Annual Report 2015.Final


Annual Report 2015.Final
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Wahoo, Nebraska
Annual Report Of 2015
For Annual Meeting
Jan. 24, 2016
A Community Gathered So God’s Word Is Scattered!
JANUARY 24, 2016
Determination of a Quorum
Opening Prayer
Declaration of Opening of the Meeting
Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting
Motion to act on Approval of minutes
Pages 1-2
Report of the Nominating Committee
Nominations from the floor
Motion to Close Nominations
Ballots Cast
Page 2
Council Presentation
2015 Financial Report
2015 Year End Financial Report
Financial Secretary Report
Auditors Report & Capital Improvement Loan
Discussion and Action on 2014 Financial Reports
Motion to act on Approval of Financial reports
2016 Budget
Discussion & Action on 2015 Ministry Plan
Motion to act on approval of Ministry Plan
Election Results
Pastor’s Report
7> Council President’s Report
8 > Presentation of Staff-Organization-Committee Reports
Motion to accept reports
9> Consideration of Congregational Resolutions
Motion to act on Resolutions
10> Other Old Business
11> New Business
12> Adjournment & Closing Prayer
Page 9-12
Page 13
Page 6
Pages 7-8
Page 3-4
Page 5
Pages 29-30
2015 Annual Meeting Minutes
Page 1
Page 2
Pastor’s Report
Pages 3-4
Council President’s Report
Page 5
General Fund Financial Reports
Auditor’s Report
Capital Improvement Loan
Year End Financial Report
Financial Secretary’s Report
2016 Proposed Budget
Page 6
Page 6
Pages 9-12
Page 13
Pages 7-8
Committee Reports
Endowment Fund
Heritage Scholarship Fund
Helping Hands Fund
Memorial fund
Page 17-18
Page 18
Page 14
Page 15
Ministry Reports
First Step Preschool Report
First Step Financial Report
Christian Education Report
Sr. High Youth Report
Sr. High Financial Report
Worship & Music committee Report
Women of the ELCA Report
Women of the ELCA Financial Report
Altar Guild Report
Quilters Report
Service Guild Report
Mission coordinator Report
Page 16
Page 14
Page 21
Page 20
Page 19
Page 22
Pages 23-24
Page 25
Page 26
Page 26
Page 26
Pages 27-28
Pages 29-30
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Annual Meeting January 25, 2015
Meeting started by council president Keith Obert at 12:45, opening prayer by Pastor Madsen. Sixty
voting members were present.
2014 Annual Meeting minutes. Motion made by Jovan Lausterer, second by Bill Reece, MC
Ballot: questions were answered on the number of people nominated for each vacancy. No nominations
were raised from the floor. Motion to close nominations. Second. MC Jerry Johnson motioned that the
ballot be accepted as presented, and that the nominees be elected. Second. MC.
Jovan Lausterer took the microphone and gave a power point presentation of the Council actions and
future plans. Goals and objectives to include: oversee the Pastor Call process, oversee the financial
condition of the church, facilitate capital improvement projects, address organizational restructuring within
the church, and address church indebtedness. Some of the capital improvement project to be addressed
are: Parsonage insulation, updated bathroom, patching/painting etc. Exterior of church: gutters, siding,
church steeple repair, etc. Interior of church: roof leaks, HS youth space, and Mission Center
Jerry Johnson took the floor to address the Year End Financial Report. He answered questions on the
financial report and the Auditor’s report. Motion made and second to approve the financial and auditor’s
report as presented. MC
Jerry Johnson also explained the Endowment Fund financial report. He also answered questions
pertaining to these funds. Motion made and second to approve all Committee reports as presented.
Second, MC.
Congregational Resolutions were read and discussed as separate adoptions. Motion to approve each
resolution separately. Additions were made to part e of resolution 5 to include Cal Lausterer as Adult
Sunday School leader, and addition of Jerry Volin to part k as being instrumental within the property
team. Resolutions were approved, seconded and carried as corrected. No other Resolutions were
No other Old Business needed discussed
New Business
Motion was made, seconded, and carried on the adoption of the 2015 Budget.
A new Constitution for Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Wahoo, Nebraska. Motion made to approve the new Constitution. Second, Motion Carried unanimously.
Meeting closed in prayer at 1:45pm. Motion made to adjourn the meeting. Second, MC.
Steve Olson
Council Secretary
Church Council (Vote for 3)
3 vacancies for 3 year term
Michelle Koranda
Chad Fox
Missy Abbott
Endowment Fund Board (Vote for 1)
1-5 year Term
Ann Egr
_______ (4 year term)
Ryan Ideus
Audit Committee (Vote for 1)
5 year term
Jerry Volin ______
Memorial Fund Committee ( Vote for 2)
3 year Term
Joan Norenberg
Nominating Committee (Vote for 3)
2 year Term
Angela Biggerstaff _______
Mary Miller
Steve Olson
Jayson Iversen
Delegates to Synod Assembly (Vote for 4)
1 year Term
4 delegates needed
Jerry Johnson
Judy Stukenholtz _______
Arlene Johnson _______
Angela Olson _______
Pastor’s Report
Typically, a pastor’s annual report is a reflection of the past; outlook for the future;
an opportunity to offer thanksgiving; an opportunity to seek input; an opportunity to
dream; an opportunity to state goals and direction.
I feel a bit handicapped in some of these areas since we have only had the
privilege of being your pastor for about four months so a full overview just isn’t possible.
But in the time we have been together, getting to know each other, getting to know the
ways of Bethlehem, getting to know you as individuals, I can very honestly say I am
pleased at what I know and look forward to ‘learning’ even more about this church
Before I get into any specifics may I first express Cindy and my gratitude for calling
us to this church family; for your many kindnesses to us; for your patience and
understanding as we continue to learn about Bethlehem; for your willingness to be open
to some different ways, procedures or worship; but most importantly, for your love of
Worship I so appreciate the willingness of our worship leaders in their willingness
to let me ‘tinker’ with our worship. As Lutherans, we are people of the Word. As such, I
feel it is very important to be in the Word and be reminded that the Word of God is noted
in our liturgy. No matter our age, we all need to be constant seekers of God’s Word.
Jesus’ earthly ministry was so much about relationship. I try very hard through
messages, through liturgy, through video presentations to share and relate The Gospel
of Jesus Christ at each and every worship service. Thank you to the altar guild for
always having our worship space ready. Worship music and special music is also vital
for sharing in the Word of God. Thank you to the Praise Team, our choir, Sunday
School singers, soloists and groups, our musicians and organist for bringing us closer to
God through music. I will continue to work to improve the services, the sermons and at
the same time offer some new and hopefully meaningful enhancements.
Christian Education Teaching the Word of God is one of the solemn vows all
pastors take. It is a life-long quest of God’s Word that every member, no matter their
age needs to be involved in. The Word of God, the story it tells, the truth it contains has
stood the test of time and is vital for our direction. We need to not be afraid of scripture
study, but instead embrace it and cherish it. I think there needs to be more opportunities
for post-confirmation study and devotional groups. Couples, men’s, young adults. I will
be presenting opportunities for such studies in the months to come. At the same time, I
can’t emphasize how important it is to have our kids in Sunday School as close to every
week as possible. What is taught at Sunday School age is absolutely vital for a life-long
understanding and knowledge of Jesus. I plead with all families with Sunday School
age children to make Sunday morning at church a priority. Other activities are
important, but nothing should come ahead of our time with God. Schedule games or
activities after noon and Cindy and I will be there to watch and cheer our kids on.
Middle School Ministry First of all, thank you to the students, to all parents and
especially the parents who provide meals, direction and who are at class every
Wednesday night. I take confirmation studies very seriously and I want our young
people to know God, but not only know God, but to love Him! Our curriculum has
changed to what I hope is a more relational and personal style of study. The next two
years will be similar, but different as we explore the Old and New Testaments. This year
is the Catechism year which admittedly is a little more difficult to teach and comprehend.
But we are making progress. This is a critical time in our young people’s faith journey,
not only is your support requested but your continuing prayers as well.
Fellowship and Evangelism I am working to re-establish an evangelism team at
Bethlehem. We have marvelous facilities that need to be used. I would strongly
suggest coffee and pastries or coffee and luncheon type things following our services. A
time to sit down together, to catch up, to get to know each other better. Regular
pot-lucks or special gatherings help to galvanize a church together. The mixing of all
ages in such circumstances pays dividends that are hard to imagine. Inviting family and
friends to church and church events, playing together, laughing together, doing things
outside, going and doing, supporting each other and truly getting to know each other is
certainly part of the purpose of church.
Stewardship Thank you for all that you give and do to support the ministry of
Bethlehem. God has blessed this congregation in ways perhaps beyond our knowing.
Caring for, nurturing and growing what God has given us is the responsibility of every
member. Our offerings whether in monetary ways or in the gifts of time, talent or good
works are our way of ‘giving back’ what God gave us in the first place. Finances are a
concern at the present time here at Bethlehem…likely always has been. It is a concern,
but it does not need to be an obstacle. Consider what we can do together…consider
what you and your family can do. Just imagine what we could accomplish together
when we are united in goals, hopes and mission.
Where are we going? There are so many things I could write, so many thoughts to
express, for God is so good. Where are we going? May we figure that out together. Let
us communicate better, let us talk together, let us freely express our ideas, concerns and
joys together. Let us dream together, let us decide what is possible, but most
importantly, let us determine what God is calling us to do. I hope that I am a realistic
optimist. Realistic in that I’m old enough to know the ways of the world. Young enough
(hopefully no matter your age, you consider yourself young), to be an optimist about
what God has in store for us. I am optimistic about the future of this church…I think
we’re positioned for great things. Join us, join me and let’s figure out where we’re going
for the glory of God at Bethlehem!
Blessings to all, Pastor Bob
Annual Report 2016 – Presidents letter to the Congregation
January 13, 2016
Dear Bethlehem Family,
At Bethlehem Lutheran Church we were again blessed in 2015. Over this last year we have
honored and praised the lord in our worship, our daily lives, and also by the work we have completed
as a congregation. As I look back at the last year, the first thing that comes to mind is all the changes
we have seen within our congregation. Through our faith, our love and commitment to this church,
and the pledge we have made to our mission, these changes will make us stronger in the future.
We started the year still in the midst of the call process. Pastor Gail Madson continued to be
the spiritual leader of the congregation as our interim pastor. Pastor Gail made strong, positive, and
lasting impressions on many people in our congregation during her time at BLC, so I would like to
thank her for her commitment to our congregation, staying with us until the call process was finished.
In September, the council and then the congregation approved the biggest change our church
saw in 2015, and that was to extend the call to Pastor Bob (wife Cindy) Hayden to become the next
Pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Although Pastor has only been with us for a few months, he
has shown his passion for teaching the scripture, getting to know who we are as a congregation, and
starting the process of building upon what we already have at BLC. I want to thank Cindy and Pastor
Bob, for their commitment during the long call process. It’s exciting to know this church will be in
good hands for many years to come. I would also like to thank the call committee and council for the
time spent during the 14 month long search for Pastor Bob.
There are several other new faces in various leadership roles and staff positions within our
congregation. After many years as the Sunday School Coordinator, Colleen Sutton decided to hand
over the reins to Lori Mortensen, who continues to perform the difficult duties of this position. Lois
Fick became our Choir director, which filled a position that was long overdue. She has done a
fantastic job adding new life into the choir. The last new face that we see around BLC is Amy Groff.
In late November Amy took over for Michelle Koranda as the administrative assistant. To Colleen and
Michelle, thank you for everything you have done for this church. To Lori, Lois, and Amy, we’re
excited to see what you will accomplish in the future.
During 2015 the congregational council took on many different challenges and issues. A lot of
our time was spent working through the two rounds of the call process and dealing with issues
surrounding the open staff positions. Those time consuming events, did in a way take our focus away
from the other very important issues we have to address as a council and congregation. Stewardship
and the church property projects are the two main issues that come to mind. Now that we have had a
little time to settle in with Pastor Bob and the other new staff members, we need to recommit to those
issues. We have a newly formed property committee who is up to the challenge and fully committed
to the work needing to be done on the church properties in 2016. We must as a congregation,
groups, families, and individuals look at how to volunteer just a little time, helping with a church
project, but also look your level of giving. No one enjoys the discussion about stewardship and
giving, but it’s critical to our mission. Financially we finished 2015 very strong. We made the final
bank payment for the building loan, we’re ahead of schedule with our payments to the owed
endowment fund notes, and our costs remained below our estimated budget. We need to continue
this trend of paying down our debt by extending our stewardship drives, grow our congregation with
additional evangelism efforts, expand the reach of our mission, and repair/update the church facilities
though the 2016 year. 2015 was another testament to the quality, talent, commitment, and faith at
Bethlehem Lutheran Church. On behalf of myself, and the 2015 congregation council I would like to
thank you for your support, and look forward to a new “Gods Work, Our Hands” 2016.
Respectfully Submitted,
Keith Obert, Council President
$ 127,569.99
$ 14,254.25
$ 73,264.56
$ 23,167.38
$ 33,847.18
$ 15,444.56
$ 294,961.26
$ 11,664.78
$ 49,039.60
Jerry Volin
Vicki Simons
Orv. Johnson
$ 29,000.00
$ 60,704.38
$ 29,000.00
Sunday Church Offering
$ 207,088.40
Rent - Building
Loose Plate Offering
Rent - Farm
$ 52,950.00
Non-Member Offering
Bower Trust
Sunday School Offering
Thrivent Choice Funds
Lenten Offering
Registration - Day Camp/VBS
Easter Offering
Registration - Preschool
$ 31,856.00
Thanksgiving Offering
Middle School Ministry
Christmas Offering
High School Youth
Lutheran World Relief
Ice Cream Social
World Hunger
Offering Envelopes
$ 226,594.87
$ 58,820.00
$ 34,069.50
LMM Loan & Grant
Luther Heritage Fund
Memorial Fund
Flower Fund
Back Pack/Food Pantry
Malaria Campaign ELCA
Mission Marketplace
God's Garden Produce
Coffee Time
Endowment Fund
Lutheran World Relief
Midland College
Tape Ministry
**Report is based off of funds that were
reported and recorded in the Contributions
$ 337,618.02
Beginning Balance December 31 , 2014
Donation to Local Family
Matt Talbot supplies
Matt Talbot supplies
Matt Talbot supplies
Christmas Donation
Ending Balance December 31, 2015
It has been my pleasure, as Chairman of the Memorial Committee to work
with Angela Biggerstaff, Deb Barry, Deb Rubesh, Secretary Janet Jonas and
Treasurer Mary Oden.
Our goal has been to be good stewards of the monetary gifts that have been
given to the Church in memory of their loved ones.
We were given a large sum of money towards a Grand, Baby Grand or Studio
Grand Piano for the Sanctuary and a committee was formed to oversee this project.
More information on this large project will be forthcoming. Other contributions
were given specifically marked for other projects. These projects were also
Thank you to all who have given this year and to the committee for their
diligence in dispersing the funds.
In Christ Alone,
Joan Norenberg, Chairman
Preschool Staff, Enrollment, Tuition and Sessions:
4/5 Year Old Class
Debbie Bordovsky: Lead Teacher/On-Site-Director
Julie Palm: Co-Teacher
Students Enrolled: 31
Monthly Tuition: $90.00 (3 times a week), ($70.00 2 times a week).
Class Sessions: M-W-F 8:30-11:00 am / 12:30-3:00 pm
In September we started the school year with 33 students. At the end of November a student’s parent choose to keep
the child home due to separation issues. A second student decide to enroll at St. Wenceslaus.
3/4 Year Old Class
Julie Palm: Classroom Teacher
Erin Harmon: Classroom Assistant
Students Enrolled: 16
Monthly Tuition: $65.00 a month.
Class session: Tues. and Thurs. 9:00-11:00 am
Our preschool is a Christian, literature based active learning program. Our weekly theme is based around an alphabet
letter or holiday. The teaching staff and schoolroom provide a fun, safe environment with positive learning experiences.
Pastor Bob shares a bible story with the children once a week. This is a very valuable part of our curriculum to
encourage the children to seek knowledge of the Lord. The children enjoy the bible stories. They look forward to seeing
Pastor Bob each week.
In April we will be hosting our annual fund raiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The students will have a bike-a-thon
to raise money. I do this fund raiser to encourage the students to do God’s work by helping others.
We offer field trips to enhance the student’s education by experiencing the world around them. Cost per field trip is
based on what the cost of the field trip is divided by number of students. There is not a fee for field trips in Wahoo.
Transportation is provided by the parents and the teaching staff. We visit Morrill Hall, the Post Office, Library, Wahoo
State Bank and the Children’s Zoo
Enrollment is open year round. We currently have 10 new students enrolled for the 2016-2017 school year, for the 4&5
year class, plus the 16 that will move up from the 3-4 class. We have 10 new students enrolled for the 3-4 class for the
2016-2017 school year.
Contact teacher for enrollment is Debbie Bordovsky, 443-4789.
Respectfully Submitted,
Debbie Bordovsky
First Step Director/Lead Teacher
In response to your question concerning preschool needs, after further thought I feel I should mention one more
important item. Along with updating the classroom I feel wages are extremely important. I appreciate my staff and
want to keep them employed with us. I feel they are educated and qualified as preschool educators. They enhance the
quality of our preschool. I think it is important for employees to receive a raise each year to indicate that they are
valued. Judy Stukenholtz has met the need for raises each year.
As for the updating of the room I don’t expect to replace everything all at one time, only as money allows. Other than
replacing old furnishing, would it be possible to arrange for the tile floor to be refinished? It looks very nasty even after
Deyo scrubs it. It really needs to be refinished. I feel the overall appearance is important to make a good impression for
Thank you for being concerned about preschool needs.
2015 Annual Report
*Prepared and served the BLC Annual Meeting lunch buffet
*Served Lenten meals at the midweek services
*Ran the Hometown Fireworks stand in two locations for 10 days
*Provide financial support to our COMPASSION KIDS—
*Prepare and serve the St. Lucia Festival
Peter Faustin Masawe-Tanzania
Events that provided us with spirituality and helped us grow in our faith:
*We have an average Sunday morning /Wednesday evening attendance of 15-20 high school
students where we do service projects, study God’s word, and how it works in our lives.
*National Youth Gathering in Detroit MI July 14-20, 2015.
This was a great experience for all of us as we did Proclaim Justice on Thursday as we helped
clean up a deserted neighborhood; Proclaim Story (Synod Day) on Friday ; Proclaim
Community on Saturday as we played and built our faith in the COBO Center Interaction
Center. We were honored to be able to participate in many special parts of the Mass Gathering
events at Ford Field which included being part of a light show on Friday night and helping to
serve communion at the closing worship on Sunday morning.
We had a great time traveling by Windstar Motor Coach with youth and adults from Alma,
Those attending from Bethlehem:
Gavin Iversen, Reid Nelson, Rochelle Olson, Cole Peterson, Miranda Rademaker, Dani Groff,
Caleb Groff, Carissa Koranda, Sarah Iversen, Michael Klahn, Alexis Libal, Mallory Lindstrom,
Maddie Mann, Chaleigh Mattson, Carleigh Olson, Katie Pearson, Tate Peterson, Jacey Sutton,
Kallynn Zeleny, Eli Zeleny, and adult sponsors Angela Olson, Amy Groff, Ashlen Groff, James
Peterson, Tom Zeleny, and Judy Stukenholtz.
Thanks to everyone who were our Prayer Partners!
*LYON Assembly was held in Hastings November 20-22, 2015. BLY and Bethlehem was honored to be able to share our Praise Team talent and leadership as Angela Olson, Judy
Stukenholtz and Carleigh Olson served on the planning team with the synod for this event.
Those attending:
Alexis Libal, Kallynn Zeleny, Jacey Sutton, Dani Groff, Mallory Lindstrom, Carleigh Olson,
Chaleigh Mattson, Josie Schnakenberg, Katie Pearson, Carissa Koranda, Maddie Mann, Erin
Sutton, Cali Britton, Emily Obert, Jaci Schnakenberg, Braedenn Olson, Nick Oden, Jack
Sutton, Zane Bennett, Dylan Egr, Tucker Hancock. Caleb Groff, Michael Klahn, Tate Peterson,
Eli Zeleny, Judy Stukenholtz, Angela Olson, Michelle Koranda, Amy Groff, Tom Zeleny
Praise team: Lois Fick, Kelly Mattson, Steve Olson
As you can see, the BLY is alive and well!! We want to thank the congregation for your
continued support of our ministry!
Submitted by Judy Stukenholtz
BLY Adult Leader
Sunday School Annual Report 2015
This year I was happy to accept the position of Sunday School Supervisor at Bethlehem
Lutheran. I was lucky to step into a well organized Sunday School program and can't thank
Colleen Sutton enough for the work she has done for us during her years as Supervisor.
Each summer we have provided the opportunity for our kids to learn more about God through
Day Camp (1st - 5th grades) or VBS (preschool - Kindergarten). We have had around 25 kids
attending each and a number of Middle School and High School helpers as well. The Day Camp is
run by Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (NLOM) staff from Carol Joy Holling. They do a
wonderful job of providing Bible study, creative arts, hikes, games, worship and more for our
campers! Thanks to all those who acted as liaisons for Bethlehem and all of the volunteers who
provide snacks for the kids and lunches for the staff. Much gratitude to Don and Lois Fick for
housing the staff again this year.
The VBS kids studied the stories of the Parables this year. They learned through games,
drama, song and crafts about the stories taught by Jesus and how they relate to our lives
today. The kids showed off their creations at the Ice Cream Social and both groups sang songs that
they had learned throughout the week and again at our Sunday service in the park.
We kicked off the Sunday School year with Rally Sunday where we introduced six new students
into our preschool class. Each
new student
was given aREPORT
new Spark Bible to help them grow with
God. We have continued using the Spark Rotation Series in our classes this year after a great
response with its use last year. We continue to study one lesson for four weeks with a fun, different
activity like art, drama, cooking, Bible skills and games or Science to help the kids learn. So far we
have studied the lessons Abraham, Baby Moses, Jesus Is Born and we are currently on The
Burning Bush. As well as the lessons they are learning the kids have been memorizing songs to
sing during service. Lois Fick has done an amazing job of helping out with singing and playing the
piano for us!
The Christmas program was held on Dec. 20th at the 11:00 service and was called "Just A Little
Christmas". This was directed by Kelly Meyer who did a fantastic job organizing around 75 kids
that participated, ages pre-k to 5th grades. The kids did a wonderful job of performing the
traditional Christmas story retold with a twist of humor. Keeping with tradition, each participating
child received a bag of candy, fruit and a ornament to remind them of their program.
The Middle School students have resumed Sunday School classes this year. They are following
the studies of their Middle school Ministry classes on the book of Acts and studying the Creed.
Each Sunday school class has around 15 - 20 kids in it, occasionally we have had more! A
special thanks to every one of our Sunday School teachers that volunteer their time and skills to
teach our children the Word of God. I value all of your time and input that has made this year
successful and I hope that you find it rewarding as well!
Preschool - Angela Biggerstaff, Laurie Pehrson Kindergarten -1st Grade - Amanda Price, Jill
Pokorny, Julie Warford 2nd and 3rd Grade -Tara Coontz, Tricia Fox, Chrissy Waido 4th and 5th
Grade -Amber Lihs, Julie Lausterer, Kim Schnakenberg Middle School -Corky Forbes
Also thanks you to our substitute teachers and those parents and high school or middle school kids
that occasionally get pulled in to help as well as those of you who have answered my call for
random supplies for Sunday School projects!
Sunday School Supervisor
Lori Mortensen
2015 Church Year
Making plans to enhance our worship services for Bethlehem Lutheran Church for the church
year 2015 was the primary objective of the worship and music team. This Committee was
reassigned by the council in early 2015 and regular meetings were held with the new
Our team helped in finalizing prep for the 2015 Lenten season. Midweek services had a
different setting and were held in the Fellowship Hall with a meal prior.
The 2015 summer services (Memorial weekend-Labor Day) were as follows:
Traditional and Contemporary services were alternated every other week at 9:30 A.M.
Our team planned and provided special music, solos and groups, for every summer church
service in 2015. It is wonderful to hear many great talents from our community and thank
them for contributing to our summer worship.
We also held a summer service in the park that was a great way to worship on a great
summer morning and enjoyed fellowship and food afterwards. This also was camp Sunday so
our campers and kids going to the Gathering could have a great service of sendoff!
The Choir, under the direction of Lois Fick, reconnected again in the fall of 2015.
We welcomed Pastor Bob in September. Pastor Bob has brought a many things to committee
to consider in the transition to the new pastor. A New Permanent freestanding alter table
was added to sanctuary.
Many things were talked about and discussed to enhance worship and involvement.
Reformation Sunday we celebrated with a festival that will become an annual event. More
things like this are hoping to be planned in 2016.
Our team coordinated the 2015 Christmas decorating of the church starting with a meal and
Our Team helped plan Christmas services and activities.
God continues to bless Bethlehem Lutheran Church with so many willing and talented people
and to that we say “THANKS BE TO GOD!”
We always extend an invitation to anyone who would like to contribute and be a part of
Bethlehem’s worship services. Musicians and singers, organizers, and participants add great
value to our worship services.
2015 blessed us and now with "God hands we continue to do His work" in 2016!
God Bless.
Angela Olson, 2015 Committee Chairperson
Purpose: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to
discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow
in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action,
and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
Mission: to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. The Women
of the ELCA at Bethlehem is open to all women of the congregation. We come together for
worship, study and fellowship. We support the ministry of the Women of the ELCA on the
local, synod, and church wide level.
We’ve had an active 2015. This was the sixth year that we met all twelve months for Bible
Study, a business meeting and fellowship. We usually have between 8 to 12 women attend
and we would welcome more! This year we tried something new and combined our group
with the cluster ladies from Mead, Grace and Malmo.
Our officers for 2015 have been: President- Arlene Johnson, Vice President-Marilyn
Klinzman, Secretary-Joyce Breunig (1st half) Diane Reece (2nd half), Treasurer-Marilyn Volin,
Projects-Mary McKay, and Sunshine-Helen Hansen. Joan Norenberg has handled collections for the People’s City Mission in Lincoln. Our Bible Study leader each month has been
Pastor Glenda Ferguson.
Besides our regular monthly meetings, here are our activities by the month.
In January Arlene Johnson, Mary McKay and Marilyn Volin attended Winter Retreat in
Grand Island with the theme “Make a Difference”. The Bible Study by Bishop Maas was
excellent and Rachel Kurtz was the featured speaker and performer.
The Methodist church hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2:00 pm, Friday March 6th. Five
Bethlehem Women attended.
In April four of us attended Spring Gathering at Salem, Fontenelle with the theme “Doing
Good to All.” The tangible offering went to Midland University Hygiene Pantry.
In May ten Senior High School youth received quilts and a quilt was also donated to the
Nebraska Children’s Home for their auction.
In June Marilyn Volin and Marsha Pearson showed us the quilts they had made for the
Carol Joy Holling Camp auction. Rose Rosengren and Marilyn Klinzman also contributed to
the auction. These four ladies brought in $3,000.00 for the fundraiser with their items.
We have provided cookies throughout the year for the bloodmobile as well as Christmas
on the Prairie.
In August several ladies attended the guest night at Pohocco Lutheran Church.
In September Arlene Johnson was our delegate to the NSWO Convention. The theme was
“The Power of M” and we collected items for kits for women’s shelters. 307 kits were
distributed throughout the state by the attendees.
In November we held our Thanksgiving Meal and Thank offering Service, Pastor Bob
Hayden led our lesson that day on “Firstfruits and Tithes.” We packed up the quilts and kits
after displaying them on the first Sunday of November. We are now able to track our LWR
items to see where they are delivered.
We were able to accomplish many service projects this year and we want to thank the
members of Bethlehem who have helped us with donations and offerings when we requested
your help, especially the LWR shipping funds which were much needed again this year.
Monthly deliveries of clothing and miscellaneous items have been made to the
People’s City Mission, chaired by Joan Norenberg. Poinsettias were delivered to our three
members in Saunders House and South Haven. We contributed money to 22 different
organizations at the end of the year for a total of $1450.00.
Within our congregation, we send cards to shut-ins and participate in the Bethlehem Prayer
Chain. We continue to serve wherever needed on Service Guild, Altar Guild and various
church committees. Our monthly offerings, plus money received for various occasions goes
into a fund used to purchase items needed for our church kitchen as well as other items for our
church. In addition, we financially support the Nebraska Synod Women’s Organization and the
Churchwide organization.
We WELCOME YOU to join us on the third Thursday of each month in the fellowship hall
for Bible Study & fellowship. We are looking forward to an inspirational and productive 2016
with God’s help. We will be splitting off into our own separate group and returning to our 2 pm
meeting time in 2016.
Arlene Johnson
Altar Guild
First and foremost, I wish to thank all of the ladies who serve on the altar guild. Your time to this ministry at
Bethlehem is greatly appreciated. Approximately 34 ladies serve on the guild. These ladies are divided into
six groups and serve two months out of the year.
The guild prepares the communion table every Sunday of the month and for any other communion service
during the year. Guild members change the paraments on the altar, pulpit, and lectern to the proper color of
the church year. Candles are filled by Michelle Koranda and Amy Groff. The robes for the acolytes and communion assistants are laundered as necessary, as are the linens.
The baptismal font is prepared for each baptism with the water pitcher, candle and napkin. The candles and
napkins are donated. A cross is stitched on each napkin by several ladies of the church. The candle and
napkin are given to the baptized.
Should there be any individual who wishes to be part of the guild, please feel free to contact me.
Melanie Kersten
Bethlehem Quilters 2015
2015 was a good year for the ladies that gave of their time and talents to come to quilting sessions on the 2nd
Tuesday of the month. Although we have lost members, due to moves, we have been fortunate to have several ladies join us. In January the ladies decided to have another day each month set aside for quilting which
also increased our production numbers to 153 quilts made this year with 137 being sent to Lutheran World
Relief, 4 complete sets to Carol Joy Holling for the campers to assemble, 10 to the graduates, 1 to the Children’s Home auction, 1 to Pastor Gail and 1 to Michelle Koranda on their leaving. We are also grateful for 2 or
3 ladies that will sew tops at home because they are unable to meet with us and one will ev en cut blocks for
others to sew. And I need to mention that this past summer, one of our teenage girls from our church did a top
for us too. We have had a fantastic response working together making this a congregational project sent to
LWR. Other items sent were 57 Health Care Kits, 50 School Kits, and 41 Baby Care Kits. We are grateful for
all those who have been a part of GOD’S WORK! A special thanks to all that contributed items for the kits, to
the youth for assembling the health kits, to Marilyn Volin for making the backpacks for the school kits, to Arlene Johnson for assembling all the baby care kits, and for the groups doing the rest of the assembling, displaying the items in the sanctuary, and finally packing up the 38 boxes (842 pounds) to be delivered to First
Lutheran in Lincoln where they are loaded on a Brown Transfer truck and then to the warehouse in Mpls.
Gentlemen, your help was greatly appreciated also!!
So for 2016 we will begin all over again meeting on the 2nd and the 4th Tuesday of the month.
Submitted by:
Mary McKay, Project Chairman
Service Guild 2015
The Service Guild is the serving portion of Welca. We will provide food for and services for receptions,
funerals and similar events. Everyone of the church women will be asked at some time to either help or
provide food for the various events.
This year we served 7 funerals. Thanks to all who helped or provided food.
Marilyn Volin, Chairman
2015 Mission Coordinator Report
Diane Reece
We believe we are called by God to care for our neighbors.
“When you do this to the least of my brethren, you do this unto me.” Matthew 25:40
Bethlehem’s Mission focus is hunger and poverty relief for all members of God’s Kingdom.
In 2015 this was addressed through the following:
During Lent our Wednesday services, led by Pastor Gail focused on the current crisis in the
Middle East. Money from offerings went to support the work of the Lutheran World
Federation’s Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem.
Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and BLC Day Camp participants collected money in
“Pig Banks” and noisy offerings for the ELCA’s God’s Global Barnyard Project.
At the request of WELCA and approval of the Council BLC is a Fair Trade Coffee Church.
Fair Trade coffee is served at all Bethlehem sponsored activities.
Marketplace money raised from the sale of marketplace items is sent to the ELCA. This
money supports hunger and poverty relief programs throughout the Nebraska Synod and
Financial support for the Wahoo Backpack Program. Provided a weekly opportunity for
members to donate money in our “backpack” located at the front of the church. Food used
for the bags is stored in our basement and Bethlehem members coordinate distributing of
Collected food for local food pantry
Marketplace money was used to help a family in need by paying for the groceries for their
Thanksgiving meal.
Approved by the city and BLC Council to place a “Free Little Library” on church property.
This is currently being built and the goal (in spring) is to place this somewhere on the south
side with easy access for the bus and neighborhood kids (and adults).
A Mission Task Force was organized to support and provide input regarding mission activities
and programming. Thank you to the following members: Sherry Hageman, Corky Forbes, Lois
Fick, Marcia Pearson, Lori Mortenson, and Kristen Gottschalk.
The Highlight of 2015 was the completion of our permanent Mission Center. On September
20, assistant to the Bishop in charge of Global Mission, Stephanie Lusienski and Pastor Bob
dedicated the Mission Center.
The Mission Center houses the Marketplace and also serves as a resource center:
It encompasses many aspects of mission work, highlights what we do to fulfill our mission
goals and provides information on how individuals, families, and/or groups can be involved.
The Marketplace “arm” of the Mission Center is the fundraising segment. Unique gift items
made by members and friends of Bethlehem are sold 100% of profits are put to use for hunger
relief. It is a perfect example of using our God given talents – OUR HANDS to do HIS WORK
Our Nov. – Dec. Marketplace successfully brought in well over $2,000.
Thank You
-to the approximately 20 members and friends who donated items to sell
-to all those who helped build, install, paint and decorate
-to all those who supported through donations
In addition to the money raised, I was excited that the people involved included new members
and inactive members. Handmade items were donated from a nonmember with connections to
our preschool. Response to the permanent location was very positive.
Money spent at the marketplace is transformed – into a meal, or health care, or clean water;
someone’s answered prayer.
Congregational Resolutions for 2016
As a Community Gathered so that God’s Word is Scattered!
1. As a people who know that God gave himself for us in Jesus Christ, we give
thanks to Him for all His gifts. Therefore, as the people of God, we commit
ourselves to sharing our blessings with others, out of our abundance, by
thankful service to the Lord, the giver of life, through our ministry at
Bethlehem and our partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
2. Be it resolved, that we continue to support the serving arms of The Nebraska
Synod and the ELCA with special offerings being forwarded to the
Nebraska Synod, ELCA.
3. Be it resolved, that we seek to continue to look for new opportunities to
expand Lutheran Witness in Saunders County by working with the cluster
4. Be it resolved, that we continue to support those community outreach
programs that benefit people of Saunders County and the surrounding area.
5. Be it resolved, that we extend our thanks to the people who have provided
time, talents and service to God’s people through Bethlehem in 2014:
a. To Pastor Gail Madson for her service as interim pastor this year. We
welcome Pastor Bob Hayden and Cindy to our congregation and look
forward to their ministry in the new year.
b. Michelle Koranda for her service as Administrative Assistant, and the
many volunteers who help with The Star mailings and other office needs.
c. Deyo Anderson, custodian and those members that have helped with the
care of the Church property,
d. Members of the Church Council for their leadership, a special thanks to
Keith Obert for the countless hours spent and leadership he has
provided to the congregation over the past two years as church council
President. His unwavering commitment to the church will leave a lasting
impression for years to come,
e. Diane Reece, Mission Coordinator, Colleen Sutton our past Sunday
School Coordinator and Lori Mortensen, our current Sunday School Coordinator, The Sunday School Teachers, and the Team leading Middle
School Ministry, Judy Stukenholtz Senior High Youth Leader, Kal
Lausterer Adult Sunday School leader & Lois Fick for her continued help
with our website.
f. Louis Klinzman, organist, Kelli Mattson & Angela Olson, Praise Team
Coordinators, and the entire music team and choir members,
communion assistants, Worship assistants, lectors,
Melanie Kersten Altar Guild Chair and The Altar Guild,
ushers and all who help at worship and the youth, and Jon Peterson
who have served to Video our Worship Services,
g. Members of the Property, Outreach, Christian Education and the
Worship & Music Teams for their service,
h. The parking lot and snow removal - Wayne Stang. Mowing at the
parsonage - Simons.
i. Cheryl Dunbar, Treasurer, Tricia Fox, Financial Secretaries, Members of
The Endowment Board, The Memorial Committee.
j. To all members for their financial, spiritual, and physical support of our
ministry, sharing in the life and witness of Bethlehem Lutheran Church.
k. Rob Miler chairman of property committee and Property Committee
members, Jerry Volin for upkeep and repair of church property.
l. Don Fick, James Peterson, Lyle and RoiAnn Lubker, Marvin Hageman,
Steve and Melanie Kersten, Ann Gillentine, Brian Homes, Jerry and
Marilyn Volin and Bill Pearson for their work on the parsonage.
m. Tom Johnston, for the work he has done on the upkeep of the grounds
of the church and parsonage.
n. Marvin Hageman, Pastor Bob Hayden and Jerry Volin for trimming trees.
o. Luke Simons for his work on the mail box and fence.
p. Jovan Lausterer for looking into insurance for taking care of bat removal
at the parsonage.
q. Terry and Tiana Strait for the donation of materials and labor for all new
windows at the parsonage.
6. Be it resolved, that we thank those businesses that sponsor the church page
every week and the Wahoo Newspaper for publishing these notices and for
the articles they have published in support of the faith community.
7. Be it resolved, that we thank Sunmart and the Corner Market for the donations made to the church through the register receipt programs.