the newsletter


the newsletter
Roadrunner Review
4908 49th Avenue
Phone: 780-826-3366
Bonnyville, Ab T9N 2J7
Bonnyville Centralized High
Fax: 780-826-2959
Principals have fun too!
In Mrs. Switzer’s ELA 9
class, students received
a visit and a letter
inviting them to
Hogwarts School of
Wizardry. Mr. Baker
handed each student in
the class a letter, and
they were thrilled to
have Dumbledore join
their class!
2 0 1 6
Safe and Caring
Students in Mr. Serner’s Math Class were
learning about measurements, They got
to bake some goodies in the concession,
while learning to measure out their
ingredients and follow a recipe.
Student Learning Opportunities
Students in Mrs.
Anacker’s Science 30
class had the
opportunity to dissect
cow hearts in class.
Student Achievement
Skills Canada is starting up again this
year. Students are encouraged to speak
with their CTS teachers, if they would
like to be a part of this year’s
The World of Work & Citizenship
Study Hall
Semester 2 in Study Hall has started with 96 students are working hard on various courses. Attached are three new
students who have enrolled in the Service Rig course. We had 7 successful students complete the course last
semester. Also we have two amazing students, who are on the BCHS Paper Recycling Incentive. They have been
making a trip to the recycling depot at least once a week dropping off paper. Lastly, there is a new partnership
running a dual credit Entrepreneurial course with Portage College. We have three students taking the Introduction
to Entrepreneurship 105 dual credit. Stay tuned to find out more on what projects they are working on.
Lifelong Learning
Quidditch Anyone?
Students in Mrs. Bartling’s
Phys Ed 20/30 class had
their own take on the
game from Harry Potter.
No Broomsticks were
used during this game.
Senior Boys Basketball
Senior boys won 5th place
in the Cold Lake
tournament this past
weekend – they only lost
their first game.
On February 9, 2016—Many students gathered together at the Bonnyville Centennial Centre to
watch the RCMP play hockey against students from Bonnyville Centralized High School, Ecole Notre
Dame High School, and Ecole Des Beaux-Lacs. Food and Monetary Donations were accepted for the
Bonnyville Friendship Centre, as well as to support Odie the dog from Victim Services.
Science is Fun!
Here is what’s cooking in March!
Curling Zones
The weekend of February 19-20 we were given the opportunity to participate in the zones
curling tournament. We had a lot of fun and we are very thankful for the chance to play. We
would like to thank Mr. Bartling and Mr. Serner for being our supportive coaches. We would
also like to thank the Bonnyville Curling Club for lending us the equipment needed and
letting us use their facility to practice. Going in to zones, we were intimidated but we learned
to have faith in our team and our abilities. The girls won 1 and lost two. Each game was
fought hard and a close call. The boys lost their first game but we were unable to continue
because of illness. It was a great experience and one we wouldn't forget any time soon.
Cooking Can Be Murder
The first semester Drama 10-20-30 class put on the comical play "Cooking Can Be Murder" as their final
project of the semester. It is the annual cooking contest and tension is high - the contestants are awaiting
the judge's decision when the conceited judge drops dead. All of the contestants have motives, and the
detective spends the rest of the time going over everyone's reasons to hate the judge, and ultimately finds
the murderer.
The drama class worked on the project for two months, with the drama 30 students doing the
directing. The play was performed in front of a full house, and the students did not disappoint. They did a
fantastic job of entertaining the audience!
Senior Girls Basketball
The Senior Girls Basketball Team won Second place
this past weekend in Barrhead! Congrats Girls!
Street Team Activities for March:
Thursday March 3—Pink Shirt Day—Anti Bullying
Tuesday March 15—Pajama Day!
Thursday March 17—Wear your Green Day
Thursday March 24—School Spirit Day—Please sport
your BCHS Swag!
Parent Teacher Interviews are being held on March 17,
2016. The interviews are scheduled between 4:00 and
9:00 p.m. Please call the office at (780) 826-3366 to
book appointments with your child’s teachers, they
tend to book up fast!
Wrestling Provincials—2016!!
Students on the BCHS Wrestling Team were
VERY successful in Lethbridge at Provincials this
past weekend!
Justine Ecker, Megan Fendelet, and Caid Chalut
took home Gold Medals. Robert Highberg,
Caleb Verner-Matthews, and Ashley Theriault
came away with fourth place. We got 1st over all
for females, and 2nd overall for males.
Great Job Roadrunners!!