Pastor`s Corner Living The Story Jonathan Rundman to Visit OSLC


Pastor`s Corner Living The Story Jonathan Rundman to Visit OSLC
Pastor’s Corner
Living The Story
Yes, God worked through this almost 60 year old heart, mind and spirit, and showed
me places where His “still small voice” was to be found. As I return to working among all
of you who gave me this time of spiritual renewal, I am filled with excitement about how
we will ponder anew what the almighty is doing!
Recent shootings across our nation serve as a nudge to each of us to return to the Lord,
so that God can work through us to ponder anew what the Almighty can do. We can
work with others through faith to tear down prejudice, fear, violence and the things that
keep us apart from our neighbor and from seeing others as children of God. God can
work through each of us to build relationships, bring about reconciliation and live in
even the toughest of moments, times and people. We will work to do this together in
the months to come.
As people of the gracious Word of God through Christ… now, ponder and pray what
God can, is and will do with you and through you to express your praises to God and to
share your love for your neighbor as God first loved you.
Pastor Jeff Fricke, Senior Pastor
Rundman to
Visit OSLC
August 20-21
We look forward to a visit
from this acclaimed
contemporary musician
as he shares his gifts
during all worship services
August 20-21. Jonathan
will also present a music
& worship workshop at
OSLC on Sunday
afternoon, August 21.
Please see page 3 for
details on this special
Rally Sunday
September 11
Theme: A Taste of OSLC
Plans are coming together for
a fantastic Rally Day kick-off
event. We’re firing up the grill
and setting the table as we
present a large menu of small
groups and activities from which
you can “taste” and sign up.
 displays will be set up to promote our various ministries,
giving you a chance to connect with small groups
 sign up for Good Neighbor Sunday (weekend) projects
 bounce house in Shepherd’s Gate
 brats & hot dogs provided, along with other goodies
Enjoy A Taste of OSLC on Sunday, September 11.
Come hungry. Leave nourished.
News from Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Our “Burn the Mortgage” effort has had spectacular results opening the doors for a more
robust mission outreach. High school kids are traveling on a mission servant trip this
month. Our Women of the ELCA invited our Muslim neighbors here in Rockford to come
and meet and talk with us. Our Peace Pole at the entry to our parking lot still stands as a
reminder of the Gospel call of Christ to welcome all people into God’s Kingdom.
Connecting to God,
faith and people.
So, I traveled over 4500 miles by car, a couple thousand more miles by plane and
about 20 more miles by foot… I saw things I never imagined and I found a peace,
silence and calm in some of the most obscure activities while I was on my Sabbatical.
I found myself humming the hymn (#858) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. Verse three
has a phrase; “Ponder anew, what the Almighty can do.”
August 2016
Page 2
Worship & Music
Marti Bein, Director of Worship & Music, AIM
Jonathan Rundman
August 20 and 21 we welcome Jonathan
Rundman to all three worship services. Jonathan is a classically
trained contemporary musician rooted in the Lutheran tradition.
He brings gifts of composing, teaching and engaging the
Assembly in participatory worship. In addition to his leadership in
worship, Jonathan will work with our Praise Band and present a
workshop on Sunday afternoon from 2:30-5:30 for musicians
and pastors from the Northern Illinois and South Central Wisconsin
Synods. Please invite anyone of any denomination that might
find the (free) workshop of interest.
Choir News
Choir rehearsals for adults and teens begin on Wednesday,
September 7 at 7:00. We sing in worship on September 11.
The exciting news is that several people have expressed
their interest in singing with the choir this year, including two
teens (Sticky Faith). Some singers come with a lot of choir
experience. Not all singers read music. ALL singers
become a part of a meaningful small group ministry.
Choir for middle school and high school youth begins on
Sunday, September 18 at 11:30. This group forms a close
bond and brings much joy to worship.
Choir for elementary aged children begins
on Wednesday, September 14 at 5:00.
Singing, music fundamentals, movement
and drama are just the beginning!
Looking Ahead
Taizé Worship
Rest in candlelight, simple song and silence.
September 15 the ecumenical Taizé worship service
will return to Our Savior’s. Worship @ 6:30. Choir will
rehearse @ 5:30.
Bishop Installation and Reception
Installation of Rev. H. Jeffrey Clements as the Bishop of
the Northern Illinois Synod will be celebrated at First
Lutheran on Saturday, September 24 at 10:00. The
installation will be a festive and joyful event. Youth from
Our Savior’s will be serving in the procession. Joseph will
be playing and Zach Rediger will be reading the
second reading! Consider attending the service prior
to the reception that OSLC will be hosting.
Luther College Nordic Choir
All choirs rehearse in the Choir Room.
The Nordic Choir from Luther College will perform at
Our Savior’s on Friday night, January 27.
Adult Education
New Study this Fall
Coming in September: the sequel to The Story: Randy Frazee’s BELIEVE.
The BELIEVE experience helps Christians of all ages answer three significant questions:
What do I believe?
What should I do?
Who am I becoming?
Signup sheets for small groups can be found now in the Atrium as well as copies of Believe,
on sale for $20. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this study.
Page 3
Youth Ministry
Tyler Parks
Director of Youth Ministries
Howdy, Our Savior’s!
As we gear up for the fall, I am so excited for the coming months of ministry and can't wait for you to be
involved! This summer you have been hearing “Stories that Stick,” an initiative started by our Sticky Faith Task Force, focusing
on real-life accounts from OSLC people who have had Sticky Faith experiences in their own lives. These stories have
reinforced our message that when people are truly connected with one another on a deep personal level, bonds are
formed that are not easily broken.
Research by the Sticky Faith team and Fuller Youth Institute have tested this hypothesis over and over again, and
concluded that when students form deep, personal connections with adult church members outside of their family, they
are more likely to “stick” with that community and their faith after they transition out of traditional youth programs and into
their young adult lives. That is exactly what we are looking to create here at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. We want to
create an environment where all of our students are able to connect not just with myself and the pastors, but with people
within our congregation on a deeper, more personal, faith-based level.
Our Sticky Faith Task Force has been working to connect OSLC adults with our youth, and our efforts keep bringing us back
to a successful mission of the past – the “Grandparent Program.” We are working to revitalize this program so that it may be
a successful mission of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church yet again! As we move forward in the coming months, I ask you to
please pray that the Lord will lead us in this mission, and how He may be calling you to be involved.
We are looking for adults (being a grandparent is not required) interested in connecting with our youth personally in faith.
Adults feeling called toward this ministry will be equipped by myself and Pr. Tony through a series on faith development and
ministry leadership so you feel prepared. A variety of styles and personalities can be successful in this ministry, and there are
no large time commitments involved. Please consider how you may be called into this ministry here at OSLC!
If you are interested in learning more or feeling called to this ministry, please feel free to connect with me anytime!
Children’s Ministry
Thank you to all who were a part of VBS, held June 13 – 17. We had 82 students (ages 3 – 12 yrs old)
come and learn how Jesus gives us hope, courage, directing power, and loves us forever. It was a
week full of adventure and fun! We had a great turnout for our BBQ Dinner/Open House celebration
(Thursday), and 50+ amazing volunteers lead, guide, donate food and supplies.
Our Cave Quest set design was constructed by Mike & Karla Lombardo and Melissa Johnson.
Pastor Tony was supportive and present each day. We are so thankful for our station leaders: Melissa
Johnson, Trevor Johnsen, Kurt Richardson, Kathy Stim, Cole Bathje, Tyler Parks and Kristina Rediger.
(One day in Imagination Station, we even made cave snot!)
Our crew leaders led a group of 5 - 8 students to each station where they listened, had fun and
made new friends! I’m thankful for our crew leaders: Alyssa Guse, Peter Thomas, Bailey Dusso, Grant
Dusso, Preston Dusso, David Stim, Lane Kleber, Anna Doherty, Alex Wis, Celine Wis, Julie Trank,
Delainey Turek, Brenna Ripplinger, Ben Bathje, Jack Bathje, Makayla McLelland, Karyn Holmes,
Abby Seiter, Bridget Heffner, Ericka Heffner, AJ Lombardo, Darby Kloweit, Kayla, Katie Jensen, Bryn,
Nolan Granite and Emily Sibounheuang. I want to thank our amazing welcoming registration team:
Andrea Bathje, BJ Johnson, Johanna Lund-Backer, Sue Grover, Lois Muehlfelder and Renee Guse.
Thank you for donations of supplies and help: Keri Holmes, Kaye Busse-Kleber, Barb Linder, Trinity
Lutheran Church, Debbie Carlson, Tracy Peck, Donna Homuth, MariAnn Morton, Laurie Page, Tom
Hartley, Kristin Elliot, Karen Montgomery, Rosemary Bieck, Karen Thompson, Lois Moore, Cindi
Jensen, Deb Johnsen, Nadine Hallstrom, Dorothy Mahler and Elinor Johne-Nelson. Thank you to Don
Holt for capturing God sightings each day through his photographs, and Cyndi Hlavin for support
and encouragement.
Thank you to each family for sharing your children with us to hear God’s mighty word each day! And
thanks be to God for providing safety, comfort and peace every day.
Blessings, Joanna Heffner, VBS Director 2016
Page 4
Baptism Class
Sunday, August 7
9:45 AM
Register online or
connect with
Cyndi Hlavin:
The Baptism class is a
requirement for
Baptism scheduling.
September Mission of the Month: Lutheran World Relief
Please consider donating the following items for Lutheran World Relief:
Coming Up:
Sunday, October 16
 Cloth diapers folded (can be ordered at Walmart)
 Diaper pins or large safety pins
Join us in fighting hunger
around the world and in
our city through the
Rockford Pantry Coalition.
 Bath towels or hand towels (can be slightly
used but clean)
 Wide tooth combs
 Adult toothbrushes
 Soap - Ivory or Dial
In September, look for the grocery cart just outside of the worship center as the
collection spot. Donated items will be included with the beautiful quilts made with
love by our WELCA women and sent overseas to very needy areas of the world. Your
help is much appreciated. Small things like this show many parts of the world that we
care, which is very much needed especially at this time.
Good Neighbor Sunday Event / October 1-2
Signups will begin soon for our annual Good Neighbor Sunday event, which will extend over two
days this year. Those who have not been able to help on the Sunday portion of the event can
now provide support on Saturday. We ask for your prayers and support. Please contact John
Linder, chairman, with questions or to help out. He can be reached at: or 815-997-4545.
Watch for more details in the coming weeks on GNS, and how you can help impact our
church, community and world.
Shepherd’s Gate Clean Up
In preparation for hosting the post-installation reception for the new
bishop of the Northern Illinois Synod in September, the Operations
Cabinet will be performing some tasks to spruce up Shepherd’s Gate.
Planned actions include:
cleaning and black mark removal of the Shepherd’s Gate floor; repair of
tables and chairs; repair and paint walls; and repair and cleaning work in
restrooms and kitchen.
If you are willing and able to assist the Operations Cabinet with any of
these projects, please contact Keith Shaver and/or Elizabeth Brinkley.
Security / Safety Task Force
The Security / Safety Task Force has been formed to discuss and address
issues pertaining to security and safety. If you are interested in participating
on the Security / Safety Task Force, please contact Keith Shaver and/or
Elizabeth Brinkley, or come to our next meeting on Thursday, August 25
at 9:30 AM. We would like to harness the knowledge, experience and
expertise of the congregation in making OSLC a welcoming, yet safe
space for members, staff and the community.
Facility Use Form
Upcoming for Fall 2016 / Spring 2017
Do you coordinate a meeting that meets
at OSLC?
A Bible Study, Book Club, Support Group,
WELCA Circle or other group or gathering
that routinely meets at OSLC?
Please stop by the Welcome Desk
(weekend) or the church office (during
the week) to pick up the Calendar
Schedule/Facility Use form to make
certain that we have the correct contact
information on file and the appropriate
space and date are reserved for your
group’s meetings. Fill out the Calendar
Schedule/Facility Use form for all meetings
and events and return forms to Elizabeth
Brinkley. Thank you for helping us manage
the use of the large, lively space we have
at OSLC!
Page 5
Wednesday, August 3 • 12:00 PM
Thurs-Fri, August 4 & 5 • 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Bibles &
Wednesday, August 17 • 6:00 PM
Sunday, September 25 • 3:00 PM
Life Line
Thursday, September 29 • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Save the date!
Theme: “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”
Join us at Noon for lunch catered by Gatherings by Sue. Special guest Bob Edwards, owner of
Edwards Apple Orchard, will provide our program. Devotion and door prizes included. Tickets $10;
on sale July 30-31. Contact Karen Johnson for reservations (815.543.7962).
In partnership with the Rockford Police Department, Our Savior’s will host a Safety Camp for
students entering 4th and 5th grades. This is a free camp with snacks provided. Kids will get safety
instruction on a variety of topics, including bicycle, fire, water, guns, animals, internet safety and
more. Registration forms are available in the Our Savior’s office.
All are welcome and the pool is open – come join us for this summer’s last Bibles & Brats. We meet
at Bob & Cindy Toews home: 6074 Abington Drive. Please bring a dish to pass, yourself and invite
a friend. This is a midweek refreshment! We eat, talk, share and listen outside around the relaxing
pool. Come and be fed!
Our thanks to Bob & Cindy for hosting another year – we appreciate your generosity and welcoming spirit!
Join us for an OSLC Golf Play Day at Swanhills (Belvidere) starting at 3:00. Catered dinner served at
5:30. All are welcome — people can do golf and dinner, just golf or just dinner. Golfers pay
greens fees at the course; dinner is $12 per person. Look for signup sheets at church this month.
Thanks to the Bernardis for sponsoring this event! Questions? Please call Brent Bernardi (815-8851525) or Maribeth Larsen (815-394-1349).
Screening will be held in Shepherd’s Gate. More information to follow.
Thursday, November 3 • 2:00 - 6:00 PM
Save the date!
Our Savior’s will host its annual blood drive in November. Mark your calendars now.
Page 6
Among Us
Prayers and Blessings
(as received through July 15)
We lifted up in Prayer:
Tom Backer, Bonnie Balok, Helen Barrett, Gary Campbell, Micheala Campbell, Marge Day, John
Dempster, Jim Edson, Lou Everett, Mara Guse, Cyndi Hlavin, Sheryl Jecklin, Cindy Johnson, Karen
Johnson, Juan Juarez, Jane Kling, Libby Knopp, Jean Kramer, Bud Nau, Roberta Nielsen, Ruth
Ogness, Christine Petersen, Dick & BJ Peterson, Randy Peterson, Ryan Peterson, Marlon Pool, Ida
Reinhold, Karen Schanstra, Joseph Schenk, Becky Shaffer, Katy Stenberg, Nord Swanstrom, Jim
Tracy, Verlyn Westra
We celebrated Baptisms:
Jack Alexander Garnhart, son of Ryan & Vanessa Garnhart
Emerie Grace Streed, daughter of Daryn & Sarah Streed
Benjamin Lim & Thomas James Thorson, sons of James & Jeanrose Thorson
We celebrated Marriages:
Michael Landgraff & Courtney Neville
Torin Schneider & Taryn Palm
We offered Sympathy:
To the families of:
Janice Brokaw
Laura Erickson
We prayed for peace in our world and protection for those in service
to our country:
Steven Anderson / Kyle Brees / Ryan Brees / Jeremy Buttram / Ben Everette / Michael Galiano /
Scott Hlavin / Dylan Kaltenbrun / Ashley McKenzie / Charity Moorhous / Brandon Morgan /
Tyler Pillmore / Kayla Rasior / Alex Rickard / Nicholas Rinaldi / Jake Thorn
August Birthdays
1: Preston Holmes, Jean Kramer 2: Bonnie Beitlich, Patricia Green, BJ Petersen 3: Skylar Harmsen,
Karyn Holmes, Lois Johnson 4: Samuel Derry 5: Christina Gissal 6: Rosetta Chamberlin, Ray LoTempio,
Bentley Wilkinson 7: Mark Byers, Stephanie Chaffin, Verne Larson, Danielle Schneider 8: Nadia Bender,
Dennis Peterson, Inez Schneider, Christopher Winters 9: Anne Cable, Karin Kullberg, Kylie Rhoads,
Taryn Schneider, KeoOudom Sibounheuang, Yvette Swenson 10: Vicki Anderson, Lucy Ellerbroek,
Matthew Sweet, Chloe Weinrich 11: Ronald Berke, Joanne Peterson 12: Ryland Allen, Eric Baeverstad,
Barbara Dilley, Mary Ewings, Don Gugliuzza 13: Helen Barrett, Shelly Cantwell, Cynthia Jensen-Toews,
Helena Ritter, Kassie Thew 14: Larry Chamberlin, Deborah Kruger, Carl Lind, Ella Norwood, Pamela
Shaver 15: Matthew Heimbach, Kathleen Peterson 16: Carl Engaldo, Alyssa LoTempio, Linda Miller,
Shirley Olson, Jenni Ripplinger 17: Ingvar Carlson, Adley Curry, Walter Reinhold, Carol Wehmeyer
18: Carolyn Almond, Greg Kampmeier, Dan Moore 19: Abigail Berke, Kassandra Carpenter 20: Susie
Bernardi, Stacie Campbell, Richard Elswick, Emma Patterson, John Strandin, Karen Weyburg 21: Jeff
Anderson, Abigail Derry, Ted Getty 22: John Almond, Daniel Geissler 23: Daryn Streed 25: Karen Miner,
Christy Trank 26: Griffin Full, Jim Keeling 27: Kate Bond, Katherine Firch, Larry Gunderson, Sally Koepsell,
Mark Yarolimek 28: Gary Flanders, Gloria Winters 29: Sarah Bender, Calvin Cable, Lori Carlson, Laurie
Page 30: Jean Carlson 31: Evy Dhyanchand, Karen Johnson, Daniel Young
August Anniversaries
1: Matthew & Emily Bork, Fred & Lois Muehlfelder 2: Pastor Jeff & Joy Fricke, Dale & Janice Melquist
5: David & Anne Cable 6: Dale & Connie Gustafson 7: Dale & Lynne Townsend, Greg & Heidi Wis
8: Terry & Debra Gill, Erik & Becca Johnson 9: Daniel & Paula Bry, Jim & Pam Keeling 10: Larry &
Suzanne Hopps, Dennis & Sharon Peterson 12: Matthew & Kristina Rediger 14: William & Sandra
Schmeltzer 15: Rick & Joanna Heffner, Arnold & Harriet Meier, Tyler & Kelly Parks, Gary & Marlene
Winkie 16: Paul & Sue Grover, Neil & Marlene Mizen 18: Bob & Nadine Hallstrom, Thomas & Patricia
Harker, Larry & Lorra Prabhakar 19: John & Carolyn Almond, John & Sonia Pofelski, Dick & Linda Todd
20: John & Anne Mannelly 22: Benjamin & Molly Cherland, Eric & Gretchen Ericson 25: Vincent &
Whitney Pastore 26: Ingvar & Jean Carlson, Bill & Susan Gorski
Thank You
I would like to say a
big “Thank You” to
all of those who
have remembered
me during my
shoulder surgery.
Being remembered
with cards and well
wishes is so special.
Every card put a
smile on my face
which brightened
my whole day. You
are a very caring
Helen Barrett
I want to thank
everyone for all the
prayers and
beautiful cards you
sent to me following
my recent back
surgery. They all
meant so much to
me and I certainly
felt the power of
prayer during my
recovery. My doctor
says I am doing
great with the help
of my very attentive
“nurse,” Gene.
Thanks be to God.
Marge Day
As of June 30, our
mortgage balance
is $343,349. This
balance reflects
$85,617 in
additional principal
reduction payments
from contributions.
Page 7
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Weekly Worship Schedule:
Saturdays at 5 PM
Sundays at 8:30 AM
Sundays at 10:45 AM (Praise Ensemble Led)
Senior Pastor - Rev. Jeff Fricke
Pastor for Discipleship - Rev. Tony Dusso
In This Issue
Pastor’s Corner
Rally Day
Worship & Music
Adult Ed
Youth Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Baptism Class
Operations Cabinet
Safety/Security Task Force
Bibles & Brats
Among Us
Thank You
Backpack Blessing
Book of the Month
Our Savior’s will prayerfully kick off the new
school year with a “Blessing of the Backpacks”
during worship services August 14. This
blessing is open to students of all ages, even
adults signing up for classes for a new career,
and adults in general.
by Lisa Samson
Sunday, August 14
Parents: have your kids bring their backpacks
to worship for a prayer and blessing upon
them, their teachers and schools.
Adults: bring your briefcases, laptops, smart
phones, tablets, etc., and we will pray over
your work devices.
Here is our chance to pray for our kids and
community, asking for God to walk with our
students and give all of our schools great
success this year.
Submissions for the September issue
of CrossTalk must be submitted by
Wednesday, August 10. Please
send your articles to
“The Sky Beneath My Feet”
Beth’s husband won’t be joining the
family on vacation at the beach
this year. He’s not even joining
them in the house. Instead, Rick
has holed up alone in the
backyard shed. Nobody knows
exactly what he’s up to. Maybe
he’s immersing himself in prayer.
Maybe he’s lost his mind. Maybe
he’s even the modern-day prophet
or the saint the neighborhood artist
imagines him to be. But while
“St. Rick” waits for an epiphany,
Beth will have to figure out what to
do with herself and their teenage
sons, possibly for the rest of her life.