October 2015 - Hambleden Valley Churches
October 2015 - Hambleden Valley Churches
HAMBLEDEN VALLEY Group Magazine December 2013 Hambleden VALLEY Oct 2015 £1.00 £1.00 Serving the Communities of Fawley Fingest Hambleden with Frieth and Skirmett Medmenham Turville In This Issue Group Letter 1 Group Notes and News 4 Hambleden11 Calendar14 Sunday Services 15 Frieth25 Turville26 From the Registers 26 Classified Advertisements 28 Church and Village Activities and Contacts 30 Weekday Services Holy Communion: Turville: Wednesday 10.15 a.m., with Ministry of Healing on 4th Wednesday Holy Days (except Weds), see Calendar. Cover: Autumn in the Valley © Sue Genfilli This page: Autumn Leaves Morning Prayer: Hambleden (Lady Chapel): Friday 9 a.m. (except in August) Fawley: 1st Monday 9.45 a.m. Emergencies: If you are unable to contact the Group Priests, please get in touch with your churchwarden. All contributions are welcome, to the editor, Nigel Snell. Telephone: 01491 571687 editor@hambleden-valley-churches.org.uk 4 The Stables, The Manor, Hambleden, RG9 6SE Please keep articles within 350 words. Copy deadline is 15th of the month. Printed by Higgs and Co., Henley. Tel. 01491 419429 GROUP LETTER What a warm, inviting description! In our churches across the Hambleden Valley our desire is to build community with God at the centre and this month we have a number of special services and events where everyone is welcome to do just that. If you have pets (or even if you don’t) then come with them to our community of animal lovers on the Green at Turville for the Animal Blessing service on Saturday 3rd October, 3pm. If you love sport (or armchair sport!) the Frieth Group Service on Sunday 18th October, 9.50am will begin with the blessing and cheering on of the runners in the Frieth Hilly. And if you would like to respond to Jesus’ invitation to ‘come away with me… to a quiet place’ then we would be delighted to welcome you to our one day Group Retreat at Northend Village Hall, Saturday 10th October 10-4pm. Or come to one of our regular services, as we gather together to explore the joy of belonging, the delight of being known and loved by God, the opportunity to give and grow as we build community with Jesus at the centre. We look forward to seeing you! October 2015 Group Letter I wonder how you would describe community. A group of people who share the same postcode? A gathering of friends and neighbours? As I travel around the Hambleden Valley I meet people who are building community in many ways: in schools, in homes, dogwalking, cycling and much more. Recently in Turville we were visited by a wonderful community of people from a Deaf Church in London. The community communicated by watching each other’s lips, signing to each other; I was fascinated to learn that some of our visitors belonged to a deaf choir and would regularly sing in church by signing the words of the songs. The warmth and joy of this small community communicated itself without words. Writer and pastor John Ortberg describes community in the following way: ‘To experience community is to know the joy of belonging, the delight of being known and loved, the opportunity for giving and growing, the safety of finding a true home.’ God bless, Sue Morton Wanted Stamp collections / albums Especially British and Colonial Victorian Period. Anything postal considered Please phone Mike on 07527 538863 1 • IN S TA LL AT IC C RV E• • SE STOV NS ES IO IN G • AD V I Providing advice and installations to private customers, professionals and contractors for over 25 years comforts THE BEST IN home Extensive experience with thatched, heritage and listed buildings. Unrivalled customer service through the commitment of our family team. Oxfordshire • Buckinghamshire • Hertfordshire • Berkshire • and beyond Contact us to book your free home survey or to visit our showroom to see the stoves in action. Stoves, Installations & Servicing North Mill Road Bledlow Bucks HP27 9QP 01844 342400 info@northmillstoves.co.uk www.northmillstoves.co.uk Karen Musgrave Hill Art Workshops 2015 Botanical Artist Basic Graphite Pencil Techniques Wednesday 9th September £70.00 Multi-award winning artist RHS Gold Medal 2015 Basic Coloured Pencil Techniques Wednesday 14th October £70.00 Christmas Card Design Wednesday 28th October Price depends on number of cards to be printed An Introduction to Pen & Ink Wednesday 11th November £70.00 All courses take place in Hambleden Village Hall, Hambleden, Henley on Thames from 10:00am to 4:00pm Include morning coffee & biscuits, light lunch, afternoon tea & cake. email info@karenmusgravehill.com or ring or text 0776 441 3636 to book a place, for further details, a brochure or booking form 2 Hambleden Village Hall The perfect venue in the middle of the beautiful village of Hambleden. Large hall, patio, full kitchen facilities, free parking and very competitive rates For more details and prices go to: www.hambledenvillagehall.org or contact Jamie Baker on: Tel: 01491 410669/07887 532641 Email: enquiries@hambledenvillagehall.org 3 • • • • • • weddings parties events meetings clubs classes GROUP NOTES AND NEWS You will be assured of a very warm welcome and if you’d like to invite someone who might enjoy it - please do. If you need directions or would like ask about the evening please email sue.brice@ btconnect.com or call 01494 882084 Sue Brice Licensed Lay Minister www.hambleden-valley-churches.org.uk Monday 14h September Here we are, almost a month into retirement although it feels more like ‘retiring’ if I’m honest. We have so many memories of the Hambleden Valley and the pattern of life we enjoyed for 6 brief years is very much with us. We’re still reeling from the love and generosity shown to us at our farewell service in Turville Church. Our huge thanks to everyone who sent us on our way with wonderful presents including an olive tree (by our front door), two stunning paintings (pride of place in our new home), a banner from Church Mice and to top it all, the most amazingly extravagant cheque from you all. Thank you so very much. We would love to return your generosity if and when you are coming this way. We’re wired up with internet, mobile phone signal and a land line – 01747 858931. Sarah has gone swimming this morning and I have a Table Tennis session this afternoon and my first ukulele lesson tomorrow evening! There is also the prospect of a cappuccino at the top of Gold Hill. Impressed? September is a time of new beginnings for the Hambleden Valley and for us too. The Shaftesbury Team have just welcomed a new Rector, Rev Helen Dawes and family, and we look forward to hearing news of your own appointment process. I am joining a surplice(!) of retired vicars in Shaftesbury Kindle a flame of Sacred Love I would like to invite you to an exciting new time of informal fellowship, praise and worship. The third Thursday evening of each month 7.30 p.m in the barn at Mousells in Fingest. There will be time for Scripture, for worship, time to pray, to sing and time to have refreshments and share fellowship too. I have been inspired by the wonderful words of Charles Wesley’s hymn ‘O Thou who camest from above’ and Luke 24:32. So the theme for the evening will be around kindling the flame of sacred love within us, especially when we come together in worship. The words of the hymn talk of letting the flame burn for the glory of Jesus, “with inextinguishable blaze and trembling to its source return, in humble prayer and fervent praise”. This is my prayer for our evening together. “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as He talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us.” (Luke 24:32)(NLT) 4 Email: bookings@thevillagehall.co.uk or visit our web-site: www.thevillagehall.co.uk Greenlands Farm, Dairy Lane, Hambleden, Greenlands Farm, Dairy Lane, Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 3AS Telephone 01491 571692 RG9 3AS Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire Telephone 01491 571692 www.henwoodanddean.co.uk Email: boats@henwoodanddean.co.uk www.henwoodanddean.co.uk The ironing service your clothing was made for 5★ service with modern equipment 24 FREE 24 hour turnaround Free delivery and collection Professionally finished garments i Fully insured for peace-of-mind Drop-off facility at our local premises Call us to find out more or book a collection 01494 445291 5 www.speedyiron.co.uk POINTING YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION The local Knight Frank team have recently sold in your area and achieved outstanding results... KnightFrank.co.uk Henley-on-Thames 01491 844900 henley@knightfrank.com We have also now opened our lettings department in the Henley office, so do ring, email or call in to see us to discuss all your property requirements. Hambledon / Watlingon Parish News 91x122mm matthew williamson and associated marks and logos are trademarks of matthew williamson limited, licensed to Osborne & Little Ltd. ©2014 20 Thameside, RG9 2LJ 15001_ham_wat_91x122_cmyk.indd 1 DRAPES DESIGN CO. Fabrics by: Colefax and Fowler, Osborne & Little, Jane Churchill, Designers Guild, Arthur Sanderson, and many more. We produce fine curtains & furnishings in our own workroom and specialise in upholstery, loosecovers, re-upholstery, carpets, lighting, wallpaper and paints. We work with you to combine ideas to suit you, your home and your budget. Please call in or phone for more information. 40 Couching Street, Watlington, Oxfordshire, ox49 5qq Phone: 01491 612273 Email: designers@drapes.co.uk www.drapes.co.uk www.facebook.com/DrapesDesignCo 6 10/11/2014 08:04 and for the next few months will have the unfamiliar and enjoyable experience of sitting with Sarah in church! With love and thanks. Jeremy and Sarah signed copies of his book The End of Empire for sale with the profits going to the RBL. The sale of tickets to the talk plus the donations from Martin Bell’s book raised almost £1000 for the RBL. The next event in the RBL calendar will be the Annual Dinner on Friday 9th October. This will be in the Hambleden Village Hall. Pre-dinner drinks will be available from 7.30pm with the dinner scheduled to start at 8pm. The cost is £20 per person. Tickets can be booked with Teresa Russ at Bacres Lodge, Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 6RY. She can also be contacted at teresa. russ53@hotmail.co.uk or on 01491 571451. Cheques should be made payable to Hambleden and District RBL. There will be a raffle on the night and any donations as prizes would be gratefully received by Teresa. The branch’s Remembrance Service Royal British Legion Members of the Hambleden RBL and supporters from around the valley enjoyed a very spirited and lively talk on 4th September from Martin Bell and Alfred Waller who gave a 2 sided view of their National Service in the Suffolk Regiment during the Cyprus Emergency: Martin was a Lance Corporal whereas Alfred was a junior Officer. They both gave vivid descriptions of their experiences ranging from operating vehicle checkpoints, which included turning back a government minister, to searching monasteries and tracking down a mysterious missing grandfather clock! Martin kindly donated 7 Spaces available on The Church Mice trip to Salisbury Cathedral. Saturday October 10th. This year’s Church Mice Sunday school coach trip is to Salisbury Cathedral. Their education team have set up a great day for us including some stone rubbing, a child friendly tour of the cathedral and a look around their famous Magna Carta exhibition. The trip is funded and open to all local children so why not come along and have some fun? We would love you to join us! For further information or to book a place please email saraharman@hotmail.co.uk or tel 01491639211. at St Mary’s church Fawley will take November. place on Sunday 8th Members are requested to parade outside the church at 10.40am. Members will be led into the church by the Turville, Medmenham and Hambleden standards. Refreshments will be served after the service. The house to house collections in support of the Poppy Appeal are taking place from 24th October to 7th November. Collection boxes will be available in local pubs and the village shop. The Branch’s Annual General Meeting will be held in the Hambleden Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 18th November. Suggestions for agenda items should be forwarded to Gillian Loveridge on 01491 638895 or at mail@dandgloveridge.plus. com. Cheese and wine will be served. The evening will be rounded off with a presentation from the Army Presentation Team. Ray Jones Hambleden Valley Garden Club After meeting for lunch at the Golden Ball, members visited the garden at Crockmore House, Fawley. Julia Kirkham welcomed the group describing her connection with Christopher Bradley Hole, who designed the garden, and with Orchard Dene Nursery, and then her own studies and qualification as a garden designer. Blue skies, sunshine and a gently stirring breeze enhanced the spectacle from the terrace of this extensive and massed planting of grasses and perennials, and it was a delight to wander and admire the plants in the large beds, intersected with paths, and the rest of the garden, and then to enjoy a delicious tea. In October we shall be visiting the Wittington Estate (SAS) at Medmenham and the winter programme will begin with a talk by Timothy Walker on Plants, Borders and Gardens. For enquiries please ring 01491 638691. Lizzie Arnott Quiz It’s that time of the year, folks – the annual Village Hall Quiz, again hosted by the incomparable, inscrutable, incorruptible Ken Cugnoni, and again prizes will be bounteous and the food delicious! The evening to keep free is Friday, December 4. Tickets will be available in November from Hambleden Stores, but folks wishing to avoid disappointment by booking a table early need merely contact me. Chris Whitehead 01491-577067 There’s more to Wycombe than John Lewis! Until a few months ago, like many of us, I knew very little about the Council to which we all pay thousands each year by way of Council Tax in the hope that our bins are emptied weekly! However, since becoming a Councillor I have begun to realise what an enterprising organisation our district council is. Several large projects have been developed on Council land, and under their auspices. You may be aware of the huge development taking place at Handy Cross involving a new state of the art sports centre incorporating an Olympic size swimming 8 Think property, think Savills. For professional property advice with a personal service contact the team at Savills. Savills Henley 58-60 Bell Street Henley-on-Thames RG9 2BN Nick Warner Sales 01491 843001 nwarner@savills.com Katie Baldwin Sales 01491 843001 kbaldwin@savills.com savills.co.uk 9 Richard Maby Lettings 01491 843002 rmaby@savills.com pool, a huge Waitrose (50% larger than the Henley store), and a coach station that will be a hub for coaches to London, Heathrow and all points north. These projects will be completed in January-March 2016. Already opened is the international standard athletics track and field arena at Little Marlow. This development includes an innovative conversion of the original agricultural barn, utilising converted ships containers as changing rooms, slotted into the shed. It was recently shortlisted for Best Conversion and Best Accessible Building Awards. Last year nearly £20m was spent on these projects. Another development of which you may be aware is the large Next superstore on Cressex Island, just past John Lewis and Asda. Another large national retailer will soon be established on the adjoining plot – a ‘catch’ for Wycombe as we compete with Watford and Reading for such establishments. The above projects (and others) have all been funded by Wycombe District Council, using its accumulated reserves. It is essential that the Council develops its assets to generate income streams as grants from central Government will cease within the next few years, and the Council will have to be completely self-funding. At the same time, it will have to continue to satisfy the ever increasing demands and expectations on its services while maintaining a low Council Tax. Squaring the circle! If you would like to discuss this, or indeed anything else to do with Council activities, you can always meet me at the covered market held on the second Saturday of each month in Hambleden Village Hall. Chris Whitehead, District Councillor Squirrel to see this. It comes from America in the part that has a similar climate to ours and vast forests of deciduous trees, so consequently when the Victorians introduced it here it went into overdrive, out competing and out breeding our native Red Squirrel which was more adapted to the northern conifer. It also brought in Squirrel pox which kills the reds but to which the greys are immune so our land was wide open for them and they made the most of it. How many of us have seen a Red Squirrel? Yet 150 years ago they were everywhere. The only hope is to encourage the return of the Pine Martin which prefers eating Greys to Reds. The Greys are larger and less agile and so easier to catch. I would love to have Pine Martins back in our woods though it might worry the keepers. However Martins specialize in eating mammals so they wouldn’t bother too much about Pheasants. Then what of the Muntjac? That small deer from S.E.Asia. Since being brought here at the turn of the century they have spread throughout the south of England adding to the damage that our native deer already do. We need a top predator like the European Lynx. This was here until the middle ages and so is part of our wildlife. It would reduce the masses of deer naturally. It is ridiculous that our top predator now is an animal as small as the Fox. Like the Beaver being brought back to our rivers the Lynx would ecologically change our woodlands for the better. They do not attack humans and are so secretive that they would probably never be seen. There are many other stupid introductions, Mink for instance from America which have devastated our populations of Water Voles. Then there is the American Signal Crayfish which has been let loose in our rivers and by bringing in disease has virtually wiped out our white clawed Crayfish. Sadly the American variety has already been found in our Brook. Thankfully we have as yet not got the Racoon that charming American with a face rather like a badger and which is taking over Germany and parts of northern France,no doubt it won’t be long before some idiot lets one escape and we will have them here. Come Back All is Forgiven There is nothing worse, conservation wise, than introducing a foreign animal or plant into our ecosystem. You have only to look at the Grey 10 HAMBLEDEN We have got the White Tailed Eagle back in Scotland and the Red Kite here so lets hope that the Beaver comes back successfully and dare I say it perhaps even the Wolf at least in the wilds of Scotland. Nigel Snell 18th October in the Village Hall. A great initiative from Diane and Amy in the Stores. It is competitive. You bake at home and entries to the competition should be dropped off at the village hall between 11am and noon. Judging starts at 12.30. The hall opens to the public at 2pm when tea, coffee and bake off cakes will be on sale raising money to help the final push to reach the funds needed for the rewiring project. The categories in the competition are available with an entry form by visiting Hambleden Stores. The entry forms must be returned to the Stores no later than 11th October. On Sunday Sept 6th church teas were wonderfully augmented by a concert held on the south lawn in front of church under blue skies and warm sunshine. Wind players from Reading Symphony HAMBLEDEN Verging on…. The parish church is closed until Advent (29th November). You are invited to attend Sunday services in other Group churches. ………………………. On a warm late-summer evening our bell ringers rang for Her Majesty the Queen on the day she became our longest reigning monarch. ………………………. The Great Hambleden ‘Bake Off’ Sunday Continued on page 18 We are a pre-school for 2-5 year olds in the lovely village of Frieth, next to Frieth CEC School Mornings, afternoons and all-day sessions can be taken. Funded sessions available. For more information, to book a visit or to register please contact: Donna or Kirstin Tel: 07928 186738 frieth-preschool@outlook.com www.friethpreschool.co.uk Opening times Mon – Wed 8:40am to 3:30pm Thurs and Fri 8:40am to 12:30pm Lunch Club each day 11:40 to 12:30 11 DENNING MONTESSORI NURSERY SCHOOL Fawley Village Hall, Fawley, Oxon RG9 6JA Established in 1991 the nursery offers a unique, caring environment for 2-5 year olds. Spacious classroom, ample garden space, mobile library visits, nature walks and more. Call 01491 578573 J. A. Brakspear Plumbing & Heating LTD Tel/Fax: 01491 575428 E-mail: john@johnbrakspear.plus.com Bathroom renovations • Boilers Replaced Heating system Maintenance and Installation Free Estimates • No Job Too Small 12388 07931968434 Domesstic Cleaning Service Regular Cleans R Moving Cleans Always the Same Cleaners SSpring Cleans ne Off Cleans On All Materiaals Supplied F Fully Insured www.sspeedyclean.orgg Taylorr Maid Service to o Suit Your Need ds & Pocket CARPETS & RUGS UPHOLSTERY STONE FLOORS SCOTCHGARD™ STAINS & ODOURS Call today 01491 540005 or visit www.abfab.uk.com 12 J & D Mooney YOUR “CLEAN” RELIABLE QUALITY PAINTER & DECORATORS –– DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL –– Family run business for over 30 years! Telephone 0118 934 4230 or 01865 872789 Mobile: 07961 366535 N.V.Q. Qualified Many references available in and around Henley No job too small!!! Interior and Exterior work done! Free Competitive Quotes! –– No Obligation Prompt and Friendly Service! B.C.I.S. Registered Business Full Public Liability Insurance Specialist in Rural run down property Cookham Carpentry Fitted wardrobes Radiator cabinets Stair balustrades Home office Fitted kitchens Garden design and decking Fe n c i n g a n d g a t e s House renovations DIY disaster rectified M D F - L A M I N AT E - OA K Bespoke designs Fully qualified with 15 years design experience Call Alan on 01628 522533 or 07786 144970 www.cookhamcarpentry.co.uk AHL Electrical Ltd For all your domestic electrical requirements • Re-wires • Inspection & Testing • New fuse boards • Extra sockets & lights • Extensions and refurbishments • Outdoor electrical supplies • Fault finding Hambleden resident for over 25 years City & Guilds qualified 2330, 2380 (17th Edition), 2391 (Inspection and Testing) All work guaranteed, no job too small! Contact Adam on 07963 497304 (Mobile) 5 Sandcroft Road, Caversham RG4 7NP Telephone 0118 947 4990 W. J. Webb & Son Ltd. BUILDERS and DECORATORS Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames Tel: 01491 571366 Fax: 01491 410931 e-mail: wjwebbandson@googlemail.com 13 CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER 2015 Thurs 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 Sun 4 Mon 5 Tues 6 Wed 7 Fri 9 Sat 10 Sun 11 Tues 13 Wed 14 Thurs 15 Fri 16 Sun 18 Tues 20 Wed 21 Fri 23 Sun 25 Tues 27 Wed 28 Fri 30 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tues 3 Wed 4 Thurs 5 Fri 6 Sun 8 Mon 9 Tues 10 Wed 11 Fri 13 2.30pm, Tea afternoon, URC, Pheasants Hill. 7.30pm, Frieth Fellowship. 9am, Morning Prayer, Hambleden (Lady Chapel). 8pm, Turville PCC. 3pm, Animal Blessing, Turville Village Green. Trinity 18. Valley Services: 10am, Valley Communion, URC, Pheasants Hill. 11.30am-3.30pm, Frieth Natural History Society Open Day, Village Hall, Frieth. 6pm, Oasis, Fingest 9.45am, Fawley Fellowship, Round Hill House, Fawley. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 6pm, Prayers for the vacancy, Fingest. 9am, Morning Prayer, URC, Pheasants Hill. 2-3pm, Barney’s Toddler Group, Frieth Village Hall. 10am-4pm, Group Retreat Day, Northend Village Hall. Trinity 19. Hambleden church closed for rewiring. Harvest Festivals 11am, Fawley and Medmenham. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.30am, Silent Reflections, Fingest. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 6pm, Prayers for the vacancy, Fingest. 7.30pm, New Informal Worship, Mousells, Fingest. 9am, Morning Prayer,URC, Pheasants Hill. Trinity 20. Valley Service: 9.50am, Blessing of Frieth Hilly race followed by 10.10am, Valley Choral Eucharist, Frieth. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist with prayers for healing, Turville. 6pm, Prayers for the vacancy, Fingest. 9am, Morning Prayer, URC, Pheasants Hill. Trinity 21. End of British Summer Time. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 6pm, Prayers for the vacancy, Fingest. 9am, Morning Prayer, URC, Pheasants Hill. CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER 2015 All Saints. Valley Services: 10am, Valley Choral Eucharist, Turville. 6pm, Oasis, Fingest. 7.30pm, All Soul’s Service to remember the departed, Turville. 10.30am, Silent Reflections, Fingest. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 6pm, Prayers for the vacancy, Fingest. 2.30pm, Tea afternoon, URC, Pheasants Hill. 7.30pm, Frieth Fellowship. 9am, Morning Prayer, URC, Pheasants Hill. Remembrance Sunday. Valley Services: 8am, BCP Holy Communion, Frieth. 9am, Remembrance Sunday Prayers, Fingest and Frieth. 10.40am, Royal British Legion Service of Remembrance, Fawley. 7pm, Prayers for Peace, Mousells. 3-4.30pm, Hambleden Valley Churches Tea Club, Parmoor. 10.15am, Eucharist, Turville. 6pm, Prayers for the vacancy, Fingest. 9am, Morning Prayer, URC, Pheasants Hill. 2-3pm, Barney’s Toddler Group, Frieth Village Hall. 14 Sunday Services This Month www.hambleden-valley-churches.org.uk Hambleden Medmenham Fawley Fingest Frieth Turville URC 10am, Valley Communion, URC, Pheasants Hill 6pm, Oasis Fingest 4th Oct Trinity 18 Church closed for repairs, please worship at one of the other churches 11th Oct Trinity 19 8am BCP Holy Communion 9am Holy Communion 11am Harvest Festival 9am Holy Communion 11am Harvest Festival 10.30am Morning Service 6pm Evensong 9.50am blessing of Frieth Hilly 10.10am Valley Choral Eucharist, Frieth please note the road outside the church will be closed, parking is in Innings Gate and is a walk away from the church or there is some parking at the Yew Tree 18th Oct Trinity 20 Church closed for repairs, please worship at one of the other churches 25th Oct Last Sunday after Trinity 9am Holy Communion 9.30am 9am All-age and Communion Communion Church Mice 10.30am Morning Service 11am All-age Communion 11am Holy Communion 1st Nov All Saints 10am, Valley Choral Eucharist, Turville 6pm, Oasis Fingest 8th Nov Remembrance 8am, BCP Holy Communion, Frieth 9am, Remembrance Prayers and Reading, Fingest and Frieth 10.40am, Royal British Legion Service of Remembrance, Fawley Design • Print • Copying • Office Supplies • Publishing Publishers of the Henley Standard Printers of the Hambleden Valley Group Magazine Caxton House, 1 Station Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 1AD Tel 01491 419429 Fax 01491 419401 www.higgsgroup.co.uk 15 john taylor (ewelme) limited Plumbing & Heating engineers Boiler service & replacement, oil tanks, underfloor heating Gas, oil, lpg, solar hot water, mains pressure systems Harveys block salt water softeners and filter taps Control up-grades & powerflushing Bespoke Bathrooms - Woodburners and flues Gas-safe, OFTEC, APHC, IOPHC, Worcester Bosch Platinum Installer, Nu-Heat installer. Tel: 01491 833538 or 07967 503905 email: jtel@live.co.uk www.weonlyfitthebest.co.uk Arnold Arnold Funeral Funeral Service Service Private Private Family Family business business ~ ~ 24-hour 24-hour attendance attendance Pre-payment plans available ~ Home visits ~ Private Pre-payment plans available ~ Home visits ~ Private Chapels Chapels of of Rest Rest 891, London Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe Tel: 01494 472572 891, London Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe Tel: 01494 472572 The Forge, Wethered Road, Marlow 898866 21-23 Little Marlow Marlow, Bucks, SL7 Tel: 1HA01628 Tel: 01628 The Old Old Forge,Road, Wethered Road, Marlow Tel: 01628 898866898866 www.arnold-funerals.co.uk www.arnold-funerals.co.uk All breeds of Dogs and Cats • Long Coats a speciality Collection or home service by arrangement MAIDENHEAD-MARLOW-HENLEY PROFESSIONAL & CARING With 30 Years’ Experience Clipping/Hand Stripping Rotten Row Farm • Hambleden Henley-on-Thames • Oxon Tel: 01491 636140 www.coatandtails-Hambleden.co.uk • • • • FENCING AND GATES EQUESTRIAN PROPERTY MAINTENANCE FIREWOOD SUPPLIES AGRICULTURAL & GROUNDWORK SERVICES • HAY AND STRAW SALES (01491) 575329 Westcroft Farm, Skirmett Road, Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. RG9 6SX COMPLETE COUNTRY SERVICE! 16 The Frog at Skirmett, Henley-on-Thames (Closed Sunday Evening –– November to May) Non-smoking Restaurant with an unusual selection of New English, French and Mediterranean style food. Food is served for LUNCH and DINNER 7 days a week, May to November Family room for children. En-suite accommodation. 36 seat function room Tel: 01491 638996 Fax: 01491 638045 01491 638512 07787 115944 www.griffin-furniture.co.uk BLACKSMITHS AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS E & R MEAKES LTD •STEEL STOCKISTS •WELDERS • FABRICATORS • CRANE HIRE• •MOBILE WELDING AND CUTTING SERVICE• Forge Works, Lane End, Bucks. HP14 3HJ Telephone 01494 881262 Fax 01494 883279 e-mail info@ermeakes.com • Ornamental Ironwork • Hardware shop • Tools • Midway Chimney Sweeps and Linings Chimney Sweeping and Boiler Cleaning Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps Recommended by Coal, S.F.A.S. and Gas Board ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS TELEPHONE: HIGH WYCOMBE (01494) 564321 Mobile 07850 196616 17 Men’s day at church teas August Bank Holiday Monday. Thank you to everyone who played a part in this event which took place on a miserably wet day. Nonetheless, teas made £590, the car washers and barbecue made £1043. Wine sales were high. A very kind benefactor doubled it. We added another two £5,000 red bricks to the thermometer which is gradually climbing as you will see. There is a problem with what to do with 37 leftbehind china plates. Please, please collect them in the next few weeks. Then on a date to be decided we will have a Greek evening at which the china plates will feature in a noisy climax. ………………………. The evening of wit and whimsy was a huge success, ranging from the highest quality musical performances by Hambleden youngsters, to roars of laughter from a welloiled packed hall intent on enjoying a local entertainment evening. The first wit and whimsy was a challenge for the organiser Gwyneth Ashcroft. The outrageous success she made of this one will make it difficult to get tickets for the next. Those will be bought as fast as Glasto tickets by those who attended this one. Altogether a great Hambleden community event. ………………………. The daring rewiring project. Report 10. Work started quietly last month. Tom Flynn, head of his family firm of electricians who specialise in rewiring historic churches Continued from page 11 Orchestra treated us to a fine musical selection of works of Haydn, Farkas, Gounod. It was a magical and memorable concert, into which walked a number of earnest sombre-faced ambulators each with a regulation ski pole, who paused, sat, took tea, listened, and later resumed their journey smiling. ………………………. Good news. Your verger has been given exclusive access to 240 new and hitherto unseen Hambleden Christmas cards called ‘Christmas at Hambleden’, by the outstanding artist Judith Fletcher. They are stunningly good and artistically like no other previous Christmas cards of the church. These may be seen on the church notice board and bought at Pheasants Coombe House, Pheasants Hill. When you send these cards you will receive phone calls from the lucky recipients asking where they can be bought. First come first served……. All sales donated to the rewiring appeal due to the generosity of the artist. ………………………. Great news….the return of Imperial College London’s choir. The leaders of this choir have asked if they can return to give a Christmas concert in church. This will be a free-to-attend concert, in appreciation of all that so many people have done to help the Rewiring Appeal, also to thank so many donors for their contributions. Date is Saturday December 5th Sat 10th Oct. 10am-3pm 18 every one an absolute star. It all started as a fund raising event for Hambleden church but quickly gained momentum and success as a great social gathering for the whole valley, with a superb quality of acts which surprised many of the over 100 guests. The applause and shouts for more rang long and loud. Gwyneth Ashcroft got us going with a poem written just for the event followed by 2 keyboard pieces by Jaz Presho. Our youngest performer (9) Eve Burton sang a solo in front of her biggest audience ever and then Charles Hussey played all 6 parts of his Hiawatha tale – hilarious. Our first guitar duo, popstars Connor Garnet & Ollie Davie, wowed us with their latest hits, including a new release, followed by councillor Chris Whitehead who had us rolling in the aisles with his chocolate cake dittie. A lovely cockney rendition by Jo McConville and then the secret detective, Amanda Sharkey, looking for our verger’s wellies laughed our way to the interval. Generous raffle prizes from the Dog & Badger, Stag & Huntsman, Luxters, Presho Pilates and Danesfield House were sold at the break and the second half started with an outrageously funny, anciently equipped Chinese gun boat duo of Kate and Charles Hussey. Christine, with too many to mention bar dreamcoated Evelyn, Hambleden Harmony brought us to the wit of Nigel Snell. Young Rafe soothed us with his superb jazz saxophone, Alan humorously recounted a 1st time for him – some time ago, and then a quite standing ovations worth of Tom Ellis on classical guitar – unbelievable performance. Jo Flower’s progress poem brought us powerfully to earth and the finale with Mae Bethnal and half of her Imperial College Chamber choir brought the house down – sensational. £1282 was gathered but we are still talking about the invaluable experience we all had. What a fantastic community we share here in our valley. Thank you to Yvonne, Allela, Margaret and Mardi - canape makers, Jude, undertook what he called preliminaries. The appeal has now passed £200,000 and there are still some events which will help us towards the £250,000 needed for completion of all intentions, particularly the redecoration of the church interior. On November 7th there is the exciting prospect of the Pop-Up restaurant in the Village Hall. There will be a three course gourmet dinner, with cocktails on arrival and coffee and petit fours. There will be an auction with some very attractive auction lots as well as a silent auction. It will be run by Wild Seasoning - google to see more about them. Full details of this special prestigious evening from jillyholland@ gmail.com In December there is a prospect of a Susie Pringle cashmere sale - date to be announced. Nearer to Christmas and perhaps when the Christmas tree is lit, there are murmurings of a Village Square hot-mulled-wine-fest possibly with mistletoe on sale (if we can find some) and hot mince pies. ………………………. Christingle: because of the sad departure of Emma West, we are in need of a volunteer who would make a small team to meet in the Village Hall to create the christingle oranges topped with a candle. Could you do this? If so, please call 571324. WIT & WHIMSEY in our Hambleden Village Hall What a fantastic 17 star evening! Seventeen performances involving 35 people and 19 Nick, Richard & Tom with the bar, Pat for the keyboard, Sharon on tickets, Jamie & Jules for hall prepping and Gray Joliffe for a jolly poster! Great fun and super night out. Everyone calls it a winter bourne The shop is run by lovely Diane Who gives dogs a free biscuit, my dog is a fan! You can stop for a coffee and have a chat Because Hambleden people are friendly like that The Stag and Huntsman is the local pub If you’re an Agassi, join the tennis club Roddy Baird and the bell-ringers, no, they’re not a group They are our campanology troop They climb up a ladder to ring the bells A mathematician’s harmony creates the swells In villager’s hearts in reaction to the peal So loud on occasions they hear it in Brazil So many things filmed here, let me see Agatha Christie and Nanny McPhee Midsummer Murders, 101 Dalmatians Ms Wit & Mr Whimsey It’s only a 40 minute drive from Heathrow It’s in the Chilterns, don’t you know? Hambleden village is in a beautiful land With rabbits and muntjac but alas no broadband Rabbits, red kites, deer and hare Yet sometimes you’ll have no electricity there Mobile coverage unlike the cricket Is so minimal it’s a sticky wicket The chalk stream dries up so often we mourn ...healthy mind, body, spirit Cynergy Personal Trainers offering one to one personal training services and classes. Also available by appointment: McTimoney Chiropractic Care, Sports and Remedial Massage, and Motion Movement Therapy. Visit our website at www.cynergypt.co.uk or contact us at 01491-877378. Fancy an adventurous trip abroad? Visit our sister company www.cynergyaventura.co.uk for exciting excursions, fully supported. Cynergy is located in Fawley at Lower Woodend Barn. 20 BOAT BUILDERS & RESTORERS OF CLASSIC RIVER CRAFT DINGHIES, PUNTS & SKIFFS, POWERED CANOES, SLIPPERS & SALOON LAUNCHES Marine Engineering –– Petrol, Diesel, Electric, and Steam PETER FREEBODY & CO., MILL LANE, HURLEY, NR. MAIDENHEAD, BERKS. TEL: 01628 824382 www.boatbuilder.co.uk TelephoneEstablished 01491 574644 1906 36 Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1AG D. J. Macleod Tree Surgery, Felling, Planting and Hedge Cutting Fencing and Gates Supplied and Erected Quality Firewood for Sale Producer and Supplier of Wood Chips and of locally made traditional barbecue charcoal Cedar Cottage, Parmoor, Henley-on-Thames RG9 6NN 01494 882901 www.donlogs.com e-mail: djmac@globalnet.co.uk 21 And many more dramatizations Every Monday Fran has a pilates class To realign your spine and firm up your arse Christine, the organist, runs the church choir Join the WI if you so desire Each month there’s MOT – Men On Tuesdays – lunch And we’re celebrating today because here’s the crunch We wanted to bring everyone together And to raise money, just a bit, no pressure To redecorate our church, it’s large for a village And we’d rather not have to stoop and pillage In your purses and wallets, when we hope that your hearts Will want to give generously to help kick start Alan Armstrong, our verger’s, wonderful plans To keep this church running in our beautiful land. busy agenda. Nikky Mainds read the Minutes of the July meeting, which seemed a long time ago. Since then there have been the visit to Waddesdon, the visits to Lacey’s Farm and the Magistrate’s Court at Wycombe. August has been a holiday month, and now we look forward to our busy month ahead. We have the Centenary Party on the 16th September at the Sports Pavilion, when we will have a celebration tea with a tree planting ceremony to commemorate the 100 years since the W.I. was inaugurated. This will start at 3pm. Then on the 22nd we have a Bridge Drive in the Village Hall to raise funds. We still have a few tables vacant, and these can be booked by telephoning Liz Jarvis on 01491 412111. Stuart Lodge has announced that there is to be a special Craft exhibition in Wycombe in 2016 to raise funds for ACWW and members were asked to plan to make something special which will first be exhibited then sent abroad. This is not until 2016, so plenty of time to think and prepare! Lois Howden gave an amusing account of her day at Buckingham Palace garden party which she enjoyed enormously, and managed to speak to Sophie, Duchess of Wessex. Written especially for Wit & Whimsey by Liane Carter (good friend of Gwyneth’s). Liane is on the lookout for an agent, She writes childrens books and is a prolific poem writer. Hambleden WI September Meeting Frances Emmett welcomed members and guests to the start of the Autumn with a very Sales – Service – Repairs – Conservation & Restoration Fine Clocks & Clock Collections Purchased www.jameshughesclocks.com Email: jameshughesclocks@gmail.com Coach House Cottage, Moor Common, Bucks, HP14 3HT – By Appointment Peter the Painter T/A Ideal Decorations Interior and Exterior Decoration 32 Green Dragon Lane, Flackwell Heath, Bucks HP10 9JZ Telephone: 01628 527865 Mobile: 07976 513652 peterthepainter@live.co.uk 22 ANDY WHITE DECORATING CONTRACTOR - CITY & GUILDS QUALIFIED Tel: 0118 967 5940 – Mobile: 0771 231 3718 E-mail: lornaandandy@btinternet.com INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK CARRIED OUT RECYCLE IT Graham Blake soft furnishing • Loose Covers • Curtains • Re-Upholstery • Tracks and Poles • Conservatory Blinds • Carpets all leading brands and designer fabric For personal service telephone 01844 261769 • 07802 213 381 www.grahamblake.com • e-mail: grahamblake123@btconnect.com Ten Year Guarantee • Established Family Business Skirmett Village Hall Parties Classes Meetings Fully Equipped Modern Kitchen with Dishwasher Susan Walker 01491 638 690 Email: susan@theoldcrownhouse.com Website: skirmettvillagehall.org 23 Molly Carter is organising a digital phone workshop so that members can improve their skills, and there will be three sessions at £7.50 each time. Starting at the end of October. Margaret has organised a special Christmas outing to Althorp on Wednesday December 2nd, the coach will hold 33, and we have 20 names already, members who wish to go and were not at the meeting should contact her on 01491 575670. Althorp will be specially decorated, and it is a very special afternoon. Jo Martin then introduced Kamran Ian who represented SERV, Service by Emergency Rider Volunteers, who has retired from his full time job as an airline pilot, and become a volunteer motorcycle rider for the charity. They deliver blood, samples, tissue and breast milk for premature babies anywhere in Bucks, Berks and Oxon, and as it is a voluntary organisation they save the NHS millions of pounds a year with a much faster, more efficient service than having ambulances or taxis deliver these emergency supplies. He gave a very good insight into how they work 365 days a year, in all weathers. A collection was taken from members for SERV at the end of his talk. He thanked effusively by Sarah Williams for his inspiring presentation, and then a delicious tea was served by Eileen Collins, Joyce Hynd and Joan Thwaites. RODERICK BAIRD Tree and Landscape Specialist –––––– YARD COTTAGE, Hambleden, NR. HENLEY-ON-THAMES, OXON Telephone: Henley 574242 Mobile: 07979 598159 24 FRIETH Quarter Peal Celebration. can see from our group photograph that most of us look quite normal. Pete Wiltshire From Hambleden Parish Council Been wondering what all the bell ringing has been about recently? It was to mark the 600th anniversary of the St Mary’s tenor bell; this half ton of bronze has been sounding over the Hambleden Valley since the battle of Agincourt. To mark the occasion, we rang a quarter peal. This involves 1260 changes in a set progression. For an inexperienced band like us it was not easy, but we’ve been practicing hard since January and on Saturday 5 September we finally did it. The band members were: Sandy Doggart - tenor Dan Riddoch - bell 5 – conducting Barbara Oldham – bell 4 –tower captain Gay Doggart – bell 3 Helen Riddoch – bell 2 Pete Wiltshire – treble. Others have filled in during the year from time to time: Linda Green, James Oldham, Karen Dimascio, Brian Helweg Larsen, Ben Allen, Maureen Cleary, Sheila Bruce (High Wycombe), and Charles Botting (High Wycombe), Colin Blaney (from Australia), John Walton (Wooburn). For the anoraks: our quarter was completed in 44 minutes and it consisted of eleven extents of Bob Doubles. If you think that you also might like to join the 600 year old fraternity of Hambleden ringers , come along to our open day on January 16th, (yes, that’s January!) between 2 to 3pm. You A meeting was held on Monday 20th July with the Environment Agency regarding fencing of the Hamble Brook. The meeting was very well attended by local residents, all concerned about the plans, which involves fences being put on each side of the Brook for the majority of the length, due to the poor water quality and the need to achieve “good” status by 2027. Full minutes of the meeting can be found here: http://www. hambleden.org.uk/Minutes-HambledenBrook-Meeting-20-July-2015.pdf FRIETH Frieth Fete – August Bank Holiday Monday The weather was inclement, but this did not dampen our spirits!It is always lovely to take part in such a happy annual event – it is an opportunity to meet with the community. The Church stall raised £200 from the sale of jams, guess the number of packets of sweets, plants, soaps and an open garden with a raffle. Many thanks go to Ginny and Alan Druce for opening their garden to the public and holding a raffle, ably helped by Val and David Hussey, and Judy Hunt who helped run the stall in the Village Hall. Maybe the sun will shine next year!! Jane Wheeler 25 TURVILLE TURVILLE Farewell On the 19th Aug. Wednesday morning service we took a group photo and gave farewell gifts to Sarah & Jeremy vowing never to forget each other. It seems that there is a Wednesday service in their new church, too, and, no doubt, Sarah will be roped in to make the coffee so she’ll soon feel at home. We will all think of one another. It was a sad but also a happy time laughter and tears go together don’t they? P. Harper From The Registers Holy Baptism Aug 23 Sophie Veda Mary Turner Sept 13 Corey Stiles Frieth Hambleden Holy Matrimony Sept 19 Katie Osborn-Jones and Charles Ford Hambleden Rest in Peace Sept 11 Angela Drake Memorial Service, Hambleden Sept 23 Gill Emmett Funeral and Burial, Hambleden 26 Hambleden VILLAGE STORES AND POST OFFICE We sell newspapers and most grocery products, including tobacco, wines, spirits and beer. We are well known for our excellent Scotch Eggs, which come in a variery of flavours and fresh meat is also available, together with pies and a range of sausages. Our Post Office can offer the usual facilities, including cash withdrawal, foreign currency, Premium Bonds and other savings. Travel Insurance, Car Insurance, Pet Insurance, Home Insurance etc. are all available at competitive prices. Our Café is always busy with walkers and cyclists and apart from the usual cups of tea, coffe and hot chocolate, we also offer toasted teacakes, and scones with butter. During the summer months we serve genuine Cornish Cream Teas. Our feathered friends are not forgotten either as we sell bird seed, peanuts and fat balls at expectionally keen prices. We are open 7 days a week and our opening hours are: Mon-Fri 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Saturday 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and Sunday 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Tel. 01491 571201 KJD & Son Decorators Interior and Exterior – Excellent References Telephone: 07949 007 364 or 01235 850514 kjddecorating@btinternet.com www.kjdandsonsdecorators.co.uk Henley Road, Medmenham, Near Marlow, SL7 2EU 27 ADVERTISEMENTS Corfu –– comfortable sea edge villa to let privately. Between Kassiopi and St Stephanos. Alan Armstrong 01491 571324 The Piano –– are you interested? All ages taught by qualified and experienced teacher. Piano parties held each term. Beryl Williams LRAM, GRSM. 01494 881837 (Messages left on my answer-phone will receive a reply!) North Cornwall, Harlyn Bay Padstow 4 miles. Family cottage with garden. Sleeps 6. Quiet lane with footpath leading to huge sandy beach. Excellent surfing, walking, golf. Very reasonable rents. BeckBurridge 01491 413171. Computer Problems? Local help in fixing problems, selecting systems and personal tuition including email/internet. Contact Matt on 01491 575998. Mulberry Flooring. Specialists in wood floor restoration. Please call for free quote 01494 535348. Worcestershire Spacious lakeside house in beautiful setting available for holiday lets. Sleeps 6. Ring Elizabeth Proffitt 01491 571479 for details. Chair Caning. Chairs and other furniture recaned. Call Liz Ellis on 01491 571052. North Cornwall, Trevose Bay. Family home, 5 bedrooms, superb views from every room, 100 yards from beach. Some availability this year. Please visit website www.trevone.com for pictures and availability or call Peter Gurney 0793 154 2220. Bed and Breakfast in a period farmhouse in Skirmett. Spacious double en-suite bedroom. Peaceful location and beautiful views. Tel. 01491 638355 or visit poynattscottage.com Rock, North Cornwall. Old cottage by the beach, newly refurbished, sleeps 8. Available for holiday lets. Contact Mandy Heller on 01491 638355 or johnheller@tiscali.co.uk Isle of Mull. Newly converted Bothy on north west Mull available for weekly holiday lets. Comfortable and spacious. Sleeps 4. Wonderful panoramic views over Loch Tuath. An ideal location for exploring this beautiful island. Visit. www.thesmithymull.co.uk for more info. Salcombe, South Devon. Three bedroom cottage, recent refurb, stunning estuary views, quiet & close to town centre, sleeps six,easy access beaches/walks, holiday lets throughout year, 01491 577344 The Pet Feeders - We look after your pets when you can’t. Local firm, insured/CRB checked. www.thepetfeeders.com. Mobile: 0753 100 7419. Email: info@thepetfeeders.com Valencia Large Luxury Family Villa with Pool and Tennis Court. 15 mins from the City Centre, 10 mins from the Airport. Sleeps 14 comfortably , 6 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms. Visit www. homeaway.co.uk/p1029900 to see our reviews. Contact Virginia or Andy Coombes for more information on 01491280189/ 07860847256 Snowdonian Cottage. Cosy,comfortable 3bed stone cottage sleeps 6 in coastal village Llwyngwril. An ideal base to explore ‘the most dramatic and alluring region in Wales’. Beaches, mountains, Mawdach Estuary and so much more. Contact Euan McCrindle 07500 887 595 or euanmccrindle@ hotmail.com for more information. Le Marche, Italy. beautiful stone farmhouse to rent. Private pool and stunning views. Sleeps 8-10. For further details visit www.ownersdirect.co.uk and enter property reference IT4381 or call Linda Haines 07770 916645. Le 6 Grand Duc apartment is perfect for 6 adults, or 2 family groups. It has 2 double/twin rooms and a further bunk room with 2 sets of bunks. The living area is open plan with a large entrance hallway a sofa seating area for 6 people. A dining table that can seat 6-8 people and a fully equipped kitchen with oven, 4 28 ring electric hob, microwave, fridge/ freezer, sink etc etc. The apartment has WIFI and 2 televisions with UK TV. There is a fabulous balcony which is south facing and looks out directly onto the main lift area in Meribel - La Chaudanne. So you clip into your skis on the piste called Georges Mauduit and ski 150metres down to La Chaudanne. It is a very easy walk into Meribel centre, about 5-10 minutes to all of the shops and bars in the centre of resort. Call Catherine on 07970 554543 or email c@therogers. uk.com Music Teacher! - Qualified musician offering great value Piano and Vocal lessons. 5 Years Experience, Fun and engaging lessons for all ages and abilities. Contact Sasha Steventon (BMus) on 07740 289467 or sashasteventon@outlook.com Self-contained Annexe in 17c cottage in idyllic village 4 miles Henley. Great views. Ideal for professional person. Furnished but could be flexible. Patio garden. £900pcm incl bills. 07733127543. Dulverton, Gateway to Exmoor, – Large 3 bed, 2 bath recently renovated Cottage. Sleeps 6, 2 mins to town. Holiday lets, short breaks. Contact Rob Spicer 01491 577747 or robert@hilroconsulting.co.uk Gower Peninsular, Wales, the UK’s original Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Comfortable, fully equipped holiday home with large garden. Sleeps seven in three bedrooms. Separate lounge and dining room. Close to wonderful sandy beaches, limestone cliffs and stunning walking paths. A perfect home-from-home for a long weekend or family holiday. From £750 per week. Telephone Elizabeth on 01491 638264 or email elizabeth@balhams.com for more information and availability. Weddings, birthdays, Commemorations. Nigel Snell a craft member of the Guild of Glass Engravers will create the perfect gift for you. Bowls, Goblets, Tankards etc. Engraved to your design. Telephone 01491 571687 or e-mail nigel@redbird.org.uk for a quotation. Presents In the home . Bespoke Natural, unique and inspiring presents, hand-crafted in Fawley info@diBosco.co.uk www.diBosco.co.uk Tel. 07809 681000 Ad. style christmas Opening Hours Monday - Sunday Lunch : 12 - 2.30pm Dinner: 6 - 9.30pm Afternoon Tea: 2.30 - 6pm The Stag & Huntsman at Hambleden Tel: 01491 571227 www.thestagandhuntsman.co.uk 29 CHURCH AND VILLAGE ACTIVITIES AND CONTACTS Hambleden Valley Group of Churches Frieth (St John the Evangelist ) Group Rector: Vacancy Churchwarden: Judy Hunt, 01494 882227, ajh.claypit1@btinternet.com Curate: The Revd Sue Morton, 07808 517347, suemorton131@gmail.com Village Hall Bookings: Angela Detsiny 01494 881176 friethvillagehall@gmail.com Licensed Lay Ministers: Sue Brice, 01494 882084, sue.brice@btconnect.com; Jenny Roughan, 01494 456242, jenny.roughan@hotmail.co.uk, John Kimberley 01491 413155 lordkimberley@gmail.com Uniformed organisations: Lesley Ansell 01494 882665 (after 4 pm) Director of Music and Choir: Christine Wells BEM, 01491 571588, c@wells.vnworks.net Rainbows and Brownies: , Mrs Lesley Ansell, Rainbows now meet on Mondays from 5pm - 6pm friethrainbows@hotmail.co.uk 01494 882665 Miss Katherine Gomme now runs Brownies Brownies now meet on Mondays from 6pm - 7.30pm friethbrownies@hotmail.com 07545549910 Group Treasurer: David Napier, 01491 574230, david_napier@btopenworld.com Frieth Natural History Society: Alan Gudge 01494 881464 Parish Visitor: Jenny North, 01494 881580, north@frieth.entadsl.com Frieth Village Society: Caroline Walker 01494 882333 Group Administrator: Penny McLeish, 01491 571288, penny_mcleish@hotmail.com Frieth Pre-School: www.friethpreschool.co.uk Monday to Wednesday 8.30-3.30 and Thursday and Friday 8.30-12.30. Kirstin Chaplin or Donna Watkins 07928 186738 frieth-preschool@outlook.com Baptisms: Vicky Hollier 01491 638760 vickyhollier@aol.com Tea Club: St. Katharine’s, Parmoor, Tuesdays, 3 - 4.30pm Sue Brice, 01494 882084, sue.brice@dsl.pipex. com or Gillian Loveridge, 01491 638895, mail@dandgloveridge.plus.com Hambleden (St Mary the Virgin) Churchwarden: Michael Tebbot, 01494 882261, m.tebbot@gmtw.co.uk Website: www.hambleden-valley-churches.org.uk Verger: Alan Armstrong, 01491 571324, alan@eurolibraries.com Fawley (St Mary the Virgin) Bell Ringing: Fri 7.45pm practice, Barbara Oldham 01491 571452, barbara@EasySaveAndEarn.co.uk Churchwarden: David Napier, 01491 574230, david_napier@btopenworld.com Village Hall Bookings: Jamie Baker 01491 410669, www.hambledenvillagehall.org Village Hall Bookings: Margaret Hope, 0776 8426625 Women’s Institute: President Frances Emmett 01491 881600 Pilates: Mondays 11 – 12 Fran Presho 07951 019594 Fingest (St Bartholomew) Bridge Club: Fridays 1.30 – 4.30 Frances Cugnoni 01491 576409 Churchwardens: Brian Barnes, 01494 882613, brian@navdac.freeserve.co.uk Hambleden Social and Sports Club: Open daily from 8 pm Pat Eldridge 01491 576067 Jill Dean, 01491 638678, jill.dean50@sky.com 30 Tennis Club: Jenny Sanderson 01491 575883 jennysanderson@talktalk.net Turville (St Mary the Virgin) Churchwarden: Anne Jones, 01491 639344, annejones.tur@btopenworld.com Tennis Coaching: Kate Borthwick 07980565636 Bell Ringing: Mon 8pm practice, Linda Green, 01491 638650 Royal British Legion: PGillian Loveridge (Secretary) 01491 638895 or Jonathan Mason (Membership) 01491 578571 Yoga: Monday 7pm-8.30pm Debbie Flavell 01491 414403 debby@debbyflavell.com Indoor Market: Hambleden, 2nd Saturday in Month (except January) Circle Dance Thursday 7pm – 8.30pm Debby Flavell 01491 414403 debby@debbyflavell.com Sunday School: Sara Harman 01491 639211 Turville Northend Village Hall Bookings: Susie Phillips Parish Council Contacts Hambleden: Parish Clerk Lorna Coldwell 01494 528443 clerk@hambleden.org.uk www.hambleden.org.uk Medmenham: Parish Clerk Carole Burslem 01494 449215 mpc.clerk@gmail.com Medmenham (St Peter and St Paul) Churchwardens: Dennis Harwood, 01628 810143, dennis.harwood411@btinternet.com Angela Magee 01628 484043 angela.magee@yahoo.co.uk Turville: Parish Clerk Deirdre Hansen 01494 562254 turvillepc@tiscali.co.uk Fawley: Parish Clerk Mrs. M Hope 01491 411783 Village Hall Bookings: Emma Tentori 07759 014396 Uniformed organisations: Group Scout Leader Christine Hockley 01628 472244 Meetings on Fridays: Beavers: 5.15-6.15pm, Cubs: 6.30-8pm, Scouts 8-10pm Medmenham Matters: Jo Baxter, 01491 573901, medmenhammatters@yahoo.co.uk Magazine details Editor: Nigel Snell, 01491 571687 editor@hambleden-valley-churches.org.uk or nigel@redbird.org.uk New subscriptions: Penny McLeish 01491 571288, penny_mcleish@hotmail.com Advertising Manager: David Napier, 01491 574230, david_napier@btopenworld. com Pheasants Hill (United Reformed Church) Pre-School Playgroup: (Thurs 9.15-11.45am) Fran Keene, 01491 638208 Parents and Toddlers: (Wed 10-11.30am) Katie Deakin, 01491 578796 Distributors: Fawley: Hilary Beck-Burridge, 01491 413171; Fingest: Brian Barnes, 01494 882613; Frieth: Tony Parkins, 01494 882170; Hambleden: Samantha Webb, 01491 414418; Medmenham: Jim Tilbury, 01628 487135; Mill End: Robert Spicer, 01491 577747; Northend: Susie Phillips, 01491639584; Elizabeth Arnott, 01491 638337, Cayla Twemlow, 01491 638591; Pheasants Hill: Kate Hussey, 01491 576913; Skirmett: Bessie Webb, 01491 638574; Southend: Margaret Drage, 01491 638384; Turville: Rosie Rosier, 01491 638329; Woodend: Helen Balkwell, 01628 471403. Skirmett Village Hall Bookings: Susan Walker 01491 638690 www.skirmettvillagehall.org Pilates: Mon and Weds 11.15am – 12.15 pm Julia Farey 07747 825 830 Hambleden Valley Garden Club: Meetings Oct-Mar on first Tuesday each month at Skirmett Village Hall 7.30. Contact Celia Warren 01491 638691 or Susan Walker 01491 638690. Postal Distributor: Caroline Cook, 01491 571214. 31 Great Autumn evenings at The Prince Albert ‘A little old fashioned pub with a big heart’ Fortnightly pub quiz • Occasional folk nights • Open all day! Food served weekdays 12.15-14.30 and Sunday 12.30—15.00 Evening meals Friday and Saturday 19.00-21.30 The Prince Albert, Moors End, Frieth, Oxon, RG9 6PX. Tel 881683 CLIVE THE HANDYMAN Over 35 years experience in the Building Trade Painting & Decorating • Patch Plastering • Woodwork, Tiling Fascias, Roofing/Gutter Repairs • Repointing, Boxing-In • Small Plumbing Jobs Flat Pack Assembly • Blinds & Curtain Rails • General Household Repairs No Job Too Small • All Work Guaranteed • Fully Insured Give me a ring on 01491 411321 / 07766 540117 Last Exclusive Spa Spa Membership spaces available CALL PLUMBING HEATING £127.00SYSTEMS, per month - Co spaces available for 2015 TAPWASHERS & PLUMBING, BOILERS, COOKERS, GASFIRES, CENTRAL HEATING Last Exclusive Spa Membershi LastPLUMBING Exclusive CALL HEATING TAPWASHERS & PLUMBING BOILERS, COOKERS, GASFIRES CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEMS FULL BATHROOM INSTALLATIONS, UNDERFLOOR HEATING, EMERGENCY REPAIRS FULL BATHROOM INSTALLATIONS This includes full use of the Spa facilities, inc UNDERFLOOR HEATING steam, sauna, brand new Matrix Gymnasiu EMERGENCY REPAIRS £127.00 per month - Corporate available spacesRates available for 2015 Lee Beckett All Fitness Classes included 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Bo Leefull Beckett This includes use of the Spa facilities, including a 20 168120 metre Jacuzzi, £127.00 perswimming month -pool, Corporate Rates av 01491 614233 or 07773 25% discount on all treatments 01491 614233 or 07773 168120 steam, sauna, brand new Matrix Gymnasium & relaxation room. 20% discount on Lunch in The Orangery/Th Last ExclusiveThis includes SpafullMembership use of the Spa facilities, including a 20 metre swimming p All Fitness Classes included spaces available for 2015 All Fitness Classes included One night’s complimentary stay at the hote www.walkinshowerbaths.co.uk steam, sauna, brand new Matrix Gymnasium & relaxation room. www.walkinshowerbaths.co.uk The Spa membership ensures a quality expe 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Boutique relaxation. Becoming a member at Spa Illum 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Boutique £127.00 per month - Corporate Rates available pleasure. 25% discount on all Spa treatments 25% discount on all treatments Last Exclusive Membership spaces available for 2015 20% discount on Lunch in The Orangery/The Oak Room/The Terrace (max 20% discount on Lunch in This Theincludes Orangery/The Oak Room/The (max 4pool, people) full use of the Spa facilities, including aTerrace 20 metre swimming Jacuzzi, £127.00 per month - Corporate Rates available One night’s complimentary stay at the hotel per year of membership steam, sauna, brand new Matrix & relaxation room. One night’s complimentary the hotel per Gymnasium year of This includes full use of the stay Spa atfacilities, including a membership 20 metre The Spa membership ensures a quality experience and an atmosphere of Fitness Classes included swimming pool, Jacuzzi, All steam, sauna, brand new Matrix relaxation. Becoming a member at Spa Illuminata will make exercising and 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Boutique The Spa membership a quality and an atmosphere of calm and Gymnasium & relaxationensures room. 25% discount on allexperience treatments pleasure. 20% discount Lunch in The Orangery/The Oak exercising Room/The Terrace (max 4 people) a relaxation. Becoming a member at on Spa Illuminata will make and wellbeing Allpleasure. Fitness Classes included One night’s complimentary stay at the hotel per year of membership 10% discount off purchases from the Spa Boutique The Spa membership ensures a quality experience and an atmosphere of calm and 25% discount on all treatments relaxation. Becoming a member at Spa Illuminata will make exercising and wellbeing a 20% discount on Lunch in The Orangery/The Oak Room/The Terrace pleasure. (max 4 people) One night’s complimentary stay at the hotel per year of membership The Spa membership ensures a quality experience and an atmosphere of calm and relaxation. Becoming a member at Spa Illuminata will make exercising and wellbeing a pleasure. 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