Modern strategies and tools for water saving and drought
Modern strategies and tools for water saving and drought
LAND and WATER Resource Management Modern Strategies and Tools for Water Saving and Drought Mirigations in SOUTHERN ITALY M. TODOROVIC, N. LAMADDALENA, G. TRISORIO-LIUZZI CIHEAM-IAM Bari, Italy 1° International Conference on “Drought Management: Scientific and Technological Innovations, Zaragoza, 12-13 June 2008 Apulia Region (Southern Italy) Areas sensitive to desertification (ESAs modified method) ESAI_R – (with Rainfall Erosivity Index) Ripartizione della superficie regionale in classi di ESAI_R 0,2% 5,6% 1,2% 12,9% urbano, corpi idrici N -non affetta P - potenziale F - fragile C - critica 80,1% Source: Trisorio Liuzzi, Ladisa and Todorovic, 2005 Source: Todorovic and Steduto, 2001 CWB=P-ETo Source: Todorovic and Steduto, 2001 Water resources Apulia and Basilicata: Water availability and demand in Mm3 PUGLIA (-551 Mm3) Demand: ¾Potabile 653 Mm3 ¾Irriguo 812 Mm3 ¾Industriale 226 Mm3 ¾Totale 1691 Mm3 Availability: ¾1140 Mm3 BASILICATA (+250 Mm3) Demand: ¾Potabile 105 Mm3 ¾Irriguo 241 Mm3 ¾Industriale 12 Mm3 ¾Totale 358 Mm3 Availability: ¾688 Mm3 (frequenza 80%) ¾608 Mm3 (frequenza del 90%) Source: SOGESID Water resources shared between Apulia and Basilicata region in Mm3 18 Basilicata potabile 18 S. Giuliano Basilicata irriguo Basilicata irriguo Puglia potabile Puglia irriguo 3 15 7.5 25 Pertusillo 44 115 M. Cotugno 104 Basilicata potabile Basilicata irriguo Puglia potabile 109 Puglia irriguo Puglia industriale Water resources transferred from Basilicata to Apulia region (average values in Mm3) 15 18 18 potabile irriguo 43 industriale Total: 271 Mm3 San Giuliano 3 15 7.5 25 44 213 115 104 Pertusillo Basilicata potabile Basilicata irriguo 109 Puglia potabile Puglia irriguo Puglia industriale Monte Cotugno Drought Area of Bari - Southern Italy: meteorological drought in 2001 Monthly rainfall (in mm) - average 1974-2000 vs. year 2001 100 1974-2000 90 2001 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Source: CIHEAM-IAMB Agro-meteorological bulletin 29-30 (2001) Area of Bari - Southern Italy: meteorological drought (combined with precipitation) in 2001 Monthly temperature (in °C) - average 1974-2000 vs. year 2001 30 1974-2000 25 2001 20 15 10 5 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Source: CIHEAM-IAMB Agro-meteorological bulletin 29-30 (2001) Apulia Region - Southern Italy: hydrological drought (surface water) in 2001 and 2002 Capacity of accumulation (Mm3) Volume of water in million m3 500 450 Volume accumulated 31/01/2001 (Mm3) 400 350 Volume accumulated 31/03/2002 (Mm3) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Occhito Capacciotti M.Cotugno Petrusillo P.Fontanelle Basentello S.Giuliano Source: Corriere della sera, April 2002 Synthesis of water stress in Southern Italy in 2001-2002 and its consequences on water availability in accumulations 1200 1013,2 Water stress 965,80 1000 800 -631,0 -899,6 600 382,2 400 200 113,6 0 Volume utile 2001 2002 2006 Volume of water accumulated is given as a sum of volumes of 7 main accumulations (in million m3) Data refers to March 31st of each year. Mitigation options SUPPLY SUPPLYSIDE SIDE Surface Surface water water DEMAND DEMANDSIDE SIDE Domestic Domesticuse use Natural Natural resources resources Consumptive Consumptive use use Ground Ground water water Industry Industry INTEGRATED WATER MANAGEMENT Navigation Navigation Brackish Brackish water water Waste Waste water water Other Other water water Agriculture Agriculture NonNonconventional conventional resources resources NonNonconsumptive consumptive use use Hydropower Hydropower generation generation Aquatic Aquatic environment environment Recreation Recreation Source: Todorovic and Hamdy, 2001 Watershed Water courses network Meteorological stations Hydrometric stations monitoring monitoring inflows/supply accumulation Estimation of inflow/outflow Water availability monitoring Outflows/demand Water delivery network Water distribution network Monitoring of discharges (water losses) Estimation of water demands Domestic water use Agricultural water use Industrial water use demand Monitoring of consumption Source: Todorovic, 2006 WATER SUPPLY/DEMAND CHAIN: INTEGRATED APPROACH FOR WATER SAVING IN IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE Source of water Water demand Group of sectors and water delivery network District Water management scaling down Agricultural management scaling up Group of farms, group of hydrants and delivery network branch Sector Water management scaling down Agricultural management scaling up Canopy - Field One farm & one hydrant Water management scaling down Agricultural management scaling up Plant Water supply Scaling-down from Consortium to irrigation district and farm scale consortium comprensorio districts crops Pcoef Kc Kc*ETo ETc ETc-Peff+LR Irrigation methods Rainfall P ETo T Peff yes yes New New scenario scenario NIR Qmax IRRc NIR/IRRc Pcoef*P GIR WD2 WD Irrigation module V_total WD1 Application of the global assessment strategy for identification of water deficit areas 400000 V_Total 350000 Qmax Water demand (m3/dec) 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 april I april II april III may I may II may III june I june II june III july I july II july III aug. I aug. II aug. III sept. I (Qmax - maximum flow rate of water distribution network permitting satisfactory working pressure at the outlets; V_Total - total volume of water available for irrigation over an irrigation season) sept. sept. II III Regional Irrigation Support Service for Water saving Regional weather station network Regional Irrigation Support Service Farm data report feedback Field Assistance Technicians Field visit & farmer interview Farm data Field check Videotext, Internet, SMS feedback Farmers Source: adapted after Giannini and Bagnoni, 2002 Support of farmers through the INTERNET sites Support of farmers through the INTERNET sites Measures to improve service Interview of farmers LAND and WATER Resource Management Promotion of service Farmers adhesions Farm data acquisition Farm data acquisition Validity control of proposed scheduling Data elaboration Activation of service Training of farmers Feedback: suggestions on “how to improve” Control of acquired information LAND and WATER Resource Management BARI Thank you