Abiding Tidings - Abiding Savior Lutheran Church


Abiding Tidings - Abiding Savior Lutheran Church
Abiding Tidings
September/October 2016
Upcoming Events
Labor Day
Monday, September 5
Church office closed
NO Monday night worship
Rally Day
Sunday, September 11
Two services at 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Blessing of the Backpacks
Community Breakfasts
Saturday, September 10 &
Saturday, October 8
8:00-10:00 a.m.
Sunday School Begins/
Blessing for Teachers
Sunday, September 18
Quilt Sunday
Sunday, October 9
arlier in August, Abiding
Savior’s parking lot was
repaved, concluding
the first phase of the
two-year project.
voted in favor of
the project during
a special meeting
in May, and Munson, Inc. from
Glendale completed
the job. The project
included excavating
the lot, adding new
limestone, replacing
two steel culverts
at the road, paving,
sealing the asphalt
In this issue...
Outreach for Hope Bike Ride
Sunday School Teachers Needed
New Bishop Installation
Pastor Mike’s Note
Social Ministry Notes
Parking Lot
Project Completed
and striping for vehicle stalls and
directional arrows.
The front dropoff area is the second
phase of the project
and will be completed
in 2017. This phase will
include removing grass
and weeds, cleaning
the pavement, sealing
cracks, burning/torching oil spots,
applying oil spot
primer and sealing the
A digital sign was
also approved during
the May meeting. That
project is set to begin
sometime this fall.
Backpacks, Teachers
to be Blessed
orship in September will
focus on education as
teachers and students head back to
On Sunday, September 11
(Rally Day), worship will feature
a “Blessing of the Backpacks.” All
students are encouraged to bring
their backpacks that day to receive
a special blessing for a successful
school year.
On Sunday, September 18, all
educators will be recognized through
a special blessing and prayer. Please
come out to support and encourage
our teachers and students!
“Pedal” for
Outreach for
he Outreach for Hope Bike
Ride is coming on Saturday,
September 10! Financial gifts to OFH
support ministries among people
living in low-income communities
in Southeast Wisconsin. These
congregation and ministry centers
• Medical care
• Summer neighborhood
• After school tutoring
• Job counseling
• Neighborhood ministries
• Groceries
• Clothing
• Meals, and much more!
Join Jack Newman for the
ride and picnic and pedal to push
down poverty! If you can't join in,
there are two additional ways you
can help. You can donate towards
Jack’s ride by pledging a lump-sum
amount or a dollar amount per mile.
Or, you can choose to become a
“virtual rider” by seeking donations
from friends, family or co-workers.
For this year's ride, Outreach for
Hope aims to raise $110,000 to
benefit its ministries.
Help Outreach for Hope
reach its goal—for the sake of ministry. Talk to Jack Newman for more
✟ ✟ ✟
The Abiding Tidings is published
bi-monthly for congregation members of
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church,
5214 West Luebbe Lane,
Milwaukee, WI 53223.
Web address: www.abiding-savior.com.
Copyright © 2016 Abiding Savior Lutheran
Church. For questions, comments or article
submissions, contact the church office at
(414) 354-4514 or at
Sunday School
Teachers Needed
ally Sunday is coming on September 11! It’s time to start thinking
about getting ready for Sunday School! This year the youth will
participate in some projects around church and help other people. It’s already
planned that the kids will help make the next 30 casseroles for the Agape
meal on October 30.
It’s also time for everyone to consider teaching one of our two
classes. If you’ve never taught Sunday School before, Kathy Paulson will help
you through the planning, and you can also sit in on one of the classes to see
what and how the stories are taught. The story guides are excellent! They
guide you through what points to make, give tips on how to read the story,
provide prayers and give you choices of what projects to do during the class.
However, you can always come up with your own projects! It might only take
one to two hours to prepare for the class. Preparation consists of reading and
knowing the story and selecting the project or game to play.
This year, teachers are greatly needed for the preschool youth. Typically lessons are taught in three-week blocks, but if three weeks are too many,
please consider teaching for a two-week block. The preschool kids are eager
to learn, love to do projects and say some of the funniest things. You also
won’t be expected to manage the class alone; there will be another adult to
help you out with the projects.
One project under consideration requires about ten somewhat flat
rocks that are around 12-14 inches; the rocks do not need to be the same
shape. If you have some, let Kathy Paulson know. Otherwise no crafting or
project items are needed at this time. Gift cards or donations to the Sunday
School fund will be used for snacks. When there is a need, an announcement
will be included in the bulletin or Kathy Paulson will make some calls.
Please give Kathy Paulson a call at (414) 507-5422 if you would like to
know more about what is involved in teaching. It’s an experience you’ll really
enjoy, and the youth will also enjoy getting to know you!
As always, thanks for supporting Abiding Savior’s youth and the Sunday School program! God has blessed us with bright and engaged kids!
New Bishop to be Installed
he Rev. Paul Erickson will be officially installed as the fourth bishop of
the Greater Milwaukee Synod on Saturday, October 8 at 2:00 p.m.
during a festive service of Holy Communion. The special service will take place
at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, located at 1615 Wauwatosa Avenue in
Wauwatosa. The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA, will
be presiding minister with the Rev. Rubén F. Durán preaching. A reception will
follow immediately after the service. RSVP by September 15 by calling (414)
671-1212 or by e-mailing installation@gmselca.org.
Reverend Erickson was elected as the Synod’s new bishop during
Synod Assembly, which took place in early June. He grew up in the Synod
where he was a member of St. Matthew’s in Wauwatosa and Bethel in
Muskego. From 1993-2003, he served as pastor of Faith/Santa Fe Lutheran in
Milwaukee. He has also served congregations in Chicago and West St. Paul,
MN, as Assistant to the Bishop for Evangelical Mission in the St. Paul Area
Synod and most recently as the director of Agora, a lay leader development
A Note from Pastor Mike
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from our
Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Amen.
ne of my favorite biblical images for the church and all its diversity and
varied giftedness is Paul’s image of the Body of Christ. The reason I like it
so much is that it’s just so incarnational. It makes total sense for Paul to help us
understand the power of Christ’s incarnation by showing us how we exist in Christ’s
body and are the image of Christ in the world. For as embodied as our Christian
faith aims to be, we often resist its most transformative urges by disembodying
it, placing God back in the heavens where
The only way that our body
we’re more comfortable instead of allowing
can be healthy, grow, develourselves to be transformed by the truth of “God
op endurance and strength
with us.” If God had a body in Christ and we are
is if we allow it the chance to
the body of Christ, then surely the body of Christ rest and adapt to everything
can benefit from the same things that our human bodies benefit from. In to which we’ve subjected it.
particular, I’m thinking of rest.
Twenty-first century U.S. culture moves fast. Faster than most of us can keep up. Just as we
adapt to “the new thing,” surely enough another “new thing” has already replaced it. We crush ourselves
with deadlines, with expectations for ourselves, expectations about fitting into a certain image, expectations
about keeping up with the Jones’s. We push and we drive. We plan and we fix. We grind, and grind and
grind. No body can be healthy like that. None. No one. The only way that our body can be healthy, grow,
develop endurance and strength is if we allow it the chance to rest and adapt to everything to which we’ve
subjected it. My pastoral prayer for you is this: that your summer has been one of rest, renewal, Sabbath.
That warm days, cool evening breezes, grass between your toes and the smell of brats on the grill have
allowed you to return to the home that is within you. That you might rise when called on to continue to be
the Body of Christ in the world and in the lives of your family and neighbors.
Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Mike
Friends of Luther Manor
Seek Members
he Friends of Luther Manor
is seeking new members
and membership renewals for the
upcoming year.
Gladys Larson will be in the
Welcome Area Sunday, September
25 and Sunday, October 2 between
services to provide information about
the Friends organization, accept new
memberships and renew existing
The fee for a basic
membership is only $5.00 a year.
Or, you can purchase a yearly
membership for $50.00 or become a
lifelong member for $300.00.
Membership fees are used
for a variety of projects benefitting
Luther Manor residents.
If you are interested in
becoming a member or have
questions, please see Gladys Larson
on September 25 or October 2. Or if
you would prefer, you can place your
membership fee in a gold envelope
and place it in the offering basket.
Please mark it “Friends of Luther
Manor Membership.”
Gladys is also looking for a
co-worker to help share the duties of
representing Luther Manor at Abiding Savior. This person would attend
meetings two times a year, assist in
recruiting members and help with
the annual cookie drive. If you are
interested in getting involved, please
see Gladys.
The Friends of Luther Manor
play an important part in enriching
the lives of Luther Manor’s residents.
Consider becoming a member of
this group and commit to helping a
resident enjoy a high quality of life.
✟ ✟
Social Ministry Notes
hepherd pie casseroles will be
needed on Tuesday, September
6. The casserole assembly team
prepared enough casseroles for
September; however, for those
desiring to work from home, a
sign-up sheet will be posted in
the Welcome Area on the blue
bulletin board. We will need a driver
to deliver these to Agape, so a
volunteer would be appreciated on
the sign-up sheet.
upcakes will be required on
Tuesday, October 4, so watch
for a sign-up sheet on the bulletin
board in the Welcome Area.
olunteers will be required
to help setup and serve on
the third Tuesday of every month:
Tuesday, September 20 and Tuesday,
October 18. Volunteers should
be at the Agape Center by 5:30
p.m. and serving will conclude at
approximately 6:30 p.m. See Tom
Krueger if you have any questions.
s always, we thank the many
faithful volunteers who
continue to help us in so many ways
each and every month for the Agape
Center. We would never be able to
fulfill our commitment to the Agape
Center ministry without you!
Noisy Offering
he congregation donated
$94.72 in July and $142.59 in
August during our Noisy Offering
collection for the following
organizations: ELCA World Hunger,
Granville Interfaith, Sojourner Family
Peace Center and the food pantry
at St. Catherine’s. Our total to date
is $489.72, which will be divided
equally among the charities at the
end of the year. Thanks for your
support as always!
The Gathering
leven volunteers from Abiding
Savior helped to set up,
serve lunch and clean up at Our
Next Generation Neighborhood
Center on West Lisbon Avenue on
Saturday, July 23. Many thanks and
appreciation for a job well done to
our volunteers and for the donations
of fresh milk and cookies, which
were served to approximately 100
biding Savior has received
and gratefully acknowledges the following gifts:
In memory of
Harvey Anderson
(Carolyn LeBeck’s brother)
for the Quilters
Chuck & Connie McLaughlin
he Greater Milwaukee CROP
Hunger Walk will take place
this year on Sunday, October 9,
beginning at 1:30 p.m. As you will
recall, this involves a walk (short or
long) and/or food donations for the
Hunger Task Force. More details will
follow in the bulletin, but mark your
calendars and save the date!
Memorials and
El Salvador
he Salvadoran Lutheran Church
celebrated its 30th anniversary
this summer with various activities
taking place from July 28-August
6. As part of the anniversary
celebration, a Youth Festival for Life
and Peace was held. In support of
this event, the Synod asked its sister
congregations for financial support
to help cover the cost of the youth
conference. The Social Ministry team
approved a donation of $300.00
from funds already established in
its Pan de Vida account for this
most worthy cause. Thank you for
supporting our brothers and sisters in
El Salvador!
The Social Ministry Team will be
reconvening in the near future to do
its 2016-2017 planning. We welcome
all who would like to join us! Watch
the bulletin for the date or see Joan
Cullity if you have questions.
In memory of
Lon Radloff for the Quilters
Taran Radloff
Guidelines Update
few additions have been made
to the communication guidelines
recently, specifically regarding requests
for pastoral care, privacy in prayer
requests and funeral details.
If you know of someone in
need of pastoral care and that person
desires a visit or phone call from Pastor
Mike, please write the request on a
communion card or call the church
office instead of telling Pastor Mike
verbally. By providing a written request
or calling the office, the privacy of the
person in need is repected and full
attention can be given to scheduling a
visit or call.
For prayer chain requests,
please seek the permission of the
person in need of prayers before
submitting that person’s name and
information. This will help maintain the
privacy of the person in need.
E-mails regarding funeral
arrangements will be sent to members
if the deceased is on Abiding Savior’s
rolls. Information about funerals
for non-members where there is an
Abiding Savior connection should be
directed to the phone and e-mail prayer
Volunteer Opportunities: Get Involved!
There are many opportunities to share your gifts with fellow members and the larger community. So take a
chance and try something new! You’ll deepen your faith and your relationship with others. If you would like
your group listed in future editions, please contact the Church Office.
Community Breakfast
Abiding Savior’s free breakfast is served
to young and old of any economic
means within the larger community.
Several opportunities for volunteering exist including greeting, Friday preparation,
cooking, serving, operating the beverage
cart and resetting place settings. Guests
love music, too, so musicians are always
welcome! Volunteers are also needed
to help solicit/pick up donations as well
promote the breakfast. Most duties do
not take much longer than two to three
hours. Sign-up sheets are available in
the Welcome Area. For more information, contact Heather Willette at (414)
399-0193 or at hlwillette75@gmail.com.
Questions can also be addressed to Jonas
Edstrom, Debbie Jacobs or Gloria and
John Morris.
Handbell Choir
Help create a festive and joyful sound
by playing with the handbell choir! High
school youth and adults are welcome to
join; no previous musical experience is
required. The choir rehearses weekly September through December and February
through May, playing in church once or
twice a month. For more information,
contact Susan Eggold at (414) 315-1127
or at susan@eggold.com.
Homebound Ministry
Homebound Ministry makes once-amonth calls on those in our congregation
who are no longer able to attend servcies. As part of the visits, Holy Communion is given. Training is provided, and
the group meets once a quarter at 1:15
p.m. If you are interesting in participating or have questions, please see Pastor
Mike or call Joan Cullity at (414) 3548292 or e-mail at JoniC@wi.rr.com.
Prayer Chain
Abiding Savior offers two prayer chains:
one by telephone and one by e-mail.
Members include special requests from
fellow Abiding Savior members in their
own daily prayers. For the telephone
chain, contact Joyce Clausing at (414)
Prayer Chain (continued)
354-5207 or Mary Jeanne Krueger at
(414) 354-6489. For the e-mail chain,
contact Chris Weichart at (414) 3550062 or at cweichart@wi.rr.com.
The Quilters
The Quilters meet every Wednesday
morning at 9:00 to create quilts to send
to Lutheran World Relief every year.
In addition, the group has people who
cut, tie and sew at home. The Quilters’
creations are beautiful and keep needy
people warm throughout the world!
If you have a gift for sewing and quilting and want to help, contact Jeanette
Lammi at (414) 354-9662. Donations of
fabric and other materials for making the
quilts are welcome, too!
Social Ministry
Individuals who like to work in a group
setting to help organize and plan activities to reach out to the greater Milwaukee community and our sister congregation, Pan de Vida in Jayaque, El Salvador,
are encouraged to participate! Your
hearts and hands will offer much needed
support to others. The group normally
meets on Wednesdays, every other
month, at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested
in joining or attending a meeting to see
what the group is about, please call Joan
Cullity at (414) 354-8292 or e-mail at
Soul Train
Physical exercise can do wonders for the
soul! And you can often help support a
good cause! Abiding Savior’s Soul Train
is a group who walks or runs in many
of the organized races in the Milwaukee
area. The runs are typically 5K or 10K
routes while walks are usually no longer
than a 5K. A schedule of available races
is posted in the Welcome Area, and you
are able to participate in as many as you
choose. For more information, contact
Jack Newman at (414) 841-8933.
✟ ✟ ✟
Sunday School
Teaching Abiding Savior’s kids can be
very rewarding! There is always a need
for Sunday School teachers, especially
for the preschool class. In addition to the
lesson readings, music, arts and crafts,
and games are used to reinforce lesson
themes and teach Christian values. For
more information, contact Kathy Paulson
at (414) 507-5422.
Worship Assistants
Abiding Savior’s services offer many roles
that help provide wonderful worship
experiences for those who attend. Your
help is always needed to read, assist with
communion, greet members and visitors,
usher or set and clean up the altar. To
get involved, call the Church Office or
e-mail at office@abiding-savior.com.
Vocal Choir
If you enjoy singing, consider joining
Abiding Savior’s vocal choir! The group
meets on Sundays after late service six
weeks prior to Christmas and six weeks
prior to Holy Week and Easter. The
group sings a wide variety of repetoire
from beautiful classical pieces to uplifting spirituals. No music reading required
and shower singers to opera divas are
welcome! Contact Kelly Grant Moore at
(414) 708-8500 or at kgmoore@wi.rr.
com for more information or to join.
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
All women are invited to participate in
WELCA through small groups, called
circles, that meet once a month and in
larger gatherings held throughout the
year. WELCA also spearheads various
drives like the fall school kit and the
winter wear collections. For more information or to get involved, contact Mary
Jeanne Krueger at (414) 354-6489 or
Connie McLaughlin at (414) 354-1944.
And Just Like That...a New Parking Lot!
Church Directory
Abiding Savior Staff
Church Council
Pastor Rev. Michael Anderson
Mobile: (414) 379-3639
David Kasik
(414) 357-8319
Director of
Music and Communications
Kelly Grant Moore
Business Manager
John Hempler
Office Assistant
Monica Scheftgen
Worship Schedule
Sundays: 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Education Hour: 9:15 a.m.
Mondays: 6:30 p.m.
Heather Willette
(414) 747-9563
Deb Jacobs
(414) 906-1752
Jonas Edstrom
(414) 243-7868
Marie Hoppe
(414) 699-7853
Main Contact Information
Mailing Address
5214 W. Luebbe Lane
Milwaukee, WI 53223
(414) 354-4514
Sister Congregation
Pan de Vida Lutheran Church
Jayaque, El Salvador
Valerie Phillips
Financial Secretary
(414) 352-6087
Mission Statement
Experiencing God in our neighbor,
we serve with our hearts and hands
Abiding Savior is a member of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,
Greater Milwaukee Synod
Worship Assistant Schedule ~ September/October 2016
Unable to serve on your scheduled date(s)?
Please trade and notify Monica in the office at (414) 354-4514 or at office@abiding-savior.com
September 4
September 11
September 18
September 25
8: 00: Gladys Larson &
Sally Luck
10: 30: Suzanne Blad &
Madlyn Dobschuetz
8: 00: Marianne Newman
10: 30: Helen Martin
8: 00: Team 1
10: 30: Team 2
8: 00: Mike McGhee &
Bob Susami
10: 30: Louise Severson &
Marilyn Eimer
8: 00: Marilyn Moore
10: 30: Marlene Kapustanczek
8: 00: Team 1
10: 30: Team 2
8: 00: Chuck & Connie
10: 30: Joan Cullity &
Suzanne Blad
8: 00: Marianne Newman
10: 30: Marijo Bullis
8: 00: Team 1
10: 30: Team 2
Sally Newman
10: 30: Joan Cullity
10: 30: Rodney Eggold
10: 30: Erica Kallas
Sally Newman
Sally Newman
Sally Newman
Sally Newman
Chuck & Connie McLaughlin
Sally Newman
Altar Guild
Teams 1 & 2
Team 1 Ushers: George Moore, Randy LeBeck, Victor Bornick, Jr., Marilyn Moore, Bob Susami
Team 2 Ushers: Joan Cullity, Marlene Kapustanczek
Food Pantry Volunteer: TBD
Agape Center Food Delivery: TBD
Altar Guild
October 2
October 9
October 16
October 23
October 30
8: 00: Gladys Larson &
Sally Luck
10: 30: Madlyn Dobschuetz
& Louise Severson
8: 00: Marianne Newman
10: 30: Melissa Kowitz
8: 00: Team 3
10: 30: Team 4
8: 00: Mike McGhee &
Bob Susami
10: 30: Marilyn Eimer &
Joan Cullity
8: 00: Rob Lonergan
10: 30: Sally Newman
8: 00: Team 3
10: 30: Team 4
8: 00: Chuck & Connie
10: 30: Suzanne Blad &
Madlyn Dobschuetz
8: 00: Marianne Newman
10: 30: Helen Martin
8: 00: Team 3
10: 30: Team 4
8: 00: Gladys Larson &
Sally Luck
10: 30: Louise Severson &
Marilyn Eimer
8: 00: Marilyn Moore
10: 30: Marlene Kapustanczek
8: 00: Team 3
10: 30: Team 4
8: 00: Mike McGhee &
Bob Susami
10: 30: Joan Cullity &
Suzanne Blad
8: 00: Marianne Newman
10: 30: Marijo Bullis
8: 00: Team 3
10: 30: Team 4
10: 30: Sharon Kasik
10: 30: Cyndy Kochanski
10: 30: Jeff Kowitz
10: 30: Vicky Merwin
10: 30: Rebecca Steinbach
Kathy Paulson
Kathy Paulson
Kathy Paulson
Kathy Paulson
Kathy Paulson
Team 3 Ushers: Roger Schroeder, Kevin Becker, Dan Becker
Team 4 Ushers: Michael Dorn, Nancy Granprie
Food Pantry Volunteer: TBD
Agape Center Food Delivery: TBD
Highlights and Special Events:
September 10: Outreach for Hope
September 11: Rally Sunday
September 18: Start of Sunday School and
Adult Forum
September 24: Boxcar Loading
Regular Worship Schedule:
8:00am Worship Service
9:15am Sunday School/Adult Fellowship
10:30am Worship Service
9:00 Service
11:00 CTAC
5 Labor Day
12:00 CTAC
6:30 Beno Board
Office Closed
Pastor’s day
10:30 CTAC Praise
Team Practice
3:00 Agape Meal
7:00 Boy Scouts
9:00 Quilting
6:00 CTAC
6:30 Handbell
7:00 Crew 194
Office Closed
Pastor’s day
Outreach for
8:00 Men’s
8:00 Community
12:00 Phoebe/
Ruth Circle
6:30 Christian
6:30 Acoustic
7:00 Leaders 194
8:00 AA/Al-Anon
7:00 Boy Scouts
6:30 Handbell
Office Closed
Pastor’s day
10:30 CTAC Praise
Team Practice
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al-Anon
5:00 Agape Meal
7:00 Boy Scouts
6:30 Handbell
7:00 Crew 194
Office Closed
Pastor’s day
6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al-Anon
7:00 Boy Scouts
6:30 Handbell
6:30 BENO
Office Closed
Pastor’s day
Office Closed
8:00 AA/Al-Anon
Rally Sunday
9:00 Quilting
6:00 CTAC
9:00 Quilting
6:00 CTAC
12:00 CTAC
12:00 CTAC
9:00 Quilting
6:00 CTAC
8-11am Boxcar
Highlights and Special Events:
October 8: Installation of new Bishop
October 9: Quilt Sunday
October 15-18: SWO Convention
October 30: Sunday School Shepherd Pie
10:30 CTAC Praise
Team Practice
Regular Worship 6:30 Acoustic
7:15 Council
12:00 CTAC
8:00 AA/Al-Anon
3:00 Agape Meal 9:00 Quilting
6:00 CTAC
7:00 Boy Scouts
6:30 Beno
Office Closed
Pastor’s day
8:00 Men’s
8:00 Community
2:00 Installation
of new Bishop
9 Quilt Sunday
12:00 Phoebe/Ruth
Regular Worship Circle
6:30 Christian
12:00 CTAC
6:30 Acoustic
1:30 Crop Walk
7:00 Leaders 194
8:00 AA/Al-Anon
9:00 Quilting
6:00 CTAC
6:30 Handbell
7:00 Crew 194
Office Closed
Pastor’s day
Swim Team
Dinner 5pm—
10:30 CTAC Praise
Team Practice
Start of SWO
Regular Worship 6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al-Anon
12:00 CTAC
5:00 Agape Meal 9:00 Quilting
6:00 CTAC
7:00 Boy Scouts
6:30 Handbell
Office Closed
Pastor’s day
Regular Worship 6:30 Acoustic
8:00 AA/Al-Anon
12:00 CTAC
7:00 Boy Scouts
6:30 Handbell
7:00 Crew 194
6:30 BENO
Office Closed
Pastor’s day
9:00 Meat &
Onion Prep for
Shepherd’s Pies
30 Reformation
6:30 Acoustic
Regular Worship 8:00 AA/Al-Anon
12:00 CTAC
Interfaith 12:453:15, meeting
7:00 Boy Scouts
9:00 Quilting
6:00 CTAC
Regular Worship Schedule:
8:00am Worship Service
9:15am Sunday School/Adult Fellowship
10:30am Worship Service

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