1 settembre 2014 - Jonathan Project
1 settembre 2014 - Jonathan Project
www.nautechnews.it ISSN 1825-6155 - Bimestrale - Anno X - Poste Italiane Spa - Spedizione in abbonamento postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1, comma 1, DCB Milano Organo ufficiale ASPRONADI - Associazione Progettisti Nautica Diporto MARINE TECHNOLOGIES, ENGINES & EQUIPMENTS VOLVO PENTA IPS 900 Power showoff Encounters Franco Romani, Chief Designer of Perini Navi 4 set2014 Technology Distribution of the audio video signals on board Safety A “healthy” environmental conscience Market The bridge between East and West SUMMARYSEPTEMBER 2014 12 AB VOLVO PENTA SEDE ITALIANA Strada Statale del Sempione 197 20016 Pero MI C.F. e R.I. 97487590156 P. IVA 06098440966 Tel. 0248430.1 Fax 0245716003 Email: info.vpi@volvo.com 5 EDITORIAL A PERFECT OPPORTUNITY 30 Edoardo Napodano 8 10 NEWS YARDS, COMPANIES, TERRITORY PORTS&MARINAS THE MOORINGS OF THE “SERENISSIMA” Laura Neuwirth Lazzerini 35 TOYS A TENDER FOR EVERY NEED Maria Luisa Romiti 15 TECHNOLOGY DISTRIBUTION OF THE AUDIO VIDEO SIGNALS ON BOARD Laura Neuwirth Lazzerini 18 DESIGN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AS A GUIDE FOR OPTIMISING HULLS SEPTEMBER 2014 Daniele Bruno 2 21 24 FIXED POINTS 40 Valentina Solera CREW SOMETHING NEW ON THE HORIZON Beppe Vellutini 42 FOCUS INBOARD, INBOARD-OUTBOARD ENGINE AND HYDROJET CRAFT Silvia Chiarito 44 BAGLIETTO THE DYNASTY OF ITALIAN YACHTING Francesco Fiorentino 47 DESIGN THE OIL EATER Paolo Ferrari 50 Francesco Fiorentino MARKET REPORT THE BRIDGE BETWEEN EAST AND WEST COVER STORY IPS 900 POWER UNDER CONTROL Luigi Magliari Galante Federica Ameglio 12 MEGAYACHT 85 METRES OF STRENGTH AND GRACEFULNESS SAFETY A “HEALTHY” ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIENCE Massimo Vita 54 REFITTING THE NEW FY52’ By our staff 35 56 MARINE TECHNOLOGIES, ENGINES & EQUIPMENTS Casa Editrice Tecniche Nuove SpA Via Eritrea, 21 • 20157 Milano • Italia tel. 02390901 • 023320391 • www.tecnichenuove.com Direttore responsabile: Ivo A. Nardella Direttore editoriale: Edoardo Napodano 56 CLOSE-UP RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Pietro Angelini 58 SAILTECH FRANCO ROMANI CHIEF DESIGNER OF PERINI NAVI Giuliano Luzzatto 62 66 NEW PRODUCTS CNA COLUMN EVOLUTION OF CONSTRUCTION By the Association 67 UCINA 54TH GENOA INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW By the Promotion Area 68 TRAINING LET’S SAIL! Arianna Bionda – Andrea Ratti 69 YACHTING & TAX YACHT LEASING CONTRACTS Giada Fruzzetti – Ezio Vannucci 70 72 ATENA THE VALUE OF AN ASSOCIATION 76 A NEW MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH TEAM FROM ARCHIMEDES’ SCREW TO THE PRESENT DAY Paolo Frandoli Enrico Ravina, Cesare Mario Rizzo, Michele Viviani DITEN, Scuola Politecnica, Università degli Studi di Genova Direttore tecnico: Luigi Magliari Galante tel. 02 39 090 347 luigi.magliari@tecnichenuove.com Comitato tecnico di redazione: Giovanni Ceccarelli, Marco Cecchi, Danilo Fabbroni, Stefano Faggioni, Mario Felli, Fabio Fossati, Giancarlo Gamberini, Pietro Martucci, Stefano Pagani, Andrea Ratti, Massimo Musio Sale, Giuseppe Sfondrini, MaurizioTestuzza, EzioVannucci. 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SEPTEMBER 2014 N˚4 – Anno X –September 2014 Direzione, redazione, abbonamenti, amministrazione e pubblicità: 3 DESIGN THE OIL EATER Paolo Ferrari T he idea came from observing the emergency measures put into practice first on the Lambro river after the Lombarda Petroli spill in February 2010, and then in the Gulf of Mexico after the explosion on the “Deepwater Horizon” platform in April of the same year. In the Gulf of Mexico only 3% of the oil was recovered, half was dissolved with solvents and a lot was burned on the surface of the water, producing a lot of huge toxic clouds. The methods used for the clear-up were expensive and ineffective. The interventions, most of them useless, used gigantic equipment such as the ship “A Whale” and there were even attempts to clean up with tubes and pumps directly on the surface of the water. SEPTEMBER 2014 Increasingly often, vast patches of oil are sighted at sea, and are often caused by the washing of the holds of big ships, completely against the regulations, or even by the breakage of pipelines and oil refining plant, as happened recently in the Gulf of Mexico 47 1 DESIGN 1 The S.O.S. model for emergencies lowered from a ship 2 The basic OilKiller in operation 3 A final prototype tested in theTrieste test tank 4 Tug with line operated OilPatrol model in action The origin SEPTEMBER 2014 Credit for the invention goes to the engineer Luigi Perrella who, after creating a scale prototype, submitted the idea and the device to the engineer Igor Zotti, ordinary Prof of naval architecture and engineering and director of the hydrodynamic tank of the Trieste Università degli Studi. Prof Zotti validated the idea and followed the first tank tests: the result was promising, but needed refinement because successful operation was closely linked to optimising the design of a shape which, with a certain trim and relative motion, gathered and conveyed the surface of the water in the way expected. In September 2010 the Ufficio Studi e PatLib of the Trieste Area Science Park finished the pre-patent research aimed at filing a patent request which was deposited by the engineer Perrella. In June 2011 Perrella presented his business idea to the Technical Committee of Innovation Factory, the first mile incubator of Area Science Park, and it had a positive reception. The idea thus became “a development group selected and supported by Innovation Factory as part of the SpinAREA programme”: from this came the innovative start-up “The Jonathan Project”: S.r.l. whit the financing received from Sardegna Ricerche in compliance whit Sardenian Regional Funding. 48 2 The state of the art Flexible oil collector To remove floating oil you have to do operate with devices that work at a fixed point: they are lowered from a ship by a crane and, once on the surface of the water, suck up what is on the surface, including pollutants, remaining fixed where they are. About a quarter of a mass of oil that ends up in the sea evaporates in the first week, another part sinks, another part emulsifies under the effect of waves and the rest tends to form a film that gets increasingly thin until it is only a fraction of 1000th of a millimetre thick. Every time a ship crosses the film, it separates and opens under the effect of the bow wave, making it impossible to recover the oil in the immediate vicinity of the ship. Spilled hydrocarbons can thus only be partly removed, but 3% of the oil spilled in the sea and then recovered in the Gulf of Mexico seems in any case too little. The most advanced technological methods require staying in the middle of the oil spill so as to lower skimmers to remove the film of oil from a fixed point on the surface, and so rapidly create an area where the pollutant has been removed; it is then necessary to move the support ship to a new point, where the film is still present and compact, to continue cleaning up there and so on. This cumbersome process involves repeated recovery of the skimmer with a crane, resting it on the deck of the ship, moving the ship, lowering the skimmer again with the crane and continuing the clean-up. It’s immediately clear that this system has some structural problems. From this, came the idea of a mobile device that could move autonomously, crossing the oil spill, to filter the surface of the water along its course and send the mixture of water and oil to separation and storage systems. FLOC is a kind of flat funnel whose form is designed to intercept and gather pollutants floating on a mass of water. Various models have been produced, designed using the most powerful software in the fluid dynamics sector and tested in the hydrodynamic tank of Trieste University. FLOC’s main characteristics are: • a mouth projecting underwater to capture the surface film of the liquid mass; • a suitable shape, with a forward point and a broad lateral section; • a balanced internal flow; • a device to separate the water surface from the liquid underneath; • a depth discharge with an extractor to expel excess water; • an area for accumulating surface water and pollutants. The assembly of the filtering system with its guiding structure creates a vessel which, instead of a sharp bow for opening up the water surface, has a mouth that swallows it. This characteristic means a large quantity of water is taken in together with the film of pollutant floating on it. The shape of FLOC is designed to concentrate pollutants at the stern and deviate excess water, which is heavier than oil, through a depth discharge. The film containing the pollutants is sent to a separation and storage system that is thoroughly innovative and is currently being patented. Development The analysis and redefinition of the shape of FLOC, and the definition and design of the entire vessel, were entrusted to the NavalHEAD company in Olbia, an engineering company specialising in the 4 design of naval and nautical vessels with a high technological content. It is currently engaged in optimising the hydrodynamics of the mouth of the FLOC funnel to maximise the quantity of oil recovered. This optimisation makes use of the most advanced computer fluid dynamics techniques on the market. Then will follow the executive design of the support vessel in which FLOC can be suitably integrated, evaluating its hydrodynamic performance and conformity to regulations and environmental impact. The OilKiller vessel is expected to be completely electric, and so with zero emissions. To ensure a suitable range NavalHEAD is studying specific hull shapes that can move with very low power, at the same time ensuring the integration of the FLOC funnel without affecting the efficiency of its recovery action, thus allowing water clean-up operations even with moderate seas running. The range The shape of FLOC can be scaled and can thus be adapted to vessels designed for different contexts. The first product to come from this project will be “TJP OilKiller” the device financed from Sardenian Regional Funding. This will be a powered vessel piloted by an operator that can eliminate even the smallest patches of hydrocarbons present in the water; it has a tank with a load autonomy of hundreds of hours. It is completely electric, thanks to latest generation motors, and has batteries giving eight hours of navigation with a safety reserve of two, without any emission of pollutants, and so perfectly in line with the purpose for which it was designed. This first version of the vessel is of a size that permits clean-up and maintenance operations in smaller are- THE SHAPE OF FLOC IS DESIGNED TO CONCENTRATE POLLUTANTS AT THE STERN AND DEVIATE EXCESS WATER as the larger version of OilKiller, “TJP OilPatrol”, will have as its reference market emergency, maintenance and cleanup operations in the open sea and will be able to carry out maintenance, monitoring and alarm activities in specific industrial areas that are typically at risk. The distinctive and exclusive characteristics of TJP Oil Patrol are obviously superior to those of the earlier model and, in particular, will offer exclusive lead the use of electrical energy accumulated in special batteries, the ability to measure the level of charge of the batteries and recharge them by induction, automatic navigation with GPS, a course set from the console and cyclical coverage of the area. It will also carry out a continuous analysis of the state of health of the water and will autonomously send data to a server; it will continuously filter surface water and store any pollutants in the filter bag. From the safety at sea point of view, TJP Oil Patrol will use radio frequencies for location by other ships and a system for recognising unforeseen objects and imposing a safe course to avoid them; it will also be equipped with software for automatic implementation of emergency programmes in the event of spills, hardware (ultraviolet lights and special video cameras) for identifying and cleaning up isolated patches of hydrocarbons, a system for automatically ending the state of alert and returning to the programmed cycle in the working area. It will also be able to re-place automatically a saturated filter bag and will be certified to operate in industrial oil areas at risk. Defined industrial areas means the water around oil terminal areas where hydrocarbons are loaded and unloaded, water off coastal refineries where there are oil terminals, plant for the transport and processing of hydrocarbons, coastal deposits, water around offshore platforms for drilling and/or extraction where there are oil terminals, drilling planned and oil extraction plant. OilPatrol is about 2 m in the beam, has a structure in inflated tubes that ensures resistance to impact, can also operate sliding against peers and quays, has separation and storage systems, its operating speed is about one quarter to half a knot (930 – 1.860 m²/h), and has a capacity of 18.6 – 37.2 m³/h of mixture. Its efficiency is maximised by continual operation 24 hours a day, thanks to the reserves of energy stored in lithium batteries with an automatic recharging system, it produces no pollutants either in air or in water or noise pollution, has all the subsystems needed for operation, is completely automatic, has a computerised piloting system, is located by GPS, monitors the sea state and automatically adjusts the depth of its mouth. OilPatrol has a system for controlling the charge of the batteries, and automatic system for induction recharging, an operational area defined by a computerised map and a system for analysing and recording the state of health of the water. It has a system that monitors operational efficiency, a radio remapping system for extraordinary events, and infrared system for self steering towards and through polluted areas; it is equipped with distance sensors and radio transmitters warning of its presence, light signals and acoustic alarms, a programme for rapid steering away from collision courses, a system for real-time transmission of all data acquired, a device for automatically checking the state of saturation of the filters and a control and command console on land. SEPTEMBER 2014 3 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 49