hill~s norfoli
hill~s norfoli
HILL ~S NORFOLI( (NORFOLK COUNTY~ VA.) CITY DIRECTORY 1961 (For Portsmouth Listings See Portsmouth City Directory) INCLUDING BAY COLONY DEVELOPMENT, BIRD NECK ESTATES, BIRD NECK POINT, BREEZY HEIGHTS, CAVALIER PARK, CROATAN BEACH, CRYSTAL ACRES, CRYSTAL BEACH, LINLIER, NORTH VIRGINIA BEACH, OLIVE HEIGHTS, RUDEE HEIGHTS, SOUTH NORFOLK, VIRGINIA BEACH AND WOODLAND Containing an Alphabetical Directory of Business Concerns and Private Citizens, a Directory of Householders, Occupants of Office Buildings and Other Business Places, a Complete Street and Avenue Guide, a Numerical Telephone Directory and Much Information of a Miscellaneous Character; also the YELLOW PAGES With a Special ADVERTISING SECTION and a Complete CLASSIFIED LIST FOR CONTENTS SEE INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL INDEX $80.00 . PRICE HILL DIRECTORY CO., INC., Publishers 2910 W. Clay St., P. O. Box 6874, Richmond 30, Va. DIRECTORY LIBRARY FOR FREE USE OF PUBLIC AT NORFOLK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 269 BOUSH ST. Member Association of North American Directory Publishers C"nnvrinht 19h1. hv Hill Directory Co .. Inc. Fies ta MEXICAN 1077 IVIIIT:-IOIU-: " DaBoYt, H (Pat!'~cia WHITLEY \hnifn'o Ill-1ll1iek b~pl' :\08 h";22 \\ :Wth Woodlt.::' \:601 Ho..;ku1sha m Woodrow \V C4.nna E) s.i.smn Fuel Oeed Bldg ~lJ;) h;)08 26th (VB) " Zolll'" II" (FannIe C) hla46 Kevstone Whitlock Donald IV (An'll' L; IVI\,tlock's W!1l111'sale) hiROl !\.l;lgStl)jl a .... apt 1 11 II II II II ~O,~~:1~<'! (;"I.\:n3:',J7\1; :H,·,-:f, \\'. H~}(j:~l': \\"h:tlocK " " " Groc~!I'Y) II It GlUl;) L !,IA11 ;;.v (013) I'dCl:'lC Gn)(;c:"\' (Lh.):la~J \\" \\"intlock) 8446 RaJno':" ni Heienl.-' D !"81;; :\('\\"l·l1 ~H' II h"ey ::,t'ch Fl.::;: ..;.!.' Tlrp SIT\" 111127 \V O\:ea:i \-,o:-w ,1',- ~i:_', :! It .Jalllce hll1:;J CIa: t'!1l0Ilt <-1\" <.HJt 1"\ !) II .Jl'SS~' \" .:. :'-'!':~~:lGll'I!;·uci-.. H'adi.310[· St'n' !'P'l~) 13:'::\:: L".S0 i113~'1 \\'lIJdL'l' Lir C) ~):'l';:: C C Waddell & tJl Hi II Lf'" ::: ,::" ()iLi;':OiJ I;) ;)/w::,; 110 :\Ja:'cLI; .... ,\ H:, ::~;~~ :-,; Bldri,1: !'(j II :\1:::''-: ~,: ~,;:"~ \:;~ \\i:l:i ... )c~ G:'(,) I'H4~ti C) CO 1:':L ::"j"; G ~~ i:~Ul1:):011 If 'I (,'m " \·iolZi. n \1:':, r"11;q St Jdia:1 ., \\"1:1~-:"~',;:\ :110~' E J~~:h \\'hit1()\~- Jkl:1j;, D :-"J1':" 1::'t'C:(lr Fenct"~ :"~2::ij~ ::1I:1.u:: "!\' q ,.'i~::-:f~ !);~;r II .1l)i:\ II .•• \' ::~;-:~t ~:, ,.In~ :\ HI": (L():11:-:l' C) pasta!' :.:.L::) C":::---:" II <.1\' 11 " Champiull " J'12C11 :\fk II II Faith hJ :'=01 \Vi.i1,StOIl II Llnll~t' C \];';-; ;\lauck (~ (-.\:d Cit'~;:::::g :'l'jJ "\\'on 1.1_'l' Pn)(Jucts H) br rngI' Virginia J)Plni:lg S~;~):'i','i::)3~):! .:•.:"t:t):1:1l' ~l\' F:'''~!lj.; f:: l.:S\" hlB:31:1 E 2:\ (!-\,I;h :\) elk PU !1tn},; Kenwoud II ,kd~;". 11(H,tF (;k:: ~'d (t'~O \\' ' I~\ ';.1\.~: ~'\()B il:-W,';,-, J.' (.J{':;;"';lI_·) . .;,1:-;::\11 J)l(·..--;{"j IJ1J\T~l(\!i (B:;j Ii (1I',ll:< F) L:S:\ 1111334 Dellwood dr \\"illa \1 \l:-s tclu' :\orthside J,' Hi Sch :'[J:2~1\\'akL.'flt'ld a\' V (.Jo!-:il'phinl' :.H' I) USN ,. :\1~;;::(' L :'d;':-; elk Comh Tpsting & Eng h16~"j Cnn'lt!:l I'd 'sl':' also \\'hitPlllore & \VhitteWhitmore l11u:'l' :r ,';If E t:'affic lngI' i\OB 1'14:39 Cedar 1a II •.\lpho!1s0 (Doroi.hy :\1) mtcCJTHl i\ifk Dt'\'plopment & Iiousing Authorit,Y hl07G Ca,:;ciJde blvu (5:\) " ..\nh hl005 :\nnl'ttf' (Si\) II Bennv nitce!nn :\fk Heueve1uPIHent & Housing Authorit.y h230~ Frazier ct II Blanche hl-i12 :\1C!ynowc!' apts (VB) II Blanche A opr Cn!11rnu:lity Beauty Shop £11784 G!'ecnl.'(jf dt' \I fJ :-'1 en1p \\~l'~t.'!'!} Elec h:{584 Argonne w. " Wilmer L (Lucy M) hl059 Kittrell Whits ill see Whitesell Whilsitt Kenneth M (Kathleen V) USN h200 W 31st apt B 3 Whltson Clinton C (Mary L) USN 1'7947 Woodall rd II FatTest L mach setter Mitchell & Smith rll 9 Beechwood av " Homer' J (AIl1e J) mech NAS h126 LillIe Creek rd apt 4 " Hunter M driver EQUITABLE BLDG" Nfk Paint 1'119 Beech- wood av II 11 300 \1 n 1'3584 Argonne av .Jas W v.;tchrnn City Coal r Great Bridge Va Marine BOUSH Casualty NT VILLAGE. HILLS. ELIZABETH WOODSTOCK "THE Wood & Oil Bonds Aviation FLA VOR EST A TES OF OLD MEXICO" 8501 CHAPIN TELS. GYpsy 7-4459 NIGHT JUstice 7-1033 3574-A WH1TSON 11 Jane T (wid \V Herbert) tchr Lakewood Sch h2738 Jason av II Julian D C h1441 E Ocean View av " L Ann I\lrs med sec Nrk Gelli Hosp r7415 E Kenmore dr apt A " L Sam (L Ann) h7415 E Kenmore dr apt A " Lebl,,' T (Estht'r J.) lC'ch :\,\S 11090 J MllIT ARY HIGHWAY PHONE 855-5098 Jel·;v I'd II II " 11 11 II II C (Eliz G) wtchrnn S •.H'pn1oJ'(' 1\lkt h:1S01 Amherst clr Lennie C jr (Stude.\' f{) s15mn Colonia] Chc\':-alcl h2(;16 i/arY'''l.] a\ ~label h210 55th (I'B) j\Iauricl' W (Dol'is S) mtl Stnlth :\AS rl-i4l E Ocean \'ll",v 3\' :\llltOJ1 L (Velma K) mach Cuthrell J\Iach & St('(>l Corp h1:)52 F]~~l't',\"()od 3\' 1\111ton L jr studt r1~:;2 Fleci.\\"uod ;\\. Ovasey W (wld \Vm B) hl19 Ul!l'chwood Lenni~' Super WHOLESALE RETAIL TACOS TAMALES ENCHILADAS CATERING CURIOS av II Sedessa J l\-'1rs 1'3808 Wake cir II Velnla K l\lrs clk L Snyder's r1552 Fleetwood " Wilbur River Whl11 see II Bonnie 1'2108 " Carl J " Donald Winder av i\1 ci\" cng City D P\\' rd 1'2 ~9~ Indian CORN LOU " Estell iI] (Bonnie 0) buyet' Haynes Furn h210B Cromwell dr 11 .Janice E \\:;)itre~s Doumar's f)ri\"c In t'2G08 ~lat'k (S!\) II Ot'ell P (Lul1is(~ H; \\'hitt Tnin:-:nl!s:-;wl! Exchange) h5207 Silv(.'y dr 11 Transmission l';xchanw' {un'!1 0 \\"hittJ alJto repJ's 7Dl..J Glade nl \\'hitt's Esso Ser\'ic(~l1ter (Chas \' and I'\ol'man L Whil,tt":mo!'p) 3:)311 Tide,,\:ai.!'!' dt' \Vhiltl1kf~!" SC.: also \\'11l1i:!kt'r' 111\1'111:\1 (Claud.,j{' C) 111~" l'I('(i!!1ont "\ldi!lt~S h1(j~:) SPl"lllg ;\l('ado\\' b!vd II Caf'oIyn S tchr Littlt~ CI't'c'k Elem Sch hl200 Redgate av apt D 2 11 Clarence C rferry) USN h8247 Sirnons dr II Della srDstl'S Bell's i\aval Tailors r245 Eiler " Doyle J (Juanita G) ail' traffic CO!1tI'J)] specialist FAA h8502 Delano 11 Jeanette 1'864 Avenue B " Maggie H (wid Wm) baket' 1\fk Cath Hi Sch h7431 Hughart " 111a rtin R hlpr Va Sht JIlt! & Roofing r Portsmouth TORTILLAS AND JOHN VILLARREAL also \\'lll & Wilte 0 I\-Irs supt DePaul Homc Ct'omwell dr (Gladys G) h121 Wl:3th 111 (Nancy L) US1\ hl379 dr •• Edwin E appr ?\atl Cash Register r Portsrnouth Va ~ ~ - " ~--' . I GILtS ,I /1OM Sf"Cw! I 1 Marc Pcr ,dic-:1v, Flavor Cui)! GilL'S Hotel Special co. Life Tel. MAdison 2-3696 COFfEE Marc Per I eaft" Va " Russell (Marcie L) drivel' PHR Cot'p 1'7456 Hughart " Wm S (Helen C) driver High's Ice Cream 1'7431 Hughart Whitted see also Whited 11 Jf(~lCI1 S Mrs tchr Crestwood Hi Sch ,'601 Paller 1'<1 II Hobt oven dumper Colonial StO['t's h721 E 27th 11 Wm C (Helen S) elk Penney's r60l Potter t'd Whittemore see also \Vhit('rnO!'f~ and Whitman=, TAYLORINSURANCE JOHNSON Fire 302-04 Anne rd " Honald £ studt 1'241 E 40th apt 2 " Huth ,J chkr Cavalier Clns h1054 Kennedy " Samllab Arehbell's rl059 Kittrell " Shi ~Iey lab NAS rl 059 Kittrell II'Tl1resa I Mrs sten NOB 1'1211 WestJllOI'cland av II Virginia M Ivlrs tchr Peter Pan Kindergarten 1'2917 Dunkirk av " WI11 J (Violet R) USN h2908 Ridgefield dr' ".1", \\;;i::~'d:'(' II, !'ma:, !:i0L'1; i\,:-knt''.\ E 1'722 E Princess indian H!v('I' I'd Sh & .::)I'!'\' t' 1'(!rt~!!I()uth Va Ha!T\" L (GJ'<h;t' H; \\"!lltmVl" HadlO Salct'i & St·'!'\::Ct·) h62-i5 Glcnvak dr' II H:1:T': L P' (Josf':}hinl' D) Sl~lll!l Inves:n1'~' f);\:l':'Si:-ll'd' $01'\' 1':)19 Lookout n! 'I I) h1211 Westmore- II HelcIl maid Jeness Professional Uniform r 1 :H 0 Bolton " Jol1n F (Daisv H) h2814 Keller av II Johnl1u' L (J~nice K) pkr Economy \Vhse r71DO Chesapeake bl vd II ,11)V'~I~ .\1 studt r7:{;} Hl'servoir' av 11 L.lllu' !'13~) Hcscr\'oir av 11 Lln\\'ood F (GracI' '1'; Bl'amblcton l\uto Sel'\'lcl') h2540 HarTell av II 1\Ia I'ion L (Virginia 1\1) l1lach NAS h2917 [)unkiI'k av II f\:t'llie maid 1'1059 Kittrell II :\('ppi{' L (v,rid JOB 1\1) h2S:H3 Harrell av II :\:o!"rl1(11l :\'1 elk i\'fk !\I('ts Nl'\\'-'spapers av r'J!IJ j f)ullkir'k '1 I'ul"twll 1al) Clt)' DP\V l' C,lIr's NC II H:l('y (.Jtls{'phin,.' i\') stvll1' 111500 E !:>'1;1ald ,) (,Jl1:·'.:1J1 ;'~J\ OCl'''''-:; \",'_",," ~!\' <~nt II B (Theresa av •• Geraldine r'1201 ;,;H 2:\ \.:\ ,;it 1;1 ....•. i'~!:;j~:' If CLt:,'.t::; Frank land Pn'::.:s:ng \\'IJI'ks 1140, & ~!\' Halvictl B ;\II's maid h7..JlH Gregory dC' Cath E (Wid Chas H) h7:~':) HeSl't'voir av Chan C (DoJ'othy t\) US:\: h8H10 i\lon1t(u' way !hane \1 1\11's elk C&P Tel r-i5lJ Trestl1lan av Edw (1\I.:Il'Y G) whscrnn h1537 Vernon dr Edw T studt l'2540 Harrell av Eliz maid 1'1619 E Indian River I'd £n'lll W (Shirley J) USN h2712c Ayloff I'd F,'ances emp Natl AirLines h210 65th apt 1 F::'ank lab Va Eng r1059 Kittrell ,~:I\:'~\:~~T.;1,,~:'~~:i~i~~tl:i:OI 11 PARK, Va :\11[11\' II II :: ::;:;:i:;::;::;;( •.~ .\i~:~~:~:{,mai(~ !\lc.nt.iceHo Hotel r Portsmouth H.~1.J::,,:- :",; II !h.':'; ~ (i31'" ( ) 1 :i:, ;:"::!,JH Edt':> I' H0\" ,,'. (:::,;:,\; L\ L"::~, )1~':(;1 j t\111t'1il~,d(~ AVALON l\lH'vl'lla a v I\Iarlin atndt East Coast Oil r1DOS Annette (SN) " Jllaryland (Georgia 1Vl) d005 Annette (S1\) " Robt B dentist 400 Gresham dr R309 <'105 Jllilburn dr (PAC) " Hobt J U\lary C) mgr' Beatrice Foods Co r Ra\'side Va 11 Will Ii',11' (Lamar K) phys 1477 NorviL'w "V h206B(2) llunt!'rs Trail (IICP) Whitncr sel' Whitener l\ihlt'H'Y Alan J (Chadotte L) US1\ h3412 Colonial av apt C 5 11 POCAHONTAS Dorothv 1\1 I\-1rs atndt South Hill RecreatlOl1 Center 1'1076 Cascade blvd (SN) Ella 111 Mrs maid Am Window Clng 1'822 Willow (SN) Floyd J (Ella M) pkr NOB h822 Willow (Si'J) Harriett A (wid Wm H) h1205 Spotswood av Jas H (Inez C) mach opr NI\SYd h485 11 II ".Jj):: G ':' (\·:t)~.l II Ll'l' E"i ;:-';,',;i ::jl REST AURA A) US1\' 11112h Cups Pound! I
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