June/ July 2015 - Temple Sholom of Chicago
June/ July 2015 - Temple Sholom of Chicago
JUNE/JULY, 2015 From the President David Lipschultz It is with true awe and enormous gratitude that I begin my two-year term as President of Temple Sholom of Chicago. I thank each and every one of you for your trust and confidence in me. At a recent gathering of over one hundred temple presidents in Atlanta I was reminded just how real and how deep our Temple’s reputation is throughout the international Reform movement. Our congregation is honored as true leaders in the areas of worship, social justice and synagogue transformation, among others. Rabbi Goldberg is being celebrated for serving as the coordinating editor of Mishkan HaNefesh, the new High Holiday machzor that will soon grace hundreds of sanctuaries and communities; Rabbi Conover continues to be honored as an agent of change at the prestigious Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem; and Cantor Katzman, the first female member of the Jewish clergy in Chicago when she became our Cantor in 1987, graces our community with not only her magnificent voice and enormous warmth, but as a certified teacher of Jewish Mindfulness, informing us how to live consciously and with intent and caring. I come to this office on the strength of my predecessors. A few years ago, past president Beth Inlander had the foresight to engage Temple Sholom as one of a few select congregations in the Visioning work of Rabbi Larry Hoffman that will ensure that our beloved Temple remains highly relevant for decades to come despite an overall national trend of diminishing interest in organized religion. And my immediate predecessor, Craig Niederberger, wisely built on Beth’s plans by setting the Temple on its current path of strategic planning to solidify our purpose as a sacred community that embraces, inspires, and matters. Finally, it is also the quiet strength and passion of so many other elements of the Temple that moves me to a place of enormous wonderment and appreciation: the Temple’s extraordinary staff; our congregational choir; our teachers; our social justice volunteers; and my fellow board members. For the first time in my life I so clearly understand what is meant by the expression: I stand on the shoulders of giants. Temple Sholom Welcomes... Senior Rabbi Edwin Goldberg rabbiedwingoldberg.com For the coming year I am thrilled to announce that Laurie Akers will be serving as our cantorial soloist. Laurie Akers was born and raised in Deerfield, Illinois and she has served as a cantorial soloist at Temple Sholom since 2010, in addition to being an active member of the congregation as well as a Gan Shalom parent. Laurie is currently in the application process to enter Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s Cantorial Certification program, in which she has plans to pursue her cantorial studies alongside her work with Temple Sholom. Laurie is a member of the Guild of Temple Musicians as well as being an accomplished pianist. Laurie’s professional singing career began at age 12, when she was cast in The Lyric Opera of Chicago’s Tosca. Laurie earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Musical Theatre from The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, followed by a move to New York City. Laurie spent a decade performing in Broadway/touring and regional theatre productions including West Side Story, Beauty and the Beast. She toured with the USO, bringing her music to bedsides and bases after 9.11.2001. In addition to Laurie’s musical theatre career, she has dedicated a significant amount of her time to charitable organizations. In Chicago, Laurie has donated her voice to numerous events for Bright Pink, a nonprofit organization that provides Breast and Ovarian cancer awareness and support for young women. In addition, Laurie has served on several leadership committees for the Jewish United Fund’s Young Women’s Council. Laurie is married to Brad Akers. In the evening, Laurie and Brad moonlight as singers of family favorites, "You are My Sunshine" and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" to an audience of three boys, Isaac, Levi and Ashton. We are so fortunate and blessed to have Laurie serving in this coming year! Temple Sholom is also pleased to announce that Rabbi Jeremy Weisblatt is joining our clergy staff. Please see page 2 for his introductory words to us. I am so grateful to Marc Kaufman, the chair of the assistant rabbi search committee, and the committee members, for their excellent work and wonderful choice. Worship Schedule FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 12, 19, 26 FRIDAY, JULY 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 5:45 PM - Wine and Cheese Reception 6:15 PM - Shabbat Service, Oneg to follow SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 13*, 20, 27 SATURDAY, JULY 4*, 11*, 18, 25* 9:00 AM - Shabbat Morning Study Minyan, 10:30 AM - Shabbat Service *NO B'nai Mitzvah/10:30 AM Service is scheduled Special Shabbat Services: Volunteer appreciation service & board installation, JUNE 5, 6:15 PM 20s & 30s Outdoor Sushi Shabbat, JUNE 19, 7:30 PM PRIDE Shabbat Services, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 6:15 PM & SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 9:00 AM Services with Or Chadash T E M PLE SHOL OM: A sacred community that embraces, inspires and matters. New Members Gillian & Cyril Abrahams Marcela & Barry Levin and their son Julian Irena & Bryan Weiss and their son Oscar It’s a Simchah... A hearty mazal tov to: Lacey and Steven Winter, on the birth of their son, Jacob Winter, March 12. Marci and Robert Laragh, on the birth of their daughter, Julia Laragh, March 30. Julia Goldhammer and Matthew Shaffer, on the naming of their daughter, Reba Shaffer, April 18. Dory Stricker and Ryan Christopher, on their wedding, April 26. Of Blessed Memory Elliott Black, loved one of Shelley (Ken) Levine, April 21. Esther Katz, mother of Neil Katz, April 22. Howard Vihon, brother of Phyllis Vihon, April 23. Robert Lipschultz, father of David Lipschultz (Arin Stone), April 28. David Addis, father of Ronit (Benjamin) Rose, May 3. David Blau, brother of Nancy Levy, May 5. Velma Schnitz, mother of Robert (Trisha) Schnitz, May 7. Yahrzeits First Year Frank Zielenski, 6/13/2014, grandfather of Edward Chicoski Sydney Randall, 6/26/2014, father of Dr. Robin Fintel Dr. Louis Keith, 7/5/2014, cousin of Gloria Reifler Carlyn Ungar, 7/6/2014, beloved member of Temple Sholom family Pam Grosinger, 7/28/2014, aunt of Leah Delmauro BOARD HIGHLIGHTS FOR MAY: • Welcomed the new board members and thanked Dr. Craig Niederberger for his leadership over the past 2 years. • Unanimously approved the appointment of Marla Gross and Matty Major as co-chairs of the Social Justice Committee. • Reviewed the highlights of the proposed budget for fiscal year 2015-16. Marc Kaufman, Secretary, Temple Sholom Board News to share? Email info@sholomchicago.org INTRODUCING... rabbi jeremy weisblatt AssistAnt RAbbi As I look forward to moving to Chicago and Temple Sholom, I am reminded of what Rabbi Tarfon used to say: “It is not up to you to complete the task, and neither are you free to desist from it.” Pirke Avot What I wish to share with you about my journey, and what it means to be called to serve as a rabbi, is best framed by these words above. I recognize that in these few words, you will not know all of me. My hope and prayer is that we will come to know each other as we follow the prophetic call and the call of Temple Sholom to embrace, to inspire and to ensure that each and every member of our sacred community matters. My rabbinic journey began before I was born. My late father, Rabbi Jeffrey Joseph Weisblatt, was a congregational rabbi, ordained out of HUC-JIR NY in ’85, and served congregations in the Midwest and on the East Coast. Thus, inspired by the work of my father and my mother’s continuing insistence on a Jewish education and our responsibility to the Jewish and greater community, my family remained active in the Jewish world after my father’s passing in June of ’95. When I began college at The Pennsylvania State University, I became active in Hillel, rebuilt relationships with the Muslim students and pursued my academic goals. I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from The Schreyer Honors College at Penn State, with degrees in Jewish Studies, Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, and International Politics. At the time, I decided to begin my rabbinic training at the Jewish Theological Seminary, which is the Conservative movement’s seminary in Manhattan. While my heart said I was Reform, my head was swimming in the sea of Talmud and text study that JTS offered me at the time. Eventually, my heart and head aligned and I transferred after my third year to HUC-JIR in Manhattan. During these six years in rabbinical school, I served both small, rural congregations as well as large, metropolitan synagogues. I participated in outreach programs, piloted a high school mentoring initiative and led a social justice trip in the Midwest. While finishing my education, fate intervened and I met my wife, Marissa. An interesting part to this story, is that our childhood homes in Philadelphia were only two miles apart, and she was active in the same youth groups and synagogues as I was (but that is a story I’ll save for another time…). As my time at HUC-JIR drew to a close, Marissa and I made the choice to serve a small congregation in Fredericksburg, VA. In that year, I devoted my energies to community organizing, interfaith work and launching new Shabbat programs. Now, at the height of 2015, Marissa and I are thrilled, excited and are looking forward with great anticipation as we join the Temple Sholom family. I am honored and feel privileged to be joining Rabbis Goldberg and Conover, and to work with the entire staff, Board and volunteers of Temple Sholom in its sacred mission. Thank you for opening the door to us, and my door will always be open to you. L’shalom, Rabbi Jeremy Weisblatt tlight on Volunteering o p S Helene Herson Helene Herson joined Temple Sholom in August of 2002, and has been an active participant in Temple Sholom’s Monday Meal Mitzvah Program since it began two years later in the fall of 2004. At age 94, no matter the weather, Helene is one of the Meal’s most dedicated volunteers. She comes every Monday to both prepare and serve soups, sandwiches, and salads to over fifty people. “My favorite part of volunteering at the Monday Meal is working with all of the other volunteers to help people who are in need.” Volunteers aged 12 and older are always welcome. If you are interested in volunteering with the Monday Meal please contact Kevin Gladish at kevin@sholomchicago.org or at 773-435-1536. Religious School Mitzvah fair (left) and Children decorated bags for our Monday Meal guests (below) Olam Ha Mitzvot Day of Good Deeds Sunday, April 26 Adults and kids helped make key chains for refugee families' new homes for RefugeeOne. Jacob Kline raised money by shoveling snow all winter to sponsor a Monday Meal, plus he invited his friends to volunteer with him in celebration of his Bar Mitzvah. Yasher Koach! Monday Meal Volunteering Marla Gross & Matty Major Temple Sholom is thrilled to introduce Marla Gross and Matty Major as co-chairs of the Social Justice Committee. While working on the committee, they will also be a part of the Strategic Planning team helping to ensure that everything Temple Sholom does is in line with our values relating to Tikkun Olam. Marla joined Temple Sholom in 2003 after moving from New York to Chicago with her family. She began volunteering with the Monday Meal program soon thereafter, and has been serving as one of the meal’s program coordinators since 2006. Marla also volunteers outside of Temple Sholom as the President of the Friends of Payton parent organization and co-hosts a virtual cooking show for home bound seniors, supported by the Council for Jewish Elderly. Matty was drawn to Temple Sholom’s warm and welcoming environment during his search for a Jewish community to join when he moved to the city five years ago. The Temple’s impressive reputation for social justice activism and commitment to helping those in need is something that he is incredibly proud to be a part of. Matty has been involved in a variety of Social Justice projects with the Temple including our annual Chanukah Box Project and Gift of Life drive at a recent Sushi Shabbat. He & Aaron Midler are currently coordinating the 20s&30s group’s volunteer efforts with the Night Ministry. Associate Rabbi Shoshanah Conover Great Summer Reading to Nourish Your Mind and Soul (not exactly beach reading) Maimonides and the Book That Changed Judaism: Secrets of "The Guide for the Perplexed” by Micah Goodman One of the most precise and engaging thinkers of our time makes this great philosophical work accessible and immediately relevant. Judaism's Ten Best Ideas: A Brief Guide for Seekers by Dr. Arthur Green The title says it all. It’s a fun, invigorating, and thoughtful read. For Young Families: Gathering Sparks by Howard Schwartz; Illustrated by Kristina Swarner A grandfather’s answer to a child’s question, “Where did all the stars come from?” inspires readers with hope and purpose. Middah for Sivan (MAY 19 - JUNE 17) - Seder, Order/Integration Seder literally means “order.” The word is widely known by most Jews because of the Passover Seder, a fitting name for this highly-structured ritual meal. Structure is a key part of this middah, Seder. What is so good about structure? Mussar teaches we are like a pearl necklace. Our skills and talents are the pearls. Leading an orderly life is the clasp that keeps our abilities from scattering and being wasted. The Mussar classic, Cheshbon HaNefesh, recommends: “All your actions and possessions should be orderly – each and every one in a set place and at a set time. Let your thoughts always be free to deal with that which lies ahead of you.” Developing Seder requires the awareness and attention to complete our tasks and keep our affairs in order, thereby giving us the time and resources to respond to all that life has to offer. Middah pebbles made with 6th graders. Jay & Ruthie Rapoport as Kavood the Kangaroo and mini roo. Cantor Katzman as Bitachon the Bunny & Kendra Gerstein as Savlanut Squirrel. Middot at Temple Sholom ESTHERELLA! from Purim. Starring: Rabbi Goldberg as Mussar the Moose, Rabbi Conover as Anavah Octopus, Laurie Akers as Estherella, Bryan Scheinkopf as Narrator, Jay Rapoport as Kavod Kangaroo, Boni Fine as the Step Mother and Kendra Gerstein as Savlanut Squirrel. 1st & 2nd graders singing on the last day of Religious School in the Middot Musical. Middot quilt made by the students. DONOR SPOTLIGHT Zollo Family The Zollo family has a long and rich history with Temple Sholom. Lois Zollo (nee Clonick) was raised as a member of the Temple Sholom Community. When she and her husband Burt (z’l) were married, they too, joined the Temple in the summer of 1950 to raise their family here. Lois Zollo holds the special distinction of being the only Temple Sholom member to live with two Temple Presidents as both husband Burt and her father AJ Clonick (z’l) were past Presidents of the congregation. It was important to Lois, and her son Peter, that their family’s history and many contributions to Temple Sholom be memorialized to inspire future generations. One of Burt’s proudest achievements as President was arranging for modern artists Karl Appel & Miriam Shapiro to design stained glass windows for the synagogue. Appel’s windows depict four episodes from the life of David; Shapiro’s On April 26, 2015 the family gathered at Temple windows portray four matriarchs from the Bible. These beautifully Sholom to dedicate a plaque in Burt’s memory and vibrant and colorful windows still shine on Lake Shore Drive and have his role in the creation of the Matriarch windows. forever placed the temple on the art map of Chicago. B ’N AI M I TZV AH Olivia Garber - JUNE 6 Malina Paley - JUNE 20 Aidan Rappaport - JUNE 27 Stone Hirsch - JULY 18 Olivia, daughter of Leslie and Joseph Garber, and sister to Abigail, will become a Bat Mitzvah on June 6th. Olivia is a 7th grader at the Latin School. Malina Isabella Paley will become a Bat Mitzvah on June 20th. Aidan Joseph Rappaport is the son of Aaron Rappaport and Darcy DeWolfe, and younger brother to Asher Nielsen. Stone, son of Kristy and Donald and older brother to Jett, is entering eighth grade at North Park Elementary School. He attends Burley School where he plays on the soccer and basketball teams and runs track. He also plays hockey on a local team. Aidan plays piano and bass trombone and attends the Merit School of Music Conservatory in downtown Chicago. He enjoys camping, fishing and kayaking. Stone has loved playing sports since he was old enough to walk. Football, baseball and basketball are his current passions, and he also is an excellent swimmer. Olivia plays on her school field hockey and softball teams. She enjoys hanging out with her friends, taking care of little kids, and spending her summers at Chippewa Ranch Camp. For her Mitzvah project, Olivia spent every Monday helping in the aftercare program at the North Avenue Day Nursery School. North Avenue Day Nursery is a government-subsidized preschool that provides childcare and educational programs. Olivia’s family is extremely proud of her accomplishments and is looking forward to sharing her special day. Malina is a 7th grader at Coonley Elementary. Malina enjoys playing soccer, both indoors and outdoors. She also plays on her school basketball team, as well as on a couple of league teams. Malina also enjoys volleyball and participating in school plays. For her Mitzvah project, Malina coordinated with her school basketball team to collect new and gently used sports equipment, which she donated to UCAN, a children’s home in Chicago. Malina’s parents, Norman and Keri Paley and her three older siblings Emma, Joshua and Noa, are all very excited to celebrate this special day with her. Aidan has been concerned about homeless children from an early age, directing his mom to pass on his clothes and toys. In addition to helping with Monday Meals at Temple, Aidan is coordinating a project between Burley’s Community Service Club and a local family shelter. Have a great summer! For his Mitzvah project, Stone volunteered at the Common Pantry, a food pantry that helps people in need of food and emergency supplies. Stone has volunteered there over the past 3 years. Stone's family is extremely proud of his accomplishments and are excited to celebrate this special occasion with him. Director of Lifelong Learning Jay Rapoport ° Religious School 2015-2016 Online Registration is now open! Just click the member icon (along the left side) at www.sholomchicago.org & follow the instructions. Early bird pricing through JULY 1! ° Would your child like a letter from Temple Sholom at camp? Email jay@sholomchicago.org with the address and dates. ° Stay tuned for adult education information coming in the fall! Crown High School graduates: Alexander Dale, Jordan Ehrlich, Megan Lewis, Andie Linker, Molly Newmark and Yevette Smith. 12th grade Madrichim (in addition to those pictured above): Liel Hagen and Samuel Saias Brunching Together. Orr Shalom Youth Group Brunch JUNE at Temple Sholom MO ND AY 1 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:00 PM, Mah Jong 7:00 PM, Freedom Song Production 8 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:00 PM, Mah Jong 15 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:00 PM, Mah Jong TU ES DA Y 2 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 9 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 16 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group WED N ESD A Y 3 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 10 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 17 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group T HU R S D A Y 4 11:00 AM, Morning Book Club 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 7:00 PM, Mishpacha Mom's Night Out, Off-site at Chef Elise Mayfield's Home 11 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 7:30 PM, 20s & 30s Trivia, Off-site 18 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir Te 22 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:00 PM, Mah Jong 23 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 24 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 25 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir SUNDAY, J 29 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:00 PM, Mah Jong 30 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group Temple Israel Trip JUNE 17-29 For more visit sholomchicago.org Temple Sholom's FIFTH YEAR participating in the A Temple Sholom float! If you would like to repre Pride Parade either ON the float or walking besid Kylie All are welcome to walk with us – seated spots on in mind, when considering your level of partic hours or so. We will meet at 10:00 AM in the Te float on Montrose. Check the website KE Y Worship F RID AY 5 5:30 PM, Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service, with special volunteer appreciation recognitions and board installation S ATU R DAY 6 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM, Bat Mitzvah Service, Olivia Garber SUN D A Y 7 Understanding & Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness, Off-site at Beth Emet Social Action Education Community Event Holiday FF Family Friendly Youth Group Join Am Keshet in June to celebrate LGBT PRIDE! FRIDAY, JUNE 26 12 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service 19 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service Birthday Blessings 7:30 PM, 20s & 30s Outdoor Sushi Shabbat 13 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 2:00 PM, Mindful Jewish Aging Meeting, Off-site 20 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM, Bat Mitzvah Service, Malina Paley 14 9:30 AM, Feed the Hungry, Off-site 21 26 27 JUNE 28 - PRIDE Floats Again! Annual Pride Parade with our very own esent the Temple and Am Keshet in the de it, please contact Kylie Zacharia at e@sholomchicago.org or 773-435-1559. n the float are limited. Please do keep cipation, that the parade lasts for three emple parking lot and walk over to the e for MORE info at sholomchicago.org. (FF) Join us for our annual PRIDE Shabbat. There will be leaders of the local LGBT community whom will receive the honor of Chaver Keshet (Friend of the Rainbow). Please plan to attend with your family as we celebrate LGBT Pride and honor these brave activists. SATURDAY, JUNE 27 emple Israel Trip JUNE 17-29 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 9:00 AM, Morning Study FF 6:15 PM, PRIDE Shabbat Minyan Service 10:30 AM, Bar Mitzvah, Aidan Rappaport PRIDE SERVICE PRIDE Shabbat led by Am Keshet 28 PRIDE Parade Minyan Led by Am Keshet Co-Chair Andrew Simmons We will be joined by Or Chadash (a nearby LGBT congregation). The minyan will be followed by brunch at Ann Sather. CONTACT TEMPLE SHOLOM Main Phone: 773-525-4707 Gan Shalom: 773-525-4867 email: Info@sholomchicago.org JULY at Temple Sholom MO ND AY TU ES DA Y WED N ESD A Y 1 2 8 9 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 6 7 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:00 PM, Mah Jong 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 13 14 T HU R S D A Y 11:00 AM, Morning Book Club 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 15 16 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:00 PM, Mah Jong 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 1:00 PM, CJE Film 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 20 21 22 23 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 28 29 30 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:00 PM, Mah Jong 6:30 PM, Book Club 27 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:00 PM, Mah Jong 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group For more visit sholomchicago.org 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 12:00 PM, Mishpacha luncheon with Rabbi Weisblatt, Off-site 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir KE Y Worship F RID AY 3 Office closed due to holiday S ATU R DAY 4 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan SUN D A Y 5 Youth Group TEMPLE SHOLOM OSRUI CAMPERS SUMMER 2015 10 11 12 17 18 19 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service, Birthday Blessings 7:30 PM, 20s & 30s Potluck 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM, Bar Mitzvah, Stone Hirsch 3:00 PM, YCC BBQ, Off-site 25 26 24 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service 31 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service, followed by a Temple Sholom Potluck Education Community Event Holiday FF Family Friendly 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service Social Action 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 9:30 AM, Feed the Hungry, Off-site TISH'A B'AV Temple Sholom Potluck FRIDAY, July 31 Bring a dish to share! Watch for details coming soon! Michael Bayer Samuel Bayer Jack Broutman Lilly Broutman Charlotte Geyskens Ruth Gussis Isabelle Hyde Jeremy Liskar Rachel Liskar Gabriel Mckenzie Rachael Mckenzie Hannah Revels Jacob Revels Beth Rosenow Isabel Roseth Abraham Schwartz Harrison Schwartz Gus Silberg Max Silberg Anne Silverman Sammy Silverman Joshua Simon Sydney Simon Josephine Stahl Lila Weiner Maxwell Weiner Ethan Weiss Hannah Weiss CONTACT TEMPLE SHOLOM Main Phone: 773-525-4707 Gan Shalom: 773-525-4867 email: Info@sholomchicago.org Annual Giving 5775 David & Joan Berkson Donald & Helen Brown Edwards Buice Leslie Carr Barry & Jacqueline Chatz Circle of Life ($18,000+) Jack & Nancy Cohen David & Loren Chernoff Anonymous Linda Cohen Pamela Cohen John & Jackie Bucksbaum Jonathan & Marley Cyrluk Michael Dallek & Debra Stern Mary Oppenheim Trust Dan & Stacy Derby Peter & Bari Dreissigacker Arthur Maling Estate Steve Fadem & Laurie Baskin Michele Dremmer Kathy Pick Scott & Sara Fisher Jeffrey & Helene Eicoff Norman Schwartz Estate Judith Friedman Jeff & Elyse Ellman Steven & Barbara Wolf Stefi Geisel Michael & Sally Feder Z. Leah Harris & David Gius Circle of Light ($10,000-$17,999) Edwin & Melanie Cole Goldberg Megan & Ted Fisher John Bremen & Laura Frohlich Mark Gaines Josh & Irene Goldstein Wayne & Cheryl Burton Janet Garcia Charles & Marjorie Goodman James & Linda Cherney Richard & Lynne Gelb Bradford & Jill Gordon Laura Glaser Scott Ginsberg & Holly Kremin Martin & Iris Gradman Robert & Linda Mendelson Claire Glasser Jennifer Gross Serge Pushchinsky Dale Golden Ernest & Cheryl Gutmann John Rokacz & Susan Todd & Susan Golub Peter & Lynn Gutzmer Lichtenstein David & Diane Goodman Chris Hallett & Jackie Lustig Jamie & Sara Star Sheldon & Susan Good Barry & Sandi Hartstein Michael Stein & Judy Rhinestine Lewis & Regina Greenblatt Charles & Susan Ifergan Robert Yaseen Trust Daniel & Caroline Grossman David & Janet Jasmer Peter & Debbie Zollo Bonnie Harris Peter & Amy Kadens Jon & Jodi Harris Neil Katz Rabbi’s Circle ($5,000-$9,999) Harry & Amy Hollub Paul & Betsy Katz Adam & Melissa Berman Marc Kaufman & William Healey Roberta Karper Lawrence & Lesley Fain Edward & Mindy Kirsh Frederic & Jeanie Lane Regan & Philip Friedmann Todd & Olia Klein Lawrence & Carol Levy David & Beth Inlander Jacob Kline Robert & Jessica Levy Jonathan Karmel Marshall Lavin Robert & Joan Lipsig Steven Koch Alan & Edina Lessack Stuart & Jennifer Litwin Kovler Family Foundation David Lipschultz & Arin Stone Robert Mayer & Debra Benita Levy Weese-Mayer Bryan & Pamela Lookatch Robert & Eileen Stein Sean & Gail O'Connor Mat MacCumber & Judith Michael & Roslynne Supera Weinstein Marie Ogden Fredric Tannenbaum & Marilyn Paul Mann & Jillian Gutman Cary & Beth Perlman Spracker Mann Michael & Shelley Radner Ilse Marx Trust Phyllis Marasco Richard & Gloria Reifler Don & Edna Weiss Bonita Marx The Philip & Myn Rootberg Thomas & Harlene Matyas Foundation Torah Circle ($2,500-$4,999) Michael & Kimberly McMahon Kimberly Ross Harold Gardner Natasha Motev Monroe & Elaine Roth Irving & Alisa Kagan Michael & Phoebe Nitekman Richard Rothman James & Judith Klutznick Carol Opland Roger & Teri Rudich Barry & Jayna Kroll Vincent Panozzo & Lori Silverman Jessica Ruttenberg Mark Levine & Andrea Kott Frances Raban Stephen Sandler & Leatrice Robert & Karen Lewis Berman Ruth Rootberg Jon & Danielle Loevy Bess Schatz Michael & Sandy Rosenstein Frederick & Gail Manning Geri Schlanger Ron & Liz Rosenthal David Narefsky & Linda Clifford & Nancy Scott-Rudnick Goodman Chad & Juliana Schafer Brian & Mandy Shaw Craig Niederberger & Karen Robert & Cynthia Schnoll Lewak John & Judith Shear David & Betsy Seligman Lynne Reinwald Estate Mitchell & Sharon Sheinkop Leonard Siegal & Cathy Stix Gary & Michelle Rich Rose Shure Stephen & Jennifer Skok Joshua & Amy Rosenow Daniel & Charla Simon Michael & Donna Socol Buzz Ruttenberg Robert & Judith Smoller Robert Spiegel David Starr & Brittany Lakin-Starr Stuart & Holly Sorkin B'nai Israel Synagogue Swarts Memorial Fund Joel & Donna Stender Kenneth & Carol Tarnoff Jonathan & Julie Walner S. Ronald Stone Karen Titus Ken & Kathy Tallering Irving Ungar (z'l) Avodah Circle ($1,000-$2,499) Marshall Warshauer Robert Urowsky William Anspach & Terezia Rabai David & Julie Zwick Arvin & Susan Weindruch Warren & Cindy Baker Amy Willis Robert & Sheryl Bellick G’milut Chasadim Circle Mark Yates Janet Belsky ($500-$999) Seth & Nancy Zinder Avi & Nancy Bernstein James & Sheila Rae Amend Sherwin & Sheri Zuckerman Donald & Nancy Borzak Brian Arbetter & Lorraine Kaplan Arbetter Joel & Elizabeth Brown Donors (up to $499) Robert Buchsbaum & Elyse Klein Scott & Jill Baskin Nadine Abrahams Craig Battleman & Julie Danny Cohen & Bernard Roselle Abrams Brett-Battleman Cherkasov Janice Abrohams Scott Adams & Turi Ryder Adams David & Dora Altschuler Ben Arkes Steve & Erica Attanasio Steven & Joy Baer James Baird & Wendy Stock Katie Balson John & Ellyn Bank Walter & Betty Barker Harold & Roberta Barron Elaine Barson Bradley & Lauren Bass Gerald & Joan Mae Bayer Joel & Renay Bayer Adam & Alisa Bergstein David & Alice Berger Jeffrey S. Berke Sarah Berkover Ed & Penny Berman Dan & Beth Bernstein Danny Bernstein & Marla Krupman Adam & Jessica Birnbaum Lucia Blinn Adam Block & Danielle Zucker Frima Blumenthal Betsy Bodker Steve & Deena Borzak Russell & Janika Brenner Trina Brickman Charles & Caryn Brissman David & Nicole Brown Mark & Dayna Brown Miriam Buzi Leon & Susan Cahn Jack Calabro Larry & Naomi Chambers Aaron & Nichole Charfoos Loren Chaves Lauren Chill Steven & Linda Citron Lisa Claybon Harriet Cohen Jared Cohen & Jamie Satz Barbara Ballin Collins Lauren Cooper Stuart & Heidi Cooper Damien & Shoshanah Conover John & Sylvia Corcoran Aileen Cornbleet Howard Cort Raymond & Marlene Costa Frederick & Amy Croen Sheldon Daar Foster & Janet Dale Fern Bomchill Davis Mark & Judy Davis Adam DeWitt & Merritt Rochman DeWitt Rabbi Steven Denker Allan & Sharon Deutsch Kenneth & Judith Ditkowsky Ilana Z. Dobrin Steve & Stacey Dombar Daisy Driss Frances Eaton James & Jacque Ehrlich Scott & Lindsay Emalfarb Phyllis Epstein Jeremy Epstein & Jenny Rodenburg Richard & Pamela Fantus Jeffrey Fayerman The Milwaukee Jewish Federation Josh Fienberg & Audra Berg Diane Felber Howard Feldman & Katherine Billingham David & Nooshin Felsenthal Steve & Debbie Felsenthal Harvey & Marti Ferdman Phil & Barbara Ferkel Sharna Fetman Steven Files & David Grossman Betsy Fishman Shirley Fleischman Grigoriy & Mara Flidlider Bronner Foundation Maxwell Foundation Jerome & Rhoda Frankel Maxine Frank Sidney & Jacqueline Freedman Selma Friedland (z'l) Steven & Lisa Friedland Richard & Lois Fuhrer Charlotte Garfinkel Meyer & Marilynn Garfin Cheryl Gelfond Rabbi Elliot Gertel Philippe Geyskens & Ilene Goldman Richard & Sharon Gillman Alison Gilmore & Julia Carpenter Jonathan & Rebecca Glick Lawrence & Nancy Glick Aaron & Jordana Goldstein Michael & Andrea Goldstein Susan Jarvis Goldstein Theodore & Margaret Goldberg Kenneth & Barbara Gore Richard & Barbara Goynshor Aaron & Rachel Gray Sadelle Greenblatt Jeffrey & Allison Gregory Greg & Emily Grossman Kevin & Marla Gross Steven Gutzmer Barry & Judith Haber Sam & Judi Halpern Andrew & Tracie Harris Arlene Hausman Gary Heiferman Jason & Wendy Heltzer Helene Herson Jeffrey & Andrea Hesser Marjorie Hilliard Johnson Richard & Sandra Hitt Daniel & Emily Hoffman Gerald Hoffman Doris Holleb Peter & Leslie Horwitz Merrill & Bernette Hoyt Coty Hutton Libby Isaac Emily Israel Daniel & Julie Jacobson Marshall & Beverly Jacobson Arthur Johnson & Evelyn Russell-Johnson Sarah Johnson Scott & Melissa Kaeser Shimon & Jill Kahan Ira & Susan Kahn Robert & Deborah Kahn Aaron & Lisa Kaplan Donald Kaplan James & Lindsay Kaplan Hazel Karbel Charlene Karns James & Jennifer Kashanian Andrew Katzenberg Allan & Caren Kaufman Daniel & Faylyn Kaufman Gary & Merle Kaufman Laurence & Barbara M. Kaufman Robert & Janice Kaufman Stuart & Myrna Kaufman Ira & Janice Kessler Murray & Barbara Kite Gale Klein Kenneth & Louise Klipper Kerry & Helene Kohn David Kolin & Jeannine Cordero Julie Komen Linda Konitz Mariya Krol Ruth Krugly Jerome & Jayne Krulewitch Sandi Kully Shelly Kulwin & Lisa Coconato Peter Kupferberg & Ellen Rakieten Sandra Kurtz Steven & Elissa Lafayette Joy Landan Cary Latimer & Julie Lasin David & Anita Lebowitz Harold & Lynn Leftwich Ida Lessman Sylvia Lessman Leonard & Roslyn Levey Howard & Rhonda Levin John & Jill Levi Judy Levin Kenneth & Shelley Levine Michael & Carla Levin Ruth Lewis Charlene Lieber Larry & Judi Lipkin Stefen Lippitz & Kristi Braunecker Robert Listernick & Linda Spielman Rita Loew Steve Lorsch Ona Lowe Mitchell Loewenthal-Grassini & Andy Simmons Jeff Luchs & Tami Sirkin Debra Magad Barry & Mindy Malkin Craig & Emily Mandell Mark Mandle Elliot & Phyllis Marcus Lawrence & Sue Marczak Charlotte Marks Cookie Marks Ruth Markus Michael & Sheryl Markman Santiago Marquez & Neva Duffy Joseph Master Larry & Lynda Mayster Thomas McNichols Matt Mcquiston & Jenni Tier David & Blythe Mendelson Judith Mendels-Peterson Myles & Carrie Mendoza Cookie Merens Allen & Suzanne Meyer Elaine Meyerovitz Norma L. Meyer Aaron Midler & Esther Bowen Albert & Charlotte Migdow Zinaida Mincu Gayle Mindes Amnon & Jodi Morady Josh & Tracy More Gloria Narrod Joel & Sherri Nemirow Ashley & Pam Netzky Michael & Nancy Nowak Gerard & Linda Nussbaum Jason & Wendy Olt Noam & Shira Osher Fred & Marilyn Oskin Tom Palay & Diane Gutmann Mark & Leah Paskar Donald & Lois Paul Alice Perlin Jonathan & Mandee Polonsky Edward Potash Steven & Jo Ann Potashnick Nathan Prater & Aly Croen Todd & Marci Price Ilene Quinn Jay & Rachel Rapoport Aaron Rappaport & Darcy Dewolfe Louis & Sarah Rassey Michael & Elaine Reich Todd & Lainie Rich Karl Riedl & Eileen Kaplan Don Riley & Donna Garfinkel Riley Beth Rom-Rymer Jason & Alicia Rosenberg Carrie Rosen Glori Rosenson Michael Rosenblum Robert & Marjorie Mintz Rosenbaum Ashley & Joan Ross Nadine Roth McFarren Penny Rovner David & Valerie Rubenstein Emily Rubenstein Jane Rubenstein Herbert & Carole Rudoy Miles & Adrienne Russ David & Ginger Russ Cynthia Saks Estelle Salkin Josh & Jill Samis Marilyn Samuels Richard & Barbara Samuels Jay & Danielle Sandler Brad & Lesley Sarnoff Ryan & Beth Satterfield Mark & Jodi Savitt Robert Sawyer & Marla Kushner Randy & Jennifer Scheingold Susan Schindler Scott & Hillary Schneider James & Susan Schneider Lawrence & Phyllis Schneider Paul & Susan Schomer Robert & Valerie Schreck Bruce & Sandra Schulman Jordan & Bonita Schulgasser David Schwartz & Jodi Cohen Sarah Schwartz Jolanta Scott Carol Septow Jack & Leslie Shankman Sara Shapiro Judy Shenker David & Suzanne Shoub Eric & Kathleen Siegmann Louis & Lois Sigman Cory Silverman Seth & Dana Singerman H. Louis & Mary Lee Sirkin Bela Sirota Gregory & Suzanne Sitrin Mark & Hedy Smith Peter Smith & Karen Mellman-Smith Bunny Snyder Frederick & Jennifer Snyder Matt & Dora Snyder Minnie Solomon Warren & Lisa Solochek Edward & Loui Somberg Marla Spector Andrea Stein David & Jill Stein Sunny Steinlauf Evelyn & Marcia Stoll Kenneth & Shelley Stolman Ryan & Amy Sulkin Joanne Sycheff Aaron Tantleff & Jill Sheiman Jason & Elana Tennenbaum Katherine Thurer & Susan Stein Barry & Jana Traeger Bruce & Jan Tranen Debra Trefz Michael & Dana Treister Arlene Tucker Kathy Tuite Michael & Barbara Turner Julian & Judith Ullman Carol Ungar Crystal Vanderlinden Kevin & Shoshana Vernick Rick Vernier & Boni Fine Vyacheslav Ryvkin & Alla Ryvkina Eric Wachtel Lindsay Wagner Peter Wagreich David & Erica Wax Gary & Cookie Weber Larry & Sharon Weil Debra Weinberg Tracey & Jay Weinberg Garry & Sharon Weiss Harry Weisman & Sandra Gerber-Weisman Lisa Weiss Richard & Beth Wexner Marilyn Wilker Marc & Debbie Willage Joan Wittenberg Josh & Erica Wohlreich Brian & Darcy Wolf Eric & Dorothy Wolff Jason & Rachel Wright Aaron & Lindsay Yaffa Larry & Susan Fisher Yellen Judith Yesnick Daniel & Julie Zuckerman * List is still in formation and includes donations from July 1, 2014 to May 10, 2015. Get involved The Jewish Center for Addiction presents FREEDOM SONG Temple Sholom 3480 N. Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60657 MONDAY, JUNE 1 , 7:00 - 8:30 PM, Off-site “What are you a slave to?” This musical will open your eyes to the real-life struggle against the bondage of self that we all fight. Admission is free, advance registration is strongly recommended. Call 847-745-5422 or visit http://bit.ly/jcaform. MISHPACHA MOM'S BYOB DINNER THURSDAY, JUNE 4 , 7:00 PM, Off-site at Chef Elise Mayfield's Home To RSVP, please email mishpacha@sholomchicago.org. Mindful Jewish Aging Meeting SATURDAY, JUNE 13 , 2:00 PM, Off-site Please RSVP to Lindsey Miller at lindsey@sholomchicago.org. 20s & 30s Outdoor Sushi Shabbat To RSVP, contact Carrie Rosen at carrie@sholomchicago.org or call 773-435-1538. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 , 7:30 PM HOLIDAYS: FRIDAY, JULY 3, OFFICES CLOSED UNTIL 3:00 PM DUE TO 4TH OF JULY. THERE WILL BE SERVICES AT 6:15 PM. SUNDAY, JULY 26, TISH'A B'AV sholomchicago.org Coming In AUGUST: MISHPACHA ANNUAL FAMILY ICE SUNDAY SOCIAL SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 3:00 PM, Off-site FF Join us for make-your-own Bobtail ice cream sundaes ($5/scoop), face painting and other activities! Email mishpacha@sholomchicago.org with required RSVP or questions. 20s & 30s SHABBAT ON THE LAKE FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 6:00 PM, Off-site Join other 20s & 30s on the lake. More details to come! NEW & PROSPECTIVE MEMBER OPEN HOUSE WELCOME TO OUR HOME FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 5:30 PM Know someone who is interested in becoming a member? Invite your friends and family to meet the clergy and Temple Sholom Staff for our annual open house reception and special Shabbat Service. Reservations are recommended. Please contact kylie@sholomchicago.org. GAN SHALOM’S BACK TO SCHOOL BASH! SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Come meet your teachers, jump in a bounce house, get your face painted, and more! Bring a nut-free snack to eat with Rabbi Goldberg! Call 773-525-4867 with questions.