Messenger - Maple Grove Lutheran Church


Messenger - Maple Grove Lutheran Church
Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship Times:
9:00 a.m. Traditional
10:30 a.m. Contemporary
Nursery Care available on Sunday Mornings.
Office Hours
A publication for members & friends of
Maple Grove Lutheran Church
Monday & Tuesday
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-6:00 pm
8:00 am-12:30 pm
Maple Grove Lutheran Church Messenger Newsletter
October 2013
Mark Your
October 2
Adult Coffee Hour @ 10 am
October 6
Drive-Thru Pet Blessing @ Noon
2nd Grade Bible Workshop @ Noon
9251 Elm Creek Blvd • Maple Grove, MN 55369
763-420-7930 •
October 13
New Member Sunday
10:30 am Worship/11:30 am Brunch
All are Welcome!
2nd Grade Bible Sunday @ 9 am
October 19
Fall Clean-Up @ 9 am
October 24
Confirmation Banquet @ 6 pm
Touch Base Ministry @ 6:30 pm
(Host: Advent Lutheran Church)
October 26
Confirmation Service @ 11 am
October 27
Reformation Sunday (Wear Red)
We are a Community in Christ,
Growing in Faith,
Called to Serve.
November 2
Fall Women’s Brunch @10 am
November 3
All Saints Sunday
Pastoral Reflections
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
The trees in our church parking lot are turning a brilliant
yellow in the autumn sunshine today. Fall brings a return
to school for students. Sports and extracurricular activities resume. Summer vacations are a sweet memory as we settle in to our
work-a-days and commutes. A season also marks changes for us: a new
grade and new classmates. A high school graduate begins working and
taking college classes. Perhaps this will be the first season of life in retirement mode. There are journeys of loss, and of finding peace. A marriage
can no longer be sustained; a death brings an empty place in the hearts
of a family.
A change of season affords us an opportunity to set a new routine. This
fall, let worship, discipleship and service draw you to walk closer than
ever with Jesus. Maybe that means reconnecting with His church after a
time apart, or a longed for deepening of your relationship, growth and
faith in Christ. The golden time of autumn can be a golden opportunity
to begin walking in the light of Christ. Let his love in.
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
I will seek You in the morning
And I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You'll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days.
Sometimes by Step, writer Rich Mullins
In Christ, Pastor Chris
We are a Community in Christ, Growing in Faith, Called to Serve.
Maple Grove Lutheran Church
9251 Elm Creek Boulevard
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Telephone: 763-420-7930
Fax: 763-420-7404
9:00 a.m. (Traditional)
10:30 a.m. (Contemporary)
Nursery available at Sun. Worship Services
Rev. Christine Chiles
Sandy Hahn
Art Halverson
763.420.7930 ext. 12
Office Accountant
763.420.7930 ext. 11
Shelley Halverson
Brenda Reishus
Suzanne Hanson
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
8:00 am-12:30 pm
Director of Children, Youth &
Family Ministries
763.420.7930 ext. 16
Parish Nurse
763.420.7930 ext. 13
Praise Singers Director
Erin DeBoer-Moran
Christy Stern
Jonathan Rundquist
Youth Ministry Intern
763-420-7930 ext. 14
Principal pianist
Office Assistant
Kurt Schwedler
Tanya Oetken
Worship Leader
Cherub Choir Director
Brian Hanson
Kay Pogulis
Worship Leader
Wedding Coordinator
Heather Mestad
Help us keep our files up-to-date.
E-mail or call
763.420.7930, ext. 10
Director of Worship and Music
Receive your Messenger electronically via email along with a Maple Grove Lutheran
Church E-Note. Send your email address to Don’t have computer access and would like a hard copy
mailed to you? Please contact Jen Martinson
at the church office, 763.420.7930.
Jennifer Martinson
Office Manager
763.420.7930 ext. 10
Danya Skifstrom
Wedding Coordinator
Messenger Deadline Schedule
Candy Burns-Anderson
Bill Nagel
Steve Richmond
October Issue Messenger
Send your articles for November by
Thurs., Oct. 10. Send stories and articles to:
Council President
Council Member
Discipleship Committee Chair
Brad Stamas
Paula Scott
Laura Winge
Ministry Notes Deadline Schedule
Council Past President
Council Member
Outreach Committee Chair
Dave Olson
Marian Mallam
Council Vice-President
Council Member
Worship Committee Chair
Marcia Johnson
Sharon Zajac
Caring Ministry
Committee Chair
Parish Life Committee Chair
Weekly Ministry Notes deadline is Tuesdays
at noon. Send stories and articles to:
Please help us share the Ministry life of
MGLC. Submit your church photos to:
Gerald Johnson
Barb Nystrom
Membership Statistics
Total Baptized Members = 1256
Total Number of Families = 506
Paul Strand
Council Member-At-Large
Dave Nelson
Operations Chair
Council Corner
When I was young and growing up in South Dakota, I was involved in my church youth group during
high school. I looked forward to church camps during
the summer and reconnecting with friends I had made
there. I spent a week as a volunteer junior counselor of
my peer group when I was 18. I went off to college and
slowly drifted away, eventually not attending except the
major holidays when I was home. Life was getting in the
way. I drifted away for several years, eventually getting
married, moving and having a family. When my daughter
began to get older we took her to Sunday school and I
began to usher once a month. I felt I was doing my part.
After all what more was there than going to church on
Sunday morning? Summers came and where did I find
myself on Sundays but at home. There was no Sunday
school and no reason for me to be there. I wouldn’t be
missed. Life had gotten in the way again.
I went to an adult study group a few years ago
with some trepidation thinking I was going to look foolish. I didn’t know anything about this Bible stuff and not
growing up in the Lutheran denomination, I certainly
didn’t know anything about that. Something strange
happened. I enjoyed it. I even asked some questions and
didn’t hear the expected snickers or laughs over my lack
of knowledge. Before I realized it, I found myself learning
something. How was this possible? I joined another small
group and began to become involved with it as well.
Later that year I was asked by Pastor Chris if I would consider co-leading a new study group. I was panic-stricken!
I couldn’t do this! I can’t speak in public! I don’t know
enough to be able to possibly help facilitate a group! A
few days later I was compelled to pick up my Bible and
found myself in Exodus 4: 10- 11.
Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon
your servant, Lord. I have never
been eloquent, neither in the past
nor since you have spoken to your
servant. I am slow of speech and
The Lord said to him, “Who
gave human beings their mouths?
Who makes them deaf or mute?
Who gives them sight or makes
them blind? Is it not I, the Lord?
Something clicked in my mind and I realized that
maybe I could possibly try and do this. God was sending
me a message, just on a much smaller scale. I was finding
my way. I also realized it wasn’t life standing in my way
but me standing in the way of my life by my own misguided fears. We all have certain fears about something
that stops us from fulfilling what God may have in mind
for us. I encourage you to not be like me, but to take a
leap of faith and leave your comfort zone. The Big Bang
Theory will be there next week (and isn’t that what TiVo
is for?)
This summer Pastor Chris delivered a sermon
that really touched home to me. She pictured Jesus walking through our parking lot and we all left the service
and began to follow him. Along the way we encountered
a disgruntled motorist on Elm Creek Blvd that we were
holding up, a fast food restaurant cashier and a service
technician at a local tire shop. They all had their reasons
for not joining in or joining in for the wrong reasons. I
realized that this was me through the various stages of
my life. I was that motorist who was angry at these people holding him up because he was in a hurry. I was the
cashier who felt compelled to join because anything had
to be better than what she was doing. I was that technician who would be along eventually once he had his
work done. I had been blinded by life and circumstances.
I think all of us could relate to someone in that sermon.
All of those people had certain reasons for not getting
involved in one way or another. They thought about it,
but in the end backed down from the call. Have you ever
had that feeling?
If you have had thoughts of doing more, you are
partway there already. There are many activities that
take little time. Participate in a small group, join the
choir, attend a Men’s Ministry event, become a prayer
partner for a confirmation student; many are needed
and you don’t even have to leave home to participate. If
you feel you don’t know how to pray, or lead, or whatever it may be there is an answer for that as well. Pastor
Chris is leading a group on prayer beginning this fall. It’s
not too late to begin. Don’t ignore these feelings like I
did for many years. God is calling for you. Who is the better judge of what may be lacking in your life? I found my
answer and you can too.
—Steve Richmond
Discipleship Chairperson
Caring Ministry
Military People to Pray for:
Christopher Torres, U. S. Army, Fort Drum, NY
Shelley Halverson’s friend’s son
Elizabeth Neuman, U.S. Army, WA
Gretchen Zigman’s friend
Brandon Stuckey, U.S. Navy, San Diego, CA
Brenda Reishus’ nephew
Nate Mortenson, U.S. Air force, Afghanistan
Juliette Mortenson’s grandson
Daniel Zajac, U.S. Marines, Camp Lejeune, NC
Bill Zajac’s son
People to Pray for:
Camille Best-Dorothy
Dave Fenske
Paul Felegy
Marcia Johnson
Laura Wimer
Lisa Larson’s uncle, Scott
Jen Martinson’s uncle, Don
George and Carol Boufford
Shelli Regnier’s uncle, Dennis
Paula Scott’s cousin, Michelle
Sam Bentley’s mother in law, Marlys Blesi
Brenda Reishus’ friend, Maria Skoy
David Zajac, U. S. Navy, Norfolk, VA
Bill Zajac’s son
Gus Jones, U.S. Army, ROTC, stateside
Tom and Jaci Jones’ son
Mark Macuso, U.S. Marine, Okinawa, Japan
Grandson of Senior from Arbor Lakes Senior Living Center
Daniel Babatunde Jr., Army National Guard, Fort Sill, OK
Daniella Babatunde, Army National Guard, South Carolina
Son and daughter of Daniel Babatunde Sr.
Jeff Bellefeuille, U.S. Army, Afghanistan
Son of Brenda Reishus’ friend Jan Bellefeuille
Sept. 8Miles Glenn LaBrosse,
Parents of Matt & Mandy LaBrosse & big brother Maddox
Sept. 21Emma Lee Huisenga,
Parents of Dan & Christy Huisenga
Sept. 15Tanner Allen Perkins,
Son of Duane & Amanda Perkins
Thank You Corner
Military Thank You
Jeff is still in Afghanistan. At his point his return remains
scheduled for Feb-March 2014. I did get the chance to talk
with him briefly a couple of weeks back in August. He mentioned he received a package from the Church! Said it was
dated in July, but their forklift had been broken for a few
weeks, so they were not receiving any mail during that time.
He said he enjoyed the selection of treats, toiletries and enter-
tainment items. He said there were a couple of the guys
around him when they opened it and I guess they split up the
items between them and another guy – so thank you so much
for thinking of him and his unit. Thank you too for the prayers.
—Jan Bellefeuille
Children’s Ministry
Touch Base Ministry for Families with Young Children:
Thursday, October 24th
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm at Advent Lutheran Church
Topic: “Respect, Responsibility and Faith”
Guest Speakers: Jim and Lynn Jackson from Connected Families
Advent Lutheran and MGLC are partnering on a special night for families.
Our mission at Connected Families is to equip parents with profound and practical Biblical insights for living out
real and contagious faith with their children.
Our vision for our work is to grow and support a national network of parents and Connected Families that are:
• connected to God through relationships with Jesus Christ;
• connected to one another through grace and truth in the home; and
• connected to the needs of the world through service.
Free Will Offering
Please RSVP by October 21st to
Childcare is provided!
“Christmas in Black and White”
1st grade-12th grade Christmas Musical
This year our families will be collecting Box Tops for Rice
Christmas Musical rehearsals begin October 13, from 6- Lake Elementary. The ways they’ve used the benefits
from the Box Tops are:
7pm, presented on December 15 at 9am. Tryouts for
• Families in need (school supplies, field trips, winter
drama parts and singing solo are on September 29 at
wear, lunch)
11:30am. The CD’s are in the office for $10 to begin pre• Student Awards and Recognition (certificates, Citirehearsals.
zen of the Month)
This is open to all 1st—12th grade. This musical reminds
• All School Musical
us that Christmas is not just another “holiday,” but
• Support our school wide theme
Christmas is a special day when God sent His one and
A “Box Top” container will be on the Kingdom Kids table
only Son, Jesus, to be born in a manger in Bethlehem.
by the bulletin board. We can reach our community by
saving our Box Tops.
2nd Grade Bible Workshop and
Sunday Presentation
On Sunday October 6 from 11:45 am-1:00 pm parents
and their 2nd graders will attend this worksho
designed to help them receive their 2nd grade Bibles.
We’ll also give parents ideas and resources to guide their
children through the Firefly Bible Study Club. Sign up on
the Blue Sheets in the bulletin.
Bible Presentation Sunday is October 13 at the 9:00 am
worship service.
Let’s get excited about God’s Word!
Parish Life
Discipleship: Growing in Faith
Monthly Coffee Fellowship
Join a Bible Study!
Senior Women's Bible Study and Fellowship:
Meet at 10:00 am on Wednesday, October 2
in fellowship hall for coffee, tea and treats
provided by Dave Nelson. All are welcome
to come and share good conversation, so bring a friend.
This group meets on the third Thursday of each month
from noon until 1:30 PM. On October 17, our study is
entitled DEBRA, A DETERMINED LEADER. During this
season's studies, we will meet with the women from the
Moravian church across the street. Pastor Chris and Pastor Jenny will co-lead the studies. If you subscribe to the
Lutheran women's magazine GATHER in which our studies are printed, please bring your copy to the
meetings...however extra copies will be made available.
Gladys Nelson will provide the dessert, but you may also
bring a sack lunch if you wish. For more info, please contact Doreen Mayer, 763-420-7838.
Women’s Retreat
Watch for a survey in October regarding your input on
future retreat options. Contact Sandra Hahn .
Parish Nurse Corner
Monthly blood pressure screening:
Will be offered Sunday, October 13th
between worship services in the Parish
Nurse office. You can also make an appointment to have your blood pressure
checked if you are not able to make it
on Sunday. Call Brenda Reishus at 763-420-7930,
ext. 13.
Come and Meet Jonah:
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, November 5th, American
Red Cross Community Blood Drive here at church from 2
-7 pm in the gym space. For an appointment call 1-800733-2767 or visit and search by
sponsor code 5163.
Monday, Oct. 7
Please call Carla if you are interested or if you have any
questions at 763-557-0282 or e-mail her at
Men’s Ministry
Answer the call and be a warrior for Christ!
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17
Dominican Republic Mission Trip
Saturday January 18th-26th: While this is open to men and
women and all are welcome, there is a need for men to help
with the more demanding physical work such as mixing and
hauling concrete up the mountains of San Cristobal. Please
prayerfully consider making a difference in the lives of our
partner community. More men means more homes built and
concrete floors poured; our Outreach Committee believeswe
can raise the necessary funds to cover the cost of $1,050 +
airfare. So all that is left is for your to say “yes” to a week like
no other.
Contact Information: For more information or to sign up for
any of the upcoming events, feel free to contact Bill Zajac
At 763-416-1615 or
Learn and Grow
Straight Talk Breakfast
Friday October 4th: 7-8:15am – Golden Valley Country Club.
Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm
We have 8 seats reserved for the men of Maple Grove LuContact Ryan McVay for more
theran to attend this Search Ministries event.. David Rohl,
the UK’s highest profile Egyptologist will speak on “Moses and
the Exodus, Fact or Fiction.” In addition, Vikings TE John CarlPrayer Class:
son will be interviewed regarding his faith. Cost is $30.
Second Monday of the month
Men’s Via De Cristo Weekend
6:30-8 pm, October through May
Thursday Night October 17th – Sunday October 20th: Via de
"LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY" - LUKE 11:1: Okay, it's time to Cristo is a Spanish phrase meaning “Way of Christ.” Via de
finally get comfortable with praying. Maybe you've been want- Cristo is a highly structured three-day weekend designed to
ing to include prayer in your days but didn't know how to
strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people and bring
start. There are things to learn about prayer. It is part of our
them to a new awareness of living in God's grace.
spiritual life with God. The Bible is full of both prayers and
Weekly men’s bible study
exhortations for us to pray. Whether you consider yourself 'a Every Friday, 7-8am: . The men are beginning a study of the
beginner' or are looking for fresh approaches, I've got a new
small catechism.
class offering that will enrich your spiritual life and faith
through prayer.
I've got some great resources for you: Each participant Men’s Poker Night for Charity
will receive a copy of "Prayer : Beginning Conversations With Friday October 18th: 7-10pm. The last event raised $300 for
God". This is a little gem of a booklet, written by Rev. Richard the Maple Grove Lutheran Foundation and this event is sure
Beckmen, a local ELCA pastor, who mentored me through a
to bring more! Your $10 buy-in to benefit the foundation enstudy on healing prayer, offered by the Order of St. Luke. We'll titles you to free food, free drink, and plenty of fun and fellowread and talk about this together.
ship. Cliff Oldre won the last event. Can anyone beat him!?
Through prayer, I receive insights, wisdom, burdens
Monthly Men’s Meeting
are lifted, and I have a stronger sense of the Lord's presence
Wednesday October 2nd, 6-730, Champps Maple Grove. Each
and peace. Don't miss out on this part of your life with God!
month, men come together at a different location to enjoy
Join me as we listen, learn, practice and pray. Please sign up
fellowship, discuss a topic of the month, and talk about future
on the blue welcome sheet or email Pastor Chris at
plans. The October discussion topic will be, “What do you
think happens when you die?”
Putting the “oh” in John:
Youth Ministry
Great news to share! Jonathan Rundquist joins Maple Grove Lutheran as our youth ministry
leader. Jon is pursuing a Master of Divinity at Luther Seminary, with an emphasis in Children,
Youth and Family. Jon is married to Tiffany, and is the proud parent of toddler Samuel. He
comes to us by way of Morris, MN and St. Cloud. We are hiring Jon through the Luther Seminary CYF internship program. We will serve as Jon's teaching congregation, providing experiences and guidance in ministry. We are praising and thanking God for sending us Jon!
Sunday Mornings for Youth
10:00-10:30 am
Junior—Senior High Youth
Stop by Jon’s office in between services for faithful conversations around God’s Word.
2014 Youth Mission Trip
Destination: Nashville, Tennessee
Dates June 14—21, 2014
Our youth are going to Nashville, where they will serve this
community in need with a variety of projects and kids programs. They’ll experience God in new ways through worship,
music, fun, teamwork, and service.
Check with Shelley to register. The initial payment of $60.00
with a registration form is required in the main office to guarantee a spot. Questions can be directed to Shelley Halverson or Camille Best-Dorothy .
You are welcome to walk in any time and see the work that
CROSS (Christians Reaching Out in Social Service) is the food- CROSS does yourself. Our address is 12915 Weinand Circle,
shelf that supports, Osseo, Maple Grove, Corcoran, and parts PO Box 574 , Rogers MN 55374. We have changed. We now
of Dayton and Champlin. While CROSS is a foodshelf, we also have lots of wonderful bright and cheery colors and clients are
support our clients with some financial help and assistance as able to choose their own groceries, which is very popular. We
have a housing specialist whose job is to help clients with
needed. Clients who use our services have incomes that are
housing needs. Clients are able to purchase clothing and small
under the federal poverty guidelines. CROSS also covers
household items for a very nominal price. It is an exciting
School Supply Distribution, Toys for Tots, and Meals on
place and we would love to share it with you.
Wheels. If you or someone you know needs help, both short
term and long term, please come and see us. Our telephone
CROSS Statistics
number is 763-425-1050.
CROSS serves 600 families each month (about 2,000 individuCROSS is supported by the local churches and the community als – 48% children under 18). 51% of our families live in Maple
at large. We love to accept donations of money, food, or cloth- Grove.
ing and small household items. We do not accept furniture.
School Supplies were provided to 807 children in the Osseo
CROSS has a new program assigning 2 items per month to
Area Schools within CROSS service area.
each of our church sponsors. This month Maple Grove Lutheran is asked to donate hand soap and chili, but we hope
CROSS Volunteer Needs
that you will consider adding additional items. The need is
CROSS especially needs afternoon and evening volunteers on
Wednesday night – shift 4 to 7pm
CROSS is staffed mainly by its many wonderful volunteers.
Also looking for leadership volunteers to oversee our ChristOur hours are Monday and Friday, 9:00 to 4:00, Wednesday,
mas Toys For Tots Giveaway, School Supplies for 2014, and
9:00 until 7:00 PM, and Thursday afternoons from 3:00 until
Farmers Market Outreach in 2014.
7:00. If you can help, please call us at 763-425-1050 and ask for
Stephanie or Cindy. We can always use additional help to sort,
stock our shelves, or help with the office work..
October Outreach of the Month
Introducing our new Youth Ministry Intern:
Jon Rundquist
Youth Room Makeover
The excitement continues to build as we
work on the Youth Room Makeover.
We will continue to take used living
room chairs (in good condition) any
color. Bean Bag Chairs, small side tables to match modern industrial style. Also looking for a Bocce Ball set they don’t use.
Contact Shelley Halverson .
Ignite Junior—Senior High X 2!
We are so happy that Ignite will be twice a month during the
school year!!!! So mark you calendars for the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, from 7—8:30pm.
Sunday October 13 and October 27
Bring your friends!
Rally Sunday, Sept. 8th
The Sandwich Project
Humor Corner