SUCCESS JANUARY 2013 NORTH ATTLEBORO “FOCUSED, FIRED UP, AND READY TO GO THE DISTANCE” BY MASTER GARCIA “You must develop clarity if you are going to follow through with your goals. It's been said, Discipline without direction is drudgery." You have to be clear on what you are trying to accomplish and why you want to accomplish it.” being focused on what they want. More wait until later. The problem is we never Classes are packed, and students are We're full swing into a new year. importantly, they know why they want it. get around to those things. We tend to motivated as they take action toward their You must develop clarity if you are going deal with the urgent things of the moment, New Year goals. You can feel the to follow through with your goals. It's things that won't matter in five years, and excitement and energy as students been said, "Discipline without direction is we never get around to following through anticipate what progress and growth a drudgery." You have to be clear on what on things that will have an impact on the new year will bring. What does it take to you are trying to accomplish and why you quality of our life five years from now. keep this momentum going throughout want to accomplish it. the whole year? What will it take to really Many people don't accomplish their If you want to follow through on those goals, I mean really follow through and follow through on those New Year goals because they become distracted. make this year your best year ever, then Resolutions? How can we truly make They become caught up in what Stephen step one is to develop clarity. What do 2013 our best year ever? As I see it, there Covey calls the "thick of thin things." you want to accomplish? Why do you are 3 things we can do: They become distracted by the busyness want to accomplish it? Be specific. Don't of life. They don't mean to do this, but just say you want to get in better shape. there is power in clarity. Most of the New many times, urgent and pressing matters How many pounds do you Year motivation arises out of students take precedence over things we think can 1. Be focused. Tony Robbins says [1] Continued on page 2 “FOCUSED, FIRED UP, AND READY TO GO THE DISTANCE” (CONT.) “There is Power in Clarity.” - Tony Robbins want to lose? What do you want your goals is not a sprint. It's not about how body fat to be? fast you can get there. It's more about 2. Be fired up! Motivation gives us the emotional gas in our tank to consistently taking action over time. Plan and prepare for the distance of continually follow through with our goals. the race. What adjustments do you need Attitudes are caught before they are ever to make in your schedule so that you can FREE CHIROPRACTIC EVALUATION WITH DR. LEVERONE taught. The best way to create motivation consistently work out over time? What is to be around people that are highly adjustments do you need to make in your motivated. Many people become lifestyle so you can consistently follow discouraged when motivation wears off. through with new eating habits? You must They think something is wrong with them set your eyes, mind and spirit on the because they don't "feel" motivated. longevity of the race. Learn to develop a Motivation is like taking a warm bath. steady, methodical pace. Many people Over time, the bath cools off unless you who "go all out" on their goals never end keep adding hot water. Being around up following through, because they highly motivated people is like constantly commit to a pace they simply can't adding hot water. It charges you up and maintain. Realize that accomplishing your refuels your emotional tank. goals is more like a long distance race 3. Go the distance. Starting is good. than a sprint. In fact, it's very good, but finishing is Let's go the distance, and make better. You have to set your mind on the 2013 your best year ever! distance of the race. Accomplishing your - Master Garcia SPECIAL ABD MEMBER OFFER ONLY FREE Chiropractic Evaluation, Including necessary x-rays, a treatment, and a soothing massage. $300 IN SAVINGS Current Patients, who haven’t seen me in 3 months, it’s time for a check up. Call for a NO COST update EXAM from me today. These offers expire January 31st CALL Dr. Leverone, DC NOW: (508) 285-1970 [2] JANUARY ’13 MON DEC 31 7 TUE WED THU 1 2 BUDDY CLASSES 8 9 FRI SAT 3 BUDDY CLASSES 4 5 BUDDY CLASSES 10 11 WOMEN’S SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR 12 COACHES DAY 18 19 CLOSED FOR BLACK BELT TESTING CLOSED FOR BLACK BELT TESTING 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 BLACK BELT GRADUATION FEB 2 [3] BUDDY WEEK JAN 2-5 BUDDY WEEK Now you can enjoy a class right alongside your friend, as they get to experience the exciting world of martial arts. Share with your friends the benefits of developing a positive attitude, the lifestyle of being a Black Belt and the joy of getting into the best shape of your life! DURING REGULAR CLASS JAN 11 WOMEN’S SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR JAN 2-5 FREE WOMEN’S SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR Would you rather be trained or untrained? Statistics show that at least 1 out of every 3 women will experience an act of violence in her lifetime. Being trained on how to handle dangerous scenarios can greatly increase your chances of a safe and successful outcome. FREE INVITE ALL WOMEN 13+ 7PM COACHES DAY JAN 12 COACHES DAY Parents, it’s been well said before, “It takes a village to raise a single Indian.” Our motto at ABD is that “It takes a team to live the dream.” Coach’s Day is specifically designed to create a relationship of teamwork between parents, students, and their instructors. OPEN TO ALL PARENTS AND KIDS FREE 10:15AM JAN 18/19 CLOSED FOR BLACK BELT TESTING BLACK BELT TESTING ABD NORTH ATTLEBORO LOCATION BLACK BELT CANDIDATES ONLY 6PM BLACK BELT GRADUATION BLACK BELT GRADUATION Let’s celebrate and congratulate our newest addition to the Black Belt family. These students have been working hard for many years to earn and accomplish this incredible achievement. Join us for our Bi-Annual Black Belt Graduation packed full of demonstrations, inspiring videos, and so much more! LOCATION, DATE, AND TIME: TBA [4] FREE HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bob Andrews Robert Garcia David McConnell Louis Barbato Corey Gesualdi Connor McLaughlin Jonathan Baum Emily Gittle Daniel Melcher Elizabeth Blake Jenna Gittle Nicholas Milone Kyle Bouchard Erich Gotthandt Raymond Morrissey Macey Cabana Ryan Gula Zakary Moucharite Linda Caliendo Todd Hammond Matthew Nordberg John Chrisidis Lauren Hanson Daniel Owens Keith Croteau Jennifer Hillman PJ Page Sarah Daebler Gabby Iacobbo Jason Pelopida AJ D'Alessandro Sarah Iacobbo Patrick Penlington Ashley Dawes Don Judson Anna Roberts Harrison Devlin Kate Kunicki Kayla Shave Colleen Doherty Hannah Lamothe Ryan Shea Max Fairweather Daniel Luciano Ben Sullivan Timothy Fougere Catherine Luzzi Lindsay Yurek BUDDY WEEK How would you like to share the positive benefits of martial arts training with a friend? Well, now you can! During the week of January 2nd - 5th, we will celebrate Buddy Week. This is your opportunity to bring a friend to class and share with them the positive benefits of martial arts training. Now you can enjoy a class right alongside your friend, as they get to experience the exciting world of martial arts. Share with your friends the benefits of developing a positive attitude, the lifestyle of being a Black Belt and the joy of getting into the best shape of your life! COACHE’S DAY 2013: THE ULTIMATE PARENT/STUDENT EXPERIENCE Parents, it’s been well said before, “It takes a village to raise a single Indian.” Our motto at ABD is that “It takes a team to live the dream.” Coach’s Day is specifically designed to create a relationship of teamwork between parents, students, and their instructors. During Coach’s Day, you will share the ultimate experience of taking a class with your loved one, creating a memory that will last a lifetime. You’ll also enjoy a hands-on experience that will help you better support, practice and coach your child in his/her training. Don’t miss the unbelievable opportunity to create a “magic movement” with your loved one! Coach’s Day is January 12th during regular classes. WOMEN’S SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR: HOW TO SURVIVE A GROUND ATTACK Would you rather be trained or untrained? Statistics show that at least 1 out of every 3 women will experience an act of violence in her lifetime. Being trained on how to handle dangerous scenarios can greatly increase your chances of a safe and successful outcome. Developing a personal safety plan and learning basic self-defense skills is a personal responsibility. We know that women take their personal safety seriously, so don't miss this one of kind workshop held on January 11th at 7 pm exclusively here at ABD. During the workshop you'll learn how to survive a ground attack. Most people don’t realize the importance of ground defense. Most violent crimes, including rape, occur on the ground. We will share proven skills to enable you to extricate yourself from a ground attack. This seminar is FREE to all our teen and adult members and their families. Don't keep it a secret. Invite a friend. Everyone can benefit from this seminar!! You must be age 15 to attend. SITYODTONG MUAY THAI CLASS NOW AVAILABLE When it comes to Muay Thai, the Sityodtong name is the most respected name throughout the world. Sityodtong (Translated: Student of Yodtong) has been training Muay Thai fighters in Thailand since 1960. Sityodtong Muay Thai, known for its modern style of fighting has trained many world champions in Muay Thai, MMA, boxing, and UFC. Because of the success and lineage of Sityodtong champions, many pro, amateur, and UFC fighters seek to train in the Sityodtong system. Sityodtong training is now available exclusively at ABD! Starting January 4, 2013, the head trainer of Sityodtong Muay Thai in Boston will be teaching a Muay Thai class on the first and third Friday night of every month at 6 pm. Because of our affiliation with Sityodtong, you get the chance to train with the most sought after Muay Thai trainer for FREE! That's right, there is no fee for this class. ABD will absorb all costs so you can participate in the best Muay Thai training available anywhere. Classes will be available for Black Belt Training and higher every first and third Friday night at 6 pm. [5] FACEBOOK.COM/ABDNORTH SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES You may notice a new board in our school called Support Local. ABD has begun a special networking relationship with local business in an attempt to promote businesses that help support and promote ABD and its message. On the board you will find local businesses that provide a variety of services. We hope you will support these businesses that are actively supporting your dojo. PRIVATE LESSONS IN MUAY THAI NOW AVAILABLE “Big John” Johnston is a Kru Instructor at Sityodtong in Boston, and the Head Team Trainer for the Sityodtong Fight Team. His experience in and out of the ring makes him a valuable instructor in the infamous Sityodtong Muay Thai System. Kru John is available for private lessons in Muay Thai and MMA. Private lessons are available on Friday's from 2-5pm and 7-8 pm. Cost is only $80 per hour. To make things even more convenient, you are allowed to split the private with a fellow classmate. These private are only available on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month and can be scheduled at our front counter with Miranda. KIDS REALITY TRAINING IS BACK On Saturday, January 26, during regular class time (10:15 am) the instructors will conduct a Reality Training Seminar for Karate Kids only. The purpose of this seminar is to teach our students how to defend themselves in a realistic manner against some of the most common attacks. Instructors will use a "Red Man" reality-training suit to give kids the opportunity to practice their defenses in an "all out" but safe and realistic manner. Some of the defenses we will practice will be front and rear pick-ups and ground defense. Please join us for an electric but highly educational seminar. KRAV MAGA IN HOLLYWOOD Tyler Perry: “[KRAV MAGA] It is the most intense, most amazing work-out that I’ve ever experienced in my life, and I kept it up, after the movie, because when it’s all done, it’s so relaxing. Being able to know how to defend yourself was really cool. It was Rob’s idea that I start taking it, for the movie, and I fell in love with it. It also helps me keep my weight down. It’s really intense, and I can kick some butt. I’m getting there!” Tyler Perry trained with Krav Maga Worldwide Instructor and Licensee, Eric Sepeda, of Atlanta Krav Maga and Fitness (AKMF), for the movie “Alex Cross” in theaters now. [6] SUCCESS STORIES FROM REAL ABD STUDENTS. My journey to become an America’s Best Dense Black Belt began several years ago as I kept seeing an ad for the school in my local newspaper. For years I was an avid weightlifter and runner but I had begun devoting less and less time to any type of cardio exercise. In addition, I went from a very physically demanding job to an office associated with working in a very busy office. Needless to say, after a few years of going home exhausted and stressed out I allowed myself to pack on more and more weight as I exercised less frequently. The weight gain was slow and steady but after several years I packed on fifty pounds. My lower back hurt, my knees hurt and I couldn’t climb a flight of stairs without being winded. I convinced myself that this was due to getting older and not being “ a kid” anymore... job. I traded the physical I LOST OVER 50 POUNDS demands of constructing and repairing elevators for the mental stress and exhaustion [7] Read the rest of this great success story at... DECEMBER 2012 GRADUATION Advertising Opportunities FIND US ON THE WEB If you or your business would like to advertise inside the Success Newsletter, please contact us via email for pricing and opportunities. Give us Feedback See a mistake, or have an idea? Send us an email and let us know! [8] SUCCESS NEWSLETTER
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