10-20-15 Weekly Announcements


10-20-15 Weekly Announcements
October 20, 2015 | Weekly Announcements of Our Savior’s
W299 N5782 County Rd. E, Hartland, WI 53029
Our Savior’s
Mark Your Calendar
10.20 Tuesday-TONIGHT
Ministry Teams Meeting 7:00 p.m.
10.21 Wednesday
NO Confirmation
6:15 Praise Ringers
7:25 Chancel Choir
10.23 Friday
Campfirmation 5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m. StoneRollers Practice
10.24 Saturday
Confirmation Project Presentations
4:00 p.m. followed by rehearsal
Done by 5:15-5:30 p.m.
10.25 Reformation Sunday
Worship 8:15 & 10:45 a.m.
StoneRollers & Praise Ringers
Affirmation of Baptism at 10:45 a.m.
4:30 p.m. Jubilate Chorale Concert
@ Basilica at Holy Hill—Info attached
Seizing Opportunities
By Pastor Tom Pietz
Last Sunday I had the opportunity to preach at
Atonement Lutheran in Muskego on generous
living. Like our church, they moved into a similar
size building all on one level with a parcel of
several acres of land some 6 years ago.
Development has been going on all around them. It
was a beautiful thing to see all the children come up
during worship at 9:15am (which is there Sunday
school hour) and sing “Lord, I Lift Your Name on
High” with the band. They are truly inviting people
and reaching out to their neighbors.
Pastor Greg Van Dunk has been there over ten
years and prior he served All People’s Lutheran in
Milwaukee for some 10 years as well. He has been
asked multiple times to consider being a candidate
for Bishop and may be again this year. Greg and I
have become friends more recently and are
planning on a fly fishing excursion together next
Spring with a few local pastors. In any case, I
appreciate learning from gifted pastors who through
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Article Continued …
long tenures and solid leadership have been able to spur on their church to seasons of spiritual
and community growth.
I just read a few documents of Our Savior’s from 2004-2005 in which Pastors Wayne and
Christa anticipated the potential for our church to grow, given the context at that time of a
healthy economy and the new developments in the area. Obviously that growth went to a halt
for some time but now is re-emerging all around us this year. Just today across the street I’m
seeing a massive movement of dirt preparing the way for curbs, gutters, sidewalks & roads.
As I read about Four Winds West from the paper, I understand that there will be 48 households
eventually moving in right across the street from us.
I’m wondering how much we realize how important it is for us to INVITE people to our
church. Who have you invited over the years to attend worship or some kind of event here?
WE miss a lot of opportunities don’t we? If you ever have a new neighbor come to the
neighborhood, mention our church and tell them the good things about us. Almost like a
store, people just need to come in sometime, experience the joyful spirit and conversations
taking place, and experience our genuine hospitality and it’s usually not hard for them to
consider us as their potential Christian community. I met a lady today interested in the
Business Manager position that is open. Of all things, she had just visited during worship
three weeks ago…go figure! She was so pleased with the spirit in this place and what she
On December 13th, Pastor Jonathan Swenson, who was here a few years ago, will share a
moving drama presentation called “Celebrate the Child” at both services. Here is one of our
BEST opportunities to invite our neighbors, friends, relatives, and work associates to get “a
taste of” Our Savior’s. Be bold, hand them a flyer or card, and do so soon. They may actually
show up to worship for the event!
People need the Lord. Individuals, couples, and families are looking for people they can
become friends with and do life together with. I would argue, there is no better place than the
church. What are we waiting for!?
As Peter writes, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an
answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15
Pastor Tom
“Saved by Grace,
Not by Works”
For by grace you have been saved through
faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the
gift of God-not the result of works, so that no
one may boast.
– Ephesians 2:8-9
Tuesdays with Teri
Teri Bergendahl
Youth and Family Minister
October 25
10:45 a.m.
Congratulations to our
2015 Confirmands!
Alejandro Artiles
Mentor: Scott Gosse
Daniel Pietz
Mentor: Alan Schmitz
Danielle Fuhs
Mentor: Tracy Gingrass
Brenna Hevrdejs
Mentor: Shelly Tosh
Madison Zeller
Mentor: Tracy Hagen
No Confirmation on
Wednesday October 21
Campfirmation Retreat
Friday 10.23—Saturday 10.24
Confirmation students grades 7 and 8
“Splashing in the Waters of Grace”
Visit the website for details and permission form
(form required for both attendees and friends)
Set-up – 5:30 p.m.
Dinner – 6 p.m.
Icebreaker and overview – 6:30 p.m.
Dodgeball and games – 7 p.m. at Swallow
Campfire and Conversation – 8 to 9:30 p.m.
Night Games – 9:30 to 10:15 pm
Lights Out – 11 pm
Toiletries, warm clothing including gloves (we
will be outside for activities), sleeping bag
& pillow
Your bible
Phones may be brought and used in a limited way
at this event.
A snack to share (no peanut products)
Permission form
Visit the website for all information regarding
your project presentation, rehearsal & interview checklist
Confirmation 7th & 8th
Wednesday, October 28
6:00 Spaghetti Dinner
6:30—8:00 p.m. gathering
Lesson #3
Mark your calendars for
July 16—July 23, 2016
for the Youth Appalachian
Service Project trip.
Contact Tim Culhane for
more information
262-993-1128 or
Prayer Requests and Concerns: Jeanie & Tom Harbeck; Mary & Dean Littlejohn; Tracy & Bryan
Hagen; Dick Bahr; Carie Bronson; John; Marianne Zimmerman; Carol Bahr; Judy Pross; Verna
Schiek; Maxine Benrud; Jeanne Fruit; Jim & Carolyn Masterson; All those who are seeking employment. Our disaster relief team working in Arkansas.
Prayer Requests and Concerns for family & friends of our members: Tony Arenas & family
(friend of Gary and Victoria Jasiek); Vicki (friend of Liza & Mark Klokow); Mary (Cousin of Liza
Klokow); Bob (brother of Mary Stocking); Lorraine VanderWeg (Carolyn Taylor’s mother); Carolyn
(friend of Brian Lund); Robin Myer (friend of the Taylor’s); Bruce Williams (friends of Ron and Deb
Nollen); Molly & Tommy (friends of Ron and Deb Nollen); Zailynn Mars (great granddaughter of Jim
& Lonna Mars, grandson Cory and wife Katie); Dan & Marge Ligman (friends of Nancy Kiepert); Joy
(Lila Goll’s daughter); Duane Pillar (stepfather to Shelliann Javorek); Kari; Chris; Alexis; All those
serving in our Military and their families. Safety and divine protection for all those who protect and
serve our country.
Celebrations: Karen and Jim Tremaine are new grandparents!! Daughter Stefanie delivered a healthy
baby girl, Brooke Irene Mattson on October 19th. Parents, Stefanie and Dan Mattson, and baby Brooke
are all doing well. Congratulations!!; Our confirmation students who will affirm the promises of baptism on Sunday, October 25th. Alejandro Artiles, Danielle Fuhs, Brenna Hevrdejs, Dan Pietz, Madison
Zeller. Congratulations!; We welcome all our new members received in October!!
Karl & Claudine Scheife
Look for all the new member information sheets
located by the office door. Make sure to introduce
yourself when you get a chance. :)
on the right)
Raeanne (hugging the bride)
Jack (Red tie) (2010)
W310 N6759 Chenequa Dr.
Hartland, WI 53029
“It is with a heavy heart that I am resigning my position as
Business Manager. My last day at Our Savior’s will be on
Wednesday, October 21st. I will be starting full time with
VJS Construction Services as a Project Administrator on
October 26th. I have thoroughly enjoyed my six years
here and have come to love many of the congregation
members. It will be difficult to say goodbye to my coworkers (friends) but am planning on still being around as
a guest on occasion!
I can’t thank you all enough for all that you done for me
over the years!”
Tracy Renner
Serving in Worship • Sunday, October 25, 2015
StoneRollers & Praise Ringers
“Affirmation of Baptism” at 10:45 a.m.
Tech Team
Communion Assistants
8:15 a.m.
Will Kroeger
Allan Schmitz
Brian Lund
Amy Holland & Ellie Smith-Skwierawski
Hank Ehrsam & Help Needed
Assisting Minister: Paul Breest
Katie Weber
Meg Feyen
Our Men in
Our Savior’s Disaster Relief Team in Arkansas at the
Vilonia Disaster and Recovery Center and Community Center
The center was destroyed by last year's tornado. In addi on to
serving as the disaster headquarters, it also houses the food pantry
and community ac vi es and classes.
10:45 a.m.-Confirmation
A J Hevrdjes
Kylie Burgess
Josh Kleifgen
Amy Holland & Shelbey Strandberg
Eric Grimstad & Barb Luckiesh
Assisting Minister: Teri Bergendahl
Shelliann Javorek
Mary Kay Carroll
Look who liked our sculpture and
posted it on Facebook!!!
Jeremy Nelson, Meteorologist
from WISN 12 News!! Diane
Gratz asked him if she could use
it on the Our Savior’s Facebook