WALLRAM übernimmt den italienischen Hersteller von Präzisions
WALLRAM übernimmt den italienischen Hersteller von Präzisions
WALLRAM übernimmt den italienischen Hersteller von Präzisions-Schleifmaschinen LIZZINI Herborn (Deutschland) / Montichiari (Italien) - 11. April 2011 Die WALLRAM Gruppe, ein führendes Unternehmen in der Herstellung von HochpräzisionsWerkzeugen und Verschleißteilen aus Hartmetallen und technischer Keramik für die spanlose Umformtechnik und Verschleißschutz, hat den italienischen Schleifmaschinenbauer LIZZINI übernommen. LIZZINI entwickelt und produziert Präzisions-Schleifmaschinen für höchste Ansprüche an Genauigkeit, und ist in der Fachbranche als besonders innovatives Unternehmen bekannt. Das Traditionsunternehmen wurde in 1945 gegründet; in 2005 wurde eine hochmoderne Produktionsstätte in Montichiari bei Brescia/Norditalien in Betrieb genommen. Der Unternehmenskauf erfolgte durch die italienische Tochtergesellschaft WALLRAM GrindTec S.r.l., die gleichzeitig ihren Firmensitz von Brescia nach Montichiari verlegt hat. “Die Integration von LIZZINI in unsere Unternehmungen ist ein strategisch wichtiger Schritt in der Expansion unserer Firmengruppe“, sagte Hans-Peter Kämpfer, Gesellschafter und Geschäftsführer der WALLRAM Gruppe und ihrer Muttergesellschaft Ziehstein-Kämpfer KG. “Hierdurch festigen und untermauern wir unsere Strategie, eigenes Know How in der Fertigungstechnik konsequent und langfristig mit unseren Kenntnissen in den Bereichen Material- und Werkstofftechnik zu kombinieren. Erfahrungen und die guten Ideen unserer Mitarbeiter in Entwicklung, Konstruktion und Produktion von Hochleistungswerkzeugen können nun auf direktem Weg in die Entwicklung des Maschinenbaus einfließen. LIZZINI hat einen mehrjährigen Entwicklungsvorsprung gegenüber anderen Herstellern von Schleifmaschinen am Markt, insbesondere bei der Bearbeitung von Präzisionswerkzeugen aus Hartmetall und Keramik", sagte Herr Kämpfer weiter. "Wer heute und auch in Zukunft seine Führungsrolle als Systemlieferant für Ultra-PräzisionsWerkzeuge behaupten will, der muss auch auf die Technologie in Produktion und Bearbeitung als ein wichtiger Schlüssel für Präzision und Zuverlässigkeit Einfluss nehmen können. Mit WALLRAM GrindTec als Hersteller von LIZZINI-Präzisionsschleifmaschinen haben wir nun diesen Schlüssel in der Hand. Dies ermöglicht uns, neue Wege in der qualitativen und flexiblen Ausrichtung unserer Produktion zu beschreiten, und unseren Kunden von LIZZINI Speziallösungen anbieten zu können.“ Der verantwortliche Leiter für das LIZZINI-Geschäft ist Massimiliano Tortelli, der an der Entwicklung der Gesellschaft und Ihrer Produkte seit mehr als 20 Jahren wesentlich beteiligt ist. Auch er sieht große Chancen für die Zukunft der LIZZINI als Teil der WALLRAM Gruppe: “Die Entwicklung und Herstellung von Maschinen - kombiniert mit den Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung - ist ein wichtiges Argument für unsere Produkte. Es ermöglicht uns, die Anforderungen der Kunden viel besser zu verstehen und direkt bei der Entwicklung zu berücksichtigen. LIZZINI ist im Markt für seine Hochpräzisions-Schleifmaschinen bekannt, und genauso für die Fähigkeit, kundenspezifische Lösungen zu finden. Ich freue mich, dass wir diese Fähigkeiten als Teil der WALLRAM Gruppe auch in Zukunft zeigen können und ich bin stolz, dass ich zusammen mit unserem Spezialisten-Team an diesem Erfolg mitwirken kann.“ Die WALLRAM Gruppe ist Teil der Familien-Holding Ziehstein-Kämpfer KG mit weiteren Produktionsstätten und Betrieben in Herborn und Essen (Deutschland), Krakau (Polen), Colorado Springs (USA), Dale (Norwegen) und nun auch Montichiari (Italien). Die WALLRAM Gruppe ist ein Anbieter von Präzisionswerkzeugen und Verschleißteilen aus Hartmetallen, technischer Keramik und Werkzeugstahl. WALLRAM entwickelt und produziert Präzisions-Werkzeuge und Konstruktionsbauteile für die Bereiche Metallverpackungen, Draht&Kabel, Automotive, Offshore-Technik, Lebensmittelverarbeitung und die Luftfahrt. TECHNOLOGY OF PRECISION THE NEW HEADQUARTERS The new headquarters, the ideal space to produce the new grinding machines and to follow the product innovation and technological research that are daily subject of study and analysis. OUR CUSTOMER’S SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS When grinding is part of one’s own activity Precision and Productivity should meet Request A complete range of products that can meet most of the requirements and solve the most different and complex internal and external grinding jobs.. LIZZINI Offer You will find an extremely wide and diversified choice of Grinding Machines for External and Internal Grinding, where you will hardly not be able to find the right machine. Technical solutions and prices will be aimed to meet your requirements and expectations. Request A technological support to improve the performances of the grinding machines.. LIZZINI Offer Grinding software, mesuring systems, fixtures, grinding wheels, diamond tools are applied following strict rules to create together with our Grinding Machines a high quality and productivity system. Request A quick and punctual Technical Service. LIZZINI Offer Our Electronical and Mechanical Service is fully managed by our entrusted staff. Telerservice, which is now installed on all our grinding machines, is also utilized in order to decrease our Customers’ costs and to increase the efficacy of our action. We also offer the possibility of Contracts of Integral Service, which can be entered at the expiration of the warranty period in order to fix the yearly maintenance costs. Requests and answers which could look obvious, but which can find a punctual verification in our daily practice. Precision and Productivity then can meet OUR PROGRAM A complete program of External and Internal Grinding Machines which can offer the market products for the most complex requirements of the users’, where innovation and technological research can place them in an absolutely relevant position, thus contributing to increase efficiency and productivity of our customers. MIKRA CNC ♦ POWER CNC ♦ EXCELL CNC ♦ FLEXIBLE UNIVERSAL GRINDING MACHINES PRODUCTION EXTERNAL GRINDING MACHINES EKO CNC ♦ MineralEKO CNC ♦ CAM GRINDING MACHINES ♦ EKO S CNC FLEXIBLE INTERNAL GRINDING MACHINES ♦ POLAR CNC FLEXIBLE UNIVERSAL GRINDING MACHINES A range of three products: MIKRA CNC, POWER CNC, EXCELL CNC, really among the most complete, with grinding lengths from 500 to 1500 mm and diameters up to 500 mm. This range of machines has in common a great flexibility of use and a high productivity: features enhanced by an excellent mechanics, by the diameter of 500 mm of the external grinding wheel and the intelligent performances of our software, developed for the small series. MIKRA CNC We propose two models with movable upright, center distance of 800 mm and max. grinding length of 550 mm and 800 mm. The max. grinding diameter is 300 mm. ♦ The basic version is offered with right external grinding wheel of 500x80x203mm for straight and angle grinding with electric spindle and constant peripheral speed of 45 m/sec. ♦ Possibility of application of the rear internal grinding attachment with manual positioning or with automatic “B” axis for external and internal grinding in cycle. ♦ MAIN FEATURES MIKRA 5 - 8 Center height from table top mm 150 / 200 Max. grinding length mm 550 / 800 External wheelhead: max. wheel dimensions, right mm 500x80x203 Max. wheel peripheral speed m/sec 45 Internal wheelhead: standard spindle diameter mm 100 Automatic rotary axis G° -5° / +180° Steplessly variable speed range of workhead g/1' 10-650 Workhead morse taper / ASA taper N° 4/5 POWER CNC ♦ The maximum flexibility offered with the structure with movable upright: frame in mineral casting technology and axis movements also available with linear motor. ♦ Two models are available with grinding length of 800 mm and 1000 mm and max. grinding diameter of 400 mm. ♦ Max. customization of this grinding machine with the choice of different models of wheelhead positioned by the B axis. ♦ Workhead with possibility of application of a synchronous electric spindle for the grinding of cams and profiles. ♦ Electric spindles of the internal wheelhead with diameters up to 120 mm and high power ranges. MAIN FEATURES POWER 8 -10 Center height from table top mm 200 Max. grinding length mm 800 / 1000 External wheelhead: max. wheel dimensions, right mm 500x80x203 Max. wheel peripheral speed m/sec 45 Internal wheelhead: standard spindle diameter mm 100 Automatic rotary axis G° -5° / +180° Steplessly variable speed range of workhead g/1' 10 - 650 Workhead morse taper / ASA taper N° 4/5-6/6 EXCELL CNC ♦ The classical universal solution, proposed in two models with max. grinding length of 1000 mm and 1500 mm and max. grinding diameter of 500 mm. ♦ This model offers modular solutions which allow the customer a wide choice, above all for workpieces of medium/large dimensions. ♦ All grinding operations, including cam and thread grinding, can be performed with this machine model. MAIN FEATURES EXCELL 10 -15 Center height from table top mm 150 / 200 / 250 Max. grinding length mm 1000 / 1500 External wheelhead: max. wheel dimensions, right mm 500x80x203 Max. wheel peripheral speed m/sec 45 Internal wheelhead: standard spindle diameter mm 100 Automatic rotary axis G° -5° / +180° Steplessly variable speed range of workhead g/1' 10 - 650 Workhead morse taper / ASA taper N° 4/5-6/6 PRODUCTION EXTERNAL GRINDING MACHINES For this market sector, we propose the two machine models EKO CNC and MinearlEKO CNC with movable upright, designed to meet the technological requirements of companies with high production volumes, but managed in medium/small lots. The style of this grinding machine and the relative integrated automatic feed systems is ideal for the unmanned operation and for a quick retooling. EKO CNC ♦ Compact production module with movable upright, also available in the versions with more than one operating wheel for combined operations. ♦ We propose two models, which can be utlized with automatic feed by means of an integrated movable gantry or robot. ♦ The combinations which can be obtained thanks to the different modules, the measuring systems and the appliable fixtures and devices allow to solve with high productivity the most different and complex production jobs. GENERALITA' EKO 5 - 8 Center height from table top mm 150 / 200 Max. grinding length mm 550 / 800 External wheelhead: max. wheel dimensions, right mm 610x120x203 Max. wheel peripheral speed m/sec 50 External Electro spindle power Kw 11 Automatic rotary axis G° -5° / +180° Steplessly variable speed range of workhead g/1' 10 - 650 Workhead morse taper / ASA taper N° 4/5-6/6 MineralEKO CNC ♦ We propose two models with max. grinding length of 800 mm and 1000 mm and a max. grinding diameter of 400 mm. ♦ Structure with movable upright and axis movements also available with linear motor, frame in mineral casting technology for the optimization of the performances of the grinding operations also at high speed with CBN wheels. ♦ Automatic axes for rotation of the different wheelhead models, for motion of the tailstock and motion of the measuring systems for check of the workhead for thread grinding. MAIN FEATURES MineralEKO 8 -10 Center height from table top mm 200 Max. grinding length mm 800 / 1000 External wheelhead: max. wheel dimensions, right mm 610x120x203 Max. wheel peripheral speed m/sec 50 External Electro spindle power Kw 11 Automatic rotary axis G° -5° / +180° Steplessly variable speed range of workhead g/1' 10 - 650 Workhead morse taper / ASA taper N° 4/5 CAM GRINDING MACHINES Many are the proposals for cam grinding with application of the most modern technologies, mechanical solutions and axis movements with linear motors. Grinding machines integrated to automatic feed systems, with customizable gantry loaders or anthropomorph robots. EKO S CNC ♦ Models with movable upright designed with movements of the wheelhead axis with linear motor and synchronous electric spindle for the workhead. ♦ Grinding technology also with CBN wheels. ♦ Grinding software specialized for the optimization of the mechanical performances of this grinding machine. ♦ This model can be utilized with automatic feed by means of an integrated movable gantry or robot. MAIN FEATURES EKO S 8 -10 Center height from table top mm 150 / 200 Max. grinding length mm 550 / 800 / 1000 External wheelhead: max. wheel dimensions, right mm 610x120x203 Max. wheel peripheral speed m/sec 50 / 100 External Electro spindle power Kw 11 Automatic rotary axis G° -5° / +180° Steplessly variable speed range of workhead g/1' 10 - 650 Workhead morse taper / ASA taper N° 4/5 FLEXIBLE INTERNAL GRINDING MACHIThe POLAR CNC machine model can grind a wide dimensional range of parts and offers mechanical solutions suitable for the application of the most advanced technologies. It can also be utilized for the simultaneous internal and external grinding and it can be integrated to automatic loaders. POLAR CNC ♦ Two models characterized by a max. workpiece diameter of 300 mm and 450 mm. ♦ Wheelhead with automatic rotary axis, suitable for the application of four electric spindles for internal grinding. ♦ Electric spindles of the internal wheelhead with diameters up to 150 mm and power ranges up to 24 Kw at 18,000 rpm. ♦ One machine model also allows the simultaneous grinding of the external and internal diameter. ♦ Possibility of application of automatic loaders and postprocess measuring systems. GENERALITA' POLAR 30 -45 Max. rotating diameter mm 300 / 450 Max. and Min. diameter of grinding hole mm 5 / 200 Max. workpiece length mm 400 Max. hole length mm 200 High-frequency spindle max diameter mm 150 Automatic rotary axis G° 0° / +270° Steplessly variable speed range of workhead g/1' 10 - .800 Workhead morse taper / ASA taper N° 4/5-6/6 Milan o A4 Mil ano Brescia -V ene z ia Brescia Centro Desenzano del Garda Brescia Est SS 6 23 Aeroporto G. D'Annunzio Lonato Venezia Montichiari Castiglione delle Stiviere Carpenedolo Fondata nel 1945 www.lizzini.it LIZZINI S.p.A. Via Leonino da Zara N°54 25018 Montichiari ( Bs ) ITALIA Tel. +39-030 9660926 Fax +39-030 9961290 E-mail info@lizzini.it