September 2013 - Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
September 2013 - Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
Saint Katherine 3149 Glen Carlyn Road Falls Church, VA 22041 DOXA The monthly newsletter of Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church Volume 11, Number 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 PEARL OF THE CARIBBEAN CUBA HAS BEEN THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT for us Americans for over 50 years. It is a beautiful country, with beautiful people, filled with history and music, and alive with culture and faith. The Orthodox Church of Saint Nicholas of Myra stands as a beacon to our faith. Many call it the “miracle church,” as it is the only church ever built by the current Cuban government. During my recent visit to Cuba, I found not only a city full of life, but a church expressing the life of Orthodoxy to international visitors and locals alike. The people are joyous to be Orthodox Christians. They are proud to be the Cuban Orthodox in the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Nicholas. I was a little worried because I do not speak much Spanish. I was surprised that it was the Greek language that I used the most. You see, the deacon and the psalti at Saint Nicholas are fluent in Greek. Saint Nicholas has a Greek School so that they can learn to chant the church hymns in the Greek language. The purpose of my mission trip to Cuba was to see what, if we go on a group mission trip to Cuba, we could offer them. The Cuban Orthodox would be so grateful to share some fellowship. They would teach us the joy of our faith, more than we would teach them. Their needs are materialistic: icons, incense, books, and any type of information written in Spanish regarding Orthodoxy. I truly hope that, in the future, Cuba will be part of our missionary work. This year, November will be a very special month of celebration. We will celebrate the feast day of our patron saint and come together to offer Thanksgiving for all of God’s blessings—especially the blessing of having such a great community. Personally, I feel that as Christians we do not always celebrate all the joys of having the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Our community is so very alive in our Orthodox faith and tradition. I pray that all of you, young and old, will make plans to be participants of all the November events that will take place. May our New Ecclesiastical Year be a joyous journey, uniting ourselves and one another to Christ Our Lord. Kali Chronia. In Christ, INSIDE THIS ISSUE . . . Adult Bible Study ................ 5 Bookstore ........................ 10 Book Review ...................... 7 Calendar ........................... 9 Catechetical School .............. 4 Church Duty Roster ........... 12 Daughters of Penelope ........ 10 Dinner Gala ....................... 8 Directory........................... 4 Food Pantry ................ 11, 12 GOYA (ages 13-18) ............. 4 GRACE ............................ 8 Graduates .......................... 6 Greek Article ................... 13 Greek Folk Dance ................ 5 Hellenic Education Center ...... 5 Missions and Outreach ........ 11 Monumental Missions Walk…11, 12 Parish Council .................... 3 Philoptochos..................... 10 Registry ............................ 7 Safeway Rewards .............. 10 Stewardship ............ 11, 14-15 . . . AND MORE! Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church 3149 Glen Carlyn Road Falls Church, VA 22041 703-671-1515 phone 703-671-1385 facsimile CLERGY Rev. Protopresbyter Konstantinos A. Pavlakos, Proistamenos cell 571-213-1109 home 703-239-2627 STAFF Assistant Financial Officer Choir Director Hellenic Education Center Director Information Technology Maintenance Supervisor Protopsalti Secretary/Teacher PARISH COUNCIL President, Jim Stoucker Vice President, Maria Wills Secretary, Bill Polizos Treasurer, George Moshos Legal Counsel, Art Dimopoulos Kelly Alexis Andrea Ballard Chris Christou Dr. John Demakis Peter Karounos Nick Larigakis 703-909-2256 703-250-5419 703-533-0055 703-319-1610 703-321-3009 703-909-9078 Anna Vassilopoulos John Doulis Presv. Eleni Alexopoulou Theodoros Theocharis Roberto Medina-Valdez James Loizou Sophia Tsangali 703-671-1515 703-899-4131 703-671-7715 703-671-1515 703-671-1515 703-356-8220 703-671-1515 703-690-1050 703-948-7950 571-434-7790 202-409-2302 703-642-6070 Costas Mavromatakis 571-344-3634 Mallamo Mavromatakis703-830-0224 Bill Porter 703-901-2404 Dr. George Silis 703-660-0026 Daphne Vaccarello 703-830-0892 Maria Vargas 703-812-0286 SCHOOLS AND STUDIES Bible Study (Saturdays) Bible Study (Sundays) Catechetical (Sunday) School, Adult Catechetical (Sunday) School, Youth Women’s Book Club Gregory McKinney Bill Polizos Bill Polizos Christian Demeter, Principal Fay Mpras MINISTRIES Acolytes AHEPA #438 (P. Derzis) Bookstore Book Reviews Daughters of Penelope Helle #283 DOXA Facebook GOYA (ages 13-18) GRACE Greek Dance Greek School Auxiliary HOPE (ages 7 and under) JOY (ages 8-12) Listserv (email list) Missions and Outreach Parish Committees, List of Philoptochos Safeway eScrip Website YAL (Young Adult League) Anastasios Galatis and Daniel McKinney Angelo Toutsi, President 703-281-0843 Frances Kalavritinos, Manager 703-671-1515 Gregory McKinney, Contributor 571-338-6929 Karen Polizos, President 571-434-7790 Presv. Pauline Pavlakos, Editor 703-239-2627 Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church Gregory McKinney TBD Fr. Costa Pavlakos 703-671-1515 Aris and Anna Yortzidis, Instructors Elena Lagos, President 703-241-1176 Toula Christou, Director 703-533-0055 Tina Papamichael, Director 703-536-4711 Presv. Pauline Pavlakos, Adminstrator 703-239-2627 Dr. John Demakis, Chairman 703-319-1610 Eleni Kanakos, President 703-938-8360 Elvira Garnett, Coordinator 703-425-3675 Presv. Pauline Pavlakos, Webmaster 703-239-2627 TBD 571-338-6929 571-434-7790 571-434-7790 703-534-5669 703-865-5776 NEW BEGINNINGS SEPTEMBER IS A CURIOUS MONTH that marks not only the beginning of the final season of the year, but also heralds a number of other new beginnings in our community. Among the most significant such new beginnings are the Ecclesiastical New Year, the start of schools everywhere, and the first full year of operation of our Hellenic Education Center. As many of you know, a considerable effort has gone into the planning and preparation for the coming school year and we are pleased to announce that Ms. Eleni Alexopoulou has begun what we anticipate will be a long and productive tenure as our new HEC Director. She looks forward to meeting all members of our community as she assumes her role as the Director of our educational programs. I also wish to acknowledge the singular efforts of our Board of Education, whose dedication, vision, and tireless efforts over many months are wholly responsible for the multiple noteworthy improvements parents and students alike will benefit from in the coming year. As but one recent example of the devotion and dedication of this group, two Board members—both on vacation in Greece—set their alarm clocks to wake up at 2:00am to participate in a meeting of the Board of Education by video teleconference! I am truly humbled and grateful for such remarkable dedication and I’m sure all of you join me in commending this extraordinary commitment to our community’s educational programs! Although their work is far from finished, the Board of Education’s contributions have been invaluable to our community and I take great pleasure in commending the efforts of distinguished educators Dr. Aris Christou and Dr. Fay Mpras, as well as the other equally talented and committed members of the Board including Tony Alexis, Chris Christou, and Iacovos Ioannou. Their efforts will result in tangible and significant improvements immediately—new textbooks, new faculty, substantial investment in technology enabling video teleconferencing, online payment of tuition, greatly enhanced communication between teachers, students, and parents as well as individual web pages for each class—and these are only a few of the many positive changes that lay ahead. Your prayers and support for our efforts on behalf of our children’s education continue to be most welcomed. “New beginnings” also extend into the month of November with the advent of another new tradition—a month-long observance of the Feastday of Saint Katherine featuring diverse programs and events. In addition to Liturgical observances, a number of lectures and Greek film screenings are scheduled as is a visit from agents of the Hellenic Heritage Museum Oral History Program in Chicago who will come to our community to record and preserve the unique and inspirational stories of Greek immigrants and their sacrifices as they journeyed to this country. Additionally, the highly acclaimed play, Socrates Now, will be performed for our community at the Meletis Charuhas Community Center on November 23, with proceeds going to our Hellenic Education Center. A special community evening at the National Gallery of Art to view the famous exhibit Heaven and Earth: Art of Byzantium from Greek Collections will complete an impressive schedule of cultural events. The social highlight of this month-long observance will be our community dinner gala at the Hilton McLean on Sunday, November 10 and we are pleased to announce our honored guest will be His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey. As the date of this gala falls on the eve of Veterans Day, we will also honor the veterans of our community for their service to our country. All in all, November is shaping up to be a memorable month and we hope you will join us for all the cultural and liturgical festivities. Your Servant in Christ, President, Parish Council 3 CATECHETICAL (SUNDAY) SCHOOL OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST SAID, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Saint Matthew 19:14). Please, parents, bring your child/children regularly to both Catechetical (Sunday) School and Church. Through both experiences our children will be drawn closer to Christ and grow in Christian knowledge. One of God’s Ten Commandments is to “Keep the Sabbath Day Holy.” For us Orthodox, the Sabbath Day is Sunday. Sunday is the time for Catechetical (Sunday) School and Church. Indeed, we are fortunate here at Saint Katherine in that our Catechetical (Sunday) School time frame allows parents to take their child/children to one of our two Divine Liturgies—the one that begins at 8:00am or the one that commences at 10:30am. This format allows parents to bring their child/children to Sunday School and worship together in Church. May we emphasize that central to the Catechetical (Sunday) School experience is the participation in one of the two Divine Liturgies. During the time that children are in Sunday School, parents can participate in either of the two classes for adults—Journey to Orthodoxy or the Bible Study. It will truly be a joy to see all of our children back to Catechetical (Sunday) School when classes begin on September 15. Fr. Costa will pray with us that day promptly at 9:30am in the Meletis Charuhas Hall, after which we will dismiss to the downstairs classrooms. Parents may complete the registration form for their child/children on Sunday, September 8, immediately after Divine Liturgy in the hall where the coffee hour takes place or the next week during Sunday School session downstairs in the room where music instruction normally occurs. Our parents have been very responsive to our Catechetical (Sunday) School program in the past, and we are very much looking forward to another great year seeing our youth learn about our God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as well as worshipping as a family in Church. GOYA ALL YOUTH OF OUR COMMUNITY, ages 13-18, are encouraged to join GOYA. GOYA has church duty on Sunday, September 15. John Nicopoulos will be the GOYA Captain and Epistle Reader. Our first meeting and elections are that same day, following Liturgy, in the board room. (In order to run for any GOYA office, the GOYAn’s family must be stewards of Saint Katherine. In order to run for President or Vice President, a GOYAn must have served on the GOYA board at least one year.) WANTED: 2 or 3 bedroom apartment for a family of four in the Falls Church or surrounging areas. Please contact Yianni at 617-721-9471. 4 CATECHETICAL (SUNDAY) SCHOOL CLASSROOM SCHEDULE Sep 08 Sep 15 Registration during Coffee Hour First Day of Class Registration Continues Oct 06 No Classes (Church Festival) Dec 01 Dec 14 No Classes (Thanksgiving) Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal in the Meletis Charuhas Hall, 9:30am-1:30pm Christmas Pageant (following Divine Liturgy) in the Meletis Charuhas Hall No Classes (Christmas Break) No Classes (New Year’s Break) Dec 15 Dec 22 Dec 29 Jan 05 Classes Resume Oratorical Festival Registration Begins Feb 02 Godparents’ Sunday (Godparents meet their Godchild’s teacher, attend Adult Catechetical School, Worship with Godchild during Divine Liturgy) Oratorical Festival Registration Ends Mar 09 Sunday of Orthodoxy (Students bring icons) Apr 12 Saturday of Lazarus Apr 13 Apr 20 Fold palms into crosses after Divine Liturgy Palm Sunday (No Classes) Pascha (No Classes) May 18 Commencement (after second Divine Liturgy) THREE ONLINE RADIO OPTIONS The Rudder (Liturgical Chant) The Ark (Contemporary Music from an Orthodox Perspective) The Anchor (Orthodox Online Talk Radio) SAINT KATHERINE PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY PLEASE CONSIDER LISTING your profession or business on our church website. An order form is available at http:// The cost per year is $25 for a professional listing and $100 for a business listing. All listings will be reviewed and acceptance will be determined at the discretion of the Business Directory Committee. The directory is online at A printed version of the directory will be distributed annually with listing additions available quarterly. HELLENIC EDUCATION CENTER Dear Paideia Parents, Greek School Parents and Members of the Community, As the new director of the Hellenic Education Center (HEC), I am honored to be a part of Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church and to be given the opportunity to be instrumental in implementing the vision of the community for the HEC. As a teacher, I have enjoyed the beginning of every single school year and this coming year is no exception. The kids are a blessing and our call is to nourish them as parents and educators. We, in return, are offered a second chance to visualize the world through their eyes. As they grow (cognitively, spiritually, and emotionally), they provide us with the challenge to experience the world through inquiry—their famous phrase being “Why?” (Γιατί;) and look for answers that, most of the time, we are unable to give. This is what I am looking for this school year—to reach out to all our students and to get to know them personally. Therefore, I would like to invite you to enroll your children in our Paideia, as well as our Greek, school program. Our well respected and experienced teachers will be here to teach them Greek—the language spoken for over 4,000 years, the language of our ancestors, and the connecting thread of many generations from the past, present, and the future. They will be here to see them advance in their learning, understand in depth the principles of the Greek culture and Orthodox faith, and be proud of their heritage. There is this famous quotation attributed to Alexander the Great that I always keep in mind when I am around kids. He said, “I owe my life “το ζειν” to my parents for giving birth to me and my well being “ευ ζειν” to my teachers.” Let’s hope that one day our students will think of us as the people who connected them to a rich culture of great history and significant contributions to the Western world, speaking one of the richest languages of the world, and provided them with the skills for a promising future. I am here for you and the kids, so please do not hesitate to come up to talk to me, send me an email, or call me. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have or address any concerns. I wish every student a fruitful and exciting school year. Eleni Alexopoulou, Director Saint Katherine HEC ADULT BIBLE STUDY BEGINS SEPTEMBER 15 Who We Are and What We Believe: A Journey Through the Orthodox Faith Guided by the Words of the Bible This Year’s Topic: The Holy Prophets Using colorful PowerPoint slide presentations, we will discuss how Scripture informs our Orthodox faith and traditions. This year’s Adult Bible Study sessions will focus on the Old Testament Prophets. Who were they? What did they have to say? Did they predict the future? What do they tell us about the Old Testament view of God? What do they tell us about Jesus Christ? We will start with an overview of prophecy, investigating what we can know about the Prophets themselves, their historical context, and their importance in Holy Tradition. We will explore specific books such as Isaiah, Hosea, Joel, Amos, and others to determine what they have in common as well as what makes each of them unique. Our goal will be to better understand how the Prophets, and the Bible in general, are relevant for each of us today and how they support our faith in Jesus Christ. Classes are held every Sunday at 9:30am beginning on September 15 in the board room of the Meletis Charuhas Center. For more information or questions, please contact Bill Polizos at 571-434–7790 or All are welcome!!! QUARTERLY LOCAL FOOD DRIVE (in collaboration with Columbia Baptist Food Pantry) Please support this mission to feed the hungry in our local community by donating canned (and other) items on Sunday, September 22. Please leave items in the foyer of the Meletis Charuhas Center, inside the plastic bins. For more information, including volunteer opportunities, please visit assets/files/Flyers/FoodPantry.pdf or contact Rebecca Leung at or Daphne Papamichael at (We collected 190+ pounds of food at the June 2013 drive. Thank you!) BYZANTIO GREEK DANCE AND CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM Our Greek Folk Dance Program begins on Wednesday, September 11, 7:00pm. Fee: $150 for the first child, $100 each additional sibling. Please contact Aris and Anna ( or 757-2186991) for more information or to express an interest in an Adult Dance Group. Please visit for a registration form and permission slip, plus additional information. 5 MORE GRADUATES! JOHN AGNOS, son of Lee and Niko Agnos, and grandson of Nickie and John Agnos, graduated from Battlefield High School and plans to attend Virginia Tech. John graduated Summa Cum Laude, with a 4.038 GPA. He played football and baseball, earning six Varsity Letters. Accomplishments included selection to the 2011 Virginia AAA All Cedar Run District and Northwest Region football teams, 2012 Perfect Game Underclass All American Baseball Team, the 2012 AAA Northwest Region Football team, the 2013 Virginia AAA All Cedar Run District, Northwest Region and State baseball teams, and the 2013 Rawlings/Perfect Game All Atlantic Region Baseball team. DEMITRI BATISTAS, son of Theofaniy and Stephanie, graduated from The Highland School. He will attend Clemson University in the fall. MARIA COULOURIS, daughter of Adamantios and Elissa, graduated from Herndon High School this year after completing her Freshman year at the American Community Schools of Athens, Greece in 2010. She will be attending Christopher Newport University pursuing a Liberal Arts degree. Maria is very active in the theater, performing in and/or supporting numerous musical and dramatic productions. THALIA DIMOPOULOS, daughter of Arthur and Artemeis, graduated from J.E.B. Stuart High School. Thalia will attend Marymount University in the fall, majoring in Biology. ΚΑΙ ΕΙΣ ΑΝΩΤΕΡΑ! Andrew John Pavlakos, assumed the position of Youth Director and Pastoral Assistant to the Proistamenos at Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Richmond, Virginia on August 1, 2013. Andrew, the son of Fr. Costa and Presv. Pauline, graduated with distinction from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology with a Master of Divinity. Andrew will marry Caroline Kouretsos of Brooklyn, New York on April 27, 2014 and, when he is called, be ordained to the priesthood. We wish Andrew the best. 6 PETER CHRISTOPHER KALAVRITINOS, son of Christopher and Frances, graduated from The New School of Northern Virginia. Peter is an accomplished musician who plays the guitar, bass, drums, and piano. In his junior year he was invited to audition for the Strathmore Emerging Artists program and produced an original demo album for the audition. He also attended the Fairfax County Institute for the Arts and was asked to perform solo for the final concert. Peter will attend Northern Virginia Community College in the fall. MARIA G. KOSMAKOS, daughter of George and Anastasia, graduated from Robinson Secondary School. Maria will attend George Mason University in the fall, majoring in psychology. Maria graduated from Saint Katherine Greek School and was an active member of GOYA, serving as Vice President for two terms. She was a member of the National Honor Society, the Future Business Leaders of America, and managed the Varsity Basketball team at her high school. Maria participated in the Service Learning Program and found personal fulfillment in helping her community. She is excited to begin this new chapter of her life at George Mason University. ELENI VOUDOURIS, daughter of Demetris and Katerina, graduated from Oakton High School with honors and will attend Virginia Tech starting in August 2013. Eleni was a member of the National Honors Society, Spanish Honors Society, and the Thespian Honors Society. She earned a Varsity Letter—Crew (3rd place 1V boat in State Championship). Eleni performed in Our Town and Alice in Wonderland. EFGOCM CHOIR CONFERENCE Saint Katherine is hosting the EFGOCM Choir Conference the weekend of October 17-20. Please stop by the Choir Table at the Coffee Hour and place an ad or welcome to our participants in our Program Book. Any questions? Please contact Katina Doulis, Conference Chairman, at 703-8994130. REGISTRY Baptisms Leo Constantine (July 7) son of Theodore and Evangelia Pelonis Godparent: Suzanne Bush Elias (July 17) son of Peter and Emilia Padiotis Godparent: Panagiota Tsiokri Joaquin Pavlos (August 17) son of Reid Maximus and Andreanne Salvette Godparent: Artemis Kapakos Loukas (August 17) son of Ramon and Antonia Xereas Sanchez Godparents: Penny Xereas and Nicholas Kontos Katie Ariel (August 18) daughter of Jason and Emily S. Debeniotis Godparent: Janet Ioli Jacob Thomas (August 18) son of Jason and Emily S. Debeniotis Godparent: Denise Bilidas Weddings Christine G. Varoutsos and Theodore A. Yiannarakis (July 13) Koumbaros: George N. Boosalis Nicole Lazaris and Angelos N. Collins Koumbaros: Andreas R. Lazaris (August 31) Congratulations! Funerals Emanuel Kalarhakis (June 25, Lemnos, Greece) Louis P. Cherpes (July 10) Zeffie Andreadis (August 3) Drita Siligi (August 9) May their memories be eternal. BOOK REVIEW Gregory McKinney An Introduction to Reading the Apocalypse. Fr. Columba Graham Flegg. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 1999. Paperback. 111 pages. As Fr. Columba reminds us in this brief examination of the Book of the Revelation, the mind of our Church Fathers shows us that Holy Scripture can be profitably read at several different levels. Reading the Apocalypse is also a book written to edify in more than one way. Written for the “ordinary Christian reader,” it is a scholar’s accessible examination of Revelation, but also clearly models for the reader the best universal practices of Bible study: But our major objective … is to build up a framework which will help us to read [Revelation] for ourselves with some degree of genuine understanding. … In order to get behind [the] imagery, it is essential that we be familiar with certain of the prophetic works of the Old Testament … those who study it should be firmly grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith, and, in particular, in “orthodox” Christian eschatological teaching, particularly as it is to be found in the gospels and epistles of the New Testament” (pp. 3-4, 7). In other words, to read Scripture with confidence and without being swept into error means reading it a) with an awareness of pertinent Old Testament passages, b) with the mind of Christ as revealed across the New Testament and c) inside the historical witness and teaching of His Church. Otherwise, we can fall prey to “fanatics of various persuasion” and as well as distortions made “by more sober and well-intentioned persons who are in all innocence presenting interpretations which neither serious scholarship nor “orthodox” Christian belief can support” (p. 4). Fr. Columba therefore doesn’t begin exploring Revelation’s text until Chapter Four. Chapter One is 27 pages of “Old Testament Background.” Chapter Two, at 10 pages, is “New Testament Apocalyptic Teaching.” Then, 22 pages on the Apocalypse’s “Background, History and Structure.” After this, we have the context needed to profit from Flegg’s study of Revelation itself. “The Letters to the Seven Churches” starts on page 63. Clearly written “to edify certain first-century Christian congregations;” Flegg suggests we should also “measure ourselves, both as individuals and communities, against all those things singled out for condemnation” (p. 82). Many of us might want to skip the lead-up and jump directly to the juicy parts of Revelation discussed in Chapter 5, “The Time of the End.” But Fr. Columba reminds us at the outset, “We cannot expect to under the significance of every word. Most important, it is a book which must speak spiritual messages to our hearts” (p. 83) He focuses on “the broad sweep of images and their significance” and goes on to work through John’s mysterious apocalyptic vision with a balanced tone and a minimum of drama. As Metropolitan Kallistos says in the book’s introduction, “May Fr. Columba’s study help all of us to repeat with fresh conviction the early Christian prayer ‘Maranatha,’ ‘Our Lord, come!’” (1 Corinthians 16:22). 7 SAVE THE DATE! Saint Katherine Annual Dinner Gala Sunday, November 10, 2013 Hilton McLean Tysons Corner in celebration of our Parish and honoring the Veterans of our Community with Special Guest His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey 6:00pm Silent Auction and Reception 7:00pm Dinner Music by Apollonia 8 GRIEVING: SOME SUGGESTIONS TO HELP YOU THROUGH DIFFICULT TIMES (The following suggestions to assist those who are actively grieving were developed by the Good Grief Center for Bereavement Support) 1. Don’t feel obligated to join groups if they are not for you. The grief process is highly individual. Some people prefer solitude or reflection rather than group work. Do what feels right for you. 2. Don’t neglect your own health. Grieving puts a heavy burden of stress on your body. It can disturb sleep patterns, lead to depression, weaken your immune system, and worsen medical problems that had been stable, such as high blood pressure. Take prescribed medications and get regular check-ups. If you suffer from disabling insomnia or anxiety, see your doctor. Sometimes short-term medication can be very helpful. 3. Get help for severe or persistent depression. Someone once said: “grief is not a disease but it can become one.” Grief can lead to serious depression. Consider getting professional help if you feel overwhelmed, hopeless, or helpless. Other signs of depression can include sleep impairment (too little or too much), appetite or weight change, low energy, difficulty concentrating, and feeling listless or agitated. By all means, seek professional help if you have suicidal thoughts. 4. Grief work can become complicated. Mixed emotions (positive and negative feelings), unresolved emotional turmoil, and losing someone after an argument can complicate the grieving process. Sharing these feelings with a professional therapist can help. Grief therapy need not be a long-term commitment. Even if you don’t see yourself as the kind of person who seeks therapy, this may be beneficial. 5. Anger is common in normal grieving and certainly justified when a loved one dies due to the malevolence of others. Try venting your anger in a letter. Consider channeling your anger into constructive action. Volunteer to work for causes that seek justice and prevention. Spending your energy helping someone else can help you in the process. 6. Allow time to grieve. One to two years is not a long time to allow yourself to work through grief. We need to remind ourselves that the healing process cannot be rushed; it will proceed at its own rate. Tips 7-11 will be printed in the October 2013 DOXA. Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church offers a grief support group, GRACE (Grief Recovery: Accepting, Coping, and Evolving). For further information, please call Fr. Costa Pavlakos at 703-671-1515. Thank you to Maria Papageorgiou for these monthly contributions. SEPTEMBER 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Ecclesiastial New Year 9:30am Orthros 10:30am Divine Liturgy 2 Labor Day (Office Closed) 3 4 6:00pm Greek School Meet and Greet 8 Nativity of the Theoto- 9 Paidiea Classes Begin 5:00pm Greek School Tutoring Class 7:30pm Deuteri Deutera 10 Adult Greek School 6:00pm Introductory II 7:00pm Introductory I 7:00pm Missions and Outreach 11 12 6pm Conversational Greek Adult Greek School 7pm Greek Folk Dance 6:00pm Intermediate 7:30pm Advanced 17 Adult Greek School 6:00pm Introductory II 7:30pm Introductory I 18 19 6pm Conversational Greek Adult Greek School 7pm Greek Folk Dance 6:00pm Intermediate 7:30pm Advanced 24 Adult Greek School 6:00pm Introductory II 7:30pm Introductory I 25 26 Falling Asleep of John 27 5:00pm Greek School 6pm Conversational Greek the Theologian 7pm Greek Folk Dance 9:30am Orthros 7:30pm Parish Council 10:30am Divine Liturgy kos 9:30am Orthros 10:30am Divine Liturgy 15 Sunday after the Holy Cross 8:00am Divine Liturgy 9:30am Orthros and Catechetical School 10:30am Divine Liturgy 16 5:00pm Greek School Tutoring Class 22 1st Sunday of Luke 8:00am Divine Liturgy 9:30am Orthros and Catechetical School 10:30am Divine Liturgy 12:15pm Philoptochos Food Pantry Collection 23 5:00pm Greek School Tutoring Class 6:00pm DOP Pot Luck Dinner and Meeting 29 2nd Sunday of Luke 8:00am Divine Liturgy 9:30am Orthros and Catechetical School 10:30am Divine Liturgy 30 5:00pm Greek School Tutoring Class 5 6 6:00pm Paideia Preschool Meet and Greet Saturday 7 9:30am Greek School 13 5:00pm Greek School 14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross 9:30am Orthros 10:30am Divine Liturgy 12pm Deadline for October DOXA 20 5:00pm Greek School 21 9:30am Greek School 9:30am Challenge Liturgy at Saint George 28 9:30am Greek School Adult Greek School 6:00pm Intermediate 7:30pm Advanced Please check the online calendar,, for the most current information. FALL GREEK FESTIVAL October 4—6 PHILOPTOCHOS (by Eleni Kanakos, President) I WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A WARM WELCOME to all our current and prospective members for another season of the Ladies Philoptohos. I hope that everyone enjoyed the summer break! I very much look forward to kicking-off another successful season with all of you! Please take note of the following: 1. We will have our first meeting on Sunday, September 22, immediately following Liturgy, in the board room. 2. Our annual yard sale will take place in October. If you would like to donate any gently-used items, kindly deliver them to the church between now and October. Thank you in advance for your continued support! 3. Volunteers are needed to help with baking for the upcoming Fall Festival in October. An email will be sent with dates and times for baking. Ladies, please don’t forget to send in your stewardship. Thanks again for all you do and I look forward to another successful year with all of you! BOOKSTORE Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6). Saint Katherine Bookstore offers several outstanding prayer books and guides: Daily Prayers for Orthodox Christians. Contains prayers in Greek and English. Includes Morning and Evening Prayers, the six Psalms, Prayers Before Mealtime, PreCommunion and Post-Communion Prayers, Small Compline, etc. Hear Me: A Prayerbook for Orthodox Teens. Give your teen the gift that will challenge their faith and help them on the road to making that faith their own. A topical section offers encouragement as teens face daily challenges. The Q&A section answers practical questions the youth themselves may find challenging. Offers teens direction in using the tools Christ has given us-Holy Scripture as the map, the Church and Her Traditions the compass, helping our youth find their own path toward theosis. The Jesus Prayer: An Ancient Practice to Quiet the Mind and Transform the Heart by Frederica Mathewes- Green. This spiritual jewel moves the reader beyond thoughts or feelings about God into a real and continual sense of God's own presence. This popular Orthodox writer offers the most comprehensive book to date on the Jesus Prayer, including practical steps for adopting it in everyday life. Prayer Book for Orthodox Christians. Translated from the Greek by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery (1987). Excellent translation specially designed to adapt to the Byzantine Chant. 10 DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE (by Karen Polizos, President) OUR FIRST PROJECT OF THE 2013-2014 YEAR was a backpack and calculator drive for local Fairfax County High Schools. We collected 54 backpacks and 23 calculators and received numerous monetary donations toward purchasing additional items. Thanks to everyone in the Saint Katherine community for your generosity and support. Helle Chapter has much to celebrate! At the District Convention held in June, Helle Chapter was awarded three prestigious District honors. We received Chapter of the Year, Kathy Cavallo was named Penelope of the Year, and Jane Moore was elected Lt. Governor! We are very proud indeed! We will hold our first monthly meeting on Monday, September 23, in the board room. A potluck dinner is planned from 6:00pm-6:45pm, with the meeting starting promptly at 7:00pm. Please bring a dish to share in celebration of our chapter’s recognition at the District Convention. PROMETHEAS SOCIETY EVENTS September 22, 6:30pm, Nostos Restaurant, 8100 Boone Blvd., Vienna, VA 22182: Fundraising event for “The Smile of the Child.” $50 per person. October 18, 8:00pm, Saint Sophia Frosene Center, 36th St. & Mass. Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20007: God Loves Caviar (O Theos Agapaei to Haviari). Admission is free, donations accepted. Language: English, Subtitles: Greek. Movie Length: 98 minutes. Suitable for all audiences. For more information and/or reservations, please contact Barbara Kakaes at or 703-319-1528. SAINT KATHERINE HAS EARNED $930.01 FROM THE SAFEWAY 10% GOES BACK TO SCHOOLS PROGRAM Remember, your purchases through September 11 will earn 10% for Saint Katherine . All you need to do is: • Look for this logo on products in your Safeway • Use your Safeway card • Buy participating products to earn money for Saint Katherine If you have not designated your card to support Saint Katherine, please contact Elvira Garnett (703-4253675 or so that she can help you with that. Thank you for your support! MISSIONS AND OUTREACH Appalachian Outreach. Our “Mission in the Mountains,” led by Fr. Costa, took place in Mitchell County, North Carolina, August 22-25. They worked with FOCUS (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve), to rehabilitate a house in an economically challenged area. A full report will appear in the next issue of DOXA. Food Pantry Ministry. Our first collection was on Sunday, June 16, Father’s Day. We collected about 200 pounds of food. Thanks to all who donated. We plan to have a quarterly collection of food. Our next collection date is Sunday, September 22, 2013. Please bring non-perishable food or canned items to the church that day. This can include: canned fruits and vegetable, cereal, cereal bars, soup, pasta sauce, canned pasta, boxed pasta, peanut butter, rice, chili, canned tomatoes, tuna, and macaroni and cheese. Please be generous. Monumental Mission Walk. On October 19, 2013, Orthodox Christians from around the Washington, DC metropolitan area will converge on the National Mall for the first Monumental Missions Walk. Sponsored by the Metropolitan DC Orthodox Christian Mission and Outreach Committee, the Monumental Missions Walk is a 3-mile long spiritual stroll past some of the Nation’s most important landmarks. At each designated monument along the route all participants will learn the spiritual significance of the landmark and be provided insight into the role that religion has played in the history of this great country. The Monumental Missions Walk will afford participants the unique opportunity to pause and admire these important places of reflection through the unique lens of faith. The walk will begin at the Smithsonian Metro station, under our tent. Our Goal: In addition to providing participants with this unique opportunity to explore America’s treasured landmarks, the goal of the Monumental Missions Walk is to raise money to provide medicine to people in need. Half of proceeds raised will support the Orthodox Christians Mission Center’s (OCMC) efforts to support Orthodox mission work and to provide essential medicines as part of its ministries across the globe. The other half of proceeds will be donated to our local ministries and charities. The success of the inaugural Monumental Missions Walk will depend on the kindness and fellowship of Orthodox Christians in the Washington, DC area. Go to: for more information and to register online. A registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Please print out the confirmation page and bring it with you the day of the walk. This print-out will be used for walker check-in and distribution of 2013 Monumental Missions Walk t-shirts. We look forward to seeing you on October 19 and thank you for your support! Clothing for the Homeless Shelter. We continue to collect clothes and toiletries for the Bailey’s Crossroad Homeless Shelter. Clothes should be new or if used, clean. Toiletries should be unopened. Leave them in the Foyer of our Community Center. Feeding the Homeless. AHEPA will cook for and serve the homeless at Bailey’s Crossroads Homeless Shelter in September, on a soon-to-be determined date. OCA Parish Ministry Conference. On July 10-12, 2013, Fr. Costa, Gregory McKinney, and Dr. John Demakis were honored to be invited to speak at the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) Parish Ministry Conference. They had several simultaneous tracts. We spoke at the Missions tract. Fr. Costa presented his frequent trips to Guatemala with a mission team from the DC area, Gregory presented his mission trip to Alaska with the OCMC, and John gave a presentation on what our Missions and Outreach Committee is doing. All our presentations were well received. One extra blessing was that we had a chance to hear and meet the director of FOCUS, Nick Chakos and the IOCC U.S. Operations Director, Dan Christopoulos. Missions Meeting. Our next mission meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 7:00pm, in the Board Room. 2013 STEWARDSHIP FORM STEWARDSHIP IS BASED on the fact that all that we have and all that we are comes from God. We commit ourselves to stewardship as a way of thanking God for all His blessings—returning to Him a portion of the time, talent, and treasure He has given us. Good stewardship of time means we share some the 168 hours in a week with God and caring for others. Good stewardship of talent means we identify our talents and use them to glorify God and help other people. Good stewardship of treasure means we give a portion of our income to the Church and other charities. During the year 2013, we ask that everyone consider fulfilling their stewardship on a weekly basis. This will allow our church to better plan activities and expenses. I (my family) pledge(s) $_______ per week of financial stewardship to Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church. Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone and email address: __________________________________________________________________ 11 SUNDAY CHURCH DUTY ROSTER September 1, 2013 9:30am **One Liturgy Only** Jim Stoucker, Captain Nick Larigakis Chris Christou George Moshos Arthur Dimopoulos Bill Polizos Peter Karounos **One Liturgy Only** September 8, 2013 9:30am **One Liturgy Only** D. Vaccarello, Captain George Moshos Kelly Alexis George Silis Andrea Ballard Maria Vargas Chris Christou September 15, 2013 8:00am George Moshos, Captain Bill Porter Chris Christou Jim Stoucker Peter Karounos Daphne Vaccarello Bill Polizos September 22, 2013 8:00am Andrea Ballard, Captain Jim Stoucker Kelly Alexis Daphne Vaccarello Bill Porter Maria Vargas George Silis September 29, 2013 8:00am Maria Vargas, Captain Bill Polizos Kelly Alexis Bill Porter Andrea Ballard George Silis Arthur Dimopoulos **One Liturgy Only** September 15, 2013 9:30am Maria Wills, Captain John Nicopoulos, GOYA Dr. John Demakis Captain and Epistle Reader, Arthurs Dimopoulos plus 5 other GOYAns Mallamo Mavromatakis September 22, 2013 9:30am M. Mavromatakis, Captain George Moshos Dr. John Demakis Bill Polizos Nick Larigakis Maria Wills Costas Mavromatakis September 29, 2013 9:30am Peter Karounos, Captain Mallamo Mavromatakis Dr. John Demakis Jim Stoucker Nick Larigakis Maria Wills Costas Mavromatakis SAINT KATHERINE ANNUAL DINNER GALA Sunday, November 10 | Hilton McLean Tysons Corner MONUMENTAL MISSIONS WALK OCTOBER 19, 9:00AM-12:30PM Sponsored by the Metropolitan DC Orthodox Christian Mission and Outreach Committee, the Monumental Missions Walk is a three-mile spiritual stroll past some of the Nation’s most important landmarks. The Monumental Missions Walk will afford participants the unique opportunity to pause and admire these important places of reflection through the unique lens of faith. In addition to providing participants with this unique opportunity to explore America’s treasured landmarks, the goal of the Monumental Missions Walk is to raise money for Orthodox missions world-wide and to provide medicine to people in need. Visit for more information. 12 FESTIVAL PREP Please help us get ready for our Saint Katherine Fall Festival, October 4-6. Your help is greatly needed for our festival to be a success even well before the festival begins! (We started baking in August.) If you would like to help prepare festival foods and/or help at the festival, please contact Andrea Ballard: 703-250-5419 THANK YOU! ΧΑΡΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΥΧΗΜΑ ΜΑΣ Σοφία Δ. Τσαγκάλη Ας δούμε στη συνέχεια την αξία της ζωής σαν χριστιανοί που είμαστε και ποιά είναι τα αποτελέσματά της. Πρώτα-πρώτα, ο χριστιανός που ζει την χριστιανική ζωή, όπως την εδίδαξε και την έζησε ο Κύριος Ιησούς και οι άγιοι Απόστολοί του, σύμφωνα με τον Νόμο και τις εντολές του, ακολουθεί ζωή ασφάλειας, χωρίς λάθη που πληρώνονται ακριβά ή και μερικές φορές που δεν διορθώνονται. Γιατί αυτός που καθοδηγεί δεν είναι άνθρωπος, αλλά ο Δημιουργός του ανθρώπου, ο πάνσοφος και πανάγαθος Θεός, ο οποίος επιβεβαίωσε από αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων, «εάν θέλητε και εισακούσητέ μου, τα αγαθά της γης φάγεσθε...» (Ησαϊου 1:19). Και μαζί με τα αγαθά της γης είναι και ό,τι αξίζει να ζει ο άνθρωπος ως εικόνα Θεού με σκοπό να γίνει ομοίωμά Του. Αυτά μαρτυρεί η πείρα αιώνων, που είναι συγκεντρωμένη στην ιστορία και στα επιστημονικά συμπεράσματα παιδαγωγών και κοινωνιολόγων της παιδαγωγικής επιστήμης και κοινωνιολογίας. Η ζωή λοιπόν αυτή, αντίθετα με την απατηλή αμαρτία, εξασφαλίζει στον άνθρωπο ειρήνη ψυχής και εσωτερική ανάπαυση. Στηρίζεται πάνω στην πίστη, στην εμπιστοσύνη στον Θεό και γενικά στην αρετή, όπως την ηθική, την αγνότητα, την ταπείνωση, την αγάπη, την ειλικρίνεια... Αυτές οι αρετές, ως κατάσταση εσωτερική του ανθρώπου και ευγενικός αγώνας, είναι η βάση της ειρηνικής ζωής και ανάπαυσης. Ο άνθρωπος της χριστιανικής ζωής έχει το μεγάλο προνόμιο να είναι στη ζωή του ενωμένος με τον Θεό, τον οποίο αισθάνεται και ατενίζει ως Πατέρα και του ζητά δύναμη, ενίσχυση και παρηγοριά κατά τις ομαλές συνθήκες της ζωής του, αλλά κυρίως κατά την περίοδο των θλίψεών του. Ο πιστός στην προσευχή αισθάνεται τον λόγο του Θεού, την μυστηριακή ζωή, την λατρεία, άρρητη ευφροσύνη και χαρά, ανακούφιση και παρηγοριά. Αυτός δε ο σύνδεσμος με τον Θεό είναι αρχή πλήρους ενώσεως, η οποία θα γίνει στον ουρανό, όταν ο χριστιανός κληθεί στην αιώνια Βασιλεία του Θεού (Φιλιπ. 1:21). Και για να είμαστε σίγουροι, μόνο με βιώνοντας τέτοια ζωή, είναι δυνατόν η κοινωνία να προχωρεί καλά. Στις μέρες μας, και δίκαια που παραπονιόμαστε για την κατάσταση της κοινωνίας, όπως για τις κλοπές, της ληστείες, τις νοθείες, τους βιασμούς, τις συκοφαντίες, τα ναρκωτικά, τα εγκλήματα, τις ανηθικότητες..., στην ουσία παραπονιόμαστε για την έλλειψη χριστιανικής ζωής, πιστών και εναρέτων ανθρώπων και όχι για την έλλειψη υλικών αγαθών, τα οποία πλεονάζουν. Μόνο με ανθρώπους «αγίους» δημιουργείται βιώσιμη κοινωνία, ομολογούν οι συνετοί κοινωνιολόγοι «ενί στόματι και μιά καρδία». Με όλα τα λεχθέντα παραπάνω, καταλήγουμε στο συμπέρασμα, πως χαρά και καύχημά μας, υλικό και πνευματικό συμφέρον, επίγειο και επουράνιο, είναι η χριστιανική ζωή! Ας εμπιστευόμαστε απόλυτα τον Χριστό και ας ζούμε τις εντολές του με όλη μας την χαρά και την δύναμη. Να τί γράφει κάποιος σύγχρονος εκπαιδευτικός: Τα νιάτα με μαδημένα φτερά, με βασιλεμένα ιδανικά, με συντριμμένες τις αμφόρες της αγνότητας, βλέπουν τα χριστιανικά νιάτα, που κρατήθηκαν σεμνά και ωραία και ζηλεύουν! Θρηνούν πικρά κάποιο δικό τους χαμένο θησαυρό και κλαίνε απαρηγόρητα για την αναντικατάστατη ομορφιά τους! Στηριχτείτε λοιπόν στης θρησκείας μας τις εντολές. Νοιώσετε το μεγαλείο της αποστολής σας! Αισθανθήτε την αγαλλίαση της αγαθής συνείδησης. Χαράξατε τις πλάκες του Σινά στις αχειροποίητες πλάκες των νεανικών καρδιών σας. Αν αλλάξουν οι καιροί, ο Νόμος του Θεού δεν αλλάζει. Ο Χριστός χθες και σήμερον και εις τους αιώνας. Ο Νόμος του είναι αλήθεια και το «μακάριοι οι καθαροί» αιώνιος λόγος. Στηριχτείτε στην πίστη αυτή. Έχετε την παρρησία της αγνότητας και τον ηρωϊσμό της καθαρότητας. Μάθετε να κοιτάζετε ψηλά και μακριά. Μόνο έτσι θα λούζεστε σε καθάρια ύδατα και θα πετάτε σε ολοφώτεινους ουρανούς. Και κατά την πατερική ρήση, «Καθαροί γαρ καθαρά κατοπτρίζονται και αεί ορθώς περιπατούσι». Ας ζούμε λοιπόν όλοι μας συνειδητά την χριστιανική ζωή μας με όλη την δύναμη και την χαρά! SAINT KATHERINE LIVE! Did you know that we have a live feed from our church? Relatives and friends from far away can watch a sacrament. If you are sick and cannot make it to a service, you can log in. The link is http:// Alternatively, you can sign in to the church website,, and click on the red “Saint Katherine Live!” button in the right-hand column. Demetry Pikrallidas AV Rated Attorney Preeminent Legal Ability and Ethical Standards, The Highest Legal Rating Possible Complete Business Formation/Representation Serious Injury Traffic and Criminal Domestic Relations Wills, Trusts Cases Handled in Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Prince William, Loudoun, and District of Columbia 703-267-2600 13 STEWARDSHIP SHOWN BELOW is a list of families, individuals, and organizations who have participated in the 2013 Saint Katherine Stewardship Program through July 31. Thank you for responding to the needs of our church. If you have not yet submitted your 2013 pledge, please complete the stewardship form on page 11 and return it to the Church Office as soon as possible. You may pledge online today at Your Church and community depend on your stewardship commitment. Any questions? Please contact Anna Vassilopoulos at or 703-671-1515. M/M Evangelos Abatzis Ms Joanna Abazis Mrs Stella Adamopoulos Donald & Irenelee Adams Mr Frank Agnos M/M John Agnos AHEPA CHAPTER No. 438 M/M Vasilli Alafogiannis Dr/Mrs James Alatis Ms Karen Aldana M/M Austin Aldrich M. (Volakis) Alexis M/M Peter Aliferis M/M James Anagnos M/M Larry Anagnos Ms Janis Anderson M/M John Andre Mr Alexandros Andreou M/M Paul Anson M/M Tasie Anton Mrs Voula Antonaiou Mr Nick Antonopoulos Mr Pericles Apostolou Dr/Mrs Nicholas Argerson Mr James Argodale M/M Nektarios Athanasiou Mr George Athanitis and Mrs Eleni Kioroglou Mrs Panagiota Bakatsias Mrs Carole Balides Capt/Mrs James Ballard M/M James Ballis M/M Andreas Baltatzis Mr Richard Bambacus Dr/Dr George Banks M/M Tom Beck Dr Dean Bellas Mrs Irene Bells Mrs Jill Beverly M/M George Bilidas M/M Dimitrios Blekas Mr Bokis & Papadopoulou-Bokis Mrs Eleni Boosalis and Mr Cary Scott M/M George Boosalis M/M George Boosalis Mr George Boosalis M/M Peter Boosalis M/M Jeff Borst Mrs Barbara Bosworth Ms Beth Botsis M/M Theodore Bousbouras Mrs Stella Brackman Ms Xanthy Briannis M/M Lewis Brickates M/M John Broening M/M David Buddendeck M/M Christopher Bursenos M/M Bryan Burton M/M Elias Burton M/M John Calamos M/M Edward Cameron M/M Michael Campbell, Jr 14 Mrs Catherine Speleos Canard Mrs Gisella Caparell M/M John Capetanakis M/M Aggie Capsalis M/M Manuel Capsalis M/M Alexander Carr M/M Todd Carr Katherine and Tony Cavallo Mrs Anna Chaconas M/M Christopher Chaconas Mr Paul Chaconas Mrs Georgia Chakeris M/M Demetris Charalambous M/M George Charuhas Mr Telly Charuhas Rev Dn/Mrs Harry Chelpon Mr Mikhail Chelpon M/M Louis Cherpes Mr/Ms Peter Cherpes M/M Emmanuel Chiaparas Mrs Emerald Chiotakis Ms Afrodite Christ Mrs Helen Christ M/M George Christacos Dr Nicole Christacos M/M Stavros Christacos M/M Constantis Christofi Mrs Eugenia Christofi & Mr Carl Dr Andrew Christopher M/M Aristotle Christou M/M Christos Christou Mr Aristotelis Chronis Mr Themistocles Chronis Miss Ljiljana Ciric Mrs Mirjana Ciric Mrs Stephanie Coleman M/M Nick Colic Dr/Mrs James Constantine Mrs Ileana Constantinescu Dr George Contis Ms Christine Cope Dr Susan Coronis M/M Gus Costas Adm/Mrs Robert Cowley Mrs Betty Craten Mr Michael Dakes M/M Stephen Dakes Mrs Theodosia Dampier Ms Elena Danigelis M/M Ivan Danzig Dr/Mrs Nicholas Darzenta Mr Lycurgus Davey M/M Michael Davey Ms Dorothea Davidian Mr Apostolos Dedes and Mrs Eva Tzanavara M/M James Dehart M/M John Delta Dr/Mrs John Demakis Mrs Antoinette Demeres M/M Christian Demeter M/M Demetrios Demetriou Ms Elpida Demetriou M/M Lambros Demetriou M/M Peter Demetriou Mr Christopher Demopoulos Ms Venetia Demson M/M James DeSatnick Miss Alexandra Diapoulis M/M Nicholas Diapoulis Ms Georgia Dimitras M/M Alexios Dimopoulos M/M Arthur Dimopoulos Dr/Mrs Harry Dinella Mr Stephen Dinos and Dr Evie Cavros Ms Anna DiRienzo Mr James Dishaw M/M Brad Donaldson DOP Helle #283 Mr Nicholas Dopuch M/M John Doulis Mr/Dr Steven Doulis Mr Andrew Dounias M/M George Dounias Mr Gregory Drake Ms Mary Drakoulis M/M Stavros Drosos M/M Demetrios Droumbani Mrs Nathina Droussiotis Mrs Nicolitsa Economou Mr Paul Economou Mrs Catherine Edgington M/M Scott Edwards Mrs Vasiliki Ekiz M/M Christos Elefantis M/M James Eskinzes M/M Christopher Euripides Mr Kyriacos Charlie Euripides Mr Richard Euripides Adiam Eyassu Mr Ferssizidis & Mrs Ferssizidis Miss Maria Elena Firippis M/M Samuel Fischer M/M Andrino Flevotomos M/M Dennis Floros Mr George Floros M/M Nicholaos Floros M/M Pete Floros Mrs Dianne Kavros Fogarty Ms Despina Foster M/M Vasilios Fotinos M/M James Francis M/M Stephen Francis M/M John Frangomihalos Mr Demetrios Gadonas M/M Dimitrios Gadonas Mr William Galanis M/M Demetrios Galatis M/M Richard Gamble Ltc/Mrs Dennis Garbis M/M John Garbis M/M Martin Gardner M/M David Garnett M/M Thomas Garzlaff Mrs Effie Gasparis M/M Chris Gavras Mrs Aspasia Georgatos M/M Evans George M/M George Georgeadis Mrs Angelina Georgelas Ms Mary Georghiou M/M Frank Gerow, Jr Mrs Helen Gianelos M/M Constantinos Giannoukos M/M George Giatas Mrs Helen Glekas Mrs Eleni Goldsmith M/M Arthur Gomez Mr Ioannis Goranitis Ms Areti Gourzis M/M John Gouvis M/M Peter Gouvis M/M Spiro Grivas M/M Mark Gull Mrs Christina Kehayia Hadigian M/M Andreas Hadjichristodoulou Dr Stephen Haley II and Miss Sofia Kosmetatos M/M John Hall M/M Donald Halstead Mrs Antigone Harocopos M/M Peter Hatzi Ms Diane Gatsis Havinga M/M Karl Hickson Ms Georgia Higley Ms Vasilia Hilios M/M Bryan Holloway Mrs Agoritsa Holmes M/M Keith Horenstein M/M James Howard Ms Alissa Iatridis Mrs Eftihia Ioannidou Mrs Hariklia Ioannou M/M Iacovos Ioannou Nicholas & Asha Ioanou Ms Kim Johnson Isaac M/M James Jatras M/M Scott Jemison Mr James Jeweler M/M John Jeweler M/M Timothy Johnson M/M Adam Jones Dr Subir Jossan & Mrs Eleni Boosalis M/M Tom Jouvanis M/M Benjamin Jurado Mr Christ Kacoyannakis and Mrs Nancy Thompson Mrs Irene Kakaviatos Mr Kalamatianos and Mrs Adamopoulos M/M James Kalaris Mr Mark Kalaris M/M Christopher Kalavritinos Mrs Maria Kalis Mr Michael Kalis Mr Nicholas Kalis Ms Andrea Kallas Dr/Mrs Stergos Kaloudis M/M Tim Kalyvas Ms Christina Kanakis Kouteas M/M Brasidas Kanakos M/M Tom Kanakos M/M Paul Kanaris Mr Constan Kanellos M/M George Kapetanakis Mrs Konstantina Kapetanakis Mrs Anastasia Kapranos M/M Bill Kapsidelis Mrs Koula Karabelas Mrs Lena Karageorge M/M Peter Karageorge M/M Dimitrios Karamanis M/M John Karamanis Mrs Helen Karambelas Mrs Lula Karas M/M Peter Karounos M/M John Kastanis M/M Anthony Katsakis Mr/Dr Efthimios Katsapis M/M Dean Katsikes M/M George Kavarligos M/M George Kavros Mrs Stacey Kazacos M/M Anastasios Kehayias M/M Nicholas Kikis M/M Michael Kiklis M/M Chris Kiros M/M Mike Kiros M/M Thomas Kiszka Ms Elena Kitzantides M/M Andreas Kokkinis M/M Costas Kolas M/M Steven kolias M/M Konstantinos Kollias M/M Alexandros Kolovos Mr Nicholas Kolovos M/M George Konstas Ms Angela Kontenakos Mr James Kontzamanys Mrs Sousana Kontzias Mr Zachary Kontzias Mr Vitali Kopylov M/M Konstantinos Koukides Mrs Danae Koulizakis Mrs Marika Koumanelis M/M George Koumarianos Mrs Paraskeve Koumarianos M/M Dimitris Kouretas Mrs Maria Koustenis M/M Gregoris Kozakos M/M Peter Kulic M/M John Kushner Ms Christina Kutschenreuter Dr/Mrs Andy Kydes Mrs Alike Lagos Mrs Maria Laliotis M/M Thomas Lallas M/M Arthur Lambros M/M Sheldon Lampert (Continued on page 15) (Continued from page 14) M/M Michael Lampros Mr Nicholas Larigakis Ms Anna Lecos M/M Vassilios Lekkas Mrs Bessie Ligelis Ms Elaine Ligelis Ms Tina Ligelis Mrs Georgia Lindroth M/M James Loisou M/M James Loizou Mrs Koula Lolos M/M Michael Loulakis M/M George Louvis M/M Robert Lower Mrs Patricia Lyristis Mr Joseph Macekura Ms Maria Makredes M/M Nikolaos Makrigiorgos M/M Peter Malek Miss Gaye Mallis Dr Thomas Mandes Glykeria Maniatis M/M George Manoleras Dr/Mrs John Manolis Mrs Anthy Manukas Dr Joan Markessini M/M Peter Marketos M/M James Marko M/M John Markogiannakis Mrs Anne Masters Mrs Stasia Mastorakis Mr Constantinos Mavromatakis M/M Georgios Mavromatakis M/M Gregory McKinney Mr Nikos Melisiotis M/M Peter Mentis M/M Marco Mercader Dr/Mrs Joseph Michalowicz Mr/Ms Gary Michel Ms Malissa Michel M/M Peter Michos M/M Brett Miller M/M Marwan Mina M/M Yannos Misitzis Mrs Evdoxia Mitchell M/M Louis Mitchell M/M Constantine Monis Ms Jane Moore M/M William Moore M/M George Moratis M/M Christopher Morin Mrs Paraskevi Morlock M/M Ralph Morris M/M Robert Morrison M/M John Moschopoulos Mr Stylianos Moschou & Mrs Efthymia Rapti Mrs Anna Moshos Mr George Moshos M/M Gus Moshos Ms Tina Moshos M/M Nickolaos Moustakas Ltc/Mrs Matthew Mowery Mr/Dr Michael Mpras M/M Nicholas Mpras Ms Mary Mullekom M/M Kenneth Myers M/M Nicholas Myseros Mrs Mitzi Natsios Dr Peter Neff Mrs Iro Nestoros Mrs Erma Nettles Mr Paul Neubelt M/M John Newtson M/M Veldon Newtson M/M Demetrios Nicholakos Dr/Mrs George Nichols Ms Virginia Nicolaidis M/M George Nicopoulos Rosanne Niforos Mr/Ms Clayton Nightingale Mr Greg Nightingale M/M Nicolas Nitis Mrs Eugenia Nobes Dr/Mrs Constantine Nonas Mr Edwhar Nunez and Mrs Maria Anastasiou Mrs Roula Oktay M/M George Opacic M/M Crysilios Orphanides M/M Nick Padgiotis M/M Anthony Pagonis Ms Vasiliki Paliouras Mrs Despina Panagoulias Mr John Panagoulias Mrs Vanna Panagoulias M/M Nickolas Panteleos M/M Chris Papachristos M/M Alex Papadopoulos Mr George Papadopoulos Mr John Papadopoulos Dr Mary Papadopoulos Mr Aristotelis Papageorgiou Mrs Maria Papageorgiou Capt/Mrs Michael Papageorgiou Ms Crystallo Papamichael Ms Daphne Papamichael Mrs Mamie Papamichael M/M George Papantoniou Dr/Mrs Alexander Papas M/M Panayiotis Papasavva Dr/Mrs George Papastergiou M/M Dennis Papathanasopoulos Mrs Agatha Papathanassiou M/M Athanasios Pappas Dr/Dr Chris Pappas M/M Jim Paras M/M Haralabos Paraskevopoulos M/M Charalambos Pashiardis M/M Christos Passakos M/M Dimitrios Patrianakos Mrs Roxani Patrianakos Mr Vasilios Patrianakos M/M Paul Pattak Mr Gregory Pattakos and Mrs Panagiota Stouraiti Ms Alexandra Pattaras M/M Andrew Pavlakos Mr Andrew Pavlakos Mr Christopher Pavlakos Rev/Presv Costas Pavlakos Ms Jill Payne M/M Nick Pekatos M/M Theodoros Pelekasis M/M Ted Pelonis Mrs Kathy Pesavento M/M George Petalas M/M John Petalas Mrs Eli Petrova Col/Mrs Daniel Peyser Mr Dieter Pfoser and Mrs Nektaria Tryfona Miss Alexandra Phass Mrs Catherine Phass Dr/Mrs Dean Phass Mr Dean Phass, II M/M Kyriacos Photiou M/M Christos Pieri Mrs Loiza Pieri Mrs Androula Pikrallidas Mr Chris Pikrallidas M/M Kostas Pikrallidas Mr Dean Pilarinos Mrs Frances Pilarinos M/M John Pizzi M/M Alexandros Ploutis M/M Nick Ploutis M/M Bill Polizos M/M John Polizos M/M Spyridon Polyzos M/M Manolis Ponirakis Mr John Pors M/M William Porter, Jr Mr Pete Poulos Mrs Stella Pristouris M/M Cary Prokos Mrs Sylvia Psarakis M/M Anthony Quebral M/M Stephen Rader M/M Mitchel Raftelis Ms Despina Raizes Ms Angelique Edwards Ranghelli Dr/Mrs Demosthenes T. Rantis M/M Theofanis Rantis M/M Christopher Rhoads-Ford Dr/Mrs Jerry Rich M/M Ronnie Rinaldi Dr/Mrs Haris Riris M/M George Roiniotis Mr Spiro Roiniotis and Ms Julia Young M/M Gregory Romanias M/M Basil Rousos M/M Emanuel Rouvelas Mr Larry Rouvelas and Mrs Rebecca Leung Mr Aaron J. Rusnak and Mileva Sturgis Mrs Evangelia Sabbarese Ms Lillian Sahda M/M William Salavantis Mrs Aspasia Sapountzis Mr George Sarantis M/M Michael Sarris M/M Milton Sarris Mr Tom Sarris Mr Saul & Mrs Pavlides M/M George Jr Sauter Mrs Kaliope Sauter Ms Cristina Savescu Dr Alisha Scruggs and Mr Oscar Martinez Mrs Ann Sedor Mr Andrew Sessions M/M John Seward M/M Panos Siatis Mr Perry Siatis Dr George Silis Dr/Dr Manny Silis M/M Panagiotis Silis Mrs Katherine Simmons Dr/Mrs Emmanuel Skordalakis Mr/Dr George Smaragdis M/M John Smaragdis M/M Eleftherios Smirniotopoulos M/M Andrew Smith Mrs Helen Snear M/M John Snyder M/M James Soiles M/M Alex Solomos M/M Gregory Soter M/M Spyridon Sotirchos M/M Chris Soves M/M Harry Spanos Ms Helen J. Spanos M/M John Spanos Ms Stella Spathopoulos M/M Eleftherios Spyridis M/M Nicholas Spyros M/M Louis Stack Mrs Vasiliki B. Stafilatos Ms Panorea Stalter M/M Nick Stames M/M John Stamos M/M Apostolos Stamoulas Ms Stephanie Stanga Mrs Helen Stassinos M/M Odysseus Stassinos M/M John Stathis M/M Peter Stathis M/M George Stathopoulos Dr/Dr William Steele M/M Peter Stefanou M/M Gerasimos Stellatos Mr John Stepanchuk M/M Demetrios Stergiou Mrs Kalliopi Stergioulis M/M James Stoucker Dr/Mrs Tom Stoumbos Mr Clifford Stouts M/M Evangelos Stoyas Mr Ioannis Stratakis Rev & Mrs Milan Sturgis M/M Nicholas Superina Mr George Svolis M/M Gus Svolis M/M Marcus Talbott M/M Alexander Taousakis M/M Panagiotis Taousakis M/M Kevin Tate M/M Pierre Tavoularis Mrs Mary Tetradis M/M Leonidas Theodorakoglou M/M Athanasios Theodoropoulos M/M Craig Thomas M/M James Thomas M/M Gene Thornton Mrs Andromachi Timotheou Dr/Mrs John Topping Mr Kenneth Touloumes M/M Philip Toumazatos Mr Angelo Toutsi Ms Cristin Toutsi Mr Christakis Trahili Dr/Mrs Michael Trahos Mrs Fotini Trikaliotis M/M Basil Trikas Dr/Mrs Basil Tripsas Mr Matthew Trogdon Ms Sophia Tsangali Mrs Demetra Tsantes Ms Evangelia Tsapos Dr/Mrs Michael Tsapos Mrs Angelika Tsatsakis M/M George Tsempales M/M Thomas Tsianakas Mrs Anna Tsimbidis Mrs Helen Tsintolas Ms Alenah Eleni Tsutras Mr Fotios Tsutras M/M Constantine Tzafolias M/M Vasilios Tzeremes M/M Thomas Vaccarello Ms Ann Vaffis Dr/Mrs Charles Valases Mr Peter Vamvakaris Col/Mrs Nicholas Vamvakias Ms Catherine Vangellow M/M Christopher Vargas M/M Stratis Varlas Ms Christine Varoutsos Hon & Mrs George Varoutsos Mrs Olga Varoutsos M/M Stefan Vasilis M/M George Vassilopoulos M/M Ramon Vazquez M/M George Veletsis M/M Stavros Veletsis Col/Mrs James Velezis M/M Pete Veltsistas M/M Jason Vines M/M Larry Visos M/M Demetris Voudouris M/M Emmanuel Vouvakis M/M Sakellarios Vouvalis M/M Colin Waitt Ms Christine Wallace Rev Christos Wallace Mrs Galatia Whittemore Mr Carter Wilkinson and Mrs Andrea Gevas M/M Donald Wills Mr Jack Wuerker & Mrs Effie Triarhos Mr Peter Xefteris M/M Andreas Xenos Mrs Aliki Xepapas Mrs Antonia Xereas and Mr Ramon Sanchez Mr Panagioti Xereas Mrs Penny Xereas and Mr Nikos Kontos Pres Athena Yachnis Mr Jason Yianilos Mr Theodore Yiannarakis M/M Aris Yortzidis M/M Angelos Zaloumis M/M Nicholas Zavolas Capt Christos Zirps M/M John Zissios Mr Stergio Zissios M/M John Ziu M/M Mihail Ziu Mr Peter Ziu God loves a cheerful giver. 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For more information on their diverse activities and an unforgettable visit to Greece’s third largest city, please visit PJ Skidoos is a Greek family-owned restaurant, which has been in Fairfax City for 35 years. We are located west of St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church on Rt. 50. 9908 Fairfax Blvd Fairfax, VA 22030 703-591-4515