Abiding Tidings
Abiding Tidings
The Abiding Tidings May/June 2016 Upcoming Events Community Breakfasts Saturday, May 14 and Saturday, June 11 8:00 –10:00 a.m. Confirmation/Pentecost Sunday, May 15 Confirmation at 10:30 service Summer Schedule Begins Sunday, May 29 One service at 9:00 a.m. Annual Rummage Sale Saturday, June 4 8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Heavenly Treasures Flea Market Saturday, June 18 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Rain date: June 25 In this issue... Pastor Mike’s Note Sunday School Happenings Rummage Sale Update Sunday School Stole Creation Partnership Sunday Recap D Parking Lot, Digital Sign Projects Proposed uring the annual congregation meeting held in January, several members brought up the condition of the church parking lot and questioned what could be done to improve it. The church council has been researching the possibilities and a proposal has been made. Munson, Inc. from Glendale has provided the most favorable estimate with a projected cost of $40,115. The project woud be conducted over the course of two years. Details of the project include: • Excavating approximately 12 inches below the finished grade, removing the island. • Vibratory compact of the subgrade. • Installing nine inches of crushed limestone base. • Vibratory compact the stone base after watering. • Sawing cut/grind butt joints at concrete areas and at the road. • Removing and replacing two existing 20 ft. x 12 in. corrugated steel culverts with the same size #12 gauge galvanized steel corrugated culverts. Culverts will be bedded and backfilled with crushed limestone. • Pulverizing the existing asphalt surface to recycle in place with existing stone base, regrading and vibratory compact. • Scarifying existing base, regrading and vibratory compact base. • Vibratory compact the stone base after watering. • Paving with 3 inches of asphaltic concrete 1 1/2 inches of binder course and 1 1/2 inches of surface course. • Sealing the new asphalt pavement after one year with two coats of sealer. • Striping for approximately 39 vehicles, two handicap stalls and six arrows. In 2017, the front drop-off area would be completed. This would include: • Removing grass and weeds from the pavement area and apply sterilient. • Thoroughly cleaning the Continued on page two Parking Lot/ Digital Sign Continued from front page pavement with high velocity blowers. • Sealing cracks 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch wide. • Burning/torching oil spots and applying oil spot primer. • Sealing pavement with two coats of sealer. In addition, a proposal has been made to replace the current outside sign with a digital LED display. Lemberg Signs from Brookfield has provided a quote of $12,905 for this project. It would include one double-sided, illuminated sign that would mount to the existing masonry pillars. The display would feature full color electronic messaging and include wireless communication, software and web training. The church’s name and logo would be applied to the top of the sign. An Adult Forum will be held on Sunday, May 8 for members to gather more information about the projects and to ask questions. Please plan to attend! The congregation will vote on the projects Sunday, May 22 between services. If you have any questions before the May 8 Forum, please contact Dave Kasik or Greg Eggold. The Abiding Tidings is published bi-monthly for congregation members of Abiding Savior Lutheran Church, 5214 West Luebbe Lane, Milwaukee, WI 53223. Web address: www.abiding-savior.com. Copyright © 2016 Abiding Savior Lutheran Church. For questions, comments or article submissions, contact the church office at (414) 354-4514 or at office@abiding.savior.com Sunday School Happenings S unday School will soon end and it has been a wonderful year. I would like to give a great big thank you to all who taught the classes: Marie Hoppe, Sally Newman, Joan Cullity, Susan, Jared and Greg Eggold, Jeff Kowitz, Shar and Kelsey Kasik, Pastor Mike Anderson and Paul and Heather Willette. Special thanks to Michele Soehnlein for teaching every other preschool class. Thanks also go out to everyone who donated supplies, treats and drinks for the kids. And lastly, thanks to the entire congregation for taking an interest and supporting our youth as they learn about Jesus, what goes on in our church and what goes on in our community. It truly makes a difference! All the kids have been amazing, and it has been very enlighting getting to know each and everyone: Nathan, Natalie, Hope, Erica, Matthew, RJ, John, Sahara and Zuri. Their participation in class, learning and helping out during the services have all been very inspirational. Their enthusiasm for the Christmas play made it easy to direct and more fun for everyone. Thank you all for making my first year as director fun! There’s just a few more weeks left for Sunday School at the time of this writing, and I would like everyone to know how much I have appreciated their support, moral boosters, ideas and increased interaction with the kids. I’ve enjoyed and learned a lot (really a lot) and look forward to learning more as a new Sunday School year begins in September (Yes, I’m going to stick around for another year! Do you realize how many crafty ideas are out there on the internet? Shazam!). See you all in church, and it’s been a blessing to be part of a very supportive church community! Submitted by: Kathy Paulson Sunday School Superintendent Let’s Get Ready to Rummage! A biding Savior’s annual rummage sale is right around the corner! Can your spring cleaning be far behind? Abiding Savior is ready to receive your donations of household items now! Please note: • Appliances and electrical equipment must be in working order. • Televisions and computers will not be accepted. • Rummage sorting and pricing begins on Wednesday, May 25. • Large equipment and furniture will be accepted starting Sunday, May 29. Watch for additional notices for work and drop-off schedules and make plans to help. This event has turned into a reliable fundraise, but we desperately need more volunteers in order to make this event a success! Contact Mary Jeanne Krueger at (414) 354-6489 or Kathy Paulson at (414) 507-5422 with questions. 2 A Note from Pastor Mike Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Amen. Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! I t is a rather common occurrence for Christians to describe themselves as an “Easter people.” It’s often invoked when times are troubled, and we need a reminder that we’re people who believe in the promise of resurrection. We are indeed an Easter people, and remembering the promise of resurrection is never out of place. As we’ll celebrate in a couple of weeks on Pentecost Sunday, we’re also a people of the Holy Spirit, and I’m pretty sure we don’t talk too often about what that means. For some, the Pentecost story in Acts 2 is: • Proof that “God can do anything because God made the disciples speak in tongues.” • The assertion that only real disciples speak in tongues. • Only about making disciples. • A step-by-step guide for the work of the church. It may indeed be combinations of those interpretations, but even those fail to articulate the depth of the meaning in the story. The giving of the Holy Spirit is nothing less than a retelling of the creation story itself - when God forms Adam from the dust of the ground and breathes life into him. The Pentecost story is, yet again, another story of incarnation, about how we are formed anew. We are now alive with the breath of God, imbued with the Spirit of God, active in and with the presence of God. We are the presence of God in the world announcing not that people should “believe in Jesus;” we are the presence of God in the world inviting people in the experience of transformation that we have had in the love of Jesus Christ. Spring Clean-Up Day Scheduled O n Saturday, May 21, Abiding Savior will hold a spring clean-up day from 9:00–11:00 a.m. Weather permitting, we will work outside with a focus on weed removal in the mulched area between our building and the east parking lot. Please sign up to help, even if it is just for a portion of the allotted time. Bring appropriate tools, please. Let’s make sure our property is an invitation. Also on that day, the Bradley Estates neighborhood will be hosting its annual clean up. If you can't help with weed removal, then consider a leisurely walk around our neighborhood to pick up trash! Bring a ‘grabber’ tool if you have one. Trash bags will be furnished. Questions? See Dave Kasik or Sally Newman. Thanks! Cookies Needed for Luther Manor M ay is Senior Citizens month and is also a great time to share cookies with Luther Manor! Cookies donated to Luther Manor are served to the residents of the health care area with coffee or tea during weekdays by a volunteer. Please consider baking There is more than enough religious piety in this world to go around, or purchasing cookies to give! but there always seems to be a place and space for the kind of faith Cookies should not contain any that mattered to Jesus - a faith that, to quote an old hymn, has the nuts. If you donate cookies, power to “make the wounded whole.” Living as Holy Spirit People please indicate on your container will always lead us to the places in our community where we have the quantity and variety of cookie. the opportunity to practice that faith. Watch for a receptacle in the Welcome Area for Peace and Blessings, donated cookies. If you have Pastor Mike any questions, please see Gladys Larson, Luther Manor liaison. 3 Social Ministry Notes S Agape hepherd pie casseroles will be needed on Tuesday, May 3. The casserole assembly team prepared enough casseroles for May; however, for those desiring to work from home, a sign-up sheet will be posted in the Welcome Area. We will need a driver to deliver these to Agape, so a volunteer would be appreciated on the sign-up sheet. C upcakes will be required on Tuesday, June 7, so watch for a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Welcome Area. V olunteers will be required to help setup and serve on Tuesday, May 17 and Tuesday, June 21. Volunteers should be at the Agape Center by 5:30 p.m. and serving will conclude at approximately 6:30 p.m. See Tom Krueger if you have any questions. A s always, we thank the many faithful volunteers who continue to help us in so many ways each and every month for the Agape Center. Partnership Emphasis Sunday A morning of energetic worship featuring a temple talk, music with a definitive Latin feel and tacos with all the trimmings, cole slaw, muffins and more were enjoyed by the congregation on Sunday, April 10 in celebration of our partnership with the congregation of Pan de Vida in Jayaque, El Salvador. Again, all efforts in making this celebration a success were appreciated. A Noisy Offering joyful noise was made on Sunday, April 3 when $83.16 was collected through a “noisy offering” in support of the following organizations: ELCA World Hunger, Granville Interfaith, Sojourner Family Peace Center and the food pantry at St. Catherine’s. We will continue this ministry on the first Sunday of every month, and at the end of the year, the amount will be divided equally and a check sent to each of the charities. Thanks to all for your support! P Mother’s Day lease plan to be with us on Sunday, May 8 when we will honor all women and mothers. A Father’s Day gain this year, we plan to honor all men and fathers on their special day Sunday, June 19. Memorials and Honorariums A biding Savior has received and gratefully acknowledges the following gifts: In memory of Regina Krekel Suzanne Blad Joyce Clausing Rosalyn Hamrick Thomas Krekel Tom & Mary Jeanne Krueger Carolyn LeBeck Connie McLaughlin For WELCA in Memory of Regina Krekel Thomas Krekel In memory of Irene Eimer Marilyn Eimer For the Handbell Choir in Memory of Bob Jacobs Deb Jacobs For the Quilters in Honor of The Social Ministry Team schedMother’s 98th Birthday ules meetings throughout the year so watch the bulletin for dates. Taran Radloff We welcome all to join us and get involved in outside ministries! CurFor the Quilters in Honor rent members include: Joan Culof Kris Kowald lity, Mary Idhe, Sharon Kasik, Tom Deb Jacobs Krueger, Inge Liebl, Vicky Merwin, Marianne Newman, Sally Newman The Shepherd Pie Assembly Team and Pastor Mike Anderson. will gather in the church kitchen on June 25 at 9:00 a.m. In just Thank you for your support of the over 1 12 hours, 30 casseroles Let It Shine campaign to brighten will be assembled for the Agape the lighting in our building while Meal program. If you would like making it more energy efficient. Ninety-four bulbs have now been to help, we would be pleased to installed in the Welcome Area and have you! Questions? Contact sanctuary! Let it shine! Sally Newman at (414) 365-1968. 4 Sell Items or Volunteer for Heavenly Treasures Flea Market S ell crafts, antiques, memorabilia or other collectables at Heavenly Treasures Flea Market! Abiding Savior is partnering with the Bradley Estates neighborhood to host this flea market event. The flea market will take place on Saturday, June 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the church’s east parking lot. The rain date for this event is Saturday, June 25. Consider renting a 10-foot square booth for only $10.00, payable at the time of registration. You provide your own table, chairs, tent or other fixtures. Volunteers are also needed to provide hospitality for this event. You can help by: • Greeting vendors as they arrive (2 people needed from about 7:00-9:30 a.m.). • Admitting vendors to the church building to use the restroom (112 to 2 hour shifts, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 4 people needed). • Giving vendors brief breaks by overseeing their booths (2 hour shifts between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., 4 people needed). • Cleaning up the parking lot after the event (3:30-5:00 p.m., 4 people needed). Look for volunteer sign-up sheets a little later in May. If you have questions about participating in or volunteering for the flea market, please contact Sally Newman at (414) 365-1968. A The Bridge Builder n old man going a lone highway, Came, at the evening cold and gray, To a chasm vast and deep and wide. Through which was flowing a sullen tide The old man crossed in the twilight dim, The sullen stream had no fear for him; But he turned when safe on the other side And built a bridge to span the tide. The Gathering to Hold Golf Outing T “Old man,”said a fellow pilgrim near, “You are wasting your strength with building here; Your journey will end with the ending day, You never again will pass this way; You’ve crossed the chasm, deep and wide, Why build this bridge at evening tide?” The builder lifted his old gray head; “Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said, “There followed after me today A youth whose feet must pass this way. This chasm that has been as naught to me To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be; He, too, must cross in the twilight dim; Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!” ~ Will Allen Dromgoole 5 he Gathering will be hosting its annual golf classic on Friday, June 10 at the Evergreen Golf Course in Elkhorn, WI. The proceeds will benefit The Gathering’s community meal programs that have been benefitting Milwaukee’s hungry and homeless since 1982. The golf outing will begin with a lunch buffet at 12:00 p.m. followed by a scramble at 1:00. The event concludes with a dinner and raffle at 5:30. The cost is $125 per golfer, $60 is tax deductible. Cost includes 18 holes of golf, lunch, dinner and a drink ticket. To reserve your spot, register by June 3 online at www. thegatheringwis.org or call The Gathering at (414) 272-4122. ✟ ✟ ✟ R Sunday School Creates Stoles of Many Colors ecently, the Sunday School students teamed up with Gladys Larson from the Quilters to create stoles made from scraps of fabric. The stoles were made in conjunction with the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors from the book of Genesis. The Sunday School kids wish to thank Gladys for helping them make their wonderful creations! Check out the kids’ handiwork! O Abiding Savior Celebrates Partnership Emphasis Sunday n Sunday, April 10, Abiding Savior recognized its local and worldwide partners in mission, including Pan de Vida in Jayaque, El Salvador. Edwin and Sarah Aparicio told their story during a temple talk and their family joined the Sunday School class, sharing games and culture with Abiding Savior’s students. 6 Volunteer Opportunities: Get Involved! There are many opportunities to share your gifts with fellow members and the larger community. So take a chance and try something new! You’ll deepen your faith and your relationship with others. If you would like your group listed in future editions, please contact the Church Office. Community Breakfast Abiding Savior’s free breakfast is served to young and old of any economic means within the larger community. Several opportunities for volunteering exist including greeting, Friday preparation, cooking, serving, operating the beverage cart and resetting place settings. Guests love music, too, so musicians are always welcome! Volunteers are also needed to help solicit/pick up donations as well promote the breakfast. Most duties do not take much longer than two to three hours. Sign-up sheets are available in the Welcome Area. For more information, contact Heather Willette at (414) 399-0193 or at hlwillette75@gmail.com. Questions can also be addressed to Jonas Edstrom, Debbie Jacobs or Gloria and John Morris. Handbell Choir Help create a festive and joyful sound by playing with the handbell choir! High school youth and adults are welcome to join; no previous musical experience is required. The choir rehearses weekly September through December and February through May, playing in church once or twice a month. For more information, contact Susan Eggold at (414) 315-1127 or at susan@eggold.com. Homebound Ministry Homebound Ministry makes once-amonth calls on those in our congregation who are no longer able to attend servcies. As part of the visits, Holy Communion is given. Training is provided, and the group meets once a quarter at 1:15 p.m. If you are interesting in participating or have questions, please see Pastor Mike or call Joan Cullity at (414) 3548292 or e-mail at JoniC@wi.rr.com. Prayer Chain Abiding Savior offers two prayer chains: one by telephone and one by e-mail. Members include special requests from fellow Abiding Savior members in their own daily prayers. For the telephone chain, contact Joyce Clausing at (414) Prayer Chain (continued) 354-5207 or Mary Jeanne Krueger at (414) 354-6489. For the e-mail chain, contact Chris Weichart at (414) 3550062 or at cweichart@wi.rr.com. The Quilters The Quilters meet every Wednesday morning at 9:00 to create quilts to send to Lutheran World Relief every year. In addition, the group has people who cut, tie and sew at home. The Quilters’ creations are beautiful and keep needy people warm throughout the world! If you have a gift for sewing and quilting and want to help, contact Jeanette Lammi at (414) 354-9662. Donations of fabric and other materials for making the quilts are welcome, too! Social Ministry Individuals who like to work in a group setting to help organize and plan activities to reach out to the greater Milwaukee community and our sister congregation, Pan de Vida in Jayaque, El Salvador, are encouraged to participate! Your hearts and hands will offer much needed support to others. The group normally meets on Wednesdays, every other month, at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in joining or attending a meeting to see what the group is about, please call Joan Cullity at (414) 354-8292 or e-mail at JoniC@wi.rr.com. Soul Train Physical exercise can do wonders for the soul! And you can often help support a good cause! Abiding Savior’s Soul Train is a group who walks or runs in many of the organized races in the Milwaukee area. The runs are typically 5K or 10K routes while walks are usually no longer than a 5K. A schedule of available races is posted in the Welcome Area, and you are able to participate in as many as you choose. For more information, contact Jack Newman at (414) 841-8933. ✟ ✟ ✟ 7 Sunday School Teaching Abiding Savior’s kids can be very rewarding! There is always a need for Sunday School teachers, especially for the preschool class. In addition to the lesson readings, music, arts and crafts, and games are used to reinforce lesson themes and teach Christian values. For more information, contact Kathy Paulson at (414) 507-5422. Worship Assistants Abiding Savior’s services offer many roles that help provide wonderful worship experiences for those who attend. Your help is always needed to read, assist with communion, greet members and visitors, usher or set and clean up the altar. To get involved, call the Church Office or e-mail at office@abiding-savior.com. Vocal Choir If you enjoy singing, consider joining Abiding Savior’s vocal choir! The group meets on Sundays after late service six weeks prior to Christmas and six weeks prior to Holy Week and Easter. The group sings a wide variety of repetoire from beautiful classical pieces to uplifting spirituals. No music reading required and shower singers to opera divas are welcome! Contact Kelly Grant Moore at (414) 708-8500 or at kgmoore@wi.rr. com for more information or to join. Women of the ELCA (WELCA) All women are invited to participate in WELCA through small groups, called circles, that meet once a month and in larger gatherings held throughout the year. WELCA also spearheads various drives like the fall school kit and the winter wear collections. For more information or to get involved, contact Mary Jeanne Krueger at (414) 354-6489 or Connie McLaughlin at (414) 354-1944. Church Directory Abiding Savior Staff Church Council Pastor Rev. Michael Anderson Mobile: (414) 379-3639 manderson@abiding-savior.com David Kasik (414) 357-8319 Director of Music and Communications Kelly Grant Moore kmoore@abiding-savior.com Business Manager John Hempler treasurer@abiding-savior.com Office Assistant Monica Scheftgen office@abiding-savior.com Worship Schedule Sundays: 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Education Hour: 9:15 a.m. Mondays: 6:30 p.m. Heather Willette (414) 747-9563 Deb Jacobs (414) 906-1752 Jonas Edstrom (414) 243-7868 Marie Hoppe (414) 699-7853 Main Contact Information Mailing Address 5214 W. Luebbe Lane Milwaukee, WI 53223 Phone (414) 354-4514 Website abiding-savior.com Sister Congregation Pan de Vida Lutheran Church Jayaque, El Salvador Valerie Phillips Financial Secretary (414) 352-6087 Mission Statement Experiencing God in our neighbor, we serve with our hearts and hands Abiding Savior is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Greater Milwaukee Synod Highlights and Special Events: May 21: Spring Clean-Up May 8: Adult Forum May 22: Special Congregational Meeting May 14: Community Breakfast May 29: Start of Summer Schedule—1 service May 15: Pentecost Sun Mon 1 Regular Sunday Schedule 12:00 CTAC 2 6:30 Acoustic Eucharist 7:15 Church Council 8:00 AA/Al Anon 3 3:00 Agape Meal (casseroles) 9 12:00 Phoebe/ Ruth Circle 6:30 Christian Daughters 6:30 Acoustic Eucharist 7:00 Leaders 194 8:00 AA/Al Anon 10 7:00 Boyscouts 194 16 6:30 Acoustic Eucharist 8:00 AA/Al Anon 17 5:00 Agape Meal - Serve Small items accepted for rummage sale 8 Mother’s Day Regular Sunday Schedule 9:15 Adult Forum 12:00 CTAC 15 Pentecost Regular Sunday Schedule 12:00 CTAC 22 Regular Sunday Schedule 9:15 Special Congregational Meeting Tue Wed 4 9:00 Quilters 6:00 CTAC 5 11 9:00 Quilters 6:00 CTAC 12 6:30 Handbell Choir 6:30 BENO Board Fri Sat 6 Office closed Pastor’s day off 7 13 Office closed Pastor’s day off 14 8:00 Men’s Fellowship 7:00 Boyscouts 194 7:00 Crew 194 18 9:00 Quilters 6:00 CTAC 7:00 Boyscouts 194 23 6:30 Acoustic Eucharist 8:00 AA/Al Anon Thu 24 7:00 Boyscouts 194 19 6:30 Handbell Choir 8:00 Community Breakfast 20 Office closed Pastor’s day off 21 27 Office closed Pastor’s day off 28 9:00-11:00 Spring Clean-up 6:00 Polaris District Meeting 25 9:00 Quilters 6:00 CTAC 26 6:30 BENO 7:00 Crew 194 Rummage sale sorting and pricing begins 12:00 CTAC 29 9:00 Service 11:00 CTAC Large items accepted for Rummage Sale 30 Memorial Day 31 Office Closed 7:00 Boyscouts 194 NO Acoustic Eucharist 8:00 AA/Al Anon Regular Sunday Schedule 8:00 Worship 9:15 Sunday School/ Adult Education 10:30 Worship Highlights and Special Events: June 4: Rummage Sale June 11: Community Breakfast June 18: Heavenly Treasures Flea Market Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 9:00 Quilters 6:00 CTAC Thu Fri Sat 2 6:30 BENO Board 3 Office closed Pastor’s day off 4 Rummage Sale 8:00—2:00 5 9:00 Service 11:00 CTAC 6 6:30 Acoustic Eucharist 7:15 Council Meeting 8:00 AA/Al Anon 7 8 3:00 Agape Meal 9:00 Quilters (cupcakes) 11:30 Visitation Team Lunch 7:00 Boyscouts 194 6:00 CTAC 9 7:00 Crew 194 10 Office closed Pastor’s day off 11 8:00 Men’s Fellowship 8:00 Community Breakfast 12 9:00 Service 11:00 CTAC 13 6:30 Acoustic Eucharist 8:00 AA/Al Anon 14 7:00 Boyscouts 194 16 17 Office closed Pastor’s day off 18 9—4 Heavenly Treasures Flea Market 19 Father’s Day 9:00 Service 11:00 CTAC 20 6:30 Acoustic Eucharist 8:00 AA/Al Anon 21 22 5:00 Agape Meal 9:00 Quilters - Serve 6:00 CTAC 23 7:00 Crew 194 24 Office closed Pastor’s day off 25 9:00 Shepherd Pie Assembly 27 6:30 Acoustic Eucharist 8:00 AA/Al Anon 28 7:00 Boyscouts 194 26 9:00 Service 11:00 CTAC 15 9:00 Quilters 6:00 CTAC 7:00 Boyscouts 194 29 9:00 Quilters 6:00 CTAC 30 6:30 BENO Worship Assistant Schedule ~ May/June 2016 Unable to serve on your scheduled date(s)? Please trade and notify Monica in the office at (414) 354-4514 or at office@abiding-savior.com May 15 May 29 May May 1 May 8 Greeters 8: 00: Gladys Larson & Sally Luck 10: 30: Marilyn Eimer & Joan Cullity 8: 00: Chuck & Connie McLaughlin 10: 30: Madlyn Dobschuetz & Marilyn Eimer 8: 00: Gladys Larson & Sally Luck 10: 30: Joan Cullity & Suzanne Blad Mike McGhee & Bob Susami Lectors 8: 00: Marianne Newman 10: 30: Helen Martin 8: 00: Marianne Newman 10: 30: Melissa Kowitz 8: 00: Rob Lonergan 10: 30: Marijo Bullis Sally Newman Ushers Communion Assistants Altar Guild 8: 00: Team 1 10: 30: Team 2 8: 00: Mike McGhee & Bob Susami 10: 30: Suzanne Blad & Louise Severson 8: 00: Marianne Newman 10: 30: Marlene Kapustanczek 8: 00: Team 1 10: 30: Team 2 8: 00: Team 1 10: 30: Team 2 8: 00: Team 1 10: 30: Team 2 Teams 1 & 2 10: 30: Vicky Merwin 10: 30: Rebecca Steinbach 10: 30: Joan Cullity 10: 30: Sharon Kasik Sally Newman Sally Newman TBD Sally Newman TBD Sally Newman TBD Sally Newman TBD Sally Newman TBD May 22 Pentecost Sunday Team 1 Ushers: George Moore, Randy LeBeck, Victor Bornick, Jr., Marilyn Moore, Bob Susami Team 2 Ushers: Joan Cullity, Marlene Kapustanczek Summer schedule starts Food Pantry Volunteer: TBD Agape Center Food Delivery: TBD June Greeters Lectors Ushers Communion Assistants Altar Guild June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 Chuck & Connie McLaughlin Marilyn Eimer & Joan Cullity Gladys Larson & Sally Luck Helen Martin Becky Lonergan Marlene Kapustanczek Suzanne Blad & Louise Severson Melissa Kowitz Teams 3 & 4 Teams 3 & 4 Teams 3 & 4 Teams 3 & 4 Cyndi Kochanski Jeff Kowitz Vicky Merwin Rebecca Steinbach Kathy Paulson TBD Kathy Paulson TBD Kathy Paulson TBD Kathy Paulson TBD Team 3 Ushers: Roger Schroeder, Kevin Becker, Dan Becker Team 4 Ushers: Michael Dorn, Nancy Granprie Food Pantry Volunteer: TBD Agape Center Food Delivery: TBD
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Several opportunities for volunteering exist including greeting, Friday preparation,
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Abiding Tidings - Abiding Savior Lutheran Church
to young and old of any economic
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Several opportunities for volunteering exist including greeting, Friday preparation,
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Abiding Tidings - Abiding Savior Lutheran Church
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