Postcranial morphology of the middle Pleistocene humans from
Postcranial morphology of the middle Pleistocene humans from
Postcranial morphology of the middle Pleistocene humans from Sima de los Huesos, Spain Juan Luis Arsuagaa,b,1, José-Miguel Carreteroc,a, Carlos Lorenzod,e,a, Asier Gómez-Olivenciaf,g,h,a, Adrián Pablosi,a, Laura Rodríguezc,j, Rebeca García-Gonzálezc, Alejandro Bonmatía,b, Rolf M. Quamk,l,a, Ana Pantoja-Péreza,b, Ignacio Martínezi,a, Arantza Aranburum, Ana Gracia-Téllezn,a, Eva Poza-Reya,b, Nohemi Salaa, Nuria Garcíaa,b, Almudena Alcázar de Velascoa, Gloria Cuenca-Bescóso, José María Bermúdez de Castroj, and Eudald Carbonelld,e,p a Centro Mixto Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Instituto de Salud Carlos III de Evolución y Comportamiento Humanos, 28029 Madrid, Spain; Departamento de Paleontología, Facultad Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain; cLaboratorio de Evolución Humana, Departamento de Ciencias Históricas y Geografía, Universidad de Burgos, 09001 Burgos, Spain; dÀrea de Prehistòria, Departament d’Història i Història de l’Art, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43002 Tarragona, Spain; eInstitut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social, 43007 Tarragona, Spain; f Departamento Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco–Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 48080 Bilbao, Spain; gIkerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, 48013 Bilbao, Spain; hUMR 7194, CNRS, Département Préhistoire, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Musée de l’Homme, 75016 Paris, France; iÁrea de Antropología Física, Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares, Spain; jCentro Nacional de Investigación Sobre la Evolución Humana, 09002 Burgos, Spain; kDepartment of Anthropology, Binghamton University, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000; lDivision of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024-5192; m Departamento Mineralogía y Petrología, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco–Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 48080 Bilbao, Spain; n Área de Paleontología, Departamento de Geografía y Geología, Universidad de Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares, Spain; oPaleontología, Aragosaurus– Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón and Facultad Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain; and pInstitute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of Beijing, 100044 Beijing, China b Current knowledge of the evolution of the postcranial skeleton in the genus Homo is hampered by a geographically and chronologically scattered fossil record. Here we present a complete characterization of the postcranium of the middle Pleistocene paleodeme from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) and its paleobiological implications. The SH hominins show the following: (i) wide bodies, a plesiomorphic character in the genus Homo inherited from their early hominin ancestors; (ii) statures that can be found in modern human middle-latitude populations that first appeared 1.6–1.5 Mya; and (iii) large femoral heads in some individuals, a trait that first appeared during the middle Pleistocene in Africa and Europe. The intrapopulational size variation in SH shows that the level of dimorphism was similar to modern humans (MH), but the SH hominins were less encephalized than Neandertals. SH shares many postcranial anatomical features with Neandertals. Although most of these features appear to be either plesiomorphic retentions or are of uncertain phylogenetic polarity, a few represent Neandertal apomorphies. Nevertheless, the full suite of Neandertal-derived features is not yet present in the SH population. The postcranial evidence is consistent with the hypothesis based on the cranial morphology that the SH hominins are a sister group to the later Neandertals. Comparison of the SH postcranial skeleton to other hominins suggests that the evolution of the postcranium occurred in a mosaic mode, both at a general and at a detailed level. human evolution phylogeny Unfortunately, our understanding of the evolution and variation of body size and shape in Pleistocene Homo before the Neandertals is still quite limited due to a fragmentary and geographically and chronologically scattered fossil record. This has resulted in contradictory views for certain specimens (see, for example, ref. 5 for H. habilis). Most interpretations of body size and shape in early Pleistocene Homo have relied on one specific individual: KNM WT15000 (6), which has heavily influenced the view that the wider, more robust Neandertal bauplan was derived from and likely reflected cold adaptation (7). Further studies (8, 9) and the discovery of additional fossil evidence (10, 11) support the idea that the original reconstruction of the pelvis of KNM WT-15000, and thus a number of the interpretations based on it, need to be reconsidered. In the middle Pleistocene, very few individuals preserve partial postcranial skeletons (12), and in most cases only fragmentary Significance The middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos (SH) fossil collection provides the rare opportunity to thoroughly characterize the postcranial skeleton in a fossil population, comparable only to that obtained in the study of the Neandertal hypodigm and recent (and fossil) modern humans. The SH paleodeme can be characterized as relatively tall, wide, and muscular individuals, who are less encephalized than both Neandertals and modern humans. Some (but not all) Neandertal derived traits are present, which phylogenetically links this population with Neandertals. Thus, the full suite of Neandertal features did not arise all at once, and the evolution of the postcranial skeleton could be characterized as following a mosaic pattern. | bauplan | postcranial anatomy | Sierra de Atapuerca | D ifferences in hominin adaptive strategies (1) are reflected in the postcranial skeleton, and can be grouped into broad categories of body plan (or bauplans) (2), mainly reflecting hominin posture and locomotion. The first of these may represent a partially arboreal, facultative biped, if the genus Ardipithecus (and perhaps Orrorin) is included within the hominins. The australopith bauplan (present in both Australopithecus and Paranthropus) mainly reflects terrestrial bipedalism, coupled with suspensory and climbing activities (3) that could have also been present in Homo habilis (4). In more derived members of the genus Homo, the bauplan reflects an obligate terrestrial bipedalism with reduced arboreal capabilities. Within the genus Homo (excluding the enigmatic and insular species Homo floresiensis), different bauplans could be present among early representatives, but among the more derived representatives of the genus, two distinct bauplans can be differentiated based upon the body breadth and overall robusticity, with Neandertals showing a “wide” bauplan and modern humans showing a “narrow” bauplan. Author contributions: J.L.A., J.M.B.d.C., and E.C. codirected the Atapuerca excavations and research project; J.L.A. designed research; J.L.A., J.-M.C., C.L., A.G.-O., A.P., L.R., R.G.-G., A.B., R.M.Q., A.P.-P., I.M., A.A., A.G.-T., E.P.-R., N.S., N.G., A.A.d.V., G.C.-B., J.M.B.d.C., and E.C. performed research; J.L.A., J.-M.C., C.L., A.G.-O., A.P., L.R., R.G.-G., A.B., R.M.Q., A.P.-P., I.M., A.A., A.G.-T., E.P.-R., N.S., N.G., A.A.d.V., and G.C.-B. analyzed data; and J.L.A., J.-M.C., C.L., A.G.-O., A.P., L.R., R.G.-G., A.B., R.M.Q., A.P.-P., and I.M. wrote the paper. Reviewers: T.W.H., Tulane University; and C.B.R., The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: This article contains supporting information online at 1073/pnas.1514828112/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS Early Edition | 1 of 6 ANTHROPOLOGY Contributed by Juan Luis Arsuaga, July 29, 2015 (sent for review May 20, 2015; reviewed by Trenton W. Holliday and Christopher B. Ruff) remains are found. Although middle Pleistocene populations have been described as exceptionally robust (13), phylogenetic hypotheses are based mainly on the more abundant cranial sample (14, 15). The recent analysis of 17 crania from Sima de los Huesos (SH) points to a mosaic pattern of evolution in the cranium, with facial modification being the first step in the evolution of the Neandertal clade (16). The SH postcranial sample offers an unparalleled opportunity to assess both general aspects of body size and shape and the detailed postcranial morphology, avoiding many of the problems associated with grouping geographically dispersed and chronologically disparate samples. The present study aims to clarify the evolution of the body plan in the genus Homo based on the SH postcranial collection, the largest ever found. We will characterize the general body size and shape [stature, body breadth, body mass, and encephalization quotient (EQ)] in the SH paleodeme within the context of postcranial evolution in the genus Homo. In addition, we focus in particular on whether the detailed morphological traits found throughout the postcranial skeleton follow a mosaic pattern of evolution, as seen in the crania, and whether there have been changes in the Homo bauplan. The SH Site The Sima de los Huesos site is a well-known middle Pleistocene site that has yielded more than 6,700 human fossils dated to c. 430 kiloyears (kyr) (16). All of the human remains come from the LU-6 lithostratigraphic unit (17). At least 28 individuals of both sexes and diverse ages at death (18) were preserved, fragmented, and mixed with carnivore bones, mainly of Ursus deningeri (19). These fossils have been considered phylogenetically related to the Neandertals based on the skeletal morphology (14, 16, 20–22). More than half of the sample corresponds to the postcranial skeleton, with all anatomical parts represented, even the tiny distal pedal phalanges. The current postcranial minimum number of elements (after the 2013 field season) is 1,523, more than double the number published 15 years earlier (21) (SI Appendix, Table S1). Many of these fossils are complete and for most elements at least one complete specimen is preserved (10, 22–28). A minimum number of 19 individuals based on the femora are represented in the SH postcranial sample, including both immature and adult individuals. All postcranial bones of the human skeleton are represented, reducing the previous bias against some elements (thorax, hand, and foot bones). This fact strongly suggests that complete human bodies were deposited in SH (SI Appendix, Table S2 and Fig. S1). This is consistent with previous hypotheses of an anthropic origin for this accumulation (21). General Body Size and Shape, Intrapopulational Variation, and Encephalization Stature. The mean stature of the SH hominins has been estimated based on 24 complete long bones from the upper and lower limbs (26). The overall stature [(male mean + female mean)/2] of the SH hominins (163.6 cm) is 3.0 cm taller than the mean stature in Neandertals (160.6 cm) (SI Appendix, Table S3). Body Mass. Body mass (BM) can be reconstructed from hominin skeletal remains using both morphometric [stature and bi-iliac breadth (BIB)] (29) or mechanical approaches (joint surface size of weight-bearing skeletal elements) (30). The BM of one large male (Pelvis 1 individual) calculated from stature and BIB is between 90.3 and 92.5 kg (25), and the Pelvis 2 individual seems to be slightly broader (Fig. 1A). The pooled sex-weighted mean BM estimated from five adult SH femoral heads is 69.1 kg and is 6.3 kg below the Neandertal mean (75.4 kg) (SI Appendix, Table S4 and Fig. S2). Body Shape. Evidence from the shoulder girdle, the thorax, and the pelvis points to a wide and large body type in the SH hominins. The SH clavicles are absolutely long compared with modern humans (MH), and they show the type II curvature in the coronal plane that is present in all pre-H. sapiens hominins (31). This character has been related to a more lateral and higher position of the scapulae (see below). Regarding the thorax, the absence of complete midthoracic ribs makes it difficult to assess whether the size and shape of the SH costal skeleton is similar to that of Neandertals (32). However, the dorsoventral size of the single complete first rib is longer than MH and Neandertals, and an Fig. 1. SH-selected measurements compared with other hominin groups. (A) Bi-iliac breadth. (B) Femoral total length. (C) Femoral head diameter. (D) Femoral neck index (biomechanical length of the neck following ref. 60/femoral maximum length × 100). (E) Percentage of cortical area in the right and left humeri and femora. (F) Palmar projection of the trapezium tubercle. EP1: 2.0–1.8 Mya early Pleistocene Homo; EP2: 1.7–0.8 Mya early Pleistocene Homo; MP: non-SH middle Pleistocene Homo; Ne: Neandertals; MH: modern humans. See SI Appendix for raw data. Boxes: SD; whiskers: range. 2 of 6 | Arsuaga et al. Intrapopulational Size Variation. Using a randomization method, relying on bootstrapping, the size variation in the SH hominins was studied as a proxy for their level of sexual dimorphism (33, 34), including additional anatomical parts that were previously underrepresented (SI Appendix, Tables S5–S7). Contrary to previous suggestions that middle Pleistocene humans were more dimorphic (35, 36), the SH hominins do not show an unusual degree of size variation compared with MH. Different anatomical parts display different levels of variation with between 6.1 and 98.2% of the samples of the same size randomly generated from large samples of MH presenting more variation than in SH. The variation observed in the different anatomical regions may be due to differences in the SH sample sizes depending on the skeletal region, variation in the different modern human samples used, and/or varying correlation of the skeletal regions with overall body size. Thus, sexual dimorphism in SH was not significantly different from the moderate level of sexual dimorphism exhibited by MH. Although there appears to be a somewhat elevated level of intrapopulational variation and sexual dimorphism in the SH sample when we compare the BM values to that of modern humans (SI Appendix, Table S4), this result is based on the still relatively small sample of femoral head estimates (n = 5) in SH. In addition, modern human sexual dimorphism shows some degree of populational variation, and future SH findings may allow for a more precise assessment of this matter. EQ. Nine EQ values have been calculated for the SH adult crania (16) using the femoral head diameter (FHD) to calculate BM (SI Appendix, Table S8) and yield a mean EQ of 3.54. The higher EQ of the SH population compared with the published values in the early Pleistocene Dmanisi hominins (37) demonstrates that the increase in brain size in SH was not simply a consequence of an increase in body mass (29). Although the use of the FHD rather than the BIB (see above) yields lower BM values and, consequently, higher EQ values, the EQ from the SH sample is still significantly lower than that of Neandertals (P < 0.003) and MH (P < 0.006). There is a further increase in the EQ in both MH and Neandertals (SI Appendix, Table S8), which suggests that a parallel encephalization process occurred after their last common ancestor (10). Nevertheless, the lower EQ value in the SH population indicates that, in the case of the Neandertals, this brain size increase occurred after the SH population. Postcranial Skeletal Anatomy The abundant postcranial record recovered from SH has allowed for a detailed characterization of the skeleton of this paleodeme and makes it possible to compare this sample with other Homo populations (SI Appendix, Table S9). Thorax and Spine. The dorsoventral size of the single SH complete first rib and an incomplete second rib suggest that the SH hominins had a larger costal skeleton relative to their stature compared with MH (SI Appendix, Table S10 and Fig. S3). The atlas displays a large maximum dorsoventral canal diameter (related to the size of the foramen magnum of the SH crania). The axis is craniocaudally low, and the atlantoaxial joint is mediolaterally (ML) expanded (24). The SH hominins show C6 and C7 spinous processes that are more horizontally oriented than in MH and shorter than in Neandertals. At least the L3 and L5 lumbar vertebrae display very long and, unlike the Neandertals, dorso-laterally oriented transverse processes (Fig. 2A and Arsuaga et al. SI Appendix, Tables S11 and S12 and Figs. S3–S5). Finally, the SH hominins show a reduced lumbar lordosis, i.e., a less curved lumbar spine, based on the vertebral wedging in lumbar vertebrae and the incidence of the pelvis, a derived feature shared with Neandertals (25, 38). Shoulder Girdle and Upper Limb. The SH glenoid cavity is consistently taller and narrower (n = 10) than in MH, reflected in a low glenoid index (SI Appendix, Fig. S6 and Tables S13–S16). The SH sample shows a dominant dorsal position (n = 8) of the axillary sulcus for the Musculus teres minor (on the axillary border), resembling the predominant condition in Neandertals. Only one specimen (Scapula IV) displays a ventral sulcus (the most frequent condition in MH). The curvatures of the SH clavicles in the transverse plane fall within the normal variation in MH. Nevertheless, the curvatures in the coronal plane, in all of the SH specimens where it can be determined, are of type II, as is the case in all Neandertals that we have studied and the few known early Pleistocene specimens. In contrast, MH show three curvature types (31). Most of the SH humeri display a consistent morphological pattern that distinguishes them from MH and is similar to Neandertals. This pattern includes a transversely oval humeral head, a projected and massive lesser trochanter, a narrower deltoid tuberosity with two muscular crests, thick cortical diaphyses (Fig. 1E), a broader and deeper olecranon fossa, a relatively narrower medial distal pillar surrounding the olecranon fossa (Fig. 2B), a rectangular and broader capitulum, and a shallower trochlea with a less projecting lateral rim. In these two latter traits, the specimens show some variation. The ulnae have a broader olecranon process, an anterior orientation of the trochlear notch (the plesiomorphic condition for all hominins), a vertically extended radial notch, a short and blunt supinator crest, a robust pronator crest, a blunt interosseous crest, a rounded and gracile diaphysis and pronounced antero-posterior (AP) and ML shaft curvature (SI Appendix, Fig. S7). This pattern is also present in the Neandertals and distinguishes them from MH (SI Appendix, Tables S13–S16). Most of the SH radii (six of eight specimens) display a relatively long and gracile neck, an antero-medially oriented radial tuberosity, and a low robusticity index with a pronounced ML shaft curvature, as in the Neandertals. However, two SH specimens show the relatively short and robust neck, anteriorly oriented radial tuberosity, and the straight and robust shaft typical of MH (SI Appendix, Fig. S8). Hand. The SH hand is characterized by a strong development of the palmar tubercles of the carpal bones associated with a deep carpal tunnel (palmar projections of the tubercle of the trapezium and the hamulus) (Fig. 1F); high mobility of the first metacarpal (MC1), reflected in the saddle-shaped carpo-metacarpal articulation of the thumb; high capacity for rotation of the second metacarpal (MC2); robust thumbs with a strong attachment for the Musculus opponens pollicis (Fig. 2C), relatively short proximal phalanges, and relatively long distal phalanges; noncurved proximal and middle phalanges with relatively broad trochleae; distal phalanges with expanded distal tuberosities; pea-shaped pisiforms; and relatively short (proximo-distal) lunates and relatively broad (radio-ulnar) triquetrals (SI Appendix, Table S17). The SH hand morphology indicates a powerful precision grip and fine precision grasping capabilities that are similar to what has been described in Neandertals (39) and MH. In the SH hand, like in Neandertals, the powerful precision grip is enhanced by the thumb robusticity and well-developed flexor musculature. Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb. The SH pelvises are characterized by their marked robusticity (e.g., large sacroiliac joint, iliac tubercle, and ischial tuberosity) and large overall dimensions. The SH sample shows remarkably broad, tall, and AP-expanded pelvises. The total length of the sacrum and of the complete hip bone, and of the ischium, ilium, and pubis, the vertical acetabular PNAS Early Edition | 3 of 6 ANTHROPOLOGY incomplete second rib suggests that it was dorso-ventrally longer than that of Kebara 2. This suggests that the SH hominins, like Neandertals, had a larger costal skeleton relative to their stature compared with MH (see below). Finally, this population presents very broad elliptical pelves (Fig. 1A) characterized by very wide sacra, pronounced lateral iliac flaring, and long pubic rami that clearly separate it from the MH pelvic configuration (see below). Fig. 2. SH-selected postcranial traits. (A) Third lumbar vertebra (L3). Cranial view of VL2, presenting a very long and dorso-laterally oriented transverse process (arrowhead). (B) Humerus. Subadult (H-IV, Left) and adult (H-VI, Right) specimens showing the thin medial pillar and broad and deep olecranon fossa. (C) First metacarpal (MC1). Palmar view of juvenile (AT-3104, Left) and adult (AT-5565, Right) specimens, both showing a strong attachment for the opponens pollicis muscle (arrowheads). (D) Os coxae. Ventral view of AT-1000, displaying a strongly twisted anterior inferior iliac spine (white arrow) and a deep iliopsoas groove (black arrow). (E) Femur. F-X (Left) and F-XI (Right) proximal femora in posterior view, showing a low neck angle, large gluteal ridges, and well-developed hypotrochanteric fossae. Midshaft section (Middle, CT-scan image) is rounded and shows an absence of a pilaster. (F) Talus. Dorsal view of AT2803 that shows an expanded lateral malleolar facet (arrowhead) and parallel edges of the trochlea. diameter, and the breadth of the ilium and sacrum are conspicuously above MH (SI Appendix, Table S18). The SH pelvic remains are also distinct from MH in having an anteriorly located acetabulocristal buttress, a well-developed supraacetabular groove and a thin and rectangular, plate-like superior pubic ramus that contrasts with the thick and stout pubis of MH (10, 25) (SI Appendix, Figs. S9 and S10). These features, together with the very broad elliptical pelvis, are shared with early and middle Pleistocene Homo specimens, and they likely represent the plesiomorphic condition for the genus Homo. Neandertals depart from the SH pattern mainly in having an extreme craniocaudal flattening of the pubic ramus (10, 11, 25, 40). Neandertal pelvises, although broader than MH (probably due to prominent iliac flaring), are narrower than SH, likely related to a significantly smaller sacral breadth and iliac height in Neandertals (SI Appendix, Table S18). Unlike MH, the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) of the Neandertals is medially twisted relative to the anterior margin of the iliac blade and is bordered by a deep iliopsoas groove that excavates the medial surface of the AIIS (41, 42). This AIIS configuration agrees with that found in the SH sample (Fig. 2D) and other middle Pleistocene hip bones (43). In contrast, the iliopsoas groove in hip bones of earlier Homo taxa is shallow and does not excavate the medial surface of the AIIS (44). The SH femora show the plesiomorphic morphological pattern found in most earlier members of the genus Homo (45–47). The SH femora have relatively longer and, on average, moderately 4 of 6 | AP-flattened necks, ML-widened proximal (subtrochanteric) shaft, relatively low-neck-shaft angle, large gluteal ridges, well-developed hypotrochanteric fossae and proximal lateral crest, absence of a true pilaster, very low point of minimum shaft breadth, and thicker cortical bone than in MH (Figs. 1 D and E and 2E and SI Appendix, Fig. S11 and Tables S19–S22). The SH tibiae share a similar morphological pattern with Neandertals that includes large retroversion angle of the proximal epiphysis (SI Appendix, Fig. S12 and Tables S19–S22), tibial condyles located in a more posterior position in relation to the axis of the shaft, and flat proximal and distal articular surfaces. Distally, there is moderate hypertrophy of the medial malleolus and presence of squatting facets in some adult specimens (25%), related by some researchers to a hyperdorsiflexion of the ankle joint (48). The robusticity of the fibula overlaps the upper range for MH. In all of the anatomical details of the upper and lower limb, the SH immature individuals follow the same pattern as in the adult specimens (SI Appendix, Tables S14 and S20). Foot. Despite subtle variation in Pleistocene hominin tali, some consistent morphological variants can be identified among different fossil samples (27, 49). The Neandertal talus displays broader lateral malleolar facets (50) and talar heads compared with MH. In the SH specimens, the peroneal facet is significantly broader (Fig. 2F) and the talar head narrower than both Neandertals and MH (SI Appendix, Table S23). In SH, as in Neandertals, the trochlea is relatively broad with parallel sides, compared with the relatively narrow Arsuaga et al. Discussion Implications for Evolution of Body Size and Shape. The SH hominins could be included within the “wide Homo” bauplan due to their absolutely and relatively large and ML-wide biotype consisting of a large thorax with broad shoulders and pelvises, above-mediumheight body, thick bones, and great musculature and body mass. This body shape is also largely present in other early and middle Pleistocene individuals and in Neandertals. We base this hypothesis on the Jinniushan pelvis (12) as well as on the similarity of the SH coxal bone with KNM-ER 3228, OH28, Arago 44, and Kabwe E.719 (53). Our analysis suggests that three aspects of this biotype (body breadth, stature, and weight) show a mosaic pattern of evolution (Fig. 1 A–C and SI Appendix, Table S24) (54, 55). Although there are no known pelvic remains attributed to H. habilis, in our view, a ML relatively wide biotype was likely present (as the most parsimonious interpretation) in the earliest members of the genus Homo and was inherited from their early hominin ancestors. Variation in this width within the genus Homo has been proposed to follow a latitudinal cline, similar to that present in modern humans (56). This great width of the pelvis may also have had obstetric implications, including a nonrotational delivery (56, 57). However, in SH Pelvis 1 the AP diameters of the pelvic canal are similar or even larger than in modern males, and a rotational delivery has been proposed (10, 25). About 1.6–1.5 Mya some individuals began to show an increase in stature, reaching heights comparable to those present in middlelatitude MH populations. Direct evidence, based on femoral head size, of heavier bodies appears later, during the middle Pleistocene (including the SH population) and is retained in Neandertals. Body mass estimations based on other parameters such as the BIB-stature or cortical thickness, as well as the size and shape of some African femoral and pelvic remains (KNM-ER 736, 737, 1808, 3228, KNMWT 15000, OH 28, and 34) suggest that tall and heavy bodies were present even earlier. Thus, the bauplan in the genus Homo seems to have been characterized by a long period of stasis during which the “wide” (with respect to their stature) body plan shared by different Homo species (including the SH hominins) varied rather little throughout the Pleistocene until the appearance of the new “narrow” bauplan in H. sapiens (10, 25, 26). The appearance of this “narrow” bauplan has energetic implications, which have been invoked as one of the reasons for the success of our species (58), although the major change in relative skeletal strength (lower-limb diaphyseal cross-sectional geometry) within Homo may have taken place after, not at, the origin of H. sapiens (59). Pattern of Evolution of the Postcranial Anatomical Traits. The preservation of all anatomical parts in SH has allowed a detailed characterization of the postcranial anatomy and has revealed that the SH hominins share many anatomical features with Neandertals not present in MH. These could be Neandertal specializations, but the scant fossil record of postcranial elements in early Pleistocene Homo makes it difficult to establish a clear cladistic polarity for many anatomical features, such as the morphology of the axis, the proximal humerus, the ulna, or the tibia. Some traits whose polarity can be established seem to be mainly plesiomorphic Arsuaga et al. retentions in the SH hominins because they are already present in earlier Homo specimens, such as the general morphology of the pelvis and femur or the talar trochlea. Therefore, these traits do not phylogenetically relate the SH population with Neandertals. A few features that have been considered Neandertal-derived traits are also present in the SH hominins, including a low degree of lumbar lordosis, broad distal tuberosities of the manual phalanges, and the wide bases of the lateral metatarsals (MTIII–V), which is consistent with the hypothesis, based on the cranial morphology, that the SH hominins are a sister group to the later Neandertals (16). In addition, there are some Neandertal specializations that are not present in the SH hominins, such as the lateral orientation of the lumbar transverse processes, the less saddle-shaped carpometacarpal articulation of the thumb, and the extremely thin, plate-like superior pubic ramus. Finally, some taxonomically relevant traits are polymorphic in SH, although the Neandertal condition is dominant. These features include, among others, the general radius morphology (neck length, radial tuberosity orientation, and diaphyseal curvature), the morphology of the axillary border of the scapula, and the shape of the distal humerus. The presence of these polymorphisms in the SH sample and their fixation in the Neandertals suggests that a subsequent loss of variation occurred in the latter. The detailed postcranial anatomy in SH indicates that some of the potentially derived Neandertal features were not yet present in this population. Thus, the full suite of Neandertal features did not arise all at once, and the evolution of the postcranial skeleton could be characterized as following a mosaic pattern. A mosaic pattern was also documented in the SH cranium (16) although, in this case, the Neandertal suite of derived features forms a single functional complex. Conclusions In general, the body plan in the genus Homo has been largely characterized by stasis since ∼1.6 Mya until the appearance of MH (2). Individuals with tall, wide, and heavy bodies, compared with earlier hominins, were already present at this early date in Africa and (probably) Asia. A subsequent slight increase in body mass occurred only approximately 1 million years later in middle Pleistocene populations (including SH), and these body parameters were largely maintained in the Neandertals. Variation in body breadth in Pleistocene Homo has been suggested to follow a latitudinal cline. Absolute and relative brain size increased between the early and the middle Pleistocene, as seen in the higher EQ in SH. This was followed by a subsequent further increase in the EQ in Neandertals and MH. In sum, SH offers the best proxy for the general postcranial size and shape of Homo for at least the past 1 million years until the appearance of MH. Despite large periods of morphological stasis in the general body plan, the anatomical details of the postcranial skeleton, as revealed in the SH sample, offer the best evidence for a pattern of mosaic evolution in the postcranium within the Neandertal lineage. Materials and Methods The SH postcranial sample up to the 2013 field season is composed of 1,523 elements (SI Appendix, Table S1). The comparative material used in this study is listed in SI Appendix, Table S25. Additional information on materials can be found in SI Appendix. To avoid methodological problems in estimating body size parameters in the genus Homo, we have generally used the raw values for femoral length, BIB, and FHD as proxies for stature, body breadth, and weight in our comparisons with other fossils (Fig. 1). Additional information on the materials and methods for stature, body mass, intrapopulational size variation, and encephalization quotient can be found in SI Appendix). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank our companions in the Atapuerca research and excavation team; M. C. Ortega for her extraordinary and patient restoration of the fossils; A. Esquivel for his invaluable dedication to the ongoing work at the SH site; J. Trueba for graphic documentation of the SH fossils and fieldwork under very demanding conditions; and the following individuals PNAS Early Edition | 5 of 6 ANTHROPOLOGY and wedge-shaped trochlea of MH (27, 49) (Fig. 1F). Finally, all Pleistocene (non-H. sapiens) fossil tali, including SH, show a tall trochlea compared with recent MH, allowing for a greater capacity for dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the ankle joint (51). The calcanei of Neandertals are broad with a projected sustentaculum tali and a long calcaneal tuber (39). In SH, the calcanei are also broad and the sustentaculum tali is even more projected (28). The metatarsals from SH, Neandertals, and MH are very similar except for the broader base of the lateral metatarsals (MTIII–V), a potentially derived character shared between SH and Neandertals (49). The SH proximal pedal phalanges present hypertrophy of the shaft, and the distal phalanx of the big toe shows an expanded distal tuberosity, as in the Neandertals (39, 52). and their institutions for access to the modern and fossil comparative materials: P. Mennecier and A. Froment (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle); B. Maureille and C. Couture (Université de Bordeaux 1); Y. Haile-Selassie, B. Latimer, and L. Jellema (Cleveland Museum of Natural History); R. G. Franciscus (University of Iowa); Y. Rak (for MH data) and I. Hershkovitz ski (Natural History Mu(Tel Aviv University); C. B. Stringer and R. Kruszyn seum, London); I. Tattersall (American Museum of Natural History); D. Lieberman (Harvard University); R. Potts and M. Tocheri (Smithsonian Institution); J. Radovčic (Croatian Natural History Museum); R. W. Schmitz (LandesMuseum Bonn); E. Cunha and A. L. Santos (Coimbra University); and A. Marcal (Bocage Museum) and T. Holliday (Tulane University). Field work at the Sierra de Atapuerca sites is supported by the JCYL and Fundación Atapuerca. Thanks also to Residencia Gil de Siloé; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (project CGL2012-38434-C03-01/02/03); Junta de Castilla y León (project BU005A09); Direcció General de Recerca 2014 SGR899; and the European Social Fund. This research received support from the SYNTHESYS Project, which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 integrating Activities Programme. 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POSTCRANIAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE MIDDLE PLEISTOCENE HUMANS FROM SIMA DE LOS HUESOS, SPAIN. Authors: Juan-Luis Arsuagaa,b,1, José-Miguel Carreteroc,a, Carlos Lorenzod,e,a, Asier Gómez-Olivenciaf,g,h,a, Adrián Pablosi,a, Laura Rodríguezc,j, Rebeca García-Gonzálezc, Alejandro Bonmatía,b, Rolf M. Quamk,l,a, Ana Pantoja-Péreza,b, Ignacio Martínezi,a, Arantza Aranburum, Ana Gracia-Téllezn,a, Eva Poza-Reya,b, Nohemi Salaa, Nuria Garcíaa,b, Almudena Alcázar de Velascoa, Gloria Cuenca-Bescóso, José-María Bermúdez de Castroj, Eudald Carbonelld,e,p. Author’s Affiliations: a Centro Mixto UCM-ISCIII de Evolución y Comportamiento Humanos. Avda. Monforte de Lemos, 5. 28029 Madrid, Spain. b Dpto. de Paleontología. Fac. Ciencias Geológicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Avda. Complutense s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain. c Laboratorio de Evolución Humana, Dpto. de Ciencias Históricas y Geografía, Universidad de Burgos, Edificio I+D+i, Plaza Misael Bañuelos s/n, 09001 Burgos, Spain. d Àrea de Prehistòria, Dept. d’Història i Història de l’Art, Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Av. Catalunya, 35, 43002 Tarragona, Spain. e Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social, C/ Marcel·lí Domingo s/n (Edifici W3), Campus Sescelades, 43007 Tarragona, Spain. f Dept. Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Apdo. 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain. g IKERBASQUE. Basque Foundation for Science, 48013 Bilbao, Spain. h UMR 7194, CNRS, Dépt. Préhistoire, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Musée de l’Homme, 17, Place du Trocadéro, 75016 Paris, France. i Área de Antropología Física, Depto. de Ciencias de la Vida. Universidad de Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares, Spain. j Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana, Paseo Sierra de Atapuerca, 09002 Burgos, Spain. k Dept. of Anthropology, Binghamton University (State University of New York), Binghamton, NY 13902-6000, USA. l Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024- 5192, USA. m Departamento Mineralogía y Petrología, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Apdo. 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain. n Área de Paleontología. Depto. de Geografía y Geología. Universidad de Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares, Spain. o Paleontología, Aragosaurus-IUCA and Facultad Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza,50009 Zaragoza, Spain. p Visiting Professor, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of Beijing, 100044 China. 1 Corresponding author: Juan-Luis Arsuaga, Centro Mixto Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Instituto de Salud Carlos III (UCM-ISCIII) de Evolución y Comportamiento Humanos, c/ Monforte de Lemos 5 – Pabellón 14, 28029 Madrid (Spain). Telephone: +34918222834. Email: 1-SKELETAL REPRESENTATION Table S1. Complete inventory of SH postcranial each element Minimum Number of Elements (MNE) AD SubAD Indet Total M F ? Total vertebrae 212 Cervical V. 28 28 14 70 Thoracic V. 46 49 95 Lumbar V. 19 28 47 58 58 2 Total ribs 118 Manubria 4 3 2 4 11 Clavicles 20 6 2 6 13 Scapulae 27 8 2 2 12 Humeri 24 7 3 4 11 Radii 25 6 3 4 12 Ulnae 25 Carpal bones 131 Scaphoid 14 5 19 Lunate 14 7 21 Triquetral 10 6 16 Pisiform 6 3 9 Trapezium 13 3 16 Trapezoid 13 4 17 Capitate 14 5 19 Hamate 10 4 14 Metacarpals 63 Mtc I 6 12 18 Mtc II 9 3 12 Mtc III 7 3 10 Mtc IV 3 3 6 Mtc V 11 6 17 Hand phalanges 325 Proximal 68 39 19 126 Middle 50 34 11 104 Distal 59 33 3 95 17 4 Innominate bones 5 5 4 31 2 3 5 Sacra 10 5 3 Coccygeal V. 8 6 2 1 23 Femora 32 4 2 5 5 Patellae 16 5 2 3 13 Tibiae 23 1 1 7 9 Fibulae 18 Tarsal bones 130 Talus 21 3 24 remains and MNI represented by Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI) AD SubAD Indet Total M F ? 12 5 2 5 12 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 6 6 7 8 5 8 8 6 3 8 8 8 7 5 4 4 3 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 2 6 7 2 3 2 3 7 6 7 3 1 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 2 3 4 2 1 1 3 5 10 5 2 14 3 7 3 3 4 4 3 2 5 5 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 7 4 11 16 14 15 14 13 13 12 10 6 10 10 11 11 10 10 6 7 4 9 13 13 12 17 10 4 19 10 13 8 14 14 Calcaneus Navicular Cuboid Medial cuneiform Inter. cuneiform Lateral cuneiform Metatarsals Mtt I Mtt II Mtt III Mtt IV Mtt V Foot phalanges Proximal Ph. I Distal Ph. I Proximal II-V Middle II-V Distal II-V 17 20 15 9 13 9 9 5 3 5 2 3 10 7 6 5 5 5 1 4 4 4 10 10 9 7 20 35 52 16 53 9 Total MNE 9 26 4 3 2 6 25 9 5 18 7 3 14 5 3 15 8 2 12 5 1 51 15 6 5 8 4 1 10 5 3 9 4 3 9 4 3 230 20 8 8 16 5 4 64 68 62 1523 Final MNI M = male; F = female; AD = adult; SubAD = subadult 15 14 10 8 10 6 11 11 5 8 7 7 16 16 9 19 Table S2. Relative representation and cumulative percentage Anatomical Units (AU) 1. Neurocrania 2. Mandibles 3. Dentition 4. Cerv. vertebrae 5. Thor. vertebrae 6. Lumb. vertebrae 7. Sacra 8. Ribs 9. Claviculae 10. Scapulae 11. Prox. humeri 12. Humeral shafts 13. Dist. humeri 14. Prox. ulnae 15. Ulnar shafts 16. Dist. ulnae 17. Prox. radii 18. Radial shafts 19. Dist. radii 20. Carpals 21. Metacarpals 22. Hand phalanges 23. Innominate bones 24. Prox. femora 25. Femoral shafts 26. Dist. femora 27. Patellae 28. Prox. tibiae 29. Tibial shafts 30. Dist. tibiae 31. Prox. fibulae 32. Fibular shafts 33. Dist. fibulae 34. Tali 35. Calcanei 36. Ant. tarsals 37. Metatarsals 38. Foot phalanges TOTAL NºAU 17 20 533 70 95 47 10 118 20 27 18 37 27 22 27 10 24 32 20 131 63 325 31 35 36 22 16 18 35 19 10 20 19 24 26 84 51 230 2369 One Relative MNAU Skeleton MNAU 1 1 32 7 12 5 1 24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 10 28 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 28 233 17.0 20.0 16.7 10.0 7.9 9.4 10.0 4.9 10.0 13.5 9.0 18.5 13.5 11.0 13.5 5.0 12.0 16.0 10.0 8.2 6.3 11.6 15.5 17.5 18.0 11.0 8.0 9.0 17.5 9.5 5.0 10.0 9.5 12.0 13.0 8.4 5.1 8.2 431.2 3.9 4.6 3.9 2.3 1.8 2.2 2.3 1.1 2.3 3.1 2.1 4.3 3.1 2.6 3.1 1.2 2.8 3.7 2.3 1.9 1.4 2.7 3.6 4.1 4.2 2.6 1.9 2.1 4.1 2.2 1.2 2.3 2.2 2.8 3.0 1.9 1.2 1.9 100 Cumulative % MNAU 3.9 8.5 12.4 14.7 16.5 18.7 21.0 22.1 24.4 27.5 29.6 33.9 37.0 39.6 42.7 43.9 46.7 50.4 52.7 54.6 56.0 58.7 62.3 66.4 70.6 73.2 75.1 77.2 81.3 83.5 84.7 87.0 89.2 92.0 95.0 96.9 98.1 100.0 2048.9 MNAU = minimum number of anatomical units = number of bones or bone portions preserved in a sample divided by number of that bone or bone portion in a complete skeleton. Figure S1. Cumulative percentage of the minimum number of anatomical units (MNAU), i.e., number of bones or bone portions preserved in a sample divided by number of that bone or bone portion in a complete skeleton. 1. Neurocrania; 2. Mandibles; 3. Dentition;4. Cerv. vertebrae; 5 Thor. vertebrae; 6. Lumb. vertebrae; 7. Sacra; 8. Ribs; 9. Claviculae; 10. Scapulae; 11. Prox. humeri; 12. Humeral shafts; 13. Dist. humeri; 14. Prox. ulnae; 15. Ulnar shafts; 16. Dist. ulnae; 17. Prox. radii; 18. Radial shafts; 19. Dist. radii; 20. Carpals; 21. Metacarpals; 22. Hand phalanges; 23. Innominate bones; 24. Prox. femora; 25. Femoral shafts; 26. Dist. femora; 27. Patellae; 28. Prox. tibiae; 29. Tibial shafts; 30. Dist. tibiae; 31. Prox. fibulae; 32. Fibular shafts; 33. Dist. fibulae; 34. Tali; 35. Calcanei; 36. Ant. tarsals; 37. Metatarsals; 38. Foot phalanges. 2- GENERAL BODY SIZE AND SHAPE, INTRAPOPULATION VARIATION AND ENCEPHALIZATION 2.1-STATURE Systematic work at the Sima de los Huesos has allowed us to reconstruct 27 complete long bones. Despite the methodological difficulties involved in the estimation of stature in fossil humans (i.e. bone type, body proportions, sex assignment, statistical techniques, etc.) and the lack of consensus on a valid method broadly applicable in all cases, we have used the multiracial and combined-sex formulae proposed by Sjøvold (1) to estimate the mean stature of the SH hominins based on 24 complete long bones (excluding the fibula) (2). Although the differences between the SH and Neandertal samples are not significant, it is likely that the SH hominins were somewhat taller on average than the Neandertals since the SH hominins had, on average, longer limb bones than the Neandertals (2). The SH male and female means fall in the category of ‘above medium height’ and ‘tall height’ individuals defined by Martin and Saller (3) for recent H. sapiens. The same average in Neandertals falls more clearly into the category of ‘medium height’ individuals. However, in both samples ‘tall’ individuals, (i.e., above 170 cm for men and 160 cm for women) can be found. In light of our results, it seems that early and middle Pleistocene humans from Africa, Asia, and Europe were characterized by heights in the range of Medium and Above-Medium individuals, although tall individuals are found in all three geographical areas. During the late Pleistocene, Neandertals reduced their height only slightly compared with their ancestors such as the people from Sima de los Huesos. As noted previously by others, the earliest H. sapiens populations (Skhul and Qafzeh) had a radically different stature from earlier humans (177.4 cm pooled sex mean). Table S3. Comparison of mean stature for three fossil Homo samples Sima de los Huesos Neandertals Early modern humans Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n Males 169.5 4.0 19 166.7 5.9 26 185.1 7.1 11 Females 157.7 2.0 5 154.5 4.6 13 169.8 6.5 6 Pooled sex mean(a) 163.6 160.6 177.4 SD = standard deviation; n = sample size. Stature in cm. Early modern humans from Skhul and Qafzeh [see Table S25 and Carretero et al. (2)]. (a) Pooled sex mean = (male bones mean + female bones mean)/2. 2.2-BODY MASS Among the SH sample, the body mass for the complete male Pelvis 1 (4), has been estimated elsewhere as between 90.3 and 92.5 kg (5). However, in order to be consistent in our comparisons between the SH hominins and Neandertals, we have estimated the body mass (BM) based on femoral head size in both samples (Table S25). Since these humans are known to be large bodied (4, 6), we used Grine et al.’s formula (7) for BM estimation, following Auerbach and Ruff’s recommendations (8). We have calculated a weighted mean of body mass estimations for both SH and Neandertals. This takes into account the variation within each body mass estimate, i.e., the standard deviation for each individual prediction, SDx, using a meta-analysis approach. To calculate SDx the following equation was used from Etxeberria (9). SDX=Y'0/(Se √(1+1/n0)) where Y'0 is the predicted value, Se is the standard error of the estimate and n is the number of observations. Individual and mean ranges for SH and Neandertals are shown in Figure S2. Table S4. Individual body mass estimates for several SH femoraa and the weighted mean of the SH sample and Neandertals 95% Femoral head Sample/specimen Sex Body mass Confidence diameter interval SH F-XI Female 41.8 58.3 F-XVI F-XII F-XIII F-X Mean SH Female Male Male Male Pooled sex weighted mean Male weighted mean Neandertals (N=14) a Female weighted mean Pooled sex weighted mean Male weighted mean Female weighted mean 41.2 49.0 48.3 52.8 56.9 74.6 73.0 83.3 69.1 59.1-79.0 76.8 70.7-82.9 57.6 52.9-62.3 72.1 67.0-77.2 76.3 71.6-81.0 61.6 56.0-77.2 Using Grine et al.’s (7) formula: 2.268*FH-36.5 (r=0.92; SEE=4.3). Femoral head diameter in mm, body mass in kg. The population weighted mean and 95% confidence interval was obtained from the meta-analysis. Neandertal sample: Males = La Ferrassie 1, Spy 2, Neandertal 1, La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1, Amud 1, Kebara 2, Krapina 213, Le Moustier 1, Krapina 207 and Krapina 208. Females = Tabun C1, La Ferrassie 2, Sima de las Palomas and Krapina 214. See also Figure S2. Figure S2. Forest plot of body mass estimations through each femur and the weighted group mean. Amud 1; Ke2=Kebara 2; Krap207=Krapina 207; Krap208=Krapina 208; Krap213=Krapina 213; Krap214=Krapina 214; LCH= La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1; LF1=La Ferrassie 1; LF2=La Ferrassie 2; LM= Le Moustier 1; NEA=Neandertal 1; SdP=Sima de las Palomas; SP2=Spy 2; TC1=Tabun C1. The area of each square is proportional to the weight of each individual’s body mass in the meta-analysis (those estimations with larger SDx are weighted less in the analysis). The horizontal lines represent the confidence intervals (95%) for each individual’s body mass estimation. 2.3-SIZE VARIATION AND SEXUAL DIMORPHISM Table S5. Variables used in the size variation analysis Anatomical Variables Details Region Endocranial capacity in cubic centimeters Cranium Mandibular corpus at = (mandibular corpus height × mandibular Mandible mental foramen corpus breadth at mental foramen)1/2 geometric mean Glenoid fossa geometric = (glenoid fossa height × glenoid fossa Scapula mean breadth)1/2 Proximal epiphysis = (proximal epiphysis breadth × head Humerus geometric mean vertical diameter × head transverse diameter)1/3 Midshaft perimeter Biepicondylar breadth Proximal epiphysis = (olecranon breadth × coronoid breadth × Ulna geometric mean olecranon height × trochlear anteroposterior diameter × coronoid height)1/5 Proximal perimeter Midshaft perimeter Proximal epiphysis = (mediolateral diameter of the radius head Radius geometric mean × anteroposterior diameter of the radius head)1/2 Neck perimeter Distal breadth Atlas superior transverse Vertebrae diameter Axis superior transverse diameter L5 Vertebral body = (dorsoventral diameter × transverse geometric mean diameter)1/2 Lumbosacral surface = (transverse diameter × anteroposterior Sacrum geometric mean diameter)1/2 Vertical acetabular Innominate diameter bone Head vertical diameter Femur Subtrochanteric = (subtrochanteric anteroposterior diameter geometric mean × subtrochanteric mediolateral diameter)1/2 Midshaft geometric mean = (midshaft anteroposterior diameter × midshaft mediolateral diameter)1/2 Geometric mean = (maximum thickness × maximum height Patella x maximum breadth)1/3 Midshaft perimeter Tibia Trochlear geometric = (trochlear length × trochlear breadth)1/2 Talus mean Geometric mean = (maximum length × body length × Calcaneus breadth across the sustentaculum tali × height of the body)1/4. Definition of the variables from Martin and Saller (3) and Bräuer (10) except for the following: vertical diameter of the humeral head (11), ulnar olecranon height, ulnar coronoid height, ulnar trochlear anterior-posterior diameter (12) and vertical acetabular diameter (13). Table S6. Descriptive statistics and composition of the SH samples used in the analysis Sima de los Huesos Anatomical Variables Current Previous Region Mean SD n n Endocranial capacity 15 3 1232.4 96.6 Cranium Mandibular corpus at Mandible 12 23.6 2.3 ment. for. GM Glenoid fossa GM 7 5 29.3 2.0 Scapula Proximal epiphysis GM 4 4 44.2 3.7 Humerus Midshaft perimeter 10 9 66.6 8.7 size variation CV MR 7.83 1.36 9.97 1.40 6.97 13.07 1.24 1.16 1.51 Biepicondylar breadth 8 4 59.8 4.6 7.71 1.28 Proximal epiphysis GM Proximal perimeter Midshaft perimeter Proximal epiphysis GM Neck perimeter Distal breadth Atlas superior transverse diameter Axis superior transverse diameter L5 Vertebral body GM 9 12 13 10 13 8 7 8 7 5 - 24.0 44.2 51.1 20.5 38.9 33.1 2.1 4.4 5.1 1.4 3.6 3.5 8.70 9.88 10.03 6.86 9.27 10.51 1.30 1.51 1.43 1.25 1.34 1.32 3 - 49.6 2.0 - 1.08 3 - 49.9 1.6 - 1.06 4 - 40.0 3.1 - 1.19 Sacrum Lumbosacral surface GM 5 2 40.6 2.7 6.69 1.20 Innominate bone Femur Vertical acetabular diameter Head vertical diameter Subtrochanteric GM Midshaft GM GM Midshaft perimeter Trochlear GM GM 7 5 56.7 3.6 6.28 1.20 5 10 7 9 7 15 11 4 8 5 6 8 7 45.2 31.7 29.6 36.5 89.4 30.9 52.8 4.9 2.2 3.8 2.2 8.0 2.4 2.9 10.95 6.81 12.80 6.07 8.97 7.75 5.50 1.27 1.19 1.39 1.21 1.29 1.26 1.18 Ulna Radius Vertebrae Patella Tibia Talus Calcaneus CV = coefficient of variation; GM = geometric mean; MR = maximum ratio. Maximum ratio (MR) is equal to maximum value divided by minimum value. We have not calculated the CV for samples lower than n=5. The previous n is the number of elements included by Arsuaga et al. (14) and Lorenzo et al. (15). The current n is the size of the sample used in this analysis. The following variables were not used by Arsuaga et al. (14) and Lorenzo et al. (15) and they have been included in this analysis: mandibular corpus at mental foramen geometric mean, radius proximal epiphysis geometric mean, atlas superior transverse diameter, axis superior transverse diameter, L5 vertebral body geometric mean and femur midshaft geometric mean. Specimens of the Sima de los Huesos sample for: Cranium: Crania 2-17. Mandibles: AT-1, AT-250+AT-793, AT-300+AT-4147, AT303+AT-1957, AT-505+AT-604, AT-605, AT-792 AT-888, AT-950, AT-1775, AT-2193, and AT-6726. Scapula: AT-316+AT-1671, AT-320+AT-1750, AT-342, AT-343, AT-794, AT-2969 and Scapula I. Humerus: AT-93, AT-217, AT-1103, AT-2951+AT-2952, Humerus II, Humerus III, Humerus VI, Humerus VII, Humerus VIII, Humerus X, Humerus XI, Humerus XIII, Humerus XIV and Humerus XV. Ulna: AT-488, AT-1104, AT-1270, Ulna I, Ulna II, Ulna V, Ulna VI, Ulna VII, Ulna VIII, Ulna IX, Ulna X, Ulna XII, Ulna XIII and Ulna XIV. Radius: Radius I, Radius II, Radius III, Radius IV, Radius V, Radius VI, Radius VII, Radius IX, Radius X, Radius XI, Radius XIII, AT-349 and AT-1702. Atlas: VC3, VC7 and VC16. Axis = VC2, VC4 and VC8. Lumbar 5: VL5, AT-2191, VL12 and VL13. Sacrum: AT-322, AT-1003 (Pelvis 1), AT-1005, AT1234+AT-2721 (Pelvis 2) and AT-3711+AT-4200+AT-4350. Innominate bone: AT-1000 & AT-1001 (Pelvis 1), Coxal I, Coxal II (Pelvis 2), Coxal III, Coxal IV, Coxal V and Coxal VI. Femur: AT-616, AT-1020, AT-2067, Femur IV+V/2, Femur X, Femur XI, Femur XII, Femur XIII, Femur XIV+AT-1530, Femur XV and Femur XVI. Patella: AT670, AT-1043, AT-1044, AT-1331, AT-1783, AT-2166, AT-2948, AT-3081 and AT-3297. Tibia: AT-19, AT-848, AT-2173, Tibia I, Tibia III, Tibia VI and Tibia XII. Talus: AT-860, AT-965, AT-966+AT-980, AT-1322, AT-1477, AT-1480, AT-1716, AT-1822, AT-1930, AT1931, AT-2495, AT-2803, AT-3132, AT-3133 and AT-4425. Calcaneus: AT-489, AT-663, AT-969, AT-971+AT-981, AT-1576, AT-1740, AT-2466, AT-3130, AT-3131, AT-3771 and AT-4426. Table S7. Percentage of samples generated randomly (n = 5,000) that fall above the SH coefficient of variation (CV) and SH maximum ratio (MR). Hamann-Todd Hamann-Todd Coimbra Palencia Euroamericans Afroamericans Anatomical Variables % % % % % % % % Region CV MR CV MR CV MR CV MR Endocranial capacity 98.7 92.3 83.4 68.3 Cranium Mandibular corpus at ment. Mandible 21.6 24.9 for. GM Glenoid fossa GM 81.2 69.3 Scapula Proximal epiphysis GM 65.8 Humerus Midshaft perimeter 8.2 6.1 Biepicondylar breadth 63.6 43.4 Proximal epiphysis GM 56.5 46.6 53.3 49.5 56.4 33.0 Ulna Proximal perimeter 86.4 55.6 69.0 52.1 71.0 33.0 Midshaft perimeter 87.9 59.0 61.5 49.7 79.5 65.6 Proximal epiphysis GM 89.5 80.7 Radius Neck perimeter 76.7 79.8 Distal breadth 26.5 39.7 Atlas superior transverse Vertebrae 65.0 diameter Axis superior transverse 76.2 diameter L5 Vertebral body GM 43.3 Lumbosacral surface GM 77.3 68.4 Sacrum Innominate 63.7 56.8 Vertical acetabular diameter bone Head vertical diameter 8.4 17.9 18.7 30.3 43.1 27.5 Femur Subtrochanteric GM 71.2 89.5 90.9 97.4 Midshaft GM 8.9 15.1 23.1 28.6 GM 85.5 82.5 83.6 81.2 Patella Midshaft perimeter 65.8 57.8 22.1 12.2 54.1 51.1 Tibia Trochlear GM 43.4 62.1 43.4 71.8 43.4 71.8 Talus GM 75.5 73.3 49.3 47.4 24.6 25.0 Calcaneus CV = coefficient of variation; GM = geometric mean; MR = maximum ratio. Modern human comparative samples from: Coimbra: individuals born in the Beira Litoral region of Portugal between 1820 and 1920, housed in the Museum of Anthropology from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Palencia: individuals deceased during the last quarter of the XXth century housed in the Anatomical Museum of the University of Valladolid, Spain. Hamann-Todd Euroamericans and Hamann-Todd Afroamericans: Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Ohio, USA. 2.4-ENCEPHALIZATION QUOTIENT (EQ) Table S8. Cranial capacity (CC), estimated body mass (BM) and calculated encephalization quotient (EQ) for SH sample, Neandertals and two MH samples. Sample CC (cm3) BM (kg) EQ Sima de los Huesos Cranium 2 Cranium 4 Cranium 5 Cranium 10 Cranium 12 Cranium 13 Cranium 15 Cranium 16 Cranium 17 Mean ± SD Range Neandertals Amud 1 La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 La Ferrassie 1 Spy 2 Shanidar 5 Tabun C1 Mean ± SD Range Modern Humans Pecos (n=29) Mean ± SD Range Euroamericans Hamann-Todd (n=58) Mean ± SD Range Pooled sample (n=87) Mean ± SD Range 1333.5 1360 1092 1218 1227.5 1436.5 1283.5 1236 1218.5 76.8 76.8 57.6 57.6 57.6 76.8 57.6 57.6 57.6 3.32 3.39 3.23 3.61 3.62 3.58 3.80 3.66 3.61 3.54 ± 0.18 3.23-3.80 1750 73.0 4.49 1626 1681 1553 1550 1271 81.7 87.3 86.0 71.2 64.4 3.91 3.88 3.62 4.04 3.52 3.91 ± 0.35 3.52-4.49 3.90 ± 0.37 3.29-4.70 3.80 ± 0.32 2.89-4.52 3.83 ± 0.34 4.70-2.89 The EQ has been calculated as the ratio of the observed brain size (OBS) to the expected brain size (EBS). OBS were calculated from CC following the formula from Martin (16): OBS = (CC * 1.018) - 0.025. EBS was calculated from the respective BM values following the formula from Martin (16) for Old World simians: Log10 EBS = 0.60 * Log10 BM (in g) + 2.68. As in Table S4, BM calculated from femoral head diameter (FHD) following Grine et al. (7). The statistical parameters of the comparative samples have been calculated from the individual values of EQ. We performed a Mann-Whitney test to compare SH values with those of Neandertals and modern human samples. Sima de los Huesos sample: we have used only adult specimens. CC values from Arsuaga et al. (17). To calculate the EBS we have used two BM, one for individuals with CC below 1300 cm3 (57.6 kg) and another for individuals with CC above 1300 cm3 (76.8 kg). The larger BM was calculated as the mean of the respective BM calculated with the FHD of Femur X, Femur XII and Femur XIII and the smaller BM as the mean of the respective BM calculated with the FHD of Femur XI and Femur XVI (17). H. neanderthalensis: we have used the following specimens: Amud 1, La Chapelle-auxSaints 1, La Ferrassie 1, Spy 2, Shanidar 5, Neandertal 1, Tabun C1. The CC values are from Ruff et al. (6). The FHD as in Table S24, except for Shanidar 5 that is from Ruff et al. (6). Modern humans: we have used two modern human samples: Pecos (N=29) and Hamman-Todd (N=58). CC and FHD of Pecos sample from Ruff et al. (6). CC and FHD of the Hamman-Todd collection has been taken by us. 3- POSTCRANIAL SKELETAL ANATOMY 3.1- COMPARISON OF TRAITS IN THE GENUS HOMO Table S9. Selected traits in fossil and extant humans Anatomical Region Trait Lower Pleistocene Homo H. antecessor Vertebral canal dorsoventral diameter Sima de los Huesos Non-SH European Middle Pleistocene Asian Middle Pleistocene African Middle Pleistocene Neandertals Modern Homo sapiens Additional references Longer Longer Shorter 18, 19 Anterior tubercle Shows a caudal projection, 100% (n=1) Shows a caudal projection Shows a caudal projection Variable (show a caudal projection: 48.6%) 18-21 Size of the tubercles for the insertion of the transverse ligament Large, 100% (n=1) Variable: Large (33.3 %); Small (66.7 %) Small (83.3 %) Large (74.4-83.3 %) 18-21 Size of the posterior arch Robust, 100% (n=1) Atlas Axis C6 and C7 spinous process Morphology Robust Slender Robust 18, 19 Relatively low and wide Relatively low and wide Relatively high and narrow 18, 19 Length Shorter Shorter Longer Shorter 18, 20 Orientation More horizontal More horizontal Very horizontal Less horizontal 19, 21 Degree of lordosis of the lumbar spine Normal Hypolordotic Hypolordotic Normal 5, 19, 22 Length of the transverse process Long? Long Long Short 5, 19 Transverse process orientation in cranial view (L2-L3) Dorso-lateral Dorso-lateral Lateral Dorso-lateral 5, 19, 23 Vertebral canal shape (L4L5) Normal Normal Dorsoventrally enlarged Normal 5, 19 Lumbar vertebrae Thorax Clavicle Scapula Humerus Larger? Larger Smaller 19 Relative Length Longer Longer?? Longer?? Longer Shorter 24 Robusticity Gracile Gracile Gracile Gracile More robust 11, 25 Frontal curvature or deflection Type II Type II Type II # Type II Variable 11, 21, 26 General size Glenoid cavity shape Relatively tall and narrow Relatively tall and narrow # Relatively tall and narrow Relatively low and wide 11, 24 Position of the axillary sulcus Dorsal (50%); Ventral (50%) High frequency of dorsal (88.9%) High frequency of dorsal (72%) High frequency of ventral (90%) 11, 24 Shape of the humeral head Transversely oval # Transversely oval Vertically oval 11 Lesser tubercle Projecting and massive Projecting and massive Narrow and flat 11 Deltoid tuberosity Narrow with two crests # Olecranon fossa relative size Narrower and shallower Wider and deeper Wider and deeper # Medial pillar relative thickness Thicker 100% (n=2) Thinner 100% (n=2) Thinner # Capitulum shape Taller than wide Taller than wide ? Variable: wider than tall (66%) Condylo-trochear sulcus depth Deep Deep Shallow (66%) Long 100% (n=1) Absolute and relative neck length Radius Ulna Narrow with two crests Wide with three crests 11 Wider and deeper Narrower and shallower 11, 24, 27 Thinner Thicker 11, 24, 27 Wider than tall Taller than wide 25 Shallow Deep 25 Long (75%) Long Short 21, 24 Thinner 100% (n=1) Deep (n=1) Radial tuberosity position Medial Anterior (n=1) Medial (75%) Medial (75%) Anterior 21, 24, 28 Degree of shaft curvature Low (n=1) Low (n=1) High (75%) High Low 21 Olecranon size Larger Larger Smaller 29, 30 Trochlear notch orientation More anteriorly # More anteriorly Antero-proximally 29, 30 Radial notch Vertically longer # Vertically longer Horizontally longer 29, 30 Supinator crest Short and blunt # Short and blunt Long and sharp Pronator teres crest Pronounced Pronounced Normal Interosseous crest shape Short and Blunt # Short and Blunt Long and Sharp Midshaft shape Rounded # Rounded Triangular Anatomical Region Trapezium Trait Lower Pleistocene Homo H. antecessor Palmar projection of the tubercle Concavity of the MC1 facet Sima de los Huesos Non-SH European Middle Pleistocene Asian Middle Pleistocene African Middle Pleistocene Neandertals Modern Homo sapiens Less projected Additional references Very projected Very projected Concave Relatively flatter Concave 32 Very projected Very projected Less projected 31, 32 31, 32 Hamate Palmar projection of the hamulus Less projected (n=1) Capitate Concavity of the MC2 facet* Concave Concave Concave Concave 31, 32 Pisiform Shape Pea-shaped Pea-shaped Pea-shaped 32 Lunate Shape Relatively short (proximo-distal) Relatively long (proximo-distal) Relatively long (proximo-distal) 32 Triquetral Shape Relatively broad (radio-ulnar) Relatively broad (radioulnar) Relatively narrow (radio-ulnar) 32 Metacarpal 1 Size of the attachment for the opponens pollicis muscle Large Large Small 32 Morphology Relatively short with relatively wide trochleas Relatively short with relatively wide trochleas Relatively long with relatively narrow trochleas 32 Non-curved Non-curved Non-curved 32 Broad Broad Narrow 32 Elliptical Rounded 5, 33-35 Large Small 4, 5, 34, 36, 37 First proximal hand phalanx Proximal hand phalanges Curvature* Distal hand phalanges Morphology of the distal tuberosity Non-curved Transverse shape Elliptical Elliptical Elliptical Lateral iliac flaring Large Large Large Large? Acetabulocristal buttress Anteriorly located Anteriorly located Anteriorly located Anteriorly located? Anteriorly located Posteriorly located 34, 38, 39 Acetabulospinous buttress Absent to poorly defined Well-defined Well-defined? Poorly to well-defined Absent to well-defined 5, 40, 41 Pelvis AIIS orientation relative Moderately to strongly to the anterior iliac margin twisted Os coxae Sacrum Moderately to strongly twisted Strongly twisted Strongly twisted? Moderately to strongly twisted Non-twisted or only moderately 38, 40-43 Deep, excavating the medial surface of the AIIS Shallow, not excavating (or only slightly) to medial surface of the AIIS 38, 39, 41, 43 Iliopsoas groove Shallow, not excavating the medial surface of the AIIS Deep, excavating the medial surface of the AIIS # Deep, excavating the medial surface of the AIIS Deep, excavating the medial surface of the AIIS? Supraacetabular sulcus Conspicuous Conspicuous Conspicuous Conspicuous Superior pubic ramus morphology Thin and plate-like? Thin and plate-like Superior pubic ramus length Long? Long Fusion of the ventral face of the S1-S2 vertebral bodies Incomplete Incomplete Relative neck length Longer Hypotrochanteric fossa and crest Constantly present Conspicuous Absent or shallow 4, 5, 38, 40, 44, 45 Thin and plate-like Extremely thin and plate-like Thick and bar-like 4, 5, 46, 47 Long Long Short 4, 47-49 Variable Variable (age dependent) 5, 50, 51 Longer # Constantly present Large? Constantly present # Constantly present Constantly present Absent Absent Conspicuous Longer (n=1) Longer Shorter Constantly present Constantly present Variable 21, 24, 29 24, 29 Femur Patella Tibia Neck-shaft angle Low?? Low # Pilaster Absent Absent # High index > 100% (taller than wide) Height/breadth index Low High Absent Absent Present 24 Low index < 100% (wider than tall) Variable index (80113%) 21, 52 High Low 52 Low index < 100% (wider than tall) Retroversion angle High # High Tibial condyles displacement More posterior position # More posterior position Cross-sectional shape Amygdaloid Malleolar facet shape Talus Low (n=1) Head shape Absolutely and relatively narrow Trochlear shape Rectangular Rectangular (n=1) More posterior position More anterior position Amygdaloid 52 Variable Very broad Broad Narrow 53, 54 Absolutely and relatively narrow Absolutely and relatively broad Intermediate 53, 55 Rectangular and broad Wedged-shaped and narrow 53, 55, 56 Rectangular and broad Rectangular General shape Broad Broad Narrow 29, 57 Sustentaculum tali Well projected Projected Less projected 29, 57, 58 Broad Broad Narrow 56 Broad Broad Narrow Calcaneus Fourth metatarsal Breadth of the base Distal phalanx Big toe Morphology of the distal (DP1) tuberosity Narrow Plesiomorphic (blue) and derived (red) trait for the H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens clades, except (*) primitive within genus Homo but derived compared to Australopithecus. Colorless cells indicate uncertain polarity. AIIS = Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine #This trait is present in the SH immature individuals 3.2- THORAX AND SPINE Recent studies have demonstrated that there are significant differences between Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens in both the vertebral column and ribs (5, 18, 20, 22, 23, 59-61). This is in stark contrast with previous studies that proposed that Neandertals showed a rather similar configuration in these anatomical regions to modern humans (29, 62). The SH sample will help elucidate the evolutionary paths that these two lineages have followed. Neandertals show differences in both the size and shape of their costal skeleton when compared to modern humans. Neandertals show longer ribs in the mid-thorax while the upper-most and lower-most ribs are similar in size to those of Homo sapiens (59). Thus, the Neandertal thorax is likely larger in size and different in shape than that of Homo sapiens. There has been some discussion on the exact shape of the Neandertal thorax. However, quantification of the morphology of the Neandertal thorax has still not been possible due to the incompleteness of most of the individuals (Shanidar 3, La Chapelleaux-Saints 1, La Ferrassie 1), the presence of taphonomical distortion (Kebara 2, Tabun C1), pathological lesions (Kebara 2) or errors in the reconstruction (La Ferrassie 1, Kebara 2) (59). Researchers have suggested different shapes for the thoraces in Neandertal individuals: more anteroposteriorly enlarged in Shanidar 3 (60) or more medio-laterally expanded in the case of Tabun C1 (61). The SH rib collection represents 118 ribs: 58 subadults, 58 adults and 2 of unknown age-at-death (Table S1). The minimum number of elements (MNE) for ribs 3-10 is based on the posterior angle. The minimum number of individuals represented is seven, based on the first rib: three adults, three subadults and one of unknown age-at-death. The ribs have been separated into two broad categories based on the age-at-death: subadults and adults. The subadult group includes all the ribs that do not show fusion of the secondary centers of ossification. In cases in which the head and/or the tubercle are not present, the porosity of the shaft has been used to tentatively assign an age-at-death: adults do not show porosity while subadults show porosity. The SH collection preserves three complete ribs (a 1st, an 11th, and a 12th). However, the absence of complete mid-thoracic ribs makes it difficult to assess the size and shape of the SH thorax. Our current working hypothesis is that the SH hominins, like Neandertals, may have had a larger thorax relative to their stature when compared to modern humans based on two facts. The first rib SH-Co1 (AT-AT-2748+AT-3546+AT3549) displays a dorsoventral size which is significantly longer than MH and above the Neandertal sample (four first ribs belonging to two individuals: Kebara 2 and Regourdou 1) (Table S10). In addition, the comparison of the incomplete costal fragment AT-2987+AT-3083 with the second rib of Kebara 2 suggests that it was also longer than the latter. Future discoveries of complete mid-thoracic ribs in SH will make it possible to test this hypothesis (Figure S3). Additionally, the presence of large thoraces in the SH hominins would be consistent with the larger anteroposterior and mediolateral dimensions of the SH articulated pelves (5, 35) (see below). Finally, larger thoraces would be also expected in these large-bodied (i.e. heavy) hominins (63). We have proposed elsewhere (5) that most SH individuals likely had 7 cervicals, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and at least 3 coccygeal vertebrae (i.e. 7/12/5/5/>3 vertebral formula). This is the modal formula in H. sapiens and is also seen in the only complete adult Neandertal vertebral column found to date (Kebara 2). Based on this evidence, the last common ancestor of Neandertals and modern humans likely shared this same vertebral formula. The present analysis of the vertebral morphology is limited to the cervical and lumbar regions in which the Neandertal and modern human morphologies are well known (Table S9). The SH vertebral collection represents 212 vertebrae (Table S1). The minimum number of elements (MNE) has been calculated in the C1 using the left articular mass and in the C2 using the odontoid process. In the case of the lower cervicals (C3-C7) we used the right articular pillar, and in the case of the thoracic and lumbars the vertebral body has been used. The assessment of the age-at-death is based on the presence/absence of fusion of the annular epiphyses of the vertebral body and the porosity of the articular facets (porous in subadults and non-porous in adults). Regarding the spinal curvatures, the SH hominins, like Neandertals, display a reduced lumbar lordosis, which is derived in these two hominin groups (5, 22). This assessment is based on the study of the pelvic incidence (which is correlated with the degree of lumbar lordosis) in two SH individuals and with a preliminary analysis of the vertebral wedging in lumbar vertebrae of SH (5, 19). The SH atlas (C1) displays a large maximum dorsoventral diameter of the vertebral canal, which is likely related to the large dorsoventral diameter of the foramen magnum. This feature is also present in Neandertals. Additional features of the atlas include, among others, a caudally projecting anterior tubercle of the anterior arch and a higher frequency of small tubercles for the attachment of the transverse ligament than in modern humans. The frequency of these small tubercles, however, is lower than in Neandertals. The posterior arch is more robust than in Neandertals and similar in size to that of modern humans (18, 20). The axis is craniocaudally low and the atlantoaxial joint is mediolaterally expanded (18). Neandertals are characterized as having long and horizontal spinous processes in C6 and C7 when compared to modern humans (20). In fact, both KNM-WT 15000 and Homo antecessor show horizontal spinous processes (21) although the length is difficult to assess due to their immature status. Thus, horizontally-oriented spinous processes in the lowermost cervical spine are likely a plesiomorphic feature. In the case of the C6, the Sima de los Huesos (SH) vertebrae show a similar spinous process length as modern humans but shorter than those of Neandertals. The SH specimens show more horizontal angles than modern humans but not as horizontal as Neandertals. Thus, more vertical angles in modern humans and longer and even more horizontal spinous processes would be derived in Neandertals from the possibly plesiomorphic condition displayed by the SH specimens. In the case of the C7, the SH specimens also show a length of the spinous process that is similar to modern humans and shorter than Neandertals, but the only specimen which can be measured shows an angle similar to Neandertals, and below modern humans (Tables S11-S12, Figure S4). In summary, Neandertals retain a plesiomorphic feature, the horizontal orientation of the spinous processes, and the longer spinous processes could be considered as a derived Neandertal feature. At the same time, the less horizontally oriented spinous processes in modern humans could also be considered as a derived Homo sapiens feature. The mid-lower lumbars from SH display long transverse processes in the lumbar vertebrae based on three different vertebrae (one L3 and two L5) from two different individuals (5, 19). The comparative analysis of this trait is difficult due to the natural fragility of this anatomical region, and its scarcity in the fossil record. The Kebara 2 Neandertal appears to show long transverse processes (23). KNM-WT 15000 also preserves the lumbar transverse processes in several lumbar vertebrae (64), but no comparative metrical study of this trait has been done. Regarding the orientation of the transverse process in cranial view, there are significant differences between Neandertals and modern humans: Neandertals show laterally oriented transverse processes of the mid-lumbars while in MH they are dorso-laterally oriented (23). The orientation in KNM-WT 15000 and in SK853 (65) is dorso-lateral which suggests that the orientation of the transverse process in Neandertals is derived. SH displays the plesiomorphic orientation as in KNM-WT 15000 and in Homo sapiens (Figure S5). Neandertals also display a derived dorsoventrally enlarged vertebral canal in L5 which is not present in the SH hominins nor in H. sapiens (5, 19). In summary, the vertebral column of the SH hominins shares some derived features with Neandertals but does not display the full suite of derived Neandertal features. Table S10. Tuberculo-ventral chord measurements of the 1st rib from SH and comparisons with Neandertals and a modern human sample Tuberculo-ventral chord Additional Specimen Sample/Species Side Mean SD n references Range SH-Co1 (AT-2748+ATSima de los Huesos 3546+AT-35483549) Neandertal sample 97.5 L 1 88.9 H. neanderthalensis - 5.5 L+R 4 67 82.7-94.2 84.7 5.4 R Euroamerican males 28 74.8-94.5 H. sapiens L 83.9 4.5 73.9-91.3 67 28 SD = standard deviation; n = sample size. Values in mm. Definition of “Tuberculo-ventral chord” from (68). Neandertal sample composed of the first ribs of Kebara 2 and Regourdou 1. Modern human comparative sample from Gómez-Olivencia et al. (67). Note that the SH-Co1 rib is above the modern human male and Neandertal sample ranges. Table S11. Length and angle of the C6 spinous process in Sima de los Huesos. Neandertals and modern humans Maximum Angle Additional Specimen Sample/Species length (M13) (M12) references VC12 (AT-3349+AT-3372+AT3373) VC14 (AT-315+AT-325a+AT325b) Kebara 2 La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 La Ferrassie 1 Shanidar 1 Shanidar 2 Shanidar 3 Sima de los Huesos 29.6 (20)** Sima de los Huesos 28.3 (30) (37) H. neanderthalensis H. neanderthalensis 33.0 H. neanderthalensis H. neanderthalensis H. neanderthalensis H. neanderthalensis 37.4** 35.0* 28.7 36.4** 26.6 ± 3.5 (18.1-34.7) n=68 Modern human sample H. sapiens [Mean ± SD (Range); n] (5)** (19)** (14)** 38.3 ± 8.8 (26-59.5) n=19 20 20 20 66 20 20 20 SD = standard deviation; n = sample size. Values in parentheses are estimated. M13 in mm; M12 in degrees. Definition of the variables from Martin (10). Modern human comparative sample from Gómez-Olivencia et al. (20). Values underlined are outside the range of the modern human comparative sample. Zscore values have been calculated on the fossil individuals compared to the modern human sample. Significantly different values have been indicated as (*=p<0.05; **=p<0.01). Table S12. Length and angle of the C7 spinous process in Sima de los Huesos. Neandertals and modern humans Maximum Angle Additional Specimen Sample/Species length (M13) (M12) references VC1 (AT-321 + AT-1556 + Sima de los Huesos 33.3 20 AT-1569 + AT-1609) AT-2687+ATSima de los Huesos 34.0 3064+AT-4007 AT-3376+AT-3970 Sima de los Huesos 37.8 Kebara 2 36.0 20 H. neanderthalensis 20.5 La Chapelle-aux-Saints 20 36.5 H. neanderthalensis 15* 1 La Ferrassie 1 20 H. neanderthalensis 41.3** Regourdou 1 33.2 26 20 H. neanderthalensis Shanidar 1 (36.0) 29, 66 H. neanderthalensis Shanidar 2 (34.8) 20 H. neanderthalensis 17* Shanidar 3 20 H. neanderthalensis 41.8** 34.5 ± 8.5 20 34.1 ± 2.4 (21.0Modern human sample H. sapiens (28.0-41.7) [Mean ± SD (Range); n] 53.0) n=69 n=27 SD = standard deviation; n = sample size. Values in parentheses are estimated. M13 in mm; M12 in degrees. Definition of the variables from Martin (10). Modern human comparative sample from Gómez-Olivencia et al. (20). Values underlined are outside the range of the modern human comparative sample. Zscore values have been calculated on the fossil individuals compared to the modern human sample. Significantly different values have been indicated as (*=p<0.05; **=p<0.01). Figure S3. Comparison of the incomplete costal fragment AT-2987+AT-3083 (b) with the right second rib of Kebara 2 (mirrored) (a). This alignment, using the muscle insertion markings, suggests that the SH rib is dorso-ventrally longer. Figure S4. Bivariate plot between the length of the spinous process (M13) and its angle (M12) for the sixth (C6) and seventh (C7) cervical vertebrae. SH and Neandertal samples are from Tables S10-S11. The dark grey area indicates the Neandertal morphospace for the individuals in which both variables are present. The light grey area is the extended morphospace including Neandertal specimens that only preserve the length of the spinous process. For these specimens a range value (vertical lines) of the spinous process angle has been estimated based on the range of the most complete individuals. The dashed vertical lines represent SH specimens for which the spinous process angle has been estimated based on the range of the most complete Neandertal individuals. Figure S5. Cranial view of SH VL2 (L3) (a) compared to the L3 of the Neandertal of Kebara 2 (b) and the L3 of a modern human (c). Note the more lateral orientation of the transverse process in Kebara 2. 3.3- SHOULDER GIRDLE AND UPPER LIMB BONES Table S13. Measurements of the SH adult shoulder girdle and upper limb bones Pooled-sex Males Females Anatomical Variable region Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD Glenoid index 64.3 4.9 10 Scapula Robusticity index 22.6 0.5 3 22.2 1 22.9 0.4 Clavicle Humeral head shape 93.0 2.8 5 93.3 3.1 4 92.1 Humerus Olecranon fossa 47.9 1.7 8 47.4 0.9 7 51.7 index(*) Pillar index 29.0 3.9 8 29.7 4.0 6 26.9 3.3 Trochlear notch Ulna 80.7 4.6 10 82.4 5.4 5 81.6 3.6 orientation Radial fossa shape 82.0 12.0 12 75.4 14.7 4 95.6 11.2 Robusticity index 15.9 1.9 3 17.8 1 13.9 Diaphyseal index at 75.5 4.1 3 71.7 1 79.8 pronator teres Neck length index Radius 11.0 0.9 8 11.0 1.0 6 10.8 0.1 (*) Curvature index 4.1 0.8 8 4.2 0.9 6 3.7 0.8 SD = standard deviation; n = sample size. “Trochlear notch orientation” in degrees. Definition of the variables from Martin-M (3), Senut-S (69), Trinkaus (29), Carretero et al.-C (11), Maia Neto-F (70) and McHenry-McH (12) (see Figure S6 for further details). Scapula: Glenoid index: M13/M12×100; Clavicle: Robusticity index: M6/M1×100 Humerus: Humeral head index: C3/C4×100; Olecranon fossa index C16/C5×100; Pillar index: C18/C16×100. Ulna: Trochlear notch orientation: McH8/McH9; Radial fossa shape: S13/S12; Robusticity index: Midshaft circumference(MSC)/M1×100; Diaphyseal index at pronator teres: (Min/Max diameter)×100. Radius: Neck length index: F1b/M1×100; Curvature index: M6.1/M6×100. Sexual diagnosis of SH upper limb bones following Carretero et al. (2). n 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 Table S14. Measurements of the SH immature shoulder bones Juvenile I Anatomical Variable region Mean SD n Glenoid index 63.9 5.2 7 Scapula Robusticity index 23.9 0.1 2 Clavicle Humeral head shape Humerus Olecranon fossa index 48.9 1 (*) Pillar index 32.2 1 Trochlear notch Ulna orientation Radial fossa shape 72.6 1 Robusticity index Diaphyseal index at 79.5 1 pronator teres Neck length index (*) 12.1 1 Radius Curvature index 3.2 1 girdle and upper limb Juvenile II Mean SD n 61.5 2.8 3 49.6 2.8 2 23.6 3.3 2 80.1 - 1 81.6 10.6 - 2 79.3 - 1 11.5 4.2 0.01 1.2 2 2 See Table S13 for further details. Juveniles I: traces of epiphyseal fusion in their extremities. Juveniles II: epiphyses are fusing or already fused. (*) “Neck length” in juvenile individuals was measured as the length from proximal metaphysis to the upper limit of the radial tuberosity. “Olecreanon fossa index” in juveniles (Fossa breadth/Distal metaphysis medio-lateral diameter)×100. Table S15. Measurements of the Neandertal sample shoulder girdle and upper limb bones Pooled-sex Males Females Anatomical Variable region Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n Glenoid index 66.1 3.2 15 67.7 2.7 5 67.7 0.1 2 Scapula Robusticity index 23.6 2.1 5 23.8 2.4 4 23.0 1 Clavicle Humeral head shape 98.4 4.4 6 99.6 3.8 5 92.7 1 Humerus Olecranon fossa 29.1 2.3 23 31.2 1.2 8 26.3 3.0 2 index Pillar index 26.7 5.5 23 25.3 6.5 8 21.1 0.02 2 Trochlear notch Ulna 82.4 6.9 11 82.4 5.0 8 78.2 13.7 2 orientation Radial fossa shape 91.6 25.0 16 67.0 15.0 6 110.1 38.1 2 Robusticity index 14.8 1 Diaphyseal index at 70.1 7.1 3 66.3 3.9 2 77.7 1 pronator teres Neck length index 9.9 0.5 4 9.8 0.3 3 10.5 1 Radius Curvature index 4.9 1.2 5 5.9 0.6 2 3.7 1.0 2 See Table S13 for further details. Neandertal sample for: Scapula: Amud 1; La Ferrassie 1 and 2; Neandertal 1; Shanidar 1 and 4; Tabun C1. Clavicle: Kebara 2; Krapina 142, 143, 144, 145, 149, 153, 154, 155 and 156; La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1; La Ferrassie 1; Neandertal 1; Regourdou 1; Shanidar 1 and 3. Humerus: Combe-Grenal; Hortus; Kebara 2; La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1; La Ferrassie 1; Lezetxiki; Krapina 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 166, 169, 170, 171, 172 and 174; La Quina H5; Neandertal 1; Regourdou 1; Spy 1 and 3; Tabun C1; Vilafamés 1. Ulna: Amud 1; Krapina 179, 181, 182, 183, 184 and 185; La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1; La Ferrassie 1 and 2; La Quina H5. Neandertal 1; Regourdou 1; Shanidar 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6; Spy 1 and 2. Tabun C1. Radius: Amud 1; Kebara 2; La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1; La Ferrassie 1 and 2; Neandertal 1; Regourdou 1; Shanidar 1, 4, 5, 6, and 8; Spy 1; Tabun C1. Table S16. Measurements of the modern human sample shoulder girdle and upper limb bones Pooled-sex Males Females Anatomical Variable region Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n Glenoid index 71.5 6.2 111 73.1 6.2 79 67.3 4.5 29 Scapula Robusticity index 25.4 3.1 262 26.6 2.9 132 24.1 2.8 130 Clavicle Humeral head shape 108.2 4.3 234 108.1 4.4 129 108.3 4.3 105 Humerus Olecranon fossa 24.2 2.8 261 25.2 2.8 148 22.9 2.3 113 index Pillar index 44.2 10.1 258 45.8 9.6 147 41.9 10.5 111 Trochlear notch Ulna 68.9 7.2 336 69.2 7.3 170 68.6 7.2 165 orientation Radial fossa shape 66.9 11.0 330 67.6 11.7 169 66.0 10.2 169 Robusticity index 18.0 1.6 310 18.4 1.6 156 17.6 1.6 152 Diaphyseal index at 85.3 7.6 336 84.5 8.5 163 86.3 6.5 173 pronator teres Neck length index 9.3 0.8 456 9.5 0.8 243 9.1 0.8 213 Radius Curvature index 3.2 0.7 462 3.2 0.7 248 3.1 0.6 214 See Table S13 for further details. Modern human data from the Hamann-Todd collection, University of Burgos collection, Natural History Museum Lisboa and Instituto de Antropologia de la Universidade de Coimbra. Figure S6. Measurements taken in the upper limb bones. a. Right scapula in lateral view. b. Left clavicle in superior view. c. Humeral head in medial view; distal right humerus in posterior view. d. Right ulna in anterior view; and proximal right ulna in lateral view. e. Proximal left radius in medial view; complete right radius in anterior view. Numbers refer to definition of the variables from Martin and Saller (3) (M), Senut (69) (S), Carretero et al. (11) (C), Maia Neto (70) (F) and McHenry et al. (12) (McH). Figure S7. a. Ulna VII showing a blunt and short supinator crest (lower arrow) and radial facet shape (upper arrow). b. SH (left) trochlear notch orientation following Martin and Saller (3) in comparison to those of modern humans (right). (HTH) Hamann-Todd collection. Figure S8. Two adult specimens (R-VII and R-VI) showing the variation in neck length and radial tuberosity position. RVII shows a medially-oriented tuberosity and long neck while R-VI shows the opposite morphology. Dashed lines mark the interosseus crest. 3.4- HAND Table S17. Measurements of the SH hand bones compared with Neandertals and modern humans Modern SH Neandertals Anatomical humans Variable region Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n Maximum Lunate 12.1 0.91 8 13.8 1.85 45 14.0 1.43 7 length (M1) Radio-ulnar 13.9 0.88 8 14.4 1.74 45 15.4 1.46 8 breadth (M2) Triquetral Maximum 9.0 0.75 7 11.5 1.16 45 9.9 0.78 5 length (M1) Triquetral 16.1 1.55 3 15.4 1.46 45 16.5 1.84 6 breadth (M2) Trapezium Dorsopalmar height of the 9.6 0.85 10 11.0 0.95 45 11.4 1.16 9 MC1 facet (M5) Dorsopalmar subtense of the -1.7 0.32 10 -1.8 0.42 45 -0.9 0.58 6 MC1 facet Tubercle 5.2 0.79 7 3.3 1.01 45 6.1 1.33 6 projection MC2/MC3 facet Capitate 59.7 6.07 6 46.0 7.0 41 60.0 10.11 8 angle Articular length 15.9 0.85 9 18.4 2.01 45 17.5 1.50 7 Hamate Hamulus projection (Max. 10.5 0.63 5 9.3 1.63 45 11.0 1.87 8 height - Body height) (M5) Articular length 25.9 0.44 8 28.9 2.46 96 27.6 1.31 10 PP1 Proximal 16.8 1.64 9 15.9 1.39 96 16.7 1.41 10 breadth Articular length 21.6 4.00 11 22.2 2.09 96 24.3 0.94 15 DP1 Distal breadth 12.2 2.40 9 10.1 1.21 96 12.8 0.70 15 PP1 = thumb proximal phalanx; DP1 = thumb distal phalanx. Variables in mm except “Capitate MC2/MC3 facet angle” in degrees. Definition of the variables from Martin and Saller (3) and Bräuer (10) except for the following: dorso-palmar subtense of the MC1 facet and trapezium tubercle projection (29); capitate MC2/MC3 facet angle (71); hamate articular length (32); phalangeal articular length, proximal breadth, distal breadth (72). Modern human data obtained in the Hamann-Todd collection (CMNH). Neandertal and modern human data for “Capitate MC2/MC3 facet angle” from Niewoehner et al. (71). Neandertal sample composed of La Ferrassie 1 and 2, La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1, Kebara 2, Regourdou 1, Shanidar 3, 4 and 7, Tabun C1, Amud 1, Krapina 200, 202. 202.1, 202.2, 203.1, 203.2, 203.3, and 203.4, Kiik-Koba. 3.5- PELVIC GIRDLE Inventory and sex attribution. The pelvic sample is currently composed of 156 isolated fragments (os coxae, sacrum and coccyx), representing a minimum number of 49 elements (MNE=49) from at least 17 individuals (MNI=17). Specimens with signs of incomplete ossification of the os coxae, sacrum and coccygeal vertebrae have been considered as subadult elements/individuals. The os coxae has been classified as adult when showing complete fusion of the iliac crest and/or ischial tuberosity epiphyses (some traces of recent fusion could be still visible). The sacrum is considered adult when fusion of the sacroiliac epiphysis and union of the sacral bodies are complete (S1S2 joint could show partial obliteration). Coccygeal vertebrae are considered to be adult when the ossification of the vertebral body and of the cornua and annular rings (first coccygeal vertebra) is complete. According to these criteria, 10 out of 17 individuals are osteologically immature, while five of them possessed fully developed pelves. The remaining two individuals are represented by more fragmentary remains and they were close to or already had fully mature pelves. As previously described, the SH pelvic sample shows a certain degree of variation in modern sex-linked morphological features (4, 5). Those morphological features consistent with the male-like condition include larger size and robust muscle attachments, a narrow greater sciatic notch, absence of ventral arc and subpubic concavity and a broad flat surface of the medial aspect of the ischio-pubic ramus. In contrast, modern female-like morphology is characterized by smaller size and lower robusticity, a wider sciatic notch, development of the ventral rampart, presence of a moderate subpubic concavity, a mediolaterally (M-L) larger pubic body, acute medial aspect of the lower pubic ramus and a wider subpubic angle. Relying on this pattern of variation, three adult individuals have been considered to be males (including the almost complete articulated Pelvis 1, the partially complete Pelvis 2 and Coxal IV) and another three individuals are likely females [one adult -Coxal III- and two subadult individuals, one of them (Coxal I) had just reached full ossification of the acetabulum and the other one (Coxal V) shows a mature acetabulum but non-fused iliac crest epiphysis]. Ontogeny of pelvic traits. The appearance of several of the morphological pelvic features figured in Table S9 can be traced through development in the SH sample. Immature individuals [both with unfused and actively fusing epiphyses of the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) and triradiate cartilage] shows an AIIS orientation and iliopsoas groove configuration similar to the variation found in their fully adult counterparts. Another set of features, including the development of the supraacetabular sulcus and the acetabulospinous and acetabulocristal buttresses and the morphology of the superior pubis ramus are established at different ontogenetic stages, reaching the fully adult morphology between the end of adolescence (fusion of iliac and ischial tuberosities) and the attainment of bony maturity (complete epiphyseal ossification). SH sample vs MH sample comparison. SH metrical data are compared with a pooledsex MH sample (Table S18). We are aware of the potential for a sex bias in the SH composition that could be hampering the significance of this comparison. Moreover, SH mean values for the selected pelvic variables include individuals attributed to males, females and individuals of indeterminate sex. In most cases the individuals contributing to the SH mean value for each variable produced unbalanced sex samples. To account for potential statistical differences influenced by the SH sex composition, we have also compared differences between male and female modern samples and SH using the Mann-Whitney U-test. Compared to modern males, the SH sample is significantly different (p<0.05) in the maximum coxal height, in the maximum iliac breadth and the nonarticular pubic length (both at the p<0.017 level) and in the iliac height, the nonarticular ischial length, the superior pubic ramus height and the maximum sacral breadth (all at the p<0.01 level). On the other hand, the sacral length, the cotylosciatic breadth and the acetabular vertical diameter do not reach statistical significance. Compared to females, the SH sample is significantly different in the sacral length at the p<0.05 level, in the maximum iliac breadth, the nonarticular pubic length and the cotylosciatic breadth, all at the p<0.017 level, and for the remaining variables figured in Table S18 at the p<0.01 level. The superior pubic ramus height does not reach statistical significance. In summary, it is important to point out that: i) the vertical acetabular diameter and the sacral length in the SH sample are statistically different from both the pooled-sex and female modern human samples, but not the male sample; ii) the superior pubic ramus height is different from both the pooled-sex and male modern human samples, but not the female sample; iii) the cotylosciatic breadth is only different from the female modern human sample; iv) the remaining variables offer similar results when SH is compared to male, female and pooled-sex modern samples. Therefore, the results of the comparisons between SH and modern humans are quite consistent despite the potentially unbalanced sex ratio of the SH sample. SH sample vs. Neandertal sample comparison. Significant differences found between the iliac height of the SH and Neandertal samples could be affected by the fragmentary preservation of the ilium of several of the Neandertal specimens included in the analysis (Krapina 207, Neandertal 1 and Amud 1). This state of preservation likely results in a slight underestimation of the Neandertal mean value (Table S18). Table S18. Measurements of the SH pelvis compared with Neandertals and moder humans SH Modern humans Neandertals Mean SD Mean SD n Mean SD n Variable n NMI Range Range Range 229.1 12.7 4 204.5** 12.3 390 202.0 22.0 Maximum coxal 3 3 height (13) 215.1-240.0 166.0-239.0 178.4-221.5 † 178.6 8.0 357 154.4 Maximum iliac 2 2 breadth (13) 130.0-185.0 176.3-180.8 140.1 2.0 5 121.6** 7.0 384 124.0* 10.4 Iliac height (13) 3 3 138.7-142.4 97.8-143.6 111.3-134.5 53.5 5.1 4.1 398 46.0 6.9 7 46.1** Nonarticular ischial 8 6 length (73) 45.1-60.9 34.2-56.1 37.2-54.5 † 87.3 4.5 354 86.0 6.0 6 68.1 Nonarticular pubic 2 2 length (13) 83.9-90.7 54.6-81.0 78.7-93.0 10.4 0.3 2.1 73 8.0** 1.3 7 12.6* Superior pubic 4 3 ramus height (68) 10.0-10.7 8.0-18.0 5.7-9.4 35.7 1.8 35.3 3.5 407 33.0 4.2 12 Cotylosciatic 7 6 breadth (74) 32.6-38.4 26.9-45.5 27.9-39.9 ** 56.7 3.6 3.8 399 56.2 6.4 9 52.7 Vertical acetabular 7 7 diameter (13) 50.0-60.0 41.7-62.0 41.0-62.0 † Maximum sacral 125.0 2.8 7.7 6 113.7** 7.5 75 112.4 breadth (See 5 5 121.1-128.5 93.6-132.9 103.4-122.4 footnote) 117.7 8.5 75 107.7 5.8 3 106.2* Sacral length, 2 2 straight (75) 116.5-118.9 77.7-130.1 102.0-113.6 SD = standard deviation; n =sample size; MNI= minimum number of SH individuals represented by each variable. Variables in mm. SH data is based on specimens showing mature morphology of the region involved in each variable. Modern human data (pooled-sex sample) from the Instituto de Antropologia de la Universidade de Coimbra, except “Superior pubic ramus height” data (pers. comm. Yoel Rak). Regarding the sacrum, only individuals with five vertebrae have been included in the analysis. Neandertal sample composed of Krapina 207 Cx 1, 208 Cx 2, 209+212 Cx 3/6, 255.7, 255.10, La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1, La Ferrassie 1, Neandertal 1, Regourdou 1, Subalyuk 1, Amud 1, Kebara 2, Shanidar 1, Shanidar 3, Tabun C1. Definition of the variable in parenthesis, except “Maximum sacral breadth: transverse breadth taken between the most lateral points of the sacral wings”. A Mann-Whitney’s U-test has been performed between the SH and modern humans and SH and Neandertal samples. Significantly different values have been respectively indicated on the modern human and Neandertal means using *=p<0.05; **=p<0.01. Applying the Dunn-Šidák correction for multiple comparisons [1 - (1 - α)1/n] with an α=0.05 and three groups(n) threshold value for significance is 0.017 and is indicated using †. Figure S9. Morphological traits of the SH innominate bones. Lateral (a), medial (b), dorsal (c) and ventral (d) views of AT-1000 hip bone (Pelvis 1). Ventral view (e) of AT1006 pubis. Lateral view (f) of AT-3497+AT-3813+AT-3814 pubis. 1-Supraacetabular sulcus. 2- Sigmoid shape with anteriorly projected anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and AIIS. 3-Distinct acetabulospinous pillar. 4-Large and prominent iliac tuberosity and well-delimited postauricular sulcus. 5- Marked lateral iliac flaring, strongly developed acetabulocristal pillar and robust iliac tubercle (relative to H.sapiens). 6-Dorsolaterally facing ischial tuberosity. 7-Moderately to strongly twisted AIIS. 8-Deep iliopsoas groove that excavates to the medial surface of the AIIS. 9-Flat to slightly concave pectineal surface with a thin and prominent crest. 10-Rectangular plate-like morphology of the superior pubic ramus. Figure S10. Morphological traits of the SH sacra. Superior (a), ventral (b) and dorsal (c) views of AT-1005 sacrum. 1-Distinct dorsal alar tubercle. 2-Auricular surface caudally extended from the S2 caudal edge to mid-S3. 3-Junction between the bodies of the S1-S2 vertebrae with incomplete fusion and “second promontory” morphology. 4Presence of intermediate dorsal crest. 5-Well-developed sacral tuberosity with at least two fossae for sacroiliac ligaments. See also Fig. S8 of Bonmatí et al. (5). 3.6-LOWER LIMB BONES Linea aspera. The linea aspera is frequently elevated by an underlying bony ridge or pilaster resulting in a prismatic, cross-sectional configuration. A prominent linea aspera is not always accompanied by a well-developed pilaster (76). According to Trinkaus and Ruff (77) all of the late archaic humans they studied have cross-sections which are subcircular to ovoid, with varying degrees of development of the linea aspera, but none of them exhibits either a concavity adjacent to the linea aspera associated with a pilaster or a flatness of the bone adjacent to the linea aspera producing a blunt angle across the posterior margin of the cross-section. Although in the SH sample there are varying degrees of development of the linea aspera, none of the SH specimens have a clear pilaster sensu Homo sapiens. The neck-shaft angle. The neck-shaft angles of SH femora are well within modern human variation, but the sample is, on average, below many recent human sample means (for example, only 6% of individuals in our modern sample are below 115 degrees). Table S19. Measurements of the SH adult lower limb bones Anatomical region Femur Tibia Variable Neck length index Midshaft index Trochanteric index Curvature index (M31) Bicondylar angle (M30) Neck angle (M29) Tuberosity projection/retroversion tibial fossa Midshaft index Proximal shaft index SH Pooled-sex Males Mean SD n Mean SD 10.5 0.3 92.2 5.8 75.4 8.3 4 81.0 - n 3 4 2 Females Mean SD 69.8 - - 4.1 0.3 3 - - 78.6 2.1 3 - n 2 112.8 4.0 5 113.7 4.0 3 111.5 - 2 43.6 3.6 7 45.1 2.6 5 39.9 - 2 70.7 65.9 6.9 5.4 7 6 68.5 65.6 7.0 60.5 5 5 76.1 67.2 - 2 1 SD = standard deviation; n = sample size. “Neck angle” in degrees. Definition of the variables from Martin and Saller-M (3), McHenry and Corruccini-MC (78) and Trinkaus and Rhoads (52) (see Figure S11 for further details). Femur: Neck length index: MC7/MC11×100; Midshaft index: MC15/MC14×100; Trochanteric index: MC5/MC4×100. Tibia: Midshaft index: M8/M9×100. Proximal shaft index: M8a/M9a×100. Sexual diagnosis of SH lower limb bones following Carretero et al. (2). Table S20. Measurements of the SH immature lower limb bones SH Anatomical Variable Juvenile I Juvenile II region Mean SD n Mean SD Neck length index(*) 14.9 1.4 4 Femur Midshaft index 102.7 4.7 12 100.9 5.3 Trochanteric index Curvature index (M31) 2.6 0.8 4 2.1 Bicondylar angle (M30) 69.6 4.8 5 75 Neck angle (M29) 121.7 3.1 8 119 6.6 Tuberosity Tibia projection/retroversion tibial fossa Midshaft index 78.8 1 Proximal shaft index 74.2 1 - n 3 1 1 3 See Table S19 for further details. Juveniles I: traces of epiphyseal fusion in the extremities. Juveniles II: epiphyses are fusing or already fused. No comparative data is presented for these age groups because equivalent measurements are not available in the fossil record. (*) “Neck length” in juvenile individuals was measured as the length from the edge of the proximal metaphysis in posterior view to the intertrochanteric crest. Table S21. Measurements of the Neandertal lower limb bones Neandertals Anatomical Variable Pooled-sex Males Females region Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD Neck length index 12.0 1.4 6 12.4 1.1 5 9.8 Femur Midshaft index 99.6 11.1 19 93.7 10.2 9 108.9 12.5 Trochanteric index 79.1 6.7 19 79.9 7.4 13 76.4 4.2 Curvature index (M31) Bicondylar angle 83.3 1.5 3 84 2 82 (M30) Neck angle (M29) 118.6 5.0 8 116.3 3.1 6 125.5 Tuberosity Tibia projection/retroversio 44.1 5.9 7 47.4 1.9 5 36.0 n tibial fossa Midshaft index 69.7 4.1 4 68.2 3.2 3 74.4 Proximal shaft index 73.6 8.4 4 69.4 1.2 3 86.1 See Table S19 for further details. Neandertal sample: Femur: Amud 1, Fond-de-Forêt, La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1, La Ferrassie 1 and 2, La Quina H5, Neandertal 1, Shanidar 1, 4, 5 and 6, Spy 2, Tabun C1. Tibia: Kiik-Koba 1, La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1, La Ferrassie 2, Spy 2. n 1 3 5 1 2 2 1 1 Table S22. Measurements of the modern human lower limb bones Modern humans Anatomical Variable Pooled-sex Males region Mean SD n Mean SD n Neck length index 7.9 1.5 411 7.9 1.4 255 Femur Midshaft index 95.8 9.2 416 95.9 9.4 258 Trochanteric index 87.3 12.3 416 86.2 7.0 98 Curvature index 2.8 1.0 133 2.7 0.9 85 (M31) Bicondylar angle 81.4 3.3 108 81.2 3.1 98 (M30) Neck angle (M29) 125.7 7.0 150 126.0 6.6 91 Tuberosity Tibia projection/retroversion 37.8 4.0 187 37.7 3.8 114 tibial fossa Midshaft index 79.4 8.8 381 78.7 9.1 203 Proximal shaft index 76.4 7.5 386 75.4 7.0 203 Females Mean SD n 7.8 1.5 155 95.5 8.7 157 85.8 8.0 158 3.0 1.2 48 80.6 3.1 66 125.2 7.6 59 37.9 3.8 73 80.3 77.4 8.6 8.0 178 183 See Table S19 for further details. Modern human data from the Hamann-Todd collection, and University of Burgos collection as well as the Natural History Museum of Lisboa and the Instituto de Antropologia de la Universidade de Coimbra. Figure S11. Graphic representation of femur measurements. Numbers refer to definition of the variable from Martin and Saller (3) (M) and McHenry and Corruccini (78) (MC). Figure S12. Adult (TIB-XII, left) and subadult (TIB-II, right) tibia specimens showing the posterior position of the plateau relative to the diaphyseal anatomical axis, the retroversion angle and the curvature variation. 3.7- FOOT Table S23. Measurements of the SH foot bones compared with Neandertals and modern humans SH Modern humans Neandertals Anatomical Variable Mea region Mean SD n Mean SD n SD n n Talar length (M1) 51.9 3.5 18 52.8 4.0 162 51.2 3.5 21 Talus Lateral malleolar 13.2 2.0 20 9.4 2.2 112 10.7 2.5 24 breadth (M7a) Length of the head 30.4 2.2 18 32.5 2.9 161 34.7 3.4 23 (M9) Trochlear height 9.1 1.0 18 8.4 1.0 162 9.5 1.3 22 (M6) Calcaneus breadth Calcaneus 44.6 3.0 14 40.0 3.7 164 44.2 3.6 14 (M2) Breadth of 17.6 2.4 14 14.2 2.6 114 15..3 3.6 14 sustentaculum tali (M6) Total length (M2) 78.7 2.9 4 73.3 4.8 153 72.5 5.5 14 Second metatarsal Proximal articular 13.3 0.5 5 13.3 1.2 153 15.0 2.0 13 breadth (M6b) Total length (M2) 70.3 2 70.3 4.9 147 67.9 6.0 14 Fourth metatarsal Proximal breadth 14.8 0.4 4 13.2 1.3 151 15.3 1.0 12 (M6a) Maximum length Proximal 34.0 1.4 7 35.0 2.9 244 27.6 3.9 23 (M1) Phalanx I Breadth of diaphysis 14.0 1.6 8 12.1 1.6 244 13.1 1.7 22 (M2) Distal Phalanx I Breadth of the distal 14.6 2.1 8 11.8 1.6 169 14.9 2.7 10 tuberosity (M2b) Variables in mm. Data from Pablos et al. (53, 56, 57) and present study. Definition of the variable from Martin and Saller-M (3) and Bräuer (10). Modern human data from the Hamann-Todd collection. Neandertal sample: Talus: Amud 1, Kiik-Koba 1 (right and left), Krapina 235, 236, 237, 238.1, 238.2+238.7, 238.4, 239.1, 239.2, La Chapelleaux-Saints 1, La Ferrassie 1 and 2 (right and left), La Quina H1 (right and left), Regourdou 1 (right and left), Shanidar 1 and 3 (right and left), Spy 2, Tabun C1 (right and left). Calcaneus: Amud 1, Kiik-Koba 1 (right and left), Krapina 240, La Chapelleaux-Saints 1, La Ferrassie 1 and 2 (right and left), Regourdou 1 and 2, Shanidar 1 (right and left), Shanidar 3, Spy 2, Tabun C1. Metatarsal II: Amud 1 (right and left), KiikKoba 1 (right and left), La Ferrassie 1 and 2 (right and left), Sedia del Diavolo 2, Shanidar 1, 3 and 6 (right and left), Shanidar 4 left, Sima de las Palomas 92, Spy 2, Subalyuk 1, Tabun C1 (right and left). Metatarsal IV: Kebara 9, Krapina 248.1, 248.2, 248.3, La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1, La Ferrassie 1 (left) and 2 (right and left), Regourdou 1, Shanidar 1 (right), 6 (right) and 8 (right and left), Sima de las Palomas 92, Subalyuk 1 (right and left), Tabun C1. Proximal Phalanx I: Combe Grenal 845, Kebara 10, KiikKoba I (right and left), Krapina 252.2, 252.3, 252.4, La Ferrassie 2, Shanidar 1, 4, 6 and 8, Regourdou 1 (right and left). 4- EVOLUTION OF THE BODY IN THE GENUS HOMO Table S24. Material and data for the analysis of the evolution of the body in the genus Homo Sample Specimen FML ACH FHD BIB Reference KNM-ER 3228 55.5 46.3# 35, this study Early KNM-ER 1472 401 79 Pleistocene KNM-ER 1481 396 44.0 79 Homo 1 KNM-ER 3728 390 79 (2.0-1.8 Myrs) Dmanisi 4167 386 40.0 80 KNM-ER 737 420 79 KNM-ER 1808 480 79 79, S. Simpson KNM-WT 15000 255.0- and S. 432 (Immature) 266.0 Spurlock, pers. Early com. Pleistocene Homo 2 KNM-WT 15000 S. Simpson and (1.7-0.8 Myrs) (Adult 300.0 S. Spurlock, estimation) pers. com. BSN49/P27 41.0 32.6# 288.0 34 375OH 34 395 81 OH 28 450 47.6 79, this study KNM-ER 999 482 82, 83 Zhouk Fem 1 400 44 Zhouk Fem 4 407 44 Non-SH Berg Aukas 56.4 7 middle Arago 44 60.6 51.2# This study Pleistocene Broken Hill 689 49.5 6 Homo Broken Hill 719 60.1 50.7# This study Broken Hill 907 52.5 6 Jinniushan 1 60.0 50.6# 344.0 33 Le prince 1 59.0 49.7# 39 Femur IV 46.5 84 Femur V 46.5 84 Femur X 458 52.8 2, this study Femur XI 41.8 This study Sima de los Femur XII 450 49.0 2, this study Huesos Femur XIII 450 48.3 2, this study Femur XVI 41.2 This study Pelvis 1 335.0 5 Pelvis 2 338.4 This study Amud 1 (L) 484 57.1 47.9# 38, this study Kebara 2 (R) 59 48.0# 313.0 6, this study La Chapelle-aux292.0 Saints 1 (R) 430 52.1 6, 85,86 Neandertals La Ferrassie 1 (R) 56.0 44 La Ferrassie 1 465 44 (L) Neandertal 1 (L) Shanidar 1 (R) Spy 2 (R) La Ferrassie 2 (L) Tabun C1 (R) Modern Humans Sima de las Palomas 96 (R) Krapina 207 Krapina 208 Krapina 209 Krapina 213 Krapina 214 Mean SD Max Min n 444 461 425 52.0 411 46.0 416 40.0 53.0 391.5 54.3 55.5 54.9 434.6 28.2 488 380.6 67 44 29 44 43.0 45.2# 46.3# 45.8# 52.7 44.2 45.0 4.0 54.56 38.27 67 260.0 44 44, 68, This study 87 This study This study This study 6 6 262.0 15.5 306.0 220.0 255 FML = femoral maximum length; ACH = acetabular height; FHD = femoral head diameter; BIB = Bi-iliac breadth #FHD calculated from vertical acetabular diameter following Ruff (36). Modern human sample comes from Hamann-Todd and University of Iowa (Femoral maximum length and head diameter) and Coimbra (Bi-iliac breadth). See also Table S25. 5- MATERIALS EXAMINED IN THIS STUDY Table S25. Comparative material used in this study Specimen/sample Source Additional references Modern humans Hamann-Todd Osteological O collection: Euroamericans Hamann-Todd Osteological O collection: Afroamericans University of Burgos: O Osteological collection: Europeans University of Iowa O Osteological collection: Euroamericans Instituto de Antropologia O de la Universidade de Coimbra: Europeans Natural History Museum O Lisboa: Europeans 6 Pecos B Neandertals Amud 1 O. C. B 6, 38, 88 Combe Grenal 845 B 89 Dederiyeh 8906 B 90 Kebara 2 and 9 O. C. B 6, 50, 59, 91-93 Kiik-Koba 1 C 88, 94 Krapina sample O. C. B 6, 88, 95-98 La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 O 6, 20, 85, 86, 99 La Ferrassie 1 and 2 O. C 20, 44, 100, 101 La Quina H1 and H5 C. B 88, 102 Le Moustier 1 C 17 Moros de Gabasa O. B 103 Neanderthal 1 O. C. B 6, 44 Regourdou 1 and 2 O. B 20, 42, 104-106 Sedia del Diavolo 2 B 107 Shanidar 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and O. C. B 6, 29, 60, 66, 88, 95, 108-110 8 Sima de las Palomas 92 B 87, 111 and 96 Spy 2 and isolated C. B 6, 44, 88, 112 elements Subalyuk 1 B. C 113 Tabun C1 O. B 6, 44, 61, 68, 114, 115 Early Modern Humans Qafzeh 7, 8, 9 B Skhul IV, V, VII B European early Pleistocene Homo Homo antecessor-TD6 O European middle Pleistocene Homo Arago 44 C. B Grotte du Prince B Vilafamés 1 and 2 O. C. B Asian middle Pleistocene Homo Jinniushan B Zhoukoudian B African middle Pleistocene Homo Berg Aukas B Broken Hill (E-691. E.719. O. B E-898 ) OH 28 C. B African and Asian early Pleistocene Homo BSN49/P27 B D4167 B KNM-ER 737 B KNM-ER 813A C KNM-ER 1464 C KNM-ER 999 B KNM-ER 1472 B KNM-ER 1476a C KNM-ER 1481 B KNM-ER 1808 B KNM-ER 3228 C. B KNM-WT 15000 C. 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