DEMO VersiOn
DEMO VersiOn CARTOMAP DEMO VersiOn Preface This guide contents all necessary information to use DEMO version of Pocket CARTOMAP. First part is general information about the program and its main functions and second part talks about possibilities in different example files included in installation. Remind DEMO version is limited to 30 minutes use and has recorded functions disabled. We are to your entire service to solve any doubt. ANEBA Geoinformática, S.L. C/ Nicaragua, 48 2º 6ª 08029 - Barcelona (SPAIN) Tel. (+34) 933 633 820 Fax. (+34) 933 633 821 E-Mail: Web: We hope you like it… DEMO version guide 1 Index Preface.............................................................................................................1 Index................................................................................................................2 As Beginning....................................................................................................3 Glossary...........................................................................................................4 Interface...........................................................................................................5 Connection with total station or GPS ...............................................................8 Physical connection of both devices......................................................................... 8 To configure Pocket CARTOMAP............................................................................. 8 Data reading ..................................................................................................10 Automatic drawing from codes - Autosketch..................................................13 Create a new code ................................................................................................. 13 Assign a code to a point... ...................................................................................... 14 DTM ..............................................................................................................15 View contour lines ................................................................................................. 15 CAD...............................................................................................................16 Profiles...........................................................................................................17 Setting out......................................................................................................18 Traverse .........................................................................................................19 Data base - GIS ..............................................................................................20 To import a file shapefile........................................................................................ 20 Change or consult object attributes ........................................................................ 21 Create a colour map............................................................................................... 21 Example files..................................................................................................23 DTM.PCT............................................................................................................................ 23 AUTOSKETCH.PCT ............................................................................................................ 24 SEA.PCT.............................................................................................................................. 24 URBAN.CTM ...................................................................................................................... 25 DESIGN.CTM ..................................................................................................................... 25 VOLUME.PCT..................................................................................................................... 26 DIRECT.PCT ....................................................................................................................... 26 RESECT.PCT........................................................................................................................ 27 TRV_OPEN.PCT.................................................................................................................. 27 TRV_CLOSE.PCT ................................................................................................................ 28 PHOTO1.BMP, PHOTO2.BMP, PHOTO3.BMP, PHOTO4.BMP, PHOTO5.BMP............... 29 UK.SHP .............................................................................................................................. 30 2 DEMO version guide As Beginning When entering the application, it appears a presentation screen: In top left screen you must choose one of the following two options: - To begin a new project. To open an existing Project. You could open any example included in this DEMO version. DEMO version guide 3 Glossary - - 4 Autosketch: Draw associated to surveying points automatically made in real time depending on point code. Layer: Group of Project’s graphic information under same name. Entity: Graphic items group which make an unit. There are stored in layers. Backup files: Active files backup. There are only restorable if there is a not normal program’s exit. Objects Browser: Graphical and numerical information structure in a project of Pocket CARTOMAP. Total station position: Total station’s physical placement data. Station position will be defined by instrument height and bearing. QUADs: Quadrilateral which define the geometry of an entity from Standard section. They make the digital model of lineal design. There could be roadway, cut or fill. Sight: Measured point or station data from other station. Sight will be defined by horizontal & vertical angles and distance measured to each point. DEMO version guide Interface Graphical screen: Screen zone where CAD project elements are shown. On it are executed CAD operations. To determine a position in this screen, you must click on it. Objects browser: Represents information structure in projects of Pocket CARTOMAP. It shows objects which form the project and relationship among them. You can create, modify and establish properties of all project objects (layers, stations, points…). DEMO version guide 5 Access to Browser by icon , and change other time to graphical screen by same icon. If you press “+” on left side of some objects, a new level of objects will be shown. Pressing “-“ this level will be hidden. Pressing icon on left side of object title, a menu with associated functions will appear. Toolbars: They allow the access to different options that could be done with Pocket CARTOMAP. They are on top and left of graphical screen. Left screen toolbars (Horizontal bars) contain CAD functions. While you are working, a textual help from option selected could be obtained. Click over an icon until a message appears telling you the operation to be executed if you select the option. If icon selected is not the correct one, drag and drop pencil out of toolbar. Then, select other icon. Thus, the action will not be executed. 6 DEMO version guide Information line: Gives information about active operations and following steps to complete it. Tells what to do in each moment. Button Description Shows or hides information line. Shows storaged operations and which are them. Shows capture mode (end, point, intersection...) selected when you press over screen. Redraw graphical screen. Shows and gives help about operation being done. Allows to change view in graphical screen. To change a function into another press central button. Allows to move graphical screen up and down. Allows to move graphical screen right and left. Allows to move away and approach the view. DEMO version guide 7 Connection with total station or GPS Steps to be followed: • • • Physical connection of both devices. Configure Pocket CARTOMAP. o Select instrument. o Configure communication parameters. Read data. Physical connection of both devices To connect physically Pocket PC with total station or GPS, following hardware is required: A. Cable DCE-DTE (Data Communications Equipmment-Data Terminal Equipment) which connects a total station with a desktop computer, provided by supplier of total station. B. Cable which connects Pocket PC with a desktop computer, provided with Pocket PC. This cable could be linked to Pocket PC base. C. A switch that connects A and B, formed by: o A connector changing from male to female to establish the physical connection of cables. o A connector performing cables switching, also called “Null MODEM”. In case to establish Pocket CARTOMAP as solution to field data capture, there are available independent cables from Pocket PC base and cables with enclosed switchers. Contact for further information. To configure Pocket CARTOMAP 1. 2. 3. 4. 8 Select Start - Pocket CARTOMAP. Press icon , to open a new file. Select - Settings- Instruments. Select instrument type to be used on upper tabs: total station, GPS, distance measurer or echo sounder. DEMO version guide 5. Select instrument trademark pressing over its logo or press over keyboard icon to introduce data in manual way. 6. Modify if necessary angle accuracy. It is important to be a correct value because it will define accuracy limits for setting out. 7. Press OK . 8. Communications dialog box will appear. This dialog box shows parameters by default in total stations depending on selected model. Communication parameters should be the same in measure device and Pocket CARTOMAP, so you should change these parameters if are not the same. 9. Press OK . DEMO version guide 9 Data reading 1. Select icon . 2. New station dialog box will appear. 3. Insert a name and coordinates for the station, or leave the ones by default. 4. Press to confirm data. Station coordinates could be changed later, modifying its properties. 5. Select Station / position dialog box will appear, where the station position will be created or selected. Station position is data collection which define the placement (instrument height and disorientation). To create a new position press over icon . 6. Insert position name, instrument height and disorientation. 7. Press to confirm data. Station disorientation could be changed later, modifying station properties or making a measure of a bearing sight. 8. Reading dialog box will appear. 10 DEMO version guide 9. Select type of sight to be done: o o o o o o o Bearing sight. The surveying is beared by horizontal angle measured and azimuth calculated by system. In this type of sight, distances are not read. Position disorientation will be modified after doing this type of sight. Point reading. Angles and distance of the viewed point will be saved, and a new point will be generated with this data. Automatically, this point will appear in graphical screen. Traverse foresight. Angles and distances are measured, when carrying traverse calculations out sights that make the outward way will be automatically detected. Moreover, a station with the measured data will be generated if it doesn’t exist. Traverse backsight. Angles and distances are measured, when carrying the traverse calculations out the sights that make the return way will be automatically detected. A station with measured data will be generated if doesn’t exist. Direct intersection sight. Angles of viewed point are measured. When select carrying direct intersection calculation out system detects automatically which are this type of sights and use them for this calculation. Reverse intersection sight. Reverse intersection sight measuring distances. Angles to viewed point or angles and distances to viewed point are read. It is necessary to create a station with arbitrary coordinates from will be done this sight. Carrying reverse intersection calculation out, system will detect automatically which sights are from this type, using them for that calculation and modifying coordinates of initial station. It is important to well select sight’s type because later they will be used to make some calculations. 10. Select layer where measured data will be stored. 11. Insert index point and/or sight name which will be measured. When insert index point, you could use character *, that allows you to number it consecutively. So, you could generate point groups with index P1, P2, P3,... pointed out before as index of point P*. 12. Insert prism height. 13. Press Read . 14. Change to Reading and check measured data and press Save DEMO version guide . 11 You could select icon Read and Save measured data. if not necessary to check Automatically the draw of point or station will be shown in graphical screen. Repeat steps from 1 to 7 if you wish to continue inserting data. Icon allows to change size of Reading dialog box. When you minimize the screen, it shows only minimum icons necessary to read points quickly, which allows to take data batteries of the same type and to view a greater graphic display zone and the browser to facilitate sketch. The system will assign points’ index automatically and, as long as not indicated, it will keep prism height and point’s code. 12 DEMO version guide Automatic drawing from codes - Autosketch It exist the possibility of carrying a sketch out from coding, in real time. In order to do that, drawing characteristics associated to each code must be defined, establishing differences among punctual, linear and superficial objects. So, when assigning a code to a point, predefined items will be drawn, obtaining sketch draw in real time during field works. In case of code changes, draw would be updated with introduced changes. Create a new code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Create a new code to access Browser. Select icon on left side of Codes. Select Create. The following dialog box will appear to introduce code name. To associate an autosketch to a code, Autosketch checkbox will be marked and following options will be configured: Indicate if autosketch type will be punctual, linear or superficial. Select layer and entity where drawing will be saved, in Generate in entity and Generate in layer. Define draw: o Punctual: Select Object type (circle or symbol) and establish the radius value by default, the size and bearing according to the option o Lineal: Select a line type and a colour for line. o Superficial: Select a type of line, a filling and a colour for close line. If values of 0 for size and bearing are set, the value of these parameters will be asked in draw instant. Codes are assigned while measures are done. Steps are the following: DEMO version guide 13 Assign a code to a point... 1. Select icon from Reading dialog box. 2. Codes list create in the project will be show. Letter on the left side of selector, points out autosketch type defined for a code: o N, non-defined autosketch. o C, punctual autosketch (circle). o Si, punctual autosketch (symbol). o L, linear autosketch. o S, superficial autosketch. 3. Select code or codes you wish to apply to that point. 4. If you wish, a suffix could be assigned (first list on right side name’s code) which determines items collection including this point and size of circle or symbol if necessary (second list on right side name’s code). Suffix is used to define several lines with same code or several surfaces. For example points with line-1 code, belongs to one line and points with line-2 code would belong to another different line. When saving points, an associated draw will be automatically assigned and shown on graphical screen in real time. 14 DEMO version guide DTM To calculate a Digital Terrain Model: 1. 2. 3. 4. Access Objects browser. Press over DTM icon. Select Create option. DTM Creation dialog box will appear, where you must select the DTM name and layers containing points to use in the calculation. 5. Press . The new DTM is created and included in browser DTM section. Press + to view DTM characteristics. It is possible to have several DTM in the same project. View contour lines It is possible to select until five equidistances to show contour lines. Each one of them is represented in browser by icon where number indicates the corresponding equidistance. To show/hide an specific equidistance press over icon representing an eye on right side of corresponding equidistance icon. Means that curves with an specific equidistance are visible. Means that curves with a definite equidistance are hidden. To show smoothed contour lines, press over icon. Means that contour lines are showed smoothed. Means that contour lines are not showed smoothed. DEMO version guide 15 CAD Layers and entities are used to draw with Pocket CARTOMAP. Layers storage points stations and entities, which storage by themselves graphic items. Draw options are on toolbars on right side graphical screen, as shown in Toolbar figure in Chapter called Interface of this guide It is important to select correctly current layer and current entity when you draw or set out points, because this layer is where new data are storaged. Current layer or current entity is designated by icon next to the entity or layer name. After selecting any draw option, information line inform about steps to be followed in each moment. It is possible to link draw operations and use seizure of extremes, intersections, points ..., pressing over icon on information line. 16 DEMO version guide Profiles To obtain profiles of any graphic entity: 1. Press over one of these icons: o Longitudinal Profile. o Cross section. 2. Select entity graphically. 3. Select profiles and section (longitudinal, cross) data distribution. 4. Select icon . 5. Dialog box Profiles will appear showing selected profile. DEMO version guide 17 Setting out 1. Select one icon for setting out on Reading Toolbar... …or select icon for setting out of Profiles dialog box. 2. If necessary, select point to be set out in graphical screen. In profiles case, point to be set out will be the indicated by cursor profiles. To select the point in graphical screen, all options for graphical seizure could be used (point, intersection, extreme...). 3. Select station and position where setting out will be performed. 4. Setting out dialog box will appear, where selected point will be materialized. 5. Enter prism height and press Read . Discrepancy between read point and real point will be shown, to carry next approximations out. Graphic helps to prism location suggesting its real position and the one to be achieved. 6. Relocate the prism and return to read. When discrepancies are tolerable, the point will be materialized. It is possible to save a set out point’s record, selecting the option: Create points. Exists an special option to set out head and feet slopes, which carry necessary iterations out to set out real point in field. 18 DEMO version guide Traverse To adjust a traverse foresights and traverse backsights must exist. These sights had been encoded when measures had been done. (See Chapter Data reading in this guide). Then, follow the steps: 1. Select option Calculations - Traverse Adjustment. 2. Indicate graphically Initial station. Then all stations linked to the first one are detected and is given the option of selecting sights carried out from different positions. 3. Select stations used in adjustment. Now compensation results will be shown in an information screen. In order to obtain details about this calculation it is possible to generate a report in HTML about compensation, pressing over button pointed out in next figure. A list will appear in Pocket PC browser, and could be read in any HTML browser in a Desktop PC. Pressing OK in Traverse adjusting dialog box, means compensation will be applied. If you cancel, any changes won’t be applied. DEMO version guide 19 Data base - GIS It is possible to import shapefiles (*.shp) in order to obtain graphic and alphanumeric associated information. This allows the availability of some functions of a geographic information system (GIS). The attributes of graphic items can be modified, and then the database file data are modified in field in real time. Thematic maps could be also generated from information of database. This database could be in Pocket PC or well in other PC with remote access. To import a file shapefile 1. Select File-Import-SHP and select the file. It is possible to import more than one SHP. 2. Enter the browser . 3. In Database will appear all files SHP loaded in a project. Shapefile format has minimum two files in same folder. File with extension *.shp contains all graphic information and file with same name but extension *.dbf contains the alphanumerical information (Standard database file). 20 DEMO version guide Change or consult object attributes 1. Press over icon on Information toolbar. 2. Acces to Database node that shows contents information about object on database . These attributtes could be modified and will be modified as well in real time in database (file *.dbf). Create a colour map 1. Access to browser . 2. Select Properties option. 3. Database (DBF) dialog box will appear where are shown attributes that could be tabulate to create a colour map. 4. Press over selected attribute icon and choose the option Insert rank value. 5. Rank value dialog box will appear where a Reference value for attribute, a line type and fill type will be indicated to typify the range. Value is one of the range limits, being the other one, the immediately less defined value or the immediately major defined value. DEMO version guide 21 6. To view colour map draw, press over icon that represents an eye on left side of attribute’s name. 7. Press OK to confirm data. 8. 22 Viewing graphical screen, result will be similar to the following figure: DEMO version guide Example files DTM.PCT To calculate Digital Terrain Model (DTM)… This file contains about 2500 points from a land surveying. It will be shown how to calculate the DTM and contour lines from the points collection measured by any device (total station, GPS, ASCII,…). - Change to Objects Browser by the icon . - Press over icon DTM and select option Create. - It will appear DTM Creation dialog box where you must select DTM name and layers which contain the points used to the DTM calculation, ALL of them are selected by default. Press . - After a few seconds, the DTM calculated will appear in the Objects Browser. - Change to graphical screen again by same icon suggested before and will be able to view the DTM triangles. - To hide the DTM triangles, press over icon that represents an eye in the corresponding DTM in Browser. To calculate Contour lines… - From objects browser, select which equidistances will be shown, for example, 2 (5 meters) and 3 (1 meter). - To show/hide an equidistance, press over the icon that represents an eye, on right side of corresponding equidistance icon: - Means that contour lines with an specific equidistance are visible. Means that contour lines with an specific equidistance are hidden.. - To show smoothed contour lines. - Means that contour lines are showed Means that contour lines are not showed smoothed. DEMO version guide smoothed. 23 AUTOSKETCH.PCT Code properties could be shown, changed,… or well change the code of some points and check that the draw fits new changes. This codification could be done while measuring points or later. This file contains coded points and the associated autosketch. SEA.PCT Allows to represent the bathymetry in the same file. It is interesting to check how equidistances are defined in the browser (see figure). File using more than two contour line equidistances. 24 DEMO version guide URBAN.CTM Generate the longitudinal profile and cross sections to see vertical alignments and standard sections. This could be an example to set out data in the field, or to make the quality control of the finished work. Carry zooms out to check horizontal design details. File where some road connections and a roundabout are defined. DESIGN.CTM To view sections and profiles… - o Longitudinal Profile. o Cross section. - Select the axis whose sections will be represented. - Define longitudinal and cross data distribution and drawing zone. - Select the icon parameters. - Change from longitudinal profile to cross section using icon . - To get more information about icons of these dialog boxes, see chapter Profiles of this guide. File with an horizontal design defined. It is interesting to view sections, from which setting out and quality controls works could be done. Select the option you want to show between two: DEMO version guide to confirm selected 25 VOLUME.PCT To calculate volume measurement by grid… File with 2 DTM calculated to check volume measurement. - Open file VOLUME.PCT. - Select - The following dialog box will appear where you must select levels to be cube and accuracy calculation. Select parameters as shown in the following figure - Press . In graphical screen it is shown how calculation is being done. When finishing, results are shown in a dialog box. Volume calc. by grid. DIRECT.PCT To calculate direct intersection… - Select - A point will be graphically set out in the resultant coordinates of a direct intersection calculation. Select icon from Reading toolbar. - Select - Intersections - Direct. Press over stations 4, 1 and 0 which are already created in this file and have direct intersection sights defined. - Press on Information Line in order to indicate which is last station considered. - An information window will appear pointing the resulted coordinates out. After accepting it, a new point will be generated. File to try on direct intersection calculation. 26 - Open and select file DIRECT.PCT. DEMO version guide RESECT.PCT To calculate resection… File with data to try on resection calculation. - Select - Open. Select file RESECT.PCT. - Select - Intersections - Resections. Select station EST-1 graphically. - A dialog box will appear with all resection sights done from the station selected. Some of them can be underrated in order to not use in calculation. In this example, all will be used. Press . - A dialog box will appear with new EST-1 data and errors. If dialog box is accepted, coordinates will be changed. Viewing properties of EST-1 from objects browser, resection sights measured from this station could be checked. TRV_OPEN.PCT To calculate open traverse… - Select - Traverse adjustment… - Select initial station, in this case P-1. - A dialog box will appear pointing all joint stations out which form the complete traverse. - Withdraw all stations that will not form the traverse or the ones not able to use in this calculation, in this case withdraw station called VG-28. Press . This file contains an open traverse data measured in field from station P-1 to station P-5. - It is interesting to view how foresights and backsights have been done checking station properties in objects browser. An information window will appear with traverse adjustment results (new coordinates, errors,…). - Press to confirm data and apply changes. DEMO version guide 27 TRV_CLOSE.PCT To calculate close traverse… This file contains an open traverse data measured in field. Initial station is 1000. It is interesting to view how foresights and backsights have been done checking station properties in objects browser. 28 - Select - Traverse adjustment… - Select initial station, in this case 1000. - A dialog box will appear pointing all joint stations out which form the complete traverse. - Withdraw all stations that will not form the traverse or the ones not able to use in this calculation. Press . - An information window will appear with traverse adjustment results (new coordinates, errors,…). - Press to confirm data and apply changes. DEMO version guide PHOTO1.BMP, PHOTO2.BMP, PHOTO3.BMP, PHOTO4.BMP, PHOTO5.BMP To insert a background image… - Open any Pocket CARTOMAP file included in examples or a new file ( - New /or/ Open). - Select - Select one of the bmp images given. - Press over graphical screen to point out the insertion point for the image. - Wait for few seconds. - Image will appear in the selected position. - Background images - Add image. To perform changes in the image… - Select option - Background images - Select. - Press over the image to be modified. - Select - Background images - Move, Scale, Rotate or Link points. - Information line points steps to follow out in each transformation. Ortophotos to be inserted as background of files. Any bmp image could be open as background. Images could be fitted out to project points or coordinates. Besides, images could be moved, scaled or rotated. DEMO version guide 29 UK.SHP To open the file… Shapefile format file associated data in UK.DBF and UK.SHX. with files - Select - Import - SHP. - Select file UK.SHP. - Wait for few seconds. - Draw will appear in graphical screen. - Several shp files could be imported in same project. To get and modify information… - Press over icon on Information toolbar. - Select the information. - An information window will appear with a node called Database which shows information stored in data base. - These attributes could be modified, and in real time will be also modified in data base (file.dbf). object Object attributes could be modified directly in database, and get information about SHP file elements. 30 DEMO version guide to obtain graphical ANEBA Geoinformática, S.L. BARCELONA: · Tel. (+34) 933 633 820 · Fax. (+34) 933 633 821 MADRID: · Tel. (+34) 913 287 146 · Fax. (+34) 913 287 147 HAMBURG: · Tel. (+49) 40 2094 7896 · Fax. (+49) 40 2094 7897 ©1989-2004. ANEBA Geoinformática, S.L. Reservados todos los derechos - All rights reserved - Alle Rechte vorbehalten