bengal, India: F K B, P Dewangan, A
Usapkar, A Mazumdar, M Kocherla, R Tammisetti,
S T Khalap, N P Satelkar, T Mehrtens, A Rosenauer
1340h GP13A-3584 POSTER Mapping Petroleum
Migration Pathways Using Magnetics: R
Abubakar, A R Muxworthy, A Fraser, M A
Sephton, J S Watson, P Southern, G A Paterson, D
Rey, I Rodríguez-Germade, K J Mohamed Falcon,
B Rubio, A Garcia
1340h GP13A-3586 POSTER Use of Magnetic
Parameters to Asses Soil Erosion Rates on
Agricultural Site: E Petrovsky, A Kapicka, S
Dlouha, O Jaksik, H Grison, R Kodesova
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 43
Moscone West Poster Hall
Water Resources Management and
Policy in a Changing World III Posters
(joint with GC, PA)
Presiding: Kaveh Madani, Imperial
College London; Patrick Reed, Cornell
University; Casey Brown, University
of Massachusetts Amherst; Greogory
Characklis, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
1340h H13A-1021 POSTER Confronting Decision
Cliffs: Diagnostic Assessment of Multi-Objective
Evolutionary Algorithms’ Performance for
Addressing Uncertain Environmental Thresholds:
V L Ward, R Singh, P M Reed, K Keller
1340h H13A-1022 POSTER Diagnostic Assessment
of the Difficulty Using Direct Policy Search in
Many-Objective Reservoir Control: J ZatarainSalazar, P M Reed, J D Herman, M Giuliani, A
1340h H13A-1023 POSTER Incorporating Deeply
Uncertain Factors into the Many Objective Search
Process: Improving Adaptation to Environmental
Change: J R Kasprzyk, A A Watson
1340h H13A-1024 POSTER Assessing the Value of
Information for Identifying Optimal Floodplain
Management Portfolios: L Read, M Bates, R Hui,
J R Lund
1340h H13A-1025 POSTER Game Theory and RiskBased Levee System Design: R Hui, J R Lund, K
1340h H13A-1026 POSTER Evaluating the Impacts
of an Agricultural Water Market in the Guadalupe
River Basin, Texas: An Agent-based Modeling
Approach: E Du, X Cai, B S Minsker
1340h H13A-1027 POSTER An agent-based
hydroeconomic model to evaluate water policies in
Jordan: J Yoon, S Gorelick
1340h H13A-1028 POSTER How should we build a
generic open-source water management simulator?:
M Khadem, P Meier, D E Rheinheimer, S Padula, E
Matrosov, P D Selby, S Knox, J J Harou
1340h H13A-1029 POSTER Integrated water resource
management under water supply and irrigation
development uncertainty: E Hassanzadeh, A A
Elshorbagy, A Nazemi, H S Wheater, P Gober
Davidson, B George
1340h H13A-1044 POSTER The Water Crisis in Sao
Paulo City: Drought and its Climate Connections: C
H Ribeiro Lima, U Lall
1340h H13A-1045 POSTER Adaptive Decision
Modeling in Wisconsin River Islands: R Gyawali,
S R Greb, D W Watkins Jr, P Block
1340h H13A-1046 POSTER Compromise-based
Robust Prioritization of Climate Change Adaptation
Strategies for Watershed Management: Y Kim, E S
1340h H13A-1048 POSTER Using Decision Support
System to Find Suitable Sites for Groundwater
Artificial Recharge: D Ghasemian, C L Winter, M
M Kheirkhah Zarkesh, H R Moradi
1340h H13A-1049 POSTER Zone Management
of Multi-Purpose Use of Groundwater Via
Spatial Variability Analysis of Water Quality and
Hydrogeology: C P Liang, C F Chen, C S Jang, J S
1340h H13A-1050 POSTER Modeling groundwater
quality in an arid agricultural environment in the
face of an uncertain climate: the case of Mewat
District, India: M C Weber, A S Ward, M Muste
1340h H13A-1051 POSTER A new artificial recharge
approach using direct push wells for aquifer storage
and recovery in near-surface aquifers: A case study
in the Lower Republican River basin, Kansas: G
Liu, S Knobbe, E C Reboulet, D O Whittemore, F
Händel, J J Butler Jr
Bouaamlat, A Larabi, M Faouzi
1340h H13A-1053 POSTER Mapping Water
Resources, Allocation and Consumption in the
Mills River Basin: J Hodes, M A Jeuland, A P Barros
1340h H13A-1054 POSTER Simulation of California’s
Major Reservoirs Outflow Using Data Mining
Technique: T Yang, X Gao, S Sorooshian
1340h H13A-1030 POSTER An Implentation
Methodology for Integrated Resource Management
in Urban Water Planning: G Ebrahimi, B Thurm,
D R Klein, G Öberg
1340h H13A-1055 POSTER Benefits of an Advanced
Quantitative Precipitation Information System San Francisco Bay Area Case Study: R Cifelli, L E
Johnson, A B White
1340h H13A-1031 POSTER Water Conservation and
Water Storage: M Narayanan
1340h H13A-1056 POSTER A Global Review on
the Effects of Land Cover and Climate Changes on
Water Resources at Large Watersheds: Implications
for Management: Q Li, A Wei
1340h H13A-1032 POSTER Modeling regulated
water utility investment incentives: S Padula, J J
1340h H13A-1033 POSTER Scheduling Future
Water Supply Investments Under Uncertainty: I
Huskova, E S Matrosov, J J Harou, J R Kasprzyk,
P M Reed
Optimization: J R Lamontagne, J R Stedinger, C A
Shoemaker, S N Tan
1340h H13A-1035 POSTER Optimizing the
integrated efficiency for water resource utilization:
based on Economic perspective: L Gao, S
Yoshikawa, S Kanae
1340h H13A-1037 POSTER Understanding Indian
Institutional Networks and Participation in Water
Management Adaptation to Climate Change: A
Azhoni, I Holman, S Jude
1340h H13A-1038 POSTER New Zealand Freshwater
Management: Changing Policy for a Changing
World: H L Rouse, N Norton
1340h H13A-1039 POSTER Water law as an
adaptation strategy for global water scarcity in the
future: K Kakinuma, S Yoshikawa, T Endo, S
1340h H13A-1040 POSTER Hotspot identification of
trans-boundary water conflict due to anthropogenic
water use and climate change in the future: A Ueki,
S Yoshikawa, S Kanae
1340h H13A-1041 POSTER The Large Marine
Ecosystem Approach for 21st Century Ocean Health
and International Sustainable Development: K T
1340h H13A-1042 POSTER A Water Resources
Management Model to Evaluate Climate Change
Impacts in North-Patagonia, Argentina: L F
Bucciarelli, F T Losano, M Marizza, P Cello, L
Forni, C A Young, L O Girardin, G Nadal, F Lallana,
S Godoy, R Vallejos
1340h H13A-1057 POSTER Management Choices
in an Uncertain Future: Navigating Snow,
Precipitation, and Temperature Projections
in the Pacific Northwest U.S. to Assess Water
Management Alternatives: C Luce
1340h H13A-1058 POSTER Evidences of Significant
Nonstationarity in Precipitation Extremes over
Urbanizing Areas in India: J Singh, V H, S
Karmakar, S Ghosh
1340h H13A-1059 POSTER Insights into the Effects
of the Spatial Configuration of Flood Retention
Ponds on Flood Frequency: T B Ayalew, W F
Krajewski, R Mantilla
1340h H13A-1060 POSTER Forecasting Seasonal
Water Supply Impacts from High Volume Hydraulic
Fracturing: M J Celestino, C Lowry
1340h H13A-1061 POSTER The Efficiency Analysis
of Low Impact Development Applied in Taiwan: A
Case Study of Porous Pavement: Y H Huang, H J
Liu, N S Hsu, F M Chang
Moscone West Poster Hall
Global Precipitation Measurement,
Validation, and Applications III
Posters (joint with A, GC, IN, NH)
Presiding: Yang Hong, University of
Oklahoma; Ramesh Kakar, NASA
Headquarters; Gail Skofronick Jackson,
NASA-GSFC; Walter Petersen, NASA
GSFC/WFF Code 610.W
1340h H13B-1063 POSTER Detect Natural Hazard
Prone Areas Remote Way: D Ren, Y Hong, X Shen,
M J Lynch, G Zhang
1340h H13B-1064 POSTER High Resolution
Model Simulation for MC3E, Ifloods, and Lpvex:
Comparison with Observations: W K Tao, D Wu,
S E Lang, T Iguchi, T Matsui
11/28/2014 10:47:08 AM
Urban Rainfall Experiment 2014 (WURex14):
Experimental Setup and First Results: R
Uijlenhoet, A Overeem, H Leijnse, P Hazenberg
1340h H13B-1066 POSTER Integration Time
Influence on Rain Drop Size Distribution (DSD)
and Radar Parameters from Disdrometer Data: C
Pabla, L D Carey, W A Petersen
1340h H13B-1067 POSTER Simulation of Melting
Ice–Phase Precipitation Hydrometeors for Use in
Passive and Active Microwave Remote-Sensing
Algorithms: B T Johnson
1340h H13B-1068 POSTER Soil Moisture
Background Error Covariance Estimation in a
Land-Atmosphere Coupled Model: L F Lin, M
Ebtehaj, A N Flores, J Wang, R L Bras
1340h H13B-1069 POSTER Early Results of
Precipitation Features from Half Year of the GPM
Observations: C Liu
1340h H13B-1070 POSTER Verification and
Refinement of GPM Ground Validation Data at
Wallops Flight Facility: D A Marks, D B Wolff, W
A Petersen, A Tokay
1340h H13B-1071 POSTER Improvement of the
Orographic/Nonorographic Rainfall Classification
Scheme with Moist Frouid Number in the GSMaP
Algorithm: M Yamamoto, S Shige
1340h H13B-1072 POSTER A Comparative Study
of Rainfall Observations during GPM Iphex Field
Campaign: F Y Testik, M K Rahman, A Tokay
1340h H13B-1073 POSTER Comparison of
airborne and ground based measurements and the
relationships between microphysical parameters
from GCPEx: K Harnos, S W Nesbitt, K A Reed, G
Duffy, C R Williams, A Bansemer, S J Munchak, A
Heymsfield, W A Petersen
1340h H13B-1074 POSTER TRMM Based Studies
of MJO Convection over the Central Indian Ocean,
Maritime Continent, and Western Pacific Warm
Pool: S A Rutledge, W Xu
1340h H13B-1075 POSTER Validating The Goddard
Convective-Stratiform Heating Algorithm for
PMM: S E Lang, W K Tao, Y N Takayabu, S Shige,
R H Johnson, P E Ciesielski
1340h H13B-1077 POSTER Precipitation Estimation
from Remotely Sensed Data Using Deep Neural
Networks: Y Tao, X Gao, S Sorooshian
1340h H13B-1078 POSTER Evaluation of MixedPhase Microphysics Within Winter Storms Using
Field Data and In Situ Observations: B Colle, A
Molthan, R Yu, S W Nesbitt
1340h H13B-1079 POSTER Evaluation of the
PERSIANN-CDR daily rainfall estimates in
capturing the behavior of extreme precipitation
events over China: C Miao, H Ashouri, K L Hsu, S
Sorooshian, Q Duan
1340h H13B-1080 POSTER Ground validation of
Dual Precipitation Radar (DPR) on GPM by rapid
scan Phased Array weahter Radar (PAR): Y Hirano,
T Mega, S Shimamura, T Wu, H Kikuchi, T Ushio,
E Yoshikawa, C V Chandra
1340h H13B-1081 POSTER Evaluating the Influence
of Surface and Precipitation Characteristics on
TMI and GMI Precipitation Retrievals: N Carr,
P Kirstetter, Y Hong, J J Gourley, R R Ferraro, C
D Kummerow, W A Petersen, M Schwaller, N Y
1340h H13B-1082 POSTER Signal to Noise Ratio
for Different Gridded Rainfall Products of Indian
Monsoon: P Nehra, H K Shastri, S Ghosh, V
Mishra, R G Murtugudde
1340h H13B-1083 POSTER Profile Classification
Module of GPM-DPR algorithm: performance of
first dataset: M Le, C V Chandra, J Awaka
1340h H13B-1084 POSTER Towards the
Consideration of Surface and Environment
variables for a Microwave Precipitation Algorithm
Over Land: N Y Wang, Y You, R R Ferraro, I Guch
1340h H13B-1085 POSTER Salient Observations
and Performance Evaluation of Iowa XPOL Radars
during the NASA GPM IFloodS Campaign: K V
Mishra, W F Krajewski, M B Galvez, R Goska,
M Thurai, V N Bringi, L Tolstoy, A Kruger, W A
1340h H13B-1086 POSTER Blue Nile Rainfall
Experiment: Validation Results: M Gebremichael
1340h H13B-1087 POSTER Adjusting Satellite
Rainfall Error in Mountainous Areas for Flood
Modeling Applications: X Zhang, E N Anagnostou,
M Astitha, H J Vergara, J J Gourley, Y Hong
1340h H13B-1088 POSTER Interpolation of the
raindrop size distribution over a GPM-pixel-sized
region: A Berne, T Raupach
1340h H13B-1089 POSTER Why are Radar and
Passive Microwave Profiles Associated with
Lightning Probability over Land and Ocean So
Profoundly Different?: S D Bang, E J Zipser, C Liu
AGU2014News.indb 44
1340h H13B-1090 POSTER Modeling the Microwave
Snowflakes: H Nowell, R E Honeyager, G Liu
1340h H13B-1091 POSTER An Evaluation Of Cold
Season Precipitation Microphysical Properties
From A Ground-Based Perspective: K A Reed, S W
Nesbitt, A Tokay
1340h H13B-1092 POSTER The Latest Progress in
the VPR-Identification and Enhancement (VPRIE) Approach: Incorporate Climatological and
Real-time VPR Information from Spaceborne
Precipitation Radar to the NOAA MRMS system:
Y Wen, Y Hong, P Kirstetter, J J Gourley, J Zhang
1340h H13B-1093 POSTER Cloud Ice Crystal
Orientation Inferred from Global Precipitation
Measurement (GPM) Microwave Imager: J Gong,
D L Wu, K F Evans, K M Kim
1340h H13B-1094 POSTER Insights Into
Precipitation Processes As Revealed By Profiling
Radar, Disdrometer and Aircraft Observations
During The MC3E Campaign: S E Giangrande,
T Toto, S Mishra, A Ryzhkov, A Bansemer, M
1340h H13B-1095 POSTER An Aircraft And Radar
Based Analysis Of Cloud And Precipitation
Microphysics In Mid-Latitude Continental
Clouds: S Mishra, M Kumjian, A Bansemer, S E
Giangrande, A Ryzhkov, T Toto
1340h H13B-1096 POSTER Improving PERSIANNCCS Rainfall Estimation using Passive Microwave
Rainfall Estimation: N Karbalaee, K L Hsu, S
1340h H13B-1097 POSTER New Features of
the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)
Validation Network: M Schwaller, K R Morris
1340h H13B-1098 POSTER Simulation of the 2008
Iowa Flood using HiResFlood-UCI Model with
Remote Sensing Data: P Nguyen, A R Thorstensen,
K L Hsu, A AghaKouchak, B F Sanders, S Sorooshian
1340h H13B-1099 POSTER Uncertainty Estimation
of Global Precipitation Measurement through
Objective Validation Strategy: H KIM, N Utsumi,
S Seto, T Oki
1340h H13B-1100 POSTER Multi-Frequency
Radar and Microwave Radiometer Simulations of
Surface Snowfall Events from GCPEx: Synergistic
Application of In-Situ Microphysics Observations
with Modeled Ice Scattering Properties: M Kulie, S
W Nesbitt, D S Harnos, A Heymsfield, B T Johnson,
S Tanelli
1340h H13B-1101 POSTER Global Precipitation
Measurement (GPM) Mission Products and
Services at the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences
(GES) Data and Information Services Center
(DISC): D Ostrenga, Z Liu, B Vollmer, W L Teng,
S J Kempler
1340h H13B-1102 POSTER Preliminary Comparisons
of the GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar to
Ground Validation Radars of the GPM Validation
Network: K R Morris, M Schwaller
1340h H13B-1103 POSTER Improvements to a LowLatency, GPM-Ready Rainfall Rate Algorithm: Y
Hao, R J Kuligowski, Y Li
1340h H13B-1104 POSTER Evaluation of fine soil
moisture data from the IFloodS (NASA GPM)
Ground Validation campaign using a fullydistributed ecohydrological model: S Bastola, Y G
Dialynas, E Arnone, R L Bras
H13B-1105 POSTER
Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Microwave
Imager Polarimetric (GMI-P); 10 – 183 GHz
with Polarimetric channels including digital and
analog back-ends: Ardeshir Art Azarbarzin, Sergey
Krimchansky Jeff Piepmeir NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA: A
1340h H13B-1106 POSTER Relationships between
subtropical warm precipitation features and lower
tropospheric water vapor: K Wodzicki, A D Rapp
1340h H13B-1107 POSTER Winter Precipitation
Classification from Two Dimensional Video
Disdrometer Data: Observations from Gcpex and
Lpvex Experiments: G J Huang, C V Chandra, D
1340h H13B-1108 POSTER A suite of global
reconstructed precipitation products and their error
estimate by multivariate regression using empirical
orthogonal functions: 1850-present: S S Shen
Moscone West Poster Hall
Advances in Understanding LandAtmosphere Interactions III Posters
(joint with A)
Presiding: Steven Quiring, Texas A&M
University; Trent Ford, Texas A&M
University; Joseph Santanello, NASA;
1340h H13C-1109 POSTER Coupled MODEL
Intercomparison Project PHASE 5 (CMIP5)
Projected Twenty-First Century Warming over
Southern Africa: Role of LOCAL Feedbacks: M
1340h H13C-1110 POSTER Measurement of Vapor
Flow As an Important Source of Water in Dry Land
Eco-Hydrology: Z Wang, Z He, Y Wang, Z Gao,
K Hishida
1340h H13C-1111 POSTER Initial Results on Soil
Moisture in Relation to Timing of Snowpack,
Temperature, and Heavy Vs. Moderate Rain
Events from a New Soil Monitoring Network in
the Southern Rocky Mountains: E C Osenga, J
Schnissel, J Katzenberger
1340h H13C-1112 POSTER Controlling Factors of
Root-Zone Soil Moisture Spectra in Tropical and
Temperate Forests: T Nakai, G G Katul, A Kotani,
Y Igarashi, T Ohta, T Kumagai
1340h H13C-1113 POSTER Assessing the evaporationprecipitation feedback in CMIP5 models: A M Berg,
K L Findell, A Giannini
1340h H13C-1115 POSTER In-situ Soil Moisture
Coupled with Extreme Temperatures: A Study
Based on the Oklahoma Mesonet: T Ford, S M
1340h H13C-1116 POSTER Study of the effect of soil
disturbance on vapor transport through integrated
modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer and
shallow subsurface: A Trautz, K M Smits, A Cihan,
B Wallen
1340h H13C-1117 POSTER The influence of
precipitation: A S M M Rahman, M Sulis, S J Kollet
Investigation of Soil and Atmospheric Conditions
on the Momentum, Mass, and Thermal Boundary
Layers Above the Land Atmosphere Interface: A
Trautz, K M Smits, T H Illangasekare, P Schulte
1340h H13C-1119 POSTER Evaluation of NLDAS-2
Multi-Model Simulated Soil Moisture Using the
Observations from North American Soil Moisture
Dataset (NASMD): Y Xia, M B Ek, Y Wu, T Ford,
S M Quiring
Moscone West Poster Hall
Large-Scale Field Experiments and
Long-Term Observing Networks III
Posters (joint with A, B, GC, S)
Presiding: Nathaniel Brunsell,
University of Kansas; Paul Brooks, Univ
Arizona; Chris Soulsby, University of
Aberdeen; Stephen Sebestyen, USDA
Forest Service
1340h H13D-1132 POSTER Validation of in Situ
Networks Via Field Sampling: Case Study in the
South Fork Experimental Watershed: M H Cosh, L
McKee, R Bindlish, E J Coopersmith, T J Jackson, J
H Prueger
1340h H13D-1133 POSTER Long-term changes of
water and chemical budgets after clear-cutting of
a small headwater catchment in Japan: T Oda, T
Egusa, N Ohte, M Takeda, M Suzuki
1340h H13D-1134 POSTER Field-Scale Soil Moisture
Sensing Using GPS Reflections: Description of the
PBO H2O Soil Moisture Product: C C Chew, E E
Small, K M Larson
1340h H13D-1135 POSTER Near Surface Soil
Moisture Controls Beyond the Darcy Support Scale:
A Remote Sensing Perspective : B Mohanty, N
1340h H13D-1136 POSTER Estimation of Soil Profile
Water Storage from Limited Sensor Arrays: D G
Chandler, M S Seyfried, K Hwang, J P McNamara
1340h H13D-1137 POSTER Introducing a Soil
Moisture Scaling Triangle: N Gaur, B Mohanty
1340h H13D-1138 POSTER Integrated Cropland
and Grassland Flux Tower Observation Sites over
Grazinglands for Quantifying Surface-Atmosphere
Exchange: H R Mahan, P Wagle, R Bajgain, Y
Zhou, J B Basara, X Xiao, J M Duckles, J L Steiner, P
J Starks, B K Northup
1340h H13D-1139 POSTER Analysis of field-sampled,
in-situ network, and PALS airborne soil moisture
observations over SMAPVEX12: J R Adams, A A
Berg, H McNairn, M H Cosh
1340h H13C-1120 POSTER Decadal climatic
variability and regional weather simulation:
stochastic nature of forest fuel moisture and climatic
forcing: Y Tsinko, E A Johnson, Y E Martin
1340h H13D-1140 POSTER Landscape hydrology and
scaling of nitrate 15N and 18O isotope composition in
a semi-arid agroecosystem: C J Kelley, R A Martin,
C K Keller, C H Orr, D R Huggins, R D Evans
1340h H13C-1121 POSTER Inter-Annual Variability
of Soil Moisture Stress Function in the Wheat
Field: V R Akuraju, D Ryu, B George, Y Ryu, K
B Dassanayake
1340h H13D-1141 POSTER Monitoring soil water
dynamics at 0.1-1000 m scales using active DTS:
the MOISST experience: C Sayde, D Moreno, C
Legrand, J Dong, S C Steele-Dunne, T E Ochsner,
J S Selker
1340h H13C-1122 POSTER Impact of irrigations on
simulated convective activity over Central Greece: A
high resolution study : S Kotsopoulos, I Tegoulias,
I Pytharoulis, S Kartsios, D Bampzelis, T Karacostas
1340h H13C-1123 POSTER Influence of open water
bodies on the generation of summertime convection
over the Canadian Prairies: D Joshi, S Bélair, M L
Carrera, S Leroyer
1340h H13C-1124 POSTER Evaluation of soil
moisture simulations in the CMIP5 models using
satellite and in situ observations over CONUS: S
Yuan, S M Quiring
1340h H13C-1125 POSTER Irrigation reduces landatmosphere coupling strength in the Midwest and
Northern Great Plains: Y Lu, L M Kueppers
1340h H13C-1126 POSTER A sensitivity study of
MATSIRO land surface model with a simple wetland
scheme for improvements in the representation of
surface hydrology and surface air temperature bias:
T Nitta, K Yoshimura, A Abe-Ouchi
1340h H13C-1127 POSTER Micrometeorological
observations of carbon, water vapor and heat
exchanges on the California Academy of Sciences’
living roof using eddy covariance: S Lavender, A J
Oliphant, R Thorp
1340h H13C-1128 POSTER Recent Enhancements
in the North American Soil Moisture Database
(NASMD): N Chavez, J Galvan III, S M Quiring,
T Ford
1340h H13C-1129 POSTER Regional modeling of
surface-atmosphere interactions and their impact
on Great Lakes hydroclimate: A M Bryan, A L
Steiner, D J Posselt
1340h H13C-1130 POSTER Does rain fall
preferentially over wet or dry soils?: S M Quiring,
T Ford, A D Rapp
1340h H13C-1131 POSTER Development of a Sensor
for Measuring In Situ Soil Moisture in Continuous
Spatial Profile: S Farrington, N E Van Wyck, K H
1340h H13D-1142 POSTER A Framework for Longterm Monitoring and Research for Agricultural
Sustainability in the Lower Mississippi River Basin:
J Rigby, M A Locke
1340h H13D-1143 POSTER An agronomic fieldscale sensor network for monitoring soil water and
temperature variation: D J Brown, C Gasch, E S
Brooks, D R Huggins, C S Campbell, D R Cobos
1340h H13D-1144 POSTER Capturing field-scale
variability in crop performance across a regionalscale climosequence: E S Brooks, M Poggio, T R
Anderson, C Gasch, M A Yourek, N K Ward, T S
Magney, D J Brown, D R Huggins
1340h H13D-1145 POSTER Evaluation of Two Soil
Water Redistribution Models (Finite Difference
and Hourly Cascade Approach) Through The
Comparison of Continuous field Sensor-Based
Measurements: R Ferreyra, C O Stockle, D R
1340h H13D-1146 POSTER Spatio-temporal
interpolation of soil moisture in 3D+T using
automated sensor network data: C Gasch, T Hengl,
T S Magney, D J Brown, B Gräler
1340h H13D-1147 POSTER MicroBasin - A Highresolution Watershed Scale Ecohydrologic Model
for Agro-ecosystems: F Maureira, C O Stockle, M
Liu, R Nelson, E S Brooks, R Sommer
1340h H13D-1148 POSTER Scanning L Band Active
Passive Validation Experiment 2013: A T Joseph, E
J Kim, T Faulkner, H Patel, M H Cosh
1340h H13D-1149 POSTER Comparison of NOAACREST Soil Moisture Measurements with SMOS
Products: H Norouzi, A Forbes
1340h H13D-1150 POSTER Nitrogen Concentrations
and Exports in Baseflow and Stormflow from Three
Small Urban Catchments in Central Florida: J Luo,
G Hochmuth, M W Clark
1340h H13D-1151 POSTER Evaluation of Methods
for Estimating Long-Range Dependence in Water
Quality Time Series with Missing Data and Irregular
Sampling: Q Zhang, C J Harman, W P Ball
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:08 AM
1340h H13D-1152 POSTER Combining Long-Term
Watershed Monitoring at Buck Creek with Spatially
Extensive Ecosystem Data to Understand the
Processes of Acid Rain Effects and Recovery : G B
Lawrence, D S Ross, T J Sullivan, T C McDonnell,
S W Bailey, J E Dukett
1340h H13D-1153 POSTER Long-Term Trends in
DOC Concentrations and Fluxes in a Southern
Appalachian Headwater Stream: N Singh, E S
Bernhardt, W M Reyes, R Bhattacharya, J L Meyer,
J D Knoepp, R E Emanuel
1340h H13D-1154 POSTER Difference of Ecosystem
and Hydrological control on Long-term water
quality between adjacent subcatchments in a
forested catchment in central Japan: M Katsuyama,
K Iwasaki, R Nagano, K Takaki, Y Tanaka
Moscone West Poster Hall
Advances in Representation,
Integration, and Coupling of
Novel Processes in Hydrologic and
Transdisciplinary Models Posters (joint
with B, GC, NG)
Presiding: Chaopeng Shen,
Pennsylvania State University Main
Campus; Matteo Camporese, University
of Padova; Giuseppe Mascaro, Arizona
State University; Gautam Bisht,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1340h H13E-1155 POSTER Hydraulic Redistribution:
A Modeling Perspective: E Daly, P Verma, S P
Loheide III
1340h H13E-1156 POSTER An Improved Linear
Runoff Generation Model By Incorporating
Potential Evapotranspiration: P Deng, J Zhu
1340h H13E-1157 POSTER On modeling the
organization of landscapes and vegetation patterns
controlled by solar radiation: E Istanbulluoglu, O
Characterizations of Subsurface Fluid Pressures for
a Devil’s Slide-like System: M Thomas, K Loague
1340h H13E-1159 POSTER Temporal Evolution
of Soil Moisture Statistical Fractal: Seasonal and
Rainfall Dynamics: X Ji, C Shen, W J Riley
1340h H13E-1160 POSTER Assessment of
Catchment-Scale Evapotranspiration in a ProcessBased Integrated Model Via Boundary Condition
Switching Vs Root Water Uptake Modeling: E
Daly, M Camporese, C Paniconi
1340h H13E-1161 POSTER Quantifying Water
Budgets in Amazonian Watershed Using a Coupled
Subsurface - Land Surface Process Model: J Niu, W
J Riley, J M Melack, C Shen, G Bisht
1340h H13E-1162 POSTER Variation in freshwater
input to the Eastern US coastal ecosystem: D Feng,
Y Yoon, E Beighley II, R Hughes, D Kimbro
1340h H13E-1163 POSTER Investigating Scaling
Effects and Runoff Behavior Using Remote Sensed
Data and Modeling in the Mississippi River Basin:
Y Zhao, Y Yoon, E Beighley II, T Pavelsky, H Lee
1340h H13E-1164 POSTER Exploring New
Topography-based Subgrid Architecture in Land
Surface Modeling: T K Tesfa, L R Leung, H Y Li,
M Huang
1340h H13E-1165 POSTER Flow and transport
modeling of a tracer isotope experiment at B2
LEO using integrated and distributed multisensor
observation data: C Scudeler, L A Pangle, D
Pasetto, G Y Niu, C Paniconi, M Putti, P A A Troch
1340h H13E-1166 POSTER Simulating the Effects
of Drainage and Agriculture on Hydrology and
Sediment in the Minnesota River Basin : C W
Downer, N R Pradhan, B E Skahill, A M Banitt, G
Eggers, R E Pickett
1340h H13E-1167 POSTER A Framework Predicting
Water Availability in a Rapidly Growing, SemiArid Region under Future Climate Change : B Han,
S G Benner, N F Glenn, E Lindquist, K R Dahal, J
Bolte, K B Vache, A N Flores
1340h H13E-1168 POSTER Coupling System
for Participatory Water Management - A
Methodological Framework, with Two Case
Studies: Water Quality in Quebec, and Soil Salinity
in Pakistan: J Boisvert-Chouinard, J Halbe, A I
Baig, J F Adamowski
1340h H13E-1169 POSTER On the Non-Uniqueness
of Sediment Yield: J Kim, V Y Ivanov, S Fatichi
1340h H13E-1170 POSTER Assessing the impacts of
cooling methods of energy plants on groundwater
resources in an arid basin and the delayed influence
on the Colorado River leakance: K Fang, C Shen,
R Salve
Moscone West Poster Hall
Understanding the Interface Between
Models and Data III Posters
Presiding: Grey Nearing, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center; Benjamin Ruddell,
Arizona State University; Jasper Vrugt,
UC-Irvine; Kenneth Harrison, UMD
1340h H13F-1171 POSTER An Approach for
Improving Prediction in River System Models Using
Bayesian Probabilities of Parameter Performance: S
S H Kim, J D Hughes, J Chen, D Dutta, J Vaze
1340h H13F-1172 POSTER Applying 2D Bias
Correction Method to Gridded Simulations of
Precipitation and Temperature over Southeastern
South America: C Piani, N Montroull, R I Saurral
1340h H13F-1173 POSTER Estimating Parameters
in Real-Time Under Changing Conditions Via the
Ensemble Kalman Filter Based Method: S Meng, X
1340h H13F-1174 POSTER Soil Hydraulic Properties
Modeled from Meter to Kilometer Scales Based on
in Situ and SMOS Soil Moisture Data: P J Shellito,
E E Small, E D Gutmann
1340h H13F-1175 POSTER Challenges in Alpine
Watershed Modeling Associated with Q Similarity
to the P – Q – ET Residual: S M Jepsen, T C
Harmon, C T Hunsaker, M W Meadows, Y Shi
1340h H13F-1176 POSTER Monthly Hydrological
Model Evaluation through Mapping the
Hydrological Pattern to Information Space: B Pan,
Z Cong
1340h H13H-1210 POSTER Predictive assimilation
framework to support contaminated site
understanding and remediation: R J Versteeg, M
Bianchi, S S Hubbard
1340h H13G-1190 POSTER An End-to-End System
to Enable Quick, Easy and Inexpensive Deployment
of Hydrometeorological Stations: P Celicourt, M
1340h H13H-1211 POSTER Data Services in Support
of High Performance Computing-Based Distributed
Hydrologic Models: D G Tarboton, J S Horsburgh,
P K Dash, T Gichamo, A A Yildirim, N Jones
1340h H13G-1191 POSTER Water Quality Data at
High Time and Space Resolution in the Field :
Expanding Spectrophotometer Capabilities with
Arduino Driven Autosamplers: F Birgand, B
Maxwell, K Aveni-Deforge, R Etheridge
1340h H13H-1212 POSTER A Relational Model
for Simulation Data to Promote Interdisciplinary
Collaboration: A M Castronova, A S Jones, J S
1340h H13G-1192 POSTER A Portable Streambed
Permeameter Built With 3-D Printed and Arduino
Controller/Data-Logger: A Selker, S A Drake, J S
1340h H13G-1193 POSTER Inexpensive, Robust
Water Stage Sensor for Rural Community
Footbridges: A Bradley, D J McDermot, K L
Langenfeld, A Kruger, J J Niemeier
1340h H13H-1213 POSTER Designing Green
Stormwater Infrastructure for Hydrologic and
Human Benefits: An Image Based Machine Learning
Approach: A Rai, B S Minsker
1340h H13H-1214 POSTER Risk Assessment and
Mapping of Fecal Contamination in the Ohio
River Basin: A Cabezas, D Morehead, A Teklitz, L
1340h H13G-1194 POSTER Mobile Phone Based
Participatory Sensing in Hydrology: C Lowry, M N
Fienen, M Böhlen
1340h H13H-1215 POSTER Assesing Ecohydrological
Impacts of Forest Disturbance using Open Source
Software: J P Lovette, T Chang, M Treglia, T Gan,
J Duncan
1340h H13G-1195 POSTER A Low-cost data-logging
platform for long-term field sensor deployment in
caves: M A Cruz, J M Myre, M D Covington
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h H13G-1196 POSTER Open Source
Hardware for DIY Environmental Sensing: A K
Aufdenkampe, S D Hicks, S G Damiano, D S
1340h H13G-1197 POSTER Estimating Stream
Surface Flow Velocities from Video Clips: S V
Weijs, T Brauchli, Z Chen, H Huwald
Dynamic Networks in the Geosciences
Presiding: Gavan McGrath, Uni of
Western Australia; P Suresh Rao,
Purdue University; Jonathan Donges,
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research; Jeryang Park, Hongik
1340h H13F-1177 POSTER UQLab - A Software
Platform for Uncertainty Quantification of Complex
System Models: C Wang, Q Duan, W Gong
1340h H13G-1198 POSTER Waggle: A Framework
for Intelligent Attentive Sensing and Actuation: R
Sankaran, R L Jacob, P H Beckman, C E Catlett,
K Keahey
1340h H13F-1178 POSTER Typecasting catchments:
Universal donors and acceptors: T J Smith, L A
Marshall, B L McGlynn
1340h H13I-1216 POSTER Evolutionary Signatures
of River Networks: K Paik
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h H13I-1217 POSTER Food Trade and Its Water
Footprint Under Climate and Policy Scenarios: M
Konar, Z Hussein, N Hanasaki
1340h H13F-1179 POSTER A Fully Bayesian
Approach to Improved Calibration and Prediction
of Groundwater Models With Structure Error: T
Xu, A J Valocchi
1340h H13F-1180 POSTER Quantifying the
Uncertainty in Discharge Data Using Hydraulic
Knowledge and Uncertain Gaugings: B Renard, J
LeCoz, L Bonnifait, F Branger, R Le Boursicaud, I
Horner, V Mansanarez, M Lang
1340h H13F-1181 POSTER Multi-Site Model
Benchmarking: Do Land Surface Models Leak
Information?: D M Mocko, G S Nearing, S Kumar
1340h H13F-1182 POSTER Pareto optimal calibration
of highly nonlinear reactive transport groundwater
models using particle swarm optimization: A J
Siade, H Prommer, D Welter
1340h H13F-1183 POSTER Optimization of Modeled
Land-Atmosphere Exchanges of Water and Energy
in an Isotopically-Enabled Land Surface Model by
Bayesian Parameter Calibration: T E Wong, D C
Noone, W Kleiber
1340h H13F-1184 POSTER Many-Criterion
Calibration of Hydrologic Models Using
Hydrological Signatures: M Shafii Hassanabadi,
B Tolson
1340h H13F-1185 POSTER The effect of uncertainty
and systematic errors in hydrological modelling: I
Steinsland, K Engeland, S S Johansen, A ØverleirPetersen, S A Kolberg
1340h H13F-1186 POSTER One-Day Offset between
Simulated and Observed Daily Hydrographs: An
Exploration of the Issue in Automatic Model
Calibration: M Asadzadeh, L Leon, W Yang
1340h H13F-1187 POSTER Balancing Particle
Diversity in Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
for Dual Calibration-Data Assimilation Problems in
Hydrologic Modeling: F Hernandez, X Liang
From Small-Scale to Big Data:
Enabling Effective Data Use and
Reuse in Hydrologic Investigations
(joint with A, IN)
Presiding: Jennifer Arrigo, NOAA
Climate Program Office; David Arctur,
University of Texas at Austin; Andrea
Clematis, CNR - Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche
1340h H13H-1199 POSTER Dissemination of
satellite-based river discharge and flood data: A
J Kettner, G R Brakenridge, E van Praag, T de
Groeve, D A Slayback, S Cohen
1340h H13H-1200 POSTER Development of
Groundwater Modeling Support System Based on
Service-Oriented Architecture: Y WANG, J P Tsai,
C T Hsiao, L C Chang
1340h H13H-1201 POSTER River Network
Modeling Beyond Discharge at Gauges: C H David,
J S Famiglietti, F R Salas, T L Whiteaker, D R
Maidment, K Tolle
1340h H13H-1202 POSTER Enabling innovative
research by supporting the life cycle of high
frequency streaming sensor data in the Global Lake
Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON): C
Gries, J S Read, L A Winslow, P C Hanson, K C
1340h H13H-1203 POSTER The CUAHSI Water
Data Center: Enabling Data Publication, Discovery
and Re-use: M Seul, J Pollak
1340h H13H-1204 POSTER The Mason Water Data
Information System (MWDIS): Enabling data
sharing and discovery at George Mason University:
C Ferreira, A L Da Silva, A Nunes, J Haddad, S
1340h H13F-1188 POSTER Optimal Selection of
Predictor Variables in Statistical Downscaling
Models of Precipitation: A Goly, R S V Teegavarapu
1340h H13H-1205 POSTER Enabling Real-time
Water Decision Support Services Using Model as a
Service: T Zhao, B S Minsker, J S Lee, F R Salas, D
R Maidment, C H David
1340h H13F-1189 POSTER Determination of
Watershed Lag Equation for Philippine Hydrology:
F R Cipriano, A M F A Lagmay, C Uichanco, J
Mendoza, G Sabio, K N Punay, M R Oquindo, M
1340h H13H-1206 POSTER Transient Storage
Parameterization of Wetland-dominated Stream
Reaches: S M Wilderotter, A Lightbody, L H
Kalnejais, W M Wollheim
Moscone West Poster Hall
Transformative Measurements to
Understand the Geosphere: Zip-Ties,
Arduinos, Novel Sensors, and Twitter
Posters (joint with A, B, C, NS)
Presiding: Rolf Hut, TU Delft; Andrew
Wickert, University of Colorado at
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 45
Boulder; John Selker, Oregon State
University; Flavia Tauro, Polytechnic
Institute of New York University
Cyberinfrastructure to Support a Real-time
National Flood Model: F R Salas, D R Maidment, K
Tolle, C Navarro, C H David, R Corby
1340h H13H-1208 POSTER Design of a High
Resolution Open Access Global Snow Cover
Web Map Service Using Ground and Satellite
Observations: J Kadlec, D P Ames
1340h H13H-1209 POSTER HDDTOOLS: an R
package serving Hydrological Data Discovery Tools:
C Vitolo, W Buytaert
1340h H13I-1218 POSTER Ecosystem Network Shifts
As Indicators of Climate Response: A E Goodwell,
P Kumar
1340h H13I-1219 POSTER Statistical spatial graphs
to study the topology and geometry of large karst
networks: M Hendrick
1340h H13I-1220 POSTER Dynamic hydro-climatic
networks in pristine and regulated rivers: G Botter,
S Basso, G Lazzaro, B Doulatyari, B Biswal, M
Schirmer, A Rinaldo
1340h H13I-1221 POSTER Network Robustness: the
whole story: A Longjas, A Tejedor, I V Zaliapin, S
Ambroj, E Foufoula-Georgiou
1340h H13I-1222 POSTER Identification and
discrimination of patterns of dynamical influences
within the climate system by means of complex
network approaches: R V Donner
1340h H13I-1223 POSTER Quantitative Metrics of
Robustness in River Deltas: E Foufoula-Georgiou,
A Tejedor, A Longjas, I V Zaliapin
MEXICO. : P F Rodriguez-Espinosa, E M Tavera,
S S Morales-Garcia, N P Muñoz-Sevilla
P F Rodriguez-Espinosa, S S Morales-Garcia, N P
Moscone West Poster Hall
Restoring the Water Quality of
Heavily Polluted Urban Streams
Presiding: Jingyu Wang, City University
of New York; Peter Van Metre, U.S.
Geological Survey
1340h H13J-1226 POSTER Contrasting Pesticide
Occurrence in Urban and Agricultural Streams in
the Midwestern United States: B J Mahler, P C Van
Metre, M W Sandstrom, L H Nowell, J W Frey, M
Hladik, R W Gilliom
1340h H13J-1227 POSTER Pavement Sealcoat,
PAHs, and Water Quality of Urban Water Bodies:
An Overview: B J Mahler, P C Van Metre, C
Ingersoll, J L Kunz, A Kienzler, A Devaux, S Bony
11/28/2014 10:47:08 AM
1340h H13J-1228 POSTER Long Term Trend
Analysis and Assessment of Water Quality in the
Penchala River, Malaysia: M F Chow, H B Haris,
L B Mohd Sidek
Technical University; Valentijn Pauwels,
Monash University; Dongryeol Ryu, The
University of Melbourne
of Rhode Island; Jennifer Cooper,
University of Rhode Island; Christopher
Green, USGS
Contributions to the Water Quality of an Urban
Stream: S F B Little, M Young, C Lowry
1340h H13M-01 Efficient Data Assimilation
Tool For Real Time CO2 Reservoir Monitoring
and Characterization: J Y Li, S Ambikasaran, A
Kokkinaki, E F Darve, P K Kitanidis
1340h H13O-01 Emerging policies to control
nonpoint source pollution of groundwater: T
1340h H13J-1230 POSTER Restore Harlem River’s
Water Quality to Swimmable/Fishable: J Wang
Moscone West Poster Hall
Atmospheric Deposition of Air
Pollutants and Water Quality: Insights
to Ecosystem Effects and Processes
Posters (joint with A, B)
Presiding: Douglas Burns, USGS; Julian
Aherne, Trent University
1340h H13K-1231 POSTER Decreased Atmospheric
Sulfur Deposition Across the Southeastern U.S:
When Will Watersheds Release Stored Sulfate?: K
C Rice, T M Scanlon, J A Lynch, B J Cosby Jr
1340h H13K-1233 POSTER Hydrological and
landscape controls on the chemical response of lakes
in northern Wisconsin to environmental pressures:
N J Casson, S D Sebestyen, R K Kolka, E H Stanley
1340h H13K-1234 POSTER Relationships Between
Long-term Atmospheric Wet Deposition and
Stream Chemistry in Mid-Appalachian Forest
Catchments: D R DeWalle, E W Boyer, A R Buda
1340h H13K-1235 POSTER Changes in High
Elevation Lake Ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada
during the 20th Century: Combining Long-term
Monitoring with Paleolimnology: J O Sickman, A
M Heard, N L Rose, D M Bennett, D M Lucero, J M
Melack, J H Curtis
1340h H13K-1236 POSTER Trace elements in
glacial meltwater at Grand Teton National Park,
Wyoming: Contributions from atmospheric
deposition and other sources: G T Carling, D P
Fernandez, D G Tingey
1340h H13K-1237 POSTER Spatially Modeling
the Impact of Terrain on Wind Speed and Dry
Particle Deposition Across Lake Perris in Southern
California to Determine In Situ Sensor Placement:
A N Brooks
Moscone West 3020
Agricultural Impact on Water
Resources I (joint with GC)
Presiding: Joachim Rozemeijer,
Deltares; Michele Reba, USDA ARS;
James Rigby, USDA Agricultural
Research Service Oxford; Hans Peter
Broers, Netherlands Organization for
Applied Scientific Research
O’Keeffe, W Buytaert, A Mijic, N Brozovic
1355h H13L-02 Agricultural Impacts on Water
Resources: Recommendations for Successful
Applied Research: D Harmel
1410h H13L-03 Global Depletion of Groundwater
Resources: Past and Future Analyses: M F Bierkens,
I E M de Graaf, L P Van Beek, Y Wada
1425h H13L-04 Irrigation Dynamics and Tactics –
Developing a Sustainable and Profitable Irrigation
Strategy for Agricultural Areas: J Van Opstal, C M
U Neale, S Lecina
1440h H13L-05 Use of Weighted Regressions on
Time, Discharge, and Season to Assess Effectiveness
of Agricultural and Environmental Best
Management Practices in California and Nevada,
USA: J L Domagalski, B Schlegel, J Hutchins
1455h H13L-06 Agricultural Catchments: Evaluating
Policies and Monitoring Adaptive Management:
P Jordan, G Shortle, P E Mellander, M Shore, N
McDonald, C Buckley
1510h H13L-07 Effectiveness of Biomass Harvesting
from Stormwater Detention Areas in Reducing
Phosphorus Discharges: A Shukla, S Shukla
1525h H13L-08 Denitrification ‘Woodchip’
Bioreactors for Productive and Sustainable
Agricultural Systems: L E Christianson, S
Summerfelt, K Sharrer, C Lepine, M J Helmers
Moscone West 3011
Hydrologic Data Assimilation I
Presiding: Barton Forman, University of
Maryland; M Tugrul Yilmaz, Middle East
AGU2014News.indb 46
1355h H13O-02 Processes Controlling Temporal
Changes in Agriculturally-Affected Groundwater:
K R Burow, K Belitz, B C Jurgens
1435h H13Q-04 Hydraulic Aperture Reduction of
Shale Fractures Due to Mechanical Stressing, with
Characterization of Physical Fracture Evolution
Using Comuted Tomography: D Crandall, M Gill,
J Moore
1450h H13Q-05 A Study on the Effect of Fracture
Aperture Variability on Advective Transport in
aFractured Shale using Discrete Fracture Network
Modeling: N Makedonska, S Karra, S L Painter, H
Viswanathan, C W Gable
1355h H13M-02 Assimilation of Synchronous
and Asynchronous Active/Passive Microwave
Observations at Different Spatial Scales for
Improved Soil Moisture and Crop Growth: J
Judge, P W Liu, A Monsivais-Huertero, S C SteeleDunne, T E Bongiovanni, R Bindlish, T J Jackson
1410h H13O-03 Viruses as Tracers: A tool to
characterize fast groundwater flowpaths: R Hunt,
M A Borchardt, K R Bradbury
1505h H13Q-06 Experimental Characterization and
Modeling of the Fracturing Behavior of Marcellus
Shale: C Jin, W Li, B B Sageman, G Cusatis
1410h H13M-03 Land Surface Data Assimilation:
Improved Results with Multivariate Assimilation
Including Parameter Estimation: H J Hendricks
Franssen, X Han, W Kurtz, H Vereecken
1425h H13O-04 Sediment and Fecal Indicator
Bacterial Loading in a Mixed Land Use Watershed:
Contributions from Suspended and Bed Load
Transport: J K Bradshaw, M Molina, K Sullivan,
R C Sidle
1520h H13Q-07 The U.S. Shale Oil and Gas
Resource – a Multi-Scale Analysis of Productivity:
F O’sullivan
1425h H13M-04 Improving Flood Prediction By
the Assimilation of Satellite Soil Moisture in Poorly
Monitored Catchments: C D Alvarez-Garreton,
D Ryu, A W Western, W T Crow, C H Su, D E
1440h H13M-05 Global Assimilation of SMOS
Brightness Temperatures to Estimate Soil Moisture
and Temperature: G J M De Lannoy, R H Reichle
1455h H13M-06 Error Characterization of Similar
Products: Triple Collocation with Correlated Errors:
A G Konings, K A Mccoll, S H Alemohammad, D
1510h H13M-07 Towards Improved HighResolution Land Surface Hydrologic Reanalysis
Using a Physically-Based Hydrologic Model and
Data Assimilation: Y Shi, K J Davis, F Zhang, C
Duffy, X Yu
1525h H13M-08 Data assimilation of GRACE
terrestrial water storage information: solution
assessment, error characterization and algorithmic
procedure: C Sakumura, S V Bettadpur
Moscone West 3018
Long-Term Changes in Inland Water
Temperature: Global Patterns,
Physical Mechanisms, and Ecological
Interactions II (joint with A, B, C, GC)
Presiding: John Lenters, LimnoTech;
Claude Duguay, University of Waterloo;
Simon Hook, NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Catherine O’Reilly, Illinois
State University
1340h H13N-01 Time Series Analysis of Lake
Surface Water Temperatures in Perialpine Austrian
Lakes: M Dokulil
1355h H13N-02 Temperature Trends in Montane
Lakes: J M Melack, S Sadro, R Jellison
1407h H13N-03 Strong Coupling Between Winter
Climatic Fluctuations and Development of
Phytoplankton in the Deep Lakes South of the Alps
Assessed Using Long-Term in Situ and Satellite
Temperature Data: N Salmaso, S Pareeth, L
Cerasino, M Neteler
1422h H13N-04 Global patterns in lake surface
temperature trends: C O’Reilly, S Sharma, D Gray,
S E Hampton, J S Read, R Rowley, P B McIntyre, J
D Lenters, P Schneider, S J Hook
1434h H13N-05 Long Term Changes in Thermal
Stratification in a Deep Lake: Measurements From
the 20th Century and Simulations For the 21st
Century: G Schladow, G B Sahoo, A Forrest
1449h H13N-06 Latitude-for-Time Proxy for
Climate Change in Lakes: B Laval, S Vagle, J
Morrison, E Carmack
1501h H13N-07 Is Air Temperature Enough to
Predict Lake Surface Temperature?: S Piccolroaz,
M Toffolon, B Majone
1516h H13N-08 Mechanisms of Long-Term
Variations of the Thermal Structure in a Warm
Lake: A Rimmer, G Gal, T Opher, Y Lechinsky, Y
1528h H13N-09 Heating the Ice-Covered Lakes of
the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica – Decadal
Trends in Heat Content, Ice Thickness, and Heat
Exchange: M N Gooseff, J C Priscu, P T Doran, A
Chiuchiolo, M Obryk
Moscone West 3022
Nonpoint Source Flux Impact on
Groundwater, Vadose Zone, and
Surface Waters: Assessment,
Mechanisms, and Control Strategies I
(joint with B)
Presiding: Thomas Harter, Univ
California; Laura Schifman, University
1455h H13O-06 A Unified Experimental Approach
for Estimation of Irrigationwater and Nitrate
Leaching in Tree Crops: J W Hopmans, M M
Kandelous, A B Moradi
1510h H13O-07 Groundwater Head Control of
Catchment Nitrate Export: A Musolff, C Schmidt,
M Rode, J H Fleckenstein
1525h H13O-08 Influence of Conowingo Reservoir
Infill on Chesapeake Bay Deep Water Hypoxia: L C
Linker, C F Cerco, R Batiuk
Moscone South Poster Hall
Earth and Space Science Informatics
General Contributions Posters
Presiding: Kerstin Lehnert, Columbia
University; Michael Piasecki, City
College New York
1340h IN13A-3635 POSTER National Geospatial
Data Asset Lifecycle Baseline Maturity Assessment
for the Federal Geographic Data Committee: L A
Peltz-Lewis, W Blake-Coleman, J Johnston, I B
Moscone West 3014
Persistent Problems in Multiphase
Flow in Porous Media: Modern
Approaches to Modelling and
Visualization of Flow from Pore to
Laboratory and Field-Scales I
Moscone South Poster Hall
Presiding: Mark Porter, Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Ryan Armstrong,
University of New South Wales; Luis
Cueto-Felgueroso, MIT; Florian Doster,
Heriot-Watt University
1340h H13P-01 Pore Scale View of Fluid
Displacement Fronts in Porous Media: D Or, F
1400h H13P-02 Simulation of Multiphase FLOW at
the Pore Scale: Doable, Useful?: H Tchelepi, M Abu
AlSaud, C Soulaine
1420h H13P-03 Numerical and experimental
evaluation of ferrofluid potential in mobilizing
trapped non-wetting fluid: M Prodanovic, F
Soares, C Huh
1440h H13P-04 Particle Image Velocimetry Analysis
in Micromodels to Investigate Two-Phase Flow
Mechanisms: S Roman, C Soulaine, A R Kovscek
1455h H13P-05 Inertial Effects and Interface
Dynamics during Rapid Fluid Reconfigurations: I
Lunati, A Ferrari
1510h H13P-06 Wettability Control on Fluid-Fluid
Displacements in Patterned Microfluidics: B Zhao,
M Trojer, L Cueto-Felgueroso, R Juanes
1525h H13P-07 Simulation of Two-Phase Flow
Based on a Thermodynamically Constrained
Averaging Theory Flow Model: T M Weigand, A
L Dye, J E McClure, M W Farthing, W G Gray, C
T Miller
Promoting the Science Value of
Airborne Observational Data through
Increasing Awareness of Airborne
Data Management Challenges,
Capabilities, and Gaps, and through
Sharing Experiences and Lessons
Learned Posters (joint with A, C)
Presiding: Gao Chen, NASA Langley
Research Ctr; Emily Law, NASA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Helen
Conover, Univ of Alabama Huntsville;
Steve Williams, National Center for
Atmospheric Research
1340h IN13B-3636 POSTER NASA Langley
Atmospheric Science Data Center Toolsets for
Airborne Data (TAD): User Interface Design and
Development: A L Beach III, A B Early, G Chen,
L Parker
1340h IN13B-3637 POSTER Data System for
HS3 Airborne Field Campaign: M Maskey, M
Mceniry, T Berendes, K Bugbee, H Conover, R
1340h IN13B-3638 POSTER Challenges and
Successes Managing Airborne Science Data for
CARVE: S H Hardman, S J Dinardo, E C Lee
1340h IN13B-3639 POSTER Management and
Stewardship of Airborne Observational Data for the
at the National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR) Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL): J
1340h IN13B-3641 POSTER NASA Langley
Atmospheric Science Data Center Toolsets for
Airborne Data (TAD): Common Variable Naming
Schema: G Chen, A B Early, M C Peeters
Moscone West 3010
Shale Science: Coupled Processes
in Hydraulic Fracturing and CO2
Sequestration II
(Virtual Session) (joint with MR)
Presiding: James Carey, Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Stephanie Vialle,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;
Qinhong Hu, University of Texas at
Arlington; Thomas Dewers, Sandia
National Laboratories
1340h IN13B-3642 POSTER An Operation IceBridge
Portal focused on Data Products and Metadata:
S Tanner, J A Collins, M H Savoie, K Beam, B H
Raup, H Wilcox, K Purdon
1340h IN13B-3643 POSTER Calibration and Data
Efforts of the National Ecological Observatory
Network (NEON) Airborne Observation Platform
during its Engineering Development Phase:
J Adler, T Goulden, T U Kampe, N Leisso, J
1340h H13Q-01 The Impacts of Rock Composition
and Properties on the Ability to Stimulate
Production of Ultra-Low Permeability Oil and Gas
Reservoirs Through Hydraulic Fracturing: M D
Zoback, H Sone, A H Kohli, R J Heller
1340h IN13B-3644 POSTER Developing Metadata
Requirements for NASA Airborne Field Campaigns:
L Parker, P L Rinsland, J Kusterer, G Chen, A B
Early, A L Beach III, D Wang, N D Typanski, M
Rutherford, E Rieflin
1400h H13Q-02 Influence of Rock Fabric on
Hydraulic Fracture Propagation: Laboratory Study:
S A Stanchits, J Desroches, J Burghardt, A Surdi,
N Whitney
Moscone South Poster Hall
1420h H13Q-03 Effect of Shear Slip on Fault
Permeability in Shale Reservoir Rocks: J S Reece,
M D Zoback, A H Kohli
Space-Based, Operational Global
Earth Observations from S-NPP and
JPSS III Posters (joint with A, B, OS)
Presiding: John Furgerson, Joint Polar
Satellite System; Gary McWilliams, Joint
Polar Satellite System
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:09 AM
1340h IN13C-3645 POSTER Improving Assimilation
of Microwave Radiances in Cloudy Situations with
Collocated High Resolution Imager Cloud Mask: H
Han, J Li, J Li, M Goldberg, P Wang, Z Li
1340h IN13C-3646 POSTER A near real time
regional JPSS and GOES-R data assimilation system
for high impact weather research and applications:
J Li, J Li, P Wang, H Han, T J Schmit
1340h IN13C-3647 POSTER JPSS Cryosphere
Algorithms: Integration and Testing in Algorithm
Development Library (ADL): M Tsidulko, R L
Mahoney, P Meade, D Baldwin, M A Tschudi, B
Das, V Mikles, W Chen, Y Tang, K Sprietzer, Y
Zhao, W Wolf, J Key
1340h IN13C-3648 POSTER Assessment of
VIIRS daily BRDF/Albedo product using in situ
measurement of SURFRAD sites and MODIS V006
daily BRDF/Albedo product: Y Liu, Z Wang, Q
Sun, C Schaaf, M O Roman
1340h IN13C-3649 POSTER Assessment of J1 VIIRS
Polarization Sensitivity Impacts on Sensor Data
Records: W Wang, C Cao, A Pearlman
1340h IN13C-3666 POSTER Evaluation of MLS
mesospheric geopotential height profiles and
improved altitude registration of the OMPS Limb
Profiler measurements: L Moy, P K Bhartia, Z
Chen, M T DeLand, G R Jaross, T J Kelly, N A
Kramarova, R P Loughman, G Taha, P Xu
1340h IN13C-3667 POSTER OMPS Limb Sensor II:
Novel Operations to Fix Data Artifacts: D Soo, J W
Leitch, K Brownsberger, P Huang, D S Draper, G R
Jaross, R Knewtson, S Lipscy, D Rusling, C Stutheit
Moscone West 2020
Advanced Concepts and Disruptive
Technologies to Enhance Satellite
Data Exploitation II
Presiding: Karen Moe, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center; Charles Norton,
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Jeff
1340h IN13C-3650 POSTER S-NPP CrIS Full
Resolution Sensor Data Record Processing and
Evaluations: Y Chen, Y Han, L Wang, D A
Tremblay, X Jin, F Weng
1340h IN13D-01 NASA’s Advanced Information
Systems Technology (AIST) Program: Advanced
Concepts and Disruptive Technologies: M M
Little, K Moe, G Komar
1340h IN13C-3651 POSTER Suomi NPP to JPPS-1;
Maintaining Instrument Performance Continuity: J
F Gleason, J J Butler
1355h IN13D-02 Design of Scalable and Effective
Earth Science Collaboration Tool: M Maskey, R
Ramachandran, K S Kuo, C Lynnes, N Niamsuwan,
C Chidambaram
1340h IN13C-3652 POSTER Development of an
Algorithm Suite for MODIS and VIIRS Cloud
Data Record Continuity: S E Platnick, R Holz, A
K Heidinger, S A Ackerman, K Meyer, R Frey, G
Wind, N Amarasinghe
1340h IN13C-3653 POSTER Improving Cloudscreening for Global Nighttime Lights Composites
Using the VIIRS Day/Night Band: K Baugh, C
Elvidge, M N Zhizhin, F C Hsu
1340h IN13C-3654 POSTER Vicarious Validation
of Suomi-NPP/VIIRS Day /Night Band using
DOME-C and Greenland under moon-light: S Qiu,
X Shao, C Cao
1340h IN13C-3655 POSTER Joint Polar Satellite
System (JPSS) System Architecture: Suomi-NPP to
the Future: J Furgerson, A Layns, J H Feeley, A
Griffin, G Trumbower
1340h IN13C-3656 POSTER Comparing Crosstrack Infrared Sounder Observations with Forward
Model Calculations: A J Merrelli, D C Tobin, R O
Knuteson, T J Greenwald
1340h IN13C-3657 POSTER NASA Science Data
Processing for SNPP: A Hall, J Behnke, D R Lowe,
E L Ho
1340h IN13C-3658 POSTER NOAA/National
Weather Service Operational Applications and
Training of S-NPP Imagery and Products in
Preparation for JPSS Mission Readiness: B Motta,
S D Miller, M J Folmer, S Lindstrom, D Nietfeld, E
Stevens, T Dankers, M Baker, B Meier, A J Mostek,
D Hillger
1340h IN13C-3659 POSTER Joint Polar Satellite
System (JPSS) Common Ground System (CGS)
Architecture Overview and Technical Performance
Measures: K D Grant, B R Johnson, S W Miller, M
L Jamilkowski
1340h IN13C-3660 POSTER Improvements
and Extensions for Joint Polar Satellite System
Algorithms: K D Grant, J H Feeley, S W Miller, M
L Jamilkowski
1340h IN13C-3661 POSTER Adding a Mission to
the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Common
Ground System (CGS): S W Miller, K D Grant, M
L Jamilkowski
1340h IN13C-3662 POSTER Joint Polar Satellite
System (JPSS) Common Ground System (CGS)
Use of Space Link Extension (SLE) Protocol: M
L Jamilkowski, G R Cordier, L M Johnson, C J
1340h IN13C-3663 POSTER Maintaining JPSS
Product Quality: K D Grant, G McWilliams, W
Ibrahim, K F Brueske, P F Smit
1340h IN13C-3664 POSTER Improved Ozone Profile
Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from
S-NPP and NASA “A Train” Satellites: D Fu, K W
Bowman, J Worden, N J Livesey, S S Kulawik, L
E Flynn, Y Han, X Liu, S Pawson, K Wargan, M
Huang, M Luo, J L Neu, F W Irion, R L Herman,
M J Schwartz
1340h IN13C-3665 POSTER First Global
Observations of HCHO from the Suomi National
Polar-orbiting Partnership Ozone Mapping and
Profiler Suite: C Li, J Joiner, N A Krotkov, P K
Bhartia, L Dunlap
1410h IN13D-03 Spatial Inference for Distributed
Remote Sensing Data: A J Braverman, M Katzfuss,
H Nguyen
1425h IN13D-04 A Video Game Platform for
Exploring Satellite and In-Situ Data Streams: Y Cai
1440h IN13D-05 Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
on a Cuda-Enabled Mobile Platform: M Fatica, E
1455h IN13D-06 The NASA Cyclone Global
Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS): A
Constellation of Bi-static Ocean Scatterometer
Microsatellites to Probe the Inner Core of
Hurricanes: C S Ruf, M P Clarizia, A J Ridley, S
Gleason, A O’Brien
1510h IN13D-07 High-Speed on-Board Data
Processing for Science Instruments: J Beyon, T K
Ng, M J Davis, B Lin
1525h NG13A-08 Turbulence reduces magnetic
diffusivity in DTS liquid sodium experiment : S
Cabanes, N Schaeffer, H C Nataf
1524h MR13A-09 Gallium melts under highpressure and temperature conditions: Synchrotron
x-ray tomography and diffraction studies: L L Liu,
H Liu
Marriott Marquis Salons
Geophysical, Astrophysical, and
Geological Fluid Dynamics and Big
Data I
(joint with A, DI, EP, SH)
Presiding: Jonathan Aurnou, Univ
California, Los Angeles; Annick
Pouquet, NCAR Library; Andrea
Donnellan, NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Robert Granat, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
1340h NG13A-01 How to Snowboard on Mars: J
McElwaine, S Diniega, C J Hansen, M C Bourke
AND UPSCALING: J Liu, G Pereira, R FreijAyoub, K Regenauer-Lieb
1410h NG13A-03 Aquaplanet monsoons and their
response to climate changes: S Bordoni, T M Merlis
1425h NG13A-04 A Research Agenda and Vision
for Data Science: C A Mattmann
1440h NG13A-05 Ingredients of the Eddy Soup:
A Geometric Decomposition of Eddy-Mean Flow
Interactions: S Waterman, J M Lilly
1455h NG13A-06 Big Data, Deep Learning and
Tianhe-2 at Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou: D
A Yuen, W Dzwinel, J Liu, K Zhang
1510h NG13A-07 Compressible Quasi-geostrophic
Convection without the Anelastic Approximation:
M A Calkins, P Marti, K A Julien
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advances in Tsunami Hazard
Mitigation and Response III Posters
(joint with S)
Presiding: Paul Whitmore, Alaska
Tsunami Warning Ctr; Rick Wilson,
California Geological Survey; Kevin
Miller, California Office of Emergency
Services; Aimee Devaris, NOAA
1340h NH13A-3713 POSTER Empirical Fragility
Analysis of Buildings and Boats Damaged By the
2011 Great East Japan Tsunami and Their Practical
Application: A Suppasri, I Charvet, N Leelawat, Y
Fukutani, A Muhari, T Futami, F Imamura
1340h NH13A-3714 POSTER Tsunami Simulator
Integrating the Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics
Method and the Nonlinear Shallow Water Wave
Model with High Performance Computer: T
Suwa, F Imamura, D Sugawara, K Ogasawara, M
Watanabe, T Hirahara
1340h NH13A-3715 POSTER Real-time Tsunami
Inundation Prediction Using High Performance
Computers : Y Oishi, F Imamura, D Sugawara
1340h NH13A-3716 POSTER Development of
Parallel Code for the Alaska Tsunami Forecast
Model: B Bahng, W R Knight, P Whitmore
1340h NH13A-3717 POSTER Numerical Modeling
of Six Historical Transoceanic Tsunami Events
Using a Robust Finite Volume Method on GPUs: R
Jalali Farahani, S Li, F Mohammed, S Astill, C R
Williams, R Lee, P S Wilson, B Srinvias
1340h NH13A-3718 POSTER Inundation Mapping
and Hazard Assessment of Tectonic and Landslide
Tsunamis in Southeast Alaska: E Suleimani, D
Nicolsky, R D Koehler III
1525h IN13D-08 Quantum Boosting and Fast
Classical Metrics for Tree Cover Detection in
Remote Sensing Data: E Boyda, S Basu, S Ganguly,
A Michaelis, R R Nemani
Marriott Marquis Salons
Advances in Analytical Methods for
Mineral and Rock Physics II (joint with
DI, T, V)
Presiding: Haozhe Liu, HIT Harbin
Institute of Technology; Oliver
Tschauner, Univ Nevada; Wenge
Yang, Carnegie Inst-HPSynC; Sebastien
Merkel, Université de Lille
1340h MR13A-01 3D Spectroscopic x-Ray Imaging
with Nanoscale Resolution at Extreme Conditions:
W L Mao, Y Lin, Y Liu, C Y Shi, W Yang
1353h MR13A-02 3D mapping of chemical
distribution from melting at lower mantle
conditions in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell: F
Nabiei, M Cantoni, J Badro, S M Dorfman, R Gaal,
P Gillet
1406h MR13A-03 Multi-scale and Multi-modal
Analysis of Metamorphic Rocks Coupling
Fluorescence and TXM Techniques: V J D De
Andrade, D Gursoy, M Wojcik, F DeCarlo, J
Ganne, B Dubacq
1419h MR13A-04 Micro-scale Complexity in
Iron-Sulfide Phases in Precambrian Sedimentary
Rocks Determined by Synchrotron Microprobe
Spectroscopy: S Webb, J E Johnson, S P Slotznick,
C Roach, W W Fischer
STUDENTS: Enjoy breakfast with AGU
Section & Focus Group Leaders
Student Breakfast
Wednesday, 17 December
7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M.
Marriott Marquis - Golden Gate A & B
Sponsored Exclusively by
1432h MR13A-05 Applications of Mapping and
Tomographic Techniques in Gem Sciences: A H
1445h MR13A-06 Using Neutron Diffraction to
Determine the Low-Temperature Behavior of Pb2+
in Lead Feldspar: L M Kolbus, L M Anovitz, B C
Chakoumackos, D J Wesolowski
1458h MR13A-07 Introducing DIASCoPE: Directly
Integrated Acoustic System Combined with
Pressure Experiments — Changing the Paradigm
from Product to Process: M L Whitaker, K J
Baldwin, W B Huebsch, N Tercé, F Bejina, M
Bystricky, H Chen, M T Vaughan, D J Weidner
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 47
MR13A-08 Single-crystal
Spectroscopy with Laser Heating and Variable
q: Design, Demonstration and New Results on
Olivine: J Zhang, J D Bass
11/28/2014 10:47:09 AM
1340h NH13A-3719 POSTER Unrevealing the
History of Earthquakes and Tsunamis of the
Mexican Subduction Zone: M T Ramirez-Herrera,
M D R Castillo-Aja, S Cruz, N Corona, V Rangel
Velarde, M Lagos
1353h NH13B-02 Flash Floods and Storm-Triggered
Debris Avalanches in the Appalachians and Possible
Trends in a Future Warming Climate: D Ren, Y
Hong, M J Lynch, X Shen, L M Leslie, R Mahmood,
Q Duan, E Rappin, Y Li, J Luo
1340h NH13A-3720 POSTER A rapid estimation
of tsunami run-up based on finite fault models: J
Campos, M A Fuentes, G P Hayes, S E Barrientos,
S Riquelme
1408h NH13B-03 Uncertainty in volcanic ash
particle size distribution and implications for
infrared remote sensing and airspace management
: L Western, M Watson, P N Francis
1340h NH13A-3721 POSTER Statistical Emulation,
Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification
of Tsunami Models: the Example of Tsunamis
Generated by Earthquakes at the Cascadia
Subduction Zone: A Sarri, S Guillas, S J Day, F Dias
1420h NH13B-04 Build an Ensemble-based RemoteSensing Driven Coupled Flash Flood and Landslide
Warning System and Its Evaluation Across the
United States: K Zhang, Y Hong, J J Gourley, H J
Vergara, X Xue, N Lu, R Wooten
1340h NH13A-3722 POSTER No-source tsunami
forecasting for Alaska communities: E Tolkova, D
Nicolsky, E Suleimani
1435h NH13B-05 Virtual California: Earthquake
Statistics, Surface Deformation Patterns, Surface
Gravity Changes and InSAR Interferograms for
Arbitrary Fault Geometries: K Schultz, M K Sachs,
E M Heien, J B Rundle, J Fernandez, D Turcotte, A
1340h NH13A-3723 POSTER Development of realtime mobile-buoy observation system for tsunami
and crustal movement: N Takahashi, Y Ishihara, T
Fukuda, J Tahara, H Ochi, T Mori, M Deguchi, M
Kido, Y Ohta, R Hino, K Mutoh, G Hashimoto, O
Motohashi, Y Kaneda
1340h NH13A-3724 POSTER Pedestrian Evacuation
Analysis for Tsunami Hazards: J M Jones, P Ng, N
J Wood
Assessment Strategy and Risk Reduction for
Tsunamis in Europe: M A Baptista, A C Yalciner,
M Canals
1340h NH13A-3726 POSTER Measuring Possible
Tsunami Currents from the April 1, 2014 Mw 8.2
Chile Earthquake in Crescent City, California: A R
Admire, G B Crawford, L A Dengler
OF APRIL 2014 In the present contribution, we will
reassess the tsunami hazard for the North of Chile
taking into account the occurrence of the recent
events, focusing on the potential tsunami impact
that a worse case scenario could produce in the city
of Iquique: R Cienfuegos, L Suarez, R Aránguiz, G
Gonzalez, J F González-Carrasco, P A Catalan, J C
Dominguez, T Tomita
1340h NH13A-3728 POSTER Tsunami Wave
Estimation Using GPS-TEC Back Projection: T Ito
1340h NH13A-3729 POSTER Significant Tsunami
Events: P K Dunbar, M Furtney, S J McLean, A D
1340h NH13A-3730 POSTER Quantifying 10 years
of Improvements in Earthquake and Tsunami
Monitoring in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions:
C von Hillebrandt-Andrade, V A Huerfano
Moreno, D E McNamara, J M Saurel
1340h NH13A-3731 POSTER Assessment of the
Initial Response from Tsunami Monitoring
Services Provided to the Northeastern Caribbean: L
Soto-Cordero, A Meltzer
1340h NH13A-3732 POSTER Tsunami Preparedness:
Building On Past Efforts to Reach More People…
California and Beyond!: K Miller, J Siegel, C L
Pridmore, M L Benthien, R I Wilson, K Long, S
1340h NH13A-3733 POSTER Annual Live Code
Tsunami Warning System tests improve EAS
services in Alaska: C C Preller, S Albanese, M
Grueber, J M Osiensky, J C Curtis
1340h NH13A-3734 POSTER Smart Oceans BC:
Supporting Coastal and Ocean Natural Hazards
Mitigation for British Columbia: K Moran, T L
Insua, B Pirenne, M Hoeberechts, S McLean
1340h NH13A-3735 POSTER Recent advancements
towards the re-establishment of optical
telecommunications sites in response to catastrophic
tsunami events: R S Luis, M Shiraiwa, S Xu, Y
Awaji, N Wada
Marriott Marquis Salon 7
Remote Sensing and New
Technologies in Monitoring, Modeling,
and Early Warning of Natural Hazards
II (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Ping Lu, Tongji University;
Yang Hong, University of Oklahoma;
Chun Liu, Tongji University; Qiang Xu,
Chengdu University of Technology
1340h Introductory Remarks
1341h NH13B-01 Application of remotely sensed
data for landslide hazard assessment and forecasting:
D Bach Kirschbaum, T Stanley, J M D Simmons,
P G Cappelaere
1447h NH13B-06 Monitoring Fast-Moving
Landslide in the Three Gorges Area By Offset
Tracking Method with High-Resolution SAR Data:
M Liao, X Shi, L Zhang, T Balz
1502h NH13B-07 A New Method for Detecting and
Monitoring Atmospheric Natural Hazards with
GPS RO: R Biondi, A K Steiner, T M Rieckh, G
1514h NH13B-08 Joint Study of the Xishancun
Landslide, Sichuan, Using Seismological and
Electromagnetic Methods: R Chu, S Ni, X Hu, F
Bao, P Lu, Z Li
1529h NH13B-09 Integration between Satellite
and Ground-Based Data for the Improvement
of Volcanic Ash Retrievals and Eruption
Characterization: S Corradini, L Merucci, F S
Marzano, M Montopoli, G Vulpiani, M Ricci,
L Guerrieri, S Pugnaghi, S Scollo, M Coltelli, S
Moscone West Poster Hall
Renewable Energy: Marine, Wave, and
Hydrokinetic I Posters (joint with A)
Presiding: Scott James, Exponent,
Inc.; Martin Wosnik, University of
New Hampshire Main Campus; Maria
Beninati, Bucknell Univ-Mech Engrg
1340h OS13A-1296 POSTER The Fisheries and
Marine Renewable Energy Working Group:
creating an agenda for improved co-existence: M S
Campbell, J De Groot, M Ashley, L Rodwell
1340h OS13A-1297 POSTER Gulf Stream Marine
Hydrokinetic Energy Observations for North
Carolina: M Muglia, B Edge, C Lowcher
1340h OS13A-1298 POSTER Preliminary Research
on the Potential Effects of Gulf Stream Energy
Turbines on Rates of Productivity and Nutrient
Cycling in Pelagic Sargassum Communities: L L
Dubbs, M Piehler
1340h OS13A-1299 POSTER Optimized FiniteDifference
Modeling: L A Preston
1340h OS13A-1300 POSTER Experimental study
on the effects of surface gravity waves of different
wavelengths on the phase averaged performance
characteristics of marine current turbine: L Luznik,
E Lust, K A Flack
1340h OS13A-1301 POSTER Validating and Applying
Numerical Models for Current Energy Capture
Devices: C Y Hirlinger, S C James, M P Cardenas
1340h OS13A-1302 POSTER Evaluating the
Performance of Two Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines
in a Tandem-Array Configuration: M L Beninati,
G Soliani, M H Krane, A A Fontaine
1340h OS13A-1303 POSTER Physical and Numerical
Model Studies of Cross-flow Turbines Towards
Accurate Parameterization in Array Simulations: M
Wosnik, P Bachant
1340h OS13A-1304 POSTER The Power Coefficient
in the Theory of Energy Extraction from Tidal
Channels: P F Cummins
1340h OS13A-1305 POSTER Tidal Energy Resource
Assessment in Chacao Channel, Chile: M Guerra, L
Suarez, R Cienfuegos, J M Thomson
1340h OS13A-1306 POSTER Modeling and
Measuring the Interaction between Hydrokinetic
Devices and the Hydraulic and Sedimentary
Environment of the Tanana River, Alaska: T M
Ravens, M Kartezhnikova, E Edgerly, B Opsahl, N
Hansen, J Kasper, J Schmid
1340h OS13A-1307 POSTER Evaluating Sediment
Stability at Offshore Marine Hydrokinetic Energy
Facilities: C A Jones, J Magalen, J Roberts, G Chang
AGU2014News.indb 48
1340h OS13A-1308 POSTER Wave Resource
Characteristics Near Humboldt Bay – Results from a
10-year Hindcast: A Dallman, V S Neary
1340h P13A-3794 POSTER Modeling Saturn’s
Giant Storms: Water, Ammonia, and the 30-Year
Periodicity: C Li, A P Ingersoll
1340h OS13A-1309 POSTER Numerical Modeling
of Fluid Structure Interactions of a Floating Wave
Energy Extraction Device : J Lee, S Kang
1340h P13A-3795 POSTER Irregular-Moons Science
Today and in Cassini’s Final Three Years: T Denk,
S Mottola
1340h OS13A-1310 POSTER Estimating energy loss
due to vortex shedding and pneumatic efficiency of
an oscillating water column device: experiments: Z
Huang, C Xu
E Burton, M K Dougherty
1340h OS13A-1311 POSTER Optimisation Of a
Magnetostrictive Wave Energy Converter: T R
Mundon, B Nair
1340h P13A-3797 POSTER Magnetic Polarization
and Phase Structure of Saturn’s 10.7-Hour
Oscillations: J N Yates, D J Southwood, M K
1340h OS13A-1312 POSTER Optimization of
Reaction Plates for Wave Energy Conversion: A C
1340h OS13A-1313 POSTER A New High Resolution
Wave Modeling System for Renewable Energy
Applications in California and the Mediterranean
Sea : G N Galanis, M Kafatos, P C Chu, N
Hatzopoulos, G Emmanouil, G B Kallos
Moscone West 3009
Nearshore Processes III (joint with EP)
Presiding: Julia Mullarney, Dept. Earth
and Ocean Sciences; Alec TorresFreyermuth, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México; Hansong Tang,
CCNY; Cheryl Ann Blain, Naval Research
1340h OS13B-01 Wave and Wind Effects on Inlet
Circulation: B Raubenheimer, A Wargula, M M
Orescanin, J Hopkins, S Elgar
1355h OS13B-02 Hydrodynamics Offshore of
the North Beach of Indian River Inlet, DE: N R
DiCosmo, J A Puleo
Olabarrieta, X Bertin
1425h OS13B-04 Bolus generation by a river
plume in coastal Gulf of Mexico: K Huguenard,
D Bogucki, T M Ozgokmen, B K Haus, A Reniers,
J MacMahan, J Hargrove, N Laxague, D G OrtizSuslow
1440h OS13B-05 Alongshore momentum in the
outer surf zone under hurricane wind and wave
forcing: R P Mulligan, J L Hanson
1455h OS13B-06 Wave Transformation and
Breaking on a Sheared Current: S Zippel, J M
Thomson, C Rusch
1510h OS13B-07 High-resolution large-eddy
simulation of turbulent mixing of a river plume: X
Yu, T J Hsu, F Shi, J T Kirby Jr
1340h P13A-3798 POSTER Cassini/MIMI Science
Today and Tomorrow: D G Mitchell
1340h P13A-3799 POSTER Energetic Particle
Observations from Cassini Deep Tail Passes in
2013-2014: J F Carbary, D G Mitchell, N Krupp, D
C Hamilton, N Sergis
1340h P13A-3800 POSTER Energetic Neutral Atom
(ENA) Movies and Other Cool Data from Cassini’s
Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument (MIMI): M
B Kusterer, D G Mitchell, S M Krimigis, J D
1340h P13A-3801 POSTER Plasma Speeds Upstream
of Saturn and in the Magnetosphere as Measured
by Cassini’s Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument
(MIMI): J D Vandegriff, M E Hill, G Gloeckler, D
C Hamilton, M Kane, S M Krimigis, D G Mitchell, J
T Steinberg, C Tao, M F Thomsen
1340h P13A-3803 POSTER Geomorphology of
Titan’s Polar Regions: S P Birch, A G Hayes Jr, W E
Dietrich, M J Malaska, R L Kirk, A Lucas
1340h P13A-3804 POSTER Constraints on Titan
rotation from Cassini radar: B G Bills, B W Stiles,
R L Kirk
1340h P13A-3805 POSTER Rpws Science Today and
in Cassini’s Final Three Year: W S Kurth, L Lamy
1340h P13A-3806 POSTER Utilizing the Upcoming
Gravity Measurements from Cassini’s Proximal
Orbits for Studying the Atmospheric Dynamics of
Saturn - How Deep Do the Winds Penetrate?: Y
Kaspi, E Galanti
1340h P13A-3807 POSTER UV Imaging
Spectroscopy of the Saturn System: L W Esposito
Moscone South Poster Hall
General Moon Contributions Posters
Presiding: Jorn Helbert, German
Aerospace Center DLR Berlin; Nathan
Bridges, Applied Physics Laboratory
Johns Hopkins
1525h OS13B-08 Wind- and Tide-Driven CrossInlet Circulation at New River Inlet, NC: A
Wargula, B Raubenheimer, S Elgar
1340h P13B-3808 POSTER Orbit Determination of
Chang’e-3 and Positioning of the Lander and the
Rover: Y Huang, S Chang, P Li, X Hu
1340h P13B-3809 POSTER The Preliminary
Processing and Geological Interpretation of Lunar
Penetrating Radar Channel-1 Data from Chang’E-3:
Y Yuan, P Zhu, N Zhao, S Guo, L Xiao, Z Xiao
Moscone South Poster Hall
Cassini at Saturn: Science Today and
in the Final Three Years II Posters
(joint with A, SM)
Presiding: Linda Spilker, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory; Scott Edgington,
Jet Propulsion Lab; Nicolas Altobelli,
European Space Agency
1340h P13A-3788 POSTER Modeling plasma
pressure anisotropy’s effect on Saturn’s global
magnetospheric dynamics: M Tilley, E M Harnett,
R Winglee
1340h P13A-3789 POSTER Seasonal and Radial
Trends in Saturn’s Thermal Plasma Between the
Main Rings and Enceladus: M K Elrod, W L Tseng,
R E Johnson, A Woodson
1340h P13A-3790 POSTER Field-Aligned Currents
in Saturn’s Southern Nightside Magnetosphere:
Sub–Corotation and Planetary Period Oscillation
Currents: G J Hunt, S W H Cowley, G Provan, E J
Bunce, I I Alexeev, E S Belenkaya, V V Kalegaev, M
K Dougherty, A J Coates
1340h P13A-3791 POSTER The dynamical properties
of E-ring particles derived from CDA impact mass
spectra: R Namikis, M Horanyi, F Postberg, R
Srama, S Kempf
1340h P13A-3792 POSTER The Science from Cassini
CIRS, Today and over the Next Three Years: F M
1340h P13A-3793 POSTER The Cassini Imaging
Science Subsystem: Science Today and in Cassini’s
Final Three Years: R A West
1340h P13B-3810 POSTER Layered Subsurface
Structure at the Chang’e-3 Landing Site Derived
from Imaging Data: Awaiting Ground Truth from
Chang’e-3 Radar Experiments: L Qiao, Z Xiao, L
Xiao, J Zhao
1340h P13B-3811 POSTER The Shallow Subsurface
Geological Structures at the Chang’E-3 Landing
Site Based on Lunar Penetrating Radar Channel-2B
Data: N Zhao, P Zhu, Y Yuan, K Yang, L Xiao, Z
1340h P13B-3812 POSTER The Processing of
Lunar Penetrating Radar Channel-2B Data from
Chang’E-3: P Zhu, N Zhao, K Yang, Y Yuan, S Guo
1340h P13B-3813 POSTER Lunar Phase Function
in the Near-Infrared from the Lunar Orbiter Laser
Altimeter: M K Barker, E Mazarico, X Sun, G A
Neumann, D E Smith, M T Zuber, P G Lucey, M
H Torrence
1340h P13B-3814 POSTER In-orbit Calibration of
the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter Via Two-Way
Laser Ranging with an Earth Station: X Sun, M
K Barker, D Mao, E Marzarico, G A Neumann,
D R Skillman, T W Zagwodzki, M H Torrence, J
Mcgarry, D E Smith, M T Zuber
1340h P13B-3815 POSTER Particle Shape
Characterization of Lunar Regolith using Reflected
Light Microscopy: C B McCarty, G C Garcia, D
1340h P13B-3816 POSTER Empirical Photometric
Normalization for the Seven Band UV-VIS Lunar
Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera: A K
Boyd, M S Robinson, R G Nuno, H Sato
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:10 AM
1340h P13B-3817 POSTER Diviner Lunar
Radiometer Extended Mission Results: M A Siegler
1340h P13B-3818 POSTER Lunar Global Surface
Temperatures from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
Experiment: J P Williams, D A Paige
1340h P13B-3819 POSTER The LRO Diviner
Temperature Record of the Moon: E SeftonNash, K M Aye, J P Williams, B T Greenhagen, M
Sullivan, D A Paige
1340h P13B-3820 POSTER Fault Dislocation
Modeling of Tectonic Landforms in Mare Frigoris:
N R Williams, J F Bell III, M S Robinson, M
Shirzaei, T R Watters, M E Banks, M Henriksen, K
Burns, S Mattson, J Mueting
1340h P13B-3821 POSTER Constraints on Source
Parameters on Deep Moonquakes and Lunar
Interior Structure: R Yamada, H Araki, H Noda, K
Moscone South Poster Hall
Polarimetry As an Invaluable Tool to
Study the Solar System Exoplanets,
Brown Dwarfs, and Disks
Presiding: Padma YanamandraFisher, Space Science Institute; Chester
Maleszewski, Lunar and Planetary
Laboratory; Anny-Chantal LevasseurRegourd, University Pierre and Marie
Curie Paris VI; Ludmilla Kolokolova,
University of Maryland
1340h P13C-3822 POSTER Possible Dust Models for
C/2012 S1: P A Yanamandra-Fisher
1340h P13C-3823 POSTER Characterization of
Properties of Earth Atmosphere from MultiAngular Polarimetric Observations of Polder/
Parasol Using GRASP Algorithm: O Dubovik,
P Litvinov, T Lapyonok, F Ducos, D Fuertes, X
Huang, B Torres, M Aspetsberger, C Federspiel
Performance of the Photomultiplier Tube and
the Silicon Avalanche Photodiode When Used as
Detectors in Angular Scattering Measurements: D
O Kroner, R M Nelson, M D Boryta, B W Hapke,
K Manatt, W D Smythe
1340h P13C-3825 POSTER An Improved Instrument
for Angular Scattering Measurements of Candidate
Planetary Surface Regolith Materials at Extremely
Small Phase Angles: Relevance to the Outer Solar
System: R M Nelson, M D Boryta, B W Hapke, K
Manatt, D O Kroner, W D Smythe
Photopolarimetric Properties of Dust/Aerosols
Presented as an Ensemble of Rough Spheroids: L
Kolokolova, H Das, O Dubovik, T Lapyonok
1340h P13C-3827 POSTER Scattered Light
Polarimetry of Exoplanets: S Wiktorowicz
1340h P13C-3829 POSTER Spectropolarimetry of
B-type and C-type asteroids: Phase Curves and
Wavelength Dependence: C Maleszewski, R S
McMillan, P S Smith
Moscone South Poster Hall
The Science of Exploration As Enabled
By the Moon, Near-Earth Asteroids,
and the Moons of Mars III Posters
(joint with EP, V)
Presiding: Brad Bailey, NASA Ames
Research Center; Yvonne Pendleton,
NASA Lunar Science Institute; David
Morrison, NASA; Gregory Schmidt,
NASA Lunar Science Institute
1340h P13D-3830 POSTER A Study of the King’s
Bowl Phreatic Explosion Crater as an Analog to Pits
on Solar System Exploration Target Bodies: D W G
Sears, S S Hughes, S E Kobs-Nawotniak, C Borg, K
J Kim, H Sears, J R Skok, R C Elphic, D S S Lim, J
L Heldmann, C W Haberle, H Guy, L Kobayashi, B
Garry, C Neish
1340h P13D-3833 POSTER High Precision Dielectric
Permittivity Measurements of Planetary Regolith
analogs Using A Split-Cylinder Resonator: C A
Tsai, A Boivin, R R Ghent, M G Daly, R C Bailey
1340h P13D-3835 POSTER Solar Wind Implantation
into Lunar Regolith: Hydrogen Retention in a
Surface with Defects: W M Farrell, D Hurley, M
I Zimmerman
1340h P13D-3836 POSTER Plasma Sheaths Around
Small Bodies: Classical, Space-Charge-Limited
(SCL) and Inverse Sheaths: X Wang, S Hsu, M
1340h P13D-3837 POSTER The Search for a
Diurnal Effect in Lunar Hydrogen Abundance: L A
Teodoro, D J Lawrence, R C Elphic, V R Eke, W C
Feldman, S Maurice
1340h P13D-3838 POSTER PANDORA - Exploring
the Early Solar System, by way of the Moons of
Mars: S Diniega, C A Raymond, T H Prettyman
1340h P13D-3839 POSTER The Space Launch
System and the Proving Ground: Pathways to Mars:
K Klaus
1340h P13D-3840 POSTER Mothership of Asteroid
CubeSats – Enabling Low Cost Swarm Based
Investigations of Small Bodies: J D DiCorcia, S M
Ernst, D Gump, A Owens, J S Lewis, C Foulds, D
1340h P13D-3841 POSTER Connecting Returned
Apollo Soils and Remote Sensing: Application to
the Diviner Lunar Radiometer : B T Greenhagen,
K L Donaldson Hanna, I Thomas, N E Bowles, C
Allen, C M Pieters, D A Paige
P13D-3842 POSTER
Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) at the Dynamic
Moon: Five Years of Operations in Lunar Orbit –
An Overview of the Mission, Key Science Results,
Data Products, and Future Measurements: N E
Petro, J W Keller
1340h P13D-3843 POSTER Precise Trajectory
Reconstruction of CE-3 Hovering Stage By Landing
Camera Images: W Yan, J Liu, C Li, X Ren, L Mu,
X Gao, X Zeng
1340h P13D-3844 POSTER The Environment
Analysis in the CE-3 Landing Region: L Mu, J Liu,
X Zeng, X Gao, W Yan, X Zou, C Li
1340h P13D-3845 POSTER Phobos Grooves Analysis:
do They Favor the In Situ or the Asteroidal Capture
Origin?: M Pajola, E Simioni, G Cremonese, M
Massironi, L Giacomini
1340h P13D-3846 POSTER Phobos’ Low Bulk
Density: Evidence Against a Capture Origin?: C
Dalle Ore, M Pajola, M Lazzarin, T L Roush, D
P Cruikshank, Y J Pendleton, C Carli, I Bertini, S
Magrin, F La Forgia, C Barbieri
1340h P13D-3847 POSTER Feasibility of Imaging
Asteroid Interior Using Gravity Gradiometry: B
Wilson, Y Li
1340h P13D-3848 POSTER Determining the
Location, Number Density and Temporal Evolution
of Streams of Hazardous Near-Earth Objects Using
the Magnetic Signatures Produced in Destructive
Collisions: H Lai, C T Russell, H Wei, G L Delzanno,
M G Connors
1340h P13D-3849 POSTER NEO Targets for
Biological In Situ Resource Utilization: J M Grace,
S M Ernst, J U Navarrete, D Gentry
1340h P13D-3850 POSTER Geologic Observations
and Numerical Modeling: A Combined Approach
to Understanding Crater and Basin Formation and
Structure: R W K Potter, J W Head III
1340h P13D-3851 POSTER Automatic Identification
of Changes on the Lunar Surface and the Discovery
of New Impact Craters: E J Speyerer, M S Robinson
1340h P13D-3852 POSTER Development of a
Korean Lunar Simulant(KLS-1) and its Possible
Further Recommendations: I Chang, B H Ryn, G
C Cho
1340h P13D-3853 POSTER Lunar Proton Albedo
Anomalies: Soil, Surveyors, and Statistics: J K
Wilson, N Schwadron, H E Spence, A W Case, M
J Golightly, A Jordan, M D Looper, N E Petro, M
S Robinson, T J Stubbs, C J Zeitlin, J B Blake, J C
Kasper, J E Mazur, S S Smith, L W Townsend
1340h P13D-3831 POSTER King’s Bowl Pit
Crater, Lava Field and Eruptive Fissure, Idaho
– A Multipurpose Volcanic Planetary Analog:
S S Hughes, B Garry, S E Kobs-Nawotniak, D
W G Sears, C Borg, R C Elphic, C W Haberle,
L Kobayashi, D S S Lim, H Sears, J R Skok, J L
1340h P13D-3854 POSTER Transient Density
Enhancements of the Martian Orbiting Dust Torus:
A Juhasz, M Horanyi
1340h P13D-3832 POSTER A search for transient
water frost at the lunar poles using LOLA: M
Lemelin, P G Lucey, E Song, D A Paige, B T
Greenhagen, M A Siegler, P O Hayne, E Mazarico,
G Neumann, D E Smith, M T Zuber
1340h P13D-3856 POSTER Ice Target and Gas Target
Experiments in the IMPACT Dust Accelerator: T L
Munsat, A Collette, R Dee, E Gruen, M Horanyi, D
James, D Janches, S Kempf, J M C Plane, A J Shu, J
Simolka, Z Sternovsky, E Thomas
1340h P13D-3855 POSTER Calculating the Scattering
Properties of Fine Particulates on Planetary
Surfaces: G Ito, T D Glotch, J A Arnold
1340h P13D-3859 POSTER Application of a New
Method for Lunar Crater Age Dating to Copernican
Impact Flux: S Mazrouei, R R Ghent
1340h P13D-3860 POSTER Consequences and
Resolution of Lunar Lower Mantle Partial Melt: H
Fuqua, P M Bremner, M R Diamond, G Garapic, S J
Lock, A Mallik, Y Nishikawa, S Panovska, A Shahar,
P H Lognonne, W R Panero, U Faul, M P Panning,
H Jimenez-Perez, N C Schmerr, Q C Williams
1455h P13F-06 Mercury’s Hollows: New
Information on Distribution and Morphology
from MESSENGER Observations at Low Altitude:
D T Blewett, A C Stadermann, N L Chabot, B W
Denevi, C M Ernst, P N Peplowski
1340h P13D-3861 POSTER Photometric Correction
for the Thermal Channels of the Diviner Lunar
Radiometer Experiment: K Shirley, T D Glotch, B
T Greenhagen, M White
1510h P13F-07 The Mercury Gravity Field after the
MESSENGER Low-Altitude Gravity Campaign: E
Mazarico, A Genova, S J Goossens, F G Lemoine,
G A Neumann, D E Smith, M T Zuber, S C Solomon
1340h P13D-3862 POSTER Analysis of the Relative
Geological Ages of the Lunar Maria: X Zeng, L Mu,
X Gao, W Yan
1525h P13F-08 Effect of an Ellipsoidal Solid Inner
Core on Mercury’s Obliquity: S J Peale, J L Margot,
S A Hauck II, S C Solomon
1340h P13D-3863 POSTER Infrared Spectral
Observations While Drilling into a Frozen Lunar
Simulant: T L Roush, A Colaprete, S Thompson, A
Cook, J Kleinhenz
1340h P13D-3864 POSTER Geological Mapping of
Impact Melt Deposits at Lunar Complex Craters:
New Insights into Morphological Diversity,
Distribution and the Cratering Process: D Dhingra,
J W Head III, C M Pieters
1340h P13D-3865 POSTER Coupled laboratory and
numerical studies of impacts into planetary regolith:
A Dove, Y Li, J Curtis, J E Colwell
Moscone West 2011
Dynamics of the Io-Jupiter System I
(joint with SM)
Presiding: Sarah Badman, Lancaster
University; Ashley Davies, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Carl Schmidt, University of
Virginia Main Campus
1340h P13E-01 Observations of Io’s Active
Volcanoes from IRTF: Imaging and Occultation
Lightcurves: J A Rathbun, J R Spencer
1355h P13E-02 Io’s Volcanic Activity from NearInfrared Observations during the EXCEED Mission:
K de Kleer, I De Pater, A G Davies, M Adamkovics
1410h P13E-03 Investigating Io’s Bulk Atmosphere
with Jupiter Eclipses: Conflicting Results on
Support Mechanisms?: C Tsang, J R Spencer, M
Richter, E Lellouch, M A Lopez-Valverde
1425h P13E-04 New HST observations of Io’s timevariable UV aurora: Probing Io’s magma ocean
and neutral and plasma environment: L Roth, J
Saur, K D Retherford, D F Strobel, P D Feldman, A
Bloecker, N Ivchenko, A Kullen
1440h P13E-05 Observation results of Jupiter’s
extended sodium nebula in 2013-2014: M Yoneda,
M Kagitani, S Okano, T Sakanoi
1455h P13E-06 Observations of the Io Plasma Torus
Using Exceed Onboard Hisaki: K Yoshioka, G
Murakami, T Kimura, A Yamazaki, F Tsuchiya, M
Kagitani, I Yoshikawa, M Fujimoto
1510h P13E-07 Plasma Parameters in Io’s Torus:
Measurements from Apache Point Observatory: J
Turner, C Schmidt, N M Schneider, M Chaffin, E
McNeil, N Chanover, A Oza, S Rugenski, A Thelen,
R E Johnson, L Bittle, P King
1525h P13E-08 Multi-wavelength observations of
Jupiter’s aurora coordinated with Hisaki and other
space telescopes: T Kimura, S V Badman, C Tao,
K Yoshioka, G Murakami, A Yamazaki, F Tsuchiya,
B Bonfond, A J Steffl, R Kraft, G BranduardiRaymont, R Elsner, Y Ezoe, M Fujimoto
Moscone West 2008
Mercury: Results from MESSENGER’s
Low-Altitude Campaign I
Presiding: Paul Byrne, Lunar and
Planetary Institute; Larry Nittler,
Carnegie Inst Washington
1340h P13F-01 MESSENGER’s Low-Altitude
Campaign: Mercury at Unprecedented Close Range:
S C Solomon, L R Nittler, P K Byrne
1355h P13F-02 Solar Wind Forcing at Mercury:
Comparison Between MESSENGER Observations
and ENLIL Model Results for the Low-Altitude
Campaign: D N Baker, R M Dewey, D Odstrcil
1410h P13F-03 Birkeland Currents and Their
Closure at Mercury: B J Anderson, H Korth, C L
Johnson, J A Slavin, R J Phillips
1425h P13F-04 Knowledge of Mercury’s Exosphere
from MESSENGER Observations: R M Killen, M
H Burger, T A Cassidy, R J Vervack Jr, M Sarantos,
A W Merkel, W E McClintock
1340h P13D-3857 POSTER Cratering Studies in
Thin Plastic Films: A J Shu, S Bugiel, E Gruen, M
Horanyi, T L Munsat, R Srama
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 49
1440h P13F-05 Mapping Mercury’s Surface
Composition at High Spatial Resolution with the
MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer: L R Nittler, S
Z Weider, R D Starr, A Vorburger, S C Solomon
Moscone South Poster Hall
Critical Zone Science: Can Science
Leadership Keep Pace with Emergent
Societal Needs? Posters
(joint with B, H, PP, V)
Presiding: Jennifer Harden, USGS; Marc
Kramer, University of Florida; Susan
Trumbore, Max Planck Institute for
1340h PA13A-3892 POSTER Critical Zone Science
and Global Societal Challenges: M B Goldhaber, S
A Banwart
1340h PA13A-3893 POSTER Time for Ecosystem
and Geoscientists to Hybridize their Sciences: D
Richter Jr, S A Billings
1340h PA13A-3894 POSTER How Deep is the
Critical Zone: A Scientific Question with Potential
Impact For Decision-makers in Areas of ShaleGas Development and Hydraulic Fracturing: S L
1340h PA13A-3895 POSTER Frontiers in Critical
Zone Science: Science Advances for the Next 10
Years: W L Silver
1340h PA13A-3896 POSTER A framework for
integrating and synthesizing data to ask and answer
science questions in the Critical Zone: S Bristol
1340h PA13A-3897 POSTER Critical Zone Science:
a new scientific paradigm?: J Gaillardet, L
Longuevergne, G Nord, F André
1340h PA13A-3898 POSTER The Importance of
Southern Hemisphere CZOs for Evaluating Spatial
Patterns of Chemical Structure in the Critical Zone
and Assisting Human Development: O Chadwick
1340h PA13A-3899 POSTER Progress Report on
the US Critical Zone Observatory Program: E C
Moscone South Poster Hall
Urban Ecosystem Services:
Monitoring, Modeling, and
Management II Posters
Presiding: Charles Kroll, SUNY College
of Environmental Science and Forestry;
Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University;
Glenn Guntenspergen, USGS;
Theodore Endreny, SUNY ESF
1340h PA13B-3901 POSTER I-Tree Temperature:
An Object Oriented Model on Urban Microclimate
Simulation: Y Yang, T A Endreny, D Nowak
1340h PA13B-3902 POSTER Weighting Nitrogen
and Phosphorus Export Coefficients to Represent
Runoff and Trapping Likelihoods: E A Stephan, T
A Endreny, D Nowak
1340h PA13B-3903 POSTER Mapping and analyzing
urban growth in West Africa: P Adhikari, K M de
1340h PA13B-3904 POSTER Effects of Privately
Owned Land Management Practices on
Biogeochemical Cycling: J M Getson, L Hutyra, A
G Short, P H Templer, D Kittredge
1340h PA13B-3905 POSTER Alteration of Carbon
Fluxes in Cities during Urbanization: Methodology
and a Global Investigation: S Chen, B Chen
1340h PA13B-3906 POSTER Future Tree Effects on
Air Quality and Human Health in the United States:
S Hirabayashi, D Nowak
1340h PA13B-3907 POSTER Net Anthropogenic
Nitrogen Inputs in the Seattle, WA Metropolitan
Area: E K Larson, M Alberti
1340h PA13B-3908 POSTER Estimating urban
trees and carbon stock potentials for mitigating
climate change in Lagos: Case of Ikeja Government
Reserved Area (GRA) : P O Elias, A Faderin
11/28/2014 10:47:10 AM
1340h PA13B-3909 POSTER Rain Basin Design
Implications for Soil Microbial Activity and
N-mineralization in a Semi-arid Environment: C
Stern, M Pavao-Zuckerman
1340h PP13A-1381 POSTER Multi Proxy
Reconstruction (δ98/95Mo, δ238/235U) of Global
Ocean Oxygenation during the Early Eocene: M L
Bagard, M K Davies, A Dickson, A S Cohen
1340h PA13B-3911 POSTER Modeling the effect of
urban infrastructure on hydrologic processes within
i-Tree Hydro, a statistically and spatially distributed
model: T P Taggart, T A Endreny, D Nowak
1340h PP13A-1382 POSTER Atlantic Ocean
Circulation during the Latest Cretaceous and Early
Paleogene: Progressive Deep Water Exchange: S J
Batenburg, S Voigt, O Friedrich, M Frank
1340h PA13B-3912 POSTER Tree Distributions,
Subsurface Characteristics and Nitrogen Cycling: L
Brunner, M C Wallace, G Brush
1340h PP13A-1383 POSTER Astronomical influence
on climate change through the latest Maastrichtian:
A high-resolution multiproxy cyclostratigraphic
study at Gubbio (Italy): M Sinnesael, A Montanari,
D De Vleeschouwer, R Coccioni, P F Claeys
N R Pavlovic, J A Greenberg, J Fraterrigo, V K
1340h PP13A-1385 POSTER The Geochemical
Records of the Mid-Cretaceous in Tibet and Their
Implications to the OAEs: C Biao
1340h PA13B-3914 POSTER Impact of the Spatial
Arrangement of Agricultural Land Use on
Ecosystems Services and Peri-Urban Livelihoods at
the Landscape Scale: J N Inkoom, C Fürst
1340h PP13A-1386 POSTER Low-latitude Climate
Variability in the Heinrich Frequency Band of
the Late Cretaceous Greenhouse World: N D de
Winter, C Zeeden, F J Hilgen
1340h PA13B-3915 POSTER The Role of Vegetation
and Mulch in Mitigating the Impact of Raindrops
on Soils in Urban Vegetated Green Infrastructure
Systems: B Alizadehtazi, F A Montalto, K Sjoblom
Palaeothermometry (δ18O, Mg/Ca, clumped
isotopes) of Mid-Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves:
Deciphering Stratigraphic and Seasonal Changes in
Shallow-Marine Sea-Surface Temperature: S Huck,
T Steuber, S M Bernasconi, U Heimhofer
1340h PA13B-3916 POSTER Urban Forest Ecosystem
Service Optimization, Tradeoffs, and Disparities: E
Bodnaruk, C N Kroll, T A Endreny, S Hirabayashi,
Y Yang
1340h PA13B-3917 POSTER Ecosystem Services and
Potential Utilization of of Urban Typha angustifolia
Wetlands of across Metropolitan Bangkok,
Thailand: S Sritrairat
Marriott Marquis Salon 1315
Frontiers in Geoscience Funding and
Innovation II (joint with DI, SI)
Presiding: Katherine White, Geological
Society of America; Maeve Boland,
American Geosciences Institute; Erik
Hankin, American Geophysical Union
1340h PA13C-01 Federal R&D Funding: Trends and
Projections: K S White
1355h PA13C-02 New Patrons of Research: M K
1410h PA13C-03 Trends in geoscience funding and
governance: I Bennett
1425h PA13C-04 Is Crowdfunding Right for Me?:
D A Jaffe
1440h PA13C-05 A Diversified Approach to
Funding a Paleontology Program: A Dooley Jr
1455h PA13C-06 Opportunities and challenges for
collaborative funding with industry: J F Thompson
1510h PA13C-07 Success and Failure in UniversityBased Startups: J Dehn, P Webley, K W
1525h PA13C-08 Is Privately Funded Research
on the Rise in Ocean Science?: M Spring, S W
Cooksey, J A Orcutt, S E Ramberg, J E Jankowski,
C Mengelt
Moscone West Poster Hall
Ocean Climate Dynamics: Carbon
Cycle and Oxygenation Perturbations
III Posters
Presiding: Christopher Lowery,
University of Massachusetts; Jeremy
Owens, Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institute; Zunli Lu, Syracuse University;
Noah Planavsky, Yale University
1340h PP13A-1378 POSTER Evaluation of I/Ca ratios
in benthic foraminifera from the Peruvian oxygen
minimum zone as proxy for redox conditions in the
ambient water masses: N Glock, V Liebetrau, A
INTERRUPTION: G J De Lange, M L S Goudeau,
R Hennekam, A Filippidi
1340h PP13A-1388 POSTER Effect of Cretaceous
oceanic anoxic events on the evolutionary trend of
planktonic foraminifera: A Kuroyanagi, K Ozaki,
H Kawahata
1340h PP13A-1389 POSTER Global Paleobathymetry
for the Cenomanian-Turonian (90 Ma): A
Goswami, P Olson, L A Hinnov, A Gnanadesikan
1340h PP13A-1390 POSTER New insight into
the Cretaceous OAE’s from the south-eastern
Tethyan Oman Mountains – A bridge between the
Pacific and the Tethys/Atlantic: S Wohlwend, R
Celestino, D Rehakova, H Weissert
1340h PP13A-1391 POSTER Ca Isotope Evidence
for Changes in the Carbonate Geochemistry of
Seawater Across OAE 2: G O Lehn, A D Jacobson,
A Du Vivier, D S Selby, M Hurtgen, B B Sageman
1340h PP13A-1392 POSTER Marine Carbonate
δ53Cr Values Reflect Inputs From LIP Volcanism
During OAE 2: C E Holmden, A D Jacobson, B B
Sageman, M Hurtgen
1340h PP13A-1393 POSTER Constraining the Extent
and Intensity of Ocean De-oxygenation During
Global Carbon Cycle Perturbations: A J Ridgwell
1340h PP13A-1394 POSTER Decoupling of Organic
and Inorganic Carbon Isotope Records during
the Coniacian-Santonian in the Western Interior
Seaway: Implications for Carbon Cycling during
OAE 3: A C Tessin, N D Sheldon, I L Hendy
1340h PP13A-1395 POSTER Shallow Water Euxinia
and Density Stratification of the Cenomanian/
Turonian Western Interior Seaway in Texas: M
Wehner, M C Pope, M M Tice, R Gardner, A
D Donovan, S Staerker, T Lyon, I Maulana, A
Pramudito, G Xu, Z Zeng
1340h PP13A-1396 POSTER Iron Fertilization
by Volcanic Ash in the Cenomanian/Turonian
Western Interior Seaway: Z Zeng, M M Tice, G Xu,
J Hatcheria, C Sulak, B Rucker, Z Gao, I Maulana, C
Figueroa, L Nimmo, B Gutkowski, B Dougherty, A
Mattson, D Gillespie, E Wood, M Wehner, R Conte
1340h PP13A-1397 POSTER Carbon-Isotope
Chemostratigraphy of the Yellow Cat Member of
the Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah: C
A Suarez, G Hatzell, M B Suarez, J Salazar-Verdin,
A H Al-Suwaidi, J I Kirkland
1340h PP13A-1398 POSTER Exploring the Stable
Isotope Record of Lake Carpenter: A Lacustrine
Sequence in the Aptian–Albian Cretaceous Cedar
Mountain Formation, Utah, USA: E Montgomery,
A H Al-Suwaidi, M B Suarez, J I Kirkland, C A
1340h PP13A-1399 POSTER Evaluation of clumped
isotope paleotemperatures across carbon isotope
excursions from lacustrine strata of the Aptian
Xiagou Formation, China: M B Suarez, L A
Gonzalez, G A Ludvigson, H You
1340h PP13A-1400 POSTER Arctic OAE1a
Triggered By the Barents Sea Large Igneous
Province?: I Midtkandal, S Planke, S Poteau, F
Corfu, J I Faleide, H Svensen, H Selnes
1340h PP13A-1401 POSTER Changes in CO2
during OAE1d: A Comparison to Other Carbon
Cycle Perturbations of the Mesozoic: J D Richey,
G R Upchurch Jr, M B Suarez, R M Joeckel, G A
Ludvigson, S J John, B H Lomax
1340h PP13A-1380 POSTER Investigating the
Sedimentary Response and its Role in Climate
Feedbacks Associated with the Paleocene Eocene
Thermal Maximum in a Continental Shelf
Setting: Lodo Gulch, Lodo Formation, CA: R D
Delmanowski, A Mushegan, M E Brady, C J
1340h PP13A-1402 POSTER Evolution of Early
Cretaceous Paleotemperatures: A Balance Between
Global Carbon Burial Rates and Large Igneous
Provinces Activity: S Bodin, P Meissner, N M M
Janssen, T Steuber, J Mutterlose
AGU2014News.indb 50
1340h PP13A-1403 POSTER Early Cretaceous Ocean
Dynamics from Clumped Isotope Thermometry: J
H VanDeVelde, G D Price, B H Passey, S T Grimes
1340h PP13A-1404 POSTER Impacts of the Central
Atlantic Magmatic Province on the Terrestrial
Carbon Cycle in Western Pangea: T Knobbe, C A
1340h PP13A-1405 POSTER Cooling after Warming:
pCO2 Undershoot Forced By Organic Carbon
Burial Following the End-Triassic Mass Extinction:
A Bachan, A B Jost, B van de Schootbrugge, J Payne
1340h PP13A-1406 POSTER Volcanic Winter and
Cold Tropical Uplands in Late Paleozoic Pangaea: A
Thought Experiment: N G Heavens, G S Soreghan
1340h PP13A-1407 POSTER An Earth-system
perspective on ocean deoxygenation during the
end-Permian mass extinction: Y Cui
(Mo) and Iron (Fe) Isotope Evidence of TeplaBarrandian Black Shales Against Widespread Deep
Ocean Oxygenation in the Late Neoproterozoic:
F Kurzweil, J Pasava, K Drost, M Wille, R
1340h PP13A-1410 POSTER Biogeochemical
Cycling of Fe, S, C, N, and Mo in the 3.2 Ga ocean:
Constraints from DXCL-DP Black Shales from
Pilbara, Western Australia: K E Yamaguchi, H
Naraoka, M Ikehara, T Ito, S Kiyokawa
1340h PP13A-1411 POSTER Geochemistry of carbon
and sulfur in the 2.7 Ga stromatolitic carbonate and
shale (ABDP#10 core) from Meentheena, Western
Australia: T Tomiuka, K E Yamaguchi
1340h PP13A-1412 POSTER Sulfur speciation and
isotope analysis of the 2.7 Ga shallow- and deepfacies black shales from Pilbara, Western Australia:
H Minami, K E Yamaguchi, H Naraoka
Moscone West Poster Hall
To Hose or Not to Hose: Mechanisms
of Abrupt Climate Variability III
Posters (joint with GC)
Presiding: Stephen Barker, Cardiff
University; Lukas Jonkers, Cardiff
University; Jenna Hill, Coastal Carolina
University; Jeremy Hoffman, Oregon
State University
1340h PP13B-1413 POSTER Rapid response of Arctic
land ice during Dansgaard-Oeschger events and
variation in water exchange between the Atlantic
and Arctic oceans: T L Rasmussen, E Thomsen
1340h PP13B-1414 POSTER Testing Massive Arctic
Sea Ice Export as a Trigger for Abrupt Climate
Change : A J Coletti, A Condron, R S Bradley
Cyclostratigraphy and Ice Volume Fluctuations
from Arctic Ocean Sediments: T M Cronin, R
Marzen, L H DeNinno
1340h PP13B-1416 POSTER Sedimentological and
Stratagraphic Evidence for a Catastrophic Flood
Along the Beaufort Margin, Arctic Ocean: S
Klotsko, N W Driscoll, L D Keigwin
1340h PP13B-1417 POSTER Cordilleran Ice Sheet
meltwater delivery to the coastal waters of the
northeast Pacific Ocean: I L Hendy, M Taylor, J H
Gombiner, S R Hemming, J G Bryce, J Blichert-Toft
1340h PP13B-1418 POSTER Pathways of basal
meltwater released from Antarctic ice shelves: A
model study: K Kusahara, H Hasumi
1340h PP13B-1419 POSTER Heinrich 0 at the Younger
Dryas Termination Offshore Newfoundland: C
Pearce, J T Andrews, A E Jennings, I Bouloubassi,
M S Seidenkrantz, A Kuijpers, C Hillaire-Marcel
1340h PP13B-1420 POSTER A High-resolution
Detrital and Oxygen Isotope Record from Flemish
Pass, Labrador Sea: E deJesus, J S Hoffman, P U
Clark, A C Mix
1340h PP13B-1421 POSTER Investigation of the
Impact of a Heinrich-Event-like Abrupt Event
Superimposed Onto the RCP 8.5 Scenario: D
Defrance, G Ramstein, C Dumas, S Charbit
1340h PP13B-1422 POSTER Gulf Stream-Subtropical
Gyre Properties Across Two Dansgaard-Oeschger
Cycles: B Hoogakker, M Chapman, H Elderfield, I
N N McCave, J Gruetzner
1340h PP13B-1423 POSTER Magnitude of Changes
in the Atlantic Overturning Circulation Associated
with Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles During Marine
Isotope Stage 3: M Prange, X Zhang, U Merkel, M
CHANGE: L Jonkers, S Barker, I R Hall
1340h PP13B-1425 POSTER Millennial Scale
Variability of the AMOC and its Link to Climate
During the Holocene: D J Thornalley, D Oppo, L
D Keigwin, I R Hall, P Moffa Sanchez
1340h PP13B-1426 POSTER Abrupt climate
variability in the North Atlantic region: Did the
icebergs do it?: S Barker, J Chen, X Gong, L
Jonkers, G Knorr, D J Thornalley
1340h PP13B-1427 POSTER Abrupt Climate
Transitions in an unforced Integration of CESM
(Community Earth System Model): H Kleppin, M
Jochum, C A Shields, B L Otto-Bliesner
1340h PP13B-1428 POSTER Abrupt Intensification
of ENSO Forced By Deglacial Ice-Sheet Retreat: Z
Lu, Z Liu
1340h PP13B-1429 POSTER Did Variations in the
Total Solar Irradiance affect the Greenland Ice
Sheet during the Holocene? - A Model Study: M
Bügelmayer, D M Roche, H Renssen
1340h PP13B-1430 POSTER Heat waves connect
abrupt polar climate changes during the past 67ka:
evidence from sediment core GeoB3912-1: X Yang,
J A Rial
1340h PP13B-1431 POSTER Persistent Intermediate
Water Warming during Cold Stadials in the SE
Nordic Seas during the Last 65 Kyr: T L Rasmussen,
M Ezat, J Groeneveld
1340h PP13B-1432 POSTER Outer-core Azimuthal
Flow and the 1470-year Periodicity of the
Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycle: E Van Nieuwenhuyse
1340h PP13B-1433 POSTER Re-visiting Bonaparte
Gulf: Assessment of Sea-Level Lowstand in the
Last Glacial Maximum: T Ishiwa, Y Yokoyama, Y
Miyairi, S Obrochta, T Sasaki, A Suzuki, M Ikehara,
K Ikehara, K Kimoto, J Bourget, H Matsuzaki
Moscone West 2010
A Living Planet: Biotic Responses to
Past Changes in Earth’s Climate and
Geology II (joint with B, GC, OS)
Presiding: Elizabeth Sibert, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography;
Richard Norris, Scripps Institution
of Oceanography; Paul Baker, Duke
University; Sherilyn Fritz, University of
Nebraska - Lincoln
1340h PP13C-01 Deep-Sea Biodiversity Response to
Abrupt Deglacial and Holocene Climate Changes:
M Yasuhara
1355h PP13C-02 Habitat modeling and genetic
signatures of postglacial recolonization for tidal
estuaries: G A Dolby, D K Jacobs
1410h PP13C-03 Investigating the Benthic
Foraminiferal Stilostomellid Extinction and Mid
Pleistocene Phytoplankton Evolution: S Kender, A
Elmore, E McClymont, H Elderfield, D Emmanuel
1425h PP13C-04 Equatorial Pacific Productivity
Events and Intervals in the Middle and late Miocene
through XRF-Scanned Bulk Sediment Composition
Data: M W Lyle, A Stepanova, J K Wilson, F
1440h PP13C-05 Disentangling the drivers of
temporal and spatial biotic patterns: C L Belanger
1455h PP13C-06 From Cells to Species – How do
Coccolithophore Communities Respond to Climate
Change?: S Gibbs, P R Bown, A J Poulton
1510h PP13C-07 Constructing an Eocene Marine
Ecosystem Sensitivity Scale: S D’haenens, A
Bornemann, R P Speijer, P M Hull
1525h PP13C-08 Fish like it Hot? The response of
ichthyolith accumulation to changing climates of
the Paleogene: E C Sibert, M E Zill, R M Bryant, L
G Graves, R D Norris
Moscone West 2009
Past Ocean’s Mode and Intermediate
Water Variability II (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Dirk Nuernberg, GEOMAR
Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research
Kiel; Leopoldo Pena, Lamont Doherty
Earth Observatory of Columbia
Univeristy; Matthew Schmidt, Texas
A&M University; Andrew Parker, Texas
A&M University
1340h PP13D-01 Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic
Mid-Depth and Intermediate-Depth Water
Variability: D Oppo, G Gebbie, K F Huang, W Guo,
A Schmittner, Z Liu, W B Curry
1355h PP13D-02 AMOC Evolution in the Last
Deglaciation: Forcing Mechanism, Thermohaline
Instability and Implications : Z Liu, W Liu, J Zhu,
E C Brady
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:10 AM
1410h PP13D-03 Deglacial Ocean Circulation
Scheme at Intermediate Depths in the Tropical
North Atlantic: R C Xie, F Marcantonio, M W
1425h PP13D-04 North Atlantic intermediate water
silicic acid during deglaciation: where do you come
from, where do you go?: K R Hendry, J Pike, J F
McManus, L F Robinson
1440h PP13D-05 In Pursuit of the Mystery
Reservoir: Marine Radiocarbon Evidence from the
Eastern Tropical Pacific for a Deglacial CO2 Source:
S C Bova, T Herbert
1455h PP13D-06 Millennial-Scale Variability in the
Indian Monsoon and Links to Ocean Circulation: K
A DeLong, R E Came, J E Johnson, L Giosan
1510h PP11C-1375 A Mid-Holocene Shift and
Millennial-Scale Variations in North Pacific
Intermediate Water Oxygenation and Upper Ocean
Hydrography: L Lembke-Jene, R Tiedemann,
X Gong, D Nuernberg, L Max, G Lohmann, S A
1340h S13A-4433 POSTER Basin and Crustal
Structure of Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia from
Two Seismic Campaigns: E Saygin, P R Cummins,
A Cipta, M Irsam, M Masturyono, J Murjaya, A D
Nugraha, R Pandhu, S Widiyantoro, Z Zulhan
1340h S13A-4434 POSTER Site response assessment
at the city of Alkhobar, Eastern Saudi Arabia from
microtremor and boring data: M S Fnais
1340h S13A-4435 POSTER A Comparison Study
of the Amplification Characteristics of the Seismic
Observation Sites Using Coda Wave, Background
Noise, and S-Wave Energy from Fukuoka
Earthquakes Series: J Kim
1340h S13A-4436 POSTER Computing Site Effects
via Using Blank Noise Records in Strong Motion
Stations, Middle Taiwan: C S Wu, T T Yu, W F
Peng, Y T Yeh
1340h S13A-4437 POSTER On the Computation
of H/V and its Application to Microzonation and
Seismic Design: M Perton, J A Martínez, J F Lermo,
F J Sanchez-Sesma
1340h S13B-4456 POSTER Teleseismic Body Wave
Attenuation in the Upper Mantle beneath the
United States: S Cafferky, B Schmandt
1340h S13A-4438 POSTER Testing the Performance
of a Proposed Geotechnical Based Method in
Detection of Liquefiable Soil Layers Subjected
to Earthquake Excitations - a Case Study: A
Abbaszadeh Shahri, H Shahri
1340h S13A-4439 POSTER Seismic Microzoning
of Cap-Haïtien: Effects of Lithological Site and
Liquefaction: R Gilles, B Jeudy, C Prepetit, D Bertil,
A Roulle, G Noury
Advances in Site Response II Posters
(joint with NH, NS)
Presiding: Marta Pischiutta, INGV;
Sebastiano D’Amico, University
of Malta; Jan Burjanek, ETH Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich; Francesco Panzera, Icelandic
Meteorological Office
1340h S13A-4419 POSTER Local Seismic Response of
Sites with Pronounced Topography: Observations
& Modeling: J Burjanek, B Edwards, D Faeh
1340h S13A-4420 POSTER Effects of Topography
on Ground Motion in Southern California and the
Wasatch Front Regions: J Bielak, D L Restrepo, R
(CENTRAL ITALY): M Pischiutta, M Fondriest,
M Demurtas, G Di Toro, A Rovelli
Investigations on Malta (Central Mediterranean)
using Ambient Noise: Assessing Array Performance
and Influence of a Thick Low Velocity Layer: D
Farrugia, E Paolucci, S D’Amico, P M Galea
1340h S13A-4424 POSTER Seismic Noise Studies
of Urbanized Areas at Puerto Vallarta Mexico: K C
Lara Huerta, C R Escudero, A Gomez, L Madrigal
1340h S13A-4425 POSTER Site-condition map
for Portugal, Western Iberia: methodology and
constraints on the performance of Vs30 proxies for
stable continental regions in Europe: S P Vilanova,
J Narciso, J P Carvalho, C Cancela, I Lopes, E S
Nemser, J Borges
1340h S13A-4426 POSTER Application of the H/V
and SPAC Method to Estimate a 3D Shear Wave
Velocity Model, in the City of Coatzacoalcos,
Veracruz: L E A P Morales, J Aguirre, R Vazquez
Rosas, G Suarez, M G Contreras Ruiz-Esparza, I
1340h S13A-4427 POSTER 2D and 3D ShearWave Velocity Structure to >1 Km Depth from
Ambient and Active Surface Waves: Three “Deep
Remi” Case Studies: J N Louie, A Pancha, S K
1340h S13A-4440 POSTER Liquefaction and
strong motion during the 2010-2011 Canterbury
earthquake sequence: M Chamberlain, C Y Wang,
D S Dreger, S Cox
1340h S13A-4441 POSTER Response of Volumetric
Strain and Groundwater Level to Earthquakes : B
Zhang, Y Liu, C Y Wang
Moscone South Poster Hall
From NARS to Mariscope: Three
Decades of Seismological Networks
on Land and in the Oceans II Posters
(joint with OS)
Presiding: Frederik Simons, Princeton
University; Suzan van der Lee,
Northwestern Univ; Jeroen Ritsema,
Univ Michigan; Karin Sigloch, University
of Oxford
1340h S13B-4442 POSTER OBSIP Instrumentation
and Operations for the Cascadia Initiative: J A
Lodewyk, B Evers
1340h S13B-4443 POSTER Thirty Years Supporting
Portable Arrays: The IRIS Passcal Instrument
Center: B C Beaudoin, K R Anderson, S L Bilek,
R Woodward
1340h S13B-4444 POSTER The Geoscope Seismic
Network: N Leroy, E Stutzmann, A Maggi, M
Vallee, C Pardo
1340h S13B-4445 POSTER Data Sets and Data
Services at the Northern California Earthquake
Data Center: D S Neuhauser, S Zuzlewski, R M
1340h S13B-4450 POSTER Finite Frequency
Measurements of Conventional and Core-diffracted
P-waves (P and Pdiff): K Hosseini, K Sigloch, S C
1340h S13C-4468 POSTER Estimate the regional
stress fied in the northern Ibaraki prefecture by
using commercially-supplied IC recorders: K Saito,
K Katsumata
1340h S13C-4469 POSTER The Wireless Data
Acquisition System for the Vibration Table: Y T
Teng, X Hu
1340h S13B-4457 POSTER The Central and Eastern
U.S. Seismic Network: Legacy of USArray: J A
Eakins, L Astiz, H Benz, R W Busby, K Hafner, J C
Reyes, G Sharer, F Vernon, R Woodward
1340h S13C-4470 POSTER A high-precision,
distributed geodetic strainmeter based on dual
coaxial cable Bragg gratings: J Fu, T Wei, M Wei,
Y Shen
1340h S13B-4458 POSTER Segmented Subduction
Across the Juan De Fuca Plate: Challenges in
Imaging with an Amphibious Array: W B Hawley,
R M Allen
1340h S13C-4471 POSTER The Future of Seismic
Data Quality Assurance at the IRIS DMC: M E
Templeton, G Sharer, S Ashmore, R E Casey, T K
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h S13C-4472 POSTER Extending Seismic
Data Acquisition System’s dynamic range by using
multiple AD Converters: X Hu
Seismology Contributions: Advances
in Instrumentation and Installation II
1340h S13C-4473 POSTER Status of EarthScope’s
Transportable Array in Alaska: K Hafner, R W
Busby, M Enders
Presiding: Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab; Carl Tape, University
of Alaska Fairbanks
1340h S13C-4474 POSTER Relative Noise Level
Comparison Of Portable Broadband Seismometer
Installation Techniques Used By PASSCAL And
Flexible Array: E Y Arias, B C Beaudoin, R
Woodward, K E Anderson, A M Reusch
1340h S13C-4459 POSTER Passive Seismic
Experiment “13 BB Star” in the Margin of the East
European Craton, Northern Poland: M Polkowski,
M Grad, M Wilde-Piórko, J Suchcicki, T Arant
1340h S13C-4460 POSTER Digital Filming of the
Seismograms Held in the Jakarta Archives: A Pilot
Program: E A Okal, S H Kirby
1340h S13C-4461 POSTER Updated Guidelines for
ANSS Instruments: J R Evans, C R Hutt, L S Gee
1340h S13C-4462 POSTER Noise Analysis of the
Northern Mississippi Embayment: H R Oldham, H
R DeShon, C A Langston, S Horton
1340h S13C-4463 POSTER Development of Compact
Seafloor Cabled Seismic and Tsunami Observation
System Using ICT and Installation Plan to OffSanriku Region, Japan: M Shinohara, T Yamada,
S Sakai, H Shiobara, T Kanazawa
1340h S13C-4475 POSTER A High Performance
Virtualized Seismic Data Acquisition System: G
A Davis, J A Eakins, J C Reyes, M Franke, R F
Sánchez, P Cortes Muñoz, R W Busby, F Vernon,
S E Barrientos
1340h S13C-4476 POSTER Development of an
Ultra-Light Multipurpose Drill and Tooling for
the Transportable Array in Alaska: B J Coyle, M
Lundgren, R W Busby
1340h S13C-4477 POSTER Possibility of tilt
observation at the sea floor by using the BBOBSTNX system: H Shiobara, A Ito, H Sugioka, M
1340h S13C-4478 POSTER USArray – Seismic
Reconnaissance in Northwest Canada: M Schmidt,
K Spiers, M S Murray
1340h S13C-4464 POSTER Development of the Next
Generation of Seismological Instrumentation for
Polar Environments: J P Winberry, K R Anderson,
A D Huerta, S P Bernsen, T Parker, P Carpenter, R
Woodward, B C Beaudoin, S L Bilek
1340h S13B-4451 POSTER Frequency Domain
Detection with Nearest Neighbor Clustering to
Detect Dynamically Triggered Remote Small
Earthquakes within the Footprint of the EarthScope
USArray Transportable Array: D L Kilb, L M
Linville, K L Pankow
1340h S13B-4452 POSTER The good, the bad, and
the ugly: validating tomographic models against
new data: E Wolin, S van der Lee
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 51
1340h S13C-4467 POSTER Three Campaigns to
Image the Earth’s Interior Using Mermaids (Mobile
Earthquake Recorder in Marine Areas by Independent Divers): A Pazmino, S Bonnieux, C Joubert, N
Gonzales, Y Hello, G Nolet
1340h S13B-4448 POSTER Data and Analysis
Methods of the Son-O-Mermaid and MERMAID
Experiments: J D Simon, F J Simons, G Nolet
1340h S13A-4429 POSTER A New Site-Conditions
Map of California Based on Geology and Slope: C J
Wills, C Gutierrez
1340h S13A-4432 POSTER Validation of S-wave
Velocity beneath the Ise Bay, Central Japan, Using
Continuous Short-period Ambient Noise Data: T
Hayashida, M Yoshimi, H Horikawa
for Mariscope. A dedicated Accoustic Float for
Monitoring of the Oceans: Y Hello, S Bonnieux, J
F Argentino, M Yegikyan, G Nolet
1340h S13B-4447 POSTER Five years on: Revisiting
GSN data quality: L S Gee, M Nettles, G Ekstrom,
J P Davis, A T Ringler, T L Storm, D Wilson, K R
1340h S13B-4449 POSTER Seismic Anisotropy
below the Juan De Fuca Plate: Results from the
Cascadia Initiative: R Martin-Short, R M Allen, I
D Bastow
1340h S13A-4431 POSTER Site Effects in the City
of Port au Prince (Haiti) Inferred From 2010
Earthquake Aftershocks Recordings: S ST Fleur, F
Courboulex, E Bertrand, A Deschamps, B F Mercier
De Lepinay, D Boisson, C Prepetit, S E Hough
1340h S13C-4465 POSTER Data Quality Control of
the French Permanent Broadband Network in the
RESIF Framework: M Grunberg, S Lambotte, F
1340h S13B-4446 POSTER The IberArray BB
seismic network of Topo-Iberia: new constraints
revealing the deep structure of the Iberian Peninsula
and North Morocco: J Gallart, J Diaz Cusi, A
Villasenor, F D L Mancilla, L Bonatto, M Schimmel,
L El moudnib
1340h S13A-4428 POSTER Study of Site Response in
the Seattle and Tacoma Basins, Washington, Using
Spectral Ratio Methods: R Keshvardoost, L W
1340h S13A-4430 POSTER Mapping Site Response
Parameters on Cal Poly Pomona Campus Using the
Spectral Ratio Method: K Y K HO, J Polet
1340h S13B-4454 POSTER Crustal Structure of
and near the North American Mid-continent Rift
System from Receiver Function Studies: H Zhang, S
van der Lee, E Wolin, T A Bollmann, J Revenaugh,
G I Aleqabi, D A Wiens, A W Frederiksen, F A
1340h S13B-4455 POSTER Teleseismic P-wave
Delay Time Tomography of the southern Superior
Province and Midcontinent Rift System (MRS)
Region: T A Bollmann, S van der Lee, A W
Frederiksen, E Wolin, G I Aleqabi, J Revenaugh, D
A Wiens, F A Darbyshire
1525h PP13D-08 Climate and Antartic Intermediate
Water Covariations on Centennial-Millennial
Timescales during MIS 3—Constraining the Role of
the “Oceanic Tunnel” in Abrupt Climate Change: H
F Kleiven, U Ninnemann
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h S13B-4453 POSTER SPREE: A Successful
Seismic Array by a Failed Rift System; Analysis
of Seismic Noise in the Seismically Quiet Midcontinent: E Wolin, S van der Lee, T A Bollmann,
J Revenaugh, G I Aleqabi, F A Darbyshire, A W
Frederiksen, D Wiens, P Shore
11/28/2014 10:47:10 AM
Moscone South Poster Hall
Seismology Contributions:
Earthquakes III Posters (joint with G,
NH, T)
Presiding: Victor Tsai, CaltechSeismological Lab; Carl Tape, University
of Alaska Fairbanks
1340h S13D-4479 POSTER A Reliable Way to Track
Rupture Process of Earthquakes: Z Liu, Z Ge
1340h S13D-4480 POSTER The 24 May 2014 Mw 6.9
Gokceada, North Aegean Sea Earthquake and Its
Aftershocks: B Baydar Gorgun, E Gorgun
1340h S13D-4481 POSTER Square Source Type
Diagram: N Aso, K Ohta, S Ide
1340h S13D-4482 POSTER Microseismicity of Death
Valley, California: An Active Detachment Faulting
Regime: P Bodin, D S Cowan
1340h S13D-4483 POSTER A boundary of stressfield orientation in northwestern area of the Kanto
plain: T E Yano, T Takeda, K Shiomi
Interpretation of Seismic Deformation in Iran: Z
Zarifi, M Raeesi, F Nilfouroushan, K F Tiampo
1340h S13D-4485 POSTER The Kinematic Model
of the 2011 Mw7.1 Van Earthquake Using cGPS,
Strong-Motion, Teleseismic and GPS Data: A O
Konca, S Ergintav
1340h S13D-4486 POSTER Influence of 3D
Teleseismic Body Waves in the Finite-Fault Source
Inversion of Subduction Earthquakes: A Sladen, V
1340h S13D-4487 POSTER Regularities of Spatial
and Temporal Distribution in Earthquakes in the
Eastern Pacific Tectonic Belt: L A Maslov, D R
1340h S13D-4488 POSTER Relocation of the 1997
Mw 6.1 Golestan, Ardebil, Earthquake Sequence: A
Hint for the Fault Mechanism: A Aziz Zanjani, A
Ghods, E Bergman, M Rezaeian, M Faridi
1340h S13D-4489 POSTER The 8 January 2013
(Mw=5.7) and 24 May 2014 (Mw 6.7) Northern
Aegean Earthquakes and Their Aftershocks
Distribution: D Kalafat, K Kekovali, A Pinar
1340h S13D-4490 POSTER Angola Seismicity MAP :
F A P Neto, G Franca
1340h S12C-06 POSTER Far-field seismic spectral
response resulting from complex rupture behaviors:
Y Wang, S M Day, P M Shearer
1340h S13D-4492 POSTER Earthquake Detection
Near the Central Anatolian Fault Zone Using
Continuous Data from the CD-CAT Experiment:
J B Russell, S L Beck, N Turkelli, D Kalafat, A A
Ozacar, E A Sandvol
1340h S13D-4493 POSTER Source Parameter
Estimation Using Waveform Correlation and Grid
Search Techniques: M T Woods, J I Roman-Nieves,
W N Junek
1340h S13D-4494 POSTER Comparison of
Frequency-Domain Array Methods for Studying
Earthquake Rupture Process: Y Sheng, J Yin, H Yao
1340h S13D-4495 POSTER The 29 July 2014 (Mw
6.4) Southern Veracruz, Mexico Earthquake:
Scenary Previous to Its Occurrence: J Yamamoto
1340h S13D-4496 POSTER Near Real-time
Waveform Inversion for Finite-source Rupture in
3D Structure: M C Hsieh, L Zhao, C Ji, K F Ma
1340h S13D-4497 POSTER Application of timeindependent and time-dependent occurrence
models on the seismic hazard estimations in the
Marmara region, Turkey: M Murru, A Akinci, R
Console, G Falcone, S Pucci
1340h S13D-4498 POSTER Small and large
earthquakes: evidence for a different rupture
beginning: G Festa, S Colombelli, A Zollo, M
1340h S13D-4499 POSTER Investigation of grid
parameterization of earthquake source: H Meng
1340h S13D-4500 POSTER A Bayesian Approach to
Real-Time Earthquake Phase Association: H Benz,
C E Johnson, P S Earle, J M Patton
1340h S13D-4501 POSTER Focal mechanisms in
the southern Dead Sea basin and related structural
elements based on seismological data : A Hofstetter,
C Dorbath, L Dorbath
1340h S13D-4502 POSTER Challenges and Solutions
in Reassessing Parameters of Seismic Catalog
over the last 50 Years: Example of the SI-Hex
Collaborative Project: A Schlupp, S Merrer, M J
Cara, Y Cansi
1340h S13D-4503 POSTER Spatial distribution of
earthquakes around the southern end of the coseismic slip of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake: K
Nakahigashi, Y Machida, T Shimbo, T Yamada, K
Mochizuki, H Shiobara, M Shinohara, Y Murai, R
Hino, R Azuma, K Suzuki, T Kubota, K Hasegawa,
T Sato, H Takada, K Uehira, H Yakiwara
1340h S13D-4504 POSTER Source Parameters and
Rupture Process in the Extensional Stress Regime of
Central Greece; Implications from the August 2013
Moderate Size Earthquake Sequence: N Svigkas, A
A Kiratzi, M Tranos
1340h S13D-4505 POSTER Finite Source Parameters
Using Strong Motion Waveforms of Taiwan
TSMIP Data: A Case Study of 22 October 1999
Chiayi, Taiwan, Earthquake: K Chang, W C Chi,
D S Dreger, Y Gung
1340h S13D-4506 POSTER Heterogeneous structure
in and around the source region of hazardous inland
earthquake: E Kurashimo, T Iidaka, T Iwasaki, N
1340h S13D-4507 POSTER Spectral Determination
of Source Parameters in The Marmara Region: A
Koseoglu, N Meral Ozel, S Barıs
1340h S13D-4508 POSTER Wavelet Domain
Source Inversion with Multi-Time-Window
Parameterization for Examination of Frequency
Dependence of Seismic Wave Radiation: W
Suzuki, S Aoi, T Kunugi
1340h S13D-4509 POSTER Integrated Simulation
of Earthquake Generation and Ground Motion
and Tsunami for Nankai Trough Megathrust
Earthquakes: M Todoriki, M Hyodo, T Hori, T
Furumura, T Maeda
1340h S13D-4510 POSTER Source Parameters of
the 2009 L’Aquila Fault Earthquakes (Italy): E
Tinti, L Scognamiglio, D Piccinini, L Chiaraluce, L
Valoroso, M Cocco
1340h S13D-4511 POSTER Crustal Structure in West
Antarctica from Regional Waveform Modeling:
A Raveloson, A Nyblade, J P O’Donnell, S
Anandakrishnan, D A Wiens, R C Aster, A D
Huerta, T J Wilson
1340h S13D-4512 POSTER Joint inversion of
teleseismic body-waves and geodetic data for the
Mw6.8 aftershock of the Balochistan earthquake
with refined epicenter location: S Wei, T Wang, S
Jonsson, J P Avouac, D V Helmberger
1340h S13D-4513 POSTER The Tobosi Fault: Source
of the 2011–2012 Tobosi Earthquake Swarm in
Central Costa Rica: M C Araya, L Linkimer, W K
Montero Pohly, W Rojas
1340h S13D-4514 POSTER Analysis of M 3.5
Geochang earthquake on February 5, 2013 and its
aftershocks: J Pak, D H Sheen, H M Rhee
1340h S13D-4515 POSTER Variation of seismic
source parameters around the southern Korean
Peninsula: H M Rhee, D H Sheen, T S Kang
1340h S13D-4516 POSTER Development of Highspeed Visualization System of Hypocenter Data
Using CUDA-based GPU computing: T Kumagai,
K Okubo, N Uchida, T Matsuzawa, N Kawada, N
1340h S13D-4517 POSTER Kinematic Modeling
of the October 23, 2011 Van, Eastern Turkey,
Mw 7.1 Earthquake Obtained from Regional and
Teleseismic P Empirical Green Function Analysis:
Z Yilmaz, A O Konca, H Karabulut
1340h S41A-4456 POSTER Application of surface
wave travel times and amplitude ratios interpreted
through a 3D crustal model to locate and characterize
regional seismic events in the US: Y Tian, M H
Ritzwoller, W Shen, A L Levshin, M P Barmin
1340h S13D-4519 POSTER Spatial Distribution
of earthquakes off the coast of Fukushima Two
Years after the M9 Earthquake: the Southern
Area of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Rupture
Zone: T Yamada, K Nakahigashi, M Shinohara, K
Mochizuki, H Shiobara
1340h S13D-4520 POSTER Determination of
Megathrust Rupture Processes Using 3D Green
Functions for Tsunami Early Warning: S Y Baag, J
Rhie, S H Yoo, S Kim
1340h S13D-4521 POSTER Upper-Plate Seismicity
Remotely Triggered by the 2012 Mw-7.6 Nicoya
Earthquake, Costa Rica: L Linkimer, I G Arroyo,
W K Montero Pohly, O H Lücke
1340h S13D-4522 POSTER Improved Epicentral
Locations for Earthquakes Near Explorer Ridge: D
Clemens-Sewall, A M Trehu
1340h S13D-4523 POSTER Mitigation of Bias
in Inversion of Complex Earthquake without
Prior Information of Detailed Fault Geometry: A
Kasahara, Y Yagi
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate A1
Decade of Megatsunamis: Science and
Tsunami Warning Systems after the
2004 Sumatra Event I (joint with G)
Presiding: Eddie Bernard, Self
Employed; Jose Borrero, eCoast Ltd.;
Stuart Weinstein, Pacific Tsunami
Warning Center; Vasily Titov, NOAA/
1340h S13E-01 Tsunami Science for Society: E N
1355h S13E-02 Lessons from the 2004 Indian Ocean
and 2011 Tohoku Tsunamis, Developments, and
Future Directions: K Satake
1410h S13E-03 Lessons Learned and Unlearned
from the 2004 Great Sumatran Tsunami: C
Synolakis, U Kanoglu
1425h S13E-04 Lessons learnt from the Indian Ocean
Tsunami 2004: the role of surface and subsurface
topography in deep water tsunami propagation: C
B Pattiaratchi
1440h S13E-05 A Dozen Tsunamis from 2004 to
2014: Lessons and Revelations: E A Okal
1455h S13E-06 New Measurements and Modeling
Capability to Improve Real-time Forecast of
Cascadia Tsunamis along U.S. West Coast: Y Wei,
V V Titov, E N Bernard, M C Spillane
1510h S13E-07 Large-Scale Physical Modelling
of Complex Tsunami-Generated Currents: P J
Lynett, N Kalligeris, A Ayca
1525h S13E-08 2011 Tohoku tsunami runup
hydrographs, ship tracks, upriver and overland
flow velocities based on video, LiDAR and AIS
measurements: H M Fritz, D A Phillips, A Okayasu,
T Shimozono, H Liu, S Takeda, F Mohammed, V
Skanavis, C Synolakis, T Takahashi
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate B1
Strong Motion Data, Networks, and
Seismological Studies II (joint with NH)
Presiding: Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman,
Institute of Engineering-UNAM; Aysegul
Askan, Middle East Technical Univ;
Lucia Luzi, INGV National Institute of
Geophysics and Volcanology; Citlali
Perez, Institute of Engineering-UNAM
1340h S13F-01 Current Status and Future Prospect
of K-NET and KiK-net: S Aoi, T Kunugi, W
Suzuki, H Nakamura, H Fujiwara
1355h S13F-02 Integration of strong motion
networks and accelerometric data in Europe: L
Luzi, J F Clinton, S Akkar, R Sleeman, T Van Eck
1410h S13F-03 Strong Motion Recording in the
United States: R J Archuleta, J B Fletcher, A F
1425h S13F-04 Strong Ground Motion Database
System for the Mexican Seismic Network: C PerezYanez, L Ramirez-Guzman, A L Ruiz, R Delgado,
M A Macías, H Sandoval, L Alcántara, A Quiroz
1440h S13F-05 A Real-Time Seismogeodetic
Network Using MEMS Accelerometers and Its
Performance in Kinematic Slip Inversions: D
Goldberg, J S Haase, D Melgar, Y Bock, J Geng, J
K Saunders
1455h S13F-06 Real-Time Continuous Response
Spectra Exceedance Calculation Displayed in a
Web-Browser Enables Rapid and Robust Damage
Evaluation by First Responders: M Franke, D A
Skolnik, D Harvey, K Lindquist
1510h S13F-07 Investigation of the Local Soil Effects
at the New Strong-Motion Array (MATNet) in
Hatay-K.Maras Region, Turkey: O Polat, U Çeken
Cotton, O J Ktenidou, B Derras, Z Roumelioti, B
Pierre-Yves, F Hollender
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advances in Ionospheric Forecasting:
Modeling, Observations, and
Validation II Posters (joint with NG, SM)
Jones, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Bellevue; Rodney Viereck, NOAA/NWS/
1340h SA13A-3960 POSTER Validation of IRI2012 and NeQuick2 Derived TEC, NmF2, hmF2,
B0, B1 and HT during the High Solar Activity over
Brazilian Equatorial and Low Latitude sectors: V
Kavutarapu, P R Fagundes, R de Jesus, A J de
Abreu, V G Pillat
1340h SA13A-3961 POSTER Assessment of Modeling
Capability for Reproducing Storm Impacts on
TEC: J S Shim, M M Kuznetsova, L Rastaetter,
D Bilitza, M Codrescu, A J Coster, B A Emery, M
Foerster, B Foster, T J Fuller-Rowell, J D Huba, L
P Goncharenko, A J Mannucci, A A Namgaladze, X
Pi, B E Prokhorov, A J Ridley, L Scherliess, R W
Schunk, J J Sojka, L Zhu
1340h SA13A-3962 POSTER Monitoring and
Modeling of Ionosphere Irregularities Caused
By Space Weather Activity on the Base of GNSS
Measurements: I Cherniak, I Zakharenkova, A
Krankowski, I Shagimuratov
1340h SA13A-3963 POSTER Ionospheric Poynting
Flux and Joule Heating Modeling Challenge: Latest
Results and New Models: L Rastaetter, J S Shim, M
M Kuznetsova, D J Knipp, Y Zheng, R B Cosgrove,
P T Newell, D R Weimer, T J Fuller-Rowell, W
Evaluation of the IRI2012 Model at Equatorial
Region during Time of Minimum Ionization in the
F2 Region: E O Oyeyemi, A Adekola, O Bolaji, A O
Akala, B Olugbon
1340h SA13A-3965 POSTER Sensitivity of IFM/
GAIM-GM Model to High-Cadence Kp and F10.7
Input: J J Hromsco
1340h SA13A-3966 POSTER Ionospheric Forecast
during Sudden Stratospheric Warming Using the
IDEA Model: H Wang, R A Akmaev, T J FullerRowell, T W Fang, J Wang
1340h SA13A-3967 POSTER Assimilation of DMSP/
SSUSI UV data into IDA4D: L J Gelinas, G S Bust,
D G Brinkman, P R Straus, R L Swartz
1340h SA13A-3968 POSTER Inverse Modeling Using
a Novel Scintillation Model Sigma to Characterize
High Latitude Irregularities During a Storm and a
Substorm: K Deshpande, G S Bust, C R Clauer, H
Kim, D R Weimer
1340h SA13A-3969 POSTER Space Weather
Prediction Error Bounding for Real-Time
Ionospheric Threat Adaptation of GNSS
Augmentation Systems: J Lee, M Yoon, J Lee
1340h SA13A-3970 POSTER Creating a Scale
for Ionospheric Distubance: H Kristensen, M
1340h SA13A-3971 POSTER On the Effect of
“Patchy” Aurora and Auroral Arcs on GPS Signals:
Initial Investigations: S C Mushini, E Donovan, P T
Jayachandran, R B Langley, P Prikryl, E Spanswick,
B J Jackel
1340h SA13A-3972 POSTER The IONORT-ISPWC System: Inclusion of an Electron Collision
Frequency Model for the D-Layer: A Settimi, M
Pietrella, M Pezzopane, C Bianchi
1340h SA13A-3973 POSTER GNSS Radio Occultation
Observations as a data source for Ionospheric
Assimilation: COSMIC-1 & COSMIC-2: X Yue, W
S Schreiner, Y H Kuo
1340h SA13A-3974 POSTER Forecasting the
Ionosphere Response to Solar Flares from Satellite
Measurements of X-ray and EUV Flux: C T Fallen,
W A Bristow, M J Nicolls, R A Viereck
1340h SA13A-3975 POSTER Searching for
Appropriate Data and Parameters for Effective
Representation of Ionospheric Dynamics; Modelling
and Observational Results over the African Sector:
J B Habarulema, Z T Katamzi, L A McKinnell, M
1340h SA13A-3976 POSTER Ensemble Ionospheric
Total Electron Content Forecasting during Storms:
A Chartier, C N Mitchell, G Lu, J L Anderson, N
Collins, T J Hoar, G S Bust, T Matsuo
1340h SA13A-3977 POSTER An empirical model
of solar indices and hemispheric power based on
DMSP/SSUSI data: D Shaikh, J C Jones
1340h SA13A-3978 POSTER Modeling the equatorial
and low latitude ionosphere response to an intense
X-class solar flare: P Nogueira, J Souza, M A Abdu,
R D R Paes, J S Santos, M S Marques, G J Bailey, R
Cueva, C M De Nardin, H Takahashi, I S Batista, S
S Chen
1340h SA13A-3979 POSTER Performance of the
IRI-2012 model in the equatorial region: Variations
with longitude and solar activity : J Klenzing, A G
Burrell, D Bilitza, R A Heelis
Presiding: Dastgeer Shaikh, Northrop
Grumman Corporation Bellevue; James
AGU2014News.indb 52
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:10 AM
1340h SA13A-3980 POSTER Topside Ionosphere
Variability and Response to Solar EUV Using
Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis: J
Hawkins, P C Anderson
1340h SA13A-3981 POSTER Comparisons of the
NRL SAMI3 Physics-Based Ionospheric Model
with Global Ionosonde and GPS Electron Density
Measurements: C L Siefring, A Tondwalkar, S
E McDonald, J D Huba, J Krall, J T Emmert, D P
Drob, J Lean, P A Bernhardt
1340h SA13A-3982 POSTER Topside Ionospheric
Temperatures As a Function of Solar Cycle
Measured By Cindi from the C/NOFS Spacecraft:
W R Coley, R A Heelis
1340h SA13A-3983 POSTER Ionospheric TEC
variations at mid-latitudes obsereved using SBAS
L1/L5 signals: A M Padokhin, V Kunitsyn, G
Kurbatov, Y Yasyukevich
1340h SA13B-3999 POSTER Gravity Wave Source
Characteristics over South Pole: D Mehta, A J
Gerrard, Y Ebihara, A T Weatherwax
Instrumentation for Auroral and Ionospheric
Airglow Studies: K Hewawasam, R Maguire, S
Chakrabarti, T Cook, J L Baumgardner
1340h SA13B-4001 POSTER Feasibility study of
detecting electron beam instability signatures in
Incoherent Scatter Radar spectrum at high latitudes
and the impact of this detection in the parameter
estimation procedure: M A Diaz, A Stromme, I
Häggström, W Carvajal
1340h SA13B-4002 POSTER Using Simulations to
Quantify High-Latitude Type-I Radar Backscatter
Spectra as a Function of Flow Angle: M Young, M
M Oppenheim, R A Cuevas Jr, Y S Dimant
1340h SA13C-4019 POSTER Sudden Stratospheric
Warming Effects over L1 Scintillation at Low
Latitude During Quiet and Magnetically Disturbed
Periods: E R Paula, O F Jonah, A O Moraes, E A
Kherani, B G Fejer, M A Abdu, I S Batista, P M D S
Negreti, S L G Dutra, R D R Paes
1340h SA13C-4020 POSTER Broadband Ionospheric
Scintillation Measurements from Space: D M
Suszcynsky, M E Light, M J Pigue
1340h SH13A-4071 POSTER 3-D Reconstruction
of Structure and Dynamics of Coronal Twistors
From STEREO and SDO Imagery: G L Slater, S L
1340h SA13C-4021 POSTER Modeling the effects of
Multi-path propagation and scintillation on GPS
signals: L Habash Krause, S J Wilson
1340h SH13A-4072 POSTER Interpreting CoronalLoop Oscillations as the Modes of a 2D Waveguide:
B Hindman, R Jain
1340h SA13C-4022 POSTER Unique Capabilities of
the Situational Awareness Sensor Suite for the ISS
(SASSI) Mission Concept to Study the Equatorial
Ionosphere: L Habash Krause, B E Gilchrist, J I
Minow, D L Gallagher, W R Hoegy, V N Coffey,
E M Willis
1340h SH13A-4073 POSTER Magnetic Energies
in Solar Active Regions and Flares Calculated
from Automated Coronal Loop Tracing: M J
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h SA13B-4003 POSTER Characteristics of
630nm auroral polarization observed at Pokar Flat,
Alaska: T Shimpei, M Kagitani, T Sakanoi, D L
Geospace Research from Polar
Environments I Posters (joint with A, AE,
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone West 2016
Understanding and Forecasting
Equatorial Spread F and Scintillation
II Posters
Anomalies and Disturbances in the
Midlatitude Ionosphere II
Presiding: Andrew Gerrard, New
Jersey Institute of Techno; Irfan Azeem,
Atmospheric and Space Technology
Research Associates LLC; Marc Lessard,
University of New Hampshire; Gary
Bust, John Hopkins University-Applied
Physics Laboratory
1340h SA13B-3984 POSTER Tides over Antarctica:
Comparison of Whole Atmosphere Model (WAM)
Simulations with Ground-Based Observations: R A
Akmaev, D J Murphy, F J Luebken, J M Forbes
1340h SA13B-3985 POSTER Response of
thermosphere density to high-latitude forcing: Y
Yamazaki, M J Kosch, H Vickers, E K Sutton, Y
1340h SA13B-3986 POSTER Sub-relativistic and
relativistic electron precipitations above diffuse
aurora: Conjugate observations of SAMPEX and
the all sky TV camera at Syowa Station: S Kurita, A
Kadokura, Y Miyoshi, Y Sato, H Misawa, A Morioka
1340h SA13B-3987 POSTER Intermediate scale
plasma density irregularities in the polar ionosphere
inferred from radio occultation: E B Shume, A
Komjathy, R B Langley, O P Verkhoglyadova, M
Butala, A J Mannucci
1340h SA13B-3988 POSTER Conjugate Magnetic
Observations in the Polar Environments by
PRIMO and AUTUMNX: P J Chi, C T Russell, R
J Strangeway, C A Raymond, M G Connors, T J
Wilson, D H Boteler, K Rowe, I Schofield
1340h SA13B-3989 POSTER Statistical analysis
of ground-based chorus observations during
geomagnetic storms: M Spasojevic
1340h SA13B-3990 POSTER The South Pole,
Antarctica, Solar Radio Telescope (SPASRT)
System: A J Gerrard, A T Weatherwax, D E Gary,
J T Kujawski, G M Nita, R Melville, A Stillinger,
G Jeffer
1340h SA13B-3991 POSTER Multi-Camera
Reconstruction of Fine Scale High Speed Auroral
Dynamics: M Hirsch, J L Semeter, M D Zettergren,
H Dahlgren, C Goenka, H Akbari
1340h SA13B-3992 POSTER Locating the openclosed boundary during the passage of a corotating
interaction region: K D Urban, A J Gerrard, L J
Lanzerotti, A T Weatherwax
1340h SA13B-3993 POSTER New Observations of
Storm Enhanced Density, Tongues of Ionization
and Polar Cap Patches in Antarctica: A J Coster,
E G Thomas, J B H Baker, J M Ruohoniemi, L P
Goncharenko, K R Gonzales
1340h SA13B-3994 POSTER Further Studies of
Ground-Level Auroral Kilometric Radiation: J W
Labelle, X Yan, S Pasternak, M Broughton, A T
Weatherwax, H Kojima, R R Anderson
1340h SA13B-3995 POSTER Evidence for
Anomalous Energization of Electrons by BeamIonosphere Interactions in the Auroral F-region: H
Akbari, J L Semeter
Lessard, B Fritz, L L Cogger, A W Yau
1340h SA13B-3997 POSTER Early Results on
Energetic Particle Precipitation Observed by
the ABOVE Instrument Array: C M Cully, D
Chaddock, C Daniel, E Davis, D Galts, N McGuffin,
C Quinn, A Sheldon, C Wilson
1340h SA13B-3998 POSTER Atmospheric Profiling
using GPS Radio Occultation over the Australian
and Antarctic regions: R Norman, J Le Marshall,
B A Carter, G Kirchengast, S Alexander, C S Wang,
K Zhang
Presiding: Chaosong Huang, Air Force
Research Laboratory; Cesar Valladares,
Boston College; J Eccles, Space
Environment Corporation
1340h SA13C-4004 POSTER Numerical Modeling
of High Frequency Electromagnetic Wave
Propagation through Ionospheric Plasma with
Randomly Distributed Flute Vortices : J Caplinger,
V I Sotnikov, A J Wallerstein
1340h SA13C-4005 POSTER Particle-in-cell
Simulations of Electromagnetic Wave Scattering
From Numerically Generated Flute-type Density
Irregularities: D S Main, J Caplinger, T C Kim, V
I Sotnikov
1340h SA13C-4006 POSTER Development of a Flow
Velocity Shear Instability in the Presence of Finite
Larmor Radius Effects : V I Sotnikov, T C Kim, E
V Mishin, T C Genoni, D V Rose, I Paraschiv
1340h SA13C-4007 POSTER A Configuration-Space
Equatorial Spread F Structure Model: C L Rino, C S
Carrano, J M Retterer
1340h SA13C-4008 POSTER Modeling and
Predicting the Daily Equatorial Plasma Bubble
Activity Using the Tiegcm: B A Carter, J M
Retterer, E Yizengaw, K C Wiens, S Wing, K M
Groves, R G Caton, C Bridgwood, M J Francis, M
B Terkildsen, R Norman, K Zhang
1340h SA13C-4009 POSTER The FORMOSAT-3/
COSMIC equatorial spread-F and global scintillation
model: S P Chen, D Bilitza, J Y G Liu
1340h SA13C-4010 POSTER The Evolution of
Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularity Occurrence
from Low to Moderate Solar Activity: R Stoneback,
R A Heelis
1340h SA13C-4011 POSTER The Continuous
Generation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles during
the Passage of the Solar Terminator, Observed with
a Densely-Clustered Network of GPS Receivers
in Southeast Asia: S M Buhari, R T Tsunoda, M
Abdullah, A M Hasbi, Y Otsuka, T Yokoyama, M
Nishioka, T Tsugawa
1340h SA13C-4012 POSTER Periodic Spacing
Plasma Bubbles Observed By GNSS Tecmap over
South America: H Takahashi, C M Wrasse, C M
De Nardin, Y Otsuka, K Shiokawa, E R Paula, S M
A Costa
1340h SA13C-4013 POSTER Periodicity in the
occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles: J M Choi,
H Kil, Y S Kwak, W K Lee, Y Kim, P A Roddy, O de
La Beaujardiere
1340h SA13C-4014 POSTER Observing Large
Ionospheric Spatial Decorrelation for GroundBased Augmentation System in the Brazilian
Region: M Yoon, D Kim, P Choi, J Lee
1340h SA13C-4015 POSTER Investigation of the
plasma bubble and blob connection in the low
latitude ionosphere: S J Oh, H Kil, E S Miller
1340h SA13C-4016 POSTER Response of Total
Electron Content on the Low Latitude Vertical
E x B Drift over Peruvian Sector: S Khadka, C E
Valladares, R Pradipta, E Pacheco, P J Condor P
1340h SA13C-4018 POSTER On the Longitudinal
Morphology of Zonal Irregularity Drift Measured
using Networks of GPS Scintillation Monitors: C S
Carrano, K M Groves, C E Valladares, S H Delay
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 53
1340h SH13A-4070 POSTER Laboratory Evidence
That Line-Tied Toroidal Magnetic Fields Can
Suppress Loss-of-Equilibrium Flux Rope Eruptions
in the Solar Corona: C E Myers, M Yamada, E
Belova, H Ji, J Yoo, W R Fox II, J Jara-Almonte
1340h SA13C-4023 POSTER Using Radio
Transmitter to Simulate Amplitude Scintillation on
Radio Signals: V Eccles, R Ilayian
Presiding: Hyosub Kil, Johns Hopkins
Univ; Young-Sil Kwak, KASI; Yuichi
Otsuka, Nagoya Univ; Naomi
Maruyama, University of Colorado
1340h SA13D-01 Disturbance Effects Seen in the
Midlatitude Ionosphere with SuperDARN: J M
Ruohoniemi, J B H Baker, W A Bristow, S G
Shepherd, E S Miller
1355h SA13D-02 Sources and Characteristics of
Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
Observed by a Longitudinally Distributed Chain of
SuperDARN Radars Across the United States: N A
Frissell, J B H Baker, J M Ruohoniemi, A J Gerrard,
E S Miller, M L West, W Bristow
1410h SA13D-03 Scale Dependence of MediumScale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances: Perkins
Instability and Es Layer Seeding: T Yokoyama
1425h SA13D-04 Detection and Characterization
of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) with
GPS and HF sensors: K M Groves, V Paznukhov, T
W Bullett, E Mackenzie
1440h SA13D-05 An Ionospheric Response to
the 2013 Moore EF5 Tornad, Detected By HighResolution GPS-TEC Observations: M Kubota, M
Nishioka, T Tsugawa, M Ishii
1455h SA13D-06 A Statistical Study of Mid-latitude
Thunderstorm Characteristics associated with
Acoustic and Gravity Waves: E H Lay, X M Shao,
A Kendrick
Enhancements at Low and Middle Latitudes during
Superstorms Observed from Multiple Satellites: J
Lei, W Wang, A G Burns, X Yue
1525h SA13D-08 Storm Enhanced Densities
simulations using the Ionosphere Plasmasphere
Electrodynamics (IPE) Model: N Maruyama, P
Richards, Y Y Sun, T W Fang, T J Fuller-Rowell, A
D Richmond, A I Maute
Moscone South Poster Hall
Coronal Magnetism I Posters
Presiding: Sarah Gibson, NCAR; Kathy
Reeves, Smithsonian Institution;
Stephen White, Air Force Research
1340h SH13A-4065 POSTER Coronal Magnetism
and Forward Solarsoft Idl Package: S E Gibson
1340h SH13A-4066 POSTER Coronal Magnetism:
Hanle Effect in UV and IR Spectral Lines: N E
Raouafi, P Riley
1340h SH13A-4067 POSTER Hinode, SDO AIA, and
CoMP Observations of a Coronal Cavity with a Hot
Core: K Reeves, P Jibben
1340h SH13A-4068 POSTER 3D Coronal Density
Reconstruction and Retrieving Coronal Magnetic
Field Structures during Solar Minimum and
Maximum: M Kramar, V Airapetian, J M Davila
1340h SH13A-4069 POSTER 3D Coronal Magnetic
Field Reconstruction Based on Infrared Polarimetric
Observations: M Kramar, H Lin, S Tomczyk
1340h SH13A-4074 POSTER SDO/AIA Observation
and Modeling of Flare-excited Slow Waves in Hot
Coronal Loops: T Wang, L Ofman, E Provornikova,
X Sun, J M Davila
1340h SH13A-4075 POSTER Novel Approach
to Construction Realistic Magnetic Field
Configuration in the Lower Solar Atmosphere: V
Fedun, F Gent, R Erdelyi
1340h SH13A-4076 POSTER The Existence
Condition for Magnetic Flux-Current Surfaces in
Magnetohydrostatic Equilibria : G S Choe, J No, S
Kim, M Jang
1340h SH13A-4077 POSTER How Much Can We
Estimate the Magnetic Helicity Influx During
a Magnetic Flux Emergence with a Footpoint
Tracking Method?: G S Choe, S Kim
1340h SH13A-4078 POSTER Microwave Spectra
and Coronal Magnetic Structure of Flaring Active
Regions: J Lee, J E Hwangbo, S H Park
1340h SH13A-4079 POSTER Magnetic Field
Modeling of Complex, Flare Productive Active
Regions: S C Millholland, A S Savcheva, E E
1340h SH13A-4080 POSTER Reconstructing the 3D
coronal magnetic field using a Potential Field Source
Surface model comparing different magnetograph
input data: M A Kruse II, T Peleikis, L Berger, R F
1340h SH13A-4081 POSTER Solar Coronal Holes
and Open Magnetic Flux: C Lowder, J Qiu, R J
Leamon, D W Longcope
1340h SH13A-4082 POSTER The Pre- and PostLaunch Configuration of a CME Flux Rope: T A
Howard, C E DeForest
Moscone South Poster Hall
Solar and Heliospheric Physics
General Contributions II Posters
Presiding: Ian Richardson, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center; Robyn
Millan, Dartmouth College; Larry
Paxton, The Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
1340h SH13B-4083 POSTER Opportunities in
Heliophysics: M Austin, M Guhathakurta, K
Schrijver, J J Sojka, F Bagenal
1340h SH13B-4084 POSTER Radial Evolution of
Stream Interaction Regions and Sector Boundaries
in the Inner Heliosphere: Observations and MHD
Simulations: V G Merkin, D Lario, C N Arge, J
Lyon, D M Pahud, H Korth, B J Anderson
1340h SH13B-4085 POSTER A new free and
open source tool for space plasma modeling: I J
1340h SH13B-4086 POSTER Fourier spectrum and
phases for a signal in a finite interval: N Dorville,
G Belmont, F Sahraoui, L Rezeau
1340h SH13B-4087 POSTER Zen and the Art of
Virtual Observatory Maintenance: L F Bargatze
1340h SH13B-4088 POSTER Comparison of GOES
Space Environment Monitor Data Collected During
Solar Cycles 22, 23, and 24: D C Wilkinson
1340h SH13B-4089 POSTER Solar activities and
Climate change hazards: A A Hady II
1340h SH13B-4090 POSTER On solar radius
measurements with PICARD: M Meftah, A Irbah,
A Hauchecorne, T Corbard, J F Hochedez
1340h SH13B-4091 POSTER Revisiting the
determination of solar oblateness from space
observations using an optimization method: A
Hauchecorne, M Meftah, A Irbah
1340h SH13B-4092 POSTER Theoretical MultiFrequency Solar Radii and Limb Brightening: V De
la Luz
11/28/2014 10:47:10 AM
1340h SH13B-4093 POSTER Compact and LightWeight Solar Spaceflight Instrument Designs
Utilizing Newly Developed Miniature FreeStanding Zone Plates: EUV Radiometer and
Limb-Scanning Monochromator: J F Seely, D R
McMullin, J Bremer, C Chang, A Sakdinawat, A R
Jones, R Vest
1340h SH13B-4094 POSTER Calibration and
Performance Modeling of Free-Standing Zone
Plates for Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Radiometry
having High Accuracy and Stability in Space:
D R McMullin, J F Seely, R Vest, C Chang, A
Sakdinawat, J Bremer, A R Jones
1340h SH13B-4095 POSTER Updates in SDO/EVE/
EUV SpectroPhotometer (ESP) Data Processing
and Inter-comparison of Calibrated ESP Irradiances
with Measurements from Other On-orbit EUV
Instrumentation: S R Wieman, L V Didkovsky, D
1340h SH13B-4096 POSTER Fitting of IntensityVelocity Cross Spectrum using GONG and HMI
Oscillation Data: S C Tripathy, C Barban, K Jain,
S Kholikov, F Hill
A Galarza, B Calvo-Mozo, J C Martinez Oliveros
1340h SH13B-4098 POSTER How to estimate
invisible free magnetic energy stored in a solar
emerging flux region: T Magara
1340h SH13B-4099 POSTER Forecasting the Solar
Photosphere’s Magnetic Flux with Local Data
Assimilation: K S Hickmann, H C Godinez, C J
Henney, C N Arge
1340h SH13B-4100 POSTER Properties of solar
prominences as obtained by SDO/AIA and the
associated differential emission measure analysis: A
S Bains, B Li, S R Habbal
1340h SH13B-4101 POSTER Brightenings Associated
with Falling Filament Material : H R Gilbert, A
R Inglis, M L Mays, L Ofman, E Provornikova, B J
Thompson, C A Young
1340h SH13B-4102 POSTER Multi-wavelength
Observation of Initiation Phase of Filament
Eruption: S Kim, K S F Cho, S H Park
1340h SH13B-4103 POSTER A Population Study of
Solar Eruptive Events: C A Young
1340h SH13B-4104 POSTER Comparison between
IBIS Observations and Radiative Transfer
Hydrodynamic Simulations of a Solar Flare: F
Rubio da Costa, L Kleint, W Liu, A Sainz Dalda,
V Petrosian
1340h SH13B-4118 POSTER Analysis of Solar Wind
Plasma Properties of Co-Rotating Interaction
Regions at Mars with MSL/RAD: H Lohf, J Kohler,
C J Zeitlin, B Ehresmann, J Guo, R F WimmerSchweingruber, D Hassler, G Reitz, A Posner, B
Heber, J K Appel, D Matthiae, D E Brinza, E Weigle,
S I Böttcher, S Burmeister, C Martin-Garcia, E
Boehm, S C Rafkin, H Kahanpää, J Martín-Torres,
M P Zorzano
1340h SH13B-4119 POSTER Modeling Particle
Acceleration and Transport at CIRs: G Li, L Zhao,
R W Ebert, M I Desai, M A Dayeh, G M Mason, Y
Chen, Z Wu
1340h SH13B-4120 POSTER Acceleration of
Pickup Ions between the Magnetically-Connected
Corotating Interaction Regions: K Tsubouchi
1340h SH13B-4121 POSTER The Variability of
Suprathermal Pickup He+ Measured with SOHO/
CELIAS/STOF: J Yu, L Berger, R F WimmerSchweingruber, B Heber, M Hilchenbach, R
Kallenbach, P A Bochsler, B Klecker
1340h SH13B-4122 POSTER The Composition of
Inner-source Heavy Pickup Ions: SOHO/CELIAS/
CTOF Results: A Taut, L Berger, P A Bochsler, C
Drews, B Klecker, R F Wimmer-Schweingruber
1340h SH13B-4123 POSTER Time-Dependent
Perpendicular Transport in Goldreich-Sridhar
MHD Turbulence: F Fraschetti
1340h SH13B-4124 POSTER The role of the
heliosphere for interstellar dust trajectories revisited: V J Sterken, P Strub, H Krüger, R von
Steiger, E Grün
1340h SH13B-4125 POSTER Performance Analysis
of the Nano Dust Analyzer Under Solar UV
Illumination: L E O’Brien, E Gruen, Z Sternovsky
Moscone South Poster Hall
Status and Challenges in Coronal
Heating: Theory, Observations, and
Simulation of Physical Processes II
Presiding: William Matthaeus,
University of Delaware; Jonathan
Cirtain, University of Delaware; Steven
Cranmer, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA;
Bart De Pontieu, Lockheed Martin Solar
and Astrophysics Laboratory
1340h SH13C-4126 POSTER Modeling Nanoflare
Heating in Solar Coronal Active Regions: J C
Allred, V Airapetian
1340h SH13B-4106 POSTER High-Energy Solar
Gamma-Ray-Flares: J M Ryan, M A Lee, G A de
Nolfo, E L Anderson, A Nair
1340h SH13C-4127 POSTER Quantifying the
Significance of Substructure in Coronal Loops: K B
D McKeough, V Kashyap, S McKillop
1340h SH13B-4107 POSTER Characterisation of the
Emission Spectra of High Energy Solar Flares: D R
Oliver, V Pelassa, V Connaughton
1340h SH13C-4128 POSTER Coronal Fourier power
spectra: implications for coronal heating and
coronal seismology: J Ireland, R T J Mcateer, A R
1340h SH13B-4108 POSTER NOAA Solar X-ray and
Ultraviolet Imaging: S M Hill, V J Pizzo, J Darnel
1340h SH13B-4109 POSTER Intensity Conserving
Spline Interpolation (ICSI): A New Tool for
Spectroscopic Analysis: J A Klimchuk, S
Patsourakos, D Tripathi
1340h SH13B-4110 POSTER Direct multi-wavelength
observation and analysis of wave-like propagating
intensity disturbances along pseudo-open field lines
above a sunspot: T R C Stekel, G Stenborg, A Dal
1340h SH13B-4111 POSTER Wavelengths for EVE
coronal dimming signatures: H S Hudson, P J D A
Simoes, E Kukstas
1340h SH13B-4112 POSTER Modeling of a solar
eruption and its relations with a solar wind: H Lee,
T Magara, J Kang
1340h SH13B-4113 POSTER On Speeds of Exciter
Beams of Interplanetary Type III Radio Bursts:
V Krupar, E Kontar, J Soucek, O Santolik, M
Maksimovic, O Kruparova
1340h SH13B-4114 POSTER Automatic Recognition
of Type III Solar Radio Bursts in STEREO/WAVES
Data: V V Lobzin, I H Cairns, A Zaslavsky
1340h SH13B-4115 POSTER Statistical Comparison
of Anomalous Cosmic Rays and Galactic Cosmic
Rays during the Recently Consecutive Unusual
Solar Cycles: L Zhao, H Zhang
1340h SH13B-4116 POSTER Latitude Survey
Investigation of Galactic Cosmic Ray Solar
Modulation during 1994-2007: W Nuntiyakul, P
A Evenson, D J Ruffolo, A Saiz, J W Bieber, J Clem,
R Pyle, M Duldig, J E Humble
1340h SH13C-4129 POSTER NuSTAR’s First Solar
Observations: Search for Transient Brightenings /
Nanoflares: A Marsh, I G Hannah, L Glesener, D M
Smith, B Grefenstette, S Krucker, H S Hudson, G J
Hurford, S White, A Caspi, S Christe, A Shih, R A
Mewaldt, M Pivovaroff, J Vogel
1340h SH13C-4130 POSTER Eunis Observation of
Pervasive Faint Fe XIX Line Emission from a Solar
Active Region: Evidence for Coronal Heating By
Nanoflares: J W Brosius, A N Daw, D M Rabin
1340h SH13C-4131 POSTER On the Dynamic
Character of the Polar Solar Wind: H S Yu, B V
Jackson, P P Hick, A Buffington
Presiding: Leif Svalgaard, Stanford
University; Frederic Clette, Royal
Observatory of Belgium; Edward Cliver,
National Solar Observatory
1340h SH13D-4141 POSTER Revised Sunspot
Numbers and the Effects on Understanding the
Sunspot Cycle : D H Hathaway
1340h SH13D-4142 POSTER The Sunspot Number
and beyond : reconstructing detailed solar
information over centuries: L Lefevre
Moscone West 2012
Physical Processes at the Heliospheric
Interface II
Presiding: Nikolai Pogorelov, University
of Alabama in Huntsville; Robert
Decker, Johns Hopkins Univ., Applied
Physics Lab.; Harald Kucharek, Univ
New Hampshire; John Richardson, MIT
1340h SH13E-01 Voyager Observations of the
Heliospheric Interface : E C Stone
1355h SH13E-02 Voyager 1 Observations of the
Local Interstellar Magnetic Field: L F Burlaga, N
F Ness
1410h SH13E-03 Voyager Observations of the
Heliosheath: J D Richardson, R B Decker
1425h SH13E-04 Electron Plasma Oscillations
and Related Effects Observed By Voyager 1 in the
Interstellar Plasma during 2014: D A Gurnett, W S
Kurth, E C Stone, A C Cummings, S M Krimigis, R
B Decker, N F Ness, L F Burlaga
1440h SH13E-05 Energetic particle variations
measured at Voyager 1 and 2 in 2013-14: R B
Decker, S M Krimigis, E C Roelof, M E Hill
1455h SH13E-06 Galactic Cosmic Rays: the
additional information from UVS: R Lallement, E
Quemerais, B R Sandel, J L Bertaux
1510h SH13E-07 Plasma Physics, Waves and
Turbulence in the Very Local Interstellar Medium:
G P Zank, P Hunana, P Mostafavi
1525h SH13E-08 A Test for Whether or Not
Voyager 1 Has Crossed the Heliopause: L A Fisk,
G Gloeckler
Moscone South Poster Hall
Magnetic Energy Dissipation through
Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory
and Heliophysical Plasmas I Posters
(joint with SH)
Presiding: Hantao Ji, Princeton Univ;
Vassilis Angelopoulos, UCLA---ESS/
IGPP; William Daughton, MS-F699,
Plasma Theory and App
1340h SM13A-4143 POSTER Kinetic processes of
global energy conversion following magnetotail
reconnection: V Angelopoulos, J Liu
1340h SH13C-4132 POSTER Thermal properties of
cooling multi-stranded coronal loops: S Regnier, C
E Alexander, R W Walsh
1340h SH13C-4133 POSTER Time lags of Hinode/
XRT and SDO/AIA lightcurves from simulations of
impulsive heating: C E Alexander, R Lionello, A
R Winebarger
1340h SM13A-4145 POSTER Particle Acceleration
during Magnetic Reconnection in Highly
Magnetized Plasmas: F Guo, W S Daughton, Y H
Liu, H Li, X Li
1340h SH13C-4134 POSTER Evidence for Wave
Heating of the Quiet Corona: M Hahn, D W Savin
1340h SM13A-4146 POSTER Energy Conversion
and Particle Acceleration during Magnetic
Reconnection: X Li, F Guo, W S Daughton, H Li,
S Li, Y H Liu, G Li
1340h SH13C-4135 POSTER Characterizing the
Background Corona with SDO/AIA: K A Napier,
C E Alexander, A R Winebarger
1340h SH13C-4136 POSTER Plasma Heating
Pongkitiwanichakul, F Cattaneo, S Boldyrev, J
Mason, J C Perez
1340h SH13C-4137 POSTER Coronal Heating:
Parker Model or Turbulence, or Both?: T J Dennis,
C S Ng
1340h SH13C-4138 POSTER Effects of Heat and
Momentum Addition Inside and Outside the
Compound Sonic Point of the Solar Wind: Q Hu, G
M Webb, J F McKenzie
AGU2014News.indb 54
The Revision of the Sunspot Number
(joint with GC)
1340h SM13A-4144 POSTER Investigation of
Magnetic Reconnection by Gyrokinetic Electron
and Fully Kinetic Ion Particle Simulation: X Wang,
Y Lin, L Chen
1340h SH13B-4117 POSTER A modification of
the force field approach to describe sub neutron
monitor energies: K Herbst, J Gieseler, B Heber, P
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h SM13A-4147 POSTER FLARE (Facility for
Laboratory Reconnection Experiments): A Major
Next-Step for Laboratory Studies of Magnetic
Reconnection: H Ji, A Bhattacharjee, S Prager,
W S Daughton, S D Bale, T A Carter, N Crocker,
J F Drake, J Egedal, J Sarff, J Wallace, E Belova, R
Ellis, W R Fox II, P Heitzenroeder, M Kalish, J JaraAlmonte, C E Myers, W Que, Y Ren, P Titus, M
Yamada, J Yoo
1340h SM13A-4148 POSTER Coronal Electron
Acceleration by Double Layer Confinement: Q
Zhang, J F Drake, M M Swisdak
1340h SM13A-4149 POSTER Characteristics of
Electron Holes Generated in the Separatrix Region
during Anti-Parallel Magnetic Reconnection: Q Lu,
C Huang, M Wu, P Wang, S Wang
1340h SM13A-4150 POSTER Electron Heating and
Acceleration in 2D Collisionless Reconnection: J
Dahlin, J F Drake, M M Swisdak
1340h SM13A-4151 POSTER Opportunities in TREX,
a New Terrestrial Reconnection EXperiment: J
Egedal, J Olson, D Endrizzi, C Forest
1340h SM13A-4152 POSTER Electron Heating
During Magnetic Reconnection: The Interplay
of Parallel Electric Fields and Fermi-Bounce
Acceleration: C C Haggerty, M A Shay, J F Drake,
T D Phan, P Wu, M M Swisdak
1340h SM13A-4153 POSTER Scaling of Ion Heating
During Magnetic Reconnection: Kinetic PIC
Simulations: M A Shay, C C Haggerty, C McHugh,
T D Phan, J F Drake, M Oieroset
1340h SM13A-4154 POSTER In situ spacecraft
observations of suprathermal ion acceleration in
the reconnection jet braking region: A Retino, Y
V Khotyaintsev, A Vaivads, O Le Contel, H Fu, B
Zieger, R Nakamura, A Artemyev, E A Kronberg
1340h SM13A-4155 POSTER Ion acceleration
dependence on shear angle in dayside magnetopause
reconnection: S K Vines, S Fuselier, K J Trattner, S
M Petrinec, J F Drake
Moscone South Poster Hall
Magnetic Reconnection and
Its Universal Consequences in
Magnetospheric and Solar Plasmas I
Posters (joint with P, SH)
Presiding: Pontus Brandt, Johns
Hopkins Univ/APL; Brian Anderson,
Johns Hopkins Univ; Paul Cassak, West
Virginia University; Harry Warren, Naval
Research Lab DC
1340h SM13B-4156 POSTER Structure and Evolution
of Magnetic Reconnection and Flux Rope in the
Magnetotail: A Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid
Simulation: S Lu, Y Lin, Q Lu, X Wang, R Wang, C
Huang, M Wu, S Wang
1340h SM13B-4157 POSTER The Location of
Magnetic Reconnection at Saturn’s Magnetopause:
a Comparison with Earth: W S Lewis, S Fuselier,
R A Frahm, A Masters, J Mukherjee, S M Petrinec,
I Sillanpaa
1340h SM13B-4158 POSTER Empirical Modeling
of Magnetotail Reconnection: K J Genestreti, S
Fuselier, J Goldstein, T Nagai, J P Eastwood
1340h SM13B-4159 POSTER Global impact of
collisionless magnetic reconnection on the structure
of planetary magnetospheres: J Dorelli, A Glocer,
G Collinson, G Toth
1340h SM13B-4160 POSTER Bursty Magnetic
Reconnection Under Slow Shock Generated
Whistler Waves: Z W Ma, L Wu, L Li, L Wang
1340h SM13B-4161 POSTER MHD-Epic: Embedded
Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Reconnection in
Global 3D Extended MHD Simulations: L K S
Daldorff, G Toth, D Borovikov, T I Gombosi, G
1340h SM13B-4162 POSTER Magnetic Reconnection
and Drift Wave Turbulence: L Price, J F Drake, M
M Swisdak
1340h SM13B-4163 POSTER Low-Beta MHD
Reconnection As a Showcase of Compressible Fluid
Dynamics: S Zenitani
1340h SM13B-4164 POSTER Current disruption
and modulation of Electron Current layer by
current-driven Electrostatic and Electron Tearing
Instabilities: N Singh, I G Khazanov, B E Wells
Reconnection with Weak Slow Shocks Under
Anisotropic MHD Approximation: K Hirabayashi,
M Hoshino
1340h SM13B-4166 POSTER Magnetic Reconnection
During Major Magnetospheric Storms: B A
Hubert, S E Milan, S W H Cowley
Moscone South Poster Hall
Physics of the Diffusion Region in
Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
II Posters (joint with SH)
Presiding: Li-Jen Chen, Univ of New
Hampshire; William Daughton, MSF699, Plasma Theory and App
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:11 AM
1340h SM13C-4168 POSTER Electron Distribution
Functions in the Separatrix Layer inside the
Diffusion Region: R Guo, L J Chen, Z Pu, S Wang,
J R Shuster, G Li, N Bessho, R B Torbert, S Fu, W
S Daughton
1340h SM13C-4169 POSTER Origins of Highly
Structured Distribution Functions in Magnetic
Reconnection Exhausts: Understanding Electron
Acceleration and Heating: J R Shuster, S Wang,
L J Chen, N Bessho, R Guo, R B Torbert, W S
1340h SM13C-4170 POSTER Fine structures of
electron distribution functions in the electron
diffusion region during magnetic reconnection: N
Bessho, J R Shuster, L J Chen
1340h SM13D-4190 POSTER Dispersive scale Alfven
waves associated with broadband aurora: Results
of 2-D gyrofluid-kinetic electron simulations: P A
Damiano, J Johnson, C C Chaston
1340h SM13E-4212 POSTER Comparison of
Two-Fluid and Kinetic Simulations of Magnetic
Reconnection in Line-Tied Systems: C Akcay, W
S Daughton, A Stanier, V S Lukin
1340h SM13D-4191 POSTER Quasi-separatrix Layers
Induced by Ballooning Instability in Near-Earth
Magnetotail*: P Zhu, A Sangari, P Bonofiglo
1340h SM13E-4213 POSTER Rapid Change of Field
Line Connectivity and Reconnection in Stochastic
Magnetic Fields: Y M Huang, A Bhattacharjee, A
H Boozer
1340h SM13D-4192 POSTER Kelvin-Helmholtz
Unstable Magnetotail Flow Channels: Deceleration
and Radiation of MHD Waves: H Turkakin, I R
Mann, R Rankin
1340h SM13D-4193 POSTER Signal Propagation
from the Tail to the Ionosphere: B Ferdousi, J
1340h SM13C-4171 POSTER Effects of ion dynamics
on kinetic structures of the diffusion region during
magnetic reconnection: L J Chen, J R Shuster, N
Bessho, G Li, R B Torbert, W S Daughton
1340h SM13D-4194 POSTER Possible Connection of
Field and Particle Fluctuations in Near-Earth Tail to
Pre-Breakup Evolution of Auroral Arcs: T Motoba,
S Ohtani
1340h SM13C-4172 POSTER Distinct types of
electron velocity distributions in magnetotail
reconnection exhausts: G Li, L J Chen, J R Shuster,
R B Torbert, W S Daughton
1340h SM13D-4196 POSTER Relative Timing of
Substorm-Associated Processes in the Near-Earth
Magnetotail and Development of Auroral Onset
Arc: Y Miyashita, A Ieda, S Machida, Y Hiraki,
V Angelopoulos, J P McFadden, H U Auster, S B
Mende, E Donovan, D E Larson
1340h SM13C-4173 POSTER Inferring proximity to
the reconnection site via structural changes to the
magnetopause caused by asymmetric reconnection:
M R Argall, L J Chen, R B Torbert, W S Daughton,
J Yoo, M Yamada
1340h SM13C-4174 POSTER First Observation of
Switch-Off Slow Shocks in Fully Kinetic Particle
in Cell Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection: G
Lapenta, L Sanna, M V Goldman, D L Newman,
S Markidis
1340h SM13C-4175 POSTER Onset of reconnection
in the near magnetotail: PIC simulations: Y H Liu, J
Birn, W S Daughton, M Hesse, K Schindler
1340h SM13C-4176 POSTER An Investigation of
Perpendicular Gradients of Parallel Electric Field
Associated with Magnetic Reconnection: A P
Sturner, R Ergun, D L Newman, G Lapenta
1340h SM13C-4177 POSTER Simulation of Electron
Diffusion Region processes in magnetospheric
current layers with the new semi-implicit adaptive
Multi Level Multi Domain method: M E Innocenti,
A Beck, S Markidis, G Lapenta
1340h SM13C-4178 POSTER 2D PIC Simulations of
Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection for a ForceFree Current Sheet: F Wilson, T Neukirch, M
1340h SM13C-4179 POSTER Status of the
Germaschewski, J Raeder, A Bhattacharjee, L Lin,
K R M Maynard, L Wang
1340h SM13C-4180 POSTER Integrating kinetic
effects in fluid models for magnetic reconnection:
L Wang, A Hakim, A Bhattacharjee, K
1340h SM13C-4181 POSTER Parameter regimes of
applicability of the CGL equations of state in PIC
simulations of fast magnetic reconnection: R L
Fermo, P Cassak, R Baylor
1340h SM13C-4182 POSTER Scaling of magnetic
reconnection in low and high-β regimes: A Stanier,
A N Simakov, L Chacon, W S Daughton
1340h SM13C-4183 POSTER Exploration of a
possible cause of magnetic reconfiguration/
reconnection due to generation, rather than
annihilation, of magnetic field in a nun-uniform
thin current sheet: Y C Huang, L H Lyu
1340h SM13C-4184 POSTER Exact Vlasov Solutions
of Kinetic Flux Ropes: C S Ng
1340h SM13C-4185 POSTER Dynamic Response
of Magnetic Reconnection Due to Current Sheet
Variability: D E George, J M Jahn, J L Burch, M
Hesse, C J Pollock
1340h SM13C-4186 POSTER Acceleration of Oxygen
ions by Magnetic Reconnection: H Liang, M
Ashour-Abdalla, G Lapenta, R J Walker
1340h SM13D-4197 POSTER Catapult current
sheet relaxation model confirmed by THEMIS
observations: S Machida, Y Miyashita, A Ieda, M
Nose, V Angelopoulos, J P McFadden
1340h SM13D-4198 POSTER Statistical study of
auroral fragmentation into patches: A Hashimoto,
K Shiokawa, Y Otsuka, S I Oyama, S Nozawa, T
Hori, M Lester
1340h SM13D-4199 POSTER Comparison of
Electromagnetic Field Signatures in Regions of
Dispersive and Quasi-Static Electron Precipitation
During the GREECE Sounding Rocket Flight: J W
Bonnell, N Carruth, A Slagle, M Samara, R Michell,
G A Grubbs II, K Ogasawara, J M Jahn
1340h SM13D-4200 POSTER Development of
Ground-Based Auroral Photometry Techniques
Using In-Situ Electron Precipitation Measurements
from the GREECE Mission: G A Grubbs II, M
Samara, R Michell, D Hampton
1340h SM13D-4201 POSTER Electron Precipitation
Associated with Small-Scale Auroral Structures: R
Michell, M Samara, G A Grubbs II, D L Hampton,
J W Bonnell, K Ogasawara
1340h SM13D-4202 POSTER Determining Earth’s
magnetotail structure from low-altitude isotropic
boundaries: R Ilie, N Y Ganushkina, M W Liemohn
Moscone South Poster Hall
Theory and Observation of
Magnetic Reconnection in Complex
Heliospheric and Magnetospheric
Conditions I Posters (joint with SH)
Presiding: William Matthaeus,
University of Delaware; John Dorelli,
NASA/GSFC; Michael Shay, University of
Delaware; Marc Swisdak, University of
1340h SM13E-4203 POSTER Reconnection
Efficiency Determined from Statistical Properties of
Magnetosheath Flux: H Zhang, K K Khurana, M
Kivelson, S Fu, Z Pu, W Wan, L Liu, C Zhu
1340h SM13E-4204 POSTER Observational Test of
the Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection Rate: S
Wang, L M Kistler, C Mouikis
1340h SM13E-4205 POSTER Measures of Magnetic
Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause: C M
Komar, P Cassak
Reconnection With A Shear Flow and Applications
to X-line Motion at the Polar Cusps: C Doss, C M
Komar, M Beidler, P Cassak, F D Wilder, S Eriksson
1340h SM13C-4188 POSTER Magnetic configuration
in ion diffusion region: Y Zhang, C Shen, Z Liu, Z
1340h SM13E-4207 POSTER Effects of a Guide
Field on the Larmor Electric Field in Collisionless
Asymmetric Reconnection: D J Ruffolo, K Malakit,
S Ek-In, M A Shay, P Cassak
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h SM13E-4208 POSTER Hall MHD in
the Magnetopause with OpenGGCM: K R M
Maynard, K Germaschewski, L Lin, J Raeder
Plasma Sheet Instabilities and
Magnetotail Origins of Auroral
Structures I Posters
Presiding: Ping Zhu, University of
Science and Technology of China;
Joachim Raeder, Space Science Ctr
1340h SM13D-4189 POSTER Gyrokinetic Theory of
Electromagnetic Drift Instabilities Near the Center
of a Harris Current Sheet with Guide Field†: K
Tummel, L Chen, Z Wang
1340h SM13E-4209 POSTER Visualization and
Analysis of Complex Reconnection using the
CCMC’s Kameleon-plus Access and Interpolation
Library: A D Pembroke, L Rastaetter
1340h SM13E-4210 POSTER Ion Dynamics during
Substorm Events Modeled with Coupled Global
MHD and Kinetic Models: G Lapenta, M AshourAbdalla, R J Walker, M El-Alaoui
1340h SM13E-4211 POSTER The Effect of a Guide
Field on the Structures of Magnetic Islands: 2D
PIC Simulations: C Huang, Q Lu, S Lu, P Wang,
S Wang
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 55
1340h SM13E-4214 POSTER Ulysses Observations
of Tripolar Guide-Magnetic Field Perturbations
Across Solar Wind Reconnection Exhausts: S
Eriksson, B Peng, S Markidis, J T Gosling, D J
McComas, G Lapenta, D L Newman
1340h SM13E-4215 POSTER Solar Magnetic
Reconnection at Low Altitudes and Associated
Type III Solar Radio Bursts and X-Ray Emission:
I H Cairns, V V Lobzin, A Donea, S J Tingay, D
Oberoi, M J Reiner, D B Melrose
1340h SM13E-4216 POSTER Shock--turbulence
interaction in magnetic reconnection: Density
variance effects: N Yokoi
1340h SM13E-4217 POSTER New Theory of
Whistler Waves Observed during Magnetotail
Reconnection*: M V Goldman, J P Eastwood, D L
Newman, G Lapenta
1340h SM13E-4218 POSTER Magnetospheric
Multiscale Science Operations, Data Acquisition,
Data Management, and Data Access and Archiving:
B L Giles, D N Baker, S Fuselier, R Ergun, S M
Petrinec, T D Phan, M Oka, J L Burch, R B Torbert,
T E Moore, C K Pankratz, J Beech, L J Riesberg, R
S Panneton, F D Wilder, K Goodrich, W S Lewis
Moscone South Poster Hall
Understanding Multiscale Processes
with Multipoint Magnetospheric
Observations and Simulations II
Presiding: C Philippe Escoubet, ESA/
ESTEC; David Sibeck, NASA/GSFC;
Arnaud Masson, European Space
1340h SM13F-4231 POSTER Solar Wind Entry into
the magnetosphere lobes and its Related Auroral
activities: Q Shi, X Gou, B G Mailyan, R Maggiolo,
Y Zhang, S Fu, Q Zong, G K Parks, Z Pu, M W
1340h SM13F-4232 POSTER On transpolar arc
formation correlated with solar wind entry at high
latitude magnetosphere: B G Mailyan, Q Shi, R
Maggiolo, Q Zong, S Fu, Y Zhang, Z Yao, W Sun
1340h SM13F-4233 POSTER Relationship between
Pulsating Aurora and Small-scale Field-Aligned
Current Systems: D M Gillies, D J Knudsen, E
Donovan, R Kabirzadeh
1340h SM13F-4234 POSTER Cluster Multipoint
Observations of the Spatial Structure and Time
Development of Auroral Acceleration Region Fieldaligned Current Systems, Potentials, and Plasma: A
J Hull, C C Chaston, M O Fillingim, H U Frey, J W
Bonnell, F Mozer, M L Goldstein
Georeferencing of Astronaut Auroral Photography:
A P Walsh, M Riechert, M G Taylor
1340h SM13F-4236 POSTER Auroral Electrons
Trapped and Lost: A Vlasov Simulation Study: H
Gunell, L Andersson, J M De Keyser, I Mann
1340h SM13F-4237 POSTER Reformation and
Microinstabilities at Perpendicular Collisionless
Shocks: T Umeda, Y Kidani, S Matsukiyo, R
1340h SM13F-4238 POSTER Nonlinear Evolution
of Ion Acoustic Solitary Waves in Earth’s
Magnetosphere: Fluid and Particle-In-Cell
Simulations: A Kakad, B A Kakad, Y Omura
1340h SM13F-4239 POSTER The Cluster Science
Archive and its relevance for multi-missions data
analysis: A Masson, C P Escoubet, H E Laakso, C
H Perry
Moscone West 2018
The Impact of BBFs/Bubbles on the
Plasmasheet, Ring Current, and
Radiation Belts I
1340h SM13F-4219 POSTER Cluster Observations
of Particle Injections in the Exterior Cusp: C P
Escoubet, B Grison, J Berchem, K J Trattner,
B Lavraud, F Pitout, J Soucek, R L Richard, H E
Laakso, A Masson, M W Dunlop, I Dandouras, H
Reme, A N Fazakerley, P W Daly
Presiding: Frank Toffoletto, Rice
University; Viacheslav Merkin, The
Johns Hopkins University; Andrei
Runov, UCLA; Michael Wiltberger,
National Center for Atmospheric
1340h SM13F-4220 POSTER Observations of EMIC
Waves in the Exterior Cusp Region and in the
Nearby Magnetosheath: B Grison, C P Escoubet, O
Santolik, B Lavraud, N Cornilleau-Wehrlin
1340h SM13G-01 On the Contribution of Plasma
Sheet Bubbles to the Storm-Time Ring Current
Injection: J Yang, F Toffoletto, R Wolf, S Y Sazykin
1340h SM13F-4221 POSTER DC Electric Fields at
the Magnetopause: H E Laakso, C P Escoubet, A
1340h SM13F-4222 POSTER Dual-Spacecraft
Reconstruction of a Three-Dimensional Magnetic
Flux Rope at Earth’s Magnetopause: H Hasegawa,
B Sonnerup, S Eriksson, T Nakamura, H Kawano
1340h SM13F-4223 POSTER Asymmetrical
Response of the Cusps to a Large Rotation of
the IMF: J Berchem, F Pitout, R L Richard, C P
1340h SM13F-4224 POSTER Multiscale Particlein-Cell Simulations of the Interaction of the Solar
Wind with the Dayside Magnetospheric Boundary:
J Berchem, G Lapenta, E Cazzola, M AshourAbdalla, R L Richard
1340h SM13F-4225 POSTER Detailed Kinetic
Simulations of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
at the Dayside Magnetopause: G Lapenta, E Cazzola
1340h SM13F-4226 POSTER Understanding
Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet and Its Role in
Transport: M El-Alaoui, M Ashour-Abdalla, G
Lapenta, R L Richard
1340h SM13F-4227 POSTER Investigating Particle
Acceleration in the Magnetotail by Combining
Large Scale Kinetic and Particle in Cell Simulations:
R L Richard, D Schriver, M Ashour-Abdalla, M ElAlaoui, G Lapenta, R J Walker
1340h SM13F-4228 POSTER The Formation
and Evolution of Ion Beams near Dipolarization
Fronts in Magnetotail Reconnection Exhausts: D L
Newman, J P Eastwood, M V Goldman, G Lapenta
1340h SM13F-4229 POSTER Connection between
high-latitude arcs and the low-latitude boundary
layer during periods of northward IMF: R
Maggiolo, D Fontaine, K Hosokawa, L Maes, Y
Zhang, R C Fear, J A Cumnock, A Kozlovsky, A
Kullen, S E Milan, K Shiokawa, M Echim
1355h SM13G-02 Asymmetric Braking and
Dawnward Diversion of Dipolarization Fronts:
Effects of Ion Reflection: X Zhou, V Angelopoulos,
J Liu, A Runov, D Pan
1410h SM13G-03 Variations of High-Energy Ions
during Fast Plasma Flows and Dipolarization in the
Plasma Sheet: Comparison Among Different Ion
Species: S Ohtani, M Nose, Y Miyashita, A Lui
1422h SM13G-04 Ion acceleration in dipolarization
fronts: J Birn, M Hesse
1434h SM13G-05 Statistical Characteristics of
Particle Injections throughout the Equatorial
Magnetotail: C Gabrielse, V Angelopoulos, A
Runov, D L Turner
1449h SM13G-06 Temporal and Spatial
Evolution of Energetic Ion Injections in the Inner
Magnetosphere: Multi-Point Observations of a
Substorm Event: M Gkioulidou, S Ohtani, D G
Mitchell, G D Reeves, A Y Ukhorskiy, D L Turner,
J W Gjerloev, M Nose, K Koga, J V Rodriguez, L J
1504h SM13G-07 Propagating Dipolarization
Fronts Earthward of 6 Earth Radii: D Malaspina,
L Andersson, R Ergun, J R Wygant, J W Bonnell, C
Kletzing, G D Reeves, R M Skoug, B Larsen
1516h SM13G-08 Propagation of Pi2 Pulsations
through the Braking Region: Results from
UCLA and Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global MHD
Simulations: J B Ream, R J Walker, M Kivelson, M
Ashour-Abdalla, M El-Alaoui, M J Wiltberger
1528h SM13G-09 Propagation of BBF Driven
Pi1/2 Waves to the Inner Magnetosphere and the
Ionosphere: R L Lysak, Y Song, M D Sciffer, C L
1340h SM13F-4230 POSTER Ground and satellite
observations of multiple sun-aligned auroral arcs on
the duskside: K Hosokawa, R Maggiolo, Y Zhang,
R C Fear, D Fontaine, J A Cumnock, A Kullen, S E
Milan, A Kozlovsky, M Echim, K Shiokawa
11/28/2014 10:47:11 AM
Moscone South Poster Hall
Behavior of the Lower Crust and
the Brittle-Ductile Transition in
Continental Deformation I Posters
(joint with MR, S)
Presiding: Jolante Van Wijk, New
Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology; Gary Axen, New Mexico
Institute of Mining and Technology;
Claire Currie, University of Alberta
1340h T13A-4608 POSTER Lithospheric Decoupling
and Rotations: Hints from Ethiopian Rift: A A
Muluneh, M Cuffaro, C Doglioni, T Kidane
1340h T13A-4609 POSTER Continental Rifts:
Lithospheric Weakness and Strength Contrasts as
Triggers for Necking Instabilities: S Wenker, C
1340h T13A-4610 POSTER Does Crustal Rheology
Impact Melt Composition during Continental
Break-up?: J J Armitage, K D Petersen, M PerezGussinye
1340h T13A-4611 POSTER Two-Mode Growth of
the Tibetan Plateau: M Liu, Y Sun
1340h T13A-4612 POSTER Formation of RetroWedges during Collision: Insights from Analog and
Numerical Modeling: E Willingshofer, K Vogt, D
Sokoutis, L C Matenco
1340h T13A-4613 POSTER Modes of continental
extension in a lithospheric wedge: G Wu, L L
Lavier, E Choi
1340h T13A-4614 POSTER Diverse Pseudotachylites
Associated with the Whipple Detachment Fault:
Implications for Seismogenesis on Low-Angle
Normal Faults: E Gentry, W M Behr, S Wafforn
1340h T13A-4615 POSTER The Ray Corner High
Strain Zone of the Norumbega Fault System in
Maine: A Complex History of Ductile Shear, Brittle
Deformation, and Paleoseismicity: D P West Jr, S
G Pollock, W J Song, N Price, S E Johnson
1340h T13A-4616 POSTER Structural Evidence for
Fluid-Assisted Shear Failure within a Ductile Shear
Zone: K Compton, J D Kirkpatrick
1340h T13A-4617 POSTER Improved image of a
large Moho step in the continental lithosphere: the
Taranaki-Ruapehu Line, New Zealand: J Dimech,
O S Boyd, T A Stern
1340h T13A-4618 POSTER Crustal Viscosity
Structure Estimated from Multi-Phase Mixing
Theory: W J Shinevar, M D Behn, G Hirth
1340h T13A-4619 POSTER FTIR Maps and Spatial
Distributions of OH in Caledonide and Himalayan
Shear Zones: Implications for Dislocation Creep
and Water Weakening: A K Kronenberg, H F B
Hasnan, C W Holyoke III, J A Kronenberg, R D
Law, J B Thomas
1340h T13A-4620 POSTER Development of
kink bands in granodiorite: Effect of mechanical
heterogeneities, fault geometry, and friction: T D
Chheda, J M Nevitt, D D Pollard
1340h T13A-4621 POSTER Modeling Deformation
Processes of Northeastern Japan Island Arc
Considering Rheological Structure Affected by
Hot Mantle Fingers: B Shibazaki, J Muto, T
Matsumoto, T Iinuma
1340h T13A-4622 POSTER Transitional Moho
and low velocity crust under eastern border of the
Tibetan Plateau: J Chen, Q Liu, B Guo, Y Li, S Li,
S Qi
1340h T13A-4623 POSTER Mechanisms of doublyvergent vs. single-sided orogens: insights from
numerical modelling: K Vogt, L C Matenco, T
Gerya, S Cloetingh
1340h T13A-4624 POSTER Extremely weak lower
crust and the lower crustal flow induced by crustal
thickening: P Jerabek, O Lexa, P Maierova, K
1340h T13A-4625 POSTER Development of
foreland basins around western Sichuan basin, and
implications for mountain building in eastern Tibet:
S Chen, M Liu
1340h T13A-4626 POSTER High resolution images
of the mid- to lower-crust beneath the North
Anatolian Fault obtained using the scattered seismic
wavefield: D A Thompson, S Rost, G Houseman, D
G Cornwell, N Turkelli, U Teoman, M Kahraman,
S Altuncu Poyraz, L Gülen, M Utkucu, S Rondenay,
A W Frederiksen
1340h T13A-4627 POSTER ­Crustal Structure of the
Western Anatolian Extensional Province: Evidence
for a ductile lower crust through the joint inversion
of Receiver Functions and Dispersion Data: J R
Delph, M Kahraman, G Zandt, S L Beck, A A
Ozacar, N Turkelli
AGU2014News.indb 56
1340h T13A-4629 POSTER Seismogenic Cycles,
Quartz Microstructures and Localization at the
Frictional to Viscous Transition in an Exhumed,
Large-Displacement, Seismogenic Strike-Slip Fault:
W J Song, S E Johnson, N Price, B R Song, C C
Gerbi, D P West Jr
1340h T13B-4649 POSTER Localization of Intraplate
Deformation through Fluid-Assisted Fault
Reactivation in the Lower-Crust: The Flinders
Ranges, South Australia: N Balfour, P R Cummins,
S Pilia, D Love
1340h T13A-4630 POSTER Anatomy of a diffuse
cryptic suture zone exemplified by European
Variscan belt: a new view on the internal
architecture of collisional orogens: O Lexa, K
Schulmann, V Janousek, J M Lardeaux
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h T13A-4631 POSTER Flexural Rigidity of the
Lithosphere as a Powerful Tool for the Continental
Correlation: A study on the Paleo-fit of India and
Madagascar: R T Ratheesh Kumar
Moscone South Poster Hall
Intraplate Seismicity in a Geodynamic
and Tectonic Context: Do
Unconventional Stresses Generate
Unconventional Seismicity? II Posters
(joint with NH, S)
Presiding: Will Levandowski, USGS;
William Holt, Stony Brook University;
Attreyee Ghosh, Indian Institute of
1340h T13B-4632 POSTER The Intraplate
Earthquakes of SE Africa: J F B D Fonseca, A
1340h T13B-4633 POSTER Microseismicity and
b-values of the Wabash Valley Intraplate Seismic
Zone from short-period phased arrays: J A Conder,
K Milliron, L Zhu
1340h T13B-4634 POSTER Estimating Strain
Accumulation in the New Madrid and Wabash
Valley Seismic Zones: T J Craig, E Calais
1340h T13B-4635 POSTER A New Set of Focal
Mechanisms and a Geodynamic Model for the
Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone: M T Cooley, C A
Powell, E Choi
1340h T13B-4636 POSTER Is there a zone of
weakness beneath the New Madrid and Wabash
Valley Seismic Zones?: C Chen, H J Gilbert, G L
Pavlis, M W Hamburger, X Yang, S Marshak, T H
1340h T13B-4637 POSTER The Influence of
Instrument Response and Site Response on
Moment-Tensor Inversions of Aftershocks of the
2011 Mw 5.8 Mineral, VA Earthquake: J Ebel, S G
Microseismicity of the Northern Mid-Continent
Rift Zone and Surrounding Regions: D Bartz, M
E Wysession, D A Wiens, G I Aleqabi, P Shore, S
van der Lee, D M Jurdy, S A Stein, J Revenaugh,
E Wolin, T A Bollmann, A W Frederiksen, F A
1340h T13B-4639 POSTER The 2014 Challis, Idaho
Earthquake Swarm: K L Pankow, M Stickney, K D
Koper, K M Whidden
1340h T13B-4640 POSTER Static Stress Transfer
from Major Earthquakes in Northern Rockies to the
Yellowstone Volcanic System: D Kobayashi, K F
1340h T13B-4641 POSTER Seismicity and Tectonics
of the West Kaibab Fault Zone, AZ : J T Wilgus, D
S Brumbaugh
1340h T13B-4642 POSTER Recent Earthquakes in
Yellow Sea Region and Amur Plate: W Y Kim, K
1340h T13B-4643 POSTER Depths of Intraplate
Indian Ocean Earthquakes from Waveform
Modeling: A J Baca, J Polet
1340h T13B-4644 POSTER Spatial variations of
present crustal stresses in the Japan island arc by
using stress tensor difference map technique: M
Otsubo, A Miyakawa, K Imanishi
Near Fault Observatories to
Understand Faulting and Earthquake
Mechanics III Posters (joint with G, H,
NG, S)
Presiding: Lauro Chiaraluce, INGV
National Institute of Geophysics and
Volcanology; William Ellsworth, USGS;
Marco Bohnhoff, Helmholtz Centre
Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre
for Geosciences; Pascal Bernard,
Institut de Physique du Globe
1340h T13C-4650 POSTER Rupture Process for
Hayward Microearthquakes Inferred from Borehole
Seismic Recordings: T Taira, D S Dreger, R M
Microseismicity in Long-Beach, CA, Using a Dense
Seismic Array: A Inbal, R W Clayton, J P Ampuero
1340h T13C-4652 POSTER Fault Response to
Variations of Loading Rate and/or Dynamic Stress
Transients, from the Analysis of 1811 Repeating
Micro-Earthquakes at Parkfield (CA): L Malagnini,
R M Nadeau, I Munafo, D S Dreger, M Cocco, K M
T13C-4653 POSTER
Determination for Small Earthquakes: Case Study
in Taiwan: L Mozziconacci, B Delouis, B S Huang,
E T Y Chang
1340h T13C-4654 POSTER Source characteristics
of 2000 small earthquakes nucleating on the Alto
Tiberina fault system (central Italy): I Munafo, L
Malagnini, E Tinti, L Chiaraluce, R Di Stefano, L
1340h T13C-4655 POSTER Faults delineation and
stress orientations from the microseismicity analysis
of the Servita Fault System, Colombian Eastern
Cordillera: P Pedraza García, C Dimate
1340h T13C-4656 POSTER A soft linkage between
major seismogenic fault systems in the centralsouthern Apennines (Italy): evidence from lowmagnitude seismicity: U Fracassi, G Milano
1340h T13C-4672 POSTER Using Fault-Zone
Trapped Waves from Teleseismic Earthquakes to
Document Deep Structure of the Calico Fault in
Mojave Desert: Y G Li, P Chen, E J Lee
1340h T13C-4673 POSTER The IPOC Creepmeter
Array in N-Chile: Monitoring Slip Accumulation
Triggered By Local or Remote Earthquakes: P
Victor, B Schurr, O Oncken, M Sobiesiak, G
1340h T13C-4674 POSTER Continuous Monitoring
of Potential Geochemical and Geomagnetic
Earthquake Precursors: Lessons Learned: J
Burjanek, D Faeh, H Surbeck, W Balderer, P
Kaestli, G Gassner
1340h T13C-4675 POSTER Offshore Seismic
Observation in the Western Marmara Sea, Turkey:
Y Yamamoto, N Takahashi, S Citak, D Kalafat, A
Pinar, C Gurbuz, Y Kaneda
1340h T13C-4676 POSTER Exploring anisotropic
seismic property of the seismogenic plate boundary
in the Nankai Trough using a seafloor borehole
observatory: E Araki, T Kimura, S Kodaira, S
Miura, M Takaesu, N Takahashi, M Nakano, Y
1340h T13C-4677 POSTER Stratified crustal
shortening under the Longmenshan thrust belt,
Tibetan plateau: X Xu
1340h T13C-4678 POSTER Advanced InSAR and
GPS measurements for the detection of surface
movements along the Alto Tiberina (Italy) normal
fault system: data modeling and future perspectives:
L Anderlini, M Polcari, C Bignami, A Pepe,
G Solaro, E Serpelloni, M Moro, M Albano, L
Chiaraluce, S Stramondo
1340h T13C-4658 POSTER Preliminary Investigation
on the Seismotectonics of the Southeastern China
Using Relocated Microseismicity: A Zhu, X Xu, Y
Ren, D Sun, P Wang
1340h T13C-4680 POSTER Investigating Earthquake
Cycle Deformation in the Canterbury Region,
New Zealand, Using Multi-sensor Satellite Radar
Interferometry Observations: P Faegh Lashgary, J
Townend, M Motagh, C A Williams, I J Hamling,
E J Fielding
1340h T13C-4659 POSTER Finite-Source Modeling
for Parkfield and Anza Earthquakes: K E Wooddell,
T Taira, D S Dreger
1340h T13C-4660 POSTER Aftershock Activity
Triggered By the 2014 Earthquake (Mw=6.5),
and Its Implications for the Future Seismic Risk
in the Marmara Sea, Turkey: O Polat, T Kilic, M
Turkoglu, M Kaplan, O Kilicarslan, Ç Özer, E Gok
1340h T13C-4662 POSTER Spatio-Temporal
Changes Recorded by an On-fault Seismological
Station During the L’ Aquila Earthquakes: G
Calderoni, A Rovelli, R Di Giovambattista
1340h T13C-4663 POSTER Seismic and Aseismic
Slip on the San-Jacinto Fault Near Anza, CA, from
Joint Analysis of Strain and Aftershock Data: A
Inbal, J P Avouac, J P Ampuero
1340h T13C-4664 POSTER Frequency-dependent
Effects of Rupture for the 2004 Parkfield, California,
Mainshock at UPSAR: J B Fletcher
1340h T13B-4646 POSTER Long-Term Evolution
of Intraplate Seismicity in Regional Distance After
Megathrust Earthquake: T K Hong, S E Houng, J
1340h T13C-4666 POSTER Fault-based Earthquake
Rupture Forecasts for Western Gulf of Corinth,
Greece: A Ganas, T Parsons, M Segkou
1340h T13C-4671 POSTER Seismic slip history of the
Aterno-Sulmona fault system in central Apennines
(Italy) using in situ produced 36Cl cosmic ray
exposure dating: T Jim, L C Benedetti, P Bruno, F
Visini, G Aumaitre, D L Bourles
1340h T13C-4679 POSTER Development of a
Standardized Methodology for the Use of COSICorr Sub-Pixel Image Correlation to Determine
Surface Deformation Patterns in Large Magnitude
Earthquakes: C W D Milliner, J F Dolan, J
Hollingsworth, S Leprince, F Ayoub
1340h T13C-4665 POSTER Earthquake Rupture
Forecast of M>= 6 for the Corinth Rift System:
O Scotti, A Boiselet, H Lyon-Caen, P Albini, P
Bernard, P Briole, M Ford, S Lambotte, E Matrullo,
A Rovida, C Satriano
1340h T13B-4648 POSTER Is past deformation
of continental interiors a key to understanding
modern intraplate seismicity?: A Malz, J Kley, F
1340h T13C-4670 POSTER Kinematics and
Seismotectonics of the Montello Thrust Fault
(Southeastern Alps, Italy) Revealed by Local GPS
and Seismic Networks: E Serpelloni, L Anderlini,
A Cavaliere, S Danesi, S Pondrelli, S Salimbeni, P
Danecek, M Massa, S Lovati
1340h T13C-4657 POSTER Detailed analysis of
earthquake multiplets in the Corinth rift for a better
understanding of fault dynamics, small earthquake
rupture mechanics and coupling with aseismic
processes: P Bernard, M Godano, C Duverger, P
1340h T13B-4645 POSTER Intraplate Stress Field in
Brazil Using Focal Mechanisms: Regional and Local
Patterns: Examples of Regional Forces Controlling
the Stress Field: F L Dias, M Assumpcao
1340h T13B-4647 POSTER Fault reactivation
in intraplate domain and driving mechanisms
associated to mountain range: M Genti, J Chery, P
1340h T13C-4669 POSTER A possible factor
controlling fault behavior of reverse fault zone along
the island arc - Heterogeneity of crustal structure in
the Ou backbone range, NE Japan -: Y Aoyagi, H
Kimura, S Abe
1340h T13C-4667 POSTER The Corinth Rift
Laboratory (Greece): What Can Micro-Seismicity
Reveal?: S Lambotte, E Matrullo, C Satriano, H
Lyon-Caen, P Bernard, A Deschamps
Observation Evidence of Sub—Instability State : Z
1340h T13C-4681 POSTER New Observations
of Coseismic Fault Zone Deformation from
Differencing Pre- and Post-Earthquake Lidar Data:
E Nissen, R Arrowsmith, A A Borsa, C L Glennie,
A Hinojosa-Corona, T Maruyama, M E Oskin
1340h T13C-4682 POSTER Recovery of Near-Fault
Ground Motion by Introducing Rotational Motions
: H C Chiu
1340h T13C-4683 POSTER Systematic imaging
of bimaterial interfaces at the at the KaradereDüzce segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone,
Turkey: S Najdahmadi, M Bohnhoff, F Bulut, Z
Ross, Y Ben-Zion
1340h T13C-4684 POSTER An automatic modular
procedure to generate high-resolution earthquake
catalogues: application to the Alto Tiberina Near
Fault Observatory (TABOO), Italy: R Di Stefano,
L Chiaraluce, L Valoroso, F Waldhauser, D Latorre,
D Piccinini, E Tinti
Marriott Marquis Salon 9
India-Asia Collision from Head-on
Continent-Continent Collision to
Highly Oblique Oceanic Subduction:
Processes, Products, and Progress III
(joint with DI, GP)
Presiding: Jonathan Aitchison,
University of Sydney; Geoffrey Clarke,
University of Sydney; Talat Ahmad,
University of Kashmir; Trevor Ireland,
Australian Natl Univ
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:11 AM
1340h T13D-01 New U-Pb Age and Trace Element
Composition of Young Metamorphic Zircon
Rims from the UHP Tso Morari Complex, NW
Himalaya, Distinguishes Peak from Retrograde
Metamorphism: M L Leech, M A Coble, S Singh,
S Guillot, A K Jain
1355h T13D-02 Polyphase Metamorphism in UHP
Eclogite from Tso Morari, Northwest India: A
Rajkumar, G L Clarke, J C Aitchison, T R Ireland
1410h T13D-03 Along-Strike Variations in the
Timing of Melt Crystallization and Metamorphism
Across Central and Eastern Bhutan: New Insights
from LASS Monazite Geochronology and TraceElement Abundances: S M Gordon, R Kauffman,
B Gonzales-Clayton, A R Kylander-Clark, K S
Agustsson, S P Long
1425h T13D-04 Disjunctive Grade Variation from
Greenschist to Granulite Facies, Siyom Valley,
Eastern Arunachal Pradesh, India: G L Clarke, S K
Bhowmik, J C Aitchison, T R Ireland
1440h T13D-05 Constraints on Age of IndiaAsia Collision and Pre-Collisional Subduction
Metamorphism from the Sangsang Region, South
Central Tibet: N Borneman, K V Hodges, M C Van
Soest, J A Wartho
1455h T13D-06 Was There a Jurassic Intra-Oceanic
Arc in the Yarlung Zangbo Tethyan System?: J F
Xu, Z Q Kang, J L Chen, G Q Wang, B D Wang
1510h T13D-07 Effects of rheology on the dynamics
and development of topography in 3D numerical
simulations of continental collision, with an
application to the India-Asia collision zone: A E
Pusok, B Kaus, A Popov
1525h T13D-08 Modeling of GPS velocities across
the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta – Burma Arc
oblique subduction system: M S Steckler, D R
Mondal, S H Akhter, L Seeber, L Feng, J Gale, M
Howe, F Masson, T Maurin, C Rangin
Marriott Marquis Nob Hill
Insights on Fault Motion and Its
Relation to Fault Properties and
Loading Conditions: From the Lab to
the Field II (joint with G, MR, S)
Presiding: Shiqing Xu, National
Research Institute for Earth Science
and Disaster Prevention; François
Passelègue, Ecole Normale Supérieure;
Eiichi Fukuyama, NIED
1340h T13E-01 Controls on Plate Motion By
Oscillating Tidal Stress:Evidence from Deep
Tremors in Western Japan: S Ide, Y Tanaka
1355h T13E-02 A Unified Simulation Framework
for Megathrust Rupture Dynamics and Tsunamis:
E M Dunham, G C Lotto, J E Kozdon
1410h T13E-03 Effects of Damage Zone
Permeability on Fluid Flow Within Gouge Zones
During Earthquakes: Observations From GrainScale Numerical Models: P Glass, D W Sparks, E
Aharonov, L Goren, R Toussaint
1425h T13E-04 Ruptures along a frictional interface
are described by Fracture Mechanics: Experiments
in a “Laboratory Earthquake” along both dry and
lubricated interfaces: J Fineberg, I Svetlizky, E
Bayart Schweizer
1440h T13E-05 Evolution of Rupture Style with
Accumulation of Fault Displacement during
Large-scale Biaxial Friction Experiments: S Xu, E
Fukuyama, F Yamashita, K Mizoguchi, S Takizawa,
H Kawakata
1455h T13E-06 Fault welding by pseudotachylyte
generation: T M Mitchell, V G Toy, G Di Toro,
J Renner
1510h T13E-07 Fault Mirror Formation and
Destruction Correlates With Slip Rates on
Carbonate Faults: S Siman-Tov, E Aharonov, Y
Boneh, Z Reches
1525h T13E-08 The evolution of slip surface
roughness during earthquake propagation in
carbonate faults: B Zhu, N De Paola, E W Llewellin,
R Holdsworth
Moscone South Poster Hall
Carbon: Storage, Migration, and
Outgassing within Earth and
Other Planetary Bodies III Posters
(cosponsored by EGU-GMPV) (joint with
DI, MR, P)
Presiding: Vincenzo Stagno,
Geophysical Laboratory; Taryn Lopez,
University of Alaska Fairbanks; Sami
Mikhail, Carnegie Inst of Washington;
Anja Rosenthal, Bayerisches
Geoinstitut, Universitaet Bayreuth
1340h V13A-4743 POSTER Growth Kinetics of
a Reaction Rim Between Iron and Graphite/
Diamond and the Carbon Diffusion Mechanism at
High Pressure and Temperature: V Stagno, K L
Crispin, A Shahar, Y Fei
1340h V13A-4744 POSTER High pressure
experimental study of eclogite with varying H2O
contents: A Rosenthal, D J Frost, S Petitgirard,
G M Yaxley, A Berry, A B Woodland, Z Pinter,
P Vasilyev, D A Ionov, D E Jacob, G D Pearson, I
Kovacs, A Padron-Navarta
Constraints on CO2 Solubility in Rhyolitic Slab
Melts – Implications for Carbon Flux in Subduction
Zone: M S Duncan, R Dasgupta
1340h V13A-4746 POSTER Calcite Solubility in
H2O-KCl-NaCl-LiCl Solutions at 700 °C and 8
kbar: Experimental Determination and Modeling: J
Eguchi, C E Manning, Y Li
1340h V13A-4747 POSTER New Insights into the
Lithospheric Mantle Carbon Storage in an IntraContinental Area: A Geochemical and 3D X-Ray
Micro-Tomography Study: L Creon, V Rouchon,
E Rosenberg, G Delpech, S Youssef, F J Guyot, C
1340h V11D-05 POSTER Metasomatic Diamond
Formation revealed by X-Ray CT Scanning of
Diamondiferous Eclogites from Southern Africa:
S H Richardson, R L Kahle, B Shaw-Kahle, J J
Gurney, A du Plessis
1340h V13A-4749 POSTER Unique Minerology of
Triassic Diamondiferous Hypabyssal Kimberlite
Postdated Siberian Flood Basalt (SFB) Province:
N V Sobolev, A V Sobolev, A A Tomilenko, H P
Schertl, R D Neuser, T Y Timina, N S Karmanov, V
G Batanova, A M Logvinova, D Kuzmin
1340h V13A-4750 POSTER Discovery of carbonatitic
microinclusions in diamonds with highly aggregated
nitrogen: B M Jablon, O Navon
1340h V13A-4751 POSTER Nitrogen is Not Always
Noble in the Mantle: S Mikhail, D A Sverjensky
1340h V13A-4752 POSTER In situ Analysis of North
American Diamond: Implications for Diamond
Growth Modeling : D J Schulze, A D Van
Rythoven, E Hauri, J Wang
1340h V13A-4753 POSTER Characterization of
Possible Carbonatites in Southeast Missouri: E
J Shavers, A Wulamu, J P Encarnacion, P B
1340h V13A-4754 POSTER CO2-rich melts
(carbonatite) imprint a HIMU isotopic signature
in the shallow mantle lithosphere: J Scott, T E
Waight, M Palin, Q Van der Meer, C Munker
1340h V13A-4755 POSTER CO2-dependent
fractional crystallization of alkaline silicate magmas
and unmixing of carbonatites within the intrusive
complexes of Brava Island (Cape Verde) : D
Weidendorfer, M W Schmidt, H B Mattsson
1340h V13A-4756 POSTER Trace Elements
in Olivine in Italian Potassic Volcanic Rocks
Distinguish Between Mantle Metasomatism by
Carbonatitic and Silicate Melts: E Ammannati, D
E Jacob, R Avanzinelli, S F Foley, S Conticelli
1340h V13A-4757 POSTER Reaction Progress
of Olivine Alteration as a Function of Time and
CO2 Supply at 150°C – An Experimental Study: J
Prikryl, A Stefansson
1340h V13A-4758 POSTER Fault-Controlled Fluid
Migration during Early-Stage Continental Rifting
in the Magadi Basin, Kenya: J Muirhead, H Lee, T
P Fischer, S A Kattenhorn, C J Ebinger, G Kianji, M
D Maqway, N Thomas, B Onguso
1340h V13A-4759 POSTER Fault-related Soil Efflux
of Mantle-derived CO2 in the Magadi and Natron
Basins, East African Rift: H Lee, J Muirhead, T P
Fischer, S A Kattenhorn, C J Ebinger, N Thomas, G
Kianji, B Onguso, M D Maqway
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 57
1340h V13A-4760 POSTER Determination of
Carbon Dioxide Cluster Structures and Binding
Energies from Quantum Chemistry: Magic Number
and Temperature Effects in (CO2)n with 2≤n≤16: K
1340h V13A-4761 POSTER Noble Gas Partitioning
in Bravo Dome Natural Magmatic CO2 field:
Implications for Crustal CO2 accumulations and Gas
Migration: K Sathaye, M A Hesse
1340h V13A-4762 POSTER Near Real-Time Isotopic
Measurements of Carbon Dioxide from Outgassing
Volcanoes: J Stix, G Lucic, K Malowany
1340h V13A-4763 POSTER MaGa, a web-based
collaborative database for gas emissions: a tool
to improve the knowledge on Earth degassing: A
Frigeri, C Cardellini, G Chiodini, F Frondini, E
Bagnato, A Aiuppa, T P Fischer, K A Lehnert
1340h V13A-4764 POSTER DECADE Web Portal:
Integrating MaGa, EarthChem and GVP Will
Further Our Knowledge on Earth Degassing:
C Cardellini, A Frigeri, K A Lehnert, J Ash, B
McCormick, G Chiodini, T P Fischer, E Cottrell
1340h V13A-4765 POSTER Mofettes – Investigation
of Natural CO2 Springs - Insights and Methods
applied: A Lübben, C Leven
1340h V13A-4766 POSTER Risk assessment of geomicrobial assosicated CO2 Geological Storage: A
Tanaka, Y Sakamoto, H Higashino, D Mayumi, S
Sakata, Y Kano, Y Nishi, S Nakao
Moscone South Poster Hall
Insight into Earth’s Mantle and
Deep Subduction Processes
through Accessory Minerals
and Microinclusions II Posters
(cosponsored by EGU-GMPV) (joint with
DI, MR, T)
Presiding: Larissa Dobrzhinetskaya,
Univ California Riverside; Harry Green,
Univ California; Yoshihide Ogasawara,
Waseda University
1340h V13B-4767 POSTER Behavior of K in Eclogite
from Subducted Slab at Pressures from 4 to 10 GPa:
L Han, Y Fei, L Zhang
1340h V13B-4768 POSTER The Chemical Behavior
of Fluids Released during Deep Subduction Based
on Fluid Inclusions: M L Frezzotti, S Ferrando
1340h V13B-4769 POSTER Explorative FirstPrinciples Simulation Study of Mineral - Melt Trace
Element Partitioning Behavior: J Wagner, S Jahn
1340h V13B-4771 POSTER Discovery of graphitic
carbon inclusions (metastable phase?) in the
metamorphic microdiamonds in the Kokchetav
UHP dolomite marbles: S Miura, Y Ogasawara
1340h V13B-4772 POSTER Magnetite Nucleation in
Mantle Xenoliths During Quasi-Adiabatic Ascent:
K B Walsh Jr, J Filiberto, S A Friedman, J Knafelc,
J A Conder, E C Ferre, E Khakhalova, J M Feinberg,
C R Neal, D A Ionov, F M Hernandez
1340h V13B-4773 POSTER Distribution of
Water in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals during
Metamorphic Reactions: A Van Lankvelt, S J
Seaman, M L Williams
1340h V13B-4774 POSTER Pacific slab subductioninduced carbonatite mantle metasomatism in the
eastern North China Craton: L L Deng, Y Liu, S
1340h V13B-4775 POSTER OH and H2O distributions
in garnet of diamond-free and diamond-bearing
garnet-clinopyroxene rocks from the Kokchetav
Massif: K Sakamaki, Y Ogasawara, H P Schertl
V13B-4776 POSTER
transition from Kyanite- to bimineralic Eclogite:
A petrological, geochemical and mass balance
approach to mantle eclogites: H Sommer, D E
Jacob, G D Pearson, R A Stern
1340h V13B-4777 POSTER Major element chemistry
and inclusion/lamella mineralogy of garnets from
the Garnet Ridge in the Colorado Plateau, northern
Arizona: Y Sato, I Koga, Y Ogasawara
1340h V13B-4778 POSTER Comparison of
Geothermobarometers with Different Closure
Behavior to Constrain P-T Paths: J Hora, K Simon,
A Kronz, Y Xiao, G Worner
1340h V13B-4779 POSTER Raman spectroscopic
study of metamorphic diamonds in garnetclinopyroxene rock from the Kokchetav Massif: S
Takabe, Y Ogasawara, H P Schertl
1340h V13B-4780 POSTER Occurrence of pyroperich garnets and large chemical variations of garnet
porphyloblasts in the whiteschist from the Kulet
area of the Kokchetav Massif: T Takebayashi, K
Sakamaki, Y Ogasawara
1340h V13B-4781 POSTER A Dynamic Pressure
Component in UHP Whiteschists from the DoraMaira Massif (Western Alps, Italy) Revealed By
Pressure-Induced Incipient Amorphization of
Quartz: M L Frezzotti, R Palmeri, G Godard, S
Ferrando, R Compagnoni
1340h V13B-4782 POSTER Significance of hydrous
silicate lamellae in pyrope-rich garnets from
the Garnet Ridge in the Colorado Plateau: Y
Ogasawara, K Sakamaki, Y Sato
1340h V13B-4783 POSTER Origin of Variscan
Garnet and Spinel Pyroxenites from the Bohemian
Massif (Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic and
Austria): M Svojtka, L Ackerman, L G Medaris Jr,
T Hirajima
1340h V13B-4784 POSTER Metamorphic Pressure–
Eclogites from North-East Greenland Determined
from Isochemical Phase Equilibrium Diagrams,
Conventional and Zr-in-rutile Thermometry: W
Cao, J A Gilotti, H J Massonne
Moscone South Poster Hall
Lava Flows: Integrating Field and
Remote Sensing Observations,
Laboratory Experiments, and
Modeling Posters (joint with NH, P)
Presiding: Alan Whittington, University
of Missouri Columbia; Andrew Harris,
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans; Hugh
Tuffen, Lancaster University; Einat Lev,
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observato
1340h V13C-4785 POSTER An Overview of Recent
Observations on Lava-H2O interactions: B R
1340h V13C-4786 POSTER LAV@HAZARD: a
Web-GIS Framework for Real-Time Forecasting
of Lava Flow Hazards: C Del Negro, G Bilotta, A
Cappello, G Ganci, A Herault
1340h V13C-4787 POSTER Time-lapse Imaging of
Active Lava Flows at Mt. Etna, Sicily: M R James,
H Pinkerton, L J Applegarth, A Hancock, N Slatcher,
J Owen, S Calvari, G Ganci
1340h V13C-4788 POSTER The 2013-2014 Effusive
Eruption of Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra, Indonesia:
Satellite Thermal Observations and Ground-Based
Photogrammetry of a Growing Lava Lobe: B B
Carr, L Vanderkluysen, A B Clarke
1340h V13C-4789 POSTER A Study by Remote
Sensing Methods of Volcanism at Craters of the
Moon National Park, Idaho: C W Haberle, S S
Hughes, S E Kobs-Nawotniak, D S S Lim, B Garry,
D W G Sears, M Downs, J Busto, J R Skok, R C
Elphic, L Kobayashi, J L Heldmann, P R Christensen
1340h V13C-4790 POSTER Holocene flows of the
Cima volcanic field, Mojave Desert (California), Part
1: Remote sensing and multi-scale morphometry:
J R Beem, A Luecke, S G Polun, T Robertson, A
Savage, A Soldati, A G Whittington, F G Gomez
1340h V13C-4791 POSTER Holocene Flows of the
Cima Volcanic Field, Mojave Desert, Part 2: Flow
Rheology from Laboratory Measurements : T
Robertson, A G Whittington, A Soldati, A Sehlke,
J R Beem, F G Gomez
1340h V13C-4792 POSTER Evaluation of Lava Tube
Formation Mechanisms Using Three-Dimensional
Mapping, and Viscosity Modeling: Lava Beds
National Monument, California: J Dedecker, M
1340h V13C-4793 POSTER The January 2014
Eruption of Pacaya (Guatemala): Rheology and
Morphology through Field Observations and
Laboratory Experiments: A Soldati, A Bollasina, G
Chigna, A Sehlke, A G Whittington
1340h V13C-4794 POSTER Lava Flow Interactions
with Topographic Obstacles: Morphologic
Analysis, Analogue Modeling, and Molten Basalt
Experiments: H R Dietterich, K V Cashman, A
Rust, E Lev, J T Dietrich
1340h V13C-4795 POSTER The Influence of
Topographic Obstacles on Basaltic Lava Flow
Morphologies: H C von Meerscheidt, B D Brand,
A P deWet, J E Bleacher, C W Hamilton, R Samuels
1340h V13C-4796 POSTER Distribution of
“Compound” and “Simple” Flows in the Deccan
Traps (India): L Vanderkluysen, S Self, A E Jay, H
C Sheth, A B Clarke
1340h V13C-4797 POSTER Rheology of lava flows
on Mercury: an experimental study: A Sehlke, A G
1340h V13C-4798 POSTER Investigation into the
Physical Properties Responsible for the Formation
of Basaltic Spatter: M Bosselait, E L Rader, H
Robertson, K S Harpp, D Geist, R Wysocki
11/28/2014 10:47:11 AM
1340h V13C-4799 POSTER Basaltic Lava Flow
vs. Welded Basaltic Ignimbrite: Determining the
Depositional Nature of a Volcanic Flow in the
Akaroa Volcanic Complex: E A Sexton, S Hampton
1340h V13C-4800 POSTER Lava flow texture LiDAR
signatures: P Whelley, W B Garry, S P Scheidt, R P
Irwin III, J Fox, J E Bleacher, C W Hamilton
1340h V13C-4801 POSTER Remote characterization
of dominant wavelengths of surface folds on lava
flows using Lidar and Discrete Fourier Transform
analyses: N Deardorff, K Cashman
1340h V13C-4802 POSTER Columnar jointing - the
mechanics of thermal contraction in cooling lavas:
Y Lavallée, F Iddon, A J Hornby, J E Kendrick, F
W von Aulock, F B Wadsworth
1340h V13C-4803 POSTER Fracturing during
ductile-brittle transition and development of flow
banding in the Takanoobane Rhyolite lava of Aso
volcano, Japan: K Furukawa, K Uno
1340h V13C-4804 POSTER Examining rhyolite
lava flow dynamics through photo-based 3-D
reconstructions of the 2011-2012 lava flow field at
Cordón Caulle, Chile: M R James, J Farquharson,
H Tuffen
1340h V13C-4805 POSTER A Simple Model for the
Viscosity of Rhyolites as a Function of Temperature,
Pressure and Water Content: Implications for
Obsidian Flow Emplacement: A G Whittington,
W L Romine
1340h V13C-4806 POSTER Glass Forming Ability of
Sub-Alkaline Silicate Melts: F P Vetere, G Iezzi, H
Behrens, F Holtz, G Ventura, V Misiti, S Mollo, D
ANALOGUES: D B Dingwell, D Di Genova, K U
Hess, C Cimarelli
Marriott Marquis Salon 8
Dynamics of Continental and
Submarine Hydrothermal Systems III
(joint with H, OS, S, T)
Presiding: Thibaut Barreyre, WHOI;
Shaul Hurwitz, USGS California Water
Science Center Menlo Park; Jean
Vandemeulebrouck, ISTerre Institute
of Earth Sciences; Nicholas Pester,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1340h V13D-01 Crustal magmatism under
a hydrothermal system, and the imprints of
assimilation of hydrothermally altered protolith: an
investigation of geochemical signatures in rhyolitic
magmas at Yellowstone caldera: G Girard
1355h V13D-02 Geochemical Clues on the Processes
Controlling the 2005-2014 Unrest at Campi Flegrei
Caldera, Italy: G Chiodini, J Vandemeulebrouck, S
Caliro, L D’auria, P De Martino, A Mangiacapra, Z
1410h V13D-03 Spatial and Temporal Changes
to Water Chemistry and Heat Flux of the Lake
Rotomahana Hydrothermal System: V K Stucker,
M Tivey, J E Lupton, S L Walker, D J Fornari, C E
J de Ronde
1340h V13E-01 Variations in Pyroclast Porosity: The
2010 Gunung Merapi Eruption: K D Genareau, S J
Cronin, G Lube
1355h V13E-02 Some Ideas to Improve Pyroclast
Density and Vesicularity Data Analysis: B Bernard,
U Kueppers, H D Ortiz
1410h V13E-03 Dispersal of Historical SubplinianPlinian Explosive Eruptions of Hekla Volcano,
Iceland: M H Janebo, B F Houghton, T Thordarson,
G Larsen
Marriott Marquis Salon 1012
1455h V13E-06 Viscous sintering of volcanic ash: F
B Wadsworth, B Scheu, J Vasseur, H Tuffen, F W
von Aulock, Y Lavallée, K U Hess, D B Dingwell
1510h V13E-07 Anatomy of a strombolian plume:
inferences from particle data: M Bombrun, A J L
Harris, V Barra, L Gurioli, J Battaglia
1525h V13E-08 3-D Velocimetry of Strombolian
Explosions: J Taddeucci, D Gaudin, T R Orr, P
Scarlato, B F Houghton, E Del Bello
Moscone South 103-104
New Generation of Scientists (Virtual
1440h Introductory Remarks
1450h U13B-01 Extreme space weather studies:
Addressing societal needs: C M Ngwira
Moscone South 103-104
New Frontiers in Ecosystem, Solid
Earth, Cryosphere, and Natural
Hazards (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Paul Rosen, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Bradford Hager, MIT;
Ian Joughin, Univ Washington; Ralph
Dubayah, Univ Maryland
1600h U14A-01 National Aeronautics and Space
Administration and the Indian Space Research
Organisation Synthetic Aperture Radar Mission
Concept: G W Bawden, P A Rosen, R Dubayah, B
H Hager, I R Joughin
1615h U14A-02 Large-Scale Mapping and
Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems with the
NISAR Mission: J M Kellndorfer, R Dubayah, P
Siqueira, S S Saatchi, B D Chapman, P A Rosen
1700h U14A-05 Remote Sensing and Earth
System Dynamics: The Helmholtz Alliance: I
Hajnsek, M Eineder, T R Walter, A M Friedrich,
P Bieber, A Huth, K Papathanassiou, C Montzka,
U Wollschläger, B Thies, A Humbert, M Braun, G
Krieger, A Moreira
1715h U14A-06 Global Earth Monitoring Using
ALOS-2/Palsar-2: Initial Status of the ALOS-2
Calibration Phase: M Shimada
1730h U14A-07 The Global Ecosystem Dynamics
Investigation: R Dubayah, S J Goetz, J B Blair, T E
Fatoyinbo, M Hansen, S P Healey, M A Hofton, G C
Hurtt, J Kellner, S B Luthcke, A Swatantran
1745h U14A-08 Preparing for Routine Satellite
Global Volcano Deformation Observations: The
Volcano Deformation Database Task Force: M
E Pritchard, J Jay, B J Andrews, J Cooper, S T
Henderson, F Delgado, J Biggs, S K Ebmeier
What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us? I (joint
with NH)
Presiding: Ulrich Kueppers, Ludwig
Maximilian University of Munich;
Benjamin Andrews, Smithsonian
AGU2014News.indb 58
Presiding: Mark Zelinka, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory
1630h A14A-03 How do global climate feedbacks
differ across timescales?: R Colman, S Power, J
Brown, L Hanson
1645h U14A-04 Forecasting and Managing
Groundwater Resources Using InSAR: H A
Zebker, R J Knight, J Chen
Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks:
Advances and New Paradigms I (joint
with GC)
1440h V13E-05 Advances in the Quantitative
Characterization of the Shape of Ash-Sized Pyroclast
Populations: Fractal Analyses Coupled to Microand Nano-Computed Tomography Techniques: J
Rausch, P Vonlanthen, B H Grobety
1440h V13D-05 Comparison between mechanisms
of CO2 degassing from El Chichon volcanic lake,
México, and Specchio di Venere lake, Pantelleria,
Italia: M P Jácome Paz, Y Taran, S Inguaggiato, N
Collard, F Vita, G Pecoraino
1525h V13D-08 The coupled geochemistry of Au
and As in pyrite from ore deposits and geothermal
fields: monitoring fluid evolution and external
forcing factors in hydrothermal systems: M Reich,
A Deditius, D Tardani, P Sanchez-Alfaro
Moscone West 3012
1600h A14A-01 Adjusting Views on Climate
Sensitivity for a More Complete Understanding of
Its Uncertainty: P Forster
1630h U14A-03 Importance of Nisar Mission for Ice
Sheet Studies: E J Rignot, B Scheuchl, J Mouginot,
M Morlighem
1510h V13D-07 Carbon and sulfur isotopes as
tracers of fluid-fluid and fluid-rock interaction in
geothermal systems: A Stefansson, N S Keller, J
Gunnarsson Robin, R Kjartansdottir, S Ono, A E
1600h A14C-01 Physical Climatology of Indonesian
Maritime Continent: An Overview of Observational
Studies: M D Yamanaka
1425h V13E-04 Reconstruction of a Phreatic
Explosion from Block Dispersion Modeling at
King’s Bowl, Idaho: S E Kobs-Nawotniak, D W
G Sears, S S Hughes, C Borg, H Sears, J R Skok, R C
Elphic, D S S Lim, J L Heldmann, C W Haberle, H
Guy, L Kobayashi, B Garry, C Neish, K J Kim
1425h V13D-04 Hydrothermal Redox Dynamics in
the Central Crater at White Island, New Zealand:
N A Win, C Oze
EXPERIMENTS: J L Wykes, R W Henley, P L
1615h A14A-02 Spatial Patterns of Radiative
Forcing and Surface Temperature Response: D T
1645h A14A-04 Interacting Components of the
Top-of-Atmosphere Energy Balance Affect Changes
in Regional Surface Temperature: T M Merlis
1700h A14A-05 Coupling between climate feedbacks
and large-scale circulation: N Feldl, S Bordoni
1715h A14A-06 Robust Increase in Effective
Climate Sensitivity with Transient Warming in
CMIP5 Simulations: K Armour
1615h A14C-02 Tidal Mixing in the Indonesian
Archipelago and Its Impact on Climate: A KochLarrouy, A Atmadipoera, G Madec, M Lengaigne,
P Terray, T Izumo, P van Beek
1630h A14C-03 The Waves to Weather Challenge:
Do Large-Scale Equatorial Waves Modulate
Regional Rainfall in Southern Vietnam?: A H Fink,
R van der Linden, T Phan-Van, J G Pinto
1645h A14C-04 Sea Surface Temperature Coupling
to Madden-Julian Oscillations over the Indonesian
Maritime Continent: A M Napitu, A L Gordon, K
1700h A14C-05 Does the Maritime Continent
region affect sea level change of the eastern Indian
Ocean?: W Llovel, T Lee
1715h A14C-06 Moving Target: ENSO and Seasonal
Forecasting for the Winter Monsoon over the
Western Maritime Continent: S Y Lee
1745h A14C-08 The Diurnal Cycle over the
Maritime Continent and its Interaction with the
MJO: A J Matthews, S Peatman, D B Baranowski,
D P Stevens, K J Heywood, P J Flatau, S Schmidtko
Moscone West 3016
1730h A14A-07 On Reducing the Uncertainty of
High Climate Sensitivity: J Bloch-Johnson, R
Measurements, Modeling, and
Feedback of Cloud-Precipitation
Microphysics II
1745h A14A-08 The Lower Uncertainty Bound of
Climate Sensitivity in Gcms: How Low Can We
Go?..: R Millar, S Sparrow, D Sexton, J A Lowe, W
Ingram, M R Allen
Presiding: Toshihisa Matsui, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center; Dong Wu,
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Cent; WeiKuo Tao, NASA/Goddard Space Flight
Moscone West 3006
Fog: Atmosphere, Biosphere, Land,
and Ocean Interactions II (joint with B,
GC, H, IN)
Presiding: Alicia Torregrosa, U S
Geological Survey; Travis O’Brien,
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab;
Christopher Still, Oregon State
University; Ian Faloona, Univ California,
1600h A14B-01 Observations of Terrestrial Biogenic
and Biomass Burning Aerosol Impacts on Marine
Stratocumulus off the Coast of California: M M
Coggon, A Sorooshian, Z WANG, J S Craven, A R
Metcalf, J J Lin, A Nenes, H Jonsson, R C Flagan, J
1615h A14B-02 Formation of Oxidized Organic
Aerosol (OOA) through Fog Processing in the Po
Valley: S Gilardoni, M Paglione, M Rinaldi, L
Giulianelli, P Massoli, R E Hillamo, S Carbone, C
Lanconelli, A J Laaksonen, L M Russell, V Poluzzi,
S Fuzzi, C Facchini
A14B-03 Developing
understanding of aerosol sources and the impact of
aqueous phase processing on coastal air quality: K
A Prather
T E Dawson, J S Roden, S L Voelker, J A Johnstone,
A Ambrose
1700h A14B-05 California’s Summer and Winter
Coastal Upwelling Impact on the Terrestrial
Ecosystem: M Garcia Reyes, W J Sydeman, B Black
1715h A14B-06 Interaction of the Marine
Atmosphere, Coastal Topography and Sea Surface
Temperature on Marine Fog Distribution Along
the West Coast of North America : C E Dorman, J
Mejia, D R Koracin, D McEvoy
1730h A14B-07 North American west coast summer
low cloudiness: Broadscale variability associated
with sea surface temperature: R E Schwartz, A
Gershunov, S Iacobellis, D R Cayan
1745h A14B-08 Sea Fog Forecasting
Lagrangian Models: J M Lewis
Moscone West 3008
1600h A14D-01 Modeling Cloud and Precipitation
Processes – Considerations for Future Satellite
Missions: S C van den Heever, W K Tao, S M
Saleeby, D Wu
1615h A14D-02 On Characteristics and
Microphysical Pathways for Widespread Substantial
Ice Water Content in Deep Convection Outflow: A
S Ackerman, A M Fridlind, A Grandin, F Dezitter,
J W Strapp, A Korolev, C R Williams
1630h A14D-03 Impacts from Time-dependent
Freezing of Rain and Wet Hail on Deep Convection
Simulated by a Cloud Model with Spectral Bin
Microphysics: V T Phillips, A Khain, E Ilotoviz, N
1645h A14D-04 Mesoscale Convective System
Anvil Cloud Response to Aerosol Loading: S M
Saleeby, S C van den Heever, P J Marinescu, S M
Kreidenweis, P J DeMott
1700h A14D-05 A Multi-Moment Bulkwater Ice
Microphysics Scheme with Consideration of the
Adaptive Growth Habit and Apparent Density for
Pristine Ice in the WRF Model: T C Tsai, J P Chen,
C Dearden
1715h A14D-06 MODIS Microphysical Regimes for
Examining Apparent Aerosol Effects on Clouds and
Precipitation: L Oreopoulos, N Cho, D Lee, S Kato,
M D Lebsock, T Yuan, G J Huffman
1730h A14D-07 Evaluation of a single-moment bulk
microphysics scheme using a satellite simulator and
TRMM data: W Roh, S Masaki
1745h A14D-08 A Robust Multi-Scale Modeling
System for the Study of Cloud and Precipitation
Processes: W K Tao, D Wu, S E Lang, X Li, T
Matsui, T Iguchi
Moscone West 3001
Sources of Planetary Boundary
Layer and Lower Free Troposphere
Ozone and Variability: From Urban to
Remote Regions of the United States
IV (cosponsored by AMS)
Presiding: Mae Gustin, University of
Nevada-Reno; Gary Morris, Valparaiso
University; Mike Newchurch, Univ
of Alabama Huntsville; Daniel Jaffe,
University of Washington Bothell
Maritime Continent: Atmospheric
and Oceanic Processes and Their
Interaction II
(cosponsored by AMS) (joint with OS)
1600h A14E-01 Key drivers of Western U.S.
surface ozone variability during 1980-2050: From
background trends to extreme transport events: M
Presiding: Chidong Zhang, Univ
Miami-RSMAS/MPO; Janet Sprintall,
Univ California San Diego; Steven
Woolnough, University of Reading; Tong
Lee, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
1615h A14E-02 Stratospheric contribution to
surface ozone in the desert Southwest during the
2013 Las Vegas Ozone Study: A O Langford, C J
Senff, R J Alvarez II, J F Brioude, O R Cooper, J S
Holloway, M Lin, R Marchbanks, R B Pierce, P J
Reddy, S Sandberg, A M Weickmann, E J Williams,
M S Gustin, L T Iraci, T Leblanc, E L Yates
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:11 AM
1630h A14E-03 Seasonal Transpacific Transport
of Asian Ozone and PAN Using Aura TES PAN
Retrievals: Z Jiang, J Worden, V Payne, E V
Fischer, T W Walker, D B A Jones, D K Henze
1645h A14E-04 Development of a Statistical Model
to Identify Spatial and Meteorological Drivers of
Elevated O3 in Rural Nevada and Its Application to
Other Rural, Mountainous Regions: R Fine, M B
Miller, M S Gustin
1700h A14E-05 Ozone from Wildfires: Peering
through the Smog: D A Jaffe, P Baylon, N L
Wigder, S Collier, S Zhou, Q Zhang, M J Alvarado
1715h A14E-06 Impacts of Oil and Gas Production
on Winter Ozone Pollution in the Uintah Basin
Using Model Source Apportionment: H N Q Tran,
T T Tran, M L Mansfield, S N Lyman
1730h A14E-07 Comparison of CMAQ
Modeling Study with Discover-AQ 2014 Aircraft
Measurements over Colorado: Y Tang, L Pan, P
Lee, D Tong, H C Kim, R S Artz
1745h A14E-08 Ozone Diurnal Variation in the
PBL at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory
During Summer 2014 : M Newchurch, R J Alvarez
II, A Brewer, S S Brown, W Carrion, R Delgado,
R De Young, G Huang, B Johnson, S Kuang, A O
Langford, J K Lundquist, T J McGee, D Pliutau, C J
Senff, J T Sullivan, G K Sumnicht, L Twigg, L Wang
Moscone West 3004
Toward a Better Understanding of
Moist Process Feedbacks and Their
Role in the Climate System II
Presiding: Hsi-Yen Ma, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory; Ingo
Richter, JAMSTEC Japan Agency for
Marine-Earth Science and Technology;
Min-Hui Lo, NTU; Jin-Yi Yu, Univ
California Irvine
1600h A14F-01 The Cloud Feedback Dipole and the
Hydrologic Response to Warming: D L Hartmann
1615h A14F-02 The Birth of a New Monsoon: M A
Burt, D A Randall
1627h A14F-03 Changes in Large Precipitation
Events Under Global Warming: J D Neelin, S
Sahany, S N Stechmann, D N Bernstein
1639h A14F-04 Towards a better understanding of
shallow convection over land using ground-based
observation and large-eddy simulation: Y Zhang,
S A Klein
1654h A14F-05 Convection and the Soil-Moisture
Precipitation Feedback: C Schar, P Froidevaux, M
Keller, L Schlemmer, W Langhans, J Schmidli
1706h A14F-06 How is precipitation from low
clouds important for climate?: R Wood
1721h A14F-07 Intercomparison of methods of
coupling between convection and large-scale
circulation: S J Woolnough, C L Daleu, R Plant,
A H Sobel, D J Raymond, S L Sessions, S Wang, G
1733h A14F-08 Radiation, Convection, and
Circulation Feedbacks Associated with the MaddenJulian Oscillation: X Jiang
1745h A14F-09 How variable is deep convective
depth?: S C Sherwood, N Nishant, D HernandezDeckers, A Chitresh
Moscone West 2002
New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and
Approaches for Improving Predictions
of the Global Carbon Cycle in Earth
System Models I (joint with A, GC, H, OS)
Presiding: Forrest Hoffman, University
of California Irvine; Atul Jain, University
of Illinois at Urbana; James Randerson,
Univ California Irvine; Jefferson Moore,
University of Illinois at Urbana
1600h B14A-01 Modeling Tropical Forests:
Challenges and Opportunities: S Reed, M Uriarte,
T E Wood, M A Cavaleri, A E Lugo
1615h B14A-02 Global scale analysis and evaluation
of an improved mechanistic representation of plant
nitrogen and carbon dynamics in the Community
Land Model (CLM): B Ghimire, W J Riley, C D
Koven, J T Randerson, M Mu, J Kattge, A Rogers,
P B Reich
1630h B14A-03 Predicting the future by explaining
the past: constraining carbon-climate feedback
using contemporary observations: S Denning
1645h B14A-04 Carbon Cycle and Land Surface
Developments for the next generation UK Earth
System Model: A B Harper, A Wiltshire
1700h B14A-05 Influence of Phosphorus Cycle
Coupling on Carbon-Climate Feedbacks: X Yang,
P E Thornton, D M Ricciuto, F M Hoffman
1715h B14A-06 Scaling from individual plants to the
globe in an Earth System Model: height structured
competition and carbon cycling: E Weng, S
Malyshev, J W Lichstein, C E Farrior, R Dybzinski,
T Zhang, E Shevliakova, S W Pacala
1730h B14A-07 Role of ocean isopycnal mixing
in setting the uptake of anthropogenic carbon: A
Gnanadesikan, M A S Pradal, R P Abernathey
1745h B14A-08 Leaf Area Index in Earth System
Models: Evaluation and Projections: N M
Mahowald, F Lo, Y Zheng, L Harrison, C C Funk
A joint meeting, hosted by the U.S. and
Canadian scientific community, covering a diverse
program across the Earth and space sciences
Abstract Submissions Deadline:
14 January
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 59
11/28/2014 10:47:12 AM
Moscone West 2006
Nitrous Oxide Emissions at Ecosystem
to Global Scales: Processes,
Measurement, and Modeling I (joint
with A, GC)
Presiding: Timothy Griffis, Univ
Minnesota; Jianwu Tang, The
Ecosystems Center, MBL; Rebecca
Ryals, Brown University; John Baker,
1600h B14B-01 Temporal dynamics of direct N2O
fluxes from agro-ecosystems in cold climates:
importance of year-round measurements in
multiple cropping systems: C Wagner-Riddle, M
1615h B14B-02 Spatial and Temporal Variations in
the Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Nitrous
Oxide: K A Boering
1630h B14B-03 Daycent Model Development and
Testing Using High Frequency N2o Sampling Data:
S J Del Grosso, W J Parton, E Suddick, P Grace,
P Thorburn, M De Antoni Migliorati, C Scheer, M
Hartman, R L Phillips, K E Savage
1645h B14B-04 Regional to national constraints
on US N2O emissions using atmospheric data: S
M Miller, B Xiang, E A Kort, A M Michalak, S C
Wofsy, A E Andrews, E J Dlugokencky
1700h B14B-05 Ability of the current global
observing network to constrain N2O sources and
sinks: D B Millet, K C Wells, S Chaliyakunnel, T J
Griffis, D K Henze, N Bousserez
1715h B14B-06 Evaluating uncertainties in nitrous
oxide emission inventories with multi-scale
observations for an agriculture-dominated region:
X Zhang, X Lee, T J Griffis, J M Baker
1730h B14B-07 Relative Importance of Nitrous
Oxide Vs. Nitric Oxide Emissions from Soils Across
a Management Intensity and Biodiversity Gradient:
I Gelfand, C Gallagher, B C G Moneymaker, G P
1745h B14B-08 Nitrous oxide emissions from
streams within the US Corn Belt scale with stream
order: P A Turner, T J Griffis, X Lee, J M Baker, R
T Venterea, J D Wood
Moscone West 2004
Novel Microbial Metabolisms in the
Environment I (joint with A, GC, OS, V)
Presiding: Jennifer Glass, Georgia
Institute of Technology; Joel Kostka,
Georgia Institute of Technology Main
Campus; Jeffrey Marlow, Organization
Not Listed; Shawn McGlynn, California
Institute of Technology
1600h B23D-0228 Evidence for Methanogenesis in
ANME Archaea: K G Lloyd, R Kevorkian
1615h B14C-02 Metabolism in the Uncultivated
Giant Sulfide-Oxidizing Bacterium Thiomargarita
Namibiensis Assayed Using a Redox-Sensitive Dye:
J Bailey, B Flood, E Ricci
1630h B14C-03 Probing Metabolic Activity of Deep
Subseafloor Life with NanoSIMS: Y Morono, T
Terada, M Ito, F Inagaki
1645h B14C-04 Multi-Isotope Secondary Ion Mass
Spectrometry Combining Heavy Water 2H with
15N Labeling As Complementary Tracers for
Metabolic Heterogeneity at the Single-Cell Level:
S Kopf, S McGlynn, E Cowley, A Green, D K
Newman, V J Orphan
1700h B14C-05 Interactions between nitrogen
cycling and methane oxidation in the pelagic waters
of the Gulf of Mexico: S B Joye, S Weber, J Battles,
J P Montoya
1715h B14C-06 Nitrite- and Nitrate-Dependent
Methanotrophs - Environmental Detection and
Relevance in Freshwater Ecosystems: K F Ettwig
1730h B14C-07 Genomics of Nitrogen Cycle in
Freshwater Lakes with Focus on Methylotrophic
Bacteria: L Chistoserdova
1745h B14C-08 Methanotrophy Induces Nitrogen
Fixation in Boreal Mosses: M A Tiirola
Moscone West 2003
Observing and Predicting Impacts
from Ecological and Climatological
Disturbances II (joint with GC, H)
Presiding: Jaclyn Matthes, Dartmouth
College; David Moore, University of
Arizona; Jingfeng Xiao, University of
New Hampshire; Shuguang Liu, USGS
AGU2014News.indb 60
1600h B14D-01 Intensification of ClimateCarbon Feedbacks after 2100 and Implications
for Disturbance Regimes: J T Randerson, K T
Lindsay, E Munoz, W Fu, F M Hoffman, J K Moore,
S C Doney, N M Mahowald, G B Bonan
1615h B14D-02 Ecoclimate Teleconnections: The
Large-Scale Impacts of Changes in Mid-Latitude
Tree Cover: A L S Swann, I Y Fung, J C H Chiang
1630h B14D-03 Regional Rates of US Forest
Regeneration Measured from Annual Landsat
Disturbance History and Ikonos Stereo Imagery: C
S R Neigh, J G Masek, P Bourget, K Rishmawi, F
Zhao, C Huang, R Nelson
1645h B14D-04 Consequences of Widespread
Piñon Mortality for Water Availability and Water
Use Dynamics in Piñon-Juniper Woodlands: L
Morillas, R E Pangle, D J Krofcheck, W Pockman,
M E Litvak
1700h B14D-05 The Effect of Fire, Extreme
Precipitation and Drought on Ecosystem Fluxes of
Water-Limited Ecosystems: R Vargas
1715h B14D-06 How Seasonal Drought Affect
Carbon and Water Fluxes of Alternative Energy
Crops in the US?: E Joo, M Z Hussain, M Zeri,
M Masters, N Gomez-Casanovas, E H DeLucia, C
1730h B14D-07 The Impacts of Climate-Induced
Drought on Biogeochemical Cycles: C Peng
1745h B14D-08 Warm Spring Reduced Impact of
Summer Drought on Carbon Cycling: S Wolf, T F
Keenan, J B Fisher, D D Baldocchi
Moscone West 3005
Arctic Hydrology in a Changing
Climate II
(joint with GC, H)
Presiding: Cathy Wilson, Los Alamos
National Lab; Stan Wullschleger,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Larry
Hinzman, University of Alaska Fairbanks
1600h C14A-01 Transformation Pathways through
the Land-water Geosphere in Permafrost Regions:
G Destouni
1630h C14A-03 Hydrogeologic Controls on Water
Dynamics in a Discontinuous Permafrost, LakeRich Landscape: M A Walvoord, M A Briggs, F D
Day-Lewis, S M Jepsen, J W Lane Jr, J M McKenzie,
B J Minsley, R G Striegl, C I Voss, T P Wellman
1645h C14A-04 Groundwater Flow Impacts on
Thawing Permafrost Systems: C I Voss, J M
1700h C14A-05 Supra-permafrost Subsurface Flow
on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska: J C Koch, J A
Schmutz, T Fondell
1715h C14A-06 Effects of spatial and temporal
resolution on simulated feedbacks from polygonal
tundra: E Coon, A L Atchley, S L Painter, S Karra, J
D Moulton, C J Wilson, A Liljedahl
1730h C14A-07 Subsurface Thermal Erosion Of IceWedge Polygon Terrains: Implications For Arctic
Geosystem In Transition: D Fortier, E Godin, E
Lévesque, A Veillette
1745h C14A-08 Initial Conceptualization and
Simulation of Arctic Tundra Landscape Evolution
Using the Alaska Thermokarst Model: W R
Bolton, V E Romanovsky, A D McGuire, G Grosse,
M J Lara
Moscone West 3007
Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere II
(joint with H)
Presiding: Melody Sandells, University
of Reading; Mary Brodzik, Univ
Colorado; Marco Tedesco, CUNY City
1600h C14B-01 NASA IceBridge: Airborne surveys
of the polar sea ice covers: J Richter-Menge, S L
1615h C14B-02 The Seasonality of Antarctic Sea Ice
Trends: P Holland
1630h C14B-03 IcePod: Imaging Ice-Ocean Process
from Top to Bottom: R E Bell, N Frearson, C J
Zappa, K J Tinto, I Das, T Dhakal, C Bertinato, L
Dong, S Brown, D A Le Bel
1645h C14B-04 Estimating Supraglacial Lake
Depth with Landsat 8: A Pope, T A Scambos, M S
Moussavi, M Tedesco, M J Willis
1700h C14B-05 Compositional Mapping of
the Transantarctic Mountains Using Orbital
Reflectance Data: M R Salvatore, S Niebuhr, P J
Morin, S Cox
1715h C14B-06 CryoSat-2: A new perspective
on the Cryosphere: A Shepherd, T Armitage, K
Briggs, T Flament, A E Hogg, M McMillan, A Muir,
A Ridout, A Sundal, R Tilling, D Wingham
1715h ED14A-06 From Texas to Alaska: Leading
Hearing Impaired Elementary Students in Texas to
Engage in Science of the Northern Lights Performed
in Alaska: J M Jahn, S Ibarra, M D Pfeifer, M
Samara, R Michell
1730h ED14A-07 Australian Seismometers in
Schools: Apps, Archiving and Adventures: N
Balfour, M Salmon, M Sambridge
1730h C14B-07 Spaceborne estimated long-term
trends (1980s – 2013) of albedo and melting season
length over the Greenland ice sheet and linkages to
climate drivers: M Tedesco, J C Stroeve
1745h ED14A-08 The SUPER Program: A Researchbased Undergraduate Experience: J G Ernakovich,
R B Boone, C M Boot, K Denef, J M Lavallee, J C
Moore, M D Wallenstein
1745h C14B-08 Greenland Ice Sheet sediment
dynamics with Landsat: Island-wide mapping shows
sediment export controlled by ice discharge: B D
Hudson, I Overeem, J P Syvitski, A B Mikkelsen, B
Hasholt, M Morlighem
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate C1-C2
The Structure, Dynamics,
and Evolution of Earth’s Core:
Observations, Models, and
Experiments II
(Virtual Session) (joint with GP, MR, S)
Presiding: Jessica Irving, Princeton
University; Alexandre Fournier, Institut
de Physique du Globe de Paris; Caitlin
Murphy, Geophysical Laboratory;
Jonathan Aurnou, University of
California Los Angeles
1600h DI14A-01 Thermochemical Evolution of
Earth’s Core with Magnesium Precipitation: J G
O’Rourke, D J Stevenson
1615h DI14A-02 Filtering of short-term fluctuations
of the dynamo field through the electrically
conducting mantle: D Jault, N Schaeffer
1630h DI14A-03 Magnetostrophic Dynamos: P H
1645h DI14A-04 The Magnetostrophic Dynamo: A
Jackson, K Li, P W Livermore
1700h DI14A-05 Formation of Large-Scale Vortices
in Rotating Convection and Interaction with
Magnetic Fields: C Guervilly
1715h DI14A-06 An Open-Source, PseudoSpectral Convection Code for O(105) Cores: N A
1730h DI14A-07 Rapidly Rotating Rayleigh-Benard
Convection: Approaching the Asymptotic Limit of
Quasigeostrophic Thermal Convection: K A Julien
1745h DI14A-08 Seismology Reveals Low-RossbyNumber Convection in the Interior of the Sun: S
Moscone West 2007
Deciphering Isotope Signatures
of Earth Surface and Critical Zone
Processes I (joint with V)
Presiding: Fang-zhen Teng, University
Of Washington; Lin Ma, University Of
Washington; Jerome Gaillardet, Institut
de Physique du Globe de Paris
1600h EP14A-01 Lithium Isotopes as Proxy of
Continental Silicate Weathering: X M Liu, C
Wanner, R L Rudnick, W F McDonough
1615h EP14A-02 Large-scale fractionation of
lithium isotopes during continental weathering and
erosion: Insights from the Amazon River basin: M
Dellinger, J Gaillardet, J Bouchez, D Calmels, P
1630h EP14A-03 Magnesium isotope fractionation
during continental weathering : F Z Teng, K J
Huang, W Li, X M Liu, L Ma
1645h EP14A-04 CZ-Tope: Using Measurements
of Multiple Isotopes in One Setting to Understand
Critical Zone Processes Occurring over Different
Timescales: S L Brantley
1700h EP14A-05 Molybdenum isotope fractionation
in the critical zone: J C Pett-Ridge, C Siebert, S
Opfergelt, K W Burton, A Halliday
J Schott, V Mavromatis, C R Pearce, T Fujii, E H
1730h EP14A-07 Fractionation, concentration and
flow: A model coupling stable isotope ratios to fluid
travel time and chemical reactivity: J L Druhan, K
1745h EP14A-08 Silicon Isotopes As a New Method
of Measuring Silicate Mineral Reaction Rates in the
Critical Zone: C Zhu, A Scheafer, C Wang, Z Liu,
H Yuan, R B Georg
Moscone West 2005
Moscone South 102
The Imprint of Past Climate Change
on Landscapes I
(joint with H, PP, V)
Experience-Based Learning:
Enhancing Understanding by
Expanding the Limits of the
Classroom II (joint with B, H)
Presiding: Anthony Dosseto, University
of Wollongong; A. Joshua West, Univ.
of Southern California; Peter Clift,
Louisiana State University
Presiding: Stephen Macko, Univ
Virginia; Arthur Schwarzschild, Univ
1600h ED14A-01 Passionate Perspectives: Global
Change Emersion in Southwestern Dust and
Waters: J M Byrne, L J Little
1615h ED14A-02 Border to Beltway: A Formative
Field Exchange Program between Two Community
Colleges for Non-Traditional Students: J I
Villalobos, C Bentley
1630h ED14A-03 A Captive Ocean: Evaluation of
Aquaculture, Fisheries Sustainabilty and Aquaria
as Arks in the Setting of a Field-based Class: S A
Macko, M T O’connell, H Sullivan, R Oliver
1645h ED14A-04 Improving Science Literacy and
Earth Science Awareness Through an Intensive
Summer Research Experience in Paleobiology: N A
Heim, J Saltzman, J Payne
1700h ED14A-05 A Week in the Wilderness of the
Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont: An
Outdoor Science Education Course for Graduate
and Undergraduate Students: S Radencic, R M
Walker, K V Anthony
1600h EP14B-01 A new approach for modeling the
Cenozoic oceanic lithium isotope paleo-variations :
the key role of climate: N Vigier, Y Godderis
1615h EP14B-02 A Record of Fluvial Response for
the Australian Wet Tropics and Relationships to
Regional Climate Change: K E Hughes, J Croke, R
Bartley, C Thompson
1630h EP14B-03 The response of erosional systems
to climate cyclic variations: J Braun
1645h EP14B-04 Numerical Model Predictions
of Intrinsically Generated Fluvial Terraces and
Comparison to Climate-Change Expectations: A B
S Limaye, M P Lamb
1700h EP14B-05 The Tool-size Effect: old
weathered soils limit the erosive power of bedrock
streams: J K Willenbring, G Y Brocard
1715h EP14B-06 Incision of the Mississippi River
through the Laurentide Ice Sheet Forebulge: A D
Wickert, R S Anderson, J X Mitrovica
1730h EP14B-07 Timing and Mode of Landscape
Response to Glacial-Interglacial Climate Forcing
From Fluvial Fill Terrace Sediments: Humahuaca
Basin, E Cordillera, NW Argentina: T F Schildgen,
R A J Robinson, S Savi, B Bookhagen, S Tofelde, M
R Strecker
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:12 AM
1745h EP14B-08 Does Temperature (Rather than
Precipitation) Dictate the Geomorphic Legacy
of Glacial Intervals in Unglaciated Mid-Latitude
Terrains?: J A Marshall, J J Roering, P J Bartlein,
S J Praskievicz, D G Gavin, T C Hales, D E Granger
Moscone West 3024
Plate Motion, Continental
Deformation, Interseismic Strain
Accumulation IV (joint with NH, S, T)
Presiding: Donald Argus, JPL; Jeffrey
Freymueller, University of Alaska
Fairbanks; Rui Fernandes, University of
Beira Interior
1600h G14A-01 Crustal Deformation and Interplate
Coupling Associated with the 2011 Tohoku-oki
Earthquake Based on a Viscoelastic Earthquake
Cycle Model: T Sagiya
1615h G14A-02 Crustal strain accumulation
on Southern Basin and Range Province faults
modulated by distant plate boundary earthquakes?
Evidence from geodesy, seismic imaging, and
paleoseismology: R A Bennett, M Shirzaei, J
Broermann, J C Spinler, A A Holland, P Pearthree
1630h G14A-03 Quantizing the Complexity of
the Western United States Fault System with
Geodetically and Geologically Constrained Block
Models: E L Evans, B J Meade
1645h G14A-04 Constraining Moment Deficit Rate
on Crustal Faults from Geodetic Data: J Maurer, A
M Bradley, P Segall
1715h G14A-06 Characterization of deformation
perpendicular to relative plate motion and major
faults of the northern San Andreas system using
geodetic data: J R Murray, F F Pollitz
1730h G14A-07 Time-dependent Model of
Aseismic slip on the Central San Andreas Fault from
InSAR Time Series and Repeating Earthquakes: M
Khoshmanesh, M Shirzaei, R M Nadeau
1745h G14A-08 Exploring the Influence of
Topography on Seismicity Patterns in the Northern
Chile Andes: M N Shrivastava, G Gonzalez, M
Moscone West 3002
Carbon in the Arctic: Influence of
Climate Change in Aquatic and
Terrestrial Ecosystems II
(joint with B)
Presiding: Robert Northington,
University of Maine; Jeffrey Welker,
University of Alaska Anchorage;
Christopher Osburn, N Carolina St
Univ--MEAS; N Anderson, University of
1600h GC14A-01 Patterns and Changes in
Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) across Lakes in
Southwestern Greenland: R Northington, C L
Osburn, N J Anderson, J E Saros
1615h GC14A-02 Variability of Organic Carbon
Burial By SW Greenland Lakes: The Role of
Location and Regional Climate: N J Anderson, E J
Whiteford, V Jones, S C Fritz, H Yang, P Appleby,
R Bindler
1630h GC14A-03 Quantifying the effect size of
changing environmental controls on carbon release
from permafrost-affected soils: C Schaedel, M
K F Bader, E A G Schuur, R G Bracho, P Capek,
S L De Baets, K Diakova, J G Ernakovich, I P
Hartley, C M Iversen, E S Kane, C Knoblauch, M
Lupascu, S Natali, R J Norby, J A O’Donnell, T Roy
Chowdhury, H Santruckova, G R Shaver, V L Sloan,
C C Treat, M P Waldrop
1645h GC14A-04 Artificial Warming and Rain
Addition Increase Phenol Oxidase Activity in Arctic
Soils: H Kang, J Seo, I Jang, Y K Lee
1700h GC14A-05 A Comparison of Possible
Physical, Chemical, and Microbial Functional Gene
Controls on Methane Cycling at Two Distinct Sites
on the Alaskan North Slope: R Wagner
1715h GC11B-0563 Making Carbon Emissions
Remotely Sensible: Flux Observations of Carbon
from an Airborne Laboratory (FOCAL), its NearSurface Survey of Carbon Gases and Isotopologues
on Alaska’s North Slope: R Dobosy, E J Dumas,
D S Sayres, C E Healy, J B Munster, B Baker, J G
1730h GC14A-07 The net exchange of methane with
high Arctic landscapes during the summer growing
season: V L StLouis, C A Emmerton, I Lehnherr, E
Humphreys, E Rydz, H Kosolofski
1745h GC14A-08 A weak C sink at high latitudes:
support from an integrated terrestrial – aquatic C
balance: E J Lundin, T R Christensen, R Giesler, M
Heliasz, J Klaminder, A Persson, J Karlsson
Moscone West 3003
The Influence of Changes in Farming
Practices, Vegetation, and Land Use
on Climate Adaptation, Mitigation,
and Ecosystem and Socioeconomic
Services II (joint with B, PA)
Presiding: K. Kritee, Environmental
Defense Fund; Lyndon Estes, Princeton
Univ; David Lutz, Dartmouth College
1600h GC14B-01 Quantifying the Climate
Regulation Values of Ecosystems Globally: K J
Anderson-Teixeira, E H DeLucia, P K Snyder, D
LeBauer, S Long
1610h GC14B-02 Can comprehensive climate impact
assessment of terrestrial ecosystems be included in
Life Cycle Assessment to support policy decisions?:
R M Bright, F Cherubini, A H Strømman
1620h GC14B-03 Land-use Change and Biophysical
Accounting in Forest Carbon Projects: R B Jackson
1630h GC14B-04 Climate benefits of changes in
agricultural practices in the context of heat wave
mitigation: E Davin, S I Seneviratne, P Ciais, A
Olioso, T Wang
1640h GC14B-05 Land Grabbing and the
Commodification of Agricultural Land in Africa: P
D’Odorico, M C Rulli
1650h GC14B-06 Dryland Deforestation in the
Tropics: Cross-national Patterns : T K Rudel
1700h GC14B-07 Are Maize Yields Robust to
Climate Change? An Analysis at Regional and
Micro Scales in Kenya: F Davenport IV, C C Funk
1710h GC14B-08 Reducing GHG emissions in rice
systems: Opportunities and challenges : B Linquist
1730h H14A-06 Agent-Based Modeling of Malaria
Vectors: the Importance of Spatial Simulation: A
Moscone West 3022
Hydrologic, Water Quality, and
Ecological Responses to Climatic
Variability and Change at the
Watershed Scale I (joint with B, GC)
Presiding: Jason Knouft, Saint Louis
University; Darren Ficklin, Indiana
University - Bloomington; Iris Stewart,
Santa Clara University; Laurel Saito,
University of Nevada Reno
1600h H14B-01 Assessing management options to
reduce water temperatures in regulated rivers of
California: A Pike, E Danner, D A Boughton, L
1615h H14B-02 Climate Change-Induced Shifts
in the Hydrological Regime of the Upper Amazon
Basin and Its Impacts on Local Eco-Hydrology: Z D
Zulkafli, W Buytaert, C Veliz
1630h H14B-03 Aquatic Species Responses to
Changes in Streamflow and Stream Temperature in
the Willamette River Basin of Oregon: H Chang, A
M Psaris, A Strecker
1645h H14B-04 Estimating Hydrologic and
Ecological Responses to Increased Climate
Variability using Water Year Type Classification:
S E Null
1700h H14B-05 Integrated Resource Management
at a Watershed Scale: J M Byrne, R J MacDonald,
D Cairns, C C Barnes, S S Mirmasoudi, D Lewis
1715h H14B-06 A Decision Support System for
Mitigating Stream Temperature Impacts in the
Sacramento River : R J Caldwell, E A Zagona, B
1720h GC14B-09 Social-environmental tradeoffs for Systems of Rice Intensification in S. India:
A Gathorne-Hardy, D N Reddy, V Motkuri, B
1730h H14B-07 Catchment sensitivity to changing
climate conditions: the importance of landscape
characteristic: C Teutschbein, R Karlsen, T Grabs,
H Laudon, K H Bishop
1730h GC14B-10 Guidance for Large-scale
Implementation of Alternate Wetting and Drying:
A Biophysical Suitability Assessment: B O Sander,
R Wassmann, A Nelson, L Palao, E Wollenberg, M
1745h H14B-08 Climate Change Impacts on Stream
Temperatures in the Columbia River System: J R
Yearsley, L Crozier
1740h GC14B-11 DNDC Model Calibration,
Validation and Quantification of Structural
Uncertainty to Support Rice Methane Offset
Protocols: W Salas, M J Ducey, C Li
1750h GC14B-12 Using the DayCent Ecosystem
Model to Predict Methane Emissions from Wetland
Rice Production in Support for Mitigation Efforts: S
M Ogle, W J Parton, K Cheng, G Pan
Moscone West 3020
Hydroepidemiology: Bridging
Hydrology and Climate with Human
Health I
(joint with GC, NH)
Presiding: Antarpreet Jutla, West
Virginia University; Tissa Illangasekare,
Colorado School of Mines; Ali Akanda,
University of Rhode Island; Larry
Paxton, The Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
1600h H14A-01 When the Well Runs Dry: Climate
Change, Water and Human Health: J M Balbus
1620h H14A-02 On Spatially Explicit Models of
Epidemic and Endemic Cholera: The Haiti and Lake
Kivu Case Studies: A Rinaldo, E Bertuzzo, L Mari,
F Finger, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, I RodriguezIturbe
1640h H14A-03 Incorporating Hydroepidemiology
into the Epidemia Malaria Early Warning System:
M C Wimberly, C L Merkord, G M Henebry, G
B Senay
1700h H14A-04 Revisiting Cholera-Climate
Teleconnections in the Native Homeland:
ENSO and other Extremes through the Regional
Hydroclimatic Drivers: A S Akanda, A Jutla, A
Huq, R R Colwell
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 61
1715h H14A-05 Utilizing Remote Sensing to Explore
Hydrological and Climatic Factors of Visceral
Leishmaniasis in South Sudan: A Kruczkiewicz,
A Sweeney, C Reid, J Seaman, A Abubakar, K
Ritmeijer, K Jensen, R Schroeder, K C McDonald, J
Lessel, M C Thomson, D Elnaiem, P Ceccato
Moscone West 3014
Persistent Problems in Multiphase
Flow in Porous Media: Modern
Approaches to Modelling and
Visualization of Flow from Pore to
Laboratory and Field-Scales II
Presiding: Mark Porter, Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Ryan Armstrong,
University of New South Wales; Luis
Cueto-Felgueroso, MIT; Florian Doster,
Heriot-Watt University
1600h H14C-01 A novel approach to model hydraulic
and electrical conductivity in fractal porous media:
B Ghanbarian, H Daigle, M Sahimi
1615h H14C-02 Break up of connected non-wetting
phase during CO2-brine and N2-water drainage core
floods: C A Reynolds, S C Krevor
1630h H14C-03 Challenges in modeling unstable
two-phase flow experiments in porous micromodels:
Y Meheust, A Ferrari, J Jimenez-Martinez, T Le
Borgne, I Lunati
1645h H14C-04 Pore-Scale Study of the Effect of the
Saturation History on Fluid Saturation and Relative
Permeability of Three-Fluid Flow in Porous Media:
S Y Hsu, J P Tsai, L C Chang
1700h H14C-05 Fluid trapping characteristics of
immiscible displacement in fractures: Z Yang, I
Neuweiler, Y Meheust, A P Niemi, F Fagerlund
1715h H14C-06 Foam flows in 2D porous media:
intermittency and bubble fragmentation: Y
Meheust, B Géraud, S A Jones, B Dollet, I Cantat
1730h H14C-07 Flow rate dictates permeability
enhancement during fluid pressure oscillations in
laboratory experiments: E E Brodsky, T Candela,
D Elsworth, C Marone
Moscone West 3010
Shale Science: Coupled Processes
in Hydraulic Fracturing and CO2
Sequestration III
(Virtual Session) (joint with MR)
Presiding: James Carey, Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Stephanie Vialle,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;
Qinhong Hu, University of Texas at
Arlington; Thomas Dewers, Sandia
National Laboratories
1600h H14D-01 Paper 5991: How Much Gas,
Condensate, and Oil Will be Produced from Major
Shale Plays in the U.S., and Why?: T W Patzek
1620h H14D-02 Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Modeling
of Matrix Transport Properties in Fractured Shale
Reservoirs: A Mehmani, M Prodanovic
1635h H14D-03 Investigating the Potential for
Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Shale
Gas Formations: R Edwards, M A Celia, C Kanno,
K Bandilla, F Doster
1650h H14D-04 No Seal, No Deal: the Importance
of Understanding Caprock Integrity During LongTerm CO2 Storage: S Hangx, R P Pijnenburg, A R
Niemeijer, E Bakker, J E Samuelson, C J Spiers
1710h H14D-05 Geochemical Processes in the
Interaction Between a Marly Shale and a CO2Rich Sulfate Solution Under Supercritical CO2
Conditions: G Davila, L Luquot, J Cama, J M Soler
1725h H14D-06 How reactive fluids alter fracture
walls and affect shale-matrix accessibility: J P Fitts,
H Deng, C A Peters
1740h H14D-07 Microbially Induced Calcite
Precipitation (MICP) - A Technology for Managing
Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured Media:
A J Phillips, R Hiebert, J Kirksey, E G Lauchnor, A
Rothman, L Spangler, R Esposito, R Gerlach, A B
Moscone West 3018
The Ongoing Sensor Revolution in the
Hydrologic Sciences: Quantifying Hot
Spot and Hot Moment Controls on
Water Quality Across Scales II (joint
with B)
Presiding: Matthew Cohen, Univ
Florida-SFRC; Francois Birgand, North
Carolina State University at Raleigh
1600h H14E-01 Prospects and Pitfalls in the Coming
Wave of High-frequency Environmental Data:
What to Look Forward to, and Watch out for: J W
1615h H14E-02 Continuous monitoring of
watershed signals: Disentangling compounded
processes: B L McGlynn, E C Seybold, M A
Zimmer, K E Kaiser, J M Mallard, A Bergstrom, K
G Jencso, F Nippgen
1630h H14E-03 Multi-Scale Variations in
Streamwater Chemistry and Hydropedological
Implications for Hotspot Development: K J
McGuire, S W Bailey, J P Gannon, G Likens, D
Buso, C Torgersen, W Lowe
1645h H14E-04 Searching for hot spots and
hot moments of soil denitrification in northern
hardwood forests: J L Morse, J Duran, L Morillas,
J Roales, S W Bailey, K J McGuire, P M Groffman
1700h H14E-05 Heat tracing as a tool for locating and
quantifying hydrological hot spots and hot moments
that impact surface water and groundwater quality:
L Lautz, M A Briggs, R Gordon, D J Irvine, J M
McKenzie, R Ribaudo, D K Hare
1715h H14E-06 Hot “spoments” in river networks:
A F Aubeneau, T Aquino, D Bolster, J L Tank, A
I Packman
1730h H14E-07 Biogeochemical interpretations of
colored dissolved organic matter optical signatures:
A Stubbins, R G Spencer, P J Mann, T Dittmar, J
Niggemann, R M Holmes, J W McClelland, P Del
Giorgio, Y Prairie, J F Lapierre, M Bergrren
1745h H14E-08 Understanding dynamic pattern and
process across spatial scales in river systems using
simultaneous deployments of in situ sensors: W M
Wollheim, G Mulukutla, C Cook, R O Carey
1745h H14C-08 Pore-scale Evolution of Supercritical
CO2 within Bentheimer Sandstone during Multiple
Drainage-Imbibition Cycles: A L Herring, L
Andersson, D Wildenschild
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Moscone West 3011
Uncertainty and Sensitivity in
Models and Observations and Their
Impacts on Decision Making Related
to Geological, Hydrological, and
Environmental Applications I (joint
with A, B, GC)
Presiding: Ray Anderson, USDA
Agricultural Research Service Riverside;
Velimir Vesselinov, LANL; Hoshin
Gupta, University of Arizona; Todd
Skaggs, US Salinity Lab
1600h H14F-01 Addressing Conceptual Model
Uncertainty in the Evaluation of Model Prediction
Errors: J Carrera, M Pool
1615h H14F-02 The Elephant in the Room: Spatial
Heterogeneity and the Uncertainty of Measurements
and Models: J G Alfieri, W P Kustas, J H Prueger,
N Agam, C M U Neale, S R Evett
1630h H14F-03 A Peep into the UncertaintyComplexity-Relevance
through Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty
Analysis: R Munoz-Carpena, S J Muller, M Chu,
G A Kiker, S G Perz
1645h H14F-04 What Do We Mean By Sensitivity
Analysis? The Need For A Comprehensive
Characterization Of Sensitivity In Earth System
Models: S Razavi, H V Gupta
1700h H14F-05 Quantifying Uncertainty in PhysicsBased Models with Measure Theory: T Butler
1715h H14F-06 Hierarchical Mixture of Experts
and Diagnostic Modeling Approach to Reduce
Hydrologic Model Structural Uncertainty: E M
Moges, Y Demissie, H Y Li
1730h H14F-07 A new framework for quantifying
uncertainties in modelling studies for future climates
– how more certain are CMIP5 precipitation and
temperature simulations compared to CMIP3?:
A Sharma, F M Woldemeskel, B Sivakumar, R
1745h H14F-08 Model-data Synthesis of Complex
CPU-intensive System Models: Application to
Geophysics, Hydrology and Ecology: J A Vrugt
Moscone West 2020
Assessment of Satellite-Derived
Essential Climate Variables in the
Terrestrial Domain II (joint with B)
Presiding: Gabriela Schaepman-Strub,
University of Zurich; Miguel Roman,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
1600h IN14A-01 Assessment of Satellite-Derived
Essential Climate Variables in the Terrestrial
Domain: An Overview of the Ceos Lpv Subgroup:
J E Nickeson, M O Roman, G Schaepman-Strub
1615h IN14A-02 NEON Data Products: Supporting
the Validation of GCOS Essential Climate Variables:
S B Petroy, A M Fox, S Metzger, A Thorpe, C L
LANDSAT DATA: J Ranson, G Sun, W Ni
1645h IN14A-04 Aboveground Biomass Monitoring
over Siberian Boreal Forest Using Radar Remote
Sensing Data: M A Stelmaszczuk-Gorska, C J
Thiel, C Schmullius
1700h IN14A-05 Validation of Satellite-Derived
Land Surface Temperature Products – Methods and
Good Practice: P C Guillevic, G C Hulley, S J Hook,
J Biard, D Ghent
1715h IN14A-06 Evaluation of MODIS and VIIRS
Albedo Products Using Ground and Airborne
Measurements and Development of Ceos/Wgcv/
Lpv Albedo Ecv Protocols: Z Wang, M O Roman,
C Schaaf, Q Sun, Y Liu, E J Saenz, C K Gatebe
1745h IN14A-08 Validating Long-term Consistency
of MODIS EVI Time Series Using Ground-based
Radiation Flux Data: A Kato, T Miura
Moscone West 2011
Earth and Space Science Data
Facilities in a Big Data World II
Presiding: Kenneth Casey, NOAA/
NESDIS/NODC; Veronica Guidetti,
European Space Agency; Danie
Kinkade, Woods Hole Oceanographic
AGU2014News.indb 62
1600h IN14B-01 IEDA: Making Small Data BIG
Through Interdisciplinary Partnerships Among
Long-tail Domains: K A Lehnert, S M Carbotte, R
A Arko, V L Ferrini, L Hsu, L Song, M S Ghiorso,
D J Walker
1615h IN14B-02 NSIDC: Coping with a Big
Data World: R Duerr, J Beitler, D Gallaher, K A
Heightley, M C Serreze, R Weaver
1630h IN14B-03 GEOSS: Addressing Big Data
Challenges: S Nativi, M Craglia, O Ochiai
1645h IN14B-04 GEARS: An Enterprise
Architecture Based On Common Ground Services:
S Petersen
1700h IN14B-05 Big Data Issues under the
Copernicus Programme: R L Schulte-Braucks
1715h IN14B-06 NASA’s EOSDIS Approach to Big
Earth Data Challenges: D R Lowe, J Behnke, K J
1730h IN14B-07 Large-Scale Data Collection
Metadata Management at the National Computation
Infrastructure: J Wang, B J K Evans, I Bastrakova,
G Ryder, J Martin, D Duursma, K Gohar, T Mackey,
M Paget, G Siddeswara
1745h IN14B-08 Connecting Hundreds of
Oceanographic Data Sources from 35 Countries in
and around Europe into a Big Data Network : T De
Marriott Marquis Salons
Digital Rock Physics, 3D Printing, and
More II (joint with H, T)
Presiding: Hongkyu Yoon, Sandia
National Lab; WaiChing Sun, Columbia
University; Thomas Dewers, Sandia
National Laboratories; Moo Lee, Sandia
National Laboratories
1600h MR14A-01 Relevance of Computational
Rock Physics: J P Dvorkin
1615h MR14A-02 Experimental Diagenesis and 3D
Printing of Evolving Carbonate Microstructures: T
1630h MR14A-03 A nonlocal multiscale discretecontinuum digital rock physics model at pendular
regime: W Sun, Y Liu, Z Yuan, J Fish
1645h MR14A-04 Integrating conventional and
digital rock physics: C H Arns, S M Alizadeh,
S Norouzi Apourvari, I Shikhov, N Francois, S
Latham, J Middleton, A Limaye, T Senden
1715h NG14A-06 Climate Networks and Extreme
Events: J Kurths
1730h NG14A-07 Climatic Impacts of a Stochastic
Parameterization of Air–Sea Fluxes: P D Williams
Marriott Marquis Salon 7
Satellite Remote Sensing and
Management of Natural Disasters II
(Virtual Session) (joint with A, H, S, T)
Presiding: Ramesh Singh, Chapman
University; Amir AghaKouchak,
University of California Irvine; Cathleen
Jones, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory;
David Tratt, The Aerospace Corporation
1600h NH14A-01 Using SAR and GPS for Hazard
Management and Response: Progress and Examples
from the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis
(ARIA) Project: S E Owen, M Simons, H Hua, S H
Yun, P S Agram, P Milillo, G F Sacco, F Webb, P A
Rosen, P Lundgren, G Milillo, G J M Manipon, A
W Moore, Z Liu, J Polet, J Cruz
1615h NH14A-02 High Resolution Satellite MultiTemporal Interferometry for Landslide and
Subsidence Hazard Assessment: An Overview: J
Wasowski, F Bovenga, D O Nitti, R Nutricato, M
1630h NH14A-03 Mapping Drought Impacts on
Agricultural Production in California’s Central
Valley: F S Melton, A Guzman, L Johnson, C
Rosevelt, J P Verdin, J L Dwyer, R Mueller, A
Zakzeski, P S Thenkabail, C Wallace, J Jones, S
Windell, J Urness, A Teaby, D Hamblin, K M Post,
R R Nemani
1700h NH14A-05 Frost monitoring and forecasting
using MODIS Land Surface Temperature data and
a Numerical Weather Prediction model forecasts
for Eastern Africa: A S Limaye, E S Kabuchanga,
A Flores, J Mungai, V N Sakwa, A Shaka, S Malaso,
D Irwin
1715h NH14A-06 E-DECIDER Disaster Response
and Decision Support Cyberinfrastructure:
Technology and Challenges: M T Glasscoe, J W
Parker, M E Pierce, J Wang, R T Eguchi, C K Huyck,
Z Hu, Z Chen, M R Yoder, J B Rundle, A Rosinski
1730h NH14A-07 Aggregation Tool to Create
Curated Data albums to Support Disaster Recovery
and Response: R Ramachandran, A Kulkarni, M
Maskey, X Li, S Flynn
1700h MR14A-05 Giving peeps to my props: Using
3D printing to shed new light on particle transport
in fractured rock: S D Walsh, W L Du Frane, J J
Vericella, R D Aines
1745h NH14A-08 Using Satellite Imagery from the
International Charter to Support Disaster Response
Management: G W Bawden, B K Jones, R Lamb
1715h MR14A-06 Digital Rock Simulation of Flow
in Carbonate Samples: D Klemin, M Andersen
1730h MR14A-07 Testing Mercury Porosimetry
with 3D Printed Porosity Models: F Hasiuk, R P
Ewing, Q Hu
1745h MR14A-08 3D Printing and Digital Rock
Physics for the Geosciences: M J Martinez, H
Yoon, T A Dewers
Marriott Marquis Salons
Patterns, Visualization, and
Stochastic Processes in Geophysics I
(joint with B, C, EP, NS, P, V)
Presiding: Lucas Goehring, Max
Planck Institute for Dynamics and SelfOrganization; Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia,
U. Paris Est; Charles Sowers,
Exploratorium; Daniel Schertzer, Ecole
Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
1600h NG14A-01 Shapes Formed By Interacting
Cracks: K Daniels
1615h NG14A-02 Artificial tektites: an experimental
technique for capturing the shapes of spinning
drops: K A Baldwin
1630h NG14A-03 Impact of Wettability on FluidFluid Displacement in Porous Media: A Pore-Scale
Model: R Holtzman, E Segre, M Trojer, R Juanes
1645h NG14A-04 Art, outreach and geopattern
formation: S W Morris, A S H Chen, M C Rogers,
L Goehring
1700h NG14A-05 Visualizing the Weather: Changes
and Uncertainties: P Brohan
Moscone West 2022-2024
Shoemaker Lecture
(Virtual Session)
Presiding: William McKinnon,
Washington Univ; Linda Elkins-Tanton,
Carnegie Institution; Jorn Helbert,
German Aerospace Center DLR Berlin;
Nathan Bridges, Applied Physics
Laboratory Johns Hopkins
1600h Introductory Remarks
1610h P14A-01 Searching for Earth-like planets in
this solar system and beyond: E R Stofan
Marriott Marquis Salon 1315
Connecting Geoscience with the Arts
II (joint with ED)
Presiding: Katherine Ellins, Univ of
Texas-Inst for Geophys; Susan Eriksson,
Eriksson Associates; Gary Braasch,
Self Employed; John Dewey, Earth
and Planetary Sciences, University of
California, Davis
1600h PA14A-01 Science and Photography Linked
in iPad and iPhone Apps About Climate Change and
Repeat Photography: G Braasch, B Hone
1630h PA14A-03 Cool Science: Year 2 of Using
Children’s Artwork about Climate Change to
Engage Riders on Mass Transit: D S Lustick, J
Lohmeier, R F Chen
1645h PA14A-04 Polar Perspectives on Art
and Science: A K Rennermalm, H Salzman, D
1700h PA14A-05 Shifting the Perspective: Artists in
the Ocean: C L Van Dover
collaboration through immersive, interactive 3D
visualization: L H Kellogg
1730h PA14A-07 SEA Change: Bringing together
Science, Engineering and the Arts at the University
of Florida: M R Perfit, M S Mertz, L Lavelli
1745h PA14A-08 A Song of Our Warming Planet:
Using Music to Communicate Critical Concepts
in Climate Science: S St George, D Crawford, T
Moscone West 2010
Moscone West 3009
Nearshore Processes IV (joint with EP)
Presiding: Julia Mullarney, Dept. Earth
and Ocean Sciences; Alec TorresFreyermuth, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México; Hansong Tang,
CCNY; Cheryl Ann Blain, Naval Research
1600h OS14A-01 Wave statistics in a coastal focal
zone: T T Janssen, T H C Herbers, D W Pearman,
E Van Ettinger, P B Smit
1615h OS14A-02 Wind-Wave Coupling in a
Complex Coastal Environment: B K Haus, N
Laxague, D G Ortiz-Suslow, H C Graber, R
1630h OS14A-03 Wave-current interaction in
evolution of rip channel system: Y Uchiyama, D
Miyazaki, H Kaida
1645h OS14A-04 Wave-Group Resolving vs WaveResolving Modeling of Surf and Swash Processes: J
A Roelvink, R T McCall, S Mehvar, A Dastgheib
1700h OS14A-05 Laboratory Experiments of
Rip Current Generation: R Garnier, G Coco, P
Lomonaco, R A Dalrymple, A Alvarez, M Gonzalez,
R Medina
1715h OS14A-06 Experimental study of the swash
of single and successive solitary waves: N Pujara,
P L F Liu
1730h OS14A-07 Estimating storm-induced wave
runup using numerical and parameterized models:
H F Stockdon, D Thompson, N G Plant, J Long
A Living Planet: Biotic Responses to
Past Changes in Earth’s Climate and
Geology III (joint with B, GC, OS)
Presiding: Elizabeth Sibert, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography;
Richard Norris, Scripps Institution
of Oceanography; Paul Baker, Duke
University; Sherilyn Fritz, University of
Nebraska - Lincoln
1600h PP14A-01 Influence of climate change and
marine chemistry on ecological shifts following the
Triassic/Jurassic mass extinction: K A Ritterbush,
A J West, W Berelson, S Rosas, D J Bottjer, J A
Yager, F A Corsetti
1615h PP14A-02 Succes of foraminiferal calcification
mechanisms depend on ocean chemistry : I V van
Dijk, L J de Nooijer, M Hart, G J Reichart
1630h PP14A-03 Lead and Lags of Lake System
Responses to Late Allerød and Early Younger Dryas
Climatic Fluctuation – an Example from Varved
Lake Sediments from Northern Poland (Central
Europe): M M Slowinski, I Zawiska, F Ott, A
M Noryśkiewicz, B Plessen, K Apolinarska, M
Lutyńska, D J Michczynska, S Wulf, P Skubała, M
Błaszkiewicz, A Brauer
1645h PP14A-04 Recognizing Andean Uplift and
the Growth of Continuous Topographic Barriers:
B K Horton
1700h PP14A-05 Investigating Processes of
Neotropical Rain Forest Tree Diversification
By Examining the Evolution and Historical
Biogeography of the Protieae (BURSERACEAE): P
Fine, F Zapata, D Daly
1715h PP14A-06 Biogeographic, molecular
evolution, and diversification patterns in
Neotropical plants: S A Smith, C W Dick
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:47:12 AM
1730h PP14A-07 Environmental Controls on
Space-Time Biodiversity Patterns in the Amazon: A
M Porporato, S Bonetti, X Feng
1745h PP14A-08 Impact of Miocene Tectonics
on Global and Neotropical Climate: A Modelling
Approach: P Sepulchre, C Jaramillo, A Franc
Moscone West 2009
Australian National University; Keith
Koper, University of Utah; Sebastian
Rost, The University of Leeds
1600h S14B-01 Illuminating the Intricate Details of
Tremor and Slow Slip Using an Array of Arrays:
K C Creager, J E Vidale, J R Sweet, S Chestler, A
Past Ocean Dynamics II (Virtual
1615h S14B-02 Seismic Noise Observations from
Multiple Arrays in the Southern Hemisphere:
Challenges and Opportunities: A M Reading, M
Gal, M A Hemer, K D Koper, H Tkalcic
Presiding: Joerg Lippold, University
of Bern; Luke Skinner, University of
1630h S14B-03 Teleseismic detection and location
with an array of arrays: S R Ford, T F Hauk
1600h PP14B-01 Thermobaric instability: The role
of the ocean in the last deglaciation: A P Ingersoll,
Z Su
1615h PP14B-02 A Bayesian Approach for
Reconstructing the Past Ocean Circulation from a
Limited Number of Sediment-Core Radiocarbon
Measurements: F Primeau
1630h PP14B-03 The Antarctic Circumpolar
Current during the Last Glacial Maximum: J
Lynch-Stieglitz, T Ito
1645h PP14B-04 Northern control of Southern
Source Water deglacial circulation in Rockall
Trough, N.E. Atlantic: I N N McCave, F D Hibbert,
J E T Channell, W E N Austin
1700h PP14B-05 Ice Age Reboot: Thermohaline
Circulation Crisis during the Mid-Pleistocene
Transition: L Pena, S L Goldstein
1715h PP14B-06 Toward the Inference of Deglacial
Ocean Dynamics from the Spatial Pattern of LGMto-Modern d13C and d18O Change: G Gebbie, C D
Peterson, L E Lisiecki, H J Spero
1730h PP14B-07 Glacial Atlantic Overturning in
CMIP/PMIP models controlled by the Southern and
Northern high latitude changes: A Abe-Ouchi, R
Ohgaito, K Takahashi, M O Chikamoto, S SherriffTadano, A Oka, J C Hargreaves, A Timmermann,
M Yoshimori
1745h PP14B-08 An Ocean Tale of Two Climates:
Modern and Last Glacial Maximum: R M Ferrari
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate A1
Decade of Megatsunamis: Science and
Tsunami Warning Systems after the
2004 Sumatra Event II (joint with G)
Presiding: Eddie Bernard, Self
Employed; Vasily Titov, NOAA/PMEL;
Stuart Weinstein, Pacific Tsunami
Warning; Jose Borrero, eCoast Ltd.
1600h S14A-01 Tsunami Forecast: Connecting
Science with Warning Operations: V V Titov
1645h S14B-04 Upper Mantle Tomography in the
Northwestern Pacific Region Using Triplicated P
Waveforms: N Takeuchi, H Kawakatsu, S Tanaka,
M Obayashi, Y J Chen, J Ning, S P Grand, F Niu, J
Ni, R Iritani, K K I Idehara, T Tonegawa
1700h S14B-05 Using Topside Reflections to Image
Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath
North America via the Earthscope Transportable
Array: A R Mautino, N C Schmerr
1715h S14B-06 Using seismic array-processing to
enhance observations of PcP waves to constrain
lowermost mantle structure: S Ventosa, B A
1730h S14B-07 Deep-Earth Structure from PKP
Precursors and Other Scattered Body Waves: N J
Mancinelli, P M Shearer
1745h S14B-08 Imaging the D” reflector with
noise correlations and array processing: P Poli, M
Campillo, C Thomas, H Pedersen
Moscone West 2016
The Bottomside Equatorial
Ionosphere: Dynamics and Impacts II
Presiding: David Hysell, Cornell
University; Kent Miller, Air Force Office
of Scientific Research; Todd Pedersen,
Air Force Research Laboratory
1600h SA14A-01 Ionosphere Profile Estimation
Using Ionosonde & GPS Data in an Inverse
Refraction Calculation: M L Psiaki
1615h SA14A-02 Effect of ray and speed
perturbations on Ionospheric Tomography by
Over-the-horizon radar: A new method: C Roy, G
Occhipinti, L Boschi, J P Molinié
1630h SA14A-03 HF Radar for Long-Range
Monitoring of Ionospheric Irregularities in the
Equatorial Region: T R Pedersen, R T Parris, E V
1645h SA14A-04 Examining the Electric Fields of
the Evening Equatorial Ionosphere When the Solar
Terminator is Aligned and Not Aligned with the
Magnetic Meridian: J V Eccles
1615h S14A-02 Modeling tools for the real-time
evaluation and historical reconstruction of tsunami
events in New Zealand: J C Borrero, D Greer, D G
G Goring, W L Power
1700h SA14A-05 Numerical Simulations and
Forecasts of Equatorial Spread F in the American
Sector Based on ISR and HF Measurements: D L
Hysell, M A Milla
1630h S14A-03 Mega Tsunamis of the World Ocean
and Their Implication for the Tsunami Hazard
Assessment: V K Gusiakov
1715h SA14A-06 Transequatorial Propagation and
Depletion Precursors: E S Miller, G S Bust, S R
Kaeppler, N A Frissell, L J Paxton
1645h S14A-04 A Chain of Destructive
Meteotsunamis Occurred in the Mediterranean
Region on 23-27 June, 2014: J Sepic, I Vilibic, A
Rabinovich, S Monserrat
1730h SA14A-07 Vertical gradients in the zonal
wind observed in the equatorial F-region under
postsunset conditions: A Kiene, M F Larsen, E
1700h S14A-05 High Resolution Tsunami
Vulnerability Assessment for Coastal Utilities; Case
Studies in the Sea of Marmara: A C Yalciner, B
Aytore, C Cankaya, H G Guler, L Suzen, A Zaytsev,
T Arikawa, T Takashi
1745h SA14A-08 Evidence of Medium Scale
(~50 km) Undulations Observed at Sunset in the
Equatorial Ionosphere by Electric Field and Plasma
Density Probes on the C/NOFS Satellite Below the
F-Peak in Conjunction with Larger Scale (~500
km) Depletions: R F Pfaff Jr, H T Freudenreich, J
Klenzing, M C Liebrecht
1715h S14A-06 A New Algorithm for Real-Time
Tsunami Forecast Using a Dense Network of Cabled
Ocean-Bottom Pressure Gauges: N Yamamoto, S
Aoi, K Hirata, T Kunugi, H Nakamura, W Suzuki
1730h S14A-07 Model of Predicting Multi Tsunami
Scenarios considering Large Slip Zone and Super
Large Slip Zone and Its Application in the Nankai
Trough: S Seto, T Takahashi
Moscone West 2012
1745h S14A-08 Global Tsunami Warning System
Development Since 2004: S Weinstein, N C Becker,
D Wang, G J Fryer, C McCreery, B F Hirshorn
Riddles of the Ribbon: Revealing
Signatures of the Outer Heliosphere
Embedded in Time, Space, and Energy
Presiding: Herbert Funsten, Los Alamos
Natl Laboratory; Eric Christian, NASA
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate B1
Multi-array Probing of the Earth’s
Interior II (joint with DI)
Presiding: Josip Stipcevic, Australian
National University; Hrvoje Tkalcic,
1600h SH14A-01 Revealing Ribbon Riddles: From
Ibex’s Discovery to What We Know Now: D J
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 63
1615h SH14A-02 ENA Time Variation in the IBEX
skymaps and at the Poles: D B Reisenfeld, P H
Janzen, M Bzowski, M A Dayeh, H O Funsten, S
Fuselier, M A Kubiak, D J McComas, N Schwadron,
J M Sokol
1630h SH14A-03 Distinguishing Tests of the
Interstellar Boundary Explorer Ribbon through
Numerical Modeling: Current Results and Future
Prospects: E J Zirnstein
1645h SH14A-04 Hybrid Simulations for the
Turbulence and the Wave-Particle Interaction in
the Inner and the Outer Heliopause: H Kucharek,
N V Pogorelov, H R Mueller, K V Gamayunov
1700h SH14A-05 Draping of the Interstellar
Magnetic Field Over the Heliosphere - A Passive
Field Model: P A Isenberg, T G Forbes, E Moebius
1715h SH14A-06 A Heliosphere Buffeted by
Interstellar Turbulence?: J R Jokipii, J Giacalone
1730h SH14A-07 Charting the Interstellar Magnetic
Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer
(IBEX) Ribbon: P C Frisch, B G Andersson, A
Berdyugin, H O Funsten, A M Magalhaes, D J
McComas, V Piirola, N Schwadron, D Seriacopi, J
D Slavin, S Wiktorowicz
1745h SH14A-08 The ENA Ribbon and the ISN
Flow as Key Tools for the ISM-Heliosphere
Interaction – Open Questions, the Need for Future
Observations with IBEX and IMAP: E Moebius,
M Bzowski, P C Frisch, H O Funsten, S Fuselier,
H Kucharek, D J McComas, N Schwadron, R F
Wimmer-Schweingruber, P Wurz, G P Zank
Moscone West 2018
Cross-Energy Interactions in the Inner
Magnetosphere I
Presiding: Jichun Zhang, University of
New Hampshire; Yiqun Yu, Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Colby Lemon,
The Aerospace Corporation; Michael
Liemohn, University of Michigan
1600h SM14A-01 The Role of the Ring Current in
Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy Coupling: V
SM14A-02 Modeling
InnerMagnetosphere Ionosphere with the CIMI Model:
M C H Fok, N Buzulukova, S H Chen, A Glocer, T
Nagai, P W Valek, J D Perez
1627h SM14A-03 Storm time plasma transport in
a unified and inter-coupled global magnetosphere
model: R Ilie, M W Liemohn, G Toth
1642h SM14A-04 Inner Magnetosphere keV Ion
Drift Path Boundaries as Observed by the Van Allen
Probes: R J Strangeway, J Zhang, B Larsen
1654h SM14A-05 Understanding the Dynamics of
the Coupled Ring Current Radiation Belt System
Using 4D VERB Simulations: Y Shprits, A C
Kellerman, A Drozdov, K Orlova, M Spasojevic
1706h SM14A-06 Effect of Precipitating Electrons
on Ring Current Energy Content, Ionospheric
Conductance, and Thermospheric Properties: M
Chen, C L Lemon, R L Walterscheid, B Yoo, J H
Hecht, Y Shprits, K Orlova, M Schulz, J S Evans
1721h SM14A-07 Cross-Frequency Coupling
of Plasma Waves in the Magnetosphere: G V
1736h SM14A-08 Effect of Spatial Density
Variation and O+ Concentration on the Growth
and Evolution of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron
Waves: R E Denton, V Jordanova, B J Fraser
1748h SM14A-09 Evidence for Significant Local
Generation of Plasmaspheric Hiss: C Kletzing, W
S Kurth, S R Bounds, G B Hospodarsky, O Santolik,
J R Wygant, J W Bonnell, Y Omura, D Summers
Moscone West 2008
Plasma Sheet Instabilities and
Magnetotail Origins of Auroral
Structures II
Presiding: Ping Zhu, University of
Science and Technology of China;
Joachim Raeder, Space Science Ctr
1600h SM14B-01 Auroral Arcs in a Rice Convection
Model Context: R Wolf, A Jaggi, S Y Sazykin, J
Yang, F Toffoletto
1615h SM14B-02 Ballooning Instabilities in the
Plasma Sheet in Conjunction with Auroral Wave
Structures: X Xing, J Liang, E Spanswick, L R
Lyons, V Angelopoulos
1630h SM14B-03 Multi-Case Study of Kinetic
Ballooning-Interchange Waves in the Plasma Sheet:
E V Panov, W Baumjohann, M Kubyshkina, R
Nakamura, V A Sergeev
1645h SM14B-04 Mechanisms for Generating Finite
Cross-Tail Jets in the Plasma Sheet: P L Pritchett
1700h SM14B-05 Fine-Scale Structuring of PreBreakup Arcs: Observations and Implications: T
Motoba, S Ohtani
1715h SM14B-06 On the role of pre-onset streamers
in substorm onset and development: L Kepko
1730h SM14B-07 A statistical study of dayside
diffuse aurora observed at Yellow River Station in
Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard: D Han, Z Hu, H Hu, H Yang,
D Huang, X Chen
1745h SM14B-08 GREECE Sounding Rocket
Mission Overview: M Samara, R Michell, G
A Grubbs II, J W Bonnell, K Ogasawara, D L
Hampton, J M Jahn, E Donovan, B Gustavsson,
B S Lanchester, M G McHarg, E Spanswick, T S
Trondsen, P W Valek
Marriott Marquis Nob Hill
Fault Zone Properties and Processes
during Dynamic Rupture II (joint with
MR, S)
Presiding: Marion Thomas, Institut de
Physique du Globe de Paris; Harsha
Bhat Suresh, Institut de Physique du
Globe de Paris; Alice-Agnes Gabriel,
Ludwig Maximilians Universitat
1600h T14A-01 Earthquake signatures from fast slip
and dynamic fracture propagation: state of the art :
W A Griffith, C D Rowe
1615h T14A-02 Coseismic Damage Generation in
Fault Zones by Successive High Strain Rate Loading
Experiments: F M Aben, M L Doan, F Renard, R
Toussaint, T Reuschlé, J P Gratier
1630h T14A-03 Fault core and slip zone geometry,
wear and evolution: K Shervais, J D Kirkpatrick
1645h T14A-04 Fault zone hydraulic properties
provide an independent estimate of fracture energy
at 8 km depth (Gole Larghe Fault Zone, Italian
Southern Alps): A Bistacchi, G Di Toro, S A F
Smith, S Mittempergher, P S Garofalo
1700h T14A-05 Dynamic Rupture Processes during
Laboratory Earthquakes: F X Passelègue, A
Schubnel, S B Nielsen, H Bhat Suresh, R I Madariaga
1715h T14A-06 Geologic and structural controls
on rupture zone fabric: A field-based study of the
2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor–Cucapah earthquake surface
rupture: O Teran, J M Fletcher, M E Oskin, T K
Rockwell, K W Hudnut, R M Spelz, S O Akciz, A P
Hernandez, A E Morelan III
1730h T14A-07 The evolution of earthquakenucleating slip instabilities under spatially variable
steady-state rate dependence of friction: S Ray, R
C Viesca
1745h T14A-08 Frictional Heterogeneities Along
Carbonate Faults: C Collettini, B M Carpenter, M
Scuderi, T Tesei
Marriott Marquis Salon 9
Geodynamics of the Pacific Margin of
the Americas II (joint with GP, S)
Presiding: William Bandy, Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Juanjo
Danobeitia, CMIMA-CSIC; Carlos
Mortera-Gutierrez, Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
1600h Welcoming Remarks:
1605h T14B-01 Tectonic Fabric of the Cocos Plate
and Conjugate Pacific Plate Crust Near Mexico: J
M Stock
1625h T14B-02 Crustal Structure at the North
Eastern Tip of Rivera Plate, Nayarit- Marias Islands
Region: Scenarios and Tectonic Implications. Tsujal
Project: J Danobeitia, R Bartolome, D C Barba
Sr, F J Nunez-Cornu, W L Bandy, M Prada, A L
Cameselle, D Nunez, J M Espindola, F Estrada, A
Zamora, A Gomez, M Ortiz
1645h T14B-03 A Thick, Deformed Sedimentary
Wedge in an Erosional Subduction Zone, Southern
Costa Rica: E A Silver, J W Kluesner, J H Edwards,
P Vannucchi
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1700h T14B-04 Dynamic Passage of Topography
Beneath the Southern Costa Rica Forearc seen with
Seismic Stratigraphy: J H Edwards, J W Kluesner,
E A Silver
1715h T14B-05 Thermal Models of the Costa
Rica – Nicaragua Subduction Zone: the Effect of a
Three-Dimensional Oceanic Plate Structure and
Hydrothermal Circulation in the Temperature
Distribution and Mantle Wedge Dynamics : J C
Rosas, C A Currie, J He
1730h T14B-06 Dynamics and Upper Mantle
Structure Beneath the Northwestern Andes:
Subduction Segments, Moho Depth, and Possible
Relationships to Mantle Flow: G Monsalve, J
Yarce, T W Becker, R W Porritt, A Cardona, E
Poveda, G A Posada
1630h V14A-03 Global carbon management
using air capture and geosequestration at remote
locations: K S Lackner, D Goldberg
1645h V14A-04 Mineral Carbonation Potential of
CO2 from Natural and Industrial-based Alkalinity
Sources: J Wilcox, A Kirchofer
1700h V14A-05 Negative CO2 emissions via
subsurface mineral carbonation in fractured
peridotite: P B Kelemen, J Matter
1715h V14A-06 Mineral Carbonation Employing
Ultramafic Mine Waste: G Southam, J
McCutcheon, I M Power, A L Harrison, S A Wilson,
G M Dipple
1745h T14B-07 New views on the structure and
evolution of the Andes-Altiplano orogenic system:
Are collision- and subduction-type mountain belts
mechanically different?: M Riesner, R Armijo, R
Lacassin, M Simoes, D Carrizo, G Fuentes
1730h V14A-07 Enhanced olivine carbonation
within a basalt as compared to single-phase
experiments: the impact of redox and bulk
composition on the dissolution kinetics of olivine:
O Sissmann, F Brunet, I Martinez, F J Guyot, A
Verlaguet, Y Pinquier, B Garcia, M Chardin, E
Kohler, D Daval
1745h V14A-08 Quantification of carbon
mineralization with reactive and non-reactive
tracers in Icelandic basalts at the CARFIX site: M
Stute, J Matter, S R Gíslason, S Snæbjörnsdóttir, E
H Oelkers, I Gunnarsson, E S Aradottir, B Sigfússon,
H A Alfreðsson
Marriott Marquis Salon 8
Achieving Negative Carbon Emissions:
Distributed Carbon Capture from Air
and Surface Water Using Geologic
Materials and/or Storage Reservoirs I
(joint with DI, GC, H, MR, SI)
What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us? II (joint
with NH)
Presiding: Peter Kelemen, Columbia
University; Gregory Dipple, Univ British
Columbia; Klaus Lackner, Columbia
University; Ah-Hyung Park, Columbia
1600h V14A-01 Understanding the potential for
distributed carbon capture through (bio-)enhanced
weathering: A J West, M A Torres, K H Nealson
1615h V14A-02 Concentrating Carbon Dioxide
– What Do We Know from Power Plant Capture
Research?: R D Aines
AGU2014News.indb 64
Marriott Marquis Salon 1012
Presiding: Benjamin Andrews,
Smithsonian Institution; Ulrich
Kueppers, Ludwig Maximilian University
of Munich
1600h V14B-01 What can cross-bedding tell us?: G
Douillet, U Kueppers, D B Dingwell
1615h V14B-02 An Oligocene subaqueous PDC
deposit: inferences on its depositional mechanisms:
A Di Capua, G Groppelli
1630h V14B-03 Viewing inside Pyroclastic Flows
– Large-scale Experiments on hot pyroclast-gas
mixture flows: E C Breard, G Lube, S J Cronin, J
Moscone West 2006
1645h V14B-04 Thermal history of pyroclastic
density currents and pyroclasts at Tungurahua,
Ecuador: M C Benage, J Dufek
Global Precipitation Measurement
(GPM) Mission Town Hall (joint with A,
H, NH)
1700h V14B-05 Inside the Vent of the 2011-2012
Cordón Caulle Eruption, Chile: The Nature of a
Rhyolitic Ash Plume Source: H Tuffen, J M Castro,
C I Schipper, F B Wadsworth
Moscone West 2008
1715h V14B-06 From pumice to obsidian: eruptive
behaviors that produce tephra-flow dyads. I- The
AD1100 Big Glass Mountain eruption at Medicine
Lake Volcano (California): T Giachetti, T Shea,
H M Gonnermann, J M Donnelly-Nolan, D W
1730h V14B-07 A Nanolite Record of Eruption
Style Transition: M Mujin, M Nakamura
1745h V14B-08 Deposits from Multiple Shallow
Discrete Blasts with Variable Explosion Depths:
Analog Models: A H Graettinger, G Valentine, I
DOE’s Interests in Extreme Events
Moscone West 2003
Advancing Drought Understanding,
Monitoring, and Prediction (joint with
A, H)
Moscone West 2005
DOE Crosscutting Subsurface
Initiative: Adaptive Control of
Subsurface Fractures and Flow (joint
with H, MR, NH, S)
Moscone West 2004
Moscone West 2022-2024
Whipple Lecture
(Virtual Session)
NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive
(SMAP) Mission Town Hall (joint with B,
EP, H, NH)
Presiding: Linda Elkins-Tanton,
Carnegie Institution; William McKinnon,
Washington Univ; Jorn Helbert, German
Aerospace Center DLR Berlin; Nathan
Bridges, Applied Physics Laboratory
Johns Hopkins
1700h Presentation of Greeley and Whipple
1715h P14B-01 A Retrospective: Active VolatileDriven Geologic Processes Across the Solar
System—Lessons for Planetary Explorers: L A
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
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