TEESPORT and HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK 7th edition CONTENTS CONTENTS 3 welcome from pd ports A key player in the UK port industry 5Welcome from tees valley unlimited Helping your business grow in Tees Valley 6Introduction Growth driven by positive attitude and key assets 8LOCATION Teesport and Hartlepool location map 11 PD PORTS Award-winning ports and logistics business 12THPUA Driving force behind commercial growth 14TEESPORT Versatility and location are key assets for Teesport 18 HISTORY Fifty years of service at Tees Dock 20 HARTLEPOOL Hartlepool gets ready for offshore sector growth 22CONTAINERS Growth continues as container terminal expansion concludes 24 PORTCENTRIC Saving millions in the UK’s supply chain 26LOGISTICS Expertise in logistics is key to Teesside’s economic growth 29RENEWABLES Teesside is magnet for renewable energy plants 30OFFSHORE First choice for offshore and wind energy sectors 33WIND FARM Wind of change brings crucial project to Teesside 34STEEL New life for Teesside’s steel industry 35FERRIES Vital ferry link stands the test of time 37 PETROCHEMICALS PD Ports Head Office, 17-27 Queen’s Square, Middlesbrough, TS2 1AH Tel: +44 (0)1642 877000 • Fax: +44 (0)1642 877056 • www.pdports.co.uk Petrochemical storage and handling excellence 40 PROCESS INDUSTRY Bright outlook for Teesside’s process industry 42 corporate social responsibility TeesPORT and Hartlepool Port Handbook Seventh edition is published by: Land & Marine Publications Ltd 1 Kings Court, Newcomen Way, Severalls Business Park, Colchester C04 9RA Tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 • Fax: +44 (0)1206 842958 Email: publishing@landmarine.com • www.landmarine.com The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor, or any other organisation associated with this publication. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions. Making a difference locally matters to PD Ports 45CONNECTIONS Hinterland links ensure smooth flow of cargo 47Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Key role in preserving professional standards 48 PRIVATE OPERATORS Teesside’s maritime community provides key benefits 50BUSINESS GROWTH Joined-up approach draws big investment to Teesside 52 PORT DETAILS ISSN 1477-5786 56THPUA DIRECTORY ©2013 Land & Marine Publications Ltd 57COMPANY DIRECTORY 1 FOREWORD A key player in the UK port industry Welcome to the 2014 tees and hartlepool handbook. our operations at teesport and the port of hartlepool are part of the Wider pd ports Group, an aWard-WinninG ports and loGistics business based in the north of enGland With operations throuGhout the uk. eMerGinG Markets PD Ports is a key player in the UK port industry and in the North East live in 2013, showcased our capabilities as a vital construction economy. As experts in ports and logistics, we know our customers logistics hub for such large-scale wind farm projects. Across our facilities at both Hartlepool and Teesport, we are actively supporting the increasing use of biomass as a sustainable fuel and the growing market for onshore and offshore wind energy. In 2012 the Port of Hartlepool was the preferred choice for EDF Renewables Ltd’s Teesside offshore wind farm project. The project, which went operate in challenging markets. Working alongside organisations ranging from retailers to renewable energy specialists, we provide quality solutions that help them do better business. five DecaDes at tHe Heart of traDe 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of Tees Dock, the main Difficult trading conditions have proven a significant challenge to operational hub at Teesport, with millions of tonnes of container, our business in recent years. Despite the global economic downturn, ro-ro, steel and bulk cargoes passing over its quays every year. As we we have continued to make progress across our business with celebrate this time we also herald new beginnings to maintaining considerable investment in both operations and people, which our position as one of the UK’s leading port and logistics businesses. gives plenty of reasons to be optimistic in our outlook. I hope this handbook offers further insight into our current One of the most poignant changes in Teesside’s industrial landscape operations and future developments at Teesport and Hartlepool as was the return of steel making in April 2012 when SSI restarted well as the activities of the many industries and terminals so vital production at its Redcar blast furnace. More than a third of the UK’s both to the port and to the wider industrial community on Teesside. steel exports are now exported from Teesside with over 3 million tonnes of steel slab handled annually at Teesport. We have also delivered the largest single infrastructure investment at our David Robinson Teesport container handling facilities with some £16.7 million invested to Group CEO PD Ports expand terminal capacity to support growth in market demand. PD Ports is a key player in the UK port INdustry 3 WELCOME Our business investment team is always on hand to help companies Helping your business grow in Tees Valley It gives me great pleasure to introduce the investment. This has been achieved through our work to attract new latest edition of the Tees Valley Logistics investment to the area as well as the support we offer companies Handbook. already based in Tees Valley to grow their businesses here. There is much going on in the Tees Valley despite the global economic Since its launch in April 2012, the Tees Valley Enterprise Zone has challenges. Our established and thriving manufacturing, engineering been successfully attracting companies and creating new jobs and and logistics sectors continue to see significant successes. And the area investment, with companies benefiting from Business Rate Relief has seen increasing investment in new and emerging industry sectors and Enhanced Capital Allowances. such as offshore wind and renewable energy. Our transport infrastructure has always played an important role partnership in the Tees Valley economy; and our unique offering of first-class As the Local Enterprise Partnership for Tees Valley, we have secured road, rail, sea and air links means the area is extremely attractive for millions of pounds of funding for transport and infrastructure business in the logistics sector. projects, including road and rail improvements to ease congestion and reduce transport costs and times. global market Our business investment team is always on hand to help companies In an increasingly competitive global market, our transport services, find the right location, access support services and provide combined with our skilled and affordable workforce and wide range information on the workforce, training and skills available here. of sites and premises at extremely competitive prices, have drawn national and international companies into the area in recent years. In fact, in the first two years since Tees Valley Unlimited was Neil Kenley established as the Local Enterprise Partnership, we have created and Director of Business Investment Tees Valley Unlimited safeguarded almost 3,000 jobs and secured about £700 million of 5 introDuction GrowtH Driven by Positive attituDe anD key assets teesPort Has aChieVeD a 70% GrowtH in Container VolUmes in the Past five years 6 the tees valley, Which includes the ports of Much of the port’s growth, especially in containers, is due largely teesport and hartlepool, has alWays been one to the expansion of its portcentric logistics service offering, which of the uk’s main industrial centres. over the involves the storage and distribution of imported goods closer years, iron and steel production, shipbuildinG, to the port of arrival and final destination. This concept has been chemical production and offshore activities have all played their part in the economic successfully implemented at Teesport with some of the UK’s leading retailers. eXpansion of the reGion. the industrial To complement its growing portcentric business, and to provide landscape has chanGed but one component has specific portcentric-focused logistics services, PD Ports has remained constant – the river tees. rebranded part of its logistics division as PD Portcentric Logistics. This significant step underlines the company’s commitment to The Tees has been a natural centre for trade and industry for providing its portcentric customers with the best possible service. centuries with activities on both sides of the river, as well as in Hartlepool, bringing ship traffic from across the world to serve its many terminals and factories. There have been many changes over the years. The region has had to adapt to changing economic fortunes and changing industrial needs and has met each challenge head-on with optimism and dedication. This positive attitude is still apparent today right across the region as the ports and other local businesses continue to restructure their operations in order to provide the best service to customers. awarD-winninG PD Ports is the statutory port authority on the river, with jurisdiction over the 11 miles from the Tees estuary to the Tees Barrage. It is a Another growth market is in renewable energy. Teesside’s long- privately funded, award-winning ports and logistics company with held expertise in the offshore oil and gas industry is now proving operations both on Teesside and throughout the UK. vital in attracting a cluster of companies working in the wind farm sector. The Port of Hartlepool was appointed logistics hub for the PD Ports operates the major port facilities of the Teesport Estate Teesside offshore wind farm providing a supply base to support (which includes Tees Dock) and Hartlepool. Together, they handle the construction of the wind farm from which specialist vessels around 10 percent of the total tonnage handled on the river. transported all materials and construction staff. In addition, Teesside has attracted a cluster of renewable energy plants using biomass or Each year, Teesport and Hartlepool combined handle circa 34 million waste as feedstock, which will be brought in by road, rail and ship. tonnes of cargo including around 400,000 TEU of container traffic. These figures put the Tees facilities among the UK’s top five busiest ports. Teesport is also the North East’s premier container port. links The growth in cargo services has been matched by the growth in With some 5,000 vessel calls each year, about 70 percent of all cargo transport links, both by sea and by rail. Most of the main shipping handled is liquid bulk products destined for the vast chemical and lines now call at Teesport with feeders to the main European hubs as petrochemical complexes located on both sides of the river. There well as the east coast feeder, Logical Link, between Felixstowe and are concentrations at Seal Sands, opposite Teesport and at Wilton Teesport, using Unifeeder vessels. International, just south of Teesport. Inland, new rail freight links connect Teesport with Grangemouth in GrowtH Scotland while new rail intermodal facilities on Teesside increase the possibilities for importers. Teesport has achieved growth in container volumes in the past five years. In 2013 it completed a major investment programme to Teesside benefits from some of the best transport links and least expand its capacity to 450,000 TEU as well as implementing state-of- congested roads in the UK. This, together with some of the best the-art terminal operating system software to boost efficiency and port services in the UK, provides an unbeatable combination for productivity. importers and exporters alike. 7 LOCATION TEESport & HARTLEPOOL LOCATION MAP 8 9 PD PORTS Award-winning ports and logistics business pd ports is an aWard-WinninG ports and • PortCENTRIC LOGISTICS: PD Portcentric Logistics was logistics business. Based in the North of created in 2013 to manage all portcentric operations under England, it operates throughout the UK. PD Ports. This marked the beginning of a drive to promote PD Ports owns and/or operates port and logistics facilities at PD Portcentric Logistics’ North and South locations. portcentric logistics to potential customers who can benefit from Billingham, Felixstowe, Hartlepool, Howden, Hull, Immingham, Isle of Wight, Keadby, Liverpool, Scunthorpe, Teesport and Thames Gateway. • SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICES: PD Logistics provides customers with a dedicated logistics service that acts as a vital link in their Since 2009, PD Ports has been owned by Canadian parent company supply chain. Customers can choose from contract services, Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Brookfield has over 100 years’ multi-user logistics and 4PL logistics. As well as this the wider experience in owning and operating assets with a focus on property, PD Ports group provides reverse logistics services and works closely renewable power, infrastructure and private equity. with suppliers to provide a daily feeder service between Teesport and Felixstowe. This is complemented by excellent rail connections. Brookfield’s investment in PD Ports represents its first move into the ports sector and provides a stable and solid platform for future • PORT SERVICES: PD Ports supplies warehousing, ships growth and development. agency, chartering, jetty management and shipping and inspection services. As well as this PD Ports has the ability to PD Ports employs 1,250 staff and has an annual turnover of more handle bulk cargo, containers (lo-lo and ro-ro) and project cargo than £129 million. through its UK locations. Sectors of interest to PD Ports are: • ENERGY SOLUTIONS: Providing excellent global transport connections, extensive facilities and land availability with a • RIVER MANAGEMENT: Management of river traffic for skilled local labour supply. Teesport and the Port of Hartlepool including navigation and dredging. A modern harbour office looks after the arrival and • PROPERTY: At PD Ports’ UK locations, there departure of over 5,000 vessels a year on the River Tees and at are development sites, warehouses, fabrication and Hartlepool. manufacturing sheds and offices. PD Ports employs about 1,250 staff 11 tHPua DrivinG force beHinD coMMercial GrowtH thPUa’s inteGrateD aPProacH to the ManaGeMent of tHe river maKes teesPort safe & secure For eVeryone 12 one of the drivinG forces behind the vibrant industrial and commercial GroWth on teesside is the tees & hartlepool port users’ association (thpua). Established in its current form in 1997, but originally founded in 1949, the association develops and promotes the economic, efficient and effective movement of goods through the Ports of Teesport and Hartlepool, not only for its members but also for other port users and local businesses in the North East of England. eXPertise THPUA has about 40 members representing a wide range of activities that include cargo handling, offshore work, shiprepair, private wharves and terminals on the River Tees, together with support services like ship agency, pilotage, foyboatmen services, social towage and waste management. THPUA has a thriving social calendar that includes an annual cricket match between PD Ports and THPUA, a golf day, quiz nights, group The members of THPUA represent companies from various walks and an annual dinner at which members entertain customers, industries such as chemicals, petrochemicals, steel, engineering, suppliers and colleagues. All these events help to raise funds and general cargo, bulk storage and logistics. In many cases, these ensure the sustainability of the association. companies are interdependent, and this broad network of expertise opens the way to good co-ordination of activities as well as the smooth and efficient running of port operations. coMMunity Through fundraising and sponsorship, the association supports the best Practice local community, making donations to charities such as the Daisy By sharing information, learning from members’ experiences, Hospice. In addition, individual members support local Seamen’s and working together, Teesport and the members of THPUA Missions, giving their time to transport seamen to and from the can achieve best practice in all aspects of their operations. The nearest mission, or helping local children to read in support of the diversity of skills and capability provided by the association High Tide initiative. Chain Project, Great North Air Ambulance and Zoe’s Place Baby is complemented by guest speakers who provide an update of information and methods. This integrated approach to the management of the river makes Teesport safe and secure for everyone working in the Teesside area. MeMbersHiP The association is open to companies that operate within the port areas of the River Tees and Hartlepool. Whether a company owns or coMPliance leases a jetty or is engaged directly in the movement of ships or the provision of services to the port, new members are always welcome. The association keeps members up to date with new legislation and environmental requirements. By working with PD Ports, new guidelines, services and training are developed to help keep PartnersHiPs Teesport compliant. This has put the port at the forefront of oil THPUA has good relations with PD Ports and with those employed pollution response and security awareness. in and around the port. It also works closely with other maritime organisations such as the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, the Members representing support services work with PD Ports to Maritime & Coastguard Agency and the Marine Management expand the services provided and meet increasingly stringent safety Organisation. A particular aim of the association is to promote the and environmental legislation. The port management plans are River Tees and its business community in order to generate and adapted to reflect these changes and training is promoted to ensure maintain the flow of cargo as well as promoting the advantages of individuals are competent to handle everything from an oil spill to this part of the North East to a larger audience. port security. Oil spill exercises are held to give operators first-hand experience of handling this type of incident. www.thpua.co.uk 13 teesPort versatility anD location are key assets for teesPort eaCh year teesPort reCeiVes oVer 5,000 Vessels anD 34 hanDles Million tonnes oF carGo 14 teesport has been one of the top performinG The range of services and facilities includes: uk ports for over a decade in terms of carGo throuGhput. it is also the premier container terminal in north east enGland and the best connected feeder port in the uk. Located less than a mile from the mouth of the River Tees, Teesport • Two container terminals with an annual capacity of 450,000 TEU. • Four general cargo berths handling a variety of commodities including steel, dry cargo and project cargo. All berths have a depth alongside of 10.9 m LAT. has first-rate shipping and transport links. The port is a deepwater facility with lock-free access to the North Sea. • Three ro-ro berths: two within Tees Dock and one river berth. Each year, Teesport receives over 5,000 vessels and handles 34 • 25,200 sq m of covered warehousing plus large areas of million tonnes of cargo. The 779 acre Teesport estate is an integral open storage. part of the wider industrial area. At the heart of the estate is Tees Dock, with its container, ro-ro, steel and bulk handling quays. • Over 3 million sq ft of operational portcentric warehousing. Cargo handling operations related to agribulks, engineering, • Private rail sidings are able to handle a wide range of cargoes. manufacturing, petrochemicals, the retail sector and the steel industry are all carried out at Teesport. In addition, it supports the burgeoning renewable energy sector. • Large compounds for open storage of all kinds of vehicles, from cars and heavy trucks to machinery and plant. • The wide range of equipment includes five heavy lift Gottwald HMK cranes of 63 to 100 tonnes capacity, 13 reach stackers, four gantry cranes, four rubber-tyred gantry cranes and two quay cranes. GrowtH As well as the facilities of PD Ports, there are over 30 independent jetties and quays alongside the River Tees including major international manufacturing companies, chemical plants, shipyards, offshore fabrication yards, liquid bulk storage facilities and logistics providers. Much of the growth of PD Ports is due to the expanding activities of these companies. The reopening of the Redcar steel plant, now Teesport is the location for most of PD Ports’ portcentric operated by SSI, was a major boost for the port, with around warehousing activities, which benefit from the close proximity of 3 million tonnes of slab steel handled annually through Teesport. the container terminals and easy access to the region’s principal road and rail connections. In 2013 Cleveland Potash announced a further 20-year extension to the lease on its facility in Tees Dock as its mining operation Few areas of the UK are better served by road and rail services. under the North York Moors is extended for a further 40 years. This Teesport has direct access to the A66 Trans-Pennine east-west routes will result in half a million tonnes of ore being shipped through and to the A19 and A1(M) national motorway links north and south. Teesport each year. Also in 2013, Bunn Fertiliser agreed a five-year This is complemented by direct rail links to the rest of the UK via the deal to supply its Scottish and northern UK customers with products East Coast Main Line and Trans-Pennine routes. imported through Teesport. strenGtH The real driver of growth, however, is the portcentric activities of The strength of Teesport lies in its versatility and adaptability. From Tesco and Taylors of Harrogate taking advantage of the many multichannel retailers and producers to manufacturers and logistics facilities and services offered by Teesport to ship their products providers, few ports can offer such a wide range of service options. closer to the end customer. Teesport with leading supermarkets and retailers such as Asda, 15 TVU ADVERT TVU ADVERT HISTORY Fifty years of service at Tees Dock Tees Dock IS THE HUB OF OPERATIONAL ACTIVITY The Redcar Ore Terminal and the ro-ro terminal opened at Tees AT TEESPORT. MILLIONS OF TONNES OF CONTAINER, Dock in 1973, followed by the Steel Export Terminal in 1976, and it RO-RO, STEEL AND BULK CARGOES PASS THROUGH soon became the hub for all the port’s general cargo activities. THE DOCKS EVERY YEAR. The official opening of No. 2 Quay was undertaken by The Queen There have been port operations along the River Tees since when she visited Tees Dock on the Royal Yacht ‘Britannia’ on 14th the 12th century, first at Yarm, then at Stockton and then at July 1977. The opening of large chemical processing plants on Port Darlington, or Middlesbrough as it was later called. As river the north and south banks generated further business for the crossings were built, shipping activity moved downstream, closer port, while Tees Dock took on greater significance in 1980 when to the mouth of the river. Middlesbrough Dock closed. When Tees Dock officially opened on 4th October 1963, operations In the 1990s the port was privatised along with many other large were starkly different to those we know today. There were just two UK Ports. A new riverside ro-ro berth was opened to support the cranes and a warehouse at No. 1 Quay, as well as an office block and strong ro-ro and car volumes the port was handling. The growth maintenance department for the workforce of around 25 people. in container volumes at Tees Dock brought investment into the facilities at the port. Teesport Container Terminal 1 received a new Tees Dock grew steadily and by 1965 all five berths on No. 1 Quay crane and Teesport Container Terminal 2 was built with an official were open and operational. The 1970s was a period of economic opening by The Duke of York in 2003. The £12 million second change in the UK, a fact reflected in the mix of cargoes handled terminal was one of the largest investments in the port’s history. at Tees Dock. The decade saw the arrival of imported cars from Japan, with Datsun the forerunner of what is now Nissan in PD Ports aims to continue growing the port infrastructure to enable Sunderland. future success for years to come. There have been port operations along the River Tees since the 12th century 19 Hartlepool Hartlepool gets reaDy For oFFsHore sector growtH First-rate opportunities FOR BOTH eXisting & NEW OPERATORS 20 THe PoRT oF HARTLePooL HAs BeeN TRANsFoRMeD • Large storage compounds for import and export of cars, light and heavy vehicles, plant and machinery. IN ReceNT DecADes. THe PoRT AReA HAs UNDeRGoNe LARGe-scALe ReGeNeRATIoN AND ITs oRIGINAL PURPose oF seRVING THe DURHAM coALFIeLDs HAs • Private rail sidings capable of handling a wide range of cargoes. BeeN RePLAceD BY ITs New RoLe As A MAjoR PLAYeR IN THe oFFsHoRe oIL AND GAs secToRs AND IN THe oFFsHore growtH oFFsHoRe wIND FARM BUsINess. Much of the area around Victoria Harbour has been redeveloped in recent years, opening up new land for development, especially The Port of Hartlepool, just three miles north of the River Tees, in the burgeoning offshore sector. Hartlepool is already home to consists of Victoria Harbour, a large tidal harbour with open access two major offshore companies and is looking to expand its role as to the sea, and the North Basin, a small enclosed dock. a construction base, especially after it was successfully used as the onshore base for the construction of the Teesside offshore wind The main quays in Victoria Harbour are the 150 metre Victoria Quay, farm project off Redcar. the 380 metre Irvine’s Quay and the 380 metre Deep Water Quay. The North Basin is an enclosed dock with 386 m of quay and a depth Heerema Offshore has been located in Hartlepool for nearly 20 over the sill of 3.11 m. years, supplying large fabricated structures to offshore-related industries. Heerema uses Irvine’s Quay to load out its massive There is 90,000 sq m of quayside warehousing with dedicated modules, constructed within the dock estate, to North Sea sheds for bulk cargo, forest products and offshore support and barges. mobilisation operations. JDR Cables opened a new facility at Hartlepool in 2009 to core activities manufacture and supply offshore cabling direct to vessels from its The core activities in Hartlepool are bulk cargo handling, the oil and almost double the capacity of its facility in 2012. quayside plant. The success of this enterprise led the company to gas sectors and the renewable offshore wind energy market. The port is well connected with two primary routes, the A179 and A689, pipes both linked to the A19 dual carriageway and the main arterial route for Hartlepool handled over 1 million tonnes of concrete coated pipe the A1 (M) North and South. The port also has direct rail freight links into for the Ormen Lange gas field in 2005-2006 and assembled 700 the UK network. In addition, both Durham Tees Valley and Newcastle metre long pipes to be spooled for laying in the North Sea for International airports are located within a short distance. Saipem Offshore in 2012. The port also receives regular calls for offshore support vessels working the North Sea oilfields. The strength of Hartlepool lies not only in its engineering and offshore expertise, but also in the availability of large areas of land for development Other major operations in the town include Tata Steel’s pipe mill and and in the port’s easy access to the North Sea. These key factors provide Huntsman’s paint pigment plant. first-rate opportunities for both existing and new operators. The port of Hartlepool offers: eXpertise In 2012 the port was appointed as the main construction logistics • Five general cargo berths handling goods such as steel, dry hub for the Teesside offshore wind farm. The port’s extensive land cargo and project cargo. bank and deep water were key components in the success of this project, providing dedicated assembly areas for the massive • Depth alongside of 8.0 m LAT at all berths (a vital factor in structures with easy access to the North Sea. PD Ports also supplied attracting offshore projects). the stevedoring services for loading the vessels that would transport the items to the wind farm site off Redcar. • Dedicated heavy lift quay area for project and out-of-gauge cargoes. The turbines’ foundations and the subsea cables were supplied • Ro-ro berth with Linkspan access within the main port area. and installed by Van Oord UK and its decision to operate out of Hartlepool is seen as a major boost for the area. It is the aim of • Dock estate has 963,000 sq ft of covered warehousing and large PD Ports to position the Port of Hartlepool and the wider region as a areas of open storage. centre of excellence for the European wind energy market. 21 containers growtH continues as container terminal eXpansion concluDes pD ports has comPleTed The £16.7 million upgraDe of iTs conTainer Terminal faciliTies 22 IN 2002 PD PoRTs DeVeLoPeD A New sTRATeGY FoR TeesPoRT To exPAND ITs coNTAINeRHANDLING oPeRATIoN. MoRe THAN A DecADe LATeR, THIs HAs oPeNeD UP New oPPoRTUNITIes FoR GRowTH AND New PossIBILITIes FoR THe FUTURe oF THe PoRT. Furthermore, the Navis system will benefit the port’s portcentric Teesport now has two container terminals. The original Teesport Northern Gateway Container Terminal (NGCT) in its sights as a Container Terminal (TCT1) is alongside the river with 300 m of quay long-term goal. But any movement towards this must wait for the and two wide-span gantry cranes. necessary changes to market conditions to justify such investment. Teesport Container Terminal 2 (TCT2), opened in 2003, is located FeeDer port inside Tees Dock with 360 m of quay and two gantry cranes of 50 tonnes capacity. operations by allowing PD Ports to plan further ahead and offer greater visibility for customers. With the installation of the system, PD Ports had completed the £16.7 million upgrade of its container terminal facilities. In addition to its existing terminals, the company still has the The expansion of the Teesport’s capacity and the improved efficiency the investment has introduced will help support the ports As part of a £29 million project, £16.7 million has been invested into growing feeder services. the expansion of TCT2 which was completed in 2012. The port now has an annual combined capacity of 450,000 TEU. eXpansion The expansion involved a total reconstruction and resurfacing of more than five hectares of the container terminal area with heavy duty paving designed to withstand increased loads from container stacks and four new rubber tyred gantry cranes (RTGs). The RTGs represent the single biggest equipment investment at Teesport since the container terminal opened in 2003. Teesport launched a ‘fast gate’ service in 2012 to reduce waiting times for containers being moved from ship to warehouse. The aim has been to improve services for onsite portcentric customers. new terminal operating system As part of the investment into the container terminal, PD Ports installed a new terminal operating system. Built by Navis, a software development company specialising in terminal operating systems, this system was introduced to further improve efficiency for customers as well as the speed and agility of operations at the container terminal. The Navis system signifies a fundamental change in the way Already Teesport has over 20 vessel calls a week from most of the business is conducted at Teesport. It enables PD Ports to achieve world’s largest shipping lines. These vessels connect the port to the improved planning and better coordination of container activities at major hub ports of Europe and over 13 strategic markets. the port. The destinations that Teesport has connections to through feeder As with any new system, the task of identifying and applying the vessels included Felixstowe, Poland, Rotterdam, Spain, St. Petersburg technology was not without its challenges; but the system has been and Zeebrugge. The volume and reach of these vessels makes operating successfully since January 2013. Teesport the best connected feeder port in the UK. 23 portcentric saving millions in tHe uk’s supply cHain proven track recorD in reducing suPPlY chain costs 24 THRoUGH PoRTceNTRIc LoGIsTIcs PD PoRTs George imports into one facility. The super centre will handle more HAs sAVeD ReTAILeRs AND sUPPLIeRs MILLIoNs than 3 million items of clothing per week for Asda George clothing BY HeLPING To IMPRoVe THe eFFIcIeNcY AND range. The three-level building has been designed to allow for eFFecTIVeNess oF THeIR sUPPLY cHAINs. further growth to 1.2 million sq ft. Portcentric logistics is about importing goods through ports located In addition, the furniture retailer Barker and Stonehouse returned closer to the final customer, while also locating distribution centres to Teesport in 2013, with a local supply chain business managing close to the port. This brings the suppliers closer to the markets they the handling and distribution of its international furniture serve and can reduce annual truck miles across the UK by tens of products, which arrive weekly on Teesside, for its northern UK millions each year. stores. By unpacking, storing and picking goods at the port for onward customer Focus delivery to stores, those companies using portcentric logistics bring direct benefits to their supply chain at multiple levels. Teesside’s portcentric activities now cover some 3 million sq ft of The environmental footprint of the whole chain is reduced by warehousing at Teesport and nearby locations. eliminating road miles from southern ports to distribution centres based in the Midlands and the North. The many advantages of locating a portcentric distribution centre at or close to Teesport include: portFolio Teesport’s list of portcentric activities grows each year, both in terms • Direct container shipping links with Africa, the Baltic, Europe, the Far East, Mediterranean and the Middle East. of the number of distribution facilities and the range of services available to retailers. • Regular feeder links to European hub ports In 2006 supermarket chain Asda opened a distribution centre on • No return-to-port container handling the Teesport estate. Asda’s 350,000 sq ft warehouse was the first of its kind at the port and highlighted PD Ports’ ability to work with • Secure customs-approved warehousing customers to introduce a portcentric solution. • Customer-specific facilities available In 2012 PD Ports won the prestigious Asda Carrier of the Year award for being the most outstanding supplier in the retailer’s supply chain • Established and efficient hinterland transport infrastructure based on performance and excellence in service. • Plenty of land for development Distribution centre • Wide choice of supporting transport and logistics companies A facility for Tesco followed in 2009, with a 1.2 million sq ft warehouse, one of the largest distribution centres in Europe, able to accommodate • Skilled local labour 130,000 pallets at a time. In fact, Teesport was the only port that could meet Tesco’s requirements for a distribution centre of this size. success Since then, Taylors of Harrogate opened a 40,000 sq ft facility at Such has been the runaway success of the portcentric initiative that Teesport Commerce Park to handle its tea and coffee imports. This PD Ports has rebranded part of its PD Logistics service as operation will be moved to Billingham to enable expansion to up to PD Portcentric Logistics. 115,000 sq ft. Together with efficient container handling operations, PD Ports In 2012 Clipper Logistics opened an 840,000 sq ft warehouse at provides a seamless logistical link between supplier and customer, Wynyard Park, 15 miles from Teesport, consolidating the Asda as well as a logical one. 25 logistics eXpertise in logistics is key to teessiDe’s economic growtH an enviable reputation as a regional logistics centre 26 TeessIDe HAs DeVeLoPeD AN eNVIABLe RePUTATIoN sheds. LV Shipping also specialises in long and wide loads As A ReGIoNAL LoGIsTIcs ceNTRe, DUe IN No sMALL and project cargo. LV Shipping operates trailer services to PART To THe wIDe cHoIce oF sPecIALIsT coMPANIes Europe and Scandinavia. It also covers the Middle East, the Far East, the Indian subcontinent, Australasia and the Americas. oPeRATING IN THe AReA – eVeRYTHING FRoM The company has its own fleet of vehicles for haulage and MoDesT-sIZeD HAULAGe coMPANIes To coMPLex distribution in the UK. The multimodal nature of the business is MULTIMoDAL oPeRATIoNs. completed by LV Air Cargo. LV Shipping also has a storage and Importers and exporters have come to rely on this expertise in distribution partnership with The Ferguson Group, a specialist logistics, which is one of the area’s fastest growing sectors. Tees in rental of modules and units for the offshore energy sector. Valley has excellent transport links which transport companies are taking advantage of to supply fast, efficient and reliable logistics • casper shipping is the number one shipping agency on the River Tees and one of the biggest covering the whole of the East services. Coast of the UK. The company is experienced in chemicals, gas, dry One of the main factors in this growth is Teesport’s favourable bulk, offshore and project shipping services. As an independent location within easy reach of high-density conurbations such port agency, in addition the company offers an end to end as Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester and with regular rail service which includes customs clearance, documentation, freight connections to the North West and Scotland. forwarding, chartering and has a specialist demurrage department. In addition, the portcentric activities at Teesport have led to an • camair Freight solutions is an independent freight forwarder serving all global markets from its own offices and those of its intensification of transport and logistics activities. partners. It offers a complete multi modal service for imports and operators exports by air, sea, road and rail including door to door and full Tees Valley is home to a wide range of logistics and trucking with airlines, shipping lines and European haulage operators to offer companies offering specialist cargo handling services as well as its customers the best service for their requirements customs clearance and documentation. The company works directly conventional haulage: • A V Dawson operates a multimodal freight terminal and an pD logistics intermodal rail terminal at its riverside location in Middlesbrough. PD Logistics operates from many hubs on Teesside as well as With its own fleet of 200 trailers, the company handles a diverse throughout the country. The company can help businesses by range of cargoes including steel, project cargo and loose bulk offering these logistics services: products such as aggregates, fertilisers and scrap metal, as well as a significant volume of containers for vanning and storage. Its • Contract services. PD Logistics’ contract services gives customers facilities also include a 750 metre quay on the River Tees. Through a high degree of accuracy and control. Customers are provided other group companies also based at its Middlesbrough site, with a dedicated logistics service that acts as the vital link in their A V Dawson offers ship agency, industrial blasting and painting, supply chain. The contract fleet works across sectors, including risk management, trailer hire services and a steel processing automotive, container logistics, FMCG, steel and associated centre. Its commitment to providing ever more efficient services products. is underlined by its flexible and innovative product handling and supply chain solutions. These have resulted in shorter • • Multi-user logistics. PD Logistics multi-user fleet supports lead-times and lower costs not only for its traditional clients in the contract fleet during peak demand periods, and provides the automotive and construction equipment and oil and gas logistics services to the full PD Ports network. The fleet is sectors, but also more recently for clients in the growing biofuel, available throughout the UK for delivery and collection of import renewable energy and waste sectors on Teesside. and export cargoes, and can be adapted to meet specific needs. LV shipping Ltd is a logistics, shipping and transport • 4PL Logistics. This is provided through PD Logistics own assets specialist offering multimodal solutions to customers in the and infrastructure, complemented by approved sub-contractors UK and worldwide. As part of the Dutch-owned LV Group, who are all managed through a single point of contact. it provides road haulage and distribution services across Europe. Its 130,000 sq ft premises at Teesport Commerce Park is complemented by modern storage facilities with inventory control systems. These are ideal for customers requiring a large storage areas for transit goods or spare parts for dispatch worldwide and can also be used as fabrication www.casperltd.com www.camairfreightsolutions.com www.lvshipping.com www.av-dawson.com www.pdports.co.uk 27 Renewables Air Products is building the world’s largest renewable energy plant on Teesside Teesside is magnet for renewable energy plants Renewable energy from biomass or waste products has become a major growth sector for the Tees Valley. The region can expect to see a growing range of renewable energy plants as more facilities begin construction. Air Products is building and operating the world’s largest renewable The Ensus bioethanol plant, opened in 2010 on the Wilton estate, At Seal Sands, INEOS Bio plans to develop Europe’s first waste-to- uses locally grown animal feed wheat to produce bioethanol, high bioethanol plant. The 30 million litre plant will convert 100,000 protein animal food and carbon dioxide. Following the plant’s tonnes of biodegradable waste into zero carbon road transport fuel opening, more projects have been announced and construction and renewable electricity each year. energy plant on Teesside using advanced gasification energy-fromwaste technology. The plant will use up to 350,000 tonnes of nonrecyclable waste each year, diverting it from landfill, to be converted into renewable electricity. Work began in 2012 and the facility is expected to be fully operational in 2014. work has already begun on some of these. In 2012 the multimodal transport and marine company A V Dawson waste to energy signed a 40-year deal for a waste-to-energy plant on its riverside Another energy from-waste facility was announced in April 2013. site at Dawson’s Wharf. The plant, built by Greenlight AD Power, This plant, to be developed by Sembcorp on its Wilton site, will partnered with Wilton-based Earthly Energy Group, was located take up to 430,000 tonnes of municipal waste and convert it into on Dawson’s site next to the River Tees because it is strategically fuel. The waste is being supplied under a 30-year contract with the placed to serve the waste-to-energy requirements of a blue chip Merseyside and Halton Waste Partnership. client base. The anaerobic digestion (AD) plant will turn organic waste such as farm slurry, food waste and garden cuttings into clean Looking further ahead, there are plans for Teesside to handle sizeable electricity for the National Grid. Dawson’s extensive multimodal volumes of imported biomass, such as wood pellets, through facilities are a key factor, allowing feedstocks to be brought by rail, Teesport. It is expected that further investment and development of road and sea. the port’s infrastructure would be needed as this develops. 29 oFFsHore First cHoice For oFFsHore anD winD energy sectors harTlePool has tHe potential To be a maJor player in The offshore market 30 oFFsHoRe exPeRTIse Is secoND To NoNe IN THe off, but one company making great strides in this direction is TAG Tees VALLeY. sINce THe 1970s THe AReA HAs BeeN Energy Solutions. THe FIRsT cHoIce FoR INVesTMeNT IN oFFsHoRe exPLoRATIoN AND oILFIeLD DeVeLoPMeNT, esPecIALLY THe FABRIcATIoN oF LARGe sTRUcTURes. MoRe ReceNTLY IT HAs BecoMe oNe oF THe LeADING Uk AND eURoPeAN HUBs IN THe ReNewABLe eNeRGY MARkeT, esPecIALLY wIND FARM coNsTRUcTIoN AND tag TAG has occupied the former Swan Hunter Teesside shipyard on the north bank of the river since 2007. After an early foray into offshore drilling rigs, the company decided to focus on the wind energy market. oNsHoRe eNeRGY PLANTs. The potential market for offshore wind turbines is substantial. About As a result of the boom in offshore exploration in the 1970s, the 3,000 installations are scheduled in UK waters in the near future, with Tees Valley is home to a wide range of companies with a lot of a similar number planned in German waters. In particular, work is experience in the sector. On both sides of the Tees and at Hartlepool expected to start in 2014 on the Centrica Race Bank project and the there are single-user facilities and multi-user sites, together with a Kentish flats extension. large number of support companies. Tees Valley also has the world’s largest cluster of subsea cabling and trenching companies. Today this expertise is also being used to drive expansion in the offshore wind power sector, with several facilities taking a sideways step into engineering and support for wind farms. The Government has also designated Tees Valley as one of six Centres for Offshore Renewable Engineering, which will focus efforts to attract renewable energy manufacturing companies. renewable energy The Government’s commitment to reducing carbon dioxide emissions and deriving more of the nation’s energy supply from renewables has led to heavy investment in the sector, especially in the Tees Valley. Existing and new companies are already winning a large slice of this business. Companies with expertise in offshore projects are already TAG invested some £20 million in state-of-the-art manufacturing established at Hartlepool. With large areas of land available for facilities for rolling and welding large-diameter tubes for the development, Hartlepool has the potential to be a major player construction of monopiles and transition pieces for wind turbines. It in the offshore market. Already, as the construction base for the is also investing in a new facility for the construction of jackets and Teesside offshore wind farm, just off the coast of Redcar near the wind turbine substation topsides. The former shipyard slipways are mouth of the River, Tees, it has already proved it can successfully being converted to handle jacket production. TAG has also invested handle large projects. in a new on-site painting and blasting facility. teessiDe’s energy Future The facility has an annual capacity of up to 125 monopiles and In terms of wind energy, the outlook is very encouraging for 60. Most structures are 7.5 m in diameter and up to 100 m long, Teesside. While the main project in this sector has been the although structures up to 10.5 m in diameter would be possible with construction of Teesside offshore wind farm, there are many other only minor modifications to the plant. transition pieces, although its current throughput is closer to developments that are under way or on the drawing board. For example, Teesside is located within 90 miles of the ongoing wind Once completed, the monopiles, which can weigh up to 650 tonnes, farm developments at Dogger Bank, Hornsea and Forth. are moved by low-loaders to waiting barges and transported to the wind farm area. A major project for TAG has been supplying the The Government’s aim is for 50 percent of wind farms in UK waters Humber Gateway project with 16 monopiles and transition pieces to be built by UK companies. Currently that objective is a long way during 2013. 31 OFFSHORE The market for these enormous structures is expected to grow It is the only site in the UK specifically designed to manufacture until the 2030s. As the first facility of its kind in the UK in terms of subsea cables for the offshore oil and gas and offshore location, capability and size, TAG is uniquely positioned to attract renewables market. In 2013 it will deliver 200 km of cables for this business. one of the world’s largest offshore wind farm installations, the London Array project. As well as hoping to gain contracts from existing Round 2 projects, TAG is set to take advantage of the huge potential offered by Round Located alongside a deepwater quay, the facilities include 3 projects. TAG is also the only UK company to have met German carousels to supply cables weighing up to 2,200 tonnes. Cables quality standards, so it hopes to gain a slice of that market as well. can be spooled directly from the factory to offshore cable-laying vessels. North Sea Supply Base A V Dawson’s North Sea Supply Base is a well-known landmark on the south shore of the river in Middlesbrough. The 45 metre high fabrication halls, the largest on the Tees, provide some 15,000 sq m of shed space, 5,000 sq m of warehousing and office accommodation for up to 500 people. The fabrication halls have nine overhead cranes supported by quay cranes of up to 215 tonnes capacity alongside a 750 metre quay. The North Sea Supply Base can be used for all kinds of onshore and offshore engineering projects including fabrication and decommissioning of offshore structures; and has facilities for haulage, heavy lift, rail traffic, warehousing and wharfage. The base is also home to companies involved in the subsea and project forwarding sector, scaffolding and access systems, blasting and marine coatings. Companies based here include the subsea energy company Modus Seabed Intervention and the subsea cable-laying company Prysmian PowerLink Services. A V Dawson is also offering support to offshore wind energy companies. Other sites Hartlepool is home to several world-class offshore facilities. As well as JDR Cables, the offshore fabrication company Heerema has extensive facilities there. Heerema, which is involved mainly in the oil and gas sectors, has 28,000 sq m of fabrication facilities at Victoria JDR cable systems Dock and a further 48,000 sq m at Greenland Road. The company is experienced in large offshore heavy structural steel projects. JDR Cable Systems is another major operation that has been successful at the Port of Hartlepool. The company is a leading Tees Dock has the only deepwater facilities on the River Tees, able to provider of subsea power cables, umbilical systems and marine accommodate the largest offshore support vessels. Further upriver, cables for the energy sector. Teesport Commerce Park, a 48 hectare multi-user site, is home to a range of companies including LV Shipping, a multimodal specialist 32 JDR manufactures subsea power cables in a 330,000 sq ft facility offering marine and offshore project services. The Heavy Lift Quay, at the Port of Hartlepool that recently completed a £30 million operated by Deep Ocean, has a 180 tonne capacity Manitowoc expansion to meet growing market demand. crane, the largest on the river. wind farm the wind farm will have capacity to power 40,000 households Wind of change brings crucial project to Teesside The Port of Hartlepool has played a vital role in the construction of a new wind farm off the coast of Redcar. It is hoped that the success of this project will lead to other wind farm projects in the wider offshore power industry. The turbines were supplied by Siemens, while the Netherlands- EDF Energy Renewables began construction of the Teesside offshore The project was largely managed from the offshore base facilities in wind farm in February 2012. Located 1.5 km offshore between the Hartlepool and the wind farm will be maintained using crew vessels mouth of the River Tees and Redcar, the wind farm has 27 turbines based in and operating out of Hartlepool. The availability of ample with a total generating capacity of 60 MW – enough green energy land and deep water in Hartlepool were vital to the success of the to power up to 40,000 households. project, providing dedicated assembly areas for the turbines and based company Van Oord was responsible for the foundations and subsea cabling. Hartlepool structures with direct access to the North Sea. The turbines were installed in the first half of 2013. Now fully operational, they will offset more than 80,000 tonnes of carbon PD Ports also provided stevedoring support for the task of loading dioxide annually and will help the UK to achieve its target of the components into vessels to be taken out to site. The vessel providing 30 percent of its electricity from renewable sources used for the installation of the topsides for these turbines was the by 2020. specialist wind farm installation vessel the MPI Adventure, operated by Teesside based MPI Offshore. The Redcar site offered the best opportunity for siting a wind farm off the north-east coast. Underground cables take the electricity Hartlepool already has a cluster of offshore-related companies and to a new substation at Warrenby. The electricity is then fed into the the intention of PD Ports is for Hartlepool to be a hub for the wind regional and national grids via a connection at the Northern Electric farm sector as more projects are expected in the near future. Distribution Ltd substation at Lackenby. The Warrenby substation site also houses the wind farm control room. www.teessideoffshorewindfarm.co.uk 33 STEEL New life for Teesside’s steel industry Steel production has been part of daily life on In addition, some 8 to 9 million tonnes of raw materials are imported Teesside for over 160 years. Following a period for the steel plant via the Redcar Bulk Terminal. of uncertainty and realignment, the Thailandbased company Sahaviriya Steel Industries (SSI) has become the new owner of the Redcar iron and steel making facility. The blast furnace was relit in April 2012 and the first slabs rolled off the production line three days later. Investment SSI has not only reignited Teesside’s steel industry but has also rejuvenated it through investments of about US$1 billion. The intention in the longer term is to produce in excess of 4 million tonnes per year. If this is target is reached, then PD Ports will have to match investment at Tees Dock with deeper quays and additional For PD Ports, steel exports are a major part of its throughput, with equipment. Its current handling capacity is about 4 million tonnes over 3 million tonnes handled each year. Production at SSI UK has per year. recovered to previous levels at the plant and is expected to increase. This has led to PD Ports looking to expand its facilities to cope with The majority of high-grade steel slabs produced at this plant are the increased demand. being shipped to SSI’s downstream rolling operations in Thailand; but the company also exports to other customers. Transloading SSI UK is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sahaviriya Steel Industries Slabs are brought to Tees Dock by rail for transloading onto the PLC, the largest steel sheet producer in South East Asia. The blast quayside before loading onto vessels using two 100 tonne capacity furnace at Redcar is the second-largest in Europe. Gottwald cranes. These cranes are equipped with chains and lifting beams so they can load two slabs at once. The former owner of the site, Tata Steel, also has a major presence on Teesside. Tata Steel operates a tube mill in Hartlepool and rolling PD Ports has six sets of heavy duty magnets mounted on 42/45 mills at Redcar and Skinningrove with exports of 200,000 tonnes of tonne capacity fork-lift trucks, which are used to lift slabs weighing steel through the port, mainly to the Great Lakes region in the USA up to 33 tonnes directly from rail wagon to open storage without for engineering construction. manual intervention. PD PORTS HANDLES over 3 million tonnes OF STEEL each year Photos © SSI UK 34 FERRIES Teesport has the capacity to handle up to 880 units per day Vital ferry link stands the test of time Importers and exporters have come to rely on These services provide an important link for manufacturers and the vital ro-ro freight ferry services provided cargo owners on both sides of the North Sea. Products can be by P&O Ferries between Teesport and europe. delivered at the end of the day to the port of departure and can In 2013 P&O ferries marked its 25th year of be on the shelves at the end of the following day. These services operating these services from Teesport. can also reduce shipping time by up to 24 hours compared with conventional lo-lo container services. Teesport has three ro-ro P&O Ferries operates three sailings a week to Zeebrugge and berths: two inside Tees Dock and one at the Riverside Terminal, three sailings a week to Rotterdam. These services offer a highly further downriver. competitive route from the northern UK and Scotland to markets in the Benelux, France, Germany, Italy and Spain – and vice versa. Landbridge The Zeebrugge ferry departs Teesport on Mondays, Wednesdays In 2013 P&O Ferries and the Finnish shipping line Transfennica and Friday at 21.00, arriving in Zeebrugge at 12.30 the following day. announced a cooperation agreement to provide a landbridge The return journey departs Zeebrugge at 20.30, arriving Teesport at service for unaccompanied trailers, containers and driver- 12.30. accompanied trucks between Spain and the UK. The main hub is Zeebrugge, where the combined services of the two companies The Rotterdam service operates at various times on Tuesdays, add up to more than 40 sailings a week. Thursdays and Saturdays, with an evening departure on weekdays and an afternoon departure at weekends. The return journey offers Through this collaboration, Teesport has gained a connection with a similar timetable. Bilbao in Spain. Haulage companies can now book Bilbao to Teesport with the Transfennica offices in Bilbao, Tilbury and Zeebrugge. Teesport handled 125,000 units in 2012 and has the capacity to handle up to 880 units per day. Vessels regularly sail at full capacity. www.poferriesfreight.com 35 porTrack & SEmbcorp adS pETrochEmicaLS pETrochEmicaL SToragE aNd haNdLiNg ExcELLENcE worLd-cLaSS faciLiTiES FOR THE HANDLiNG & STORAGE OF LiQuid buLk chEmicaLS & PETROcHEmicALS Some of the uk’S largeSt petrochemical In addition, many of the plants at Sembcorp’s Wilton International complexeS are located on both bankS of the on the south bank are linked by pipeline with plants on the north river teeS. they include world-claSS facilitieS bank at Seal Sands and at Riverside, further upstream. for the handling and Storage of liquid bulk chemicalS and petrochemicalS. SimoN SToragE These facilities play a vital role in the supply and distribution chain Simon Storage operates two wholly owned sites on the River Tees of one of Europe’s largest process clusters. There is a network of offering comprehensive terminal and facility management services waterfront berths and logistics facilities together with a combined for liquid bulks. With a combined capacity of 285,000 cubic metres, storage capacity of over 500,000 cubic metres. the two sites at Seal Sands and Riverside provide storage for a range 37 PETROCHEMICALS of chemical and petrochemical products for both UK-based and commercial and retail fuels into the terminal, the site also has five international companies. fully automated road loading bays including gasoline and diesel additive injection systems. These state-of-the-art bays provide one Owing to the nature of the products handled, both terminals have of the safest and quickest road loading systems in the region. been designated Top Tier sites under the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) regulations. The terminal meets the rigorous standards of a Top Tier COMAH site and can store products or pharmaceutical and food grade Seal Sands applications; flammable products; and toxic products. They Simon Storage’s Seal Sands terminal, near the mouth of the River vegetable oils. include bitumen, chemicals, liquefied gas, petroleum products and Tees, has 111 tanks with a total capacity of 220,000 cubic metres. Its special facilities include stainless steel tanks, pressure storage of Located on the north bank of the River Tees, the terminal has gases and a vapour recovery unit for gasoline. The terminal has two excellent motorway and truck road connections, with Scotland, the jetties for vessels of up to 35,000 dwt. There are good road links and Midlands and the North of England all within a three-hour drive. a dedicated rail terminal as well as direct pipelines to Wilton and North Tees. Simon Storage offers bespoke services to its customers such as blending, consolidation of loads and breaking of bulk. Riverside The Riverside Terminal, owned by Simon Storage, is located seven nautical miles upriver from Seal Sands. Now expanded to 22 storage tanks, with a total capacity of 65,000 cubic metres, this terminal also handles and stores a range of products, with particular expertise in methanol, acetone and methyl methacrylate. There are special facilities for loading road tankers with volatile and hazardous liquids. The terminal has one jetty for vessels up to 6,250 dwt and land is available for expansion. The site is linked by pipeline to Billingham. Vopak UK Vopak UK is represented by four strategically located marine terminals: two on the River Thames; one on Teesside; and Windmill (Barry) in Wales. Vopak Terminal Teesside is wholly owned by Royal Vopak and is fully integrated into the pipeline system of the UK’s largest chemical cluster. Vopak Terminal Teesside has a storage capacity of 287,000 cubic metres in 168 tanks with specifications ranging from coated to mild steel to stainless steel. A pressurised gas sphere is also available. The terminal has three deepwater jetties for seagoing vessels with easy access to the deepwater channel of the River Tees, ensuring a short sailing time to Antwerp and Rotterdam. Vopak Terminal Teesside plays a key role in the supply chains of various customers. In addition to storage, the company offers specialised added value services such as heating, blending, a vapour recovery unit, automated addivation and nitrogen blanketing. Following the successful introduction of both 39 procESS iNduSTry brighT ouTLook for TEESSidE’S procESS iNduSTry TEESSidE iS HOmE TO 30 pErcENT OF THE uK’S cHEmicAL PROcESSiNG iNduSTriES 40 The Tees Valley contains the largest integrated chemical complex in the UK and the secondlargest in western Europe. Sites on both sides of the River Tees dominate the economic and physical landscape of the area. One of the largest potential investments is to come from Sirius Minerals’ flagship York Potash Project. An estimated £1.7 billion could be invested in the UK’s first new potash mine for over 40 years. Located 45 miles south of Teesport, if built the mine will be connected by buried pipeline to a processing plant at Wilton. From there, the refined polyhalite fertiliser will be conveyed to warehouses at Teesport The area is also home to important clusters in the chemical and before being distributed in bulk by sea, road and rail to UK customers. process sector. They include refining, petrochemicals, speciality and fine chemicals, plastics, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. There has also been a more recent transition into renewable energy production. landfall Wilton may also become the landfall for the Dogger Bank offshore wind farm for its onshore converter stations. The Dogger While there has been some consolidation and realignment of the Bank Teesside A and B developments, located 165 and 195 km sector in recent years, it remains in a strong position. Investments respectively, off Redcar, are expected to generate up to 17 terawatt- announced in 2012 and 2013 point to a bright outlook for the hours of green electricity per year. industry in the immediate future. At Billingham, Air Products is building the world’s largest renewable The largest concentration of processing activity is at Wilton energy plant using advanced gasification energy-from-waste (EfW) International – formerly ICI and operated since 2003 by Sembcorp technology. Located next to the North Tees Chemical Complex, the – with other clusters at Billingham and Seal Sands on the north side facility will provide renewable electricity for up to 50,000 homes and of the river, where most of the petrochemical plants and storage will divert up to 350,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste per year facilities are located. About 70 percent of the cargo handled at from landfill. Longer term, this plant has the potential to generate Teesport is related to the process industry, either in raw materials or hydrogen for commercial use – for example to fuel public transport. finished products. The facility is scheduled to be complete in 2014. Wilton International provides investors with many key benefits joint venture including established on-site infrastructure and utilities, easy access to materials and services, location near a major seaport and logistics In 2013 Teesside also won a major contract to build a £200 million services, skilled local labour and downstream product sharing. power plant at Wilton in a joint venture between Sembcorp, SITA UK and the ITOCHU Corporation. Wilton 11 will receive more than Many of the world’s leading chemical and manufacturing 430,000 tonnes of household waste from Merseyside in a £1.2 companies have operations in the area including Huntsman billion, 30-year deal to generate electricity for homes as well as the Polyurethanes, Ensus, Lotte Chemical, Yara Industrial, Johnson potential to provide steam for businesses on the Wilton site. Matthey, Conoco Phillips, Harvest Energy and Lucite International. Most are located at Wilton along with more than 80 engineering These developments, totalling billions of pounds and ranking among and support companies. the largest in the UK, paint a picture of optimism for the future. Wilton has been the location for much of the recent investment, Expertise receiving a total of more than £2.5 billion in recent years. And there is much more on the way from new and existing companies, both at The North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC) continues to Wilton and at other sites. promote the region’s far-reaching expertise and diversity in this sector. Established in the mid 1990s, the organisation has over 430 Investments members and 120 associate members and provides a strong voice The renewable energy industry is expanding in the region, with nurtures the relationship between the process industry and the Ensus now operating Europe’s largest biorefinery, producing supply chain sector, vital for the success of the industry. at regional, national and European Union government level. It also bioethanol, at Wilton. The chemical giant Lotte is building its third plant at Wilton, a new PET polymer plant, which will be operational by early 2014. www.yorkpotash.co.uk www.forewind.co.uk www.nepic.co.uk 41 cSr makiNg a diffErENcE LocaLLy maTTErS To pd porTS pd porTS AcTivELy ENcOuRAGES cOmmuNiTy-WiDE iNiTiaTivES 42 pd portS takeS itS role very SeriouSly within High Tide Foundation, as well as companies that are engaging with the communitieS in which it operateS and the charity’s activities. recogniSeS the poSitive impact it can have on local regionS and people. In 2013 PD Ports employee Eddie Miller was appointed BiTC Business Connector for the North East to help vital community services tackle local issues. The 12-month role focuses on taking business resource, ENviroNmENT skills and time into the heart of communities where vital services are under pressure to do more with less. PD Ports continues to develop and maintain sustainable codes of practice to minimise an adverse impact on its surrounding environments. SupporT PD Ports also actively supports the personal interests and pursuits To achieve this, the company has put in place a team of of employees through a staff support scheme launched in 2007. This Environmental Champions at each of its operating locations. These programme has provided support for charitable ventures including teams ensure that PD Ports continues to adhere to environmental building communities in Peru, developing the skills of sports legislation and to strive to keep improving its environmental leaders in South Africa, providing equipment for sports teams, and performance. supporting amateur dramatics students’ training. PD Ports introduced its own environmental management system in 2012. Since then the business has achieved International Environmental Standard ISO 14001, one of the first UK ports businesses to achieve this exacting qualification. commuNiTy PD Ports is one of the driving forces behind the High Tide Foundation. This new charity was set up by port-related businesses along the River Tees to raise the aspirations of young people on Teesside by offering better training and employment opportunities. Working with the High Tide Foundation, the wider industrial community and local education and training providers, PD Ports runs effective programmes giving people practical skills and experience in port-related sectors. The first result of these programmes was the creation in 2013 of 13 full-time permanent positions for apprentices in operational roles at Teesport. This represents a 100 percent success rate following the introduction of the bespoke 18-month apprenticeship scheme in 2011. PD Ports is an active member of Business in the Community (BiTC). Since joining in 2011, it has become firmly established in a network of multinational household names, small local businesses and public sector organisations that all stand for responsible business. In 2012 David Robinson, chief executive of PD Ports, was appointed Regional Ambassador to HRH The Prince of Wales for his leadership in bringing businesses together to help improve the skills and aspirations of young people on Teesside. In 2013 HRH The Prince of Wales visited the headquarters of PD Ports and met with young people and their mentors from the 43 CONNECTIONS There are few delays or hold-ups on the fast-moving roads around Teesport Hinterland links ensure smooth flow of cargo The Tees Valley benefits from some of the best hinterland connections in the UK which is an ideal support structure for the port activities of Teesport and Hartlepool. Cargo is transported quickly and efficiently Rail Tees Valley has more rail-linked sites than any comparable area in the North of England. This is a key advantage as freight owners look to rail transport to provide regular and reliable connections. The East Coast main line connects Darlington with Aberdeen, Edinburgh, thanks to a wide-reaching network of Newcastle, York, Doncaster and London. Middlesbrough is linked railways and roads, together with a major with Manchester and Leeds via the trans-Pennine route. regional airport. A series of rail-linked industrial sites, many operated by specialist Road There are few delays or hold-ups on the fast-moving roads around companies, offer intermodal and support services: • Teesport’s cargo handling and warehouse facilities are served by Teesport. Hauliers and cargo owners using Teesport have ready intermodal rail services with direct access to Teesport’s ferry and access to the national road network via the A66 dual carriageway, container terminals. located just outside the port gates. This provides fast and congestion-free access to the A19, A1(M), M1, M6 and M5 trunk roads. • Tees Yard rail hub has ample land for logistics partners to carry out intermodal operations. Air • Freightliner Ltd is the UK’s largest maritime container haulier. Teesside’s Durham Tees Valley Airport (DTVA) has scheduled and In the Tees Valley, the Wilton Freightliner Terminal operates 24 charter flights throughout Europe. Scheduled passenger services hours a day. There is a daily direct service to the East Anglian port are operated by Eastern Airways (Aberdeen), and KLM (Amsterdam). of Felixstowe. Freightliner handles about 20,000 containers a year. DTVA is ideal, too, for time-sensitive freight handling and is used regularly for urgent traffic. Located just 15 minutes from three major • A V Dawson Ltd operates the Ayrton International Railhead and trunk roads, DTVA has excellent links to the immediate region. The Store, a major distribution hub with 30,000 sq m of rail-linked airport has a 2,291 metre runway that can receive almost any aircraft warehousing, and the Tees Riverside Intermodal Park (TRIP), a in operation, including An-124s and Boeing 747s. new 54,000 square metre facility with 750 m of rail sidings. 45 Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Key role in preserving professional standards The North East of England branch of the integrity, dignity and strength through knowledge. ‘Our Word our Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers plays a key Bond’ is the ethos of the ICS, to conduct business in an honourable role in upholding professional standards and professional manner. through education and examination. They protect the collective interests of members by representing them at national and international level. Also they provide support Today the ICS continues as a flourishing international organisation. Its Royal Charter has allowed it to encourage the opening of overseas branches, leading to significant worldwide growth. The North East of England branch has played a pivotal role in this and encouragement to the shipping and development and remains one of the institute’s strongest branches, logistics sector in the North East. leading the way in professionalism through education. The branch in the Tees Valley works alongside key organisations including The North East branch can be traced back to 1914 when Sydney PD Ports, Tees & Hartlepool Port Users Association, HMRC, Immigration, Hogg represented West Hartlepool on the ICS Council. The Apostleship of the Sea, Mission to Seamen (North and South), German Hartlepool Shipbrokers’ Association and Middlesbrough Shipbrokers’ Church, Sea Cadets and local charities including the Air Ambulance. More Association joined the institute in 1919 and 1925 respectively. The recently, the branch has supported the charity High Tide Foundation, a ports of Middlesbrough and Hartlepool were merged in accordance new initiative to provide local schools and community groups with the with the National Ports Council in 1967 with Teesside becoming infrastructure to raise aspirations and opportunities for young people, its own branch in the 1970s. The Tees and Hartlepool branch was ultimately leading to greater employment opportunities in the marine formed in 1996 and was again enlarged in 2009 following a further and related industries on Teesside. merger with the Newcastle branch to form the North East of England branch. Today the branch covers a geographical area from Professionalism Berwick to Whitby. The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) was founded over 100 The branch continues to support professionalism through education years ago in London at time when UK ports were thriving, British and works with its members to ensure that the North East of shipbuilding was at its zenith and British shipping companies were England remains at the forefront of the shipping industry. a major force in world trade. From the start, the ICS was about professionalism and everything associated with professionalism: www.ics.org.uk the ethos of the ICS IS to conduct business in an honourable & professional manner 47 privaTE opEraTorS TEESSidE’S mariTimE commuNiTy providES kEy bENEfiTS privaTE cOmPANiES PLAy a kEy roLE iN THE SuccESS OF TEESSiDE’S mariTimE SERvicES SEcTOR 48 aS well aS the maritime facilitieS operated by abLE uk pd portS, there iS a range of private operatorS, Able UK operates eight facilities in Tees Valley, of which four are many with riverSide facilitieS on both SideS of port and dock facilities on the River Tees. These facilities combine the teeS. theSe companieS play a key role in the logistics with environmental services, marine fabrication and SucceSS of teeSSide’S maritime ServiceS Sector. decommissioning of onshore and offshore structures. a v dawSoN porTrack SEafrEighT At Bamletts Wharf, cargo handling services are provided by Portrack The multi service provider A V Dawson Ltd, a family-owned concern, Seafreight Ltd, which handles about 300,000 tonnes a year of bulk, bagged celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2013 with a £10 million investment and palletised cargo. The wharf has a depth alongside of 3.5 m LAT, allowing in improved infrastructure and additional equipment. The company vessels up to 110 m in length and 5,000 dwt to berth. operates intermodal rail terminals, 750 m of quay at Dawson’s Wharf, a road haulage fleet and warehousing. The Middlesbrough site also The wharf is equipped with a Sumitomo 40 tonne mobile crawler includes the North Sea Supply Base, with three large fabrication crane, fork-lift trucks, Bobcats and a weighbridge. The wharf handles halls, a key facility by for the offshore industry. exports of bagged fertilisers – and some imported raw materials – for Terra Nitrogen. The A V Dawson Group of companies also includes Millserve Steel Processors Teesside, Tees Valley Coatings, Tees Valley Trailers, Portrack also provides contract labour for Teesport and industrial Dinsdale Risk Management, the shipping agent Cockfield, Knight clients. It is used especially by Teesport to handle steel products, and Co Ltd and Tees Riverside Intermodal Park (TRIP), all owned new vehicles and other items. Portrack employs 16 multi-skilled companies and all complementary to its maritime activities. stevedores plus 14 trained drivers for discharging vehicles. In 2012 the group handled more than 150 vessels and 410,000 Lv ShippiNg tonnes of cargo across its quays including steel, loose and bagged bulks, heavy lift items, project cargo, palletised goods and LV Shipping is one of the fastest growing multimodal transport and containers. logistics companies in Tees Valley. At Teesport Commerce Park, the company operates a deepwater berth and a road haulage depot. Its The North Sea Supply Base quay was expanded by 150 m in 2013 core business is road haulage and distribution using its own fleet of and deepened to 8.5 m to handle the new generation of offshore trucks and trailers. support vessels. Dawson now offers 750 m of continuous quay. The nine acre site also includes 130,000 sq ft of warehousing with Also in 2013, work was completed on TRIP, a 54,000 sq m overhead cranes of up to 60 tonnes capacity and fork-lift trucks purpose-built intermodal rail terminal just behind North Sea of up to 25 tonnes, specialising in container loading. LV Shipping Supply Base, which complements its existing Ayrton International is at the forefront in providing complex transport services. The Railhead. The terminal has storage for 1,200 loaded containers company has extensive experience in large-scale project shipping and also has AFSO accreditation to handle goods through the and management involving the whole shipping and transport chain, Channel Tunnel. from vessel charter through to installation. The new TRIP facility offers a range of container services including LV shipping also has in-depth knowledge, understanding and loaded and empty container storage, vanning and devanning experience in ship chartering and ship agency. LV is the ideal partner services, packing, bonded warehousing and ACEP inspections. It has for those seeking to charter vessels and provide comprehensive 750 m of rail sidings for trains carrying up to 80 containers. service and support, delivered by qualified Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers personnel. Driven by the desire to expand its services into the energy sector, Dawson has not only provided better facilities for the offshore wind LV shipping is able to offer comprehensive shipping and and oil industry but has also invested in a waste-to-energy plant, engineering packages incorporating vessel chartering, precision next to the TRIP terminal. lifting and a sea fastening package comprising design supply and fabrication, lift engineering and installation. As well as handling large volumes of scrap metal for export, Dawson has facilities for dealing with major imports of biomass materials including an 82,000 sq ft warehouse and a large-capacity grab crane. www.av-dawson.com www.ableuk.com www.lvshipping.com 49 bUSINESS GROWTH JOINED-UP APPROACH DRAWS bIG INVESTmENT TO TEESSIDE TEES VALLEY UNLIMITED HAS ATTRACTED OVER £500 mILLION OF INVESTMENT TO THE AREA IN THE PAST TWO YEARS 50 CONFIDeNCe IN THe TeeS VALLeY AS A BUSINeSS low staffing costs and a wide range of premises and land available LOCATION IS AT AN ALL-TIMe HIGH, WITH SeVerAL for development. BILLION POUNDS HAVING BeeN INVeSTeD IN LOCAL INDUSTrY OVer THe PAST DeCADe. A ‘JOINeD-UP APPrOACH’ BY KeY AGeNCIeS IN reCeNT YeArS HAS HeLPeD BUILD THIS CONFIDeNCe INTO A SOLID FOUNDATION FOr GrOWTH. The driving force for investment advice and funding access is Tees Valley Unlimited (TVU). TVU is focused on promoting the area to potential investors and helping existing companies to expand. Studies have also shown there are savings to be made on fuel costs and driving time because of Tees Valley’s central UK location, excellent infrastructure and proximity to market centres. Tees Valley has the fastest-flowing traffic in the UK, with most roads free of congestion even at busy times of day. ENTERPRISE zONES The Tees Valley Enterprise Zone was among the first in the UK to be approved by the Government. The zone consists of 12 individual TVU, created in 2011, is the local enterprise partnership (LEP) for the sites covering a total of 423 hectares. It includes existing office and Tees Valley and one of the first LEPs to gain Government approval. industrial sites as well as some cleared land sites with access to Funded by the five local councils in Tees Valley, it has attracted over utilities, port services and logistics. Many of the sites are located near £500 million of investment to the area in the past two years and over the port areas of Hartlepool or Teesport. £42 million of growth fund investment, creating and safeguarding over 5,000 jobs. Businesses that decide to locate in Tees Valley Enterprise Zones can take advantage of financial incentives such as enhanced capital Its remit also involves presenting a positive image of Tees Valley and allowance and business rate relief as well as simplified planning initiating transformational change in local communities by encouraging regimes and super-fast broadband. and facilitating greater responsibility in future development. The sites are focused on companies operating in identified TVU has direct access to local and national funding streams as well key sectors such as advanced manufacturing and engineering, as an unrivalled knowledge of the area and is often the first point chemicals, renewable energy and digital. of contact for businesses looking to invest in Tees Valley. TVU also monitors trends, demographics and economic performance to identify and shape local strategies, transport planning and issues that need attention to support current and future employers. LIFE Tees Valley offers many advantages to employees looking to locate to the area. As well as providing the best of city living with easy By engaging with the business community and promoting Tees access to the beauty of the surrounding countryside, it is home Valley as a suitable area for investment, Tees Valley Unlimited has to internationally recognised art galleries, museums, good shops, been able to secure streamlined Government funding and attract award-winning restaurants, picturesque seaside villages, a wildlife significant private sector investment. sanctuary and plenty of sports facilities. SKILLS bASE Much of the region has been subject to regeneration and The skills base of the Tees Valley is second to none. Benefiting from come a long way since their industrial heyday, offering modern many years as a centre of heavy industry and later the offshore infrastructure, housing and offices as well as attractive redeveloped oil industry, today this skill diversity has translated into other former industrial areas such as Middlehaven, Riverside and Northshore. redevelopment in recent years. Stockton and Middlesbrough have sectors with equal success, including renewable energy, wind farm construction, logistics and advanced engineering. Education is a top priority, with GCSE grades improving faster than the national average. There is plenty of scope for further education: About 1.7 million people of working age are located within 30 six universities within an hour’s drive, five colleges in Tees Valley and miles of Tees Valley and studies indicate this workforce is loyal and over 20 other training centres. All of these work closely with local hard-working. However, it is the deep-rooted skills base that keeps industry to provide courses suitable for relevant skills delivery. attracting companies to the area. Furthermore, Tees Valley is one of the most affordable areas of the UK For an employers’ perspective, there are significant benefits and for housing, with house prices only about half the national average. substantial savings to be made by locating in the Tees Valley, including some of the most affordable business rents in the country, www.teesvalleyunlimited.gov.uk 51 PORT DETAILS PORT DETAILS 52 LOCATION The ports of Tees and Hartlepool are located on the north-east coast of England. Teesport: 54°36’N, 1°10’W Hartlepool: 54°42’N, 1°12’W. Tees Dock is on the south bank of the River Tees, 5 km from the sea. Hartlepool Dock is 6 km north of the River Tees and faces south into Hartlepool Bay. AIRPORT Durham Tees Valley Airport, 18 miles from Teesport and 22 miles from Hartlepool, offers daily flights to London Heathrow and other UK destinations as well as to Continental Europe. Newcastle Airport is 40 miles from Hartlepool and 55 miles from Teesport.. RECyC-OIL LTD recyc-Oil Ltd is a fully licensed oil recycling and environmental services business providing a full ‘cradle to grave’ service for recycling oily liquid waste such as waste oil, bilge water, engine sludge, cutting/soluble oils, oil-andwater mixtures and oily water. The company operates a fleet of waste oil collection tankers and a waste oil barge and offers prompt and reliable collections throughout the North east of england. The barge ‘erimus Star’ operates on the river Tees from the Tees Barrage to Government Jetty at the river mouth, thus allowing waste oil to be discharged at all jetties on the Tees. Trading as Garrity & Co, the company has been operating since 1980. It handles more than 350 vessels and more than 8 million litres of waste a year without a single environmental incident. Services are provided in Blyth, Seaham, Tees & Hartlepool, Tyne & Wear and Whitby. www.recyc-oil.co.uk ANCHORAGE Teesport: Vessels may anchor in Tees Bay, east or south-east of the Tees fairway buoy. Anchoring is prohibited near pipelines and caution is advised during sustained onshore winds. CONTAINER SERVICES AT TEESPORT DAYS OTHer POrTS ON rOTATION Containerships 4 calls per week Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat Baltic Services dredged depth is to 14.7 m LAT. From 450 m inside South Gare to No CMA 1 call per week Sun/Mon Zeebrugge 15 buoy the dredged depth is 13.3 m. From No 15 buoy to North Tees MSC 1 call per week Fri K-Line 1 call per week Sun/Mon Felixstowe Unifeeder 3 calls per week Tues/Thurs/Sat Felixstowe/Rotterdam width of 65 m. There is a leading light and a lighted buoyed entrance BG Freight 2 calls per week Sun/Thurs Felixstowe/Rotterdam channel. The channel is dredged to 5.0 m LAT. MacAndrews 2 calls per week Mon/Wed Scand/Baltic + Gdynia P&O 6 calls per week Sun - Fri Zeebrugge/Rotterdam APPROACH Teesport: From Tees fairway buoy to 450 m inside South Gare the No 3 jetty the dredged depth is 9.9 m LAT. Hartlepool: The approach channel is 1.1 km long with a minimum COMPANY FreQUeNCY AUTHORITy PD Ports, 17-27 Queen’s Square, Middlesbrough TS2 1AH Tel: +44 (0)1642 877000 Fax: +44 (0)1642 877056 www.pdports.co.uk SHIP REPAIR A&P Tees operates two dry docks and provides a wide range of other services including quayside repairs. The Cordell Group offers a general vessel repair service including emergency repairs. 53 PORT DETAILS 54 STEVEDORING All cargo handling operations are carried out by PD Ports. Svitzer UK STORAGE Svitzer UK is the UK’s largest provider of towage and marine services. From its head office on the south side of the Tees in Middlesbrough, it manages day-to-day towage operations in the ports of Tees and Hartlepool. Teesport: Two quayside transit sheds totalling nearly 25,200 sq m plus large areas of open storage. Plug-in points available for reefer containers. Hartlepool: Over 500,000 sq m of quayside shed space including dedicated warehousing for forest products. TIDES Teesport: MHWS 5.45 m, MHWN 4.4 m, MLWN 1.95 m, MLWS 0.77 m. Spring range is 4.68 m; neap range is 2.45 m. On the Tees, the company operates six tugs – a strategic mix of Voith Schneider, azimuthing stern drive and tractor tugs. These vessels can cope with any type of ship in all weathers. Svitzer UK is part of the Svitzer Group, a leading global towage and marine services provider, operating some 600 vessels in over 35 countries worldwide. Svitzer has been providing safety and support at sea since 1833. In the UK, Svitzer employs over 700 people and operates more than 90 vessels including 85 tugs in 18 ports. It provides towage and marine services at 12 oil terminals and one LNG terminal. The Svitzer Group is part of the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group. Hartlepool: MHWS 5.35 m, MHWN 4.29 m, MLWN 1.72 m, MLWS 0.68 m. Spring range is 4.67 m, neap range is 2.57 m. www.svitzer.com TOWAGE Svitzer Marine Ltd provides a 24-hour towage service in Teesport and Hartlepool. From its base in Middlesbrough the company operates a fleet of six tugs including one 70 tonne bp ASD tug, one 60 tonne bp tug, one 60 tonne bp tractor tug and two 40 tonne bp Voith tugs. Four of these vessels are equipped for fire-fighting to FiFi 1 standard and two carry oil dispersant. WASTE Svitzer Marine Ltd operates a daily garbage collection service for shipping on the River Tees using a motorised barge. This service is provided on behalf of PD Ports and is covered by a Harbour Office levy on waste disposal. Hartlepool: disposal available on request. WATER Fresh water is available at most berths on the Tees and in Hartlepool. WEATHER Prevailing winds are south-westerly. The approach to the ports is exposed to winds from N to SE. Local forecast available from Humber TEESport Purpose Berths Length Depth Info Steel and General 4 780 m 10.9 m cargo Vessels up to 115,000 dwt Ro-Ro Freight only 2 in Tees Dock 180-200 m 8.8-10.9 m 1 on River Tees Teesport Container 2 294 m Terminal 1 7.5 m and 8.5 m Ship-to-shore gantry cranes Teesport Container 2 360 m 10.9 m Terminal 2 45 tonne ship-to-shore gantry crane, vessels up to 2,500 TEU Teesport Oil Jetties 3 (2 operated Total 550 m 9.5 m and by SABIC) 6.5 m SABIC berths can handle vessels up to 198 m and 100 m Teesport Commerce 3 4.9 m and 5.5 m Base for various offshore-related service companies Heavy Lift berth 1 120 m 8.0 m Operated by Deep Ocean Total 450 m Park HARTLEPOOL DOCK Purpose Berths Length Depth Victoria Harbour 3 825 m 6.5 m to 8.2 m North Basin 2 390 m 5.1 m Coastguard. WORKING HOURS Working hours are 06.00 to 22.00. Night and weekend working available by arrangement. 55 THPUA DIRECTORY Tees & Hartlepool Port Users’ Association Membership 2013 Able UK Limited Billingham Reach Industrial Estate Haverton Hill Road, Billingham TS23 1PX Tel no: 01642 806080 Colin Harrison Email: charrison@ableuk.com Agility Logistics Limited Room B210, The Wilton Centre Redcar TS10 4RF Tel no: 01642 438336 Gill Watson Email: gwatson@agilitylogistics.com A&P Group Limited Tees Commerce Park, South Bank Middlesbrough TS6 6UZ Tel no: 01642 464024 Ian Douglas Email: laura.ewart@ap-group.co.uk AV Dawson Limited Riverside Park Road Middlesbrough TS2 1UT Tel no: 01642 219271 Rob Turnbull Email: rob.turnbull@av-dawson.com BASF plc Seal Sands, P.O. Box 62 Middlesbrough TS2 1TX Tel no: 01642 546464 Damien Lyons Email: damien.lyons@basf.com BG Freight Line BV Evans Business Centre 31 Stephenson Court Skippers Lane Industrial Estate Middlesbrough TS6 6UT Tel no: 01642 838383 Chris Sanderson Email: christine@bgfreightline.co.uk Casper Shipping Limited 1 Watson Street, Cleveland Business Centre Middlesbrough TS1 2RQ Tel no: 01642 243662 Bryan Tismond Email: btismond@casperltd.com Cleveland Potash Limited Potash Terminal, Tees Dock, Grangetown Middlesbrough TS6 6UD Tel no: 01642 457131 Mark Wilson Email: mark.wilson@clevelandpotash.co.uk CL Prosser & Co Limited Normanby Wharf, Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS3 8AT Tel no: 01642 241166 Robert Bainbridge Email: robert.bainbridge@clprosser.co.uk Joanne Thompson Email: joanne.thompson@clprosser.co.uk ConocoPhillips Petroleum Co UK Ltd Teesside Operations, Seal Sands Middlesbrough TS2 1UH Tel no: 01642 546411 Dave MacDonald Email: dave.macdonald@conocophillips.com Tim Bone Email: tim.bone@conocophillips.com 56 Cordell Group Limited LV Shipping UK Limited Tata Steel UK Limited Cory Brothers Shipping Agency Ltd MC Ware Group Tees Alliance Group Limited 159-160 High Street Stockton-on-Tees TS18 1PL Tel no: 01642 662400 Keith Wilkinson Email: k.wilkinson@cordellgroup.com 16 Belasis Court, Belasis Hall Business Park Billingham, TS23 4AZ Tel no: 01642 567930 Mike Crager Email: michael.crager@cory.co.uk DeepOcean UK Tees Offshore Base, Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS6 6UZ Tel no: 01642 451867 Stuart McLean Email: stuart.mclean@deepocean.com Denholm Wilhelmsen Limited North Sea Supply Base, Dinsdale House Riverside Park, Middlesbrough TS2 1UT Tel no: 01642 733590 Andrew Dobson Email: andrew.dobson@denholm-wilhelmsen.com GAC Shipping UK Limited GAC House, Sabatier Close, Thornaby Stockton-on-Tees, TS17 6EW Tel no: 01642 637500 Hans Barto Email: hans.barto@gac.com Graypen Limited 4 Able House Billingham Reach Industrial Estate Haverton Hill Road, Billingham TS23 1PX Tel no: 01642 560057 Keith Russell Email: krussell@graypen.com Harbour Management Solutions 12 Yarm Road, Stockton-on-Tees TS18 3NA Tel no: 01642611514 Alexe Finlay Email: alexe@harbourmanagementsolutions.co.uk Huntsman Polyurethanes (UK) Limited Polyurethanes Building, PO Box 99 Wilton, Redcar TS10 4YA Tel no: 01642 834953 Claire Morrison Email: claire_morrison@huntsman.com Ineos Nitriles (UK) Limited PO Box 62, Seal Sands Middlesbrough TS2 1TX Tel no: 01642 546464 Malcolm Cole Email: malcolm.cole@ineos.com Intertek Testing Services Limited Western Jetty, Seal Sands Middlesbrough TS2 1UB Tel no: 01642 680248 Dave Langstaff Email: dave.langstaff@intertek.com Tees Commerce Park, Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS6 6UZ Tel no: 01642 440744 Richard Willis Email: richard.willis@lvshipping.com 25A High Street, Stokesley North Yorkshire TS9 5AD Tel no: 01642 715053 Sean Considine Email: sean@mcware.co.uk MPI Offshore Limited Resolution House, 1st Floor 18 Ellerbeck Court, Stokesley Business Park Stokesley TS9 5PT Tel no: 01642 742200 Peter Conlon Email: peter.conlon@mpi-offshore.com Portrack Seafreight Limited The Grange Business Centre Belasis Avenue, Billingham TS23 1LG Tel no: 01642 363598 Norman Davison Email: ndav@supanet.com Readman Steels Limited Cochranes Wharf, Cargo Fleet Middlesbrough TS3 6AW Tel no: 01642 242641 Anne O’Malley Email: anne@wgrsteels.co.uk Recyc-Oil Limited Murdock Road East Middlesbrough Industrial Estate Middlesbrough TS3 8TB Tel no: 01642 242792 Helen Sykes Email: hsykes@recyc-oil.co.uk Redcar Bulk Terminal Limited Steel House, Trunk Road, Redcar TS10 5QW Tel no: 01642 404040 Michael Young Email: michael.young@rbt-port.co.uk Garry O’Malley Email: garry.omalley@rbt-port.co.uk SGS UK Limited K6 Workshop, Wilton Site, Redcar TS10 4RG Tel no: 01642 459111 Andrew Smith Email: andrew.smith@sgs.com Simon Storage Limited (Seal Sands Storage), Seal Sands Middlesbrough TS2 1UB Tel no: 01642 543245 Ian O’Donnell Email: ian.odonnell@simonstorage.com SSI Steel UK Limited Steel House, Redcar TS10 5QW John Baker Email: john.baker@ssi-steel.co.uk Svitzer Marine Limited Tees Wharf, Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS3 6AB Tel no: 01642 258300 David Williams Email: david.williams@svitzer.com Shipping Office, PO Box 30 Steel House, Redcar TS10 5RE Tel no: 01642 402440 Steve Talbot Email: steve.talbot@tatasteel.com Haverton House, Haverton Hill Road Billingham TS23 1PZ Tel no: 01642 565500 Chris Edwards Email: ce@teesag.com Tees Bay Pilots The Pilot House, Breakwater, South Gare, Redcar TS10 5NX Tel no: 01642 485648 Colin Pratt Email: colin.pratt@tiscali.co.uk Peter Bolton Email: pmcjbolton@talktalk.net Tees Licensed Foyboatmen’s Assoc Kinkerdale Road, Teesport Grangetown, Middlesbrough TS6 7UD Tel no: 01642 454494 Wilf Farren Email: admin@teesfoyboatmen.co.uk Teesport Tees Dock, Grangetown Middlesbrough TS6 6UD Tel no: 01642 877000 David Varey Email: david.varey@pdports.co.uk Vopak Terminal Teesside Limited Seal Sands, Middlesbrough TS2 1UA Tel no: 01642 543600 Alison Wright Email: alison.wright@vopak.com Dave Tripp Email: dave.tripp@vopak.com Wilton Group Port Clarence Offshore Base Port Clarence Road Port Clarence TS2 1RZ Tel no: 01642 546611 Richard Chambers Email: richard.chambers@wiltonengineering.co.uk DIRECTORY company directory Services key Best Western Middlesbrough Cleveland Potash Ltd 335 Marton Road Middlesbrough TS4 2PA Tel: 01642 817638 www.bestwestern.co.uk Services 13 Tees Dock Terminal, Grangetown Middlesbrough TS6 6UD Tel: 01642 770500 Fax: 01642 454184 www.clevelandpotash.co.uk Services: 35 BG Freightliner Clevestone Trans Ltd 1 Airports 19 Offshore Services 2 Bulk Liquid Storage 20 Pilots 3 Bunkering 21 Port and Harbour Authorities 4 Car Handling & Transport 22 Ships Agents/ Freight Forwarders 5 Cargo Inspectors 23 Ship Brokers 6 Consulates 24 Ship Classification 7 Container Repair and Storage 25 Ship Owners 8 Container Transport Operators 26 Ship Riggers 9 Cranes and Crane Hire 27 Ship Repairs/ Conversions 10 Customs and Excise 28 Ship Suppliers/Bunkering 11 Diving Contractors 29 Stevedores Seal Sands Road, Seal Sands Middlesbrough TS2 1UB Tel: 01642 546404 Fax: 01642 331219 www.catspipeline.com Services: 35 12 Economic Development 30 Storage Bulkhaul Ltd 13 Hotels 31 Towage 14 Marine Consultants 32 Trade and General Maritime Organisations 15 Marine Electronics 34 Transport (Heavy Lift) 17 Marine Surveyors 35. Wharf, Jetty and Terminal Operators 18 Mooring Services A V Dawson Ltd Riverside Park Road Middlesbrough TS2 1UT Tel: 01642 219271 Fax: 01642 222636 www.av-dawson.com Services: 19, 35, 30, 34 A&P Shipcare Ltd Tees Offshore Base, South Bank Middlesbrough TS6 6UH Tel: 01642 464024 Services: 27 A&P Tees Ltd Teesport Commerce Park Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS6 6UZ Tel: 01642 464024 Fax: 01642 460075 www.ap-group.co.uk Services: 27, 15 Able UK Ltd Billingham Reach Industrial Est. Haverton Hill Road Billingham TS23 1PX Tel: 01642 806080 Fax: 01642 655655 www.ableuk.com Services: 35, 19, 30 Abnormal Load Engineering Ltd Sotherby Road Middlesbrough TS3 8BS Tel: 01642 292299 Fax: 01642 242004 www.ale-heavylift.com Services: 35, 34 BP CATS Terminal 33 Transport 16 Marine Engineers Abnormal Load Services (International) Ltd 1501 Hedon Road, Hull Humberside HU9 5NX Tel: 01482 796214 Fax: 01482 707650 www.abnormal-loads.com Services: 35 Agility Logistics Unit 6 North, Radius Park Faggs Road Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 0NG Tel: 0208 917 3000 Fax: 0208 917 3001 Services: 34, 22 Ainscough Crane Hire Ltd Middlesbrough Road Stockton on Tees TS17 7BN Tel: 01642 661111 Fax: 01642 612422 Services: 9 Allen Diving Services Tel: 01752 813658 Fax: 01752 813658 Services: 11 APL (UK) 6th Floor, South Quay Plaza 189 Marsh Wall London E14 9SH Tel: 0207 5367300 Fax: 0207 5367400 www.apl.co.uk Services: 25 31 Stevenson Court Skippers Lane Industrial Estate Middlesbrough, TS6 6UT Tel: 01642 438383 Fax: 01642 438387 www.bgfreightline.com Services: 25 ARC Industrial Services Dinsdale House Riverside Park Road Middlesbrough, TS2 1UT Tel: 01642 224469 www.arcindustrialservices.com Services: 29 Arco PO Box 22, Malleable Way Portrack Lane Stockton on Tees TS18 2PB Tel: 01642 617441 Fax: 01642 617025 Services: 28 Atlantic Engineering (UK) Ltd Depot Road, Middlesbrough TS2 1LE Tel: 01642 248525 Fax: 01642 221950 Services: 19 B&W Lifting Unit 2e, Vaughan Court Bolckow Rd Ind Estate, Grangetown Middlesbrough TS6 7BJ Tel: 01642 467900 Fax: 01642 467900 Services: 26 BCL (Shipping) Ltd Cliff Road, Ipswich Suffolk IP3 0PS Tel: 01473 286079 Fax: 01473 286291 Services: 33, 8 Moreland Street, Hartlepool TS24 7NL Tel: 01429 279731 Fax: 01429 864414 www.clevestone.co.uk Services: 34 C.L. Prosser & Co Ltd Normanby Wharf, Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS3 8AT Tel: 01642 241166 Services: 35 CMA-CGM Brignell Road Riverside Park Industrial Est. Middlesbrough TS2 1PS Tel: 01642 230423 Fax: 01642 231608 www.bulkhaul.co.uk Services: 33, 8 New Building 4th Floor 4 quai d’Arenc 13325 Marseille, France Tel: (+33) 4889 19095 6th Floor, 75 King William Street London, EC4N 7BE Tel: 0207 7398 3900 Fax: 0207 398 3901 www.cma-cgm.com Services: 25 Bushell, Nicol, Wawn & Son Cobra Middlesbrough Ltd 26 Hartley Avenue Whitley Bay, NE26 3NT Tel: 07905 278017 Services: 16, 4 CamAir Freight Solutions The Cargo Terminal Durham Tees Valley Airport Darlington DL2 1LU Tel: 01325 335600 www.camairfrieghtsolutions.com Services: 22 Caravel Liner Agencies (Darlington) Ltd 1-3 Lodge Street, Darlington Co Durham DL1 1TD Tel: 01325 351518 Fax: 01325 481536 Services: 22 Casper Shipping Ltd Cleveland Business Centre 1 Watson Street Middlesbrough TS1 2RQ Tel: 01642 243662 Fax: 01642 243936 www.casperltd.com Services: 22 CAT (UK) Services Ltd Vehicle Compound, Teesport Middlesbrough TS6 6UD Tel: 01642 446550 Fax: 01642 461928 www.groupecat.com Services: 4, 35 Cleveland Containers Cleveland House Eston Road, Grangetown Middlesbrough TS6 6UA Tel: 01642 462608 www.clevelandcontainers.co.uk Services: 7, 8, 33 North Road, Middlesbrough TS2 1DQ Tel: 01642 240684 Fax: 01642 246811 www.cobra-railfreight.co.uk Services: 35, 33, 30 Cockfield Knight & Co Ltd 15-16 Bridge Street East Middlesbrough TS2 1NA Tel: 01642 230111 Fax: 01642 231651 www.cockfield-knight.com Services: 21c, 22c, 10a Cockfield Knight and Co (Consulate for Germany) Dinsdale House, Riverside Park Road Middlesbrough, TS2 1UT Tel: 01642 230111 Fax: 01642 231651 www.cockfieldknight.com Services: 6 ConocoPhillips Petroleum (UK) Ltd Teesside Operations, Seal Sands Middlesbrough TS2 1UH Tel: 01642 546411 Fax: 01642 546096 Services: 35 Containerships (UK) Ltd Wilton Centre Post Room Redcar, Cleveland, TS10 4RF Tel: 01642 468592 Fax: 01642 770738 www.containershipsgroup.com Services: 22, 8, 25 Cordell Group Ltd 159-160 High Street Stockton on Tees TS18 1PL Tel: 01642 662400 www.cordellgroup.com Services: 19 57 DIRECTORY Corrpro Companies Europe Ltd Adam Street, Bowesfield Lane Stockton on Tees TS18 3HQ Tel: 01642 614106 Fax: 01642 614100 www.corrpro.co.uk Services: 16 Cory Brothers Shipping Agency Ltd 16 Belasis Court Belasis Hall Technology Park Billingham TS23 4AZ Tel: 01642 567930 Fax: 01642 566501 www.cory.co.uk Services: 22 Crawford Oil (Exploration) Services Ltd Davy Road, Skippers Lane Industrial Estate Middlesbrough, TS6 6PX Tel: 01642 324821 Fax: 01642 327997 Services: 19 CTC Marine & Leisure Castlegate Quay, Moat Street Stockton on Tees, TS18 3AZ Tel: 01642 230123 Fax: 01642 619187 www.marineandleisure.co.uk Services: 28 Darchem Engineering Ltd Iron Masters Way, Stillington Stockton on Tees TS21 1LB Tel: 01740 630461 Fax: 01740 630529 Services: 19 Darlington Borough Council Economic Regeneration- Business Engagement Team Town Hall, Darlington Co Durham DL1 5QT Tel: 01325 388660 Services: 12 David Fox Transport 1a Bolckow Road, Grangetown Middlesbrough TS6 7BN Tel: 01642 469552 Fax: 01642 452238 www.davidfoxtransport.co.uk Services: 34 Davron Services Ltd Unit 31, Teesport Commerce Park Middlesbrough TS6 6UZ Tel: 01642 468733 Fax: 01642 468609 Services: 7 DB Schenker Rail (UK) Ltd Deepocean Ltd Coniscliffe House, Coniscliffe Road Darlington DL3 7EE Tel: 01325 390500 www.deepoceangroup.com Services: 28 Denholm Barwill Ltd Epoch House, Falkirk Road Grangemouth, FK3 8WW Tel: 01324 482 201 Fax: 01324 472 175 www.denholm-barwil.com Services: 22 Denney Diving 54 Esplanade, Redcar TS10 3AG Tel: 01642 486666 Fax: 01642 483507 www.divingdirect.co.uk Services: 11 Dennis Dixon Ltd Exel Tankfreight Ltd Tame Street, Haverton Hill Billingham TS23 4ER Tel: 01642 700197 Fax: 01642 560244 Services: 33 F V S Ltd Church Road, Stockton on Tees TS18 2LY Tel: 01642 617171 Fax: 01642 611815 Services: 33 Faraday Centre Tilbury Road, South Bank Middlesbrough TS6 6AW Tel: 01642 456336 Fax: 01642 462959 www.dennis-dixon.co.uk Services: 33 Diffusion Alloys (North East) Ltd Feederlink Shipping & Trading BV Teesport Commerce Park Dockside Road, South Bank Middlesbrough TS6 6UZ Tel: 01642 457011 Fax: 01642 467024 www.diffusion-alloys.com Services: 19 Direct Labour Services Ltd Suite 114, Queens Court Business Centre 73 Gilkes Street, Middlesbrough, TS1 5EH Tel: 01642 249099 Fax: 01642 244085 www.directlabourservices.co.uk Services: 29 DSV The Business Village Drum Industrial Estate Chester-le-Street Co. Durham DH2 1AA Tel: 0191 4925500 Fax: 0191 4925510 www.uk.dsv.com Services: 33 Duncan Adams Ltd Unifeeder UK First Floor Unit 3, Summit Business Park Langer Road, Felixstowe, IP11 2BW Tel: 01394 691040 Fax: 01394 691059 www.feederlink.com Services: 25 Freight Transport Association Hermes House, 2 Manor Road Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4DX Tel: 01132 589861 Fax: 01132 586501 www.fta.co.uk Services: 33 Freightliner Ltd Cleveland Terminal, Trunk Road Grangetown Middlesbrough TS6 7SD Tel: 01642 411 800 Fax: 01642 411 808 www.freightliner.co.uk Services: 7, 8, 33 G Stiller (Transport) Ltd Grange Dock, Grangemouth, FK3 8UG Tel: 01324 484951 Fax: 01324 486838 www.duncanadams.co.uk Services: 33 Ridgeway, Aycliffe Business Park Newton Aycliffe Co. Durham, DL5 6SP Tel: 01325 313140 Fax: 01325 304096 www.stiller.co.uk Services: 33 Durham Lifting Ltd GAC Shipping (UK) Ltd Lakeside Business Park, Carolina Way Doncaster DN4 5PN Tel: 01302 57 5000 www.rail-dbschenker.co.uk Services: 8, 33 Dee Cee Freight Services Ltd Durham Tees Valley Airport 58 The Granary, 17a High Street Yarm TS15 9BW Tel: 01642 794040 Fax: 01642 794041 www.ensusgroup.com Unit 3, Stephenson Court Skippers Lane Industrial Estate Middlesbrough TS6 6UT Tel: 01642 467236 Fax: 01642 454197 www.faradaycentre.co.uk Services: 19 Britannia Testhouse Romaldkirk Road, Middlesbrough TS2 1HB Tel: 01642 240672 Fax: 01642 247709 www.durhamlifting.co.uk Services: 27 Kinkerdale Road, Teesport Middlesbrough TS6 6UE Tel: 01642 464466 Fax: 01642 464222 Services: 30, 33 ENSUS Darlington, Tees Valley DL2 1LU Tel: 01325 332811 Fax: 01325 332810 www.durhamteesvalleyairport.com Services: 1 GAC House, Sabatier Close Thornaby Stockton on Tees TS17 6EW Tel: 01642 637500 Fax: 02070679132 www.gacworld.com Services: 22, 23 GBA Group of Companies Alexandra Dock North Meridian House, Grimsby DN31 3UA Tel: 01472 246500 Fax: 01472 348751 www.gbagroup.com Services: 4, 22 GCA Tankmasters UK BV Tees Dock, Middlesbrough TS6 6UD Tel: 01642 457672 Fax: 01642 440359 Services: 22 Gillie and Blair 178 New Bridge Street Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 2TE Tel: 01912 323431 Fax: 01912 328255 www.gillieblair.com Services: 23 Graypen Suite 4, Able House Billingham Reach Ind. Est. Billingham TS23 1PX Tel: 01642 560057 Fax: 01469 552904 www.graypen.co.uk Services: 22, 23 H&P Freightways Ltd Ascot Drive, Haverton Hill Road Stockton on Tees TS18 2QF Tel: 01642 675111 Fax: 01642 606171 www.hpfreightways.co.uk Services: 22 H C Controls Wetherby Close Portrack Interchange Business Park Stockton on Tees TS18 2SL Tel: 01642 671681 Fax: 01642 676100 www.hccontrols.co.uk Services: 19 H M Revenue & Customs Eustace House, Teesport Middlesbrough TS6 7SA Tel: 01642 440111 Fax: 01642 459080 Services: 10 Hambleton Group Ltd 4 Fleck Way, Teesside Industrial Estate Stockton on Tees TS17 9JZ Tel: 01642 762534 Fax: 01642 765450 www.thehambletongroup.co.uk Services: 30 Hartgrove Brothers Station Square, Station Road Redcar TS10 1RD Tel: 01642 484663 Fax: 01642 489937 www.hartgrove.co.uk Services: 33 Hartlepool Borough Council Economic Regeneration Brian Hanson House, Hanson Square Hartlepool TS24 7BT Tel: 01429 523511 Fax: 01429 523516 www.investinhartlepool.com Services: 12 Hartlepool Marina Lock Office, Slake Terrace Hartlepool TS24 0RU Tel: 01429 865744 www.hartlepool-marina.com Services: 18 Hartlepool Marine Engineering Unit 3d, Tofts Farm Industrial Estate East Brenda Road, Hartlepool Cleveland, TS25 2BS Tel: 01429 867883 Fax: 01429 865427 www.nauticalworld.co.uk Services: 16 Heerema Hartlepool Ltd Greenland Road Hartlepool TS24 0RQ Tel: 01642 340200 Fax: 01642 340208 www.heerema.com Services: 19 Hewden Reach Crane Hire Billingham Ind Estate, Haverton Hill Billingham TS23 1PX Tel: 01642 853737 www.hewdon.co.uk Services: 9 Huntsman Polyurethanes (UK) Ltd Polyurethanes Building PO Box 99, Wilton Redcar, TS10 4YA Tel: 01642 834700 Fax: 01642 834742 www.huntsman.com Services: 2 Imperial Tankers Ltd Boeing Way, Preston Farm Industrial Estate Stockton on Tees, TS18 3TE Tel: 01642 607777 Fax: 01642 607111 www.hargreavesservices.co.uk Services: 33 InBond Ltd Eaglescliffe Logistics Centre Durham Lane, Eaglescliffe Stockton on Tees TS16 0RW Tel: 01642 867000 Fax: 01642 867010 www.inbond.com Services: 30, 22 Ineos Nitriles PO Box 62, Seal Sands Middlesbrough TS2 1TX Tel: 01642 546464 Fax: 01642 546446 www.basf-plc.co.uk Services: 35 Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers 39 Highbury Avenue Tollesby, Middlesbrough, TS5 7PP Tel: 01642 279272 www.ics.org.uk Services: 32 Intertek Testing Services Ltd Seal Sands, Middlesbrough TS2 1UB Tel: 01642 680248 www.intertek.com Services: 5 Isotank Services Ltd Limerick Road, Dormanstown Redcar TS10 5JU Tel: 01642 488521 Fax: 01642 489883 www.isotank.co.uk Services: 7, 33 J Hewitt Crane Hire Ltd Lingfield Warehousing Ltd Marton Hotel & Country Club J M Codd Lionweld Kennedy Ltd Marske Site Services Jade-Tees Line Ltd Lifting and Cooling Ltd Teesport Commerce Park Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS6 6UZ Tel: 01642 467482 Fax: 01642 458640 www.hewitt-cranehire.co.uk Services: 9 Thomlinson Road Long Hill Industrial Estate Hartlepool, TS26 8NF Tel: 01429 235255 Services: 33 Postfach 1755, D-26357 Wilhelmshaven, Germany Tel: +49 421 168730 Fax: +49 421 1687325 www.jadeteesline.com Services: 25 Jentone Freight Ltd 1-5 Puddlers Lane, South Bank Middlesbrough, TS6 6TX Tel: 01642 430020 Fax: 01642 430023 www.jentone.co.uk Services: 33 Johnson Stevens Agencies Ltd Lingfield Point, McMullen Road Darlington, Co Durham DL1 1RW Tel: 01325 359795 Fax: 01325 488172 www.lingfieldwarehousing.co.uk Services: 30 Marsh Road, Middlesbrough TS1 5JS Tel: 01642 245151 Fax: 01642 224710 www.lk-uk.com Services: 19 Lindsey Park, Bowburn North Ind Est Durham DH6 5PF Tel: 01913 779777 Fax: 01913 773131 www.liftingandcooling.com Services: 16 LV Shipping Ltd Teesport Commerce Park Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS6 6UZ Tel: 01642 440744 Fax: 01642 440799 www.lvshipping.com Services: 22, 19, 35 Unit 5, Summit Business Park Langer Road, Felixstowe, IP11 2JB Tel: 01394 678678 Fax: 01394 676646 www.jsagb.com Services: 22 MPI Offshore Ltd Johnson Stevens Agencies Ltd M P Storage & Blending Ltd China Shipping House Walton Avenue, Felixstowe Suffolk IP11 3HG Tel: 01394 678678 Fax: 01639 4676646 Services: 22 Koppers (UK) Ltd/ Carbon Materials & Chemicals Port Clarence Works, Huntsman Drive Port Clarence Middlesbrough TS2 1SD Tel: 01642 546040 Fax: 01642 546241 www.koppers.com Services: 35 LaFarge Tarmac Ltd Cochranes Wharf, Cargo Fleet Lane Middlesbrough TS3 6AU Tel: 01642 240204 Fax: 01642 217450 www.lafargetarmac.com Services: 35 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd – Teessport Works Tarmac Wharf, Teesport Middlesbrough TS6 6UF Tel: 01642 455001 Fax: 01642 455006 www.lafargetarmac.co.uk Services: 35 Liner Shipping (UK) Ltd 87 St Martins Lane, Langley Park Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3XU Tel: 020 3565 5336 Services: 22 Resolution House, 18 Ellerbeck Court Stokesley Business Park Stokesley TS9 5PT Tel: 01642 742200 Services: 19 Deepwater Wharf, Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS3 8AS Tel: 01642 244125 Fax: 01642 231780 www.mpstorage.co.uk Services: 30 Mammoet (UK) Ltd The Grange Business Centre, Belasis Avenue Billingham, Cleveland, TS23 1LG Tel: 01642 366150 Fax: 01642 361738 www.mammoet.com Services: 18, 35, 34 Manchester Airport Olympic House Manchester M90 1AA Tel: 01614 893000 Services: 1 Marine Electrical Services South Tees Business Centre South Bank,Middlesbrough TS6 6TL Tel: 01642 438446 Fax: 01642 438557 Services: 15 Maritime & Coastguard Agency Marine Office East of England Region 3rd Floor, Victoria House Pearson Court, Teesdale Park Thornaby TS17 6PT Tel: 01642 611040 Fax: 01642 614048 www.mcga.gov.uk Services: 32 Stokesley Road, Marton Middlesbrough TS7 8DS Tel: 01642 317141 Fax: 01642 325355 www.martonhotel.co.uk Services: 13 Ellerbeck Way Stokesley Business Park Stokesley, North Yorkshire TS9 5JZ Tel: 01642 718950 Fax: 01642 718947 www.marske.com Services: 19 McAusland & Turner Ltd Room 4, Eustace House Teesport, Middlesbrough TS6 6UD Tel: 01642 469371 Fax: 01642 460805 www.mcauslands.com Services: 17 MCE Plc Pennine House, Concorde Way Preston Farm Industrial Estate Stockton on Tees TS18 3TL Tel: 01642 882211 Fax: 01642 882233 www.mceplc.com Services: 19 Mech Tool Engineering Ltd N T Whitfield Transport Ltd Portrack Lane Stockton on Tees TS18 2NR Tel: 01642 603309 Fax: 01642 615136 Services: 33 NEPIC Ocean Express Ltd NETA Training Group Oil Inspections Ltd Pennine Avenue North Tees Industrial Estate Portrack Lane Stockton Tees, TS18 2RJ Tel: 01642 616936 Fax: 01642 612431 www.neta.co.uk Services: 19 Newcastle International Airport Woolsington, Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE13 8BZ Tel: 0870 1221488 Fax: 0191 2143363 www.newcastleinternational.com Services: 1 Nicholsons Transport Ltd Burnside House, ICI West Gate Chiltons Avenue Billingham TS23 1JD Tel: 01642 556622 Fax: 01642 551144 www.nicholsonstransport.co.uk Services: 7, 8, 30, 33 Middlegate Europe Ltd Nippon Express Middlesbrough Borough Council Public Protection & Planning PO Box 65, Vancouver House Gurney Street Middlesbrough TS1 1QP Tel: 01642 245432 Fax: 01642 728960 Services: 12 Missions to Seafarers Flying Angel Club, Kinkerdale House Tees Dock, Grangetown Middlesbrough TS6 6UD Tel: 01642 460244 Fax: 01642 460994 Services: 32 MJR Controls 85 Willows Court Teesside Industrial Estate Thornaby Stockton on Tees, TS17 9PP Tel: 01642 762151 Fax: 01642 762502 www.mjrcontrols.com Services: 15 MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company) SA 40 Eugene Pittard, CH-1206 Geneva, Switzerland Services: 22, 25 Haverton Hill Industrial Estate Billingham TS23 1PZ Tel: 01642 566656 Fax: 01642 563224 www.nutecglobal.com Services: 19 Room H224, The Wilton Centre Wilton, Redcar, TS10 4RF Tel: 01642 442 560 Fax: 01642 442 561 www.nepic.co.uk Services: 12 Whessoe Road, Darlington Co Durham DL3 0QT Tel: 01325 355141 Fax: 01325 487053 www.mechtool.co.uk Services: 18b Unit 4 Marfleet Environmental Technology Park Hull HU9 5LW Tel: 01482 226460 Services: 33 Nutec Centre for Safety Ltd Airport Freightways, Freight Village Newcastle International Airport Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE13 8BH Tel: 01912 864477 Fax: 01912 868318 www.nipponexpress.net Services: 22 Nor-Cargo Ltd Scandic Terminal, North Moss Lane North Moss Lane, Stallingborough North East Lincs DN41 8DD Tel: 01469 575700 Fax: 01469 572930 Services: 22 North East Chamber of Commerce Trade and Industry Aykley Heads Business Centre Aykley Heads, Durham DH1 5TS Tel: 0191 3861133 Fax: 0191 3861144 Services: 12 Northern Environmental Management 12 Yarm Road Stockton on Tees TS18 3NA Tel: 01642 611514 Services: 14 North East Contract Services Ltd The Courtyard, 86 Worsley Road Winton, Eccles, Manchester M30 8LS Tel: 01617 895088 Fax: 01617 896762 Services: 223 Able House Billingham Reach Industrial Estate Billingham TS23 1PX Tel: 01642 565544 Fax: 01642 565577 www.oilinspections.com Services: 5 P&O Ferries King George Dock, Hedon Road Hull, Humberside HU9 5QA Tel: 01482 795141 Fax: 01482 708255 www.poferries.com Services: 22, 25 PSA Transport Ltd Claire Lane Office East Road Middlesbrough TS6 6TZ Tel: 01642 462727 Services: 22, 33 Parsons Containers Ltd Salters Lane Sedgefield Industrial Estate Sedgefield, Co Durham TS21 3EE Tel: 01740 629999 Fax: 01740 629989 Services: 7 PD Ports (Headquarters) 17-27 Queen’s Square Middlesbrough, TS2 1AH Tel: 01642 877000 Fax: 01642 877056 www.pdports.co.uk Services: 21 PD Ports (Teesport) Tees Dock, Grangetown Middlesbrough, TS6 6UD Tel: 01642 877000 Fax: 01642 877056 www.pdports.co.uk Services: 21 PD Ports (Hartlepool) Hartlepool Dock Cleveland Road Hartlepool, TS24 0UZ Tel: 01642 877000 Fax: 01642 877056 www.pdports.co.uk Services: 21 PD Logistics Cowpen Lane Industrial Estate Billingham, TS23 4DB Tel: 01642 877000 Fax: 01642 877056 www.pdports.co.uk Services: 21, 29, 35 Howdon Terminal, Willington Quay Wallsend, Tyne & Wear NE28 6UL Tel: 01912 626116 Fax: 01912 340888 Services: 7, 16, 22, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35 59 DIRECTORY Peter Cook Transport Ltd Belmont Industrial Estate Belmont, Durham DH1 1ST Tel: 0191 3864323 Fax: 0191 3860805 Services: 33 Plant & Consumable Services Ltd Reed Street, Gladstone Industrial Estate Mandale Road, Thornaby TS17 7AF Tel: 01642 605555 Fax: 01642 671814 Services: 19 Portrack Seafreight Ltd The Grange Business Centre Belasis Avenue, Billingham TS23 1LG Tel: 01642 363598 Fax: 01642 360255 www.ndv@supanet.com Services: 29 Prestons of Potto Potto, Northallerton North Yorkshire DL6 3HX Tel: 01642 700243 Fax: 01642 700081 Services: 33 R F Richardson Transport Ltd 4-6 Tame Road Lawson Industrial Estate Middlesbrough TS3 6LL Tel: 01642 243563 Fax: 01642 210254 Services: 33 Ravenstock MSG Ltd Teesport Commerce Park Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS6 6UZ Tel: 01642 463463 Fax: 01642 465465 www.ravenstockmsg.co.uk Services: 30 Recyc-Oil Ltd Murdock Road East Middlesbrough Industrial Estate Middlesbrough TS3 8TB Tel: 01642 242792 Fax: 01642 217748 www.recyc-oil.co.uk Services: 2 Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council Chief Executive Department Belmont House, Rectory Lane Guisborough TS14 7FD Tel: 08456 126126 www.redcar-cleveland.gov.uk Services: 12 Reed Boardall Cold Storage Ltd Bar Lane, Boroughbridge York YO51 9NN Tel: 01423 321313 Fax: 01423 321314 www.reedboardall.com Services: 30 Rexel E M S Ltd 10 Cannon Park Middlesbrough, TS1 5JP Tel: 01642 232090 Fax: 01642 247694 Services: 189 60 Rinnen UK Ltd Laing Close, Bolckow Industrial Estate Grangetown Middlesbrough TS6 7EA Tel: 01642 463000 Fax: 01642 463111 www.rinnen.com Services: 8 River Tees Port Health Authority Belmont House, Rectory Lane Guisborough, TS14 7FD Tel: 01287 612406 Fax: 01287 612406 Services: 32 Road Haulage Association Ltd Roadway House, Littlewood Drive West 26 Ind. Est. Cleckheaton BD19 4TQ Tel: 01274 863100 Fax: 01274 865855 www.rha.net Services: 32 S & M C Transport Ltd 28 High Street Stockton on Tees TS18 1SF Tel: 01642 678709 Fax: 01642 604214 Services: 33 SABIC UK Petrochemicals North Tees Site, Seaton Road Port Clarence Middlesbrough TS2 1TT Tel: 01642 731222 Fax: 01642 731217 www.sabic-europe.com Sarens (UK) Ltd Booth House, Riverside Park Road Middlesbrough TS2 1UT Tel: 01642 621621 Fax: 01642 621620 www.sarens.com Services: 9 SamSkip Ltd Bridge House, Wherstead Park Wherstead, Ipswich, IP9 2BJ Fax: 01473 222070 www.samskip.com Services: 25 SembCorp Utilities Teesside Ltd PO Box 1985, Wilton International Middlesbrough TS90 8WS Tel: 01642 212000 Fax: 01642 212690 www.sembcorp.co.uk Services: 33 SGS Oil, Gas & Chemicals Petroservice House, Macklin Avenue Billingham TS23 4BY Tel: 01642 561612 Fax: 01642 564420 www.sgs.com Services: 5 Simon Storage Ltd Seal Sands, Middlesbrough TS2 1UB Tel: 01642 546775 Fax: 01642 546076 www.simonstorage.co.uk Services: 2, 30, 35 Sims Metal Management Longhill Industrial Estate Windermere Road Hartlepool TS25 1NX Tel: 01429 267884 Fax: 01429 861989 www.simsmm.co.uk Services: 33 Southern Electronics Unit 15 Prospect Terrace Industrial Estate North Shields Tyne & Wear, NE30 1DX Tel: 01912 574981 Fax: 01912 576958 www.southern-electronics.co.uk Services: 15, 19, 27, 28 Speedy Services Unit 1, Sotherby Road Middlesbrough Cleveland, TS3 8BS Tel: 01642 244555 Fax: 01642 244407 www.speedyservices.com Services: 18 Spliethoff’s Bevrachtingskantoor BV Radarweg 36, 1042 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel: +31 204 488400 Fax: +31 204 488500 www.spliethoff.com Services: 25 Stephenson Transport 8 Beeford Close, Billingham TS23 3YJ Tel: 01642 560314 Fax: 01642 560314 Services: 33 Stockton on Tees Borough Council Municipal Buildings, Church Road Stockton on Tees, TS18 1LD Tel: 01642 393939 www.stockton.gov.uk Services: 12 Sub Aqua Diving Services 17 Tame Road Lawson Industrial Estate Middlesbrough TS3 6LL Tel: 01642 230209 Fax: 01642 252282 www.subaquadivingservices.co.uk Services: 11 Subsea 7 200 Hammersmith Road London W6 7DL Tel: 0208 210 5500 Fax: 0208 210 5501 www.subsea7.com Services: 18 Sutton & Son St Helens Ltd Wilson Street, Bon Lea Industrial Estate, Thornaby Stockton on Tees TS17 7AR Tel: 01642 606160 Fax: 01642 606460 www.suttonsgroup.com Services: 33 Svitzer UK Tees Wharf. Dockside Road Middlesbrough, TS3 6AB Tel: 01642 258300 Fax: 01642 246370 www.svitzer.com Services: 31 Swedish Church (Consulate for Sweden) 386 Linthorpe Road Middlesbrough TS5 6HA Tel: 01642 819878 Fax: 01642 820912 www.nettkirken.no/middlesbrough Services: 6 Tata Steel Lackenby Works, Redcar Tel: 01642 405184 www.tatasteeleurope.com Services: 35 TAG Energy Solutions Haverton House, Haverton Hill Yard Haverton Hill Road Billingham TS23 1PZ Tel: 01642 565500 Fax: 01642 565555 www.tagenergysolutions.com Services: 16, 19 Tees Bay Pilots The Pilot House, Breakwater South Gare, Redcar TS10 5NX Tel: 01642 472991 www.teesbaypilots.co.uk Services: 20, 33 Tees and Hartlepool Pilotage Company Ltd 17-27 Queen’s Square Middlesbrough TS2 1AH Tel: 01642 877000 Fax: 01642 877056 Services: 20 Tees Inshore Engineering Cochranes Wharf, Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS3 6AU Tel: 01642 217363 Fax: 01642 231883 www.teesinshore.co.uk Services: 19 Tees Licensed Foyboatmen’s Ass. Ltd Kinkerdale Road, Teesport Middlesbrough TS6 7UD Tel: 01642 454494 Fax: 01642 454494 Services: 18 Tees Valley Unlimited Cavendish House, Teesdale Business Park Stockton on Tees Tees Valley TS17 6QY Tel: 01642 524400 wwww.teesvalleyunlimited.gov.uk Services: 12 Teesside Warehousing Ltd 4 Fleck Way, Teesside Industrial Estate Stockton on Tees TS17 9JZ Tel: 01642 762534 Fax: 01642 762450 www.thehambletongroup.co.uk Services: 30 Towne Lifting & Testing Co Pennine Avenue North Tees industrial Estate Portrack, Stockton on Tees TS18 2RJ Tel: 01642 611035 www.towne.co.uk Services: 26 Trans-Store Dockside Road Middlesbrough TS3 6AH Tel: 01642 244975 Fax: 01642 246161 www.trans-store.co.uk Services: 30 Tyne Tees Bunkering c/o F. Peart & Co Baltic Works, Baltic Street Hartlepool, TS25 1PW Tel: 01429 852100 Fax: 01429 233833 www.fpeart.co.uk Services: 3 Unite the Union Fry Street, Middlesbrough TS1 1HA Tel: 01642 242314 Fax: 01642 254145 www.unitetheunion.org Services: 32 United Transport Tankcontainers Victoria House, Pearson Court Pearson Way, Teesdale Stockton on Tees TS17 6PT Tel: 01642 674226 Fax: 01642 673558 www.utt.info Services: 33 Vopak Terminal Teesside Ltd Seal Sands, Middlesbrough TS2 1UA Tel: 01642 546767 Fax: 01642 543600 www.vopak.co.uk Services: 2, 30, 35 W G Readman Ltd Cochranes Wharf, Cargo Fleet Middlesbrough TS3 6AW Tel: 01642 242641 Fax: 01642 241912 www.wgrsteels.co.uk Services: 35 W H Bowker (Int) Ltd Littlefair Road, Hedon Road Hull, Humberside HU9 5LP Tel: 01482 706557 Fax: 01482 706533 www.bowkertransport.co.uk Services: 33 Wilton Group Port Clarence Offshore Base Port Clarence Road, Port Clarence Middlesbrough TS2 1RZ Tel: 01642 546611 Fax: 01642 546622 www.wiltonengineering.co.uk Services: 16, 19 PD PORTS 17-27 Queen’s Square, Middlesbrough TS2 1AH Tel: +44 (0)1642 877000 Fax: +44 (0)1642 877056 www.pdports.co.uk