exhibition catalogue
exhibition catalogue
S T E V E G O D D A R D 11 – 3 1 M A R C H 2 0 1 1 F A S C O N T E M POR A R Y Mr. Goddard’s Heads SQD OC@G @B@I ? j a oc` I<I yI<I G p^\n`io`m`_oc`nhjft]pdg_dib)C`r\ n`sc \pn o`_)Dor\ncphd_\i_c`c\_ ]``iom\q`gdibajm_\tnojb`oojocdnm`hjo`Dmd\iE\t\i`i^g\q`)Pinp]no\iod\o`_ mphjpmnja\cj\m_japid_`iodad`_\i_`ocijbm\kcd^\ggtpiotkd^\gn^pgkopm`nc\_ g`_cdhojm`opmiojomt\b\diojh\f`^jio\^o rdococ`I\iyI\i)Oc`rcdo`^p]`ja oc`b\gg`mt\i_oc`km`o`i^`ja=ji_Nom``on``h`_\gda`odh`\r\t)<ncdn`t`nbm`r \^^pnojh`_ojoc`^c\ib`digdbco'oc`a\^`nno\mo`_oj\kk`\m) Oc` I\iyI\i m`^`dq`_ a`r qdndojmn) Ij]j_t c\_ `io`m`_ oc` qdgg\b` ndi^` \ nct h dnndji\mt noph]g`_ pkji oc` n`oog`h`io ^\mmtdib \ o\oo`m`_ ^jkt ja =`mi\m_G`\^cÏnÎ<Kjoo`mn=jjfÏ\i_\a`r]g\^f\i_rcdo`qjgph`nji\modnonja oc` -+oc ^`iopm t' \gjib rdoc cdn ]`gjq`_ \mh^ c\dm dic`mdo`_ amjh cdn a\qjpmdo` \pioËncdkk`_\mjpi_oc`rjmg_rdoccdhamjhjpokjnoojjpokjno)Oc`^cd`ac\_ ^jiadn^\o`_doajmpifijrim`\njin\i_oc`hdnndji\mtc\_g`ao_dnom\pbco)Rc`i oc`tjk`i`_cdnnja\ pkojn``rc\oh\_`donjnom\ib`gt^jhajmo\]g`'oc`tajpi_ rjj_'cjmn`c\dm'i`rnk\k`m\i_jg_kg\nod^]\bn) Ingredients: 1 large handful of wet clay 1 afro hair extension plait (any will do but Brixton Market is a good source) Sofa innards containing horsehair (from your local upholsterer) ¼oz (10g) pure pigment Oc`c`\_ngjjf`_]\^f\ooc`^pm\ojm'oc`dmhtno`mt^jhkjpi_`_]toc` Before you start: Clear a wipeable surface near to the cooker. Have a pair of scissors to hand. Make sure the route to the oven is clear and the oven door open. Preheat the oven to 90ºC. Gently tear apart an old chesterfield sofa taking care not to lose all the natural innards.* Set aside on a flat surface. Prepare the clay, slamming it on the surface till all the air bubbles have gone. Moisten the clay with plenty of water. Take the hair extension and cut it near to one end. Grab the lump of clay and liberally work it into the frayed plait, slowly kneading and wrapping the remainder of the plait into itself, working the shape into a mask or head-like form. Work clumps of horsehair into the mix, adding plastic and paper to create variable texture. Oc`tn``h`_^jm\gygdf`]poad]mjpn'ojo\ggtdi^jibmpjpn)R`m`oc`t\i`rotk`ja Place the head on a baking tray and cook for 3–4 hours. Constantly monitor the surface and size of the head by peering into the oven. It should start to shrink as it cooks. Be prepared to stop and restart the process in order to get desired texture and crispiness. Dmd\iE\t\ia`odnc\nt`opi_j^ph`io`_jmc\_oc`t\mmdq`_diocdn_dno\iogj^\odji Leave to cool for 2–3 hours before setting out in search of a perfect plinth. qd\njh`joc`mh`\in:R\nocdn]\ght'om\ilpdgepibg`k\m\_dn`\m`_c`mmdib:C` Mix horsehair in a small bowl with two parts pigment and one part water and gently apply over the surface of the head. Add plastic, buttons and even cloth to taste. nc\_jrn^\no]t oc`agd^f`mdib^\i_g`n)Rc\or`m`oc`th\_ `ja :C`c\_iÏon``i \itocdibgdf`oc`h)C`n`in`_\nom\ib`a\hdgd\mdot]po^jpg_iÏoa\ocjhoc`gdif) c\_ojc\q`oc`h)Oc`=mdodncHpn`phrjpg_iÏo]`\]g`ojm`ndno) C` ]gdif`_Ëoc` nhjf` r\n h\fdib cdn `t`n nom`\h) Np__`igt \ kpib `ioo\ibja_dnodgg`_\g^jcjg\i_ \idn``_adgg`_ oc`\dm)Din`^ji_nc`a`ggoj oc` bmjpi_) Orj _\tn g\o`m c` ^\h` oj \i_ rdocdi cj pmn c\_ g`ao rdoc cdn cj\m_' ]jpi_ajmGji_ji) Wait to dry before adding beads and paint to define features. Leave to rest for several days before adding to the plinth and presenting to your admirers. Report sequence of events to your doctor. * such as horsehair but also those man-made additions like plastic bags and paper which often find their way into restored sofas 23 Devotion in the Forest (detail) cloth, string, oil pigment, plasticene, found objects on fibre panel Untitled I previous page lace, linen and wool 17 21 cm 122 153 cm Queen Nan oil stick, oil, collage, charcoal, found objects on panel 123 150 cm Untitled II fabric, cloth, wool, plastic 30 43 cm Soldat silver 23 43 cm Flamethrower oil paint, nails on panel 30 25 cm Abendsome Yepes oil paint and charcoal on panel 55 42 cm Nan in Chair fired clay Untitled III 15 19 cm left cloth, wool, fabric, oil paint 17 38 cm Boxer nails and oil paint on snakeskin panel 26 36 cm Men on TV nails, collage and fabric 18 33 cm Schädel pigment and nails on paper panel 23 29 cm Gingerbread Man oil on board 43 99 cm Untitled IV fibre, cloth, wool and lace 26 66 cm Kind gouache, charcoal, collage on panel 56 66 cm Autolux nails, oil stick, cloth, plasticene and charcoal on panel 66 79 cm Untitled V clay, cloth, hair 11 18 cm Untitled VI clay, wax, emulsion paint, string Blind Piano Player left oil on wooden panel 27 122 23 cm 152 cm Kunst collage, fabric, nail and pencil on fabric panel 41 50 cm Blind Sonnenblumen oil stick, oil paint and charcoal on panel 107 142 cm Published in an edition of 700 copies by FAS Contemporary at the Fine Ar t Society Est. 1876 148 New Bond Street London W1S 2JT +44 (0)20 7318 1895 +44 (0)20 7629 5116 contemporar y@faslondon.com www.fascontemporar y.com for the exhibition STEVE GODDARD One God To Many Devils 11 – 31 March 2011 ISBN 978 0 9568215 0 8 All works © Steve Goddard 2011 ‘The Legend of the Nan-Nan’ and ‘Mr. Goddard’s heads’© Toby Clarke 2011 Photography Matthew Hollow 07956 374 029 Polaroids Mike Hoban 01323 811568 www.mikehoban.com Frames Martin Louis Turner 01225 744 443 Design and production Tim Barnes chicken www.herechickychicky.com Self Por trait (detail) ar tificial trees, nails on fibre panel 38 46 cm opposite title page One God To Many Devils Viennese bronze figurines c.1850 each 1 cm high African sculpture 6 11 cm Printed in the UK by The Colourhouse www.thecolourhouse.com
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