September 2007 - Living Savior Lutheran Church


September 2007 - Living Savior Lutheran Church
Living Savior
Lutheran Church
Member of: The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)
5500 Ox Road
Fairfax Station, VA 22039
September 2007
Dear Members and Friends of Living Savior,
Years ago when my daughter was quite small,. Her favorite place to eat
was, of course, McDonald's. We tried not to make a habit of going there
too often. McDonald's was reserved for a special treat. One day when I
was watching her alone, I decided to take her to McDonald's for lunch.
Knowing this I asked her, “What do you want to eat today?” She said,
“Peanut Butter and jelly!” I said, “Wait a minute. You can have anything
you want for lunch. Anything at all. What do you want.“ Her answer:
Now, there's no way she liked canned pasta better than McDonald's, but
she probably didn't think I would say yes to McDonald's, so she asked
for a little less. Even when I dropped hints like ”What kind of meal
would make you happy to eat?“ she still didn't get it.
In the Epistle of James, James writes: “You want something but don't
get it.....You do not have, because you do not ask God.” (James 4:2) I
think God looks at us the same way. It's like he asks, “How many hints
can I drop? I'm willing to give you so much, but you ask for so little.
Come on guys! Think big!”
Prayer is so important. It is not something we do on Sunday mornings, or
before we go to bed at night. It is something we do all day long! It is an
ongoing conversation we have with our Lord. And Jesus attaches some
very serious promises to our prayers!
• “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that
you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)
• “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and
the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
I wonder how often we pray for miracles, and then do not expect them!!
My friends, be bold and courageous with your prayers! God is waiting to
answer your prayers. He'll give you what is good for you - what is
consistent with his will for you - but that includes far more than many of
us are willing to ask for.
God's peace this month,
Pastor Andrew C. Lissy
Living Savior Lutheran Church
September 2007
Living Savior's MISSION is
to know the love of Christ
and serve God so that the
Holy Spirit may work
through us to bring others
to Christ.
Pastor Andrew C. Lissy
Pastor Emeritus:
Rev. Frederick Klein
Lay Minister:
Gary James
Preschool Director:
Janet Fagre
Preschool: 703-352-4208
Administrative Secretary:
Ruth Provance
Church Office: 703-352-1421
Worship Services:
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Children, Youth, & Adult Bible
Classes Every Sunday
Contemporary Worship:
First and Third Sundays 11:00 a.m.
From October through June
Page 1
Those Who Serve: September 2007
8:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
September 2
Cameron Gallarno
Will Ridenhour
-----Weyrick Family
Jon Dame & Bryan Gegory
Daniel & Bev Sligar
Sandi Cauraugh
In Celebration of Carl & Karen Cecil's 25th Wedding Anniversary
September 9
Kristin Perkins
Jeanette Muller
Dave Gillium & Bill Solt
Smith Family
Carolyn Rinehart and Steve & Bonnie Thomas
Susan Watchell, In Memory of Her Father, Stevin Sabo
September 16
Kevin Weyrick
Hughes Family
Judy & Ron Bizzani
Tom Braudaway
-----Lawrence Family
Jack & JoAnn Grant
September 23
Victoria Knabe
Kailey Macpherson
Petrock Family
Muller Family
Paul Gross
Dave & Pam Roe Family
In Celebration of Tom & Bettie Petrock's 45th Wedding Anniversary
September 30
Brett Porter
Paul Gross & Bill Solt
Tom & Bettie Petrock
Annette Perry
Kolin Atkinson
David Darlington
Jackie Orebaugh
Director of Music: Lois Finnern Choir Accompanist: Lila Nelson
Altar Guild: Donna Dietz and Beth Porter
Living Savior Lutheran Church
[Weekly Averages]
Attendance for July
Attendance YTD thru July
Offering for July
Offering YTD thru July
Weekly Average Needed for Budget
Living Savior Lutheran Church
Attendance / Offering
Average 2006
The Big Picture
Average 2007
September 2007
Please wear your
name tags. Name
tags are on the
banner in the
Narthex (entrance
to Sanctuary)
Page 2
LifeLight is an indepth Bible study
group that meets
weekly at LSLC in
the youth room. On
Wed. Sept. 12, we will begin our
new season with the study of
Romans. There is an optional
fellowship time beginning at 12:30
pm (with coffee and great
desserts!), followed by the study
from 1-2:30pm. Luther said, “This
epistle is really the chief part of the
New Testament, and is truly the
purest gospel...” In it “we thus find
most abundantly the things that a
Christian ought to know.” (Wow!)
Please come and join this lively
group as we search the scriptures
for the Light of our Life! For
information or questions,
contact Belinda Knabe 703-4551667 ,
or Lila Nelson 703-323-4494
Men's Christian Fellowship
All men are cordially invited to
attend every second and fourth
Living Savior from
7:00 a.m. - 8:30
a.m. Breakfast is served, prayer is
shared and a study is presented.
Last month Living Savior Lutheran
men’s group met for dinner at
church. Almost thirty men from the
came to eat
bratwurst and
chicken grilled
by Pastor Andy
grasshopper pie
that was splendid. The monthly
fellowship dinner helps to unite the
men and guests in fellowship at
Living Savior.
Living Savior Lutheran Church
On Our Hearts and In
The Chancel Choir will resume
practice on Wednesday, Sept 19th,
at 7:30 pm. Joining the choir is a
great way to become involved in a
smaller group ministry. The choir
sings at the 11:00 service and once
a month at the 8:30 service. We
sing a variety of styles of music
and would love to see some new
faces in the choir this fall. If you
enjoy singing-we need you. Please
consider joining this important
music ministry. Any questions-call
Lois Finnern at 703-913-1728 or
email at
Nursery Care:
Living Savior provides
Sunday for children
ages 4 and younger from 8:15 a.m.
to 12:15 p.m. in Room #2 of the
Educational Wing.
Honeycutt is the attendant.
Coffee Fellowship:
People are needed to help provide
coffee, snacks, and coffee cleanup
for the Coffee Fellowship after the
8:30 a.m. service. Please sign up
on the sheet displayed in the
narthex of the church. Please
contact Namok Davis who is in
charge of this fellowship for more
Women In Prayer
invited to attend
Women In Prayer
morning from 9:30
a.m.-12:00 p.m. Childcare is
available. For more information,
please contact the church office.
September 2007
The following
prayer requests
have been
received at Living Savior. If you would
like to make a prayer request, please call
the church office.
The family of Mark Tucker, upon
the death of his mother, Harriet
Provost . . . Henry Kozak . . . Katie
and Frank O’Connor and son . . .
Don Gluth . . .Kelly . . . Our
building program and capital
campaign . . .Our troops and their
families . . . our visitors . . . Joanne
. . . Lothar . . . Jessie . . . Bob . . .
Mrs. Curtis . . . Britni Evans . . .
Greg Coleman and his family upon
the death of his father, Richard . . .
Philip . . . The Braudaway family . .
. the Porters . . . the Galings . . .
Shelly Gross . . . Charlie . . . Mark .
. . Robert . . . Steve . . . travelers . .
. Charles Schroeder . . . SGT Steve
Geiger . . . Barb’s children upon
her death . . . Liz Box . . . Mitchell
Metzler . . . Bea . . . Dana . . . John
. . . Bonnie . . .Josh Solt . . . Mark
Stanton . . . Steve Lorenz . . .Donna
. . . Russell . . . our youth at the
Youth Gathering and Servant Event
. . .Kay . . .Faith Scimecca . . . our
hospitalized troops . . . Mike . .
.Nancy Wedig . . . those seeking a
meaningful career. . . Polly
Burkhardt . . . Mary . . . Dave
Peterson . . . Aimee Blaine . . .
Brett Gillum . . . family of Bill
Rowland . . .Peggy . . . Sam . . .
Bill . . . need for rain . . . VBS . .
.Tracy Berg . . . Bill Houck . . .
Marie Ebbesen . . .Connor Dietz . .
. Ruby . . . Shirley Woodling . . .
Aimee and John . . . Ruth . . . Jill
and Glenn . . . Sharon . . . Steve
Linza . . . Herb . . . Rosemarie . . .
Lori Hults . . . Lois Long . . . safe
travel for returning college students
. . . Ruth Provance . . .
Page 3
What the Servant Event Taught Me
by Paul Hancq
Why Volunteer?
I was the male chaperone for this year's Servant Event.
At age 50, I was far removed in age from the youth
participating in this activity, and I had never been on one
of these before, so I did not know exactly what to
expect. I realized later, though, that I went into this
thinking of myself as a worldly-wise individual who had
lived through a good bit of life, and I thought I would
supervise but not learn much. What I did not know or
understand until later was that I actually learned some
things. One thing I learned was that I went into this
event with some preconceptions about our youth, and
those preconceptions turned out to be wrong.
As I was growing up, I heard stories from the generation
above me about the Depression and World War II. Also,
I had read a great deal about that time period, so I had
some idea of how the people that came before me
struggled and sacrificed. My own generation had to cope
with other challenges but did not face the same tests that
the older generation did. For this and other reasons, I
had come to believe that my generation was somewhat
selfish and self interested, and the generation after mine
was even more so. I had thought that the younger
generation would be unwilling to do things from which
there would be no personal benefit to them as
individuals. I think I thought they would be incapable of
truly serving others. How wrong I was.
While the Servant Event was not a historic test of the
type that my parents' generation faced, it was an
opportunity for our youth to leave their comfort zone
and serve others with no visible gain to self. The nine
young people on the Servant Event this year proved to
me that their generation is better than I thought, or
perhaps they just caused me to lose my cynicism.
In an environment without cell phones, iPods, TVs,
computers, etc., the nine young people from Living
Savior Lutheran Church focused on the situation at hand
and engaged in Christian service. It was not always easy
for them, but they did it. Certainly, as the teenagers that
they were and are, they did socialize with one another
and try to have some fun, which I expected. However, I
did not expect the level of service that I witnessed and
the amount of insight that they exhibited.
These nine teenagers impressed me and cured me of the
prejudice that I had about their generation. By the end of
the week, I was not conscious of any generation gap, and
I was pleased to be associated with them. I am not
worried about our future as long as there are fine young
people such as these.
Living Savior Lutheran Church
“They're asking me again to volunteer. Doesn't it ever
stop? What's in it for me?” A statement heard and
made by all when approached to volunteer and without
a doubt hard to answer if you are doing the asking.
Yes, we all know that our volunteering to do anything
for the church is a response to the wonderful love God
showers on us each and every day. But, when
responding with that answer we often hear, “I know, I
know. But what will I see happen in my life?”
Well, that question was answered very eloquently by
Paul Hancq following his chaperoning adventure with
our 7th and 8th grade youth on the servant event. Paul
was a last minute volunteer, not really sure of why he
said yes. But the following words provide a wonderful
summary of “What was in it for Paul.”
“I would like to express my personal appreciation to
you (parents) for sending your sons and daughters on
the Servant Event to Raleigh/Durham. It was an
emotionally and spiritually rewarding trip for me, and
I think it affected the others the same way.”
“What a great bunch of kids we had!The best part of
the event, in my opinion, was Church Group Time at
the end of each day. That's when we discussed what we
learned, and I was impressed by the insights and
understanding of Christian service that your sons and
daughters displayed. That exceeded my expectations. I
believe they benefited from the experience, and I know
I am better for it.” Paul Hancq
Indeed, words we should all ponder, especially as we
celebrate Rally Day and, in response to God's love,
offer ourselves as a
volunteer Sunday
School, Facilities.
many others
Savior a model of
Christ exemplified
in His life. The
begins outside the
September 2007
Page 4
LSLC Youth
2007 Youth Gathering in Orlando
by Rachel Edwards
The 2007 National LCMS Youth Gathering was probably one of the most
rewarding experiences of my life. Twenty-five Thousand youth and adults
came from all around the nation to
celebrate and share their love of God and
Jesus Christ. All of us centered around the
theme of CHOSEN . Can you even
imagine being in the same room as 25,000
others who share the exact same beliefs
that you do? It was quite the overwhelming experience. The “Hear It”
sessions and the Mass Events were my favorite activities on the trip. There
was a wide varity of “Hear It” sessions that you could attend each day.
These were where a different person led a discussion, or sermon, about
different topics. Some of these sessions included “Questions You Can't
Ask Yo Momma,” “When the CHOSEN feel lonely,” “Perversions in the
World,” “The Jesus Painter,” “The Gutter,” “Trust,” and so many more.
They were interesting topics that often touched each of us individually.
The Mass Events really were pretty amazing, with all 25,000 of us
crammed into one room to worship together. I thought it was so awesome
when they got all of us to do the wave, it was pretty cool to watch. Even
though we all had a great time, I believe it was also a real eye opener for
some of us. Alison and I added up how much we were “worth” (adding up
the cost of braces, clothes, iPods, phones, etc.) and figured out that each of
us could scholar a whole third world generation. It made us even more
aware of the situations that other people are in and that we, as Christians,
must try to make a difference. In the end, we all had an amazing time
creating memories as our bonds with each other became stronger, and so
did our Faith and Love of God.
Jim Braudaway Eagle Project
My BSA Eagle Project will be a maintenance and
correction job for the church’s lower retention pond.
The Eagle Project will take place on
September 7th from 3pm-7pm
and September 8th from 8am-5pm
Rain Dates are the 21st and 22nd same times.
Volunteers need to bring gloves, sunscreen, and bug spray.
Please contact me if you can bring any of the following tools: chain saws,
weed whackers, wheelbarrows, shovels, pruners, bow saws and picks.
Please let me know by September 5th if you are able to help with my Eagle
Project. You may contact me at 703-860-0643, or by e-mail,
Living Savior Lutheran Church
September 2007
attended the Youth
attended the Servant Event
attended the lock-in
Jim’s Eagle
September 7 (beginning 3pm)
September 8 (beginning at 8am)
Rain Date for the Eagle project is
September 21, 22
– September 9th
Rally Day/Youth Car Wash
Youth Group
2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Youth Group Parent Meeting
3:45-4:00 p.m.
– September 11th
7:30 p.m.
– September 18th
Confirmation Begins
4:30 p.m.
– September 30th
Youth Sunday
8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
– September 30th
Stockholders Brunch
between services,
Youth Group Stockholders please
RSVP to Beth at:
Page 5
Social Ministry
Please join us for a Fall planning meeting at
the Elliott's house (13528 Darter Court, Clifton;
703-830-9081) on Wednesday, September 26
at 7pm. We welcome all ideas. Coffee and
dessert will be served.
On the agenda:
1. Fundraiser to help the Ladner
brothers in Biloxi
These two brothers, both elderly, one
on oxygen, the other in a wheelchair, lost their
home during Katrina. They have been in a
small FEMA trailer since then. The funds we
raised and sent to Bethel from the Mardi Gras
Celebration and Silent Auction went as seed
money to get started on rebuilding their home.
Members from Living Savior worked on their
house this summer. Our VBS kids worked on a
project to send to the brothers and now we
want to continue supporting them in their time
of need.
2. Serving a meal to families at NOVACO
Living Savior is signed up to provide
meals on Monday, October 29 for NOVACO.
NOVACO, Inc. provides transitional housing
for families escaping domestic violence.
Details can be found on their website under
Volunteer opportunities.
3. Christmas shoebox collections
The Neuberger family will be starting
this drive soon. Keep a watch our for
more information.
4. Angel tree
We will look for volunteers to organize
this effort again this year.
5. Christmas Tree sale
Does anyone want to come up with
new designs for signs and volunteer
sign-up sheets?
6. Food Collections
ECHO has asked us for food donations.
Anyone want to head this effort?
7. Reaching GMU?
Look forward to seeing you soon!
Gillian and John Elliott
Living Savior Lutheran Church
Hello from NOVACO:
Your help is needed! Our NOVACO families are in urgent
need of the following items:
· Groceries Gift Cards - Shoppers, Blooms, H-Mart,
Wegman's are the stores that they use the most.
· Two vehicle donations - We have two (2) families with
at least three children each who are in need of a vehicle.
·Tutors- We are in need of tutors in reading, writing, and
- Donations of Cleaning Supplies for the families (see list
We would greatly appreciate your help if you could get the
word out to your community and church members. Your help
and support has played a tremendous part in our client's wellbeing and for that we thank you all.
Below you will find a list of ideas for volunteers to gather on
our behalf.
If you have any questions about donations we need or gift
cards, please contact Nicole Carter at NCarter@novaco.org703-218-3984
Donations can be brought by the office, anytime Mon-Friday but please call in advance to schedule your drop off.
· Gift card Drive
-Collect different types of grocery gift cards to help the
NOVACO families
• · Cleaning supply goody bags:
-cleaning bucket sponges -Lysol spray -Clorox disinfecting
wipes -glass cleaner Pledge -toilet bowl cleaner -shower
cleaner -multipurpose cleaner (409, etc.)
• · House supply goody bags:
-dish soap -trash bags -Ziploc bags -toilet paper
-paper towels -Kleenex -hand soap -laundry soap
-dryer sheets -regular - light bulbs
• · Personal care bags:
-Facial Soap -shampoo/conditioner lotion -face
moisturizer -lip balm -shaving cream/ disposable
razors for women -deodorant -body sprays/perfume
hairspray Tums -eye drops -lint rollers -nail files
September 2007
Page 6
A Report on the Biloxi Service Trip
By David Darlington
A group of 16 from Living Savior spent June 23-30, 2007,
in Biloxi, Mississippi, helping Habitat for Humanity rebuild
houses that had been destroyed by Hurricane Katrina almost
two years ago. Despite the heat (90-95 every day) and the
humidity (same) and the bugs (plentiful), many of us found
it was the best, most rewarding, and indeed enjoyable
vacation we've ever been on. JoAnn Grant said, “Our days
were hot and buggy, the work was strenuous, and we slept
on air mattresses on the floor, but these were the best
vacation days I've ever had!”
The first order of business for many of us was to take a brief
tour of the Mississippi Gulf Coast along Highway 90. Two
years later, the coast still has abundant evidence of the
devastation brought by Hurricane Katrina. The coastline is
flat most of the development along the coast in the Biloxi
area has been reduced to building foundations with the
occasional multi-story building where the upper floors are
intact, but the first floor no longer exists (see some of the
pictures in our slide show, for example). Jana Grant said, “I
thought that by almost 2 years after the storm, everybody
would be moved back
and they would be
finishing up cleaning up
and rebuilding homes,
but that's not at all what I
found in Biloxi. As soon
as we started driving
around I was shocked by
how many abandoned
homes and buildings
there still are, and how much work is left to be done. Huge
apartment homes still sit vacant and homes still have boards
over the windows and FEMA trailers out front.”
Our host for the week was Bethel Lutheran Church (ELCA).
Bethel's sanctuary lost its roof during the hurricane, but
thanks to some heavenly intervention and the hard work of
its members, Bethel found its footing quickly and has since
become a hub for various disaster ministries in the BiloxiGulfport area. Much of the facility has been turned over to
housing and feeding volunteer groups, and the church runs a
free medical clinic during the work week. Reflecting on
Bethel, Mike Finnern said, “The staff of our host, Bethel
Lutheran Church, has been affected by the disaster in a very
personal way, yet they keep the faith and inspire all who
break bread with them. We went to Biloxi to volunteer our
time and talent to help others in need. But in the end, the
privilege was our's to receive.”
Our project was a small house on Santini Street. Work had
begun on the house a couple weeks prior, so our task was to
finish up the outside and prepare the inside for another
group to come in and install insulation and drywall. We put
up siding, painted the exterior (including some of us
climbing rickety scaffolding to do the 2nd level), built a
Living Savior Lutheran Church
screened-in porch from scratch, installed gutters, leveled the
floors, built closets, solidified studs, and who remembers
what else. We did everything. Virtually every task other
than painting was a brand new one for me, but one of the
best things about Habitat is that they show you what to do
first before they expect you to do it. By the end of the week,
I was pretty handy with a circular saw…
Everywhere we went during the week, people
expressed appreciation for the volunteers who keep coming
back to Biloxi. With the media attention gone, and the
casinos and WalMarts running close to normal, there's the
impression that things are ok on the gulf coast. This is most
certainly not the case. Indeed, a frequent refrain from local
restaurant owners to local Baptist pastors to, believe it or
not, the garbage man who stopped his truck to check out the
progress we'd made on our house was that “if it wasn't for
the churches, we'd have been forgotten long ago.” The most
striking example of this for many of us was the youngish
single mother who lived next door to our project house. This
woman's house was also a Habitat house; she had been
living in a FEMA trailer in her front yard for two years and
had just moved in three weeks prior (those FEMA trailers, it
should be said, are tiny and not meant for long-term use).
She showed us the inside of her small house like the
proudest homeowner in
the world, brought us
sweet tea, gave t-shirts
from her restaurant to the
women in our group, and
offered us shade from the
Southern sun. The whole
time she repeated to us,
“God is good,” “God is
good,” “God is so good.”
Considering what she'd been through, it was a powerful
testimony to how much simple generosity can be a witness
to others (2 Corinthians 9:12-13).
JoAnn Grant said, “We met some inspiring people on this
trip it is amazing how many people are living their faith
who spend their time and talents helping others. The work
in the Gulf Coast carried on by faith-based organizations is
amazing - every day we saw buses and vans with various
groups working to help re-build homes and lives. Lunch
was served by smiling volunteers at the Salvation Army
Center set up at Biloxi's Yankie stadium, where we met
groups from all over the country.”
Mike Finnern said, “Our mission was a mission of privilege
to serve. The Mississippi Gulf Coast has suffered greatly
and many have endured hardship for so long, that's all they
remember. We talked to some who just wanted the
nightmare to be over. Still others focused on the blessings
they received from area churches and organizations like
September 2007
Page 7
Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia and the
Salvation Army. In a very short time, our group of
volunteers from several churches across the country made
significant progress in repairing five different houses. Many
of these houses required substantial, almost total repair.
When I asked Peter, our Habitat for Humanity leader, why
they didn't just tear them down and start over from scratch,
he said the owners wanted to salvage something of their preKatrina lives. His hope was to give them something they
could point to and know it survived. Soon, these five
houses will be completed and turned over to their owners.
Soon, five more families will finish their story of survival.”
In addition to being inspired (and humbled) by the people of
the Gulf Coast, we from Living Savior also took away a
little more knowledge about ourselves and our fellow
members. Jack Grant said, “The most memorable part of
my experience in Biloxi was seeing a completely different
side of the people in our group. Having been a member of
Living Savior for over 12 years, I had known many of the
people on the trip for a number of years. It was surprising
to me to see new sides of these people, that you don't see
when you only see them on Sunday mornings. The talents,
skills, and abilities of our group members, not to mention
the caring and compassion they showed for the people of
Biloxi, amazed me. The experience left me feeling that I
had met an entirely new group of people that I needed to get
to know better.” JoAnn added, “We had an amazing group
from Living Savior who went on this trip, they worked
tirelessly and were fun to spend a week with. I am so glad
we were able to be part of this effort.”
For me, the take-home lesson of the week was that
sometimes the best apologetics for our faith are not the ones
that intellectually dazzle, but rather those that are tangibly
“good” in this world. The people whose houses we were
working on didn't care if we were adults from northern
Virginia or a bunch of
college kids (and a
tremendous cook) from a
church in Overland Park,
Kansas. The locals just
know that churches,
along with the Salvation
Army and Habitat for
Humanity, are still hard at
work two years laterafter
most people's attention is long goneand are praising God for
it. What a testimony!
for the
of the
September 9
9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
and Youth
Anyone who feels called to help out on the Gulf Coast
should definitely do it! Habitat estimates that at a rate of 54
houses a day it would take ten years to replace all that was
lost to Katrina on the Gulf Coast. As Jana Grant said, “Give
up a weekend, a week, or as much time as you can spare and
help! Trust me and everyone else who participated in this
trip, it will be the most gratifying summer vacation you ever
Living Savior Lutheran Church
September 2007
Page 8
Living Savior Evangelism is Ablaze with
Ministry Resources
The Annual Tending the Flame Ablaze Conference
in Richmond was definitely on fire and I'm not just
talking about the summer temperatures in August!
What an incredible blessing to represent Living Savior
and attend with my daughter, Annie. Annie especially
enjoyed the activities provided for teens like a
scavenger hunt to learn about Lutheran Disaster Relief
Services, spiritual crafts, and even “Guitar Heros” for
late night fun! I had a great time attending 4 workshops
of my choice, interactive networking, and the divinity
of the prayer labyrinth. We both enjoyed the drama
entitled, The Woman at the Well, and the Living Water
Bread of Life reception that followed. The conference
reflected something for every generation and modeled
many attributes of a successful ministry in our world
The energy provided by national speakers and
resources from our Southeastern District (SED)
continue to provide us with year round support for the
next dimension in ministry. Many members and guests
of Living Savior have already heard about a program
called “Ablaze” and still may wonder what it's really all
about. Ablaze is a national ministry program designed
for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod which will be
in place over a number of years and will outline goals
and plans for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The annual SED event is already announced for 2008!
Take a leap of faith and plan now to represent Living
Savior, August 1-3 in Richmond. Get fired up and
consider attending local workshops or teleconferences
designed to inspire and inform you to share the gospel
and grow a community of believers. Stay tuned for
upcoming announcements on our website as well as
There are many people all around us who live day
by day outside the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as their
Lord and Savior. Statistically we are told that 47% of
the people who live within the region of the
Southeastern District are unchurched. That is almost 1
of every 2 people. The time to reach out with the
Gospel news is now! I invite you to pray, share, and
reach out in new ways as the Holy Spirit through faith
in Christ Jesus sets your heart Ablaze!
There are so many great projects currently in
progress. We welcome any special gifts and talents that
you would like to offer.
Living Savior Lutheran Church
Please contact Karen and Carl Cecil of the Evangelism
Committee to learn more at: 703-631-3823 or
Living Savior Evangelism Committee Projects
to Prayerfully Consider:
• Monthly Bulletin Board Update
• Create a Welcome Book for Guests and Visitors
• Greeter and Welcome Table Volunteer Organization
• Create Living Savior Information Trifold
• Exterior Sign Organization
• Mail Welcome Cards for New Guests
• Maintain Welcome Table with Supplies
• Invitation Mailers for Easter and Christmas
• Submitting Digital Photos and Stories for Local
Currently Under Construction and Coming Soon!
A great tool for daily ministry and evangelism!
The fellowship committee is busy planning a schedule
for the 2007-2008 year, but we need your help! Please
take a moment and fill out the survey at church or if
you would like to email your ideas, please contact Jack
or JoAnn Grant at
We would love to hear from you!
We can always use help in putting on events too if you
would like to help out or just get involved in a specific
event, just let us know. Another easy way to get
involved is to help with the coffee set up or clean up
the sign-up sheet is in the narthex
Altar Guild:
Imagine a Sunday service altar
without candles, flowers, or
communion wafers and cups........
Please consider joining this
wonderful group of ladies (though
men can join too!) in helping to
fulfill an important job in
preparation for Sunday worship
services. Volunteering can be
monthly or specific weeks of your
choice. Training is provided. For more information,
Please contact Flora Louise Kratzert at 703-250-4052.
September 2007
Page 9
Living Savior wishes all of
the following members,
safe, happy, and fun
celebrations! May God Bless
Your Special Day and the Coming Year!
Kirsten Hatterick
Elizabeth Lissy
Mark Nelson
Jim Tobaben
Barbara Richardson
Jeff Edwards
Dave Semler
Becky Christiansen
Sarah Mattison
Cindy Edwards
Chelly Huss
Mark C. Wagner
Jennifer Philpot
Terri Hatterick
Cynthia Schutt
Kay Jones
John Elliott
Nicole Keys
Trent Moyar
R.J. Eberly
Stephanie Christiansen
Lori Ebert
Caitlyn Smith
Gary Wiest
Les Albers
Walter Hafner
Shena Clark
Michael Finnern
Dave Gillum
Lori Hults
Debbie Malone
Miki Kolton
Bill Solt
Michael Varhola
Pastor Andy Lissy
Nicholas Reyes
Kristen Schumacher
Karen Cecil
Will Ridenour
Annette Perry
Ronda Wallis
Natalie Wiest
Joel Porterfield
Frank Cauraugh
Isabelle Nichols
Living Savior Lutheran Church
Living Savior wishes a
Happy Anniversary to the following
Nicholas and Carolyn Reyes
Patrick and Trish Boyer
Carl and Karen Cecil
Al and Jean Mannato
Richard and Namok Davis
Mark and Kelli Moyar
Bill and Cindy Luukkonen
Michael and Diane Varhola
Tom and Bettie Petrock
Tom and Jean Peterson
Mark and Marina Tucker
Dave and Elizabeth Gillum
Living Savior Lutheran Confirms
10 Members
After two years of study, 10 youth
are confirmed. This is the final
religious instruction that members
receive before becoming full
members of the church. During the
study period, the confirmants learn
about their faith and affirm their
witness to Christ.
The following eighth graders were
confirmed by Pastor Andrew Lissy:
Kolin Michael Atkinson, Erica
Alexandra Bob, Rachel Anne Guy,
Michael Richard Hickey, Victoria
Perkins, Matthew Karl Ridenour,
Kristen Marie Schumacher and
Kevin Matthew Weyrick
Bob & Gladys Bucklew
C/O Susan Conard 1334 Greylyn
Drive Charlotte, NC 28226-5106
Telephone: 704-366-8670
David Cauraugh
13036 Terminal Way
Woodbridge , VA 22193-6116
CDR Aasgeir and Catherine
Jon and Anna
8509 Oak Pointe Way
Fairfax Station , VA 22039-3339
Jeanne Lindhurst
17123 Moss Side Ln.
Olney, MD 20832-2939
703-772-8324 (cell)
Mark and Rebecca Mattison
Jacob, Joshua and Sarah
24 Outer Octagon
Universal City , TX 78148-5610
September 2007
Thomas Bielicki was baptized at
Living Savior at 12:30 PM,
Sunday, August 7th, 2005 (after the
11:00 service). Andrew is the son
of Scott and Amy Bielicki, and he
was born June 25, 2005 in
Scott and Amy Bielicki
2009 S. Lincoln St
Arlington, VA 22204-5330
Please send all submissions for the
next months newsletter by the
middle of the current month to
Page 10
Living Savior Preschool
Preschool and Kindergarten starts up for the
2007-2008 school year!
The preschool enters its 16th year and the
kindergarten program is celebrating its 10th year
anniversary. We are excited about the prospect of a
new school year with all of the children and their
families. We continue to enhance our program with
new curriculum and ideas in order to enrich the
children's experiences here at Living Savior. You will
have a chance to meet the staff on Rally Day,
September 9th at the 11:00 service.
From the Desk of
Janet Fagre
As I begin my third year in my
position as director at Living
Kindergarten, I am thankful for
the opportunity to continue to
serve Living Savior and our Preschool and
Kindergarten. I am excited to once again work with
the Preschool Board and the Servant Leaders of
Living Savior. I pray that as we continue with the
process of our NAEYC accreditation this year that
God will continue to bless the children, our staff and
school. Please feel free to stop by the preschool office
and introduce yourself or just say “Hi” at any time. If
any families are looking for a warm, positive
preschool or kindergarten experience, I still have a
few spaces available and would be happy to answer
any questions you may have about our program. I
look forward to a wonderful year with all of the
children and their families.
Summer Camp Fun
This summer's “Oceans of
Fun Under the Sun,” “Living
Savior's Arctic Zone” and our
“Theatre Camp” were all a huge
success! Our newest camp,
“Living Savior's Arctic Zone” was a wonderfully
Living Savior Lutheran Church
“cool” addition to our already successful theme of
“Oceans of Fun”. The sounds of many happy children
could be heard running about the school. The
children went ice fishing, built an igloo out of milk
jugs and painted the Northern Lights in the “Arctic
The children at our Theatre Camp put together
two highly creative productions of two different
stories. Props were constructed, and lines were
memorized as parents and children from camp
listened to their two tales. These children included
some from our preschool, congregation and
community. It was once again a great success and I'm
sure they will be back again next year!
Sally Foster Gift Wrap
The preschool will again
sponsor a gift wrap sale starting
in September.
Due to the
generosity of the church and
preschool families, Sally Foster gift wrap continues to
be one of our most profitable fundraisers. We
appreciate your support in the past and again invite
everyone to purchase this high quality wrapping
paper. Prices are reasonable and paper rolls have
generous amounts.
Look for our display in the hallway and shop now for
Christmas and everyday needs as well. Delivery time
is set for October. If you would like to place an
order, please stop by the preschool office. Thank you.
Spaces Still Available
Classes will resume on
preschool still has a few
openings in our 4 year-old
kindergarten classes. We do
anticipate full enrollment by year's end. If you know
of a family that might be looking for a preschool or
kindergarten please tell them about Living Savior.
September 2007
Page 11
Living Savior Lutheran Church & Preschool
5500 Ox Road
Fairfax Station, VA 22039-1020
Nonprofit Org.
Fairfax, VA
Permit No. 461
September 2007
Living Savior Lutheran Church
September 2007
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