March 2015 Reporter - River Run Naperville Homeowners Association
March 2015 Reporter - River Run Naperville Homeowners Association
Reporter From the Homeowners Association Board of Directors By Curt Vondrasek ~ Director RRHOA Board March 2015 Upcoming Events Hello River Run Neighbors, Mrch 22 - Raptors Swim Team t is March and that means it is almost time for Spring Break. Hopefully you and your family are going somewhere warm this year to get away from all this snow! With Spring around the corner, the landscapers will be out soon working on the berms and the neighborhood entryways. The landscaping committee has made some good choice for flowers for the entrances. Stay tuned to see those. Around this time of year many of us start thinking about new projects to do around the house. While these are encouraged, please keep in mind the need to get architectural approval (if necessary) and also not to let contractors place their advertising signs in your yard. You should have received a notice about this recently in the mail from our Property Manager, Rowell. The Architectural Improvement/ Modification Application form can be found on page 8 in this newsletter. Last, but not least, I also wanted to remind you of the River Run Website There you will find updates on things like upcoming calendar events, School District 204 and city of Naperville news. Check it out and let the board know if you have any ideas of things to add to it. I and Water Polo Sign-up - 123pm - River Run Clubhouse INSIDE THIS ISSUE Board Directory ....................3 Cuisine for a Cause ..............4 Your Health & You ..............5 Pet Tales................................6 Voting Registration ..............7 Architectural Form ..............8 Directory Form ....................9 River Run Club News ........26 Aerobics Schedule ..............27 Raptors Swim/Polo Team ..27 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 2 The River Run Reporter March 2015 March 2015 3 The River Run Reporter INFORMATION GUIDE RRHOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS BLOCK CAPTAIN REPRESENTATIVES President Kamala Martinez 904-5610 Vice Pres Jim Dorociak 904-5424 Treasurer Tony Smith 853-9153 Secretary Rob Gelb 579-3334 Director Curt Vondrasek Director Tammara Williams 922-6168 Director Gene Geekie 204-2119 River Run Committees Landscape Board Liaison Tammara Williams 922-6168 Architectural Review Board Liaison Curt Vondrasek SEND ALL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW FORMS TO OUR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANY ROWELL, INC. Neighborhood Watch Juanita Cobb Directory Alisa Guthrie Ariel Court Hilary Lehman Baybrook Court Jim Sovik 904-6220 Baybrook Lane Joi Boudreau 922-1279 Camelot Circle Debbie Walde 904-4626 Clearwater Lane Cheryl Bonk 983-5949 Clearwater Lane Laurah Georgi 904-7247 Colton Circle Deb Gronowski 904-8293 Colton Circle Kathi Molloy 904-6787 Delaware Court Sherri Holquist 904-1797 Diamond Court Charlene Klein 904-5623 Dublin Drive Alice Goodman 904-7212 Emporia Court Kim Haumann 922-3631 Esquire Circle Cathy Hopkins 904-9386 Falkner Drive Diane Hiss 922-5810 Halifax Court Sue Duncan 355-5275 Manydown Court Stephanie Gathe 922-1030 Milford Court Jim Haviley 904-1968 Princess Circle Leanne Pastene 904-1756 Richwood Court Maureen Blohm 904-9650 Robert Lane Patricia Luster 904-0156 Sebastian Drive Tiffany Howell 854-0401 Vincent Court Linda Pula 904-7852 Wicklow Road VACANT BLOCK CAPTAIN CO-ORDINATOR Alisa Guthrie S.H.O.W. Delegates Kamala Martinez Naperville Homeowners Jim Dorociak 857-3905 904-5610 904-5424 Confederation Delegate All newsletter articles and notices are to be submitted by email to Jan Foster at BY THE 15TH OF THE MONTH FOR THE NEXT MONTH’S ISSUE River Run Raptors Franz Weyandt - President John Deyoung - Vice President COMMERCIAL DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEADLINE 15th of each month Kelly Firnett - Secretary Chris LeShock - Treasurer Management Rowell, Inc. Tom Hable 2587 Millenium Drive, Suite H Elgin, IL 60124 847-991-6000 Ext. 6762 • Fax 847-991-6122 E-mail: Please direct any property management business questions to 847-991-6000. Jan Foster Preferred Business Services, Inc. 971 Waterside Court, Aurora, IL 60502 630‑585‑9340 Fax 630‑585‑8232 Email: “Publication of paid advertisements in the Association’s newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation of any advertised product or service. The Association is not responsible nor liable for the content of any advertisement published, here.” 4 The River Run Reporter March 2015 March 2015 5 The River Run Reporter Your Health and... You By Patty Minta, Nutrition Specialist TEEN Nutrition W e hear in the news how obesity in our youth is reaching epidemic status. According to the CDC, in 2012, nearly 33% of adolescents (ages 12-19) were overweight or obese. Many of our teens do not have a weight problem, but may have a nutrition problem. Regardless of which category our teens fall into, the goals for their nutritional health are the same as ours, but they can have some unique needs such as rapid hormonal changes, growth spurts and intense physical and mental activities that can be helped or harmed by good nutrition. Mood swings and depression have been linked to high sugar type of diets. When any of us eat large amount of simple carbohydrates like sweets, soda, etc., we can cause imbalances in our body and create mood issues and even depressive difficulties. Add to that rapid hormonal swings due to puberty and growth spurts and our teens can have an even harder time. Complex carbohydrates such as lots of veggies, whole fruits, whole grains and legumes help keep our blood sugar stable and can help to keep our hormones in the proper progression. Growth spurts are another factor that adults don’t face, and adolescents can see the most rapid ones. Their bodies need more calories, for sure, but the right calories to feed their rapid muscle and bone growth. Good, lean protein sources (avoid the fried options whenever possible) and complex carbohydrates are key for teens as they grow and change. Many of our teens are the most active athletically in their life during the teen years. Most of them will play sports in high school, at a pretty intense level, and may not play in college. Learning how to eat for athletic needs is important for when they perform now and also how to change their eating patterns when they are not playing those sports any longer. Complex carbohydrates from whole food sources, lean protein and hydration are important for athletes, with larger portions based on the intensity of their sport. For example, cross-country and track will need more calories because they burn more calories than softball or baseball players. Muscle building is intense for many of our teens in their sports during adolescence, but don’t allow them to over do it on large amounts of protein shakes and powders. There is certainly an increased need for both protein and good carbohydrates, but too much protein can be harmful. Consult a sport nutritionist for the best plan for your athlete and don’t let them rely solely on their coach or their buddies for the best advice. Mental energy is intense in the teen years, as well. High school classes are designed to up the ante to get our kids ready for college, and they need to be mentally sharp and focused. Sugary foods are not great choices for our brain focus either. All in all, our teens need to learn to make good choices. Snacking on whole grain type of snack bars, whole fruits, packs of veggies and avoiding fast food restaurants are key to laying a good foundation for the adult years and preventing illness and disease. Our body responds to cumulative efforts on our part, whether good or bad. Make good nutrition a focus for your whole family and the benefits will accumulate in all areas of life. 6 March 2015 The River Run Reporter Pet Tales WHO RESCUED WHO? By the Naperville Area Humane Society Children’s Parties he Naperville Area Humane Society offers funfilled twohour parties for children 6 years old and up. It all starts with an educational talk and a behindthescenes shelter tour. The humane educator will help you with game and craft suggestions. The children will be able to take photos and interact with our shelter animals, dependent on appropriate animals being available and comfort level/behavior of the party guests. A suggested minimum donation of $75 includes: services of a party coordinator, educational talk and shelter tour, animal interaction time, and a special gift for the birthday child. Cake and paper products are not supplied by NAHS. You are welcome to bring pizza, goodies, drinks, T decorations, etc. at your own expense. New for this year is our partnership with Two Bostons Pet Boutique and Gourmet Bakery! Now the birthday child can register at any one of the Two Bostons locations. With every purchase, Two Bostons will donate a toy. They even provide invitations and gift wrapping! Party date availability varies. Please note, weekends and evenings are not offered. Space is limited to 15 children and adults maximum. Schedule your party today by contacting Terri Hancock, humane education manager, at 630 4208989 x117 or via email at Call to schedule your child’s birthday party today at 630-420-8989 x117. [|AAA\ËÅ `tå|Çx4 With the way I look and act you would never guess I'm 11 years old. I'm very playful and I especially love soft, squeaky toys (though I'm sure you can tell by my picture). I am nervous around new people, and it takes me a while to get comfortable. Once I know you though I'm all about the attention. I do need to be the only pet in the home and children should be older and have experience with dogs. Stop by the shelter and say hi soon! P.S. Since I am an older gal, my adoption fee is waived! March 2015 7 The River Run Reporter Voting and Voter Registration OATMEAL, HONEY 'N NUT WAFFLES Batter Up! March 25 is International Waffle Day! Early Voting will begin on March 23 and run through April 4, 2015 If you don't prepare waffles on a regular basis, now's the time to seriously consider making them. ELECTION DAY IS TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 This recipe makes 8. Extras can be frozen and re-crisped in your toaster. For information about grace periods and late-registration voting, contact the Will County Election Commission at 815-740-4615. 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 1/2 or 2 cups milk 1/4 cup butter, melted 2 tablespoons honey 1 cup quick-cooking oats 1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans Early Voting Hours Will County Voting will be held at the City Clerk’s Office: Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, March 27, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. (extended hours) Saturday, March 28, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sunday, March 29, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday, April 4, 9 a.m. - Noon Voter Registration Voter Registration ends on March 10, 2015 To register to vote you must produce two pieces of identification one of which must be a photo ID and the other must show your current address. Voters must re-register if they move within the county or have a legal change of name such as a marriage. Naperville City Clerk’s Office 400 S. Eagle Street, Naperville, IL 60540 630-305-5300 Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Will County Clerk’s Office 302 N. Chicago Street, Joliet, IL 60432 815-740-4615 | Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Absentee Ballots Absentee ballots are available from the County only. Polling Place If you have questions, contact the County Clerk's Office at 815-740-4615. Polling places will be open from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Preheat the waffle iron. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, oats and salt. In a smaller bowl, whisk eggs, milk, butter and honey; stir into dry ingredients and mix. Fold in nuts. Pour batter into center of the waffle iron. Close lid and bake until waffle is golden brown. If the batter seems runny or thin, let it sit for 5-10 minutes before putting on the iron; it will thicken to the right consistency. Top waffles with warm syrup or fresh fruit/jam with whipped cream or yogurt. 8 The River Run Reporter Architectural Improvement/Modification Application March 2015 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club March 2015 The River Run Reporter COMPLETE THIS FORM IF YOU ARE A NEW RESIDENT OR CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE IN THE RIVER RUN DIRECTORY. Please complete this form if you have ____ changes to the directory or you are a ____ new resident of River Run. NAME: ____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________ PHONE NO: ______________________________ FAX NO: ________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________ DATE OF MOVE-IN: ____________ Children’s Names __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Birthdates __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Youth Services (List babysitting, pet sitting, yard work, etc.) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Return this form to Alisa Guthrie, 4307 Esquire Circle, Naperville, IL 60564 or email information to 9 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 10 The River Run Reporter March 2015 • Wisdom teeth removal • General anesthesia • Dental implants, bone grafting • All on four “teeth in one day” • Oral biopsies • Orthodontic extractions and bonding impacted teeth • Hundreds of patient testimonials available • Over 30,000 successful surgeries performed • Special 10% off courtesy rates for River Run residents on all oral surgery procedures Bolingbrook Center 160 E. Boughton Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 (630) 759-8940 Greenbriar Center 6800 Main Street, Suite 315 Downers Grove, IL 60516 (630) 969-5350 Lombard Center 2 E. 22nd St. Lombard, IL 60148 (630) 627-4680 Wheaton Center 55 E. Loop Rd. Wheaton, IL 60187 (630) 653-8899 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club March 2015 The River Run Reporter 11 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 12 The River Run Reporter Windows • Screens • Chandeliers Mirrors • Ceiling Fans • Fixtures FREE Estimates Over 40 Years Experience Giving you a better outlook on life! 630-305-9571 ~ Doug Esmon, Owner Preferred Painting & Decorating, Inc. Interior Painting - 1 Year Guarantee Exterior Painting - 5 Year Guarantee 25 Years in Business Extensive References in Your Subdivision 630-440-6248 PLEASE REFER YOUR FAVORITE CONTRACTOR, RESTAURANT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS TO ADVERTISE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER! WHEN YOU CAN, PLEASE SUPPORT THESE PARTNERS WHO MAKE THIS NEWSLETTER FREE OF CHARGE. March 2015 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club March 2015 The River Run Reporter Business Experience ê Community Leader ê Consensus Builder ü Planning and Zoning Commissioner, City of Naperville ü Board of Directors, Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce ü Business Attorney, Nyberg & Cassioppi, LLC Learn About Kevin’s Platform, Endorsements and Upcoming Events by Visiting our Website P A I D FO R BY C I T I Z E N S T O E L EC T K E V I N COY N E 13 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 14 The River Run Reporter March 2015 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club March 2015 The River Run Reporter 15 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 16 The River Run Reporter March 2015 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club March 2015 The River Run Reporter 17 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 18 The River Run Reporter March 2015 J & J Painting of Naperville, Inc. “A house is an investment that no one wants ruined by a bad paint job.” • Exterior painting and staining • Interior painting • Only top of the line products used • Fully insured • Reference available - “Past jobs speak for themselves!” • Group rates Start scheduling your exterior painting now! “NO ONE will beat our job quality!” CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 630-551-7302 Kingston Builders, Inc. We specialize in all aspects of new construction and remodeling. • • • • Room Additions Kitchens Decks Basements • • • • Bathrooms Interior Trim Exterior Trim Guaranteed Work Call JAY SCHMIDT for a FREE Estimate 630-327-9735 Email: Proven & Trusted Experts in Painting.™ • Residential • Commercial • Interior Painting • Exterior Painting • 2-Story Rooms • Cedar Siding Specialist Call today to schedule your free estimate 630-541-9055 or schedule online at Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club March 2015 19 The River Run Reporter & Associates, CPA’s Accountants & Consultants Voted “Best of Naperville” 6th Year in a Row PLAN AHEAD FOR SPRING! Naperville • 630.416.8998 • Innovative designs by registered Landscape Architects. Family owned in Naperville for 29 years! • Individual and Business taxes • Taxes prepared by experienced CPA’s & EA’s • Tax Planning & Strategy • IRS and State Audit Representation • Competitive and reasonable rates Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 20 The River Run Reporter March 2015 Effective Affordable Health Care • • • • State of the art complex Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians Rehabilitation Specialists & Licenced Massage Therapists Offering treatment, education and prevention programs for professional and amateur athletes • Personalized optimization plans created just for you • Certified acupuncturist for sports, stop smoking and weight loss • Affordable care plans available All national health care plans include chiropractic coverage 2712 Forgue Drive, Suite 100 • Naperville, IL 60564 630.922.7777 6454 S. College Rd. • Lisle, IL 60532 630.357.BACK (2225) Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club March 2015 The River Run Reporter 21 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 22 The River Run Reporter March 2015 SUTFIN MECHANICAL • Furnaces • Air Conditioning • Water Heaters • Humidifiers • Air Cleaners • Boilers • Heat Pumps • UV Lights • Thermostats • Maintenance Plans Family owned and operated by a Naperville resident. Scan or Visit Sutfin for cost-saving coupons! 630-778-6100 FREE Tooth Whitening With NEW patient exam. New patients only. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 12/31/15 Dr. John W. Milgram FREE Valedictorian of his 1999 Northwestern Dental School Class Orthodontic Consult New patients only. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 12/31/15 HOURS Mon & Tues 12pm to 9pm Wed thru Fri 9am to 5pm 248th St. Rt.59 95th Street Implant & Crown $2,900 103rd Street Not valid with any other offer. Expires 12/31/15 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club March 2015 The River Run Reporter 23 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 24 The River Run Reporter March 2015 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club March 2015 The River Run Reporter 25 26 March 2015 The River Run Reporter River Run Club... “A private, social, recreational and fitness club.” Board Manager’s Corner pring is right around the corner and we are looking forward to warm weather and more activities with friends and family at the River Run Club. It is still cold outside, but we are thinking spring and summer at the clubhouse. We are pleased Chris Warner will be returning as Tennis Director for the 2014 tennis season. If you have not participated in the tennis program before, now is the time to check it out and get involved. Look for information regarding tennis registration night. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and receive all information for the upcoming spring tennis program. You can also sign up for teams, clinics and private lessons. If you are considering tennis and a beginner Chris can provide you with a program that will fit your individual needs. Contact information for S Chris Warner River Run Raptors are gearing up for another great season with additional swim clinics this winter. The Raptors offer opportunities with both swim and water polo teams. If you are new to River Run Club this is a great way to enhance your swimming skills while making new friends. The whole family can benefit from the River Run Raptors as they have a very exciting social calendar for all to enjoy. For more information, visit the Raptor Website Mark your calendar Raptor sign-up will be held on Sunday, March 22 from 12:00 3:00 p.m. We appreciate your membership and together we can keep the River Run Club an exciting and enjoyable place for you and your family! CLUBHOUSE HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. RIVER RUN CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jose Martinez Jeff Algrem Tony Smith Michael Piggot President Vice President Treasurer Secretary 630-904-5610 630-355-1435 630-904-5116 630-428-0364 RIVER RUN CLUB General Manager • 630-904-1494 X10 4204 Clearwater Lane • Naperville, IL 60564 630-904-1494 • Fax 630-904-1498 March 2015 27 The River Run Reporter March Aerobics Schedule Tabata – Cardio/Strength, interval training. High intensity Tone & Tighten – A full hour of various exercises to shape the whole body while burning fat! Athletic Yoga – Stationary cycling designed to challenge your cardio * sculpts your legs. Yoga designed to lengthen & stretch the muscles used in cycling. Cardio/Strength – Stationary cycling giving a great cardiovascular workout with little or no impact on the joints. Body toning using a variety of weights & or flex balls concludes with abdominal & lower back work and finished with relaxing stretch. Raptors Summer Swim Team and Water Polo Try on your swimsuit, stretch out that swim cap and make sure your goggles still fit. The 2015 swim season is just around the corner! With the outside temperature of 1 degree F and even colder weather on the way, it is hard to believe that sign-ups for the River Run Raptor Swim Team are here. Whether you are a swim team veteran or a new family to the team, please come and join us on March 22 at the River Run Clubhouse from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. You can register your children for the team, meet our awesome coaches, peruse and order Raptor spirit wear, see pictures and videos of last year’s team, and of course, ask questions about the Naperville Swim Conference and the Raptors. After you do all these things, we’re sure you’ll have an appetite, so we’ll have pizza and lemonade for the whole family. All the coaches are looking forward to seeing all our former swimmers and their parents, and of course, we can’t wait to meet all the new swimmers and parents for the 2015 Raptor Team. Go Raptors! Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 28 March 2015 The River Run Reporter Trust Your Neighborhood Handyman Harris Handyman Licensed and Bonded 630-841-8292 Fax 630-904-6302 Charlie Harris Plumbing • Electrical• Woodworking No job too small! TO ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER GO TO PBSPUBLICATIONS.COM River Run Homeowners Association 4204 Clearwater Lane Naperville, IL 60564 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Fox Valley, IL 60599 Permit No. 386 TIME VALUE MAIL ~ DO NOT DELAY
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