January 2016 Reporter
January 2016 Reporter
Reporter From the Homeowners Association Board of Directors HAPPY NEW YEAR! ur winter holidays are over and I hope everyone had enjoyable celebrations and those fortunate enough to get away had nice travels. As I write this letter, we are experiencing our first winter storm. Let’s hope this is not a sign that the unseasonably warm weather is coming to an end. Please be careful while driving through the neighborhood. Watch your speed as roads can be slippery and children as they play or walk to and from the bus are frequently not cognizant of moving vehicles. Remind your teenage drivers also. Please shovel your sidewalks to maintain a safe path for our children and neighborhood walkers. River Run needs additional volunteers to run the River Run Homeowners Association Board. We need conscientious homeowners to make sure River Run continues to be a wonderful neighborhood. Please consider stepping up and protecting the best interests of our neighborhood. The RRHOA typically holds 9 to 10 meetings per year. Reach out to any existing board member if you would like additional information. A nomination form is included in this edition of the River Run Reporter on page 5. They are due no later than January 22, 2016. As our focus will turn towards spring and summer projects, remember that ARC forms must be completed and approved according to RRHOA guidelines for all exterior projects, including painting and new roof shingles. Fines are imposed for not turning in an ARC form before starting projects. The ARC form can be found on page 7 in this newsletter. Our next Homeowners Association Board meeting will be held at the River Run Clubhouse on Monday, January 18 at 6:30 p.m. All residents are invited to attend. O January 2016 Upcoming Events Jan 18 - RRHOA Board Meeting - 6:30pm Clubhouse Jan 19 - River Run Club Equity Membership Meeting 7pm - Clubhouse | River Room Jan 22 - RRHOA Nomination Form Due Jan 29 - Texas Hold-em Poker Tournament - 7pm Clubhouse | River Room Mar 1 - RRHOA Annual Meeting INSIDE THIS ISSUE New Year’s Revolution ........2 Board Directory ....................3 Naperville Garden Club........4 Nomination Form RRHOA..5 River Run Directory Form ..6 Dogs on Leashes....................6 In closing “As always go ARC forms!” Rudy Paolucci | Director-RRHOA ARC Form ............................7 River Run Club News ........21 riverrunnaperville.org Activity Calendar................22 2 January 2016 The River Run Reporter New YEAR’S Revolution A humorous look at life by British journalist Hilary Decent ow many years have you resolved to Halloween candy stored at the back of your pantry lose weight, eat healthier and exercise where no one else knows where it is. If you happen more in January only to give up by to have put on more than 10 lbs. by New Year’s Eve H February? Demoralizing, right? Well don’t worry all I can say is well done you for over achieving! because this year I have the answer. Come up with resolutions you know you can succeed at! To make 2. Eat Healthy Foods. things easier for you this month I’m sharing my definitive list. You’re welcome. There is no excuse not to eat fruit and vegetables, but it is so much easier if they are not the only foods 1. Gain 10 lbs. By the End of the Year. you are eating. So until someone comes up with a delicious recipe for Death by Lettuce cake or Sticky Alfalfa Sprout Pudding, I suggest This is not as easy as it sounds. If you approach this too you have a healthy portion of chocolate after every salad. This rigorously, you might end will not only make it easier to piling on 100 lbs. So here’s succeed in eating healthy what you do. Everyone is food but will go a long motivated to lose weight way to helping you in January so make that achieve resolution number the month to lose seven one. pounds. In February add one after a chocoliscious 3. Join a Gym. Valentine’s Day. Add another three over Easter, but lose four so you are bikini ready before your summer vacation. By bikini ready, I obviously mean ready to look jealously at those This is much easier than trying to gain 10 lbs., however, much fun that sounds. There are plenty of deals in January, so join then. Pick whichever one gorgeous young beach babes, not wear one yourself. you like. It doesn’t have to be close by or even in You can easily add a good five pounds on vacation, Illinois because note it the resolution is “join a gym”, eight if it’s a cruise. If you’re on track by October you it doesn’t say anything about actually going. Joining should easily be nine pounds up. All those pumpkin a gym is its own reward. You’ll feel great that you’ve spiced lattes might send you over the limit so it’s done something positive and they’ll be no guilt when probably best to eat nothing at all between you don’t turn up because you never intended to! Thanksgiving and Christmas, apart from left over January 2016 3 The River Run Reporter INFORMATION GUIDE RRHOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS BLOCK CAPTAIN REPRESENTATIVES President Kamala Martinez kamala.l.martinez@rrd.com 630-904-5610 Treasurer Jim Dorociak jdoro4324@gmail.com 630-904-5424 Ariel Court Hilary Lehman 857-3905 Baybrook Court Jim Sovik 904-6220 Vice Pres. Tammara Williams spw1996@aol.com 630-922-6168 Baybrook Lane Joi Boudreau 922-1279 Secretary Gene Geekie 630-204-2119 Camelot Circle Michele Warbiany 334-5141 630-904-3584 Clearwater Lane Cheryl Bonk 983-5949 egeekie@arnstein.com Director Rudy Paolucci Director Jane Donahue Clearwater Lane Laurah Georgi 904-7247 VACANT Colton Circle Deb Gronowski 904-8293 Colton Circle Kathi Molloy 904-6787 Delaware Court Sherri Holquist 904-1797 Diamond Court Charlene Klein 904-5623 Dublin Drive Alice Goodman 904-7212 Emporia Court Kim Haumann 922-3631 Esquire Circle Cathy Hopkins 904-9386 Falkner Drive Diane Hiss 922-5810 Halifax Court Sue Duncan 355-5275 Director River Run Committees Landscape Board Liaison Tammara Williams 922-6168 Architectural Review Manydown Court Stephanie Gathe 922-1030 Board Liaison Milford Court Jim Haviley 904-1968 SEND ALL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW FORMS TO OUR PROPERTY Princess Circle Leanne Pastene 904-1756 Richwood Court Maureen Blohm 904-9650 Robert Lane Patricia Luster 904-0156 Sebastian Drive Tiffany Howell 854-0401 Vincent Court Linda Pula 904-7852 Wicklow Road VACANT MANAGEMENT COMPANY ROWELL, INC. Neighborhood Watch Juanita Cobb river_runwatch@hotmail.com Directory Alisa Guthrie alisaguthrie@comcast.net BLOCK CAPTAIN CO-ORDINATOR Alisa Guthrie S.H.O.W. Delegates Kamala Martinez Naperville Homeowners Jim Dorociak alisaguthrie@comcast.net 904-5610 904-5424 Confederation Delegate All newsletter articles and notices are to be submitted by email to Jan Foster at fosterpbs@msn.com BY THE 15TH OF THE MONTH FOR THE NEXT MONTH’S ISSUE River Run Raptors Franz Weyandt - President John Deyoung - Vice President COMMERCIAL DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEADLINE 15th of each month Kelly Firnett - Secretary Chris LeShock - Treasurer Property Management Rowell, Inc. Brian Brooks 2587 Millenium Drive, Suite H Elgin, IL 60124 847-991-6000 Ext. 6762 • Fax 847-991-6122 E-mail: brian@rowellmanagement.com Please direct any property management business questions to 847-991-6000 Ext. 6762. Jan Foster Preferred Business Services, Inc. 971 Waterside Court, Aurora, IL 60502 630‑585‑9340 Fax 630‑585‑8232 Email: fosterpbs@msn.com www.pbspublications.com “Publication of paid advertisements in the Association’s newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation of any advertised product or service. The Association is not responsible nor liable for the content of any advertisement published, here.” 4 The River Run Reporter January 2016 A NEW Tradition is in its Second Year! Naperville Garden Cl ub By Marilyn Krueger | Naperville Garden Club unique floral arrangement. bringing several of her ast January, our Space is limited, so be sure students to help and all of the program to get your reservation in on materials, too! She is chairperson Patty providing everything needed- time! Boyd decided to offer Paid reservations of $14 is the container, the flowers, the something new to the payable to the Naperville greens, etc.! members and guests of the Garden Club and is due by All we/you need to bring Naperville Garden Club. As are floral clippers and a bag to Tuesday, January 19 to: talented and experienced Deb Tritt wrap it in to take it home. floral designer, Patty is well 4143 Royal Mews Circle qualified to teach and in this Naperville, IL 60564-7176 lesson she showed us how to debtritt@comcast.net make a small floral design The Naperville that fits inside any of Garden Club meets our famous Cup of at Bobak’s Signature Cheer teacups. We Events and learned what Conference type of floral Center at Seven foam to use, how January 27, 2016 Bridges, 6440 to cut the foam 8:45 a.m. Double Eagle to fit into the Bobak’s Signature Events and Drive, teacup and where Conference Center at Seven Bridges Woodridge, IL to place the 6440 Double Eagle Drive 60517. flowers and Woodridge, IL 60517 Registration and greens to make a refreshments at darling floral Cost $14.00 8:45 a.m., arrangement. RSVP by 1/19/16 to Deb Tritt, business meeting That meeting was 4143 Royal Mews Circle, Naperville, at 9:15 a.m., followed such a success that IL 60564 or debtritt@comcast.net by the program. the club decided to This is a great way offer a hands-on to experience the floral design Naperville Garden Club and workshop again this $14 is the cost of our year, changing it a bit. meetings, so this month, not So, on Wednesday, only do you enjoy the January 27, 2016, Patty has If you don’t have clippers, morning, but you take home a arranged for Janet Gallagher, free arrangement! For more don’t worry. Our members floral design instructor at information, visit our website are willing to share. Kishwaukee College, to come napervillegardenclub.org and Come and learn floral to teach us (and you) how to like us on Facebook. techniques and take home a make a floral design. Janet is L Floral Design Lesson Thank you to those of you that attended our recent Cup of Cheer House Walk, Holiday Market and Tea! The weather was beautiful and we hope you enjoyed the beautiful houses, the shopping and the cookies! January 2016 The River Run Reporter 5 6 The River Run Reporter City of Naperville owned or kept by him to run at large within the city. Dogs or cats which are on any street, alley or sidewalk or any other public place without being held securely on a leash shall be deemed to be running at large. It shall be unlawful to permit any dog or cat to run at large on the property of anyone but the owner thereof without the permission of the owner of the aforementioned property. 10-4-5-3: Running At Large 10-4-5-4: Public Nuisance No person shall cause or permit any dog, cat or other animal 1. It is unlawful for any owner to fail to exercise proper care and Dogs on Leashes Reminder Dogs are not allowed to be off their leashes per the Naperville city ordinance included below. If you see this happening, please report it to Animal Control at 630305-5996. January 2016 control of his animals to prevent them from becoming a public nuisance. 2. Any dog or cat which habitually barks, howls, yelps, cries or runs at large so as to disrupt the peace and quiet of the neighborhood or as to materially disturb or annoy persons in the neighborhood is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. January 2016 The River Run Reporter Architectural Improvement/Modification Application 7 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 8 The River Run Reporter January 2016 Kingston Builders, Inc. We specialize in all aspects of new construction and remodeling. • • • • Room Additions Kitchens Decks Basements • • • • Bathrooms Interior Trim Exterior Trim Guaranteed Work Call JAY SCHMIDT for a FREE Estimate 630-327-9735 Proven & Trusted Experts in Painting.™ • Residential • Commercial • Interior Painting • Exterior Painting • 2-Story Rooms • Cedar Siding Specialist Email: kingstonbuilders@aol.com www.kingstonbuildersinc.com Call today to schedule your free estimate 630-541-9055 or schedule online at certapro.com/schedule J & J Painting River Run Residents! of Naperville, Inc. “A house is an investment that no one wants ruined by a bad paint job.” • Exterior painting and staining • Interior painting • Only top of the line products used • Fully insured • Reference available - “Past jobs speak for themselves!” • Group rates Start scheduling your exterior painting now! “NO ONE will beat our job quality!” CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 630-551-7302 THANK YOU FOR REFERRING YOUR FAVORITE CONTRACTOR, RESTAURANT, AND PLACE OF BUSINESS TO ADVERTISE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER. PLEASE SUPPORT THEM WHEN YOU CAN. THEY MAKE THIS NEWSLETTER FREE OF CHARGE TO YOU AND YOUR ASSOCIATION. jx _Éäx bâÜ TwäxÜà|áxÜá4 630-585-9340 www.pbspublications.com Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club January 2016 9 The River Run Reporter Your Local Listing Agent aÉuÉwç áxÄÄá t ax|z{uÉÜ{ÉÉw Ä|~x t ax|z{uÉÜ Terri Christian Broker Certified Relocation Specialist River Run Resident Terri.Christian@CBExchange.com 630-244-2281 CONTACT ME for a Market Evaluation and Comprehensive Marketing Plan 967 W. 75th Street • Naperville, IL 60564 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 10 The River Run Reporter January 2016 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club January 2016 11 The River Run Reporter • Wisdom teeth removal • General anesthesia • Dental implants, bone grafting • All on four “teeth in one day” • Oral biopsies • Orthodontic extractions and bonding impacted teeth • Hundreds of patient testimonials available • Over 30,000 successful surgeries performed • Special 10% off courtesy rates for River Run residents on all oral surgery procedures www.grovedental.com Bolingbrook Center 160 E. Boughton Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 (630) 759-8940 Greenbriar Center 6800 Main Street, Suite 315 Downers Grove, IL 60516 (630) 969-5350 Lombard Center 2 E. 22nd St. Lombard, IL 60148 (630) 627-4680 Wheaton Center 55 E. Loop Rd. Wheaton, IL 60187 (630) 653-8899 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 12 The River Run Reporter January 2016 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club January 2016 The River Run Reporter 13 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 14 The River Run Reporter January 2016 FREE Tooth Whitening With NEW patient exam. New patients only. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 12/31/16 Dr. John W. Milgram FREE Valedictorian of his 1999 Northwestern Dental School Class Orthodontic Consult New patients only. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 12/31/16 HOURS Mon & Tues 12pm to 9pm Wed thru Fri 9am to 5pm 248th St. Rt.59 95th Street Implant & Crown $2,900 103rd Street Not valid with any other offer. Expires 12/31/16 SUTFIN MECHANICAL • Furnaces • Air Conditioning • Water Heaters • Humidifiers • Air Cleaners • Boilers • Heat Pumps • UV Lights • Thermostats • Maintenance Plans Family owned and operated by a Naperville resident. 630-778-6100 Scan or Visit Sutfin Mechanical.com for cost-saving coupons! Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club January 2016 The River Run Reporter Trust Your Neighborhood Handyman Harris Handyman Licensed and Bonded 630-841-8292 Fax 630-904-6302 Charlie Harris riverrunhandyman@yahoo.com www.harrishandymanservice.com Plumbing • Electrical• Woodworking No job too small! 15 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 16 The River Run Reporter January 2016 j{|àx XtzÄx Family Dentistry 630-978-9005 1315 Macom Drive • Suite 201 Naperville, IL 60564 www.whiteeaglefamilydentistry.com Professional strength Crest White strips ($75 value) For new patients only with x-rays, exam, and cleaning. Present this ad at the time of appointment. Expires 3.30.2016 Joon Sun DMD, MPH Kirk E. Tiner D.D.S. Graduate of Harvard School of Dental Medicine Graduate of Harvard School of Public Health Over 26 years of experience Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School Graduate of Northwestern University Resident Program Over 25 Years Experience Member: American Dental Association, Illinois State Dental Society, Chicago Dental Society, International Association of Orthodontics, Christian Dental Society, International Congress of Oral Implantology preventive • cosmetic restorative • braces • Invisalign • root canals oral surgery • perio treatment • implant • dentures • bleaching Effective Affordable Health Care • • • • State of the art complex Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians Rehabilitation Specialists & Licenced Massage Therapists Offering treatment, education and prevention programs for professional and amateur athletes • Personalized optimization plans created just for you • Certified acupuncturist for sports, stop smoking and weight loss • Affordable care plans available All national health care plans include chiropractic coverage 2712 Forgue Drive, Suite 100 • Naperville, IL 60564 630.922.7777 6454 S. College Rd. • Lisle, IL 60532 630.357.BACK (2225) www.whitneydc.com Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club January 2016 The River Run Reporter 17 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 18 The River Run Reporter FF $50irO t s Visit Youwr PFatients Only “We’re BIG on small smiles!” Ne Kurt A. Wagner, D.D.S., Ltd. Pediatric Dentistry • Board Certified • Birth Through College Age • Every Child Should Have a Check-up by their 1st Birthday • State-of-the-Art Equipment and Digital X-Rays • Treatment of Patients with Special Needs • Early Recognition & Interceptive Orthodontics • Offering Nitrous Oxide, Conscious Sedation and Hospital Dentistry • Surgical Staff at Edward Hospital • Serving Naperville for Over 20 Years 47 E. Chicago Ave. #344 • Naperville, IL 60540 www.kidsteeth.org 630.778.9500 January 2016 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club January 2016 19 The River Run Reporter Jeff Stainer ... NOT your “TYPICAL” Real Estate Agent! Call Jeff Today at 630-865-8530 to Find Out Why! Top "20" Re/Max Residential Real Estate Broker in Northern Illinois 2015 Top "20" Residential Real Estate Broker in Will County 2015 TOP 5% AMERICA’S MOST HONORED PROFESSIONALS IN 2015! [tÑÑç axã lxtÜ4 The Jeff Stainer Team Recipient of the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 Five Star Real Estate Agent Award! Member of The Re/Max Hall of Fame 20 The River Run Reporter January 2016 January 2016 The River Run Reporter 21 River Run Club... “A private, social, recreational and fitness club.” From the GM’s Desk OUT with the OLD and IN with the NEW! would like to open my article by wishing everyone in the River Run community a healthy, prosperous and Happy New Year in 2016. I hope that everyone had a great holiday season. We were very busy at the Clubhouse during December. We started the season by having a “tree lighting” ceremony in the River Room as we were entertained by members of the Neuqua Valley High School choir. In addition, my staff was very helpful in decorating the Clubhouse prior to Santa’s arrival. Santa’s Brunch was very well attended by our members and their families as we had well over 100 guests on both dates that the event was available. I would like to thank all of Santa’s Elves (my staff) as they were “absolutely the very best” in attending to all of the guests. Not only did we have Santa visit our Clubhouse and take pictures during the brunch, many of our members took advantage of the holiday décor and had holiday parties during the month for their business or family members. Moving forward we need to get down to some business. Please be sure to mark your calendar for the Equity Membership Annual Meeting on Tuesday, January 19th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse in the River Room. All Equity Members will be receiving a letter in the mail prior to January 1st, 2016 along with a proxy voting sheet to cast your vote for the election of our Board Members of River Run Club. Any member who cannot attend the meeting can feel free to deposit their proxy at the Clubhouse to me personally so that I can secure the proxy vote until that evening. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions as I would be happy to assist. Next on the agenda is the men’s steam room renovation. A complete removal and replacement of the ceramic tile will be taking place from December 29 to January 8. I will apologize now for the inconvenience, I however, when you see the finished product you will agree that after 20 years it was time to remodel. The sauna in the men’s locker room has been replaced as well and is up and running. As we enter the New Year, may I remind all members to begin thinking of days and dates to reserve the function space needed for your special events coming up this spring and summer. Graduations, birthdays, anniversaries and special events will be here before you know it. Especially our beautiful outdoor locations such as The Cabana, The Knoll and The Canopy along with our Gazebos will all begin to be reserved for events. And that is not even mentioning the River Room and The Lounge Room. I am sure that the prime dates will fill up fast, so be sure to give me a call so that I can reserve your special date. Last, but certainly not least, I will be creating an Event Calendar for all of our members. This event calendar will be available in January and will list all of the events being planned by the Clubhouse for the entire year on a monthly basis. This way, all of the members can begin to plan on attending their favorite events with their families throughout the year. On a side note, I am hearing a rumor that on Friday, January 29th starting at 7:00 p.m. that a Texas Hold-em Poker Tournament will be taking place in the River Room of our clubhouse. Please be sure to contact me so that I can discuss the details as well as get a roster of attendees wishing to participate. In closing, I would like to thank my staff for making my first season at River Run Club truly spectacular. Throughout the past year, for every event and even during our daily activities, you have given me your support and hard work each and every day. For this, I am truly thankful. To all of our members at River Run, I hope that all of you had as much fun this past year as I had in providing you and your families an atmosphere of comradery, security and most of all, a friendly environment where life’s simple pleasures can be shared with neighbors and friends. I am very anxious to get started on 2016 in continuing our journey. Best Regards, Mark Maiorano 22 The River Run Reporter January 2016 January Activity Calendar Come Join the Fun at the Clubhouse and GET FIT in 2016! CLUBHOUSE HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tabata – Cardio/Strength, interval training. High intensity Tone & Tighten – A full hour of various exercises to shape the whole body while burning fat! Athletic Yoga – Stationary cycling designed to challenge your cardio * club.riverrunnaperville.org sculpts your legs. Yoga designed to lengthen & stretch the muscles used in cycling. RIVER RUN CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jose Martinez Jeff Algrem Tony Smith Michael Piggott President Vice President Treasurer Secretary 630-904-5610 630-355-1435 630-904-5116 630-428-0364 Cardio/Strength – Stationary cycling giving a great cardiovascular workout with little or no impact on the joints. Body toning using a variety of weights & or flex balls concludes with abdominal & lower back work and finished with relaxing stretch. Pilates - The art of controlled movements, which should look and feel like a workout (not a therapy) when properly manifested. If practiced with RIVER RUN CLUB Mark Maiorano • General Manager • 630-904-1494 X10 4204 Clearwater Lane • Naperville, IL 60564 630-904-1494 • Fax 630-904-1498 consistency, pilates improves flexibility, builds strength and develops control and endurance in the whole human body. Zumba - Involves both dance and aerobic elements. The choreography incorporates hip-hop, soca, samba, salsa, merengue and mambo. Squats and lunges are also included. Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club January 2016 The River Run Reporter 23 Paid Advertisements - Not an endorsement by River Run Homeowners Association or River Run Club 24 January 2016 The River Run Reporter SENIOR CARE Home Health • Respite Care Gentle yoga instruction for all body shapes and conditions in the privacy of your home by registered yoga instructor, Daphne McKee. Visit website at CairnAndRiverYoga.com Treasured Living is for residents who prefer a home environment rather than living in a facility. It also offers Respite Care which is short-term accommodations in my home in which your loved one may come and stay. This provides temporary relief to those who are caring for family members as well as if you are away on a family/work trip. Residents are cared for daily by an RN of 18 years. Treasured Living offers active daily living with weekly trips to Walmart, grocery stores, family movie night, game/pizza night, gardening, etc. Also included are trips to/from doctor and pharmacy, with an RN setting up weekly meds/daily med reminders. Treasured Living has a 100% satisfaction guarantee and gladly provides current and prior family references. Kathleen Morrow, RN • Naperville Resident morrow4@comcast.net • 630-742-2180 TO ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER GO TO PBSPUBLICATIONS.COM River Run Homeowners Association 4204 Clearwater Lane Naperville, IL 60564 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Fox Valley, IL 60599 Permit No. 386 TIME VALUE MAIL ~ DO NOT DELAY
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