January 2014 - Temple Beth Sholom


January 2014 - Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Beth Sholom
401 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY • www.tbsroslyn.org • 516-621-2288
January/February 2014
Tevet/Shevat/Adar 1 5774
to fabulous
Club TBS
Temple Beth Sholom presents
A Chance to Dance
Evening of Casino, Dinner and Dancing
Party Attire
Catering by Joseph Craig Caterers
Entertainment, Games and Decor by PBG Events
Raffles | Silent Auction | Open Bar
Jewelry and Giftware by Ambalu Jewelers
Furs by Fred Gelb
$118 per person
Queen $360 | King $500 | Ace $1000
By Rabbi Alan B. Lucas
A Rabbi's Life
“A Rabbi’s Life” is the name of my
blog that I am reviving and renewing.
Mastering the art of blogging is one
of the things on my to-do list for my
upcoming mini-sabbatical.
I will be away on a mini-sabbatical
from late January to late February – it is the first in a series
of three one-month mini-sabbaticals I will be taking over
the next three years.
What is a Sabbatical? A sabbatical is based on the traditional
concept of Shabbat and the idea that it is important to build
periods of rest and rejuvenation into a lifetime. A sabbatical
is not vacation. A vacation is also about rest – but mostly
it is about physical rest and enjoyment – a change of pace.
A sabbatical is about rest and rejuvenation of the mind. A
vacation is “me” time. A sabbatical is “your” time - -that is, it
is time you grant me to invest in the re-invigoration of my
rabbinate. It is a time to reflect, refocus and renew.
During the course of a typical week – I am called upon
so many times to create moments of learning and help
craft moments of significance. It may be a d’var torah at
a Sisterhood meeting, Machon High School classes, adult
education, a sermon, a wedding, a funeral, a baby naming
to name just a few. In each and every one of these, I am
called upon to write something, to create an experience that
is memorable and appropriate and significant. It requires
much thought and preparation to find the right words,
the correct emotions, the perfect experience. In crafting
these learning and experiential moments I call upon years
of learning, experience and countless hours invested in
reading and keeping myself exposed to the latest ideas and
developments. Hours of thought and preparation go into a
sermon. Hours of soul searching go into each eulogy, every
wedding speech – all in the attempt to find just the right
words for the moment.
Add to this the hours spent at hospital bedsides and
counseling those struggling with difficult moments in their
lives. What a privilege it is when you turn to me for strength
and guidance at these trying times in your lives – but each
is a challenge that demands the rabbi's complete attention
and total engagement of his or her soul.
And all of this is in addition to all those meetings we attend
together and the minyanim which so often begin or end
with, “rabbi do you have a second I need some advice…”
I love what I do and would not trade it for anything. I am
proud and honored to be your rabbi. I cannot imagine a
more fulfilling and meaningful career. But it is a job that
wears one down. And a rabbi who is short on patience,
compassion and understanding is not ready for the
challenges of his calling.
The sabbatical is time to reflect and renew. I will have the
time to study new things. I have a long list of books and
articles I look forward to reviewing. I will be spending
a good deal of my time reading and researching. I am
proud to be a Rabbinic Fellow of the Hartman Institute
in Jerusalem and this year their Study Retreat will be held
in Ft. Lauderdale during the time of my Sabbatical – so I
will be able to learn with colleagues and some of the finest
scholars of our time.
I also hope to spend some time exploring the “new media” –
to see if I can develop new skills in blogging and podcasting
– as we constantly seek new ways to get out our very old
and sacred message.
The challenges facing synagogues are enormous – and a
rabbi needs time to reflect – outside of the crush of his
or her daily routine – to contemplate new directions and
new opportunities as we seek to meet the needs of an everchanging contemporary Jewish landscape.
I will keep you posted during my sabbatical. I will be
making entries into my blog: “A Rabbi’s Life” which you
can access at: alanblucas.tumblr.com.
It is hard to believe that our relationship together is
approaching 20 years! I think of how much we have shared
in that time. So many happy times, so many trying times –
but we have traveled them together. And during that time
I have been nurtured by your presence as I hope you have
been nurtured by my involvement in your life. When you
have needed me, I always strived to be there for you. And
I am glad that you have been the kind of forward thinking
congregation that has enabled me to grow and develop.
This sabbatical is an important part of this journey. I look
forward to sharing with you the fruits of my labors on your
behalf. While I am on sabbatical you will be in the capable
hands of Rabbi Schlosberg and Cantor Barnoy. And they
will be in touch with me should the need arise.
I look forward to returning renewed and refreshed and
ready for whatever challenges the next chapter in our
journey together may bring.
Shopping At The Judaica Shop
Open by Appointment
Beautiful Judaica, jewelry and gift items for holiday celebrations,
weddings, B’nai mitzvot, baby namings, and hostess gifts.
Eva Bykov at 718-483-1665 or esbykov@aol.com
Jill Wagner at 516-480-5108 or jillwags329@aol.com
Temple Beth Sholom 2
By Richard Levine
Being Jewish, we celebrate two
New Years. Rosh Hashanah arrives
different times each year, but the
secular New Year always arrives
on January 1st. It is interesting to
consider that while these holidays originate from different
calendars, there is much that is similar. During the High
Holy Days, we Jews are encouraged to ask our friends,
coworkers, and family for forgiveness for the things we
have done in the past year that we are not so proud of. The
Jewish New Year highlights the importance of the Jewish
community and how we must be good to each other. The
secular New Year, however, is known for the making of
resolutions, which almost inherently involve just the self.
Both of these actions—making amends to others and
promising to improve the self—are important, which we
can see in the Jewish tradition. Hillel, a famous rabbi, said,
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for
others, who am I?” As the New Year quickly approaches,
I hope that we can all remember this important message
and continue to work to better ourselves, and our shared
community here at TBS.
Member Spotlight: David Wasserman
David and his wife Julie joined TBS in 1995. Over the
years the Wassermans have raised their three children who
have gone through the TBS educational program. David
has been a consistent Shabbat goer and participant. He is
also a dedicated member of the minyan service, often filling
in for the clergy at shiva services when needed. This year,
David joined the cemetery committee and brought that
committee into the computer age.
Travel Spotlight: The Great Synagogue in Rome.
Several years ago, my family took a trip to Italy during
the December break. Most people traveling to Rome this
time of year can’t
wait to visit the
Vatican, but we
headed to The
Great Synagogue
of Rome. The
beginning of the
20th century right
on banks of the
Tiber River. The
massive building with its beautiful interior and aluminum
dome make it a vantage point from so many parts of the city.
Of course we made a stop at the gift shop on the way out
and bought three dreidels which are currently on display at
the TBS museum. Directly behind the synagogue, in the
ancient ghetto, are most of the kosher restaurants in Rome,
one of which we went to for a delicious lunch, including the
famed Jerusalem artichokes.
We have so many exciting events coming up in this new
year. Please mark your calendars for February 1st, which
is Club TBS, one of my favorite events of the year. Also,
this June 1st is Cantor Barnoy’s Bar Mitzvah, celebrating
13 musical years here at TBS. I hope all of you will be a
constant presence at TBS
Temple Beth Sholom 3
Composting: A Simple Environmental Mitzvah
The holiday of Tu B’Shevat, the
“New Year of the Trees” is upon us.
Although it might feel counterintuitive that this holiday is
celebrated in the middle of winter,
I believe one of the reasons we
celebrate this holiday in the winter is that it reminds us to
appreciate life’s bounties because we may not always have
them. It’s so easy to look out our windows at the beauty of
an apple tree, at the sight of magnificent fall foliage. But
when we look out our windows in the dead of winter, how
might we be inspired by a measly bare tree?
Tu B’Shevat teaches us to see the barren tree and to use
it as inspiration to ensure that the trees will grow into full
blossom, that the trees will continue to produce fruit, that
the trees will continue to provide for our future generations.
Most importantly, we see that bare tree and say to ourselves
“my goodness! I must do something about this! I must
ensure that this tree has what it needs to survive for
hundreds of years!”
More broadly speaking, Tu B’Shevat is our environmental
wake-up call. In the dead of winter, we see what could
happen to the tree – and to our world, for that matter – if
we don’t take care of it.
When I first became part of the TBS community in the
summer of 2012, I made a pledge to the community in one
of my first bulletin articles. In my article, I pledged to begin
composting around the holiday of Sukkot. I wrote about
how I hated throwing away watermelon rinds and apple
cores, potato peels and stale bread into the trash, which I
then packaged up in a(nother) plastic bag to be shipped
away to the landfill. I felt guilty about doing this when I
knew there was a way to return this “garbage” back to the
earth in a more natural way.
Although I was about a year delayed in fulfilling my pledge,
I am happy to report that we are now a composting family!
And, I’m even happier to report that it’s so simple!
But, it wasn’t always that simple in our minds. When we
(I say “we” because this is a family effort!) lived in the city,
we couldn’t fathom what composting would have been like.
We heard about families who kept a composting bin in
their refrigerator which they would take periodically to a
designated composting center in the city. It just seemed so
complicated – and I couldn’t imagine taking a smelly bin of
garbage with me on the subway!
This past April, New York City began a pilot program called
a “Food Waste Challenge.” One-hundred and fifty NYC
restaurants were part of this pilot program with the goal
of reducing their landfill waste by 50%. These restaurants
were encouraged to donate unused food to food banks
and compost scraps. This pilot program alone saved over
2,500 TONS of food from the landfills. Additional pilot
programs are being offered in residential areas of the city
as well. Soon we began to realize that if people in the city
could compost, then so could we, here out on Long Island!
After recently visiting friends who made composting look
so simple, we decided to just do it. And I’m happy to say
that indeed, composting is so simple. We keep a small
container in our kitchen, which we use to conveniently
collect small scraps as they accumulate, and then every
so often we throw away those scraps into our larger
composting garbage bin which we keep outside. Micah
poked holes through the outdoor container to allow for
ventilation – and wha-lah! We are on our way to saving
the world. Does composting take us more time? Not really.
Does it require us to be more mindful about what goes
in the regular trash and what goes in the compost – yes!
(Teabags – yes! (but without staples) Chicken bones – not
so much!) But being mindful about our world is indeed a
beautiful thing.
I welcome you to join us on our composting effort. If
you are part of a family, make it a family affair. Teach
your children or grandchildren about the importance
of saving the earth. When you don’t know if something
is compostable, have someone in your family Google it!
Composting becomes our tool to remind ourselves of the
beautiful things that nature has given us.
Someday I hope to report to you that we will create a
vegetable garden using this compostable material. I suspect
it will be a long time until we are there…but until then,
we can feel great pride in knowing that we’re giving back
a little bit to the earth – that same earth which has given
us so much.
Rabbi Jen Schlosberg
AIPAC Happening
Be part of the Excitement
Join Rabbi Lucas and your TBS Family
AIPAC (America Israel Public Affairs Committee)
Policy Conference in Washington DC
Sunday, March 2-Tuesday, March 4 2014
Questions:? Contact:Molly Chernofsky at
516 626-9025 msmolly@optonline.net.
Rachel Kozupsky at
917 210-6312 rkozupsky@aipac.org
Temple Beth Sholom 4
By Gila Hadani Ward, MBS Director
own lives?
There are moments in my work
with high school students where I
scratch my head and wonder if we
are making a difference. Is what we
are teaching getting through to the
students? Do they get it? Are they
connecting these lessons to their
But then there are moments…ah, those moments that
obliterate any of the abovementioned questions. During
our MBS celebration of Chanukah, I had one of those
This year our high school holiday celebration coincided
with our monthly Rosh Hodesh groups. Each month for
the past 10 years, the boys and girls meet in same gender
groups and are given a safe space to speak and to discuss
teen-relevant issues through a Jewish lens. It has become an
ingrained part of our MBS Culture – Girls’ Rosh Hodesh
and the Boys’ “Bro’s Hodesh.”
Last month, we decided that since it was Chanukah, we
wanted to shake it up a little bit. We wanted to break
down gender stereotypes and since it was Chanukah, we
wanted to observe the holiday and celebrate together.
So we sent the boys into the kitchen. Yes, that is right – the
kitchen. With the guidance of our own TBS expert latke
maker, Gil Lipper, the guys cooked up potato latkes for the
entire school and the 7th grade as well. They had to work as
a team as they peeled, grated, mixed, fried AND cleaned up.
And the girls? The girls were in the Youth Lounge with a
Krav Maga master. Krav Maga is the self-defense technique
used in the Israeli army. Through this master, the girls
heard about safety and avoiding being vulnerable, whether
it is walking alone or being in a destructive relationship. We
then “got physical” and the girls learned a few basic selfdefense techniques. It was an empowering and important
Shabbat Dinner for 20s and 30s
In Manhattan
Gotham Burger
Amsterdam Ave between 95th and 96th Sts.
$30 per person
To RSVP and for more information contact
Gila 621-2288 x129 or ghadaniward@tbsroslyn.org
We then came together as one MBS community. We lit
Chanukah candles, sang the brachot and Maoz Tzur and
of course, ate latkes (and Kosher Dunkin Munchkins
too). The guys and girls chatted about their experiences
excitedly. As the Chanukah candles burnt down I think
we all realized that something special had happened that
These experiences are what make our high school
experiences unique and what make our students feel
connected to our synagogue and to each other. Isn’t that
what we want for our students?
Temple Beth Sholom Youth Programs At-A-Glance
January/February 2014
(does not include Hebrew High School Sessions,
Gimme 10 or Stepping Up Teen Philanthropy Project)
Tuesday January 14
Machar (Grades 4 and 5)
Program Night 6-7:15PM $4
Thursday January 16
Kadima (Grades 6 and 7)
Program Night 6-7:15PM $4
USY (Grades 8-12) Program Night
7:30 – 9PM
Tuesday February 3
Machar (Grades 4 and 5)
Program 6-7:15PM $4
Friday February 7- Saturday February 8
METNY USY 8th Grade Leadership
Shabbat Hillcrest JC
METNY USY 9th Grade Shabbaton
North Shore Jewish Center
Sunday February 15 –Monday February 16 . METNY USY Seniors In The City (12th Grade)
Town and Village Synagogue
Friday February 21 –Saturday February 22
METNY USY 10th Grade
Shabbaton, South Huntington JC
METNY USY 11th Grade
Shabbaton, Temple Beth Israel, Port Washington
Thursday February 27 Kadima (Grades 6 and 7)
Program Night 6-7:15PM $4
USY (Grades 8-12) Program Night
7:30 – 9PM
For More Information on any of these great programs
Contact Dan Risner at drisner@tbsroslyn.org
or 621-2288 x160
Temple Beth Sholom 5
By Tammy Fisher, VP of Programming
This year Temple Beth Sholom held its annual toy drive
to benefit Friends of Karen. This is an organization that
provides support to critically ill children and their families.
Thanks to the overwhelming response from our TBS
community, this event was a tremendous success. The toys
that were donated will be distributed to sick children and
their siblings, helping families cope with the ordinary day
to day tasks that are sometimes overlooked or forgotten.
Pictured with the toy delivery is Marla the Social Worker
for Friends of Karen.
By Julie Gittlin, Librarian
Looking for a good book to read? TBS recently held our
annual Hannukah Book Fair. We purchased many new
titles for the Library. If you are a Naomi Ragen fan we
highly recommend The Sisters Weiss!
Our new adult books are
The Middlesteins, Jami Attenberg
The Sisters Weiss, Naomi Ragen
Intentions, Deborah Heiligman
The Sacrifice of Tamar, Naomi Ragen
To Hope and Back, Kathy Kacer
If you have little ones at home please stop in to check out all
of the great books we have and the new titles that include:
The King In The Field, Dina Rosenfeld
The Shabbat Princess, Amy Meltzer
A Grandma Like Yours, Andria Wamflash
Matzoh Ball, Mindy Portnoy
Stay up to date with all the events at
Temple Beth Sholom by connecting
with us through social media
Follow us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
By Lisa G. Schlesinger
Happy secular new year to all of our Temple Beth Sholom
special gift donors to the Torah Fund campaign. Torah
Fund underwrites projects which
are unique in their diversity and
singular in their commitment to the
continuity of Conservative/Masorti
Torah Fund maintains residences
and apartments which are haven
for our students away from home. Torah Fund provides
financial assistance to undergraduates and to graduate
students, which enable them to pursue Judaic studies.
Torah Fund contributes to the seminary library which
houses the greatest collection of Hebraica and Judaica
in the world. Torah Fund created the Women’s League
Seminary Synagogue - An exquisite egalitarian milieu for
meaningful religious observance and experience for faculty,
students and visitors to the seminary in New York.
It is never too late to become a special gift donor. The
theme this year is mishpachah-family. Please join our Torah
Fund family.
By Jodi Mandell, ECC Parent Association
On Sunday, November 17th, Helayne Cohen and her
husband Jerry, graciously opened up their home to host
an “Evening with the Clergy” for the parents of the Early
Childhood Center. It was a lovely evening filled with
delicious desserts, wonderful conversations and friends. It
meant so much to us that Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Schlosberg,
Cantor Barnoy, members of the Executive Board and
Board of Education, the Early Childhood Center teachers,
and the Temple Beth Sholom professional staff were all
there. It was so interesting to hear about the journey each
of the Rabbis and the Cantor took before becoming our
spiritual leaders. We were made to feel welcome and an
important part of the Temple Beth Sholom family. The
time you took out of your busy schedules to be there for
all of us is greatly appreciated. We hope there will be many
more evenings filled with fun, friends and family in the
future. Todah Rabah!
By Julie Gittlin, Librarian
Save the date! On Sunday, January 26, 2014 TBS will be
hosting our second annual Camp/Mitzvah Fair. Please
come and meet representatives from our nine partnering
overnight camps. Enjoy doing projects and learning more
about what Jewish overnight camps has to offer. We
promise a day full of mitzvot, camp experiences and fun!
Temple Beth Sholom 6
Daughter of
Dana Weinberg & Eugene Shuster
January 4
Son of
Michele & Steven
January 11
Daughter of
Tania & Tom
January 18
Temple Beth Sholom 7
By Sharon Solomon, Religious School Director
The month of January is devoted
to celebrating the New Year of the
Trees – the holiday of Tu B’Shevat
(the festival of trees.) More than
Tu B’Shevat just being a celebration
of the importance of the trees, Tu
B’Shevat is a holiday that asks us to
actively be engaged in the process of
conservation. On many levels, the
holiday of Tu B’Shevat (the birthday of the trees) asks us
to seek unity between man and nature. The Torah, in the
Book of Deuteronomy, teaches us the importance of trees
in our lives. It even emphasizes that we have an obligation
to plant trees and not to cut or destroy them. The Torah
empowers us to continue and be part of creation and help
continue to beautify the world around us.
During Tu B’Shevat, each grade collects money to plant
trees in Israel. We send the money to the JNF, The Jewish
National Fund, to plant trees in each grade’s name. We
also send money to our partner school, Yad Hamoreh in
Jerusalem for planting in the school’s garden. We ask that
the studentsm of Yad HaMoreh to send us pictures of their
garden and the plantings that they made in our honor. Tu
B’Shevat gives us an opportunity to teach the children
Jan 6
Jan 12 Jan 14
Jan 6
Jan 17 Jan 19
Jan 20
Jan 26
Feb 4
Feb 6
Feb 9
Feb 24
Feb 27
Important Dates to remember:
- Religious School resumes
- PTA meeting at 9:15 am
Gan/Aleph/Bet Eden Village program at TBS
Gimel & Hay Buddies Yedidim program
- Tu B’Shevat Experience for Gimel, Daled & Hay
Machar Youth grades 4/5 6:00-7:15 pm
- Tu B’Shevat Experience for Vav
Kadima Youth grades 6/7 6:00–7:15 pm
Board of Education meeting 8:00 pm
- Shabbat a Lot 4:30–5:30 pm for ECC, Gan & Aleph
- No Religious School – MLK Weekend
- No Religious School – MLK Birthday
- Vav Bar/Bat Mitzvah program
Mitzvah Fair and Camp Fair Mania – regular classes
9:00-10:30 followed by 10:30-12 program
- Machar Youth grades 4/5 from 6:00-7:15 pm
- Vav B’nei Mitzvah Yad program from 5-7pm
Board of Education meeting
- PTA meeting at 9:15 am
- School resumes
- Kadima Youth grades 6/7 from 6:00-7:15 pm
about our connection to Israel and our responsibility to
help preserve the land.
We participate in Tu B’Shevat experiences throughout the
grades. We create a Tu B’Shevat Seder opportunity for our
younger grades. We eat new fruits that haven’t been eaten
yet this year. We also eat the fruits of Israel such as fig, dates,
olives, carob, wheat, barley and pomegranates. Since Tu
B’Shevat focuses on preservation, recycling, and renewing
the earth, we ask each family to make a commitment to
choose one thing to do on Tu B’Shevat. This will enable
you to “use less resources” (such as using towels versus paper
towels) and try to use recyclable products and materials.
You can come up with a long list of ideas for preservation.
Also, each family can plant a tree in Israel to honor a loved
one or for a special occasion. You may find out information
on the website www.jnf.org. Also, you may plant a parsley
seed on Tu B’Shevat, watch it grow and have the parsley
ready just in time for your Passover Seder.
During the month of January, Eden Village Camp will
have in house experiences for the students. We are very
fortunate to be part of the camp grant which allows us to
integrate camp like experiences into our program. Eden
Village is one of our partner sleep-away camps. If you are
interested in learning about our partner overnight camps
please join us on Sunday, January 26th when we will have
our Camp and Mitzvah Fair. During our Mitzvah Fair
families will learn about local community opportunities to
help the needy.
Please join us for this important Camp/Mitzvah Fair on
1/26 scheduled from 10:30 to 12:00 noon. If you wish to
learn more about Jewish camping opportunities, please
contact our librarian/camp coordinator Julie Gittlin at
516 484 4980, who will be able to link you with Jewish
camping information and first-time camping incentives.
Also in the months of January and February we will be
continuing our Mitzvah of the Month which will focus
on feeding our neighbors. We will be helping the Men’s
Shelter and Women’s Shelter of Glen Cove. We will be
having Bake Sales to help fund all our efforts which our
Vav and Zayin students will be involved in. If you wish to
become involved in TBS Mitzvah initiatives, please contact
Tammy Fisher (tfisher@optonline.net) and Pam Cott who
lead the Tikun Olam efforts for Temple Beth Sholom.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Chodesh.
Temple Beth Sholom 8
By Helayne Cohen, Early Childhood Center Director
Winter doldrums? – Not here at
the Early Childhood Center! Our
children are enjoying the many
learning opportunities that the winter
season provides for us. Science,
math, language arts and social studies
– we’re doing it all. Hats, boots,
mittens, scarves, snow, ice and the
cold weather all play a role in our daily
activities. Matching boots and mittens and putting them
on all by themselves is a skill that many of our children can
proudly say: “I can do it all by myself ”. And zipping up
one’s own jacket is quite the accomplishment. Our curious
scientists are finding out what happens to snow when it
is brought indoors and they love seeing the results after
bringing it back outside. Many of our classes are recording
their results through
observation, estimation
and measuring. There’s
also nothing better than
some warm vegetable
soup to take the chill
out of a cold winter
day. And to think, the
children are cutting,
Challah baking fun
learning taking place
and so many skills developing. Our enrichment programs are in full swing. Cooking
with Ms Brethel, Mathletes with Morah Sary, Boppercise,
Pee Wee Pros, Twisters, Abrakadoodle and Tae Kwon Do
are among the choices offered to our children. Even our
Toddlers are now participating in after school enrichment
programs for an additional 45 minutes added to their
January & February Highlights:
Thursday, January 2
Classes Resume
Friday, January 10
Monday, January 20
Martin Luther King Day (No Classes)
Friday, January 24
“Shabbat Twogether”
(For Toddlers Only)
Saturday, January 25
Hooray for Havdalah
(4 year old program)
Thursday, January 13
PJ Shema Party
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Monday, February 17-Friday, February 21
Presidents’ Birthday Recess
(No Classes)
Monday, February 24
Classes Resume
Friday, February 28
ECC Shabbat Dinner
day. Our children enjoy
this special time at the end
of their day. It’s like the
“icing on the cake”. We are looking forward
to celebrating Hooray
for Havdalah with our
four year old children
and their families a Saturday evening
and a celebration of
Havdalah. We’ll all
soon be celebrating Tu
B’Shevat at school. This
holiday provides the
opportunity to sample all
the different foods and
Bring nature indoor with our
fruits that come from
literacy specialis
trees. It also teaches
us that in Israel, it’s
springtime...something we are certainly looking forward
to. We’re also looking forward to our Shema PJ Party - an
annual event where not only the children come to school in
their PJ’s, but their teachers do too! Fun for all. New programming at the Early Childhood Center –
“Temple Tots” is now part of
the Early Childhood
Center. This class is geared for 6 – 24 month old
children. Temple Tots is a great point of entry to the
preschool. Children observe and begin to engage in play
while parents/grandparents/caretakers spend an hour
together talking, sharing
experiences and getting
to know each other. This
program is open to
all TBS members as
well as the community. Our challah baking
program has become
"Temple Tots" Time
have many wonderful
volunteers who now help our children braid the dough that
becomes the tastiest challah ever. Special thanks to Pearl
Halegua and Molly Chernofsky for getting this program
started. We now have a literacy specialist who uses the
whole language approach to learning. Our children meet
with her approximately once a month as she incorporates
art, science, literature math & more in her program.
So, as you can see, there is so much going on at the ECC
– Registration for the 2014 – 2015 school year is taking
place. Don’t miss out on being a part of this very special
place to be. If you or anyone you know are interested in
finding out more about our award winning school, please
call us at 621-1171. Our early bird incentive ends on
January 13, 2014. Take advantage of this special saving on
Temple Beth Sholom 9
In memory of Hyman Bursky
Muriel Levy & Gordon Hallerman
Sara Hack
Sherry & Jack Hirsch
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Shira Danialian
Marilyn & Barry Rubenstein
In honor of Gil Lipper, Hatan Torah, honoree on Simchat Torah
Arlene & Leonard Kasendorg
In memory of Ruth Golodny
Sara Hack
In memory of Tauba Schlachter
Henriette & Milton Parker
In memory of David Ditkowich’s father
Karen & Jerry Karlik
In honor of the wedding of Carole Zoref and Pam Walter
Alan Rosenwasser
Speedy recovery to Harvey Alstodt
Elham & Bijan Danialian & Family
In honor of the marriage of Sloane Barkin to Mark Grober
Helene & Scott Lurie
In memory of Susan Katz
Melody & Harvey Alstodt
Leah Brochstein
Jeanne & Mark Goldman
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
Wende & Arnold Hyman
Michael Frank
Nadine & Lew Kesten
Joan & Harvey Buckholtz
Sherry & Jack Hirsch
Fay & Darwin Dornbush
Maris & Andy Rosenberg
Nina & Andrew Gasper
In memory of Eva Weinberg
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
Linda Sussman
Maris & Andy Rosenberg
Ellen & Paul Walk
In honor of Ellen Walk
Roberta & Al Sprung
Marilyn & Eric Blier
In honor of Phyllis & Steve Goldenberg’s anniversary
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Sara & Alan Most
In memory of Eleanore Dobrow
Maris & Andy Rosenberg
In honor of the marriage of Craig & Jessica Kesten
Fereshteh Baharestani
In honor of Arlene & Daniel Fisher’s anniversary
Jeffrey Fisher
In honor of Florence Meyer
Selda Steckler
In honor of the birth of Donna Bartolomeo’s grandson,
Christopher Aiden
Melody & Harvey Alstodt
In honor of Melissa Weitz on her double chai birthday
Ellen & Paul Walk
In memory of Leatrice Lisogorsky
Nadine & Lewis Kesten
In honor of the birth of Madeline & David Yousefzadeh's
granddaughter, Sarah Malka
Ellen & Paul Walk
Thank you to Temple Beth Sholom for allowing us to borrow
your shiva chairs
Matt Knopman & Pam Karol
In memory of Leatrice Lisogorsky
Alan Rosenwasser
Phyllis Fried & Steven Goldenberg
In memory of Hyman Bursky
Helene & Scott Lurie
Rebecca & Morty Schaja
Marsha Colten and Robert Cohen
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Judy & Maurice Klein
Ellen & Paul Walk
Dedee & Steve Lovell
Jill & Louis Naviasky
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Shira Danialian
Scott & Helene Lurie
In honor of Pearl Halegua co-chairing the Mitzvah 613 Project
Jill & Louis Naviasky
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Spencer Gordon
Bonnie & Barry Epstein
In memory of Augusta Schram
Jay Shapiro
In memory of Leatrice Lisogorsky
Jill & Louis Naviasky
In memory of Inge Mora
Barbara & Larry Glass
In honor of the baby naming of our daughter, Jordyn Reese
Lisa & Daren Debel
In memory of Hyman Bursky
Wendy & Scott Siegel
In memory of Hyman Bursky
Edith & Leonard Kliegman
Mindy & Steve Golodny
Pam & Jack Shampan
In memory of Lillie Kliegman
Gladys Kliegman
In memory of Ruth Golodny
Nadine & Lewis Kesten
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Michael Horwitz
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
In honor of the birth of Donna Bartolomeo’s grandson,
Christopher Aiden
Edith & Leonard Kliegman
In memory of Susan Katz
Marjorie & Phil Adler
Marian & Milton Radutzky
Melinda Golodny
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Pam & Jack Shampan
In memory of Risa Hirschler
Anne & Gene Pritz
In memory of Adele Flescher
Anne & Gene Pritz
In memory of Eva Weinberg
Pam & Jack Shampan
In memory of Leatrice Lisogorsky
Marjorie & Phil Adler
In memory of Hyman Bursky
Judy Goldberg
In honor of the baby naming of Ruby Isla Rothberg
Judy Goldberg
In memory of Susan Katz
Arlene & Sy Katz
In honor of birth of Susan & Jonathan Held’s grandson
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In honor of the birth of Lori & Stephen Beyer’s grandson
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In honor of Phyllis & Steve Goldenberg’s anniversary
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
Temple Beth Sholom 10
In honor of the birth of Harvey & Debra Brandwein’s
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Shira Danialian
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Ellen & Paul Walk
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Sydney Sirota
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Mahvash & Mansour Zarabi
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Levy
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Melanie Landesberg
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Spencer Gordon
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
In memory of Susan Katz
Dedee & Steve Lovell
In memory of Dr. Warren Hulkower
Claire Korn
In memory of Linda Markowitz
Rebecca & Michael Altman
In memory of Inge Mora
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In memory of Irene Friedman
Albert Friedman
In memory of Anna Krolick
Michael & Elaine Krolick
Jonathan, Alissa, Jacob & Julie Krolick
Robert, Amy & Jonah Krolick
In memory of Susan Katz
Judy Goldberg
Elieen & Stuart Bohrer
Susan, Gil, Carrie & Cindy Lipper
The Walk Family
In memory of Esther Hersh
Sheila & Andrew Elobogen
A plaque has been dedicated in the Etz Chaim prayerbook in
memory of Susan Katz
Lisa & Jim Schlesinger
In memory of Sadie Riegel
Michael & Elaine Krolick
Jonathan, Alissa, Jacob & Julie Krolick
Robert, Amy & Jonah Krolick
In memory of Mildred Schiller
Eunice & Jay Shapiro
In memory of Eileen Friedman
Albert Friedman
In memory of Lorraine Bernstein
Michael & Elaine Krolick
Jonathan, Alissa, Jacob & Julie Krolick
Robert, Amy & Jonah Krolick
In memory of my father, Nathan Herbstman
Ellen Walk
In memory of Susan Katz
Batsheva & Ronald Ostrow
In honor of Spencer Gordon
Nadine Belkin
In honor of our new granddaughter, Sarah Malka Khoda. Proud
parents are Jennifer and Shawn Khoda. The thankful
grandparents are Madeline and David Yousefzadeh and Shahnaz
and Saeid Khodabakhsh
Madeline & David Yousefzadeh
In memory of Eva Weinberg
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Anne & Otto Salmon
Aileen Weinberg
Jean Dolgin
Ellen & Harold Himmelstein
Ruth Aach
Marion Pearlman
Rosalyn Schwartz
Helen Butler
Irene Meisel
Edith Grillo
Karen & Michael Himmelstein
Celia Cattani
Sheila & Lenny Plotkin
The entire staff at Joseph Craig Caterers
Annmarie & Michael Dari
In honor of Bat-Sheva Slavin for all her hard work
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In memory of Susan Katz
Helene & Scott Lurie & Family
In appreciation of being honored by carrying the chupah for
Risa Doherty’s honor
Elaine & Howard Schain
In memory of Ruth Golodny
Ellen & Paul Walk
In memory of Eva Weinberg
Susan & Alan Zelman
In memory of Susan Katz
Susan & Alan Zelman
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Shira Danialian
Alan Rosenwasser
In honor of Rabbi Lucas and Cantor Barnoy for officiating over
a beautiful ceremony at the marriage of our daughter, Rachel to
Brian Sudran
Sharon & Louis Heisler
In memory of Susan Katz
Sharon & Lou Heisler
Laurie & Bob Leimsider
In memory of Hyman Bursky
Susan & Gil Lipper
In memory of Susan Katz
Jeanne & Mark Goldman
In honor of David Oestreich’s 85th Birthday
Judy & Herbert Oestreich
In memory of Leatrice Lisogorsky
Harriet & Mark Chertok
In honor of Phyllis & Steve Goldenberg's 27th anniversary
Ellen & Paul Walk
In memory of Susan Katz
Rachel & Michael Schor
Stacey & Mark Silverman
Harriet & Marvin Rosen
In honor of Louis Naviasky and Pearl Halegua for co-chairing
the successful Mitzvah 613 Project
Rebecca & Michael Altman
In memory of Adele Flescher
Jonathan Flescher
In memory of George Fishman
Leonard Fishman
Temple Beth Sholom 11
In memory of Richard Bernstein
Lois Nosowitz
In memory of Ruth Hauchman
Shirley & Nathan Peters
In memory of Shirley Wallach
Irving Chernofsky
In memory of Morris Navon
Blanche & Herman Navon
In memory of Camila Klein
Blanche & Herman Navon
In memory of Edgar Feldman
Ellen & Bruce Belsky
In memory of Robert Henry Wharton
Geoffrey Wharton
In memory of Mollie Rosenberg
Marvin Rosenberg
In memory of Rose Neuman
Shirley & Nathan Peters
In memory of Leo Schwartz
Barbara & David Schwartz
In memory of Abraham Schwartz
Barbara & David Schwartz
In memory of Julius Grobgeld
Jay Stuart
In memory of Lillian Grobgeld
Jay Stuart
In memory of Moses Piltz
Georgine Schaja
In memory of Ruth Levine
Doris Tolins
In memory of Steven Rappaport
Karen Rappaport & Family
In memory of Reuben Dorfman
Alan Rosenwasser
In memory of Henry Hammer
Helen & Burton Putterman
In memory of Saul Savitt
Marlene Schwadron
In memory of Ethel Jacobs
Phyllis Smith
In memory of Howard M. Siegel
Wendy & Scott Siegel
In memory of Harry J. Coven
Susan Coven Auerbach
In memory of Solomon Sheft
Elaine & Wallace Sheft
In memory of Benjamin Friedlander
Elaine & Marvin Friedlander
In memory of Hilda Barbanel
Karen Estis
In memory of Grace Pozner
Shirlee Roberts
In memory of Joseph Levine
Chickie Kaufman
In memory Rita Leving
Chickie Kaufman
In memory of Max Nevman
Shirley Peters
In memory of David Kroll
Martin Kroll
In memory of Cecylia Kandel
Barbara & Joseph Kandel
In memory of Jack Kroll
Martin Kroll
In memory of Frances Dorfman
Alan Rosenwasser
In memory of Bernard Simon
Sheila & Joel Simon
In memory of Irving Archinow
Lisa Archinow
In memory of Jack Levine
Doris Tolins
In memory of Roger Tolins
Doris Tolins
In memory of Shirley Cohen
Robert Curtis
In memory of Rachel Ahdout
Elizabeth Sakhai
In memory of Jacob Sakhai
Ned Sakhai
In memory of Ross Fink
Sylvia Chase
In memory of Yetta Kornfeld
Evelyn Kornfeld
In memory of Emma Canova
John Canova
In memory of Sara Small
Nathan Peters
In memory of Louis Hollander
Roslyn Karmin
In memory of Joseph Norflus
David Norflus
In memory of Esther Cohen
Gail Rose
In memory of Margaret Klein
Daniela & Steven Klein
In memory of Emory Klein
Daniela & Steven Klein
In memory of Manfred Sondheimer
Daniela & Steven Klein
In memory of Susan Katz
Daniela & Steven Klein
In memory of Shirley Shifman
Harriet Goldman
In memory of Michael Krzyzanowski
Karen Gordon
In memory of Eli Speiser
Joan Gordon
In memory of Daniel Hebroni
Shohre Hebroni
In memory of Edward Lowy
Marjorie & Victor Kasner
In memory of Sylvia Smook
Linda & Richard Smook
In memory of Larry Meltzer
Jay Stuart
In memory of Abraham Tolin
Marcia & Mark Lilling
In memory of Sheldon Katz
Amy & Lenny Katz and Family
In memory of Adele Flescher
Irwin Flescher
In memory of Janet Sussman
Louise & Ken Sussman
In memory of Moe Abraham Goldberg
Leila Strassler
In memory of Henry Herman
Barbara & David Schwartz
In memory of Charles Schwartz
Barbara & David Schwartz
In memory of Fanny Sussman
Roslyn Barash
In memory of Joseph Hyman
Arnold Hyman
Temple Beth Sholom 12
In memory of Shimon Melnik
The Gerber Family
In memory of Irving Meyerowitz
Lisa Tract
In memory of Morris Zucker
Linda & Joel Zucker
In memory of Henrietta Spiegel
Eleanor Roberts
In memory of George Spiegel
Eleanor Roberts
In memory of Ann Shainman
Alice Zwillenberg
In memory of Fran Sharp Auslander
Arlene & Robert Sharp
In memory of Murray Podeszwa
Shirley & Nathan Peters
In memory of Anna Glasser
Gerry Glasser
In memory of Morris Rosen
Alan Rosenwasser
In memory of Lenore Rosenwasser
Alan Rosenwasser
In memory of Michael Orange
Ruth Orange
In memory of Abraham Schwartzman
Rose Horowitz
In memory of Nathan J. Pessah
Karen Spitalnik
Steven Kerpen
Marci Ostroff and Martin Moskowitz
Irene & Nicolas Lipps
Helen Geffner
Mark Friedman
Shirlee Roberts
Linda & Michael Sahn
Doris Tolins
Peter Lanzer
Linda Borsykowsky
Linda & Joel Zucker
Ines & Mark Bacharach
Arlene & Howard Jacobs
Ellen & Jack Krampf
The Alvandi Family
Hannah Schneider
Marilyn Jacques
Helen & Burton Putterman
Ivy & Jeff Giller
Ruth Forley
Helen Geffner
Marsha Priceman
Ronni Kaplan
Sherrie Goldstein
Melinda & Steven Golodny
Paul Walk
Sondra & Sol Kleinman
Farzaneh Rabenou
Beverly & Jack Hammer
Howard Maidenbaum
Harriet Rosen
Joan & Norman Lisogorsky
Mary Unger
Fay & Darwin Dornbush
Mindy & Steven Golodny
Michael Kaplan
Lydia Seggev
Lorraine & Gil Rogove
Jack Schnell
Marilyn Kutin
Eileen Schnier
Susan & Len Fishman
Philip Feldman
Nina Gaspar
Phineas Hyams
Phyllis Litman
Edith Breitner
Special Funds (Optional) Minimum Donation $18
Albert B. Cohen Endowment Fund
The Wingate USY Scholarship Fund
Lisa & Jim Schlesinger - Camp Ramah
Malka’s Fund for Lifelong Learning
The Arthur Goldberg Social Action And Cultural Arts Program
MBS Scholarship Fund
Milton Horowitz Religious School Fund
Mitzvah 613 Fund
Bernice Cohen Preschool Fund
Paul Shipper Music Fund
Rabbi’s Fund
Kiddush Fund
Rabbi Ario S. & Tess Hyams Judaica Museum Fund
Rabbi Joseph P. Sternstein Memorial Fund
Ruth and Sidney Kahan Chesed Fund
Ted Geffner Educational Scholarship Fund
William Spielman Solomon Schechter Scholarship Fund
Yahrzeit Fund
Zelman College Textbook Fund
Other Donations:
Harold Kalb Prayerbook Fund
Library Fund
Max Greenfield Bible Fund
Mel Hoffman Torah Maintenance Fund
Be part of the dedication!
We will be dedicating already purchased bricks for the courtyard
in our Early Childhood and Lifelong Learning Center on
Saturday, June 7, 2014 following services
For more information, contact:
Rebecca Altman at rebrub4@aol.com or Rachel Schor at rschor1234@gmail.com,
Temple Beth Sholom 13
By Molly Chernofsky, VP Publicity
Join Us for Sisterhood Shabbat on January 25th
How do you chase away the cold and dark of winter months?
That is an easy question to answer. Just join us for friendship
and warmth at our winter programs. On Thursday, January
9th at 8 P.M., Sisterhood invites you to a program featuring
a live preview of the upcoming JCC show, “Fiddler on the
Roof ” with Lisbeth Wolgel as Golda and a talk by Rabbi
Jennifer Schlosberg on Inspiration from the Shabbat Service.
Find out what
our prayers mean
and how they are
structured to help
us find meaning
in our lives. This
program, as well as
our rehearsals on
Thursday, January
16, and Thursday,
Cindy Gross, Deborah Agulnick & Rebecca Altman January 23rd at
6:45 P.M. will
help us prepare for Sisterhood Shabbat on Saturday,
January 25th, which will be followed by a delicious kiddush
luncheon. That evening, join us for great seats at the
opening of "Fiddler on the Roof " at the Sid Jacobson JCC.
Would you like to learn how to be a better parent or
grandparent? Then please join us for our Lunch and Learn
on Monday, January 13th, at 11:30 A.M. when psychologist
Fried will speak
on the topic of
The Lunch and
Learn program on
Monday, February
10th, will feature a
film screening.
Our Day and
Clubs are open to all of you. The next Day Book Club will
meet on January 15th at 10:30AM. The book is The Prime
Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership by
Yehuda Avner. It is an enthralling memoir by diplomat
Avner. For more information, contact Wende Hyman at
whyman1716@aol.com. The next Evening Book Club
meets on March 11th. We will be reading Once We Were
Brothers by Robert Balson. You may contact Molly at
msmolly@optonline.net for any questions.
Lisa Levin, Carrie Gordon & Donna Sonnenklar
On February 10th, meet our Modern Queen Esthers!
Our Persian sisters will share their experiences with us
of growing up in Iran under an Islamic fundamentalist
government. They’ll also tell us what it was like for them
and their families to leave and start new lives in the
United States. Please join us for a fascinating evening with
Mahvash Zarabi, Madeline Yousefzadeh and Pnina Sarraf .
We’ll also enjoy a dessert buffet.
Join Our Rosh Hodesh Celebration
Sisterhood celebrates women and our mission is to build a
community of sisters who nurture the bond of friendship
and spirituality with one another. Rosh Hodesh is a
holiday of celebration for women. It is our day to relax and
pamper ourselves. So please join us for our Rosh Hodesh
celebrations at 7:45 P.M. on both Thursday, January
2, and Thursday, January 30th at 7:45 PM. On January
30th, our sisters will join us from the Brooklyn, Queens,
Long Island (BQLI ) Region of Women’s League for
Conservative Judaism. Look in the mail for your invitation.
A special thank you to Rachel Friedmann for leading our
Rosh Hodesh group on December 3rd. We examined the
psalm, Eishet Chayil, A Woman of Valor, King Solomon’s
tribute to the Jewish woman. And then we looked at a new
interpretation that praises us, called A Woman of Valor
for Today.
Warm memories surround us as we think back to
November 7th when we paid tribute to Florence Meyer at
our Sisterhood Fall Membership Dinner. Florence became
Rabbi Lucas, Florence Meyer & Miriam Silverman
our Woman of Valor for all she has done to promote Jewish
education both at our shul and on the North Shore through
the Herbert Tarr Institute, which she ran in memory of
her late brother Rabbi Tarr for the past 18 years. We have
enjoyed so many wonderful classes and lectures and had
the opportunity to hear from prominent speakers in the
forefront of the Jewish world.
And we must thank Cheri Dubner, Cindy Katz and Amy
Magid for co-chairing this great evening and Cindy and
Amy for the beautiful raffle gifts and party favors that
graced our tables. The food was delicious, the ambiance
was amazing, and the comedian was very entertaining! A
big thank you also goes to Joseph Craig Caterers.
Volunteer With Us
Please join us in all that we do, especially in helping our
larger community. Recently, Beth Fried, vice president of
Tikun Olam, Cindy Feldman, Jeanne Goldman, Miriam
Alliance and Miriam Silverman served Thanksgiving
dinner to special-needs adults at the Samuel Field Y in
Queens. They brought their families with them to light
up the life of adults in need and they all walked away
feeling lit from within. You are welcome to join us in our
projects. Contact Beth Fried at bertran22@aol.com for
more information.
If you would like to sponsor dessert at a Sisterhood
meeting, please let Mahvash Zarabi know at 629-6221.
The cost is only $36. Our thanks go to Shari Schnitzer,
Nadine Kesten and Mahvash Zarabi for sponsoring our
collations during the fall.
Temple Beth Sholom 14
By Maurice Klein, Men’s Club President
In the last four months, we have held a Bar-B-Que and a
Defensive Driving Course, served latkes to the Hebrew
School, collected blood for the Red Cross and hosted the
Comedy Night at TBS. The officers and active members of
Men’s Club all enjoyed their participation in these events.
But we get only a minority of men to take part. We need more
participation to make our activities successful.
For 2014, we have scheduled:
Sunday, February 1st: WORLD WIDE WRAP—
Teaching teens to put on T’fillin, in conjunction with the
Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs all over the USA.
Sunday, February 1st: SUPER BOWL SUNDAY. Watch
your mail for our lottery to bet on your favorite team.
Saturday, February 8th: MEN’S CLUB SHABBAT.
Services will be led by our fellow congregants.
Tuesday, March 18th: PASSOVER WINE TASTING
June : lst Spring PAID-UP DINNER.
Date to be announced.
Watch your TBS mail for other activities.
If you would like to get involved with planning or running
these events, drop us a note at the Men’s Club at TBS.
We Help Build
By Jayson Rubin, Camp Director
There may be snow on the ground
outside and the temperature is in the
30’s but things are heating up here in
the camp office. We are busy preparing
for the summer of 2014. Staff are being
interviewed, programs being developed
and we are meeting
many new families
interested in becoming
part of the BSDC
family for the coming
Our next Open Houses will take place on Wednesday
January 15th from
Sunday February
9th from 10am12pm.
If you
would like to
schedule a private
tour on another
day, please call the
camp office at 516621-9257.
TBS Religious School PTA asks you to help
support our School with
LABEL DADDY offers customized, washable, peel & stick
labels that can be placed on clothing, books, backpacks/
lunch boxes....Also, great labels for your holiday gifts.
Visit our website:
Browse the selections! CREATE LABELS!
Lots of label colors, icons and fonts to choose from!
Be sure to use school code: TBSRELIG at checkout
JNF helps build tomorrow today, together
with the people of Israel. With your support,
children now have a safe refuge from harm,
deserts bloom and water renewal solutions
build continued promise for future generations.
Donate Now to Help
Build Israel’s Future
Mail Donations: 42 East 69th Street | New York, NY 10021
We are seeking sponsors for our marketing
and advertising long range plans. We need
your help to bring our message out to the
community. Please call our Executive Director,
Donna Bartolomeo at 621-2288 and help bring
our message to those who are unaffiliated
and are looking for a new future.
Temple Beth Sholom 15
A caring place to turn to find support and guidance during
life changes and challenges. Contact us for counseling, support
groups, or referral services. Our Warm Line is staffed by caring,
professional social workers.
Should the New Year bring any unexpected changes, please
remember that we are here for you....
We are currently offering the following Support Groups:
• Recent Loss and Bereavement
• Next Step Bereavement
• Recent Separation and Divorce
• Next Step Divorce and Separation
• Caregiver Support Groups
• Sandwich Generation Support Group
• Caregivers of a Loved One with Early Stage Memory Loss
• Caregiver Support Group for Spouses & Children Caring for
Individuals with Young Onset Dementia
• Support Group for Teens and Young Adult Children of
Individuals with Young Onset Dementia
• Strength to Strength Free Cancer Wellness Program
• Support Group for Parents/Caregivers of Children with
Pediatric Cancer
• Connect to Care Support Group
Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy, Healthy and
Peaceful New Year. For more information please contact:
Audrey Bernstein (516) 484-1545 X211
Temple Beth Sholom 16
By Molly Chernofsky
Israel continues to help the nations of the world who suffer
through disaster. Most recently, Israel again sent its talented
doctors and disaster relief experts to help the people of
the Philippines recover from Typhoon Haiyan. They were
one of the first to respond to the cry for help. They set
up a portable hospital and saved many lives. IsraAID is
committed to providing lifesaving disaster relief all over the
A new program called Bio Design was created by Hebrew
University and Hadassah in partnership with Stanford
University. Hebrew University students and medical
clinicians attend a bio design program to help create new
technology in the engineering and medical fields. Their
latest prototype is a device called SAGIV. It uses infrared
sights and electric sensors to identify veins in children
and adults. Then when a pediatric patient or adult needs
an intravenous needle, the device can put it in quickly and
Keep a look out for how brown algae will be used as a sealant
to heal internal wounds. This new sealant will eliminate
the need for sutures after vascular surgery. The researchers
come from Israel’s Institute of Technology. Their startup
company is called Sealantis. Israelis are always looking for
ways to help people from compassionate care in faraway
places to inventions and technology that will help people
lead lives free from pain and disease.
ByMiriam Silverman, Sisterhood President
Speaking on November 3rd to Temple Beth Sholom Men’s
Club, Congressman Steve Israel (D-NY) spoke about
the necessity of preventing Iran from developing nuclear
weapons. He said that he hoped our government would keep
economic sanctions in place until Iran abandons its nuclear
program. This is essential, he indicated, for both Israel’s
security and that of the Middle East. The Congressman’s
constituents now include residents of the Roslyn area as the
result of the recent redistricting.
By Irving Chernofsky
Presented at the September 16 Board of Trustees Meeting
I have been very fortunate to have been involved in raising
my grandchildren - Matilda, since she was 6 weeks old and
Johanna since she was two months old (that is 8 weeks in
baby years). Now why do I bring this up, other than to kvell.
Well I will tell you. When you spend a lot of time with
children, you have an opportunity to watch them play and
if you are lucky, to learn from them.
We as adults, sometimes spend a lot of money to buy our
children or grandchildren a very expensive toy. Now many
times this expensive toy comes in a very large box. In many
cases, to our chagrin, the children enjoy playing with the
box way more than the toy it contained and way after the
toy itself is relegated to the corner to be ignored.
This was the case with a car seat that I bought for Johanna.
A car seat is a fairly bulky item, so as you can imagine, the
box that it came in was quite large.
As the box sat in the living room while we diligently
installed the car seat, the children adopted the box and
began its magic transformation into a clubhouse. Now, the
children enjoyed this plain box and they were extremely
happy to play in it. They decorated the plain box by placing
a blanket across the top and by hanging decorations
(mostly created by themselves) all around the plain box.
They had the greatest time playing in their “clubhouse”.
This clubhouse was their favorite “toy”. It was their favorite
place. Just watching them you could tell that this was a
place where they were happy. This was truly their Happy
They had such a great time in their clubhouse that I guess
that we should not have been surprised when they started
asking to eat while they were in their clubhouse. After
many long discussions (if you can describe talking to a two
year old and a four year old as a discussion) we acquiesced
and allowed them to eat something in their clubhouse.
Now let me draw you a parallel. This weekend we will begin
the celebration of Sukkot. Many of us will build our own
Sukkahs. We will build our own clubhouses. We will build
our own plain boxes. We will then decorate it by placing
holiday cards and drawings on its walls. We will then
proceed to eat our meals in our “Clubhouse” for the next 7
days. And most of all, while we sit in our decorated plain
box, our clubhouse, our Sukkah, we will be Happy.
And so I bid you all a Chag Sameach. Enjoy your Happy
Stay up to date with all the events at
Temple Beth Sholom by visiting our website:
Shown here, left to right, are David Levine, Miriam Silverman;
Congressman Israel and Maurice Klein.
Temple Beth Sholom 17
Dedication Acknowledgement As Of December 30, 2013
Farzan and Linda Adhami
Philip and Marjorie Adler
Peter and Deborah Agulnick
Glenn and Holly Albert
Jonathan and Lauren Allen
Steven and Barbara Allen
Harvey and Melody Alstodt
Michael and Rebecca Altman
Danny and Sara Ambalu
Brian & Stephanie Ash
Lawrence and Marcia Atlas
Jane Axelrod
Moshe and Maya Azulai
Mark and Ines Bacharach
Andrew and Margot Bagon
Fereshteh Baharestani
Linda Baharestani
Joan Baraf
Cantor Ofer and Marsha Barnoy
Harold and Leatrice Baron
William and Anita Baron
Lewis and Susan Bartell
Lewis and Donna Bass
Harriet Becker
Eytan and Inbar Behiri
Bruce and Ellen Belsky
Marvin and Galya Benak
Joe and Elaine Benlevi Boaz and Susan Ben-Moshe
Sanford Berger
Leonard and Felice Bergman
Edward and Helen Bergman
Nathaniel and Golda Berlin
Melvin and Linda Bernstein
Harvey and Hariet Beyer
Michael and Caryn Beyer
Stephen and Lori Beyer
Richard and Julie Blau
Alan and Robin Bochner
Richard and Wendy Bochner
Linda Borsykowsky
Samuel and Sandra Brenner
Alan and Galit Brichta
Michael and Madeline Brisman
James and Miriam Broner
Fred and Deborah Brosowsky Stuart and Susan Brown Joseph and Suzan Bruck
Stanley and Eva Bykov
Todd & Judy Camassar
John and Carolyn Canova Drew and Sherri Caplin
Richard and Cheryl Caplin
Lois Carus
Allan & Ester Causanschi
Irving and Molly Chernofsky
Mark and Harriet Chertok
Suzanne Chervin
Warren and Arlyne Choset
Barton and Cheryl Cohen
David Cohen
Jerry and Helayne Cohen
Mark and Margy Cohen
Paul and Natalie Cohn
Noel and Pam Cott
Jerrold & Evelyn Gorski
Stephen and Jacqueline Covey
Evan and Natalie Granovsky
Robert and Sandra Curtis
H. Robert and Noreen Greenbaum
Menashe and Gloria Dallal
Joseph and Marilyn Greensher
Bijan and Elham Danialian
Adam and Cindy Gross
Donald and Nadine Dashefsky
Francois and Stefanie Guillon
Scott and Marla Defrin
Howard and Susan Gursky
William and Carol Denberg
Adam and Amy Guttell
Neil and Melanie DerAris
Robert and Alison Haime
Joshua and Ellen Dicker
Robert and Ronit Hakimi Michael and Risa Doherty
Joshua Halegua
Jerold and Jane Dornbush
Nathan and Pearl Halegua
Dennis and Judith Draizin
Adam and Marci Haworth
David and Cheri Dubner
Douglas and Arleen Held
Jay and Debbie Dubowsky
Robert and Louise Hersh
Philippe and Beverly Edelman
Larry and Lisa Herzog
Janet Eder
Jack and Sherry Hirsch
Jerome and Deena Ehrlich
Marilyn Hoch
Marc and Beth Eichenholtz
Robyne Huber
Robert and Melissa Eisbruck
Arnold and Wende Hyman
Joseph and Marcia Endzweig
Martin and Frances Ilivicky
Behzad and Risa Eshaghian
Howard and Arlene Jacobs
Paul and Carla Feinstein Patrick and Marilyn Jacques
David and Cindy Feldman
Gordon and Leslie Johnson
Mark and Carol Feldman
Howard and Meg Kahn
Barton and Ellen Fingerman
Andrew Finkelstein and Linda Lebovitz
Roslyn Kaley
Bradley and Melissa Fischman
Eric and Ida Kalimian
Daniel and Arlene Fisher
Ted and Sara Kallif
David and Tammy Fisher
Benjamin and Linda Kamara
Marc and Lisa Fishman
Mark and Marci Kamberg
Neil and Alisa Forrest
Joseph and Barbara Kandel
Helen Frank
Robert and Amy Kane
Gary and Bonnie Freeberg
Alan and Barbara Kaplan
Barry and Bella Freedberg
Richard and Cheryl Kaplan
Norman and Beth Fried
Jason and Natalie Karp
Lester & Amy Friedlander
Mitchell Karten & Beatrice Bloom
Marvin and Elaine Friedlander
Thomas and Jodi Kashman
Burton and Priscilla Friedman
Victor and Marjorie Kasner
Mark and Cheryl Friedman David and Nancy Katz
Leon and Jean Futoran
Lennard and Amy Katz
Paul and Reva Gajer Ronald and Cynthia Katz
Andrew and Rochelle Garnock
Seymour and Arlene Katz
Sanford and Eva Gerber
Barry and Deborah Katzman
Dvir and Laura Gilady
Rene Kelbick
Ronnen and Ronit Gilady Yale and Rikki Kessler
Jeffrey and Ivy Giller Lewis and Nadine Kesten
David and Doris Gladstone Mehran and Sandra Khorrami
Lawrence and Barbara Glass
Maurice and Judith Klein
Harry and Rochelle Glick Steven and Daniela Klein
Mark and Mary Glick
Leonard and Edith Kliegman
Ira and Debbie Goldberg
Steven and Mindy Kober Judith Goldberg
Steven and Barbara Kohl
Steven and Phyllis Goldenberg
Martin and Lisa Kohn
Mark and Jeanne Goldman
Michael and Ellen Kotin
Alan and Sherrie Goldstein Jack and Ellen Krampf
Billy and Rachel Goldstein
Michael and Andrea Kreisberg
Howard and Barbara Goldstein
Israel and Sally Kriegel
Russell and Melissa Goldstein
Michael Krolick
James and Karen Goldstick
Martin and Rita Kroll
Steven and Mindy Golodny
Fredrick and Helaine Kurtzman
Howard and Rita Golub
Neil and Marilyn Kutin
Andrew and Rena Goodman
Leonard and Helene Landesberg
Harold and Carrie Gordon
Betsy Landsman
Paula Gordon
Peter and Mona Lanzer
Stewart and Dana Gordon
Linda Leaf
Temple Beth Sholom 18
Dedication Acknowledgement As Of December 30, 2013
Arthur and Melissa Spitalnick
Milton and Marian Radutzky
Joel and Gail Leder
Albert and Roberta Sprung
Robin and Kathrin Rafimayeri
Scott and Cheryl Lenowitz
Harry Staszewski and Sherrie Levine
James and Susan Rand
William and Joan Levick
Selda Steckler
Karen Rappaport
Marvin and Charlotte Levine
Avi and Sarah Stein
Allen and Ellen Relkin
Richard and Lisa Levine
Kevin and Alisa Stein
Morton & Eleanor Roberts
David and Rita Levy
Michael and Evelyn Stein
Shirlee Roberts
Irwin and Madeline Lieber
Jeffrey and Caryn Stellman
Stewart and Eva Rodal
Robert and Eleanor Liebmann
Tinette Sterling
Harvey and Phyllis Rogoff
Mark and Marcia Lilling
Glenn and Elise Stoller
Elihu and Gail Rose
Gil and Susan Lipper
Robert and Leila Strassler
Bonnie Rosen
Sima Lis
Kenneth and Louise Sussman
Marvin and Harriet Rosen
Norman and Joan Lisogorsky
Henry and Debra Sutton
Andrew and Maris Rosenberg
Phyllis Litman
Robert Swersky
Zahava Rosenfeld
Stephen and Diane Lovell Enid Rosenthal
David and Beatrice Luft
Steven Swersky
Randi Rosenthal
Abraham and Sally Magid
Saeed and Giti Tabibi
Alan Rosenwasser
Lawrence and Milagro Magid
Linda Taub
Leonard and Wendy Rosmarin
Marc and Amy Magid
Moises and Rosita Tenembaum
Jeremy Rosof and Rachel Fetner
Dan Mallin and Renee Lefland
Robert and Linda Tepper
Jonathan and Stefanie Roth
Ronnie Mandell
Doris Tolins
Joel Rudner
David and Jodi Mandell
Brett and Emily Topel
Paul and Tina Rotstein
Andrew and Judi Marcus
Marc and Sharon Tract
Jeffrey and Marcia Rovell
Michael and Paula Margulis
Henry and Susan Tritter
Barry and Marilyn Rubenstein
Ellen Marx
Ronald and Mary Unger
Brian and Dara Rubestein
Gary Marx
Tom and Tania Vidal
Joseph and Sheryl Saltiel
Pauline Mattana
Alex Viderman and Victoria Preys
David and Julie Samber
Baruch and Rachel May
Daniel and Jacqueline Wachsman
Jacquelyn Samnick
David and Lisa Mayeri
Evan and Jill Wagner
Michael and Jane Samuels
Jay and Robin Merker
Robert Wagner and Shari Lusskin
Ramin and Parvaneh Sarraf
Esther Meth
Paul and Ellen Walk
Morty and Rebecca Schaja
Eric and Nicole Meyer
Martin and Rose Warshawsky
Alan and Rose Schecter
Florence Meyer
David and Julie Wasserman
James and Lisa Schlesinger
Manouchehr and Janet Michael
Jared and Jocelyn Wasserman
Howard and Shari Schnitzer
David and Linda Miller
Adam and Denise Wechsler
Michael and Rachel Schor
Keivon and Roya Mizrahi
Greta Weinberg
Steven and Hillary Schultz
Jack Moersel
Leonard and Joan Weinberg
David and Barbara Schwartz
Steve and Lana Monas
Jonah and Dena Weiner
Michael and Stacey Schwartz
Gerald Monter
Stuart and Ceci Weiner
Walter and Renee Schwartz Michael and Linda Moskowitz
Jeff and Beth Weingarten
Stephen and Sandra Seltzer
Alan and Sara J. Most Kenneth and Mimi Weitz
Sheldon and Debra Shalom
Rita Nadel
David and Ronni Weprin
Steven and Fran Shalot
Louis and Jill Naviasky
Stuart and Laurie Wilkins
Charles Shamilzadeh
Herman and Blanche Navon
Shoshanna Wingate
Jay and Eunice Shapiro
Hooman and Shila Neman
Abraham and Ann Winter
Ami and Toby Shebiro
Mark and Susan Nevins
Micah Wissinger and
Moussa and Jila Shokrian
Iraj and Shidrokh Noorollah
Rabbi Jennifer Schlosberg
Yves and Stacey Siegel
Sam Novel and Sherlin Shemouelian Novel
Claude and Lisbeth Wolgel
Josh and Carin Silverman
David and Sandy Nussbaum
Robert and Dorine Wulwick
Mark and Stacey Silverman
David H. Oestreich
David Cohen and Debra Yagoda
Stephen and Miriam Silverman
Barry and Alice Opell
Marvin and Suzanne Yarnell
Avraham and Shirin Simkhai
Ruth Orange
Robert and Kathy Yeganeh
Joel and Sheila Simon
Ronald and Batsheva Ostrow
Leonard and June Yohay
Barry and Robin Simonson
Bernard and Sandra Otterman
Parvin Youssefenia
Craig and Stefi Sirota
Benjamin and Judy Pace
David and Madeline Yousefzadeh
Lawrence and Paige Sirota
Elliot and Phyllis Pellman
Stuart and Vicki Yunis
Peter and Joyce Sklar
Joy Perla
Joseph and Susan Zacherman
Hal and Debra Skopicki
Jeffrey and Elaine Perry
Howard and Mandee Zapken
Joseph Sobel
Tobias and Ellen Pieniek
Edward Zarabi
Gertrude Sobolow
Rubin and Sharon Pikus
Edward Zarabi
Jack and Robbin Soleimani
Josh and Ellen Pollack
Mansour and Mahvash Zarabi
Robert and Norma Solomon
Morad and Mahnaz Pourrabbani
Parvaneh Zareh
Rabbi Sidney and Ruth Solomon
Murray and Claire Pressman
Steven and Roberta Zeldis
Yoram and Sharon Solomon
Arthur and Nina Purvin
Alan and Susan Zelman Jeffrey and Stephanie Sorkin
Burton and Helen Putterman
Shahnaz Zokai
Scott and Susan Spinner
Daniel and Jaime Putterman
Leonard and Selma Zoref
Alice Zwillenberg
Temple Beth Sholom 19
Temple Beth Sholom 20
Vav Bar Mitzvah Program
Mitzvah Fair and Camp Fair
Gimme 10
Gimme 10
Stepping Up
Office Closed
Lunch & Learn
Religious Affairs Meeting
Men’s Club Meeting
Executive Board Meeting
Board of Trustees Meeting
Executive Board
Essentials of Judaism
January 2014
Sisterhood Daytime Book Group
Day Camp Open House
Current Events/Discussion Group
Office Closed
Adult B’nai Mitzvah
Tu B’Shevat
Adult B’nai Mitzvah
Board of Ed
Sisterhood Meeting
Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh
Stepping Up Shabbat Dinner
Tevet/Shevat 5774
‫שבט תשע״ד‬/‫טבת תשע״ד‬
Sisterhood Shabbat
Mini Minyan
Minyan Yeladeynu
Bat Mitzvah Audrey Vidal
Bar Mitzvah Joshua Palter
Shabbat Family Study
Mishpacha Minyan
Mini Minyan
Bat Mitzvah Michaela Shuster
Hooray for Havdalah
Fundraising Meeting
Men’s Club Meeting
Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh
Lunch & Learn
Stepping Up
Sisterhood Movie Night
Religious Affairs Committee
Office Closed
Executive Board Meeting
Board of Trustees Meeting
Executive Board Meeting
Congregational Meeting
Essentials of Judaism
February 2014
World Wide Wrap
PTA Meeting
Day Camp Open House
PJ Shema Party
Adult B’nai Mitzvah
‫אדר תשע״ד‬/‫שבט תשע״ד‬
Shabbat Family Study
Mishpacha Minyan
Mini Minyan
Club TBS: A Chance to Dance
Men’s Club Shabbat
Minyan Yeladeynu
Mini Minyan
Mini Minyan
ECC Shabbat Dinner
Shevat/Adar 1 5774
Adult B’nai Mitzvah
Board of Education Meeting
Adult B’nai Mitzvah
Board of Education
Temple Beth Sholom 21
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Why not sponsor a Sunday minyan breakfast?
Your contribution will celebrate a simcha or
honor the memory of a loved one
In addition, a particularly meaningful way to
commemorate a milestone in your life is to sponsor a
Kiddush on Saturday morning, thereby sharing your
simcha with the Temple family.
Please call David Oestreich at 621-3046 or the Temple
office at 621-2288 for details or to reserve a date.
Temple Beth Sholom, as a service to its
members, makes available plots at New
Montefiore Cemetery, in an area reserved for
Temple Beth Sholom. For more information,
please contact Irving Chernofsky at 516-6269025 or irving1@optonline.net or Temple
Executive Director Donna Bartolomeo at 516621-2288 or dbartolomeo@tbsroslyn.org
Temple Beth Sholom 22
Tuesday, January 1
New Year’s Day
Office Closed
9:00 AM & 7:30 PM
Friday Evening, January 31
Candle Lighting
Rosh Chodesh Adar 1
5:00 PM
4:53 PM
Friday, January 3
Candle Lighting Time
4:30 PM
4:23 PM
9:00 AM
Saturday, January 4
Parashat Bo
Bat Mitzvah of Michaela Shuster
9:00 AM
Saturday Morning, February 1
Rosh Chodesh Adar 1
Parashat T’rumah
Saturday Evening, January 4
Friday Evening, January 10
Candle Lighting
Saturday Morning, January 11
Shabbat Shirah
Parashat B’shallah
Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Palter
4:45 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
9:00 AM
Saturday Evening, January 11
4:45 PM
Friday Evening, January 17
Candle Lighting
4:45 PM
4:38 PM
Saturday Morning, January 18
Parashat Yitro
Bat Mitzvah of Audrey Vidal
9:00 AM
Saturday Evening, January 18
5:00 PM
Monday, January 20
9:00 AM and 7:30 PM
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Office Closed
Friday Evening, January 24
Candle Lighting
4:45 PM
4:46 PM
Saturday Morning, January 25
Parashat Mishpatim
Sisterhood Shabbat
9:00 AM
Saturday Evening, January 25
Saturday Evening, February 1
5:15 PM
Friday Evening, February 7
Candle Lighting
5:00 PM
5:03 PM
Saturday Morning, February 8
Parashat T’tzavveh
Men’s Club Shabbat
9:00 AM
Saturday Evening, February 8
5:15 PM
Friday Evening, February 14
Candle Lighting
5:15 PM
5:12 PM
Saturday, Morning, February 15
Parashat Ki Tissa
Saturday Evening, February 15
9:00 AM
Monday, February 17
Presidents’ Day
Office Closed
5:30 PM
9:00 AM and 7:30 PM
Friday Evening, February 21
Candle Lighting
5:15 PM
5:20 PM
Saturday Morning, February 22
Parashat Va-ya k∙hel
9:00 AM
Saturday Evening, February 22
5:30 PM
5:00 PM
Sunday Mornings 9:00 AM ● Monday - Friday Mornings 6:45 AM ● Sunday - Thursday Evenings 7:30 PM
Temple Beth Sholom 23
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Temple Beth Sholom 26
Mazel Tov To:
Beth & Michael Barkin on the marriage of their daughter, Sloane to Mark Grober.
Madeline and David Yousefzadeh on the birth of their granddaughter, Sarah Malka Khoda.
Proud parents are Jennifer and Shawn Khoda.
Marilyn and Patrick Jacques and David Hofer on the birth of a granddaughter, Elisheva Dina
Hofer. Proud parents are Ira and Ronit Hofer.
Thank You:
The Danialian Family would like to thank the clergy for leading a beautiful service in honor of
Shira's Bat Mitzvah. Thank you to Rabbi Lucas, Cantor Barnoy, Rabbi Schlosberg, Gila Hadani
Ward, and Zahava Rosenfeld who helped Shira prepare for her special day. Thank you to all who
made a contribution in Shira's honor. Thank you to Richard Levine, Donna Bartolomeo, Men's
Club & Sisterhood. The Danialian Family would also like to thank their family and friends who
wished Shira well on her special day.
Mahvash and Mansour Zarabi would like to express their heartfelt appreciation to our friends
at Temple Beth Sholom for their donations and good wishes in honor of their granddaughter
Shira's Bat Mitzvah.
Our Sincere Condolences To:
Steven, Naomi, and Aviva Katz on the death of their beloved wife and mother, Susan Katz
Craig Weinberg on the death of his beloved mother, Eva Weinberg
Molly Chernofsky on the death of her beloved mother, Inge Mora
Ofer Barnoy
Assistant Rabbi
Jennifer Schlosberg
Executive Director
Donna Bartolomeo
Religious School Director
Sharon Solomon
Early Childhood Center Director
Helayne Cohen
MBS Director
Gila Hadani Ward
Summer Program Assistant Director
Daniel Risner
Jack Wertenteil on the death of his beloved sister, Chana Ringel
Hamakom Yinachem — May God comfort the mourners together with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Alan B. Lucas
Summer Program Director
Jayson Rubin
Norman Lisogorsky on the death of his beloved mother, Leatrice Lisogorsky
Temple Beth Sholom
401 Roslyn Road
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
(516) 621-2288
Endowment Director
Bernice Cohen
Museum Curator
Bat-Sheva Slavin
Richard Levine
Executive Vice President
Pearl Halegua
President of Sisterhood
Miriam Silverman
President of Men’s Club
Maurice Klein
President of ECC PA
Jodi Mandell
Don’t miss out - be a part of our award winning school and ask about our Mommy and Me program,
our Turning Two’s class, Stay and Play, our after school enrichment programs, our early care and
after care and much, much more.
Contact the Early Childhood Office at 621-1171 or by email at hcohen@tbsroslyn.org.
Join us for
Sisterhood Shabbat - January 25, 2014
Men’s Club Shabbat - February 8, 2014
Co-Presidents of
Religious School PTA
Lisa Berger
Debbie Dubowsky
Bulletin Editor
Deborah Brosowsky
Editorial Assistant
Jennifer Khoda
Graphic Designer
Melissa Goldstein
Temple Beth Sholom 27
Temple Beth Sholom
401 Roslyn Road
Roslyn Heights, N.Y. 11577
Non Profit Org.
Roslyn Hts, N.Y.
Permit No. 20
Sisterhood Shabbat
January 25, 2014
24 Shevat 5774
Men’s Club Shabbat
February 8, 2014
8 Adar 1 5774
Temple Beth Sholom 28

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