chat oromia
chat oromia
ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± Eritrea Yemen Mek'ele" " Sudan Gonder Bahir Dar " Djibouti Dese " Debre Markos " " Asosa " Dire Dawa " Harar " Nek'emte " Jijiga Somalia ! [ Addis Ababa " Gambela " Gore " Jima " Awasa " Kenya Uganda Asela " Goba " Arba Minch 0 60 120 240 360 480 Kilometers Data Source: Livelihoods Integration Unit (LIU)/Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoARD) AFAR REGION, ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± AAP International Boundaries AAP Regions Lakes ! [ Capital AAP " Eritrea Cities Yemen Mek'ele ASP " Afar Region - Livelihood Zones AAP AAP - Asale Agropastoral AGA - Awsa-Gewane Agropastoral ARP - Aramiss - Adaar Pastoral ASP - Asale Pastoral CNO - Chenno Agropastoral " Gonder ELP - Eli daar Pastoral TER NMP - Namalefan & Baadu Pastoral ELP TER - Teru Pastoral ARP Djibouti AGA " Dese AGA AGA " Debre Markos Somalia NMP AGA CNO AGA " Harar Addis Ababa ! [ 0 30 60 120 180 240 Kilometers TIGRAY REGION, ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± International Boundaries Regions Lakes Eritrea MRB CMC ALL GWH EPL WCT HSS " Capital Cities ALL - Adiyabo Lowland AOH - Alaje Ofla Highland AWH - Atsbi Womberta Highland CMC - Central Mixed Crop EDM - Enderta Dry Midland EPL - Eastern Planteau GWH - Gesho and Wheat Highland HSS - Humera Sesame and Sorghum IRM - Irob Mountains MRB - Mereb Basin MTK - Middle Tekeze RVL - Raya Valley TSC - Tsirare Catchment WCT - West Central Teff WRC - Werie Catchment WSE - Western Cereal and Sesame IRM Sudan ! [ AWH WRC AOH WSE EDM " Mek'ele MTK AOH TSC RVL " Gonder 0 15 30 60 90 120 Kilometers AMHARA REGION, ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± International Boundaries Regions Lakes ! [ Capital " Cities " Mek'ele TSG NWB NWC TSG Gonder " TZA NMC NWS NMC NWE Sudan NHB GHL Bahir Dar ATW " SWM SME ATW WMB SWT WMB WMB CBP CBP SME SWT 50 100 150 ABB - Abay Beshilo River Basin ATW - Abay Tekeze Watershed CBP - Central Highland Barley & Potato CHV - Cheffa valley GHL - Guna Highland MLS - Merhabete Lowland Sorghum and teff MTL - Minjar teff and livestock MTS - Minjar teff and sorghum NHB - North Wollo Highland Belg NMC - North East Woyna Dega Mixed Cereal NSS - North Shewa highland sheep and barley NSW - North Shewa Highland Wheat and Teff productive NWB - N Highland wheat, Barley & Sheep WMB SWS CBP 200 Kilometers ABB SWW NWC - NorthWest Cash Crop NWE - North Wollo East Plain NWS - NorthWestAsosa Sorghum Belt SME - South Wollo Meher SWB - South Wollo Belg SWM - South West Maize, Finger Millet and Teff productive SWS - South Wollo & Oromia Eastern lowland sorghum & cattle SWT - South East Woyna Dega Teff SWW - South West Woyna Dega wheat TSG - Tekeze Lowland Sorghum and Goats TZA - Tana Zuria WMB - South Wollo Meher and Belg SWS SWB CBP 25 Dese SME " SWT 0 WMB SME " Debre Markos SWW NSS SWW " MLS CHV MTS NSW NSW " Nek'emte Addis Ababa ! [ MTS MTL BENISHANGUL-GUMUZ REGION, ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± International Boundaries Regions Lakes BDK ! [ " Sudan BMH Capital Cities Benishangul-Gumuz Region - Livelihood Zones BCK - Central Kolla Sorghum, Maize & Millet BCT - Midland Teff & Coffee BDK BMH BDK - Western Dry Kolla Sorghum, Maize & Mining BMH - Meketel Highland Cereal & Pulses BCT BMH BDK BCT BCK " Asosa BCK BDK BCT 0 " Nek'emte 15 30 60 90 120 Kilometers GAMBELA REGION, ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± International Boundaries Regions Lakes ! [ " Capital Cities Gambela Region - Livelihood Zones GAG - Gambella Agropastoral GAG GAG GMA " Gambela GHC - Gambella Coffee, Honey & Cereal GMA - Gambella Mixed Agriculture " Gore NZ NZ - No Data GAG GMA GAG GMA Sudan GHC 0 10 20 40 60 80 Kilometers SNNPR, ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± ACE - Amaro Coffee and Enset LZ AEC - Awassa Chat and Enset LZ GLM GET AMP - Alaba-Mareko Lowland Pepper LZ GEC BAM - Badewacho-Alaba Maize LZ BAP - Bilate Basin Agro-Pastoral LZ GEB Asela BCE - Bench-Keffa Cereal and Enset LZ GEB YCE BCR - Basketo-Melo Coffee and Root Crop LZ GEC DMR - Dawro-Konta Maize and Root Crop LZ Jima ECS - Western Coffee and Spices - Eastern subzone AMP HMZ HWE GCO - Gedeo Coffee LZ GEB - Gurage-Siltie Highland Enset and Barley LZ KCE GEC - Gurage-Siltie Midland Enset and Chat LZ BAM HGZ GET - Gurage-Siltie Enset and Teff LZ KBC Awasa WCG GGE - Gamo Gofa Enset and Barley LZ GGE AEC AEC GLM - Gurage Lowland SMB Goba Maize and Teff LZ OVM WWB GGE GGE GMR - Gamo Gofa Maize and Root Crop LZ SCO WMR WMR HGZ - Hadero Ginger LZ WMR WWB SEB HMZ - Hadiya Maize LZ IBA BAP SCO HWE - Hadiya-Kembata Cereal and Enset - Hadiya subzone GGE SCO GGE SCO IBA - Chamo-Abaya Irrigated Banana LZ IBA SCO KBC - Kedida-Badewacho Coffee LZ IBA IBA GGE KCE - Hadiya-Kembata Cereal and Enset - Kembata subzone GGE SMB KEC - Kaffa Cereal and Enset LZ IBA GCO GMR GGE LCE - Southern Special Woredas Lowland Cereal LZ Arba Minch PKS ORF - Omo River Flood Recession LZ GCO ACE OVM - Omo Valley Maize and Sorghum LZ IBA SCE SCE - Southern Cereal, Enset and Root Crop LZ SCE SCO - Sidama Coffee LZ SNA SDP - Surma Agro-Pastoral LZ LCE SEB - Sidama-Gedeo Highland Enset and Barley LZ SMB - Sidama Maize Belt LZ SNA - Southern Agro-Pastoral Livelihood Zone SOC - South Omo Crop LZ SOP - South Omo Pastoral LZ SPO - Salamago Pastoral LZ WCE - Sheka Cereal and Enset LZ WCG - Wolayita Ginger and Coffee LZ [ Capital International Boundaries ! WCS - Western Coffee and Spices - Western subzone WFP - Western Forest Products LZ Regions Cities WMR - Wolayita Maize and Root Crop LZ Lakes WWB - Wolayita Barley and Wheat LZ YCE - Yem Cereal and Enset LZ 0 15 30 60 90 120 Kilometers PKS - Parks and Protected Areas GET GLM " Gambela " Gore " WCE WCE " KEC ECS " WCS " BCE DMR WFP BCR SPO SOC SDP PKS Sudan SNA ORF Ilemi triangle SOP GGE " " Kenya SOMALI REGION, ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± Djibouti " Dese International Boundaries Regions Lakes ! [ " Capital Cities SHP AFP - Afder Pastoral DAP - Degahbur Agropastoral DGR - Dawa-Ganale Riverine FDP - Filtu-Dolo Pastoral FKP - Fik Pastoral GAP - Gode Agropastoral HDP - Harshin-Degahbur East Pastoral JAP - Jijiga Agropastoral JSF - Jijiga Sedentary Farming KAP - Korahe Agropastoral KGP - Korahe-Gode Pastoral LAP - Liban Agropastoral LHP - Lowland-Hawd Pastoral MWP - Moyale-Wayamo Pastoral SAP - Shinile Agropastoral SHP - Shinile Pastoral SHR - Shabelle Riverine NZ - No Data SAP NZ " Dire Dawa SAP Somalia Jijiga " JSF " Harar Addis Ababa ! [ JAP NZ HDP FKP FKP " DAP Asela GAP GAP KAP KGP " LHP Goba LAP GAP LAP AFP MWP SHR LAP LAP LAP LAP LAP LAP FDP LAP DGR LAP MWP Kenya LAP 0 37.5 75 150 225 300 Kilometers OROMIA REGION, ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± " Debre Markos ASM ASM " Asosa WMS ADC QBC WMS WMS ACH QBC " NTC IMP Gambela GMP DSM AMT MAS MASAMT GAM WDH AWT AMT GMP SAW DSM AWT GMP JCC NTC WKL AWT BAT SHE MKP BAT MAW GHT " NAP Jijiga CGC CGC SMC CGC RVM GMP NAP CGC International Boundaries RCS NMT GHT CGC CVG "Harar GBG RVM " Gore WBP MKP SHE GBE SMC UBN WBP NAP NAP SAW MAS JDB Addis Ababa AMT [ AWT AMT ! AWT CIE NAP " AMT MAS Dire Dawa SAW AMT WDH SAW Nek'emte DLS NTC IMP " ADC WMS JTM AMT CHT NTF NTF MAS SAW GAM WDH CHT NTF MMC AMT ASM HSF QBC QBC GAM ETC AMT Asela GHT " ASA Jima RCS RCS NTC RCS STS Awasa SKV Goba Arba Minch " GBC OAP BLP DBC BGC BGC BGE AFC BLP BGE BGC BGC Cities BLP ADF BGE BGE GSW " KKE BGP " BPA ABW " ! [ Capital BLP SKV RVM Lakes AFC WDH ASA Regions BLP " BGC BPA OAP BLP OAP Sudan OAP OAP OAP Ilemi triangle MIP Kenya BGP Somalia OAP OAP MCP MCB MCP 0 35 70 140 210 280 Kilometers OROMIA REGION, ETHIOPIA - LIVELIHOOD ZONES ± Djibouti Sudan Oromia Region - Livelihood Zones " Bahir Dar ABW - Arsi Bale Wheat, Barley & Potato IMP - Illu-Wellega-Birbir Maize, Peppers & Sesame ACH - Anfilo Coffee Monoculture & Honey JCC - Jimma-Illubabur Coffee, Cereals & Chat ADC - Abe Dongoro-Diga-Sasiga Coffee & Sorghum JDB - Jaldu-Dendi-Ilfata Barley & Potato ADF - Adaba Dodola Community Forest JTM - Jimma-Yama Logi Teff & Maize AFC - Agarfa, Gasera, Ginir & Gololcha Fruit, Coffee & Chat KKE - Kofele Kokosa Enset & Cattle Belt AMT - Ambo Selale Ginderberet Teff & Wheat MAS - Muger-Abay-Jema Sorghum & Teff Belt ASA - Abijata Shala Jido Agro-Pastoral MAW - Melka Awash-Ochocha Mid-Highland Wheat & Teff ASM - Abay Gorge Sesame, Maize & Honey MCB - Moyale Agro-Pastoral, Labour & Cross-Border Trade AWT - Ameya-Wolisso-Ambo Teff & Cattle MCP - Moyale Cattle, Shoats & Camel Pastoralist BAT - Becho-Adea Teff & Chickpea MIP - Market-Isolated Cattle & Shoat Pastoralist BGC - Borena-Guji Maize, Wheat & Livestock MKP - Kereyu Pastoral BGE - Borena-Guji Coffee & Enset MMC - Mendi-Dabisu Maize, Sesame & Cattle BGP - Borena-Guji Cattle Pastoralist NAP - North-East Agro-Pastoral BLP - Bale Agro-Pastoral NMT - Nadda-Gilgel Gibe Maize, Teff and Sorghum BPA - Bale Pastoralist NTC - Nole-Meko-Diga Teff & Cattle CGC - Chercher & Gololcha Chole Coffee, Maize & Chat NTF - Nejo-Dilla Teff, Finger Millet & Nug CHT - Central Horo Teff, Nug & Cattle OAP - Southern Agro-Pastoral CIE - Chebo-Inchini Enset, Barley & Cattle Somalia CVG - Chat & Vegetables QBC - Keto-Begi Cereals & Cattle DBC - Dallo, Barbare & Arana-Buluk Coffee RVM - Rift Valley Maize & Horse Bean DLS - Dale-Lalo Sorghum & Maize SAW - Selale-Ambo Highland Barley, Wheat and Horsebean belt DSM - Didessa-Gibe-Wama Valley Sorghum, Maize & Oilcrops SHE - Soddo Highland Wheat, Barley & Enset ETC - Ebantu-Limu Teff & Cattle SKV - Siraro Kofele Potato & Vegetables GAM - Guduru-Amuru Maize, Teff & Cattle SMC - Sorghum, Maize & Chat GBC - Guji-Borena Enset, Barley & Cattle STS - Shirka Ticho Spice & Teff GBE - Gerbo Enset & Chat UBN - Addis Ababa City GBG - Gursum-Babile Groundnuts & Sorghum WBP - Wheat, Barley & Potato GHT - Gera-Setema-Sale Forest Teff, Honey & Cattle WDH - Wellega-Dedo Highland Wheat & Barley GMP - Gibe Maize & Peppers WKL - Wuchale-Abichu-Kembebit Livestock, Wild Oats & Barley/Wheat GSW - Goro-Ginir Spice & Wheat WMS - Wellega Coffee, Maize & Sorghum " Dese Debre Markos " Asosa " Dire Dawa " " " Addis Ababa Nek'emte ! [ Harar " Jijiga " Gambela " Gore Asela " Jima " " Awasa " Goba " Arba Minch Uganda Kenya International Boundaries Regions Lakes ! [ Capital " 0 Cities 50 100 200 300 400 Kilometers HSF - Anger Maize, Sorghum & Finger Millet RCS - Robe Chole Sude & Seru Teff Maize Haricot Bean Belt
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