P roduct C atalogue - Central Wheel Components
P roduct C atalogue - Central Wheel Components
P1.pdf 1 13/05/14 4:47 PM Product Catalogue SM Pro Brochure.indd 1 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 1 10/06/14 1:58 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM P2.pdf P2.pdf 11 13/05/14 13/05/14 4:49 4:49PM PM SM SM Pro Pro With WithCNC CNCmachined machinedhubs hubsmanufactured manufacturedfrom fromaircraft aircraftquality quality aluminium aluminiumbillet, billet,CWC CWC‘Bulldog’ ‘Bulldog’stainless stainlesssteel steelspokes spokesand and aluminium aluminiumnipples, nipples,and andthe thelightest lightestand andhardest hardestrim rimon onsale saletoday, today, we webelieve believethe theSM SMPro ProPlatinum Platinumseries serieswheel wheelis isthe thebest bestvalue value for formoney moneywheel wheelon onthe themarket. market. Hubs: Hubs: All Allmachined machinedfrom frombillet billetaluminium aluminiumwith withaa36 36hole hole configuration configurationto togive givethe thebest bestcombination combinationof of strength strengthand andweight. weight.Complete Completewith withbearings bearings and andspacers spacersready readyto tofit fitas asaadirect directaftermarket aftermarket replacement replacementwheel. wheel.Available Availablein inaanumber numberof of anodised anodisedcolours. colours. Spokes: Spokes: All Allwheels wheelsassembled assembledwith withthe theextra extra strong strong‘Bulldog’ ‘Bulldog’stainless stainlesssteel steel spokes, spokes,and andaluminium aluminiumnipples nipples to togain gainthe thestrongest strongestand and lightest lightestwheel wheelcombination. combination. Rims: Rims: SM SMPro ProPlatinum Platinumrims rimsare aremade made from from7050 7050Series Seriesaluminium, aluminium,independent independent tests testshave haveshown shownthe theSM SMPro ProPlatinum Platinumrim rim to tobe beboth bothstronger strongerand andlighter lighterthan thanthe theExcel Excel A60 A60and andTakasogo Takasogorims, rims,making makingthem them probably probablythe thelightest lightestand andstrongest strongest rims rimson onthe themarket. market. In Inthis thisbrochure brochurewe wealso alsoinclude includeour ourrange rangeof of SM SMPro ProSupermoto Supermotoand andSpeedway Speedwaywheels. wheels. SM Pro Brochure.indd 2 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 2 10/06/14 1:58 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro B 14 1:58 PM P1.pdf P1.pdf 11 13/05/14 13/05/14 6:06 6:06PM PM Index Index SM Pro Brochure.indd 3 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 3 Product ProductColour ColourOptions Options 44 Custom CustomWheel WheelFinishes Finishes 55 Wheel WheelOptions Options Gas GasGas Gas&&Husaberg Husaberg Husqvarna Husqvarna&&Sherco Sherco&&Beta Beta Honda Honda Kawasaki Kawasaki KTM KTM Suzuki Suzuki Yamaha Yamaha Speedway Speedway 66 77 8-9 8-9 10 10-11 -11 12 12--13 13 14 14--15 15 16 16--17 17 18 18 Rims Rims 19 19 OEM OEMSpoke SpokeFitments Fitments 20 20--21 21 SM SMPro ProSpoke SpokeFitments Fitments 22 22--23 23 SM SMPro ProPerformance PerformanceBrake BrakeDiscs Discs 24 24--25 25 Hub HubReplacement ReplacementComponents Components&& Spoke SpokeNipple NippleSets Sets 26 26 Contact ContactDetails Details 27 27 10/06/14 1:58 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM Product Product Colour Colour Options Options Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: SM SMPro ProPlatinum PlatinumWheels Wheelscan canbe besupplied suppliedin inaamultitude multitudeof ofcolour colour combinations, combinations,below belowis isaalist listof ofcolour colouroptions optionsfor forthe theindividual individualparts. parts.You You can canmix mixand andmatch matchusing usingthe thecomponents componentsbelow. below.IfIfnot nototherwise otherwisespecified specified all allwheels wheelswill willbe besupplied suppliedwith with‘‘Bulldog’’ ‘‘Bulldog’’stainless stainlessspokes. spokes. C C Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: SM Pro Brochure.indd 4 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 4 10/06/14 1:59 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro B 14 1:59 PM Custom Custom Wheel Wheel Finishes Finishes P.5 In Inaddition additionto tothe therim rimcolours colourslisted listedin in this thisbrochure, brochure,you youcan canchoose chooseto tocuscustomise tomiseyour yourwheels wheelswith withaanumber numberof of additional additionalcolour colourstyles stylesand andoptions options-we wecan cananodise anodiserims rimsin inCamo Camoor orFade Fade styles stylesas asper perthe thepictures, pictures,or orwe wecan can powdercoat powdercoatrims rimsin inaamultitude multitudeof ofcolcolours. ours.We Wecan canassemble assemblethese thesein into toany any of ofthe thehubs hubslisted listedin inthis thisbrochure brochureand and can caneven evenmix mixthe thecolours coloursof ofthe thespokes spokes when whenassembling assemblingthe thewheels wheels--In Inshort, short, use useyour yourimagination imaginationand andask askififwe wecan can achieve achievethis thiswith withaacustom custombuild. build. We Wecan canbuild buildusing usingBlack, Black,Silver, Silver,Red Red or orGold Goldrims rimsfrom fromstock stockor orDual Dual Colour ColourCamo Camoor orFade Faderims, rims,with withany any nipple nipplecolour colouror orconfiguration. configuration. Custom Custombuilds buildsare areextra extraand andare arenot not available availablefrom fromstock, stock,Wheels Wheelswith with Camo Camoand andFade Fadecolour colouroptions optionstake take 3-4 3-4weeks weeksfor fordelivery deliveryas asthey theyare are anodised anodisedto toorder. order. SM Pro Brochure.indd 5 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 5 10/06/14 1:59 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM Gas GasGas GasColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP167 SP167for forGas GasGas Gas M/X M/XFront FrontWheel WheelFitments: Fitments: M/X M/XOnly Only2004 2004Onwards. Onwards. Hub HubSP058 SP058for forGas GasGas Gas M/X M/XRear RearWheel WheelFitments: Fitments: M/X M/XOnly Only2004 2004Onwards. Onwards. Hu Hu Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Hu Hu Hu Hu var va Fit Fit TE TE 125 12 On On Front FrontRim RimSize Sizefor for Gas GasGas GasM/X: M/X: 21 21xx1.60. 1.60. Rear RearWheel WheelSizes Sizesfor for Gas GasGas GasM/X: M/X: 19 19xx2.15, 2.15, and and18 18xx2.15. 2.15. Hu Hu var va Fit Fit TE TE 125 12 201 20 Husaberg HusabergColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: SP157 SP157for forHusaberg HusabergM/X M/XFront Front Wheel WheelFitments: Fitments: FE/TE FE/TE350/450/650: 350/450/650:2003 2003Onwards. Onwards. SP032 SP032for forHusaberg HusabergM/X M/XRear Rear Wheel WheelFitments: Fitments: FE/TE FE/TE350/450/650: 350/450/650:2003 2003Onwards. Onwards. Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Front FrontRim RimSize Sizefor for Husaberg HusabergM/X: M/X: 21 21xx1.60. 1.60. Rear RearWheel WheelSizes Sizesfor for Husaberg HusabergM/X: M/X: 19 19xx2.15, 2.15, and and18 18xx2.15. 2.15. Alternate AlternateColour ColourCombinations Combinations Available Availableon onRequest. Request. SM Pro Brochure.indd 6 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 6 10/06/14 1:59 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro B P.7 Husqvarna, Husqvarna,Sherco Shercoand andBeta BetaM/X M/XColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP157 SP157for forHusqHusqvarna varnaM/X M/XFront FrontWheel Wheel Fitments: Fitments: TE/FE/TC/FC TE/FE/TC/FC 125/250/350/450: 125/250/350/450:2014 2014 Onwards. Onwards. Hub HubSP032 SP032for forHusqHusqvarna varnaM/X M/XRear RearWheel Wheel Fitments: Fitments: TE/FE/TC/FC TE/FE/TC/FC 125/250/350/450: 125/250/350/450: 2014 2014Onwards. Onwards. Hub HubSP190 SP190for for Sherco ShercoM/X M/XFront Front Wheel WheelFitments Fitments Hub HubSP090 SP090for for Sherco ShercoM/X M/XRear Rear Wheel WheelFitments. Fitments. Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Front FrontRim RimSizes Sizes for forHusqvarna, Husqvarna, Sherco Shercoand andBeta Beta M/X: M/X: 21 21xx1.60. 1.60. Rear RearRim RimSizes Sizes for forHusqvarna, Husqvarna, Sherco Shercoand andBeta Beta M/X: M/X: 19 19xx2.15, 2.15, and and18 18xx2.15. 2.15. Hub HubSP191 SP191for for Beta BetaM/X M/XFront Front Wheel WheelFitments. Fitments. ons ions 14 1:59 PM Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP091 SP091for for Beta BetaM/X M/XRear Rear Wheel WheelFitments. Fitments. SM Pro Brochure.indd 7 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 7 Alternative AlternativeColour ColourCombinations Combinationsare are Available Availableon onRequest Request. . 10/06/14 1:59 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM Honda Honda M/X M/X Wheel Wheel Colour Colour Combinations Combinations Hub Hub Colour Colour Options: Options: Hub Hub SP153 SP153 for for M/X M/X Honda Honda Front Front Wheel Wheel Fitments: Fitments: CR125/250 CR125/250 & & CRF CRF 450: 450: 2002 2002 Onwards. Onwards. CRF250: CRF250: 2004 2004 Onwards. Onwards. Rim Rim Colour Colour Options: Options: Nipple Nipple Colour Colour Options: Options: Front Front Rim Rim Size Size for for Honda Honda M/X: M/X: 21 21 xx 1.60. 1.60. Rear Rear Rim Rim Size Size for for Honda Honda M/X: M/X: 19 19 xx 2.15, 2.15, 19 19 xx 1.85, 1.85, and and 18 18 xx 2.15. 2.15. Hub Hub SP047 SP047 for for M/X M/X Honda Honda Rear Rear Wheel Wheel Model Model Fitments: Fitments: CR125/250: CR125/250: 2002 2002 Onwards. Onwards. CRF250: CRF250: 2004-2013. 2004-2013. CRF CRF 450: 450: 2002-2012. 2002-2012. Hub Hub SP012 SP012 for for M/X M/X Honda Honda Rear Rear Wheel Wheel Model Model Fitments: Fitments: CRF250: CRF250: 2014 2014 onwards. onwards. CRF450 CRF450 2013 2013 onwards. onwards. SM Pro Brochure.indd 8 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 8 Alternative Alternative Colour Colour Combinations Combinations are areAvailable Available on on Request. Request. 10/06/14 2:00 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro 14 2:00 PM P.9 Honda Honda Junior Junior M/X M/X Wheel Wheel Colour Colour Combinations: Combinations: Hub Hub Colour Colour Options: Options: Hub Hub SP181 SP181 for for Junior Junior M/X M/X CRF CRF 150 150All All Years Years Front Front Wheels. Wheels. Rim Rim Colour Colour Options: Options: CRF CRF 150 150 Front Front Size: Size: 19 19 xx 1.60. 1.60. CRF CRF 150 150 Rear Rear Size: Size: 16 16 xx 1.85. 1.85. Hub Hub SP101 SP101 for for Junior Junior M/X M/X CRF CRF 80/85 80/85All All Years Years Small Small Wheel Wheel and and Big Big Wheel Wheel Fronts. Fronts. CR CR 80/85 80/85 Small Small Wheel Wheel Front Front Size: Size: 17 17 xx 1.40, 1.40, Big Big Wheel Wheel Front Front Size: Size: 19 19 xx 1.60. 1.60. Hub Hub SP068 SP068 for for Junior Junior M/X M/X CRF CRF 150 150All All Years Years Rear Rear Wheels. Wheels. Hub Hub SP103 SP103 for for Junior Junior M/X M/X CRF CRF 80/85 80/85All All Years Years Small Small Wheel Wheel and and Big Big Wheel Wheel Rears. Rears. Honda Honda Supermoto Supermoto Wheel Wheel Colour Colour Combinations: Combinations: Hub Hub Colour Colour Options: Options: Hub Hub SP153 SP153 for for Supermoto Supermoto Honda Honda Front Front Wheels. Wheels. Hub Hub SP047 SP047 for for Supermoto Supermoto Honda Honda Rear Rear Wheels. Wheels. Nipple Nipple Colour Colour Options: Options: CR CR 80/85 80/85 Small Small Wheel Wheel Rear Rear Size: Size: 14 14 xx 1.60, 1.60, Big Big Wheel Wheel Rear Rear Size Size 16 16 xx 1.85. 1.85. Rim Rim Colour Colour Options: Options: Nipple Nipple Colour Colour Options: Options: Honda Honda Supermoto Supermoto Front Front Rim Rim Size: Size: 17 17 xx 3.50 3.50 & & 16.5 16.5 xx 3.50. 3.50. Honda Honda Supermoto Supermoto Rear Rear Rim Rim Sizes: Sizes: 17 17 xx 4.25 4.25 and and 17 17 xx 5.00. 5.00. Alternative Alternative Colour Colour Combinations Combinations are areAvailable Available on on Request. Request. SM Pro Brochure.indd 9 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 9 10/06/14 2:00 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM Ka K Hu H Kawasaki KawasakiM/X M/XWheel WheelCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP176 SP176for for Kawasaki KawasakiM/X M/XFront Front Wheel WheelFitements: Fitements: KX125/250 KX125/250&& KXF250/450: KXF250/450: 2006 2006Onwards. Onwards. Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Front FrontM/X M/XRim RimSize: Size: 21 21xx1.60. 1.60. Rear RearM/X M/XRim RimSizes: Sizes: 19 19xx2.15, 2.15, 19 19xx1.85, 1.85, and and18 18xx2.15. 2.15. Hub HubSP053 SP053for for Kawasaki KawasakiRear RearWheel Wheel Fitments: Fitments: KX125/250 KX125/250&& KXF250/450: KXF250/450: 2006 2006Onwards. Onwards. Ka K Hu H Alternative AlternativeColour ColourCombinations Combinations are areavailable availableon onrequest. request. SM Pro Brochure.indd 10 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 10 10/06/14 2:00 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro B P.11 Kawasaki KawasakiJunior JuniorM/X M/XColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP130 SP130for for KX65 KX65All AllYears YearsSmall Small and andBig BigWheel WheelFront Front Fitments. Fitments. Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: KX65 KX65Front FrontRim Rim Sizes: Sizes: 14 14xx1.60 1.60and and 17 17xx1.40. 1.40. Hub HubSP027 SP027for for KX65 KX65All AllYears YearsSmall Smalland and Big BigWheel WheelRear RearFitments. Fitments. KX65 KX65Rear RearRim Rim Sizes: Sizes: 12 12xx1.60 1.60and and 14 14xx1.60. 1.60. Hub HubSP143 SP143for for KX KX80/85/100 80/85/100Small Small Wheel Wheeland andBig BigWheel Wheel Front FrontFitments. Fitments. Hub HubSP042 SP042for forKX KX 80/85/100 80/85/100Small SmallWheel Wheel and andBig BigWheel WheelRear Rear Fitments. Fitments. KX KX80/85/100 80/85/100 Front FrontRim RimSizes: Sizes: 17 17xx1.60 1.60and and 19 19xx1.60. 1.60. Kawasaki KawasakiSupermoto SupermotoColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP176 SP176for for Supermoto Supermoto Kawasaki KawasakiFront FrontWheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. Hub HubSP053 SP053for for Supermoto Supermoto Kawasaki KawasakiRear RearWheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: KX KX80/85/100 80/85/100 Rear RearRim RimSizes: Sizes: 14 14xx1.60 1.60and and 16 16xx1.85. 1.85. Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Kawasaki Kawasaki Supermoto SupermotoFront Front Wheel WheelSize: Size: 17 17xx3.50. 3.50. Kawasaki Kawasaki Supermoto SupermotoRear Rear Wheel WheelSizes: Sizes: 17 17xx4.25, 4.25, and and17 17xx5.00. 5.00. Alternate AlternateColour ColourCombinations Combinations are areAvailable Availableon onRequest. Request. ons ns 14 2:00 PM SM Pro Brochure.indd 11 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 11 10/06/14 2:00 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM KK Hub Hu KTM KTMM/X M/XColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP157 SP157for for KTM KTMM/X M/XFront Front Wheel WheelFitments: Fitments: All AllSX/SXF/EXC SX/SXF/EXC 2003 2003Onwards. Onwards. Hub HubSP032 SP032for for KTM KTMM/X M/XRear Rear Wheel WheelFitments: Fitments: All AllSX/SXF SX/SXF 2003-2012 2003-2012&&All All EXC EXC2003 2003 Onwards. Onwards. Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub Hu Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub Hu Front FrontRim RimSize Sizefor for KTM KTMSX/SXF/EXC: SX/SXF/EXC: 21 21xx1.60. 1.60. Hub Hu Fitm Fit Rear RearRim RimSizes Sizesfor for KTM KTMSX/SXF/EXC: SX/SXF/EXC: 19 19xx2.15, 2.15, and and18 18xx2.15. 2.15. Hub Hu Hub Hu Hub Hu Fitm Fit Hub Hu KK Hub HubSP052 SP052for for KTM KTMRear RearWheel Wheel Fitments: Fitments: All AllSX/SXF SX/SXF2013 2013 Onwards. Onwards. HH Alternate AlternateColour ColourCombinations Combinations Available Availableon onRequest. Request. SM Pro Brochure.indd 12 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 12 10/06/14 2:01 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro B 14 2:01 PM P.13 KTM KTMJunior JuniorM/X M/XWheel WheelColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP300 SP300for forAll AllSX50 SX50Front FrontWheel WheelFitments. Fitments. Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: SX50 SX50Front FrontRim RimSizes: Sizes: 12 12xx1.60 1.60and and14 14xx1.60. 1.60. Hub HubSP066 SP066for forAll AllSX50 SX50Rear RearWheel WheelFitments. Fitments. SX SX50 50Rear RearRim RimSizes: Sizes: 10 10xx1.60 1.60and and12 12xx1.60. 1.60. Hub HubSP150 SP150for forSX65 SX65Pre Pre2012 2012Front FrontWheel WheelFitments. Fitments. Hub HubSP302 SP302for forSX65 SX652012 2012Onwards OnwardsFront FrontWheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. SX SX65 65Front FrontRim RimSizes: Sizes: 14 14xx1.60 1.60and and17 17xx1.60. 1.60. Hub HubSP049 SP049for forSX65 SX65All AllYears YearsRear RearWheel WheelFitments. Fitments. Hub HubSP162 SP162for forSX85 SX85Pre Pre2012 2012Front FrontWheel WheelFitments. Fitments. SX SX65 65Rear RearRim RimSizes: Sizes: 12 12xx1.60 1.60and and14 14xx1.60. 1.60. Hub HubSP301 SP301for forSX85 SX852012 2012Onwards OnwardsFront FrontWheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. SX85 SX85Front FrontRim RimSizes: Sizes: 17 17xx1.40 1.40and and19 19xx1.60. 1.60. Hub HubSP057 SP057for forSX85 SX85All AllYears YearsRear RearWheel WheelFitments. Fitments. SX85 SX85Rear RearRim RimSizes: Sizes: 14 14xx1.60 1.60and and16 16xx1.85. 1.85. Alternate AlternateColour ColourCombinations Combinations are areAvailable Availableon onRequest. Request. KTM KTMSupermoto SupermotoWheel WheelColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP157 SP157for forKTM KTM Supermoto SupermotoFront FrontWheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. Front FrontRim RimSizes Sizesfor forKTM: KTM: 16.5 16.5xx3.50 3.50and and17 17xx3.50. 3.50. SP032 SP032for forKTM KTMSupermoto SupermotoRear RearWheel WheelFitments. Fitments. Rear RearRim RimSizes Sizesfor forKTM KTM Supermoto: Supermoto: 17 17xx4.25 4.25and and17 17xx5.00. 5.00. SP052 SP052for for2013 2013KTM KTMSX SXRear RearWheel WheelFitments. Fitments. Rear RearRim RimSizes Sizesfor for2013 2013 KTM KTMSX: SX: 17 17xx4.25 4.25and and17 17xx5.00. 5.00. SM Pro Brochure.indd 13 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 13 10/06/14 2:01 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM S S H H Suzuki Suzuki M/X M/X Wheel Wheel Colour Colour Combinations Combinations Hub Hub Colour Colour Options: Options: Hub Hub SP175 SP175 for for Suzuki Suzuki M/X M/X Front Front Wheel Wheel Fitments: Fitments: RMZ250/450 RMZ250/450 2007 2007 Onwards Onwards & & RMX450 RMX450 2007 2007 Onwards. Onwards. Hub Hub SP063 SP063 for for Suzuki Suzuki M/X M/X Rear Rear Wheel Wheel Fitments: Fitments: RMZ250/450 RMZ250/450 2007 2007 Onwards Onwards & & RMX450 RMX450 2007 2007 Onwards. Onwards. Rim Rim Colour Colour Options: Options: Nipple Nipple Colour Colour Options: Options: Front Front Rim Rim Size Size for for Suzuki Suzuki M/X: M/X: 21 21 xx 1.60. 1.60. Rear Rear Rim Rim Sizes Sizes for for Suzuki Suzuki M/X M/X 19 19 xx 2.15, 2.15, 19 19 xx 1.85, 1.85, and and 18 18 xx 2.15. 2.15. S S H H Alternate Alternate Colour Colour Combinations Combinations Available Available on on Request. Request. SM Pro Brochure.indd 14 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 14 10/06/14 2:01 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro B Hub Hub Colour Colour Options: Options: Rim Rim Colour Colour Options: Options: Hub Hub SP108 SP108 for for All All RM80/85 RM80/85 Small Small and and Big Big Front Front Wheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. SP010 SP010 for for All All RM80/85 RM80/85 Small Small and and Big Big Rear Rear Wheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. Nipple Nipple Colour Colour Options: Options: Front Front Rim Rim Sizes Sizes for for RM80/85: RM80/85: 17 17 xx 1.60, 1.60, and and 19 19 xx 1.60. 1.60. Rear Rear Rim Rim Sizes Sizes for for RM RM 80/85: 80/85: 14 14 xx 1.60, 1.60, and and 16 16 xx 1.85. 1.85. Suzuki Suzuki Supermoto Supermoto Colour Colour Combinations Combinations Hub Hub Colour Colour Options: Options: Rim Rim Colour Colour Options: Options: Hub Hub SP175 SP175 for for Suzuki Suzuki Supermoto Supermoto Front Front Wheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. Hub Hub SP063 SP063 for for Suzuki Suzuki Supermoto Supermoto Rear Rear Wheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. ons ons 14 2:01 PM P.15 Suzuki Suzuki Junior Junior M/X M/X Colour Colour Combinations Combinations SM Pro Brochure.indd 15 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 15 Nipple Nipple Colour Colour Options: Options: Front Front Rim Rim Sizes Sizes for for Suzuki Suzuki Supermoto: Supermoto: 17 17 xx 3.50. 3.50. Rear Rear Rim Rim Sizes Sizes for for Suzuki Suzuki Supermoto: Supermoto: 17 17 xx 4.25, 4.25, and and 17 17 xx 5.00. 5.00. Alternate Alternate Colour Colour Combinations Combinations Available Available on on Request. Request. 10/06/14 2:01 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM Ya Y HH Yamaha YamahaM/X M/XColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP184 SP184for forYamaha Yamaha M/X M/XFront FrontWheel Wheel Fitments: Fitments: YZ125/250: YZ125/250:2007 2007Onwards Onwards &&YZF YZF250/450: 250/450:2007 2007-2013. 2013. Hub HubSP185 SP185for forYamaha Yamaha 2013 2013Onwards OnwardsFront Front Wheel WheelFitments: Fitments: YZF250/450: YZF250/450:2014 2014 Onwards. Onwards. Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Front FrontRim RimSizes Sizesfor for Yamaha YamahaM/X: M/X: 21 21xx1.60. 1.60. Rear RearRim RimSizes Sizesfor for Yamaha YamahaM/X: M/X: 19 19xx2.15, 2.15,19 19xx1.85, 1.85, and and18 18xx2.15. 2.15. Hub HubSP186 SP186for forFront Front Wheel WheelFitments: Fitments: WR250R: WR250R: 2014 2014Onwards. Onwards. Hub HubSP074 SP074for forYamaha Yamaha M/X M/XRear RearWheel WheelFitments: Fitments: YZ125/250 YZ125/2502007 2007Onwards. Onwards. Hub HubSP082 SP082for forRear Rear Wheel WheelFitments: Fitments: WR WR250 250R: R:2008 2008Onwards. Onwards. Hub HubSP187 SP187for forFront Front Wheel WheelFitments: Fitments: WR WR250 250X: X:2008 2008--2011. 2011. SM Pro Brochure.indd 16 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 16 Alternate AlternateColour ColourCombinations Combinations Available Availableon onRequest Request 10/06/14 2:02 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro B Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP108 SP108for for All AllYZ85 YZ85Small Smalland and Big BigFront FrontWheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. Front FrontRim RimSizes Sizesfor for YZ85: YZ85: 17 17xx1.60, 1.60, and and19 19xx1.60. 1.60. SP010 SP010for forAll AllYZ85 YZ85 Small Smalland andBig BigRear Rear Wheel WheelFitments. Fitments. Rear RearRim RimSizes Sizesfor for YZ85: YZ85: 14 14xx1.60, 1.60, and and16 16xx1.85. 1.85. Yamaha YamahaSupermoto SupermotoColour ColourCombinations Combinations Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: ons ions 14 2:02 PM P.17 Yamaha YamahaJunior JuniorM/X M/XColour ColourCombinations Combinations Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP184 SP184for forYamaha Yamaha Supermoto SupermotoFront FrontWheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. Front FrontRim RimSize Sizefor for Yamaha YamahaSupermoto: Supermoto: 17 17xx3.50. 3.50. Hub HubSP074 SP074for forYamaha Yamaha Supermoto SupermotoRear RearWheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. Rear RearRim RimSizes Sizesfor for Yamaha YamahaSupermoto: Supermoto: 17 17xx4.25 4.25and and17 17xx5.00. 5.00. Alternate AlternateColour ColourCombinations Combinations Available Availableon onRequest. Request. SM Pro Brochure.indd 17 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 17 10/06/14 2:02 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM Speedway Speedway Wheels Wheels R R Speedway SpeedwayWheel WheelCombinations Combinations Th T rim ri Pl P 70 7 an a pe p w w Pr P Hub HubColour ColourOptions: Options: Rim RimColour ColourOptions: Options: Nipple NippleColour ColourOptions: Options: Hub HubSP901 SP901for forall allSM SMPro Pro Speedway SpeedwayFront FrontWheel Wheel Fitments. Fitments. SM SMPro ProSpeedway SpeedwayFront Front Rim RimSizes Sizes23 23xx1.60 1.60and and 19 19xx1.40. 1.40. Hub HubSP902 SP902for forall allSM SMPro Pro Rear RearWheel WheelFitments. Fitments. SM SMPro ProSpeedway SpeedwayRear Rear Rim RimSizes Sizes19 19xx2.15 2.15and and 17 17xx1.85. 1.85. .. SM S RR sh s 21 2 HH Alternate AlternateColour ColourCombinations Combinations Available Availableon onRequest. Request. SM Pro Brochure.indd 18 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 18 10/06/14 2:02 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro B Rims Rims The TheSM SMPro ProPlatinum PlatinumRim Rimis isthe theStrongest Strongestand andLightest Lightestaftermarket aftermarket rim rimavailable availableto todate. date.18 18months monthsin intesting testingand anddeveloping developingthe theSM SMPro Pro Platinum Platinumrim rimis ismade madefrom fromaanew newspecially speciallyformulated formulatedhigh highgrade gradeof of 7050 7050Series SeriesAluminium. Aluminium.The ThePlatinum Platinumrim rimhas hasbeen beendesigned, designed,tested tested and andmanufactured manufacturedto towithstand withstandthe therigours rigoursand anddemands demandsof oftoday’s today’s performance performancemotorcycles motorcyclesand andriding ridingstyles, styles,whilst whilstreducing reducingthe the weight weightof ofthe therim rimto toreduce reducethe theunsprung unsprungweight weightof ofthe thewheel. wheel.The TheSM SM Pro ProPlatinum Platinumrim rimis isthe thenew newbenchmark benchmarkof ofaftermarket aftermarketMX MXrims. rims. .. SM SMPro ProPlatinum Platinumrims rimsare areavailable availableFactory FactoryMatte MatteBlack, Black,Gold, Gold,Silver, Silver, Red, Red,Blue, Blue,Orange Orangeand andYellow Yellowand andfeature featureaastylish stylishetched etchedlogo logoto to showcase showcasethe thePlatinum Platinumrim. rim.Platinum Platinumrims rimsare areavailable availablefrom from18’’ 18’’–– 21’’ 21’’and andcan canbe befitted fittedto toSM SMPro Proor orOriginal OriginalEquipment EquipmentManufacturer Manufacturer Hubs Hubs(other (otherbrands brandsavailable availableon onrequest). request). ons ns 14 2:02 PM SM Pro Brochure.indd 19 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 19 10/06/14 2:02 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM OEM OEM Spoke Spoke Fitments Fitments All Allour our‘‘Bulldog’’ ‘‘Bulldog’’spokes spokesare aremanufactured manufacturedfrom fromHigh HighTensile TensileStainless StainlessSteel, Steel,and andfor foran anextra extracost costcan canbe bepowdercoated powdercoatedin inaa colour colourof ofyour yourchoice choiceor orchemically chemicallyblacked. blacked. toaacolour colour Aluminium Aluminiumnipples nipplescan canbe beincluded includedto togain gainthe thestrongest strongestand andlightest lightestwheel wheelcombination, combination,and andcan canbe behard-anodised hard-anodisedto ofyour yourchoice. choice.We Wealso alsohave havethe theoption optionof ofNickel NickelPlated PlatedNipples. Nipples. of SM Pro Brochure.indd 20 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 20 10/06/14 2:02 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM Pro B P.21 in n aa olour olour 14 2:02 PM SM Pro Brochure.indd 21 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 21 10/06/14 2:02 PM 10/06/14 2:18 PM SM SMPro Pro Spoke Spoke Fitments Fitments All Allour our‘‘Bulldog’’ ‘‘Bulldog’’spokes spokesare aremanufactured manufacturedfrom fromHigh HighTensile TensileStainless StainlessSteel, Steel,and andfor foran anextra extracost costcan canbe bepowdercoated powdercoated ininaacolour colourof ofyour yourchoice choiceor orchemically chemicallyblacked. blacked. toaacolour colour Aluminium Aluminiumnipples nipplescan canbe beincluded includedto togain gainthe thestrongest strongestand andlightest lightestwheel wheelcombination, combination,and andcan canbe behard-anodised hard-anodisedto ofyour yourchoice. choice.We Wealso alsohave havethe theoption optionof ofNickel NickelPlated PlatedNipples. Nipples. of SM Pro Brochure.indd 22 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 22 10/06/14 2:02 PM 10/06/14 2:19 PM SM Pro Br P.23 olour olour 14 2:02 PM SM Pro Brochure.indd 23 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 23 10/06/14 2:02 PM 10/06/14 2:19 PM SM SM Pro Pro Performance Performance Brake Brake Discs Discs These Theselaser lasercut cutand anddiamond diamondparallel parallelsurface surfaceground groundbrake brakediscs discsensure ensureperfect perfectflatness. flatness. They Theyare aremanufactured manufacturedfrom fromspecially speciallyblended blended410 410grade gradeStainless StainlessSteel. Steel. The Thedesign designincreases increasestemperature temperatureresistance resistancefor forsuperior superiortoughness. toughness. The Thespecially speciallydesigned designedcooling coolingslots slotsallow allowfor forthe theultimate ultimatebraking brakingexperience. experience. Our OurBrake BrakeDisc Discrange rangecovers coversFront Front&&Rear Rearwheel wheeldiscs discsfor forall allthe theleading leadingHonda, Honda, Kawasaki, Kawasaki,Suzuki, Suzuki,Yamaha Yamahaand andKTM KTMoffroad offroadmotorcycles. motorcycles. See Seeour ourwebsite websitefor forfurther furtherdetails detailswww.smpro.co.uk www.smpro.co.uk SM Pro Brochure.indd 24 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 24 10/06/14 2:02 PM 10/06/14 2:19 PM SM Pro B 14 2:02 PM P.25 SM Pro Brochure.indd 25 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 25 10/06/14 2:03 PM 10/06/14 2:19 PM Hub Hub Replacement Replacement Components Components All Allthe theinternal internalparts partsof ofthe thehubs hubswe wesupply supplyare areavailable availableas asspare spareparts. parts. 1: 1:Hub Hub Rear RearHubs Hubs Front FrontHubs Hubs 2: 2:Tube Tube 3: 3:Bearing Bearing 1 1 5 5 4 3 2 3 4 3 4: 4:Seal Seal 5: 5:Disc DiscSpacer Spacer 2 4 6 3 3 6: 6:Spacer Spacer 4 6 Spoke Spoke Nipple Nipple Sets Sets Spoke SpokeNipples Nipplescan canbe besupplied suppliedin inNickel Nickelplated platedsteel, steel,Nickel Nickelplated platedbrass brass or orin inAluminium Aluminiumwith withaahard hardanodised anodisedfinish. finish.Aluminium AluminiumNipples Nipplesare aresupplied supplied as asstandard standardfor forthe theSM SMPro ProWheel WheelRange. Range.These TheseNipples Nipplesoffer offerboth bothaaweight weight saving savingand andaarange rangeof ofcolour colouroptions. options. SM Pro Brochure.indd 26 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 26 10/06/14 2:03 PM 10/06/14 2:19 PM SM Pro B 14 2:03 PM P.27 Contact Contact Details Details Central Central Wheel Wheel Components Components 8&9 8&9Station StationRoad Road Coleshill Coleshill Birmingham Birmingham B46 B461HT 1HT Tel: Tel:+44 +44(0)1675 (0)1675462 462264 264 Fax: Fax:+44 +44(0)1675 (0)1675466 466412 412 Email: Email:info@central-wheel.co.uk info@central-wheel.co.uk Web: Web:www.central-wheel.co.uk www.central-wheel.co.uk Wheel Wheel House House Tyres Tyres Jack-O-Watton Jack-O-WattonIndustrial IndustrialEstate Estate Lichfield LichfieldRoad Road Water WaterOrton Orton Birmingham Birmingham B46 B461NU 1NU Tel: Tel:+44 +44(0)121 (0)121748 7480000 0000 Fax: Fax:+44 +44(0)121 (0)121748 7480001 0001 Email: Email:info@wheelhousetyres.co.uk info@wheelhousetyres.co.uk Web: Web:www.wheelhousetyres.co.uk www.wheelhousetyres.co.uk SM Pro Brochure.indd 27 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 27 10/06/14 2:03 PM 10/06/14 2:19 PM SM Pro Brochure 2014 BackPage.pdf SM Pro Brochure.indd 28 SM Pro A5 Brochure.indd 28 1 13/05/14 6:21 PM 10/06/14 2:03 PM 10/06/14 2:19 PM
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