The Writings of Dziga Vertov
The Writings of Dziga Vertov
The Writings of Dziga Vertov EDITED AND WITH AN INTBODUCTIONBY AnnetteMichelson TBANSLATEDBY KevinO'Brien Uniyersiry gt:i.::l .'::::. ,'j*; .:rt:::: ol Californid Press . Eerketey . Los Angetes . London To ElizavetaSvilova and M ikhailKauf m an In Memoriam U n i v e r s ity o l Ca lifo r n iaPr e ss B e r k e l e ya n d L o sAn g e le s,Ca lifo r n ia o f Ca lifo r n ia Pr e ss,L td . U n i v e r sity L o n d o n En , g la n d O 1 9 8 4b y T h e R e ge n tso l th e Un ive r sity o l Ca lifo r n ia L i b r a r y o t Co n g r e ss Ca ta lo g in g in Pu b lica tionD ata V e r t o vD, zig a ,1 8 9 6 1 9 5 4 . K i n o - Eye: th e wr itr n g so f Dzig aVe r lo v. p 330 F i l m og r a p h y: l n c l u d e sin d e x 1 .M o vin g - p ictu r eDo s, cu m e n ta r y- So vieUn t ion , n e tte . ll.T itl e. H i s t o r y So u r ce s. l. M ich e lso nAn P N 1 9 9 5.9D6 V4 4 1 9 8 3 791.43',53',0947 I S B N0 - 52 00 5 6 3 0 - 2( a lk.p a p e r ) 82-11189 Printedin the United States of America 08 07 06 05 12 11 10 S 8 7 lllustratronsfrom the collectionof Annette Michelson T h e p a pe ru se d in th is p u b lica tio nm e e tsth e m ini mumrequi rements of ANSI/NISO239.48-1992(R 1992)(permanenceof paper). @ D Z IGA VERTOV: ARTICLES, ADDRESSE S plannedfor summerproduction, bothhereand in The repertoire the Ukraine,doesnot inspirethe leastconfidence. Theproposalsfor broadexperimental work havebeenpassed over. All efforts,sighs,tears,and expectations, all prayers-are directedtowardit-the six-actfilm-drama ThereforetheCouncilof Threewithoutwaitingfor the kinoksto be assignedwork and ignoringthe latter'sdesireto realizetheirown projects,aretemporarily disregarding rightsand resolve authorship publish general principles immediately for use common to the and for whichpurslogansof the futurerevolution-through-newsreel; pose,frrstand foremost,kinokDzigaVertovis directed,in accordancewith partydiscipline,to publishcertainexcerptsfrom the pamphletKinoks:A Revolutron, whichshallsuffrciently clarifythe "*t! ;! .Ii- natureof thatrevolution. The Gouncil of Three Infulfillment of the resolution of the Councilof Threeon Aoril10 of thisyear,I am publishing thefollowingexcerpts: The Man with a Movie Camera Uponobservingthe filmsthat havearrivedfrom Americaand the Westand takingintoaccountavailable information on workand artisticexperimentation at homeand abroad,I arriveat the following conclusron: The deathsentencepassedin 1919by the kinokson allfilms, withno exceptions, holdsfor the presentas well.The mostscrupulousexaminationdoes not reveala singlefilm,a singleartistic properlydirectedto the emancipation experiment, of the camera, whichis reducedto a stateof pitiableslavery,of subordination to the imper{ections and the shortsightedness of the humaneye. We do not objectto cinema'sundermining of literature and the theater;we whollyapproveof the use of cinemain everybranchof knowledge,but we definethesefunctionsas accessory,as secondary offshotsof cinema. The mainand essential thingis: The sensoryexplorationof the worldthro_ugh film We thereforetake as the pointof departurethe use of the cameraas a kino-eye; moreperfectthanthe humaneye,for the exploration of the chaosof visualphenomena thatfillsspace. The kino-eyelivesand movesrntimeand space;it gathersand recordsimpressions in a mannerwhollydifferent fromthatof the position humaneye.The of our bodieswhileobservingor our perceptionof a certainnumberof featuresof a visualphenomenonin a giveninstantare by no meansobligatory limitations for the camera perceivesmoreand better. which,sinceit is perfected, We cannotimprovethe makingof our eyes,but we can endlessly perfectthe camera. Untilnow manya cameramanhasbeencriticized for having filmeda runninghorsemovingwith unnaturalslownesson the screen (rapidcrankingof the camera)-or for the opposite,a tractorplowinga fieldtoo swiftly(slowcrankingof the camera),and the like. Theseare chanceoccurrences,of course,but we are preparing a system,a deliberatesystemof suchoccurrences,a systemof D Z IGA VERTOV: ARTICLES, ADDRESSES seemingirregularities and organizephenomena. to investigate Untilnow,we haveviolatedthe moviecameraand forcedit to copy the work of our eye.And the betterthe copy, the betterthe shootingwas thoughtto be. Startingtoday we are liberatingthe cameraand makingit work in the oppositedirection-awayfrom copying, The weaknessof the humaneye is manifest.We afftrmthe kinowithinthe chaosof movementthe resultof the eye,discovering kino-eye's own movement; we affirmthe kino-eyewithits own dimensions of timeand space,growingin strengthand potential to the pointof self-affirmation. I makethevrewersee in the mannerbestsuitedto my presentaThe eye submitsto thewillof tionof thisor thatvisualphenomenon. pointsof the thecameraand is directedby it to thosesuccessive actionthat,mostsuccinctly andvividly,bringthe filmphraseto the heightor depthof resolution. Example: shootinga boxingmatch,not fromthe pointof viewof a spectatorpresent,but shootingthe successivemovements(the blows)of the contenders Example: thefilmingof a groupof dancers,not fromthe pointof viewof a spectatorsittingin theauditorium witha balleton the stage beforehim. Afterall,the spectatorat a balletfollows,in confusion, nowthe combinedgroupof dancers,now randomindividual figures,now someone'slegs-a seriesof scatteredperceptions, different for eachsoectator. Onecan'tpresentthisto thefilmviewer,A systemof successive movements requiresthe filmingof dancersor boxersin the orderof theiractions,one afteranother . . by forcefultransferof theviewer'seyeto the successive detailsthatmustbe seen. The camera"carries"thefilmviewer'seyesfromarmsto legs, fromlegsto eyesand so on, in the mostadvantageous sequence, and organizes the detailsintoan orderlymontagestudy. You'rewalkingdowna Chicagostreettodayin 1923,butI make you greetComradeVolodarsky,walkingdown a Petrogradstreetin 1918,and he returnsYourgreelrng' heroesare loweredinto Anotherexample:tne cothnsol national in 1918);the graveis filledin (Kronthe grave(shotin Astrakhan 1920);memorialservice' stadt,1921);cannonsarute(Petrograd' thingsgo together'even hatsare removed(Moscow,1922)-such shotfor thispurpose(cf footagenot specifically withthankless and o{ machinesgreetKinopravdano13).The montageof crowds 14) iilmedin differentplacesat ing ComradeLentn(Kinopravdano times,belongsto thiscategory ditferent placedyou'whomI've l am kino eYe.I am a builder'I have just room whichdrdnot existuntil craAtqg!o-g9; in an extraordinary therearetwelvewallsshot now whenI alsocreatedit'In thisroom bringingtogethershotsof by me in variouspartsof t6e world ln themin an orderthatis wa|lsand detai|s,|,vemanagedto arrange a film-phrase pleasingand to conslructwith intervals'correctly' : whichis the room. perfectthanAdam'I create I am kino-eye,I createa manmore bluepeoplein accordancewithpreliminary o{ different thousands printsand dragramsoJdifferentkinds I am ktno-eYe. strongestand most dexFrom one personr take the hands'the swiftestand mostshapely; terous;fromanotherltake the legs'the fro m at hir d, t hem ost beaut if u|andexpr essivehead- andt hr ough montagelcreatea new,Perfectman 1t eye l' a machine'showyouthe I am a mechanical I am kino-eye, worldas onlYI can seeit I am tn immobiliiy' Nowand {orever,lfree myselffromhuman jrom obiects'lcrawlunder' drawnear'thenaway constantmotion,-l horse' muzzleof a galloping I climbontothem.I moveapacewiththe on my lfall soldiers' running lplungefullspeedintoa crowd'l outstrip back, I ascendwit hanair p|ane, I p|Ungeandsoar t oget her wit h {lingmyselfalong plungingand soaringbodies Now l' a camera' recording movement' of in the chaos theirresultant,maneuveting complex most the of movement,startrngwith movementscomposed combinations. framesper second' Freedfrom the ruleof sixteen-seventeen "rr*"'"I; M i k h a il Ka u fm a n Mi k hai l K aufman freeof the limitsof timeand space,I puttogetheranygivenpointsin the universe, no matterwhereI'verecordedthem My path leadsto the creationof a freshperceptionof the world.I decipherin a newway a worldunknownto you. Oncemorelet us agree:the eyeand the ear.The ear doesnot spy,the eye does not eavesdrop. Separatron of functions, Radio-ear-themontage"l hear!" Kino-eye-themontage"l see!" Thereyou haveit, citizens, for the firsttime:insteadof music, painting, theater,cinematography, and othercastratedoutpourings. Withinthe chaosof movements,runningpast,away,runninginto and colliding-theeye,allby itself,enterslife. A day o{ visualimpressionshas passed.How is one to construct the impressionsof the day into an effectivewhole,a visualstudy?lf one filmseverythingthe eye has seen,the result,of course,will be a jumble.lf one skillfully editswhat'sbeenphotographed, the resultwill be clearer.lf onescrapsbothersome waste,ii willbe betterstill,One obtainsan organizedmemoof the ordinaryeye,srmpressrons. Themechanical eye,the camera,rejectingthe numaneyeas crib sheet,gropesits way throughthe chaosof visualevents,lettingitself be drawnor repelledby movement, probing,as it goes,the pathof rlsown movement. lt experiments, distending time,dissecting move_ ment,or, in contraryfashion,absorbingtimewithinitself,swallowing years,thusschematizing processesof longduratroninaccessible to the normaleye. Aidingthe machine-eyeis the kinok-pilot,who not only controls the camera'smovements,but entrustshimselfto it duringexperi_ mentsin space.And at a latertimethe kinok_engineer, withremote controlof cameras. The resultof thisconcertedactionof the riberatedand perfected cameraand the strategicbrainof mandirecting, observing, and gauging-the presentation of eventhe mostordinarythingswilltake on an exceptionally freshand interestingaspect.' How manypeople,starvedfor spectacles,are wearingawaythe seatsof theirpantsin theaters? Theyfleefromthe humdrum, fromthe ,,prose,'of life.And mean_ 20 D Z IGA VERTOV: ARTICLES, ADDRESSES whilethetheateris almostalwaysjusta lousyimitationof thatsame musical life,plusan idioticconglomerate of balleticaffectation, stagesets(fromdaubsto constructivsqueaks,tricksof lighting, ism),and occasionallythe work of a talentedwriterdistortedby all that nonsense.Certainmastersof the theaterare destroyingthe old forms,and advancingnewslotheaterfromwithin,shattering gansfor theatricalwork; to furthertheirrescuethey'veenlisted (initselfa worthypursuit), and cinema(honorand biomechanics gloryto it),andwriters(notbad in themselves), and constructions (howcan one not (thereare somegood ones),and automobiles dangerousand and gunfire(something admiretheautomobile?), impressive at the front);and by and largenot a damnedthing comesof it. Theaterand nothingmore. mixture. it's not evena legitimate Notonlyis thisno synthesis; And it cannotbe otherwise ("Forsynsynthesis We kinoks,as firmopponentsof premature that understand thesrsmustcomeat the summitof achievement!"), the littleoneswillimmeit's pointless to mixscrapsof achievement: and disorder.And in generaldiatelyperishfromovercrowding The arena'ssmall.Comeout,please,intolife. Thisis wherewe work-we; the mastersof vision,the organizers kino-eye.Thisis wherethe of visiblelife,armedwiththe omnipresent mastersof wordand sound,the mostskillfuleditorsof audiblelife, mechanical ear work.And I makeboldto sliothemthe ubiquitous and megaphone-theradiotelephone. Thisis: newsreel, raoro-news. I promiseto drumup a paradeof kinokson RedSquareon the day whenthe futuristsreleasethe firstissueof a radio-news montage. Not the newsreelsfrom Path€or Gaumont(newspaperchronr cle),not evenKinopravda(politicalnewsreel),but a realkinok newsreel-animpetuous surveyof visualeventsdeciphered by the camera,bits o{ realenergy(as opposedto theater)joinedthrough intervalsinto a tectonicwholeby the greatcraftof montage. Suchstructuring of the film-oblectenablesone to developany giventheme,be it comic,tragic,one of specialeffects,or some othertype, A FI L M E X P E R I ME N T S TA TI O N It'sentirelya questionof the partlcular of visual luxtaposition details,of intervals, The unusualflexibility of montageconstruction enablesoneto introduceintoa filmstudyanygivenmotif-political, economic,or other.And therefore: . As of now,neitherpsychological nor detectivedramas are neededin cinema, . As of now,theatrical productions transferred to film are no longerneeded, . As of now,neitherDostoyevsky nor NatPinkerton are to be put on the screen, . EveMhingis includedin the new conceptionol the newsreel, Intothelumbleof liferesolutely enter: 1.kino-eye, challenging the humaneye'svrsualrepresentation of theworldand offeringits own "l see,"and 2. the kinok-editor, organizing the minutesof the lifestructureseen lhrswavlor the firsttime. 1923 On the Organization of a Film Experiment Station The filmofficeand editorialstaffof Kinopravdaare beingeliminated.A smallnucleusof workers,unitedby innerdiscipline, is being formed-the firstfilmexperimentstation. By organizedwork, the agencyaimsto breakthroughthe frontof despaircausedby idleness, amongotherfactors,if onlyon one sectorof thisfront-that of the newsreeland of experimentation. In addition,experimentation is alsoto be regardedas a kindof ferment thatinvolvesinterested colleagues in intensive cooperation-a methodthatis triedand true. Prospectsfor thefuture(a highoblective): for continuan institute ous invention and perfection, a stakein theworldwidequalityof production, the cinema-lighthouse of the USSR. Letthoseinclinedto smiletakenote:the higherthe objective, the
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