Newspaper Readership
Newspaper Readership
While providing strong reach to all demographic groups, both the Edmonton Journal and demonstrate exceptional strength in reaching adults who are well-educated and high-income earners. 8%* AGE 31% 24% 37% HOUSEHOLD INCOME 5%* 9% 14% 51% 21% MARITAL STATUS 7%* 20%* 71% 5%* 12%* EDUCATION 38% 66% 18 to 34 35 to 49 50 to 64 65+ GENDER 49% 51% < $30,000 $30,000-$49,999 $50,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000+ Married/Living Together Single Other Post Secondary Grad or Higher Some Post Secondary High School Grad Some High School or Less Men Women 10%* HOUSEHOLD TENURE 88% 8%* OCCUPATION 10%* 28% 22%* Own Rent Professionals/Other White Collar Senior/Other Mgmt. Blue Collar Clerical/Admin/Bus. Support/Arts *small sample, use with caution Source: NADbank® 08/09 Base: 106,900 Edmonton area adults who have read/looked into the Edmonton Journal online in past week. Total may not equal 100 due to rounding. Weekly Readership More people are reading the Journal than ever before! With the addition of our exclusive online readership, 59% of Edmonton area adults read the Edmonton Journal over the course of a week... 529,200 people! That’s more people being exposed to the Journal than we’ve ever recorded. EDMONTONJOURNAL 497,400 Calgary Herald The Ed m Journa onton l is the 487,200 Edmonton Sun Numbe r O Daily N ne ews 366,700 Calgary Sun pape across Albert r a 349,100 206,800 Globe and Mail 137,300 National Post 0 150,000 300,000 450,000 600.000 Source: NADbank® 08/09 7-day cume NADbank® The Newspaper Audience Databank, or NADbank®, is a comprehensive database of daily newspaper readership demographics and consumer behaviour information. It includes adults in 54 markets and encompasses 82 daily newspapers. 09 newspaper readership demographic profile Readership: Online Audience 08/09 Newspaper Readership NADbank® The Face of Edmonton Reaching Albertans 132,000 15% Reach Sunday 255,700 28% Reach 157,000 17% Reach Last Week 497,400 55% Reach 366,700 41% Reach 0 100,000 200,000 Edmonton Journal 300,000 400,000 500,000 Readers Duplicate Audience 64,500 • 71% of all local weekday newspaper readers, are Edmonton Journal readers. • 55% of all local daily newspaper readers, are exclusive Edmonton Journal readers. Source: NADbank® 08/09 Base 902,900 Edmonton area adults Edmonton Sun Exclusive Choice: Share of Average Weekday Audience The Edmonton Journal is the exclusive choice of Edmontonians. That’s 286,200 potential buyers of your product or service reading the Edmonton Journal today. During the course of a week, 497,400 metro Edmonton adults will turn to the Edmonton Journal at least once to satisfy their information needs. 5 % of Edm 5 o n local ne ton area wspape r reader s. 16% 29% If you advert ’re not is Edmon ing in the ton Jou rna you’re missing l, 55% 22% Married/Living Together Single Other 13% MARITAL STATUS 18% EDUCATION 69% Post Secondary Grad or Higher Some Post Secondary High School Grad Some High School or Less 9% 21% 53% 30% Source: NADbank® 08/09 Base: 401,200 Edmonton area local weekday newspaper readers Exclusive Edmonton Journal 221,700 OCCUPATION Own Rent 91% 14% 9% 23% 14% Professionals/Other White Collar Senior/Other Mgmt. Blue Collar Clerical/Admin/Bus. Support/Arts Source: NADbank® 08/09 Base:286,200 Edmonton area adults – weekday readers. Total may not equal 100 due to rounding. CIRCULATION HOME SUBSCRIBERS With the largest circulation of any daily print publication in northern Alberta, our readers are loyal and value the Edmonton Journal brand to deliver trusted news and advertising. The Edmonton Journal is delivered to approximately 87,532 homes every weekday morning….that’s 70% of our total circulation going to those who have chosen to make the Journal a part of their daily routine. 90,000 80,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 Exclusive Sun 115,000 8% HOUSEHOLD TENURE 26,361 284,100 32% Reach 15% 41% Men Women 89,245 Saturday 14% 19,391 The Edmonton Journal reaches 32% of all Edmonton area adults on an average weekday. 179,600 20% Reach < $30,000 $30,000-$49,999 $50,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000+ 8% 49% 51% 89,351 Weekday 286,200 32% Reach 25% GENDER 17,065 HOUSEHOLD INCOME 31% 87,532 Readership: The Edmonton Journal — powerful every day of the week. 24% 18 to 34 35 to 49 50 to 64 65+ 76,147 Source: NADbank® 08/09 — 286,200 weekday readers in the CMA Source: Journal circulation — 64,229 readers outside the CMA based on 3.33 readers per copy 20% 120,742 re Edmonto ad the n Jou each wee rnal kday. AGE 57,177 350,429 Albertans 126,576 Edmonton 61,438 • Outside the CMA, an additional 64,229 adults read the Edmonton Journal. While providing strong reach to all demographic groups, both the Edmonton Journal and demonstrate exceptional strength in reaching adults who are well-educated and high-income earners. 125,589 • Each weekday, 286,200 adults in the Edmonton CMA read the Edmonton Journal. demographic profile Readership: 10,000 0 0 Journal: Sun: Journal: Sun: Journal: Monday- Monday- Saturday* Saturday** Sunday* Friday Friday Avg* Avg** Sun: Sunday** * Edmonton Journal - Audit Bureau of Circulations for the six months ending March 31, 2009; Average Total Paid Circulation ** Edmonton Sun - Canadian Circulations Audit Board for the 12 months ending December 2008, copies sold at less than 50% of basic price excluded Journal: MondayFriday Avg* Sun: Journal: Sun: Journal: Sun: Monday- Saturday* Saturday** Sunday* Sunday** Friday Avg** * Edmonton Journal - Audit Bureau of Circulations for the six months ending March 31, 2009; Average Total Paid Circulation ** Edmonton Sun - Canadian Circulations Audit Board for the 12 months ending December 2008, copies sold at more than 50% of basic price.
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