The VABcon System Solution for Oberelbe Transport Network


The VABcon System Solution for Oberelbe Transport Network
Customer Newsletter April 2012
The VABcon System Solution for Oberelbe Transport Network
has been
transport providers and
networks, administrative
districts and authorities
in sales, accounting and
financial controlling processes with the products of the
VABcon family for years.
The Oberelbe transport network
(Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe – VVO
for short) provides public transportation in the Greater Dresden area.
VVO is currently using a group licence
for the VABcon products VABCON-ABO
for individual and corporate customer travel card administration and VERAS-VU for
administration of travel cards for schoolchildren. Some regional transport providers which
later joined together to form VVO in 1998 have
been using these products since 1996. In 2005
the products were combined into network-wide
system solutions called VABCON-ABO and VERASVU. One great advantage for the transport provider
is that the association takes on the maintenance costs
of the systems.
The existing systems were completely redesigned following the introduction of new sales technology in VVO and
of a new tarif database for the transport network area which
varies greatly from the previous one.
VABcon for Oberelbe transport network
side 2
VABnet for ORP in Ostprignitz-Ruppin
side 3
Exhibition report IT-TRANS 2012 in Karlsruhe
side 4
VABcon for VVO
When redesigning the travel card programs, VERAS-VU and VABCON-ABO were merged
into a complex travel card administration program called ABO-VU, implementing extensive modification and supplement requirements in close co-ordination with the transport providers in the
VVO and the group itself.
The tariff database contains all tariff-relevant information and specifications (e.g. depiction of travel card stop stations or price-bracket
precise, employer and employee contributions
to “jobtickets“ and imprint of customer names on the tokens for non-transferrable travel
cards) and these are imported as binding processes into the ABO-VU system.
Contract management is rounded off by
additional functions such as the possibility of
contract suspension for good will reasons,
monitoring of the expiry of validity periods for
discounted travel cards, chronological listing
of deliveries and requirements of individal contracts, as well as output of individual cover letters on the basis of Word templates.
Inspired by the transport providers, the
processes for customer administration were
fundamentally revised in the new system, and
supplemented with customised contract management. This ensures that the entire “travel
card life“ of a travel card customer is continuously traceable in the system.
Further additional features include processing of new invoicing modes (monthly bulk collection for corporate customers and two-part
invoicing of employer and employee contributions for job tickets), the processing of several
dates for direct debiting within a month, and
diverse supplements for printing and exporting
system data.
Following an extensive test of the ABO
module for administration of individual and
corporate customer travel cards/job tickets,
this was implemented for different transport
providers in the first quarter of 2012.
The VU module for the administration of
school transport tickets is now being tested with the objective of implementing it for
transport providers in preparation for the coming school year 2012/2013.
VABnet for ORP in Ostprignitz-Ruppin
VABnet for Ostprignitz-RuppinerPersonennahverkehrsgesellschaft mbH
To make public transport more attractive,
Ostprignitz-Ruppiner-Personennahverkehrsgesellschaft (ORP) based in Kyritz in
Prignitz in the northwest of the state of Brandenburg is introducing an automatic vehicle
monitoring system called RBL-Light. ORP is a
member of Berlin-Brandenburg transport network and they cooperate in the RBL-Light project with the partners indicated in the diagram.
Passengers will soon be offered dynamic
passenger information and connection guarantee at different hubs. In the ORP‘s operations
control centre, staff can follow current operating situations in tabular overviews or Google
overview maps on monitor workstations.
A voice communication workstation has
been designed to enable bus drivers to talk to
each other and to the OCC.
The VABnet supplied by VAB comprises
functions for administration of extra on-demand runs. Passengers wishing to travel, call
the OCC or a connected contractual taxi company. VABnet then takes care of the organisation, execution and invoicing of the additional
runs, thus generating transparent performance
data for the transport provider.
Information on the current operating
situation in the OCC
SteKo GmbH
Fahr- und Dienstplanprogramm
Beratungsgesellschaft für
Leit-, Informations- und
Dates for
Berlin GmbH
RBL light
krauth technology GmbH
Elektronisches Fahrgeldmanagementsystem
ORP is a member of Berlin-Brandenburg
transport network. They cooperate in the project with the partners indicated in the diagram.
18 - 21
in Berlin
International fair
Vehicle tracking and visualisation
on integrated Google Maps
to booth 110
in Hall 4.2!
Here you can
• VABdepot,
• VABnet,
• VABtrack
• VABcon
Tabular view of the runs in the OCC,
extra on-demand runs are marked in grey italics
Tabular view of the runs in the OCC,
connecting runs are highlighted in red
VAB at IT-TRANS in Karlsruhe 2012
Exhibition Report IT-TRANS in Karlsruhe
International Conference and Exhibition for IT solutions for public transport
The organisers, the UITP (International AsAt this international top event in Karlsruhe,
sociation of Public Transport) in Brussels, and VAB showcased and presented innovative deKarlsruhe Messe-und Kongressgesellschaft velopments in their VABdepot, VABnet,
(KMK), report impressive numbers of visitors VABtrack and VABcon products at their
to the IT-TRANS, the International Conference booth E 12, with diverse system solutions for
and Exhibition for IT solutions in public trans- depot management, satellite-aided control and
port. 3,132 participants, including 528 confe- information systems, infrastructure data marence delegates from around 50 nations, came nagement and travel card administration and
to Karlsruhe from 15 to 17 February 2012 school transport.
(Source: – information portal
for public transport ).
In comparison to the previous event which
took place in 2010 in booked out Karlsruhe
Congress Centre, the exhibition area was
more than twice as large this year. The fair was
attended by the decision-makers, managing
directors, purchasing staff and IT heads of organisations which provide public transport.
Berlin GmbH
Fanny-Zobel-Straße 9
12435 Berlin
Phone +49 30 53 62 25 00
VABmove is distributed free
of charge. The opinions expressed in this publication
are not necessarily those of
the editor.
IT-TRANS 2012 Internationale
Conference + Exhibition
for IT-solutions
for public transport
The conference and exhibition were accompanied by an extensive program of lectures.
Speakers from all over the world presented
their innovative technical solutions for the future of mass transit in Market Update Forums.
Verkehrsautomatisierung Berlin at
IT-TRANS 2012 in Karlsruhe
VAB also gave a talk and presentation on
„VABdepot - The Leading Depot Management - integrated and innovative it-solutions
for depot management and realtime operation
control. Don‘t miss a single meter movement
of your fleet! Successful installations throughout Europe!“
18. - 21. September 2012
InnoTrans in Berlin
19. - 21. Februar 2014
IT-TRANS in Karlsruhe.
We cordially welcome you to
come to our booth F9
in Hall 1!
Dates for your diary!
The next IT-TRANS
will be held at
Messe Karlsruhe
from 19 - 21 February
We cordially
welcome you
to come to our booth!
Depot Management System for üstra Hannover
Our representations
in Europe
Exhibition report
InnoTrans 2012 in Berlin