fall congregation 2013 - Graduation at UBC
fall congregation 2013 - Graduation at UBC
f a l l c o ng r e g a tio n 20 1 3 no vember 27–29 t h e chan cent re fo r t he perfo rming art s TABLE OF CONTENTS The Graduation Journey Graduation Traditions 2 4 Chancellor’s Welcome President’s Welcome Musqueam Welcome 6 8 10 The Board of Governors & Senate 12 Honoring Significant Accomplishments & Contributions 14 Fall 2013 Scholarships, Medals & Prizes 16 Schedule of Fall 2013 Ceremonies 17 Lists of Fall 2013 Graduating Students Wednesday, November 27, 2013 9:30am20 12:30pm23 3:00pm28 Thursday, November 28, 2013 9:30am31 12:30pm37 3:00pm42 Friday, November 29, 2013 9:00am46 11:30am51 Acknowledgements56 O Canada 56 Alumni Welcome 57 A General Reception will follow each Ceremony at the Flag Pole Plaza. Graduand, Your journey here began in your mind. You alone forged your path to this day. We are honoured to have given you a place to learn, discover and be inspired along the way. Remember as you journey forward, we will always be that place for you. Tuum Est. 1 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 THE GRADUATION JOURNEY A journey you have helped shape that will forever remain imprinted with your dedication and spirit. 1908 1919 1925 Provincial legislature passes a new “University Act” establishing The University of British Columbia. First Graduating class tree planting ceremony. Over time, 92 more trees would be planted on the Vancouver campus by graduating classes at UBC. UBC Point Grey campus opens. 2 1916 1922 1940–1951 First Graduating class pictured here at the Fairview campus located near Vancouver General Hospital. 1,200 UBC students march through the streets of downtown Vancouver to the Point Grey campus. This pilgrimage became known as the “Great Trek,” which represents one of the greatest efforts of an undergraduate student body in support of its university and still reflects the spirit and pride of UBC students. (background image, pages 2–3) Students contribute to the construction of Brock Hall, the university’s first student union building. Student initiative leads to construction of War Memorial Gymnasium, as a memorial to the British Columbians who died serving their country. Enrolment swells to 9,374. FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 1970–1979 2005 2008 Enrolment numbers reach 20,936 students. UBC awards its 100,000th degree. UBC opens UBC Okanagan campus in Kelowna. UBC celebrates the Centenary of the Signing of the University Act. 1990 2007 2013 UBC celebrates the 75th anniversary of its opening with a series of special events, including the largest Open House in its history. UBC awards its 200,000th degree. 2,780 students become the Graduating class of Fall 2013. Congratulations Graduating class of 2013! 3 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 GRADUATION TRADITIONS 4 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 The University Mace is a symbol of the authority of the Chancellor. It is displayed on ceremonial occasions, most notably during the congregation ceremonies but also during the Installation of a President or Chancellor. THE UNIVERSITY MACE THE PROCESSION In the fall of 1957, the University commissioned Haida carver Bill Reid to undertake the project. Owing to Reid’s heavy workload, he suggested that George Norris be asked to help design and carve the Mace. The planning of the Mace took some time and a final design was not approved until 1959. Chancellor Sarah Morgan-Silvester shakes the hand of every student that crosses the stage—that’s over 8,000 students each year. This handshake signifies the transition between student and graduate. Norris carved the Mace from a block of yew and it included a stylized thunderbird on the thick upper portion. The Mace also featured the use of copper that was prominent in Northwest Coast native art. This copper trimming was designed and prepared by Bill Reid. Norris completed the Mace in 1959 and it was first used at the Fall Congregation where the Director of Ceremonies, Malcolm McGregor, carried it for the first time. REGALIA COLOURS The hoods, gowns and hats worn by graduates are lined with colours to indicate the degree to be conferred, a tradition dating back to the Middle Ages when the first universities were founded. YOUR LEGACY GROWS Since 1919, the graduating class has held a Tree Planting Ceremony on Campus to serve as a reminder of the class in years to come. Many of the trees along East Mall were planted by a graduating class. Today the Mace is carried by the ‘Macebearer’ who leads the Platform Party, which includes the Chancellor, the President, and other dignitaries, onto the stage for the Congregation ceremonies. 5 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 CHANCELLOR’S WELCOME As triumphant as the day is for you and your families, it is not the end of a journey, but a mere viewpoint on the side of a road, a celebratory juncture within a lifelong continuum of learning and activity. Graduation ceremonies are by far the most joyful occasions at UBC. I am truly honoured to take part in your celebration and to congratulate you on your achievements. It is my sincere hope that your academic experience has been both enjoyable and fulfilling, and that your transformation from UBC student to UBC graduate will instill confidence and enthusiasm for what lies ahead. I also hope that you do not view your graduation day as one upon which your relationship with your university comes to an end. On the contrary, graduation should not mean goodbye—farewell yes, but never goodbye. As triumphant as the day is for you and your families, it is not the end of a journey, but a mere viewpoint on the side of a road, a celebratory juncture within a lifelong continuum of learning and activity. What you began on Imagine Day as members of a UBC student community will continue, albeit in a far less arduous manner, as members of a highly interconnected UBC alumni community. All that remains to be seen is how active you plan to be as members of that community. Irrespective of where you live or how opportunity and circumstance define your future, I encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity to remain connected to your university and to other UBC alumni, who invariably can be found in almost every corner of the world. 6 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Although the challenges of student life may have you anxious to move on to the next adventurous stretch on the road, you may be pleasantly surprised to discover how the commonality of your experiences as graduates of one of the world’s great centres of learning and research will draw you together in the decades ahead, and back to this lovely campus. To that end, I am pleased to tell you that UBC has engaged a great many of its graduates to begin construction of a long-awaited Alumni Centre. Located in the heart of the campus adjacent to the new Student Union Building, the Alumni Centre will represent a compelling symbol of UBC’s commitment to strengthening our alumni community, and to fostering new forms of connectivity between current and former students. In the meantime, my very best wishes to you and those who supported you along the way, and welcome to the community— we hope to see you often! — sarah morgan-silvester 7 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 PRESIDENT’S WELCOME The game begins on a sand dune in the middle of what appears to be an endless desert. In the distance, a forbidding mountain looms, its peak split by a glowing crevice. Wordlessly, heeding a call from deep within, your character moves toward the mountain, discovering remnants of lost civilizations along the way, coming upon benevolent guides, and traveling for a time with strangers who offer help and accept yours in return. Once safely at the base of the mountain, you and your companions begin to climb, fighting cold, deep snow, and high winds on your ascent. At one point, you sink to the ground, too weary to carry on. Death seems imminent. Then, as if by magic, an assemblage of guides appears and they fill you with pure life force energy. Renewed, you continue to the summit and walk fearlessly into the crevice. A shooting star arcs overhead, announcing your success to watchers below. Slowly, you descend, the star’s trajectory marking your path, and as you make your way back to your tribe, prepared to share the inner strengths you’ve found in overcoming every obstacle, you pass other robed travelers on their way to the mountain’s base. Home, you offer your gifts to anyone in need, until that irresistible call sounds and you set out once again. 8 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Journey. An independent video game created by Thatgamecompany for Sony and released last year. Over three years in development and responsible for driving the developer nearly to bankruptcy. And then…the fastest selling PlayStation game ever in both North America and Europe. Critically and commercially successful worldwide. Winner of 23 international awards and nominated for 10 more, including the 2013 Grammy for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media. Why? Because they got it right. We recognize the metaphor of the journey as the story of our lives. The developers deliberately followed world mythologist Joseph Campbell’s theory of narrative—known as the Hero’s journey—in creating the story arc, and it’s a pattern Campbell claimed is embedded in the collective unconscious of all of humanity. The game’s profound appeal may even lie in the fact that they got it more right than we’ve managed as a species so far: Players can help each other, but not hinder another’s progress. Connections are formed not through words or battles but by exploring the world in partnership. According to designer Jenova Chen, going beyond the “typical defeat/kill/win mentality” of most video games was Journey’s foundational intention. For the past number of years, you have played the character of Student. You have met many other travelers along the way, some of whom have become Friends, all of whom have altered the course of your Journey. With the help of your Guides, you have learned to turn your innate intelligence toward the beginnings of wisdom; your enormous energy toward discipline; your intellectual skills toward an independence of thought; your curiosity toward a deep respect for diversity; and your individuality toward the possibilities of interdependence. You have come to embody the university’s mission: learn/discover/contribute—a clear echo of the Hero’s journey—and it is this mentality you carry out into the world today as Graduate. When enough of you do so, it changes the Game. — stephen j. toope 9 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 MUSQUEAM WELCOME On behalf of the Musqueam Indian Band, the Musqueam Band Council welcomes the University of British Columbia’s new graduates, their families and friends to the 2013 Annual Fall Congregation. We are pleased to honour the graduates and extend our congratulations to each and every one of you. We are especially pleased to extend our welcome and congratulations to the increasing number of First Nations students who visit the university, and our traditional lands, for their education. The accomplishments and contributions of each individual student build the foundation for their future as well as the future of the university and the larger community. These individual accomplishments reflect the talent and diversity among you. Today, the feeling of pride and accomplishment to accompany the completion of your course of study will add to each student’s confidence in moving on to the next endeavour. The University of British Columbia is situated within the heart of Musqueam Traditional Territory. These lands have always been a place for learning. In previous centuries, what is now the UBC campus was a centre for learning for Musqueam youth, who were instructed in culture, history, and tradition, and who in turn shared their knowledge with a new generation. Belief, knowledge, ritual, technological practices, were all handed down here from generation to generation —just as they are today to students from diverse communities and backgrounds. 1 0 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Musqueam thanks the University of British Columbia and President Stephen Toope for continuing to recognize these lands and the tradition of learning associated with them as an integral part of the history and well being of the Musqueam community. We also thank UBC for continuing to seek a partnership with Musqueam as co-host for special initiatives and ceremonies. We are pleased that our lands continue to be a place for learning and sharing. We are supportive of the university’s many programs and initiatives to form partnerships with the Musqueam and other First Nations communities. Education brings us all together, and each of the students graduating today is an inspiration to us all. It is our hope that after graduation you will continue contributing to the university, to our communities, to the well being of society and in doing so you will bring about positive change. Congratulations to all University of British Columbia 2013 Graduates. We wish you further success for your future. THE PRESIDENT’S STOLE The Salish people are well known for being beautiful weavers along the west coast. Their weavings were used for clothing, sitting mats, and gifts. It also indicates wealth; the more blankets and gifts you gave away shows everyone your wealth. I decided to design and weave the stole for the sole purpose in sharing the importance and wealth of the Salish people here at Musqueam. It’s now a gift for the President and the students at UBC to share with each other. I hope it also relays the significance of sharing amongst each other. The white sheep wool shows the weaving techniques still used today and the black material shows the Salish form lines. My name is Chrystal Sparrow and I come from the Musqueam Band. I’m a contemporary Salish artist. My art mediums are; wood carvings, prints, jewellery, clothing and weavings. Presented November 2007 11 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 UBC BOARD OF GOVERNORS SENATE – UBC VANCOUVER UBC’s 21-member Board of Governors comprises the chancellor, the president, eleven persons appointed by the lieutenant-governor, three faculty members elected by faculty, three full-time students elected by students and two people elected by and from the full-time employees of the university who are not faculty members. The Chancellor Sarah Morgan-Silvester, B.Com.(Br.Col) By legislation, the board is responsible for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the university including the appointment of senior officials and faculty on the recommendation of the president. The governors represent diverse backgrounds, which provide valuable input during board deliberations. Ex-Officio Elected by Students Chancellor Sarah Morgan-Silvester, B.Com.(Br.Col) Matt Parson President and Vice Chancellor Stephen J. Toope, A.B., B.C.L./LL.B., Ph.D. Elected by Faculty Nassif Ghoussoub, Lic. Math., Doc. D’etat, F.R.S.C. Richard Johnston, Ph.D, (Stanford) Michael Treschow, Ph.D., (Tor.) Appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council Theresa M. Arsenault (Chair), B.A.(Br.Col), LL.B.(Br.Col), Q.C. Robert Fung, B.A. Maureen Howe, Ph.D.(Br.Col) Gerald W. Karr, Ph.D., M.D. Alice Laberge, B.Sc., M.B.A. (Br.Col) Jason D. D. McLean, B.A.(Br.Col), LL.B.(Br.Col) Douglas H. Mitchell, LL.B.(Br.Col), Q.C. John S. Montalbano, B.Com.(Br.Col) Greg Peet, B.Com.(Br.Col) Susan Yurkovich, B.A.(Br.Col), M.B.A.(Br.Col) Mike Silley Curtis Tse Elected by and from full-time employees of the University who are not members of the Faculty Shannon Dunn, B.Com. Anne-Marie Fenger, B.A.(Br.Col), M.B.A. The President, Chair Stephen J. Toope, A.B., B.C.L./LL.B., Ph.D Secretary, Associate Vice-President, Enrolment Services & Registrar Kate Ross, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Vice President, Academic David Farrar, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. The Deans Dean of Applied Science, M. Parlange B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Dean of Arts, G. Averill, B.A., Ph.D. (U. Washington) Dean of Commerce and Business Administration, R. Helsley, B.S.(Ore), M.A., Ph.D. (Prin.) Dean of Dentistry, C. Shuler, B.Sc. (Wisc.), D.M.D. (Harv.), Ph.D. (Chic.) Dean of Education, B. Frank, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Br. Col) Dean of Forestry, J. Innes, B.A. (Hons), M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, S. Porter (pro tem), B.Sc., Ph.D.(Br. Col) Dean of Land and Food Systems, M. Isman, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Br.Col), Ph.D. (Calif.) Dean of Law, M. A. Bobinski, B.A., LL.B., B.C.L., LL.M. Dean of Medicine, G. C. E. Stuart, M.D. Dean of Pharmaceutical Sciences, M. Coughtrie, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Dund.) Dean of Science, S. Peacock, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Principals of Colleges Principal, College of Health Disciplines, L. Nasmith, M.D.C.M., M.Ed., C.C.F.P., F.C.F.P Principal, College of Interdisciplinary Studies, H. Brock, B.Sc. (Br.Col.), D.Phil. 1 2 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Elected by the Faculties Applied Science W.G. Dunford, B.Sc. (Eng.), A.C.G.I., M.Sc., D.I.C. (Lond.), Ph.D. (Tor.), P.Eng., Sen. Mem.I.E.E.E., Mem.I.E.E. and Mem.S.A.E. A. Ivanov, B.Eng., M.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng. Arts M. Vessey, B.A., D.Phil. Vacancy Commerce and Business Administration J. Brander, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., B.A.(BR.Col) D. Simunic, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., FCGA (BC) Dentistry B. Craig, Dip.D.H., M.Ed., R.D.H. L. Rucker, A.B., B.Sc.D., D.D.S. Education D. O’Donoghue, Ph.D. (Dublin, Ireland) N. Perry, B.A., M.A. (S.Fraser), Ph.D. (Mich.) Forestry S. Grayston, B.Sc.(Hons), Ph.D. P. L. Marshall, B.Sc.F., M.Sc.F., Ph.D., R.P.F. Graduate Studies P. Loewen, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. L. Walker, B.A.(Hons), M.A., Ph.D. Land & Food Systems G. Chapman, B.S.H.Ec., M.Sc., Ph.D. A. Riseman, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Law B. Goold, B.Ec., LL.B., B.C.L, D.Phil. B. MacDougall, B.A., LL.B., B.C.L., M.A. Medicine K. Baimbridge, B.Sc., Ph.D. P. Leung, B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD, FCAHS (Br.Col.) Pharmaceutical Sciences U. Kumar, B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Sc., Ph.D. F. Marra, B.Sc., (Br.Col.) Pharm.D. (Br.Col.) Science S. Singh, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. D. Witt, B.Sc, Ph.D. Elected by a Joint Meeting of the Faculties R. Anstee, B.Math., Ph.D. P. Choi, B.Sc. (Hons), (Br.Col.), M.D. (Br.Col.), M.Sc., L.L.M.C., F.R.C.P.C. W. Hall, B.N., M.S.N., Ph.D P. G. Harrison, B.Sc. (Hon.), Ph.D. (Dalhousie) W. McKee, B.A., M.A. (Br.Col.), Ph.D. (L.S.U.) K. Patterson, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. R. Reid, B.S.P., Ph.D. R. Sparks, B.A., M.A, Ph.D. S. Thorne, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D. R. Windsor-Liscombe, B.A. (Hons.), Ph.D., F.S.A. Elected by the Professional Librarians T. Rosseel, B.A., M.L.S. Director of Continuing Education J. Plessis, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Br.Col.) Representatives of the Student Body G. Beales, Applied Science T. Shum, Arts B. Caracheo, College for Interdisciplinary Studies C. Leonoff, Commerce & Business Admin. (Sauder School of Business) J. Lee, Dentistry E. Kuo, Education N. Yahya, Forestry J. Jagdeo, Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies M. Prescott, Land & Food Systems T. MacLachlan, Law C. Chan, Medicine M. Patton, Pharmaceutical Sciences M. Maleki, Science Elected by Convocation T. Ahmed, B.Eng., LL.B. (Br.Col.) J. Belanger, B.A., (Ed), M.A., Ph.D. E. Biddlecombe, B.Sc., M.Ed., B.Sc. (Br.Col.) L. Burr, B.A.(Br.Col.), M.Sc.(Br.Col.), M.D. (Br.Col.), FRCS(C) D. Fernandez, M.Ed. (Br.Col.) S. Haffey, B.A., M.A., M.B.A. S. B. Knight, B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. B. S. Lalli, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., Ph.D. W. B. McNulty, B.P.E., M.P.E., M.A. S. Sterling, B.A., B.Ed. M. Thom, B.A. (Br.Col.) D. Verma, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., M.Ed. Representatives of Affiliated Colleges R. Topping, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Vancouver School of Theology M. Hagemoen, D.Min., P.H., St. Mark’s College C. Godwin B.A, M.A., M.Div., Ph.D., Carey Theological College R. Wilson, B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D., M.T.S., Regent College Librarian I. Parent, University Librarian Elected by the Students at-large P. Edgcumbe, Medicine N. Karimi, Arts A. Kessler, Arts K. Mahal, Science N. Marshall, Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies Faculty Representatives of the College for Interdisciplinary Studies Vacancy Vacancy 13 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS & CONTRIBUTIONS PRESIDENT’S SERVICE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE RECIPIENTS The President’s Service Award for Excellence is one of the highest honours a UBC staff member can receive. This award recognizes those individuals who go above and beyond the call of duty— whose efforts make a difference to both the University and campus life. Recipients of this prestigious award receive a gold medal and $5,000. Nelson Dinn UBC Dairy Education & Research Centre Rob Lloyd-Smith Student Health Services Lynn Macdonald Office of Research Services Dionne Pelan Learning Exchange Andrea Wink Faculty of Applied Science KILLAM TEACHING AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MENTORING This award is made possible by a generous endowment provided by Dorothy and Izaak Walton Killam; recipients of the award are chosen from faculty who have been nominated by their colleagues, students and alumni in recognition of outstanding service in the area of graduate student mentoring. These awards are presented during Spring and Fall Graduation. Mark MacLachlan Professor Department of Chemistry Laurel Schafer Professor Department of Chemistry Rebab Ward Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1 4 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 KILLAM TEACHING PRIZE This award is made possible by a generous endowment provided by Dorothy and Izaak Walton Killam; recipients of the award are chosen from faculty who have been nominated by their colleagues, students and alumni in recognition of excellent teaching. These awards are presented during Spring and Fall Graduation. Faculty of Applied Science Perry Adebar Department of Civil Engineering Geertje Boschma School of Nursing Matthew Yedlin Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty of Arts Stefania Burk Department of Asian Studies Faculty of Dentistry Maureen Kendrick Department of Language and Literacy Education Pierre Walter Department of Educational Studies Faculty of Medicine Mieke Koehoorn School of Population and Public Health Savvas Nicolaou Department of Radiology Michael Nimmo Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Wyeth Wasserman Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tessa Nicholl Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Max Cameron Department of Political Science Sauder School of Business Amy Hanser Department of Sociology Tamar Milne Marketing Division Laura Moss Department of English Faculty of Science Dory Nason First Nations Studies Program and Department of English Michael Souza Department of Psychology Christopher Stephens Department of Philosophy Faculty of Dentistry Ian Matthew Department of Oral Biological and Medical Sciences Joanne Fox Michael Smith Laboratories and Department of Microbiology and Immunology Dragos Ghioca Department of Mathematics Steven Hallam Department of Microbiology and Immunology Glenn Sammis Department of Chemistry GRAD CLASS 2013 GIFTS The Graduation Class of 2013 is proud to present the following gifts to the University: $10,000 $1,500 AMS to help create a UBC central exam database. 2013 Shinerama Cystic Fibrosis research campaign. $5,000 $750 Irving K. Barber Learning Centre for a new Multimedia room. New Science Undergraduate Society mascot. $5,000 $600 Project Blue Terminal to fund Phase Two of a sustainability information aggregator website. New sports Jerseys for the Science Undergraduate Society. $5,000 Sustainability Art Project in the New SUB Atrium. $150 Young Women in Business for a conference to be held at UBC. $2,000 Telescope for the Astronomy Club. $2,000 New artistic mural in the Gallery pub. 15 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 SCHOLARSHIPS, MEDALS & PRIZES Recipients of medals are notified in writing by the Student Financial Assistance and Awards office concerning procedures for receipt of medals. HEADS OF GRADUATING CLASSES LAND AND FOOD SYSTEMS Dr. Brock Fahrni Prize in Occupational Therapy (head of the graduating class in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, MOT degree): Rosemary Higgins Dietitians of Canada Prize in Dietetics (high academic standing and potential for success in the dietetics major): Kim Lucas OCCUPATIONAL SCIENCE AND APPLIED SCIENCE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Ernest Peters Prize (graduating student in the fields of hydrometallurgy and materials processing): Ajanthia Gunaratnam Lifemark Health Award in Leadership, Clinical Excellence & Innovation in Occupational Therapy (demonstrates exceptional leadership talent, a commitment to clinical excellence and best practice, and innovation in health care delivery): Sylviane Rousseau DENTISTRY British Columbia Society of Pediatric Dentists Prize (demonstrated a special interest and excellence in the field of Pediatric Dentistry): Johnathan Paxon EDUCATION Tsutae and Hanako Sato Prize (graduating student to commemorate 100 years of immigration to Canada): Karine Boily Neville and Gladys Scarfe Memorial Prize (outstanding student intending to teach social studies): Danielle Nichole Mashon Alka Goel Prize in Business Education (highest standing in Business Education courses and practice teaching): James Nevison Bryan R Clarke Prize (best academic record with deaf and hard of hearing children): Laura Getson JOURNALISM Stephen J.A. Ward Prize in Journalism Ethics (most outstanding graduate student in Journalism, M.J. program): Keith Anthony Rozendal 1 6 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Student Award (highest standing in theory of Occupational Therapy): Aaryn Cleland SCHOOL OF POPULATION AND PUBLIC HEALTH R. E. McDermit Memorial Prize (best paper examining current issues in the planning, management or administration of health service programs): Bethany Saunders SOCIAL WORK Max and Susie Dodek Social Work Prize (outstanding student in the graduating class for the degree of M.S.W.): Deborah Marlene Prieur J. H. T. Falk Memorial Prize (most outstanding student in M.S.W.): William Craig Norris SCHEDULE OF CEREMONIES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 9:30 am Education B.Ed.(Elementary) President’s Service Award for Excellence Recipient: Dionne Pelan The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 20) Graduating Students (see page 21) 12:30 pm Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies; Education; Forestry; Kinesiology Ph.D., Ed.D., M.A., M.A.Sc.(Forestry), M.Ed., M.E.T., M.I.F., M.F., M.H.K., M.Kin., M.M.Ed., M.S.F.M., M.Sc. (Forestry, Kinesiology/Human Kinetics), B.Ed.(Middle Years), B.H.K., B.Kin., B.S.F., B.Sc.(Forest Sciences), B.Sc.(Natural Resources Conservation), B.Sc.(Wood Products Processing) Diplomas: Education The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 23) Graduating Students (see page 24) 3:00 pm Education B.Ed.(Secondary) The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 28) Graduating Students (see page 29) 17 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 SCHEDULE OF CEREMONIES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 9:30 amGraduate and Postdoctoral Studies [European Studies; Science and Technology Studies]; Arts [Archaeology & History of Greece, Rome & Near East; Myth & Literature of Greece, Rome & Near East; Art History; Asian Area Studies; Asian Languages & Cultures; Canadian Studies; Chinese; Classical Studies; Classics; Comparative Literature; Creative Writing; Critical and Curatorial Studies; Drama; English; Film Production; Film Studies; Fine Art; French; Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; German; History; Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.’s only); Italian; Japanese; Latin American Studies; Medieval Studies; Modern European Studies; Music; Near Eastern Studies; Philosophy; Religion, Literature and the Arts; Religious Studies; Romance Studies; South Asian Languages; Spanish; Theatre; Visual Art]; Commerce and Business Administration; Music Ph.D., D.M.A., E.M.B.A., M.A., M.A. (Asia Pacific Policy Studies), I.M.B.A., M.B.A., M.F.A., M.M., M.Mus., M.Sc. (Bus. Admin.), B.A., B.B.R.E., B.F.A., B.Mus., B.Com. Diplomas: Accounting, Applied Creative Non-Fiction, Art History, Film Production, Urban Land Economics The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 31) Graduating Students (see page 32) 12:30 pmGraduate and Postdoctoral Studies; Arts [Anthropology; Cognitive Systems; Computer Science; Economics; Family Studies; First Nations Studies; First Nations Languages & Linguistics, Geography; International Economics; International Relations; Linguistics; Mathematics; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology; Speech Sciences; United States Studies]; Journalism; Library, Archival and Information Studies; Social Work Ph.D., M.A., M.A. (Children’s Literature), M.A.S., M.L.I.S., M.A.S./M.L.I.S., M.J., M.S.W., B.A., B.I.E., B.S.W. Diploma: Linguistics President’s Service Award for Excellence Recipient: Rob Lloyd-Smith The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 37) Graduating Students (see page 38) 3:00 pmGraduate and Postdoctoral Studies [Software Systems]; Applied Science [Biomedical; Chemical and Biological; Civil; Clean Energy; Electrical and Computer; Engineering Physics; Environmental; Geological; Integrated; Materials; Mechanical; Mechatronics Design; Mining]; Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Community and Regional Planning; Nursing Ph.D., M.A. (Planning), M.A.Sc., M.Eng., M.Arch., M.A.S.A., M.A.S.L.A., M.L.A., M.N., M.Sc., M.Sc. (Planning), M.S.N., M.S.S., M.U.D., B.A.Sc., B.En.D., B.S.N. President’s Service Award for Excellence Recipient: Andrea Wink The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 42) Graduating Students (see page 43) 1 8 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 SCHEDULE OF CEREMONIES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 9:00 amGraduate and Postdoctoral Studies [Asia Pacific Policy Studies/Law; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Cell and Developmental Biology; Experimental; Genetics; Interdisciplinary Oncology; Interdisciplinary Studies; Medical Genetics; Neuroscience, Occupational and Environmental Hygiene; Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Physiology]; Audiology and Speech Sciences; Dentistry; Law; Medicine; Pharmaceutical Sciences Ph.D., M.D./Ph.D., Pharm.D., M.A., M.A.A.P.P.S./J.D., M.H.A., M.H.Sc., LL.M., LL.M (Common Law), M.O.T., M.P.T., M.P.H., M.R.Sc., M.Sc., M.Sc./(Combined Dentistry Diplomas), B.D.Sc., D.M.D., M.D., J.D./M.B.A., J.D., B.M.L.Sc., B.Mw., B.Sc.(Pharm) President’s Service Award for Excellence Recipient: Lynn Macdonald The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 46) Graduating Students (see page 47) 11:30 amGraduate and Postdoctoral Studies [Bioinformatics; Botany; Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; Genome Science and Technology; Mathematics; Microbiology and Immunology; Physics and Astronomy; Resource Management and Environmental Studies; Statistics; Zoology]; Land and Food Systems [Agroecology; Applied Biology; Food, Nutritional and Health; Global Resource Systems]; Science [Astronomy; Atmospheric Science; Biochemistry; Biology, Biophysics; Biotechnology; Chemistry; Cognitive Systems; Combined Major in Science; Computer Science; Environmental Sciences; Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; General Science; Geographical Biogeosciences; Geography; Geology; Geophysics; Integrated Sciences; Mathematics; Mathematical Sciences; Microbiology and Immunology; Oceanography; Pharmacology; Physics; Physiology, Psychology; Statistics] Ph.D., M. A., M.F.R.E., M.F.S., M.Sc., B.C.S. (ICS), B.Sc., B.Sc.(Agro), B.Sc.(APBi), B.Sc.(FNH), B.Sc.(GRS) Diplomas: Management of Aquaculture Systems, Meteorology President’s Service Award for Excellence Recipient: Nelson Dinn The Processions and Program of Ceremony (see page 51) Graduating Students (see page 52) 19 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 THE PROCESSIONS & THE PROGRAM OF CEREMONY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 9:30 AM THE PROCESSIONS Procession of Graduating Students (Ph.D.) Procession of Graduating Students Acting Senior Marshal Keith McPherson, Ph.D. Lecturer, Education Marshals, Enrolment Services Luke Dawson, B.Soc.Sc. THE PROGRAM Ceremonies and Events O Canada Director Eilis Courtney Moment of Reflection University Marshal Nancy Hermiston Professor, Music Events Coordinator Melissa Picher Kelly, B.A. Welcome Musqueam First Nation Address Sarah Morgan-Silvester Chancellor Drew Senay Events Clerk Lian Tran Chief Ushers Donna Shultz, B.A., M.A. Senior Instructor Emerita, Applied Science Enrolment Services Remarks Stephen J. Toope President Associate Director Jennifer Chin, M.Sc. Sandra Tice Member, Graduating Class Linda Dunbar, B.A., M.L.S. Librarian Emerita Procession of Faculty Marshals Gary Rupert, B.A., M.Ed. Education Bette Shippam, B.Ed., M.Ed. Program Coordinator, Education Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party Graduation Coordinator Brenda Rooke Presentation of the President’s Service Award for Excellence to: Dionne Pelan Conferring of Degrees in Course The Chancellor Closing Remarks The President and Vice-Chancellor Reception Following the Ceremony Registrar Kate Ross, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Associate Vice-President and Registrar Macebearer and Marshal Afton Cayford, M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor Emeritus, Mathematics Alumni Representatives Darrell Derban, B.Ed. Maureen Clarke, B.Ed. 2 0 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Graduation lists as shown this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of some graduates may be missing. LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 9:30 AM THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Dalgaard, Melissa, B.Sc., Nelson, BC Jung, Sait Byul, B.A., Vancouver, BC Nilsson, Ashley, B.A., Surrey, BC Dalzell, Sarah, B.A., Surrey, BC Kalan, Amneet, B.A. Nixon, Emma, B.A., Tsawwassen, BC Damji, Rahima, B.A., Richmond, BC Kaminsky, Larissa, B.A., Nanaimo, BC Norton, Stewart, Welland, ON Danielson, Desiree, B.A., Bella Coola, BC, Nuxalk Karpiuk, Julie, B.A., Chilliwack, BC Nurani, Fatima, B.A.(Hons), Coquitlam, BC Reader: Mr. Rod Brown, Program Coordinator, Faculty of Education Dao, Ann, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Kennah, Stephanie, B.Sc. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Davies, Rachel, B.A., Surrey, BC Abaquin, Jeffrey, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Dhah, Khushdeep, B.A, Calgary, AB Abed Rabbo, Richard, B.F.A., Burnaby, BC Dhami, Gurjeet, B.A., Kelowna, BC Dean Blye Frank Faculty of Education Darwin, Veronique, B.A., Vancouver, BC Ajaajaa, Hanane, B.A., Vancouver, BC Dillon-Leitch, Sheila, B.A., B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Ambrosio-Grigg, Tanya, B.A., Surrey, BC Dishart, James, Vancouver, BC Amini, Lisa, B.A., LL.B., Vancouver, BC Doolan, Rosetta, Kincolith, BC, Nisga’a Nation Anderson, Brennan, Vancouver, BC Angeard, Alexandra, B.Kin., Surrey, BC Armstrong, Gillian, B.A., Richmond, BC Aryanpour, Apameh, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Atkinson, Lauren, B.A., White Rock, BC Aujlay, Manpreet, B.A. Bagri, Devina, B.A., Richmond, BC Bagshaw, Alisa, B.A., Vancouver, BC, Haida Nation Bailey, Talia, B.A., Vancouver, BC Baldarelli, Deborah, B.A., Vancouver, BC Bertrand, Julie, B.Sc., M.A., Vancouver, BC Lai, Lucy, B.A., Vancouver, BC Fei, Xi, B.Sc., Coquitlam, BC Fenemore, Sharon, B.A., Surrey, BC Greig, Karen, B.Kin., Richmond, BC Brabant, Christopher, Vancouver, BC Grewal, Inderjit, B.Sc., Abbotsford, BC Brouwer, Celia, B.A., Cawston, BC Hahn, Amanda, B.A., Vancouver, BC Brown, Fiona, B.A., Vernon, BC Hall, Maggi, B.A., Abbotsford, BC Brown, Katherine, B.A., Calgary, AB Hallman, Kimberley, B.A., New Westminster, BC Chang, Tony, B.H.K., New Westminster, BC Charbonneau, Celine, B.Kin. Chee, Angelica, North Vancouver, BC Chen, Rita, B.A., Vancouver, BC Chessa, Natalie Ann, B.A., Richmond, BC Cheung, Angela, B.A., Calgary, AB Cheung, Shirley, Burnaby, BC Randhawa, Saranjit, Richmond, BC Ratzburg, Barbara, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Kwok, Catherine, B.A., Vancouver, BC Raunet, Stephanie, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC Reddekopp, Brianne, B.A., West Kelowna, BC Redden, Liron, B.A., Vancouver, BC Lasanen, Sasha, Castlegar, BC Redding, Christopher, B.H.K., Richmond, BC Lau, Danielle, B.A., Vancouver, BC Lau, Michelle, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Rodgers, Chelsey, B.Kin., Vancouver, BC Lau, Samantha, B.A., Vancouver, BC Roe, Kayoung, B.A., Surrey, BC Lee, Amy, B.Sc., Surrey, BC Roussos, Nicole, B.A., Vancouver, BC Lee, Jeannie, Coquitlam, BC Rowse, Sara, B.Sc., Prince Rupert, BC Legayada, Maria, Coquitlam, BC Leger, Jessica Ellen, B.A., Vancouver, BC Leung, Christina, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Lievens, Ine, B.A., Vancouver, BC Roy, Chantelle, B.A., Vancouver, BC Sator, Jennifer Kathryn Saunderson, Natalie, B.A., Winnipeg, MB Schroeder, Kristin, B.A., Delta, BC Lincez, Jordan, B.A.H., Ottawa, ON Sengara, Laura, B.A., Vancouver, BC Loades, Jenny, B.A., Richmond, BC Lonneberg, Melissa, B.A. Seradilla, Manuel Alejandro, B.A., Richmond, BC Lonsdale, Kathleen, B.Sc., Guelph, ON Seto, Kimberley, B.A., Vancouver, BC Luo, Nancy, B.A., Vancouver, BC Hartmann, Kathleen, B.A., Vancouver, BC Ma, Gloria, B.A., Vancouver, BC Shakur, Nancy, B.A., New Westminster, BC Makalai, Alyssa, B.Sc., White Rock, BC Shalaby, Desirie Rae, B.A. Hartwell, Amanda, B.A. Mark, Michelle, B.G.S., Vancouver, BC Shirai, Hanami, B.A., Richmond, BC Harvey, Andrea, B.A., Vancouver, BC Mason, Patrice, B.Sc., Calgary, AB Shoemaker, Brittany, B.Sc., Delta, BC Hay, Shawna, B.H.K., Delta, BC McCord, Mary, B.A., Vancouver, BC Sinelnik, Natalia, B.A., Surrey, BC Heller, Cheyenne, B.A., Burnaby, BC McDonald, Christina, B.A., Vancouver, BC Small, Brenda, B.A., Vancouver, BC Hudson, Susan, B.Mus.(hons), M.A., Vancouver, BC McGrath, Stephanie, B.A., Surrey, BC Smith, Kristin, Creston, BC McIver, Emily, B.A., Saskatoon, SK Huggett, Carolyn, B.A. Spring, Daniel, B.A., Winlaw, BC McQueen, Sarah, B.H.K. Hunt, Tanya, B.A., Port Hardy, BC, Kwakiutl First Nation Starzner, Matthias Mitchell, Jansen, Cranbrook, BC Stefanucci, Celina, B.A., Vancouver, BC Moghareh, Sanam, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Steski, Kerry, B.A., Richmond, BC Moll, Katherine, B.A., Langley, BC Stoik, Rhonda, Barrhead, AB Moon, Kylie, B.A., Langley, BC Stonehocker, Devon, B.A. Mortlock, Jocelynn, B.F.A., Richmond, BC Sturgess, Sylvie, B.A., Vancouver, BC Hoang, Ly, M.A., Vancouver, BC Hunter, Sean, Vancouver, BC Huston, Kara, Abbotsford, BC Chiang, Chia En, B.A., Vancouver, BC Hutchison, Kristina Margarete, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Chiu, Jacqueline, B.Sc., Burnaby, BC Ip, Vivian, B.A., Richmond, BC Clarke, Brittany, B.A., Mission, BC Jacques, Stephanie, B.Sc. Conroy, Lisa, B.A., Vancouver, BC Jaffer, Alicia, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC Cope, Dale, B.A. James, Katherine, B.A., Vancouver, BC Coward, Devan, B.A, Victoria, BC Jarvis, Alexis, B.A. Crawford, Amanda, Delta, BC Johnson, Dorothy, Kamloops, BC, Secwepemc/Dakelh Cross, Alison, B.A., Vancouver, BC Privatt, Ashley, B.A., Vancouver, BC Rasotto, Nicole, B.A., Vancouver, BC La Brooy, Julian, B.A., Vancouver, BC Bourgon, Danielle, B.A., Lethbridge, AB Cater, Matthew, Vancouver, BC Kranabetter, Theresa Dykman, Sarah, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC Fredenburg, Jennifer, B.F.A., Calgary, AB Carcha, Jeraldine, B.A., Vancouver, BC Klassen, Heather, B.A., Vancouver, BC Durant, Danielle, B.A. Esau, Michael, B.Kin., Delta, BC Parker, Erich, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Pot, Marlise, B.A., Delta, BC Kishi, Marissa, B.A., Richmond, BC Kwok, Stephanie, B.A., Vancouver, BC Eichhorn, Madeleine, B.A., Vancouver, BC Pantaleo, Brian, B.A., Richmond, BC Popke, Stephanie, B.Sc., Surrey, BC Kim, Minji, B.A., Vancouver, BC Dreger, Quinten, B.A., Kelowna, BC Edgington, Sarah, B.A., Vancouver, BC Oddleifson, Lauren, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Petite, Lori, B.A., Coaldale, AB Kim, Inhee, B.A., Halifax, NS Kwok, Benson, Pitt Meadows, BC Boots, Anna Noelle, B.Ap.Mus., Surrey, BC Carbonneau, Francesca Kim, Hanna, B.A., Vancouver, BC Doyle, Meghan, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Fraser, Kristina, B.A., White Rock, BC Campbell, Caelen, B.A., Victoria, BC Kiloh, Allison, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Kudo-Li, Brian, Vancouver, BC Findlay, Chad, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Bulsara, Angelee, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Kerr, Janine, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Doyle, Elena, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Boily, Karine, M.B.A., Vancouver, BC Bryant, Colleen, B.Sc., Victoria, BC Keith, Laura, B.Sc., Saskatoon, SK Smith, Kerridwen, B.A., Vancouver, BC Munroe, Emmarin, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Murphy, Julina, B.A., White Rock, BC Murray, Chelsea, B.A., Richmond, BC Tang, Kenny, Delta, BC Taylor, Tristan, West Vancouver, BC Tham, Darryl, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Neil, Alexandra, B.A., Vancouver, BC Thorkelsson, Dustin, Moricetown, BC, Wet’suwet’en Neschki, Jessica, B.A., Richmond, BC Tice, Sandra, B.Sc., Surrey, BC Nijjar, Subrina, B.A., Surrey, BC Tizzard, Lindsay, B.A., Calgary, AB Tokar, Ivana, B.A., Surrey, BC Jones, Taylor, B.A., North Vancouver, BC 21 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 9:30 AM Tomlin-Hood, Laura, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Trieu, Lisa, Surrey, BC Trinder, Carly, B.A., Vancouver, BC Tsui, Elsome, B.A., Surrey, BC Uraizee, Saniya, B.A., Burnaby, BC Vuong, Jeffrey, B.Sc., Surrey, BC Walker, Sarah, B.Sc., Stratford, ON Waugh, Leila, B.A., Ladner, BC Weir, Shelley, B.A., Vancouver, BC Wilson, Erika, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC Wilson, Kathleen, B.F.A.(hons), Vancouver, BC Wong, Ashleigh, B.A., Surrey, BC Wong, Ka Wai, B.A., Calgary, AB Xu, Tiantian, B.Sc. Ycasas, Joyce, B.A. Yeung, Olivia Chi-Quan, B.A., Vancouver, BC Yu, Serenade, Richmond, BC 22 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 THE PROCESSIONS & THE PROGRAM OF CEREMONY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 12:30 PM THE PROCESSIONS Procession of Graduating Students (Ph.D.) Procession of Graduating Students Senior Marshal Iain E. P. Taylor, B.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Botany Marshal, Enrolment Services Joshua Robertson, B.A. Chief Ushers Donna Shultz, B.A., M.A. Senior Instructor Emerita, Applied Science Linda Dunbar, B.A., M.L.S. Librarian Emerita Procession of Faculty Marshals Marilyn Chapman, B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. Professor, Language and Literacy Education Peter Crocker, B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. Professor, Kinesiology Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party THE PROGRAM Ceremonies and Events O Canada Director Eilis Courtney Moment of Reflection University Marshal Nancy Hermiston Professor, Music Address Sarah Morgan-Silvester Chancellor Events Coordinator Melissa Picher Kelly, B.A. Events Clerk Lian Tran Enrolment Services Associate Director Jennifer Chin, M.Sc. Graduation Coordinator Brenda Rooke Remarks Stephen J. Toope President and Vice-Chancellor Melissa Wirsching Member, Graduating Class Presentation of the University of British Columbia Killam Teaching Prizes David Farrar Provost and Vice-President Academic Conferring of Degrees in Course The Chancellor Closing Remarks The President and Vice-Chancellor Reception Following the Ceremony Acting Registrar Maggie Hartley Associate Registrar Macebearer and Marshal Joe Belanger, B.A. (Ed.), M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor Emeritus Language and Literacy Education Graduation lists as shown this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of some graduates may be missing. Alumni Representative Harald Mischke, B.S.F. 23 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 12:30 PM THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Dean pro tem Susan Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Lawrence Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Atwood, Trisha, B.A., M.Sc., Evanston, United States, In Forestry Bowles, Ronald, B.Ed., M.E.T., Burnaby, BC, In Curriculum Studies Churchland, Carolyn, B.Sc.H., Vancouver, BC, In Forestry Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Jones, William, B.M.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Calgary, AB, In Educational Leadership & Policy Weegar, Thomas, B,A., M.E.S., Port Alberni, BC, In Educational Leadership & Policy Collier, Diane, B.A.(Hons), B.Ed., M.Ed., St. John’s, NL, In Language and Literacy Education THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Dadson, Michael Robert, M.Div., M.A., BC, In Counselling Psychology Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies D’Amour, Lissa, B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed, Calgary, AB, In Curriculum Studies Ebadian, Mahmood, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Forestry Gunnell, Katie Elizabeth, B.Kin., M.A., Russell, ON, In Kinesiology Hunter, Carrie, B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Educational Studies Hutchinson, Lynda, B.A.(Hons), M.A., London, ON, In Human Development, Learning and Culture Kalcsits, Lee, B.S.A., M.Sc., Edgeley, SK, In Forestry Kim, Bo Sun, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum Studies Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Ashbourne, Dianne, B.A., B.Ed., Oakville, ON, In Society, Culture and Politics in Education Bartel-Sawatzky, Melissa, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Boileau, Alana, B.A., Montreal, QC, In Society, Culture and Politics in Education Bonham, Susan, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Teaching English as a Second Language Korehei, Reza, M.Sc., In Forestry Borhani, Maya Tracy, B.A., Nevada City, United States, In Literacy Education Lindgren, Pontus, B.Sc., M.Sc., Mission, BC, In Forestry Chinni, Mary, In Measurement, Eval and Research Methodology Liu, Xiaoqin, M.A.Sc., In Forestry Dares, Jasmine, B.A., In Society, Culture and Politics in Education May, Heidi, H.B.A., M.F.A., In Curriculum Studies Rostam, Hajera, M.A., Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Russell, Lara, B.A., B.S.W., M.A., Vancouver, BC, In Measurement, Evaluation & Research Methodology Thomson, Cynthia Jean, B.P.H.E., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ottawa, ON, In Kinesiology Timmerman, Nora, B.I.S., Vancouver, BC, In Educational Studies Varhola, Andres, Forest Engineer, Quito, Ecuador, In Forestry Deniz, Ozlem, B.A., North Vancouver, BC, In Mathematics Education Dohl, Adriane, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In School Psychology Espinoza-Magana, Nancy, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.A., Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Forde, Shawn, B.H.K., B.Ed., Campbell River, BC, In Human Kinetics Greflund, Sara, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In School Psychology MacNeil, Kimberley, B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Special Education Ye, Lijia, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Maharaj, Nandini, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Zhang, Xuejiao, B.A., Baotou, China Marshall, Candace, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Medina, Myron, B.Sc., Cayo, Belize, In Mathematics Education Minami, Shiho, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Modern Languages Education Moniz, Christina, B.Sc., Victoria, BC, In School Psychology Moule, Jennifer, B.A.(Hns), Hamilton, ON, In Early Childhood Education Naraghi, Negin, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Olvera Astivia, Oscar Lorenzo, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Measurement, Eval and Research Methodology Roch, Douglas, B.A., B.Ed., Calgary, AB, In Educational Administration Ruggier, Sarah, B.A., B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Taylor, Sarah, B.H.K., B.ED, Port Moody, BC, In Physical Education Turner, Carolynn, B.A., B.Ed., Langley, BC, In Counselling Psychology Ty, Sophie, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In School Psychology Wang, Xiao, LL.M., In Curriculum Studies Whitehead, Jenna, B.Sc., Burnaby, BC, In Human Development, Learning and Culture THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSEUM EDUCATION Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Blye Frank Faculty of Education Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Bi, Hanwen, B.Sc., Harbin, China Chen, Chen, B.Sc, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China Chong, Stephanie, B.Sc.(Hns), Vancouver, BC Wang, Pei, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Kinesiology Halim, Peter, Vancouver, BC, In Technology Studies Education Wernicke-Heinrichs, Meike, B.A., M.A., In Language and Literacy Education Joyce, Roxanne, B.A., North Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Jin, Shanshan, B.Sc., Inner Mongolia, China Wiens, Sandra, B.S.R., M.A., Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Khoja, Nazeeha, B.Ed., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, In Early Childhood Education Jones, Amy, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Williams, Tamara, H.B.Sc., M.A., Tansen, Nepal, In Counselling Psychology Korwin-Kossakowski, Lucille, B.A., Pretoria, South Africa, In Art Education Yoon, Ee-Seul, Vancouver, BC, In Educational Studies Kwan, Hanah, B.A., New Westminster, BC, In Counselling Psychology La Rochelle, Jason, B.A., North Vancouver, BC, Haida Gwaii, In Counselling Psychology Leuty, Robyn, B.H.K., B.Ed, Toronto, ON, In Curriculum Studies Fu, Xiaoli, B.A., Zhuhai, China Li, Zhijie, B.Sc., Xiangtan, China Petrusa, Kathryn, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC Smith, Erika, B.A.(Hns), M.M.St., Bathurst, NB Tan, Rui Qing, B.I.S., Singapore, Singapore Wan, ZiHao, B.Sc., Luohe, China Wang, Fan, B.L., Qinhuangdao, China Wu, YaNan, B.A., Hengshui, China 24 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Zhang, Xiaomin, B.Sc, Urumqi, China THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Asay, Amanda, B.Sc, Prince George, BC, In Forestry Brown, Harrison James, B.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Kinesiology Cleworth, Taylor, Markham, ON, In Kinesiology Crombeen, Matthew, B.Sc., London, ON, In Kinesiology Forgaard, Christopher James, B.H.K., Olympia, United States, In Kinesiology Grace, Philip, B.B.A., Sept-Iles, QC, In Forestry Larssen, Beverley, B.H.K., Surrey, BC, In Kinesiology Liu, Jingshu, B.Env.S., Toronto, ON, In Forestry Lobo, Nina, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Forestry Marcoux, Helene, B.Sc., In Forestry Rickbeil, Greg, B.Sc., New Westminster, BC, In Forestry Zhang, Li, B.Sc., Nanjing, China, In Forestry THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Frank Faculty of Education Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Adirim, Lauren, B.Ed., B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Special Education Alm, Laurie, B.Ed., Victoria, BC, In Special Education Alnahhas, Nehad, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, In Teaching English as a Second Language Amiraslany, Mina, B.Sc.N., North Vancouver, BC, in Adult Learning and Global Change Anderson, David, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Cross-Faculty Inquiry in Education Bahadin, Kamaludin, B.A.(Hns), Singapore, Singapore, In Social Studies Education Bastarache, Kimberly, B.A., B.Ed., Nanaimo, BC, In Special Education Bennett, Andrea, B.A.Hns, M.A, Surrey, BC, In Counselling Psychology LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 12:30 PM Bennett, Jessica, B.A., Delta, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Berton, Chiara, B.A., B.Ed., Prince Rupert, BC, In Special Education Dubuc, Melissa, Chateauguay, QC, in Adult Learning and Global Change Ellis, Darcy, B.A., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum Studies Bi, Sijia, B.E.Lit., Changchun, China, In Curriculum Studies Erickson, Jennifer, B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Human Development, Learning and Culture Biehler, Jacqueline, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Adult Learning and Education Evans, Kathaleen, B.A., B.Ed., Victoria, BC, In Special Education Birley, Sally, B.A., Fort St. John, BC, In Special Education Foran, Patricia, B.A., B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Birnie, Angela, B.A.Sc., In Counselling Psychology Fournier, Angela, Ottawa, ON, in Adult Learning and Global Change Black, Robyn, B.A., B.Ed., Toronto, ON, In Special Education Freston, Giovanna, B.A., B.Ed., Campinas, Brazil, In Early Childhood Education Bojarski, Scott, B.Sc., B.Ed, Vernon, BC, In Curriculum Studies Kneeland, Liesbeth Anne, B.A., Shawnigan Lake, BC, In Early Childhood Education Koga, Tsubasa, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, In Adult Education Niemar, Christine, B.A., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Krontira, Aikaterini, Athens, Greece, In Special Education Nott, Lisa, B.A., Victoria, BC, In Special Education Lai, Hong, B.Jour., LL.B., Pingxiang, China, In Society, Culture and Politics in Education Park, Romina, B.A., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Early Childhood Education Lan, Lisa, B.Mus., B.A., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Music Education Parmar, Susan, B.A., B.Ed., Delta, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Law, Christopher, B.A., Sidney, BC, In Special Education Parsons, Andrea, B.Ed., Delta, BC, In Special Education Lewis, Heather, B.A., B.Ed., Brackendale, BC, In Curriculum Studies Plumstead Mcleod, Margaret, Delta, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Fritzlan, Amanda, B.Sc., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum Studies Li, Yuanpo, B.A., Beijing, China, In Music Education Gauthier, Sarah, in Adult Learning and Global Change Lin, Tina, In Modern Languages Education Braun, David, B.H.K., B.Ed, Vancouver, BC, In Social Studies Education Getson, Laura, B.A., B.Ed., Petite Riviere, NS, In Special Education Liu, Chen, B.A., Changchun, Jilin, China, In Curriculum Studies Breaks, Kristina, B.A., Vancouver British Columbia, BC, In Counselling Psychology Gill, Jaspreet, B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Literacy Education Liu, Min, B.L., In Curriculum Studies Brown, Jennifer, Calgary, AB, in Adult Learning and Global Change Gopaul, Hurrylall, B.A., B.Ed., In Curriculum and Instruction Lo, Pui Lam Belinda, B.Sc.(FNH), Toronto, ON, in Adult Learning and Global Change Bryden, Jill, B.Ed., In Early Childhood Education Graham, Marisa, B.A.B., Delta, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Loodu, Ranjeet, B.Ed., Delta, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Grainger, Thomas, B.Com., B.Ed., Sooke, BC, In Special Education Lukasik, Peter, Springfield, United States, In Higher Education Gräve, Jeske, In Society, Culture and Politics in Education Lung, Fung, B.A., North Delta, BC, In Counselling Psychology Guilllen Fabregas, Stel.la, Vancouver, BC, In Music Education Ma, Jocelyn, B.A., San Jose, United States, in Adult Learning and Global Change Bourdon, Sarah, B.A., B.Ed., D.Edu., Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Butchart, Chelsea, B.A., Penticton, BC, in Adult Learning and Global Change Cassady, Jessica, B.Ed, Edmonton, AB, In Teaching English as a Second Language Chan, Irene, B.A., In Society, Culture and Politics in Education Chang, Cong, B.A., Changchun, Jilin, China, In Curriculum Studies Cheesmond, Tserin, B.Ed., B.F.A., Vancouver, BC, In Human Development, Learning and Culture Cheng, Yao, B.A., Changchun, Jilin, China, In Curriculum Studies Citton, Maria Elisa, B.A., B.Ed., West Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum Studies Clegg, Jamie, B.A., Victoria, BC, In Special Education Conchie, Galen, B.Ed., Kelowna, BC, In Special Education DeAbreu, Robert, B.A.H., B.Ed., Pickering, ON, In Mathematics Education Demitcheva, Larissa, B.Sc., B.Ed., Toronto, ON, in Adult Learning and Global Change DiFonzo, Sonia, B.A, Burnaby, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Diaz Diaz, Claudia Andrea, B.Psyc., Valparaiso, Chile, In Early Childhood Education Dietrich, Darryl, B.Eng., Stratford, ON, In Curriculum Studies & Educ Admin & Leadership Doerksen, Andrea, B.A., B.Ed., Chilliwack, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Dolente, Lauren, B.Com., In School Psychology Hamdi, Razan, Vancouver, BC, In Special Education Hochu, Joanne, B.A., B.P.H.E., Vancouver, BC, In Human Development, Learning and Culture Santos, Laurence, Vancouver, BC, In Music Education Schulkowsky, Amanda, B.Sc., B.Ed., Ladysmith, BC, In Special Education Shan, Shuangshuang, Shenyang, China, In Curriculum Studies MacDonald, Roberta, B.A., Victoria, BC, In Special Education MacLellan, Laura, Victoria, BC, In Special Education Mallet, Catherine, Yellowknife, NT, In Adult Learning and Education Jardine, Susan, B.A., In Human Development, Learning and Culture Joinville, Christine, Vancouver, BC, In Modern Languages Education Jorgensen, Dean, B.A., Mission, BC, In Teaching English as a Second Language Karr, David, B.A., B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum Studies Kellner, Caitlin, B.A., B.Ed., Langley, BC, In Special Education Kim, Hyun Jung, In Teaching English as a Second Language Kneeland, Dayna Michelle, B.F.A., In Adult Education Shanmugha, Vijayalakshmi, B.A., M.Teach., In Educational Administration and Leadership Sheehan, Jennifer, B.Sc., Maple Ridge, BC, In Counselling Psychology Sheehan, Karen Marie, B.S.N., M.S.N., Vancouver, BC, In Adult Learning and Education Shen, Lina, B.Mgt., Jiangsu, China, In Adult Education Martinez, Kimberly, B.A., B.Ed., Winnipeg, MB, In Special Education Shofu, Keiko, B.A., Osaka, Japan, In Special Education Mattock, Kristin, Vancouver, BC, In Counselling Psychology Sipl, Michelle, B.A., California, United States, In Human Development, Learning and Culture Mazzei-Carter, Eva, B.Sc., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Snow, Joanna, B.A., B.Ed., Victoria, BC, In Special Education McKay, Heather, B.Mus., B.Ed., In Educational Administration and Leadership Mijares Chan, Illiana Catalina, B.A., M.Sc., Mexicali, Mexico, In Adult Education Millar, Lee, B.A., B.ED., North Vancouver, BC, In Teaching English as a Second Language Miller, Katelin, B.A., B.Ed., Courtenay, BC, In Special Education More, Mandeep, B.Ed., Terrace, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Muirhead, Clare, B.Sc., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Science Education 25 Rideout, Julia, B.Mus., B.Mus.Ed., Mount Pearl, NL, In Music Education Rooksby, Erin, B.A., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum Studies & Educ Admin & Leadership Homeniuk, Katrina Amy, B.A., B.Ed., Delta, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Jacobson, Tara, B.A., B.Ed., Regina, SK, In Special Education Riddell, Tiffany, B.A., Calgary, AB, in Adult Learning and Global Change Robinson, June, B.A., B.Ed., Victoria, BC, In Special Education Mallay, Nadia, B.A.H., Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum and Leadership Ioannou-Johnson, Michael, B.A., B. ED., North Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum Studies Prins, Susan, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Adult Education Robinson, Erin, B.B.A., West Vancouver, BC, in Adult Learning and Global Change Hoeppner, Michelle, B.A., Vancouver, BC, in Adult Learning and Global Change Howell, Beatrice, B.A., B.Ed., N Vancouver, BC, In Early Childhood Education Murray, Alison, Delta, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Sohal, Gurpaul Singh, B.A., B.Ed., North Delta, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Stewart, Anne, B.A., B.Ed., Brentwood Bay, BC, In Special Education Suen, Katie, B.Ed., M.Ed., Coquitlam, BC, In Modern Languages Education Sun, Jiyao, B.Admin., Changchun, China, In Curriculum Studies Sutton, Aaron, B.Sc., Yorba Linda, United States, in Adult Learning and Global Change Svekla, Richard, B.Ed., In Special Education FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 12:30 PM Swift, Donalda, B.Ed., In Adult Education Thoms, Andrea Eleanor, B.A., B.Ed., In Adult Learning and Education Timothy, Kim, B.G.S., B.Ed., Burnaby, BC, In Early Childhood Education Treitz, Nicole, B.Sc., B.Ed., In Society, Culture and Politics in Education Triggs, Erica, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Adult Learning and Global Change Turner, Katherine, B.Sc., Ladysmith, BC, In Special Education Varasteh, Valerie, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Special Education THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Frank Faculty of Education Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF KINESIOLOGY THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FORESTRY Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Innes Faculty of Forestry Dean Frank Faculty of Education Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Cindy Prescott, Faculty of Forestry Cai, Qinyu, Wuxi, China Chen, Wan Hui Allison Connors, Bridget, Glastonbury, United States Aitken, Chris, B.A., B.Ed., Calgary, AB Higgins, Erin-Marie, B.H.K., B.Ed, Surrey, BC Vickers, Starr, B.A., B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, In Special Education Armstrong, Martin, Harrison Hot Springs, BC Kehler, Ainslie, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC Jobber, Shane, Vancouver, BC Vlasic, Katarina, B.Ed, Vancouver, BC, In Art Education Barker, Jennifer, B.Ed., B.A., Ladner, BC Malabuyoc, Joseph, B.Sc.Kin., Vancouver, BC Walt, Dana, B.Comm, B.Ed, Victoria, BC, In Special Education Brooks, Patason Colliston, B.Sc. THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION Bernier, Stacey, B.Ed., B.A., Langley, BC Wang, Xinyi, Fushun, Liaoning, China, In Curriculum Studies Chen, James, Vancouver, BC Weaver, Stephanie, Brampton, ON, In Special Education Cunnian, John, B.Sc., B.Ed., Nanaimo, BC Whippler, Shane, B.A., In Counselling Psychology Earle, Lynnette, B.Ed., Chilliwack, BC Wideen, Krysty, B.B.A., Vancouver, BC, in Adult Learning and Global Change Wiebe, Jena, B.A., B.Ed., In Curriculum Studies Wilson, Alexandra, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Human Development, Learning and Culture Wong, Christopher, B.Sc., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Wood, Shannon, B.A., B.Ed., Delta, BC, In Educational Administration and Leadership Wu, Ye, B.Sc., Beijing, China, In Curriculum Studies Yakiwchuk, Erin, B.Com., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, in Adult Learning and Global Change Yang, Xin, B.A., Wuhan, China, In Higher Education Ye, Qun, Wenzhou,Zhejiang, China, In Curriculum Studies Zhang, Ning, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum Studies Zhang, Ping, B.A, Burnaby, BC, in Adult Learning and Global Change Zhang, Yiyan, B.Sc., Changchun, Jilin, China, In Curriculum Studies Zwart, Maya, B.A., B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, In Curriculum Studies Cooperman, Benjamin, B.A. Dubien, Danielle, B.Ed., B.Sc., M.Sc. Forward-Houriet, Donna, B.Mus, B.Ed., 100 Mile House, BC Francis, Kymberly, B.Ed., Edmonton, AB Greyell, Leslie, B.A., Vancouver, BC Hall, Jessica, West Vancouver, BC Hemsing, Kenton, B.Ed., Edmonton, AB Kam, Colin, B.Sc., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC Sweeney, Julie Louise, B.Ed., Surrey, BC Sampaga, Charly, B.Sc., Mililani, United States THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF APPLIED SCIENCE Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Loyla, Manpreet, Surrey, BC Mauricio, Alexis, B.A., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC McFarlane, Camille, B.A., B.Ed., Victoria, BC McKenzie, Christopher, B.A., B.Ed., Burnaby, BC Myers, Stephanie, B.A. B.Ed., M.A., Vancouver, BC Nelles, Samuel, B.Ed., Prince George, BC Ng, Diana, B.Sc.(Hns), M.L.I.S., Saskatoon, SK Penner, Joy, B.A., B.Ed., Hong Kong Pichette, Patrick, B.Sc., B.Ed., Orleans, ON Ranson, Catherine, B.H.A., Nobleton, ON Stefanyshyn, Deanna, B.Hkin., B.Ed., White Rock, BC Sudlow, Gillian, B.A., B.Ed., New Westminster, BC Woods, Chelsea, B.Ed, B.A. Dean Innes Faculty of Forestry Reader: Associate Dean Prescott, Faculty of Forestry DeRoy, Bryant Chase Derksen, Eryn Dean John Innes Faculty of Forestry Patrizio, Alec, Vancouver, BC Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Smolen, Samantha Julianna, Vancouver, BC Burkhardt, Sabrina, B.Sc., Snohomish, United States, In Forestry Zhou, Xiao Cheng Lacima Cacelin, Natalia, Vancouver, BC Lopez Bucio Fabian, Patricia Heath, Earl John Franklin THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FORESTRY Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Innes Faculty of Forestry Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Berglund, Emma, B.Sc., Uppsala, Sweden Gemmel, Anders, B.Sc., Sundsvall, Vasternor, Sweden THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Innes Faculty of Forestry Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Macdonald, Madelyn Sarin, Hellene THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN WOOD PRODUCTS PROCESSING Dean Innes Faculty of Forestry Reader: Associate Dean Prescott, Faculty of Forestry Yuan, Lin THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Dean Frank Faculty of Education Reader: Mr. Rod Brown, Program Coordinator, Faculty of Education MIDDLE YEARS EDUCATION Ferguson, Leonard, B.A., Vancouver, BC Galuska, Denise, B.Sc., Burnaby, BC Healy, Brian, B.A., Vancouver, BC Henderson, Rebecca, B.A., Salmon Arm, BC Lau, Anne, Amherstburg, ON Lint, Kelly, B.Sc., Abbotsford, BC Luke, Asia, B.Sc., Comox, BC Mandoli, Cherie Masson, Kathryn, B.A. Ng, Martha, B.A., Coquitlam, BC Riley, Erinn, B.A., Langley, BC 26 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 12:30 PM Sacre, Lelia, B.A., Delta, BC Samper, Paula, B.Sc., Surrey, BC Sharma, Grace, B.A. Simpson, Ian, B.A. Speirs, Adam, B.A., Vancouver, BC Sun, Matthew, Vancouver, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF HUMAN KINETICS Dean Frank Faculty of Education Reader: Dr. Robert Sparks, Director, School of Kinesiology Benson, Jessica, Vancouver, BC Ahmadi, Pouyan, Port Moody, BC Aikenhead, Jay, Vancouver, BC Brown, Dylan, Vancouver, BC Brown, Joshua, Vancouver, BC Case, Sean, Vancouver, BC Chong, Marilyn, Port Coquitlam, BC De Vries, Courtney, Kelowna, BC Djopa, Marija, Bar, Montenegro Dunlop, Heather, Duncan, BC Lee, Jaelim, Burnaby, BC Maron, Ryan McGurk, Michael Ng, Tobias, Vancouver, BC Reynoldson, Lindsay, Merritt, BC Severson, Sharon, Surrey, BC Tagseth, Cassie, Saskatoon, SK Virk, Paul, Vancouver, BC Wirsching, Melissa, Delta, BC Bertrand, Michelle, B.A., B.Ed., Surrey, BC, Library Education Lloyd, David, B.A., Victoria, BC, Home Economics Education Birch, Monica, B.Ed., Ladysmith, BC, Early Years Education Malonzo, Edith, B.S.E., M.A.Sc. Ed., Vancouver, BC, Curriculum and Instructional Studies Booth, Lorelei, Special Education Brett, Allison, Vancouver, BC, Library Education Bruce, Laura, B.Ed., Maple Ridge, BC, Special Education Buddingh, Darlene, Guidance Studies Coleman, Kimberley, B.Ed, Tsawwassen, BC, Early Years Education Compton, Katelyn, B.Ed., Sechelt, BC, Special Education Cooper, Gillian, Wynndel, BC, Curriculum and Instructional Studies Corduneanu, Marius, B.A., M.A., Abbotsford, BC, Curriculum and Instructional Studies Douglas, Aaron, English as a Second Language Eichendorf, Colleen, B,Ed., B.P.E., Coquitlam, BC, Language and Literacy Education Evans, Robyn, B.A., B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, Library Education Fast, Carrie, B.A., B.Ed., Langley, BC, Home Economics Education Foisy, Astra, B.Sc., B.Ed., Cherryville, BC, Early Years Education Gagne, Nadine Traci-Lee, Peachland, BC, Métis, Infant Development/Supported Child Care Griggs, Elizabeth, B.H.K., B.Ed., Dresden, ON, Guidance Studies Hollett, Heather, English as a Second Language Zai, Alex, Richmond, BC Hoskins, Karen Elaine, Early Years Education MINOR IN ARTS Hunter, Sophia, B.A., B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, Library Education Schaalo, Christopher, Victoria, BC Yeung, Jacky Ho Ting THE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Dean Frank Faculty of Education Reader: Mr. Brown, Program Coordinator, Faculty of Education Abate, Jessica, B.A., B.Ed., Kamloops, BC, Early Years Education Adams, Barbara, B.A., B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, Early Years Education Allen, Ann Elizabeth, Sechelt, BC, Home Economics Education Anaquod, Jennifer, B.Ed., Surrey, BC, Muscowpetung Saulteaux First Nation, Early Years Education Appler, Kristin, B.A., Home Economics Education Barisoff, Christina, B.G.S., Nakusp, BC, Home Economics Education Bergsma, Andra, B.Sc., Victoria, BC, Home Economics Education Hurley, Erica Leona, B.H.K., B.Ed., Prince George, BC, Home Economics Education Jang, Jennifer, B.Sc., M.Ed., Vancouver, BC, Special Education Johnston, Winona Marlyce, B.A., Home Economics Education Jones, Courtney, B.A., Early Years Education Kahlon, Hermanjit, B.Ed., Early Years Education Kanhai, Vanessa Angela, B.Sc.(FNH), B.Ed., Home Economics Education Keng, Diana J. J., B.Ed., B.A., Vancouver, BC, Special Education Kenward, Patricia, B.G.S., B.Ed., Vernon, BC, Home Economics Education Kirmis, Karla, B.Ed, B.Geog., Burnaby, BC, Guidance Studies Lai, Jenny, B.Ed., Coquitlam, BC, Early Years Education Manuel, Lana Anne, B.A., Home Economics Education Marier, Kimberly, B.A., Victoria, BC, Home Economics Education Mason, Julie, B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, Language and Literacy Education McRae, Sonya, B.F.A, B.Ed, Victoria, BC, Home Economics Education Nassar, Yasmin, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Vancouver, BC, Art Education Newman, Jennifer, West Kelowna, BC, Home Economics Education Ogura, Tami, B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, Early Years Education Parker, Janice, Prince George, BC, Library Education Qasim, Wasan, Vancouver, BC, English as a Second Language Rauter-Driessen, Charlotte, Infant Development/Supported Child Care Robertson, Alodie, Nanaimo, BC, Home Economics Education Rose Harriott, Charmaine, Markham, ON, Infant Development/Supported Child Care Sakuma, Hideaki, B.A., Chiba, Japan, English as a Second Language Sherbaniuk, Donald, B.A., B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, Language and Literacy Education Shlakoff, Trisha Ann Louise, B.Ed., North Delta, BC, English as a Second Language Shrieves, Whitney, B.A., B.Ed., North Vancouver, BC, Home Economics Education Skarsgard, Maria, B.H.E., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, Special Education Sproule, Kaija, B.Ed., Library Education Steudler, Karla, B.Sc., B.Ed., Outdoor Environmental Education Thompson, Kate Elyse, B.Ed., B.Sc., Victoria, BC, Home Economics Education Uzelac, Nadine, Vancouver, BC, Early Years Education Vyas Blajberg, Neesha Anita, B.A., North Vancouver, BC, Special Education Wang, Selena, B.A, B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, Special Education Wright, Dana, Vancouver, BC, Home Economics Education Yamagishi, Jennifer Koto, B.Sc.(2002), B.Sc.(2005), B.Ed., Special Education Yip, Yuyan, B.A., B.Ed., New Westminster, BC, Guidance Studies Le Noble, Michele, Vancouver, BC, Guidance Studies Lee, Anita, Home Economics Education Liao, Diana, B.A., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, Library Education 27 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 THE PROCESSIONS & THE PROGRAM OF CEREMONY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 3:00 PM THE PROCESSIONS Procession of Graduating Students (Ph.D.) Procession of Graduating Students Senior Marshal Iain E. P. Taylor, B.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Botany Marshal, Enrolment Services Joshua Robertson, B.A. Chief Ushers Donna Shultz, B.A., M.A. Senior Instructor Emerita, Applied Science Linda Dunbar, B.A., M.L.S. Librarian Emerita Procession of Faculty Marshals Gary Rupert, B.A., M.Ed. Education THE PROGRAM Ceremonies and Events O Canada Director Eilis Courtney Moment of Reflection University Marshal Nancy Hermiston Professor, Music Address Sarah Morgan-Silvester Chancellor Events Coordinator Melissa Picher Kelly, B.A. Events Clerk Lian Tran Enrolment Services Associate Director Jennifer Chin, M.Sc. Graduation Coordinator Brenda Rooke Remarks Stephen J. Toope President and Vice-Chancellor Travis Mendgen Member, Graduating Class Conferring of Degrees in Course The Chancellor Closing Remarks The President and Vice-Chancellor Reception Following the Ceremony Bette Shippam, B.Ed., M.Ed. Program Coordinator, Education Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party Acting Registrar Andrew Arida, B.A Associate Registrar Macebearer and Marshal Joe Belanger, B.A. (Ed.), M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor Emeritus Language and Literacy Education Alumni Representatives Beverly Barnes, BPE, M.Ed. Margaret Murphy, B.H.E. 2 8 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Graduation lists as shown this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of some graduates may be missing. LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 3:00 PM THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Dean Blye Frank Faculty of Education Creelman, Colin, Langley, BC Huang, Man-Ting, B.A., Surrey, BC Mollica, Clayton, B.A., Coquitlam, BC Cretu, Raluca, B.A., Vancouver, BC Hutchinson, Kristine, B.Mus., Surrey, BC Cross, Danielle, B.Kin., Chilliwack, BC Init, Hersie-Nina, B.H.K., B.A., Port Coquitlam, BC Molson, Michael, B.A., LL.B., Vancouver, BC Dawe, Shane Moore, Reed, B.Sc., Powell River, BC Inouye, Dana, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC Moreno, Stephanie, Burnaby, BC Ismay, Jacee, B.A. Morgan, Jeffrey, Richmond, BC Jackson, Valerie, B.Mus., M.A., Vancouver, BC Morgan, Paul, B.A., Portland, United States Jones, Gabriel, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Morris, Caitlin, Vancouver, BC Josue, Jana, B.A. Mullen, Roslyn, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Kaur, Deep, B.Sc., M.Sc., Surrey, BC Murdoch, Jennifer, B.A., Richmond, BC Naylor, Hannah, B.A., Vancouver, BC Dry, Melissa, Surrey, BC Khan, Anjum, B.Sc., M.B.A., Vancouver, BC Dunn, Janine, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC Kim, Irene, B.A., Vancouver, BC Kim, So Ree, B.A., Surrey, BC Nevison, James, B.Com(Hns), M.A., Vancouver, BC Bailey, Colin, B.A., Surrey, BC Dwernychuk, Kathleen, B.A., Vancouver, BC Kingstone, Sarah, B.A., Shawnigan Lake, BC Norris, Alexandra, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Bandy, Laura, B.Sc., M.Sc. Edwards, Simon, Surrey, BC Klassen, Lisa, B.A., Surrey, BC Beemster, Johanna, B.A., Nanoose Bay, BC England, Gregory, Delta, BC Knapp-D’Annessa, Christopher, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Olak, Kiran, B.A., Richmond, BC Reader: Mr. John Yamamoto, Program Coordinator, Faculty of Education SECONDARY EDUCATION Alcantara, Jose, B.A., Burnaby, BC Ali, Fatima, B.A., Surrey, BC An, Steve, B.Mus., Surrey, BC Archacka, Natalia, B.A. Aujlay, Kiran Deep, B.A., Vita, MB Avery, Jeremy, B.A. Babcock, Scott, Campbell River, BC Bekhit, Ragai, B.Com., Surrey, BC Bella, Miranda, B.A., Trail, BC Bentzen, Karen, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Bevis, Christopher, B.Mus., Coquitlam, BC Derbitsky, Andrew, Richmond, BC Dhaliwal, Jalem, Delta, BC Dhillon, Rajpreet, B.A. Surrey, BC Dixon, Allison DalPre, B.A. Dokhani, Veis, B.F.A., North Vancouver, BC Douglas, Alana, B.Sc.(FNH), Belcarra, BC Faedo, Rheanna, Coquitlam, BC Fahlman, Michelle, Port Moody, BC Finkleman, Ilana, B.A, M.A., Kelowna, BC Firkser, Brent, B.A. Foote, Kelsey, B.A., Brentwood Bay, BC Nettleton, Corinna, B.A., Vancouver, BC Nute, Thomas, B.Eng., Victoria, BC Ouellet, Anne Lena, Vancouver, BC Petrucci, Ashlee Ann, B.A., Vancouver, BC Knorr, Andrew, B.A., Saskatoon, SK Kozuki, Troy, B.F.A., Langley, BC, Métis Nation of BC Pietak, Betty, B.F.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC Porritt, Janine, B.A., Langley, BC Kraft, Kevin, B.A., Kelowna, BC Kurtzrock Belyea, D’Arcy, Ottawa, ON Provan, Duncan, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC Bihis, Samantha, B.A., Vancouver, BC Ford, Stefanie, B.F.A, M.F.A. Blake, Michael, B.F.A., Cincinnati, United States Fox, Alexa, B.F.A. Friesen, Nicole, B.A., Langley, BC Boehringer, Justin, Langley, BC, Skeetchestn Band Furutani, Nicole, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC Bosello, Leah, B.Kin., Burnaby, BC Ghahremani, Farhan, B.A., Vancouver, BC Lew, Rachael, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Radomirova, Zlatina, B.A., Vancouver, BC Lindblom, Lance, B.F.A. Randhawa, Natasha, B.A., Burnaby, BC Gill, Harmanpal, B.Sc, Surrey, BC Llewellyn, Katie, Calgary Randle, Trevor, Aldergrove, BC Glendinning, Aaron, Abbotsford, BC Lo, Frank, Vancouver, BC Regan, Jessica, B.A., Ladner, BC Gough, Adam, B.Mus., Surrey, BC Lo, Katrina, B.A., M.A., Burnaby, BC Relkov, Cristina, B.A., Kamloops, BC Grazier, Kelsie Rhianne, B.F.A. Lo, Veronica, Burnaby, BC Rodrigue, Andre, Toronto, ON Grover, Ayktah, B.Sc., Surrey, BC Lord, Jaime, B.A., Nelson, BC Rosenberg, Aron, B.A., Vancouver, BC Gruetzner, Kaitlyn, B.A., Swift Current, SK Lui, Wing Lam, B.Mus., Richmond, BC Rouffiange, Nicolas, Campbell River, BC Guerrero, Andrea, B.A., Burnaby, BC Ma, Gary, B.Sc., Coquitlam, BC Sahota, Jivan, B.A., Richmond, BC Madsen, Jared, Hinton, AB Sanders, Maya Medea, B.A., M.L.I.S., Métis Bowen, Alexander, Victoria, BC Brandt, Anika, Vancouver, BC Brar, Arinder, Calgary, AB Brar, Rivjot, B.Sc., Abbotsford, BC Brett, Cary, Port Coquitlam, BC Brevner, Megan, B.Sc., Delta, BC Brown, Andrew, B.Mus., Coquitlam, BC Bruder, Pamela, B.Sc.(FNH) Burnett, Christen, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Carrasco, Erin, B.A., Vancouver, BC Cassidy, Stacey, B.A., Langley, BC Chan, Albert, B.Mus., Burnaby, BC Chan, Cathy, B.Sc.(FNH), Vancouver, BC Chan, Kathy, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Chan, Louise, B.A. Chang, Benson, B.Sc., Coquitlam, BC Chang, Ju-Chun, B.Mus, M.Mus, Vancouver, BC Chau, Bronson, B.Sc., Burnaby, BC Cheng, Shing-Yan Ruth, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Cheung, Jessica, B.A., Vancouver, BC Christie, Jennifer, B.A., Richmond, BC Chun, Hee-Soo, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Clark, Heather, Vancouver, BC Cleaver, Robyn, B.A., Vancouver, BC Coletta, Vittorio, Vancouver, BC Collier, Curtis, Vancouver, BC Corbett, Jennifer, B.Sc., M.Sc., Fort St John, BC Guimond, Andre, B.Com., Vancouver, BC Gullane, John, B.A.(Hons), Toronto, ON Haitner, Justyna, B.Sc. Hansen, Tyler, B.A., Vernon, BC Hanson, Deborah Ruth, B.A., Surrey, BC Harder, Perry, B.A., White Rock, BC Harper, Jamie, Squamish, BC Harris, Julie, B.Sc., Campbell River, BC Hayman, Ellis, B.A. Heaven, Marissa, B.Mus., North Vancouver, BC Heer, Kiranjoth, B.A., Surrey, BC Hicks, Jane, B.A., Nelson, BC Hicks, Joseph, B.A., Vancouver, BC Ho, Derek, B.Mus., Vancouver, BC Holcapek, Susan, B.A., Richmond, BC Hollick-Kenyon, Ian, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Howey, Jackie, B.A., Calgary, AB Hsueh, Kai Ling, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Hu, Wendy, B.Sc.(FNH), Vancouver, BC Laubman, Kent, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC Lee, Christina, B.A., Coquitlam, BC Pruden, Blair, B.A. Quiring, Adam, B.A.Sc., Squamish, BC Lee, Dominic, B.A., Vancouver, BC Qumsieh, Jane, B.Sc. Leung, Stacey, B.F.A. Mah, Gessica, B.A., Vancouver, BC Marte, Noreen, B.M., New Westminster, BC Sangster, Brendan, B.A., Richmond Hill, ON Mashon, Danielle Nichole, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC Schoen, Jessica, B.Sc., Kamloops, BC Schoenfelder, Stefanie, Vancouver, BC Mathie, Andrew, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Shahi, Rita, B.A. McInnes, Erin, Delta, BC Shapiro, Mahla, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC McKenna, Melanie, Maple Ridge, BC, Canoe Creek Indian Band Sharpe, Natasha, B.F.A., M.A., Ladysmith, BC McKillop, Alexander, Burnaby, BC Shu, Xin, B.A., Richmond, BC McLeod, Campbell, B.Mus., Richmond, BC Shugg, Samantha, Abbotsford, BC McMillan, Sarra, B.A., Prince George, BC Mcclellan, Travis, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Medeiros, David, 100 Mile House, BC Melnik, Ada, B.A., Richmond Hill, ON Mendgen, Travis, New Westminster, BC Mervyn, Stephanie, B.Kin., Fruitvale, BC Simpkin, Lisa, B.A.(Hons), M.A., Ph.D., Surrey, BC Simpson, Jacqueline, B.A., Vancouver, BC Situ, Zoey, B.A. Smart, Shannon, B.A., Vancouver, BC Smid, Travis, B.A., Delta, BC Milbradt, Sonia, B.Sc., M.Sc. Smith, James, B. Kin., Vancouver, BC Missellbrook, Gillian, B.Sc., Prince George, BC Soares, Maggie, B.H.K., Burnaby, BC Smith, Josephine, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Mityok, Michael, B.A. 29 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 3:00 PM Sparkman, Christopher, B.Sc., Ukiah, United States Spencer, Lindsay, B.A., Vancouver, BC Spilsted, Katherine, B.A, Prince Rupert, BC St. Pierre, Nicole, B.A.(Hons), Eagle Lake, ON Stan, Mariana, B.A., Burnaby, BC Steeves, Sean, B.A., Langley, BC Stevenson, Ashley, B.Sc., White Rock, BC Sumpton, Melissa, B.Mus., Burnaby, BC Sy, Jonathan, M.Sc., B.Sc., Richmond, BC Tam, Vanessa, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Tamok, Jasmine, B.Sc., Maple Ridge, BC Tarnowsky, Sarah, B.Sc., Calgary, AB Third, Andrew, Coquitlam, BC Thorne, Rachel, B.A., Sussex, NB Tran, Vy, B.A., Vancouver, BC Twa, Nicola, B.A., Edmonton, AB Ummard, Robyn, Kelowna, BC Vandergaag, Andrea, B.A., Smithers, BC Vaziri Monfared, Anahita, North Vancouver, BC Venkataya, Edlynne, B.B.A., Surrey, BC Vernier, Sarah, B.A., Richmond, BC Vial, Claire, B.Sc., Victoria, BC Walker, Kimberley, B.A., Vancouver, BC Wang, Christine, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Wasik, Adam, B.Sc., Kitchener, ON Wauthy, Remi, B.A.Sc., Abbotsford, BC Wegner, Dayonne, B.A., Victoria, BC Wheeler, Daniel, Surrey, BC Wilkie, Brian, B.Sc., M.Sc., Edmonton, AB Windhorst, Ryan Lucas, B.A. Wolbers, Christa, B.A., Campbell River, BC Wong, Darren, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Wu, Sarah, B.A., Coquitlam, BC Wu, Wan-Hsiu, B.Sc., Surrey, BC Yendall, Christopher, Surrey, BC Young, Heather, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Yu, Elaine, B.A., Richmond, BC Zeman, Chelsea, B.Com., Kelowna, BC Zhang, Henry, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Zhao, Yili, B.Sc.(Hons), Burnaby, BC 30 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 THE PROCESSIONS & THE PROGRAM OF CEREMONY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 9:30 AM THE PROCESSIONS Procession of Graduating Students (Ph.D.) Procession of Graduating Students Senior Marshal Iain E. P. Taylor, B.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Botany Marshals, Enrolment Services Luke Dawson, B.Soc.Sc. Kristen Elder Chief Ushers Donna Shultz, B.A., M.A. Senior Instructor Emerita, Applied Science Linda Dunbar, B.A., M.L.S. Librarian Emerita Procession of Faculty Marshals Ning Nan, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Sauder School of Business THE PROGRAM Ceremonies and Events O Canada Director Eilis Courtney Moment of Reflection University Marshal Nancy Hermiston Professor, Music Address Sarah Morgan-Silvester Chancellor Events Coordinator Melissa Picher Kelly, B.A. Events Clerk Lian Tran Enrolment Services Associate Director Jennifer Chin, M.Sc. Graduation Coordinator Brenda Rooke Remarks Stephen J. Toope President and Vice-Chancellor Alison Sinkewicz Member, Graduating Class Presentation of the University of British Columbia Killam Teaching Prizes Angela Redish Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Enrolment and Academic Facilities Conferring of Degrees in Course The Chancellor Ross King, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Professor, Asian Studies Closing Remarks The President and Vice-Chancellor Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party Reception Following the Ceremony Registrar Kate Ross, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Associate Vice-President and Registrar Macebearer and Marshal Kin Lo, B.Comm., M.S., Ph.D. Associate Professor, Sauder School of Business Graduation lists as shown this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of some graduates may be missing. Alumni Representatives George Firican, M.Sc., M.M. Dave Mullen. B.Com. 31 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 9:30 AM THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS Dean pro tem Susan Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Lawrence Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Brooks, Ian, B.E.Sc., B.A., M.E.Sc., M.A., In Philosophy Banerjee, Somaditya, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.S., M.A., Calcutta, India, In History Clerici, Nathen, In Asian Studies Deery, Oisin, B.A., M.A., In Philosophy Falangola, Chiara, Rome, Italy, In French Gregoire, Vincent, B.Ing., M.Sc., Quebec, QC, In Business Administration, In Finance Grillo Arbulu, Maria Teresa, M.A., In Hispanic Studies Han, Mei, master, Vancouver, BC, In Ethnomusicology Hermel, Dror, In Business Administration, In Management Science Hiebert, Matthew, B.A.(Hons), M.A., In English Horton, Chelsea, B.A.(Hons), M.A., Victoria, BC, In History Isenberg, Jillian, B.A., M.A., In Philosophy Joo, Jeong Hwan, B.B.A., M.B.A., Hong Kong, Hong Kong, In Business Administration, In Accounting L’Abbe, Sonnet Lynn, B.F.A., M.A., Waterloo, ON, In English Limonad, Lior, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Business Administration, In Management Information Systems Moran-Villar, Pablo, B.Sc., M.Sc., Chile, In Business Administration, In Finance Nielsen, Emilia, B.F.A., M.A., Victoria, BC, In Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Roark, Timothy, B.M., B.A., M.Mus., In Composition Trew, Ryan, B.Mus., M.Mus., Vancouver, BC, In Composition THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Beckett, Amanda, B.A, Vancouver, BC, In Science and Technology Studies Birks, Chelsea, B.A.Hons., Calgary, AB, In Film Studies Bridenstine, Stephen, B.A., Farmington Hills, United States, In History Burnett, Joel, B.A., Kansas City, United States, In Philosophy Byrne, Adriana, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In English Chan, Vincent, B. A., Coquitlam, BC, In Asian Studies Choate, Evan, B.A., Calgary, AB, In English Crawford, Katherine, B.A., Blaine, United States, In Classical Archaeology Gardner, Rachael, B.Hums., Ottawa, ON, In English Ickert, Stefanie, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In History Jackson, Rebecca, B.A., Victoria, BC, In English Keay, Aimee, B.A.(Hons), East Sussex, United Kingdom, In English Kirchmeier, Glynnis, B.A., History, University of Puget Sound, In History Kroener, Oliver, Magister Artium, Hattersheim, Germany, In Film Studies Lee, Nicolette, B.A., New Providence, United States, In Asian Studies Lemire, Chantal, B.Mus., M.Mus., Langley, BC, In Music, Emphasis Theory Martin, Alexander, B.Mus., Toronto, ON, In Music, Emphasis Theory Martin, Anna, Vancouver, BC, In Music, Emphasis Ethnomusicology 32 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Nakajima, Ayako, B.Mus., Delta, BC, In Music, Emphasis Theory Patterson, David, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In History Qiu, Huiyong, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Asian Studies Qiu, Yanting, B.A., In Asian Studies Rajani, Shahana, B.A., In Art History (Critical Curatorial Studies) Ransom, Madeleine, B.A., West Vancouver, BC, In Philosophy Schroeder, Katherine, B.A., In Art History (Critical Curatorial Studies) Stalner, Eva Sofia, B.A., In Art History (Critical Curatorial Studies) Swain, Felix, B.A., International Studies, Mississippi, United States, In Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Harris, Tamar, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC, In Creative Writing Henderson, Kate, BFA, Vancouver, BC, In Fine Arts (Studio Art) Horlick, Leah, B.A., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, In Creative Writing Hozar, Nazanin, B.A., English Literature, Vancouver, BC, In Creative Writing Krajca, Lucie, BA, Vancouver, BC, In Creative Writing Martin, Richard, Van, BC, In Film Production Morrill, Natalie, B.A., B.Sc., Ottawa, ON, In Creative Writing Mount, William, B.A. Hon., M.A.J.D., Vancouver, BC, In Creative Writing Mullan, Arthur, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC, In Creative Writing Turner, Christina, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In English Oke, Christopher, B.Com., In Creative Writing Uroni, Cristina, Monselice (Padova), Italy, In French Ortner, Ines, B.A., Bowen Island, BC, In Theatre Warje, Anna, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Pope, Stephanie, B.F.A., Lethbridge, AB, In Creative Writing Whitford, Robert, B.A.Hons., Elkford, BC, In English Zheng, Siqing, B.A., In Germanic Studies THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (ASIA PACIFIC POLICY STUDIES) Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Hasanain, Fatima, In Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Weiss, Max Morgan, B.A., In Philosophy Green, Caroline (Cari), B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Film Production Eden, Sarah, B.A., Portland, United States, In English Romero, Alberto, B.Sc., M.Math., Mexico City, Mexico, In Business Administration, In Finance Wan, Yulai, B.B.A., M.Phil., Shanghai, China, In Business Administration, In Transportation Meade-Clift, Brenna, B.A., Edmonton, AB, In Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Duke, Thomas, Atlanta, United States, In Music, Emphasis Theory Forsyth, Justin, B.A., In Asian Studies Van Huizen, Philip, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC, In History Elsharkawi, Karim, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Creative Writing Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dikmelik, Ediz, B.A., M.A., In Philosophy O’Reilly, Deborah, B.Com., M.Sc., Ottawa, ON, In Business Administration, In Organizational Behaviour Shilliday, Molleen, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC, In French McCarvill, Martin, B.A., English, Victoria, BC, In English Do, Sung Soo, Vancouver, BC Hamburg, Glen, B.A. Lin, Yuehao, Shanghai, China Oeckel, Michael, B.A., Rockaway, United States Rudolph, Joshua, Nashua, United States THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FINE ARTS Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Barlizo, Marie Leofeli, B.F.A., Montreal, QC, In Creative Writing Colin Moreno, Carlos Antonio, B.F.A., M.F.A., Mexico City, Mexico, In Fine Arts (Studio Art) Daniell, Ruth, B.A.Hons., Prince George, BC, In Creative Writing Sober-Blodgett, Tristan, B.F.A., Santa Barbara, United States, In Fine Arts (Studio Art) Wang, Michael, B.F.A., Singapore, In Creative Writing Wichuk, Stephen, B.M.A., Vancouver, BC, In Fine Arts (Studio Art) THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Professor John Roeder, Acting Director, School of Music Reekie, Robyn, B.Mus., Calgary, AB, In Orchestral Instrument THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Robert Helsley Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Bolandnazar, Mohammadreza, B.Sc., B.Sc., Esfahan, Iran, In Transportation and Logistics Lau, Colleen, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Organizational Behavior LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 9:30 AM Slofstra, Anyu, B.Math., In Management Science Xu, Mengting, B.Eng., Shanghai, China, In Management Information Systems THE DEGREE OF EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dean Helsley Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Reader: Associate Dean Murali Chandrashekaran, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Alexiadis, Alexandros, B.Sc., M.D., Vancouver, BC Boutet, Raymond, B.S.N., Vancouver, BC Caron, Laura, B.Sc., Langley, BC Gano, Catriona, B.H.Admn. Heckman, Kristine, M.Sc., B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Heitland, Christopher, B.Sc.(Pharm), Calgary, AB Jacob, John, B.A., Coquitlam, BC Martinson, Michelle, B.S.N. Medland, Michelle, B.Kin., B.Sc.N., North Vancouver, BC Murzello, Elena, B.Sc.N. Saari, Carol-Ann, M.D., B. Sc., Surrey, BC Saeri, Maryam, B.Sc. Salken, Joanna Sharifi, Nader, B.A.Sc, Vancouver, BC Sponton, Sharon, B.Sc., Telkwa, BC Taylor, Marianne Jane, B.Sc., M.D. THE DEGREE OF INTERNATIONAL MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dean Helsley Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Reader: Associate Dean Chandrashekaran, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Gu, Guohong, B.Mgt., Shanghai, China Qian, Shenghua, B.A. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MANAGEMENT Lin, Jerry Chia Wei, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters - International Business THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Dean Helsley Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Liu, Jason, B.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Dean Gage Averill Faculty of Arts Reader: Associate Dean Chandrashekaran, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) An, Jingsi, B.A., Richmond, BC, Early Career Masters - International Business Bohme, Bethany, Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Browne, James, B.A., Toronto, ON, Early Career Masters Chan, Victor, B.A., West Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Chatha, Taronvir, B.Sc., Coquitlam, BC, Early Career Masters Chen, Allan, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Chong, Jacqueline, B.F.A., Burnaby, BC, Early Career Masters Clarke, Jenna, B.Sc., Powell River, BC, Early Career Masters Clarke, John, B.Sc., Seattle, United States, Early Career Masters Cowie, Jason, BA, Economics, Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Cumming, Shannon, B.Sc.(Hons), Johannesburg, South Africa, Early Career Masters Devlin, Patrick, B.A., Calgary, AB, Early Career Masters El Ayoubi El Idrissi, Saladin, B.A., Casablanca, Morocco, Early Career Masters Feng, Ya Yu, B.A., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters – International Business Garcha, Amreeta, B.A., B.Ed., Early Career Masters Gorczynski, Krzysztof, B.A., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Hignell, Nicholas, B.A., Waterloo, ON, Early Career Masters Jang, Hye Mi, B.A., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters – International Business Joubert, Nereus Adriaan, B.Sc., Calgary, AB, Early Career Masters Kshirsagar, Rutuja, B.E., Pune, Maharashtra, India, Early Career Masters Kumar, Animesh, B.Tech., Mumbai, India, Early Career Masters Kuo, Hsuan-Wen, B.A., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters - International Business Lee, Chen-Han, B.A., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Lee, Ching Yu, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Lee, Hang Baek, B.Sc., Abbotsford, BC, Early Career Masters Lin, Alice, B.H.K., Bangkok, Thailand, Early Career Masters Loveday, Carson, B.A., Early Career Masters Mahmoodi, Shahin, B.Sc., Early Career Masters Meng, Christina, B.Sc., Richmond, BC, Early Career Masters Mitchell, Kevin Jordan, B.A., Victoria, BC, Early Career Masters Moss, Matthew, B.A.&Sc., Owen Sound, ON, Early Career Masters Mukai, Maki, B.Sc.Hon., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Mullen, Jacqueline, B.A., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Najafi, Mehran, Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Reader: Mr. Fred Cutler, Academic Chair, Faculty of Arts MAJOR ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORY OF GREECE, ROME & NEAR EAST Liu, Ming Hsuan, Vancouver, BC MAJOR ART HISTORY Guo, Yue, Vancouver, BC Pappajohn, Ann, North Vancouver, BC Yu, Sukyung, Seoul, Korea, South MAJOR ART HISTORY MINOR ANTHROPOLOGY Hamanaka, Itsuko O’Callaghan, Liam, Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Olynyk, Zelenka, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Pai, Andrew, B.Sc., Taichung, Taiwan, Early Career Masters Peer, Reshub, B.E., Early Career Masters Prabhudesai, Anay, B.E., Pune, Maharashtra, India, Early Career Masters MAJOR ART HISTORY MINOR NINETEENTH CENTURY STUDIES Sinkewicz, Alison MAJOR FINE ARTS (ART HISTORY) Cann, Melissa, Delta, BC Elstone, Daniel, North Vancouver, BC Purewal, Harpreet, B.A., Richmond, BC, Early Career Masters – International Business Robinson, Andrew, B.A., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters – International Business Sane, Siddharth, B.E., Pune, India, Early Career Masters Simons, Mark, B.A., North Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters McKenna, William, East Aurora, United States MAJOR FINE ARTS (ART HISTORY) MINOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE Birt, Allison, Vancouver, BC MAJOR ASIAN AREA STUDIES MINOR ECONOMICS Wu, Wen Chieh, Vancouver, BC Simpson-Porco, Anne Deirdre, B.Sc. Hons, Toronto, ON, Early Career Masters MAJOR ASIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Tang, Bingzhi, Dalian, China, Early Career Masters – International Business Lee, Mercury, Vancouver, BC Dawson, Kimberly, North Vancouver, BC Tay, Ivan, B.Comm., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters MAJOR ASIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (CHINA) Tibbles, Paige, B.A., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Gu, Lu Xi, Vancouver, BC Tiwana, Divyajeet, B.Sc., Agra, India, Early Career Masters MAJOR ASIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (JAPAN) Tso, Gloria Po Man, B.Sc., Calgary, AB, Early Career Masters Lee, Peggy Pei-chi, Vancouver, BC Wang, Anran, B.A.Hons, Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters MAJOR ASIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (JAPAN) MINOR PSYCHOLOGY Wang, Hongyi, Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters Chan, Denise, Richmond, BC Wicht, Leopold, B.A., B.Sc., Toronto, ON, Early Career Masters MAJOR CLASSICAL ARCHEOLOGY AND ANCIENT HISTORY Wong, Maureen, B.Sc., Early Career Masters Magee, Janet, Vancouver, BC Xue, Yingying, M.Sc, Qingdao, China, Early Career Masters – International Business Zhang, Tingting, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, Early Career Masters 33 MAJOR CLASSICAL STUDIES Anos, Maria Alexandra MAJOR CLASSICAL STUDIES MINOR PSYCHOLOGY Sawicki, Bart FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 9:30 AM HONOURS ENGLISH Rogers, Laurel MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE MINOR FRENCH HONOURS ENGLISH MINOR PSYCHOLOGY Neagu, Adriana, Eureka, United States Shayan, Sara Alexandra, Vancouver, BC MAJOR ENGLISH Miller, Craig, La Plata, United States MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE MINOR NINETEENTH CENTURY STUDIES MAJOR HISTORY MINOR PHILOSOPHY Wilson, Cory, Cheltenham, ON MAJOR HISTORY MINOR POLITICAL SCIENCE Walker-Lane, William, Roberts Creek, BC INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Lyons-Stevenson, Chantal, Lions Bay, BC Carl, Ian, Toronto, ON MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE MINOR PHILOSOPHY Chiang, Tsung-Han, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Rahemtulla, Aliya, Burnaby, BC Ebisu, Matthew Wong, Cupertino, CA Elabd, Lina, Giza, Egypt Hashimoto, Hikaru, Vancouver, BC MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE MINOR PSYCHOLOGY Lee, Soyeong, Korea, South Chan, Hiu Ching, Vancouver, BC Mansaray, Sydney, Toronto, ON Chern, Yow, Anmore, BC Leung, John Wan Jung Panet-Raymond, Christianne Renee, Edmonton, AB Yiu, Jenny, Richmond, BC MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LANGUAGE Andrews, Jason, Calgary, AB Ashe, Robin, Vancouver, BC Chen, Di Douglas, Mark, Abbotsford, BC Cole-McElroy, Hailey, Vancouver, BC Jen, Chih Wei, Vancouver, BC Lee, Jee Hyun, Burnaby, BC Li, Min Ying, Vancouver, BC Luo, Yu MAJOR FILM STUDIES Parchani, Tanya Pinto, Laura Amy, Oakville, ON Mesen, Jose, San Jose, Costa Rica Shams, Ryan, Richmond, BC MAJOR FRENCH Sang, Esme, Morton Grove, United States Shek, Michelle Man Wai Anza, Timothy, Vancouver, BC MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LANGUAGE MINOR SOCIOLOGY Lin, Lydia Pena, Katrina Kaira Imai, Kaitlin, Coquitlam, BC MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE Burn, Rosamund Lilian Mary, B.A., M.Ed. Poulain, Marcelle, Victoria, BC MAJOR FRENCH MINOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LANGUAGE Jamieson, Anne, Vancouver, BC Carey, Graeme, Hamilton, ON MAJOR FRENCH MINOR POLITICAL SCIENCE Franklin, Georgia, Vancouver, BC Carvajal, Jessica Gordon, Max Howard, Katherine, Vancouver, BC Humphreys, Chloe, North Vancouver, BC MAJOR GERMAN Kelly, Catherine, Vancouver, BC Edwards, David, Vancouver, BC MAJOR PHILOSOPHY Bergcoutts, Jeffrey Roy Chen, Jia, Vancouver, BC Kuiper, Rhonda, Vancouver, BC Lewis, Delbert Darby, Edmonton, AB Ong, Patricia, Richmond, BC Dwi, Jason Ibrahim Clark, Tyler, Vancouver, BC Lee, Gahyang, Edmonton, AB Egger, Leonard, Vancouver, BC Lei, Ying Hsuan, Vancouver, BC Farina, Krystel, Vancouver, BC MAJOR PHILOSOPHY MINOR SOCIOLOGY Levine, David, Vancouver, BC Firth, William, North Vancouver, BC Hernandez, Jonathon, Osoyoos, BC McCavour, Adrian, Duncan, BC Gerry, Scott, Langley, BC Reimer, Erin, Vancouver, BC Greiche, Georges, Mont-Royal, QC Shuen, Stephanie, West Vancouver, BC Maclean, Matthew, Vancouver, BC Tsan, Kimberly Ming, Coquitlam, BC McGregor, Ryan, Vancouver, BC MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE MAJOR HISTORY Moore, Emmett, Orange, United States MAJOR SPANISH MINOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Smith, Lyndsay, Vancouver, BC Craigmyle, Rachael, Quesnel, BC Matheuszik, Ryan, Burnaby, BC Thornton, Nicholas, Victoria, BC MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE MINOR FAMILY STUDIES Baikie-Pedneault, Sacha, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC Bazovsky, Christopher, Vancouver, BC Chen, David, Surrey, BC MAJOR HISTORY MINOR ART HISTORY Reid, Sonya, Burnaby, BC MAJOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES Watt, Heather Anne, Vancouver, BC MAJOR THEATRE MINOR HISTORY Turner, Corey, Abbotsford, BC MAJOR VISUAL ARTS MINOR ART HISTORY Campbell, Marissa, Surrey, BC Giesbrecht, Meighan, Calgary, AB, Kwak-wakw-wakw MAJOR WOMEN’S AND GENDER STUDIES Hubbard, Tanya, Vancouver, BC 34 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 MAJOR CREATIVE WRITING Monaco, Ginette Lisa, Aurora, ON Vanderwoud, Nicholas Jon MAJOR FILM PRODUCTION Dagher, Sophia, Alpharetta, United States MAJOR VISUAL ARTS Jung, Christopher, Edmonton, AB Yi, Xin, Burnaby, BC Dean Averill Faculty of Arts Anjomani, Gilava, North Vancouver, BC Chuahiock, Jenica KimYu Reader: Mr. Cutler, Academic Chair, Faculty of Arts MAJOR MODERN EUROPEAN STUDIES Korotva, Justin Nicholas, Maple Ridge, BC MAJOR HISTORY MAJOR POLITICAL SCIENCE Dean Averill Faculty of Arts THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC MAJOR HISTORY Wong, Gina, Tsawwassen, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Zhang, Qian, Nanjing, China Wang, Mingzhe, Wuxi, China Kazemi, Farshid, Coquitlam, BC MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE MINOR COMMERCE Vining, Eirian, Vancouver, BC Speed, Tatiana, North Vancouver, BC MAJOR PHILOSOPHY MAJOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE Sung, Adrian MAJOR WOMEN’S AND GENDER STUDIES MINOR ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE Reader: Professor John Roeder, Acting Director, School of Music Golinsky, Cameron, North Vancouver, BC Kwan, Herbert, Coquitlam, BC Meyer, Nickolas, Courtenay, BC Owusu, Rosalind, Surrey, BC Schreyer, Rachel, Vancouver, BC Sedlmair, Teresa, Langley, BC Thomson, Holly, Vancouver, BC Ulanowicz, Boris, Vancouver, BC Wilkerson, Emily, Burnaby, BC Wong, Gary, Vancouver, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS REAL ESTATE Dean Helsley Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Reader: Associate Dean Chandrashekaran, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Nakaska, Morgan, Dip.U.L.E. Uy, Alexander, Vancouver, BC LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 9:30 AM THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE Dean Helsley Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Reader: Associate Dean Chandrashekaran, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) ACCOUNTING OPTION Boles, Cory, Victoria, BC Shen, Wei Yi, Beijing, China Shepherd, April, Vancouver, BC Shestak, Irina Shin, Chang Hyuk Charles Sunner, Patrick, Duncan, BC Tsang, Curtis, Vancouver, BC Tyab, Imran, West Vancouver, BC Wang, Hao, Vancouver, BC Wang, Shengchao Wang, Yue Yang, Li-Ting, Vancouver, BC Chan, Patrick, Vancouver, BC FINANCE AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPTION Chen, Si, Vancouver, BC Popovski, Daniel, Vancouver, BC Cheng, Anne, Richmond, BC Talebian, Kimia, West Vancouver, BC Cheng, Boris Ho Yeung, Richmond, BC Cheung, Mandy, Richmond, BC Hole, Michael, Vancouver, BC Hsieh, Lilian, Port Coquitlam, BC Huang, Jane, Burnaby, BC Kong, Andy, Vancouver, BC Kooner, Amber, Abbotsford, BC Salam, Daniel, Vancouver, BC Sun, Chao Tam, Sylvia, Richmond, BC Wu, Louie, Vancouver, BC Yang, Peter, Richmond, BC Zheng, Kimberly, Vancouver, BC THE DIPLOMA ACCOUNTING Lau, Helen, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Lee, Donald Kar Ho, B.A., Vancouver, BC Dean Helsley Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Reader: Associate Dean Chandrashekaran, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Alsamaraie, Mohumad, Coquitlam, BC Alvernaz, Ashley, B.A. Bosenberg, Andrea, B.Kin., Victoria, BC Bhangoo, Jason, Vancouver, BC Chatha, Harraj, B.A., Coquitlam, BC Goyel, Terence, Vancouver, BC Chen, YanLin, B.A., Vancouver, BC Kos, Aleksandar, White Rock, BC Cheng, Yu Wei, B.B.A. Li, Hao Yuan Cho, Eric, B.A., Burnaby, BC Lukman, Philene, Jakarta, Indonesia Choi, Ji Won, Vancouver, BC Oh, Jinjoo, Cheongju, Korea, South Choy, Nicholas, B.Sc., M.Sc., Richmond, BC Salter, Adrienne, Vancouver, BC Wong, Samantha, Richmond, BC MARKETING AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPTION Crompton, Alex, Surrey, BC Eng, Brenda, B.A, Vancouver, BC BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Parekh, Ishita, Mumbai, India Eshleman, Alexandra, B.A., Okanagan Falls, BC Crowe, Travis, North Vancouver, BC So, Clarence, Hong Kong, Hong Kong COMMERCE AND ECONOMICS OPTION Wang, Xi, Vancouver, BC Curteanu, Jordan, Whitehorse, YT Tong, Ling, B.Sc., M.Sc. Tse, Pui Sze, B.A., Hong Kong, Hong Kong Farquharson, Julia, Vancouver, BC Verbeek, Bradley, B.B.A., Surrey, BC Gao, Ruo Yu, B.A.Sc., Richmond, BC Voyer, Reece, B.A.H., Vancouver, BC Gobeil, Maxime Wong, Calvin, Vancouver, BC Golestani, Pedrum, Vancouver, BC Wong, Elsa, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Andruschak, Jeremy, Vancouver, BC Wilson, Derek, Calgary, AB Haberl, Anton, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Chen, David, Burnaby, BC Wynn, Joshua, Toronto, ON Hall, Erik, B.Sc., Rock Creek, BC Gonzalez Montaner, Camila, Vancouver, BC Xue, Yunqing, Nanjing, China Heit, Heather, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Kim, Michael TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS OPT. & INTERNATIONAL BUS. Ho Yuen, Krystal, B.A., Vancouver, BC Kong, Victor, Burnaby, BC Das, Rajib, Dhaka, Bangladesh Ivkovic, Maja, B.Sc., New Westminster, BC Ma, Lina, Vancouver, BC Macey, Nicholas, Vancouver, BC Mendez Silva, Jorge, Vancouver, BC Shum, Jeffery, Vancouver, BC Tokunari, Satoko, Vancouver, BC Eng, Sarah, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Gu, Jie, B.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC Li, Yuanmeng Shen, Qing, B.Com. Sung, Stephen, B.A., Vancouver, BC Grewal, Manjot, Surrey, BC TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS OPTION Schluter, Cayetana, B.Sc., MSc Sultana, Farzana, Dhaka, Bangladesh Donnelly, Andrew, Ottawa, ON FINANCE OPTION Lee, Jeeman, Vancouver, BC Parker, Ross, B.A., South Surrey, BC Stafleu, Chrisna, B.Com., North Vancouver, BC Grewall, Mundeep, B.B.A., New Westminster, BC Kutev, Kristy, Burnaby, BC Michel, Gregory, B.A., Langley, BC Sodhi, Simranjit, B.Sc., Burnaby, BC Fast, Liam, Delta, BC Hanson, Ryan, Delta, BC Mehrgan, Shirin, B.A., West Vancouver, BC Ng, Wilfred, B.A., Vancouver, BC Conyers, Allison, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR & HUMAN RESOURCES OPTION Song, Heiju, Vancouver, BC Lun, Leon, Richmond, BC Neil, Ashleigh, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Clarke, Lesley, B.A., West Vancouver, BC DiZazzo, Tara, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC REAL ESTATE OPTION Lui, Jonathan, B.A. Pan, Yi Hsuang, B.Sc.(FNH) Tancredi, Brian Spencer, North Vancouver, BC Kimura, Fumiya, B.Com., Singapore Loomis, Neil Na, Young Ho, B.A. Chua, Adrian, B.Sc., Manila, Philippines Dharni, Vimaljeet, B.Sc., Surrey, BC Ryu, Jae Hee, Vancouver, BC Lin, Tina, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Oram, Katherine, B.A., Coquitlam, BC Tam, Betty, Vancouver, BC Zhou, Lisa, Calgary, AB Li, Siqi, B.B.A., China Olabiyi, Habeeb, B.Sc., Lagos, Nigeria Chow, Mandy, Vancouver, BC Zhang, Ya Ni Li, Haizhen, B.Eng. Nozaki, Rinko, Vancouver, BC Dawson, Jared, Port Coquitlam, BC ACCOUNTING AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPTION Leung, Nim, Vancouver, BC Malkin, Eytan, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Bhimani, Imran, B.A., North Vancouver, BC Brown, Adam, B.A., Paradise, NL Lee, Tony, B.Sc., Burnaby, BC Magrath, Curtis, B.B.A., Kelowna, BC Barr, Sarah, B.Com., Burnaby, BC MARKETING OPTION Lee, Terence, Vancouver, BC Wong, Jeremy, B.A., Vancouver, BC Wong, Johnson, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Wong, Journey Wong, Leanne, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Wu, Kenneth, B.A., Vancouver, BC Hudec, Allison, B.A., Vancouver, BC wang, Kye Seo, B.Sc.(Hons), Surrey, BC Wu, Wei Yang, Wenting, B.A., Burnaby, BC Yu, Man Yiu, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Yuen, Bill, B.A. Yusuf, Rosanna, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Kassamali, Aaqil, B.A, Burnaby, BC Zhang, Pengbo, B.A. Cang, Jian, Vancouver, BC Kelly, Liam, B.A., Vancouver, BC Zhang, Weikai, Burnaby, BC Castillo, Daniel, Vancouver, BC Keys, Spencer, B.A., Abbotsford, BC Zhang, Ye Taniwangsa, Rienaldy, Indonesia Khoshroo, Sina, Vancouver, BC Zhou, Yu Scott, B.Sc. Kim, Anastasia, Richmond, BC Zhuang, Wan Ting, Vancouver, BC Qian, Kangcheng, Vancouver, BC Kullar, Pavandeep, B.Sc., Surrey, BC Qiao, Yining, Vancouver, BC Kwon, Sang Hyuk Ratvik, Helge Jystad, Høvik, Norway Lam, Luis, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Sha, Qiang, China 35 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 9:30 AM THE DIPLOMA URBAN LAND ECONOMICS Dean Helsley Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Reader: Associate Dean Chandrashekaran, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration (Sauder School of Business) Allen, Micheal, Vancouver, BC Andresen, Joel, St. Albert, AB Beatty, Tyler Allan, B.A Foty, George Paul, B.Com., Calgary, AB Fudge, Paula, Fort McMurray, AB Gillett, Nicole, B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Grandbois, Dale Ha, Grace, B.Ed., Edmonton, AB Handel, Peggy, Bridgewater, NS, Acadia First Nations Hendrata, Anthony, B.Mgt. Howard, Justin, B.A., Victoria, BC Hyde, Scott, Edmonton, AB Jolly, Ross, Vernon, BC Kata, Ewa, Mississauga, ON Kim, Daejung, Waterloo, ON Krysinski, Mark Martens, Jennifer, Winnipeg, MB Martin, Peter Gordon, Creston McIver, Steven McKay, Melanie, Lethbridge, AB Norton, Robert Thomas, Hon.B.A., Streetsville, ON O’Donnell, Mark, B.A., Kelowna, BC Rankel, Nicole, Vancouver, BC Rantucci, Patricia, Kelowna, BC Richardson, Meghan, Sherwood Park, AB Rossel, Beauregard A Taylor, Jessica, Prince George, BC Taylor, Michael, B.F.A, Winnipeg, MB, Real Property Assessment Option Walker, June Wong, Wylen, B.B.A., Coquitlam, BC Zu, Allen, Burnaby, BC THE DIPLOMA ART HISTORY Dean Averill Faculty of Arts Reader: Mr. Cutler, Academic Chair, Faculty of Arts Caedo, Donna, B.A. 36 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 THE PROCESSIONS & THE PROGRAM OF CEREMONY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 12:30 PM THE PROCESSIONS Procession of Graduating Students (Ph.D.) Procession of Graduating Students Senior Marshal Iain E. P. Taylor, B.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Botany Marshal, Enrolment Services Freda Moraes Chief Ushers Donna Shultz, B.A., M.A. Senior Instructor Emerita, Applied Science Linda Dunbar, B.A., M.L.S. Librarian Emerita Procession of Faculty Marshal Peter Dauvergne, Ph.D. Professor, Political Science Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party Registrar Kate Ross, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Associate Vice-President and Registrar Macebearer and Marshal Jing Zhi-Chun, B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor, Anthropology Alumni Representative Cate Morrison, B.A. THE PROGRAM Ceremonies and Events O Canada Director Eilis Courtney Moment of Reflection University Marshal Nancy Hermiston Professor, Music Events Coordinator Melissa Picher Kelly, B.A. Events Clerk Lian Tran Enrolment Services Associate Director Jennifer Chin, M.Sc. Graduation Coordinator Brenda Rooke Remarks Her Honour, The Honourable Judith Guichon, O.B.C. Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia Sarah Morgan-Silvester Chancellor Stephen J. Toope President and Vice-Chancellor Allie Entwistle Member, Graduating Class Presentation of the University of British Columbia Killam Teaching Prizes Angela Redish Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Enrolment and Academic Facilities Presentation of the President’s Service Award for Excellence to: Rob Lloyd-Smith Conferring of Degrees in Course The Chancellor Closing Remarks The President and Vice-Chancellor Reception Following the Ceremony Graduation lists as shown this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of some graduates may be missing. 37 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 12:30 PM THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Dean pro tem Susan Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Lawrence Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Abbott, Brant, Victoria, BC, In Economics Brcic, Jelena, B.Sc., M.A., Toronto, ON, In Psychology Calvert, Aubin, B.A.(Hons), Calgary, AB, In Political Science Cheng, Joey, B.Sc., M.A., Toronto, ON, In Psychology Chudek, Matthew, B.A., M.A., In Psychology Dai, Guang, B.Eng., M.A., Anyi, China, In Economics Drugge, Oskar, Vasteras, Sweden, In Political Science Dunlop, William, B.A.Hons, M.A., London, ON, In Psychology Feir, Donna, B.A., M.A., In Economics Freeman, David John, B.A., M.A., Toronto, ON, In Economics Torres, Javier, M.A., Lima, Peru, In Economics Trew, Jennifer, B.A.Hns., M.A., Calgary, AB, In Psychology Troncoso-Valverde, Cristian, B.Sc., M.A., Linares, Chile, In Economics Uban, Kristina, B.Sc., M.A., Los Angeles, United States, In Psychology Watson, Marcus, B.Hum., M.Phil., Vancouver, BC, In Psychology Weaver, Sydney Michelle, B.S.G., B.S.W., M.S.W., In Social Work Zwicker, Amy, B.Sc.H., M.A., Lunenburg, NS, In Psychology THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Abe, Keita, Nishinomiya, Japan, In Economics Ali, Haseeb, M.Sc., Islamabad, Pakistan, In Economics Gao, Xiaodan, B.A., M.A., In Economics Atkinson, Emily, B.A., Ottawa, ON, In Political Science Hill, Andrew John, B.Sc., B.Com., M.Com., M.A., In Economics Barrick, Leigh, B.A., Portland, United States, In Geography Human, Jacqueline, B.A., M.A., North Vancouver, BC, In Psychology Grego, Caroline, B.A., In Geography Steckler, Conor, B.A., In Psychology Halderman, Frank, B.Sc., B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Political Science Thivierge, Vincent, B.B.A., Montreal, QC, In Economics Hao, Tongtong, B.A., Guangzhou, China, In Economics Tiahnybok, Andriy, B.A., M.A., Lviv, Ukraine, In Economics Heinrichs, Caroline, B.Sc., Wuppertal, Germany, In Economics Ton, Tien, Viet Nam, In Economics Horrocks-Denis, Emilie, B.A., Montreal, QC, In Political Science Tremblay, Mélanie, B.A.(Hons), Montreal, QC, In Psychology Huang, Anqi, B.A., China, In Economics Truong, Grace, B.Sc., Aldergrove, BC, In Psychology Jo, Ara, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Economics Tuebbicke, Stefan Achim, B.Sc., In Economics Johns, Samuel, B.A., Bletchingley, United Kingdom, In Geography Walker, Samuel, B.A., Pittsburgh, United States, In Geography Kellman-McFarlane, Kirstie, B.A., Montreal, QC, In Psychology Wang, Zhe, Shanghai, China, In Economics Khatami, Richie, Hon.B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Political Science Wang, Zixian, B.A., Zibo, China, In Economics Kinkartz, Lionel, B.A.(Hons), Edmonton, AB, In Economics Weidman, Aaron, B.A., Pittsburgh, PA, United States, In Psychology Lane, Lorenzo, B.A.(Hons), Abertillery, Gwent, United Kingdom, In Anthropology Whelan, Colin, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Political Science Le, Tam, B.Sc., In Psychology Leung, Amasiah Ki Yan, B.A., Calgary, AB, In Economics Levesque, Gabrielle, Le Gardeur, QC, In Political Science Li, Xin, B.Econ., Yangquan, China, In Economics Williamson, David, B.A., Calgary, AB, In Psychology Wong, Queenie, B.A., In Family Studies Xu, Tianyun, B.A., Hefei, China, In Economics You, Yufeng, B.A., New Westminster, BC, In Economics Liu, Jiayi, B.Econ., In Economics Yu, Yang, B.A., Calgary, AB, In Economics Beck-MacNeil, Ross, Ottawa, ON, In Economics Livernois, Rebecca, B.A.H., Guelph, ON, In Economics Zhang, Nan, B.A., Jinan, China, In Economics Hwang, Monica, B.A., M.A., Toronto, ON, In Sociology Cai, Yueran, B.Com., Beijing, China, In Economics Mahar, Jordan, B.Com., In Economics Zhong, Wencai, Richmond, BC, In Economics Kabaca, Serdar, B.A., In Economics Chen, Yunnan, B.A., In Political Science Chuang, Jenny, B.Sc., B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Psychology Kenyon, Kristi, B.A., M.A., Coquitlam, BC, In Political Science King, David, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Psychology Kneeland, Terri, B.A, M.A,, In Economics Kniazeva, Olga, Vancouver, BC, In Political Science Lynch, Nicholas, B.A.H., M.A., In Geography MacKenzie, Michael, B.A.(Hns), M.A., Winnipeg, MB, In Political Science McKendry, Jean, M.L.S., Surrey, BC, In Library, Archival and Information Studies Murray, Damian, B.A., M.A., Kelowna, BC, In Psychology Manson, Daniel, B.A.(Hons), Calgary, AB, In Anthropology McKay, Spencer, B.Soc.Sc., In Political Science Collard, Juliane, B.A., Sooke, BC, In Geography McLeod, Kevin, B.A., Peterborough, ON, In Political Science Cooper, Catherine, B.Sc., Providence, United States, In Anthropology Meier, Kimberly, B.A., In Psychology Crease, Michelle, B.A.Hons, Winnipeg, MB, In Psychology D’Souza, Natasha, B.A., Ottawa, ON, In Economics Dawson, Ashley, Montague, PE, In Political Science DiGiacomo, Alessandra, H.B.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Psychology Meredith, Katherine, B.A., Hamilton, ON, In Political Science Miettinen, Adam, B.A., Woodstock, ON, In Economics Monzur, Rumana, B.S.S., M.S.S., Dhaka, Bangladesh, In Political Science Moore, Lorinda, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Sociology Pan, Ting, Richmond, BC, In Economics Ding, Shuyi, Vancouver, BC, In Economics Pestonji, Natasha, B.A.Hons., Mississauga, ON, In Psychology Doan, Molly, B.Soc.Sc, Toronto, ON, In Economics Piantadosi, Patrick, B.A., Bethesda, United States, In Psychology Donegan, Connor, B.A., Minneapolis, United States, In Geography Reed, Samuel, B.A., Vista, United States, In Political Science Pottie-Sherman, Yolande, B.A., M.A., In Geography Forestell, Patrick, B.Soc.Sc., In Economics Roes, Meighen, B.Sc., Barthel, SK, In Psychology Regambal, Marci, B.Sc., M.A., In Psychology Fu, Xiao, B.Sc., B.E.S., In Geography Shkolnik, Dmitry, B.A., In Economics Gao, Fei, B.A.Hns., In Economics Sandstrom, Gillian, B.Math., M.A., In Psychology Gochberg, William, B.A., M.A.T., Saint Paul, United States, In Political Science Simard-Duplain, Gaelle Alexandra, B.A., Montreal, QC, In Economics Siemiatycki, Elliot, B.A., M.A, Toronto, ON, In Geography Good, Danielle, B.A., Katy, United States, In Anthropology Nagamatsu, Lindsay, B.A., M.A, Vancouver, BC, In Psychology Penner, Erin Margaret, B.A.Hns.(2002), B.A.Hns.(2004), M.A., In Political Science Greene, Hannah, B.A., Helena, United States, In Linguistics 38 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Slota-Newson, Samuel, B.Eng., Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, In Political Science Slovin, Larissa, B.A., In Sociology THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (CHILDREN’S LITERATURE) Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Gage Averill Faculty of Arts Reader: Dr. Caroline Haythornthwaite, Director, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies George, Claire, B.A., B.Ed., In Children’s Literature Li, Yan Ling, B.A., Hong Kong, China, In Children’s Literature Wilson-Scorgie, Dorothea, B.A., B.Ed., Victoria, BC, In Children’s Literature LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 12:30 PM THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARCHIVAL STUDIES Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Averill Faculty of Arts Reader: Dr. Haythornthwaite, Director, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARCHIVAL STUDIES & LIBRARY INFO STUDIES Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Averill Faculty of Arts Poonian, Amanjit, B.S.W., Abbotsford, BC Pop, Beatrix, B.A., B.S.W. Prieur, Deborah, B.S.W., M.A., Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MINOR IN FIRST NATIONS STUDIES McFarlane, Brooke, Kelowna, BC Prociuk, Christina, B.S.W., Richmond, BC Rejouis, Olivia, B.S.W., Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MINOR IN HISTORY Rogers, Sandra, B.S.W., Missoula, United States Zelmer, Jennifer, Snohomish, United States Singh-Waraich, Sonia, B.S.W., B. Ed., Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MINOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Sumner, Darren, B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Lashmar, Garret, Red Deer, AB Andaur Gomez, Gabriela, Santiago, Chile Reader: Dr. Haythornthwaite, Director, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies Collins, Daniel, B.A., M.A., Roscommon, Ireland, Republic of (EIRE) Brown, Helen, H.B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC Heard, Jennifer, Merritt, BC Gillean, Daniel, B.A.(Hon), Vancouver, BC Williams, Ditte, B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Grazley, Jana, B.A., Vancouver, BC McCarthy, Jamie, B.A., Coquitlam, BC THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF JOURNALISM THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Du, Hai Yun, Surrey, BC Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Averill Faculty of Arts Ma, Joseph, M.B.A. Reader: Associate Dean Walker, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies An, Jongho Ahearne, Suzanne, B.A., Vancouver, BC Chou, Chia-Chu Reader: Dr. Timothy Stainton, Director, School of Social Work Ansari, Sadiya, B.A., M.P.A., Toronto, ON Jia, Xin Yi Mendoza, Alberto, Vancouver, BC Alam, Sana, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Kang, Moonju Reader: Dr. Haythornthwaite, Director, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies Nursall, Kimberly, B.A., Calgary, AB Bors, Amanda Tanisha, B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Kim, YooJung, Vancouver, BC Rozendal, Keith, B.A., Ph.D. Lauren, Jason, Vancouver, BC Barnes, Christine, B.A., Vancouver, BC Bowles, Terri, B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Sedunova, Irina, B.J., Klin, Russian Federation Lin, Jenny, Vancouver, BC Baxter, Carley, B.A., Chilliwack, BC Cheng, Vera, B.A., Vancouver, BC Vermette, Clifford, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Bell, Elizabeth, Duarte, United States Comeau, Rhonda, Surrey, BC, Eastern Woodlands Métis Nation Nova Scotia MacKinnon, Brianna, M.A., Embro, ON Mancuso, Lara, Sao Paulo, Brazil Rowe, Joy, B.A., M.Phil., United States, Concentration First Nations THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION STUDIES Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Averill Faculty of Arts Cardenas Garcia, Jorge Eduardo, Vancouver, BC Castagne, Michel, B.A., South River, NL Dodd, Alison, B.A., Vancouver, BC Feir, Alyssa, B.J.(Hons), Halifax, NS Image, Larissa Jago, Christina, B.A.(Hns), North Vancouver, BC Kessler, Kristof, B.A., M.Sc. Killington, Victoria, B.A.Hons, M.A., Concentration First Nations Dean Averill Faculty of Arts Crudgington, Melanie, B.S.W., North Vancouver, BC Drozda, Christopher, Vancouver, BC Fendick, Sally, B.S.W., Nanaimo, BC Ficke, Melissa Victoria, B.A., B.S.W., Kelowna, BC Gontarek, Klaudia, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Von Dehn, Marion, B.S.W., B.A., Squamish, BC Wiebe, Shalom, B.A., Salmon Arm, BC MAJOR IN COGNITIVE SYSTEMS, COGNITION AND THE BRAIN Oh, Jinseok, Suncheon, Jeollanamdo, Korea, South Puertolas, Mara Lucia, Bethesda, United States HONOURS IN ECONOMICS HONOURS IN ECONOMICS MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Chen, Han Liu, Meng Patrick, Rebecca, Toronto, ON Wang, Jin Yi, Burnaby, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Yu, Jiyun Zheng, Yadan, Maoming, China Zhao, Na, Richmond, BC Dean Averill Faculty of Arts MAJOR IN ECONOMICS MAJOR IN ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LANGUAGE Reader: Associate Dean Mary Lynn Young, Faculty of Arts HONOURS IN ANTHROPOLOGY Tat, Roxana Harvey, Laura, Vancouver, BC Giauque, Gabriel Henderson, Christina, B.S.W., Abbotsford, BC MAJOR IN ECONOMICS MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY Farzaneh, Nima, B.Sc., Delta, BC Janke, Rebecca, B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Jackson, Suzanne, Burnaby, BC Yakashiro, Kyle Johnstone, Crystal, B.A., New Westminster, BC Martin, Ian, Nassau, Bahamas Mings, Jana, Vancouver, BC Mistry, Rushad, Bombay, India McKnight, Julia, B.A., Vancouver, BC Lee, Michelle, B.A., B.S.W., Port Coquitlam, BC MAJOR IN ECONOMICS MINOR IN ASIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Liu, Wei Ying Lee, Sze Ming, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Paquin, Bethan, Mississauga, ON McLeod, Shannon, B.A. Neufeld, Elyse, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Max, Jody, B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Watts, Bryce Mathew Ramos, Michele, B.A. Mcintyre, Catherine, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN ECONOMICS MINOR IN COMMERCE Korff, Jason, B.A., Vancouver, BC Kudzia, Helena, Vancouver, BC Larrivee, Regis, Vancouver, BC Magnus, Ebony, B.A., M.A., Penticton, BC Ray, Daniel, B.A., Missoula, United States Stennes-Spidahl, Nadia, B.A., Cashton, United States Tang, Bixia, M.A., Vancouver, BC Tokhtarova, Mariya, B.A., Vancouver, BC Nijjar, Banpreen, B.S.W. Norris, William, B.A. Olson, Bradley, B.S.W., Vancouver, BC Ouspenski, Andrei, B.S.W., Port Moody, BC Pennykid, Kathleen, B.A., Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MAJOR IN BIOLOGY Habib, Imran, Vancouver, BC Funck, Juliette Marie, Washington, DC, United States Hassun, Jihany, West Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN ANTHROPOLOGY MINOR IN ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LITERATURE MAJOR IN ECONOMICS MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Massey, Candace Vukman, Vojin, Burnaby, BC Ng, Manica Man Ka, Richmond, BC Peng, KaiTing, Vancouver, BC 39 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 12:30 PM COMBINED MAJOR IN ECONOMICS AND MATHEMATICS Huang, Shan, Bachelor of Engineering, MAJOR GEOGRAPHY (ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY) Jones, Madelyn, North Vancouver, BC Kuan, Lawrence, Vancouver, BC Wang, Yuru, Coquitlam, BC MAJOR GEOGRAPHY (ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY) MINOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Chan, Derrick, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Runkle, Quinn, Halfmoon Bay, BC MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHY (HUMAN GEOGRAPHY) Chao, Dennis, Vancouver, BC Ho, Vincent, Vancouver, BC McNeil, Jenna, Tsawwassen, BC Meisner, Thomas, Toronto, ON Ong, Mary, Vancouver, BC Spencer-Tam, Kendra Wakweika, Anthony, Nairobi, Kenya Wong, Amy, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Apaloo, Marie, Antigonish, NS Chang, So Young, Seoul, South Korea MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MINOR IN VISUAL ARTS MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE MINOR IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Mann, Emily, Toronto, ON Tanner, Kathleen, Burnaby, BC HONOURS IN LINGUISTICS Entwistle, Allie, Kelowna, BC MAJOR IN LINGUISTICS Amon, Irwyn, Coquitlam, BC Leung, Ka Yan, Hong Kong, China Wheeler, Jamie, Campbell River, BC Wu, Hermosa, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE MINOR IN PHILOSOPHY McGowan, Jennifer, Vancouver, BC Li, Bo Zhi, Vancouver, BC Liu, Lin Yin, Richmond, BC Liu, Po Liu, Yuehua, Vancouver, BC Lobban, Carleigh, Vancouver, BC Luk, Abbie Luk, Chi-Ling, Richmond, BC Ma, Tiffany, Richmond, BC Macinnis, Chantelle, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY McGroarty, Eleanor, Toronto, ON Aizawa, Sae Anglelia, Delta, BC Menini, Rebeca, Sao Paulo, Brazil Angustia, Katherine, Richmond, BC Miles, David, Toronto, ON Benjathikul, Joanne, Bangkok, Thailand Nelson, Sean, Vancouver, BC Bourak, Anna, Richmond, BC Neufeld, Dorothy Marie Marshall MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Boyd, Kimberley, Vancouver, BC Nijjar, Manvir, Vancouver, BC Ahmed, Isma, B.A., Toronto, ON Brugger, Nicole, Vancouver, BC Ordogh, Dorothy, Toronto, ON Baillie, Yvonne, Nanaimo, BC CHI, PI JUN, West Vancouver, BC Otobor, Jolanda, Vancouver, BC Burrows, Krista, Calgary, AB Chan, Steven, Port Moody, BC Otsuka, Aguri, Vancouver, BC Clymer, Preston, Berkeley, United States Chang, Jessica, Hong Kong Park, Chan Mi, Seoul, Korea, South Fahlman, Karli, Vancouver, BC Chau, Marita, Vancouver, BC Post-Bautista, Taryn, Vancouver, BC Gracey, Gregory, West Vancouver, BC Chen, Tian Wa, Vancouver, BC Radbourne, Morgan, Toronto, ON Grewal, Hasneet, Vancouver, BC Cheng, Janice Yan Kiu, Vancouver, BC Ranasinghe, Shiyara, Colombo, Sri Lanka Halcro, Joel, Langley, BC, Métis Nation Cheng, Pao Lin, Vancouver, BC Raymer, Evan Hamari, Jozsef, Vancouver, BC Cheong, Yoon Young Rizvi, Samar, Vancouver, BC Hosseinzadeh, Nick, North Vancouver, BC Cheung, Ka Man Robinson, Haley Hsu, James, Vancouver, BC Claudio, Joseph, Vancouver, BC Rybalka, Victoria, Vancouver, BC Cohen, Sabrina, Vancouver, BC Sakakibara, Rina, North Vancouver, BC Cottrell, Joann, Vernon, BC Saleh-Jaibat, Laura, North Vancouver, BC Ma, Jamie MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS Lee, Yeo Ur, Korea, South Park, Ye Seul, Seoul, Korea, South King, Anthony, Taipei, Taiwan Ko, Shirley Sze Hung, Hong Kong Lam, Laura, Hong Kong, Hong Kong De Guzman, Amiel Leandro, Manila, Philippines Fergie, Dexter, Vancouver, BC Ma, Fiona Wing Shuen, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Fazio, Hanna, Santa Monica, United States Sheehan, Amanda, Sacramento, United States Golston, Daniel Powar, Inderjot, Vancouver, BC Flock, Alexander Solyom, Stefanie, Langley, BC Lindsay-Baugh, Anna, Kamloops, BC Rutherford, Zoe Fozoonmayeh, Donya, Vancouver, BC Stewart, Kimberly, Vancouver, BC Mohyeddin, Pedram, Vancouver, BC Shin, Minjeong, Vancouver, BC Frank, Kelsey, Medicine Hat, AB Sun, Anqi, Jinan, China Oki, Nanami, Chiba, Japan Soni, Jamie, Vancouver, BC Frenette, Alexandra, Surrey, BC Wilkinson, Geoffrey, Vancouver, BC Park, Jeongmin, Burnaby, BC White, Craig, Vancouver, BC Friesen, Justin Wu, Annie, Richmond, BC Ruhr, Gabriela, Be’er Sheba, Israel Wilson, Cameron, West Vancouver, BC Geffen, Joshua Paul Wu, Wen, KaiFeng, China Gerryts, Gwen, West Vancouver, BC Yang, Chih-Lin, Taiwan Gordon, Brettney, Vancouver, BC, Kahnawake Yong, Jennifer, Burnaby, BC Cowan, Maegan, Oakland, United States Feenstra, April, Salmon Arm, BC Toma, Kazue, Japan MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MAJOR IN ART HISTORY MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR IN ASIAN AREA STUDIES Mauger, AJ, Abbotsford, BC Fox, Sarah-Jane MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MINOR IN COMMERCE Skinner, Sally, Courtenay, BC Ting, Chao Chu, Surrey, BC MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MINOR IN ECONOMICS Sabet, Shayda, Richmond, BC MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MINOR IN HISTORY Levit, Gall, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MINOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Parvani, Sasha, Vancouver, BC 40 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE MINOR IN COMMERCE Virani, Alizeh, Richmond, BC MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE MINOR IN ECONOMICS Chow, Emily, Delta, BC Gornall, Ainsley, Vancouver, BC Gu, Qian Ru, Vancouver, BC Ha, Philip, Hong Kong Hay, Patrick, Vancouver, BC Hoe, Shui Loong Houston, Steven Huang, Baoying Huang, Tai-Heng, Vancouver, BC Hunziker, Nicole Hazarat, Rana, Vancouver, BC Jacobsen, Rosemary, Darien, United States Lekhak, Birat Jade, Chandra, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE MINOR IN FRENCH Kaida, Eiko, Vancouver, BC Paslar, Lida, North Vancouver, BC Lareu, Alicia Kim, Sean, Vancouver, BC Lee, Dahae, Seoul, Korea, South Lee, June, Vancouver, BC Lehman, Rachel, Vancouver, BC Samra, Gurneet, Delta, BC Young, Lola, Vancouver, BC Youtz, Margaret, Seattle, WA Zhang, DanChen, Dalian, China Zhou, Zengyao, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR IN ART HISTORY Schmidt, Ava, Regina, SK MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR IN ECONOMICS Au-Yeung, Wai Yin Vivian, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Cheng, Tingna, Burnaby, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN ASIAN AREA STUDIES Chu, Kim, Burnaby, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN COMMERCE Chow, Eric Tsz Chung, Burnaby, BC You, Xinyue, Vancouver, BC LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 12:30 PM MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN ECONOMICS Ryane, Jenafor, Vancouver, BC Bae, Jihoon Swartz, Sarah Chen, Yen-Fu, West Vancouver, BC De Guzman, Angelino, Quezon City, Philippines Lee, Calvin, Richmond, BC Liu, Yu-Chen, Taipei, Taiwan Sheng, Yung-Jui, West Vancouver, BC Vasquez, GianMarco, Mclean, United States MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN ENGLISH, EMPHASIS LANGUAGE Dadswell, Nigel MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN GERMAN Kotlarczyk, Agnieszka, Kraków, Poland MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN HEALTH & SOCIETY Phelan, Lauren, Oshawa, ON MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN HISTORY Tsang, Jasmine, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Mehtadi, Yasmine, Vancouver, BC Seo, Jay Junyoung, Vancouver, BC Tam, Kenny, Vancouver, BC Yao, Michelle Q H, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MINOR IN ECONOMICS Chance, Douglas, Vancouver, BC Szeto, Bowie MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MINOR IN FAMILY STUDIES Han, Sehee, Seoul, Korea, South Mabathoana, Mamoruti Lucy, Maseru, Lesotho MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MINOR IN GEOGRAPHY (HUMAN GEOGRAPHY) Zhao, Changqing, Dalian, China MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MINOR IN LAW AND SOCIETY Mekkaoui, Chafic, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MINOR IN PHILOSOPHY Panthakee, Natasha, Singapore, Singapore MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN SOCIOLOGY Chu, Katelyn, North Vancouver, BC Aulak, Ravinjeet, Vancouver, BC Sillers, Kristin, Langley, BC Burton, Carlene, Little Fort, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY MINOR IN WOMEN’S AND GENDER STUDIES Williams, Anna, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY Brown, Paul, North Vancouver, BC Cabrera, Karla, Delta, BC Cheung, Katy Cheung, Matthew, Jakarta, Indonesia Chung, Juyun, Vancouver, BC Clamp, Braden, North Vancouver, BC Dhinsa, Manpreet, Surrey, BC Fox, Andrea-Anna, A.A. Sociology, Victoria, BC Gardiner, Jennifer, Vancouver, BC Gfellner, Kathryn, Montreal, QC Hon, Jeff, Vancouver, BC Huang, Yi-Hsuan Lau, Yan Hay MAJOR IN SOCIOLOGY MINOR IN SPANISH Fang, Sunnie, Richmond, BC Katz, Nurit MAJOR IN SPEECH SCIENCES Ferdinands, Emma, Delta, BC MAJOR IN UNITED STATES STUDIES Mo, Kim Fung, Vancouver, BC BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK Dean Averill Faculty of Arts Reader: Dr. Stainton, Director, School of Social Work Fleming, Kim, Vancouver, BC Lee, Stephanie, Vancouver, BC Koble, Jennifer-Lee, Vancouver, BC, Métis Lim, Sean, Vancouver, BC Paterson, Spencer Lin, Elaine, Vancouver, BC Quan, Rebecca, Vancouver, BC Miu, Phoebe, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Ng, Karen, Richmond, BC Nie, Ying, B.Com., Vancouver West, BC Olaivar, Gabriela, Vancouver, BC Robinson-Exo, Galen, Portland, United States 41 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 THE PROCESSIONS & THE PROGRAM OF CEREMONY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 3:00 PM THE PROCESSIONS Procession of Graduating Students (Ph.D.) Procession of Graduating Students Senior Marshal Iain E. P. Taylor, B.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Botany Marshals, Enrolment Services Joel Kobylka, B.A. Christine Williams Chief Ushers Donna Shultz, B.A., M.A. Senior Instructor Emerita, Applied Science Linda Dunbar, B.A., M.L.S. Librarian Emerita Procession of Faculty Marshals Michael Hitch, B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD. Assistant Professor, Mining Maged Senbel, B.Arch, M.Arch, M.Sc., Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Community and Regional Planning Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party Acting Registrar Anne Dewolfe, B.Com., M.B.A. Associate Registrar Macebearer and Marshal John Madden, B.Sc., M.Eng., Ph.D. Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Alumni Representatives Andrew Carne, B.A.Sc., M.Eng. Jeff Holm, B.A.Sc. 42 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 THE PROGRAM Ceremonies and Events O Canada Director Eilis Courtney Moment of Reflection University Marshal Nancy Hermiston Professor, Music Address Sarah Morgan-Silvester Chancellor Events Coordinator Melissa Picher Kelly, B.A. Events Clerk Lian Tran Enrolment Services Associate Director Jennifer Chin, M.Sc. Graduation Coordinator Brenda Rooke Remarks Stephen J. Toope President and Vice-Chancellor Shalaleh Rismani Member, Graduating Class Presentation of the University of British Columbia Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring Angela Redish Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Enrolment and Academic Facilities Presentation of the President’s Service Award for Excellence to: Andrea Wink Conferring of Degrees in Course The Chancellor Closing Remarks The President and Vice-Chancellor Reception Following the Ceremony Graduation lists as shown this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of some graduates may be missing. LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 3:00 PM THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Molavi, Behnam, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (PLANNING) Dean pro tem Susan Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Molavi, Reza, M.A.Sc., Tehran, Iran, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Wendy Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Ahmadlouydarab, Majid, Tabriz, Iran, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Al Kiswany, Samer, B.Sc., M.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Alba, Kamran, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Tehran, Iran, In Mechanical Engineering An, Yuntao, M.A.Sc., In Mechanical Engineering Arinaitwe, Esau, B.Sc., M.A.Sc, Vancouver, BC, In Mining Engineering Atighechi, Hamid, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Baradaran Shoraka, Majid, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Civil Engineering Cheng, Xingxing, B.Eng., M.A.Sc., Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Church, Sarah P., M.U.P., Moscow, United States, In Planning Dahlke, Sherry, B.S.N., B.V.E.D., M.S.N., Nanaimo, BC, In Nursing d’Entremont, Agnes, B.Eng., M.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Mechanical Engineering Diamant, Roee, B.Sc., M.Sc., Holon, Israel, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Emami Forooshani, Arghavan, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Erfan, Aftab, B.Sc., M.U.P, In Planning Guha, Anirban, M.A.Sc., B.E., Kolkata, India, In Civil Engineering Guha, Tanaya, B.E., M.A.Sc, Calcutta, India, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Hawkins, Margery, B.S.N., M.S.N., Vancouver, BC, In Nursing Huft, Jens, Dipl.-Ing., In Electrical & Computer Engineering Jalalinejad, Farzaneh, M.Sc., Tehran, Iran, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Kamal, Noreen, B.Sc., M.A.Sc., Calgary, AB, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Kulakov, Mykola, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Materials Engineering Law, Mohit, B.E., M.Sc., In Mechanical Engineering Li, Haoming, B.Eng., M.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Lodha, Rahul, B.Tech., M.Tech., In Materials Engineering Malek Esmaeili, Mani, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Monroy-Concha, Omar, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Civil Engineering Moore, Jennie Lynn, B.A., M.A.(Plan), West Vancouver, BC, In Planning Nickchi, Tirdad, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Materials Engineering Noroozi, Nader, M.Sc., Tehran, Iran, In Mechanical Engineering Noroozi, Nazbanoo, B.Sc, M.Sc., Tehran, Iran, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Pandey, Bishnu, B.E., M.E., Syangja, Nepal, In Civil Engineering Reader: Dr. Penny Gurstein, Director, School of Community and Regional Planning Bennett, Zachary, B.A. Planning Bohle, Sean, B.A., Terrace, BC Campbell, Lesley, B.A., Stephenville, NL Campbell, Rupert Chand, Manjit, B.S.W., Port Alberni, BC Kittredge, Kate, B.A., Saanichton, BC Mazur, Johanna, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Parreira, Juliana, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Mining Engineering Panjwani, Dilnoor, B.A.(Hons.), M.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Planning Stuart, Jessica, B.Env.D., Revelstoke, BC Pawliuk, Peter, B.A.Sc., Gibsons, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Williams, Jessica, B.A., Ottawa, ON Reaume, Stephen John, M.A.Sc., In Chemical and Biological Engineering Rezaei, Hooman, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Roy, Matthew, B.E.Sc., M.E.Sc., In Materials Engineering Sahebjavaher, Ramin, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Biomedical Engineering Salem, Hayder, B.Sc., M.Sc.(1997), M.Sc. (2006), In Mechanical Engineering Sarraf, Elie, DUT, M.Sc., M.Sc., Miniara, Lebanon, Phoenician, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Shahandeh, Sina, M.Sc., In Materials Engineering Sharma, Mrigank, M.A.Sc., B.E., Burnaby, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Tomlinson, Philip, B.E.Sc., M.E.Sc., In Materials Engineering Tooyserkani, Zahra, M.Sc., In Chemical and Biological Engineering Vahedi, Ehsan, M.Sc., In Electrical & Computer Engineering Valizadeh, Amir, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Electrical & Computer Engineering Whiffen, Victoria, B.Eng., Sydney, NS, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Xu, Wanjing, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Yazdanpanah, Fahimeh, B.Sc., M.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Zangeneh, Neda, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Geological Engineering Zargaran Yazd, Arash, B.Sc., M.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Biswas, Anupam, B.Tech., Vancouver, BC, In Mechanical Engineering Blaskovich, Randy, B.Sc., Rossland, BC, In Mining Engineering Merritt, Annie, B.A.&Sc., London, ON Rashtian, Hooman, B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Isfahan, Iran, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Bhat, Pooja, B.Tech., In Civil Engineering Phares, Maysa, B.A. Taylor, Josh, B.A.(Hons), Elora, ON THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE (PLANNING) Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Chen, Xiao Jie, B.A.Sc., Burnaby, BC, In Civil Engineering Clapauch, Jaques, B.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Dick, Graham, B.Sc., Anola, MB, In Geological Engineering Duan, Suyang, B.Eng., Xian, China, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Dueck, Stuart, B.A.Sc., Chilliwack, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Dunbrack, Geoffrey, B.A.Sc., Nanaimo, BC, In Mechanical Engineering Faghani, Pedram, B.Sc., In Civil Engineering Fauvel, Simon, B.Eng., Rosemere, QC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Fraino, Miguel, B.Sc., Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela, In Civil Engineering Galiano Zurbriggen, Ignacio, Ing., San Francisco, Argentina, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Gong, XuDong, B.A.Sc, Vancouver, BC, In Civil Engineering Reader: Dr. Gurstein, Director, School of Community and Regional Planning Babalos, Krystie, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Chernaya, Mariya, Brooklyn, United States Gong, Xun, B.Eng, Meihekou, China, In Mechanical Engineering Gonzalez, Marco, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Hashemi, Seyedeh Zahra, B.A.Sc., In Chemical and Biological Engineering Hassan, Parssa, B.Sc.Eng., Vancouver, BC, In Civil Engineering Dunn, William, Richmond, BC Grochowich, Amanda, B.Com., Maple Ridge, BC Jafari, Hani, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Mechanical Engineering Redmond, Gordon, B.Sc., M.Tech, Vancouver, BC, Mohawk Jooybar, Mohammad Hadi, B.Sc, Tehran, Iran, In Electrical & Computer Engineering THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF APPLIED SCIENCE Kenarsari Anhari, Amir, B.Sc., In Electrical & Computer Engineering Knight, Andrew, B.A.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Kooyman, Jeremy, B.Sc., Calgary, AB, In Biomedical Engineering Koreshev, Iliya, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Dean Marc Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Ahmed, Mohamed, B.Sc., M.Sc., Cairo, Egypt, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Ashkani Zadeh, Kianosh, B.Sc., In Civil Engineering Au, Daniel, B.A.Sc., North Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Kotowick, Kyle, B.Sc.(Hons.), Bridge Lake, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Kuan, David, B.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Lam, Cameron, B.A.Sc, Vancouver, BC, In Biomedical Engineering Lee, Joon Won, B.A.Sc., Surrey, BC, In Materials Engineering Lewis, Daniel, B.A.Sc., Waterloo, ON, In Biomedical Engineering Bagherieh, Omid, In Mechanical Engineering Li, Sam, B.A.Sc., Richmond, BC, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Barriga Vilca, Abrahan, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Materials Engineering Li, Simon, Vancouver, BC, In Civil Engineering Beattie, William, B.Sc.E, Toronto, ON, In Mechanical Engineering 4 3 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 3:00 PM Mahapatra, Chinmaya, B.Tech., Puri, India, In Electrical & Computer Engineering McClure, Kenneth, Vancouver, BC, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Nivarti, Girish, B.Tech., Hyderabad, India, In Mechanical Engineering Reyes Ramirez, Paula, B.Sc., Bucaramanga, Colombia, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Robazza, Brook, B.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Civil Engineering Roworth, Megan, B.A.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Mining Engineering Sekhon, Gurbachan, B.A.Sc,, Surrey, BC, In Mechanical Engineering Shirshekar, Hossna, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Electrical & Computer Engineering Shirzad, Navid, B.Sc., Tehran, Tehran, Iran, In Mechanical Engineering Shuster, Riley, B.A.Sc., Burnaby, BC, In Materials Engineering Singh, Inderpreet, B.A.Sc., In Electrical & Computer Engineering Sivertsen, Kyle, B.A.Sc., Langley, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Sotil Jimenez, Antonio, B.Sc., Lima, Peru, In Civil Engineering Thomas, Anna, B.Tech., Toronto, ON, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Van Espen, Adinda, B.A.Sc., LaSalle, ON, In Civil Engineering Wilson, Connor, B.A.Sc., Penticton, BC, In Civil Engineering Yeh, Han, B.A.Sc, In Biomedical Engineering Yoo, Youngjin, Vancouver, BC, In Biomedical Engineering Yu, Jiali, M.Sc., Burnaby, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Yuen, Alexander, B.A.Sc, Richmond, BC, In Mechanical Engineering Yun, Han, B.A.Sc., Beijing, China, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Zhang, Hui, B.Sc.(Hons.), Ottawa, ON, In Civil Engineering Zhao, Zhan, B.Eng., Weifang, China, In Civil Engineering THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ADVANCED STUDIES IN ARCHITECTURE Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Marc Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Reader: Professor Leslie Van Duzer, Director, School or Architecture and Landscape Architecture Al-Sallal, Iman, B.A.Sc., Sana’a, Yemen THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ADVANCED STUDIES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Reader: Professor Leslie Van Duzer, Director, School or Architecture and Landscape Architecture Keane, Merry-Ann, B.S.N. McDuff, Jennifer, B.Sc., White Rock, BC Dean Parlange Faculty of Applied Science McKinley, Kimberly, B.S.N., Penticton, BC Reader: Dr. Green, Head of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science McNamee-Clark, Catherine, B.S.N., Vancouver, BC IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Slawson, Gregory, B.A., B.S.N., Vancouver, BC Wilson, Bryce, Victoria, BC Switzer, Jennifer, B.S.N., North Delta, BC IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, PROCESSING OPTION Varghese, Sinu, B.S.N., Surrey, BC Islam, Shariful, Vancouver, BC White, Joelle, B.S.N., Vancouver, BC IN CIVIL ENGINEERING THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Dean Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Reader: Professor Van Duzer, Director, School or Architecture and Landscape Architecture Bapty, Kelly, B.Des., Tahltan Kuptsov, Ivan, B.Arch., Sp.Arch., Moscow, Russian Federation Zonouzi, Sara, B.Sc., Tehran, Iran THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Reader: Professor Van Duzer, Director, School or Architecture and Landscape Architecture Wong, Jennifer, B.S.N., Vancouver, BC Reader: Dr. Sheldon Green, Head of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science Ching, Ho Pong, Richmond, BC Kim, Jason, Richmond, BC Mohaghegh Zadeh, Sepehr Moore, Brenden, Calgary, BC Saber, Hamza Stuart, Conor, Richmond, BC Trividic, Lauren, Vancouver, BC Wong, Yui-Chung, Port Coquitlam, BC Woo, James, White Rock, BC Beskaravayny, Alexey, B.Sc., In Electrical & Computer Engineering IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING Chehrazi, Aida, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC, In Biomedical Engineering Chiu, Chi Chung, Vancouver, BC Davis, Jake, Portland, United States Choudhary, Swati, B.Eng., Vancouver, BC, In Biomedical Engineering Kong, Edmond Dandiprolu, Naveen Kumar, B.Tech(Hons), Kakinada, India, In Mining Engineering Lee, Keith, Coquitlam, BC Lan, Leonard, Burnaby, BC Li, Kevin Danzig, Ilana, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Civil Engineering Liu, Min Xiang, Shanghai, China Guem, Stefan, Pfunds, Austria, In Biomedical Engineering Sham, Nathaniel, Burnaby, BC Hakki, Yalda, B.A.Sc., In Electrical & Computer Engineering Ibhahebhomen, Anthony, B.A.Sc, Vancouver, BC, In Chemical and Biological Engineering Impey, Guy, B.Eng., M.B.A., Delta, BC, In Clean Energy Engineering Lam, Lok Hei, B.Eng., Hong Kong, China, In Geological Engineering Liu, Po Vandergriendt, Joel, Surrey, BC Vorapattanapong, Athikom, Bangkok, Thailand Zhou, Jihua, Richmond, BC IN ELECTRICAL ENG, ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS OPT Zhang, Fan, Vancouver, BC IN ELECTRICAL ENG, NANOTECHNOLOGY & MICROSYSTEMS Lin, Yen-Hsiao, M.L.A., Taichung, Taiwan Meysami Fard, Amir Mohammad, B.Eng(Hons), Vancouver, BC, In Chemical and Biological Engineering THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Mirsaeidi, Aidin, B.A.Sc., North Vancouver, BC, In Mechanical Engineering IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Peng, JiaYi, B.Eng, In Clean Energy Engineering Amedu-Ode, Adama Rahman, Md Mujibur, B.Sc., Surrey, BC, NA, In Civil Engineering Chow, Yan Yee Julianna, Burnaby, BC Dean Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Samimi, Mina, B.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Mechanical Engineering Grewal, Harpinder, Richmond, BC Reader: Dr. Lynda Balneaves, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing Abulaban, Hiam, B.S.N., Burnaby, BC Forman, Jacqueline, B.Sc.N., North Vancouver, BC Hamaguchi, Christina, B.S.N., Kamloops, BC FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Hunter, Heather, BSN, Langley, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE Orellana Lazo, Miguel, B.Arch., Málaga, Spain Cinel, Julie, B.S.N., Kamloops, BC 44 Heywood, Crystal, B.S.N., Abbotsford, BC Singleton-Polster, Benjamin, B.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Civil Engineering Tsai, Larry Alyward, Steven, Nanaimo, BC Bridwell, Ian Gong, Han Ning, Burnaby, BC Houshmand, Nazanin, Burnaby, BC Keshvara, Vimal Sun, Yuyang, B.A.Sc., Jinan, China, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Pallone, Matthew Gregory, North Vancouver, BC Wong, Bertin, B.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Electrical & Computer Engineering Pan, He Xi, Edmonton, AB Zhao, Kevin, B.A.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Civil Engineering Wang, Yu Chen Thompson, David, Abbotsford, BC LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013 3:00 PM Wu, Di, Richmond, BC Wu, Ling Jui Zhang, Chi, Vancouver, BC Zhi, Li, Vancouver, BC IN ENGINEERING PHYSICS, MECHANICAL OPTION Norman, Paul, New Westminster, BC IN GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Borch, Andrew IN INTEGRATED ENGINEERING Down, William, Victoria, BC Tsai, Patrick Gar-Yinn, Vancouver, BC IN MATERIALS ENGINEERING Obodovskiy, Ivan, White Rock, BC IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Palmer, Natasha, Vancouver, BC IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, MECHATRONICS OPTION La, An, Regina, SK Rismani, Shalaleh, Port Moody, BC IN MINING ENGINEERING Ding, Fang, Richmond, BC Jun, Sang Yup, Surrey, BC Panozzo, David, Maple Ridge, BC Rae, Johnson, Brighton, ON THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Dean Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Reader: Professor Van Duzer, Director, School or Architecture and Landscape Architecture HONOURS PROGRAM Leong, Laura, Vancouver, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Dean Parlange Faculty of Applied Science Reader: Dr. Balneaves, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing Hill, Damien Morissette, Melanie 4 5 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 THE PROCESSIONS & THE PROGRAM OF CEREMONY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 9:00 AM THE PROCESSIONS Procession of Graduating Students (Ph.D.) Procession of Graduating Students Senior Marshal Iain E. P. Taylor, B.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Botany Marshals, Enrolment Services Nicki Baker Holly Ma Chief Ushers Donna Shultz, B.A., M.A. Senior Instructor Emerita, Applied Science Linda Dunbar, B.A., M.L.S. Librarian Emerita Procession of Faculty Marshals Alison Greig, B.H.K., B.Sc. (PT), Ph.D. Instructor, Physical Therapy Charles E. Slonecker, D.D.S., Ph.D., F.A.C.D. Professor Emeritus, Anatomy Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party Acting Registrar Chris Eaton, B.A. Associate Registrar Macebearer and Marshal Doug Harris, B.A., LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D. Associate Dean, Law Alumni Representative Anna Feglerska, LL.B. Kate Wishart, M.Sc. 46 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 THE PROGRAM Ceremonies and Events O Canada Director Eilis Courtney Moment of Reflection University Marshal Nancy Hermiston Professor, Music Address Sarah Morgan-Silvester Chancellor Events Coordinator Melissa Picher Kelly, B.A. Events Clerk Lian Tran Enrolment Services Associate Director Jennifer Chin, M.Sc. Graduation Coordinator Brenda Rooke Remarks Stephen J. Toope President and Vice-Chancellor Eric Marriott Member, Graduating Class Presentation of the President’s Service Award for Excellence to: Lynn Macdonald Conferring of Degrees in Course The Chancellor Closing Remarks The President and Vice-Chancellor Reception Following the Ceremony Graduation lists as shown this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of some graduates may be missing. LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 9:00 AM THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Kristensen, Anders, B.Sc., M.Sc., Nyborg, Denmark, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dean pro tem Susan Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Lander, Bryn, B.Sc, M.Sc., Seattle, United States, In Interdisciplinary Studies Reader: Associate Dean Wendy Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Al-Bannay, Hana, B.A., B.A., M.A., Qatif, Saudi Arabia, In Rehabilitation Sciences Baradaran Heravi, Alireza, Vancouver, BC, In Medical Genetics Berg, Shannon, B.Sc.O.T., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Health Care and Epidemiology Berube, Daniel Lucien, M.Sc.S., Winnipeg, MB, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Lee, Cathy, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Experimental Medicine Lee, Justin, B.Sc.(Hns), Calgary, AB, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology MacIsaac, Julia, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Medical Genetics Makarem, Maisam, B.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Genetics Marsden, Sarah, B.A, LL.B, LL.M, Vancouver, BC, In Law Mazarei, Gelareh, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Medical Genetics McNeil, Ryan, B.Phil., M.Phil., Aroostook, NB, In Interdisciplinary Studies Bond, David, B.Sc., M.D., Vancouver, BC, In Neuroscience Mitchell-Foster, Kendra Lynn, B.Sc.(Hon), M.Sc., In Interdisciplinary Studies Bowden, Kristin, B.Sc., M.Sc., Kanata, ON, In Experimental Medicine Phillips, Aaron, B.Sc., M.Sc., Grassie, ON, In Experimental Medicine Boyda, Heidi, B.Sc.P., Edmonton, AB, In Pharmacology and Therapeutics Reipas, Kristen, H.B.Sc., Whitby, ON, In Experimental Medicine Casey, Regina, M.A., Vancouver, BC, N/A, In Rehabilitation Sciences Ruzzini, Antonio, B.Sc., Peterborough, ON, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chao, Tzu-Cheng, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Cell and Developmental Biology Cheng, Wing-ki, B.Sc.(Hns), Vancouver, BC, In Experimental Medicine Choi, Jennifer, B.Sc.Hon., Vancouver, BC, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chow, Sarah, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Physiology Cochran, Patricia, B.A., M.A., LL.B., LL.M., Port Moody, BC, In Law Cochrane, Christopher, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC, In Experimental Medicine de Leeuw, Charles, B.Sc.(Hon), Vancouver, BC, In Medical Genetics Donohue, Elizabeth, B.Sc.Hon., New Jersey, United States, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Du, Xin, B.Sc, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Durgan, Edward Lee, B.A., M.A., Ketchikan, United States, Aleut, In Interdisciplinary Studies Erratico, Claudio, Vancouver, BC, In Pharmaceutical Sciences Fast, Danya, B.A., M.A., Vancouver, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Gill, Rajdeep, B.A., M.A., Salt Spring Island, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Hayashi, Kanna, B.A., M.I.A., M.P.H., Vancouver, BC, In Interdisciplinary Studies Hendel, Alon, B.Med.Sc., Haifa, Israel, In Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Hystad, Perry, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Health Care and Epidemiology Kozicky, Jan-Marie, B.Sc.(Hns), Elk Point, AB, In Neuroscience Sakakibara, Brodie, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Rehabilitation Sciences Wong, Shirley, B.Sc., M.Sc., Markham, ON, In Experimental Medicine Zhang, Shuting, M.D., M.Sc., Chengdu, China, In Neuroscience Zhang, Tingting, B.Sc., M.Sc., Burnaby, BC, In Pharmaceutical Sciences Zhang, Wei, B.A., M.M., M.A., Coquitlam, BC, In Health Care and Epidemiology Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Coward, Laura, B.M.O.S., LL.B., Thornhill, ON Black, Jessie, B.A., LL.B., Edmonton, AB Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Thair, Simone, B.Sc., In Experimental Medicine Liechti, Margot, B.Sc., B.Ed., LL.B. Lim, Andrew, B.Com., LL.B., Calgary, AB THE DEGREES OF MASTER OF ARTS (ASIA PACIFIC POLICY STUDIES)/JURIS DOCTOR Naumis, Jaime, (Hns)B.A., LL.B., Mississauga, ON Nambiar, Laxmy, B.A., LL.B.(Hons), Vancouver, BC Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Parsonage, Natalie, Vancouver, BC Saad, Christine, H.B.A., Mississauga, ON THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Thain, Katherine, B.Sc.Hns., Port Coquitlam, BC, In Experimental Medicine Hallan, Tyson, B.A., LL.B., Mulhurst Bay, AB Schrewe, Brett Michael, B.A., M.D., In Interdisciplinary Studies Scott, Christopher, B.A., M.A., Stanford, United States, In Interdisciplinary Studies St-Pierre, Pascal, B.Sc., In Anatomy and Cell Biology Dean Bobinski Faculty of Law Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Mary Anne Bobinski Faculty of Law Stojicic, Sonja, D.D.S., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Craniofacial Science Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Schrader, Kasmintan Alexandra, M.B.B.S., In Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Sham, Ho Pan, B.Sc, Vancouver, BC, In Experimental Medicine THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS (COMMON LAW) Bautista, Marco, B.A.Hons., Richmond, BC Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Gavin Stuart Faculty of Medicine Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS Abrahamson, Kylee, B.A. Aiga, Mytyl, Burnaby, BC Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Benedik, Katryna, B.Sc., Vernon, BC Boyd, Amanda, Toronto, ON Bradley, James, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Thomas, Dylan, B.M.L.Sc., In Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean Bobinski Faculty of Law Thu, Kelsie, B.Sc., Maple Ridge, BC, In Interdisciplinary Oncology Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Burnes, Stacey, B.Kin. Vidal, Bertha Carolina, M.D., M.Sc., San Salvador, El Salvador, In Interdisciplinary Studies Dyck, Jennifer, B.A., L.L.B., Vancouver, BC Chew, Carolyn, B.A., Vancouver, BC Hilland, Andrea, B.A., LL.B., Bella Coola, BC, Nuxalk Nation Chieh, Kai Men, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Viveiros, Ryan, B.Sc., M.Sc., Terrace, BC, In Cell and Developmental Biology War, Sajad, B.Pharm., M.Pharm., Vancouver, BC, In Pharmaceutical Sciences Weisser, Shelley, B.Sc., M.Sc., Surrey, BC, In Experimental Medicine Brown, Bethany, B.A., Vancouver, BC Brown, Marie-Elizabeth, B.Sc. Ponomarenko, Iryna, Kyiv, Ukraine Pudovskis, Matthew, B.Sc.(Env)Hns, LL.B.(Hons), Perth, Australia Wriley, Jennifer, B.Sc., J.D., Vancouver, BC Cavazzon, Chantelle, B.H.Sc., Trail, BC Cleland, Aaryn, B.Sc, Vancouver, BC Davidson, Stephanie, B.Sc., Nanaimo, BC Erickson, Sarah, B.Sc.Kin., Victoria, BC Espadero, John, B.A., Armstrong, BC Faulkner, Kristina, B.Sc., Edmonton, AB Fortin, Chantelle, B.A., Agassiz, BC Werb, Daniel, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Health Care and Epidemiology Foster, Chad, B.A., Kelowna, BC Whitehead, Ryan, B.Sc.Hon., Vancouver, BC, In Pharmacology and Therapeutics Gray, Kristin, B.Kin., Ladner, BC Gill, Babita, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC Gregson, Matthew, B.A., Summerland, BC Whitman, Jennifer, B.A., M.A., In Neuroscience Higgins, Rosemary, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Wiegand, Kimberly, B.Sc., Penticton, BC, In Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Hoag, Emily, B.Sc., Fort Langley, BC 47 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 9:00 AM Husson, Meghan, B.A.Kin., Guelph, ON Dawson, Lynn, B.Sc.K., Nanton, AB Weatherall, Katelyn, B.B.A., Surrey, BC Izen, Rebecca, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC Doria, Silvana, B.Sc., B.H.K., Burnaby, BC Jong, Krista, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC Elliott, Robyn, B.Sc., Sidney, BC Willemse, Jessica, B.Sc.Kin., Woodville, ON Koraitem, Ida, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Farr, Lindsay, B.Sc.Kin., Kelowna, BC Kwak, Kiley, B.Sc.Kin., Vancouver, BC Lund, Catherine, B.Sc., Kelowna, BC Forsman, Karen Linda Michelle, B.Sc. Kin., Burnaby, BC Lundberg, Jocelyn, B.H.K., Honeymoon Bay, BC Francis, Peter, B.K.P.E., Maple Ridge, BC Friesen, Sharaya, B.Kin., Abbotsford, BC Lyons, Heather, B.A.Hns., Mississauga, ON Fuchko, Keri, B.Sc.Kin., Vancouver, BC McCloy, Lindsey, B.Sc., Coquitlam, BC Hakeem, Hussam, B.Sc. Nalewajek, Mara, B.A., Vancouver, BC Parsons, Holly, B.Des(hon), Vancouver, BC Rehal, Harpreet, B.A. Rousseau, Sylviane, B.A., Vancouver, BC Willing, Leo, B.Sc, B.Ed., Vancouver, BC Wilson, Geoffrey, B.Sc, Victoria, BC Woo, Jennifer, B.Sc.(Hns), Vancouver, BC Yeung, Kelvin, B.Sc.Kin., Burnaby, BC Hamanishi, Sarah, B.Sc., Delta, BC Hannela, Brooke, B.H.K., New Westminster, BC Chapman, Andrew, B.Sc(Hons), Meagher’s Grant, NS, In Medical Genetics Cheung, Katharine, B.Sc.H., Belleville, ON, In Neuroscience Cheung, Sze Yan Grace, B.Sc.(FNH), In Audiology and Speech Sciences Zhuang, Shiyun, B.Sc, Vancouver, BC Cho, Patricia, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Experimental Medicine THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF REHABILITATION SCIENCE Choi, Go Eun, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC, In Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Grubb, Kelsey, Vancouver, BC Hall, Shayla, B.A., Vancouver, BC Bull, Andrea, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Chu, Tony, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Experimental Medicine Dale, Laura, B.A.(Hns), Calgary, AB, In Population and Public Health Roy, Flannery, B.Kin., Chilliwack, BC Harrington, Kristyn, B.H.K., West Vancouver, BC Sauerteig, Breanne Hart, Heather, B.Sc., Williams Lake, BC Smyl, Jilian, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Hartwell, Jamie, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC Sodhi, Sharanjit, B.H.Sc., Burnaby, BC Havey, Joshua, B.Sc.Kin., Vancouver, BC Stone, Robert Joshua, B.H.K. Jury, Sarah, B.Sc., Kamloops, BC Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Tang, Carmina, B.H.K., Richmond, BC Kalan, Kulwinder, B.Sc., Terrace, BC Boucher, Jodi, B.Sc.(PT), Calgary, AB Decock, Jennifer Rae, B.A., Port Coquitlam, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Teper, Amy, B.Sc.H, Vancouver, BC Thomas, Owen, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Keep, Heather, B.Sc.(Kin), Vancouver, BC Durlacher, Kim, B.P.E., B.Sc.O.T., Vancouver, BC Ding, Rick, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Pathology and Laboratory Medicine White, Sabrina, B.A., North Vancouver, BC LeGear, Mark, B.Sc.Kin., Victoria, BC LeGear, Tyler, B.Ed., Victoria, BC Hayes, Abigail, B.Sc.(Hons)OT, Worthing, United Kingdom Elliott, Reghan, B.A., Cobourg, ON, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Wilson, Sara, B.A., New Westminster, BC Lee, Kang Yun, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC Makepeace, Elizabeth, B.Sc.O.T., Edmonton, AB Ferris, Lynsey, B.A., Calgary, AB, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Orsi Riggs, Nora, B.Sc.(Kin), Toronto, ON Frew, Kira, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC, In Experimental Medicine Robertson, Heather, B.Sc.(PT), Courtenay, BC Frey, Jennifer, B.F.A., Burnaby, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Vidal, Caroline, B.Sc.PT, Ottawa, ON Gelinas, Laura, B.Sc.(Hns), In Experimental Medicine Lochbaum, Carly, B.H.K., Delta, BC Logan, Nicole, B.Sc.Kin., Victoria, BC THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Lowry, Sarah, B.Sc., Calgary, AB Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies MacGillivary, Brooke, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Dean Stuart Faculty of Medicine Luu, Levana, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Dean Stuart Faculty of Medicine Werther, Karin, B.Sc.O.T., Edmonton, AB MacHattie, Emily, B.Sc., Trail, BC Mah, Charlotte, North Vancouver, BC Marriott, Eric, Richmond, BC Martens, Amy, B.P.E., Vanderhoof, BC THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Massong, Erika Danielle, B.Sc.Kin., Burnaby, BC Arnold, Jeremiah, B.H.K., Toronto, ON Monkman, Derek, B.H.K., Chilliwack, BC Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Ball, Heather, B.B.A. Moriarty, Susan, B.Sc.Kin., White Rock, BC Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Neufeld, Andrea, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC Abraham, Karen, B.A., Penticton, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Barr, Alison, B.F.A., Vancouver, BC Bates, Bethlena, B.H.K., M.Sc., New Westminster, BC Berson, Ayla, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC Nicholls, Warren, B.Sc, Prince Rupert, BC Biegler, Jennifer, B.Sc., Campbell River, BC Overin, Sean, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC Park, Gilbert, B.Sc.Kin., Vancouver, BC Brady, Lara, B.Sc. Pauhl, Katherine, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC Brautigam, Pieter, B.Sc., Victoria, BC Brown, Jeffrey, B.Sc., Abbotsford, BC Brown, Jenna, B.H.K., Abbotsford, BC Carter, David, Vancouver, BC Chan, Gary, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Clark, Krista, B.Sc, Rosetown, SK Cochrane, Brianna, B.Sc.Kin., Victoria, BC Coffey, Alison, B.Sc., Delta, BC Crowell, Shaun, B.H.K., Kelowna, BC Daoust, Regan, B.Sc., Prince George, BC Davidson, Hanan, B.H.K., Vancouver, BC 48 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Perry, Fraser, B.H.K., Abbotsford, BC Pontus, Danielle, B.Sc.Kin. Preradovic, Dejan, B.H.K., Burnaby, BC Rieu, Chelsea, B.Sc., Port Coquitlam, BC Sagle, Natalie, B.A., Vancouver, BC Sanghera, Vickrant, B.Sc., Williams Lake, BC Scott, Jennifer, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Secrest, Ashley, B.Sc.Kin., Delta, BC Sevier, Scott, B.Sc, Dawson Creek, BC Sutherland, Karly, B.Kin., North Vancouver, BC Aleliunas, Rika, B.Sc., In Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Allard, Matthew, Vancouver, BC, In Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Alsabban, Abdulrahman, M.B.B.S., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, In Surgery Armstrong, Bryson, B.Sc, Vancouver, BC, In Neuroscience Badran, Mohammad, B.Sc.P., In Pharmacology and Therapeutics Bahar, Mohammadreza, Vancouver, BC, In Rehabilitation Sciences Best, Lia, B.Sc., Victoria, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Blair, John, B.Sc, Vancouver, BC, In Medical Genetics Brown, Katlyn, B.Sc., Dorchester, ON, In Rehabilitation Sciences Dau, Alejandro, B.Sc.(Hns), Vancouver, BC, In Neuroscience Dauter, Jasmine, B.Sc., Calgary, AB, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Gilibili, Ravindranath Reddy, B.Sc., M.Pharm, Kurnool, India, In Pharmaceutical Sciences Grevstad, Gillian, B.A., Mississauga, ON, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Grewal, Navdeep, B.Sc., Surrey, BC, In Experimental Medicine Hall, William, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC, In Population and Public Health Hoffart, Nathan, B.A., Courtenay, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Holmes, Scott, B.Sc., In Craniofacial Science Howes, Sarah, B.A., Ottawa, ON, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Jacob, Karen, B.Sc., Richmond, BC, In Medical Genetics Jefferies, Thomas, Mars, United States, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jones, Paul, Victoria, BC, In Neuroscience Kelsey, Angela, B.Sc., Sheffield, United Kingdom, In Medical Genetics Kennedy, Lisa, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Khan, Rabia, H.B.Sc., H.B.A., Toronto, ON, In Population and Public Health Kim, Diana, B.Sc., Victoria, BC, In Neuroscience Kim, Jae Gak, B.Sc., White Rock, BC, In Cell and Developmental Biology LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 9:00 AM Kowalenko, Rebecca, B.A.Hns, Vancouver, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Lavigne, Katie, B.A., Montreal, QC, In Neuroscience Lebeter, Janine, B.Sc., Salmon Arm, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Leonhardt, Lisa, M.A., Neunkirchen, Germany, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Li, Bo Wen, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Pharmacology and Therapeutics Liow, Eric Kang-Yan, B.Sc., In Pharmaceutical Sciences Ly-Tong, Marguerite, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences MacLellan, Sara, B.Sc., Antigonish, NS, In Interdisciplinary Oncology MacRae, Cassie, B.Sc., Calgary, AB, In Neuroscience Macri, Erin, B.Sc., M.P.T., Vancouver, BC, In Experimental Medicine McCarthy, Alexandra, Cobourg, ON, In Audiology and Speech Sciences McPhail, Cory, B.Sc., Winnipeg, MB, In Population and Public Health Mcconnachie, Devon, Vancouver, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Mendelson, Asher, M.D.C.M., Montreal, QC, In Experimental Medicine Mills, Allan, B.Sc., Nanaimo, BC, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Mohazab, Leila, B.Sc., In Craniofacial Science More, Jennifer, B.Sc., Bragg Creek, AB, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Moussa, Abdulla, H.B.K., Kitchener, ON, In Population and Public Health Neil, Sarah, B.Sc., Oakville, ON, In Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Pambid, Mary, B.Sc., Surrey, BC, In Experimental Medicine So, Lilian Hau Ming, Burnaby, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Stepien, Katarzyna, B.Sc., In Medical Genetics Takimoto, Shinako, B.Sc., Yokohama, Japan, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tam, Christine, B.A., Toronto, ON, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Trivedi, Arjun, H.B.Sc., Brampton, ON, In Experimental Medicine Van Der Zwan, Savanna, B.A., Ladner, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Wall, Lindsay, B.Sc.(Hns), Vancouver, BC, In Experimental Medicine Wat, Jovian, Burnaby, BC, In Experimental Medicine Weigel, Tamra, B.A., Pitt Meadows, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences White, Sarah, B.M.Sc., Brantford, ON, In Cell and Developmental Biology Wong, Jacqueline, B.Sc., Richmond, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Yoo, Ji Young Janice, B.Sc, Richmond, BC, In Medical Genetics Zanet, DeAnna, B.Sc., Trail, BC, In Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Zhang, Ling, B.Sc, In Neuroscience Schretlen, Christine, B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Shevchuk, Olena, B.Sc., In Interdisciplinary Oncology Associate Dean Putnins Faculty of Dentistry Associate Dean Putnins Faculty of Dentistry Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Aran, Reza, D.M.D. Alfaro, David Patricio, B.Sc. Karim, Asef, B.Sc., M.P.H., Vancouver, BC Ng, Jonathan, B.M.Sc., D.D.S., Calgary, AB Mattson, Melanie, B.Sc., D.D.S., Vancouver, BC Associate Dean Edward Putnins Faculty of Dentistry Braniste, Marina, D.M.D., Montreal, QC Davis, Shannon, D.M.D., M.B.A., Calgary, AB Wong, Angela, D.M.D., Vancouver, BC THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CRANIOFACIAL SCIENCE/ THE DIPLOMA IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Vertel, Nancy, Vancouver, BC Campbell, Les, B.Sc. D.D.S Roy, Lilla, B.Sc.N., Fort Ellis, NS, In Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Peter, Keshia, B.A.Hns, Emerald Park, SK, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Robb, Elissa, B.A., Burnaby, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Associate Dean Putnins Faculty of Dentistry Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Resendes, Alan, B.Sc.Hon., Mississauga, ON, In Audiology and Speech Sciences THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CRANIOFACIAL SCIENCE/DIPLOMA IN PROSTHODONTICS THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CRANIOFACIAL SCIENCE/ THE DIPLOMA IN ENDODONTICS Penfield, Jonathan, B.Sc., Truckee, United States, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Pozer, Aubree, B.Sc., Victoria, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CRANIOFACIAL SCIENCE/ THE DIPLOMA IN ORTHODONTIC THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Stuart Faculty of Medicine Reader: Dr. Martin Schechter, Professor, School of Population and Public Health Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Autio, Roger, B.S.N., Surrey, BC Ng, Carter, B.Sc., D.D.S., Vancouver, BC Bowen, Raffick, B.Sc., Ph.D., Palo Alto, United States Barber, James, B.B.A., Vancouver, BC Zhao, Ming, B.Sc.(Chem), D.M.D., Vancouver, BC Chi, Eric, B.Sc., White Rock, BC THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CRANIOFACIAL SCIENCE/DIPLOMA IN PERIODONTICS Harvey, Amanda, B.S.N., Vancouver, BC Cunningham, Lona, B.Sc.N., Vancouver, BC Heath, Allison, B.H.K., Victoria, BC Howard Jovanovic, Dacia, Vancouver, BC Idle, Suzanne, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Kirkwood, Allison, B.Sc.(Pharm), Vancouver, BC Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Kosick, Ryane, H.B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Lalani, Jehan, B.Sc., Calgary, AB Lee, Angie, B.Sc.N., Oakville, ON Associate Dean Putnins Faculty of Dentistry Lo, Clifford, B.Sc.(Pharm), Pharm.D, Surrey, BC Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Mamut, Monica, B.Sc., B.HK, London, ON Mymko, Devon, B.A., Vancouver, BC Ghannad, Farzan, D.D.S., Vancouver, BC O’Hara, Nathan, B.Com., Vancouver, BC Joslin, Breanne Elizabeth, B.Sc., D.M.D., Winnipeg, MB Punnett, Larissa, B.A. Saunders, Bethany, B.H.Kin., Toronto, ON Shergill, Meher, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Sjoestroem, Anna Cecilia, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Experimental Medicine Tedesco, Eyrin, B.A., B.S.N., Nanaimo, BC Smith Anonuevo, Adam, B.Sc., In Neuroscience Tung, Andrew, B.S.W., Burnaby, BC Tsao, Dora, B.Sc. Smith, Sarah, B.Sc., Victoria, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences Smyth, Aisling, B.A., Tsawwassen, BC, In Audiology and Speech Sciences 49 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 9:00 AM THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF HEALTH SCIENCE Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCES (DENTAL HYGIENE) Associate Dean Putnins Faculty of Dentistry Dean Stuart Faculty of Medicine Reader: Ms. Bonnie Craig, Director, Dental Hygiene Degree, Faculty of Dentistry Reader: Dr. Schechter, Professor, School of Population and Public Health Hendriks, Laura, Coquitlam, BC AlGhamdi, Saeed Ahmed, Vancouver, BC Butler, Myra Virginia Cottle, B.Sc.M.D., Vancouver, BC Chen, Becky, M.D., B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Cheng, Julianna, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.D., Vancouver, BC Duncan, Dallas, Kelowna, BC Eppinga, Peter, B.A., M.D., Masset, BC, Haida Grewal, Karan, B.Sc., M.D. Hakobyan, Syune, M.D., Vancouver, BC Ivkov, Vesna, M.D. Khachatryan, Davit, M.D. Li, Xu Fen, M.D., Ph.D., Vancouver, BC Lin, Yiqun, M.D. MacPherson, Cailan, M.D., Vancouver, BC Nguyen, David, Hon. B.Sc., M.D. Thamboo, Andrew, B.Sc., M.D., Burnaby, BC Yang, Qun, M.D., Vancouver, BC Janda, Dalvir, Surrey, BC THE DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR Dean Bobinski Faculty of Law Reader: Associate Dean Benjamin J. Goold, Faculty of Law Hicks, Jennifer, B.A. Hons., Vancouver, BC Lin, Simon, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Liu, Wen, Wuhan, China Rudensky, Adriana, B.Sc., Toronto, ON Schechter, Rachel, Vancouver, BC Siu, Colin, B.Com., Oakville, ON Sroka, Robert, B.A.(Hon), White Rock, BC Taghizadeh, Mehrnoosh, B.A., Vancouver, BC Tedham, Glen, B.A., M.F.A., Wandringypsie Zheng, Gina, M.D., Vancouver, BC THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Stuart Faculty of Medicine Reader: Dr. Schechter, Professor, School of Population and Public Health Chettiar, Jill, Vancouver, BC Huang, Alan, M.Sc. McLeod, Katherine Elizabeth, B.A.Sc. Rivers, Melanie, B.A., West Vancouver, BC, Squamish Nation Shamsian, Arash, B.Sc., Los Angeles, United States Smith, Rebecca, B.Sc.N., Vancouver, BC 50 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHARMACY Dean Michael Coughtrie Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Reader: Associate Dean Wayne Riggs, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Gagne, April, Kamloops, BC Lalani, Zaahira, Maple Ridge, BC Li, Christopher THE PROCESSIONS & THE PROGRAM OF CEREMONY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 11:30 AM THE PROCESSIONS Procession of Graduating Students (Ph.D.) Procession of Graduating Students Senior Marshal Iain E. P. Taylor, B.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Botany Marshal, Enrolment Services Jeff Hum Chief Ushers Donna Shultz, B.A., M.A. Senior Instructor Emerita, Applied Science Linda Dunbar, B.A., M.L.S. Librarian Emerita Procession of Faculty Marshals Leila Harris, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor, IRES and GRSJ Warren Williams, B.Sc., Ph.D. Instructor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chancellor’s Procession and Chancellor’s Party Registrar Chris Eaton, B.A. Associate Registrar THE PROGRAM Ceremonies and Events O Canada Director Eilis Courtney Moment of Reflection University Marshal Nancy Hermiston Professor, Music Address Sarah Morgan-Silvester Chancellor Events Coordinator Melissa Picher Kelly, B.A. Events Clerk Lian Tran Enrolment Services Associate Director Jennifer Chin, M.Sc. Graduation Coordinator Brenda Rooke Remarks Stephen J. Toope President and Vice-Chancellor Olga Peña Serrato Member, Graduating Class Presentation of the University of British Columbia Killam Teaching Prizes and Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring David Farrar Provost and Vice-President Academic Presentation of the President’s Service Award for Excellence to: Nelson Dinn Conferring of Degrees in Course The Chancellor Closing Remarks The President and Vice-Chancellor Reception Following the Ceremony Macebearer and Marshal James Berger, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Professor, Zoology Alumni Representatives Dan Davies, B.Sc. Graduation lists as shown this program were prepared two weeks before Graduation and may therefore not be completely correct—the names of some graduates may be missing. Anton Kuipers, B.Sc. 51 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 11:30 AM THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Dean pro tem Susan Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Wendy Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Bauerschmidt, Roland, B.Sc., M.Sc., Bremen, Germany, In Mathematics Bejaei, Masoumeh, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Animal Science Benjamin, Jonathan, In Astronomy Berkhout, Thomas William, B.A.Hns., M.E.S., Victoria, BC, In Resource Management and Environmental Studies Blackburn, Gwylim, B.Sc., M.Sc., Kenora, ON, In Zoology Bourdin, Dominique, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Atmospheric Science Buckner, Michelle, B.Sc., Calgary, AB, In Microbiology and Immunology Cadieux, Brigitte, B.Sc., M.Sc., Casselman, ON, In Microbiology and Immunology Chen, Si, B.Sc., Beijing, China, In Physics Chen, Yu-Ting, B.A., M.Sc., Taipei, Taiwan, In Mathematics Labonte, Jessica, B.Sc, M.Sc, In Microbiology and Immunology Tommasi, Desiree, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Oceanography Beamish, Alison, B.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Geography Lang, Eva Kathrin, M.Sc., Konstanz, Germany, In Chemistry Vaughan, Jeremy, B.Sc, M.Sc., United States, In Geological Sciences Beckman, Lee, B.Sc., Salmo, BC, In Computer Science Lauzon, Jean Michel, B.Sc.(Hns), Orléans, ON, In Chemistry Whyte, Kevin, B.A.Sc., B.Math, In Physics Bose, Tanay, B.Sc.(Hns), M.Sc., Kolkata, W. Bengal, India, In Botany Lawler, Samantha, B.S., M.A., La Crescenta, United States, In Astronomy Winslow, Peter, B.Sc.Hns, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Physics Cairns, Andrew, B.Sc., West Vancouver, BC, In Mathematics Liu, Jianan, B.Ag., M.Sc., Hohhot, China, In Applied Animal Biology Wright, Jody, B.Sc., St. Andrews, NB, In Microbiology and Immunology Cant, Meghann, B.Sc., New Westminster, BC, In Animal Science Lucido, Joseph, B.S.E., M.Sc., Denver, United States, In Physics Xia, Chaoxiong, B.Sc., B.Econ., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Statistics Chen, Hao, B.Sc., Beijing, China, In Statistics Magzul, Lorenzo, B.A, B.Sc., M.Sc., Victoria, BC, In Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems Yang, Zhengzheng, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Mathematics Chen, Nancy, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Human Nutrition Yu, In-Sun, B.Sc, M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Chemistry Ch’ng, Carolyn, B.Sc., In Bioinformatics Majewski, Marek Bartholomew, B.Sc. (Hns), Saskatoon, SK, In Chemistry McCulloch, Ross, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Chemistry Meger, David, B.Sc., M.Sc., Montreal, QC, In Computer Science Miller, Nicole, B.Arch, M.A.S.A., St. Louis, United States, In Resource Management and Environmental Studies Mohazab, Ali, B.A.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Physics Morrison, Jonathan, H.B.Sc., Sparta, ON, In Chemistry Muja, Marius, B.Sc., M.Sc., North Vancouver, BC, In Computer Science Zhu, Hai, B.Sc., In Chemistry Clark, Haley Dean, B.Sc., St. Albert, AB, In Physics Zhu, Zhihuai, M.Sc., Hunan, China, In Physics Clark, Trisha, B.Sc., B.Ed., Vancouver, BC, In Zoology THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Musgrove, Amanda, B.Sc., M.Sc., Duchess, AB, In Chemistry Callahan, Megan, B.A., Seattle, United States, In Resource Management and Environmental Studies Pang, Chao, B.Sc, M.Sc., Kalgan, China, In Mathematics Lau, Kim, B.A., In Resource Management and Environmental Studies Pedroso Estevam de Souza, Camila, B.Sc., M.Sc., Hortolândia, Brazil, In Statistics Rodina, Lyudmila, B.A., Kelowna, BC, In Resource Management and Environmental Studies Folz, Matthew, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Mathematics Peña Serrato, Olga Mercedes, B.Sc., Colombia, In Microbiology and Immunology Rodman, Lauren, B.A., Spokane, United States, In Resource Management and Environmental Studies Griffiths, Jonathan, B.Sc.H., M.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Botany Poon, Grace, B.Sc., Port Moody, BC, In Microbiology and Immunology Gutierrez, Benjamin, B.Sc., Mexico City, Mexico, In Physics Proudfoot, Kathryn, B.Sc., M.Sc., San Diego, United States, In Applied Animal Biology Dauth, Alexander, M.Sc., Linz, Austria, In Chemistry Dzikowski, Tashia, B.Sc., M.Sc., Swan River, MB, In Geological Sciences Edwards, Mclean, B.Sc., M.Sc., Guelph, ON, In Mathematics Fazli, Pooyan, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Computer Science Haga, Donna, B.Sc.H., Fredericton, NB, In Chemistry THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Cox, David, B.Sc., New Ross, Ireland, Republic of (EIRE), In Geological Sciences Dalsin, Mallory, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Geological Sciences Davoodi, Alireza, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Sc., In Computer Science Delepine, Marc, B.S.Ag.&Env., Châteauneuf, France, In Zoology Doran, Crawford, B.S.E., Waterloo, ON, In Computer Science Doyle, Jessica, B.Sc., Roberts Creek, BC, In Geological Sciences Eshragh, Roya, B.S., Grand Rapids, United States, In Zoology Eskelinen, Mareija, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC, In Computer Science Fan, Ye, B.Eng., Shanghai, China, In Computer Science Ferris, Elizabeth, B.Sc., Victoria, BC, In Resource Management and Environmental Studies Ferstay, Joel, B.Sc., B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC, In Computer Science Gagne, Ronald, B.Sc., Edmonton, AB, In Astronomy Halcovitch, Nathan, B.Sc., Moncton, NB, In Chemistry Raju Menon, Deepa, B.V.Sc&A.H., M.V.Sc., M.B.A., Thrissur, Kerala, India, In Applied Animal Biology Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Heumann, Jay, B.A., M.A., New York, United States, In Mathematics Rastkar, Sarah, B.Sc., M.Sc., In Computer Science Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Ghadermarzy, Navid, B.Sc., Vanvouver, BC, In Mathematics Iles, William, B.Sc., Peterborough, ON, In Botany Razique, Abdul, Vancouver, BC, In Geological Sciences Abalharth, Mahdi, B.Sc., Najran, Saudi Arabia, In Geography Govender, Rhona, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Zoology Ingram, Stephen, B.Sc., M.Sc., Atlanta, United States, In Computer Science Reyes, Catalina, B.Sc., M.Sc., Bogota D.C., Colombia, In Zoology Agarwal, Shailendra, B.Sc., In Computer Science Haddad, Shathel, B.A., Amman, Jordan, In Computer Science Janouskovec, Jan, In Botany Samadian, Soroush, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Bioinformatics Ahmadi, Naseam, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Human Nutrition Hammel, Alexander, B.Sc., In Botany Smithyman, Brendan, B.Sc., Kingston, ON, In Geophysics Arney, Bianca Danielle, B.Sc.Hns., Westminster, United States, In Applied Animal Biology Jongkees, Seino, B.A, B.Sc.(Hns), Whangarei, New Zealand, In Chemistry Kamal, Humaira, B.Sc.(Eng), M.Sc., Lahore, Pakistan, In Computer Science Kharouba, Heather, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ottawa, ON, In Zoology Kohler, David-Emmanuel, M.Sc., Landiswil, Switzerland, In Mathematics Kotaska, Janalyn, B.Sc.(Hns), M.E.Des., Vancouver, BC, In Resource Management and Environmental Studies Kotur, Zorica, B.Sc., M.Sc., Belgrade, In Botany 52 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 Southey, Tristram, M.Sc., Guelph, ON, In Computer Science Spooner, Jeffrey, B.A., M.A., Ottawa, ON, In Animal Science Sriskandakumar, Thamayanthy, B.Sc., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Chemistry Talhouk, Aline, B.A., M.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Statistics Tomal, Jabed, M.Sc., Dhaka, Bangladesh, In Statistics Gerlinsky, Carling, B.Sc., Lethbridge, AB, In Zoology Han, Baipeng, B.Eng., In Computer Science Harwood, Gyan, B.A., North Vancouver, BC, In Zoology Avery-Gomm, Stephanie, B.Sc., Coquitlam, BC, In Zoology Ho, Laura, B.Sc., Ottawa, ON, In Microbiology and Immunology Ayouqi Pourtafti, Hossein, B.A.Sc., M.Sc, Tehran, Iran, In Agricultural Economics Hormozi, Sarah, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Tehran, Iran, In Mathematics Babanezhad Harikandeh, Reza, B.Sc, Tehran, Iran, In Computer Science Jansen, Hailey, B.Sc., Burnaby, BC, In Zoology Bakker, Melinda, B.Sc., B.Sc., Abbotsford, BC, In Human Nutrition Johnson, Michael David, Winnipeg, MB, In Atmospheric Science Balandeh, Shadi, B.Sc., In Physics LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 11:30 AM Jun, Seong-Hwan, B.Math, Langley, BC, In Statistics Sio, Alexander, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Microbiology and Immunology Jang, Munjeong, Vancouver, BC Karan, Tania, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Physics Stafl, Natalie, B.Sc.(NRC), Revelstoke, BC, In Zoology Liew, Mark Kuo, Chia-Li, B.Sc., Taipei, Taiwan, In Computer Science Stegeman, Amelia, B.Sc., In Zoology Le Souef, Kate, B.E., B.Sc., Perth, Australia, In Oceanography Lepore, William, Denman Island, BC, In Geological Sciences Li, Meng, B.Biot., Vancouver, BC, In Botany Li, Taosui, B.Sc., Burnaby, BC, In Zoology Liao, Laura, B.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Mathematics Liu, Wenbo, B.Sc, In Chemistry Lu, Jessica, B.Sc., In Botany Luo, Yuwen, Chongqing, China, In Mathematics Madsen, Erik, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Astronomy Manning, Alan, B.Sc., Victoria, BC, In Physics McParland, Daniel, B.Sc., Perth, ON, In Geography Mohyedin Kermani, Ehsan, B.Sc., In Mathematics Mukherjee, Suman, B.Tech(H), IIT Kharagpur, India, In Computer Science Mun, Byeongju, B.Sc., New Westminster, BC, In Mathematics Muradov, Orkhan, B.Sc., Baku, Azerbaijan, In Computer Science Natrasany, Sarah, B.Sc., B.A., Regina, SK, In Genome Science and Technology Neave, Heather Whittaker, B.Sc., Kamloops, BC, In Applied Animal Biology Nie, Yunlong, B.Sc, In Statistics Noble, Virginia, B.Sc.H., Lakefield, ON, In Zoology Novak, Colin, B.Sc., Nanaimo, BC, In Animal Science Tam, Cindy, B.Sc., M.Sc., Victoria, BC, In Physics Pelzom, Dorji, B.Sc., In Statistics Pillay, Samara, B.Sc., B.Sc.Hns., M.Sc., Johannesburg, South Africa, In Physics Qin, Tong, B.Sc., Hefei, China, In Mathematics Rasmussen, Betina, B.Sc.(FNH), Nykoebing F, Denmark, In Human Nutrition Sargent, Pamela, B.Sc., Salmon Arm, BC, In Mathematics Scheifele, Benjamin, B.Sc., Powell River, BC, In Oceanography Selby, Peter, B.Sc., Winnipeg, MB, In Computer Science Shi, Junhao, B.Eng., In Computer Science Sibilia, Ariel, B.Sc., Toronto, ON, In Physics Singh, Tejomayee, B.Sc., M.B.A., Vancouver, BC, In Genome Science and Technology Liu, Chang Luo, Lishan, B.Sc., Richmond, BC Mardare, Mihaela,, Vancouver, BC Dean Isman Faculty of Land and Food Systems Tavafi, Maryam, B.Sc., Tehran, Iran, In Computer Science Menard, Gabrielle, B.A., Montreal, QC Thomas, Elisabeth, B.A., In Soil Science Pangilinan, Andrew, B.A., Richmond, BC Reader: Associate Dean Gwen Chapman, Faculty of Land and Food Systems Toker, Dereck, Vancouver, BC, In Computer Science Ramirez, Carmelo Luis, Richmond, BC De Souza, Michael, Surrey, BC Totolici, Alexandru, B.Sc., In Computer Science Raza, Ahmed, Surrey, BC Egli, Lauren, Stroudsburg, United States Shu, Ruoran, B.A., Vancouver, BC Kubeck, Kevin, Vancouver, BC Smith, Lauren, B.A., Shelburne, ON Radley, Michelle, Surrey, BC Wu, Vicky, B.Sc., Burnaby, BC Sharma, Hala, Richmond, BC Yow, Victoria, Vancouver, BC Sousa, Caitlin, Surrey, BC Tsuzuku, Shie, B.Sc.Agr., Japan, In Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems Niu, Yanbo van Caspel, Moos, B.Sc., Amsterdam, Netherlands, In Physics Zhang, Xie, B.Ag.Ec., Wuxi, China von Flotow, Claudia, B.Sc., Geography, In Geography Zhang, Yichi, Yibin, China Wei, Lan, B.Comp.Sc., In Computer Science Zhu, Shimeng, B.A. THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FOOD NUTRITION AND HEALTH Wong, Devina, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Applied Animal Biology THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FOOD SCIENCE Dean Isman Faculty of Land and Food Systems Wood, Jayde, B.Sc., In Food Science Wrighton, Timothy, B.Sc., M.Sc., Leicester, United Kingdom, In Geological Sciences Yang, Guang, Vancouver, BC, In Statistics Zhang, Ye, Vancouver, BC Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Reader: Associate Dean Chapman, Faculty of Land and Food Systems Alam, Shelagh, B.A., Vancouver, BC Arqueza, Jerique, Burnaby, BC Yu, Rong, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC, In Human Nutrition Dean Isman Faculty of Land and Food Systems Yu, Tingting, B.Sc., Wenzhou, China, In Statistics Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Zhao, Tingting, B.Sc., Changchun, China, In Statistics Zheng, Chen, B.Mgmt, Shanghai, China, In Agricultural Economics Zhong, Wei, B.Sc., Wuhan, China, In Physics Zou, Chenglong, B.Sc., Kirkland, QC, In Mathematics Pan, Yiyang, B.Sc., In Statistics Paul-Limoges, Eugenie, B.Sc., Sherbrooke, QC, In Geography THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED BIOLOGY Jin, Yushan, ChangSha, China THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FOOD AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS Dean pro tem Porter Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean Murray B. Isman Faculty of Land and Food Systems Reader: Associate Dean Hall, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Baker, Melissa, 100 Mile House, BC Berry, Carolyn, Richmond, BC Bezabih, Dereje Ashebir, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Burnaby, BC Chen, Yi-Fu, B.Sc., Taichung, Taiwan Bloudoff, Marianne, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Bui, Phuong, Nanaimo, BC Carter, Jessica, B.Sc., North Vancouver, BC Chan, Gloria, Burnaby, BC Chen, Jie Ni, Vancouver, BC D’Rozario, Renita Chen, Pin Yu, North Vancouver, BC Han, Jialin, B.Sc., Chongqing, China Karimibiuki, Nazila, West Vancouver, BC Khan, Bilal, Surrey, BC Lawrence, Karine, Diplôme d’Ingénieur agro-alimentaire, Kelowna, BC Li, Li, B.Sc., Fujian, China Liu, Chongqian, B.Sc., Chongqing, China Ngo, Judy, BASc., Toronto, ON Cheng, Anna, Vancouver, BC Cheng, Jing, Delta, BC Chui, Cindy, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Chui, Joanne, B.Com., West Vancouver, BC Ciawan, Olivia, Vancouver, BC Connerton, Lauren, Calgary, AB Cretu, Mioara Niesing, Angela, B.Sc. Setiowati, Liedia, B.Sc.(FNH), Indonesia Shi, Wen, B.Sc., Shanghai, China De Vries, Selena, Kelowna, BC Grozier, Kathryn, Langley, BC Guo, Ziya Taghavi, Hanieh, B.Sc.Tech., North Vancouver, BC Ho, Eric, Vancouver, BC Hsiang, Alice Hsuan, Richmond, BC Tan, Shi Ning, B.Sc.(FNH), Coquitlam, BC Wang, Guan Han, B.Sc., Coquitlam, BC Hundhammer, Leslie, Portland, United States Kamakas, Stephanie, Portsmouth, NH, United States Bae, Su Kyung, B.Sc.(FNH), North Vancouver, BC Xia, Binbin, B.Eng., Nanjing, China Cai, Ruiyang, Dongtai, China Zhang, Mengxu, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Daribayeva, Gulsana, Zhambyl Oblast, Kazakhstan Zou, Hanghang, B.Sc Yang, Hao, B.Sc. Knill, Jonathan, Vancouver, BC Koroleva, Anna, Vancouver, BC Kwok, Yee Kay, Burnaby, BC Gadhok, Ishrat, B.Sc., Vancouver, BC Lai, Andrea, Vancouver, BC Guo, Zhanyan Lo, Cherice, Burnaby, BC Han, Xueyu, B.Finc., Tangshan, China Lucas, Kim, Victoria, BC Irwin, Brady, Enumclaw, United States Mathews, Angela, B.Sc. 53 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 LIST OF GRADUATING STUDENTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 11:30 AM McLay, Jennifer, Langley, BC Narayan, Pamela, B.Sc.(FNH),B.Sc., Vancouver, BC GENERAL SCIENCE IN LIFE SCIENCE MAJOR IN BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY OPTION MAJOR IN EARTH & OCEAN SCIENCES Lee, Michael, Surrey, BC Tiechko, Courtney, Chilliwack, BC Al-Omari, Sulaiman, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia O’Connor, Kristina Sophia Beringer, Victoria, BC Low, Kimberly, Richmond, BC Peng, Yanfei, Vancouver, BC Nanda, Arjun, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN BIOLOGY, GENERAL BIOLOGY OPTION Narwal, Dalvin, Vancouver, BC Anner, Leore, North Vancouver, BC Shokati, Sahand, Burnaby, BC Boyeva, Veronika Yan, Jennifer, Vancouver, BC Casal Ribeiro, Carolina Yang, Na Lae, Surrey, BC Chaeichi, Yasaman, North Vancouver, BC Peters, April, B.Sc., Langley, BC Phan, Tam, Delta, BC Schock, Lauren Christine, Cochrane, AB Shaw, Kristen, North Vancouver, BC Stevenson, Destyni Joy, Surrey, BC Stringer, Eleah, Victoria, BC Tahaei, Hana, West Vancouver, BC Tran, Pamela, Vancouver, BC Urbanski, Monika, B.A., B.Sc., M.A. Wardle, Justine Yiu, Camilla, Richmond, BC Zheng, Jie, Burnaby, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Yang, You Ying, Surrey, BC GENERAL SCIENCE IN LIFE SCIENCE AND CHEMISTRY Anderson, Rebecca Chen, Kimberly, Burnaby, BC GENERAL SCIENCE IN LIFE SCIENCE AND EARTH SCIENCE Avelino, Isabel GENERAL SCIENCE IN LIFE SCIENCE AND EARTH SCIENCE MINOR IN ENGLISH Jalal, Jawairiya, Vancouver, BC Chen, Grace, Vancouver, BC Medley, Michael John, North Vancouver, BC Piotrowski, Katherine, Abbotsford, BC, Ojibwe Richards, Danielle, Shawnigan Lake, BC De Witt, Hayley, Vancouver, BC Perry, Dustin Lippman StAubin, Gregory, Little Compton, United States MAJOR IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Martin, Shelby, Vancouver, BC Yip, Li-Mei, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN GEOGRAPHICAL BIOGEOSCIENCES Doolin, Jesse, Errington, BC Wang, Tianyu, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN GEOLOGY MAJOR IN BIOLOGY, GENERAL BIOLOGY OPTION MINOR IN COMMERCE MAJOR IN INTEGRATED SCIENCES Nayyar, Neeraj, Vancouver, BC Dean Simon Peacock Faculty of Science HONOURS IN BIOCHEMISTRY MAJOR IN BIOLOGY, MARINE BIOLOGY OPTION Huang, Yung-Hsing, Vancouver, BC Kozlowski, Janessa, Regina, SK Reader: Associate Dean Ian Cavers, Faculty of Science HONOURS IN MATHEMATICS Murray, Dayle, Parksville, BC Eriks, Nicole Ah-Seng, Michelle, Cochrane, AB Chung, Chia-An, Vancouver, BC Gill, Savreet, Abbotsford, BC Markovic, Igor, Vancouver, BC Ho, Joe (Chou Hou), Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY Guliker, Jonathon, Chilliwack, BC Cho, Ah Ram Li, Chengzhi, Burnaby, BC Choy, Tiffany, Richmond, BC Liu, Meng Chieh, Richmond, BC Xu, Li Solymosi, David, Vancouver, BC Ying, Kylie Yuan, Mingji, Coquitlam, BC Zhang, Hui Li, Vancouver, BC THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE MAJOR IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY MINOR IN ARTS Zhu, Zeting, Vancouver, BC Dean Peacock Faculty of Science MAJOR IN BIOCHEMISTRY Reader: Associate Dean Cavers, Faculty of Science Emery, Matthew, Calgary, AB COMBINED HONOURS MATH AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING MAJOR IN BIOLOGY Hou, Fu-Yuan, Bachelor of Business Administration, Vancouver, BC Sosa Lar, Barbara, Bachelors in International Relations, Vancouver, BC Enns, John, Richmond, BC MAJOR COGNITIVE SYSTEMS, COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE & DESIGN Holder, Travis, Kelowna, BC Chew, Ryan, Vancouver, BC Kim, Hyoung Jun, North Vancouver, BC Wong, Annabelle, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY MINOR IN SPANISH Schmitt, Stephanie, Mccleary, United States Clegg, Catherine, Calgary, AB MAJOR IN COGNITIVE SYSTEMS, COGNITION AND BRAIN OPTION Johnson, Jeremy, Victoria, BC Cuenant, Lauren, Victoria, BC Ko, Georgina, Richmond, BC COMBINED MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND STATISTICS Eun, Narae, Burnaby, BC Quinn, Chad Wong, Jack, Vancouver, BC Sigarchy, Ramyar, Vancouver, BC Chan, Christina Ho Yi, Vancouver, BC COMBINED MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS Cheng, Tsz Wai Cathy, Richmond, BC Goh, Bih Shin Vanessa, Vancouver, BC COMBINED MAJOR IN SCIENCE Cui, Chen, Vancouver, BC Gibson, Alexander, Victoria, BC Gilbert, Chanelle, Surrey, BC Haji, Irfan, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of MAJOR IN BIOLOGY, ANIMAL BIOLOGY OPTION Yip, Collin, Coquitlam, BC MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Genereaux, Cory, Duncan, BC Chen, Liyang Prier, Leah, Nanoose Bay, BC Evans, Shaun, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN BIOLOGY, CELL BIOLOGY AND GENETICS OPTION Fung, Willis, Richmond, BC Gill, Hergugun Ho, Candy, Coquitlam, BC Kong, Ryan, Richmond, BC Lu, Zhenjian, Richmond, BC Liu, Delia, Coquitlam, BC Ng, Cheuk Yan, RIchmond, BC Samiei, Arash, Vancouver, BC Waldern, Jennifer, Calgary, AB Sin, Kevin, Surrey, BC Hall, Michael, Coquitlam, BC Kang, Te Hsuan, Vancouver, BC MAJOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING OPTION Kim, Ji Cheal, Calgary, AB Wan, Kenny, Burnaby, BC Lee, Rachel, Richmond, BC Song, MinKyong, Burnaby, BC Soquila, Janelle, Maple Ridge, BC 54 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS MINOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Anthonypillai, Chamila MAJOR IN MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Chan, Serena, Vancouver, BC Guo, Xiaocong, Vancouver, BC Meyer, Samuel, Vancouver, BC Murray, Marie Elysee, Makati, Philippines Qazi, Usman, Maple Ridge, BC Wang, Yu Sophie, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Xiong, Colin MAJOR IN PHYSICS Marcellin, James, Surrey, BC MAJOR IN PSYCHOLOGY Kim, Soomi Wong, Kaelan, Vancouver, BC 55 FA L L CO NGR EGAT I O N 201 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS O CANADA Chancellor Sarah Morgan-Silvester and President Stephen Toope would like to thank the numerous faculty and staff volunteers who contribute to the success of the Congregation Ceremonies, as well as the following departments: O Canada Our home and native land! True patriot love all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Access and Diversity Alumni UBC Bookstore Building Operations Campus Security Catering by Westcadia Ceremonies Office Chan Centre for the Performing Arts Communications and Marketing Enrolment Services Graduate Student Society IT/Creative Media Services IT/Lecture Capture and Webcast Event Services Parking and Access Control Services Public Affairs School of Music Student Recruitment, Admissions and Awards 56 FA L L CONGR EG AT I O N 2 013 ALUMNI WELCOME “The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet.” —Lao Tzu As you walk across the stage today, you are continuing a journey that began when you first came to UBC. As you take those few short steps you are joining a worldwide community of over 290,000 UBC alumni who have come before you and a network of which you are now a part. alumni UBC is a member-driven association that helps alumni stay connected to each other and to UBC, and supports their professional and personal journey. Our vision is to build a mutually beneficial relationship with UBC based on a shared ambition for a better world and an exceptional university. I invite you to make the most of your alumni colleagues and start enjoying the benefits of membership as you continue your journey through life: • Network with your wider alumni UBC community across the world on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. • Read Trek magazine and Trek Online and stay connected with UBC and each other. • Use your alumni UBC A-Card for continuing access to UBC’s libraries as well as many other discounted services on and off campus. • Attend year-round programs such as The Next Step for new alumni or UBC Dialogues to keep abreast of key issues facing our world and can also be accessed online. 100% As part of UBC’s start an evolution campaign of involvement and investment, the Unversity and the UBC Alumni Association ‘alumni UBC’ have joined forces to build a new home for alumni for life at the heart of the Vancouver campus opening in 2015—the Centennial year of UBC’s first class. To learn more about how you can start an evolution with UBC, please go to alumni.ubc.ca. Tuum est—it’s yours! — jeff todd Associate Vice President, Alumni, The University of British Columbia and Executive Director of the UBC Alumni Association. To connect with the alumni UBC office directly, please call (604) 822-3313 (Toll Free Tel: 800-883-3088) or email alumni.ubc.ca www.graduation.ubc.ca #UBCgrad2013
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