January 2015 - San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association
January 2015 - San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association
San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association Volume 34 Newsletter January, 2015 Issue 1 Our 34th Year of bringing Woodworkers together The Next Meeting is 7pm Wednesday, Jan 28th at the Al Bahr Temple, 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd. behind the Hampton Inn January Program: New Woodturning Techniques with Tom Edwards February Shop Tour: Brian Jackson’s Shop February 14th, 2015 Tom Edwards, an officer with the local woodturning group, will give a demonstration, talk about woodturning techniques and discuss his new method of using resin in the finish of the bowl. This allows using imperfect wood by filling the missing areas with clear and or colored resins. Tom, a retired Navy Seal, now shows his work at the Spanish Village Art Center and has won several awards at the Del Mar Design In Wood show. Lately, he has been demonstrating at various woodturning clubs around the U.S. Tom's website is: http://www.artinwood.org/t_edwards/tedwards.html The meeting will be on Wednesday, January 28th at 7:00PM in the Al Bahr Temple, located at 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd. (behind the Hampton Inn) Hope to see you there The tour begins at 9:00 am, coffee and donuts will be served. Brian will demonstrate the Rose engine lathe. If you aren’t familiar with this fascinating piece of equipment, prepare to be amazed. His shop is located at 9598 Leyendekker Court, Lakeside, CA 92040. Come out and enjoy the fellowship of like-minded wood enthusiasts. Brian’s website is: jacksonwoodworks.com Directions: From I 8 east, keep right at the fork and continue on CA-67N/State 67N, take Winter Gardens Blvd. exit, turn right on Winter Gardens Blvd., take 1st left on Woodside Ave., turn Right on Los Coches Rd, turn right to stay on Los Coches Rd, take third right onto Leyendekker Rd, Turn right on Leyendekker Ct. Thanks again to Al DeVries for the January shop tour; we all had a great time. Dell Cover, Program Chairman Dale Stauffer, Program Chairman Please check website for changes www.sdfwa.org/ 1 meeting will be held later beginning at 7 PM. Many of us have enjoyed these classes in the past which have typically been held on a Saturday morning in front of the store, so I expect many will find these helpful and interesting. Depending on the response to this first class, we hope to continue offering such events before each of our meetings. President's Message January, 2015 If you are reading this online, please scan through other sections of our website to familiarize yourself with our organization and the calendar of events for this year. If you are not yet a member, please feel free to attend one of our General Membership meetings to check us out. While there will be no pressure, we hope you find it as inviting as we did and decide to join us. In my first message as your new President, I would like to start by wishing all a Happy New Year. I sincerely hope your holidays were filled with joy and that you begin 2015 with the intent to be active in woodworking and all the other activities which bring you happiness. Importantly, I would like to thank the membership for trusting me with the leadership role for this year and the vast number of others who have agreed to take on the role of officers, committee leaders and members. Our numerous and diverse activities require many of us to step up and take on the responsibility of leading the group through these efforts and we really appreciate those who accept the call. Our special thanks go out also to those who served us so well last year; we are especially fortunate that Dick Ugoretz, our very capable president for both 2013 and 2014, will remain on the Board and be available to guide us through the year. Bernie Burke President, SDFWA DESIGN IN WOOD 2015 The New Year brings us once again to preparations for the annual Design in Wood Exhibition. Again this year, we hope to improve this exceptional international competition of fine woodworking. We have secured major commitments from our many corporate and local sponsors. Our co-sponsor, the 22nd Agricultural District, also looks forward to our successful exhibition. Last year's attendance provided the opportunity for over one million fairgoers to see our exhibit. I am excited by the outlook for this year and will do my best to make it a very successful one for all of our members. The organizational meeting for the Design In Wood group held early this month made it clear that their new leader, Ed Gladney, is highly qualified for the role and that he has the support of a large and dedicated group who rightfully take pride in our annual show at the Del Mar fairgrounds. Bob Stevenson, who successfully led the DIW event for so many years with the help of his wife Janet, has decided to move on and has put forward an ambitious plan to instill new vigor in our Mentor program. This year's theme is A Fair to Remember: a Celebration of World’s Fairs & Balboa Park. The fair has teamed with the City of San Diego in its Centennial Celebration of Balboa Park. We will have a special exhibit area planned around the theme this year. Fine Woodworking Magazine will sponsor the "Best of Show" award as the top award. We will be giving out over $20,000 in cash and merchandise awards. Our program chair, Del Cover, remains active in lining up an interesting and informative set of speakers for our General Membership meetings, beginning with Tom Edwards who will speak of his unique approach to woodturning at our General Meeting on Wednesday, January 28, 2015. I hope as many as possible are able to join us at 7 PM at Al Bahr Temple, located at 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd. (behind the Hampton Inn). Dale Stauffer organized another of his popular Shop Tours on Saturday, January 10 at Al DeVrie’s shop in El Cajon. The Design in Wood Committee meets the first Saturday of each month, January through May 2015. Now is the time for you to get busy on your entry for the competition. The fair will run 24 days again this year from June 5 to July 5, 2015. All entries are online this year, and will be available on the fair’s website beginning in January. There is plenty of computer help available for those that need it to enter. The fair entry office personnel, as well as SDFWA volunteers, are available to help with entering online. This includes help with digital photography if needed. For help from SDFWA members please call or email me at 858-484-4366, EdGladney@san.rr.com or Jeff Bratt at 619-276-8641, webmaster@sdfwa.org Our January General Meeting will also find us setting out on a new course with one of our sponsors, Rockler. Mike Durlak, who manages the local Rockler store and has always been a big supporter, has agreed to provide a speaker to lead an informal class in various subjects before our regular meetings get started. Paul Durshem will lead off with a 45 minute class in Finishing, starting at 6 PM at the Al Bahr Temple where our regular Continued next page 2 Please note: The entry deadline is May 1, 2015. Please note the calendar of events below: Registration Deadline: Friday, May 1, 2015 Exhibit Delivery Date: Thursday, May 28, 2015 noon to 8:00pm Exhibit Awards Ceremony: Thursday June 4, 2015 7:00pm Volunteers from our membership are desperately needed NO experience is necessary and volunteering is very rewarding January Raffle 1. Bessey 4-piece clamp set 2. Rockler 25 piece brad point drill bit set 3. Two Cherries 6 piece chisel set 4. DeWalt random obit sander 5. DeWalt laminate trimmer 6. DeWalt drill/driver 20V MAX James Strawn, Raffle Program Chairman We need help with set up Monday, May 18 through Friday, May 22. In addition to free fair tickets, enjoy coffee, juice and donuts in the morning, a great lunch and refreshments throughout the day. We need members to “walk the floor” to help educate the public and protect the exhibits. A shift is three hours. You receive two tickets for each shift or four tickets for each closing (last shift in the evening) floor-walking shift. Notes from the Webmaster It’s a new year, and there are some new faces on the SDFWA Board of Directors – including myself, as I’ll also be taking on the Treasurer duties this year. We’ve got ideas about reinvigorating some programs SDFWA has done in the past, and new ideas we hope you’ll be excited about. We can always use help – you can volunteer by contacting any Board member or Committee chair. We need members to work in the chair shop, building children's chairs for charity. A shift is two hours. You receive two tickets for each shift. Fair tickets will be given to those who volunteer. Volunteer for several shifts and you can receive enough tickets for your family and friends. Up to 4 tickets will be given to those who help with setup (exact number depends on amount of time helping). Two tickets will be given for each floor-walking shift or chair-shop shift. For those who help with set up, we have free tickets based on how much time you work, along with refreshments and a great lunch The new website has been up and running for just over one year. I’ve been getting generally positive feedback, and I also try to respond to fix problems and implement suggestions. While I’m generally happy about the look and design, we still have some issues when working with the membership database. I apologize if this has caused some login problems – I’ll fix those when you tell me about them. Fortunately, there is really not much that requires one to login – all the website content is visible, there is nothing hidden. There are only two things that require a login – to renew your membership on-line, or to sign-up on-line for the Fall Seminar at the member’s price. Sign up to volunteer at www.sdfwa.org or at the General meetings, starting with this month’s general meeting on January 28. Still, this year there will be a major effort on the “behind the scenes” part of the website to streamline all the duplicated effort currently required to keep the website Remember, sign up for a shift and get 2 free tickets to the Fair. Sign up for several shifts and get enough for your family and friends also. AGAIN THIS YEAR: SIGN UP FOR THE CLOSING FLOOR WALKING SHIFTS AND DOUBLE YOUR TICKETS TO 4 TICKETS FOR EACH CLOSING SHIFT logins up-to-date. This is your exhibit SDFWA. Let's make it the VERY BEST. 858-484-4366 EdGladney@san.rr.com Jeff Bratt, Webmaster Ed Gladney, Coordinator, Design In Wood 3 The Ocean Beach Branch Library Sends a Letter of Appreciation and Photo IN MEMORIAM We remember the three fellow woodworkers whose lives ended in the past 12 months. Mark Fuller Russel Camp Alvin Strunk Each of these fine individuals was a long time member of our association, a good friend to many of us and a great contributor to our activities. 2015 Craftsman List Update The Craftsman List is posted on the association website, www.sdfwa.org, under the heading of resources and is also passed out at the Design In Wood exhibit at the San Diego County Fair when visitors are looking for someone who does woodworking. The list is only open to active memberships. I am in the process of updating the list. If you are currently a member and want to remain on the list or do not want to continue on the list, please let me know. If you do not respond by February 15 th, you will be dropped from the list. If you need to make changes, please provide them when you reply about remaining on the list. If you are not on the list and want to be placed on the list, please provide the following information in the order as listed: Last Name, First Name, Business Name, City, Zip, Phone, Email/Website, Do you do this Full Time or Part Time? Your Level of proficiency (pro, advanced, intermediate), your Specialty. Please provide all inputs to CraftsmanList@sdfwa.org. I will need all inputs by February 15, 2015. Ron Rossi, Craftsman List Chairman Toy Program Since our last report, the following toys have been completed in 2014: 15 66 4 12 10 16 25 40 51 10 James Vitale, Pro Bono Chairman Dinosaurs Cars Frogs Cars Cars Cars Baby Strollers Bedding Cars Horse/Rider Jerry’s Shop George Byrne John Carlson John Berbow Paul Trebbien Ron Ronlinavage Chuck Goldsmith Barbara Moyer Chuck Goldsmith Bierman/Strolzoff Our toy production total for this period was 249 and 1,571 to complete the year 2014. ROGER SOLHEID, TOY PROGRAM CHAIRMAN 4 Report on Jan. 10th Shop Tour On January 10th we had the privilege of touring the wonderful workshop of Al DeVries. The turnout was good, the weather was perfect and Al’s presentation was highly informative. He had many examples of his woodwork displayed which he has built over the years. Intarsia, jewelry boxes, custom cabinets and a great storage shed he built for his lumber were among the myriad items to study. Al kept everyone in rapt attention as he went around his shop noting and demonstrating the custom jigs, work benches and tool cabinets he designed and built; many of which he has had published in woodworking magazines. Al built his shop from the ground up about 22 years ago. The layout is a marvel of efficiency. He explained his method of workflow and tool choices, all the while offering many tips for maintaining and using tools. Because he has been woodworking for so many years he was able to offer many insights for dealing with the inevitable march of time that the aging woodworker faces. He demonstrated special handles he has created to allow extra leverage while adjusting jigs and tools. He confided that he now makes mostly smaller pieces like boxes, many of which he had on display. They are beautiful. The one thing that most impressed me about Al’s shop was the degree of organization his custom made cabinets allowed. I was left not only impressed but, truth to tell, feeling personally inadequate. Upon arriving back home I had the overwhelming urge to get organized! Photos by Lou Adzima, SDFWA Historian Article by Adrian Larson, Editor Photos continued next page 5 Wants and Disposals As you all know, the Wants & Disposals is open only to current members that want to Buy, Sell, or Trade equipment or supplies. It is not for commercial ads. To list an item, please e-mail Dave Barnhart at: WantsAndDisposals@sdfwa.org or call 760-721-1457 and leave only your name, identify yourself as a SDFWA member, and an evening call back number. When I call back, please provide the following: Full Name, E mail address, if you have one, the general area or town of San Diego Co. where the equipment can be seen, price range & item description. You can bring a picture to the meeting and give a brief talk or sales pitch. We do not have a display area, so please bring only pictures to the General Meeting. Please Note: Each ad will only run in one issue of the newsletter. If you want to run the ad again, you will have to resubmit the information to Dave Barnhart at the above listed e-mail or phone number. Dave Barnhart, Chairman Wants and Disposals Please contact Dave Barnhart WantsAndDisposals@sdfwa.org or 760-721-1457, when you have found a Buyer, an Item to buy, or the help you requested. Please check www.sdfwa.org for changes 6 Notice: Wants There will be a one day sale on February 7th, beginning at 8:00am at the Ron Wolfe residence 801 Cabrillo Ave, Coronado, CA 92118. There will be NO PRE-SALE – offered are: SawStop 3HP Table Saw with mobile base 52” Fence Model:PCS 312130 Price:$1,500.00 Delta 13” Planer 15 amp/120 V Model:22-580 Price:$375.00 Jet 14” Bandsaw with Carter Guides 220 Volt Model:JWBS-14CS Price:$375.00 Craftsman Shopvac System with Vortex Dust Separator Price:$80.00 RBI Hawk 16” scroll saw w/wheels and mag lite Model: 216-3 Price:$275.00 Ohio Forge Drill Press 16 Speed w/mobile base Model:510-459 Price:$180.00 Drill Doctor Drill Bit Sharpener Model:750SP Price:$15.00 McCulloch 4” Angle Grinder Model:MG8302/12 Price:$20.00 Delta Tenoning Jig Model:34-182 Price:$40.00 Metabo Cordless Drill Model:6.27272 Price:$60.00 Kreg Pocket Hole System Model:K2000 Price:$40.00 Makita 5” Random Orbit Sander Price:$35.00 Work Bench w/ storage and 2 Vices Price:150.00 Multiple Hand Planes and other hand tools Router Table w/ Porter Cable 690 Router w/ Multiple accessories Price:Router $250.00 Wooden Tool Cabinet – Wall Hanging Price:$175.00 Craftsman Socket Set - Price:$75.00 Spokeshaves - Lie-Nielsen and others Price:$225.00 Jet Air Filter Unit w/remote 3-speed/1044 cfm Model:AFS 100B Price:$175.00 Craftsman Storage Cabinet w/metalworking vice Price:$80.00 Delta 12” Wood Lathe w/stand Many accessories and full set of turning tools Price:$225.00 DeWalt 8” Grinder w/Wolverine Sharpening Jig Model:DW 750 Price:$125.00 Craftsman Air Compressor 30 gal/5.5HP with hoses and hose reel Model:919.165310 Price:$160.00 Makita Biscuit Jointer w/biscuits 5.6amp 6 depth settings Model:3901 Price:$120.00 Plus Numerous Other Woodworking Tools and Supplies Dowload complete list with pictures at – http://www.sdfwa.org/clientuploads/WantsAndDisposals/ WolfeToolSale.pdf Welburn Gourd Farm is looking to outsource their precut gourd work. They need to find the appropriate person to take on the work. Ideally they would contract on a per piece basis. Their current output is approximately 100200 pieces per month, but they are expecting an increase. To start, they would send the contractor cleaned bottle gourds: http://www.welburngourdfarm.com/bottlegourds.aspx Have pots and mini vases made: http://www.welburngourdfarm.com/MiniVases.aspx Gourds need to be cleaned: https:www.youtube.com/watch?v=96SgSI4QFCU An artistic eye is somewhat needed. Barry Rosen - barry@welburngourdfarm.com Please check website for changes http://www.sdfwa.org/wants-and-disposals/ Disposals Old Growth Teak Boards (all over 30 years old) $24 per board foot 12”x11’8”x1” = 11.6 bf 11”x10’7”x1” = 9.7 bf 12”x9’7”x1” =11.2 bf 14”x9’7”x1” =11.2bf 10”x11’3”x1”=9.4 bf 8”x10’4”x1” = 6.9 bf 10”x10’9”x5/4” = 11.2 bf 8”x9’9”x5/4” = 8.1 bf 12”x7’8”x1” = 7.6 bf 7”x6’4”x1” = 4.7 bf 9”x6’8”x1” = 5.0 bf 8”x6’7”x1” = 5.4 bf 8”x6’7”x5/4” = 4.4 bf Mike Madrid: 858-486-5423, av8termike@aol.com Work Sharp 300 tool sharpener in perfect condition, all original pads, 2 glass wheels, “edge vision” wheel, leather honing wheel and manual $175; Porter Cable 4210 Dovetail jig with all original items, half-blind/dado combo template, template guide and locknut plus manual $95. Ted Moore: edwardsmoore1922@gmail.com Stanley Safety Speed Cut Panel Saw model H-4, serial number P-94, 8” blade, 2 ½ HP, 13 amps, 5800 RPM, accepts 4’ x 8’ panel: $500 OBO. Grizzly Jointer model G0586 and stand, new in boxes: $600 OBO Don Hicks 619-540-1949 Please check www.sdfwa.org for changes 7 2015 San Diego Woodworkers Association DIRECTORS President: Vice-President: Treasurer: Secretary: Member at Large: Bernie Burke Dale Stauffer Jeff Bratt Jeanne Skinner Dick Ugoretz 760-723-0972 619-561-2202 619-276-8641 619-561-1655 858-490-6295 president@sdfwa.org vicepresident@sdfwa.org treasurer@sdfwa.org secretary@sdfwa.org MemberAtLarge@sdfwa.org COMMITTEES Craftsman list: E-Mail List Manager: Historian: Magazine & book sales: Membership: Membership Greeters: Mentor Program: Merchandise: Newsletter: Pro Bono: Programs: Property: Publicity: Refreshments: Resources/Raffle: Scholarships: Shop Tours: Shows & Exhibits: Sound Technician: Special Events: Swap Meet: Toy Program: Video Library: Video Technician: Wants and Disposals: Web Site: Ron Rossi Harry Baldwin Lou Adzima Mike Switalski Sia McGown Kevin Deal Bob Stevenson Bob Dalton Adrian Larson Jim Vitale Del Cover Dale Stauffer Clare Pister Don Spangler Jim Strawn Jim Strawn Dale Stauffer Ed Gladney Thomas Johnson Ed Gladney Don Spangler Roger Solheid Bob Reese Michael Fairbanks Dave Barnhart Jeff Bratt 619-582-9883 858-278-8718 619-922-0311 858-404-3260 619-223-3259 951-565-6848 619-422-7338 619-534-8836 858-672-1808 858-623-8630 858-270-7739 619-561-2202 434-989-2357 858-270-6165 619-887-8090 619-887-8090 619-561-2202 858-484-4366 619-281-7170 858-484-4366 858-270-6165 858-279-1140 858-695-2460 619-465-4972 760-721-1457 619-276-8641 CraftsmanList@sdfwa.org EmailManager@sdfwa.org ilovejamul@cox.net mikeswital@hotmail.com sdfwa.membership@gmail.com kevind1956@sbcglobal.net MentorProgram@sdfwa.org trebor_33@cox.net newsletter@sdfwa.org jamespvitale@yahoo.com del@delcoverwoodworking.com ddstauffer@cox.net publicity@sdfwa.org coffeeorganic@hotmail.com jlstrawn@cox.net jlstrawn@cox.net ddstauffer@cox.net DesignInWood@sdfwa.org tejohnson22058@aol.com gladney@san.rr.com coffeeorganic@hotmail.com rsolheid@sbcglobal.net rtreese@gmail.com mkfairdpmm@netscape.net WantsAndDisposals@sdfwa.org webmaster@sdfwa.org Meeting Dates for 2015 General Membership Meetings Board Meetings Al Bahr Temple 5440 Kearny Mesa Road, SD (behind the Hampton Inn) 7:00 PM The Hardwood & Hardware Co. 8849 Complex Drive, SD 7:00 PM Wednesday: January 28 March 25 April 29 May 27 July 29 September 30 December 2 Wednesday: March 4 April 1 May 6 July 8 September 2 November 4 SDFWA Mailing Address P.O. Box 82323 San Diego, CA 92138-2323 SDFWA Web Page Address http://www.sdfwa.org 8 Sponsors To receive your discounts, please show your membership card before you make a purchase American Furniture Design Co www.americanfurnituredsgn.com E-mail americanfurniture@cox.net DeWalt, Porter Cable, Delta Factory Service Center 7290 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92111 Phone: (858) 279-2012 Hours: 7:30-4:30 M-F Dave Stelmachowski, Manager Phone: (760) 743-6923 (Orders) Hours: 8:30-4:30 M-F Brian Murphy, Proprietor Porter Cable, Delta, DeWalt, Devilbiss, FLEX, Biesemeyer and Oldham Parts, Accessories, Repairs and Reconditioned Tools. Special consideration to SDFWA members 125 of the Finest Woodworking Plans, The only supplier of Daly's Finishing Supplies in San Diego, Hardware, Hand Tools and Books. SDFW member Benefits, 15% on all products and Free Shipping in San Diego County. Environmental Spray Systems www.espraysystems.com Email: service@espraysystems.com Bayside Paint, Inc. www.baysidepaint.com Email: info@baysidepaint.com 1228 Knoxville St., San Diego, CA 92120 Phone (619) 275-7800 Hours: 6:30 – 5:30 M-F, 8 -5 Saturdays Robert Lewis, Manager 7114 Convoy Ct. San Diego, CA 92111 Phone: (858) 279-7114 Hours: 8:00-5:30 M-F Sam Rinaker, Owner Specializing in spray finishing equipment. Local distributor for Devilbiss, Graco, Paasche, Accuspray, Ransberg and Gema. 10% discount to SDFWA members. Mohawk Finishing Products and many other stains, sealers, fillers and tools. Free delivery with minimum order and UPS shipping available. 10% discount to SDFWA members. Fas-N-Go Craftsman Studio Woodworking Tools Store www.CraftsmanStudio.com E-mail CustomerService@CraftsmanStudio.com 2260 Main St. Suite 15, Chula Vista, CA Phone: (619) 424-4774 Hours: 7:30-5:00 M-F 2737 Via Orange Way - Suite 110, Spring Valley, CA 91978 Phone: (888) 500-9093 Hours: 10:00-5:00 Mon, 9:00-5:00 Tue-Thu. Closed FriSun Bill Kohr, Proprietor Nail guns, brads, staples, nails, plus accessories for nail guns and repair service. Distributor for 3M, Senco, Haubold, Josef Kihlberg, Spotnail, Hitachi, Bostich and Paslode. 10% discount on sales and service to members. Stocking Authorized Dealers for: Lie-Nielsen Toolworks, Auriou, Shapton, DMT, TANOS (Systainers), Veritas, FastCap, Trend Diamond Products, Glen-Drake Toolworks, Czeck Edge Tools, Two Cherries Carving Tools. Note: web orders ship Mon-Fri. In-store discount to SDFWA Members on selected products. Frost Hardwood Lumber www.frosthardwood.com 6565 Miramar Rd. San Diego, CA 92112 Phone: (858) 455-9060 (800) 258-3534 Hours: 7:00-4:30 M-F, 8:00-12:30 Sat. Jim Frost, proprietor They stock a wide variety of domestic and imported hardwoods as well as veneers, laminates and many other supplies for the commercial and hobbyist woodworker. The Frosts (Mr. G. T., Bruce and Jim) along with their staff stand ready to serve your woodworking needs. Special SDFWA discount. 9 TH&H The Hardwood and Hardware Company R. S. Hughes Co. Inc. www.rshughes.com The Woodworkers one Stop for Material and Supplies www.th-h.com 1281-B Liberty Way, Vista, CA 92081-8309 Phone: (760) 579-0222 Hours: 7:45-5:00 M-F Chuck Schweikart, Manager 8849 Complex Dr. San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (858) 536-1800 Fax: (858) 614-1811 Hours: 7:00-5:00 M-F, 9:00-4:00 Sat. Tom Drinnon, Manager Hardwood lumber, Moldings, Veneers, Cabinet Hardware, Finishes, Hand Tools and Supplies. Contractor discount to members. San Diegos largest inventory of 3m abrasives, adhesives, safety equipment and more. Phone orders/estimates. UPS shipping or walk in service available. 10% discount to members. TH&H goes out of their way for SDFWA! They open their doors and stay late for our board meetings. Thanks TH&H! Rockler Woodworking and Hardware www.rockler.com Lane Stanton Vance Lumber 8199 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92111 Phone: (858) 268-1005 Hours: 9:00–6:00 M-F, 9:00-5:00 Sat., 11:00-4:00 Sun. Mike Durlak, Manager 360 Vernon Way, El Cajon, CA 92020 Phone: (619) 442-0821 Hours: 7:00-3:00 M-F The company carries domestic and imported hardwoods, molding and panel products for cabinet makers, furniture makers and contractors. Contractor discount to members. Rockler is an excellent source for hard to find hardware and accessories. Manager Mike Durlak and his staff can help you with good selection of hardware, exotic hardwoods, veneers, inlays, specialty moldings, fine woodworking hand tools, an impressive array of finishing materials, a great selection of books and plans and weekly workshops in many disciplines. Visit this great woodworking source next time you need that special item no one else seems to have. Catalogues are available. 10% discount on general purchases (except power tools). Mission Molding & Wood Specialties www.missionmoulding.com 9510 Chesapeake Dr. # 401. San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (858) 569-8591 Hours: 7:30-5:00 M-F, 8:00-1:00 Sat. Bob Hawk, Manager Russ Filbeck, Master Chair Maker www.russfilbeck.com E-mail: rcfilbeck@aol.com (858) 566-9699 The sign inside Mission Molding’s door says "We have one of the largest selections of architectural and decorative moldings in Southern California." Select from more than 300 patterns in a variety of woods as well as polystyrene, fiberglass and primed plastic. The staff of Mission Molding can also supply you with mantels, handrails, balusters, columns and more. Depending on the item members will get a 5% to 10% discount. Make your own heirloom quality chair. Chair styles include Appalachian Ladder Back and Windsor chairs. All materials, tools and instruction provided. Class size is limited to two students. Use the web site, e-mail or call Russ to schedule your class. 10% discount for SDFWA members on the Two-Slat Ladder Back or Sack Back Windsor chair class. Packaging Store www.gopackagingstore.com Shellac Finishes www.shellacfinishes.biz E-mail sales@shellacfinishes.biz Vijay Velji, Proprietor 7848 Silverton, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92128 Phone (858) 549-7274 Hours: 9:00-5:00 M-F Peter Wharf, Manager Internet only. Shipped USPS De-Waxed Shellac Flakes for classical woodworkers at very competitive prices. SDFWA members must enter coupon code 1010 during checkout to receive a 10% discount Custom boxes, crating, packaging supplies and shipping. Phone estimates and pick up service available. 10% discount to SDFWA members 10 Strata Forest Products www.strataforest.com 165 Denny Way, El Cajon, CA 92020 Phone: 619-449-9663 Hours: 7:00-4:00 Mon.-Sat. Bob Evans & Jack Griede Proprietors Strata Forest Products is a diversified company specializing in hardwood lumber, panel products and moldings. With years of experience, we have been serving design firms, architects, cabinet shops and the furniture industry in all their hardwood needs. From our wide range of hardwood species, to our custom knife grinding facilities, we have both the skills and tools to turn unique designs into reality. Contractor discount to SDFWA members. Tropical Exotic Hardwoods of Latin America www.anexotichardwood.com 2270 Camino Vida Roble, Suite "B", Carlsbad, Ca. 92011 Phone: (760) 434-3030, Fax: (760) 434-5423 Hours: 8:30-4:30 M-F, 9:30-1:00 Sat. Mitch Talcove, Owner/ Manager Specializing in a wide selection, varieties, sizes, and shapes of Exotic Hardwoods from Latin America.10%off all purchases with valid SDFWA card (cash or check preferred if SDFWA is being applied). Toolmart, Inc. www.toolmarts.com 2750 Auto Park Way, Escondido, CA 92029-1030 Phone: (760) 747-2626 Hours: 7:00-5:30 M-F, 7:00-4:00 Sat. Jeff McCreary, Manager Discount tool store and authorized repair center. Contractor discount to members. Woodworker West www.woodwest.com P.O. Box 452058, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone: (310) 216-9265 Fax: (310) 216-9274 E-mail: editor@woodwest.com Ron Goldman, publisher Published bi-monthly to promote craftsmanship in woodworking throughout the western U.S. Discount subscription rate to SDFWA members. $10 for one year and $18 for two year. When applying, after your name add SDFWA member and your member number. 11 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit 697 San Diego, CA Next meeting: 7 pm, Wednesday, January 28th, 2015 at the Al Bahr Temple 12