Saint Mary School


Saint Mary School
Saint Mary School
Our Principals
Dear Parents, Alumni, and Friends of
Saint Mary School,
Principal’s Letter ………......2
Mission and History ………3
The three cornerstones of the Saint Mary
School mission are academics, faith, and
community. In this, our second Annual
Report, we celebrate our community
which supports all that we do. Each
and every one of you is helping us
achieve our mission, whether you give us your time by
volunteering, or contribute to our financial viability, or pray
for our students and teachers. We are in this together!
A Farewell to Mrs. Moffat ..4
Annual Fund Results….…..8
Golf Outing …………….....10
Gala ………………………..11
A School Prayer …………..12
Saint Mary
Technology was a huge focus for us this past year, and we
upgraded our wireless infrastructure and purchased iPads
for all of our teachers as a result of your generosity. In
addition, over the summer we completely refurbished the
Computer Lab with new Chromebooks. This all helped lay
the foundation for the Middle School students transitioning
to iPads in January 2014.
I cannot reflect back on the 2012-2013 school year without the
Sandy Hook tragedy coming to mind. Our world changed
that December day. As you know, we completely reviewed
and changed our security protocols with the support and
input of the town of Ridgefield and Saint Mary Parish. We
continue to pray for our neighbors in Newtown.
Our students at Saint Mary School are thriving, not just in
their studies, but spiritually and socially as well. Thank you
once again for all of your support!
Blessings and Peace,
High Ridge Avenue
Ridgefield, CT 68377
Anna O’Rourke
2 • w w w. s m s r i d g e f i e l d . o r g
Our Mission
Saint Mary School is committed to
academic excellence,
a strong f a i t h b a s e d e d u c a t i o n ,
and a nurturing c o m m u n i t y e n v i r o n m e n t
where students thrive
intellectually, spiritually, and socially.
Our History
In 1954, Saint Mary Parish purchased land on High Ridge Avenue for a school, and opened
Saint Mary School with first through third grades in temporary quarters. The new school
building, completed in 1956, was designed for 400 pupils. With an addition put on, it held
600 students by the late 1960’s. The school was closed due to a lack of teaching nuns in June,
After 25 years of dormancy, the Saint Mary Parish community had the courage and foresight
to reinvest in the future of our young people. In September, 1996, 20 children entered
Kindergarten at the rededicated Saint Mary School. One grade was added each year, and in
2005 the first 8th grade class of the “new” Saint Mary School graduated. Those graduates
have just completed college and are entering the “adult world”.
Saint Mary School has achieved so much since its re-opening 16 years ago. SMS is one of the
highest performing schools in the country, and was recognized as a National Blue Ribbon
Award winner. Our students are happy and thriving, with high testing performance, strong
high school and college placement, numerous academic and community service awards, and
a demonstrable commitment to Catholic values.
A Farewell to Mrs. Moffat
One of our cornerstones at Saint Mary School is our community. We said goodbye to a longtime
member of our Saint Mary family, second grade teacher Mrs. Pam Moffat, who moved this summer. In
her twelve years at SMS, she saw us grow and evolve, and contributed greatly to our success. Whether
you remember her from second grade, from tutoring, from her contributions to the Student Teacher
Basketball games, she touched our hearts! A special thanks to SMS Class of 2010 Alumni, Victoria
Rio, for her profile of Mrs. Moffat.
When Pam Moffat arrived twelve years ago as the Second Grade teacher,
Saint Mary School was a very different place. Chalkboards, not whiteboards,
lined the classroom walls, gym class took place in the Hall, and the oldest
students were fifth, not eighth, graders. Over the years, Mrs. Moffat has
witnessed the school grow and has contributed much to that development.
Although she is now leaving Saint Mary, her influence on the school
community will undoubtedly remain.
Her colleagues respect Mrs. Moffat’s commitment to and passion for teaching,
as well as her dedication to students and faculty alike. According to Fourth
Grade teacher Karen Fahey, Mrs. Moffat “is always willing to go the extra
foot, yard, mile, for any of her colleagues. She is a wealth of information in all
Mrs. Pam Moffat with SMS Class of 2010 alum,
Cara Capilli
subject areas, and consequently, a great resource and helper.” When asked
what memories come to mind about Mrs. Moffat, Mrs. Fahey jokes,
“Laminating!” demonstrating how her colleague’s enthusiasm and cheerful attitude extend even to the
For Mrs. Moffat, the best part of teaching is the children: “the things they say, the things they do, their
innocence.” Getting to know each student individually, learning and recognizing that child’s strengths and
weaknesses, and helping him or her to learn and grow is the most rewarding experience that she could
imagine. Mrs. Moffat will continue teaching at a new school, Third Grade, rather than Second, but she will
undoubtedly establish traditions like those that she started at Saint Mary.
One time-honored tradition to which every second grader looks forward is a visit from Harry, a stuffed bear
who travels to the home of each student over the course of the year. With his soft beige fur and cheerful, sewed
-on smile, Harry’s appearance does not betray his many years of traveling. Each day, he departs the classroom
in style, complete with a tote bag containing his extensive wardrobe, and spends the afternoon and night at a
lucky student’s house. Over the years, Harry has attended countless practices and games of every sport
imaginable, made friends with dozens of cats, dogs, and other pets, and been to dance recitals, birthday parties,
sleepovers, movie nights, and much more. All of his travels are recorded in journals so that neither he nor the
students can forget their time spent together. The coveted day for a visit from Harry is, of course, Friday, so as
to have an entire weekend of adventures to add to the journal. And, as a souvenir of his time spent with each
student, Harry receives a new item of clothing to add to his tote bag for future travels.
Mrs. Moffat’s classroom is a vibrant and active one. Students dive into the prehistoric era with the dinosaur
project, explore books more in-depth through monthly book reports, and channel their inner journalists by
creating their own issues of Time magazine. According to a former student, "there's never a dull moment!"
Over the course of the year, with activities designed to combine learning and enjoyment, Mrs. Moffat guides
the students through the important transition from first to third graders.
After school, Mrs. Moffat is equally active and busy, as shown by her
commitment to the American Girl Doll enrichment program. She was inspired
to create this popular after-school activity after meeting Pleasant Rowland, the
founder and manufacturer of American Girl dolls, in Vermont. Now, once a
week, SMS elementary school girls and their dolls gather for an afternoon of
learning and fun, jumping into the past through crafts and activities themed
according to the cultural and historical context of each doll’s story. “I try to go
with what the dolls are known for,” says Mrs. Moffat. For example, she has the
girls paint wooden spoons in order to bring alive the story of Kirsten, a
Swedish doll whose family built a new life on the American frontier during the
Incoming Grade 2 teacher Miss Amanda Johnson with
Mrs. Pam Moffat
Although Saint Mary has changed over the past twelve years, Mrs. Moffat’s approach to teaching has not. She
bases her philosophy on forming relationships with her students founded on mutual respect and kindness.
Mrs. Moffat strives, in her own words, “to give each child individual recognition, to listen to what they have to
say, and to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each individual.” In a classroom where learning and
fun have equal importance, she makes school a place that fosters not only intellectual curiosity but also sharing
and enjoyment.
Her departure is bittersweet, combining the sadness of goodbyes with the comfort of happy memories and the
excitement of new horizons. Therefore, in saying goodbye to Mrs. Moffat, the SMS community looks to the
words of Dr. Seuss: “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
Our Community of volunteers
Volunteers are a vital part of so much
of what we do at Saint Mary School.
Listed below are some of the many
ways our families contributed their
time and talents during the 2012-2013
school year to the benefit of our community. Thank you to all!
Annual Fund Committee
Art Show Prep
Boxtop Coordinator
Cheerleading Coach es
Class Parents
Father Daughter Dance
Golf Outing
HSA Board (Home School
Library Volunteers
Memorial Day Parade
Math Fair
Nature Club
Open House Ambassadors
Reading Group Leaders
Saint Mary Garden
SAB (School Advisor y Board)
Science Enrichment
Scholastic Book Fairs
Scout Leaders
SMS Gala
Stop and Shop A+
Talent Show
Track Coaches
Trunk or Treat
Volleyball Coach
Cori Abbruzzese
Kellie Ackerman
Todd Ackerman
Peter Alessi
Sherry Anandappa
Laura Arnold
Dawn Bell
Norma Bernard
Julie Brosnan
Alison Brown
Bud Brown
Amy Bruce
Kathleen Budzik
John Butala
Patrice Butala
Patti Capilli
Joanne Chapleau
Cathleen Depuy
MaryEllen Donovan
Sean Donovan
6 • w w w. s m s r i d g e f i e l d . o r g
Brian Douglas
Tamara Douglas
Amy Dowding
Paul Dowding
Elizabeth Eckardt
Scott Eckardt
Aldo Edwards
Danielle Edwardson
Scott Edwardson
Christine Esposito
Doug Esposito
Niro Feliciano
Carol Ann Galban
Mary Gillespie
Marcia Giorgio
Anne Greenleaf
John Greenleaf
John Hantak
Kris Hantak
Wendy Harco
Danielle Harrington
Peter Harrington
Claude Petit
Cindy Rio
Vivian Robert
Jennifer Friend Szewczuk
Patricia Shea
Toni Piazza
Ray Piniella
Sharon Reilly
Ed Simoneau
Jennifer Jasminski
Robert Jasminski
Cindy Jeffries
Jolanta Juul
Mary Bridget Kager
Edyta Kalbfus
Louise Kennerley
Julie Kimbrough
Lisa Kratter
Sandy Linekin
Lourdes Maisonnet
Lydia Margolus
Margaret Flynn Martin
Lisy Martinez
Donna Mauro
Meghan McCaughey
Kristen McCarrick
Tom McNicholas
Veronica McNicholas
Devin meenan
Kathy Meenan
Patty Middlebrook
Carmen Miller
Stephen Miller
Jennifer Mitchell
John Mitchell
Stacey Mullins
Jeffry Mullins
Beth O’Brien
Laura O’Hanlon
Mark O’Hanlon
Robin Ostrosky
Pamela Simoneau
Jennifer Slovinski
Kevin Smith
Michelle Smith
Christopher Spahn
Gina Spahn
Kim Steinmann
Chuck Stuhr
Leila Stuhr
Sarah Sullivan
Mary Tappan
Andrew Terzis
Noreen Theys
Jeanette Thompson
Cindy Whitehouse
Interested in Volunteering?
Please contact HSA President Stacey Mullins at to learn more.
2012-2013 Annual Fund
From the Annual Fund Chairman
On behalf of the entire Saint Mary School community, thank you for your support. During the 2012-2013 school year, parents, staff, alumni, and
friends contributed $169,950 and exceeded our fundraising goal. Your generous donations ensure the viability and sustainability of the school and
advance the spiritual, moral, intellectual, and physical development of all students.
The SMS Annual Fund is the cornerstone of all fund raising for the School. Proceeds from the Fund are an essential component of the school's budget,
used for a variety of key operating expenses, capital expenditures, annual staff appreciation awards and future reserves. As part of our mission to make a
high quality Catholic education accessible to all, we strive to keep our tuition affordable and we offer significant financial assistance to those in need.
Therefore, we rely on the Annual Fund as a crucial component of our annual budget. I am encouraged by our continued fundraising progress and
hopeful we can expand the breadth and depth of our efforts during the next school year. To that end, I am excited to introduce John Butala as the Annual
Fund Chairman for 2013-2014. John has insightful fundraising experience and is committed to the SMS mission. We are fortunate to have him
coordinate our fundraising efforts and I wish him the best of luck.
Thank you again for your generous support.
Scott Edwardson
Angel Society
(Gifts of $7,566+)
Mr. Patrick Brown and Ms. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Edwardson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCarrick
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Spahn
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Theys
General Electric Foundation
Cornerstone Society
(Gifts of $5,666-$7,499)
Blue Ribbon Society
(Gifts of $2,566 - $4,999)
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John Butala
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Eckardt
Dr. Carol Ann Galban
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jasminski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Linekin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simoneau
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stuhr
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith
Champion Society
(Gifts of $8,566 - $2,499)
Mr. Peter Alessi and Ms. Julie
Mr. and Mrs. Dayan Anandappa
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bonanni
Mr. and Mrs. James Bruce
Mrs. Joanne Chapleau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeGennaro
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dowding
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John May
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn McVay
Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. John Spera
Mr. and Mrs. David Whitehouse
Macy’s Foundation
How to Give to SMS
Please make check payable to SMS Annual Fund, and send to
Saint Mary Annual Fund
183 High Ridge Avenue
Ridgefield, CT 06877
Or, visit / Support SMS and click the “Make a Gift” button to make an on-line donation.
8 • w w w. s m s r i d g e f i e l d . o r g
We appreciate each and every gift made to the 2012-2013 Annual Fund, as each one contributes to our mission and
impacts the faith, learning, and community that is Saint Mary School. Each of you is truly making a difference!
Principal’s Circle
(Gifts of $8,666 - $8,499)
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Zuckert
Valerie Ann Luff Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mason
Ms. Megan McCaughey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Anonymous (4)
Class of 2016
and Mrs. Kevin McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Abbruzzese
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller
Benefactor Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carone
(Gifts of $256 - $499)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James Forrest
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Neumann
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gaglione Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Langis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feliciano
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olkoski
Mr. and Mrs. Dino Trevisani
Mr. and Mrs. John Gasparrini
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ostrosky
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Giannoutsos
Ms. Kirsten Salley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gong
Mr. and Mrs. Andres Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. John Hantak
Mr. Damon Savoy and Mr. John
Mrs. and Mrs. Mark Kratter
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Murdoch
Guardian Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Verrilli
Mr. and Mrs. Mark O’Hanlon
(Gifts of $566 - $999)
Dr. and Mrs. Yuwen Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Pelusio
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Joseph Wolak
Mr. Duane Schirmer and Ms.
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Arguello
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf
Vittoria Crea
Mr. and Mrs. Serge Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shea
Mr. Christopher Butz and Ms.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Slovinski Penguins Circle
Lourdes Maisonet
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zuck
(Gifts of $56 - $99)
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Carlesi
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter DiFabio
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Mrs. Leslie Chiodi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Giorgio
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenleaf
Blue and White Circle
Mr. Stephan Masi
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harrington
(Gifts of $866 - $249)
Ms. Barbara Tuccio
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howard
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Menapace
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ackerman Ms. Nicole Zalkin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brugnatelli Mr. Chester Zawacki
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nieves
Mr. and Mrs. John Painter
Mr. and Mrs. Jarnail Dhaliwal
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Piazza
(Gifts of $8- $49)
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Robert
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schorp
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McVey
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Tappan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silveri
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Ms. Michele Spera
Mr. and Mrs. David Kulo
Mrs. Janet Yanity
Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacGilvray
2 012-2013
Annual Fund
Sco tt E dwar dson
Msgr. Br onki ewicz
Ann a O’ Rou rke
Sean Dono van - Chai r
Bu d B ro wn
Brian Do ugla s
Sco tt E dwar dson
Devi n Meena n
Stacey Mullin s - H SA C hair
Leila Stu hr
Sar ah Sulliv an
John H an tak
Chri stop her Sp ahn
Juli e Kim bro ugh
Stacey Mullin s
Amy Do wding
Leila Stu hr
Dani elle E dwar dson
Kevin Smi th
Tom McNichola s
Ray Pini ella
SMS Annual Scramble and Fall Dinner
The SMS Annual Scramble was held October 1, 2012 at Silver Spring Country Club in Ridgefield. It was a beautiful day, and a
great celebration of our community! Thank you to all of our sponsors, staff, volunteers, and participants who made the day so
successful and enjoyable!
A special “Thank You” to our Golf Committee:
Bud and Alison Brown
John and Kris Hantak
John and Jennifer Mitchell
Corporate Sponsors
Mystic Friends of Saint Mary School
The Mullins Family
Dinner Sponsors
BMW of Ridgefield
Design Builders & Remodeling, Inc.
Tee Sponsors
Doyle Coffin Architecture
Edgewood Management
Fairfield County Bank
Friends of Saint Mary School
Golf Performance Center
Happy Panda Mandarin School
Immaculate High School
St. Joseph’s High School
Steve’s Bagels
Stratis Contracting Corporation
The Spera Family
Winter Garden Ice Arena
Adam Broderick Salon
Addessi Jewelers
Bissell Pharmacy
Books on the Common
Cathie Bonner / Got Edges?
Casey Fuel
Hutton’s Fine Menswear
Kennedy’s All American Barber Club
Hilton Hotels
Peaceable Farms
Piccolo’s Pizza
Pilates Barre
Ridgefield Playhouse
Rodier Flowers
Silver Spring Country Club
Silver Spring Pro Shop
The Spirit Shop
The Toy Chest
West Lane Inn
Annual Fund Staff and Faculty Gifts
Once again, 100% of our staff and faculty have made contributions to our Annual Fund. Their devotion to our school and
students is unmatched!
Mr. Patrick Alarcon
Mrs. Cindy Altman
Ms. Kathy Backus
Mrs. Cathy Betesh
Mrs. Julie Buttrick
Ms. Cate Carroll
Mrs. Tara Chila
Ms. Catherine daCruz
Mrs. Karen Fahey
Mr. Daniel Fox
Mrs. Pam Gismondi
Mrs. Lisa LeFebvre
Ms. Amanda Johnson
Ms. Jennifer Gallo
Ms. Jennifer Kasinskas
Mrs. Jody Lampasso
Mrs. Doreen Lodigiani
Mrs. Jean Lombardo
1 0 • w w w. s m s r i d g e f i e l d . o r g
Mrs. Elizabeth Manno
Mrs. Pam Moffat
Ms. Donna Montalto
Ms. Elizabeth Nesbitt
Mrs. Jessica O’Connell
Mrs. Ann O’Leary
Mrs. Anna O’Rourke
Mr. Michael Quinn
Mrs. AnneMarie Richards
Mrs. Robin Rohrmann
Ms. Jennifer Santangelo
Ms. Natalie Schleisman
Mrs. Joanne Seavy
Mrs. Linda Silvers
Mrs. Lisa Smith
Mrs. Mary Spera
Mrs. Nancy Szilagyi
Mrs. Debbie Tropsa
SMS Gala 268
Celebrate Faith, Family and Friends
The Saint Mary School Hall was transformed for the
2013 SMS Gala—Celebrate Faith, Family and Friends. In celebration of
the class of 2005, who graduated from college this year, we took a look back at the early years of the re-opened
SMS. We are forever grateful to the families that paved the way for where we are today!
A special thank you to Gala Co-Chairs Patti Capilli and Stacey Mullins, and their committee who planned such a
wonderful night, and all of our generous Parents, Staff, Alumni, Students, Parishoners and Friends for their continued support in insuring the success of Saint Mary School!
109 Cheese and Wine
50 Coins
Adam Broderick Salon
Addessi Jewelers
Patrick Alarcon
The Alessi / Kimbrough Family
Cindy Altman
Ancona’s Market
Chuck Stuhr of Animal Eye Clinic
Aristo Nail Salon
Kathy Backus
Bartolo Restaurant
Cathy Betesh
Boys and Girls Club of Ridgefield
Bridgeport Bluefish
Bridgeport Sound Tigers
Julie Buttrick
Canterbury School
Cathie Bonner / Got Edges
Cate Carroll
Joanne Chapleau
Chez Lenard
Convent of the Sacred Heart
Coty, Inc.
Crosswinds Equestrian Center
Catherine daCruz
The Donovan Family
Doubletree Hotels and Resorts
The Dowding Family
Elizabeth Eckardt
Mrs. Virginia Edwardson
Karen Fahey
The Fur Side
Raffaele Gallo
Pam Gismondi
Mrs. Ingela Gram
Gymnastic Spectrum
Hilton Hotels and Resorts
Immaculate High School
J.R.S. Remodeling, LLC
Amanda Johnson
Jennifer Kasinskas
Knights Limousine
Jody Lampasso
The David Letterman Show
The Loft at Bissell
Jean Lombardo
Luc’s Restaurant
Liz Manno
First Selectman Rudy Marconi
Milillo Farms
Pam Moffat
Donna Montalto
The Mullins Family
Liz Nesbitt
Jessica O’Connell
Anne O’Leary
Anna O’Rourke
Parma Market and Bakery
Andrew and Diane Terzis of The
Persian Shop
Quarry Ridge Animal Hospital
Mike Quinn
The Redding Country Club
AnneMarie Richards
Ridgefield Fitness Club
Ridgefield Liquors
Ridgefield Organics
Ridgefield Pet
Ridgefield Police Department
Ridgefield Prime
Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra
Ridgefield Tennis Club
Ridgewood Country Club
Rodier Flowers
Robin Rohrmann
Salem Golf Club
Jennifer Santangelo
Joanne Seavy
Shaolin Studios
Jeff Shaw of Shaw’s Landscaping
Silver Spring Country Club
The Simoneau Family
The Smith Family
Lisa Smith
Spagone Restaurant
Steve’s Bagels (Mark and Toni Piazza)
Nancy Szilagyi
The Toy Chest
Tiella Restaurant
Tiger Sports
Debbie Tropsa
Jeanette Campo of To Infinity
WEBE 108 / WICC 600
Winter Garden Ice Arena
A School Prayer
God, our Father,
Creator of all good things
in the world and within our school community:
We thank you for the gift of this day,
for our families and friends
and for this safe place to learn and grow.
We ask You to bless all who teach and learn.
Through Your Holy Spirit,
guide us as we grow in faith and love
and give us the courage
to be more like Your Son.
We ask this, in Jesus' name.
1 2 • w w w. s m s r i d g e f i e l d . o r g