June/July 2016 - Our Saviors Lutheran Church


June/July 2016 - Our Saviors Lutheran Church
June /July2016
Welcome “Soon To Be” Associate Pastor Sarah Miller
At the special congregational meeting held on May 15th, a unanimous ballot of 74-0 was cast to call Sarah
Miller as our Associate Pastor!
Ordination and Installation of Sarah L. Miller will take place at Our Savior’s on Saturday June 25th
at 2:00p.m.
In a biography that was placed on the back of the ballot Sarah wrote the following:
“Sarah grew up in Maple Plain, MN, a suburb of the Twin Cities. She attended Gustavus Adolphus College, graduat-
ing in 1997 with a double major in chemistry and music and did graduate work in chemistry at the University of Minnesota, earning an MS in 1999. She is currently a student at Luther Seminary and will graduate in May of this year.
In 2000, she married Nathan Miller. She and her husband have three children, Soren (13), Lydia (10), and Henry (7).
Sarah and family live in Eau Claire, WI, where her husband is a professor of Physics & Astronomy at the University of
Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
For most of her life, Sarah has been a musician. She has been an accompanist since high school and in 2000 she began
studying organ. She served as the assistant organist at First Lutheran (now Spirit Lutheran) from 2003-2014 and has
been a substitute organist for a couple of churches in Eau Claire.
As part of her seminary education, Sarah did contextual education work at First Lutheran Church and the Lutheran
Church of the Good Shepherd, both in Eau Claire. She did her internship at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Menomonie, WI and has continued to serve in that congregation as the pastoral assistant while she finishes seminary.
Sarah has a particular fondness for worship, preaching, teaching, and Hebrew. She finds great joy in being able to share
the Word in all its richness with people. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, camping, reading, and spending time with
her family.”
God calls all members of Our Savior's Lutheran to
†WELCOME all to faith in Jesus Christ
†WORSHIP our Lord and Savior
†EQUIP us for a faith that works in real life
†SEND us into the world to minister in Jesus' name.
A View from the Basement
Ponderings from Preschool BY Tami Borcherding
It is almost too hard to believe that preschool is over for this year. There have been so
very many things the children have been learning and caring about – wonderful Bible stories they have heard – music that brought those stories to life – and lots and lots of new
things to try and learn.
There are also many, many things to give thanks for. During the April, Karl and Jennifer Palmer’s Sunday School class built a sandbox for the preschool – filled it with sand and
toys – and allowed the preschool children another place to play and laugh and learn!!
What a fun new adventure for all of the children – and many THANKS to the Sunday School
class and the teachers for sharing their sense of service with us!! Blessings abound!!
On April 16th the 2nd Preschool Tour of Tables was held and what a grand affair!! 8 tables were purchased by various people or businesses and decorated in every fashion you
might imagine. Thanks to the table sponsors:
Goodwill sponsored by Thrivent Financial
Life’s a Beach sponsored by Megan Bayrd and family
Color My World sponsored by Burstad Insurance
Read A Story-Tell A Story-Be the Story sponsored by Windy Knoll Quilting
Imagination Station sponsored by Kenley Meyers
Garden of Life sponsored by Church Council decorated by Lutheran Campus Ministry
Photo Booth Fun sponsored by Burstad Insurance decorated by Rintala family
Boots and Blooms sponsored by Meadowlark Landscape Design
Punch, along with cheese, meat, and crackers were the start of the tour – table members
were able to vote on the “Best of Show” table during the event along with bidding on 13
Silent Auction Baskets. A delicious 3-salad lunch was held and cream puffs for dessert. During the Tour, Rich Schroeder provided vocal entertainment. Boots and Blooms won the
$25.00 Chamber Dollars price for the best in show table. At the end of the event, winners for
the Silent Auction baskets were announced and everyone went home happy and the preschool was blessed to raise over $2000.00. Some of the money raised will be given to Stepping Stones in addition to helping with needs of the preschool. Thrivent Action Grant money was used to help with cost of food and basket items.
The Preschool Board has worked throughout the year providing excellent leadership
for the preschool. The preschool is blessed to have such caring people striving to help
make the ministry here in the basement the best it can be.
During the month of May, the preschool classes walked to various businesses to help
understand the importance of all the people in our world who work to make products or
provide services to the community. They took a bus trip to a farm to enjoy a hayride; play in
the hay; climb on tractors and combines; and see cows and chickens – close enough to
pet a baby chick and to feel what a cow’s tongue feels like.
As our year comes to a close, we look forward to the fun of summer but we also look ahead
to planning for next year – and the fun that comes with growing and learning with new classes of children. We thank Our Savior’s for all you do to support the preschool ministry. Enjoy
your spring and summer and get ready for the noise in the basement come fall!!
I must apologize to Tami as she had requested that this article be placed in the May Scope. I dropped the ball
and didn’t put it in. I am very sorry...Mary
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Council Meeting
May 10, 2016
6:00 p.m. - Fireside Room
Present: Jane Kingzett, Mary Solberg, Kris Lemke, Tom Rundle, Paul Horvath, Lisa Buhr, Roxie Close, Pastor Heather,
Sarah Miller, Kara James
Absent: Karl Palmer
Guests: Mark Kalscheur – Treasurer
Call to order @ 6:03 pm
Devotions: Pastor Heather
Old Business
Approval of the April 12 Church Council meeting minutes – The April minutes were approved unanimously by e-mail.
Approval of the April 20 special meeting minutes with the Call Committee. Paul made a motion to
approve the meeting minutes. It was seconded by Mary and approved unanimously.
Financial Report
Our new fiscal year began 3/1/16. Income in March and April was $60,100. Expenses were $
61,457 resulting in a negative cash flow of $1,357 for the two months. Heather made a Motion to approve the Treasure’s report. It was seconded by Kara and approved unanimously.
The Finance Committee is reviewing our insurance coverage of building contents. The $ 400,000
policy on building contents does not include the pews, pipe organ, stain glass, the painting in
the Friendship Room, or the alter. Those are covered on a separate rider. The Finance Committee has received values on several of these items.
Seminary scholarship. In the past, Tim Schroeder has been the recipient of a scholarship from
the ELCA Endowment Fund Pooled Trust. Tim will be an intern this fall so he does not qualify for the scholarship. Paul made a motion to distribute the scholarship funds to Luther Seminary with the funds (ideally) going to a student from our Synod. The motion was seconded by
Jane and approved unanimously.
New Business
The Jane Klatt Estate. OSL received a distribution of $124,665 from the estate. Each council member was asked to develop a list of potential uses of the funds that can be discussed at next month’s
meeting. We would also like to tithe a portion of the funds.
Associate Pastor Contract – Review and action.
Kara made a motion to approve the compensation package that is to be given to Sarah Miller
should the congregation approve the Call on 5/15. The motion was seconded by Kris and
approved unanimously.
Sarah has reviewed and has accepted the proposed compensation package should the congregation
approve the Call.
Council Minutes Cont’
Pastor Heather’s Report
Bishop Sutherland will preach at OSL on Sunday, 5/15.
5/22 is last day of Sunday school. The Jubilation Choir from Bloomington will sing.
Jazmyn Miller will also preach at the 8:30 service.
The summer worship schedule with one service begins on 5/29.
The ordination and, if approved as the Associate Pastor, installation of Sarah Miller is planned
for 6/25.
Pastor Heather and the Personnel Committee have reviewed several job description changes as
part of the move to a two pastor congregation. According to Synod, a new formal Call is not
required for changing titles as we move to a two pastor congregation.
Pastor Heather also suggested we review our positon titles for consistency of titles. Heather is
working with Personnel to develop recommended changes before bringing them to Council
for approval.
24 7 Tel-com will develop a proposal to upgrade our Wi-Fi throughout the building to add bandwidth so coverage is available in all nine classrooms. No progress this month. Heather will
Healthy Start process. The Synod has strongly suggested that we resume the Health Start process as our Associate Pastor comes on board. On Sunday, Pastor Heather will ask Bishop
Sutherland who to contact to resume the process.
Office hours during the summer will be 9-4 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Office
hours will be 9-6 on Wednesdays and will be staffed by combination of the office administrator and volunteers.
Committee Reports
Youth and Family Committee has approved the use of a new Sunday school curriculum. Paul
will provide info on the new curriculum next month.
Preschool Board. The Preschool Tour of Tables was successfully attended and raised about $
2300. There have been several inquiries from individuals interested in sponsoring a table for
next year.
Lutheran Campus Ministry. The “Pack the Park” worship service and chicken dinner fundraiser is
scheduled for Sunday, August 7. The event will move to OSL in the event or rain. 8 old tables are available. Volunteers will be needed.
Mission endowment Committee will meet in June.
Adjourned @ 7:45 PM
Next Meeting: June 14, 6:00pm, Fireside Room
Treats: Kara
Devotions: _______________
+WORSHIP our Lord and Savior
Join us on Sunday, August 7, 2016 at Wilson Park (Corner of 7th Street East and Wilson Ave in Menomonie, WI) for our annual Outdoor Worship Service with the three local ELCA Lutheran Churches. Lutheran Campus Ministry to UW-Stout will once again be hosting its annual chicken dinner fundraiser following the service.
In addition to the dinner, we will also be offering many new events and activities for ALL AGES! We will
be having a Bucket Raffle fundraiser with items donated from local business as well as art pieces from current and past Lutheran Campus Ministry Students! Proceeds from the Bucket Raffle and Chicken Dinner
Fundraisers will go to support Lutheran Campus Ministry to UW-Stout and our ever-growing ministry.
We will also offer an opportunity for families and community members to come together to enjoy live music
provided by the LCM Praise Band, yard games, supervised youth activities, face-painting, a BOUNCE
HOUSE and much more! This will be a fun day for all! Event goes from 10:00am to 2:00pm with
Worship beginning at 10am.
We are also looking for volunteers to help with set-up, tear down and clean-up, dinner service, and during
the event as well! If you are interested in helping out, please see your church office for a Volunteer Registration Form. You may turn in your form to the church office, or mail it to: Lutheran Campus Ministry, 710 2nd
Street E, Menomonie WI 54751. Forms will be collected until July 10th! You will also receive a FREE Pack
the Park T-Shirt to wear on the day of the event if you volunteer! If you have any questions or are interested
in helping out or donating an item to the raffle, please contact Katie Wagner, LCM Director at 715-308-3393
or lcmstout@wwt.net. We look forward to having you with us and making this event successful! Blessings to
you all!
RAIN LOCATION will be at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (910 9th Street East, Menomonie). Rain
Call will be made by 7:00 AM on day of event.
God calls all members of Our Savior’s Lutheran to
+WELCOME all to faith in Jesus Christ
+WORSHIP our Lord and Savior
+EQUIP us for a faith that works in real life
+SEND us into the world to minister in Jesus’ name
+WORSHIP our Lord and Savior
Starting May 29th we will go to our summers hours of one service at 9:00a.m.
Sunday Worship 9:00a.m.
Coffee Fellowship 10:00a.m.
Office Hours: Mon-Tues-Thurs 9-4 & Wednesday 9-6
Baptismal Family Meetings
Pr. Heather will be conducting a group baptismal orientation at 10:00a.m on
the second Sunday of each month. The next two meetings will be June 12th
and July 10th. Please call the church office at 715-235-0693 to schedule a
JUNE 19,
What Makes a Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
- Anonymous
+WELCOME all to faith in Jesus
Our Savior’s Women’s Bible Study Brunch
Our Savior’s Women’s Bible Study Brunch will take place on June 9, 2016.
Gather at 9:00a.m. with brunch served at 9:30.
A Bible Study will follow led by Pastor Heather Wigdahl
PARISH SCOPE is combined for June & July. You will
not receive a July Scope
Our Savior’s Reading Club
The June meeting will be a potluck hosted by Marie Young. Spouses
and special guests are welcome. Meet at the OSL parking lot at
5:30p.m. with the picnic at 6:00p.m.
There will be no meetings in July or August
“The Race of My Life”
The OSL office has available for purchase
Dave Eithreim’s book “The Race of My
Life”. The books are $10.00 each.
Monday morning Quilters are in desperate need of new or
used flat or fitted sheets of any size or color and scraps (large
or small) of cotton material for making quilts. Any donations
can be dropped off at the church office.
Thanks in advance,
Monday Morning Quilters.
Coffee Fellowship
If you enjoy treats during Sunday’s coffee fellowship time,
please consider signing up on the volunteer schedule located
on the counter in the Friendship Room. We need a minimum of
four volunteers each Sunday for this wonderful ministry.
Thanks for your willingness to help!
+EQUIP us for a faith that works in real life
OSL's Music Ministry Presents: A Dedication Concert
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Our Savior's Lutheran at 2pm
Join us in celebrating the music of our community and our beautiful new Steinway piano! We look forward to welcoming several, very special guest musicians and many of our own talented members to
participate in this grand event!
Merlyn Aude, instr umentalist
Samuel Backman, or ganist
Michael Dayton, oboist
Michaela Gifford, pianist
Tim Lutz, tenor
Mark Pruett, pianist
Grace Simpson, sopr ano
Bryan Waznik, bar itone
...and many others!
Dave Eitrheim Memorial Run/Walk this year.
The 4th of July Firecracker 5K will transition to the Speedy Eity: 7 and 4 mile Dave Eitrheim Memorial
Run/Walk this year . Not only would we like you to register for this family-friendly event on 7-4-16 at
active.com (just type in Speedy Eity), but we are still looking for potential sponsors, donations, and volunteers. If you feel called to be a sponsor or to make a donation, please contact Eric Eitrheim at 715-3085704 or at speedyeity@gmail.com. The OSL Church Council has agreed to donate $250.00 in hopes that
our generous congregation will match or exceed that! Proceeds from this race will be used to support the
Community Foundation of Dunn County, specifically the Healthy Futures Fund. Visit cfdunncounty.org
for more information.
If you feel called to volunteer at this event, visit the Speedy Eity Volunteer Spot at http://vols.s.pt/NY3BHj.
Contact Traci Sullivan at traci@mainstreetbfit.com if you have any questions on volunteering.
If you feel called to participate in this event as a runner or walker, and would like some help getting into
shape, join Lisa Buhr (715-309-8706 thebuhrs6@charter.net) at the Wakanda Park on Saturday mornings,
starting Saturday, May 21st at 7:30am. All ability levels encouraged and welcome!
Special Gifts
Donald & Kay Lentz in memory of Richard Beguhn, Lisa Brown (Richard’s Daughter) in memory of Richard
Beguhn, Trudy Forster & Family in memory of Bill Forster
Cal & Bonnie Christianson , Ron Husby (May 29) in honor of our military, Avis Smithback in memory of
Richard Beguhn, Trudy Forster & Family in memory of Bill Forster
Mark & Sarah Chambers
Mark & Sarah Chambers, Richard & Pat Edwards, John & Muriel Mikkelson, Becky Kneer in memory of Richard Beguhn, Betty Beguhn in memory of Richard Beguhn
John & Liddy Achter, Barry & Julie Bloom, Ken & Jeannette Breckner, Mary Busalacchi, Kim & Karen Fruit,
Henry & Kathleen Hirsch, Paul Horvath, Mark & Robin Johnson, Mark & Sonya Kalscheur, Allen & Sherry
Otto, Josh Rynes, Marie Young, John Taylor, Louis & RoseAnn
Husby, Richard Ebbinga, Vic & Sandy Christianson
Trudy Forster & Family in memory of Bill Forster
Trudy Forster & Family in memory of Bill Forster
Gayle Holte, Mark & Karen Jansen, Jennifer Rhead
Jeffrey Beguhn, Dale Freberg, Henry Hirsch, Diane Larson, Steven Olson
Kim & Karen Fruit, John & Muriel Mikkelson,
Allen & Sherry Otto in honor of Bennett & Alayna Krueger’s Graduation
Don Kuether, River of Live Church, Bob & Kathy Hirsch, John & Amy Whelan, Bremer Bank, Peace
Lutheran Church
David Beguhn in memory of Richard Beguhn
John & Muriel Mikkelson
God calls all members of Our Savior’s Lutheran to
+WELCOME all to faith in Jesus Christ
+WORSHIP our Lord and Savior
+EQUIP us for a faith that works in real life
+SEND us into the world to minister in Jesus’ name
Eau Claire Express Faith Night
We will be taking a group of all ages to the Eau
Claire Express game on June 5th at 5:00 PM. All
ages are welcome! Cost is $10 and includes a
hotdog and small beverage. Sign up today on the
sheet on the whiteboard so Amy knows how many
tickets to order.
Prayer & Donations Needed
Please begin to pray for our youth and leaders who will
be attending the mission trip next month. Jazmyn
Albrecht, Klarese Applebee, Anneka Rogers, McKenna
Thomas, Amy Loker, and Shannon Thomas will be
heading to Indianapolis to partner with local
organizations there. We plan on bringing a donation of
paper products for the local food pantries there. Please
feel free to bring paper towels, toilet paper, napkins,
paper plates, and cups for us to bring. Donations can be
dropped off in the bin in the Friendship room.
Shop for Pop!
Support our youth by donating pop for our pop machine. Funds from the machine help send our youth
on the mission trip. The pop machine is currently
filled on a monthly basis so the need is there for pop.
We are in need of Dr. Pepper, or Crush.
Batter Up!
Join us for church softball! Practices are at
6:00 PM Wednesdays at the Moose Lodge.
Games are held on Sundays at Wakanda Park
in June and July. Students currently in grades
5-9 are welcome to sign up! Adult volunteers
are needed to ump and occasionally coach
bases. Text @oslball7 to 81010 to receive
texts about softball.
Kidventures is for students going into grades 4 thorough 8. The focus is on building a faith community in a safe,
friendly environment. Kids participate nightly in fun and unique experiences with faith-related twists.
Cost is $25/child, $50/family or $10/night
Monday July 11: Wakanda Picnic & Teambuilding
Tuesday July 12: Ropes Course at UW Stout
Wednesday July 13: Canoeing Red Cedar River
Register by picking up a form in the office or at www.oslme.com and turn it in by Friday, July 1st.
Adult help will be needed July 11th as our church teams up with Peace Lutheran to host some challenging and fun
teambuilding activities.
Nursery Attendants Needed!!
As we switch to summer hours for worship our nursery hours adjust to only having one service o n
Sunday mornings. Our nursery is open most Sundays throughout the year, even in the summer months.
We currently have a need for a couple new nursery attendants. Attendants must be a minimum of 14
years old and need to be certified to babysit through the Red Cross. Babysitting courses are often
offered in town. Interested applicants can speak with Amy Loker or e-mail her at amyl@oslme.com
Applications are available in the church office.
A Special Thanks to our Teachers
We thank our Sunday School Teachers: Lexi Marsh, Diane Housler, Niki King, Cheryl Hoff, Cindy Hoff, Stephanie
Rintala, Kathy Weber, Kathy Peickert, Kara James, Deb Holzhuter, Angie Richardson, Shannon Thomas, Jennifer, and
Karl Palmer.
We thank our confirmation Teachers and small group guides: Jeff Ohvall, Pastor Sarah Miller, Pastor Heather Wigdahl,
Tim Klingfus, Diane Amundson, Jim Gorecki, Donna Hakes, Alayna Krueger, Shannon Bignell, and Sheryl Dietrich.
We also want to thank all those who served as helpers in Sunday school and those who subbed for teachers: Anne
Solsaa, Tyler Obenberger, Megan Buhrow, Dani Amundson, Jazmyn Hoff, Ethan Peickert, McKenna Thomas, Jake
Nahorniak, Greg Weber, Jeanie Gagner, Barbara Solsaa, Jamie Howe, Carolyn Barnhart, Beth Mason, Heather
Klanderman, and any others we have failed to mention.
Thank you for blessing the lives of our children and students all year long!
Vacation Bible School
VBS will be here at Our Savior’s this summer August 1-4. VBS is for children currently 3 years old (potty trained
please) through grade 6. Three year olds through Kindergartners have the option of VBS from 9 AM until noon
or for the full day 9 AM-2:30 PM. All children will receive a lunch. We will need to know in advance when you
will be picking up your child(ren). We will have five counselors from Luther Park Bible Camp joining us to lead
grads 1-6 with volunteers leading our 3 year olds through Kindergarten.
We will be having a kick-off event July 31 at 6PM at Lakeside Park with worship, snacks, and meet the counselors.
Please come join us for this fun week. Registration forms can be found in the church office or online at
www.oslme.com. The “early bird” cost is $20 per child with a family maximum of $45 until July 17. After that
date, all children will cost $35. Registrations and payments can be turned in to the church office.
Volunteer For VBS
There are several opportunities for members of all ages to volunteer. Contact Amy if you would be interested
in helping out this year at VBS. We need adult leaders in the kitchen and are currently looking for one more
teacher to teach our youngest students. Student help is needed as teacher assistants, kitchen help, in the
nursery, or helping out the Luther Park staff. Volunteer training will be on July 23rd at 10:30 AM.
Seeking a Choir Director
Do you have an interest in and skill to be a Choir Director? If so, OSL is in need of a lead
director of the OSL Choir (adult). The OSL Choir is comprised of 20-30 younger and older
adults who love to sing. The OSL choir helps lead worship approximately twice a month
and meets weekly for
rehearsals on Wednesday evenings during the school year. If interested please stop in at the
church office for a job description and application!
Health Ministry
Summer Greetings!
God’s peace, hope & health to you this
season. May you find refreshment &
rejuvenation in God’s wonderful creation!
God’s peace, hope & health...
Your Parish Nurses,
Becky Kneer & Amy Whelan
Health Ministry
will host a
Table/display during Coffee Fellowship
June 5, 12, 19, 26
Opportunities to
Support “Speedy Eity”
(4th of July Run/Walk
in honor of Dr. Dave Eitrheim)
“If someone were to pay
you ten cents for every
kind word you ever spoke
and collect five cents for
every unkind word, would
you be rich or poor?”
- volunteer at the event
- walk or run 1, 4 or 7 miles
- make a monetary donation
- Unknown
Put up a shoe to show your support!
How can you be involved??
The Wisconsin Dental Association and WDA Foundation will provide FREE dental care through a
Mission of Mercy (MOM) program
DATE : Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18, 2016
WHERE : Menards Conference Center
5150 Old Mill Plaza, Eau Claire, WI
TIME Doors open 5:30 a.m. Patients seen on first-come, first-served basis with approximately 1,000 patients
treated each day. Patient quota is typically reached by 10 a.m., so come early!
WHO Adults and children of all ages with limited financial resources or otherwise unable to visit a dental office
and who do not have a medically-compromising condition that prohibits safely receiving care are welcome. Children
under age 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian.
CARE Cleanings, fillings, extractions and limited treatment partials offered. All work provided free by 1,000 volunteer
dental professionals and community helpers donating their time and skills.
NOTE Photo identification, Social Security number or other personal ID/ documentation are NOT required. Interpreters
will be available to assist patients who speak Spanish, Hmong or American Sign Language. Answers to other frequently
asked patient questions can be found in the Mission of Mercy section under the WDA Foundation tab on WDA.org.
SEND us into the world to minister in Jesus’ name
Men’s Bible Study
An ecumenical men’s Bible study group meets at the Menomonie Family Restaurant at 7:00
a.m. on the first and third Saturday mornings of each month. For more information or
questions, contact Doug Larson at (715)556-0244. All are welcome.
Educational Opportunities
Bible Studies
A.M.ers: No gatherings for the months of June, July and August
Wednesday’s Angels: No gatherings for the months of June, July and August
Leah Circle: No gatherings for June, July or August
Worship Service at 9:00a.m.
Office Hours:
Monday , Tuesday, Thursday
9:00a.m.–4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Friday: Closed
Radio broadcast of the 9:00 a.m. worship is broadcast at 10:40 a.m. on WMEQ 880AM or
download the iHeart app to hear the service outside of the normal listening area.
It Is Time for a New Church Directory!
We are creating a new church family album and it wouldn’t be the same without you! This will be a great
tool to help us put names to faces as our church family continues to grow. Please be a part of it!!The dates
are locked in for photographs.
All photos will be taken 2:00p.m.-9:00p.m. with Saturdays hours 10:00a.m.-4:50p.m.
Thanksgiving week pictur es will be taken Monday-Saturday November 21-26 (Skip Thanksgiving
Day). If you have your pictures taken during this week you will have your
pictures before Christmas.
Christmas week will be Monday thr ough Wednesday December 26-29
It is our hope that this will capture many families that will be together for the holidays. It is our plan that
you will receive the new directory in the spring just prior to our 150th anniversary celebration. There is so
much more information to be shared but will do so as the time approaches.
God calls all members of Our Savior’s Lutheran to
+WELCOME all to faith in Jesus Christ
+WORSHIP our Lord and Savior
+EQUIP us for a faith that works in real life
+SEND us into the world to minister in Jesus’ name
Official Acts in May
Eli Donald Bjorkman son of Wayne & Lynnaya Bjorkman. Officiated by Pr. Heather Wigdahl
on May 8th.
Confirmation of the following students on May 1st, officiated by Pr. Heather Wigdahl:
Klaraese Elaine Applebee, Caden James Berg, Teagan Bignell, Emma Jayne Braatz, Tyler
Thomas Buhr, Mitchell Ryan Cronk, Rachel Ray Dietrich, Cooper James Gorecki, Jennifer
Sue Hakes, Johanna Ann Larson, Abbey Rae Lawrence, Tyler James Obenberger, Ethan
Duane Peickert, Anne Shirley May Price, Anneka Paige Rogers, Amanda Marie Ruchti, Regan
Marie Smith, Austin Jarrett Stokes, Brett Nicholas Waznik, Tyler Jason Werner.
Attention Parents of School-Age Children
At the end of last school year, all school-age children were advanced one grade level in the membership
database. If you have a child who did not advance a grade this fall, a child who turned five years old
after September 1 of last fall and did not enter kindergarten this fall, or a four-year old who started
kindergarten this fall, please notify Karla in the office. Doing so will assure that your child receives the
appropriate milestone mailing this school year.
Right now 130 more campers are registered that last year
As of May 16th 828 campers are registered!
Continue to register your child-info about programs on the website-discounts for first time
Luther Park is sponsoring a raffle with 3 prizes:
Quilt valued at $1000, two week campership for 2017, and a two foot tall bear
All proceeds will go to the ministry at Luther Park Bible Camp. The drawing will take place at our
“Heart for Luther Park” event. More details to follow.....
Contact emails:
If you wish to contact RoseAnn Husby to volunteer in some capacity on Sunday mornings please
email her at: info@oslme.com
If you wish to have an item placed in the Parish Scope published monthly please send information
to scope@oslme.com
If you wish to have an item placed in the Sunday morning bulletin as space allows please send to
office @oslme.com
If you wish to contact the bookkeeper John York, please send to bookkeeper@oslme.com
If you wish to contact Bonnie Christianson with contribution questions please send to
What’s Going On In & Around OSL???
Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor DreamCoat
Directed by Linda Olson
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
910 9 Street E, Menomonie, WI 54751 (715)235-0693
Website: www.oslme.com
Pastor: Rev. Heather T. Wigdahl, heather@oslme.com
Pastoral Assistant: Sarah Miller, sarah@oslme.com
Pastor Emeritus: Pastor Don Wisner
Bookkeeper: John York, bookkeeper@oslme.com
Contributions: Bonnie Christianson, bchristianson@oslme.com
Children, Youth & Family Minster: Amy Loker, amyl@oslme.com
Health Ministry Coord./Parish Nurse: Becky Kneer, becky@oslme.com
Parish Nurse: Amy Whelan
Administrative Assistant: Karla Kraft
Music Minister: Michaela Gifford, michaela@oslme.com
Choir Director: Bryan Waznik
Joy & Jubilee Choir Director: Grace Simpson
Wedding Coordinators: Kim McNaughton & Michaela Gifford
Preschool Director: Tami Borcherding, tami@oslme.com
Custodian: Josh Madsen
Mary Solberg: President
Kara James: Vice President
Tom Rundle: Secretary
Mark Kalscheur: Treasurer
Past President: Amy Eitrheim
Paul Horvath
Jane Kingzett
Kris Lemke
Karl Palmer
Lisa Buhr
Roxanne Close
God calls all members of Our Savior’s Lutheran to
+WELCOME all to faith in Jesus Christ
+WORSHIP our Lord and Savior
+EQUIP us for a faith that works in real life
+SEND us into the world to minister in Jesus’ name