November 2015 - Hambleden Valley Churches
November 2015 - Hambleden Valley Churches
HAMBLEDEN VALLEY Group Magazine December 2013 Hambleden VALLEY Nov 2015 £1.00 £1.00 Serving the Communities of Fawley Fingest Hambleden with Frieth and Skirmett Medmenham Turville In This Issue Group Letter 1 Group Notes and News 4 United Reform Church 8 Frieth8 Hambleden8 Calendar14 Sunday Services 15 From the Registers 22 Classified Advertisements 24 Church and Village Activities and Contacts 26 Cover: All is safely gathered in, Couchfield Barn, Hambleden. This Page: Waiting for lunch, Hambleden Weekday Services Holy Communion: Turville: Wednesday 10.15 a.m., with Ministry of Healing on 4th Wednesday Holy Days (except Weds), see Calendar. Morning Prayer: Hambleden (Lady Chapel): Friday 9 a.m. (except in August) Fawley: 1st Monday 9.45 a.m. Emergencies: If you are unable to contact the Group Priests, please get in touch with your churchwarden. All contributions are welcome, to the editor, Nigel Snell. Telephone: 01491 571687 4 The Stables, The Manor, Hambleden, RG9 6SE Please keep articles within 350 words. Copy deadline is 15th of the month. Printed by Higgs and Co., Henley. Tel. 01491 419429 GROUP LETTER On Advent Sunday, 29th November, we will be celebrating the reopening of Hambleden Church with a service of Advent music and readings at 6pm. This is a wonderful service, please do come and if you are concerned about driving in the dark, please ask for or offer a lift so you have company on the journey. The service begins in darkness and candles are lit as the ministers and choir process through the church but the lights will be switched on during the service so that the results of the rewiring project can be seen in all their glory. November 2015 Group Letter It is wonderful to see how we are all working together during the vacancy. We are grateful to Sue Morton and our Churchwardens as they lead us through it. Please continue to pray for them and our visiting Priests and Licensed Lay Ministers. I have recently visited Ffald-y-Brenin, the retreat house in Pembrokeshire where Rachel Wigram was healed. It is an amazingly beautiful place, one of those “thin places” where Heaven comes close to Earth and I came home refreshed and ready for all that lies ahead. We have several applicants for our new Rector and by the time you read this we may know whether or not we have made an appointment. If we have then, “Halleluiah, thank you God for sending us the right person”. If we have not then, “Halleluiah, thank you God for giving us another chance to find the right person”. In either case we have some months to continue as we are through All Saints, All Souls, Remembrance Sunday, Advent and Christmas. So Let Us Pray. Thank you, Father for bringing us this far in our vacancy. Thank you for the good things that have arisen through the vacancy: getting to know folk from other churches, growing closer to Lane End and working together to make it all knit together. We pray for our new Rector knowing that you will send us the right person to lead us through the next stage of our journey. Dear Lord, may your Holy Spirit continue to support us and enable us to support each other. We ask this in Jesus’ Name, AMEN God Bless, Jenny Roughan Sat 14th Nov. 10am-3pm Wanted Stamp collections / albums Especially British and Colonial Victorian Period. Anything postal considered Please phone Mike on 07527 538863 1 • IN S TA LL AT IC C RV E• • SE STOV NS ES IO IN G • AD V I Providing advice and installations to private customers, professionals and contractors for over 25 years comforts THE BEST IN home Extensive experience with thatched, heritage and listed buildings. Unrivalled customer service through the commitment of our family team. Oxfordshire • Buckinghamshire • Hertfordshire • Berkshire • and beyond Contact us to book your free home survey or to visit our showroom to see the stoves in action. Stoves, Installations & Servicing North Mill Road Bledlow Bucks HP27 9QP 01844 342400 Karen Musgrave Hill Art Workshops 2015 Botanical Artist Basic Graphite Pencil Techniques Wednesday 9th September £70.00 Multi-award winning artist RHS Gold Medal 2015 Basic Coloured Pencil Techniques Wednesday 14th October £70.00 Christmas Card Design Wednesday 28th October Price depends on number of cards to be printed An Introduction to Pen & Ink Wednesday 11th November £70.00 All courses take place in Hambleden Village Hall, Hambleden, Henley on Thames from 10:00am to 4:00pm Include morning coffee & biscuits, light lunch, afternoon tea & cake. email or ring or text 0776 441 3636 to book a place, for further details, a brochure or booking form 2 Hambleden Village Hall The perfect venue in the middle of the beautiful village of Hambleden. Large hall, patio, full kitchen facilities, free parking and very competitive rates For more details and prices go to: or contact Jamie Baker on: Tel: 01491 410669/07887 532641 Email: 3 • • • • • • weddings parties events meetings clubs classes GROUP NOTES AND NEWS would you do anything differently ? When have you experienced disturbance ? How did you feel ? Have you ever deliberately created disturbance ? What boundaries do you cross in your ministry ? What boundaries remain to be crossed ? What feedback have you benefited from ? Have you avoided receiving feedback ? What feedback do you hesitate to offer to others ? David Redhouse Group Retreat Day Last Saturday 10th October a group of us met in Northend Village Hall for a day retreat. It was led by Jo and Nick Gallant from Pelagos. Those who had been at the retreat weekend last year recognised them as the leaders from that time. Some of the ideas in the day were influenced by the teaching of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The day was a mixture of prayer, instruction and quiet for meditation on the theme of “Letting God’s heart shape our lives”. There was emphasis on listening to God’s voice and allowing it to work in our lives. Jo and Nick led sessions inviting response to ideas put forward, to find ways of exploring our own appraisal of our values and desires, even an opportunity to design a “dream house” or create a work of art! A session considering methods of making decisions seemed to be particularly appreciated. Lunch provided a chance for fellowship and relaxation, thank you to the organisers, those who produced very tempting biscuits and cake with the healthy option of apples and strawberries. Thank you, too, to Jo and Nick for a thought provoking and enjoyable day. Doyne North Group Weekend Retreat at Holland House 22nd – 24th January 2016 Living to his Praise and Glory. Two days in retreat at Holland House exploring this theme through Worship Prayerful Silence Biblical Reflection and guided private Writing The cost will be £155 per person £75 to be paid on booking and £80 by Jan 6th If the cost is a problem we may be able to help just ask me I will have booking forms available at November’s Group Services contact tel. 01494 565242 Interregnum Thoughts In Embracing Chaos: leadership insights from complexity theory Tim Harle a Bristol Business School Consultant and Lay Canon of Bristol Cathedral, reflects on examples from nature of chaotic leadership such as termites building huge mounds despite having no apparent leader. He suggests Church leadership too may involve being “comfortably out of control” just as no one Person of the Trinity is permanently subordinate to any other Person. The outcomes such as “trust”’ then simply result from interactions between members of the Church – and also, critically, with newcomers - reflecting Matthew 25 (“just as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me”). Small actions however may accumulate badly – the Holocaust began with restricted hours in which Jews could go shopping. But three natural protections can prevent this; disturbance, boundary-crossing and feedback. Ponds undisturbed by fresh water turn into lifeless slime. We should beware of longing for an end to change, for the quiet life. Jesus crossed boundaries repeatedly in associating with people considered unclean. We should beware of our congregations being closed to entry by newcomers on anything but our own terms. Jesus asked “Who do people say that I am ?” Do we give any more feedback than a bland “Nice sermon, Vicar” ? Seeking a new Rector might we usefully ask candidates some of these questions Tim suggests church leaders should ask of themselves: What values would a visitor encounter in your church ? How do they relate to the values we as Christians espouse ? What examples of self-organisation have you seen ? How have you encouraged or discouraged them ? What experience do you have of situations that have become unhealthy ? If you had your time again, More immigrants! When I was young I was at a school not far from here through which the river Pang flowed. We fished it for trout with varying degrees of success and also fished the beautiful miniature lobsters called Crayfish. These were the British White Clawed Species, about five inches long and black in colour. I’m afraid to say that we used to boil them up in our little paraffin stoves and eat them! Rather sad really as they have now died out totally in the River Pang to be replaced by the larger American Signal Crayfish which has escaped from fish farms and colonised our rivers. It has also brought a plague to which it is immune but which our poor little native species is very susceptible. Like many foreign animals that are introduced where they should not be, these crayfish find themselves with no enemies and no competition so they breed like wildfire. Our brook has been dry since about last April but recently I have been given two specimens of this Signal crayfish found in the bed of the brook. One was dead and the other was just alive, neither had rotted so they had both been alive recently. Where? I can only think that they were in temporary puddles or buried in the mud but it just shows how tough they are and like the wretched grey squirrel unlikely to be eliminated. With regard to the latter beast The Vincent Wildlife Trust are re-introducing Pine Martins to Western England and Wales. Apparently Pine Martins much prefer to eat grey squirrels than our native red, they are fatter and not so active. It seems that where pine martins live grey squirrels diminish rapidly, let’s hope if we can find something that eats Signal Crayfish and not our lovely little White Clawed ones. Nigel Snell 4 Email: or visit our web-site: Greenlands Farm, Dairy Lane, Hambleden, Greenlands Farm, Dairy Lane, Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 3AS Telephone 01491 571692 RG9 3AS Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire Telephone 01491 571692 Email: The ironing service your clothing was made for 5★ service with modern equipment 24 FREE 24 hour turnaround Free delivery and collection Professionally finished garments i Fully insured for peace-of-mind Drop-off facility at our local premises Call us to find out more or book a collection 01494 445291 5 POINTING YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION The local Knight Frank team have recently sold in your area and achieved outstanding results... Henley-on-Thames 01491 844900 We have also now opened our lettings department in the Henley office, so do ring, email or call in to see us to discuss all your property requirements. Hambledon / Watlingon Parish News 91x122mm matthew williamson and associated marks and logos are trademarks of matthew williamson limited, licensed to Osborne & Little Ltd. ©2014 20 Thameside, RG9 2LJ 15001_ham_wat_91x122_cmyk.indd 1 DRAPES DESIGN CO. Fabrics by: Colefax and Fowler, Osborne & Little, Jane Churchill, Designers Guild, Arthur Sanderson, and many more. We produce fine curtains & furnishings in our own workroom and specialise in upholstery, loosecovers, re-upholstery, carpets, lighting, wallpaper and paints. We work with you to combine ideas to suit you, your home and your budget. Please call in or phone for more information. 40 Couching Street, Watlington, Oxfordshire, ox49 5qq Phone: 01491 612273 Email: 6 10/11/2014 08:04 Royal British Legion The branch’s Remembrance Service will take place at St Mary’s Church, Fawley, on Sunday 8th November. Members are requested to parade outside the church at 10.40am. Members will be led into the church by the Turville, Medmenham and Hambleden standards. Refreshments will be served after the service. The house to house collections in support of the Poppy Appeal are taking place from 24th October to 7th November. Collection boxes will be available in local pubs and the village shop. The Branch’s Annual General Meeting will be held in the Hambleden Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 18th November. Suggestions for agenda items should be forwarded to Gillian Loveridge on 01491 638895 or at Cheese and wine will be served. The evening will be rounded off with a presentation from the Army Engagement Team. I would like to take this opportunity to wish RBL members and their families all the best for Christmas 2015 Ray Jones is one of the most ancient wine regions. From the time the ancient Etruscans settled in the gentle rolling hills of Tuscany, viticulture and wine production have been an important element of everyday life. Tuscany’s climate ranges from the Mediterranean on the coast to the continental deep in the Apennines. More than two thirds of the province is covered with hills, an important terroir factor in its fine wines. Sangiovese is the dominant red grape variety planted along with other indigenous grape varieties like Canaiolo, Ciliegiolo and Colorino. Vernaccia di San Gimignano, Trebbiano Toscano and Malvasia Bianca Lunga are the famous whites that are known to make quality wines from the region. It may not be a heavyweight in terms of quantity, but as home to three of the country›s most famous fine wines – Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano– it certainly holds its own in terms of quality. There are of course the Super Tuscans, a term coined by Robert Parker who is one of the most influential wine critics in the world of wine. These wines are produced by blending the native Sangiovese grape with Bordeaux grape varieties like Cabernet & Merlot. Sassicaia by Tenuta San Guido (DOC Bolgheri),Tignanello by Marchese Antinori and Bottiglia Particolare by Castello di Verrazzano are a few worth mentioning. Chianti is one of the most popular wines from Tuscany and its largest classified wine region. The region is divided into two DOCG zones, Chianti & Chianti Classico. The best Chianti’s are produced within the Chianti Classico zone which lies between Florence and Siena. To be called a Riserva, the Chianti has to age a minimum of 24 months before release. Here one should look for the Black Rooster emblem which is an assurance of quality for Chianti’s produced in the Chianti Classico zone. Brunello is the name of the local Sangiovese variety grown around the village of Montalcino. In contrast to the Chianti zone, Brunello di Montalcino is drier and warmer and produce quite robust and fuller bodied wines. Brunello di Montalcino cannot be released for sale until five years after the harvest, or six years in the case of Brunello di Montalcino Riserva. During this time the wines should be aged for at least two years in oak, followed by at least four months in bottle. Fine examples include Biondi Santi, Costanti, Lisini and Soldera. Vino Nobile di Montepulciano was promoted to DOCG status in 1980 and combines the richness of Brunello di Montalcino with the perfume of Chianti Classico. Unlike Chianti and Brunello where the soil is made up of limestone, the region has a mix of sandy, gravelly and clay soils. As a result the wines tend to be medium to full-bodied with firm tannins and lively acidity. The wine received its name in the 17th century, when it was the favourite wine of the Tuscan nobility. Vin Santo or holy wine is the name given to the amber-hued straw wines traditionally from Tuscany. The origins of the name are disputed, but most agree it comes from the time when these wines were used for Holy Communion. Vin Santo is the passito wine obtained by the white grape-varieties Malvasia and Hambleden Valley Garden Club At the beginning of October members visited Wittington Estate Gardens. S.A.S are carrying out extensive restoration, from a derelict state, to these famed gardens created by Hudson Ewbanke Kearley, later Viscount Devonport, over 35 years from about 1898. Andrew Ford, Estate Manager, lead a tour starting from the terraces, with new herbaceous borders and re-discovered rose garden, above the steep chalk cliff, from where there are wonderful views down to the river and the landscape beyond. A long flight of steps descend to the riverside and the impressive rock garden, the boathouse and the ferry wheel, used for hauling and lowering barges over the rapids before the weir and locks were built. There are 5 gardeners (including Andrew) and S.A.S staff and families are able to use the gardens at the weekends and have the opportunity to have an allotment within the 110 acre grounds. The site of the garden is most impressive and a leaflet giving the historical background was very interesting. For the first of the winter talks, Timothy Walker, Master of Horticulture, gave a highly stimulating and entertaining talk starting with a fascinating journey round the world visiting a selection of interesting plants in their native landscapes. He then looked at plant combinations and use of colour in the borders which make a garden, commenting on the relationship with and dependence on people which give gardens an ephemeral quality. For enquiries please ring 01491 638691. Lizzie Arnott Wine Focus-Tuscany In the first of my series on wine regions, I have chosen to start with Tuscany where wine has literally been a part of the Tuscan civilization for over 3,000 years. Of the twenty wine producing zones that produce wines in Italy, Tuscany 7 UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, FRIETH AND HAMBLEDEN HAMBLEDEN Verging on…… Trebbiano. The bouquet is delicately fine and elegant with deep honey, dried fruit and apricot hints. On the palate it is velvety and sweet tasting, followed by vanilla notes. Perfect with Tuscan “cantuccini” and almond cakes. I hope you find this information useful and will help you in making an informed decision the next time you buy wine. Gautam Nagpal Bellissima Fine Wines Ltd (formerly Bluebell Wine Co) Importers and agents for Castello di Verrazzano Contact: gautam@ UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Christ Church with Pheasants Hill United Reformed Church “Presented to the Pheasants Hill U.R.C. Playgroup 1969-2015 May this tree grow and flourish as the children have done in your care. With thanks from the parents.” On Saturday 5th September the above plaque was put beside a chestnut tree planted in The Dene, Hambleden. There were about 70 former leaders, helpers, mothers and grandmother, past students and friends gathered in The Dene. The youngest one present cut the ribbon and uncovered the plaque. They enjoyed refreshments after. It was a fitting and unexpected tribute to all those who helped during those 49 years. J. Keene The Great Hambleden Bake Off was a resounding success with an array of ingenious and highly creative bakes filling the Hall with bright colours. At one point there was a queue outside of people wanting to purchase. The category winners were, Eric and Shirley Downes for small cakes; sisters Poppy, Lola and Sacha Hamilton for children’s cup-cakes. Charley Lumley won the biscuits category. Richard Brown baked the best bread. Diane Moulder baked the best desert. The best of breed, the showstopper was a gingerbread cake most carefully and precisely formed and coloured as a model of the parish church. That showstopper was made by Julia Lacey. Many thanks to Diane Moulder , manager of Hambleden Stores and her helpers, and to the judges, for this happy initiative which raised further funds for the great rewiring project. …………………………… At the time of writing (16/10) tickets are available for the fine dining experience of Hambleden’s first pop-up gourmet restaurant by Wild Season Catering on November 7th It promises to be a splendid evening. The prizes in the silent auction are just excellent. If you haven’t booked yet there may still be time to book, even with a party of friends. Call Jilly Holland 01491 411579 or This is the penultimate event to help us complete our financial target for rewiring relighting the church and is therefore well worth supporting. …………………………… Boring news this but good to have on record. When we raise money for church maintenance there is often little outward sign of how it is spent. The boiler house furnace (that which keeps the church warm in winter) has a sandstone chimney of great age which was so dangerous as to be ready to fall in a gale. It has been repaired by clever stonemasons so that you will not know that they had been there. Thanks to Paul Webb for organising the stonemasons and thanks to Save our Churches for paying for this essential and timely work. …………………………… Canon Cavell Cavell-Northam is getting better after a bothersome lengthy illness. Long retired, he has served the parish church robustly for more years than he will FRIETH Frieth Harvest Festival We held our Harvest Festival service at Frieth on Sunday 27 September, and the church looked as beautiful as ever with decorations of flowers, foliage and produce. The service was followed by the now-traditional delicious breakfast of bacon butties, croissants, pastries, tea and coffee. For the first time this year we also held a scarecrow competition. We spent a most enjoyable, if slightly hectic, morning with years 3 and 4 at Frieth school making little scarecrows out of kebab sticks, pipe-cleaners, styrofoam balls and scraps of fabric and felt for clothes and hats. The little scarecrows decorated the font for the service, and also for the school’s own harvest festival on the following Wednesday. We also had a few full-size scarecrows in attendance, although they stayed in or around the church porch. We are very grateful to those who took the time to make a scarecrow, and also to Will Lacey who kindly judged them. The congregation on Sunday and the school children on Wednesday brought gifts for the One Can Trust, building up supplies for families in need as the weather gets more autumnal. Lynda Marston-Weston & Merelina Tebbot 8 Think property, think Savills. For professional property advice with a personal service contact the team at Savills. Savills Henley 58-60 Bell Street Henley-on-Thames RG9 2BN Nick Warner Sales 01491 843001 Katie Baldwin Sales 01491 843001 9 Richard Maby Lettings 01491 843002 Sales – Service – Repairs – Conservation & Restoration Fine Clocks & Clock Collections Purchased Email: Coach House Cottage, Moor Common, Bucks, HP14 3HT – By Appointment Peter the Painter T/A Ideal Decorations Interior and Exterior Decoration 32 Green Dragon Lane, Flackwell Heath, Bucks HP10 9JZ Telephone: 01628 527865 Mobile: 07976 513652 RODERICK BAIRD Tree and Landscape Specialist –––––– YARD COTTAGE, Hambleden, NR. HENLEY-ON-THAMES, OXON Telephone: Henley 574242 Mobile: 07979 598159 10 Vergers Choice 2 The return of Imperial College Choir: Saturday December 5that 6pm. This will be a ‘free- to-attend’ concert in church with a retiring collection for the Choir’s bar fund. This concert is in appreciation of, and a thank you to all the donors who have raised so much money that we are able to embark on rewiring, relighting and re-decorating our glorious parish church. …………………………… A new Hambleden Christmas card is to be seen on the church and Stores notice board and is available from the house of the verger in Pheasants Hill. We have the generosity of Judith Fletcher to thank for this; the card being a further contribution to the rewiring fund. …………………………… After Men’s day at church teas we had 37 china plates left. This is now down to 24. They have been moved from the back of church . Yours is probably here. Call 571324. Claimant collects …………………………… We still need a volunteer and two friends, to assemble Christingle oranges, each with a ribbon and candle. Without them I guess there may be no Christingle(s) this year. Tel 571324 …………………………… Recently a newly appointed bishop who had an audience want to admit. An element of his illness has been loss of balance which has prevented him from taking services with us. Since we are all very keen to see him back, I’ll ask him in January how we feels about taking a service. From conversation I sense that he is as anxious to re-appear, as we are to see him and hear him again. …………………………… Verger’s Choice 1. Advent carols: Advent Sunday 29.11. Parish church 6pm. This will be our annual much loved evening candlelit service of readings interspersed with Advent carols sung by all of us and Advent anthems sung by the massed ranks of our choir. Advent Sunday when we quietly anticipate the birth of Christ will be sandwiched between the frenetic, acquisition hysteria and likely punch ups of Black Friday and the intense spending-fest of Cyber Monday. My three purchases will be accomplished easily and in perfect comfort. Each will be one pint of excellent Doombar in the Stag. Well outside my travelling boundary the aggressively commercialised Festival of Remorseless Acquisition will be underway where the joy of Christmas will come from supermarket bargains. Thank goodness we have an Advent Sunday alternative in Hambleden, the peace and beauty of thoughtfulness, Just one hour, yet so very very worthwhile. …………………………… Continued on page 18 We are a pre-school for 2-5 year olds in the lovely village of Frieth, next to Frieth CEC School Mornings, afternoons and all-day sessions can be taken. Funded sessions available. For more information, to book a visit or to register please contact: Donna or Kirstin Tel: 07928 186738 Opening times Mon – Wed 8:40am to 3:30pm Thurs and Fri 8:40am to 12:30pm Lunch Club each day 11:40 to 12:30 11 DENNING MONTESSORI NURSERY SCHOOL Fawley Village Hall, Fawley, Oxon RG9 6JA Established in 1991 the nursery offers a unique, caring environment for 2-5 year olds. Spacious classroom, ample garden space, mobile library visits, nature walks and more. Call 01491 578573 J. A. Brakspear Plumbing & Heating LTD Tel/Fax: 01491 575428 E-mail: Bathroom renovations • Boilers Replaced Heating system Maintenance and Installation Free Estimates • No Job Too Small 12388 07931968434 Domesstic Cleaning Service Regular Cleans R Moving Cleans Always the Same Cleaners SSpring Cleans ne Off Cleans On All Materiaals Supplied F Fully Insured www.sspeedyclean.orgg Taylorr Maid Service to o Suit Your Need ds & Pocket CARPETS & RUGS UPHOLSTERY STONE FLOORS SCOTCHGARD™ STAINS & ODOURS Call today 01491 540005 or visit 12 J & D Mooney YOUR “CLEAN” RELIABLE QUALITY PAINTER & DECORATORS –– DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL –– Family run business for over 30 years! Telephone 0118 934 4230 or 01865 872789 Mobile: 07961 366535 N.V.Q. Qualified Many references available in and around Henley No job too small!!! Interior and Exterior work done! Free Competitive Quotes! –– No Obligation Prompt and Friendly Service! B.C.I.S. Registered Business Full Public Liability Insurance Specialist in Rural run down property Cookham Carpentry Fitted wardrobes Radiator cabinets Stair balustrades Home office Fitted kitchens Garden design and decking Fe n c i n g a n d g a t e s House renovations DIY disaster rectified M D F - L A M I N AT E - OA K Bespoke designs Fully qualified with 15 years design experience Call Alan on 01628 522533 or 07786 144970 AHL Electrical Ltd For all your domestic electrical requirements • Re-wires • Inspection & Testing • New fuse boards • Extra sockets & lights • Extensions and refurbishments • Outdoor electrical supplies • Fault finding Hambleden resident for over 25 years City & Guilds qualified 2330, 2380 (17th Edition), 2391 (Inspection and Testing) All work guaranteed, no job too small! Contact Adam on 07963 497304 (Mobile) 5 Sandcroft Road, Caversham RG4 7NP Telephone 0118 947 4990 W. J. Webb & Son Ltd. BUILDERS and DECORATORS Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames Tel: 01491 571366 Fax: 01491 410931 e-mail: 13 CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tues 3 Wed 4 Thurs 5 Fri 6 Sun 8 Mon 9 Tues 10 Wed 11 Fri 13 Sun 15 Mon 16 Tues 17 Wed 18 Thurs 19 Fri 20 Sun 22 Tues 24 Wed 25 Fri 27 Sun 29 Tues 1 Wed 2 Thurs 3 Fri 4 Sat 5 Sun 6 Mon 7 Tues 8 Wed 9 All Saints. Valley Services: 10am, Valley Choral Eucharist, Turville with preacher Glyn Evans. 6pm, Oasis, Fingest. 7.30pm, All Soul’s Service to remember the departed, Turville. 10.30am, Silent Reflections, Fingest. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 2.30pm, Tea afternoon at URC, Pheasants Hill. 7.30pm, Frieth Fellowship. 9am, Morning Prayer at URC, Pheasants Hill. Remembrance Sunday. Valley Services: 8am, BCP Holy Communion, Frieth. 9am, Remembrance Sunday Prayers, Fingest and Frieth. 10.40am, Royal British Legion Service of Remembrance, Fawley. 9.45am, Fawley Fellowship, Round Hill House, Fawley. 7pm, Prayers for Peace, Mousells. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 9am, Morning Prayer at URC, Pheasants Hill. 2-3pm, Barney’s Toddler Group, Frieth Village Hall. 2nd Sunday before Advent. Services in all churches except Hambleden. 8pm, Medmenham PCC meeting. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 7.30pm, New Informal Worship, Mousells, Fingest. 9am, Morning Prayer at URC, Pheasants Hill. Sunday next before Advent. Services in all churches except Hambleden. 10.30am, Silent Reflections, Fingest. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist with prayers for healing, Turville. 9am, Morning Prayer at URC, Pheasants Hill. Advent Sunday. Valley Services: 9am, Holy Communion, Fingest. 6pm, Advent Candlelit Service, Hambleden – Celebration of new electrics – with The Venerable Karen Gorham CALENDAR FOR DECEMBER 2015 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 11.30am, Advent Pilgrim Course, The Barn, Turville. 2.30pm, Tea afternoon at URC, Pheasants Hill. 7.30pm, Frieth Fellowship. 9am, Morning Prayer, Hambleden (Lady Chapel). 6pm, Concert by Imperial College Choir, Hambleden. Trinity 18. Valley Services: 10am, Valley Choral Eucharist, Medmenham. 6pm, Oasis, Fingest 9.45am, Fawley Fellowship, Round Hill House, Fawley. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 11.30am, Advent Pilgrim Course, The Barn, Turville. 14 Sunday Services This Month Hambleden Medmenham Fawley Fingest Frieth Turville 1st Nov All Saints 10am, Valley Choral Eucharist, Turville with preacher Glyn Evans 6pm, Oasis Fingest 8th Nov Remembrance 8am, BCP, Frieth 9am, Remembrance Prayers and Reading, Fingest and Frieth 10.40am, Royal British Legion Service of Remembrance, Fawley Church closed for repairs, 11am Holy please worship at Communion 2nd Sunday one of the other before Advent churches 9am Holy Communion 15th Nov Church closed for repairs, please worship at Sunday next one of the other before Advent churches 9am Holy Communion 11am Holy Communion 6pm Evensong 9am Holy Communion 22nd Nov 11am All-age Communion URC 9am Morning Praise service with uniform organisations 9.30am Communion and Church Mice 11am Holy Communion 29th Nov Advent Sunday 9am, Holy Communion, Fingest 6pm, Advent Candlelit Service, Hambleden, celebrate the new electrics with The Venerable Karen Gorham 6th Dec Advent 2 10am, Valley Choral Eucharist, Medmenham 6pm, Oasis, Fingest Design • Print • Copying • Office Supplies • Publishing Publishers of the Henley Standard Printers of the Hambleden Valley Group Magazine Caxton House, 1 Station Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 1AD Tel 01491 419429 Fax 01491 419401 15 10.30am Morning Service john taylor (ewelme) limited Plumbing & Heating engineers Boiler service & replacement, oil tanks, underfloor heating Gas, oil, lpg, solar hot water, mains pressure systems Harveys block salt water softeners and filter taps Control up-grades & powerflushing Bespoke Bathrooms - Woodburners and flues Gas-safe, OFTEC, APHC, IOPHC, Worcester Bosch Platinum Installer, Nu-Heat installer. Tel: 01491 833538 or 07967 503905 email: Arnold Arnold Funeral Funeral Service Service Private Private Family Family business business ~ ~ 24-hour 24-hour attendance attendance Pre-payment plans available ~ Home visits ~ Private Pre-payment plans available ~ Home visits ~ Private Chapels Chapels of of Rest Rest 891, London Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe Tel: 01494 472572 891, London Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe Tel: 01494 472572 The Forge, Wethered Road, Marlow 898866 21-23 Little Marlow Marlow, Bucks, SL7 Tel: 1HA01628 Tel: 01628 The Old Old Forge,Road, Wethered Road, Marlow Tel: 01628 898866898866 All breeds of Dogs and Cats • Long Coats a speciality Collection or home service by arrangement MAIDENHEAD-MARLOW-HENLEY PROFESSIONAL & CARING With 30 Years’ Experience Clipping/Hand Stripping Rotten Row Farm • Hambleden Henley-on-Thames • Oxon Tel: 01491 636140 • • • • FENCING AND GATES EQUESTRIAN PROPERTY MAINTENANCE FIREWOOD SUPPLIES AGRICULTURAL & GROUNDWORK SERVICES • HAY AND STRAW SALES (01491) 575329 Westcroft Farm, Skirmett Road, Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. RG9 6SX COMPLETE COUNTRY SERVICE! 16 The Frog at Skirmett, Henley-on-Thames (Closed Sunday Evening –– November to May) Non-smoking Restaurant with an unusual selection of New English, French and Mediterranean style food. Food is served for LUNCH and DINNER 7 days a week, May to November Family room for children. En-suite accommodation. 36 seat function room Tel: 01491 638996 Fax: 01491 638045 01491 638512 07787 115944 BLACKSMITHS AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS E & R MEAKES LTD •STEEL STOCKISTS •WELDERS • FABRICATORS • CRANE HIRE• •MOBILE WELDING AND CUTTING SERVICE• Forge Works, Lane End, Bucks. HP14 3HJ Telephone 01494 881262 Fax 01494 883279 e-mail • Ornamental Ironwork • Hardware shop • Tools • Midway Chimney Sweeps and Linings Chimney Sweeping and Boiler Cleaning Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps Recommended by Coal, S.F.A.S. and Gas Board ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS TELEPHONE: HIGH WYCOMBE (01494) 564321 Mobile 07850 196616 17 UNITED REFORMED CHURCH NAD FRIETH by Mardi, Fran Hannah and Ken. They all did a wonderful job. The money raised this year was over £1,000, half of which will go to sponsoring Chris Emmett who is fund-raising for the Lymphoma Association, and the other half to the fund for the rewiring of the Church. Frances Cugnoni Continued from page 11 with the Pope, had complained that the burden of his office had caused insomnia and that he lay awake night after night suffering from great anxiety. ‘Oh,’ said the Holy Father, ’that’s interesting. The very same thing happened to me in the first few weeks when I took over this job. Then one night my guardian angel appeared to me in a dream and whispered “Don’t take yourself too seriously,” and ever since then I’ve been able to sleep’. Gill Emmett Apology I have had one complaint about the joke that appeared at the end of verging on last month. I am sorry if it upset anyone, it was a very busy issue which meant that items were not checked as usual. Again my apologies The editor. Gill Emmett, an events project manage has died aged, 57. She moved to the area, with her family in 1971. Gill married, local farmer, David Emmett in June 1982 at Hambleden church. Gill worked in the conference and events industry for Maritz, later Grass Roots, based in Marlow for over 20 years. Here she would organise events all over the globe, including St Petersburg, Monte Carlo, and Vancouver, for company’s such as Jaguar Land Rover and the wholesale company- Landmark. David and Gill have 3 sons; Matthew, Christopher and Edward, all of whom attended Frieth school followed by Gillotts school and afterwards, The Henley college. Gill was always very supportive of her family whether at home or working in Marlow or abroad, and was instrumental in getting her two younger sons interested in sport especially rugby. She would often be supporting the boys when they played for The Henley rugby club. As well as working in events, Gill was a big part of the family farm, based at Rockwell End, near Hambleden. She could often be seen running the stall at local farmers markets in the local area, and at the the Hambleden covered market. Gill played a major role in the Hambleden community group from 2005, using her organisation skills to run the village bonfire night as well as other community projects. Gill carried on work and travel during her breast cancer and more latterly her lymphoma treatment, even this June when she was in Abu Dhabi with work. The funeral took place at Hambleden church, on Wednesday 23rd September, with well over 400 people in attendance, which is testament to Gill’s popularity in all walks of life. Donations at the church, after the funeral and to the funeral directors have totalled £2200, all of which will be donated to The Lymphoma Association. Christopher, David and Gill’s middle son is running the Snowdonia marathon in aid of Lymphoma Association, Hambleden Guy Fawkes Night 2015 A BLAST-OFF FOR GILL will be held on The Dene on Sunday 8 November. Gates will open at 6.00 pm. Guy and decorated pumpkin competitions Results of the competitions 6.45 FIREWORKS 7.00 Hot dogs, soup, hot chocolate, toffee apples, mulled wine chocolate brownies and drinks all available Tickets bought in advance (available in the village shop) £4 for adults, £3 for children under 12 Tickets on the night £4.50 and £3.50 Harvest Festival Lunch 2015 Although I was away and was not present to see for myself, those who were there will know how well everything went There were not quite so many tickets sold as usual, but this perhaps made everything a little more comfortable for those who did attend. There was the usual splendid selection, with the rabbit pie being an even greater star attraction than in the past I have been told, however, that the shepherd’s, cottage, and fish pies, not to mention the vegetarian lasagne and chicken curry, were all delicious. As usual, the formidable array of puddings set the seal and everybody left with hunger more than appeased. The marvellous team worked very hard. There is always a lot of preparatory work in an event of this kind but the least pleasant part comes at the end - the clearing up. The Community Group - Jaime, Caroline, Charlie, Jemima and Liz - was supplemented ...healthy mind, body, spirit Cynergy Personal Trainers offering one to one personal training services and classes. Also available by appointment: McTimoney Chiropractic Care, Sports and Remedial Massage, and Motion Movement Therapy. Visit our website at or contact us at 01491-877378. Fancy an adventurous trip abroad? Visit our sister company for exciting excursions, fully supported. Cynergy is located in Fawley at Lower Woodend Barn. 18 BOAT BUILDERS & RESTORERS OF CLASSIC RIVER CRAFT DINGHIES, PUNTS & SKIFFS, POWERED CANOES, SLIPPERS & SALOON LAUNCHES Marine Engineering –– Petrol, Diesel, Electric, and Steam PETER FREEBODY & CO., MILL LANE, HURLEY, NR. MAIDENHEAD, BERKS. TEL: 01628 824382 TelephoneEstablished 01491 574644 1906 36 Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1AG D. J. Macleod Tree Surgery, Felling, Planting and Hedge Cutting Fencing and Gates Supplied and Erected Quality Firewood for Sale Producer and Supplier of Wood Chips and of locally made traditional barbecue charcoal Cedar Cottage, Parmoor, Henley-on-Thames RG9 6NN 01494 882901 e-mail: 19 ANDY WHITE DECORATING CONTRACTOR - CITY & GUILDS QUALIFIED Tel: 0118 967 5940 – Mobile: 0771 231 3718 E-mail: INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK CARRIED OUT RECYCLE IT Graham Blake soft furnishing • Loose Covers • Curtains • Re-Upholstery • Tracks and Poles • Conservatory Blinds • Carpets all leading brands and designer fabric For personal service telephone 01844 261769 • 07802 213 381 • e-mail: Ten Year Guarantee • Established Family Business Skirmett Village Hall Parties Classes Meetings Fully Equipped Modern Kitchen with Dishwasher Susan Walker 01491 638 690 Email: Website: 20 HAMBLEDEN on Saturday 24th October. He can be sponsored at www. David, Matthew, Christopher and Edward would like to thank everyone for all the support over this difficult time. Hambleden W.I. Centenary 16th September 2015 President, had organised a tree planting ceremony, and asked Jeanne Keene, the longest standing member to join her in planting a horsechestnut tree at the edge of the sports field to replace one which had died during the winter. There is a plaque to commemorate the event, and members were glad to dash out of the rain to eat a delicious tea and celebration cake made by Joyce Hynd to mark the event In spite of a torrential downpour members of Hambleden W.I. congregated at The Sports Pavilion to celebrate the nationwide event. Memorabilia from the founding of this local Branch 96 years ago had been unearthed, and the boards showing the current groups and their members activities were a great attraction. Frances Emmett, Hambleden Women’s Institute October Meeting Frances Emmett, President, welcomed members and guests to the meeting, and Sue Walden, Treasurer, thanked all who had helped at the Bridge Drive, our second fund raiser of the year, which raised over £500. The Secretary, Nikki Mainds gave a brief report on the year’s activities, particularly the Centenary celebrations, which had made it a very special year. The next meeting will be the AGM, when Frances and Margaret will be retiring after five years on the Committee. Hambleden will be hosting the Slade Group Meeting on the 22nd October, when Colin Henwood will be the speaker. Molly Carter is organising a digital camera workshop and members wishing to attend were asked to sign up. The outing to Althorp on 2nd December is fully booked, and we hope to have a wonderful day. At the Christmas Party in December there will be a special performance by the Drama Group who are rehearsing over the next two months. 21 Brian Clews, an ornithologist from the RSPB was the speaker and his understanding of birds was amazing. Many members were also extremely knowledgeable, and recognised all the slides he tested them with. He mentioned casually that the country now spends £200m. annually on feeding them, and there are so many different types of feeders that birds are now becoming quite fussy on their diet from them. Unfortunately the bird now most common in gardens is the pigeon, and with their breeding capacity one pair can now produce a lineage of 100 birds in less than a year, and so many small birds seem to be disappearing from the countryside. A witty vote of thanks was given by Inger Osborne, who felt that he must be awake all night watching and making notes for his lectures. Helen Grubb and Jo Bunting served a delicious tea. A huge thank you to all the bakers, jam makers, sign putter outers, music makers, tea makers and everyone who has been involved - it has been a wonderful village project as always. We have raised £4953.73 this year which has been given, as always, to the church. Sharon Howgego McMillan Coffee Morning Carol and Pat thank everyone who attended the coffee morning on September 26th. A magnificent sum of £565 was raised. Also to thank Mavis and Alison for their help. See you next year. Carol Bradford and Pat Eldridge From The Registers Holy Baptism Church Teas 2015 Oct 25 Saskia Sheldon Medmenham Holy Matrimony Sept 26 Christopher Thomas and Francesca Plant Hambleden Rest in Peace The good weather this summer has meant that it has been a hive of activity most weekends in the church yard. 22 Sept 28 Robin Howland Burial of ashes, Frieth Oct 15 Sydney Gregory Funeral, Turville and Burial, Hambleden Hambleden VILLAGE STORES AND POST OFFICE We sell newspapers and most grocery products, including tobacco, wines, spirits and beer. We are well known for our excellent Scotch Eggs, which come in a variery of flavours and fresh meat is also available, together with pies and a range of sausages. Our Post Office can offer the usual facilities, including cash withdrawal, foreign currency, Premium Bonds and other savings. Travel Insurance, Car Insurance, Pet Insurance, Home Insurance etc. are all available at competitive prices. Our Café is always busy with walkers and cyclists and apart from the usual cups of tea, coffe and hot chocolate, we also offer toasted teacakes, and scones with butter. During the summer months we serve genuine Cornish Cream Teas. Our feathered friends are not forgotten either as we sell bird seed, peanuts and fat balls at expectionally keen prices. We are open 7 days a week and our opening hours are: Mon-Fri 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Saturday 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and Sunday 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Tel. 01491 571201 KJD & Son Decorators Interior and Exterior – Excellent References Telephone: 07949 007 364 or 01235 850514 Henley Road, Medmenham, Near Marlow, SL7 2EU 23 ADVERTISEMENTS Corfu –– comfortable sea edge villa to let privately. Between Kassiopi and St Stephanos. Alan Armstrong 01491 571324 The Piano –– are you interested? All ages taught by qualified and experienced teacher. Piano parties held each term. Beryl Williams LRAM, GRSM. 01494 881837 (Messages left on my answer-phone will receive a reply!) North Cornwall, Harlyn Bay Padstow 4 miles. Family cottage with garden. Sleeps 6. Quiet lane with footpath leading to huge sandy beach. Excellent surfing, walking, golf. Very reasonable rents. Beck- Burridge 01491 413171. Computer Problems? Local help in fixing problems, selecting systems and personal tuition including email/internet. Contact Matt on 01491 575998. Mulberry Flooring. Specialists in wood floor restoration. Please call for free quote 01494 535348. Worcestershire Spacious lakeside house in beautiful setting available for holiday lets. Sleeps 6. Ring Elizabeth Proffitt 01491 571479 for details. Chair Caning. Chairs and other furniture recaned. Call Liz Ellis on 01491 571052. North Cornwall, Trevose Bay. Family home, 5 bedrooms, superb views from every room, 100 yards from beach. Some availability this year. Please visit website for pictures and availability or call Peter Gurney 0793 154 2220. Bed and Breakfast in a period farmhouse in Skirmett. Spacious double en-suite bedroom. Peaceful location and beautiful views. Tel. 01491 638355 or visit Rock, North Cornwall. Old cottage by the beach, newly refurbished, sleeps 8. Available for holiday lets. Contact Mandy Heller on 01491 638355 or Isle of Mull. Newly converted Bothy on north west Mull available for weekly holiday lets. Comfortable and spacious. Sleeps 4. Wonderful panoramic views over Loch Tuath. An ideal location for exploring this beautiful island. Visit. for more info. Salcombe, South Devon. Three bedroom cottage, recent refurb, stunning estuary views, quiet & close to town centre, sleeps six,easy access beaches/walks, holiday lets throughout year, 01491 577344 The Pet Feeders - We look after your pets when you can’t. Local firm, insured/CRB checked. Mobile: 0753 100 7419. Email: Valencia Large Luxury Family Villa with Pool and Tennis Court. 15 mins from the City Centre, 10 mins from the Airport. Sleeps 14 comfortably , 6 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms. Visit www. to see our reviews. Contact Virginia or Andy Coombes for more information on 01491280189/ 07860847256 Snowdonian Cottage. Cosy,comfortable 3bed stone cottage sleeps 6 in coastal village Llwyngwril. An ideal base to explore ‘the most dramatic and alluring region in Wales’. Beaches, mountains, Mawdach Estuary and so much more. Contact Euan McCrindle 07500 887 595 or euanmccrindle@ for more information. Le Marche, Italy. beautiful stone farmhouse to rent. Private pool and stunning views. Sleeps 8-10. For further details visit and enter property reference IT4381 or call Linda Haines 07770 916645. Le 6 Grand Duc apartment is perfect for 6 adults, or 2 family groups. It has 2 double/twin rooms and a further bunk room with 2 sets of bunks. The living area is open plan with a large entrance hallway a sofa seating area for 6 people. A dining table that can seat 6-8 people and a fully equipped kitchen with oven, 4 ring electric hob, microwave, fridge/freezer, sink etc etc. The apartment has WIFI and 2 televisions with UK TV. There is a fabulous balcony which is 24 south facing and looks out directly onto the main lift area in Meribel - La Chaudanne. So you clip into your skis on the piste called Georges Mauduit and ski 150metres down to La Chaudanne. It is a very easy walk into Meribel centre, about 5-10 minutes to all of the shops and bars in the centre of resort. Call Catherine on 07970 554543 or email c@ Music Teacher! - Qualified musician offering great value Piano and Vocal lessons. 5 Years Experience, Fun and engaging lessons for all ages and abilities. Contact Sasha Steventon (BMus) on 07740 289467 or sashasteventon@ Self-contained Annexe in 17c cottage in idyllic village 4 miles Henley. Great views. Ideal for professional person. Furnished but could be flexible. Patio garden. £900pcm incl bills. 07733127543. Dulverton, Gateway to Exmoor, – Large 3 bed, 2 bath recently renovated Cottage. Sleeps 6, 2 mins to town. Holiday lets, short breaks. Contact Rob Spicer 01491 577747 or robert@hilroconsulting. Gower Peninsular, Wales, the UK’s original Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Comfortable, fully equipped holiday home with large garden. Sleeps seven in three bedrooms. Separate lounge and dining room. Close to wonderful sandy beaches, limestone cliffs and stunning walking paths. A perfect home-from-home for a long weekend or family holiday. From £750 per week. Telephone Elizabeth on 01491 638264 or email for more information and availability. Weddings, birthdays, Xmas, Commemorations. Nigel Snell a craft member of the Guild of Glass Engravers will create the perfect gift for you. Bowls, Goblets, Tankards etc. Engraved to your design. Telephone 01491 571687 or e-mail for a quotation. Turville. Part time carer needed. Experienced with hoist etc. References essential. Please telephone 01491 638438. Presents In the home . Bespoke Natural, unique and inspiring presents, hand-crafted in Fawley Tel. 07809 681000 Ad. style christmas Opening Hours Monday - Sunday Lunch : 12 - 2.30pm Dinner: 6 - 9.30pm Afternoon Tea: 2.30 - 6pm The Stag & Huntsman at Hambleden Tel: 01491 571227 25 CHURCH AND VILLAGE ACTIVITIES AND CONTACTS Hambleden Valley Group of Churches Frieth (St John the Evangelist ) Group Rector: Vacancy Churchwarden: Judy Hunt, 01494 882227, Curate: The Revd Sue Morton, 07808 517347, Village Hall Bookings: Angela Detsiny 01494 881176 Licensed Lay Ministers: Sue Brice, 01494 882084,; Jenny Roughan, 01494 456242,, John Kimberley 01491 413155 Uniformed organisations: Lesley Ansell 01494 882665 (after 4 pm) Director of Music and Choir: Christine Wells BEM, 01491 571588, Rainbows and Brownies: , Mrs Lesley Ansell, Rainbows now meet on Mondays from 5pm - 6pm 01494 882665 Miss Katherine Gomme now runs Brownies Brownies now meet on Mondays from 6pm - 7.30pm 07545549910 Group Treasurer: David Napier, 01491 574230, Frieth Natural History Society: Alan Gudge 01494 881464 Parish Visitor: Jenny North, 01494 881580, Frieth Village Society: Caroline Walker 01494 882333 Group Administrator: Penny McLeish, 01491 571288, Frieth Pre-School: Monday to Wednesday 8.30-3.30 and Thursday and Friday 8.30-12.30. Kirstin Chaplin or Donna Watkins 07928 186738 Baptisms: Vicky Hollier 01491 638760 Tea Club: St. Katharine’s, Parmoor, Tuesdays, 3 - 4.30pm Sue Brice, 01494 882084, or Gillian Loveridge, 01491 638895, Hambleden (St Mary the Virgin) Churchwarden: Michael Tebbot, 01494 882261, Website: Verger: Alan Armstrong, 01491 571324, Fawley (St Mary the Virgin) Bell Ringing: Fri 7.45pm practice, Barbara Oldham 01491 571452, Churchwarden: David Napier, 01491 574230, Village Hall Bookings: Jamie Baker 01491 410669, Village Hall Bookings: Margaret Hope, 0776 8426625 Women’s Institute: President Frances Emmett 01491 881600 Pilates: Mondays 11 – 12 Fran Presho 07951 019594 Fingest (St Bartholomew) Bridge Club: Fridays 1.30 – 4.30 Frances Cugnoni 01491 576409 Churchwardens: Brian Barnes, 01494 882613, Hambleden Social and Sports Club: Open daily from 8 pm Pat Eldridge 01491 576067 Jill Dean, 01491 638678, 26 Tennis Club: Jenny Sanderson 01491 575883 Turville (St Mary the Virgin) Churchwarden: Anne Jones, 01491 639344, Tennis Coaching: Kate Borthwick 07980565636 Bell Ringing: Mon 8pm practice, Linda Green, 01491 638650 Royal British Legion: PGillian Loveridge (Secretary) 01491 638895 or Jonathan Mason (Membership) 01491 578571 Sunday School: Sara Harman 01491 639211 Yoga: Monday 7pm-8.30pm Debbie Flavell 01491 414403 Turville Northend Village Hall Bookings: Susie Phillips Indoor Market: Hambleden, 2nd Saturday in Month (except January) Parish Council Contacts Hambleden: Parish Clerk Lorna Coldwell 01494 528443 Circle Dance Thursday 7pm – 8.30pm Debby Flavell 01491 414403 Medmenham: Parish Clerk Carole Burslem 01494 449215 Medmenham (St Peter and St Paul) Turville: Parish Clerk Deirdre Hansen 01494 562254 Churchwardens: Dennis Harwood, 01628 810143, Angela Magee 01628 484043 Fawley: Parish Clerk Mrs. M Hope 01491 411783 Magazine details Editor: Nigel Snell, 01491 571687 or Village Hall Bookings: Emma Tentori 07759 014396 Uniformed organisations: Group Scout Leader Christine Hockley 01628 472244 New subscriptions: Penny McLeish 01491 571288, Meetings on Fridays: Beavers: 5.15-6.15pm, Cubs: 6.30-8pm, Scouts 8-10pm Advertising Manager: David Napier, 01491 574230, david_napier@btopenworld. com Medmenham Matters: Jo Baxter, 01491 573901, Distributors: Fawley: Hilary Beck-Burridge, 01491 413171; Fingest: Brian Barnes, 01494 882613; Frieth: Tony Parkins, 01494 882170; Hambleden: Samantha Webb, 01491 414418; Medmenham: Jim Tilbury, 01628 487135; Mill End: Robert Spicer, 01491 577747; Northend: Susie Phillips, 01491639584; Elizabeth Arnott, 01491 638337, Cayla Twemlow, 01491 638591; Pheasants Hill: Kate Hussey, 01491 576913; Skirmett: Bessie Webb, 01491 638574; Southend: Margaret Drage, 01491 638384; Turville: Rosie Rosier, 01491 638329; Woodend: Helen Balkwell, 01628 471403. Pheasants Hill (United Reformed Church) Contact Jeanne Keene 01491 571321 Skirmett Village Hall Bookings: Susan Walker 01491 638690 Pilates: Mon and Weds 11.15am – 12.15 pm Julia Farey 07747 825 830 Hambleden Valley Garden Club: Meetings Oct-Mar on first Tuesday each month at Skirmett Village Hall 7.30. Contact Celia Warren 01491 638691 or Susan Walker 01491 638690. Postal Distributor: Caroline Cook, 01491 571214. 27 Great Spring evenings at The Prince Albert ‘A little old fashioned pub with a big heart’ Fortnightly pub quiz • Occasional folk nights • Open all day! Food served weekdays 12.15-14.30 and Sunday 12.30—15.00 Evening meals Friday and Saturday 19.00-21.30 The Prince Albert, Moors End, Frieth, Oxon, RG9 6PX. Tel 881683 CLIVE THE HANDYMAN Over 35 years experience in the Building Trade Painting & Decorating • Patch Plastering • Woodwork, Tiling Fascias, Roofing/Gutter Repairs • Repointing, Boxing-In • Small Plumbing Jobs Flat Pack Assembly • Blinds & Curtain Rails • General Household Repairs No Job Too Small • All Work Guaranteed • Fully Insured Give me a ring on 01491 411321 / 07766 540117 Last Exclusive Spa Spa Membership spaces available CALL PLUMBING HEATING £127.00SYSTEMS, per month - Co spaces available for 2015 TAPWASHERS & PLUMBING, BOILERS, COOKERS, GASFIRES, CENTRAL HEATING Last Exclusive Spa Membershi LastPLUMBING Exclusive CALL HEATING TAPWASHERS & PLUMBING BOILERS, COOKERS, GASFIRES CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEMS FULL BATHROOM INSTALLATIONS, UNDERFLOOR HEATING, EMERGENCY REPAIRS FULL BATHROOM INSTALLATIONS This includes full use of the Spa facilities, inc UNDERFLOOR HEATING steam, sauna, brand new Matrix Gymnasiu EMERGENCY REPAIRS £127.00 per month - Corporate available spacesRates available for 2015 Lee Beckett All Fitness Classes included 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Bo Leefull Beckett This includes use of the Spa facilities, including a 20 168120 metre Jacuzzi, £127.00 perswimming month -pool, Corporate Rates av 01491 614233 or 07773 25% discount on all treatments 01491 614233 or 07773 168120 steam, sauna, brand new Matrix Gymnasium & relaxation room. 20% discount on Lunch in The Orangery/Th Last ExclusiveThis includes SpafullMembership use of the Spa facilities, including a 20 metre swimming p All Fitness Classes included spaces available for 2015 All Fitness Classes included One night’s complimentary stay at the hote steam, sauna, brand new Matrix Gymnasium & relaxation room. The Spa membership ensures a quality expe 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Boutique relaxation. Becoming a member at Spa Illum 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Boutique £127.00 per month - Corporate Rates available pleasure. 25% discount on all Spa treatments 25% discount on all treatments Last Exclusive Membership spaces available for 2015 20% discount on Lunch in The Orangery/The Oak Room/The Terrace (max 20% discount on Lunch in This Theincludes Orangery/The Oak Room/The (max 4pool, people) full use of the Spa facilities, including aTerrace 20 metre swimming Jacuzzi, £127.00 per month - Corporate Rates available One night’s complimentary stay at the hotel per year of membership steam, sauna, brand new Matrix & relaxation room. One night’s complimentary the hotel per Gymnasium year of This includes full use of the stay Spa atfacilities, including a membership 20 metre The Spa membership ensures a quality experience and an atmosphere of Fitness Classes included swimming pool, Jacuzzi, All steam, sauna, brand new Matrix relaxation. Becoming a member at Spa Illuminata will make exercising and 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Boutique The Spa membership a quality and an atmosphere of calm and Gymnasium & relaxationensures room. 25% discount on allexperience treatments pleasure. 20% discount Lunch in The Orangery/The Oak exercising Room/The Terrace (max 4 people) a relaxation. Becoming a member at on Spa Illuminata will make and wellbeing Allpleasure. Fitness Classes included One night’s complimentary stay at the hotel per year of membership 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Boutique The Spa membership ensures a quality experience and an atmosphere of calm and 25% discount on all treatments relaxation. Becoming a member at Spa Illuminata will make exercising and wellbeing a 20% discount on Lunch in The Orangery/The Oak Room/The Terrace pleasure. (max 4 people) One night’s complimentary stay at the hotel per year of membership The Spa membership ensures a quality experience and an atmosphere of calm and relaxation. Becoming a member at Spa Illuminata will make exercising and wellbeing a pleasure. Telephone: 01628 891881 Telephone: 01628 891881 Henley Road, Marlow, Buckingh Visit: Email: lwilson@danesfieldhouse Quote “Hambleden Valley” Telephone: 01628 Henley891881 Road, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 2EY Henley Road,Visit: Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 2EY Email: Visit: Quote “Hambleden Valley” Email: Quote “Hambleden Valley” 28 private parties & bespoke events somewhere special... a style to suit a night to remember floral scents tastes divine 01865 877 880 Inner Circle specialise in planning exclusive parties & bespoke events throughout the UK and abroad, providing original and vibrant ideas that will wow your guests! You will be surprised by our Competit High Wycombe 01494 441441 Marlow 01628 471557/8 Stay Local for Personal and Business Insurance S. G. 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