persoii{aljouml. - The Morris and King Company
persoii{aljouml. - The Morris and King Company
I PERSOII{ALJOUML THE \[IA],t STREETJOIIRNAL T U E S D A Y ,O C T O B E R 3 . 2 0 0 6 in Contcstants ,40/,'s"Gold Rush" (xDUPk,/)r' (ubouP). $100,000 ,4 l{rili,li,rflGoogllo ldol tnlrv (|c.ft). Conlesl.unl Nit'k Sdnnidlin "America'e Dloam Dato" (ridtt). Virtual Reality TV 'Anrcriccrru IdoI' ond ILsIIk InspireWaueoJ'WebOonten,L; - Chatr Showclount An,OJ,ftce Ilv Jlsstr Ir, V-rsttil.t,ly,rttr lr l l [ , : N l ' ] X ' l ' S I , j A S O N( ) l " A I u { ' r ' i ( ' i l nl ( l o l t t x , s l r ' l s l i r l t i l i l l i l J i u r r l r r ' 1 l. l r r t I t . v r r t L r0 tt tlu'tlrtiI o n a r t l .a l r l s - v ( , i u ' ( , Il d t c s l t r r r i ri n vclsity of PennsylviLniir, is illfeildv iur "ldrtl" winnet' ol ilnothcr kind. lle and his fr'fundsnlitde a lip-sync virleo to tho tune of the Bcatlcs' "l Wtnt ttt lktltl Yrul llantl" in rvhitJr tivo yottng ntcn tr1, oddball antics iu a h'uitlessbid to win the illhutiOn of thc sarnc gill. Tlur vkltxr tlrur4ted the cunl)etition-a duu dirucinganctbirngiltgpillows 1.0an ltngsf r.r-ralc iilkrcllove songbv VancssitCarlton -by lxtilflv 1,{}{)0 votesto rvin thr.-tilltt of vidrrt ttn "(luttglt: Idrt." a ncw Wcb sitc rvith no alfilintiott kr citltet' Grxrgtc lnr:. ol Nc\vs (ln1r.'s lrox'llelevisiott, 'l'lvlol Plus Movo ov{rr k r l c visi0n H k r k s " R eu l i t y A sampling ol' i s n u r v i : r gk ) t h { rl v o b w i t l r Web-based ir hosl.of rnlint' vidt:o rtntreality t.r,:sls;tnti gitnu's ntrxleletl iLftel lcrlity lelevision. prograarming, The sorios,rlnging lilnr SeePage D4 elaboltte online dating gilnes t0 interilctive gtrlle fn I ' ollet'itttyone sliows, u sltot lrfe ereitting ill. thc linl0lighl. La|ge c0nrpanics and now onlinevcntnresusingt'ealitycOntests, existingoulinevidcositosa|r: usingthe fintests ils ii way t0 set thcmselves apart frorn the p;tttk. 'finre Wanxf Inc.'s AOL, in pat'tnership with " tlie producer' 0f feality-Tvhits suchas "Sut'vivot ancl"The Appfentice,"t'ecentlylaunchedan online leality urntestc[llcrl "GoldRush."Thegtand plizc: t million dollals in goltl.In the pt'ogram, ilnyoltectn bg on whiclr|uns th|oughNovember, to (xnnpetcin onlinett'ivia dtallengesto qualify tbl offline final rounds thitt at'e filnted tncl on'ush. stLeamerl ns "webisorles" ln onecontest,vicw0fsrililtchcelebritiessuchas .lustin'I'imberlilke and Shaqllille O'Neillto their ittsignia, t'espectitll(x)s {ir t rrrssilnclir Slll)('frnilrt tivoly). I\'lirlosoftCor'p.'sMSN divisiont'ecently wltppcd rrp an ouline feirlity basebilll series rnllotl "I,'anClub: Iteillity llascball,"whereviewrls iLctcrlts the tclln miurlger and madedccisionsab0uttheplayorlinetql.A teal rninot'leagLte I,'lyers,thenplayedaccordleiLrn, theSchilulnbrlrg ing t.olheif votssitnil MSNp{)stedhigltlightclips irn(l clubhousevictnus,viewedtnot'ethan half it nrilliontimes,birclton the site. otheI r'ealitvWeblrlog|ilnrmingrelieson usersubmittheir own lcnelatc.(lcontent.[]outestants videosand the winuel'is chosenthlough online selies"Amerivoting.Thewinneroi a nine-week cil's l)reanl Date," hostedby videosite Golrish. lomon'ow.Tentrrenand 10 comwill be annotrncetl Pl(us?'l'ut't lo [\rw I)1, (lilunur 4 GADGETS Reality TV InspiresHost of\4IebGames ContinuedF\'omPageDl women,chosenfrom a pool of more than 400who submittedvideos,are competing for a five-daydate in Paris by uploading videos of themselvesdoing everything from playing the harmonica to swing dancing with actors in sailor suits., a New York-basedmedia company that hosts dozensof online shows, is launching reality Web shows where cast memberscompetefor votes by postingvideosor performingfor camera cre\{s. In "Heavy's Angels," launchedlast week,20 girls will vie for a new car by posting video-diary entries. "Manly Man Games,"a showwhereusers will competein office-inspiredcontests like office-chair skateboarding,is set to start later this year. The reality Webprogtammingis helping Nick Schmidt,who sayshe resembles actor Jake Gyllenhaal, fulfill his ambi' tion to be a TV star. "I am too old to be on MTV's 'The Real World,' " saYs Mr. Schmidt, a 2?-year-oldaccountantfrom Champaigr, Ill., who is currently the third-rankedmale in "America'sDream Date" with 88votesthis round. "So,I'm 'The Bachethinking of this kind of like lor."' Mr. Schmidt'srecentvideosubmis' sionsincludea segmentwhere he uses the sign languagefor "beer" and tests whether wearing scentedbody spray attracts women in a bar. Much like the plethora of reality programming on television, reality Web show vary wildly in both concept and quality.Some,like "Gold Rush," resemble game showswhere the first rounds are open to anyone. Others are essentially large-scale popularity contests where a large pool of contestantsis narrowed down through elimination votes and user-generatedcontent is interspersedwith professionalsegmentsnarrated by a host. a site foundedby 0n, Ben Petro,a Webdeveloperin Australia, the opencall to uploadvideosin the site's competitioncategorieslike "Rock" and "Kids" has beenansweredby a tair number of teens with braces and Webcams, who must first post their video to Google Video before uploading the link to says it doesn't mind that its nameis being usedbecause it enhancesand popularizesGooglevideo content.)On recently, userscanevencreatethe termsandprizes for their own competitionlike one "Rant" competitionwherecontestantsare asked: "In 25 to 45 secondsdescribesomething that you flnd incrediblyannoying."(With the mostviews currently is a bit on women who are afraid to sit on publictoilet seats.) Reality televisionhas beenlinkedto tlte Webfor years, giving fans an online outlet to root for their favorite would-be chef, modelor inventor.Mark Burnett.whosereality TV producton companyhas promoted shows like "The Apprentice" and "Rock Contestant,fronPop ) Webcamcompetition The Real Web Someof the Web sites with reality-contestprogramming: EUn Googleldol andsearch by Goto (PopWebcam, Rockor Kids,for contest exam0le). youcan Bywinning a competition, hostyourown earntherightto onthesite. comoetition GoldRush to complete watchvideosor thetriviachallenges, gameblogcomment ontheGlog-or gamenewsandtips. featuring arenarrated offlinechallenges the andhostedMarkSteines, of Entertain mentT0night. co-host Dream America's Date intoa Footage willbecompiled andclickon Goto permanent channel onGoFish. America's DreamDatetabto browse videosorsearchbycontestant. comalongwithsomevideo through montages of popular videos. Star"with exclusivecontentandcontestant blogson Yahooand MSN, says the new reality Webprogramminghas the potential it's availto reacha wideaudiencebecause ableat all timesof the day."The Internet is a new type of prime time," he says. Theprogrammingalsorepresentscompanies'attempts to profit from the rise in popularityof videositessuchas YouTube and MSN video. Advertisershave been reluctantto advertiseon somevideosites, concernedtheir ads will appear next to inappropriateor copyrightedcontent.But conin a contestformat, user-generated tent is oftenhandpickedand bundledwith professionallyproduced segments.And muchlike reality television,opportunities for product placementsabound. AOL's GoldRushhas five corporatesponsorsinZero cludingBest Buy Co. and Coca-Cola that can embed their products in challenges. In one challenge,for example, playersare askedto watch a short ad for CokeZerofor help in answeringa series of trivia questions. The reality Web showsare commandby TV standards.AOL ing smallaudiences saysthat severalhundredthousandpeople have registeredto play "Gold Rush," a lractionof the morethan 30million people whotunedinto a typicalepisodeof "Americanldol" last season.But theyaregenerating buzzaroundthe water cooler.Erin Farris plays "Gold Rush" during breaks at work. "If I was free to sigl on the moment the new challengeswere posted,I would havea chance,"saysMs. Farris,a 24-yearold consultantin Denver,whosepop-cul- tu-reprowesshas helpedher sail through challengeslike matching celebritieslike Nicole Richie and Bill Gates with how much they earn. The experienceisn't alshesays,and during peak waysseamless, usagetimes she often has to wait for the programsto load over the broadbandnetwork on her computeror for her answers to be recognized. Viewerswho endurespotry accessand sometimesfuzzy screensmay, however, find sometalent."America'sDreamDate" contenderDennisFuller, who goesby the nameDentonRose,hasbeenpickedup by talent agency Abrams Artists since he startedparticipatingin the show."It's all saysMr. kind of happenedunexpectedly," Rose,who hascampaigaingto attract viewers for his levitation tricks and workout videosby passingout fliers in Denvergrocery storesand night clubs. In addition, unlike reality television starswho auditionin person,onlinestars can always fudge the facts-and often do. Michael Downing,chief executiveof,saysthat with voting wrapping up later this week, the companyis asking the top contestantsfor copiesof their driver's licensesto verify their identity. "We want to ensure that all these people who have been participating aren't completelyduped,"he says. ll*Nl./esslca Vascellarotakes a closer Y tookat the realitu nrooramand its mouefrom the teteuisionio the computer,at W3l,com/Video.