USC Professor Babcock`s Latest Book Is His Best
USC Professor Babcock`s Latest Book Is His Best
S (^Biography Saturday Rites Babcock Wffl Be Buried in Virginia , suasive talents he enlisted the help of students and everyone else he could muster and the TJAVTI \U RARrnrk' volunteers laid the brick walks nAVlLAri BAri^UUi\, which remain a monument to sweat of his bfOW, made himself^! the scholarly, talented man." an institution. While conducting! Dr. Ilavilah Babcock surviving are his widow, Mrs.! fascinating En^lish courses at"; Alice Hudson cheatham Bab- the Imiversity of South Carolina, cock; a son and daughter-in-law, running the department and en-'i USC Professor Babcock's Latest Book Is His Best \Tf ntifi »«&. Aflfc ndviidii H ziiFilQn DdunLR R£ir\/*rt/*tf oamna ^"^ in .\ir. ami nthpr artivitips VIP 'i Jr. (She is the former Coralee 1 &d'S ins In omer auivuieb, ne.^ Gilliam); a granddaughter. Miss turned OUt scintillating Stories of "i Barbara Ann Babcock; a sister tne Great Open Spaces that"' JAYBIRDS GO TO HELL Funeral services for Soulh ON FRIDAY by Havilah Bab .*. . -nCarolina writer, teacher and lication in 1947, and foreign Mrs. S. L. Murphy, Appomat-.v ee brothers, brothers Robert Robert (brought enjoyment, to millions. £fi cock. Holt, Rinehart and Wintox, and three outdoorsman Havilah Babcock editions. his books are "Talcs W. Babcock and Adelbert 66, will be at 11 a.m. Satui- of Among He did most of his writing at"' ston, Inc. 149 Pages. $3.95. Quails and Such," "I Don't A. Babcock of Appomattox; and day in Appomattox Methodist Want to Shoot night, disparagingly remarking fJ Once again, the author with an Elephant," Church, Appomattox, Va. "The Education nf Pretty Boy," Thomas H. Babcock, Rustburg, that since he could not sleep he the most amusing and intrigu The Rev. F. 5. Wagoner will "According to Hoyle," and his ing book titles in the business The Carolina children's Home | ma>' ™ well write. Many thereby . strides [officiate. Interment will be in, newest, "Jaybirds Go to Hell on again. Following up | Babcock Cemetery. Friday." is suggested to those wishing to j gained. ^ such delightful titles of "I Friends may call at the resi- Many of his works have been send memorials. Don't Want to Shoot an Ele His abilities were not confined ', phant" I dence and Dunbar Funeral translated into foreign lan"My Health Is to the out-of-doors. He was aV Better and Home, Gervais Street Chapel, guages and twv, of his books in November," Dr. until 1 p.m. Friday. Fave been made available to the cogent commentator on public': Havilah Babcock's "Jaybirds The former head of the de blind in Braille and recorded Co to Hell on Friday" is his affairs and at one time wrote a^ funniest title and funniest partment of English of the editions the only outdoor books considerable number of articles * book. University of South Carolina to earn these distinctions. Dr. Babcock was born in Apdied at 12:30 a.m. Thursday for THE STATE. A collection of stories and at his home, 3436 Devine St. pomattox County, Va., a son of yarns, spun on the loom of Dr. Babcock was a charming . the late H. C. and Blanche The Virginia-born educate; Moore Babcock. He was a memthe outdoors with the woof of conversationalist of many inter-? truth and the warp of im Icame to the University in I32l~ her of Appomattox Memorial Ion a year's leave of absence ests. At times his activities in- rf agination, Dr. Babcock de lights his legions of readers eluded bee-keeping, which he ) with through gallof started, originally, as a means to,.' berriesrambles 'of English and head of the and lamp eels. relations at USC, wrote in par1.: journalism school. provide fish bait. He expertly, In every chapter Dr. Bab He "found the hunting and grew flowers and scientifically- cock tucks bits of information ''In a world filled with medi fishing so good here" that he entertaining lines as cultivated vegetables. * between | stayed on. ' ocrity, Havilah Babcock was neatly as he can pop a quail preoccupied with excellence. In 1937 he became head of Possessed of a broad and fer- I on the wing. And he's the "Whatever he did had to be | the USC Department of English champion quail shoot tile imagination and wit, Havilah $ world's and held the position until the best. er, self-proclaimed, but sel "In the South Carolina woods [June 30, 1964. when he stepped Babcock will be missed by le-_;| dom challenged. down from administrative re and fields he loved, (he profes gions of friends, known and un- * What fisherman could re sponsibilities but remained a sor was the best shot in the bird sist reading a chapter entitl hunting parties. known to him personally, for his ed. professor in the department. "Monofilament Hates Peo "His trout fly would sail far Recipient of the first words have traveled far, and will ple"? And every liar in the "Distinguished Professorship" ther, drop more lightly on the audience will pay particular live on. most" neremhpr 11, 1961 awarded by the University if * water, and offer the attention to the opening chap South Carolina Educational tempting lure to the biggest ter, "Liars Should Have Good STATE-WemW 11, 196i Memories." Foundations, Dr. Babcock cre fish. because they, too, "Bird dogs responded to him 1 ated one of the best-known have had their dog's day. His nin-t '! ' li.l bivk courses in higher education, as though they had read his He advocates some rather "My Health I.s B,,-Uer lu Xr>a vocabulary building course books and articles about them. starling procedures in helping "His writings simply had to vember." wan published In 1947.. Identified as "English 129." the South's Bob White pop Other br»ok* ho wrote in He wrote the textbook fuv be as perfect as he could make cluded "TTnc Education of Pret the course, "I Want a Word," them, and he wrote and re ty Boy," "According to Hovlp," \ COLUMBIA, K. C.. Dec. 11 and his lectures in English U9 wrote, refined and refined again ;author ami educator, died, and his latest, "Jaybirds Go tn invariably have filled the class 5.0 the words were exactly the yesterday at home. He was 66' Hell on Friday." room to overcrowding. years old. . ' ^ r - Babcnrk is survived right ones, laid lovingly in pre Dr. Babcock had been headfhis widow. Mr*. Allre C. Bal>-j Dr. Babcock achieved inter cisely correct succession. nf the English department atU'ock, and a sun, Havilah Bab-1 national reputation as an author "At the University of South thp University of Soulh Caro-l cot'k Jr after he joined the University Una hfre for 27 years and had[ of South Carolina faculty. For Carolina, where he taught and written novels and articles! headed the English depart the most part, the subjects of about hunting and fishing. '**- NEW YUKR. JiMES, his writings have come from the ment for many jears. he was HP had headfd the English South Carolina fields, thickets, a senior statesman of higher department at Klon College in DECEMBER 12, 1964. woods, streams and the sky education with great behindNorth Carolina and here while the-scenes influence in the ad on a year's InJivp from the Col-] above them. lOf,"- of Wijjtam and Mary. A keen, sensitive observer and ministrations of a succession br. Babco' k romainert and oran active participant in every of presidents. ' nine rlop.-irl mrnt rhairman In] thing that interested him, Dr.j «. It was Dr. Babcock who I0:;7. Ill hrallh fnivcd his Babcock produced several literally took the universlty out tirmient from artniinistrativel books and about « 150 essays and>!il Ul nf lilt? fhp JmilH y work on June no. ,.» i- i « ' iHLHl. short stories published in na Hi* was accorded the only "Only the old-timers remem-| j tinguished profr«snrship cvcrl tional magazines and anthnlo[awarded by thp university. His her, but the dirt paths around Ifies. course, His most successful book. the campus were soggy in wet f'l*j| v.orabuiary " "I W' Want a Word," WAS titled "T "My Health Is Better in No weather and dusty in dry spells?^-* one of the school's most popu-| vember," Is still selling strong when Havilah Babcock decided! lar. after a doten printings in the to do something about them.] United States since first pub With his not inconsiderable per-! HAVILAH BABCOCK, TEACHER AND WRITER ulation grow in "What's Hap pening to Bob White." Dr. Babcock is at his best, though, when recalling his boyhood and the thousand and one delights he strings vividly on the page. For 25 years head of the English Department at the University of South Carolina until he stepped down for health reasons. Dr. Babcock has wstablished a reputation as a "must" teacher for eve ry student to enter the Uni versity. His'English 109 course has not only helped build strong and forceful vocabularies among men and women of Car olina, it has given these stu dents a thing most people miss along the higher educa tion way a sterling silver educator who will never leave their memory. Some call this type of In dividual a "character" or an "eccentric or codger," but in Dr. Babcock, these descrip tive words are not enough. Eccentric? Sure. A character? By all means. 'But above all, he has been the sort of professor who can move that certain something within his students that makes them strive to do the best they can in his course. You can understand Dr. Babcock's charm after only a few pages into his latest, book, "Jaybirds Go to Hell on Friday." And you'll find a lot more every page you read. B. T. C 9 tr C u. tf fc ;< b.