Mid-States Holstein News - Missouri Holstein Association
Mid-States Holstein News - Missouri Holstein Association
March 2013 Mid-States Holstein News 2013 Southern Spring National Holstein Show 2013 Southern National Jersey Show A A pr pr ii ll 88 -- 11 33 ,, 22 00 11 33 Pa Pa yy n n ee C C oo unt unt yy E E xx po po Ce Ce nt nt ee rr S S tt illw illw aa tt ee r, r, O O kl kl aa ho ho m m aa Entries Entries close close March March 8th 8th The 2013 Holstein Show has been The 2013 Holstein Show has been designated designated aa National show by Holstein Association National show by Holstein Association USA, USA, Inc. Inc. Therefore all National rules apply. Therefore all National rules apply. Schedule Schedule of of Events Events Monday, Monday, April April 8 8 Wednesday, Wednesday, April April 10 10 8:00 8:00 a.m. a.m. 12:00 12:00 p.m. p.m. 12:00 12:00 p.m. p.m. 6:00 6:00 p.m. p.m. Thursday, Thursday, April April 11 11 6:00 6:00 a.m. a.m. 10:00 10:00 a.m. a.m. 7:00 7:00 p.m. p.m. Cattle Cattle can can begin begin arriving arriving on on fairgrounds fairgrounds Stalls will be assigned Stalls will be assigned Cattle Cattle must must be be in in place place and and checked checked in in Exhibitors Meeting and Dinner Exhibitors Meeting and Dinner --- catered catered by by Klein’s Klein’s -Sponsor: Lonestar Milk Producers -- Sponsor: Lonestar Milk Producers Regional Regional Holstein Holstein meeting meeting -- Heritage Heritage Hall Hall Complimentary Complimentary donuts, donuts, milk, milk, coffe coffe and and juice juice --- Sponsor: Sponsor: COBA COBA Southern Spring Junior Holstein Show and Southern Southern Spring Junior Holstein Show and Southern National National Jersey Jersey Junior Junior Show Show (will alternate), Judge: Jeff Brown, Jackson Center, OH (will alternate), Judge: Jeff Brown, Jackson Center, OH Showmanship Showmanship (Holstein (Holstein and and Jersey) Jersey) Judge: Judge: Karla Karla Deaver, Deaver, Mt. Mt. Vernon, Vernon, MO MO Junior social (all juniors invited) -Eskimo Joes!!! Junior social (all juniors invited) -- Eskimo Joes!!! There There has has been been aa change change by by the the National National Holstein Holstein Association Association on on transfer transfer and and length length of of ownership ownership on on cows. cows. Since Since the the Southern Southern National National is is aa spring spring show show heifers heifers and and cows cows can can be be exhibited exhibited as as long long as as the the papers papers have have been been transferred transferred by by show show day. day. Friday, Friday, April April 12 12 Saturday, Saturday, April April 13 13 6:00 6:00 a.m. a.m. 11:00 11:00 a.m. a.m. 12:00 12:00 noon noon 7:00 7:00 p.m. p.m. 6:00 6:00 a.m. a.m. 8:00 8:00 a.m. a.m. 1:00 1:00 p.m. p.m. Complimentary Complimentary donuts, donuts, milk, milk, coffe coffe and and juice juice --- Sponsor: Sponsor: COBA COBA Complimentary Complimentary lunch lunch --- Sponsor: Sponsor: Southwest Southwest Dairy Dairy Farmers Farmers Oklahoma Oklahoma State State Holstein Holstein Sale Sale Complimentary steak Complimentary steak dinner dinner ----- Sponsor: Sponsor: Land Land O’ O’ Lakes Lakes Purina Purina Complimentary Complimentary donuts, donuts, milk, milk, coffe coffe and and juice juice --- Sponsor: Sponsor: COBA COBA Southern Spring National Holstein Open Show and Southern Spring National Holstein Open Show and Southern Southern National National Jersey Jersey Open Open Show Show (will alternate), Judge: Molly Sloan, Columbus, WI (will alternate), Judge: Molly Sloan, Columbus, WI Jr. Jr. 2-yr 2-yr olds olds through through group group classes classes All All show show cattle cattle will will be be released released at at the the conclusion conclusion of of the the show show on on Saturday. Saturday. HEADQUARTERS: HEADQUARTERS: Wyndham Wyndham Gardens Gardens (formerly (formerly Stillwater Stillwater Plaza) Plaza) -- Rooms Rooms held held until until April April 11 (Mom’s (Mom’s Weekend) Weekend) Mention Holstein or Jersey Show for special rate. Mention Holstein or Jersey Show for special rate. $79/night OTHER $79/night -- $99/Friday $99/Friday night night OTHER MOTELS MOTELS 600 E. E. McElroy McElroy Rd. Rd. Days Inn Inn 405-743-2570 Motel Motel 66 405-624-0433 600 Days 405-743-2570 405-624-0433 405-377-7010 Fairfi 405-372-6300 405-372-0800 405-377-7010 Fairfield eld Inn Inn 405-372-6300 Quality Quality Inn Inn 405-372-0800 Hampton 405-743-1306 405-372-7100 Hampton Inn Inn & & Suites Suites 405-743-1306 Microtel Microtel 405-372-7100 Residence Inn Marriott 405-707-0588 Residence Inn Marriott 405-707-0588 Oklahoma Oklahoma Holstein Holstein Association Association Todd Mason, Todd Mason, President President Route Route 5, 5, Box Box 197 197 Kingfi sher, Kingfisher, OK OK 73750 73750 405-375-3484; cell cell 405-408-8941 405-408-8941 405-375-3484; masondairy@pldi.net masondairy@pldi.net Oklahoma Oklahoma Holstein Holstein Association Association Angie Meyer, Angie Meyer, Secretary/Treasurer Secretary/Treasurer Route Route 4, 4, Box Box 166B 166B Okarche, Okarche, OK OK 73762 73762 405-263-4920; cell cell 405-298-0082 405-298-0082 405-263-4920; oklahomaholstein@aol.com oklahomaholstein@aol.com Oklahoma Oklahoma Jersey Jersey Cattle Cattle Club Club Shelley Haley, President Shelley Haley, President 870791 870791 S. S. Hickory Hickory Lane Lane Chandler, OK Chandler, OK 74834 74834 405-596-7120 405-596-7120 shelleyrhaley@hotmail.com shelleyrhaley@hotmail.com Mid-States Holstein News Inside: Southern National Information Oklahoma State Sale March 2013 VOLUME 149 Published: March 1 June 1 September 1 December 1 Sue Ann Steele, Editor Rte. 4, Box 676 Butler, MO 64730 660-200-5214 Email: holstein1995@gmail.com Kate Geppert, Managing Editor 5803 Redwing Drive Columbia, MO 65202 573.814.3148 or 573.808.5607 Fax: 573.814.3148 Email: dkgeppert@mchsi.com ARKANSAS: President: Bruce Tencelve, Little Rock; Vice-President: Susan Fisher, Beebe; Secretary/ Treasurer: Jim Griffin, 15542 Logan Cave Rd, Siloam Springs, AR; BOARD MEMBERS: Doug Herbaugh, Dr. Wayne Kellogg, Jodie Pennington, James Smith, Mike Quattlebaum, Randy Spears, Brian Weisenfels KANSAS: President: Robbie Leach; Vice-President: Dwight Rokey; Past President: David Rottinghaus; Secretary: Kerri Ebert, 4210 Wam-Teau Drive, Wamego, DIRECTORS: Devon Benfer, Darren Benfer, Ryan Bodenhausen, Harry Clubine, Eugene George, Kevin Fast , Dale Klassen, Carol Keen, Doug Unruh, Kevin Winter MISSOURI: President: Eric Ling, Springfield ; VicePresident: Jay Moreleand, Harrisonville, Linn; Secretary/Treasurer: Jodi Wright, Clever; Directorat-large: Brad Grove, Billings, DIRECTORS: Eric Adkins, Dallas Cornelius, Matt Day, Stacey Dohle, Kirby Hanson, Joe McClellan, Jay Moreland, Justin Nelson, Crystal Radamacher, John Schoen, Marvin Schoen, Ed Steele NEW MEXICO: President: Andy Vaz, Roswell; VicePresident; Buster Goff; Secretary/Treasurer: Wendy Zens, 190 Dairy Rd, Willard OKLAHOMA: President: Todd Mason, Kingfisher;, 1st Vice President: Tom Meyer, Okarche Secretary/ Treasurer: Angie Meyer, Rte. 4, Box 82, Okarche; DIRECTORS: Fred Chitwood, Norman Bayless, Steve Pope, David Jones, Brad Chapman TEXAS: President, Michael Schreiber, Windthorst; Vice-President: Leo Hoff, Jr, Windthorst, Sec/Treas: Elwyn Liggett, 519 Liggett Rd, Bellevue; DIRECTORS: Randy Carpenter, Richie Heida, Gerard Hoekman, John Koster, Joseph Osinga, Stanley Haedge, Bradly Veitenheimer, Chad Steinberger The MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS (ISSN 08842809) is published 4 times yearly - March, June, September, and December - by the Holstein Associations of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Periodical postage paid at Butler, MO 64730 and at additional mailing offices. Subscription rate, $5.00, included in each state membership fee. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS, Kate Geppert, 5803 Redwing Dr, Columbia, MO 65202. PERIODICAL POSTAL CODE:355240 PAGE 2 - MSHN, March 2013 On the cover The Heart of America Dairy Forum was held January 25-26, 2013 in Springfield, Missouri. Over 300 dairy enthusiasts from Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma and 50 plus exhibitors attended the meetings which featured seminars on Nutrition, Dairy Policy Outlooks, Reproduction and Mastitis issues. Missouri US Senator Roy Blunt was in attendance and spent some time addressing the session and visiting with attendees. The Friday afternoon session was highlighted by a panel discussion of dairymen including Jeff Buckner, Stockton, MO; Marilyn Calvin, Mount Vernon, MO; Stacey McCallister, Mountain Grove, MO and John Schoen, Oak Ridge, MO. The Dairy Forum was sponsored by the Missouri Dairy Association. The June Mid-States will feature a round-up of the Spring Shows, especially the 2013 Southern Spring National in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Also, as a reminder, the June issue is distributed to attendees at the National Holstein Convention in Indiana this July. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Strickler Family, Iola, Kansas as they work to rebuild after a devastating fire in January. They were able to relocate the milking herd to other operations in Kansas as they rebuild their facilities. Regional Representatives: Jenny Elliott Iley Charlie Schiller 1404 Westwood Court 2060 E Harvest Ct, Apt 21 Stephenville, TX 76401 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 254-485-8629320-493-4082 jiley@holstein.comcschiller@holstein.com Nat’l Holstein Director Tim EwingRoy Buessing 4784 St. Hwy PP 1083 29th Road Fordland, MO 65652 Axtell, Kansas 66403 417-818-6455785-736-2766 tewing@holstein.compab@bluevalley.net Issue June 1 Sept. 1 Dec. 1 March 1 Ad Deadlines Deadline April 22 July 22 Oct. 22 Jan. 22 No ads after May 10 Aug. 10 Nov. 10 Feb. 1 Classification Schedule April July September Arkansas & Missouri Kansas, Colorado & Nebraska New Mexico, Texas & Oklahoma Mid-States Subscriptions are available. It’s $5 for those in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. For those outside the region, it’s $10. Contact Kate Geppert for more information. Oklahoma State Sale Offerings Here Comes Barb 2! Your Chance to Own Barbara’s Full Sister at the Oklahoma State Sale! Also Atwood X Breeze Embryos! RF Outside Breeze-ET 2E-95 5-03 365 3x 37,705 4.3 1627 3.3 1240 Lft: 1844 160,109 4.6 7323 3.4 5364 Grand Champion, Southern Spring National 2011 MS BAYLESS TALNT ALLISON-ET 2E-93 5-03 365 3X 28,530 3.7 1048 3.1 886 Her Time due in June to Braxton Sells! Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95 3-04 365 2x 34,465 3.6 1277 3.3 1133 All-American & All-Canadian 5-Yr Old 2010 Nom. All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 3-Yr Old CASTLEHOLM GOLDWYN RENEE-ET EX-92 3-10 363 3X 37,129 4.9 1827 3.1 1165 Braxton Embryos Sell from 15 generations EX Mason Dairy Farm Todd Mason ph: 405-408-8941 masondairy@pldi.net Kingfisher, Oklahoma MSHN, March 2013 - PAGE 3 From the Field ... “And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker’. So God made a farmer.” To all the farmers out there: I want to say thank you for all you do. You’re diligent in your labor, working from sunrise to sunset. You care about your family and your cows, before you care about yourself. You’ll put in the extra hours, and money, to ensure a local youth has a heifer to show at the county show with the showmanship skills you passed on. You’ll walk away from a warm dinner to help the neighbors put their cows back in the pasture. And you support your organizations, like Holstein Association, USA; so we want to thank you. You work hard and need more bang for your buck as feed and operating costs continue to rise. Your Regional Representatives are here to ensure you are getting the proper services and are partnered with the correct programs for your operation’s goals…and to stretch your dollar! Many of you are familiar with Holstein COMPLETE that allows many services to bundled together to offer you savings. Let’s take a look: • Cost for 100 registered cows on Holstein COMPLETE= $1650 • Value for 100 registered cows on Holstein COMPLETE=$2405 • Savings on COMPLETE vs a la carte services=$755! On top of these savings there are several things you can implement to ensure you are getting the best available pricing like: • Keep state and national memberships current • Register calves at 3 months or younger • Complete transfers within 30 days of sale • Use Holstein’s EASY program with tag ID to receive a $1 discount on animals under 6 months old • Work with Holstein for our cattle marketing networks Also on Holstein COMPLETE you can take advantage of 5% off genomic testing along with a $6 off benefit for each animal you register over your COMPLETE cap for the year! This is a great incentive to use up the full COMPLETE benefit in registering up to your cap, because anything over your cap will allow you a $6 credit to go towards next year’s COMPLETE cost. Last year Holstein Association, USA had a very successful year registering 362,669 head, which was an increase of 2,520 from 2011! This year we have visions for 400,000 registrations, so there is no better time to take advantage of the $6 off benefit. You have the opportunity to add value to your herd with increased registered numbers AND support your organization with this goal… all while stretching that dollar. If you have a COMPLETE cap of 100 animals, but register 200 animals for the year, this will allow you more animals to market from your herd followed by a $600 credit for next year’s COMPLETE! We understand each dairy operation has different goals, but as Holstein Association, USA members we all have the same goals to add value to our cattle, be a part of progressive dairy producers network to have a voice for dairy affairs, and to support our organization. So with Holstein operating as your partner, I encourage you to contact your Regional Representative today and ask us how you can support your organization to reach 400,000 registrations in 2013 and we’d be glad to assist in designing a program to fit your needs as a farmer, and as a dairy producer. Here’s to an abundant year! Jenny Iley 2013 Clinton County Classic March 23, 2013 10:30 am Carlyle, Illinois For More Info: Contact Larry Kleiner, 217-827-3468 PAGE 4 - MSHN, March 2013 National Director Notes ... As we sit here and await the outcome of the Big 12 basketball race and the snow to melt it is time to start thinking about the start of the spring show and sale season. The Southern National Show and Oklahoma Sale essentially kick off the nationwide season. What an opportunity! This allows us the first chance to take a good hard look at our show strings and maybe add to it with the animals the sale staff has worked so hard to put together. I’ve always found it easier to give Bobby what he wants rather then have him sit in the yard pouting. On the National side of things at Holstein it turned out to be a very good year financially. The number of animals registered was up again this year as was the number of Complete herds. In these tough times it is good to see management work hard to cut costs and yet keep a great and affordable product for all dairymen to take advantage of. With April coming up it also looks like we will finally be able to genomic test our own bulls. HAUSA is now taking orders to send in samples. However at this time we still do not know what the pricing schedule for this will be. As of today there still has not been a signed agreement on where the genomic evaluations and how they will all be handled in place. As part of the Board we all have held fast to the notion that we are looking out for ALL dairymen. These are OUR animals and we should have the right to the evaluations and should not have to pay any extra to test what is ours. The consensus of the Board has been to take our time through this process and get it right. We have felt that any time you are forced into doing something that doesn’t seem right most of the time there are actions that will probably benefit someone much more then the other. This has turned out to be quite a job with this DDA. There seems to be no clear cut answers. I guess it is just one of the perks of the job! See you at Stillwater Roy Brad Groves accepts the award for the 2012 Missouri Cow of the Year, Groves-Vu Blitz Lassie. Michelle Eilenstein was selected as the new Missouri Secretary. Current secretary Eilenstein will work with Jodi Wright during 2013. MSF 2013 Women in Agriculture Award A Missouri Woman in Agriculture Contest was recently launched by the Missouri State Fair in an effort to acknowledge the significant contributions women make to the state’s leading industry. The title will be awarded in two age divisions, with each winner receiving a $1,000 cash donation from Monsanto for an agriculture-related cause of her choice. The contest rules and application forms are available online at mostatefair.com/ag-contest, with entries being accepted now through March 29. Women ages 31 and older will be eligible for the Missouri Woman in Agriculture Award, and women ages 18-30 will be eligible for the Missouri Woman in Agriculture Rising Star Award. The criteria that the Missouri State Fair will be looking for in applicants will include leadership roles in Missouri agriculture, endeavors to perpetuate the industry, and examples of Fair participation. The two contest winners will be honored Thrusday Aug. 15 at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia. Special promotions focusing on women will be available this day, including free gate admission for all women. Holstein Offers Genomic Testing For Males Holstein Association USA is accepting orders for genomic testing kits for males, with evaluations expected to be available starting with the April 2013 official evaluation. The Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between USDA and the Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository (CDDR, composed of seven A.I. organizations), which restricts breeders from receiving genomic evaluations on bulls, expires on Friday, March 1. Although the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) recently voted to charge a service fee for all animals being genomic tested, Holstein Association USA will not be charging any additional fees until defined mechanisms are put into place to account and collect such fees. Holstein USA will continue to charge the same fees for testing any Holstein, male or female. As a reminder, following are the Holstein USA’s genomic testing fees for U.S. breeders: GGP-LD (9K SNP Test): $45 GGP-HD (77K SNP Test): $125 Additionally, Holstein COMPLETE herds receive a 5% credit for any genomic tests ordered. Genomic testing forms and DNA samples should be received at the lab by March 1 for the best chance in being included in the April genetic evaluation. Visit www.holsteinusa.com for more information about our genomic testing options. As more details become available, we will keep breeders informed by posting information on the web site, at www.holsteinusa.com. To order genomic testing kits, call Customer Service at 800.952.5200, or email genomics@holstein.com. Holstein USA Region 7 Meeting 6:00 pm, April 10, 2013 Heritage Hall Payne County Fairgrounds Stillwater, Oklahoma Holstein USA Board and Staff will provide an update on Holstein activities. Do you have concerns? questions? This is the perfect opportunity to get your answers! Pizza will be provided! RSVP by April 1 to Kelli Dunklee, 1-800-952-5200 ext 4124 kdunklee@holstein.com Would You Like One of These? Inter m ion hamp C e t a pion medi Inter Cham d n al Gra ation N Res. W & ast R Mid-E 2012 Show ter ll Sis u F 5 VG-8 ediat e Ch ampi 1st J on r . 3-Yr Kans O ld as St ate F air 2 012 VG-8 6 Fu ll Sis ter ROP ADVENT MORGAN-RED-ET EX-91 Owned by Frank Pretz, Christy Ratliff & Diane Ossenkop HER DAM: ROKEYROAD R MAPELINE-RED-ET VG-87 2-02 365 2X 28,739 3.7 1059 3.0 857 MAPELINE is fresh with a Barbwire son & is ready to flush Call if you are interested in your own show winner! E F steford arms Mike, Sherri, Makayla & Jerrett Bray 967 E 1500 Road - Lawrence, Kansas 66046 785.843.5595 Esteford@att.net One of Our Best to Oklahoma Selling: Esteford Atwood M&M Winter Yearling Atwood from the Dellia family Perfect for the 2013 Shows! MSHN, March 2013 - PAGE 5 Jerry King Jerry R. King, 78 of Butler, passed away February 23, 2013 at his home near Butler. Mr. King was born January 7, 1935 in Butler, son of Richard H. and Mary Irene (Showalter) King. He graduated from Adrian High School in 1953. In high school Jerry served as FFA president as well as FFA State Farmer and FFA American Farmer. He went on to the University of Missouri, where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture in 1957. In college, he served on the University’s Dairy Judging Team and was president of the Agriculture Club; he was also vice-president of his fraternity, Alpha Gamma Sigma. Jerry also served as president of Ruf Nex. On June 16, 1956, Mr. King was united in marriage to Jeanette Davis; they had been married 57 years at the time of his passing. Among many notable endeavors, Jerry will perhaps be remembered best as a Dairy Farmer; and proudly as a State Representative for Missouri’s 125th District, to which he was elected in 1998 and remained until 2004. Jerry began dairy farming with his brother-in-law, Edward H. Steele, in 1957, milking 270 registered Holstein cows daily. They formed a family corporation in 1972, Steele & King Farms, Inc. Jerry’s son Rick joined the corporation in 1980. In 1994, the Steele and King families were given the Missouri State Fair Family Recognition Award. From 1974 to 1984, the farming operation included a registered Angus and Simmental herd. The organization and operation of the Bates County Fair was of great importance to King, prompting him to serve as Chairman of the organization committee in 1972, and continuing as President of the Bates County Fair Board 1973-78. Jerry’s involvement and contributions to the field of agriculture, dairy farming, and education in both was extensive. At the local level, He was a 4H leader from 1960-80. Mr. King served on the board of directors and later as president of the Missouri Holstein Association. In the National Holstein Association, Jerry served at different times as a board member, and also chairman of the field operations and finance committees. He served on the board of the Mid-American Dairymen (Kansas City Division), the Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) Central Council Division 3, as well as the Executive Committee of the Kansas City Area Dairy Council and the World Dairy Exposition, Board of Directors. Jerry had been an approved Holstein judge since 1970, and his judging took him to national and state fairs throughout Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and he cooperated with the U.S. Foreign Agriculture Service and the HFA in Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, and Peru. Jerry also served on the advisory committee of the Missouri State Fair. Jerry volunteered overseas in a cooperative assistance assignment to Russia in an effort to help dissolve collective farms in 1994. His extensive involvement in not only agriculture programs and education but local and statewide community organizations, helped him become elected in 1998 to the Missouri General Assembly, where he represented the 125th district. His committee memberships included the committee for elections, Children, Families & Health, Retirement, Conservation, State Parks and Mining, and also Agriculture. He was later appointed to the National Beef Board by the Secretary of Agriculture in 2004, and was appointed by the Governor as a Commissioner to the Missouri State Fair the same year. Mr. King was honored throughout his life with awards in recognition of his extensive efforts. Among them, MU Alumni Citation of Merit, Butler Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year 1974, and in 1981, received a Missouri Chamber of Commerce Appreciation Award. He was awarded Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors Man of the Year in 1983. In 1995, Steele & King Farms was honored with a Master Breeder Award. In 2000, he was named Missouri Farm Bureau Friend of Agriculture, and in 2004, University of Missouri College of Ag Alumni of the Year. Mr. King was a member of the Butler First Christian Church, where he served as Elder, Deacon, and Chairman of the Board. In 2012 he was named Elder Emeritus. He was also a member of the Butler Lion’s Club. He also held memberships in the Missouri and the National Cattlemen’s Association. Mr.King is survived by his wife Jeanette King of the home; son Rick King; daughter Julie Lewis and husband Steve; daughter Jana Boehler and husband Mike; grandchildren Abe Lewis and PAGE 6 - MSHN, March 2013 wife Heather, Ryan Boehler, Will Lewis, Whitney Boehler and fiancé Travis Kern, and Allison Boehler; and great-granddaughter Violet Ann Lewis. Jerry also leaves behind his sister Sue Ann Steele and husband Ed; brother-in-law William R. Davis and wife Bonnie; nephew Tanner Davis and wife Lucy; nieces Becky Bauersfeld and Brenda Chael and husband Ted; great-niece Jordan Chael; and great-nephew Andrew Chael.Mr. King was preceded in death by his parents. Contributions are suggested to the First Christian Church, Multiple Sclerosis Society, or to an Agriculture Scholarship to MU in memory of Jerry. Phillip Kraus Phillip Henry Kraus, 65, lifelong resident of the Kingfisher area, died January 29, 2013, at his home. A graveside service was held at St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery in Okarche. Mr. Kraus was born July 19, 1947, in Enid to Francis and Mary Mae Garms Kraus. He graduated from Loyal High School in 1965 and married Glenda Dixon in Enid on June 10, 1994. He drove a truck most of his life, some coast to coast. Mr. Kraus was very proud of his grandchildren and was always present at their activities and events. Survivors include two daughters, Angela Meyer and husband Tom of Okarche and Amy Kraus of Tulsa; two sisters, Mary Lou Scott and husband David of Vici and Debbie Yell and husband Travis of Oklahoma City; four brothers, Jim Kraus and wife Julie, Mike Kraus and wife Twila, Larry Kraus and wife Paige and Tom Kraus, all of Kingfisher; four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife and daughter. Donald Slack Donald Slack, 81, of Washington, Missouri passed away January 17, 2013. Mr. Slack was born April 22, 1931 and was united in marriage to Carolyn Drewel Oct. 20, 1962 who survives him of the home. In 1961, he served as the Missouri Journal editor. In addition he was a DHIA tester in the Washington area for many years. During the 1960’s and 1970’s, the Slacks were very active showing at the Ozark Empire Farm and the Missouri State Fair. Mr. Slack is survived by his wife, son, Michael of Washington; daughter Cynthia Dowling and husband Douglas, St. Peters; a brother, two grandchildren, one great-grandchild and many other relatives and special friends. JB Kunkel Joseph Benno Kunkel, (J.B.) age 76 of Butler, Missouri, died, January 18, 2013 at Medicalodge Nursing Home in Butler. He was born March 16, 1936 to Albert Adrian and Julianna Belbina Oldelehr Kunkel in Verona, Missouri. Kunkel graduated in 1954 from Aurora High School. His high school activities centered around FFA. He married Joan Durnell, resulting in two daughters Kelli Kay and Ann Melissa. They operated a dairy farm for over 40 years in the Carthage, Missouri area. The first Jersey he received at the age of ten started his love of the dairy industry where he accomplished many great things in his showing and dairy career. These included the Jersey Jug Futurity, multiple All-American class winners and many Grand Championships. The awards he was most proud of were the Premier Breeder and Exhibitor Classes. J.B is survived by his wife Nancy Kunkel of Butler, Missouri; two daughters, Kelli Quade and husband Jeff of Carthage, Missouri; Ann Heidemann and husband Craig of Springfield, Missouri; a brother, Edward Kunkel of Springfield, Missouri; a sister, Delores Woods of Bixby, Oklahoma; three grandchildren, Abby, Eva and Cole. He is further survived by Nancy’s son, Scott Hjetland and wife Anne and their children Cooper and Rozalin of Lyons, Kansas and a daughter, Heather Hjetland-Hughes and husband George of Lawrence, Kansas. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Reverend Raymond Kunkel. Visitation memorial services for Mr Kunkel where at January 25-26, 2013 at the Missouri Dairy Forum in Springfield, Missouri. Contributions may be made to the American Jersey Cattle Club Youth Program. Dairy Policy Discussion Continues in New Farm Bill Dairy producers will seek a new safety net when farm bill discussions restart in Congress, said a University of Missouri dairy economist at the recent USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum. Current proposals look more like insurance than price programs of the past. But with financial binds in Washington, there are no easy answers, said Scott Brown of the MU Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. “With rapidly rising feed costs, dairy interest turned to a margin insurance plan,” said Brown. That’s a shift by milk producers from years of price-support programs in the federal act. One thing is certain: There will be less federal money for any new policy compared to past levels. “Projected CCC (Commodity Credit Corporation) outlays for current dairy policy declines yet again,” Brown said. He added that it is too early in the 2013 farm bill process to know where dairy policy might fit in. Congress has many issues to settle before farm bill debate begins, Brown said. “Budget clarity is a big issue.” With scant money, any federal dairy policy might have little impact in helping producers hard hit by economic turmoil in recent years. To put dollar power in focus, Brown did the math. Last year, USDA estimated 2012 dairy cash receipts at $37 billion. A billion with a “B.” For the expected 10-year farm bill, the Congressional Budget Office lays out dairy spending at $28.4 million a year. A million with an “M.” Dairy spending compared to receipts is less than one percent: Actually, 0.08 percent. Brown told policy analysts, “An effective program is hard with such small annual outlays.” Policymakers seek a balance that attracts producers to the program yet doesn’t overspend federal dollars. If the first proposal fails, either way, that means reopening policy talks in 2014 or 2015. Dairy groups know the situation and propose legislation based on margin protection instead of prices. “Margin protection helps reduce government outlays,” Brown said. “They are triggered less often than price supports.” The biggest threat to dairy profits remains high feed costs and price volatility, Brown said. Margins help producers, as that is what is left to pay all costs, beyond feed. Margin protection is based on milk price less feed costs. The feed costs and milk production are negatively correlated. That is, as feed costs go up, producers tend to feed less. That cuts milk production. In turn, milk prices turn upward. Economic adjustment by dairy farmers help ease demand on federal dollars. For policymakers, calculating margin protection will be tricky, Brown said. Margins have fallen in recent years. That raises the question of the “correct” margin to use in the dairy bill. Some margin proposals from 2012 could have led to surplus milk. “We need to be careful to use correct triggers,” he added. “These are tough issues to score. It’s the difference between spending millions—or billions. “Program details are always important,” Brown said. “This new margin program has many facets. But, done right, producers gain program flexibility.” Like insurance, producers would gain options to buy supplemental coverage. This is both important and attractive to producers. Dairy groups were first to come forth with plans to stabilize dairy prices—and reduce federal spending. Both dairy producers and manufacturers were talking policy before farm bill work started in Congress. However, none of the spending-cut proposals made it into discussions in the congressional fiscal cliff vote. “Dairy proposals represent a major policy shift. Change of this nature will be hard,” Brown said. “We should never lose sight that our goal is an adequate safety net for farmers.” Visuals for the outlook are on Brown’s website at web.missouri. edu/~browndo in the MU Division of Applied Social Sciences, a unit of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. MO Right to Farm Gains Steam The Missouri State House of Representatives passed HJR 7&11, the constitutional right to farm in late February with an overwhelming 110 yes to 41 no vote. The legislation now goes to the State Senate for consideration. The legislation began as two separate bills - HJR 7 and HJR 11 but the bills were combined in committee. Rep. Jason Smith and Rep. Bill Reiboldt sponsored HJR 7 and HJR 11 respectively. Leaders from both parties praised the passage of Right to Farm. Republican Speaker Tim Jones said “The economy is still lagging and we need to ensure that agriculture, our state’s number one industry, is protected from outside attacks. I understand how important this industry is to our state and to all citizens that benefit from Missouri’s food production. I was proud to cosponsor HJR 7 and I look forward to voting for this amendment in the ballot box next year.” Democratic Rep. Ed Schieffer said “It was my privilege to cosponsor HJR 7 & 11. These will protect the right to farm. My family has farmed 80 acres in Lincoln County for over 100 years. We must protect the right of continuing traditional agriculture. Missouri Farmers Care testified in support of HJR 7&11 in committee and Missouri Farmers Care Chairman Don Nikodim said “This is a great step forward for Missouri agriculture. Agriculture is Missouri’s largest industry and we need the freedom to operate to continue providing jobs and food to our state.” If passed by the Senate, HJR 7&11 would be referred to the voters as a ballot question in 2014. A similar constitutional amendment to protect farming and ranching practices, Measure 3, was adopted in North Dakota in 2012 with a 66.89% yes vote. The Venus Family Expands Ram-Elle Amazing Vanna Born: December 2012 Sire: Mr Atlees AltaAmazing-ET Dam: Ram-Elle Turbo Venus EX90 Ram-Elle Hawk Vienna Born: March 2011 Sire: Mr Dundee Hawk-ET Dam: Ram-Elle Turbo Venus EX90 Flash! Vienna is just fresh with a March heifer sired by Toc-Farm Goldsun A Red Hot Diva! Ram-Elle Absolute Abby-Red Born: December 2012 Sire: Apples Absolute-Red-ET Dam: MS Golden-Dream Audrey-Red (Chief Adeen Family) Super sweet heifer that will be at the shows! She is big and fancy. This spring could be very exciting! Baby Chaseton Ray is due in April and we will be sending a string to Missouri Spring Show. Watch for fan favorite Ram-Elle Durchan Jaylo-ET as a Senior 3 Yr old. She looks incredible! Watch the June issue of the Mid-States for show results, classification results, and baby pictures!! Ram-Elle Holsteins & Jerseys Loren and Michelle Eilenstine 840 Hwy AD Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 mramaeker@yahoo.com Phone: 417-926-2679 or 417-349-0282 MSHN, March 2013 - PAGE 7 2013 Oklahoma State Sale 12:00 Noon - Friday, April 12 - Stillwater, Oklahoma Goldwyn due to Redburst from Marla December Talent X Breeze! Apple’s Destry Spring Yrlg Sister KY-BLUE RUBEN MARLA-RED-ET 2E-94 All-American R&W Sr. 3 & 5 Yr Old Grand Champion, Internt’l R&W Show ‘09 Benfer, 785-243-4766 RF OUTSIDE BREEZE-ET 2E-95 5-03 365 2x 37,705 4.3 1627 3.3 1240 Rainyridge Talent Barbara’s Full Sister Sells! Mason, 405-408-8941 KHW REGIMENT APPLE-RED EX-95 DOM All-American Jr. 2 & AA R&W Aged Cow Grand Champion, Internat’l R&W Show 2011 High Altitude Syndicate, 608-444-6297 Red VG Sister to National Show Winner Her Fancy September Aftershock 1/13 Mayfield - Her Brother to Select PO-LIN-MAX DIR ANGIE-RED-ET VG-88 Grand Champ, Mid-East Fall Nat’l Jr Show ‘12 VG Director due to Perseus in June sells. Leach & Buessing, 913-723-3472 KINGSMILL ASHLYN AZARI-ET VG-86 2-00 122 2X 10,156 3.5 352 2.8 285 Inc VG Sanchez from the Ashlyn family. Deters, 913-382-6885 SOONER PLANET LIEV VG-87 2-01 365 2X 26,025 4.2 1095 3.2 845 GTPI +2034, Genomics on calf at sale Oklahoma State University, 405-744-1379 Time Bred to Advent From the Tobi’s Atlantic From Oklahoma’s ‘12 Champion Alexander & Dundee from Paradise Family PEACHY ALLEN TARA-ET 2E-94 3-11 365 2X 44,010 4.8 2114 3.2 1410 A Time from her VG Jasper Dtr Cow-Aholics, 913-961-6666 MORRISLAND DAMION DIANA EX-91 Grand Champion, Oklahoma State Show ‘12 Her fancy September Atlantic Dtr Sells Morris, 405-222-2678 VANDYK-K INTEGRITY PARADISE 2E-96 All-American 4-Yr Old & Aged Cow Nov. Alexander from EX Goldwyn Wright, 417-743-2921 Dundee Wtr Yrlg from EX Aspen Tencleve & Mason, 501-312-0787 Sale Sponsored by: Oklahoma Holstein Association Todd Mason, President 405-408-8941 Angie Meyer, Sec/Tres 405-298-0082 Pre-Sale Luncheon 11:00 am PAGE 8 - MSHN, March 2013 Sale Staff: Bob Griggs, 405-880-2213 Gary Estes, 417-830-0051 Alan Dykshorn, 712-441-0686 Dallas Burton, 785-806-9774 Nate Goldenberg, 254-717-7910 Norman Bayless, 580-334-5289 Animals purchased in the Oklahoma State Sale will be allowed to enter and be shown in the Southern Spring National the following day. June Gold Chip From the Barbie’s Braxton Summer Yrlg Granddaughter Dec. ‘12 Redburst Sister Sells REGANCREST TS BRITNEE-ET EX-91 4-02 305 2X 32,280 3.5 1139 2.9 945 Gold Chip from Barbie’s Toystory Dtr Winter, 620-947-3429 LINDALE ELAND FRISKY 2E-95 Grand Champion, Mid-East Fall Nat’l 2009 June Braxton from her VG Goldwyn Drendel, 815-766-0326 WILSTAR-RS TLT LIMITED-RED-ET EX-94 Res. Grand Champ, Internat’l R&W Show ‘11 Redburst from her 2E-91 Kite Sister Kaufman, 605-335-1857 VG Sanchez Sr. 2 Dtr Fancy Red Advent Summer Yearling Fresh Sanchez Sister Sells SUNNY-HILLVUE ROY TOXIC-ET 2E-91 4-06 365 2X 40,160 4.2 1669 3.0 1215 Her VG Sanchez bred to Dempsey sells. Conner Hill, 479-267-2408 ROKEYROAD ADVENT MAPLE-RED From the top of the Rokey show string, a super fancy June Advent from a Miami-Red Rokey, 785-284-2669 RADINE GOLDWYN MODEL-ET 2E-92 4-08 365 2X 35,601 4.6 1635 3.5 1246 Sanchez Sister and embryos sell Borman, 573-642-2767 Baltmor Dtr from the Adeen Family Her VG Goldwyn Bred to Braxton Sweet December Dempsey Grdtr CRANBERRY-MDWS TAL ANNA-ET EX-92 3-02 305 2X 28,180 4.0 1128 3.1 878 Baltimor due in June from EX Talent Goldenberg, 254-848-9584 PENN-GATE RMARKER FERGGY-ET 2E-93 3-08 365 2X 27,080 3.7 1002 3.1 842 Next 3 dams: 3E-95, 2E-94 GMD, 5E-94 Benfer, 785-243-4766 HOFF-HILL ELAND DAPHNE 2E-92 3-02 305 2X 28,180 4.0 1128 3.1 878 Baltimor due in June from EX Talent Hoff, 940-423-6342 Fresh Cows! VG-87 Sanchez X VG Goldwyn - Drendel Fresh Blitz from EX Durham - George VG-87 Sanchez X VG Lee - Koster Showing winning Atlas - Brand Talent X Bootpeg family - OSU Sanchez X Arlene family - Paulson Fresh Al X VG Jackson - OSU Graybil due to Supersire - Schreiber Aftershock2 yr old sells fresh - Twenhafel VG Sprite X Ivory Mark famiy - Buessing Lou from the Sweet family - Meyer Fresh Durham & Gold Chip calf - Tencleve Fresh Lightning X Binky - Unruh/Woods Bred Heifers! Sanchez X Renita-Red family - Hill Show-Winning Braxton - Wright Dusk from 10 gen VG or EX - Bayless Sanchez due to Gold Chip - Philips Rock Red from EX-93 Advent - Goldenberg Advent bred to Big Apple - Coblentz Caruso X VG Glen - Kainer Gabor X VG Rubens - Univ of Missouri Dusk from Roxy family - Bayless Time from Blackstar Amy family - Bayless Mich from 2E-93 Durham - Geppert Alexander from Aspen family - Coblentz Atwood from Alicia family - Buessing Atwood from the Dellia’s - Bray Atwood bred to Braxton - Fast/Unruh 3/12 Sanchez X Ban-View family - Holton 3/12 Durham X VG Miles - Jones 3/12 Shameless X Pala’s - Coblentz 4/12 Dempsey X VG Sanchez - Culbertson 6/12 Shottle from VG Goldwyn - Traeger 6/12 Lavaman X Adeen’s - Cow-Aholics 6/12 Debonair from the Roxy’s - Dykshorn 6/12 Cahp X Alexander - Groves 6/12 Damion X VG Dundee - Marotz 6/12 Bolton 11 gens VG or EX - En-Mar 6/12 Sanchez 8 gens VG or EX - Zapalac 6/12 Sanchez, grdam EX Goldwyn -Bremer 9/12 Redburst from the Marlene’s - Esau 9/12 Barbwire X Roxy-Red’s -Mason/Meyer 9/12 fancy Brokaw - Esau 9/12 Gold Chip X VG Blade - C-of-O 9/12 Absolute-Red X EX Starfire - Benfer 12/12 Hero X EX Outside - Zoelzer 12/12 Goldwyn X VG-88 Aspen - Hongslo 12/12 Goldwyn X Durham - Cannon 12/12 Bradnick from Dellia’s - Jones 12/12 Braxton X Sanchez - Griggs/Schenk Braxton embryos from 15 gen. EX - Mason Barbwire embryos from Rampage - Hyde MSHN, March 2013 - PAGE 9 Southwest Regional Holstein Show Fort Worth, TX - Jan. 21, 2013 Curtis Day, judge Fall Heifer Calf 1 Tex-Stein Dickey Beita, Garrett Steinberger, Windthorst, TX; 2. Shantine Hero Yava Yoleen, Shannon Vanderlaan, Frederick, OK; 3. BG-HZ Braxton Laci, Zapalac & Griggs, Schulenburg, TX Summer Heifer 1 Kow-Castle Detox Lucy, Kow-Castle Holsteins, Hico; 2. Goldfawn Chicago Wishful, Goldfawn Farm, McGregor, TX; 3. Bode-Acres Sanchez Dixie, Henry Zapalac, Schulenberg, TX. Spring Yearling 1 B-Aces-Hi Braxton Ryder, Brody Brand, Amarillo, TX; 2. Greenlea Adv CarlyRed-Et, Alyson Philips, Stephenville; 3. Goldfawn Diego Dolly, Goldfawn Farm, McGregor, TX Winter Yearling 1 Goldfawn Chicago Adele, Goldfawn Farms, McGregor, TX; 2. Floch Farms Shottle Chiquita, Kow-Castle Holsteins, Hico, TX; 3. Hydeaway Braxton 87, Austin Hyde, LeMesa, NM Fall Yearling 1 Budjon-JK Sid Erabella, Alyson Philips, Stephenville, TX; 2. Shantine Atwood Tania, Shannon Vanderlaan, Frederick, OK; 3. Tex-Stein Atwood Meena, Gabe Steinberger, Windthorst, TX Summer Yearling 1 MDF Sanchez Nicki-ET, Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK; 2. BG-HZ Braxton Lexi, Zapalac & Griggs, Schulenberg, TX; 3. Kow-Castle Sanchez Famila, Kyle Manning, Dublin, TX Junior Champion Goldfawn Chicago Adele Res. Junior Champion MDF Sanchez Nicki-ET Jr. 2-Yr Old 1 AK-Philips Sanchez Ady, Alyson Philips, Stephenville, TX; 2. Milksource Shock Affaire-ET, Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK; 3. Hoff-Hill Tlnt J Addie-Tri, Nicole Hoff, Windthorst, TX Junior Best 3 1 Goldfawn Farm, McGregor, TX; 2. TexStein Dairy, Windthorst, TX; 3. Shannon Vanderlaan, Frederick, OK Sr. 2-Yr Old 1 Ms Rockledge Sanchez Jazz-ET, Jeff Koster, Comanche, TX; 2. Cross-Canyon Domingo 9519, Jason Goff, Hobb, NM; 3. Tex-Stein Pontiac Firebird, Gavin Steinberger, Windthorst, TX Jr. 3-Yr Old 1 Tex-Stein Gabor Susanna, Gavin Steinberger, Windthorst, TX; 2. Klassens Sanchs Jame 3773, Jeff Koster, Comanche, TX; 3. Rokeyroad Atwood Elsie-ET, Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK Sr. 3-Yr Old 1 Hoff-Hill Marion Reagan, Adam Hoff, Windthorst, TX; 2. Tex-Stein Sanchez Chanaye, Gavin Steinberger, Windthorst, TX; 3. Goff Ross 34595, Jason Goff, Hobbs, New Mexico Intermediate Champion Ms Rockledge Sanchez Jazz-ET Res. Intermediate Champion Tex-Stein Gabor Susanna 4-Yr Old 1 Tex-Stein Advent Jocelyne, Gavin Steinberger, Windthorst, TX; 2. Kow-Castle Dundee Sylvia-ET, Kow-Castle Holsteins, Hico, TX; 3. GBM Damion 8780-ET, Jason Goff, Hobb, NM 5-Yr Old 1 Hoff-Hill Our-Emory Sassy, Adam Hoff, Windthorst, TX; 2. Overside HO Talent Star, Goldfawn Farm, McGregor, TX; 3. Tex-Stein Duce Althea, Gabe Steinberger, Windthorst, TX Aged Cow 1 Ms Radiance Adv Rae-Red, John Koster, Comanche, TX; 2. Tex-Stein Durham Tierney, Gavin Steinberger, Windthorst, TX; 3. Smithson Lucifer Revlon, Mason Dairy Farm, Kingfisher, OK Senior Champion Ms Radiance Adv Rae-Red Res. Senior Champion Tex-Stein Advent Jocelyne Grand Champion Ms Radiance Adv Rae-Red Produce of Dam 1 Gavin Steinberger, Windthorst, TX Breeders Herd 1 Tex-Stein Dairy, Windthorst, TX; 2. HoffHill Dairy, Windthorst, TX Premier Exhibitor & Breeder Tex-Stein Dairy MO Dairy of Honors President Dave Cochard presents Zane Akins with a Leadership Award. MO Dairy of Honors President Dave Cochard shares with award winner John Underwood. James Cash Penney, Jr., (J.C. Penney) is known world-wide for his retail skills and Golden Rule philosophy. But his contribution to the Guernsey breed especially the University of Missouri Foremost Dairy herd was the basis for his selection as a Pioneer Dairy Leader. In 1952, Penney donated his Foremost herd of 250 Guernseys, the proceeds from the sale of his Emmadine Farm in New York and $250,000 to the University of Missouri dairy department. To students and dairymen throughout the state and country, Professor A.C. Ragsdale was the face of the University of Missouri for 42 years. In 1916, Ragsdale was hired as an extension dairy specialist for the MU Dairy Department before being named its chairman in 1919. Ragsdale served as President of the American Dairy Science Association from 1944-1945 and was a delegate to the International Dairy Congress in 1953. For all his contributions to education, research and leadership in the dairy industry, Ragsdale was recognized with a Pioneer Award. Also receiving a Pioneer Award was Mary Thompson of Columbia. Thompson represented the dairy industry for the St. Louis Dairy Council for 23 years, specifically in central Missouri. The Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder Award was presented to the Lesmeister Dairy Farm in Montrose, MO. A part-time project of raising Holstein calves led to building a Grade A dairy barn in 1985. The family has been recognized with numerous show and breed awards, including Lesmeister JW Carla, which placed 3rd in the Sr. 2-Yr Old Jersey class at World Dairy Expo in 2006. Grand Champion Ms Radiance Adv Rae-Red 2013 MO Dairy Hall Honorees The Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors recognized its 2013 class on February 8, 2013. Former Holstein USA Chief Executive Officer Zane Akins was honored with the Dairy Leadership Award. Akins began his dairy career as an A.I. technician for NOBA before he joined Holstein as a program director in Wisconsin. After serving as manager for the Holstein Sire Development Service for three years, he was served as Holstein’s CEO from 1978 to 1990. Akins, a graduate of the University of Missouri was president of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity and placed third individually in the National Collegiate Dairy Judging Contest. For his tireless work to chronicle the Holstein history of Missouri, John Underwood was honored with a Meritorious Service Award. During 2012, Underwood was instrumental in the publishing of Celebrating 100 Years of Missouri Holsteins history book and authoring the Sires of Distinction: The MFA Artificial Breeding Association and Its Impact in Missouri and the Nation 1946-1967. Underwood was raised on a Registered Holstein farm in southwest Missouri. He attended the University of Missouri earning his Bachelor and Masters of Science degrees. He continued his education at the University of Illinois where he earned a PhD in Dairy Cattle Nutrition. PAGE 10 - MSHN, March 2013 Juniors - Jot it Down... Missouri Junior Award Winners Fort Worth Dairy Collegiate Dairy Judging Individuals 2nd Overall Jersey - Bryce Joonas, KS State 5th Overall Brown Swiss - Wilma VanderLaan, OK State 6th Overall Holstein - Tyler Chupp, OK State 6th Overall Jersey - Tyler Chupp, OK State 7th Individual Overall - Tyler Chupp, OK State Team Placings 2nd Reason - Oklahoma State University 3rd Jersey - Oklahoma State University 4th Jersey - Kansas State University 4th Overall - Oklahoma State University 4th Brown Swiss - Kansas State University 5th Holstein - Oklahoma State University 6th Overall - Kansas State University Missouri Junior All-Missouri Award Winners 2013 Princesses Oklahoma State University Team Members: Tyler Chupp, Kaityln Ryan Jason White, & Wilma VanderLaan Kansas State University Team Members: Todd Coen, Bryce Joonas, Maggie Seiler, Amanda Strickler Southwest Regional Junior Show Grand & Sr. Champion: Ms Rockledge Shchez Jarz-ET 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old, Jeff Koster, Comanche, TX Res. Grand & Res. Sr. Champ: Hoff-Hill Emory Sassy 1st Aged Cow, Adam Hoff, Windthorst, TX Junior Champion: Budjon-JK SED Erabella 1st Fall Yearling, Alyson Philips, Stephenville, TX Res. Jr Champion: Tex-Stein GW Atwood Iva 1st Unfresh 2-Yr Old, Gage Steinberger, Windthorst, TX Sr. Showmanship: Gage Steinberger, Windthorst, TX Jr. Showmanship: Kylie Mannig, Dublin, TX Distinguished Jr Member, Jr Katelyn McClellan Missouri Miss: Lauren Whitehead Missouri Princess: Baylie Whitehead Distinguished Jr Member, Sr Audrey McClellan 2013 Annual 4-State Dairy Days VanderLaan Wins Bastin Scholarship Shannon Van DerLaan of Frederick, Oklahoma was awarded the $1,000 Garland Bastin Scholarship at the North American Livestock Expo in Louisville, Kentucky. This award is granted annually to one youth showing in the North American Livestock Expo Dairy Youth Show. Judges consider academic achievement, involvement with dairy cattle and a written essay when deciding on a winner. Future Juniors Twins, Daniel Andrew and Lucille Eileen, were born to David & Susan Day of Bolivar, Missouri on July 2, 2012. Proud grandparents are Curtis and Ann Day. June 21 - June 23 - Bentonville, Arkansas June 20-21 Dairy Camp, contact Steve Jones, 501-671-2067 June 21 Dairy Quiz Bowl, Skill-a-Thon, Ice Cream Social June 22 Pancake Breakfast, Dairy Judging, Silent Auction, Select Heifer Sale, Senior Fitting, Showmanship Contest, Dairy Olympics June 23 All-Breeds Dairy Show, Commericial Heifer Show Contact Tim or Nikki Crawley, 479-291-4552 www.4-statedairydays.org Missouri 4-H Dairy Cow Camp June 4-6, 2013 Robthom Farm, Springfield, Missouri Entry Deadline April 15,2013 For more information, contact your county extension agent MSHN, March 2013 - PAGE 11 2013 Southern Spring National Holstein Show (Open) Entries close March 8, 2013 Class 1 --- Winter Heifer Calf (12-1-12 to 2-29-13) Class 2 --- Fall Heifer Calf (9-1-12 to 11-30-12) Class 3 --- Summer Yearling Heifer (6-1-12 to 8-31-12) Class 4 --- Spring Yearling Heifer (3-1-12 to 5-31-12) Class 5 --- Winter Yearling Heifer (12-1-11 to 2-28-12) Class 6 --- Fall Yearling Heifer (9-1-11 to 11-30-11) Class 7 --- Junior Champion - $250 Prize Sponsored By: Warren Caterpillar (1st & 2nd place animals in classes 1 through 6) Class 8 --- Reserve Junior Champion - $100 Prize (1st & 2nd place animals in classes 18 through 21) Class 9 --- Junior Best 3 Females (3 animals under 2 years of age, all bred, one owned by exhibitor.) Class 10 --- Dry 3 & 4 Year Old Cow (9-1-08 to 8-31-10) Class 11 --- Dry Cow, 5 Year and Older (Born before 9-1-08) Class 13 --- Junior 2 Year Old Cow, fresh (3-1-11 to 8-31-11) Class 14 --- Senior 2 Year Old (9-1-10 to 2-28-11) Class 15 --- Junior 3 Year Old (3-1-10 to 8-31-10) Class 16 --- Senior 3 Year Old (9-1-09 to 2-28-10) Class 17 --- Intermediate Champion - $250 Prize Sponsored By: the Texas Holstein Association (1st & 2nd place animals in classes 12 through 15) Class 18 --- Reserve Intermediate Champion - $100 Prize Class 19 --- 4 Year Old Cow (9-1-08 to 8-31-09) Class 20 --- 5 Year Old Cow (9-1-07 to 8-31-08) Class 21 --- Aged Cow (Before 9-1-07) Class 22 --- 150,000 lb. Cow Class 23 --- Best Bred & Owned Female - $100 Prize BREEDERS TRIFECTA 1st Place - $1000 **This will be a leadout class ~ To be eligible breeders will have to exhibit in the Jr. Best 3, Sr. Best 3 and the Breeders herd classes. Class 24 --- Senior Champion Female - $250 Prize Class 25 --- Reserve Senior Champion - $100 Sponsored By: Lonestar Milk Producers Class 26 --- Grand Champion Female - $500 Prize Sponsored By: Lonestar Milk Producers Class 27 --- Res. Grand Champion - $250 Prize Class 28 --- Best 3 Females (All bred & one owed by exhibitor) Premier Exhibitor Premier Breeder 2013 Southern Spring National Junior Holstein Show Class 1 --- Winter Heifer Calf (12-1-12 to 2-29-13) Class 2 --- Fall Heifer Calf (9-1-12 to 11-30-12) Class 3 --- Summer Yearling Heifer (6-1-12 to 8-31-12) Class 4 --- Spring Yearling Heifer (3-1-12 to 5-31-12) Class 5 --- Winter Yearling Heifer (12-1-11 to 2-28-12) Class 6 --- Fall Yearling Heifer (9-1-11 to 11-30-11) Class 7 --- Junior Champion - $25 Prize (1st & 2nd place animals in classes 1 through 6) Class 8 --- Reserve Junior Champion - $25 Prize Class 9 --- Junior Champion Bred & Owned Class 11 --- Dry Cow, any age (Born before 9-1-10) Class 13 --- Junior 2 Year Old Cow, fresh (3-1-11 to 8-31-11) Class 14 --- Senior 2 Year Old (9-1-10 to 2-28-11) Class 15 --- Junior 3 Year Old (3-1-10 to 8-31-10) Class 16 --- Senior 3 Year Old (9-1-09 to 2-28-10) Class 17 --- Intermediate Champion (1st & 2nd place animals in classes 11 through 15) Class 18 --- Reserve Intermediate Champion Class 19 --- 4 Year Old Cow (9-1-08 to 8-31-09) Class 20 --- 5 Year Old Cow (9-1-07 to 8-31-08) Class 23 --- Aged Cow (Before 9-1-07) Class 23 --- Best Bred & Owned Female - $50 Prize Class 24 --- Senior Champion Female - $50 Prize (1st & 2nd place animals in classes 10 through 19) Class 25 --- Reserve Senior Champion - $25 Prize Class 26 --- Grand Champion Female - $100 Prize Class 27 --- Reserve Grand Champion - $50 Prize NOTE: Junior show entries will automatically be entered into the open show of their respective breed. ***Premiums: Junior Show premiums will be paid 1st-$40, 2nd-$30, 3rd-$20. This was made possible by Dairy Max and Midwest Dairy Association. Holstein Association USA is offering: Show shirts for youth Holstein exhibitors, Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, Bred & Owned class medallions, Champion Bred & Owned Junior Champion Bred & Owned, and Judi Collinsworth Award PAGE 12 - MSHN, March 2013 (Area Code) __________________________________________ Fill out form completely. Group classes will be entered at the show. For additional information contact: Todd Mason 405-375-3483 or 405-408-8941 (cell) ♦ ♦ ♦ LeeAnn Bowman 41401 East 53rd Glencoe, OK 74032 bowmanfamilyfarm@yahoo.com x $25.00 Fee Total Total Payment Enclosed: $ x $40.00 $ X ___________________________________________________ This entry will constitute an agreement that the person making it, along with the owner or any of his representatives: (1) are bound by the rules and regulations of the Southern Spring National, including the National Holstein Show Ring Policy and the enforcement procedure; (2) will accept the final decision of the Ethics Committee and/or Board of Directors on any question arising under said rules and regulations; and (3) agree to hold the Southern Spring National and their officials, directors, employees representatives, and agents harmless for any action taken under said rules and regulations; and harmless for any injury or loss suffered during or in conjunction with the show, whether such injury or loss resulted, directly or indirectly from the negligent acts or omissions of said officials, directors, employees, representatives or agents. I certify by signing this entry that: (1) the information is true and correct; (2) I have the authority to bind all persons with any interest in the entered animal(s) to the terms of this agreement and do so bind them, their heirs, assigns or successors; (3) I and any persons having any interest in the entered animal(s) together with our heirs, assign or successors are bound by the entry provisions. All cattle (late fee) Entries postmarked after March 8 w ill be charged a Late Fee . LATE FEE: There will be 1 bale of straw furnished for each animal entered. (Dry and Milking) All Heifers and Cows Number FEE S C H E D U L E P L E A S E N O T E : S T A L L P R E F E R E N C E S N E E D TO BE S E N T W I T H E N T R I E S . Mail entries to: Make checks payable to: Oklahoma Holstein Association Please type or print clearly. ♦ (Premiums will not be paid without a tax number.) Fed. Tax I.D./Social Security Number __________________________________ Telephone State _______________________________ Zip: _________________________ City _____________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________ Individual Name ___________________________________________________________ Farm Prefix _______________________________________________________ Farm Name _______________________________________________________ NOTE: Please use only one entry form per exhibitor. For additional animals this form may be photocopied. 2013 SOUTHERN SPRING NATIONAL HOLSTEIN SHOW OPEN ENTRY BLANK Entries Close Friday, March 8, 2013 One Entry Fee Covers Both Junior and Open BREED CLASS NO. NAME OF ANIMAL DATE OF BIRTH REGISTRY NO. ID NO. OWNER NAME OF SIRE ALL INFORMATION MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED BRED & OWNED BY EXHIBITOR (Yes or No) Brett Morris 405-222-2678 Ninnekah, Oklahoma Ed & Sue Ann Steele Rt. 4, Box 676 ph: 660-679-4477 Jeanette King Rt. 4, Box 744 ph: 660-679-4669 Rick King Rt. 4, Box 139 ph: 660-200-5315 ROTTINGHAUS HOLSTEIN FARM Seneca, Kansas MORELAND FARMS Jay & Mike Moreland Harrisonville, Missouri - 816-884-4598 David: 785-336-1543 Walt: 785-336-2681 For Sale: Embryos — Bulls — Heifers Check out our web site: www.rottinghausholsteins.com M-6 Dairy Farm LLC Tom & Angie Meyer Megan, Lauren, Joshua & Kristen Okarche, Oklahoma 405-263-4920 BUGG’S DAIRY FARM ‘You’re always welcome at the Bugg House’ Bill & Pat Bugg 8254 N 2810 Road Hennessey, OK 73742 405-853-2726 MSHN, March 2013- PAGE 15 DATES TO REMEMBER March 16 March 16 March 29 April 9-13 April 10 June 4-6 June 8 June 21-23 July 7-11 Aug. 16 Manhattan, Kansas Kansas Annual Holstein Meeting Manhattan, Kansas KDA/KS Dairy Commission Mtg Columbia, Missouri Missouri Spring Show Stillwater, Oklahoma Southern Spring National Expo Stillwater, Oklahoma Region 7 Holstein Meeting Springfield, Missouri Missouri Cow Camp Beatrice, Nebraska Mid-States Dairy Classic Bentonville, Arkansas 4-State Dairy Days Indianapolis, Indiana National Holstein Convention Sedalia, Missouri Missouri State Fair Holstein Show Roy Buessing Region 7 Holstein Director 1083 29th Rd, Axtell Ks. 66403 785.736.2766 cell:785.799.4514 pabs@bluevalley.net INDEX of ADVERTISERS Borman Farm ......................................................... IBC Buessing, Roy............................................................ 16 Buggs Dairy Farm ..................................................... 15 Esteford Farm..............................................................5 Groves-View Farm ................................................... 16 Klassen Dairy ........................................................... 16 Oklahoma State Sale............................................10-11 M-6 Dairy.................................................................. 15 Mason Dairy Farm.......................................................3 Moreland Farms ....................................................... 15 Morrisland Holsteins.................................................. 15 Ram-Elle Holsteins & Jerseys......................................7 Robthom Farm........................................................ IFC Rockwin Dairy .......................................................... 16 Select Sires............................................................... BC Select Sires MidAmerica ............................................ 16 Steele & King Farms ................................................. 15 Strickler Holsteins .................................................... 15 Whitehead Dairy ...................................................... 15 National Holstein Convention July 7-11, 2013 Indianapolis, Indiana Headquarters: Marriott Indianapolis Downtown 877-330-0104 Breeding Age Bulls for Sale Todd 417-880-7012 Brad 417-224-1427 Select Sires Mid-America For all your Select Sires needs in Missouri, contact: 173 County Line Rd - Clinton, Arkansas 72031 501-745-7577 (office) 501-940-9711 (mobile) PAGE 16 - MSHN, March 2013 Dan Busch, Warrenton, MO 573-289-2058 Matt Drake, Freeman, MO 816-738-1825 Kevin Phillips, Nixa, MO 417-725-0127 Cliff Strieker, Jackson, MO 573-243-1969 Take Your Pick in Oklahoma! ez nch h a S s res el’ T Mod r Sells F andi-E e M Sist nchez a S ine Rad g: ellin s from S o s Al mbryo nit of ne 1u dwy am & en l o G D m el’s n se Mod Goldwy Radine Goldwyn Model-ET 2E-92 4-08 365 2x 35,610 4.6 1635 3.5 1246 All-Missouri 5-Year Old 2011 From Our Top Cow Families! s Sell r e t h aug y h D h Darc ez c i M c nch t’s Mi Dar adine 5 to Sa 2 R pril A e Du s: Dtr g n i ilk hez s 2 M y Sanc in ’ t r Da -86@2 Laur VG 85@3y VG- Radine Durham Dart 2E-93 2-11 342 2x 35,300 4.0 1399 3.1 1084 Lft: 1638d 144,820 4.4 6398 3.1 4461 PBR - 15 yrs Progressive Genetics - 16 yrs BAA: 107.4 BORMAN FARM 4704 County Rd 240, Kingdom City, MO 65262 Harlan & Judy, 573-642-2767 judyborman@gmail.com Tim & Kelly, 573-826-0803 tborman20@gmail.com Kate & Sophia, 573-814-3148 dkgeppert@mchsi.com