Manufacturer`s Instructions - Page 2
Manufacturer`s Instructions - Page 2
After soaking, wipe the back of each length with a dry cloth to remove any surplus water then apply Lincrusta Glue. Apply evenly with an old 3-4 inch short bristle dry paint brush ensuring the edges are well coated (For extra long lengths the adhesive can be applied more speedily by using a mohair paint roller). If the glue is a little thick to work, stir well but do not dilute. Apply length to the surface putting the straight edge of the paper to the top and smooth down with a cloth pad or 4" rubber roller. At the lower edge mark the length at each edge of the strip, then place a piece of hardboard behind the paper and cut off to the exact length with a straight edge and knife. Sponge off any surplus adhesive from the surface of the Lincrusta. Turning angles. This is only practicable where external corners are rounded. When the angles are sharp or internal the Lincrusta should be cut to finish at the angle and the edges undercut so they will mitre at this angle. 2. PlUMB. I I AI I I Diag1 HEIGHT: Of DADO I I I I I I I Application instructions for Lincrusta Dado a) Prepare surface as for Lincrusta and cross-line using All-purpose Adhesive containing fungicide. b) Measure the length of the Dado panel. Mark a horizontal line along the wall above the skirting board to the height of the Dado panel. c) Hang the panels to the line following instructions as for Lincrusta. (Note: Dado panels are ready trimmed). d) Finish top edge by applying border with Lincrusta glue. .CUT 3. Hanging Lincrusta Dado on stairways a) Mark a vertical plumb line at base of stairs and repeat at the top (Diagram 1). b) Measure the height of the Dado panel and mark same height from the skirting board on the line. Join the two points. (Diagram 1, A and B) c) Cut a Dado panel into two halves (Diagram 2). d) e) f) g) Making the Template Measure the width and length of one half and cut out a piece of card to the same size. Place vertical edge of card to plumb line at the base of stairs and mark on the card the point on the opposite side at the edge of the skirting. Join the corner up to this mark and cut across line. This gives the rake template (Diagram 3) points A. B. and C). Place the template on the lower edge of the half panel and cut across the hypotenuse. Put the cut off triangular piece to one side. Apply the first panel to the skirting at lower edge as per the Lincrusta instructions. Then apply the triangle cut from the base at the top of the panel to guideline see Diagram 3. Continue using same method until the top of the stairs is reached, then proceed along the landing with full panels. Finish top edge with border supplied. Diag2 CUT Diag3 FULL MNEL
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