Vol. 24 No.3 November 2003


Vol. 24 No.3 November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
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A Publication of the Regina Scale Modellers
Modellers in the news!
RSM members working the paint recycle day, Saturday August 16, 2003
photo in the August 18 issue of the Leader-Post
(your humble Antenna editor in the fore)
The ANTENNA is provided to members of the Regina Scale Modellers, a chapter of the International Plastic Modellers’ Society, Canadian Branch (IPMS/Canada).
All materials are copyrighted by the ANTENNA, except where other copyrights are noted. All copyrights revert immediately back to the respective authors upon
publishing of this newsletter. Articles may be reproduced by other IPMS chapter newsletters provided credit is given to Regina IPMS Antenna.
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
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RSM Club Executive
Ron Gall
Larry Draper
Secretary / Treasurer
Curfew James
Leith James
“Antenna” Editor
Al Magnus
(306) 352-0114
(306) 352-9743
(306) 789-2396
(306) 546-3169
(306) 789-9017
General Club Info:
Ron Gall
2454 Wallace St., Regina, SK. S4N 4B3
Finances / Memberships:
RSM Website:
RSM e-mail:
RSM Bulletin Board/Trading Post:
“FULL METAL JACKET” Modern Armour and Armour
Model Photographs
“Uniforms of the German Army” Series Website
Curfew James
1279 James Cr., Regina, SK, S4N 6A4
Leith James
88 Thorn Cr., Regina, SK S4N 4H8
Newsletter (Article Submissions & Exchange newsletters):
Al Magnus
2926 Reves Pl., Regina, Sask. S4V 2C4
Executive Members-at-Large
Frank Turgeon & Gene Stacyszyn
Jay Moffatt
Allan Magnus
“The Model Doctor”:
Lyle Frost
Dave Porter (Sci-Fi & Aircraft)
Kevin Krienke (Armour)
Ed Kereluk (Automotive)
Material for the Antenna
Kit Reviews, Articles, Modelling Hints and Tips, and
other newsworthy modelling items for publication in the
Contact Al at: magnusfamily@cableregina.com or at
789-9017 evenings and weekends.
Raffle Prizes
Kits, decals, books, etc. donated by you for the club
raffle. Raffles happen at every regular meeting
(dependant upon donations). Raffle tickets are $1.00
each. Bring your donations with you. Thank you.
Time: 7:30 PM
Date: First Friday of each month.
(No meeting in July. Meeting held on second
Friday of the month if first Friday falls on a holiday long
Place: South Leisure Center, 170 Sunset Drive (Albert
Park), Regina, SK
Junior (under 16)
The RSM modelling year runs from September 1 to August 31.
All membership renewals are due on or before the start of the
modelling year. Any new members joining after the year has
started will have the first year’s fees pro-rated.
** The Subscription rate is available to those living outside the City of
Regina, and wishing to be a club member, but unable to attend regular
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
The Parts Box
- 3Until next time,
Keep your blades sharp and your brushes clean.
Hello again and welcome to the third instalment of the
parts box brought to you by the wonders of online
access or the not so wonderful mail service.
With fall upon us and winter coming around the bend,
we will be soon into the prime building season for
many of us. Nothing like building some plastic to make
the 20 hours per day of 40 below darkness go quicker.
I personally hate winter. I loathe and abhor it. I hate the
cold, the dark and the word windchill. I hate the chitchat about the cold, the dark and the windchill. Ugh.
But I do like the extra time I can spend building. It
gives me a false sense of hope that maybe someday I
might actually get all the kits I have towering over me
in my model room done. And I do want them all done.
I am not a collector but a builder. My problem is the
deficit of built kits as compared to the newcomers to
wall. Maybe this is a problem all of us face to certain
To me when buying a kit, one of two things happens.
1. Bring a kit home and then quickly open it up,
surveying the pieces, decals instructions, and so forth,
then on the shelf it goes, waiting for its turn on the
2. The kit makes such an impression it immediately
moves to the front of the line, much to the other kits’
chagrin. After all, they have been patiently waiting
their turn and then this happens! Sometimes I find a kit
has fallen from the wall, or at least that is what I
always thought. Maybe due to frustration they jumped,
or worse yet, were pushed!
Regardless of when the kit gets started, I find that I can
acquire kits faster than I can build them! Not a
revelation I know, but a problem nonetheless.
I have found that I enjoy a kit more when it is on the
workbench, or even better on the table at a meeting.
And although the paint might not be perfect, and the
foil job could be better and the engine isn’t that
detailed - it is done. And more importantly, off the wall
(no pun intended).
RSM Club Calendar
November 7
Bangers and Mash (Anything British)
Funny Car Nite
November 11
Remembrance Day Display at RUSI
December 5
Tora, Tora, Tora (Anything Japanese)
“X” marks the Spot (Anything with X in the name, or X
January 9
Bare Metal Finishes
Armour named after Generals (Lee, Grant, Sherman,
February 6
Century Series A/C
Mid-East Armour
March 1 -28
Club display at the Sherwood Village branch library
March 5
"For the Birds" (Anything with a bird name .. F-15
Eagle, Ford Thunderbird, etc)
My Favorite Model
April 2
s (Mustangs & Messerschmitts), Wheeled
Military Vehicles & ½ Tracks,
Commercial Transport/Public Service Vehicles
April 24-25
Majestics Car Show & Contest
May 7
Club Contest
June 3
Elections / Modeller of the Year Award
Da Boot (Anything Italian)
Das Boot (Submarines or ASW craft)
So what is the answer to this dilemma of too many kits
and not enough time?
I don’t know what the answer is, but I find that the only
thing that seems to help is building. Funny how that is.
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
Club Contest
September 8, 2003
- 421. Custom and Show cars (1/20 and smaller)
1st: Kevin Krienke, MONOGRAM “Red Baron”
Modeller’s Choice: Ed Kereluk, ’41 Ford Convertible
Best Aircraft: Dave Porter, TAMIYA FW-190 F8
Best Armour: Barry Novak, TAMIYA M4A3 105mm
Best Automotive: Ed Kereluk, ’41 Ford Convertible
2b. Military Single Engine Prop (1/48)
Adult: 1st: Dave Porter, TAMIYA FW-190 F8, 2nd: Dave
Schmidt, TAMIYA Zero Type 21, 3rd: Dave Schmidt,
TAMIYA Zero Type 32
3b. Military Multi-Prop (1/48)
Adult: 1st: Michael Evans, REVELL B-25J Mitchell
9. Civil, Sport, Racing (all scales)
Adult: 1st: Al Magnus, HUMA Lippisch DM-1
22a. Street Rods, 1/20 and smaller
1st: Ed Kereluk, REVELL/MONOGRAM/AMT ’41 Ford
28. Large scales (1/19 and larger)
1st: Al Lindgren, AMT 1957 Chev convertible
33b. Powered (surface), 1/400 and larger
1st: Kevin Krienke, TAMIYA 1/350 USS Enterprise
42b. Military vehicles, Large composition (2 or more
vehicles and/or more than 5 figures) 1/48 & larger
Adult: 1st: (Tie)
Michael Evans, German Sturmpioneers & Observers
Michael Evans, “Battle of the Bulge”
Junior: 1st: Chris Martin, “Normandy”
10. Rotary wing, all scales
Adult: 1st: Al Magnus, AZUR Cierva C.30 2nd: Al Magnus,
42c. Military vehicles, All military vehicles, 1/49 and
1st: Aubrey Steadman, “Hohenstanfen to the Rescue”
Tornapol, Eastern Front 1944
11. AFV’s (through 1945),(1/48 and larger)
Adult: 1st: Barry Novak, TAMIYA M4A3 105mm 2nd:
Dave Porter, DRAGON Hetzer 3rd: Barry Novak,
ACADEMY Stuart “Honey”
52a. Vacuforms, Conversions, and Scratchbuilts, 1/49 and
1st: Al Magnus, McDonnell XH-20
13. Armoured half-tracks and armoured cars (all eras) 1/48
and larger
Adult: 1st: Kevin Krienke, TAMIYA Famo & tank
Those in attendance for the September 8 meeting and Club
Contest were:
Richard Abday, Ryan Cunningham, Larry Draper,
Patrick Elkington, Michael Evans, Ron Gall, Dave Kapp,
Kevin Krienke, Marc Langlais, Al Lindemann, Al Magnus,
Peter Maw, Barry Novak, Dave Porter (dropped off kit for
contest), Dave Schmidt, Len Schmidt, Aubrey Steadman,
Mike Stobbs, Brent Weaving, Mike Strauch, Ed Kereluk,
Darin Wielgoz, Chris Martin, Kyle Stevens, Tyler Edwards,
Niel Ostafie, Drew Ostafie, Leith James, and last but not
least, Curfew James.
17. Replica stock, 1/20 and smaller
1st: (3 way tie)
Richard Abday, MONOGRAM 1969 GTX
Leith James, AMT 1970 Corvette ZR-1
Ron Gall, AMT Charger Daytona
18. Street modified (1/20 and smaller)
1st: Ron Gall, ’69 Dodge Charger
2nd: (2 way tie)
Darin Wielgoz, MONOGRAM ’71 Plymouth Satellite
Ron Gall, Cougar
20a. Competition, closed wheel – Straight Line (Drag or
Bonneville) 1/20 and smaller
1st: Darin Wielgoz, MONOGRAM ’71 Hemi Cuda
20b. Competition, closed wheel (1/20 and smaller) Road
1st: Larry Draper, TAMIYA Mercedes Benz (Mobil 1)
20c. Competition, closed wheel (1/20 and smaller) Drag
1st: Larry Draper, REVELL “God Bless America”
Remembrance Day Display
Once again Michael Evans has co-ordinated an RSM
display of military models at the Wascana
Rehabilitation Centre, 2180 23rd Avenue, on
November 10. Set-up will be at 10am in the lounge
area on the main floor. RSM members attending will
most likely be served lunch.
Paint Recycle Day, Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003
What a day! As a rookie, I found the experience, as Mr.
Spock would say, "most interesting". The event was
scheduled to run from 8:30am '
til noon, but the huge
line-up resulted in the club processing paint until about
1pm. The line started with about 10 vehicles in the
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
queue well before we opened, and it grew and shrank
throughout the morning. Vehicles were often seen
queued from our spot in the north-east corner of the
Walmart South parking lot, winding down the road
fronting Chapters, proceeding north down the right
hand turn lane on Albert Street south, and then making
a left to come to an eventual end part way down the
east bound parking lane on Gordon Road.
m sure that Ron sighed in relief when he saw the
number of volunteers that actually arrived. At one point
there were only five confirmed participants.
The plan was to start processing two vehicles at a time,
and then go to three at a time. Well, towards the end,
we managed to get up to four vehicles unloaded at a
Right from the start it was slow going as the second
vehicle in line was a pickup with its bed completely
filled with old paint. Turns out it belonged to the ReStore which works in conjunction with the City to
recycle paint.
All in all, the day was a success, and we managed to
process over 450 vehicles. A big thank you goes out to
Dwight Mercer from the City of Regina for his help,
wisdom (his re-hydration reminders kept us all from
becoming human prunes) and time. Also, thanks go out
to club members who donated their time and sweat (the
temperature was at least 32 degrees) - Ron Gall, Dave
Kapp, John Kapp, Len Schmidt, Tim Maw, Neil Hill,
Kyle Stevens, Larry Draper, Darin Wielgoz and Brian
Miller. Hopefully I have everyone accounted for.
Al Magnus
Dave Kapp Sounds Off!
First of all let me start out by saying 2 things: One I do
not condone murder (very often) and two I am a big
Law & Order fan. But after viewing an episode of Law
& Order SVU last week, I feel I must vent.
On this particular episode the murder was committed
by a man who was apparently stealing cars from dead
people’s estates or something like that. It seems that he
was doing this because of a bad childhood. The bad
childhood was because...get ready for this: in 1969 his
dad bought him a snap-together model kit instead of a
detailed kit for his birthday!
The whole case was solved by the detective that
stutters (not Lenny, another guy) finding a model car
part laying on a closet floor in this murderer’s
childhood bedroom. The detective immediately
- 5identified it as being a rear view mirror from a '
Chevy Belair built in (get this) 1969!
I don’t remember models having any sort of distinct
mirrors in 1969! As I recall if they did have mirrors
they were likely to be little blobs of chrome plasticcertainly not detailed enough to tell by looking that it
was from a '
57 Chevy Belair. Even now if you gave me
a box of mirrors and asked me to find the '
57 Chevy
Belair mirror I bet I couldn’t pick it out. And I know
my model mirrors.
Then the idiots trot out this guy’s model collection
from 1969 as evidence. That’s thirty five years, people!
And for models that many years old, they really stuck
together well! And heavy? They sounded suspiciously
like die-cast to me when they set them down!
Wait - there’s more...
Then they find a model box for a Ferrari model. This
thing is about the size of a shoe box for Kareem Abdul
Jabaar or whatever his name is. Or some other guy with
really big feet. The top of the box looked a bit like a
model box but the sides were plain red. Why didn'
they get that guy that Dean buys all of his fake boxes
from and at least make it look a little bit real? Its called
a hobby store, writers. Maybe you could visit one if
you’re researching a show on models. Dang!
Then there is the whole question of snap together kits
in 1969. Did they even have snap togethers in 1969? I
didn’t think so, but to be sure I dug out my 1969
vintage Auto World catalogue and checked. Nope, not
even a hint of a snap kit.
The point of my rant? If your going to portray
modellers as killers at lease get the facts kind of
straight. On the other hand any publicity for modellers
is good publicity, even if it portrays us a psychos!
Modelling the Wright Stuff
Come see a celebration of 100 years of powered flight
at the Diefenbaker Canada Centre, running from
November 30, 2003 to January 18, 2004. Featured will
be a model display paying tribute to the history making
flight of the Wright Brothers on December 17, 1903.
Also featured will be displays commemorating the
100th year of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and the
50th anniversary of the Chevrolet Corvette.
Diefenbaker Canada Centre
University of Saskatchewan
101 Diefenbaker Place
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5B8
Phone: 1-306-966-8384
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
- 6-
Admission: Adults - $2.00, Children (under 16) - $1.00,
Family (parents and dependent children) - $5.00
RUSI Event
The RCAF veterans are showing a video entitled "Forgotten
Bombers" on Friday, November 7 at 1300 hrs at the RUSI.
The video runs about 45 minutes and will be shown in the
"lounge" on a quite large screen TV. Frequently there are
some questions, answers or comments from old hands
attending that is also interesting. There is no admission
charge and no reservation is required, though technically I do
have to know who'
s coming so I can sponsor guests.
A pretty fair lunch at a reasonable price ranging from soup,
through salad, sandwiches and hot meals is also available.
Plaque and Trophy Winners
Soup of the day and a BLT sandwich with coffee will cost
about $7.00. Of course the bar is open. Lunch is served from
1200-1300 hours.
Dress "regs" have been significantly relaxed in past year or
so. While jeans/"combat pants"/shorts are frowned upon,
clean casual trousers such as tans or any "dress" trousers
with dress shirt (tie not required) or conservative sport shirt
(no "Hawaiians" please) are fine.
Please let me know no later than noon Thursday, October 31
if you'
ll be lunching, and preferably by same date/time if
ll be viewing the show, so I can let the manager know so
she can ensure there is enough seating.
Neil Hill (ph: 525-6342, email: ndhill@accesscomm.ca)
E x p o 2 0 0 3 R ep o rt
Crystal Award
Best in Show
Best Diorama
Best Adult Entry
Best Intermediate Entry
Best Junior Entry
Modellers’ Choice
Porter Property Management
Gene’s Ltd
Red Line Hobbies
Alfa Engineering
City of Regina Public Works
Peoples’ Choice
Dusyk & Barlow, Partners in Planning
Builder's Award
1. Best Automotive Paint
2. Best Hot Rod Paint
3. Best Automotive Engine Detail
4. Best Automotive Interior
5. Best Automotive Decaling
6. Best Aircraft Paint
7. Best Aircraft Cockpit
Cam Tetrault - Dr. Jones
Jayme Benson - FAMO & Wespe diorama
Cam Tetrault - Dr. Jones
Corey Singbeil - Panther G
Connor Monkhouse - Black Orc Command
Barry Novak - “Battle of Al Haniyah”
Kevin Krienke - USS Enterprise
Artistic Auto Body
Artistic Auto Body
Ron Czemeres
Ron Czemeres
Roy Ursan
Tim Maw
City of Regina Public
Frame & Wheel
The Book End
8. Best “Open Class” Decaling
9. Best “Open Class” Paint
10. Best “Open Class” Engine Detail
11. Best Armour Paint
12. Best Armour Interior
13. Best Figure Paint
14. Best Metal Finish
15. Best Scratchbuilt or Conversion
16. Best Weathering and/or Damage
17. Best Base / Groundwork / Water
18. Best Canadian Military Aircraft
19. Best Canadian Military Vehicle
21. Best Non-Adult Aircraft
22. Best Adult Jet Aircraft (Single Engine)
23. Best Adult Jet Aircraft (Multi Engine)
24. Best Adult Prop Aircraft (Single Engine)
R & R Hobbies
City of Regina Public
IPMS Ottawa
Rob Wheeler
15 Wing
Saskatchewan Military
Pro Crest
IPMS Edmonton
PC Place
Izzy Magoo’s Diner
Nathan Meckler - ’59 VW
Ed Kereluk - ’41 Ford
Ed Kereluk - ’41 Ford
Ed Kereluk - ’41 Ford
Larry Draper - Mercedes Benz
Dave Porter - Fw-190 F8
Dave Porter - Fw-190 F8
Dave Porter - Hetzer
Dave Porter - Bismarck
Barry Novak - M4A3 105mm
Cam Tetrault - Dr. Jones
Vern Gwin - F-101A Voodoo
William Yee - ’34 Dodge Coupe
Mervin Rempel - CH-118 Iroquois
Jayme Benson - FAMO & Wespe
Joey Stebanuk - RCAF Mustang
Bruce Goff - Archer 17pdr SP Gun
No Entries
Dave Porter - Mig-21
Joey Stebanuk - Su27B Flanker
Dave Porter - Pitts “Bulldog”
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
- 7-
25. Best Adult Prop Aircraft (Multi Engine)
26. Best Civilian Aircraft
27. Best Rotary Wing
28. Best Junior Automotive
29. Best Intermediate Automotive
30. Best Adult Street Auto
31. Best Adult Competitive Auto
PC Place
PC Place
The Magnus Family
Majestics Car Club
Majestics Car Club
Park Street Drugs
Park Street Drugs
32. Best Adult Hot Rod (Pre 1948)
33. Best Adult Custom (1948 & After)
34. Best Adult Muscle Car (1960-1975)
35. Best Adult Replica Stock
36. Best Adult Nascar
37. Best Non-Adult Truck
38. Best Adult Truck
39. Best Non-Adult Armour
40. Best Adult Armour
Majestics Car Club
Majestics Car Club
The Draper Family
The Draper Family
The Draper Family
Ed Kereluk
IPMS Edmonton
41. Best Non-Adult Sci/Fi
42. Best Adult Sci/Fi
43. Best Military or Civilian Figure
44. Best Sci/Fi Fantasy Figure
45. Best Figure Vignette
IPMS Edmonton
R & R Hobbies
Brian Miller
City of Regina Public
46. Best Aircraft Diorama
47. Best Armour Diorama
48. Best “Open Class” Diorama
Pro Crest
City of Regina Public
Park Street Drugs
Rob Wheeler
IPMS Ottawa
Majestics Car Club
Pro Crest
Majestics Car Club
Gaslight Saloon
Brent Szakacs Crestview Chrysler
49. Best Ship
50. Best Collection
51. Best Aircraft - Straight outta the Box
52. Best Armour - Straight outta the Box
53. Best Automotive - Straight outta the Box
54. Best “Open Class” - Straight outta the Box
55. Best Chevy
56. Best Motorcycle
57. Best Jeep - Civilian or Military
Vern Gwin - CAF Lancaster
Dave Porter - Pitts “Bulldog”
Colin Kunkel - CH-118 Iroquois
Jarvis Stobbs - ’69 Vette
Jonothan Paul - ’69 Dodge Superbee
Nathan Meckler - ’59 VW
William Yee - ’34 DeSoto Airflow
Ed Kereluk - ’41 Ford
Ed Kereluk - ’53 Studebaker
Nathan Meckler - Camaro
Larry Draper - ’68 Vette
Ron Gall - Pfizer Winston Cup
No Entries
Corey Singbeil - Panther G
Barry Novak - M4A3 105mm
Kyle Stevens - Ieman Russ Tank
Dave Porter - Destroid Defender
Cam Tetrault - Dr. Jones
Cam Tetrault - Dr. Jones
Bruce Goff - 101st Airborne
(Bastogne 1944)
Mike Evans - B-17G
Jayme Benson - FAMO & Wespe
Ron Gall - Dodge Charger Daytona
Dave Porter - Bismarck
Colin Kunkel - CF-18’s
Al Magnus - Bf 109G-6
Bruce Goff - Dragon Wagon
Larry Draper - Mercedes Benz
Alison Kapp - Mama B.
Nathan Meckler - Camaro
Dave Kapp - “Evil Iron”
Bruce Goff - Willys MB
Commemorative Award
Best Corvette (50th Anniversary)
Best Ford (100th Anniversary)
Best Buick (100th Anniversary)
Snoopy Award (Best WW1 Aircraft)
Brian Findlay Memorial Award
(Best Canadian Aircraft)
Best Lancaster
(60th Anniversary Dambusters Raid)
Best Dodge / Mopar
Barker’s Trophies
Colin (Capital Pontiac)
Len Schmidt
Nathan Meckler - ’53 Vette
Ed Kereluk - ’41 Ford
Larry Draper - ’70 Buick GSX
Dave Porter - Nieuport 17
Joey Stebanuk - RCAF Mustang
Dave Porter
Vern Gwin - CAF Lancaster
Kevin Knight - Crestview Chrysler
Saskatoon Modeller’s Choice
William Yee - ’34 DeSoto Airflow
Dave Porter - Mig-21
Door Prize Winners
Winner of the 1/72 scale AMT/ERTL F-117 and Ground Crew, donated by Kevin Kreinke, was RSM'
s own Tyler Edwards.
Winner of the Star Wars Starfighter game CD, donated by Staples on Quance Street, was Kent Brekner of Regina.
Winner of the 1/48 scale Revell P-47 Profinish, donated by Redline Hobbies, was Sarina Fike of Regina.
Winner of the 1/48 scale Testors F-4G/F, donated by Larry Draper, was Neil Miller of Saskatoon.
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
- 8-
Winner of the Hobby Model Kits F-117, donated by the Magnus family, was Kain Sapergia from Moose Jaw.
Category winners
(Note: All winners are adult unless otherwise indicated)
1. Military Biplane (and others that are predominately
fabric, strut, and rigging)
B) larger than 1/72
1) Dave Porter - Nieuport 17
2) Cam Tetrault - 1909 Bleriot
3) Cam Tetrault - Bristol Boxkite
2. Military Single Engine Prop
A) 1/72 and smaller
1 - Macchi MC200 Saetta
2 - Al Magnus - Corsair F4U-5N
3 - Al Magnus - Bf 109G-10
B) 1/48
1 - Dave Porter - Fw 190F-8
2 - Joey Stebanuk - P-47D
3 - Joey Stebanuk - RCAF Mustang
3. Military Multi-Prop
A) 1/72 and smaller
1 - Al Magnus - He-219A
2 - Kevin Krienke - Me-323 D1 Gigant
3 - Mervin Rempel - F-82G Twin Mustang
B) 1/48
1 - Vern Gwin - CAF Lancaster
2 - Vern Gwin - C-45 Expiditor
3 - Kevin Kreinke - Dambuster Lancaster
4. Military Prop, 1/32
1 - Joey Stebanuk - Bf 109G-4
5. Military Single Engine Jet
A) 1/72 and smaller
1 - Cam Tetrault - T-33 Red Knight
2 - Cam Tetrault - BAE Hawk “Red Arrows”
B) 1/48
1 - Dave Porter - Mig-21
2 - Len Schmidt - A-4B Falklands War
3 - Neil Hill - Aermacchi MB.326 Impala
6. Military Multi-engine Jet
A) 1/72
1 - Ron Gall - A-10
B) 1/48
1 - Joey Stebanuk - Su-27B Flanker
2 - Vern Gwin - F-101A Voodoo
3 - Colin Kunkel - CF-101B Voodoo
9. Civil, sport and racing, all scales
1 - Dave Porter - Pitts “Bull Dog”
2 - Colin Kunkel - Hawker Sea Fury “Baby Gorilla”
3 - Al Magnus - Lippisch DM-1
10. Rotary wing, all scales
1 - Al Magnus - Hiller XROE-1
2 - Al Magnus - Cierva C.30
3 - Colin Kunkel - CH-118 Iroquois
11. AFV’s (through 1945), including tanks, open top
AFV’s, assault guns and self-propelled guns (1/48 and
1 - Corey Singbeil - Panther G Steel Wheel
2 - (Tie) Corey Singbeil - Pershing M-26
Corey Singbeil - Cromwell Mk.IV
1 - Barry Novak - M4A3 105mm Howitzer
2 - Dave Porter - Hetzer
3 - Bob Aaberg - Munition Panzer IV Carrier
12. AFV’s (post 1945), including tanks, open top AFV’s,
assault guns and self-propelled guns (1/48 and larger)
1 - Barry Novak - Panzerhaubitze 2000
2 - Brian Miller - Canadian Leopard C1
3 - ????? - Leopard 2-A5
13. Armoured half-tracks and armoured cars (all eras)
1/48 and larger
1 - Brian Miller - BRDM-2
14. Soft skinned military vehicles (all eras including
jeeps, trucks, un-armoured half-tracks and motorcycles)
1/48 and larger
1 - (Tie) Bruce Goff - Dragon Wagon
Bruce Goff - DUKW
2 - Bruce Goff - OPEL Blitz
15. Artillery, all eras, towed (includes missiles 1/48 and
larger and all scales of railroad guns)
Int: Corey Singbeil - 75mm AT Gun
Adult: Bob Aaberg - 60cm Karl Morser
16. Military vehicles (all eras) 1/49 and smaller
A) fully tracked
1 - Entry #492 - No info available
2 - Entry #491 - No info available
3 - Entry #493 - No info available
7. Military Jets, 1/32
1 - Cam Tetrault - Bell X-1
8. Airliners
B) All other scales
1 - Cam Tetrault - Handley Page 42 “Heracles”
2 - Cam Tetrault - DC-3 Dakota
17. Replica stock (unmodified body, chassis, factory
wheels and drive train, includes conversions) 1/20 and
Int: Entry #611 - No info available
1 - Larry Draper - ’68 Vette
2 - Richard Abday - 1970 Plymouth GTX
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
3 - Leith James - ’70 Corvette ZR-1
18. Street Modified & Pro Street (1/20 and smaller)
Junior: Jarvis Stobbs - ’69 Vette
Int: Jonothan Paul - ’69 Dodge Superbee
1 - Nathan Meckler - ’66 VW Bug
2 - Nathan Meckler - Camaro
3 - Larry Draper - 1970 Buick GSX
19. Competition, open wheel (1/20 and smaller)
A) Road or Oval
1 - William Yee - ’34 Dodge Coupe
20. Competition, closed wheel (1/20 and smaller)
A) Straight Line (Drag & Bonneville)
1 - William Yee - ’34 DeSoto Airflow XO/GALT
B) Road Race
1 - Larry Draper - Mercedes Benz CLK DTM 2000
2 - Ron Gall - Toyota GT One
3 - Dave Porter - ’70 Trans Am Mustang
C) Stock Car
1 - Larry Draper - “God Bless America” stock car
2 - Ron Gall - Pfizer Winston Cup
21. Custom and Show cars (1/20 and smaller)
1 - Ed Kereluk - ’53 Studebaker Custom
2 - Nathan Meckler - ’53 Vette
3 - Dave Kapp - Surf Woody
22A. Street Rods 1/20 and smaller
1 - Ed Kereluk - ’41 Ford Convertible
2 - Dave Kapp - Deuce
3 - Dave Kapp - ’48 Ford Woodrow
25A. Light trucks 1/20 and smaller
1 - Entry #790 - no info available
26A. Heavy trucks 1/20 and smaller
1 - Entry #812 - No info available
2 - Frank Turgeon - GMC Astro & Car Hauler with load
3 - Frank Turgeon - Mack Dump Truck
27. Motorcycles, all scales
1 - Dave Kapp - “Evil Iron”
2 - Brian Miller - Military Harley
28. Large scales (1/19 and larger)
1 - Richard Abday - 1910 Ford MT
2 - Mark Langlais - Porsche 935 Turbo
3 - Al Lindeman - ’70 Dodge Charger RT
29. Real spacecraft and vehicles (kits and scratchbuilts)
1 - Richard Abday - Space Shuttle
30. Film and TV spacecraft and vehicles (kits and
1 - Dave Porter - Macross Destroid Defender
2 - Dave Porter - Gundam Geara-Doga
3 - Brian Miller - Bat Boat
- 931. Fiction/Fantasy spacecraft and vehicles (kits and
Int: Kyle Stevens - Ieman Russ Tank
33B. Powered (surface) 1/400 and larger
1 - Dave Porter - Bismarck
2 - Kevin Krienke - USS Enterprise
34B. Submarines 1/400 and larger
1 - Cam Tetrault - VIIC U-Boat
38A. Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Large scales
1 - Cam Tetrault - Dr. Jones
2 - Ron Gall - Gundam Heavy Arms
39. Gaming pieces
1 - Connor Monkhouse - Black Orc Command
2 - Connor Monkhouse - Orc Boy
3 - Connor Monkhouse - Grim Gore Ironhide
1 - John Kapp - The All Father of the World Eaters
2 - John Kapp - Krell, Lord of the Undead
3 - Dione Theobald - Warhammer Dwarf
41. Aircraft
A) Small composition (single aircraft, no more than 5
figures) all scales
1 - Mark Langlais - Vulcan Bomber
B) Large composition (2 or more aircraft, and/or more than 5
figures) all scales
1 - Michael Evans - B-17G Diorama
42. Military vehicles
A) Small composition (single vehicle, no more than 5
figures) 1/48 and larger
1 - Barry Novak - Hue City 1968
B) Large composition (2 or more vehicles, and/or more than
5 figures) 1/48 and larger
1 - Jayme Benson - Tamiya FAMO & Wespe
2 - Barry Novak - Battle of Al Haniyah Feb. 26th, 1991
3 - Michael Evans - German Observers and Sturmpioneers
43A. Automobiles (Cars)
1 - Ron Gall - Dodge Charger Daytona
44A. Figures (Vignette: 5 or fewer figures)
1 - Bruce Goff - US 101st Airborne Bastogne 1944
47. Humour (all inclusive)
1 - Michael Evans - Mr. Gumby
2 - Alison Kapp - Mama B.
48. Best Canadian Subject: Any subject that has a
specifically Canadian connotation
1 - Brian Miller - Crusader III with Mk.2 AA Turret
49. Collections (5 or more), all scales
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003
Vol. 24 No.3
November 2003
- 10-
1 - Colin Kunkel - 410 Cougar Sqn CF-18’s
2 - Kevin Krienke - Tiger I’s
3 - Aubrey Steadman - Battlegroup
50. Miscellaneous: Anything that does not fit in any other
1 - Mervin Rempel - John Deere 4430
51. Team / Family Entries (all types)
1 - Noah & Aubrey Steadman - Eastern Front Diorama
52. Vacuforms, Conversions, and Scratchbuilts (Civil &
A) 1/49 and smaller
1 - Al Magnus - McDonnell XH-20
B) 1/48 to 1/33 inclusive
1 - Bruce Goff - Achilles M-10 17pdr
Expo pictures (part 1)
Dave Kapp'
s "Evil Iron", Best Motorcycle Winner
William Yee'
s scratchbuilt ’34 Dodge Coupe Best Scratchbuilt or Conversion winner
Dave Porter receiving the Scale Modellers
Association of Saskatoon Award from Colin
Kunkel for his 1/48 scale Mig-21 in North
Vietnamese markings.
Cam Tetrault'
s "Dr. Jones", Best in Show winner >
Watch for Part Two of the Expo pictures, to appear in the December 2003 Antenna.
Regina Scale Modellers - November 2003