2014 annual report
2014 annual report
2014 ANNUAL REPORT The Nova Scotia SPCA is recognized as the leading “expert in the areas of advocacy and companion animal protection. The Nova Scotia SPCA operates on a policy of zero tolerance for animal cruelty and sets the standard of animal care for the province of Nova Scotia. “ NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 2 - ANNUAL REPORT CONTENT Chair of the Board Report 04 CEO Message05 Financial Statements & Our Leadership 06 SPCA 5 Year Strategy Overview 07 PROGRAM UPDATES Cruelty Investigations/Enforcement 08 Animal Care09 Veterinary Clinic10 Volunteers11 Fundraising 12 Major Thanks13 NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 3 - MESSAGE FROM OUR CHAIR Dear Members, 2014 went by fast and I am happy to reflect back on the SPCA’s accomplishments. Our biggest change revolves in how the organization operates. After much deliberation, we unanimously agreed to merge our branches under one organization that will allow better financial support for our animals. After our last successful strategic plan which brought forward our no-kill philosophy, we formulated a new 5 Year Plan with even greater challenges. I encourage you to review the plan and become involved in areas that interest you. I am personaly excited about one of the goals where we have already started focusing on a long term plan to deal with cat overpopulation. We are fortunate for the continued support of the Department of Agriculture which has allowed us to investigate another record year of calls. With a new Chief Provincial Investigator and increased hiring of part-time constables, the SPCA has continued to develop its investigative staff to provide quicker and better service to prevent cruelty to animals in distress across the province. It’s exciting to talk about accomplishments and what’s new and different in 2014. But what has changed and deserves as much credit as all the above accomplishments, is the hard work and support provided by our volunteers, donors, staff, and members. Unfortunately we don’t say thank you enough so I want to give a large round of applause to you, the people who make us great. Animals may not be able to say thank you with words, but they share their appreciation with us in so many other obvious ways. Jim Kochanoff NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 4 - CHAIR OF THE BOARD A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 2014 was my first full year with the Nova Scotia SPCA and it continues to be my privilege to work with such an amazing Society. I have been extremely impressed with the hard work and dedication of staff, plus the astonishing efforts of our significant number of volunteers, without whom we could not provide essential support to the animals we serve. At every level the Nova Scotia SPCA’s volunteers and staff carry out their responsibilities with great consideration and kindness - every day taking our responsibility to the animals very seriously. The Nova Scotia SPCA relies on the financial support of loyal donors – and we match that loyalty by responsibly and transparently using those generous gifts with accountability. We are also indebted to the support of the Department of Agriculture who work with us to enforce the Animal Protection Act. In particular I would like to thank Minster Keith Colwell, who has been very supportive of the hard work of the SPCA team empowering us to carry out our mandate under the Animal Welfare Act, ensuring prosecution of those people that have abused or neglected animals. This remains a core focus for us as we move forward. Elizabeth Murphy CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER I am committed to securing greater funding through diversified revenue streams and partnerships so that we can provide the best and most effective care ensuring, that no companion animal in crisis goes without the support it needs. My main objective is to remain focused on continual improvement. We owe this to the many people who have worked so hard to build a strong foundation, and who now look to us to continue the legacy of finding innovative ways to meet the ever changing and growing needs of the animals who rely on us. At the end of the day, for the phenomenal group of people that I work with and myself, the welfare of animals across Nova Scotia is our primary focus. However, just as important is ensuring that the Nova Scotia SPCA is best prepared to fulfill our responsibility to care for the animals with efficiency and effectiveness. It’s been a very busy year but I am looking forward to guiding the Society into a future filled with renewal and success. NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 5 - Executive FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Jim Kochanoff CHAIR OF THE BOARD NON CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 Donations & Fundraising (Note 9) 2014 $ Bequests 274, 252 Government Enforcement Grant 180, 000 61, 059 1, 602, 165 EXPENSES Amortization Sarah Oliver, CA 621, 175 465, 679 Administration 179, 290 18, 605 Provincial Members Branch Board Memebers Cara Boston Judy Layne Dr. Troy McPherson Susan Tate Barbara Tryon Tom Wile Brian Kenefick Goverment Rep’s KINGS BRANCH Barry McCarthy Raylene Dewan 9, 715 DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES Fund Development & Outreach 77, 841 Dr. Laura Ross Investigations 63, 145 Bad Debts TREASURER SECRETARY Shelter Operations Service Charl du Plooy, CA Salaries & Benefits 851, 463 Shelter Operations 177, 863 Veterinary Services & Medication 300, 202 1, 678, 124 LUNENBURG BRANCH Leah McDonald COLCHESTER BRANCH Gail Melanson LABAIE BRANCH Daphne Moore-McKnight ANTIGONISH BRANCH DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE LEADERSHIP STAFF Administration Enforcement Elizabeth Murphy Neil Thorogood Karen DeWolfe Sgt. Nancy Noel CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER PROVINCIAL ACCOUNTANT EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS INVESTMENT INCOME GAIN ON MARKETABLE SECURITIES NET EARNINGS FROM CONTROLLED PROFIT ORIENTED ENTERPRISES (NOTE 4) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES (75, 959) 8, 376 12, 676 Courtney Zylstra FUND DEVELOPMENT & GRAPHIC DESIGN CHIEF PROVINCIAL INSPECTOR SPECIAL CONSTABLE WHO MAKES IT ALL HAPPEN REVENUES BOARD OF DIRECTORS Cst. Jo Anne Landsburg SPECIAL CONSTABLE Animal Care Sandra Flemming DIRECTOR OF ANIMAL CARE 7, 724 Jennifer Nolan PROVINCIAL CLINIC COORDINATOR (47, 183) Heather Woodin SHELTER COORDINATOR NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 6 - STRATEGIC PLAN - PRIORITIES Strategic planning is an important organizational activity. Strategic plans provide a “road map” for an organization over a specified period of time. Like a budget, strategic plans are dynamic documents that may change as goals and objectives are achieved and new ones take their place. To accomplish our 5-year plan, we have established the following goals and objectives... priority #1 priority #2 REORGANIZE, REBUILD & RESTRUCTURE STRATEGIC MARKETING, COMMUNICATION & EDUCATION PLAN priority #3 priority #4 FINANCIAL STABILITY SPAY/NEUTER & TNR STRATEGY FOR EVERY BRANCH NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 7 - The Inspectorate of the Nova Scotia SPCA is currently comprised of a Chief Provincial CRUELTY INVESTIGATIONS Inspector and three Provincial Special Constables. The three Provincial Special Constables are responsible for the majority of the case load. There are also a number of Inspectors available for the more rural locations who also investigate cruelty complaints. The number one trend continues to be neglect (30%), followed by: animals being tied out (16.5%); abandonment (13.7%); and inadequate shelter (13.4%). Geographic activity shows 55% of complaints originating in HRM, 19% in CBRM and the remainder of complaints 26% spread throughout the rest of the province. There were 11 court cases in 2014, resulting in four convictions, the other cases remain before the courts. 1,214CASES INVESTIGATED As of Dec 4th 2014, Enforcement officials are able to serve tickets for violations of the Animal Protection Act. Citations range anywhere from $200 to $700. Nova Scotian’s now must follow stronger standards for care and sale of companion animals. 3,984ANIMALS INTERVIENED ON BEHALF OF 697 ANIMALS REMOVED FROM HARM NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 8 - ANIMAL CARE Every year, when we look back and reflect on our In 2014 we received the exciting news that based on accomplishments we think that we can never surpass this success, PetSmart Canada once again supported the success of the previous year, as the society has our mandate by approving an $181,000 grant to open come so far already. But once again, 2014 saw us a hospital at our Cape Breton Branch. Ground broke continue to build momentum on our existing programs for the construction of this exciting endeavour in the that have been transformational in helping us save Fall of 2014. We beleive that this new Hospital will be a even more lives across the Province. “game changer” for all of Cape Breton in terms of being Many of our shelter and foster based branches continue to see adoption rate increases thanks to our retail pet store partnerships. Pet store retailers allow able to partner with animal rescue groups, First Nation communities and assisting low income individuals and families with the cost of spaying and neutering animals. the SPCA to utilize their store fronts to support other development initatives such as Santa Pix, Bunnyland and other events. These relationships are an integral component to keeping operational costs lower. WERE 11% ANIMALS CRUELTY CASES 3,912 ANIMALS SURRENDERED TO OUR SHELTERS *Note statistics above are inclusive of all branches with the exception of Lunenburg - no statistics available 4,733 ANIMALS ADOPTED NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 9 - It has officially been one full year that our Provincial Animal Shelter opened its doors on the first High Volume, Low Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic in Atlantic Canada. We are so proud of Dr. Allison Pollard - of Eastern Passage Village PROVINCIAL VETERINARY CLINIC Vet and her ‘dream team’ of three that perform spay and neuter surgeries for our shelter animals. 2014 was a year of ‘miracle’ cases - ‘Lieutenant Dan’ as he is now known was a cat that was found by our Cruelty Officers and brought into the clinic for emergency care. Lt. Dan’s legs were severely crushed and in need of amputation. He is now a healthy happy cat - adopted and deeply loved. ‘Dude’ was another miracle cat that Our clinic is open for the use of Animal came through the clinic. Dude suffered Rescue Organizations and SPCA from a severe infection in his right front animals four days a week. On average paw and as a result was unable to heal. 25 - 30 spay and neuter surgeries can Dr. Pollard and her team performed an be completed in one surgery day. ‘Axial Pattern Flap’ (skin graft), borrowing skin from his neck - needing four packs of suture, and over 200 teenie tiny stitches. 3,458 SPAY & NEUTER SURGERIES 2014 5,100 TOTAL SURGERIES TO DATE MANY ANIMAL RESCUE ORGANIZATIONS IN HALIFAX USE OUR CLINIC NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 10 - Everyone at the Nova Scotia SPCA knows first-hand how important volunteers are to the society. We would like to take this moment and thank the following individuals, businesses and rescues partners for all their hard work. Bearing witness to your passion for the animals is inspiring. Words cannot convey our GOLDEN PAW AWARDS gratitude for your tremendous contributions to our cause! 150+ VOLUNTEERS ON AVERAGE AT THE PROVINICAL SHELTER 3yrs VOLUNTEER AWARDS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Faye MacFarlane Jeanna McAvoy Michelle Redmond Brenda Bell Amanda Layton-Malone Linda Stewart Judi Bell John McRae Tia McRae Donna McFadden Stephen Cooper Jody O’Brien Layla Rodgerson Johan Shaw Kylene Mellor Gloria Stewart Wendi Snow Julie Maillet Tina MacKinnon Melba Hubbard Fundy Print Shop - Yarmouth NS Sunnyside Mall - Bedford NS GOLD COAST AWARD FOR ‘BEST PLACE TO VOLUNTEER’ 11 BRANCHES ACROSS NOVA SCOTIA Rebecca Clarke Emotive Photography - Sackville NS TELUS - Halifax NS Royal LePage - Truro NS O’ Regan’s KIA - Dartmouth NS MEDIA PARTNER CTV Morning Live - Halifax NS JACK FM - Halifax NS Burnside News - Dartmouth NS Work Place Essentials - Kentville NS RESCUE PARTNER Elderdog Rescue - Kings County ADOPTION CHAMPION Julia Coleman VOLUNTEERS ARE PAID IN 5 - FIGURES... L I C K S NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 11 - BACKYARD PROJECT The Nova Scotia SPCA was thrilled to be selected to present to the 100 Men Who Give a Damn- Halifax and were completely overwhelmed with gratitude when we were the successful beneficiaries of their incredible contribution to our shelter, which directly improved the lives of the companion animals in our care. The 100 Men Who Give a Damn transformed our backyard from patches of grass and dirt into an impressive outdoor space for our animals to enjoy. Not only did they reach into their wallets, many of them offered their time, resources and expertise to help complete this project - after the checks were signed. The Nova Scotia SPCA staff, volunteers, and each animal in our care express their utmost appreciation to the 100 Men Who Give a Damn. The number of animals that will be impacted in years to come by their generous gift, are countless. $28,450 TOTAL DONATION NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 12 - FUNDRAISING & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Fundraising, major gifts and donor dollars are the backbone of any non-profit organization. The Nova Scotia SPCA staff, along with groups of dedicated volunteers, work side-by-side throughout the year to create and execute dozens of weekend summer initatives and third-party events. These initiatives, including the 2014 SPCA Soiree - featuring Colin Mochrie contribute to the team raising much needed funds and awareness for the animals in our care. $621,715 $247,252 DEVELOPMENT EVENTS 19,975 BEQUESTS/ESTATES 1,937 290 NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 13 - MANY THANKS CORPORATE PARTNERS $1,000 - $2,000 $5,000 + Adesa Social Fund Dartmouth Kennel Club Dr. Amy MacFarlane Inc. Heritage Gas Carmen Chaddock George W. Morton Rhonda Webber Brenda Doane Carol Anderson Carolyn Marshall Sandra Oxner Theresa Newman RBC Linda Stewart Wendy’s Neverland Nursey School M. Richards Ivanhoe Cambridge Woody’s BBQ Bedford EnCana Corporation Rockingham Community Center Scotiabank Michael Clerk Scott Estabrooks Lynne O’Donnell Mary L. O’Donnell PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Cat Angel Network Association Ashley Stueck Boehringer Ingleheim Mark Rubens Arthur Trenholm Helen Cianfaglione John Parke Carnegy Team PetValu - Spring Garden Road Nancy Northcott Citco (Canada) Darrell MacLeod Elizabeth MacKenzie Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture Symcor Kynock Resources Ltd. Sandra Nowlan $2,000 - $5,000 Mark Palmer Matthew MacIsaac Halifax Shopping Centre Judy Layne NSLC Scotiabank Janet Hodder O’Regan’s KIA Dartmouth RJ Pet Centres $10,000 + Aqueduct Foundation Susan Kerslake Proctor & Gamble Standard Life Insurance Sun Ja Suh Western Financial Group Inc. Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust PetSmart Charities of Canada ESTATES Mary L. O’Donnell Estate of David Frederick Estate of Edith Thompson Hilda Mary van Rooyen Alter Ego Trust Estate of Dr. Susan Kathryn Roberts Estate of Shirley J. Beal Estate of Hilda Evelyn Fergusson Estate of Esther Marilyn Gardiner Estate of David Lynn Patterson Estate of Arthur William Murray Estate of Patricia Gore Estate of Veniot 100 MEN WHO GIVE A DAMN Snap Halifax Eastport Financial Group Inc Action Web Services City Mazda Enterprise Holdings George Abboud John Aird Paddy Aker Dan Allain Sylvain Allaire Mark Allen Gary Allen Daniel Almon Philip Amys Fredric Archibald Dana Atwell James Axell Seth Bailey Gregory Baily James Baker Jon Bekkers Cory Bell Paul Bennett Scott Bentley J. Berry Anthony Black Guenn Black Alan Blair Kirk Blanchard Patrick Bohan Mark Bowers Glenn Bowie James Boyer Timothy Brennan Ryan Brennan Chris Britton Matthew Brunt Christopher Bryant Kevin Bulley Donald Bureaux Gregory Burke Scott Burke Peter Caldarozzi Dennie Campbell Michael Casey James Caven Max Chauvin Maurice Chiasson Robert Chisholm James Clarkson S. Coates D.E. Cochrane David Collins Chris Conrad Bill Cossitt Stephen Cox Stephen Craig Harvey Crowell Douglas Curren Blaise Curry Joseph Daniel Carl Daniels Shaun Dauphinee Gordon Delano Jeffrey Dempster David Dewey Steven Dexter JOe Dipenta Colin Dodds Stephen Doiron Brett Donald Kenny Donnelly Norman Donovan Brian Duggan Justin Elkin Ross Elliott Peter Fardy Jeff Fitzgerald Patrick Fitzgerald Mark Fletcher Graham Flight Michael Flynn Derek Flynn Stephen Foran Nicholas Foran Michael Foran David Fry John Fukala Floyd Gaetz Vince Garnier Mark Gascoigne David Gauthier Kendall Gebbes Ronald George Igor Geshelin Dan Gibson Charles Gillis Joe Gillivan Anthony Goode Paul Goodman Paul Gray David Gray Peter Green Brice Guerin Gord Gumble William Haley John Hamblin Claude Hamilton Kevin Hamm Bob Hanf Timothy Harris Robert Hart Stephen Hartlen Thomas Harz Donald Hatcher Ross Haynes Robert Heally Mark Healy Gordon Helm Kirk Higgins Carl Holm Christopher Hood Mark Hooftman Robert Horton Jeff Hunt Andrew Hunter Jone Hustins Thomas Jackson Richard Janega Mark Jenkinson Dan Jennings Gary Johnson Michael Johnston Z. June Richard Kelly Gary Kelly Paul Kent David Kerr David Kerr William Kerr Paul Kidston Steven Kimball James Kirby Stan Kitcher Brandon Kolybaba Ashwin Kutty Andrew Lacas Jeffrey Lamb David Langille Dean Leland Tomthy Leopold William Lord Darrell Lundrigan Kelly MacAulay Jeff MacBurnie James MacDonald Luke MacDonald John MacDonald Ross MacDougall Stephen MacEachern Larry MacEachern Peter MacGillivary Paul MacInnes Andrew MacIsaac Harold MacKay Joseph MacKinnon Allan MacKinnon Ian MacKnight Wayne MacLean Gary MacNeil Mike Maheux Peter Malloy Michael Marshall Robert Mattatall William McArthur Justin McDonough Edward McHugh Michael McKenzie Blair McNaughton Brad McRae G. McTeirnan Peter Merill Bernard Miles James Mills Donald Mills Jeff Mills Michael Mills Nicholas Mombourquette Shawn Monchan Heath Moore Sylvain Morin Daivd Morton Duncan Moss Stephen Murphy Steve Murphy Micael Myette David Nantes Ivan Nickerson Andy Osburn Phil Otto John Pearce Calvin Pearce Ron Pickart Darren Poirier Corey Poirier Terrence Pong David Potter Richard Power Daivd Quilichini David Quinton Greg Randall Garrett Reddy John Renouf Andrea Richard Stephen Rigden Mark Ring Tim Rissesco Anthony Robinson Peter Ross Allan Rowe Brendan Ryan Blair Ryan John Salsbury Mike Savage Lou Sawchenko Louis Scattolon John Sewuster Robert Shaw Mervin Shaw Frank Shelley Carlo Shimoon Roger Sinclair Mark Singer Keith Skiffinton Earl Smith Rob Sobey Jeff Somerville Michael Speraw Stephen Stairs Ed Steeves Neil Stepen Glenn Stewardson Frank Stolarz G. Stookey Patrick Stubbert Marcel Tellier David Thomson Roger Thurbide Tim Trask Benjamin Trask Scott Travis Henk Van Leeuwen Bill VanGorder Robin Veinotte Joseph Vessey Jayanand Vyas Williem Waltman Gary Ward Jamie Welsh Matthew Whitman Kyle William Paul Wilson Mark Winfield Ian Wood Doug Wright Gregg Yeadon David Yetman Michael Young Robert Zed NS SPCA ANNUAL REPORT - 14 -
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