PDF - Columbia Valley Pioneer
PDF - Columbia Valley Pioneer
Your Weekly Source for News and Events Vol. 4/Issue 46 The Columbia FREE November 16, 2007 Valley P IONEER Serving The Upper Columbia Valley including Spillimacheen, Brisco, Edgewater, Radium, Invermere, Windermere, Fairmont and Canal Flats A league of extraordinary gentlemen GOT YOUR SHOT? 2 REMEMBERING 4 THAI DAYS 12 Local veterans Ed Kluszny, Jim Ashworth and Richard Engel were honoured guests at Windermere Elementary School’s Remembrance Day ceremony. Here they are pictured having a cup of tea after the event. See Page 4. Photo by Rachel Pinder YOU’RE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK (PUZPVSFZFPOTPNFUIJOHTQFDJBM 4FUZPVSTJHIUTPOGBTUUSBDLTBWJOHBOETFFJU IBQQFO"TLIPXPVSHSFBUJOWFTUNFOUQSPEVDUTBOEQSP¾UTIBSJOHDBOQVUZPVSQMBOT JOQMBJOTJHIU:PVµSFPOZPVSXBZBU,PPUFOBZ4BWJOHT get there sooner XXXLTDVDPN 2 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 S ol i d W o od Bl i n d s Call The Blind Guy! Interior World (250) 342 4406 Unlock the potential of your business idea. We’ll show you how. Everything you need to succeed with one call: • Business start-up and expansion loans* • Self-employment program* • Entrepreneurial support • Free business counselling • Free business library and internet access in Cranbrook Jacqueline Pinsonneault * Some programs have eligibility requirements. Call for details. (250) 342-0217 Community Futures Development Corporation of the SE Region of BC 110A Slater Road NW Cranbrook, BC V1C 5C8 Tel: (800) 661-2293 Fax: (250) 489-1886 Email: info@keytoyourfuture.net • Website: www.keytoyourfuture.net In partnership with Rocky Mountain Business Development Centre Society EDGEWATER CANAL FLATS GOLDEN RURAL Over 25 acres of privacy. Two additional log cabins are legal revenue dwellings. Woodworking shop, summer cabin, & CPR cabin for storage. Current revenue $2,075 per month in rental income. DEVELOPERS!! CANAL FLATS… TAKE NOTE!! This exceptional R-2 3 acre parcel is the opportunity YOU have been looking for! LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Rare waterfront acreage with dock, less than 20 minutes from Golden. Ideal for private getaway in the middle of Canada’s largest wetlands. Easy access from the highway. $939,000 $549,900 $196,500 mls# k164621 mls#k164887 mls#k151642 FORT STEELE FAIRMONT RADIUM 287 acres at the base of renowned Fisher Peak in the Rockies. Gateways to hiking, fishing lakes and backcountry adventures. Estate style mountain getaway. Community amenities, trail systems w/ year around uses for activities, + a private lake house w/ kayaks, canoes, paddle boats & with BBQ & seating. Beautiful, contemporary, luxury condo w/ exceptional mountain & Columbia Valley views. Central air, outdoor swimming pool, club house, & underground parking. $1,500,000 $629,000 + GST $295,000 mls# k163962 mls# k164747 BARRY 342-5809 MARLENE 341-5600 it can cause the flu was untrue. The vaccine contains killed or inactive flu viruses that cannot cause infection. Some of the side effects More than 650 people who wanted to get a head can include mild redness and soreness in the injection start in fighting the flu put their best arm forward at a area, and occasionally a person may have “flu-like” symptoms for a couple of days. This is due to the imclinic in Invermere last week. The flu shot clinic at Invermere Community mune system building up antibodies to the flu virus. Invermere Public Health nurse Carolyn Hawes Hall was organised by the Invermere Public Health said another Unit, with help misconception from nurses from is that a flu shot Golden. There will weaken the were also clinics immune system. held at Edgewa“We are exter Legion and posed to many Canal Flats Medforeign bodies ical Centre. every day. Our The flu shots immune system were given for free can handle many for people aged foreign antigens 65 and over; chilat once. The flu dren and adults vaccine exposes with chronic our bodies to health condiabout four to 10 tions; health care workers and GETTING IT IN THE ARM—Dieter Schmidt of Edgewater braved a antigens, whereas a case of strep emergency re- flu shot delivered by Invermere public health nurse Carolyn Hawes. throat exposes sponders; healthy children aged six to 23 months; pregnant women in our bodies to about five times that many. Getting the their third trimester; and residents of nursing homes flu will have a much greater effect on weakening the immune system than taking the vaccine,” she said. The and their caregivers. The Invermere Public Health Unit put aside any three strains of flu in this year’s vaccine are the A-Hifears for people arriving at the clinic by handing out roshima or A-Wisconsin and the B-Malaysia-like virus fact sheets. The information sheet told people the flu antigens. If you missed out, see Out and About on shot is safe and effective and one misconception that Page 11 to find out where you can still get a shot. By Rachel Pinder Pioneer Staff Experience Dining at Eagle Ranch! 341-5168 341-5300 342-5914 Flu shot clinic treats 650 BILL PAUL ERIC BARRY 342-5245 mls# k164457 VALLEY NEWS Truly inspired cuisine made with the freshest ingredients. DIANA 341-5269 Weekly Features www.eagleranchresort.com DAVID 342-1524 Strata Management CLARE 341-5335 BRENDA 342-1146 Fairmont Village Mall, Fairmont Phone: 345-4000 526 B – 13th St. , Invermere Phone: 342-6911 #5, 7553 Main St. W. , Radium www.rockymtnrealty.com Phone: 347-0003 Fish ‘N Chips Friday 1195 $ Panko Crusted Basa with Lemon Aioli & Frites $ 95 Sunday Breakfast Buffet 11 Available 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Taste the Mediterranean Featured Sat, Nov. 17th Taste of Asia Featured Sat, Nov. 24th Hours of Operation Monday - Saturday Sunday 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Location: The Clubhouse at Eagle Ranch, 9581 Eagle Ranch Trail (From Hwy 93/95, turn at traffic lights. Entrance is on the right. From Invermere, turn left on Eagle Ranch Trail, off Athalmer Road) *Clubhouse closed during dinner hours Friday, December 7 for scheduled function Call 341-6299 to place your classified. Call Toll-free: 1-877-877-3889 • Local: 342-0562 • After 6:00 p.m. 342-6560 • www.eagleranchresort.com The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 3 November 16, 2007 VALLEY NEWS Survey of Area F says no to Jumbo By Brian Geis Pioneer Staff “Remember Clayoquot Sound,” might turn out to be the rallying cry of opponents to Jumbo Glacier Resort. Area F Director Lillian Rose invoked the logging of Clayoquot Sound, which resulted in the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history, when announcing the results of the survey she conducted among her constituents in Area F. According to the survey results, she said, 643 respondents said they opposed the resort proposal while 173 said they were in favor of it. In response to provincial officials who stated that it is too late in the application process for public input, Director Rose said, “Remember Clayoquot Sound.” “I always remind people of Clayoquot Sound,” she said. “Nothing is impossible.” In 1993, protestors attempting to stop the logging of an old-growth forest in Clayoquot engaged in a massive campaign of peaceful civil disobedience, including blocking access to logging sites, which re- sulted in over 850 arrests. According to Ms. Rose, regional district officials received 1,084 responses to the simple one-question survey which asked, “Do you support the Jumbo Glacier Resort development proceeding?” Two hundred and sixty-eight reponses, she said, were disqualified because they did not meet deadline or eligibility requirements. Conducted by regional district officials, the survey respresents the most “official” attempt to gauge public opinion on the topic. The results of the survey, Director Rose explained, will be forwarded to B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell and a host of other provincial officials. Charles Suenderman, a spokesman for The Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts, the provincial ministry processing the resort application, said the results of a poll on Jumbo would not likely impact the application at this late stage. “The public consultation process for the Jumbo Glacier Resort proposal was completed with the project approval by the Environmental Assessment Office and the recent approval of the Resort Master Plan.” Wildsight issued a press release this week, challenging statements made by Glacier Resorts vice-president Grant Costello in which they claim he embellished cooperation efforts between Glacier Resorts and the Calgary Olympic Development Agency to continue to train skiers on Farnham Glacier. “Glacier Resorts’ claims reflect their desperate struggle to round up public support for their project,” said Wildsight spokesperson Kat Hatwig. “We can only infer they are desperate and will say anything that falsely implies support for their locally very unpopular project.” However, Chief Executive Jim Younker confirmed that CODA is in the process of working out an agreement with Glacier Resorts to continue its high-performance training camp on Farnham Glacier. Responding to requests for clarification, CODA officials issued the following statement: “CODA is committed to operating Camp Green on Farnham Glacier in order to give Canadian athletes the opportunity to train at home and help propel them to the international podium. We will continue to operate the facility in an environmentally progressive manner.” Cartwright runs for mayor in Canal Flats By Brian Geis Pioneer Staff Colin Cartwright attended the Canal Flats Council meeting as a spectator Tuesday night, having resigned as councillor only days before to meet the deadline for filing as a candidate for mayor— a seat left vacant by his old friend, Mayor John Tilley, who died in office in September. The Village of Canal Flats announced it would hold a byelection to fill the office for the rest of Mayor Tilley’s term. Mr. Cartwright is required to resign his seat on council to run for the office. “It’s a sort of unofficially official,” he said. “I resigned from council with the intention of running.” The two-term councillor said hadn’t intended to run at this point in his life, but thought he might consider it after Mayor Tilley had served a few more terms and retired from office. Mayor Tilley’s unexpected death, he said, caused him to reconsider. “I think I am quite capable and ready enough,” he said. “I have been involved in the community my entire life.” Former Canal Flats Mayor Emile Morin said he was interested in the office, but said he would not run against Mr. Cartwright. He announced instead that he will run for the seat on council that Mr. Cartwright plans to give up. “I won’t be running for mayor,” Mr. Morin commented. “I’ve worked with Colin before. I don’t have to be mayor to accomplish what I want. I don’t have any problem serving on his council. Mr. Cartwright applauded Mr. Morin’s entry into the race and said he hopes more nominations come forward between now and the end of the nomination period. “I worked with Emile on the first council,” he said. “My way will likely be quite different than Emile’s. Who knows, maybe he will change his mind. There’s still time.” Canal Flats Chief Election Officer Gloria Perry will accepting nominations for the seats of mayor and councillor between Nov. 27 and Dec. 7 for a term of 10 months ending in November 2008. At that time, a full election will be held. Nomination packages are available at the Canal Flats Village Office. Books of 10 swim passes On sale now until December 23 Surprise someone today Get yours now at: Pools open daily 8am to 10pm Call or email for more information 250.345.6030 info@fairmonthotsprings.com 4 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 Hundreds gather to remember the fallen By Rachel Pinder Pioneer Staff WATER CO. LTD. • Drinking Water Systems • Water Softeners • Whole House or Specialised Filtration Call (250) 342-5089 385 Laurier Street Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 COMMUNITY COUNSELLING SERVICES • • • • Counselling topics include: Marriage Counselling • Anger Management Personal Growth • Life Transitions Grief Counselling • Work Related Historical Abuse Concerns Issues for Men • Fertility Issues Counselling Fees may apply Family Resource Centre, 625 – 4th Street Invermere, B.C. • 342-4242 Hundreds of people stood in the warm sunshine on a crisp November day to join in the service of remembrance on Sunday. The crowds watched as a huge parade marched from the Legion to the Cenotaph, following flagbearers from the Windermere Valley Cadet Corps and piper Jim Walgren. Many groups and associations took part in the parade, including Ken Bell, on behalf of East Kootenay MP Jim Abbott; Helen Eldstrom, on behalf of MLA Norm Macdonald; Invermere Mayor Mark Shmigelsky; Radium Mayor Greg Deck; First Nation representatives Beatrice Stevens from the Akisqnuk Band and Frank Sam from the Shushwap Band; Royal Canadian Legion Command Zone and branch representatives; Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary Zone and branch representatives; Canadian Armed Forces and Reserves; Peacekeepers; Veterans; Legion members; the RCMP; Fire Departments; Windermere Valley Scouts as well as various organisations, service clubs and associations. The service was organised by the presidents and members of the Royal Canadian Legion branch 71 Windermere District and 199 Edgewater, and 7th Avenue and 12th Street up to the Post Office were closed during the ceremony. Comrade Howie Williams led the service, which started with O Canada led by Comrade Ray Picton, and included readings by Rev. Sandy Ferguson and Comrade Laurie Meadows, who read In Flanders Fields. Comrade Williams reminded the crowds the service was about remembering more than 117,000 fallen comrades who served in the first and second World Wars, the Korean War and the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. Following the Last Post played by bugler Shawna Tegart, a two-minute silence was held at 11a.m. as people in the valley joined the national wave of silence which moved across Canada’s six time zones. Comrade Pat Cope then read the Act of Remembrance before the laying of wreaths. The wreaths were laid by many different organisations, including the First Nations and Metis Society representatives; Royal Canadian Legion; Canadian Armed Forces and Reserves; Veterans Representatives; Local Fire Departments and Cadets; RCMP; Federal and Provincial government agencies and associations; Chamber of Commerce; College of the Rockies, as well as Primary and Secondary Schools Youth Organizations. This was followed by a tribute from Comrade Howie Williams, then a reading from Rev Sandy Ferguson, before the crowd came together to sing God Save The Queen. The parade then marched back from the Cenotaph to the Legion, where lunch was served. Comrade Pat Cope said more than 120 people and over 70 children enjoyed the lunch of chilli and pulled pork on a bun, followed by apple crisp. “I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone in the community who came out and supported the remembrance service this year,” she said. • Your Columbia Valley computer professionals • Commercial and Residential • Sales/Service/ Networking/ Consulting Quality antique furniture and collectibles from Canada, Europe and Asia. Architectural items for home and garden. We are open Wednesday to Saturday 10 am – 5 pm and Sunday 11 am – 4 pm Ph: 342-0707 Email: klein@nucleus.com www.tepapanui.com Invermere Industrial Park (just off the road to Panorama) Computer Pros 341-1114 CV Chamber of Commerce 1-16 employees The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 5 November 16, 2007 Remembrance Day 2007 REMEMBERING— Hundreds of people crowded the streets of Invermere in the sunshine to pay their respects to more than 117,000 fallen comrades on Sunday, November 11. Bugler Shawna Tegart played the Last Post before two minutes of silence at 11:00 a.m., when everyone stood still to reflect on those killed in conflict. A huge parade marched from the Legion to the Cenotaph, led by Sgt. Major Ray Neratko and Lt. Rick Dendy with the Windermere Valley Cadet Corps, followed by a service and laying of wreaths. Photos By Rachel Pinder 6 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer PERSPECTIVE November 16, 2007 Photos welcome Dear Editor: Here are some pictures you might find interesting (unless of course you have already featured them before I found I could get The Pioneer here in Cranbrook - which I make a point of going for every week - I really find it interesting and well-done. Doreen Lamond, Cranbrook Editor’s Note: Thanks to Doreen Lamond, and we will continue to publish her old photos. If anyone else has old photographs of the Columbia Valley, we would love to publish them. We are wondering if any of the hockey sweaters worn by the 1938 team are still in existence. If so, please call us at 341-6299. Historical Lens INVERMERE HOCKEY TEAM, 1938-1939: From left to right, back row: Jack Jones, Filmer Coy, Bud Lee, Carl Jones, Joe Pietroske, Dave McGuiness and Hans Braathen. Front row: Sandy Dobbie, Alec Johnston, Harold Saunders and Ralph Tobiason. Photo courtesy of Doreen Lamond, Cranbrook A couple of early Christmas gift ideas By Elinor Florence Pioneer Publisher My kids are always amazed at the stuff I come up with by shopping locally. By keeping an open mind and combing through every store in the valley, I always score some really good gifts. Here are a couple of preliminary ideas: • Book the services of a local hockey team to do odd jobs for your loved ones, such as putting up the Christmas lights on your house. About 15 to 20 local boys are ready and willing to do odd jobs in order to raise some extra cash. Rob Rice, coach of the minor hockey’s Boys’ Ban- tam Rep Team, said the Grade 8 boys came to him with an idea to buy pink ties from the NHL website. The $40 ties, worn on special occasions, are being sold to raise money for cancer research. “I suggested that rather than ask Mom or Dad for the money, they earn it themselves,” Rob said. The boys agreed to work at odd jobs. Rob said he has to schedule their time, since many of them are busy with hockey on weekends and school during the week. But given enough notice, they will stack firewood, move furniture, clean yards - whatever it takes. Last Sunday the boys spent three hours at Seel Forest Products on the Toby Benches stacking firewood in return for a very generous donation, Rob said. And the advantage of using their services is that you are indirectly supporting both minor hockey and cancer research. To book the boys, please call Rob at 3415935. • For a memorable and lasting gift, consider purchasing one of the art prints featured on the cover of this year’s Columbia Valley Map Book. The beautiful print, called Cobalt Lake - The Bugaboos, by artist Elizabeth Wiltzen, is available in two sizes, framed or unframed. Part of the proceeds will go towards the Invermere Public Library. You may drop in and view the print at The Pioneer’s office, the library, or Artym Gallery which is sponsoring the project. For information, call the gallery at 342-7566. The Columbia Valley P IONEER is independently owned and operated and is published weekly by Abel Creek Publishing Inc. Box 868, #8, 1008 - 8th Avenue, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Phone (250) 341-6299 · Fax (250) 341-6229 Email: upioneer@ telus.net · www.columbiavalleypioneer.com The material, written or artistic, may not be reprinted or electronically reproduced in any way without the written consent of the publisher. The opinions and statements in articles, columns and advertising are not necessarily those of the publisher or staff of The Columbia Valley Pioneer. It is agreed by any display advertiser requesting space that the newspaper’s responsibility, if any, for errors or omissions of any kind is limited to the amount paid for by the advertiser for that portion of the space as occupied by the incorrect item and there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for the advertisement. Elinor Florence Publisher Brian Geis Editor Rachel Pinder Reporter Dave Sutherland Zephyr Rawbon Michele McGrogan Sarah Turk Advertising Sales Graphic Designer Office Manager Project Manager The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 7 November 16, 2007 Please slow down! Dear Editor: In the old days before all the technologies, people used horses as a transportation resource. Christmas was caroling and getting together with family and certainly not showering their children with toys. Kids use to play outside and values were important. If you needed something from a business you needed to wait until mail came around and it wasn’t about e-mail and “I want it now because we can communicate in a matter of a second.” The world, then, was probably less speedy, no internet, no phone, no super cars, and people were probably more healthy and physically fit because they didn’t have all that junk food to eat. When I moved out here in 2001, I moved to get away from the fast pace of the city and to be close to nature. Of course, skiing was a big influence. But what I realized very fast is that it didn’t matter that there is no traffic—one traffic light—people still drove like maniacs, rushing where, I do not know. What troubles me the most is how many beer cans you could see on the side of the road. Last spring, I got four extra-large bags of cans on the side of the road, not pop cans, beer cans. Last Friday, in the afternoon, I was just saying to my husband how I couldn’t believe how many people drove right smack in the middle of the road and we, in the opposite direction, had no choice of moving aside—drunk, on drugs, out of control speeding? And on that day it happened, my lovely neighbor did a head-on with a careless driver. She survived, thank God! We hear in the middle of the night the revving of cars. You can hear the speed, every time, sending shivers down my spine. Why are these people so selfish? If you want to race, go to a race track. If you want to show off, just remember that I might be the person watching you and saying, “Wow, what a loser.” If you want to drink—make a man or woman out of yourself—don’t drive and, certainly, don’t pollute the Earth by throwing trash on the side of the road. My whole point of this letter is, if you are late, wake up and smell the coffee. There is no traffic here. Leave earlier and enjoy the drive. If you do it for the thrill, think about others that you could hurt. I have a three-year-old daughter and it traumatizes me that our lives could be changed by the carelessness of others. Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box gifts for children in Third World countries has come to an end for 2007. Thank you to all of you who participated, including the distribution centres - business, schools, churches - and the Greyhound www.landquest.com Windermere Country Estate Columbia Lake View Quiet acreage with spacious home nestled in the trees. Exquisite landscaping and gardens, water features, nearby Kokanee stream. Shop and storage for home business. Golf and Lake Windermere 5 minutes away. $1,650,000 Build your dream home here away from the traffic, trains and crowds at Eagle Nest Estates. Exclusive access to the southeast corner of Columbia Lake for swimming, sailing and wakeboarding on this exquisite undeveloped part of the Kootenay Rockies. $549,000 Radium Hot Springs $149,900 Lake Windermere View That’s right - $149,900. Quarter share this recreation property on the eighth fairway at Radium Springs Resort and spend carefree weeks in your own cabin without the burden of full ownership. Fully furnished, move right in just bring your golf clubs, skis, bathing suits and game on. An acre and a half of Lake Windermere views, modest bungalow, room to grow. This could be your lucky day. $649,000 Grant Costello • cell 1-250-342-1052 • tollfree 1-866-558-5263 LandQuest Realty Corporation - Kootenay Rockies • Timber Rock Business Centre www.landquest.com • email: grantc@landquest.com Annik Souligny Wilmer Thanks from Samaritan’s Purse Dear Editor: “The Source” for Rural, Recreational, Resort, Development and Investment Real Estate in B.C. Bus Depot for shipping. Most of all, the individuals who filled the boxes - 351 were shipped from this area. They are destined to go to West Africa, Central America and South America. Thank you again, and God bless! Frank and Gertie Friesen WE’RE HERE TO STAY! Dynasty Spas New Showroom Opening December 2007 in the former “The Place Furniture” location • SALES • SERVICE • CHEMICALS • WATER MAINTENANCE VISITS Great Opening Specials! Mountainside Pro Shop US Thanksgiving Weekend Blowout SALE! Up to 50% OFF all clothing, merchandise and equipment Golf clubs starting at $25.00 November 22-25, 2007 Fairmont Hot Springs Resort For more information: Call: 250.345.6311 info@fairmonthotsprings.com 9:00am - 5:00pm Phone: 250-347-9762 503 B 7th Ave., Invermere All prices in CDN Funds Exchange Rate: on par dynastyspas.com ecosmartspas.com 8 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer VILLAGE OF CANAL FLATS 2008 GENERAL LOCAL BY-ELECTION NOTICE OF NOMINATION Public Notice is given to the electors of the VILLAGE OF CANAL FLATS that nominations for the offices of: Mayor and Councillor (one) for a 11-month term January 2008, to November 2008, will be received by the Chief Election Officer or Deputy Chief Election Officer, at the following location: VILLAGE OF CANAL FLATS MUNICIPAL OFFICE 8853 GRAINGER ROAD 9:00 am November 27, 2007 to 4:00 pm December 7, 2007 (excluding weekends) Nomination documents are available at the Canal Flats Village Office during regular office hours. QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria: - Canadian Citizen - 18 years of age of older; - resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; and - not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or from being nominated for, being elected to, or holding office. FURTHER INFORMATION on the foregoing may be obtained by contacting: Gloria Perry, Chief Election Officer 250-349-5462 Sylvie Hoobanoff, Deputy Chief Election Officer 250-349-5462 Chief Election Officer Gloria Perry November 16, 2007 Invermere takes step to create a public housing authority By Brian Geis Pioneer Staff The District of Invermere took the next step toward creating a public housing authority Tuesday night by authorizing the submission of the recently drafted articles of incorporation to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval. According to Invermere’s chief administrative officer Chris Prosser, the move is the second step in a four-step process that will culminate in the creation of a public housing authority. The two-year-old push for a public housing authority is Invermere’s response to a shortage of affordable housing for the working class, and paves the way for West 15, Cardel Homes’ condominium development on 15th Avenue in Invermere. The development was approved on the condition that it contained a number of price-controlled homes. A public housing authority will develop the criteria upon which those homes are administered. “Thanks heavens someone figured out what to do and got us going on this,” Councillor Bob Campsall said, complimenting staff for the achievement. After the corporate articles are approved by the inpector of municipalities, Mr. Prosser explained, the district can appoint an interim board of directors to assist in the creation and establishment of the resulting Invermere Housing Corporation. The board of directors, he said, will create the criteria to administer price-controlled homes. Invermere Mayor Mark Shmigelsky said, considering the work ahead, the announcement was anti-climactic. “It seems we’re all tired out, like we should have bigger smiles on our faces when bringing this forward,” he said. “There’s still a ways to go, but we’re this much closer.” Councillor Gerry Taft ackowledged the shortage of affordable housing and said the effort was the district’s attempt to do something about it. “It’s an important step,” he said. “We’re trying to do something about it, but we can only do so much.” The province is required to approve the bylaw prior to council adoption, Mr. Prosser explained. Once the approval is received, the bylaw will be forwarded to the next available council meeting for adoption, he said. > >>> Encore Page 9 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE COLUMBIA VALLEY MUSIC • VISUAL ARTS • DINING • BAR SCENE • ENTERTAINMENT • PERFORMANCE ARTS MOVIE REVIEW PAGE 10 AT THE LIBRARY PAGE 20 Thai Days The Thailand Days Festival delighted crowds who lined up around the Community Hall in Invermere to experience the sights and sounds of Thailand this week. See Page 12 for more. Cinefest · Toby Theatre · Waitress Monday November 19th at 7 pm. The McDades · Christ Church Trinity 2007 Juno Award winners, and a 2006 Canadian Folk Music Award. Performing at Christ Church Trinity on Nov 29th. For tickets, call 342-4423. What does ART mean to you? Pynelogs Cultural Centre • Gallery & Gift Shop closed for the winter season. Open for functions, ticket sales, rentals and concerts. Office hours: 11 – 4 pm Monday to Friday. Call 342-4423. Visit columbiavalleyarts.com for our current events calendar, or call 342-4423. Out & About Your Weekly Guide to What’s Happening Around the Columbia Valley PAGE 11 10 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 MUSIC • VISUAL ARTS • DINING • BAR SCENE • ENTERTAINMENT • PERFORMANCE ARTS CV Arts bring the McDades THE McDADES are coming! Punching through the walls of tradition, this tight 5 piece plays music with a celtic root, jazz improvisation and global rhythms. Thursday, November 29, 7:30 p.m. Christ Church Trinity, Invermere Tickets $21 Adults, $10 Students (aged 6 to 18), $2 (under 6) at Dave’s Book Bar, Essentials, Pynelogs and Trims and Treasures in Fairmont. Punching through the walls of tradition, the McDades’ Celtic-rooted music fuses the spontaneity of jazz improvisation with infectious global rhythms. Finding their groove somewhere between a down-home kitchen party, a jazzy after-hours club and a folk festival, the music is both blazing and soothing. Strong vocals in English and French are complemented by agile fiddling, moody low whistle, searing saxophone and flute, and complex bass playing backed by guitar and multi-ethnic percussion. Their work is full of side trips and improvisations, but always tight and smooth. Winners of a 2006 Canadian Folk Music Award and the 2007 Juno for Best Roots/Traditional album, siblings Review: Ocean's Thirteen Reviewed by Elinor Florence 1310 7th Ave. Invermere • (250) 341-3344 BUY 1 PIZZA, GET 1 FREE Fridays • Sundays • Wednesdays 2nd Pizza of equal or lesser value FREE GREAT DRINK SPECIALS EVERYDAY NHL ON THE BIG SCREEN VISIT COPPER CITY SPIRITS FOR THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWN Gone HOLLYWOOD V I D E O This is the third and supposedly final movie in a trilogy about Danny Ocean, played by George Clooney, and his merry band of ex-convicts. The first movie made in 2001 was a remake of the original by the same name, starring Frank Sinatra. Then a sequel named Ocean's Twelve came out in 2004. All three movies are directed by Steven Soderbergh and all the cast characters are the same in this movie, except Julia Roberts and Catherine Zeta-Jones. New this time around are Ellen Barkin and Al Pacino. The plot centres around a sophisticated and complex plot to ruin the most hated casino-owner in Las Vegas, Willie Banks, played by Pacino, on the night of his new hotel's grand opening. The gang plans to rig the games and rob him blind; take away his Five Diamond hotel rating, and steal his diamond necklaces to boot. The only Gone Hollywood’s TOP FIVE OF THE WEEK Last Week’s Top 5 Rentals New Releases November 13 New Releases November 20 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Ratatouille I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry Spiderman 3 Deck the Halls Transformers Shannon, Solon, and Jeremiah are the heart of this dynamic, adventurous fivemember band that celebrates diversity and pushes the boundaries of musical tradition. Their cutting-edge sound is a perfect match to their fiery performances — it’s hot! Presented by Columbia Valley Arts, sponsored by Quiniscoe Homes, the Dades are coming on Thursday, Nov. 29, 7:30 pm, to Christ Church Trinity. Tickets are available—$21 adults, $10 students (aged 6 to 18), $2 (under 6)—at Dave’s Book Bar, Essentials, Pynelogs, and Trims and Treasures in Fairmont Hot Springs. For more information visit their website www.themcdades.com. Shrek the Third Ocean’s Thirteen Urban Justice Amazing Grace Christmas Time in Southpark Live Free or Die Hard Santa Clause 3 Rescue Dawn Hairspray Gareld Gets Real barrier to their plan is Greco, a superintelligent computer system, which they plan to knock out by simulating an earthquake. The plot is weak, and has way too many long scenes involving planning and talking, which is pretty lame for a movie that bills itself as an action thriller. Nevertheless, anyone who loves Las Vegas will enjoy the opulent scenes of the interiors and exteriors, not to mention the likes of George Clooney and his sidekicks Brad Pitt and Matt Damon, all well-groomed and dressed to the nines. These are excellent actors who seem to enjoy working together, which I guess is why they have teamed up for the third time. Rated PG-13, this is a nice little movie, good for a relaxing Friday evening at home if your expectations are not too high. RATING: 6 OUT OF 10 HEADS DVD +VHS +PS2 +PS3 +XBOX + XBOX 360 +GQ +Wii PO Box 2800, 503 - 7th Ave., Invermere, V0A 1K0 342-0057 ghvinvermere@hotmail.com The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 11 November 16, 2007 MUSIC • VISUAL ARTS • DINING • BAR SCENE • ENTERTAINMENT • PERFORMANCE ARTS • 7:30 pm: Lindsay Coulter, Conservation Policy Analyst for the David Suzuki Foundation, speaks on preserving B.C.’s endangered wildlife. Hosted by Wildsight, Invermere. Free. For info: 341-6898. Out & About Friday, Nov. 23rd-Sunday, Nov. 25th: Please call 341-6299 or Email us at upioneer@telus.net to enter your event in our FREE listings. • Grey Cup Bonspiel, sponsored by Invermere Curling Club. For info: 342-3315 or email invermerecurlingclub@shaw.ca. Toby Theatre Saturday, November 24th : CLOSED October 23rd - November 28th Friday, November 16th : • 1:30-2:30 pm: Flu shots available at Invermere Health Centre, 850-10th Ave. For info: 342-2360. • 2-8 pm: Public open house hosted by Lake Windermere Resort Ltd. to receive public input on its Athalmer project, Invermere Community Hall. • 7:30 pm: Rockies Hockey Team plays Kimberley Dynamiters, Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena. Saturday, November 17th: • Head Banger Tour: See the Bighorns up close and personal. Sponsored by the Radium Chamber of Commerce. Cost $49 plus GST. Last tour today. For info: 1-888-347-9331. • 7 pm: Sock Hop, steak dinner and music. Tickets $10 at the Invermere Legion. For info: 342-6044. • 7:30 pm: Rockies Hockey Team plays Grand Forks Border, Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena. Sunday, November 18th: • 10 am: Invermere Public Library hosts Christmas Bake Sale and Silent Auction. Please drop off donated baking on Friday, November 23rd. Sponsored by Friends of the Invermere Library. • 10 am: “Local Perspective” art show opens at Artym Gallery and continues until November 30th. See works by Denise Lemaster, Pat Bavin, and Mark Sharp. Evening reception with artists 6-9 p.m. For info: 342-7566. • 10 am-noon: Scrappy-Do’s Christmas card-making workshop. $20, for info: 342-7238. • 10 am: Radium Public Library will resume the Toddler Program for babies and toddlers up to 36 months old. To register: 347-9131. • Light Up Night in Invermere: streets closed 4 to 8:30 pm, live entertainment at 5 pm, Panorama Mountain Village hosts World Cup Ski medal presentation and parade at 6 pm, Santa arrives 6:30 pm and lights go on; Santa meets children from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Toad’s Hole, fireworks by the arena at 8:15 p.m. Businesses open until 8 p.m. Free hot chocolate for everyone; goodies for the kids. Friday, November 30th: • 4-8 pm: 14th original Christmas Craft Sale, Invermere Hall. Admission $1, proceeds to Windermere Valley Child Care Society. For info: 342-1475. Saturday, December 1st: • 10am-4pm: 14th original Christmas Craft Sale, Invermere Community Hall. Admission $1, proceeds to the Windermere Valley Child Care Society. For info: 342-1475. • 10 am-2 pm: Christmas Craft Fair and Lunch, Edgewater Community Hall. Crafters who want tables, call Phyllis at 347-9673. • 9 am-2 pm: Third annual arts, crafts, produce and rummage sale at the high school to support the Greenhouse Project. Table rentals $25 each. For info: Joanne Bragg at 342-9213, ext. 143. • 7 pm: Snowflake Ball, hosted by Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce at the Lions Hall. Live band, hot buffet, door prizes. Call 342-2844 to reserve. • 7:30 pm: Rockies Hockey Team plays Revelstoke Grizzlies, Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena. Sunday, December 2nd: • 12:30 pm: Super Sunday’s Santa Claus Parade in downtown Invermere. Stores open for Christmas shopping. Monday, December 3rd: • Ladies’ Night Out, Lake Windermere Alliance Church. Guest speaker Brenda Peters. For info: Edna at 347-7750. • 1 pm: Special presentation for seniors at Invermere Seniors Hall, 1309-14th Street, Invermere. Jim Scott of Kootenay Savings speaks on reverse mortgages and the provincial property tax deferral program; and accountant Rob Harvey speaks on tax matters. Monday, November 26th: Friday, December 7th : • 1:30-2:30 pm: Flu shots available at Invermere Health Centre, 850-10th Ave. For info: 342-2360. Monday, November 19th : • 3-4 pm: Flu shots available at Invermere Health Centre, 850-10th Avenue. For info: 342-2360. • 9 am: Regional District of East Kootenay monthly general meeting, Cranbrook. • 10 am-noon, 1-3 pm: Visit Santa at the Prestige Inn. Admission by donation. Bring your own camera. Fundraiser for Columbia Valley Family Violence Prevention Society. • 7:30 pm: Rockies Hockey Team plays Chase Chiefs, Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena. • 3-4 pm: Flu shots available at Invermere Health Centre, 850-10th Avenue. For info: 342-2360. • 7 pm: Waitress, Cinefest movie hosted by Columbia Valley Arts Council, Toby Theatre. Tuesday, November 20th : • 7:30 pm: Windermere Valley Saddle Club AGM, election of officers. DTSS, Room 201. Wednesday, November 28th: Thursday, November 29th: • 2:30-7 pm: Flu shots available without appointment at Invermere Health Centre, 850-10th Avenue. For info: 342-2360. • 7:30 pm: The McDades perform at Christ Church Trinity. Presented by CV Arts Council, sponsored by Quiniscoe. For info: 342-4423. Saturday, December 8th : • 10 am-noon, 1-3 pm: Visit Santa at the Prestige Inn in Radium. Admission by donation. Bring your own camera. Fundraiser for Columbia Valley Family Violence Prevention Society. Book your Christmas Party or Wintertime Wedding Eagle Ranch Golf Resort is the perfect venue. With our comfortable setting and our special focus on Service Beyond, your event is sure to create lasting memories. For all inquiries, please visit The Clubhouse at Eagle Ranch or call 342-0562. Elevate Your Dining Experience 12 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 Thailand Days delights Invermere O Come All Ye Faithful to the Annual Library Christmas Bake Sale Sat., Nov. 24th 10 am at the Invermere Public Library Sponsored by the Friends of the Invermere Library Don’t forget to check out our Silent Auction! Bakers please bring goodies to the Library Friday, Nov. 23rd Live well with PHARMASAVE Will continue to be open during the road disruption scheduled to start on November 18th on 10th Ave. DELIVERY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE Monthly Independent Film Series and the Thai students performed traditional dance. Typical Thai food was also available to taste, and the line-up of people wanting to sample it stretched right Hundreds of people flocked to Invermere’s Thai- out of the door. Mr Abbott said he was overwhelmed with the land Days on Tuesday night for a taste of the Far turnout to the event. East. “This is the first time I’m aware that we’ve done People of all ages enjoyed the chance to sample, watch and experience all things Thai, thanks to this something like this in Invermere, and I’m amazed at special cultural awareness event which offered a taste the numbers of people who have come along to support it. I know of what life is that we have like in the Asian had these kind country. of events in CalThe event, gary, Vancouver which also visand Toronto, but ited Golden and never in a small Revelstoke, was community like the brainchild of ours. Thailand’s Am“I’ve been to bassador to CanThailand about ada, Snanchart nine times, and Devahastin and I’m going for Ko o t e n a y - C o the 10th time in lumbia MP Jim January. But for Abbott. people who don’t On his many AWE-INSPIRING—Seven-year-old Maxwell Woodburn feasted his eyes have the chance to visits to Thaion a selection of Th ai vegetable and fruit carving at the Th ailand Days travel, this event land, Mr. Abbott had the chance to festival. The intricate designs were carved by KunPa Usabay, who said it is a great way to bring Thailand to meet a lot of peo- took her two hours to carve the watermelon on the left. them,” he said. ple in the Thai “The Thai people at this event were not profesgovernment, and he asked if it might be possible to sional dancers or actors. They just wanted to share stage an event like this in the valley. So six Thai students, who are currently studying their culture with us, and that’s what this event was all here in Canada at the University of Regina in Sas- about,” Mr. Abbott said. Sairoong Dhamacharoen, second secretary to the katchewan, made the cross-country trip to B.C. During the day, they had the chance to mix with Royal Thai Embassy, was also on hand to talk to the pupils from Invermere’s J. A. Laird school and teach large crowd about her country’s traditional games and dance. them elementary-level Thai games. Mr. Abbott presented her with an engraved grizzly The evening event which followed at Invermere Community Hall featured food carving and crafts, bear carving to take back to Thailand. By Rachel Pinder Pioneer Staff ® A Fashionable Experience! Enjoy fall and winter savings in the golf shop at Eagle Ranch. If only life were as easy as pie. Monday, Nov 19th Toby Theatre at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 and are available at the door. columbiavalleyarts.com/cinefest The 2007/8 Cinefest Series is proudly sponsored by: www.eagleranchresort.com Our Gift to You - All clothing 20 - 70% off Discover a selection of the finest quality labels including Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Burberry, and Tommy Bahama. Make it a day: experience shopping in a relaxed setting and follow that up with lunch in the Trader’s Lounge. Fall/Winter Hours of Operation: Wed – Sat 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. or by special appointment Location: The Clubhouse at Eagle Ranch, 9581 Eagle Ranch Trail The Valley’s web, print and advertising design agency. Just a reminder… The classified deadline is 12 noon Tuesday. (From Hwy 93/95, turn at traffic lights. Entrance is on the right. From Invermere, turn left on Eagle Ranch Trail, off Athalmer Road) *Clubhouse closed during dinner hours Friday, December 7 for scheduled function. Call 1-877-877-3889 or locally 342-0562 to make reservations • www.eagleranchresort.com The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 13 November 16, 2007 Thank You The Board of Directors would like to thank all who supported Akisqnuk Rediscovery and contributed to the success of our 5th year . READY TO HIT THE SLOPES—Panorama Mountain Village marketing coordinator Hayley Wilson hands out free snow cards to Grade 4 students at J. A. Laird School in Invermere. Pictured here are Ariel Rosenfeld in the foreground, and left to right, Erich Harbich, Hayley Wilson, Meghan O’Brien and Aidan Knuckey. This is the fifth year that Panorama has given out the snow cards, worth $120 each, which allow children four free days of skiing and a $15 discount off the lift ticket for the season. Ms. Wilson explained, “It’s about encouraging kids to get up to the mountain and try it out. Principal David Gee said the snow cards are a great idea. “The snow cards are great because they give fantastic access to the mountain, and then the children can access rentals and the school of skiing.” Photo by Rachel Pinder • The Interior Health Authority Funding 2004, 2006-2008 • BC Parks Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection • The Lions Club Invermere • The Regional District of East Kootenay • The Rotary Club of Invermere • Summit Youth Centre • Palliser Printing • Harrison McKay Communications • The Ktunaxa Nation Treaty Council • The Akisqnuk First Nation • Kootenay Parks Services Ltd. • Peacock Embroidery • Rosie Pruitt • Superior Propane • AG Foods • Lambert Kipp Pharmacy • Pharmasave • Doug Anakin • Joe Nicholas • Delores Varga • Deb & Ken Fisher • The Rediscovery International Foundation • Herman Alpine • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Eva Coles Joe Pierre Junior Dan Joe Lola Nicholas Terri Nicholas Chief Wilfred Teneese Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services Donna Bone Joyce Rhodda Kurt Reichel ANKORS Marguerite Cooper Roy Magee Treehouse Outdoor Education Society Kootenay Region Metis Association Mary Gardner Anonymous, Orlando Florida Anonymous, Lakeshore Resort Campground Indian Beach Estates Columbia Outfitters Monkey’s Uncle Toy and Gift Co. Richard Hoar Dr. Pat O’Sullivan Inc. Jen Burt The Invermere Business Committee invites you to a street-party in Downtown Invermere. Celebrate the season with family and friends and show the world that our valley really has spirit! • Light up the town • Shop for Christmas and save money all weekend (at participating businesses) • Dress up in the Dickens theme and you could win great prizes • Telus World Cup Parade of Athletes at 6:00pm • World Cup medal ceremony at 6:10pm • Santa joins the party at 6:30pm • Fireworks extravaganza at 8:15pm • Free hot chocolate for all and goodies for the kids It’s Light-Up like you’ve never seen before! Welcome the world. Cheer for Canada. Join us for Light Up Night 2007. Photos by Brian Geis, The Columbia Valley Pioneer • Music and entertainment from 5:00pm until 8:00pm 14 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer Brendan Donahue Investment Advisor Phone: 342-2112 GIC Rates cashable 90 days 1 yr 2 yrs 3 yrs 4 yrs 5 yrs as of November 13th 4.10% 4.60% 4.75% 4.75% 4.85% 4.95% 5.00% New USD High Interest Savings Accounts No minimum balances 4.30% No fees Interest calculated daily, paid monthly Redeemable at any time RRSP and RRIF eligible Investments GICs, Stocks, Bonds, Preferred Shares, Income Trusts, Mutual Funds, High Interest Savings, RRSPs Rates subject to change without notice. Subject to availability. Brendan Donahue, BCOMM, CIM, FMA Investment Advisor, Berkshire Securities Inc. 342-2112 Jason Elford, CFP Investment Advisor, Berkshire Investment Group Inc. 342-5052 The Columbia Valley’s Premiere Wealth Management Firm Planning Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, Retirement Projections, Income Splitting, Registered Educational Savings Plans Services RSP Loans, Mortgage Referrals, Pension Transfers, Group RRSPs. Ask us about our free consultations and no fee accounts. Upcoming Investment Seminar “The Importance of Global Investing” Tuesday December 4th, 2007 Location: Angus McToogles • Time: 12:00 p.m. Complimentary Lunch Served Call 342-2112 for details and to reserve your space. November 16, 2007 YOUR MONEY Teach your kids how to handle money A survey by well-known consumer magazine Consumer Reports, found 28 percent of 12-year olds in America do not know that credit cards are a form of borrowing money. A full 40 percent do not know that banks charge interest on loans. Needless to say, this lack of knowledge is bad news. Not just for our kids, but for society, too. Unless we educate our children to respect money, they will reach adulthood without the skills and knowledge to manage their finances. Ultimately, that means economic instability for all of us. How do you lead your children to fiscal responsibility? Here are some ideas: Talk to your kids about money A generation ago, children weren’t usually a part of family financial discussions. That was wrong. Of course, kids don’t need to know everything that goes on with the family bank account. But if you want your kids to respect money, you need to talk to your kids about how the family makes money, and what the family does with that money. At the very least, this will make children aware of how money isn’t something that just happens—it’s something that’s earned. Introduce them to investing What you learn as a kid sticks with you for the rest of your life. So make sure to introduce investing to your children as early as possible. Help them buy a stock share or a savings bond with their birthday money. Show them the dividend or interest cheque they receive—even if it’s only for a few cents. Tell them that this is how money makes money. By the time they’re old enough to invest themselves, it will be second nature. Encourage teenagers to find jobs Most parents consider it a point of pride to provide for their kids. That’s a noble goal, but one that may be doing them more harm than good. If you want your children to be self-sufficient (and who doesn’t?), you need to encourage them to find jobs. Not only will this be an excellent way for them to learn about the working world, it will teach them greater respect for money: they are less likely to be frivolous with spending when they have to withdraw from their bank accounts rather than asking for a handout from the bank of Mom and Dad. Give your kids financial freedom Some parents encourage their children to make positive life decisions with gifts and other financial incentives. Again, this probably does more harm than good. Children need rules and limits, of course, but if you want to raise strong, independent children with a drive to succeed, your children must have some freedom to make their own decisions. Sometimes those decisions will be bad decisions. But taking responsibility for their actions will ultimately teach your children a lot more about money— and about life itself—than a lecture from a Mom or Dad ever will. When it comes right down to it, financial education is just as important as reading, writing, and arithmetic. Parents need to instruct and direct their children in the ways of money—how to make it, how to invest it, and how to spend it wisely. Market Action S&P/TSX Composite Index Dow Jones Industrial Average Nikkei Oil (New York) Gold (New York) Canadian Dollar (in US dollars) As of November 12, 2007 13,604 12,987 15,178 $94.71 $807.70 $1.0322 Weekly Gain/Loss -668.07 -555.51 -1,089.54 0.73 -3.10 -0.0396 YTD 5.40% 4.21% -12.36% 55.14% 26.20% 23.35% Most people review their Investment portfolio regularly! When was the last time you reviewed your Life Insurance Portfolio? In our ever changing world it is important that your insurance is reviewed constantly to ensure that it is the best and most appropriate coverage available. As one of the valley’s only truly independent Life Insurance brokers, I have access to most of the major carriers and can help you to ensure that you have the best products to suit your needs. For a complimentary review and to see if we can lower your cost or improve the quality of your existing coverage call me at 342-5052 or just stop in to the Berkshire office and ask to see Jason. Jason Elford has been a wealth management specialist in Calgary for more than 9 years. Now a full time resident of Invermere, Jason recently joined the Berkshire office with Brendan Donahue. Jason Elford Certified Financial Planner Insurance Advisor 712 - 10th Street, Invermere Phone: 342-5052 The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 15 November 9, 2007 The Old Zone By Harold Hazelaar Pioneer Columnist Life Time Warranty on all Blinds Call The Blind Guy! Interior World CVOHA League Standings TEAM Warwick Wolves If you read this column last week, you are Hi Heat Hustlers probably still shaking Huckleberry Hawks your head. Due to some Lake Auto Mustangs cyber-technical issue, The Pioneer only printed Valley Vision Vultures the first paragraph of my Radium Petro-Can Killers column. The first paraKicking Horse Coffee graph is meaningless by itself, so here is the rest Inside Edge Black Smoke of the story: Dale Christian Mudders Halloween turned out to be the date of the Huckleberry Hawks vs. Warwick Wolves match-up. At the time, Warwick was riding a six-game winning streak while Huckleberry’s were playing barely over .500 hockey. Anyway, the important fact was that Brent Raven and I were playing against each other for the first time in over seven years. Who would get the treat and who would get tricked? The big reason for us being opponents rather than team mates is because this year, the goalies did not draft the teams, so not only our tandem but half a dozen others on other teams were not to be this year. Oh, well, a change is as good as a rest and it has also fuelled some sort of competitive drive in me that time will tell if it’s a good thing or not. The Wolves got out to a quick two-goal lead and I must admit, a fleeting wave of panic crossed my mind. Not too long after that, we scored and victory became the only thing on my mind. With the game tied at two, I was set up perfectly for a one-time blast into the twine, only to hit the “Incredible Bulk” in midsection. (There was so much to hit, or maybe I was just in too close?) WINS LOSSES TIES POINTS 7 1 0 14 5 2 1 11 5 2 1 11 4 3 1 9 4 4 0 8 3 4 1 7 2 5 1 5 2 6 0 4 1 6 1 3 Out team consists of very steady and offensive defencemen and a bunch of us “pain in the butt” kind of grinder style forwards. We work hard for every goal we get and nothing comes easy, but we don’t know the word QUIT. I’m sure we have surprised more than a few so far this year. Just wait till we get our forward lines figured out! Anyways, the Hawks ultimately devoured the Wolves and for the time being have silenced the Bulk’s ridiculous giggle. This win is without a doubt, a testament to the entire Hawk team for their hard work game in and game out so far this season. I have enjoyed playing with you all and sweating like a pig each week for the good of the team! I must however, have it known that the score of the game was Hazelaar 1- Raven 0. Can’t wait for the re-match 10:30 p.m. on January 9, 2008. Tickets available at Home Hardware. It’s Not Surprising 9 – 1 2 t h Ave n u e No r t h , Cr a n b ro o k , B C V 1 C 3 V 6 • Ph : 2 5 0 - 4 2 6 - 3 9 1 1 Tur n at Culligan’s and come straight to us! (250) 342 4406 CRANBROOK SPECIALTY FOOTWEAR NEW FALL ARRIVALS 323 Kootenay Street North, Cranbrook (250) 426-4284 SOCK HOP Celebrate your 50th For those who are, wish they were or wanna be 50! November 17th @ 7 p.m. 10 $ Steak Dinner Music Lots of Fun Tickets Available at the Invermere Legion Call 342-6044 for information Regular Opening Hours Wed. 8 p.m. and Thurs. Fri. Sat. 2 p.m. 16 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 Do you have little spare time? The Family Resource Centre needs assistance with our Good Food Co-Op. Each month, the Family Resource Centre offers to the community the opportunity to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at a reduced cost. We need people to help us to sort, this would take approximately 2 hours each month. If you would like to help us with our project call the Family Resource Centre at 342-4242 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. FREE JUMBO WILD BUMPER STICKERS It’s time to show you care 342-3147 • www.jumbowild.com T he Gift Goes On Ladies’ Night Out December 3 – 7:00 p.m. at Lake Windermere Alliance Church rd Guest Speaker Brenda Peters Door Prizes • Delectable Desserts • Fashion Show Call Edna at 347-7750 or Olga 345-0056 before November 28th • Tickets $500 LEST WE FORGET—Three veterans were guests of honour at Windermere Elementary School’s Remembrance service last Friday. Ed Kluczny, Richard Engel and Jim Ashworth thoroughly enjoyed the service, which involved the whole school, and each class played its part by reciting poems and readings from Feathers and Fools, a modern fable about prejudice and war. Centre, Mr. Kluczny’s great-granddaughter, Jacoba Gaspar, is a student at the school, and she walked beside him after the ceremony. Jim Ashworth is pictured being led out to their left, and Richard Engel followed behind. Mr, Kluczny, 85, was bomber commander in the RCAF 90 squadron based in Mildenhall near Cambridge. Richard Engel, 77, was a platoon sergeant in Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry during the Korean War. Jim Ashworth, 88, was a flight sergeant in the RCAF 20 squadron based in India during the Burma campaign. The service was the mastermind of Grade 6/7 teacher Mark Matsalla. Photo by Rachel Pinder WISH & WIN EVENT AT • Cranbrook Agencies Real Estate 911 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC V1C 1A4 admin@cranbrookagencies.com 250) 426-3355 Toll Free: 1-888-629-4002 Phone: ( 3 VALLEY RECREATION PARK RIVERFRONT RECREATION PARK 40x100, or back lots 60x100. Septic, water individual meters. 30 feet of green space for the whole riverfront of 3 VALLEY RECREATION PARK. A beautiful relaxing lot in which to enjoy your weekends and vacation. Call Susan or Crystal for all your inquires. Win up to $10,00o0ur towards y or purchase in lease or w a new GM vehicle Mini Awamum rd $10 00 • No purchase necessary for a person to play • Only one game is allowed per person/business • Visit Chalet GM today to play • See your salesperson for further details LUXURY COUNTRY LIVING Spotless 3-4 bdrm, 2 story, 3 car attached garage. Oak kitchen, large pantry, main floor laundry, balcony off 2nd floor master bdrm. This country home is a MUST SEE Call Crystal Billey for all the details k165938 $589,000 Just a reminder… The classified deadline is 12 noon Tuesday. 5% ST G on all new Email: chaletgm@shawlink.ca CHECK US OUT AT www.chaletgm.com KIMBERLEY 427-4895 • CRANBROOK 489-2525 OUT OF TOWN 1-800-388-1156 HOURS OF OPERATION: 8 am - 6 pm Monday - Friday • 8:30 am - 5 pm Saturday 1142 - 304th St., Kimberley, BC V1A 3E1 CHALET CHEV OLD LTD. Your Wish & Win Headquarters • Your Wish & Win Headquarters • Your Wish & Win Headquarters The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 17 November 16, 2007 DID YOU MISS GETTING YOUR FLU SHOT? No appointments necessary – just drop in during these times. FRAMING THE SHOT—Ed Rasmussen and Ed Cotton take a break from expansion work at the Invermere Seniors’ Centre. Photo by Rachel Pinder Seniors’ Hall expanding By Rachel Pinder Pioneer Staff Seniors in Invermere are set to benefit from a new extension to their hall, thanks to generous donations from local tradespeople and lots of fundraising. Invermere Seniors’ president Eric Rasmussen has teamed up with Radium Seniors president Ed Cotton to build the extension, which they are doing on their own time. Eric explained that the gist of the extension was to provide more washrooms to serve up to 76 people allowed in the hall at one time. They are installing one men’s toilet and a urinal and three ladies’ toilets. The extension will also include a kitchen. Eric explained when they first A L W A Y S T H E S M A R T November 16, Friday November 19, Monday November 26, Monday November 28, Wednesday November 29, Thursday Invermere Health Centre Invermere Health Centre Invermere Health Centre Invermere Health Centre Invermere Health Centre 1:30-2:30 3:00-4:00 1:30-2:30 3:00-4:00 2:30-7:30 For more information contact your local public health of¿ce: 342-2360 850 10th Ave. Invermere B.C. www.interiorhealth.ca looked into it, they realized they needed to put in a chair lift to carry people who were unable to walk up the stairs. They also needed to install a full basement to be used as mechanical and service areas, and which could be used for storage as well. “When we got the plans done to accommodate six washrooms we realized we also needed to install a handicapped washroom as we didn’t have one. Local tradespeople have donated some of the materials we needed which is great, but there’s a lot of different people involved so we’ll hold off from mentioning any names until it’s all finished,” Eric said. The project is expected to cost in the region of $75,000 to $80,000, and the group has already raised $40,000 through various fundraising efforts. for your whole life C H O I C E ! Columbia Valley Shoppers Special… $ from 90* per night. The Sandman Advantage: night, includes breakfast for two at Denny’s 24 73 comfortable guest rooms + hour Restaurant. Based on double occupancy. In-room high speed Internet available + Rates quoted in Canadian funds. Subject to Kitchenettes + availability. Some restrictions may apply. Denny’s 24 hour Restaurant + Room service + Indoor pool + Business Centre O B J E C T I V E , C R E AT I V E , *Columbia Valley Shoppers Special from $90 per Centrally located + 405 Cranbrook St, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3R5 Phone 250 426 4236 Fax 250 426 3905 For Central Reservations, call 1+800+SANDMAN or visit us at sandmanhotels.com N E W S PA P E R I N F O R M AT I V E ! The valley’s best read newspaper! 6,000 copies from Cranbrook to Golden. 2,000 copies in Calgary. Read us online at: www.columbiavalleypioneer.com • E-mail: upioneer@telus.net • Phone: (250) 341-6299 18 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 Mom’s Hockey Moments By Cheryl Bachinski Pioneer Columnist 2008 Dodge 1500 QC SXT V8 HEMI, AUTO, 4x4, POWER WINDOWS, LOCKS, CRUISE, A/C, AND MORE. MSRP $40,775 Stk#T08097 $259 a month plus tax. Based on a 24 month lease, 1.99%, $5,000 down plus tax, option to purchase at lease end $24,057.25 plus tax, total paid $11,216. plus tax, all rebates to dealer, rebate used in lieu of 3 for free. 2007 CHRYSLER 300C 5.7L HEMI, SRT PACKAGE, SUNROOF, LEATHER, PLUS MORE. MSRP $48,560 The Cranbrook scheduling meetings last weekend are now complete and the Invermere teams know who they are playing, where they will be going and when. It is a busy time for team managers, getting the schedules printed and out to the parents. A big “thanks” goes out to the managers, for giving up their Sunday to attend the scheduling meeting. Our Midget girls hosted a two-game weekend series against Brooks, recording an exciting 2 – 1 win on Saturday. Brooks opened the scoring halfway through the first period, but Invermere replied with a late period goal scored by Hannah Macklin. The second period was scoreless with Invermere breaking the tie at the 14:13 mark of the third period. This game winning goal was scored by Braydi Rice assisted by Emma Ross. Sunday’s game was another close one for the girls, with Invermere winning 1 – 0. The first and only goal of the game was scored early in the first period by Hannah Macklin, set up by Sammy Small and Samantha Hawes. Alanna Westergaard recorded her third shut-out of the season, playing an extremely solid game between the pipes. Alanna, “You go, girl!” If your season continues as it has begun, the Midget girls games will be very exciting to watch. Congratulations! Six league games into the season shows Invermere sitting in second place with a 4 – 2 record. Our Junior girls team posted a 4 – 0 win over Cranbrook Dodge, with goalie Jamye Saunders logging the shut out. Led by captain Kiana Strand, the girls kept the pressure on the Cranbrook boys team and out-shot them 60 – 8! Despite the pressure, the Cranbrook goalie was very stingy and allowed just the four goals. The team work and positional play that the girls employed was text-book and the only thing that seemed to be missing was finish around the net. Katrina Dubois contributed a goal and two assists while the defensive corps of Holly Nikirk, Lindsay Torma, Lily Smith, Emilee Enns and Gracy Jones helped Jayme earn her shut out. Excellent team work girls! Our annual Purdy’s Chocolate sale just wrapped up, the orders are being tallied and submitted, and are currently all over my bed, the only safe place from our new boxer puppy, Tie (named after Tie Domi, now do you think we like hockey or what?) A reminder to purchase a raffle ticket, with a chance at a truck load of wood for your fire place or $500 cash, and help support minor hockey. The Pee Wee boys will be hosting their home tournament November 23 - 25, so be sure to come by the rink to enjoy a game or two. See you there! “The Local Perspective” Stk#C07551 Pat Bavin Denise Lemaster and Mark Sharp All rebates to dealer, rebate used in lieu of 3 for free. WHY BUY ANYWHERE ELSE?? COME IN TODAY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR AMAZING DEALS CHECK ALL OF OUR INVENTORY AT Exhibition Opens Saturday, Nov. 24, 10 am WWW.CRANBROOKDODGE.COM Evening Reception from 6-9 pm with artists in attendance If you own a light duty or heavy duty pick-up, CHEV, FORD, TOYOTA, NISSAN, HONDA,OR DODGE AND YOU TRADE IT IN AT CRANBROOK DODGE YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EXTRA $1,000 ON TOP OF ANY OTHER OFFER OF ANY HEAVY DUTY TRUCK. Mark Sharp Exhibition continues until November 30th To view our full line-up visit www.cranbrookdodge.com 1-800-663-2268 1725 Cranbrook St. (250) 426-6614 Denise Lemaster Pat Bavin 250-342-7566 ~Downtown Invermere ~ www.artymgallery.com The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 19 November 16, 2007 Need Blinds? Best Quality Call The Blind Guy! Interior World (250) 342 4406 Columbia Basin Trust Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of the Columbia Basin Trust invites you to attend their regularly scheduled public session, which is held at their Board meetings every two months. The public session being held in Radium offers an opportunity to ask questions about the work CBT is doing throughout the Basin. The meeting is being held at: Prestige Radium Hot Springs Columbia Room 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. November 16, 2007 SIGNS OF CHRISTMAS—The Rotary Club of Invermere prepares for its annual Christmas tree sale. The proceeds are returned each year to the community in Rotary-sponsored projects. Pictured from left to right are Rotarians Wayne Rossington, Roscoe Dalke, Dennis Hemus, Rod Turnbull, Todd Fisher and Bob Wilkins. Few things in life are certain. The comfort of natural gas is one of them. CUSTOMER CHOICE allows you to choose how you purchase your natural gas. Whether you save money in the long run is dependent on the gas market. When you buy directly from Terasen Gas, you get a variable rate with the price adjusted quarterly to reflect actual market price. When you sign with a gas marketer you get a fixed-price rate. It stays constant regardless of market fluctuations, so you could end up paying more or less than market price. What is certain is that you can count on the comforts that natural gas provides, as well as reliable service and delivery by Terasen Gas. To find out more, visit www.terasengas.com Not available in all areas. The Terasen Gas name and logo, are trademarks of Terasen Inc. The Terasen Gas group of companies includes Terasen Gas Inc., Terasen Gas (Vancouver Island) Inc. and Terasen Gas (Whistler) Inc. www.terasengas.com If you are interested in making a presentation to the Board at the November meeting, please contact Maureen Forster at 1-800-505-8998 or mforster@cbt.org. 1.800.505.8998 info@cbt.org www.cbt.org 20 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 At the Library JEWELLERY & FOSSIL GALLERY Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali Reviewed by Sheila Bonny Canadian Ammolite Jewellery Gold & Silver Gemstone Jewellery Healing Salt Lamps Crystals & Minerals C O LU M B I A VA L L E Y P I O N E E R S P E C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N We make custom Jewellery Repairs & Cleaning THINK CHRISTMAS Fossil & Mineral Exhibit 613 - 12th Street Invermere (250) 342-0177 www.rivergems.com SPOT THE Reach more customers with the Number One publication in the Columbia Valley Limited Space Available Call Now to Book Your Ad • Proven Demographics • 100,000 Copies • 275,000+ Readership • Targeted Distribution Contacts: Adrienne Turner, Sales (250) 341-1201 DEALS Pioneer Classieds N E W S PA P E R No. 8, 1008 - 8th Ave. Box 868 • Invermere BC • V0A 1K0 Phone: (250) 341-6299 Fax: (250) 341-6229 Email: info@columbiavalleypioneer.com Web: www.columbiavalleypioneer.com Infidel is the remarkable story of Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s conversion from a traditional Muslim schoolgirl to a liberated critic of Islamic fundamentalism. The daughter of a Somali rebel leader, Ali grew up in Somali refugee communities in Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Kenya. A harsh upbringing that included brutal genital excision, arranged marriages and female docility caused Ali to early question her faith in Islam. Reading English literature in Kenyan schools exposed her to the unsettling concepts of female self-determination and romantic love. To escape a forced marriage, Ali fled to the Netherlands where she traded her black hidjab for blue jeans, learned Dutch and studied political science “to understand why life in Holland was so different from life in Africa.” Ali became a women’s advocate and then a member of the Dutch Parliament, protesting that accommodation of Islamic communities within Holland permitted the violation of women’s rights to physical safely, education, employment and self-determination. This so inflamed Islamic fundamentalists that she received death threats, and Theo van Gogh, with whom she made a documentary criticizing Islam, was murdered. Ali writes with intellectual frankness and, surprisingly, with love and compassion for the family members who have disowned her. Let us bake for you! Grandma’s Homemade Christmas Baking Tourtier $12 Christmas Goodies Tray with a variety of Christmas Cake, Rum Balls, Mince Tarts, Squares, Cookies and Candies. $9/dozen. Call Louise to order 342-6044 before Dec. 3rd Pick up Dec. 19th, 20th, 21st Made especially for you by the Legion Regular Opening Hours: Wed. 8 pm & Thurs. Fri. Sat. 2 pm The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 21 November 16, 2007 No more searching for the lowest mortgage rates… Great rates, products and service www.meridianmortgagesolutions.com Bill Rainbow Mortgage Broker (250) 342-3453 Christmas Bureau of the Columbia Valley is now ready to accept applications for FOOD HAMPERS & ANGEL GIFTS for Christmas 2007. Application forms are available at Family Resource Centre, Columbia Valley Employment Centre, College of the Rockies, Invermere Public Health Unit, the Akisqnuk Health Centre, Shuswap Band Offices, Canal Flats Headwaters Centre or 342-6752. Return completed application forms in person to Family Resource Centre or Columbia Valley Employment Centre or by mail to The Christmas Bureau of the Columbia Valley, Box 2595, Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0. The deadline for requests is December 7, 2007. The sooner we have your request, the sooner we can match your family with a sponsor. CHAMBER WELCOMES NEW OFFICERS—The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce welcomed its new Board of Directors last week. Pictured here are (front row, left to right) Al Miller (president) of Invermere Hardware & Building Supplies, Harrison McKay of Harrison McKay Communications, Richard Haworth of Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, Bob Mashford of Mr. Bibs Insulating; (back row, left to right) Dee Conklin (past president) of Palliser Printing, Scott Morgan of Greywolf at Panorama, Wendy Bennett of Rocky Mountain Pet Resort & Spa, and Nancy Phair of Ground Elements Landscaping. Board members Paul Christy of Monkey’s Uncle Toy & Gift Company and Sheila Tutty of The Valley Echo were absent when the photo was snapped. Photo by Brian Geis To sponsor a family, call Gail 342-6752 or Helen 342-6789, or email Gail at hghoff@telus.net before December 13th. To donate an Angel Gift, visit the children’s Angel Tree in Dairy Queen after December 1st or the adult and teen’s Angel Tree in Dave’s Book Bar after November 23rd. Your Local COLUMBIA VALLEY REAL ESTATE Professionals INVERMERE 1022B-7th Ave. Independently Owned and Operated Paul Glassford Representative (250) 341-1395 pglassford@telus.net Ofce: (250) 342-6505 Fax: (250) 342-9611 Invermere Office – 526B – 13th Street Fairmont Office – #4, Fairmont Village Mall Phone (250) 345-4000 INVERMERE 1022B-7th Ave. Bernie Raven Representative (250) 342-7415 braven@cyberlink.bc.ca Independently Owned and Operated It’s the Experience! Ofce: (250) 342-6505 Fax: (250) 342-9611 Ed English Jan Klimek (250) 342-1195 janklimek@telus.net Main Street, Invermere (250) 342-1194 edenglish@telus.net PAUL ROGGEMAN 341-5300 Fax (250) 345-4001 www.rockymtnrealty.com paul@rockymtnrealty.com Dedicated to all your real estate needs. (250) 342-6505 INVERMERE www.ReMaxInvermere.com Independently Owned and Operated w w w. e d a n d j a n s l i s t i n g s. c o m Mountain Creek Properties Ltd. Strata, Rental & Commercial Property Management For professional management of your strata corporation or rental property, overseen by a CertiÀed Property Manager®, please contact Bill Weissig CPM®, CPRPM, CLO, SMA, CRES. Our property managers are licensed under the Real Estate Services Act of B.C. For more information regarding their extensive qualications and experience, please visit our web site at http://www.mountaincreek.ca. Phone: 250-341-6003 Email: bweissig@mountaincreek.ca RockiesWest Realty Ltd. INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED 230 Laurier Street Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Ron Maciborski SALES REPRESENTATIVE (250) 342-5704 (Cell) (250) 342-5599 (Office) (250) 342-5559 (Fax) e-mail: ronmac@rockieswest.com Daniel Zurgilgen MaxWell Realty Invermere 926-7th Avenue, Inveremere, BC www.maxwelldaniel.com Cell: (250) 342-1612 Office: (250) 341-6044 Fax: (250) 341-6046 22 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 HERE TO SERVE YOU Dr. Margaret Radermacher, DC Gary Boyd Registered Massage Therapist (A Radermacher Chiropractic & Integrative Health 107, 901-7th Ave Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-342-8830 Fax: 250 342 8835 SHOLINDER & MACKAY EXCAVATING Inc. Septic Systems Installed ~ Pumped ~ Repaired Prefab Cement Tanks Installed Water Lines Dug Installed Basements Dug WINDERMERE 342-6805 The only place t’s w he re i 30 minute circuit training for women only. cool to be a loser! Now Open 24/7 HEAT PUMPS, DUCT WORK & FURNACES What are you weighting for? Women’sPACE Sales and Service Call today 342.1167 Verna Jones • pacegal@ telus.net • Tel: 342-6010 Great Selection of: •Wood Blinds•Sunscreens •Woven Woods•Pleated Shades•Roller Shades and more! SERVICES RICHARD BARCK (250) 349-5787 richardbarck@hotmail.com Fairmont Hot Springs, BC #1 Kootenay Block Main St., Radium BC For all your interior decorating needs. 347-7734 • POOLS • HOT TUBS • CHEMICALS • FIREPLACES • BBQ·S • HEATING • VENTILATION • AIR CONDITIONING • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Wendy Gleave Mortgage Specialist CIBC Mortgages & Lending Tel: 250-345-4571 Fax: 250-345-4571 Other: 250-341-7017 wendy.gleave@hlcmortgages.com 385 Laurier Street, Invermere, BC PO Box 117, Windermere, BC V0B 2L0 Phone: (250) 342-7100 email: info@diamondheatingandspas.com Fax: (250) 342-7103 www.diamondheatingandspas.com We aren’t the cheapest, JUST THE BEST! by Leanne • Manicures • Pedicures • Gel Nails By Appointment Only 14A Wolfe Cr., RR#2 Invermere, B.C. Located behind Tim Hor tons • Ph: 341-3314 Call NOW: 688-0213 • Carpets dry in about 1 hour! • 100% guaranteed! • Low Moisture • No Steam • No Sticky Residue • Upholstery • Area Rugs • Wood & Tile Floors • Vehicle Interiors • Free Estimates See more online at www.heavensbest.ca ALL BOBCAT PROJECTS East Kootenay Electrical Services Ian O’Connor ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Cell: 250-341-1342 • Fax: 250-342-8739 Email: ekelectric@telus.net Need Blinds? Interior World window fashions Call Bill Cropper (250) 342 4406 The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 23 November 16, 2007 HERE TO SERVE YOU LAMBERT-KIPP PHARMACY LTD. J. Douglas Kipp, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Laura Kipp, Pharm D. Your Compounding Pharmacy Bob Mashford, President Phone: (250) 341-7188 or (403) 923-2427 Fax: (403) 720-5789 Come in and browse our giftware Excellent Security Measure Makes it look like you’re home when you’re not! Open Monday - Saturday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Residential Only 1301 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Kirk Davis, Invermere BC 342-6612 Lawn and Yard Maintenance Sunrise To Sunset Service mrbibsinsulating@hotmail.com Valley Wide Pine Ridge Cutters Your search for quality and dependability ends with us. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a reliable contact person for your BC home? Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Specialists Truck Mounted System • Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed Dean Hubman Certified Technician 342-3052 • • • • • RR3, 4874 Ridge Cres. Invermere, BC V0A 1K3 COMMERCIAL SNOWPLOWING AND SANDING Contact: Silver Creek Properties Inc. Phone: 688-4848 (Beside the Petro Canada Car Wash) Phone: 342-6614 • www.autowyze.com THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE! Call 341-6299 (250) 341-1012 Automotive Repairs 7 days a week GAS • PROPANE • DIESEL Freight & Passenger Depot 7507 Main St. West, Radium Hot Springs (250) 347-9726 TRIPLE J Window Cleaning Residential/Commercial Window Technicians FULLY FREE Snow Removal INSURED ESTIMATES Jim & Donna Detta Canal Flats, BC • Ph: 250-349-7546 NEW Complete Automotive Repairs Home and property inspections Irrigation system start-up and blow-out, head replacement and timing Snow plowing driveway and walkways Mowing, pruning, planting, weeding and mulching Hauling. RADIUM HOT SPRINGS ESSO Sewer/Drain Cleaning Septic Tank Pumping Portable Toilet Rentals • Complete sewer/drain repair • Reasonable rates - Seniors’ discount • Speedy service - 7 days a week • A well-maintained septic system should be pumped every 3-5 years • Avoid costly repairs Bruce Dehart 347-9803 or 342-5357 • Topsoil • Sand • Gravel VJ (Butch) Bishop Owner/Operator 4846 Holland Creek Ridge Rd. Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 CLUB TOWING )&"7:"/%-*()5508*/("/%3&$07&3: :FBST4FSWJOHUIF7BMMFZ READY MIX CONCRETE Concrete Pump • Sand & Gravel Heavy Equipment Rentals • Crane Service Proudly Serving the Valley for over 50 years For competitive prices and prompt service call: 342-3268 (plant) 342-6767 (office) 24 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 HERE TO SERVE YOU Hi - Heat INVERMERE GLASS LTD. •Auto • Home • Commercial • Mirrors • Shower Doors • 27 years glass experience */46-"5*/(-5% 4JODF %POOB)B[FMBBS 1)0/& '"9 50--'3&&)&"5 888)*)&"5*/46-"5*/($0. t.BDIJOF#MPXO8BMMT"UUJDT t8BMM#BS*OTVMBUJPO4ZTUFN t'SJDUJPO'JU#BUUT t$PNNFSDJBM3FTJEFOUJBM t'SFF-PDBM&TUJNBUFT 10#098*/%&3.&3&#$7#- &."*-4"-&4ʴ)*)&"5*/46-"5*/($0. Telephone: 342-3659 Jeff Watson Serving the Valley for over 11 years • #3, 109 Industrial Road #2, Invermere Lambert INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. BOX 459 BOX 2228 7559 MAIN STREET 742 - 13th STREET RADIUM HOT SPRINGS, BC INVERMERE, BC. V0A 1M0 V0A 1K0 PHONE: 347-9350 PHONE: 342-3031 FAX: 347-6350 FAX: 342-6945 Email: info@invermereinsurance.com • Toll Free: 1-866-342-3031 0F%ULGH5HDOW\&HQWHU/WG $IILOLDWHG%URNHUIRU &DEHOD¶V7URSK\ 3URSHUWLHV//& 0DLQ6WUHHW 32%R[0F%ULGH%&9-( 7ROO)UHH &HOO )D[ (PDLOEHYDQ#PFEULGHUHDOW\FRP :HEVLWHZZZPFEULGHUHDOW\FRP 7LPH6KDUH5HVDOH¶V ZZZWLPHVKDUHEX\QVHOOFRP Invermere (250) 341-6888 %HYDQ2OVRQ 6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYH .RRRWHQD\&ROXPELD www.cordnerarchitect.com THE CENTER OF REAL ESTATE ACTION IN THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Avion COLUMBIA VALLEY Construction Ltd. Specializing in Custom Drapery, Blinds, Shutters & Flooring Residential & Commercial Interiors Brenda E. Werbisky, C.I.D., Interior Designer For appointment call (403) 861-8782 brenda@soledecornmore.com Hours: CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS - GENERAL CONTRACTORS DESIGN/BUILD CUSTOM HOMES • MULTI-FAMILY & COMMERCIAL PROJECTS HEAD OFFICE INVERMERE Phone: (250) 342-9866 Fax: (250) 342-9869 www.avionconstruction.com Phone: (403) 287-0144 Fax: (403) 287-2193 #200, 6125 - 11 Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2H 2L6 250-342-5262 Serving Golden to Cranbrook, Banff and Lake Louise 250.341.5030 lf-cr@hotmail.com Hardware • Software • Upgrading • Tuning 403 - 7th Avenue Invermere, BC 9OUR7EEKLY3OURCEFOR.EWSAND%VENTS LIFE’S BRIGHTER under the sun. pierre.trudel@sunlife.ca 4798 Selkirk Ave. Box 108 Edgewater BC V0A 1E0 TAXI Specializing in Home PC Repair Bus: (250) 342-6336 Fax: (250) 342-3578 Email: isr@telus.net Website: www.is-r.ca Pierre E. Trudel Bus 250-270-0363 Fax 250-347-6948 Sunday, 12 noon – 10 p.m. Monday – Wednesday, 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. Thursday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 a.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. – 4 a.m. ɧF $ DYNASTY STANDS FOR QUALITY / & 8 4 1" 1 & 3 locally owned and operated TH!VENUE )NVERMERE"# Phone/Fax Service After The Sale Neil & Coralie Woele 347-9762 www.dynastyspas.com PMVNCJB 7BMMFZ $AVE3UTHERLAND 3ALES!SSOCIATE WWWCOLUMBIAVALLEYPIONEERCOM EMAILUPIONEER TELUSNET The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 25 November 16, 2007 RCMP Report By Staff-Sergeant Doug Pack RCMP Columbia Valley Detachment Over the past week, RCMP in the Columbia Valley answered 84 calls for service. • On Oct. 23rd, at approximately 4:45 p.m., a member of the RCMP was alerted to a possible impaired driver, heading southbound on Highway 95 near Edgewater. The car in question was intercepted by the police officer and, after checking the driver, the officer learned the driver had been drinking beer. The RCMP member then demanded a breath sample and the roadside device detected a “warn,” which registers a blood alcohol reading between .05 mgs per cent and .08 mgs per cent. Further, police checks showed the driver was prohibited under the Motor Vehicle Act. He was charged and his vehicle was impounded. • On Nov. 7, at approximately 12:00 p.m., the RCMP received a complaint of a construction company’s compound having been broken into, and a Dodge pickup was stolen along with a pressure washer, a generator and a water tank, all of which were in the box of the truck. The complainant told police that, when he arrived for work, Monday, Nov. 5, he noticed two messages taped to door of his office, one dated Nov. 2, and another one on the 3rd. Police have taken the notes, and the stolen equipment has been added to the RCMP’s national database. Anyone with information on this crime is asked to contact the RCMP at 3429292 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS). • On Nov. 9, at around 5:07 p.m., RCMP responded to a two-car collision on west side road by Wilmer. One vehicle was traveling south bound when it collided, head on, with a north bound vehicle. The driver of the first car admitted to driving 80km/hr in a cautionary 50km/hr zone. One driver received minor injuries while his passenger was taken to the hospital with injuries to his chest. The second driver was also taken to hospital by ambulance with injuries to her neck and back. Both vehicles were towed. RCMP are continuing the investigation and police are examining the evidence to see if charge for Driving Without Due Care and Attention is warranted. • On Nov. 11, at 12:40 a.m., RCMP were called to a report of a stolen vehicle. The complainant told police he parked the car he was driving at his house and left a “drunken friend” inside of it while he ran into his house to change clothes. When he came back out, the car was gone. He did not see the direction of travel. The complainant told the RCMP that he does not know where his “drunken friend” lives. Nonetheless, the investigating police officer located the car a few hours later at a nearby residence, which coincidentally happened to be where the complainant’s “drunken friend” was living. When questioned, the “drunken friend” said he had the complainant’s consent to drive. He also told police that the complainant and a few of his other friends had already found the car, entered his house and assaulted him. The vehicle was returned to its rightful owner. The RCMP are continuing the investigation. Charges may be laid, after police determine who, in reality, is responsible for doing what to whom - and then it can all be explained to a judge. • I don’t like to say “I told you so,” but . . . winter hit us with a vengeance on Monday, Nov. 12. There were reports of at least seven cars having left the roadway in Kootenay National Park as a result of the winter road conditions. However, on knowledge learned from our officers at the scene and reports from road crews, some cars were still running with “summer tires.” Thankfully, no reports of injuries were received, but I’m sure several folks are going to be spending some time with their insurance adjuster sorting out their claims. If you haven’t already changed your tires, please do so. You will save yourself a lot of heartache (and perhaps even a headache). Saturday, November 24th Thank Thank You You Invermere! Invermere! It’s… It’s… Christmas is just around the corner… Order to save time & money! Corporate & Personal ELF Craft Fair Nov. 23rd & 24th Call Jayne at 342-3160 www.itsawrapgiftbaskets.ca NEW GROUP CLASSES Pilates (VFC) & Water Fitness (Radium) Start week of November 19th www.parrypilates.ca 342-5979 Valley Fitness Centre (VFC) 342-2131 COLUMBIA BASIN TRUST REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CBTACH07 ARTS, CULTURE AND HERITAGE PROGRAM Columbia Basin Trust is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to conduct an evaluation of its Arts, Culture and Heritage Programs delivered on behalf of CBT by the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance. The Arts, Culture and Heritage Program evaluation will review and assess the impacts, the administration and the effectiveness of the program. Closing date for the Request is 3:00 PM PST on December 7, 2007. Full proposal information packages may be obtained by contacting: Megan Catalano Columbia Basin Trust Suite 300, 445-13 Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G1 Phone: 1-800-505-8998 Email: mcatalano@cbt.org 1.800.505.8998 info@cbt.org www.cbt.org COLUMBIA BASIN TRUST REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CBTYMP07 Friday, November 23 rd Come join us after Light-Up for our RETRO SKI PARTY with DJ Nip-L CUSTOMER APPRECIATION with NIGHT Mighty Joe Young Band Louisiana Rock Rock n’ n’ Roll Roll Louisiana Bud’s Is Where It’s At! Delivery Partner – Youth Media “Scratch Magazine” Columbia Basin Trust is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to produce and distribute Scratch Magazine. Scratch Magazine is part of CBT’s Youth Initiatives and highlights Basin youth art and writing. Closing date for the Request is 3:00 PM PST on December 7, 2007. Full proposal information packages may be obtained by contacting: Megan Catalano Columbia Basin Trust Suite 300, 445-13 Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G1 Phone: 1-800-505-8998 Email: mcatalano@cbt.org 1.800.505.8998 info@cbt.org www.cbt.org 26 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 P IONEER C LASSIFIEDS ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE SUITE FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT MISC. FOR SALE MISC. FOR SALE David Thompson Secondary School 3rd Annual Arts, Crafts, Produce, Preserves and Rummage Sale in support of the Greenhouse project Saturday December 1st , 9 am – 2 pm Table rentals $25.00 (contact Joanne Bragg, 342-9213 ext 143) Vehicle to be sold by D. Clowers dba Club Towing. Location of sale: 341-4th Avenue, Athalmer, B.C. Date of sale: November 30th, 2007. Time of sale: 5:00 pm. Vehicle to be sold under the Warehouse Lien Act for Towing & Storage costs. Vehicle is a 1999 Black Nissan Pathfinder, Vin # JN8AR07Y1XW360265. Name of Debtor: D. Clowers dba Club Towing. Amount of Debt: $2,713.60. CONTRACTORS: Self contained cabins by the week or month. (250) 345-6365 Fairmont Bungalows. Windermere – 2 bdrm furnished house with fridge, stove, dishwasher, w/d, fireplace, satellite, heated garage. NS/NP. $1,100.00. Available immediately. 342-0020. Support “Rockies” Hockey. Pine, Fir & Larch – dry & split order 342-6908. Kenmore heavy duty washer/ dryer, 2 speeds, rarely used, excellent condition, $150.00 set. Cell # 270-9017. The Elf Craft Fair is Coming! Friday Nov. 23rd . 4 pm. – 8 pm. Saturday Nov. 24th . 9 am. – 3 pm. Invermere Hall. Come get in the mood for the season with us. Door prizes! Admission by donation to Verge for Youth. HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE by the Hoodoo Quilters Saturday November 24, 2007 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Garage / Craft Sale Invermere Seniors Hall 1309 14th St. 10:00 am to 3:00 pm For more info call 342-3990. Anne & Terry’s Food Extravaganza! Dec. 6, 2007 at 6:00 pm. We are offering an assortment of homemade foods and Christmas baking. Come try our stuffed chicken breasts, lasagnas, chicken pot pie, cabbage rolls and more! You can sample all of our Christmas goodies. Come load up your freezer. Tickets are $35.00, with $10.00 going towards buying a family Christmas. There are only 60 tickets so call now, 688-5071. 2 bdrms for rent in a 3 bdrm house in Invermere $450.00 & $550.00 per month. Includes utilities, W/D, pets negotiable. Available Nov. 15th, 341-7248. CONDO FOR RENT MEMORIAM In loving memory of Hester Goalder, November 14, 2006. Sadly missed and always in our hearts, Lorri (Sandy), Misti, Mac Snihor, Harvey (Lynda), Nicole, Shane, Terry, Goalder. LOST Black and white cat, 2 black dots on back of neck, goes by the name Buttons. Lost by Pine Logs, call 342-9289 STORAGE NEWHOUSE MULTI STORAGE Various size available. Now with climate controlled units. Call 342-3637 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE Retail/Office/Storage 503 7th Ave. Only one spot left! 2000 sq. ft., $12.00/sq. ft. triple net. Call 342-0603 or 341-5845. WANTED Roommate wanted in Radium, $375/month, includes utilities, available immediately, call Dave, 347-7787. This 1 bedroom fully furnished condo located in the luxurious Sable Ridge complex comes complete with king-sized bed, Penthouse furnishings, and everything you will need to make this retreat like condo home. This is the largest one-bedroom condo in the complex which features a spacious living and dining room, large deck overlooking the pool, 2 hot tubs, and full vistas of the Rockies. All this plus heated underground parking, ensuite laundry, water, heat, and electricity are included. Make this award-winning complex home at only $1550 per month. For more information please phone 403-861-5656. 1 bdrm condo in Sable Ridge in Radium. Built in 2007, fully furnished with Penthouse Furniture, gourmet kitchen, fire place, hot tubs, pool, underground parking, 3rd floor. Utilities included. Long term rental. $1550/month, 403-7104448. Edgewater: Awesome 2 bdrm home for rent. 2 baths, decks, car port, new flooring, fridge, stove, W/D, N/S, N/P, large yard, close to schools. $1025/month, plus hydro. 1 year lease, 403230-1903. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, house for rent in Pineridge Estates. Close to all schools, view of lake and mountains, $1600.00/month plus utilities. Prefer family, N/S, N/P, available Nov. 15, 2007. Call 780-406-6898, fax requests to 780-406-6897. HOUSE FOR SALE Mobile Home for Sale in Edgewater. Large lot, 2 decks, close to school, $265,000.00, 780-728-0121. ACREAGES & LOTS Here’s a rare opportunity to own a choice, secluded 40 acre parcel less than 10 minutes from Invermere. Mostly fenced with productive hayfield, pasture and forest. Good access and surrounded by crown land on 3 sides. Close proximity to Lake Enid. Choose your favorite mountain view and build your dream home. $679,000. (250) 342-6042. MISC. FOR SALE Hay for sale, round bales. Phone Elkhorn Ranch 342-0617. Good used carpet and underpad. Approximately 575 sq. ft. or 63 yds. Light beige colour, plush, 342-5444. Pneumatic hardwood flooring, Stapler – Prime, used once, $500.00 OBO, 250-342-5220 26.6 gal. propane water heater. 12 horse power riding Yard Man lawnmower. 5 horse power tiller. Offers 50% deposit required on each. Phone Herb at 342-9746. Large dry box for pick-up truck. $130.00 OBO, 342-0020. Shitsu, cute 8 year old, seeks caring new home. Owner going overseas. Please call 342 9552 or 342 3641. Tanning booth with change room, $3,900.00. Paid over $16,000.00. Tanning bed $1,950.00, both mint condition. Need to go. Offers, 688-7798. Live hens and roosters available immediately. Please call 3422686 VEHICLE FOR SALE 1994 Toyota Corolla. Manual transmission, c/w winter tires, new clutch, asking $2,600.00, 342-3269. 1995 Grand Am, $1,500.00 OBO, 341-6984. 1998 F150 XLT V6, 5 speed 4x4, regular cab, with canopy, excellent condition, $7,500.00 OBO, 342-7393. 1998 Chev 1500 Silverado Z71, 4x4 extended cab, trailer package, mint condition, $12,900.00, Fairmont, 3454034. REAL ESTATE The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 27 November 16, 2007 P IONEER C LASSIFIEDS VEHICLE FOR SALE $10,000,000 in vehicle inventory. Go to www.cranbrookdodge.com to view complete inventory. 1999 F250 7.3L turbo diesel 4x4, loaded, without leather interior. Spray in box liner, dry box, 5th wheel and draw bar tow package. 170,000 km. excellent condition $18,000.00, 349-5666. 2000Ford Focus SE wagon. Well maintained roomy vehicle, comes with winter & summer tires, 5 speed, A/C, cruise, airbags, good gas mileage. $6,000.00 OBO, 341-3139 after 5:00 pm. VEHICLE FOR SALE CAREERS CAREERS 2004 Nissan Maxima 3.5 SE standard 6 speed. Lots of power, leather seats, steering wheel and front seats with warmer. Seat has lumber adjustment, air conditioning, base CD, 6-pack tape deck, new tires Jan 2007, dealer serviced, 104,000kms. Asking $21,000.00. Please call 250-347-6805, between Nov.12 – 18. Akisqnuk First Nation seeks a skilled candidate for the position of Community Healing Coordinator. Duties shall include individual, group, and family substance abuse and addiction counseling and support to Akisqnuk First Nation members; and planning and promoting projects which encourage healthy lifestyles. The successful candidate will possess a diploma in human or social services or equivalent education and experience; excellent interpersonal skills; is addiction-free. Previous grant proposal writing and a proven record of project management is an asset. Preference will be given to candidates with experience working with a First Nation. Interested and qualified applicants are encouraged to forward a resume, references and salary expectations by November 30, 12 p.m. to Dining room servers and kitchen help required. Competitive wages and benefits. Great benefit package and work schedule. Call 489-0667. 2005 Dodge Caravan. 95,000 km. Good condition, $14,900.00 OBO, call 342-6596. MOTOR HOME FOR SALE 26’ Vangaard motor home, rear bdrm twin or queen size, large bathroom with tub & shower, GMC propane powered & heated. SERVICES TOTAL HEATING SYSTEMS 2002 Pontiac Sunfire, 2 door, standard, good condition, good gas mileage,106,000 km, $6,000.00 OBO, 342-7379. 2003 Ford Expedition, Eddie Bower 4x4, 87,000 km, fully loaded, includes extended warranty, immaculate condition. Asking $23,900.00, 342-6900. Heat Pumps Furnaces Duct work 342-1167 VEHICLE FOR SALE JETTA IS BEDDAH! FOR SALE: 2002 VW JETTA GLS TDI 126,000 kms, 4 dr., Manual, FWD, 2.0L, Cylinders 4, Diesel, AM/ FM Stereo, Air Conditioning, Alloy Wheels, Anti-Lock Brakes, CD Player, Driver Air Bag, Dual Air Bag, Intermittent Wipers, Keyless Entry, Power Brakes, Power Steering, Power Windows, Rear Defroster, Tilt Steering, Heated Seats, Power Locks, Sunroof, Cruise Control, Tilt Wheel, Passenger Air Bag, Turbo fuel injected, New windshield, timing belt & water pump PS/PB ushes, Winter Tires Installed, Bike rack available, needs mount/hitch. 16,500 $ OBO OBO Call 403-512-8893 Patsy Nicholas Director of Social Programs Akisqnuk First Nation P.O. Box 130 Windermere, B.C. V0B 2L0 sukni@rockies.net Store Clerks needed. Must be enthusiastic and enjoy people. $13/hour, store discounts and advancement opportunities. Apply in person to Invermere Petro-Canada*. Outgoing responsible people required for in-store and yard employment. Come to Rona (Ace Hardware) with resume. 410 Borden Street, Invermere. Residential Care Worker. Temporary, full time position. RCA or PCA or HSW or equivalent. Union membership, HEU. See posting, Mt. Nelson Place. Manager: Donna Jefferson 3423699. Calgary executive housekeeping service now opening an office in the Windermere Valley. Now accepting applications for experienced supervisors and housekeepers. $16.00$20.00/hour, car and gas allowance. Please call 3422018. Professional service now accepting new clients. WANTED TO RENT Rachel, Pioneer reporter is looking to rent for 6 mths. a room in shared house or 1 bdrm. furnished apartment. NP, NS. References available. Call 6885305. Welcome to Interior Health! We’re all about giving people room to grow, room to contribute, room to impact, room to make a significant personal contribution and room to make a huge difference in the lives of others. For a challenging, growth-oriented career in a beautiful natural setting where balanced lifestyle choices abound, come to the East Kootenays and help us in our quest to set new standards of excellence in the delivery of health services. REGISTERED NURSE VACANCIES Cranbrook, Kimberley, Creston, Fernie, Sparwood and Invermere Full-time, part-time & casual positions We invite you to phone or apply online at www.roomtogrowbc.ca or submit a detailed resume, in confidence to: Human Resources Recruitment Services 1212 Second St. N. Cranbrook, BC V1C 4T6 Phone: 250-420-2442 Fax: 250-420-2425 E-mail: debbie.mandryk@interiorhealth.ca Room to grow. Sales & Marketing Manager The Resort at Copper Point is opening August 2008 in Windermere, BC! Become part of the team that will open and develop this stunning new 203 room condo-hotel. This exceptional property will have complete 4 star amenities including a fine dining room, energetic and vibrant sports lounge, richly appointed cigar lounge, wine cellar, luxurious spa, fully equipped fitness center, indoor and outdoor pools and full conference and banquet facilities. Situated on the new 18 hole golf course, “The Ridge” and right next door to 18 holes at Copper Point Golf, this luxurious property complements the area’s natural splendour. Primary responsibilities; • Develop and execute the Sales and Marketing plan for The Resort, its outlets and each sales channel. • Manage all marketing, graphic design and advertising needs. • Establish and grow key accounts and manage the sales relationship. • Drive strategies for market mix, pricing, direct sales and on-line sales. • Manage a strong sales effort through direct sales and an onsite call center team focused on FIT, Group, conference and banquet sales. • Responsible for sales, revenue and yield strategies, its implementations and results for FIT and Group business Qualifications; • A minimum of 3 years in a Sales & Marketing role in the hospitality industry, preferably a resort environment. • Degree or diploma in business administration or related field, specializing in Sales & Marketing or comparable work experience. • Familiar with key business segments and markets and have an exceptional sales record. The individual needs to thrive in a results oriented team environment and have a proven ability to lead others in a positive, respectful and engaging manner. Interested applicants may submit their resume to: The Resort at Copper Point PO Box 960, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 or email rregitnig@copperpoint.ca 28 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer 14th Annual Original ChristmasCraft Sale November 16, 2007 Pioneer Briefs Save Your Christmas Shopping for the most unique selection in the valley! Temporary street closures Santa Claus Parade November 30th & December 1 st The District of Invermere is reminding people that there will be some traffic disruptions during the major Water Transmission Main Project construction, now underway. There will be traffic and temporary water disruptions associated with this major construction project, most notably the closure of 10th Avenue from 4th Street to 6th Street from November 13th to November 28th, said a letter from Mayor Mark Shmigelsky addressed to all town residents. If you have any concerns regarding service or access during construction, please call Herb Mounce, Superintendent of Invermere Contracting, at 688-7266; or Brian Nickurak, Director of Municipal Works, at 342-9281, ext. 227. Businesses and organizations are reminded once again to get their thinking caps on and create a float for the popular annual Santa Claus parade, held each year in downtown Invermere on Super Sunday. This year Super Sunday is scheduled for December 2nd, and the floats will marshall behind Pot Hole Park starting at noon before heading down main street at 12:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Invermere Business Committee, the parade is always good fun and kids love seeing Santa riding in the fire truck, and picking up the candy that is tossed from some of the floats. Anybody who plans to enter is asked to call the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce at 342-2844 to register in advance. INVERMERE COMMUNITY HALL More Info: Call Carolyn @ 342-1475 Come and join us for the game! November 25th, 1:00 pm • Invermere Legion Complimentary Lunch Regular opening hours: Wednesday – 8 pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday – 2 pm P IONEER C LASSIFIEDS Mission: Not Impossible! Employment Opportunity The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and educational excellence to apply for …. Term Instructor – Resident Care/ Home Support Attendant Invermere Campus (December 10, 2007 – July 25, 2008) The Resident Care/Home Support Attendant program is a 28 week program designed to prepare students with the knowledge, skills and attitude required to provide personal care to individuals in longterm and extended care facilities and in community settings. Duties: You will be required to work in classroom, community and clinical settings. You should enjoy teaching adults with a variety of learning needs. Some travel to clinical placements and exibility of work hours will be expected. Qualications: Current registration with CRNBC or CRPNBC is required along with a relevant Bachelor Degree or enrolment in a relevant Bachelor Degree program. RNs/RPNs with a gerontological background will be considered. A minimum of three years current clinical experience in intermediate and/or extended care, including direct work experience in a specialized unit for individuals experiencing changes in mental functioning is required. Excellent interpersonal skills are essential. Previous experience teaching adults is an asset. As an employee of the College of the Rockies the successful candidate is expected to be a lifelong learner who continues to develop his/her skills to help the College meet the needs of our students and our other valued clients. Salary: Depending on qualications, instructional and related work experience, salary for term employees is in a range from $4,803.17 to $7,610.47 per month (includes 16% in lieu of vacation). Closing Date: November 30, 2007 Interested persons should submit their resume of qualications and experience to: The Human Resource Development Department, College of the Rockies, Box 8500, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5L7 Condential Fax # (250) 489-8206. Please quote Competition #07 FA 51. Please ensure your covering letter and resume clearly describe your related qualications and experience as selection for interview will be based on the information provided. We thank all who apply and advise that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Phone: 1-877-489-2687 • (250) 489-2751 • www.cotr.bc.ca FIREPLACE INSTALLER, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Required by a large established local business. A full time position is available for a responsible, self-motivated individual with a professional appearance. A suitable candidate should have knowledge of B.C. Installation Codes as well as service and maintenance of fireplaces, however training may be provided to the right applicant. Must have a valid BC Driver’s License. Please fax resume with references to: Diamond Heating and Spas FAX: 342-7103 Mail to: Box 117, Windermere, BC V0B 2L0 Email: info@diamondheatingandspas.com Grizzly Mountain Grill in Radium Requires Experienced Cooks and Servers Call 342-1666 Fax: 341-3453 or send resume to: PO Box 1079, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Call 341-6299 to place your classified ad. Kicking Horse Coffee is on a mission; an all consuming mission to create the perfect cup. In two words, coffee perfection. Turns out we also have a need on our Roasting Team for a mildly anal individual obsessed with coffee who is ready to kick some serious coffee ass! As an APPRENTICE COFFEE ROASTER you will begin your journey into the craft of artisan roasting by: • Receiving and managing all aspects of green bean inventory • Daily staging of roasting area • Daily, weekly and monthly cleaning and preventative maintenance of roasting equipment, roasting and green bean rooms • Roasting coffee according to recipes, flavor profiles, and quality standards. • Participating in coffee cupping (tasting). • Documenting characteristics and metrics of each roast. This is a real job, not for the faint of spirit and is not so much a job as a vocation. The ideal candidate: • Is detail oriented and analytical • Possesses an excellent taste palate and able to effectively communicate tastes • Is willing and able to routinely lift over 50 pounds • Has previous shipping/receiving (forklift experience) and/or kitchen food prep experience. • Has a desire to learn and grow including the ability to commit for the long term. It is tough work demanding a high set of standards, but in the end, we will teach you more about making great coffee than you thought possible. In return you can expect, year-round work, extended health and wellness benefits, competitive wages, professional development opportunities, legendary staff “fun days”, paid day-off birthdays, a steady pipeline to satisfy the most discerning addiction, not to mention an awesome product and a team dedicated and committed to producing the best coffee in the country! To apply, please email your application to chris@kickinghorsecoffee.com or fax 250-342-4450. We will contact successful applicants. The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 29 November 16, 2007 LETTERS When the going gets tough Is there only one baker allowed in town? Dear Editor: Regading the recent letter from Nory Esteban, Esteban quotes local heli-ski company employee Judy Burns, “it is extremely dangerous to ski on glaciers.” There are a hundred thousand people or more skiing every day on glaciers in France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland and there are very few accidents. Every evening, rescue crews and piste control teams supervised by mountain guides, check every glacier run and have any newly opened crevasses refilled with snow and packed down by grooming machines, so that the bridges are frozen rock hard the next morning. There are continuous safety checks made by the piste control throughout the day to ensure the safety and integrity of these runs. There are local skiers experienced enough to ski off-piste on glaciers on their own without guides and have very few accidents. There are over a thousand professional guides out guiding all day long, skiing over the wild glaciers of Europe. Very few accidents are reported. “There is no more year-round skiing.” Mr. Spiegl (in a separate letter) has made some good points and, yes, we all know that the glaciers are retreating in the Alps and in North America. Recently, well known summer ski areas in Austria such as the Stubai Glacier and the Hintertux area in the Zillertal in Austria have not been able to operate 12 months. However, in Saas Fee, Switzerland, they had a fantastic summer skiing season this past summer with no bare ice at all on the glaciers. There were perfect conditions all summer. August 2006, in Saas Fee, it snowed every week and there was too much snow for great training conditions. Every summer is different and no repetitive pattern has yet been firmly established. How do I know – I was there all summer and I have been guiding mountain climbers around the Saas Fee – Zermatt areas for 25 years. Sure they have to shut things down for a day or two because it is too warm but, in general, they have provided great ski training and have generated a lot of income and prosperity for their respective towns. As to Mr. Esteban’s comment “there are 13 ski resorts…none operate at capacity,” is there only one baker allowed in town, one butcher, one grocery store, one plumber, one carpenter. I thought we lived in a free enterprise system with the right of free trade? If one baker bakes lousy bread, then you can get bread at the better baker and the lousy baker goes out of business – hellooooo!! Jumbo Glacier Resort will be the only ski area in North America providing high alpine skiing terrain found in the best ski areas of the French, Austrian, Italian and Swiss Alps. People from around the world will be drawn to this, the only project of its kind in all of North America. The whole country will benefit from this exposure. John W. Hogg Invermere (Full, active member of the Association of Swiss Mountain Guides and former World Cup ski serviceman to two great Canadian “Crazy Canucks” – Dave Irwin and David Murray) Mega-Resorts: comparing apples to oranges Dear Editor: In recent issues of our local papers, Grant Costello attempts to argue that the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort should not be referred to as a MEGA-resort. However, in his argument Mr. Costello fails to share all the facts with the reader in an obvious attempt to mislead the public. Mr. Costello stresses the importance of using facts to compare a resort’s size. He goes on to point out that the proposed village size of JGR is smaller than the village size of Panorama, Invermere, Banff and a few other local examples. But why would anyone compare the village sizes of a resort, instead of the resort size? What is a ski resort without its ski runs? The predictable argument from JGR will likely be that the village has the largest impact, which I would not disagree with. However, it would be ludicrous to argue that lift towers, cables, gondolas, grooming equipment, snow cats, snowmobiles, day lodges, tea houses and thousands of skiing public do not have an impact. If you were interested in spending a quiet day in the mountains with a chance to see wildlife, you would not choose to spend it near a ski resort. So, to get a true sense of the actual size and impact of a ski resort, it seems more reasonable to examine the skiable area of a ski resort. JGR’s Master Plan, in its own words, calls for the proposed resort to have “ a huge skiable terrain of over 10,000 acres”. How does this compare to other ski resorts in our neighbourhood? Panorama boasts a skiable terrain of 2847 acres, more than three and a half times smaller than the proposed JGR! Kicking Horse Resort claims 2750 acres and Fernie has 2504 acres, both smaller than Panorama. Even large, world famous resorts such as Sunshine Village and Lake Louise have skiable areas of 3300 acres and 4200 acres respectively. On Vail’s website you can discover that their ski resort offers “the largest ski resort in the U.S.” which at 5289 acres, is just over half the size of the proposed JGR! The largest single ski area in North America is Whistler Blackcomb with a skiable area of over 8100 acres. The irony is too much. While Mr. Costello tries to convince us that the proposed resort would be small, the Master Plan calls for it to have enough skiable acreage to eclipse the size of all other ski resorts on the continent! At 10,000 acres the proposed JGR would easily weigh in as the largest in North America. This brings to mind several appropriate adjectives, and one of them is definitely “MEGA”. The next time you are looking for facts in regards to the proposed JGR MEGA-resort, I encourage you to do your own research, as it seems that Mr. Costello would like you only to see the facts that paint the most favourable picture for his own purposes. There is no need or desire for a MEGA resort in our local backcountry. Let’s continue to say “NO” to JGR. Jeremy Mackenzie Invermere Columbia Valley Trading Co. Outdoor Clothing & Gear Invermere, BC 342-3366 COLUMBIA VALLEY TRADING COMPANY 20% OFF SUGGESTED RETAIL Due to circumstances beyond our control EXCHANGE RATES between CANADA and the USA have changed dramatically, prompting many of our potential customers to shop in the USA. By offering… 20% OFF we hope you will shop with us instead. Our suppliers have offered us absolutely NO SUPPORT and NO DISCOUNTS. The cost of doing business has increased i.e. shipping, heating, accounting, insurance, electricity, wages and taxes, etc., etc. We strive to bring great products at better prices to this community. We hope this incentive will help you support us in these troubling times for Canadian retailers. Thank you for your patronage Chris, Sandy & family. November 16, 2007 The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 30 ON THE ROAD P I O N E E R S — No t only the most-read paper in the valley, but the most-travelled as well, The Pioneer continues to turn up in far-flung places. Pictured here, clockwise: in the top left photo, Mickey, Teena, and Rachael Godlien; Gregg, Sasha, Jocelyn and Makenna Taylor; Kendyl, Pam, Wyatt, Trystan, Taylor and Quintynn Hart; Geoff, Larissa, Devin and Peyton Dutcher; and Chris, Nicole, Madison, Evan and Meighan Prosser (I hope we didn’t leave anyone out) at Disneyland; Harrison McKay in Toronto; Ron and Donna Ford of Spillimacheen on Praia di Vitoria on the Island of Terceira in the Azores off Portugal; Tina and Scott Brunner in front of The Eldorado Royale on the Mayan Riviera; four Windermere Men’s Golf Club members extended their season with a trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and still found time to enjoy reading The Pioneer, including (left to right) Hans Stettler, Ray Neratko, Vern Dobell and Dick Friss; Andy Stuart-Hill at the recently discovered and excavated unplundered tomb of Phillip II (King of Macedonia 359 - 336 BC) in ancient Aegae (now Vergina) in Macedonia. Remember our draw for two nights at the Fantasyland Hotel in West Edmonton Mall, courtesy of Travel World in Invermere, will be made at the end of 2007, so send us your travel photos before then. The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 31 November 16, 2007 Valley Churches FAITH Unbreakable By Rev. Jared Enns Lake Windermere Alliance Church A collector of rare antiques walked into a curio shop and noticed a beautiful piece of glass art displayed under a sign marked “Unbreakable.” “Pardon me” the man said to the storekeeper “but what is the price of this piece?” “One hundred thousand dollars,” replied the storekeeper. With a gasp, the man asked why the price was so high. “Like the sign says, it’s unbreakable!” the storekeeper explained. The man examined the piece carefully and asked, “Are you certain that this piece is unbreakable?” The storekeeper assured him that was. The man greatly admired the piece, so he paid the full price and took it home. There he put it on display in a protective case. He told everyone who came to admire it that it was very special—an unbreakable piece of glass. Several weeks later, the man visited the curio shop and explained to the storekeeper how many precautions he had taken to protect and preserve the beautiful piece he had purchased. While looking around, the man noticed another piece of glass art beneath the “unbreakable” sign. It occurred to the man that he’d seen the same piece marked $500 the last time he was in the shop. He asked the storekeeper, “How can that piece be unbreakable, too? Last month when I was here, it was in the display cabinet with those other pieces, and it was marked $500!” “No, the price is $100,000,” the storekeeper replied. “It’s unbreakable now too.” “How can you be so sure?” the man demanded. “Because the schmuck who pays a hundred grand for this thing is going to take as much care of it as you have with yours!” When you know something is extremely valuable, you tend to take very good care of it. The Bible tells us in first Corinthians chapter 6:20, “You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” God paid a very high price for each of us. He sacrificed his only Son so we could have eternal life. For that reason, every person you meet is of great value, because he or she is of great value to God. Remembrance Day, which we have just celebrated, brings to the forefront the value that is placed upon a life. Who is to say what the worth is on an individual life, and is one person’s life worth more than others? In remembering the price paid by thousands for our freedoms in this country, let us live those freedoms recognizing our place, before God and before men. Answer for yourself the following questions and make the choices you need to based on your response. How do you treat the people you encounter every day? How do you treat the members of your own family? How do you treat people who are different from you or people who have less than you do? COLUMBIA VALLE Y PIONEER SPECIAL OFFER Order this beautiful print for Christmas and support the Invermere Public Library This signed and numbered print of an original oil painting by Elizabeth Wiltzen is featured on the cover of the 2007 Columbia Valley Map Book. Cost for 20-inch x 15-inch print is $450 unframed, $675 framed. Cost for 40-inch x 30-inch print is $1,200 unframed, $1,640 framed. This charitable project is jointly sponsored by The Columbia Valley Pioneer and The Artym Gallery in Invermere. To order your print, please contact The Artym Gallery at (250) 342-7566 or e-mail: info@artymgallery.com N E W S PA P E R LAKE WINDERMERE ALLIANCE CHURCH Sunday, Nov. 18th, 10:30 am: Worship and Life Instruction. Guest Speaker: Rev. Gerry Teichrob. Sunday school, age 3 to Grade 7, during morning service. For sermons online: www.sermonplayer.com/lwac 326 - 10th Avenue, Invermere • 342-9535 WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY 8:30 a.m. Edgewater - All Saints 10:30 a.m. - Invermere - Christ Church Trinity Rev. Sandy Ferguson • 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere • 342-6644 www.wvsm.info or www.christchurchtrinity.com VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY 10 a.m. Sunday Children’s Church during the message part of the service. Sunday 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting Senior Pastor Rev. John Cuyler • www.vcassembly.com Highway 93/95, 1 km north of Windermere • 342-9511 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Canadian Martyrs Church, Invermere • Father Jim McHugh Saturday 7 p.m. Mass • Sunday 9 a.m. Mass St. Joseph’s Church, Hwy 93/95 Radium Sunday 11 a.m. Mass St. Anthony’s Church, Canal Flats • Sunday 4 p.m. 712 -12th Ave., Invermere • 342-6167 ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Regular weekly worship services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Ave., Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman • 1-866-426-7564 RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Every Sunday 10 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m. Every Wednesday 7 p.m., Bible Study Pastor Wayne and Linda Frater • Radium Seniors’ Hall • 342-6633 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTERDAY SAINTS Sunday Service, 10 a.m. • Sunday School, 11 a.m. Noon Sunday: Relief Society President Grant Watkins • Columbia Valley Branch 5014 Fairway, Fairmont Hot Springs • 345-0079 Invermere Christian Supplies Invermere Christian Supplies www.invermerechristiansupplies.com 1229-7th Ave., Invermere WE SELL REAL ESTATE • Radium • Invermere • Panorama • Windermere • Fairmont 342-6415 Call 341-6151 or 1-888-341-6155 rayfergusonrealty.ca STAFF HOUSING SHORTAGE? Town location, duplex - 2 sides with one suited. Great joint venture or home owner with income. Great new price. $545,000 MLS# K161892 32 • The Columbia Valley Pioneer November 16, 2007 www.ReMaxInvermere.com Invermere Toll Free: 1-888-258-9911 Independently Owned and Operated 250-342-6505 Wende Brash 342-1300 Bernie Raven 342-7415 Ed English 342-1194 Fort Point Area Jan Klimek 342-1195 John McCarthy 342-1758 Andy Smith 342-1709 Bryan Hookenson 341-1266 Custom Log Building One of the last available lots in the Fort Point area. Close to beach, tennis, and minutes to downtown Invermere. Call Now. MLS#K163672 Will accommodate a range of commercial uses, right on the main road in this busy community; retail, restaurant, gym, offices. Close to all south Columbia Lake recreational amenities, public beach park, boat launch, golf course. MLS#K3700506 $299,000 $449,000 Rob Rice 341-5935 Deborah-Kim Rice 342-5935 Paul Glassford 341-1395 Luxury in Fairmont Jill Hall 688-5675 Custom home in prestigious mountain side Fairmont. Luxury home with many upgrades throughout. Panoramic mountain views. Privacy with natural landscaping. Detached double garage. Great home inside and out with attention to detail. MLS#K164104 $579,000 Excellent Investment Property Head to the Mountains! Rise to the Top Excellent investment property for development or for someone who needs more space. Four bdrms, updated kitchen. Property backs onto future developments. This is a great project for an investor. Call Paul today. MLS#K166484 Panarama – golfing, skiing, mountain biking, rafting and more. Fractional ownership provides income or scheduled time for your vacations. Corner unit has 2 bdrms, granite countertops,open living area, fireplace, large windows. MLS#K166566. $537,700 $129,900 The best rise to the top and this top floor unit in Panorama Springs is certainly that. Furnished and in the rental pool. This one bedroom unit has fantastic views the Purcell Mountains. Enjoy the on site pool and hot tubs. MLS#K166543 Preferred Location Prime Location Fabulous Invermere Home Panorama’s 1000 Peaks Lodge – Sunny balcony looking to Monument Peak. All furnishings, and dishes are included so just bring the toys. Two Bedrooms, two baths, so bring some friends. MLS#K163644 Court order sale of prime location Panorama Springs. 2 bdrm and 2 bathroom unit located right at the top of the waterslide. Ground unit looking at the ski runs and pools. With all the amenities. MLS#K164034 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom in a quiet area of Invermere. Propane fireplace in the family room, large backyard. Close to all schools and only minutes to the beach, numerous golf courses and shopping. MLS#K164002 $339,000+gst $342,000 $349,900 A Piece of Mountain Beauty Drive up to the front door and experience that mountain feeling. As you wind your way up the stairs to the open living area you will find hardwood floors, fir trim package, log detailing, beautiful counter tops and tile backsplash, black appliances, vaulted pine ceilings, tone fireplace and so many more upgrades. This property will satisfy the most sophisticated buyer. MLS#K164335 $645,000 $169,000+gst The Luxury You Deserve Fully renovated 3 bedroom townhome in Terra Vista. Hardwood floors and granite countertops give this cabin a feeling of luxury. Wrap-around deck with lots of room for entertaining friends and family. Backs onto wooded hill, giving privacy. Complete with wood burning fireplace. Close to all amenities, including ski hill, hot pools and shopping. MLS#K166542 $569,000
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